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August 26, 2016

To Whom It May Concern,

It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Maggie Dietrich. Maggie was a

summer camp instructor at the Medicine Hat College during the summer of 2016. A position
became available and Maggie stepped up to fill the position even though her planning and prep
time was limited.

During her time instructing summer camps Maggie was professional and prepared. Being a
summer camp instructor Maggie was responsible for developing her own lesson plans for her
camps, acquiring all supplies needed and ensuring everything was ready for her weeks of
camps. She did everything she could to ensure her camps would run successfully, putting in
extra hours on her own time to make sure of it. Her camps were ran very well, and she
managed the chaos of summer camps extremely well.

Maggie had a great presence with the students, and built great relationships with her
colleagues. It was a pleasure to have Maggie as a part of our summer camp team and she will
be invited back without hesitation to be a part of the summer camp team in future years.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Savannah Symmonds
Summer Camp Coordinator
(403)- 580-6094

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