Mohammad - Arabic Puzzle

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Arabic puzzle with Mohammad

Mohammad, on an early Tuesday morning you came into the centre and rushed towards the
Arabic puzzles on the shelf. We began to converse about the Arabic puzzle as below,

Mohammad: Puzzle teacher

Teacher: Yes, it is. It is the Arabic numbers Mohammad and they gave English numbers
beside them too. Would you like to have a go at the puzzle? We can go through the Arabic
and English numbers together.

Mohammad: Okay.

You then tipped the puzzle pieces on the table and started figuring out where each one
belongs. After many trial and errors, you notice that there was a pattern on the puzzle. Each
Arabic number has its matching English number according to its colour, mashaAllah. We
named and sounded each Arabic and English number and placed it back and managed to
complete the puzzle. I was so proud of you Mohammad, not only was this challenging but
you also developed a pattern and that made the completion of the puzzle a lot easier for you.

Mohammad, while you were busy playing with puzzles, you were learning the different
letters and the sounds to the letters. Not only did you manage to complete, but you came up
with your own theory as to how to complete it, excellent job, Mohammad.

Perhaps next time we could make a big floor to explore different technics of playing with

Mahirah June 2017

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