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29 July

Nadine Hughs

o and logan godamnit, someday say something to me. I'm not a fucking stalker... i keep to myself.
Gemini and scorpio arent supposed to mix well anyway, so i wouldnt swing on your nutz.

17 August

Nadine Hughs

o Theres this really weird guy I met online named David Cummings. I met him from a chat room.
anyways, hes really weird ( not to be mean but hes like those people once you let them in they
wont let you go. So i was taking a walk today when a great idea entered my mind. for the time
being. i thought, hey i know, i'll try out some wicca on him. I'll do a binding spell and see if it
works. so i came home and got on my computer and researched binding spells. I didnt have the
proper materials to do a real difficult one. so i chose the easiest one. it said, write the person's
name on a piece of paper and put it into an ice-cube tray. He was online and i swear the more it
froze ( hopefully this is how it works.. the more distant he becomes..we'll see. isn't it funny how
people don't like what they are. I dont consider myself to be that annoying but by all means youre
entitled to your own opinion. My brother Tyler hates seeing fat people eat on t.v. He goes "
godamnit that fat FUCK" why do you keep eating! im pretty fat too and everytime i see sherry on
the view eating food i think the same thing. Godamn fat Fuck do you have to eat everything!!!!

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o Show Recent Messages (F3)

BB: welcome back

OC: thanks
BB: where is ur phone?
OC: its off
BB: how come
OC: cause i dont want to be bothered
BB: how come ur phone is off
OC: because i dont want to talk to anyone
BB: its not b/c of me is it?
OC: because of everyone
OC: every tom Dick and hairy
BB: im srry
OC: theres no reason to be sorry im the one whos happy and satisfied
BB: im srry b/c u think im one of those ppl that has forced u to turn off ur phone
OC: is this the story of your life? because you sound pretty used to it
BB: no but some how i usually get caught up in it b/c of other ppl
OC: bitch please jk
BB: : lol
OC: .... please\
BB: hey i just wanted to call so i could talk u into watching a online
OC: ive watched them one to many times
OC: im just on facebook
BB: aww
BB: so much for an encore
BB: wat do u mean by please?
OC: please bitch, please
BB: and y r u saying that again?
BB is typing...

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o BB: whoa
BB: did i say something to get that in caps?
BB: if so then im really srry
BB: i didnt mean to get u upset
BB: michelle?
OC: its ok im not mad
BB: still im really srry
BB: i didnt mean to have u scream that at me
BB: thats the last thing i ever want
OC: i never scream over the computer
OC: whachou talkin bout willis
BB: well even saying bitch please is still a lil unsettling
BB: im trying to find u on facebook but i cant find u
OC: i dont have one; i just have a fake one so i can spy on people
BB: lol
OC: lol
BB: nvm on the facebook lol
BB: brb hun
BB: i bet u look sexy spying on ppl lol
Last message received on 8/18 at 1:12 AM
OC: you know im fat you two faced fuck is this your way of getting bak at me?

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o ( it just doesnt fucking stop, i tried everything..even making myself lack total confidence because i
know men LOVE women with confidence. the binding spell didnt work. i cant get rid of him.
enough agging him on for a show though. i should just delete him. hes black, so maybe i should
keep him around. theres not many good black guys who speak lucidlly these days..whats r fav
BB: bak
BB: and u do know that im not trying to get bak at u or anything right?
OC: i guess it was all in my head
OC: oops
OC: oh well
BB: pls tell me that u didnt forget that i wanna see u naked and fuck u every chance i get
OC: alright ill keep you on my list
OC: Oh... uh... Hello

OC: Oh... uh... Hello

OC: Oh... uh... Hello

OC: Oh... uh... Hello

OC: so whats ur fav band

OC: Hello? I know you're there. I can see you!

BB: im here
BB: im just wondering if i should expect this every time i talk to u
OC: what do you mean
BB: i say u look sexy while spying on ppl on facebook and u think im talking about ur weight
OC: i'm paranoid
BB: well i wish u would trust me when i say that i think ur very sexy u being fat or skinny
BB: idc
BB: u do believe me when i tell u that ur sexy right?
OC: I dont. i guess i just lack confidence...
BB: well would it help if i try to get in ur pants all the time?
OC: i just, oh i dont kno sometimes i just think im so fugly
BB: well from the pics i saw u r one very sexy girl who i really wanna bust a nut deep inside
BB is typing...
BB: b/c i REALLY wanna do that to u bby\

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o omg i cant tell if the binding spell worked, or if I'm just so fucking weird, its inevitable hed leave.
i wonder what this or how this impacts my karma. its sad. i cant tell but anyways enough of this
childish rubbish. hope you are well and hope you laughed smiled, or got pissed off.. ( just kidd
dont want you mad) godamn i cant tell if he lost interest in me being myself, or the binding spell

..BB: hi
OC: hi
BB: didnt think u would be back on
OC: im glad youre back what are you doing
BB: well atleast not tonight
BB: nothing
BB: y?
OC: im just watching youtube
OC: just wondering
OC: im watching a thing on the quija board game
BB: and y r u watching that?
OC: i dont know just bored
OC: first i was watching videos on ghosts and now the quija board
BB: wow u must really be bored
OC: hahaha lol
OC: its pretty interestign though actually
BB: trust me its not
BB: lol
OC: orange julius
BB: ??
OC: i dont know just typing
BB: lol
BB: u so crazy
OC: quija board
BB: u really r bored arent u?
OC: kind of yeah
OC: lol
OC: have you ever played quija board
BB: nope
BB is typing...
BB: i take it u have?
OC: yea years and years ago
OC: i got too nervous i bit my nails!
OC: watching it
OC: who dat?
OC: who dare?
OC: did you find someone on craigs list
OC: did you know\
OC: that when it snows
BB has signed out. (8/18/2011 9:36 PM)

OC: have you forgotten about me?

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o after this i got up and i started laughing so hard tears came out of my mind. i guess because it just
got so random. " orange julius" i just felt like saying orange julius. there was this youtube video
and this guy was a schizophrenic... supposably they were asking him a question. who would you
call if? and he said i would call ghost-busters" i mean, i would call my parents in washington ( or
whatever) but i just sometimes just have the random urge to type something out of the blue. ( i can
control it though im just saying if i was really bad. id be in the institution singing somebody
handed me a bloody rag! oh that rag was thick and red!! yeah ohh.. yeah, oh ho..-porno for pyros. i
meant to say eyes up there but something happend. hope you are well.

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o omg. he doesnt laugh at anything. i sent him some hilarious videos and he didnt laugh. check this
out. its racist.
OC: so are you still horny]
BB: wat?
OC: what i just said you chicken-fried turkey with sesame sauce
BB: no im not horny
BB: wats the point in getting horny since all i can do is watch porn
OC: well at least you can jack off
BB: and suppost to make me feel better?
BB: y do u wanna know if im horny anywho?
OC: i dont know
OC: what does your shit look like when you take a dump
BB: like shit
OC: ooga booga
OC: oooga booga chooga sooga
OC: oooga A OOOOOOGA! ooooga booga ooga booga
OC: ooga chaka ooga chaka
OC: hahaha
OC: im bored
BB: me too
OC: so , how do you like me now that you know me
OC: you said you wanted to get to know me
OC: so
OC: what do yu think??
BB: ur ok
OC: thats cool
OC: i would grade myself higher than that but. thats just me
BB: ur a cool gal
OC: to each there own
OC: let me check out your pictures
OC: see what you look like
OC: i wont say anything i just want to look
OC: so why are you giving me a black attitude
BB: srry
OC: no sorry, you crossed the line
OC: the point of No fucking return
OC: whats that straight face fore
OC: ?
OC: just another black attitude huh?
BB: its not a black attitude
OC: oh it looks black to me
OC: sounds black, looks black, and its a dark attitude
BB: i loaned a friend some money for a college book and she didnt use it
OC: that sucks
BB: she used the money on bullshit
BB: thats y it sounds like i have a black attitude
OC: what did she use it on
OC: let me guess.
BB: she used it on her internet connection instead of using it for her college book that she needs to
OC: i would do the same but that sucks
BB: now she's expecting me to send more money for her book and im super broke right now
BB: i g2g
OC: tell her to go fuck herself
BB: im srry for being this way
OC: get a job you leech." say that
BB: i'll try to be happier tomorrow
BB: night babe
OC: thats ok. i know youre a pisces good-night
BB has signed out. (8/19/2011 12:30 AM)

Last message received on 8/19 at 12:30 AM

18 August

Nadine Hughs

Ernie & bert on Family Guy


18 August

Nadine Hughs

o he didnt find that funny at all... heres another.. omg i just found it today ( i wont bother you i just
gotta show you it its so damn

18 August

Nadine Hughs

o omg. he didnt find this crap funny.

: The Jiggly Butt : Foamy The Squirrel

Germaine has issues with her jiggly butt.


18 August

Nadine Hughs


: The Fat Song : Foamy The Squirrel

Foamy sings a song about Germaine's fat @ss.


18 August

Nadine Hughs

o You know how you see boys making jokes in a classroom, then they turn and look to see if the girl
is watching. thats how you make me feel like a school-boy. bye -bye.

19 August

Nadine Hughs

o " you dont touch, you dont laugh, you dont play" you dont know anything about love.. story of my

The Notebook parent arguement

the arguement between allie and her parents show just how much class really matters


19 August

Nadine Hughs

o I havent cried for a long time. i always act like this,, so you must think im a basket-case. I just
wish someone would love me for who i am. a part of me just feels ridiculous/weird. i'm really
weird and nothing can change that. I dont like to wallow in self-pity, because im a scorpio, but, i
remember when i was in seventh grade this guy said michelle is cute, but i wouldnt go out with
her. i was always shy but, i always thought, what was it about me about my soul that wasnt
acceptable? I just look at your pictures, and i can see you. i can see your humour,and i kknow that
i once knew you. I know that this life is just a way to improve, so that in the next life, i wont have
all this baggage and hopefully youll learn some lessons and become wiser too. now i'll just go to
sleep and wake up happy.

19 August

Nadine Hughs

o i woke up fine. i want you to watch this so you dont think im really weirrd. ok. bye

Guide to Astrological Sign Compatibility : Scorpio Compatibility

Watch as a seasoned professional discusses Scorpio compatibility in this free online video about
astrology in romance. Expert: Gnobo A Calypso Contact: www.m...


20 August

Nadine Hughs

o omfg i made this just for you. hold on.

20 August

Nadine Hughs

o Show Recent Messages (F3)

BB: hiya
OC: my sister has been using my computer
OC: how are you
BB: oh ok
BB: well i have been trying to get these girls ob craigslist to talk to me
OC: has anyone replied yet
OC: it takes awhile usually
BB: i have gotten replies, but almost each and every one of them wants me to sign up to some
stupid dating site
OC: wtf?
BB: yep
BB: they tell me that they are interested in hooking up but i gotta sign up to some dumb site to get
their number
OC: oh ok
OC: that sucks. i hate going through the hassle
BB: ur tellin me
OC: is it date hookup or something
OC: its probably harder for a guy because some guys are dangerous you know
BB: yea somethin like that
BB: i use date hookup in the past
BB: i tried to get girls on there to talk but all they do is read my email and dont reply
OC: my friend made me a site but i never checked it and i lost the password etc
OC: what does your email say
BB: hmm?
OC: im just wondering what the email says
OC: like, would you like to get together for...etc
OC: ?
OC: its kind of funny
BB: i would just say hi my name is david
BB: on date hookup u cant ask for hookup with those girls
OC: oh you mean its part of their policy/rules
BB: no
BB: most of the girls there want a bf not a fling
BB: or so they claim
OC: i know
OC: try
BB: y?
OC: so you can just have a fling
BB: they wont talk to me on their eithere
BB: either*
OC: i thought girls were sluts these days
OC: thats ridiculous. id answer in a heart beat
OC: send a picture of your dick. hi my names david...
BB: i never did show u a pic of my dick did i?
OC: i saw it!
BB: u did?
OC: yeah
OC: you sent it to my e-mail
OC: bootycall bootycall... jiggle jiggle jiggle!
BB: oh yea
OC: i showed my sister the video even though shes a little kid
BB: wat video?
OC: then i showed my mom and we shook are ass and said jiggle jiggle jiggle!
OC: the cartoon
OC: not my mom just me and my 9 yr old sister
BB: oh ok
BB: i thought u meant that porn video
OC: oh no way. id be in so much trouble
BB: lol
OC: lol
OC: Gimme some skin!

OC: my mom wanted me to look up some Donna summer song . its so gay
BB: o....k
OC: ok morgan freeman
BB: ??
OC: i was just thinking about the shawshank redemption.
OC: i do that sometimes
OC: morgan freemans kind of sserious
BB: so i see
OC: you know what im talking about
BB: not really
OC: orange julius
BB: again with the orange julius
OC: i cant help it it just comes out
OC: if i was in an institution id be saying, orange julius, orange julius, jiggle jiggle jiggle!
BB: lol
OC: there was this guy i met and we would have phone sex all the time
OC: i really got together with him too
OC: but
OC: like we talked for so long over the phone that
OC: i just got creative and started " chanting" steven's dick! stevens dick! i didnt even know i was
chanting . he was real serious a real dick and he said, " could you please stop that chanting? its
really weird..
OC: i thought it was hot. i dont know what his problem was
OC: hey it was something different
BB: so he can get phonesex and i cant?
OC: my sister happens to be sleeping in my room right now. ..with the pig
BB: so in
OC: the pig is so cute. i love the pig
OC: not today but someother time
BB: sigh
OC: the pig roles over on her back with her wrists down
BB: o...k
OC: thats her way of bonding with me
OC: then i lean down and kiss her chest
OC: ... kind of sensual isnt it
BB: i guess
OC: im just kidding
OC: oh man i just cant stop joking
OC: i want to kiss babie's cheeks but i dont want their parents thinking im some kind of pedofile at
the grocery store
BB: u really need to get laid dont u
OC: jesus what made you say that
BB: b/c i really need to get laid
OC: i wonder what its like to be a man
BB: its not as esay as u think
OC: i just masterbate have an orgasm and after i have an orgasm, im filled with both relief and
OC: not necessarily shame, just like, that was really animalistic and barbarian etc
OC: i think i was like a puritian in my past life
OC: why you laughing
BB: im not im drooling
OC: hahahaha
OC: if you were a pisces girl we'd be best friends
BB: dont remind me
OC: you know im just playing right
OC: pisces girls are usually my best friends
OC: if only you had a pussy if only you had a pussy
BB: pls dont say that lol
OC: i know im just joking
BB: have u used before?
OC: no i just saw it on a commercial
BB: thought so
OC: booty call booty call
OC: youre black, i dont know why its hard for you to get laid. you should stand on a corner with a
sign. black dick"
BB: b/c all the white girls that are into black guys are no where to be seen
BB: as usual
OC: godamn thats so weird. its like the twilight zone
OC: who dat? who dare?
OC: who dat? who... who dare?
OC: What do you think about pregnant porn
OC: you there? or should i say.. you dare?
OC: you love it dont you
OC: i love it when someones like a size zero and their pregnant
BB: not as much as i love pussy lol
OC: i like pregnant girls with no pussy
OC: a pregnant girl with a dick would be nice
OC: ..... im in my sisters room now shes in my room
OC: that kids a pussy shes scared of everything
BB: not really
OC: so what you doing
OC: i like nicole kidman
BB: oh ok
OC: im on youtube
OC: i dont know why you keep running into lesbians
OC: jk. i mean like her as an actress. do you know who im talking about?
BB: im not
BB: yea i know
OC: you know what would turn me on? if you created a fantasy with just you and nicole kidman
OC: nicole kidman takes it up the ass for the first time
BB: well she would be naked
OC: her white ass would be up in your face
BB: and u would be sitting there watching her suck my hard dick
OC: yeah
BB: that turning u on?
OC: it is a little
OC: what am i in all this? am i like a maid or something.
BB: no ur hiding in a closet
BB: only i would know u were in there
BB: i wouldnt say anything though
BB: then u would watch as i shove my dick deep in her pussy from behind very hard
OC: keep going i got to get some pop-corn
OC: she yells TOM!
BB: i can wait
BB: u getting turn on?
OC: hey hey were the MONKEyS! people say we monkey around!!!
BB: well i would fuck her like a monkey in front of u
BB: while u watch u would rub ur pussy from being horny while nicole would scream for more
OC: hey hey were the monkeys " people say we monkey around!"
BB: and ur fantasy is done
BB: was it good for u?
BB: lol
OC: yes it was spectacular
BB: it didnt turn u on a bit did it
OC: i liked it
OC: it did
OC: hey hey were the monkays people say we monkey around!
BB: i wish i could monkey around right now
BB: god im so horny right now
OC: hahahahahahaha
BB: let me guess, u exploded huh?
OC: With Me
BB: ??
BB: ur silece says it all
BB: silence*
Last message received on 8/20 at 2:08 AM



20 August

Nadine Hughs

o Show Recent Messages (F3)

BB: hiya
OC: my sister has been using my computer
OC: how are you
BB: oh ok
BB: well i have been trying to get these girls ob craigslist to talk to me
OC: has anyone replied yet
OC: it takes awhile usually
BB: i have gotten replies, but almost each and every one of them wants me to sign up to some
stupid dating site
OC: wtf?
BB: yep
BB: they tell me that they are interested in hooking up but i gotta sign up to some dumb site to get
their number
OC: oh ok
OC: that sucks. i hate going through the hassle
BB: ur tellin me
OC: is it date hookup or something
OC: its probably harder for a guy because some guys are dangerous you know
BB: yea somethin like that
BB: i use date hookup in the past
BB: i tried to get girls on there to talk but all they do is read my email and dont reply
OC: my friend made me a site but i never checked it and i lost the password etc
OC: what does your email say
BB: hmm?
OC: im just wondering what the email says
OC: like, would you like to get together for...etc
OC: ?
OC: its kind of funny
BB: i would just say hi my name is david
BB: on date hookup u cant ask for hookup with those girls
OC: oh you mean its part of their policy/rules
BB: no
BB: most of the girls there want a bf not a fling
BB: or so they claim
OC: i know
OC: try
BB: y?
OC: so you can just have a fling
BB: they wont talk to me on their eithere
BB: either*
OC: i thought girls were sluts these days
OC: thats ridiculous. id answer in a heart beat
OC: send a picture of your dick. hi my names david...
BB: i never did show u a pic of my dick did i?
OC: i saw it!
BB: u did?
OC: yeah
OC: you sent it to my e-mail
OC: bootycall bootycall... jiggle jiggle jiggle!
BB: oh yea
OC: i showed my sister the video even though shes a little kid
BB: wat video?
OC: then i showed my mom and we shook are ass and said jiggle jiggle jiggle!
OC: the cartoon
OC: not my mom just me and my 9 yr old sister
BB: oh ok
BB: i thought u meant that porn video
OC: oh no way. id be in so much trouble
BB: lol
OC: lol
OC: Gimme some skin!

OC: my mom wanted me to look up some Donna summer song . its so gay
BB: o....k
OC: ok morgan freeman
BB: ??
OC: i was just thinking about the shawshank redemption.
OC: i do that sometimes
OC: morgan freemans kind of sserious
BB: so i see
OC: you know what im talking about
BB: not really
OC: orange julius
BB: again with the orange julius
OC: i cant help it it just comes out
OC: if i was in an institution id be saying, orange julius, orange julius, jiggle jiggle jiggle!
BB: lol
OC: there was this guy i met and we would have phone sex all the time
OC: i really got together with him too
OC: but
OC: like we talked for so long over the phone that
OC: i just got creative and started " chanting" steven's dick! stevens dick! i didnt even know i was
chanting . he was real serious a real dick and he said, " could you please stop that chanting? its
really weird..
OC: i thought it was hot. i dont know what his problem was
OC: hey it was something different
BB: so he can get phonesex and i cant?
OC: my sister happens to be sleeping in my room right now. ..with the pig
BB: so in
OC: the pig is so cute. i love the pig
OC: not today but someother time
BB: sigh
OC: the pig roles over on her back with her wrists down
BB: o...k
OC: thats her way of bonding with me
OC: then i lean down and kiss her chest
OC: ... kind of sensual isnt it
BB: i guess
OC: im just kidding
OC: oh man i just cant stop joking
OC: i want to kiss babie's cheeks but i dont want their parents thinking im some kind of pedofile at
the grocery store
BB: u really need to get laid dont u
OC: jesus what made you say that
BB: b/c i really need to get laid
OC: i wonder what its like to be a man
BB: its not as esay as u think
OC: i just masterbate have an orgasm and after i have an orgasm, im filled with both relief and
OC: not necessarily shame, just like, that was really animalistic and barbarian etc
OC: i think i was like a puritian in my past life
OC: why you laughing
BB: im not im drooling
OC: hahahaha
OC: if you were a pisces girl we'd be best friends
BB: dont remind me
OC: you know im just playing right
OC: pisces girls are usually my best friends
OC: if only you had a pussy if only you had a pussy
BB: pls dont say that lol
OC: i know im just joking
BB: have u used before?
OC: no i just saw it on a commercial
BB: thought so
OC: booty call booty call
OC: youre black, i dont know why its hard for you to get laid. you should stand on a corner with a
sign. black dick"
BB: b/c all the white girls that are into black guys are no where to be seen
BB: as usual
OC: godamn thats so weird. its like the twilight zone
OC: who dat? who dare?
OC: who dat? who... who dare?
OC: What do you think about pregnant porn
OC: you there? or should i say.. you dare?
OC: you love it dont you
OC: i love it when someones like a size zero and their pregnant
BB: not as much as i love pussy lol
OC: i like pregnant girls with no pussy
OC: a pregnant girl with a dick would be nice
OC: ..... im in my sisters room now shes in my room
OC: that kids a pussy shes scared of everything
BB: not really
OC: so what you doing
OC: i like nicole kidman
BB: oh ok
OC: im on youtube
OC: i dont know why you keep running into lesbians
OC: jk. i mean like her as an actress. do you know who im talking about?
BB: im not
BB: yea i know
OC: you know what would turn me on? if you created a fantasy with just you and nicole kidman
OC: nicole kidman takes it up the ass for the first time
BB: well she would be naked
OC: her white ass would be up in your face
BB: and u would be sitting there watching her suck my hard dick
OC: yeah
BB: that turning u on?
OC: it is a little
OC: what am i in all this? am i like a maid or something.
BB: no ur hiding in a closet
BB: only i would know u were in there
BB: i wouldnt say anything though
BB: then u would watch as i shove my dick deep in her pussy from behind very hard
OC: keep going i got to get some pop-corn
OC: she yells TOM!
BB: i can wait
BB: u getting turn on?
OC: hey hey were the MONKEyS! people say we monkey around!!!
BB: well i would fuck her like a monkey in front of u
BB: while u watch u would rub ur pussy from being horny while nicole would scream for more
OC: hey hey were the monkeys " people say we monkey around!"
BB: and ur fantasy is done
BB: was it good for u?
BB: lol
OC: yes it was spectacular
BB: it didnt turn u on a bit did it
OC: i liked it
OC: it did
OC: hey hey were the monkays people say we monkey around!
BB: i wish i could monkey around right now
BB: god im so horny right now
OC: hahahahahahaha
BB: let me guess, u exploded huh?
OC: With Me
BB: ??
BB: ur silece says it all
BB: silence*
Last message received on 8/20 at 2:08 AM



20 August

Nadine Hughs


Jumanji - Monkey Expedition (1995)

Though the early CGI, (Computer Generated Imagery), this scene remains memorable for its
vicious monkey dawn.


20 August

Nadine Hughs

o this guy doesnt get anything. you know im joking dont you. hey hey were the monkays! people
say we monkey around!!! hes a good person though. without a sense of humor. like a
monkey"..hey hey were the monkays!!!

22 August

Nadine Hughs

o BB: well thanks for showing me ur favorite porn clip then jump offline
OC: im back
OC: i just got out of the shower
OC: now youre giving me a black attitude?
OC: just kidding.
BB: really?
OC: yes i'm seriously joking
OC: you have a right to be mad that was pretty rude of me
OC: i'm always just going to make you feel guilty, " stop giving me a black attitude!
BB: its ok

Elizabeth cries over Whopi's different View of the World

Why does the N word still hold power when used by a WHITE as opposed to a black? Call me a
beaner, I will laugh, and say damn right, a greaser, a wop, bring ...


26 August

Nadine Hughs

o oh my god. mid way through this convo.. i just had to make you laugh..BB: hi
OC: hi
OC: what are you doing
BB: sittin here sweating from the heat lol
BB: and u?
OC: how hot is it there?
OC: reading this newsletter in my e-mail
OC: what were you typing
BB: i think its in the 90s
BB: its been hot ever since yesterday
BB: i thought the night was gonna cool down but the heat continued
OC: damn times are changing
BB: stepdad still there?
OC: yes
OC: i fucked him today
BB: WAT????
OC: i did. i fucked him.
OC: sssshhhh dont tell mom.
OC: actually, what she wont know wont hurt her
OC: whats wrong?
BB: brb
OC: where you going
BB: restarting my computer
OC: please dont tell me youre leaving me like all black men tend to do
OC: ok
BB has signed back in. (8/26/2011 5:06 PM)

26 August

Nadine Hughs

o OC: hi
BB: wat do u mean by that?
OC: by what
OC: oh shit. youre right, that was un-called for
BB: i take it ur fantasy bf left?
OC: whos my fantasy bf
OC: oh my step dad
OC: oops there goes again
BB: wait, WAT???
BB: ur bf is ur stap father?
OC: im just playing
OC: too many porn movie scripts
OC: its just the usual mundane scenario you know
BB: i was referring to the guy that wanted u to give birth to a babydoll
OC: Oh daddy
OC: i havent talked to him for like three days
BB: so u fucked ur step father today huh
OC: i forgot about the doll
OC: i did
BB: y?
OC: you only live once
BB: oh yea i have a webcam for my computer
OC: cool
BB: it was until u told me that ur now fucking ur step father
BB: first he fucks up my day yesterday and now he fucks u today
BB: he just couldnt stop fucking me over could he?
OC: lol'
OC: you can learn alot from a daddy
BB: but thats just it i wanted to be ur daddy
BB: and that dream is gone now
OC: look in the mirror,
OC: are you still black?
OC: the dreams not gone,, you had a night-mare
OC: youre still daddy
OC: p.s i hate when people use the word daddy in sex wtf does that mean
OC: oh.. daddy
BB: well some women like to call the guy their fucking daddy
OC: could you imagine if you yelled out MOM! or better yet, mommy!
BB: and wat do u mean the dream isnt gone?
OC: if youre black youre in
BB: and ur step father?
OC: im just joking about that
OC: i wouldnt do that im not attracted to him like that
OC: i just saw a porn
BB: oh
OC: where the girl says over and over.." he'll never know
OC: i mean she'll
OC: oops freudian slip
BB: shit im horny right now
OC: i think you need a high class prostitute
OC: how much do you have in savings
OC: jk
BB: or u playing as a high class prostitutelol
OC: i wish
BB: not enough to buy a high class prostitute
OC: if i had no family id prob do it
BB: i bet u would made me pay a crap load for a half hr
BB: lol
OC: all your life savings and id make sure you wouldnt come so youd have to pay me again\
OC: ooga booga booga booga
OC: what are you doing right now
BB: sitting here sweating and feeling my cock get rock hard lol
BB: and u?
OC: i was reading this newsletter
OC: its about how to keep a man
BB: im afraid to ask
OC: it says men like their vocation or status... and it enables them to feel important..( hope i used
the right term but now i know why all the bums are pissed off and miserable... lol
BB: ??
BB: i dont get it
OC: oh its compllicated dont worry off subject
OC: why do men withdrawl after sex?
OC: know the answer?
OC: their favorite television show is on
OC: jk i made that up
OC: you know what?
BB: wat
OC: you sure are a sweet person
BB: yep
BB: a sweet person who's ballz are slowly turing blue lol
BB: turning*
OC: the prostitute who says, you sure are sweet
OC: do you have any brothers or sister
OC: s
BB: 1 brother
BB: y?
OC: i just wanted to know if i can have both of you in a room at the same time. no i ws just
BB: the answer to that is no mainly b/c my brother doesnt date non-blk girls
OC: i forgot how old you were
BB: 27
OC: thats ok i have some black paint in the garage..
BB: nor does he fuck big girls
OC: fuck you
BB: im just speaking the truth
BB: he's only into skinny blk girls
BB: and he has a gf anywho
OC: dont you worry bout that brother of yours
OC: i wont touch him!
BB: ok
OC: omg i just laughed and laughed like a little, black ,bitch
BB: o......k
OC: doobie dooobie dooooo
OC: so, you love your mom dont you
BB: i take it ur not watching porn no more?
BB: yeah y?
OC: i dont know. were just alot alike
BB: how so?
OC: we both are in are late 20s we live at home. we barely have any experience. etc
BB: i live at home b/c its just me and my mother out here
BB: im not looking to stay here 4ever
OC: i am looking to stay at home forever
BB: y?
OC: i love it here and am attatched to family.
OC: jk i hope to move out maybe when i get social security maybe not
OC: ill be poor so
BB: well im looking to branch out and start my own family
OC: im gonna loose weight and start my own webcam business
OC: are you serious?
BB: cool
BB: yeah
OC: cool
OC: so youre gonna be the daddy of the family
BB: i guess idk
BB: im not a daddy yet
OC: you will be, once you release whats in those blue balls of yours
OC: we both like hopscotch, were both water signs etc
BB: im still workig on finding that special someone to release it in
BB: i dont like hopscotch lol
OC: i know im joking
OC: just do a prostitute
OC: get a pocket pussy and let that satisfy you for awhile. good luck finding that special someone
OC: ( im just kidding.
OC: did you know the chance of divorce is 50%?
OC: hey heres some good advice too
OC: marry someone skinnyy as they are liable to get fatter
OC: do you ever think about things like that
BB: i more so think about marrying a girl who i can get along with and wanna be with 4ever
OC: cool
OC: whats your favorite disney movie
BB: none
OC: you gotta be kidding me\?
BB: nope
OC: not even pinnochio
BB: cant stand anything disney
OC: how about warner brothers
BB: none from warner bros either
BB: i dont have a favorite movie
OC: thats cool
BB: i was wondering, if u do lose the weight and become skinny again, would u still like to have a
dick poke ur stomach hole?
OC: hahahahhahaha lmao lmao
OC: omfg
BB: im rock hard ok im srry
OC: its cool its cool its just so damn funny
OC: yeah i am trying to loose weight
OC: im sseriously going to be thin again
BB: well just to let u know having sex also helps u burn off calories
BB: if done right of courselol
OC: i would tell that to my mom but its too embarassing
BB: she dont need to know
OC: yeah thanks for the advice
OC: youre too cute
OC: usually i go for older men but youre just too innocent..
BB: hey im not that innocent
BB: dont forget i am a crazy boy lol
OC: okay britney spears jk
BB: oh ur so funny
OC: you know the song. im not that innocent
OC: youre crazy what do you have
OC: whats your diagnosis
BB: i just am
OC: THATS cool
OC: sorry caps lock
BB: omg ur starting to fall for me arent u
BB: lol
OC: well if you lived on my street i would date you but youre too far away
BB: dont remind me
BB: maybe something could happen when u move out from ur family's place
OC: yeah. or i could just sneAK YOU THROUGH THE window.. sorry caps
BB: good point lol
BB: i would ask when u will be comming back out but i know if u do come back out then u wont
be alone
OC: do you ever just laugh during our conversation
OC: i laugh like a clown he heh heheh he hee'll

26 August

Nadine Hughs

o OC: he he'll
BB: yeah i do most of the time
OC: cool
OC: he he''ll he heeeel
BB: so u by urself right now
OC: yes
OC: but my families home
BB: damnit
BB: u really need to get laid lol
BB: just like me
OC: i want to send a voice message of me sounding like the clown from the simpsons he heee'l he
BB: uh no thanks
OC: ha heeel
BB: im so horny right now i might take it as u maoning and jsut explode
BB: just*
OC: ha heel ha heel
BB: uhh
BB: is that ur hand down my pants?
BB: i keep wondering y when it starts to go down i feel a hand jerk it back up
OC: i dont know is it ha heel ha heel
BB: u r such a tease
OC: i got it ha heel
OC: ha heel its big ha heel ha heel
OC: whats big and black and comes out of his pants? ha heel ha heel
BB: i should get on top of u, whip it out and shove it deep in ur bellybutton
OC: ha heel that tickles ha heel

26 August

Nadine Hughs


Krusty: What the hell was that?


26 August

Nadine Hughs
o btw. just right now. i was looking at your flickr account. and i chose linz's trashy cock-tail party..
and i noticed on the cake it said, " You're Old" i know you did that. i dont know who the asshole is
in all of this but its damn funny. wiith eminems or whatever. damn you have alot of ballz. that sure
is funny though. anyways, read above crusty the clown for an enduring conversation. trying to
sound bright.

26 August

Nadine Hughs

o I guess Mc Donalds is forbidden.. DO not Go there!

BB: hey
OC: hi
BB: watching youtube?
BB: i guess so
OC: no im just bored
OC: doing nothing
BB: well i guess i should tell u that i got on my webcam while u were away and pulled out my
hard cock lol
OC: but drinking diet coke
BB: trust me diet coke is nasty lol
OC: iit helps alleviate hunger
BB: hun u can eat
BB: u just have to eat a small portion
OC: i did thanks
BB: if ur still hungry then eat a piece of fruit
OC: thanks
BB: thats wat my mother is doing
OC: cool
BB: she eats 3 meals a day
BB: if it helps any, then eat ur heaviest meal for lunch
BB: that way come dinner time u will be hungry enough for something small and lite like a salad
or something
OC: cool thanks
BB: and all this time u thought i was only interested in getting ur pants off lol
OC: i didnt know youd come with diet tips
BB: my mother likes to eat sensible
BB: that and she wants me to eat more sensible
OC: is she fat
BB: no
OC: just wondering
BB: her fat came from me and my brother ok
OC: cool
BB: do u eat mcdonalds or burger king alot?
OC: not a whole lot but you just got me hungry
BB: well if u eat burger king then do it once in a while
BB: do not and i repeat, DO NOT eat mcdonalds
BB: if u want to lose the weight then leave that place alone
OC: dyou serious
OC: so burger king is a better option then . good , because i llike burger king
BB: well burger king needs to be down to once in a long while, but mcdonald's food will not
digest in ur stomach
OC: thanks for info
BB: i know b/c my mother showed me a few youtube videos where mcdonalds was compared to
local buger joints to test if their food breaks down and it doesnt
OC: dang
BB: u wanna see it for urself type in "4year old cheeseburger"
OC: seriously what comes up
BB: there u will hopefully find videos, one in particular with the guy from that 30day movie who
shows that mcdonalds meat and fries do not break down or mold
BB: and if u have any friends who eat there and those videos are still up then show them
OC: ok ill warn them
BB: i tried telling my friends and they didnt believe me
OC: i believe you
BB: well of course u do, u like to get me naked and hard then get offline lol
OC: i cant do anything anyways because my families up

Beauty and the Beast -Beast shows Belle's room (english)

(i own no authority of this video -all rights reserved the Walt Disney)


29 August

Nadine Hughs

o omg. I dont look him up all the time.. actually once in a blue moon. But read Benjaminista's latest
blog and the comment i wrote under it. from mary wolstonecraft. Oh, I know my comment is a
little stupid. i didnt have a very reliable theory. just my own. that godamn jack daniels bastard.
why cant he just say, i am a cerebral narcissist, i am fucked for life and find woman repulsive. my
mother fucked me over..

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o I was reading this book called," Buddhism for Dummies" lol I'm lloling for dummies.. anyway, it
says we all have Karma and karmic dept and it comes around to us not only in this life, but
possibly the next. I'm not a perfect person and I read that people who are verbally abused or
experience verbal abuse may have been care-less with their words in a past-life. what happend to
me was cruel and unfair no doubt. But I wouldnt doubt i might have something to do with that. i
have a wicked tongue when i get angry and i have this book called dark side zodiac about scorpios
and their tongue.

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o I volunteer at the womans shelter for domestic violence. i met a woman there who was into
buddhism the same day i was reading about it! and one of the ladies ( everyone their has a really
big heart and are really appreciative that i work their for free and answer the also going
to take a class on rape and sexual assault. etc. we had to do work on the computer. even men get
abused. and little boys..its very sad. But back to benjaminista, its not my business. I know this. Its
just like hes trying to justify the fact that he has nothing to give to people. woman in particular.
and he needs to stop bitching. plenty of women like bookworms, theres someone for everyone.

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o ive been meaning to say this for awhile. For some reason i trust you. and i want to thank you for
not pressing charges on me for stalking you. i really appreciate that and i am glad you have a sense
of humor.I take anti psychotics now so youll only occasionally get a message from me. but, i
really appreciate that. i wouldnt be able to do the lord's work.. ( lol) I read alot on edgar cayce and
we do have past lives,, yes i know you and like and liked you very much.

29 August

Nadine Hughs
o omg last message last message. I was at my brother Tylers\'s house and i asked Tyler if he still had
Benjaminista on his list. and Tyler goes Hell No I deleted him along time ago! and my mom's like,
Who is that? Tylers like some BOMB BUILDER michelle used to know. NO, i deleted that
terrorist. a long time ago tyler would get online with ben through the microphone and say the
funniest shit on the planet, i would be laughing tears would be coming out of my eyes. he wasnt
making fun of him he was being very civil. Like, So what are you up to ben? just chillin? and Ben
would just be like, " i gotta go" like we were too stupid for him... lmao

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o i remember he deleted Tyler and all i remember is Tyler sending him some random messages. i just
laughed again tears came out of my fucking eyes. He does not move or blink, hes like those gaurds
in England that just doesnt laugh. He deleted tyler and tyler sent him a message it said, YOu
deleted me? and when you opened it up it said, YOU DICK!! anyways i remember specifically he
sent ben this.. this was in one of his messages. maybe tyler had a crush on ben too. jk hahah i think
he liked to trip him out. i was looking at his profile and my brother gave him this...omg that was a
funny ass time..

Alvin & The Chipmunks- I Eat Poop

Alvin and the chipmunks- i eat poop .... If feel you're starving, You can have a bowl of chocolate
soup. It's OK, Admit it, We are all proud to be fond of po...


29 August

Nadine Hughs

o he did add him after the message though. then i guess tyler delted him afterwards. I eat poop!

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o This is terrible.. men are from mars freaks are from Pluto.OC: how are you doing
OC: I'm sorry about the comment i made yesterday about your gf
OC: i feel bad, i dont know what got into me
OC: i guess youre mad at me arent you
BB: huh
BB: i wasnt at my computer
OC: yay
BB: and she's not my gf she is my ex gf who, well was married\
OC: oh ok
BB: so wat u doin now
BB: zzzzz
BB: youtube right
OC: yah
OC: i was watching a movie but not netflix
BB: y not netflix
OC: i dont know
BB: oh
BB: i just found out that my ex gf is still alive
BB: and she's pulling though
OC: thats good
OC: thats great
OC: was it a car accident?
OC: what kind of accident was it
BB: i think so
OC: dang
BB: im just glad she didnt give up
OC: yeah
BB: so working tomorrow as well
OC: where do you work at
BB: y u wanna know?
BB: i only asked b/c u went to work today
OC: let me guess
OC: the slaughter house
OC: coal shovler or toilet cleaner?
OC: its ok.
OC: ok come back i was just playing
BB: funny
OC: do you think im one of those weird girls that would show up with a handful of flowers
OC: at lunch or something
OC: ????
BB: not really
BB: of course i never knew any girls like that
OC: i know. only people that watch too much lifetime movies believe that
OC: or they were around a special education class too long
OC: awww baby-boy
BB: baby boy wat?
OC: i dont know i just felt bad for acting like a douche
OC: im always joking around
OC: usually for entertainment
OC: not my entertainment a friends or something
OC: i was just joking i dont care where you work
BB has signed out. (8/30/2011 12:08 AM)

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o BB has signed back in. (8/30/2011 12:16 AM)

BB: i know
OC: alright, no more jokes
BB: its fine
OC: thanks
BB is typing...
BB: uh np

29 August

Nadine Hughs

o i knew youd come back for me. j/k

31 August

Nadine Hughs

o I don't really know if Ben is truely a mysoganist...He may just not want me. I take that into
consideration. when he gets mad he takes offense, like its all about himself. nothing like, you okay
michelle? and his best buttfucking friend is neitszche. so they can both hate women together and
justify it. so yeah, i think hes a mysoganist. its so funny i picture his anal-retentive self getting all
flored by this crazy spontaenity.." YOUre acting irrational right now michelle" michelle, youre
acting irrational." are you aware that youre acting " irrational?" No you dumbfuck, I'm not anally
retentively looking at the situation from a compulsive view, im a psychotic.

31 August

Nadine Hughs

o i dont know. i was just thinking about that time in my life. I pretty much embarassed myself... but,
i mean, i couldnt detect what or how i was supposed to act, i thought you could fall in love with
people through the internet. i know this isnt true. in fact, youre prob a real dick in real life, and if i
knew you, who the fuck knows if i'd like you.

31 August

Nadine Hughs

o *Ill say one thing baby when carol said you were a cooky nympho-cunt
she sure as hell wasnt kidding! well thats it untill next time bitch

Insane Clown Posse - Fuck Off! Lyrics

Insane Clown Posse lyrics - Fuck Off!: well its on its on like nende ho fuck, *im 2 dope and im
fuckin drunk, walked in a joint with my nuts hanggin out my drawers, yo suck my balls!, all i
wanna do is...


31 August

Nadine Hughs

o i do not know you 2! YOU DO NOT KNOW ME 2....2 I HAVE NO FUCKING INTEREST IN
ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY! i do NOT Associate with irrational, schizophrenics such as

31 August

Nadine Hughs


have thought i was stupid. like all men do for letting a man abuse them. alot of times, thats not the
case, well in my case, like i said, i prob wouldnt put up with yours shit if i knew you. the person
had a noble morality harrenmorale....HARRENMORALE nice girls finish last....

31 August

Nadine Hughs

o *Ill say one thing baby when carol said you were a cooky nympho-cunt
she sure as hell wasnt kidding! well thats it untill next time bitch

31 August

Nadine Hughs


INXS - The One Thing (both videos)
(Sadly, I'm not able to upload this with its proper soundtrack so I've edited down the INXS, Jerry
Nixon and Buzz Bidstrup extended version) Here's a better ...


01 September

Nadine Hughs

o you blocked me? now i iknow i was sleeping with the enemy all along thanks

o oh you didnt block me hahaaha so my intuition is right. you are a good guy.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o just thinking. Your message says,"You are not mentally or psychologically well!" i saved it on my
other site, First of all, you were so pissed you spelled mentally wrong. metally METALLY WELL!
the funny thing about it is, its like youre saying, not only is this an organic problem, mentally, but
youre disturbed as well " psychologically". You dont have enough empathy, that or you dont show
it. But if i go to twitter and press f2 your picture lightens or darkens.. or f3 and you look like you
have about 1/3 more empathy.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o I have many theories but I dont know how many I have.. I think you were so repulsed by my
percieved psycho-ness. making a big deal out of Ben. You probably thought i was so fucking
resentful about ben not likiing me that i became paranoid and blamed it all on him associating him
with being a killer. You should see Freud's theory on paranoia.. i love him but, yeah it's a sad
thing. and then, ( well, i think youre a good guy, but youre emotionally immature. I can tell by the
way you handled the situation. You thought oh shit! for awhile. this girl has a mental disorder!
omg what am i doing. and then i bothered you for so fucking long. you just had to get back at me
because i was so grandiose, assuming people were jealous of me. Jealous of that psycho! well i

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o I'm pretty resilient but this is only due to the Herrenmorale theory. I do have alot of shame. I dont
know how to act around my cousin and we used to be very close. I am afraid ( i just cant believe i
acted like i did. it was hard for some people to detect and I think ive been or had some form of
psychosis since 1997 or 1998.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o One time when i was in sixth grade. This is when i was normal. had a normal life and i wasnt like
a nerd or anything. well, something happend with my lunch i lost a few quarters or
something. and for some fucking reason my friend gave me the money but i started crying and
crying and crying. my friends were puzzled but, i dontn know why i was crying. so after lunch i
went to art class, and ccried and sobbed and cried. some people were looking at me, because in
between the lecture i would sniff or moan or something like that lol its not funny but. i just couldnt
stop crying like someone died or something. and then i came back the next day like nothing
happend. i think i have a high tolerance for embarassment but, i still get embarrassed.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o the teacher was a real bitch too. other people complained about her. she was cold, but not
necessarily on my shit list. shes like to you need to excuse yourself? i just nodded no. and
proceeded to cry. imagine me putting my fucking fingers up to my eyes like im at a fucking
funeral. lol its not funny but it is and it isnt.sometimes things are a blur....

05 September

Nadine Hughs
o the christmas before my family split up. I just started crying because i was so overraought with
emotion. I was so grateful to have my family and everything was so beautiful the music.. and the
moment. i knew we wouldnt have that moment again. i was crying because i was happy.

o my dad would come into my room after my report card. and just start yelling and yelling.. he goes
on these tirades. about how i wasnt college material stupid dummy etc..( my memory is very bad
thank god and my dad said something to me and i remember i was crying and i just said. THEN
IM JUST GONNA KILL MYSELF! ( i didnt know anything about suicide and my dad just took
off his belt and started hitting me on my ass of course very hard. to make me feel better. lol thats
not funny. but, what a dick.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o who buys you this?? who buys you that? i work all day and ... something something. my mom
says my dad favored my brother over me. she brings this up when we talk about my dad. my mom
said he would go to the toy store and buy my brother something. but he didnt buy me anything. i
never asked for anything but he wouldnt go to the doll isle or anything. my mom was a stay at
home mom so she really had no say ( i guess)

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o my brother found out he had some monney for school something like thousands of dollars. My dad
didnt say anything to him about the money even though he knew he was going to a trade school.
my brother said envelopes stopped coming with my name on it. He said nothing about the money
to my brother. my brother just pulled it out onh is own. but my dad knows i have no money and
am waiting to go on social security, i havent seen a dime of my money. we are afraid to ask for it
because i somehow think it isnt there and if it was, he wouldnt give it to me.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o my dad took away my mom's alimony. He went back to court. she was supposed to get an
additional 400 a month extra every year until she dies.. but he took her back to court and said she
was co-habitating ( which almost everyone does) and that she didnt need it. we think he forged
signatures.. and my mom didnt get half the amount from our house when we sold it. she only got
13,000 and after the settlement or whatever my dad bought a new house. he is very very greedy
and very very cheap omg that motherfucker has problems with money.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o my mom thinks my dad gave me schizophrenia. Its prob a combo of genetics and environmental
factors according to what i researched. my mom wants my dad to know how he damaged my mind
but its pointless. most abusers are in severe denial.

o occasionally from time to time i think about what it would be like to be loved etc. but it only
happends once in awhile. i pretty much like being by myself. i think about loving as well but, i
fear that im going to be like an old=maid. i just cant see myself with anyone. isnt that strange. all i
want to do is fuck a few people.

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o you know that movie The rules of attraction. well in one scene it has a nietszche quote on the
black board. that a significant other is only a substitution for mother or father figure. makes sense.
do the people that remain single happen to be more repulsed and thus better off without a mother
or father figure?

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o i heard you liked that movie so theres an example

05 September
Nadine Hughs

o he is a man who cannot feel. he is a man who feels nothing. You can look into his eyes for a slight
of sentiment but remember, that he is empty. You can serach you can imagine, that he is peaceful
He is a man who cries, yes he does so, but it is solely for himself. he regards anything percieved as
weakness, whether it be children, or women, the needy.
He sees himself in these beings, they are like a mirror reflecting his insides, his insides that are
insidiously grotesque and decayed. bits and peices show up in his facile. you can detect what is
real and what is false, but just remember that youre working with a man of many faces. He is
dangerous, like an animal waiting to devour his prey, a volcanoe waiting to erupt. he is damaged
beyond repair. youre love will only anger and provoke him... he cannot be saved. -the high

05 September

Nadine Hughs

o he only has one goal. and that is to make you suffer. He is a sadist, searching to inflict his own
wounds onto his prey. he wants you to reflect his insides... he wants you to represent the reason
behind the mask.

06 September

Nadine Hughs

o my point is, should i write a book? thad be too hard. sorry about all these messages. my lifes like
one big ACID trip. i cant describe it. i just think, what is all this bullshit? i meant to write one
thing and one thing led to another.well, i hope youre having fun in wakiki island. wakiki beach, i
mean. my lifes like one big acid trip but, at least i dont hear voices. probably cause i have a master
morality,.onlyl the slaves would hear shit. bye. negroe.

07 September

Nadine Hughs

o omg. I got this book called Romance novel for dummies. how to write, i mean. My moms cooking
and she goes, Shouldnt you know about what youre writing about? I'm thinking, like what?
research? and she goes, youve never had a romance so how can you write a romance novel?. I get
all offended sort of. I have an imagination. Besides, most of the women who write romance novels
are nerdy believe it or not and they arent getting what they want. I doubt the majority of romance
writers are having a satisfying ROmance ok continued..

07 September

Nadine Hughs

o heres another good story. I knew this guy who was a control freak. and he had to control his dick.
literally! in fact, now that i think about it he probably had a real castration and i was
telling my mom about him. first shes like i dont want to hear it, and then shes like, probably what
you were doing, didnt feel good. Maybe youre not as good as you think you are. I"m like MOM!
how hard is it to suck a dick? the point is, he wouldnt let me do what i wanted with it!!! what a
blow to my virginal self-esteem.. oh and heres another continued

07 September

Nadine Hughs

o my mom was at the washer and dryer doing laundry. I know this sounds sick, but what can i say its
my life. My mom has like a kim kardashian ass. I'm like, complimenting her. oh wow, mom nice
ass. She turns around and she goes, " You don't have my ass" like. omg mom i didnt think i
did!!! even the sweetest woman is bitter-Frederich nietszche

08 September

Nadine Hughs

o it sounds like shes trying to be malicious but i honestly dont think her intentions are. Shes a
saggitarius, theyre just fucking blunt! i like that sign and get along with them and eveything, but
you should see my neighbor, she gets drunk and starts saying Blunt upfront shit and shes a
saggitarius also!

08 September
Nadine Hughs

o Its sad because when it's from a saggitarius, you know it's true. thats the shitty part lol

o except for that black ass who wouldnt let me control his dick. he seriously had problems. lol

08 September

Nadine Hughs

o omg look whos on the keyboards. You have to keep watching ok. look whos playing the
keyboards. look closely.

Trent Reznor in Slam Bamboo #1

While writing Pretty Hate Machine Trent played out with this Cleveland band.


08 September

Nadine Hughs

o i just had to show you that. you enjoy your vacation. Im sorry about these last messages but i had
more to say. i know its a boundry violation. sorry about that. but, watch it on the plane or
something. you keep it real.

09 September
Nadine Hughs

o omg. I'm going to title this, " David had a secret" its like a porn... David had a secret. do you ever
watch freaks and geeks. you know milly. hes like milly. hes sweet though and you know im

o never mind it wont post, i guess its God's will. it sure was funny.

o do you ever just laugh at my comments. i re read them and I laugh. I'm really fucking werid huh.
Im like the real thing. and i suffer because of it. imagine the doctor.. a schizo scizotypo"...
schiztotypal...! Heathers grandma i guess she had schizophrenia we do get along though like peas
in a pod. she said that too. you know my grandma had schizophrenia and i think i might have some
of that too and thats why we get along. Heathers like, ( maybe she got that theory from me. were
indigo kids i think. she said. anyway.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o sometimes i think other people lack a sense of humor though. for instance, they say a
schizophrenic starts laughing for no reason. theres a fucking reason why were laughing and you
dont wanna know. i work at the shelter and this old man volunteer just started talking to me at the
food bank because the shelter people need food. and he said something. damnit i forgot but it was
so fucking funny. he said but were divorced n0w. he was telling me a story and i started fucking
laughing because i thought he meant for it to be a joke, and he looked at me like. " How rude!"
how dare you laugh! ( it was so godamn funny)

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o oh it doesnt take long to piss off people. everywhere i go i piss people off sometimes, unless
theyre gay and funny. but, this lady who supervises the shelter. shes really serious she has like no
sense of humor. well, the clients have to log out and log in their medication. She was talking to
this lady ( shes slow but i dont know whats wrong with her. all she says is, " wow...." wow" shes
really cute but the lady pulls out her medication and says, there were 180 pills now theres 119..
where are the rest? and the slow ladies just like wow" i forgot what she said i couldnt fucking help
but giggle. omg. and it wasnt funny to her you know. omg. There were 180? now theres 119? i
could of sworn thats what i heard. then it wasnt a big deal, i didnt get the situation. i thought
maybe she o'd but she was too coherent.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o i had to put together colored pencils paper because the kids in the shelter need school supplies.
anyways, the lady comes out and grabs some markers and the kits i put together. I'll be needing
these" omg its so fucking cute sometimes slow people are cute. or shell come and hand me
deoderant and be like, can you open this?? thank-you. such a trip. maybe the lady thinks im being
mean by giggling but shes so fucking funny i cant help it.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o I'm not religious either. I'm agnostic. My families like Satanic though, they want nothing to do
with religion. I was laughing because my brother wrote you, Don't worry. I'm not a jesus
-wosrhipping fuck either so dont worry. ( lol) omg too funny

o You missed Tyler's blog on myspace years ago. It was so funny i dont know why he took it down.
It went something like, ( hes not a really passionate writer or anything but it was good. like, I was
out skateboarding when old man Rivers from next door, came out and told my friends and i who
were skateboarding, to quit cussing! I told him to cool it old man and mind your own business. he
had to get back at me, that old fuck, i saw him ring the door bell and tell my dad! that we offended
him! old man rivers is senile now thankfully and he doesnt remember who some of his family
members are. im glad hes in a residential facility. ( omg too funny)

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o you also missed this one, from what i can remember. My moms brother is staying over at my
grandmothers house. My grandmother was putting away laundry when.. SHE FOUND a fucking
meth lab in the closet! my grandma was so angry, she threatened to call the police on my uncle and
his gf. Anyways, Ben commented it so maybe he does have a sense of humor after all.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o i just have to say this. I swear ive seen you before. but i dont know where. Did you used to hang
out in ventura alot? maybe when you went to ucsb. i used to live in those condos next to the
mission on main street. from about 1998-2002. that would be trippy if i remembered seeing you. i
probably saw you. and i worked at century 10 the theatre there for awhile.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o i cant figure you out either and I'm a really good detective. youre probably thinking, shit, how long
does she obessess over me? its more like im hyper-focusing and one thought leads to another. for
instance, i go to youtube and look up personality disorders. it says histrionic. and i think i bet
Logan's ex gf was some type of histrionic let me check, then i hyperfocus and look at your
pictures. i get distracted and etc etc. I cant tell if youre personality disordered, good job hiding it.
and there is such thing. critics argue about it because their stupid. you have to put pearl jam with
grundge rock you cant put it with snoop-dog. good job hiding out. you look like you have a good

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o youre too strong to be a borderline. most borderlines bitch and wine about their feelings. take
gabriel dorian for instance. you cant have narcissistic personality disorder at least not full-blown
because you show alot of emotion. You might just be a regular guy. who knows. i mean we all
have our quirks but i dont think youre a narcissist. it seems like you like women. hmmm. cant
fucking figure it out.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o add me on yahoo. i wont kknow who you are, their are too many strangers on
my list. you can fuck with me if you want. just talk to me. hahahahahahahaaha im laughing cause i
cant stop fucking writing. i cant stop thinking and writing! this is the last message i will give to
you. jesus, i have no control!!!! omg! help!

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o you can rape me too. wanna know where i live? i know i deserve it. i know you want to see me
gagged and bound. I know you do. ( just kidding im not into it but with you, you never know.

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o i have this newsletter from catch him and keep him .com subscribe to it. its like, if you want a man
to like you you must keep your cool. WHEN YOU act IRRATIONAL this shows you are insecure,
and it makes you appear to be NEEDY. and it goes on and on. basically, act like a man means shit
to you. act like the world does involve around him but yourself. then i read other books like. fuck
it, make him some pop-corn dont slave away in the kitchen. and when he Earns it, make him a real
meal. but he better earn it first!

09 September

Nadine Hughs

o Have confidence act like the man means SHIT to you. ignore him for days. busy up your schedule
and always be busy. act like you like yourself even if you dont the illusion is good enough to
bullshit everyone. You dont have to be the most attractive girl, but if you believe it he will believe
it too. hitler believed in himself and millions followed, you can too.

09 September

Nadine Hughs
o Dont panic. keep your cool keep your cool dont panic. when you act out of fear your fear is of
ABANDONMENT. dont let him see this. No. dont. keep your cool.. never second guess yourself.
keep your cool keep your cool. for those of you that have daddy issues, you can order my e-book
and well work on self-esteem. remember, act like you have it all together. believe me, he will too.

09 September

Nadine Hughs


Nada Surf Popular

Nada Surf Popular


11 September

Nadine Hughs

o you know how the slow lady couldnt open the deoderant? I was telling my brother Tyler about
how she couldnt open it. " I don't know whats wrong with her" tylers like, I could see if it was like
a bottle of medicine or something that has a screw on it or something but its just deoderant! I was
telling my brother how she took some of the markers, and said " i'll be needing these" tylers like,
You should of said, Are you sure you know how to use those?" then i started laughing and tyler
started laughing at my reaction.

11 September
Nadine Hughs

o When my little sister shelby was a toddler. She would see old people while she was in her
shopping cart. and she'd say, "hi!" Do you live on a farm?

11 September

Nadine Hughs

o <a href=" with pitchfork/jezikah07/me/american.jpg?

o=1" target="_blank"><img
src="" border="0"></a>

Photobucket | couple Pictures, couple Images, couple Photos

View 226400 couple Pictures, couple Images, couple Photos on Photobucket. Share them with
your friends on MySpace or upload your own!


11 September

Nadine Hughs

o i tried posting the old people with a pitchfork but it didnt work. "hi!! hi! Do you live on a farm?"

13 September

Nadine Hughs
o I guess according to literature they say people Stalk and harass. well, now that you give me the
idea, i think i will. there was this guy again ( that black ass) well, he didnt fuck me. anyways, i
think i was either too fat or he got offended because i wouldn't let him jizz on my stomache. I am
paranoid, and thought his white sperm would fall into my pussy and give me a black baby.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o anyways, he called me a couple times afterwards, but our former sexual phone liason did not
pursue. Did this hamper my self-esteem? not so much, considering i diagnosed him as a schizoid
narcissist. Like the two schizoids that we are.. are fantasies never matched up to our ideal
scenario. he called me a couple times. I only decided to call him to see if he was still alive after the
Tsunami hit. He is in the military, and stationed in Japan. I was dissapointed to find out he was still
breathing considering he did not fuck me. He may have sensed my phoniness, because my mom
told me to call him and see if he was okay.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o I havent heard of him since, but i know his family is stationed in Alabama. Id rather not know and
just pretend he got wiped away by a twister. I was watching a porno called Tori Black's first anal. I
started to miss my former frenemy, I am one of those girls who can fuck with no attatchment
whatsoever. My friend heather is desperate and is very jealous of my ability to fuck people i hate.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o So, not necessarily out of desperation but a yearning desire to obtain what was once thriving. i
decided to write him a letter, if he falls for it, then good if he doesnt, black dicks come a dime a
dozen and thats all he is good for. I sent him the porno and said, i know you were dissapointed
with our last session I know i was, and i was wondering if somehow i can make it up to you. I am
going on a diet, when you see me I will be ( this is the funny part SKINNY SKINNY SKINNY!
and I never got a chance to fuck that big BLACK dick, let alone have in my ass. now watch this
porno and think about it.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o we fought or had an altercation in the hotel room. I started crying, then he said, are you hungry? i
said yes. he was probably thinking, fatty im not feeding you. how about we go to the movies.
when we got to the movies, i asked him if i could play with his dick. he said I"m not horny. I was
eating popcorn when i turned to him and said. Nothing like the passive aggressive superiority of
the slave now is there?

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o actually i didnt say that i imagined it. But i did text him it. Nothing like the slaves feeling of
superiority through abstention and withholding. Nietszche says something about this type of
person. but on with my story
we are no longer friends and i dont know if we ever were. however, i just got a wild thought up my
ass. right now and laughed as i thought about it. its so damn funny. I have been reading christain
carter's philosophy how to keep a man and his writing style influenced me.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o " Do you ever feel like your black dick is never satisfied?" Do you find yourself viewing
pornography endlessly so much to the extent that your expectations about how real life women
look like appear to dissapoint you? Do you prefer masterbation to real sexual encounters? are you
embarassed by this fact? Do you ever feel when youre with a larger woman that you could be
subconsciously fucking your big black mother? youre not alone. millions of wife batters and
sexual predators fit this category. and heres more...

13 September
Nadine Hughs

o Do you ever go from women to women endlessly searching for a pussy that will warm your dick
and if youre lucky, maybe your heart ?. Youre not alone. For centuries men have felt this way,
thats why they become tyrannical and controlling. Are you controlling? have people suspected you
are? youre not alone.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o Because you are passive aggressive, you probably will never spend a holiday in the can and thats
one of the only benefits about being passive aggressive. The rest of your life will be based on
manipulation and endless dissapointments. because really, not too many barbie dolls are looking
for a big black selfish dick.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o Do you ever call women pretending to be interested and amicable only to find yourself touching
your dick and using her for masterbation purposes? your'e not alone, remember masterbation is the
closest youll get to ideal lovemaking. Dont feel bad, there are other men out there who claim to
have other worthwhile pursuits than the opposite sex, it almost makes them a homo.. continued
Do you find forgiving woman to be weak and submissive only to be suprsised to psychologically
know that deep-down she is alot stronger than you? youre not alone. and thats why you dont buy
them pop-corn.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o Do women become disapointed and question your integrity when you reveal what really turns you
on? namely men dominating women? Do you like to pretend the woman is turned off by her boss
giving her a big black dick but you subconciously know she yearns for it? youre not alone.

o anyways i got carried away and laughed to myself maybe someday ill send it. i just make shit up
all the time and start laughing. he gets paranoid. my friend is texting me asking me did you loose
your virginity yet? did you do it? and the schizoid narcissist just gives me this black attitude like
im talking shit about him or something. not yet,, lol. anyways, anyways i just think about heather
laughing about let alone in my ass hole." part. ill be skinny! skinny! SKINNY! cause i got will
power or in your language i got POWA! nigga!

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o i should of read his palm, you are resentful because seven white women accused you of rape
sometime in the 1920s... i saw that in american history or something. You are subconciously very
angry because they sent you to jail. its okay to let go or resentment. iF youre lucky, youll be a rich
white man in the next life.

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o I should get a youtube account go to the school and send an email to this shrink i had. not the last
one, the one before that it should say. You are a terrible psychologist, patients cry in front of you
and you cant empathize. You cant empathize because you cant relate to what is different from
yourself. I would advise you to call and check up on patients, as some may be suicidal. You are a
horrible person, You are just an indication of how much better of a shrink i would be than you. I
cant be a psychologist because i cant pass algebra, consider yourself lucky, because god doesnt

13 September

Nadine Hughs

o i wouldnt thou . i have her card still it says smile jill @ bitch. shes probably
smiling all the way to the bank.

13 September
Nadine Hughs

o anyways, i know it seems like i'm racist, but i just have a sense of humor like that. my cousin is so
funny he would say," there wasnt too many black people in my town, but when you saw them I
WAS WITH THEM!!! hahahahaha its the truth too i was with them.

13 September

Nadine Hughs


Corrina, Corrina - Chocolates Scene

You don't mind nothin, girl! No copyright infringement intended.


14 September

Nadine Hughs

o just remember my ability to forgive is not due to weakness, but its opposite. strength. thanks ben j.
for that philosopher. and i can fuck people with no emotional component. or both. i guess.
depends, i have one of those madonna whore complexes only in a woman. Freud died and didnt
give much thought to the theory but it exists.

14 September
Nadine Hughs

o sometimes the less emotional attatchment the better. id prefer it if we didnt talk at all. you can take
smoking breaks in between. i promise to shut the fuck up as well.

o anyways. i started to hate his ways when i found out all along the time he was talking to me he
was masterbating. i felt, like he was a fraud. but i guess everyone else sees it that way too and he
has to live with that.

o i know what youre thinking. that poor sweet girl is treated like shit. isnt that ususally the way it
works? but my heart is bitter if i talk about it. im pretty noble. no really, but when i have to deal
with people let alone think about them i can feel my hearts arteries clog and i know im on my way
to a heart-attack. for instance, dad is entertaining and even fun sometimes but the minute he starts
lying, i just wish he was dead you know?

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o my mom says. " I used to leave the skin on the chicken. just waiting for something to happen to
him" now i ll be like mom dad says he lost weight! he lost like ten pounds! and my mom just looks
at me.. this aww shit. whens it gonna happen. sometimes she goes whats taking so long? i go
probably because he drinks it thins out his blood, and he works so he gets excersise.

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o i do feel bad for my dad though. we take alot of pity and put up with his shit. both of us. my mom
thinks its very slavelike of us but its only because hes like a kid.. and hes very emotional despite
some of that npd he is a scorpio and scorpio men are very emotional. virgo men are freaks.

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o anyways, im very hungry and i can really use some beef or chicken, or beans, or a carne asada or a
fucking chicken sandwich..-hungry
o ok i will leave you alone for a couple years. talk to you later.

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o p.s who is the immutable truth. if its whats your friends name, um...dear murray. he looks like he
would bully people. he looks like a dick. something happend in his childhood. on the other hand,
hes pretty creative.

o i forgot what i said to dear murray. i dont know i was honestly out of my mind and he typed back,
bored now. I typed " bullshit youre bored you old-bastard!" i hope he laughed. bastard. lol.

o yeah he looks familiar too. thats whats weird.

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o i always have funny stories to tell you. i guess for st patricks day my friend heather decided to
wear this obnoxious cowboy hat, and then she went to a bar... and everyone was gravitating
toward her she does an impression "hi im here for a fuck!" heather i guess people pick on her at
work. They made a seperate profile with her pictures and everything it says, I love the wiggles, its
my favorite tv show . my favorite music is kidz bop! anyways Heather is always texting them back
after they harass her. one says, its a picture of heather and it says HERES LOOKIN AT YOU
BITCH! then theres one of her feet after a pedicure it says SUCK ON TOes bitCh!

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o anyways, she just makes me laugh and laugh. She ended up in this old mans house. he was getting
undressed and running the bath water. obviously she led him on somehow, then she thought to
herself. what am i doing here? she said, Im sorry" I dont know what type of girl you take me for
but this isnt me! and she ran down the stairs and got in her car and drove away. everytime she tells
the story, she laughs after my reaction. it just ricashays...

14 September

Nadine Hughs

o who decorated your house? it looks nice. p.s you look young and have nice skin. if i have any
other funny stories ill share them.

o oh i almost forgot. speaking of do you live on a farm? Do i live on a farm? picture an old man.
when we lived at mission plaza by the mission this old lady would walk by everyday ( you saw the
same people) and my brother goes, he was little...whats up fool? whats up? talking to people
passing by and this old lady ( she looks just like the lady in this video too. She goes, Huh? and he
goes, whats up fool? and she gets offended mixed with humor she stops and she goes, "NOTHEN

14 September

Nadine Hughs


Beavis and Butthead Do America - Best of Old Lady

clips featuring the old lady from the movie Beavis and Butthead Do America. i do not own this
video or take credit in it


14 September
Nadine Hughs

o you know what you have a knack for photo-graphy. i like how you can capture people in the
moment. its very colorful and playful as well.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o omg read the comment i put on ben's blog the otherday. its oh, so funny. i didnt know it posted.
-oprah winfrey.

o i always forget that at one time you wanted me dead also. oh thats right, i forgot, you did sock me
in the nose a couple years ago. i remember,, slightly. oh thats right, you really wished me ill didnt
you . with that malicious ill will now didnt you! DIDNT YOU!? LOL

o I just typed in benjaminista head wide open september 2011 and it came up.

o well i'm alive, im alive and thriving. i lived to see the next day and many-more to come. i will be
here till the end of time. i will survive the apocolypse and take your food during armagedon. i am
the alpha, the omega, im jesus christs second cousin... "maria'

o thats ok. my dad said he wanted to chop me up and put me in a box. you know what, thats nothing.
theyre all like that. you know what, i think everyman has an instinct to kill and see a woman
suffer. its part of my upbringing. jk we told audrey my brothers gf that and her eyes got all big. my
brothers like, YEAH, HES NOT RIGHT SOMETIMES. My mom told her and said my brother
was embarassed a little. it is kind of embarassing. its like having jack nicholson for a father or
something lol.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o its kind of funny they have all these anti-bullying campaigns and what not everyones all anti-
bullying. its like yeah i got bullied a little bit by my peers but, my most memorable episode was
with my father. i really didnt care what my peers thought or my father thought but like dexter says,
one moment can change your dna.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o i also got bullied by my shrink a little. maybe you need some anti PSYCHOTICS? and picture her
eyes just widening. anti-PSYCHOTICS and a slight nodd. fucking bitch. lol

o a schizo.. a schizo typal yeah nodds head. i still sometimes think about that dr. she would cry like
every other session. my mom's like jesus christ how many times is she gonna cry. im like, im
supposed to be getting advice from this person. anyhow, she was a borderline. borderlines. well,
anyways, i gave her a long letter with self help books and told her not to feel guilty for trying to
manipulate me and slavishly get me back. i gave her this book by deepok chopra called the
shadow and why good people do bad things. lol. she would cry and say ' were here to help
eachother' only when she was in a moment of idealizing me as opposed to rejecting me, so i took
pity on her. i gave her a card and i squished a flower in the card from the driveway. the card was a
baby shower card but i was too psychotic to notice until my mom said something.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o oh i almost forgot. i told her to read this book called karma by edgar cayce. i just felt that we were
both put in our paths for a reason.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o oh todays funny story ( dont worry you can subscribe to the newsletter.. it was my grandmas
funeral around 2002. all the grandchildren had to participate in this catholic ritual where we hold
the cross and walk down the isle and stuff. well, we were all in the backroom getting ready and we
were pretty sad when, when) the priest opens a cabinet for some holy water and inside the fucking
acabinet, there is a bottle SPARKLETTES water. we all were thinking the same thing trying not to
fucking laugh. anyways. thats all.

19 September

Nadine Hughs
o my little sister was dancing around and she points at me Do i have any mexican blood like you?
then my mom has to go through the they have different daddies. tonight im gonna draw a diagram
and put a half and half ice cream cone for me. a white one for shelby and then brown ice cream
cones on the left and white ones on the right. this is a better way to explain.

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o i was talking to this guy online once. he was really kinky. he goes, first off he was bi.. but ive
never been with a bi guy before but he was like, my friend came over and masterbated with me..
mmm.. i just wanted to reach out and grAB IT. IM LIKE,cool you know..then im like do you like
tori black he s like yes, everytime i see that slut she has a dick up her ass. she really gets into
fucking" then he goes, imagine...taking a cock up your ass while your sucking my friends cock....
im just like, cool. continued...

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o omg god, i had to pause and laugh. you know how i laugh like a witch or a hyena? anyways, he
goes, we could do it in public! wouldnt you just want to be sitting in a mall masterbating then all
the sudden people just start joining you until its one big orgy? I stop and pause in the middle im
like " You a gemini?" Hes like, Howd you know. i dunno lucky guess. hes like imagine..
IMAGINE everyone just wanking off in one big circle jerk, and you go up to each dick and suck
each one and you just keep rotating. im like, alright, ( calm down jk) hes like one by one you just
suck everyones cock you cant get enough....

19 September

Nadine Hughs

o anyways, he was funny. i wouldnt be suprised if his fantasies just escalated. your on a dirt path,
both your ass hole and pussy is stretched from all that pressure but now, you need something else,
something BIGGER. a horse walks by and you cant help but feelling aroused.

20 September

Nadine Hughs

o i was in my own world when i commemorated this memory(lol) Ok, its about the schizoid
narcissist. he had this arrogant aura i cant explain it but most books on psychotherapy describe it
well. he always had to be right and he had this passive aggressive way. ever heard of the sea saw
affect. ok. heres a story. omg its so funny. let me gather my thoughts.

20 September

Nadine Hughs

o ok, one time. i put up with his shit because he was sexy but here goes,i go, so, what type of music
do you like? hes like, i like rock. I'm like ok cool, like what type, alternative, grudge, modern
alternative. hes like well, i wouldnt put it into a category rock is just know it doesnt
belong in a category thats just ( something from the dictionary. im like alright motherfucker shut
the fuck up, and anyways days went by and he said something about my mental illness. hes like i
dont cry as often as you do,,, you probably cry like everyother day. im like really, does that make
you feel superior? continued.

20 September

Nadine Hughs

o I'm like you know what i probably dont eat as much fried chicken as you do. hes like, that's a
stereotype EVERYBODY likes fried chicken. Im like yeah but im sure your family invests and
reserves more space for fried chicken in their diet. then he does this arrogant huh. thats a
stereotype everybody loves fried chicken. im like just remember the whole world doesnt exist in
you. Hes like does your family eat beans? im like you know what, if my grandmother was alive,
thered be a pot of beans on her kitchen stove. everyone likes beans" some bullshit. Im like and
every sunday theres some fucking menudo on the stove. THOSE STEREOTYPES are true NOW
GO EAT SOME FRIED CHICKEN.. and i got really low and nasty im like mmm mmm mmm!
nothin like some fried chicken then he does his arrogant huh. and then i think the crying thing
came after this im not sure. then i hang up the phone BLACK FUCK!

20 September

Nadine Hughs

o i know i kind of exaggerated. i think it was through typing that we had that argument. i dont think i
could say mmm mmm mmm! to someone's face but it is funny.

o you know i never ask you any questions, like so, Logan hows life? because i know you are not
going to respond, then i'd feel really dumb. so i just ramble on but i appreciate your kind ear. its
like ( from my perspective, I can kind of get a gist on how your soul is. for some reason. in real
life i probably wouldnt talk as much, im more of a typer than a talker. i dont know why i just didnt
talk to you years ago, but i was going crazy then remember? we could of at least been friends. and
that would of been fine with me.

22 September

Nadine Hughs

o look at heathers facebook. add her . SHE WORKS AT TENSION


Heather Eagleson


22 September

Nadine Hughs

o check it.



22 September

Nadine Hughs

o <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""

frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

o Marilyn Manson on Anton Lavey - YouTube

Transcribe Audio is an experimental service that uses Googles speech recognition technologies to
provide automated captions for video.


22 September

Nadine Hughs

o sometimes i look back on my writings and it feels like someone else said that, i didnt do it. This is
the last message i am going to send you. its like im on some kind of drug or something. things are
so blurry and i can hyper focus on one object for a long time because its neat or interesting and i
ignore the rest of the world. sometimes i log into twitter just so i can see your eyes, i have to see
your eyes, because they give me great comfort. if my phones in my purse and im bored or stressed,
i just log in and stare at your picture. especially your default picture. I cant find well, maybe when
i get insurance, a psychoanalyst whos really kind and not biased and its hard to pick apart such a
complicated psyche, i feel like it's impossible. its kind of like im autistic, like schizophrenia is
related to autism, This is terrible ( lol) @ least i have a sense of humor. i grew up to be s
chizophrenic, everyone else is married or progressing, well, im just getting.. i mean im grateful for
what i have, i could be homeless. i mean I'm just so fucking sad you know.?? i can hide it well but
( im fine i will forget this moment and keep living a numb, fucking existence.

22 September
Nadine Hughs

o why do bad things happen to good people? thats just it? its the survival of the fittest? i cant even
function well enough to support myself. i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? i cant
remember what happend to me,,, or how the words were said. all i know is that i was very sad and
scared and he had no sympathy for me. am i a product of abuse? or would i have gotten weirder
anyways?. my mom always says, i was a bright baby. i was sharp and she said nothing was wrong
socially. i hate thinking about this. my brother respects me but he says, dad fucked michelle up his
mother fucked him up and its just a cycle. i gotta stop pitying myself but this is real. i met a few
friends. im a really good person but sometimes i feel llke they want me to suffer ( this is a different
situation) like they like it or something and theyre getting the best of me.

22 September

Nadine Hughs

o Its like the wizard of oz when Dorothy says, " I suppose theres nothing in that black bag for me"
im not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic. My mind is really fucked up. I cant even have decent
conversation sometimes with some people saying huh? how the fuck did you get from a to f? thats
so random. i mean i think i like myself, like i said i think. i dont hurt or conspire or talk shit all the
other slave ridden motherfuckers. im not vindictive, id never put a fucking black magic spell on
anyone but i wouldnt doubt if it happend to me. or am i just dellusional? heather goes, i cant tell if
were dellusional or people make fun of us for being dellusional lmao. but if im not on anti
depressive medication i am a slave im miserable and i have a terrible temper...another personality
comes out. shes gone now, thankk god. the bad-ass what happend to her? im very sweet but
sometimes this alter ego comes out. its hard to explain. its like the Black swan! lol thats a good
movie have you seen it? wow. like the lady at the shelter, WOW"

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o i guess im just like dorian. jealous. i cant believe that bitch beat me to it. not only is she married
but shes got money too and she makes it herself. Bitch. Im not supposed to be in this life
sitauation. i say im grateful for having what i have for NOt being homeless. but ill always feel like
a failure. always. i will never feel good enough. fuck this is getting better and better isnt it?. i have
my weight to worry about. oh sorry, breaking the sitanic rules here. i think that black ass fucked up
my second chakra. Its like im fucking frigid now because he rejected me. its getting harder and
harder for me to fucking orgasm. i hope dies fuck him for not fucking me. hes someone i would if
i believed i woould put a fucking hex on that Black Mother-fucker ( now im laughing) im mad
crazy. im not mad crazy.

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o i have a feeling i'm going to be poor and i dont want to be exposed to low lifes, no i am not a snob
and i grew up in a working class lower middle class family but i dont know if ill really find a
winner in this fucking boat of social security poverty im about to endurre or am. fuck the list goes
on and on. i cant even drive a car so im isolated and have no fucking independence my attention
scan is so bad they think ill get in a wreck and i do too. i want a one night stand but i think the
persons gonna strangle me or something. im getting dirtier by the minute too for everyfailed
rejection comes a fucking fetish.

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o im just a fucking basket case. im laughing now. wooo! jk i was crying but, godamn. You know
what i get aroused when women give birth, i spend minutes looking for birthing videos on youtube
and i cannot find this is the Totem and taboo book. one guy said i was demented well, only one a
few others said it really turned them on and some guy said he got off when his kids were being
born. i said, i dont blame you anyways. i got mad at the person who said i was demented and said
id like to see whats in your closet with that closed fucking mind of yours. and then i sent him this,
lol jk

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o i sent him this. just kidding. omg i think i want to be pregnant and then give the baby up for
adoption. jk



23 September

Nadine Hughs

o alright now, i have just been typing to you too too much but i know im weird and i know youre
entertained . i would be. if youre not, at least im entertaining myself. i get really down but i get
right back up again i think cause i forget about what i was previously thinking. but i talked to this
man who was a gemini and said because they tend to be open-minded that its no big deal, you just
happen to get off on child-birth everyone has their thing. before i go and someday ill be back. you
are a very smart individual. socially and otherwise ( economically). do not forget that. im not
kissing your ass, im just stating whats true. You are a hard worker and that is very attractive. ok in
your words, ok thanks bai

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o you look just like i imagine you sometimes,, all sensual. shit you see i knew you one time. along
time ago. i recognize that soul. i dont give a damn its like i can see you..damnit do i have to wait
till the next life or the life after? i guess so. -buddah

23 September

Nadine Hughs

o i like how you dont tell me to Fuck off" because i know your soul is good deep down, and i know i
have alot of emotion, scorpios are very emotional..thankyou for letting me love you. i love you, i
cant help that. i wish you the best in life . i wrote something for you. well i wrote it a few days ago
but i thought id show you. sometimes i just cry and cry but you know what i like to feel. and im
happy to be alive.

23 September

Nadine Hughs
o play the song with what im going to write underneath aliright.

Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place - piano cover

This is nicer to play on a "real" piano, as I'm using a special effect in the beginning, pressing silent
chord, for the echo effect.. Hope you can hear it, l...


23 September

Nadine Hughs

o in the spring of 1929 i met a boy with charcoal colored eyes. The kind of eyes that made you feel
like you died and gone to heaven. The kind of eyes that made your pulse beat a little faster, and
make your body a little weaker..
He used to park his car outside the grocery, take my gloves off with his teeth and watch any
spectators,.... or anyone who happend to be walking by, just to embarass me... sometimes he would
bark like a dog with my lacey gloves in his mouth, turn his head from side to side.then he would
take my fingers and put my gloves back on me carefully, to reassure me that it was over.
..People were uptight in Pasadena, and often stared at such a child-ish spectacle. Its funny because
i still see him in my memory, his smile, his white teeth laughing.
I often touched his cheeks with those lace gloves,feeling his soft warm cheeks and pressing my
face against his..closing my eyes, and pressing his cheeks against mine. He often bit those gloves
off my fingertips, slowly and sensually with his teeth until my palms were naked, and my fingers's funny because when i close my eyes, its hard to believe that I can still see us
together in that buggy, i on his lap, his smile, his white teeth, laughing.

24 September

Nadine Hughs

o i went to this rape advocate training seminar and realized other people go through tough if not
even tougher i wouldnt want to know situations. you know what i mean. you can only feel sorry
for yourself for a little while. its just a perpetual cycle, violence and such. people in utah are
closed minded and my families had enough. we had to state one thing bazarre about ourselves and
i was the first one to admit something i said i had schizotypal and i started crying. People are so
FUCKING BIased. for real. i like a couple people in there and thats it i mean i care for their well-
being...some of them are victims, but the whole mormon culture is a joke, everything offends
them. well theres like a couple sweethearts who you would say are close to God's people. the rest,
they dont do unto others as id do on to fucking them. anyways i sound mad but im happy and can
give a rats ass about being black sheep paint my face blacker.

24 September

Nadine Hughs

o its like they want to help but theres some resentment underneath some of it. or am i projecting?.
nietszche get in here!. I told my mom because she doesnt associate with anyone, ( shes norma,l but
very open minded, she believes that if you have something, you should flaunt it and little girls
shouldnt be repremanded for wearing short shorts hence the " she asked for it theory" I told my
mom that in nietzches words.. mom i found out what our problem is, " EVERY PROFOUND
SPIRIT NEEDS A MASK" she says no mmatter how hard she tries, well we dont want people to
get to know us for fear of us seeming weird ya know? and she liked that philosophy.

24 September

Nadine Hughs

o i shouldnt be complaining many of those people have been victimized, but are they willing to
accept my quirks and idiosyncrasies?. well, who cares really, when it comes down to it, its kind of
like unrequitted love. ill accept you for being gagged, beaten and tongue tied, now you accept my
schizotypal personality. jk. some of them are sweet like i said, just a small percentage. one ladies
very sympathetic, who knows what shes been through, but you can tell she doesnt wanna establish
any rapport with me because i seem so fuckin odd. lol. its interesting to think about.

24 September

Nadine Hughs

o you know scorpios just love to dig deep into the subconsciouses of people..i would love to just put
an add on craigslist for a tutor, teach me everything you know about this philosophy answer all my
questions etc...cause its just too fucking weird. he mentions something about cruelty being
necessary for the world, somehow its a natural order of things.. but sooner or later and through the
idea of being no longer being ignorant evil will be eradicated for good or something... jesus is
coming jesus is coming! scrub the toilet jesus is coming!

24 September

Nadine Hughs

o Nietzsche was going to do some sort of dissertation ( i dont even know what that is or if that word
belongs there. but, on the master morality and its benefits but he died before he could say some of
the benefits about the slave morality. but the overman is a combo.

o its a mixture or concoction of the principles of each idea slave/master.. hence the overman. ill
never go over the bridge cause im female. but good luck to all the men. l

o you know when you just get some good ideas... and youre just like kevin spacey in seven. but you
dont know if your plans gonna work. you need to help me because what i am going to do, is going
to be puzzled, and studied, forever" just kidding.

o its hard to do things with cognitive defecits and thought-disorder. it takes alot of discipline even if
you want to accomplish a menial task. but the good thing about add is, you can hyper focus on
things which hold your interest and fuck the rest. anyways, ive gotta leave you alone for awhile i
know i have nothing worthwhile to say. but, you get my jist. i cant believe i became a
schizophrenic, can you believe you became an alcoholic?? just kidding hahaa i thought about
sending you that but i didnt know if youd get offended. thats not my intention, who cares, you like
alcohol..youre not driving.

24 September

Nadine Hughs


Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (lyrics)
Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (lyrics)


24 September

Nadine Hughs


Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (lyrics)

Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (lyrics)


24 September

Nadine Hughs

o oooops boop boop it doop i screwed up! now watch this:)

24 September

Nadine Hughs


Betty Boop

video da Betty Boop


25 September

Nadine Hughs

o wanna know something weird. i had two friends since i moved here, both were guys. weird thing
is, both liked nietszche and handed n otes back and forth about nietzsche one note says because
religioius or non denominational people are jealous of this kind of people. i mean, religious people
are jealous of people who do what they want. my little sister gets alot of " how come your dad has
tattoos" tattoos are unclean, etc. i just find it odd that all the fucking freaks find eachother sooner
or later. or ill have a friend that becomes heathers friend or something like that. crazy.

25 September

Nadine Hughs

o im fine as long as i dont leave the house, if i leave the house for a certain amount of time, i get
very depressed. yes i am very depressed. i dont want to get a psychotherapist, im afraid. one really
nice old man in ventura sent me to another fucking psychotherapist. some one did that with
heather as they fucked her " here, you finish her off. i dont believe people feel pity or sadness to
make themselves feel better, there pain is real.

25 September

Nadine Hughs
o this is not funny but i see it from both sides. i once took a class, first of all they showed this in a
video today. in the video the good part is she says they say, " were doing this because people were
mean to us' last year... but in this video it doesnt show it.
anyways we were talking about columbine when some marilyn manson kid goes, of course a mm
kid. ( im not a major manson fan. but he goes, you fuck with someone whos crazzy and youre
bound to get nipped in the bud. only difference is, ( this was years ago in murrieta) something like
that and my friend shelley would say the same thing. oh, he said, theyll get whats coming to
them." ( i dont advocate for this type of crime scenario but its interesting to think about. lol. they
showed it again in this class. ' because people were mean to us this year" good stuff, in a sick way.

25 September

Nadine Hughs


Bowling for Columbine

And then he came into the library, shot everybody around me, then put a gun to my head and
asked if we all wanted to die and... We started hearing shots in t...


25 September

Nadine Hughs

o how does she know he shot the black kid cause he was black?? lol just thinking...? they shot the
black kid, cause he ate kfc..and all the chicken was gone jkjk

25 September

Nadine Hughs

o listen to this, Rape is the only category of violent crime in which Utah exeeds national average:
*31.1 forcible rapes per 100,000 residents vs. 30.9 for the United States combined. one rape is
reported every 9.6 hours. Rate of rape is 17th highest in the nation, higher than New York, D.C, or
California. ( FBI Uniform crime report,2006)

25 September

Nadine Hughs

o i shouldnt be laughing but... once in awhile heather claims she was raped by two black guys. She
says they took advantage of her. But she used her credit card to buy the hotel room. occasionally
when shes mad or has an emotional upheaval she used to bring it up. I GOT RAPED BY TWO
BLACK GUYS!.. and her family knows her so well that they know shes just exaggerating and
shes so slutty that it just goes right over their heads,, like, yeah yeah... i was giggling not laughing
but i think they just took turns fucking her and they got a lil rough with her but shes fine.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o i read this the other day and thought about my situation. " In our relations with others, If we are
addicted to interpret every situation in terms of our own convenience or pleasure or our ego, then
become upset or angry when things dont go our way we truly are slaves." i was cleaning my room
and i found that on an index card. i read self help books. you watch dexter? you know the
motivational speaker? id prob attend one of his meetings.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o I am starting to take off my mask little by little but not all the way. I like to help people and i know
people appreciate it. i genuenly like to help people i feel that if im not helping people in life theres
really no point. I guess I'm somewhat close to slave morality, i thought i was noble but i intepreted
it wrong. I like the vulnerability in people sometimes,

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o theres this girl at my work, well, she is some kind of advocate. shes very sweet. shes one of those
people that go out of there way for others for instance, it was a clients birthday and she said oh
wait, and she pulled out a bag and said " your birthday gift" she is very meek and kind of very
sweet. well the other day after i started to cry when i said i was schizotypal i was thinking oh shit,
these people prob think im a rape victim. but i just stated i was verbally abused. she came up to me
and said. How you doing? shes just always so nice. and i was a little embarassed i said fine. she
always says " good to see you" and then i said, " im not a rape victim just so you know, it would
be sad but, and she just kindly replied.. well. continued...

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o well the next day we saw this video clip of just all the bad shit that happens to people and the
teacher and that sweet girl started crying. this girl in the back goes, im sorry i didnt feel anything
this stuff happens all the time. and i said me neither. and i got embarassed so i said i know, here i
am crying about myself. but then we saw this video on this kid who was molested by this preist,
and she started crying the sweet girl and then i started crying cause she was crying. the teacher
said if you feel disturbed you can leave, we watched another video and she left. when she got back
i just said, ( i didnt want to embarass her or anything i just whispered, You okay? she whispered
yeah! but it just broke my heart. and later we read this poem and she had to wipe the tears from
her eyes.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o i just think well, shes kind of like, one of those good girls you know. for instance, they said, we
were learning about gay people and abuse and this preist tells this gay guy that god doesnt love
him anymore and she just gasps you know. anyway, or some guys objectifying a woman ( which i
dont mind ) but it really gets to her you know. anyway, when something bad happens to a good
person it just makes you think a little harder.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o then theres that one slow lady theresa, we got some donations. three were baby dolls i thought oh i
bet theresas gonna get a doll. like the markers, I"ll be needing these' and sure enough she grabbed
a doll. can i have one? im like sure go ahead! and shes like, oh goody! lol she has cut marks all up
and down her arms and she is disabled. today she called for a cab and i was giving her the number
to the cab company. i will miss that lady she was cute.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o she told me flat out. " my families dirt poor" i needed these donations. shes more upfront and
honest about her curcumstance because shes slow you know. so i was like well im glad these can
help you.

26 September

Nadine Hughs

o awww look at ya now. all smitten...lol

If I Only Had A Heart

Clip from The Wizard of Oz 1939


27 September

Nadine Hughs

o i dont know why but really perverted men turn me on. its so funny cause a couple years ago i
thought ass fucking was the grossest thing in the world but after i saw it i just wanna jump in. thats
why i sstay away from bdsm and shit because you just never know... jk remember that guy i was
talking to earlier, hes like, I dont do anal. i mean, when you hear a guy say he doesnt do anal.. its
like you met a character on little house on the prarie or something. it just says ring ding ding! im

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o heathers the same way and shes a taurus.. for instance, heather will have an uncle ( not blood
related) who sees her in a bikini and tries to come on to her then shes acts like shes disgusting
eww! you know. omg somethings wrong with him. but then its like, so heather where you going
next weekend, oh im going to my uncles, you know, i like apple valley,,, you know, i want him to
come on to me. iim an adult now and..

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o hes" disgusting i meant to say up there but yeah. shes like, you can luer her in with an apple just
like snow white. if i guy was driving a truck and he offered her an apple, shed just grab it. omg i
told my mom about heather saying she got raped by two black guys. and my mom is just thinking
the same thing i was like i dont know... and... my mom goes, Her mom's probably jealous! shes
probably like all dressed up and goes, so Heather, where we going?

27 September

Nadine Hughs
o im gonna send this to heather in april. -from your secret admirer. im gonna get her email addy and
do it . lol.

Sexorcit -Who's Your Daddy-Necro



27 September

Nadine Hughs

o who you with now? Has he taken any time to show you what you mean to me!

o theres this guy i talk to hes real perverted. were on the same level. like ill send him a porn and hell
just love it.. like hell say omg... etc. anyways, he wants literally! he wants me to wear a fake
fucking prop pregnant belly. ok, this was NOT my idea.. but I went along with it lol.. and ( this is
where it gets really fucking weird over the top even for me. hes like. you can give birth to a real
life like doll ( im thinking, why cant it just be plastic and damn thats really i mean really totem and
ta fucking BOO. but , i went along with it.. and Heather.. ( well prob get to together, i tell heather
and she goes, OMG MIchelle are you serious? omg.. then shes thinking... about five mins later
shes like, dont you just love those fetishes peopple have sometimes.? like shes considering it..

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o I'm talking to Milly again from freaks and geeks.. look.BB: hi

OC: hi
BB: how r u
OC: good
OC: have you ever invisioned your dick in someones ass?
BB: not really lol
BB is typing...
BB: y do u invision that?
OC: cause im just like every other white woman in america
OC: what would you do if some girl begged you to have it in her ass
OC: youd say, no honey, this is too unclean
OC: get prepared because every blond woman out there wants it in her ass

vaginal secretions-necro



27 September

Nadine Hughs

o ill never forget Heather told me when she was little she told this boy in church group, " pull down
your pants and shake your wi-wi" and everytime she tells me it we both laugh like animals.

o she also says yeah i went to the bathtub and let the water pour over my pussy. then my mom
opened the door and said, Does that feel good? she has a bunch of stories.. whats another one...oh
yeah i fell asleep in Heathers bed.. there was this astrology compatibility thing, i pulled it out of
seventeen magazine it said, taurus and scorpio, five stars five was the highest you could get. So
her mom comes into the room and literally asks us, " are you guys lesbians" and i start to fucking
laugh.. and laughing and laughing. her mom has this smirk on her face but otherwise shes bitter. .
Heathers like, No mom! get out! god... shes all tired... then the door closes. JESUS!

27 September

Nadine Hughs
o Her moms a real freak. thats what my mom said and the guys heather sleeps with. shell pick up
heathers phone and text a guy pretending shes heather aND ACCORding to heather some black
guy went on maury povich show talking about how her mom sexually harassed him. my moms
really nice but, its just funny.

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o sometimes i just wonder how fucking weird i really am. for instance, i ll send somene a message
on face book and they just dont fucking respond... how weird am i. this is only one guy. and i have
a good sense of humor,, too. i think that mitigates the creepiness..unless they didnt log in. all the
question will be how do you send a message to someone blah blah....anyways some people i let
my gaurd down and i can tell they think im cool. other than that some people arent on the same
level. its weird. i can tell you have a sense of humor. im sorry i sent you these messages. do you
ever want to see a video of me so you can see what im like? let me loose weight first and ill show

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o this is what my intuition tells me about you. You portray a dick but i think youre soft. that picture
that says, " im a rude fuck" now either you are a rude fuck, or, its a learned behavior. which one is
it. i was reading that catch him and keep him and it says dont get over-emotional you know what
fuck christain carter.. ill be an old-maid if thats the case.. im not going to pretend im not fucking
psychotic and proud.

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o p.s that picture is funny i totally get your humor.. my little sister is shouting i 2 3 4 29.. i just want
to yell shelby! shut the fuck up!

o my friend mike in ventura.. one time this is when we first met. I remember he goes, woah, youre
really weird! i like you! but i mean I know heather is getting stigmatized because shes fucking
o anyways i read a piece of my romance novel to my mom i didnt care for it, but i mean shes happy i
have a hobby lol. but i didnt read to her all the other really weird writings.

27 September

Nadine Hughs

o i thought i was gonna write mice and men the other day but hopefully it ends up at k-mart... lol

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o ( the kids a square Benny a square!-")BB: hi

OC: hi
BB: sleep well
OC: yea
OC: thanks
OC: so what are your hobbies/interests
BB: huh?
OC: what do u like to do
BB: oh
OC: yea
OC: what do you like to do
BB: well i like to play video games, watch sports, talk to friends, go to parties, go to movies
BB: a hobby of mine is washing dishes lol
OC: lol cool speaking of doing the dishes , my mom just called me to do them
OC: i like doing the dishes too actually
BB: my interests is wrestling, anime, and a certain someone
OC: whos that
OC: well tell me so when i get back i can see it
OC: brb
BB: uh ok
OC: so
OC: who is it
OC: ?
OC: Gimme some skin!

OC: answer me godamnit, i need to know

OC: godamnit, when i get back i expect to see something
BB: know wat?
OC: just kidd
OC: what
OC: so, youre in love with me arent you?
BB: huh?
OC: your head over heels for me. i know, you dont have to tell me -wink -wink
BB: well....
OC: just feed my ego already, spit it out
BB: i think im head over heels over this korean singer named bom park lee
OC: what a chink.
OC: you serious
BB: i wish i wasnt
OC: well you cant fuck her. get used to that fact
OC: you may as well go get some noodles or something cause it aint gonna happen
OC: why dont you like me i gotta bomb personality
BB: gee thanks for the friendly advice
BB: besides, i thought u werent looking for a bf?
OC: im fucking friendly alright, talking to you is proof
BB: and in case u forgot its not like i have been fucking u as of late either
BB: to be honest i didnt think u like me that way anywho
OC: youre right . i mean i like you but im in love with this lawyer
OC: i love men with status
BB: if ur in love with someone else then y r u so mad at me?
OC: now if you will excuse me, i gotta do the dishes
OC: because you didnt build up my ego
BB: oh plz ok u know how i feel about u
OC: yeah you said i was just ok. im not buying that bullshit i better be treated like a queen
OC: ive had enough of your bullshit
OC: for the day
BB: if i thought u were ok then y do i try to fuck u every chance i get?
Last message received on 9/28 at 4:58 PM



28 September

Nadine Hughs


L7 Weenie
me and leslie, L7 Weenie


28 September

Nadine Hughs


Bad Pisces Men

What's wrong with Pisces men?


28 September

Nadine Hughs

o heres another one, people really are out to get u sometimes

28 September

Nadine Hughs


Bad Scorpio Women

What's wrong with Scorpio Women?


28 September

Nadine Hughs

o heres yours..lol

Bad Gemini Men

What's wrong with Gemini men?


28 September

Nadine Hughs

o i always say im gonna leave youa lone but i never do. so im going to ill be back sometime though.
ill be here in 2050 what can i say scorpios a loyal sign. i was just playing about because you have
status.. i mean its attractive in a man but thats not a strict reason why i would be interested in a
man. anyway, who cares, I'm just a cyber-stalker.

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o omg. before i go before i go. check out this conversation it is hilarious! it just got funnier and
funnier..BC: hey
OC: hey
OC: i was just in the living room im all over the place but im back
BC: lol its ok
BC: you have a pic of yourself?
OC: on my phonei do
BC: or cam?
OC: i dont have one
OC: so, what are you into
BC: cyber
BC: sned me a pic in text?
OC: cybers boring to me but its cool u .like it
OC: i like phone
BC: ok thats fine
OC: im looking for a dirty black guy
BC: lol im white
OC: i know its cool
OC: so are you well endowed, or well hung?
BC: yes i can send pic in text
BC: i like phone but i can do better with visual stimulation also
OC: yeah i understand

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o BC: ur #?
BC: you there?
OC: yeah
OC: i was just typing in dulce and fucking cabana as my screen name
BC: ok lol
BC: whats ur number?
OC: oh i cant do anything till later
BC: its fine was gonna send pic
OC: lyeah give me yourn umber
OC: ill text u when i find my phone
BC: 8653861273
OC: you in the usa
BC: yes
OC: nice
OC: so any porns strike you as interesting on either youporn or redtube?

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o OC: nice pic

OC: so whens your birthday
BC: may 23
OC: so are you a gemini or taurus
BC: geminin
OC: thats why i like you so much hmmm
BC: lol
OC: lol
BC: nice pic also btw
OC: thanks
BC: send as many as you like lol
OC: k lol
OC: so
OC: do u like fucking in public
BC: yes
BC: love the thrill
OC: would you ever fuck people in a group?
BC: hell yeah
OC: lol
OC: would you let a guy suck your dikck or vice versa?
BC: no
BC: not that kinky
BC: lol
BC: i like strictly pussy
OC: lol i thought it was a genini thing
OC: gemini
BC: lol
BC: no dick for me
BC: you have a pic in thong? get so turned on my that also

28 September

Nadine Hughs
o OC: i dont own any
BC: u serious?
OC: yes
OC: in utah
BC: utah doesnt carry thongs? lol
OC: they do rather wear granny underwear
BC: lol
OC: omfg lol
BC: ?
OC: i dont know lol
BC: lol send me more pics lol
BC: idk why that had to lol's
OC: "two" do we need to go back to second grade jk
BC: its late sorry lol
OC: thats ok i could give a rats ass
BC: lol
OC: ok ill send u a pic
BC: ok
OC: any of your dick
BC: yes
BC: very nice
BC: any good photos of yourself?
OC: i dont really wear grandma underwear...i just wear this underwear my grand ma bought me a
couple times a month because my virginal pussy can only take so much of a heavy duty tampon
BC: lol
OC: im literally literally laughing out loud
OC: omg
OC: getting tired
BC: what a fuckin story lol
OC: i know huh hahahahaha
OC: i should be a fucking writer

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o BC: for sure

BC: viriginal pussy
BC: lol
OC: lol
OC: omg too much
BC: lol
BC: got yourself a good brain
OC: you serious thanks i appreciate
BC: lol
BC: no problem
OC: were you being sarcastic or serious its ok if youre joking
BC: serious
OC: oh thanks
OC: you too
BC: well thanks
OC: im checking my voice mail and my brother keeps crank calling me
BC: lol
BC: sent 2 pics
OC: cool thanks
OC: i havent gotten them yet but thaks
BC: lol
BC: no problem
BC: they send?
OC: yeah it says i recieved one i keep clicking on it but nothings happening
BC: let it download lol
BC: ill just post it through yahoo lol

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o OC: no im just lying here

OC: but hey while i look for it
OC: go to
OC: type in search " woman has violent orgasm"
BC: ok
OC: still looking brb
BC: ok
OC: did you like it
BC: yes i did
OC: cool i did it turned me on BIG time
BC: lol nice
OC: lol i can already tell you have a good sense of humor
OC: most people dont get shit
BC: yeah hahaha
OC: like if i was you id think that was funny to or whats there prob? BIG TIME!
OC: but yeah
OC: am horny
OC: i love pregnant
OC: too
OC: its good but they dont have alot of porns where a man is just rubbing a preggo ladies
BC: yea they dont
OC: they need to
BC: lol yeah
BC: did you find your phone
OC: yeah

28 September
Nadine Hughs

o it wouldnt let me put the link of the porn site where the woman has violent orgasm lets see if this
works,, go to red tube and type in woman has violent orgasm... thats what im talkin bout. well fun
to watch at least..." thats what im talkin bout" nigga!

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o I just talked to the weirdest mother-fucker ever. not that guy, he ( seems) fine. but this guy btw i
dont do this all the time. he kept asking me questions and asking me more fucking questions. i told
him to stop and he kept asking more godamn questions. then he would change personality like the
face that changes on the nightmare before christmas and all the sudden he would just transform,
change, and start whispering my name. do you like being called names how about sweet names.
are you pretty? yes " bullshit!" i mean for the most part hes right but hes just fucking creepy. i just
about gave this shit up a few weeks ago because its hopeless.. people are so fucking weird my god.
mind your own business. jesus fucking christ.

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o you know what would be really tight, i told him i was dominatrix for the wickedest man in the
world and that i was a schizophrenic.. thats why im still a fucking virgin. and he goes. he whispers
" do you want me to lick your boots?" im like seriously WTF? you know what would be so tight is
just write a book about a prostitute that just encounters the strangest fucking people.

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o i told him fuck you" after he was mean to me. i mean, i am fat,but, he just couldnt let go. all i
wanted was a fucking orgasm and i got this mother-fucker? jesus christ there are so many ( i know
im takinmg this over the top) so many very how do i say this despite being open-minded, really
sick men in the world. maybe the personality disordererd or strange people are just lingering on
the net, i mean, you gotta be a looser and loosers encounter other loosers. isnt that funny though?,
i put up an imaginary front, I worked for the wickedest man in the world! SO DONT FUCK
WITH ME! LOL I also do it so theyll take pity on me for being crazy or maybe back down
because i am and then they wont come after me. i think people can find me and do something to

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o remember that day i heard the cat and saw the electricity. the cat was moaning and it was real
promminent. i told people, just an idea. that i worked for crowely and then i heard that cat just
crying and moaning and then i saw this electricity, like something youd see at disneyland, i got
this very good vibe as if he was saying, thats right, i remember you bitch. i'm here.. and i felt very

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o then the guy goes, id like to know who im fucking with So i know im not just fucking a piece of
meat and it was strange how he referred women to a peace of meat. or whether she was not what
he was looking for he wouldnt hold in any regard to value her as a person. if she was un attractive.
shed be a piece of meat.

28 September

Nadine Hughs

o i dont care if im considered a freak for being a virgin or anything. i am fucking freaked out by men
these days. i know youre a good person because you have the holy spirit shining through your

28 September

Nadine Hughs
o 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of
light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that
is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness

Where can you find in the Bible the statement or idea that your eyes are the window to your

There seems to be a great deal of debate over the origins of the phrase, "the eyes are the windows
to the soul." Some credit Immanuel Kant. Max Beerbohm cites it in his own quote, "I do not need
a book of quotations to know that the eyes are the windows to the soul." Other sources simply
state that ...


28 September

Nadine Hughs

o p.s i know i am quite contradictory. but i went to your myspace page. wow things arent as blurry.
As for the people that are always trying to save your soul either a) they assume you are good and
somehow god sends them to save your soul b) the slave morality in revolt. its just their will to
power. in order to make themselves feel better, they put their views on you because you resemble
a' free spirit."

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o I had an emotional breakdown after we saw a video on this woman who was molested. I am
selfish, i started crying because so many of those women who were raped werent somehow as
fucked as i am today. i couldnt stop crying, once i start i cant fucking stop. i didnt plan it, all know
is this christain lady wanted to know why i just got so emotional. i said, im a scorpio and i cant
fucking stop. im happier at home, away from people. and im a satanist. im not cut out for this gods

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o my mom wants me to see a therapist, its an alternative to suicide i guess. because im socially
awkard id figure id write him along letter about what it feels like to feel like a freak day in and day
out. i wouldnt really comit suicide but ihave to raise my hand for some of those who arent pussy
enough to carry it out.

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o how did i get in this position. if reincarnation is true, i must of made fun of people all the time in
my past life. not like it happends now, just indifference, its a terrible existence when i step outside
myself. best, put your mask up. dont let anyone see whats behind it. i know people my age felt bad
for me, and i hate pity.. i hate the feeling of shame when people pity you, They ask, why didnt you
get lunch? or why did you stay here? and they make a big deal out of fucking nothing, intensifying
your feelings of being fucked. its part of the herd mentality, omg why didnt you follow the herd?
you poor thing.

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o the worst thing is my moms shame. thats what gets me the most. i can easily say, " fuck those
bitches" they turned out to be nice, im sure people are inherently good and mean well. but, its just
that super ego. i could easily say oh well, fuck it, it was boring answering phones anyway, and the
class was too intense for my fragile mind. its just how my mom calls it, "emotional breakdown"
you have got to stop feeling the way you do, hide it behind a mask, learn to love yourself, a
therapist is like a god, youll see him/her for an hour a week, and they will heal you, akin to jesus.

01 October
Nadine Hughs

o " you seem like you have issues you need to work through" this stupid bitch ( i dont even know if
shes a stupid bitch, supposably, she asks god every fucking day in his support to help rape victims
and she likes her job, probably gets off on the fact that her asshole is tighter than the victims. but,
this girl goes, " have you worked through your issues and memories. imagine me sobbing i cant
remember anything! and this bitch just looking at me like im the most psychotic selfish
motherfucker on the planet.

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o you know the day before i mean the day i had a breakdown at vhs. this girl, well, i was acting
irrational, so she didnt want anything to do with me she'd ignore me on the bus and stuff. imagine
me accusing her, DONT PRETEND LIKE YOU DONT KNOW ME BITCH!! and then just
picture her acting like huh? then she said something nasty to me. im like you motherfucker and i
start crying and crying. lol

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o my friend mike said people are weird in hollywood, he was talking about the poor side though.
anyhow, heather went to venice and all the sudden she gets an idea up her ass about starting a
smoothie company there. then the other day she changed her mind about it. " shes a real pussy, and
probably will never leave home. but i want to live with two gay guys and start my webcam
business all i wanna do is go to museums and the art walks etc. maybe, some day.

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o it was a mixture of everything. this girl, i know she was raped and she was sitting in the front and
she was trying to suppress her tears. im thinking poor girl, im crying for her but i know damn well
she prob wouldnt shed a tear for me. isnt that selfish? oh well, fuck it. its the truth. and just i was
overwhelmed by so much godamn emotion, like a flood gate that just needed to be let out. some
people were really nice and said, i worry in the back of my head people are thinking negatively
about you "youre not alone. YOu are not alone. yes, your extraverted self sometimes represses
that, and you are some how able to go about your business, i understand.. thanks. i suppose we are
really alot of like. wow! i never really thought of it that way. jk haha

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o and yeah. this pretty much sums up my feelings...

Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song

Music video by Marilyn Manson performing The Fight Song. (C) 2000 Nothing/Interscope


01 October

Nadine Hughs

o you wanna know what kiind of person i was in high school? if someone was left out and they were
just by themselves, i would say, " would you want to come and sit with us?" and sometimes they
complied etc. but thats just the kind of person i am... i dont understand why others dont do the
same... the higher types of people says nietszche see more....

01 October

Nadine Hughs
o looks at Edgar Cayce" sorry cayce, but its going to have to take a few more life times for me to
meet your ideal. make sure in the next rebirth that i come out more sociable with a more socially
acceptable personality cause this aint cuttin it. sorry Edgar. hahahahah!

o Oh, and one last thing Edgar, make sure when i come back I dont have a " Learning disability"

01 October

Nadine Hughs

o that would be funny if...i cant do this cause theyll prob press charges. Youre like, you describe
why you couldnt do the course, thought i was crying for attention did you? thought i was being
selfish wasnt i. WELL I WAS CAUSE MY PAIN IS REAL>! and one last MOTHERFUCKING
THING.... i say this so many times they think im mental, IM A SCORPIO BITCH!





01 October

Nadine Hughs

o i meant to say i wasnt up there, keep in mind thats not a freudian
slip i do have thought disorder.

Erin Brockovich funny scene

Funny scene from movie Erin Brockovich


01 October

Nadine Hughs


Erin Brockovich funny scene

Funny scene from movie Erin Brockovich


01 October

Nadine Hughs

o Mother I tried please believe me,

I'm doing the best that I can.
I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through,
I'm ashamed of the person I am.

Isolation, isolation, isolation.

But if you could just see the beauty,

These things I could never describe,
These pleasures a wayward distraction,
This is my one lucky prize.

Isolation, isolation, isolation...

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o omg. holy shit. im just thinking. you know i love to think. I asked the woman a question. This is
the woman who wakes up everyday happy to be a victims advocate. i asked her, so, do rapists, i
thought rapist wanted a challenge, like you know the femenists, and this girl lol she goes, lol.
youre thinking of dominatrix and we both kind of giggle. and this lady doesnt fucking laugh, im
like, why do they prey on the vulnerable? wouldnt they want more a challenge? thats intriguing.
she just looks at me all disgusted.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o shouldnt altruism be a form of egoism? and i didnt ask to take this class, its mandatory, i have to
fucking take it in order to work volunteer where i do.

Altruism is an Illusion: Is selfless behaviour really long-term selfishness? On Vexen Crabtree's

Human Truth website.


02 October

Nadine Hughs

o i work for this other lady, ( she gives me alot of anxiety and she has like no sense of humor so you
cant go anywhere with her. shes like, im reading this book called toxic parents im like oh i read
that. then shes like ( i let her borrow the narcissism sam vaknin) and i go, now that book is
interesting, however, i think the author is very pessimistic. and i didnt say this but i think he
projects his own hopelesses into the book.. and ignores the fundamental human condition. and she
looks at me, and she goes " i dont get into deep" stuff like taht" im like o.k i guess youre not a
deep person...then she comes back and kisses my ass for helping her. i asked if she was wiccan
because she likes healing stones. she goes no, im catholic.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o but she never like tries to initiate a convo with you and its really easy to get to know someone. but
its like she just doesnt go there. its odd and a bit creepy. she could be really nice or shes not that
nice. one of the two.

o heres another story. she is cleaning out the cans in the womans shelter kitchen and she goes,
michelle, you can take anything you want and take it home to your family. ( maybe i looked
sloppy that day i dont know. im like, ok, alright thanks. my family is a little needy but were not
like trashy you know.. so i take the cans and then this other day she let me take some donations.
and i took some lol. but i come home and this is really embarassing remember im waiting for
disability. i wrote in the book because i have a tendency to write on things sometimes. expidited
food stamps. so that day i was waiting for the bus ( only heather and i think this is funny in a
fucked way) with my cans shes prob thinking who knows what she was thinking.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o this is the part thats creepy. im waiting for the bus picture me ( with my cans) hahhahaa and she
walks by me because she had to go to the post office with this other assistant lady and she totally
ignores me instead of waving then on the way back shes on the other side of the street so she has
to say hi. shes like Oh" i didnt see you there and as normal she makes everything as blunt as
fucking possible further to initiate a level of discomfort. like i said either a) she could have a really
big heart but maybe hides under a facade b) shes literally trying to make me feel like shit. this is a
job for , NANCY DREW nigga! hahahaha

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o After many years of feeling deprived and wronged, some narcissists lapse into "sadistic
generosity" or "sadistic altruism". They use their giving as a weapon to taunt and torment the
needy and to humiliate them. In the distorted thinking of the narcissist, donating money gives him
the right and license to hurt, chastise, criticise, and berate the recipient. His generosity, feels the
narcissist, elevates him to a higher moral ground

Read more:

The Misanthropic Altruist and Compulsive Giver

Some narcissists are ostentatiously generous they donate to charity, lavish gifts on their closest,
abundantly provide for their nearest and dearest, and, in general, are open-handed and unstintingly
benevolent. How can this be reconciled with the...


02 October

Nadine Hughs

o When my father called me dummy as a child i always subconciously knew he was full of shit.

o i still want to be a couselor someday. though i dont know if i can carry it out. yes, i do enjoy
helping people. because i look at some people and think to myself, wow, youre doing a shit job. i
can do better.
o there was this girl in class who is so self righteous, she was bugging the crap out of me and i had
to be with her for hours on end asking questions about how she can campaign this and campain
that. she turned out to be one of the least compassionate people in the class. i know im a
basketcase but i naturally am a basketcase and i guess thats how bi polars act sometimes. but
imagine me crying " sometimes im just filled with so much hatred ahahahaah. lol.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o i just got the giggles because my uncle. well, he did so many drugs that hes kind of warped now.
and hes funny. he goes, if you call to god he wont answer, call to satan and he answers.. and then
he nodd his head like he knows what hes talking
about. i guess he does.



02 October

Nadine Hughs

o im laughing at your chart you posted. youre a character. i bet you would make me giggle all damn
day. too bad i dont know you. what is it a video game? i read your twitter on dynamic inertia... i
dont know but youre funny. and whys there a pic of your desk in your wall photos. you are funny.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o you know how i said, im starting to not like my mother. i was mad at her like a five year old. She
doesnt really well, she has a love language that might be different than mine but, i really love my
mom and i actually think i have a attatchment to her. fromm stated this and called it incestrous
simbiosis and alot of psychotics have this. I think, well, lets just say i am really a mamas girl and i
dont really know if it is healthy or unhealthy you know what i mean? i had to delete all my
comments on your site but i had to look for that specific one because i just didnt mean it.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o my mom said that if she got back from someplace and she came home i would just say, " mama!"
like the baby on baby-boom. where as her other kids were not so much attatched. i dont know if i
had a loss of autonomy but, if something affects her it affects me. thats why im starting to keep
stuff from her. she doesnt just doesnt need to know. lol. i think she was just frusterated with me for
being so damn psychotic you know?

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o my mom thinks that all the scorpios she s known were mamas girls or something like that. yeah,
that was a mistake. for me to say that.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o im a very vulnerable person. i must admit. i dont think i would qualify to be a satanist just because
i am so vulnerable. i have a strength that i cant exorsize. i admire your ability to mingle with
people. they say scorpio women like this and derive pleasure from a man's strength. yes im overly
sensitive. sometimes i get mad but, really, i know i have a weakness.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o theres a different kiind of love inherent in certain people though. they do it when no ones looking
because no one has too. and this is in the bible.. for iinstance, one time i was in murrieta, and i
went to the store for my mom so i was walking back. when this mexican lady starts talking to me
in spanish. pushing a stroller, she put the milk on the stroller and walked with me to my house. or
heather, let this schizophrenic boy into her house and bought him taco bell despite him saying, '
did you poison this"? where she kindly empathized with him despite his situation. or just when
you give a bum money when you barely have any. you have no ulterior motive other than to help
the person.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o or when i said to you " im not going to hurt you" im not going to hurt your feelings or say
anything derogatory to affect you despite what you did to me was wrong if not mean. i read
something that said, to get his attention, " threaten him" so i did so. it worked. but its not my
nature to manipulate.

02 October

Nadine Hughs

o im laughing at that girls comment about the mexicans and the home-depot. hhahahhahahaah

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o you know what i think i am close to that philosophy. its innate. on the predjudices of the
philosophers. i remember the scientologist would refer to it as the truth. i would disagree. what
truth? who says. and one time they even thought it was funny because i told them they kiss l ron's
ass. at least they had a sense of humor.

03 October

Nadine Hughs
o oh one last story and i do mean last story. my little brother wyatt. " yeah, i met him a couple
times..well, he took a shit in his diaper.. what am i saying. hes three. he doesnt have a diaper but
he went in his underwear and we were going to the pool downstairs of a hotel and he kept trying to
make conversation, point at the birds, he was even walking like a duck and doing some kind of
song.. all to hide the fact, taht he shit his pants. and my dads like.. " thats why he was walking like
that? because he took a shit in his pants!!! hes too funny.

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o omg heres another. my dad has some kind of camper or something. i dont know, i havent seen it.
and supposably it was parked in the back of a store. my dad says to my brother, wake up!
someones in my godamn camper and i guess he had a shot gun or something. and my dad parks
his car with my brother, opens the door with a gun.. and theres no one inside the camper. so they
look over the fence, and theres people reloading boxes and chatting and smoking hahahahha

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o omg read nietszche you wont fucking regret it. hes a fucking genious. he says the people who are
sick try and heal the sick the primary reason is that they are fucked up. i figured id finish the class.
Im a very quiet girl for the most part accept for an emotional outburst here and there but theres this
girl. i must say she is quite likable. shes alternative you know and she doesnt have a religion. shes
nice to me, but, during class these girls go on ego trips, theyre faker than shit. we gotta stick
together us women" and the alternative girl " ill refer to her as that, talks to this other girl. she has
a big heart shes just a little dramatic. they had to act out a scene. and she sarcastically says to the
girl, " you can do it ." i mean, youre a good actress right? continued.

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o and im just sitting there. and the lead womens like, " what should we not do as were acting out. i
barely say anything but i go " i dont know i guess you cant laugh" and the leader lady ( whos fake
as shit) and many others just give me this horrible look, its so fucking degrading i dont know how
they can treat there fellow fucking man this way. and the alternative girl sticks up for me " thats
ok, laughings a defense mechanism.

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o but i mean, like nietsche says when in doubt, choose the isolation . its so much better... so these
polygamist women came into the class to talk about there religion so we wouldnt stigmatize
against them. and they leave, and Holly the main ( one of the aspirting counselors) goes, werent
they just beautiful human beings?" im thinking, jesus fucking christ are you kidding me? she has
ego issues too. when she looks at someone you can tell shes just seething with fucking
disagreement or indifference or whatever but she manages to smirk.. its crazy.

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways when you get this video, make it go up to 6:56 SECONDS. yOU MOTHERFUCKERS

Immortal Technique - Dance With the Devil (Full Version w/ Lyrics and Hidden Track ft.

An Immortal Technique classic.


03 October

Nadine Hughs
o oh but that one girl i refer to as the " sweet one" she wasnt in these last couple classes. she is nice
though and i dont mind working to help her out. other than that, if it wasnt for her id fucking

o i dont say her name for confidentiality reasons i guess. dunno. but i know her name lol

03 October

Nadine Hughs

o which insists that such drives must be competitive and aggressive because of the will to power
over other men that ceaselessly and restlessly drives men forward.

Hobbesian explanation is simply that what appears to be altruism is always in fact, in one way or
another, disguised self-seeking. Undisguised, unmodified self-seeking leads to total social war.
The fear of such war leads to the adoption of a regard for others from purely self-interested

04 October

Nadine Hughs

o nancy drew says, the thing thats weird is the woman bought her own copy of the milignant self
love and gave mine back, yet she claims she has no interest in " deep things" she also volunteers at
the fucking aids clinic where people get fucking tested. what a job. really.

o A psychological presupposition of Nietzsche's is that humans are always attempting to inflict their
wills upon others. Every action toward another individual stems from a deep-down desire to bring
that person under one's power in one way or another. Whether a person is giving gifts, claiming to
be in love with someone, giving someone praise, or physically harming someone, the
psychological motive is the same: to exert one's will over others.

04 October

Nadine Hughs

o Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The
one is the shadow of the other.
Carl Jung, "On the Psychology of the Unconciousness", 1917
Swiss psychologist (1875 - 1961)

04 October

Nadine Hughs

o youre like woah " you are taking this way over the top" what can i say its a scorpio thing. no but,
the cans she gave me.. most of the cans were expired food to top it off. my mom's like, damnit
these green beans are three four years old! lol

o past the due date i mean

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o it all started when ( this is how Tylers story started out for old man rivers.. it all started when i was
reading the sitanic bitch at my volunteer job. very discreetly of couse, when i was asked to put my
book down, i put it down backwards to help with the groceries. i saw Madonna the fucking bitch
who gave me outdated cans make a face. so i put the groceries away. then this other lady ( of
course there too pussy to do it themselves... told me that the book i was reading wasnt appropriate
then they said are you a witch? i laughed and said no. i just really like nietzsche and this religion
bases its principles of it. Hey you should read it. the author is very likable and, men who like short
hair like to be dominated ! continue.. hahahaha

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways madonna goes. " well you asked if i was a wiccan the other day" im like no, you should
read it shes like I DONT WANNA read it. then later i said madonna? do i make you feel
unfomfortable? she goes no not at all and gives me a fake ass motherfucking hug.. and i go, cause
i know you do. make me feel uncomfortable that is, well the other day i had some breakdowns and
i thought about backing out of this.. she goes she wants my ass gone. well if you feel thats how it
is.. and i go... because you make me feel Very uncomfortable. i sense your fAKE its like you have
a stick up your ass or something. and she GETS PISSED! and she goes WELL I APPRECIATE
your honesty. and she makes a gesture like, " get out" so i close the door very poised and camly
while she stands there with her hands on her hips like she wants to beat the shit out of me

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o thats why her daughters a lesbian. hateful mothers tend to breed lesbians.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o oh ya when i said i feel uncomfortable she goes. im sorry YOU feel that way.. like its all on me. its
funny because in the midst of all the bullshit she actually says i appreciate your honesty. like, well
i have to hand it for you for being real. cause im a fake fuck. hahahaha

o there like youre a schizophrenic. do you hear voices? fuck no" i didnt say that but no. i dont hear
voices. NO im not POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL> you might be though for all i know..

o they said i couldnt have that book there its not appropriate. i wasnt aloud to read it.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o my mom was Yelling at me. shes so pissed off. I told her WHAT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT
YOUR REPUTATION.. my moms like you went about it the wrong way! shes like you could of
said you know i like psychology and make them feel bad. (this is how women are, theyre always
trying to be the good guy) i said who the fuck cares im already on their shit list. WHO CARES.
quit yelling at me.

05 October

Nadine Hughs
o she goes youre acting like a kid. im like You treat me like a kid. quit fucking treating me like a kid.
IM AN ADULT and I DONT GIVE A SHIT . im not working for those hypocrites anymore

o now shes waiting for my step father to get home as if im some fucking little girl... we have to ask
the wise old man aka the libra lol

o i dont know how to say this but im a smart person. she assumes im paranoid, first the therapist
now this person. all people in the helping professions are weak in character. " not all but most" it
makes sense

o the wise old mans here. ill tell you what happens im fourteen because thats when i got traumatized
and arrested my development woooo ! hahahahaha

o im eating an apple and i go im here to get confronted. my step dads like let me go pee and then we
can confront michelle. ( he is noble) harrenmorale..

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o basically what they were saying was, i went about it the wrong way. i could have been more
articualate. you are a intelligent person and you could of made them sound like they were in the
wrong because they were wrong. but he saw it from two perspectives, everyones basically mad
because my mom says it comes back to her as a parent. i said, if i lived on my own would it still
matter. because honestly, i would of just came home ( if i had my own apartment and watched the
television. i could care less.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o basically they said i fufilled the prophecy, " wow, she really is the cook" but the way i see it is, I'm
already on the shit list. I know they talk about me. its not just sheer paranoia either, so who cares.
like i said my will to power is, well, let me just put it this way. they all care about morals and
being good and genuine. i just dont give a fuck. i want you to know i dont give a fuck. think what
you will just get off my ass and out of my way.

05 October
Nadine Hughs

o my parents well they said, you could have said what satanism consists of.. or what it entails . but
lesser people, or lesser souls, they dont listen, their so wrapped up with a biast perception of you
nothings going to change their mind.. but i see their point to a certain extent. i mean i did go about
it the wrong way. or, it could of been better. but oh well fuck it. im home now.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o Slave morality is essentially negative and reactive, originating in a denial of everything that is
different from it. It looks outward and says "No" to the antagonistic external forces that oppose
and oppress it.

o By contrast, the man of ressentiment distorts what he sees so as to present the noble man in as bad
a light as possible, and thereby to gain reassurance.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o oh those two i copied and pasted/ so, they dont go together. and guess what? i'm going to get a
book on grammar and punctuation. LOL hope your week is going good. in your words, kthanksbai

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o people that commit suicide. i have to hand it to some of them for carrying it out. i mean sometimes
i think about it but, i dont think id actually come up with a plan to like do it you know. just once in
a blue moon i think about it. its more like what Freud says, its about just resenting the whole
human race. im not angry about madonna its done with, like i said im noble. just my mom,
sometimes i wonder. i mean i love her but she wont tell me dinners ready. im like, you didnt tell
me? is this your way of getting back at me? and she goes yep" but shes so impervious to my pain ..
she thinks because i have so many bad days that they somehow loose their value and arent worth

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o its been hell and i mean Hell being a schizophrenic. i heard its a disorder of... read this book
called, How to become a schizophrenic. its about society just fuckiing shunning you all the
godamn time. i dont know how or if anyone could take it.

o i ve had alot of friends despite my illness but they were never normal and i guess i liked them
because of that reason. otherwise we wouldnt get along. but i mean, i bet some people just commit
suicide to say, godamn would you ever just sit down and contemplate what fucking went wrong?
what led up to this incident? how can people be so blind of others pain. i do not know.

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways ever since things got emotional ive been on my period. i have irregular periods but you
know what elizabeth wurtzel says in prozac nation, once the blood comes, its all down

The Shining - El Resplandor (Elevator Scene - Escena del Elevador)

Scene from the movie when blood cascades out of the elevator. Escena en la que una catarata de
sangre sale del elevador.


05 October
Nadine Hughs

o i talk to this guy online . hes the one with the baby doll idea. I told him what happend because he
asked me i told him and he goes. " good for you" i say fuck em all. anyways he gets emotional too.
i think he has bi polar and hell just text me. i wan u to to piss on me or fuck me with a strap-on.. ill
just sympathize with him. um ok..thats all i can do...

05 October

Nadine Hughs

o i told him i was at a meeting about rape and he goes. " i want someone to call me degrading names
so i cAN RAPE THEM! im still his friend though. he told me he loved me or something but im
afraid hed rape me hahhahahahaha

o Although this topic could (and has) been the focus of entire books, in brief, Nietzsches solution
was, as his slogan had it, Say Yes to life. It was a raw, naked affirmation of life itself, on its own
terms, with no qualifications. Life is its own ground of value. He counseled immersion in the flow
of life, and embrace of life in all its sublime beauty as well as its ugliness and pain, as the truly
courageous way to live

05 October

Nadine Hughs


Jedi Mind Tricks - Blood in blood out

First project in Premiere. Videoclip to Blood in blood out by Jedi Mind


05 October

Nadine Hughs


Liber OZ - The law of freedom

Aleister Crowleys Liber OZ


05 October

Nadine Hughs


Erin Brockovich funny scene

Funny scene from movie Erin Brockovich


05 October

Nadine Hughs


Black Swan | What happened to my sweet girl?

**SPOILERS!!! ** Merry Christmas!! Yup I know this is nothing Christmasy but I saw this film
the other day and absolutly fell in love. Its now officially one...


05 October

Nadine Hughs


Splendor In The Grass (Warren Beatty/Natalie Wood): Deanie's breakdown, Bud's

heartache 1.

The great Elia Kazan directed the classic drama "Splendor In The Grass" (1961). The story by
playwright William Inge is set in the Kansas of the late 1920's,...

05 October

Nadine Hughs


American Psycho end Scene

The last scene of "American Psycho" (2000)


05 October

Nadine Hughs


Revolutionary Road End


05 October

Nadine Hughs

o you are an amazing reason to cyber stalk . thankyou for your kind gesture..Was aus Liebe gethan
wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Bse.
Translation: What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o have you ever seen this video. its called ' the gift" by janes addiction. i have a video of janes
addictioni left at my dads house. it has steven perkins playing the drums on pots and pans but i lost
it. damnit i forgot what its called anyway. keep watching it it gets
funnier and funnier

The Gift 1/7

What would you do if you came home and found your wife dead? Do you call the cops? Her
parents? That's where the true nightmare begins. A story of love. A ma...


07 October

Nadine Hughs


07 October

Nadine Hughs


The Gift 2/7

What would you do if you came home and found your wife dead? Do you call the cops? Her
parents? That's where the true nightmare begins. A story of love. A ma...


07 October

Nadine Hughs

o wanna know something funny. my mom's like, now im going to wake you up every monday and
wednesday ( cause those were the days i went to the shelter) and youre going to clean the house!
im like really, ok. cool.. ( i applied for a maid position before i applied for disability. i fucking love
to clean. fast forward the first janes video till you get toward the end. thats what i wanna do just

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o did you know casey niccoli is on face book


Casey Niccoli


07 October

Nadine Hughs

o sometimes heather never answers me ill be like " i have emotional breakdowns and my mom says i
need professional help" the last message i sent Heather was. " Im going los angeles someday, with
or without you" but who knows where ill end up or where im going. the point is, not staying here

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o shes like my total buddy though. i cant explain. shes like my other half. in a weird way. but oh
well, if she wants to stay in menefee all her life and revolve her life around a man thats just her. as
for me, ill go by myself if i have to.

o im going to do whatever i can do to improve myself. anger management. counseling, ( im gonna

try a man this time) um group therapy Anger management. assertiveness training etc. im gonna get
through this... every profound spirit has a mask so im gonna make mine more profound.

o im not going to open my vulnerablities to just anyone. am going to learn to protect my self and
only discuss personal matters to those i deem worthy... i just have to learn to control myself. as for
you, and as for my mom and all those people who function in society. good for them. verbally
abusive collection reps you deal with. i respect you for that. because im disabled i can take
advantage you know. but props to you for holding your tongue.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o just a thought. even for my dad. my dad said he told his boss that his bosses kids were ugly. i dont
know if i believe him or not but i do respect that handling people.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o im laughing to myself. then my mom came in and i said "im laughing because dad said he told his
boss his kids were ugly. my moms like,knowing him he probably did but made it into a joke. other
than that, im sure he takes peoples shit. then comes home and takes it out on someone
else....someone who doesnt deserve it

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o i dont know where i should move.. honestly, where do the most open minded people live which
would limit or mitigate stigmatization. i liked oxnard alot. it was just my family situation i hated.
san fransisco would be nice but im not rich. hmmm oregon sounds ok, but my parents friends said
there was a burning cross on someone's lawn. im not leaving any time soon. i love my family and
all but your myspace is right, everything to the right of california is jesus land. i mean everything,
it even gets jesusy near murrieta...

07 October

Nadine Hughs
o i could move to Canada. get a room with benjaminista and end up murdered. you know what,
Benjaminista , I dont know why i cared about him. i mean look for stalking someone i still think
your cool you engage my interest but i never think about ben j. he is so boring. even the colors and
the way he expressses himself is boring. jesus, hes like a stick in the mud... anyway... i want to
look at his site to read his blog but i dont want him to know my i.p address i wouldnt doubt hes
some kind of hacker lol.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o How do i say this. I dont think he recognizes his own slavishness which is inherent in him. I think
he mistakes his arrogance to that of being a free spirit. I think nietszche can be interpreted wrong
to sociopaths and the like...

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o like these kids, they really looked up to Nietszche...


Leopold and Loeb's Criminal Minds

In defense of murderers Leopold and Loeb, attorney Clarence Darrow thwarted a nation's call for


07 October

Nadine Hughs
o you know what though. he has a soul of a fifty year old man. hes very precocious and beyond his
years. emotionally hes like a two year old but he is very smart. he has a blog where he says, come
on down to canada and ill show you around. i wouldnt be suprised if theyre buried in his backyard.
he was like a teenager at the time too. come on down!

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o oh i just kind of skimmed through and read his blog. well, he seemed pretty upfront and honest. i
guess im the paranoid one. oops. oh well shit happens. anyway, he said other people are aware of
his consciousness so maybe oprah winfrey was right jk, he is pretty boring though. boring. i will
not change my mind on that.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o Benjaminista. I've never met him or seen him on camera, so i cant see his manerisms or gestures, i
just get the feeling that he might be a schizoid. because schzoids lack emotion, they are like
Robots. In fact, have you seeen the movie called Sweet Dreams about patsy cline? she marries this
bore... all he does is put together model boats or something at a table and doesnt ask how her day
was or how shes been. thats what ben reminds me of.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o i always used to say hey ben doesnt the higher man laugh? cause im laughing now! i dont know,
he could be a good person. but picture someone with o.c.d just appalled by someone with a.dd.

07 October

Nadine Hughs
o my funny bones back. i feel it in my pants. my funny bone/ lets see if i dont talk to you for one
year okay... then from one year well go six months.. from six months three months..etc... cause i
dont know i type too much and i feel like im just bothering you. see you in one year. unless of
course you like me. my funny bone.. im not a special education derranged fucking stalker lol .
anyways. i see you in 2012 before the world ends.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o i can tell you think i'm cute.. i think i sound more retarded thru writing than i would in person or
vice versa. everytime or if i see a little girl i'll say, oh shes so cute. my sister will say "cuter than
me sissy? then ill just kiss her cheek. " not as cute as you baby-girl" hahahah

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o no but. my step dad has these family members. theyre related to him though he was adopted. there
names are sean and tim. they are like old, like 28 and 30. they still live at home, there mom packs
there lunch. anyways, they had a.d.d as children. my mom thinks that the drugs just screwed them
up. Like i said i'm smart and said no, one has aspergers. thats for sure. but other family members
not us, will just say, theyre weird" my mom will just say " well maybe they have problems!" it is
funny but fucked. well, one day we were at breakfast... and everyones conversing and ill admit..
im in the schizoid spectrum... sean doesnt say anything. he just kind of looks around while other
people are mingling. and were both just sitting there not giving a fuck about small talk just staring
at the ceiling. im like woah, were alot alike hahahahah

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o i did read some literature on a.d.d. people with a.d.d never really grow up it has to do with our
brains or something. were grown up, but we dont act our age... my mom said there was a lady at
her work named barbara who had a.d.d she was like fourty but acted fifteen.

o my sister goes. " I know why we get along sissy" we both watch youtube videos on makeup and
stuff. basically, were watching teenage girls try on there school wardrobes. my sisters like Sissy
acts like a teenager! and i act like a teenager older than i am . so we get along!
o i had a friend in ventura named mike . my dad would say, what does a thirty eight year old man
want to do with a twenty three year old girl/?. and in his house, or apt were action figures. pictures
of haunted horror... etc. its like we all just didnt care about growing up i guess.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o You know how youre annoyed about people ooing and awwing over a fucking rainbow? well, i
know how you feel. i cant for the life of me i mean i like her dont get me wrong, i just dont get her
humor. i cannot get into the ellen de generes show, my parents allso love watching rob deardek...i
can only take too much of that jackass stupidity. but yeah it does suck when yioure not enjoying
what other people are enjoying.

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o i think your humor, i get a gist of what its like. youre on the dark comedy side... i cant describe it,
but know or get a gist of it.

o you know something. you are cute as well. you have something about you that's cute. i cant
describe it. you have an innocence amidst the how do i say it...amidst the i cant put it into words...
i dont wanna say dick because i dont think youre a true dick. i cANT PUT

o my finger on it. you just talk about your burrito or something you did or deal with and its innocent.

o like you open the refridgerator and say, " all there is today is fried chicken " etc.. and post that on
your twitter

07 October

Nadine Hughs

o check out this drama. look how pissed off this guy gets over this girl. what a pussy. i hope she puts
a spell on him. watch ok, heres the girl hes talking about.

Today's Satanic Witch - Who Is She?

Don't forget to subscribe and rate this video a thumbs up if you liked it! Thank you Today's
Satanic Witch - Who Is She? This is a video request, brought to ...


07 October

Nadine Hughs

o he says he doesnt have any personal animosity bullshit. and he is off his rocker

Venusatanas? Really ?

Zach Blacks opinion ...see for yourself .


07 October

Nadine Hughs
o he needs to leave her alone theres no reason for him to be talking shit about her looks or what not.
thats so fucking rude and degrading.

VenusSatanas - STFU

Link to letter she wrote .


07 October

Nadine Hughs

o hes a weak slave, i dont know how he can call himself a satanist.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o watch this its interesting

The First Family of Satanism 1


08 October

Nadine Hughs

o this one gets really interesting. i disagree, but its only a personal preference.. i believe that the
weak and starving do need help and its the virtuous job to help but only in whatever way they can.
anyways, i mean there are people who just dont wanna help.. but, i dont know its

The First Family of Satanism 5



08 October

Nadine Hughs

o i like the satanists voice he sounds like john malcovich. i like when he goes, what do you want me
to do cry? whats the right thing to do. pretty funny. anyways, i am disabled so i know what its like
to feel helpless and i wouldnt want that for anyone else.

08 October

Nadine Hughs
o i guess. ( i dont know how scared people get about the occult but, a part of me feels bad that they
do live in fear about someones actions. like me, ive never gotten to the point where i would do a
destruction ritual but other people that may be their thing. a part of me feels they should suffer the
consequence because they are in fact shallow minded and a part of me thinks they do deserve to
suffer for their shallowness and stupidity. thats basically their punishment im just saying if they do
fear my intentions. a part of me wants to send a christmas card to relieve their stress and the other
part just wants them to sit in their own piss.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o I think satanist are very intelligent people. you have to experience it to know about it. you have to
experience human nature. for instance the hypocrisy in altruism.. i read alot of nietzsche and he is
right, pity is not good for the soul . i mean, look what it did to me. what is bad for me is bad in
itself nietszche. On the other hand freud distinguished two types of people one is called an erotic
meaning it is their nature to help those in need while others prefer money or status and its just a
character trait. but my intention honestly is not to stirr a commotion the stirr up a commotion and
give me self knowledge on the human condition. so maybe i psychologically tested them.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o people suffer through their own stupidity. therees really nothing you can do about it.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o Heres a good example. They try to act concerned for my well being. just remember that the will to
power is prominent at all times. They have to say, So why dont you read something more
uplifting? do you have a boyfriend? which is true, no i am single and obviously I dont have the
best of luck when it comes to men. i mean if i was secure i probably wouldnt be reading the
satanic witch. back to nietszche they want the noble person to look and sound as bad and pathetic
as possible in order to elevate themselves. They just mask it as self concern or pity.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o really my world doesnt revolve around getting a man thats not why im reading the book. i'm
reading the book because i am curious on gaining knowledge. But something i notice, everybody
has a will to power to a certain extent. they will enforce their will to power upon others when
needed. however, the weaker the target the weaker the person lets face it. Ok, so you have to go to
the aids clinic and see the shitiest of the shit side of life in order to elevate yourself? seriously wtf.
but my observation is that PEOPLE IN THE HELPING PROFESSION have a very weak will to
power. one girl wants to have a campaingn. they want one girl wanted to video so she could
strictly arouse pity in others when she stated that the video did NOT infact affect her in any

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o and if you notice People experience the world through their own PROJECTIONS so when that girl
was accusing the other girl of being a GOOD actress. She really is no different.

o another thing i really notice is the herd mentality. I like how nietszche says, the noble man doesnt
need acceptance where as the slaves cannot tolerate it. For instance, when i cry they say
EVERYONE WANTS ACCPETANCE the only thing i want is respect when it comes down to it.
Theres a difference in the rank of people... I mean its only human nature to need a certain need to
belong and it can infact damage your psyche if you have been traumatized in that area. But, notice
that the slaves are very very dependent on people around them. its pathetic actually.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o for instance they are pitying me for not following the herd. This brings out my own sense of
shame. shame in relation to society. Theyre basically reminding me of my indifference. not the
fact that i am left out and doing my own thing, but the fact that they are bringing shame to the
forfront... therby hindering my own self confidence and self-esteem.

08 October

Nadine Hughs


08 October

Nadine Hughs

o personally personally, i dont i mean i suffer from this own dichotomy between weakness and
strength in myself... they say its a Darwinian survival of the fittest.. they believe in like eugenics
and what not. i guess thats what the natzis did... i dont agree with it because that is not my nature..i
just wonder if nietszche and all those satanists who deplore weakness really disregard and ignore
the inherent weakness within themselves i mean were all vulnerable are we not? unless of course
im considered a weak person therefore i would have a weak point of view.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o for instance i think 50 percent of me in strong and 50 percent is weak and dependent .. and yes, i
do pity some people.. because i care about them. like the slow retarded lady, she was just so
fucking cute. "okay" oh wow" i mean, how could youi not. they didnt ask to be slow or retarded or
inferior. i didnt ask to be schizophrenic, and i mean, i guess i drain resscources but does that mean
i dont deserve to live? and she doesnt deserve to live? only accomplished self-sufficent people do?
thats where i disagree.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o i guess they just believe if they have a elite race, the future will be better. at the same time, if
people were better people in general. which i cant control, society could get better as well. no one
does their job right. If people took parenting tests and classes before they had children, their
children would come out with better characters and the world would have less sorrow and joy. but
nietszche says teh world needs cruelty and evil and violence so the good will shadow it. heck if i
know. only ben knows.

08 October

Nadine Hughs

o i just thought of something funny, you might want me wiped off the face of the

09 October

Nadine Hughs

o see this guy right here. he reminds me of dorian. Gabriel Dorian from myspace. I talked to him a
few times on the phone. I felt like these people have a front that covers up an innate sense of
inferiority. I dont like dicks.. really i like nice men anyways. thats that. i told dorian he was a slave
and i was a master therefore we cant get along lol



09 October

Nadine Hughs




09 October

Nadine Hughs

o these three toddlers just came and knocked on my door. I'm like oh hi guys! theyre like hi. im like,
shelbys not here but thanks for coming by! there so cute. theyre like youre welcome! bye guys

09 October

Nadine Hughs

o i love watching this girl though. she made my day by making me



this is a promo for spiritual pollution radio on Look for me under the name
Sykoticka, show title is spiritual pollution. LISTEN UP!! :)


10 October

Nadine Hughs

o i told my sister we get along. we get along dont we shelby.. she goes, yeah, ( she smiles and goes, '
cause you have a disability' then i start laughing i go. what? she hides her face in the couch. im
like, shelby its ok. but im thinking ( im not retarded you know) i was talking about maturity... or
because im immature. shes like, " because you have a disability....

10 October

Nadine Hughs

o speaking of immaturity, one day heather and I figure out how to use three way calling. heather
goes, this is what im gonna say. " hello, were from the bubble factory and we know how to make you, michelle are going to echo and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles... were both
laughing, so we did it to dorian, cause honestly, I could care less. ...and bubbles and bubbles!

10 October

Nadine Hughs

o check this out. are these people actors? its too funny. look at the kid . hes

dad makes fun of his son for looking like marilyn manson

This is the first show, the second show is now avalible as a clip on my youtube channel. Top video
on the left if you would like to see it. Updated 08/20/2011


10 October

Nadine Hughs
o "girls notice me now more than ever" "i"ll bet they do!" then look at his smile. there actors.. too

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o " look at you mr. seventies" hahahaha

o i'm looking for an aleister crowley book for retards. I'm looking for the complete fucking retards
guide to crowley. I dont know where to start...

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o i want to join a coven. I am a young women looking to join a coven. I want to join a coven where
people are not afraid to get there hands dirty. teach me the ropes and ...

o i had so much fun in my past life.. so much fun. its just not the same anymore..

o when it comes to the occult. alot of people are real pussies. Im serious, The only problem with
finding people who would be able to do what you want to do is, they can turn on you. its like
nietszches nihilism... we need a god there to stop people from going beyond what is necessary.
whats the solution to this... i would never hurt anyone because its just not my nature to get that
mad. at the same time, i just cant relate to the god and goddess wicca... id rather worship the dark
shadow archetype known as lucifer. but, you know, if im gonna do it, im gonna really do it you

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o were not dabbling in the occult. if were gonna do this, we want to see more... i dont necessearily
want to embark on doing a ritual or what not, i just want knowledge about how far a person can
stretch their own personal power. so how do i do this with the conformity of the will.
o i want to bind people for talking shit about me. just bind them. shut them up. i will do this with a
ill will because theres really no reason to be talking shit about a good person in the first place. now
please, shut the fuck up and mind your own business binding...

o You know, you slaves need to learn a lesson.. obvioiusly, gods not doing a thing about it. youre
having your cake and eating it too. i feel that its my job to simply stop you from talking shit. just
kidding. ( im really just talking out of my asshole... You slaves need some permanent tape over
your mouths...

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o my spells gonna go something like..." everywhere i go i run into biased two faced, bigots! i curse
these wretched slave followers! i want them to slip on there own shit. now please, give them
diarreah during a meeting.. godamnit. oh lucifer god of the underworld, lift your dick to the
highest realm and shoot these fuckers in the face with your slimy spermy liquid of man!

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o im gonna do a spell where the people have dreams and in there dreams im going to have a circle of
black thugs just yelling. mind yo own business! the backyard is going to be so fucking ghetto that
they cant believe there eyes. then theres gonna be a chicken running around with its head caught
off... then im gonna be sitting a chair like a queen and im gonna look directly at them and say,
thats schizotypal to you bitch! its gonna echo..... until they wake up in a cold sweat.

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o also you add all these tatooed.. manly, hard core alcoholic bitches but you dont add me. whatever. i
know i am a pain the ass which is why im going to leave you alone for one year sucker! and
hopefully by that time ill have gotten laid.

o like la vey says, How about a soft, yeilding woman to add to the mix.? just playing.
o how about a soft, yeilding, woman with a big heart? how about a... how about a... how bout, a soft
yeilding, woman...

o i cant tell if im soft or dominant in nature. i really havent gotten to that chapter. are you dominant
or submissive in nature.? i think people that are both are single, thats my theory. i hate being told
what to do and i hate telling people what to do. i dont know.

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o i dont wanna be one of those women that have problems with other women. you know, i have
daddy issues, so id rather fight with a man. forget the ladies.. but, all my life ive been looked at by
weak willed women its this, " you little bitch" type of look. i cant describe it..or you always think
youre right dont you . well, i can gladly say, YES i do think im right. anyway, i hope you dont give
me that you little bitch look because i said you like manly females. i know those are just your
friends, i know deep down you yearn for a feminine blossom.

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o i mean i dont regret anything. youre making me feel bad. otherwise, id just feel like casey anthony,
i regret NOTHING. but thanks for making me feel bad. i just think, ive seen the shit side of life,
theres no going back. say im resentful of the human race. but walk a mile in a strange persons
shoes and see what happens. i wish i could be happy and benevolent and accepting.but, that just
wont happen unless im given some kind of mind altering drug. i figured, i could take some anti
anxiety medicine... i asked my doctor for some benzodiazepines and the fucker wanted to double
my dosage of anti psychotics i dont think he has an agenda against me but he might be some type
of sociopath or narcissist. he reminds me of a molester.. anyway..

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o one time i had a bladder infection and i thought it was a side effect of my medication. he goes,
thats from strumming the banjo" well, he didnt say that but he did make a nasty innuendo relating
that with masterbation. another time he was checking to see if my fingers were turning orange to
see if my liver was failing..and he gently pressed his fingers up and down along my nails. oh, im
not going to complain, it was interesting. but, i wouldnt doubt if he wants me to get tardive
dyskenesia because i told him thats what i feared and if hes a sociopath, hed want to double it
thereby increasing my chances of getting tardive dyskenesia.

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o i just read my comment and laughed and laughed. you must have a good sense of humor. thats
what i get from you. i wonder where i am on the la vey synthesizer clock and where you are. if
youre a one or a two and im an eight. because eights have great sense of humors, then maybe we
are compatible. not like wed do anything with the compatability it might just be one of the reasons
im attracted to you. you like office work?...clerical i mean. who knows where we are i could be a
seven and you can be a three...

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o it says something about alcoholics though so you might be an eight. i have to figure it out. you and
your alchy friends.

o no seven and eight a clocks are chubby. let me take a look at your automobile...

o oh well fuck it i cant figure it out right now. heres my convo with Milly. once in awhile he talks to
me and i talk to him but its always the same.

11 October

Nadine Hughs

o Show Recent Messages (F3)

BB: hi
OC: hi\
OC: what are you doing
BB: surfin the web
BB: and u
OC: just writing to this lawyer
BB: y?
OC: cause i have a crush on him'
BB: is he single?
OC: hell if i know
OC: jk
OC: i dont know
OC: i assume he is
OC: i dont think hell ever get with me he never answers
BB: never say never
OC: its never but thanks
BB: well u cant give up without even trying
OC: thanks for the encouragement
BB: thats wat friends are for
BB: the way i see it is u'll never know if u really have a shot with him unless u try
BB: he knows u right?
OC: he doesnt really know me.
OC: im cyber stalking him
BB: well then maybe its time for u to meet him then huh
Last message received on 10/11 at 10:53 PM

11 October

Nadine Hughs




11 October

Nadine Hughs



11 October

Nadine Hughs

o OC: do you believe in jesus

BB: of course
OC: thats cool
BB: o...k
OC: i believe jesus wanted us to speak to one another tonight
OC: only through jesus and the light of the lamb was this conversation possible
OC: only through jesus, father of father, son to son, man to man. is this initiation of the high preist
known as jesus possible to enter and thrive in our lives
BB: uhh
BB: ok?
OC: on through JESUS can the toxins be eliminated from the body alleviating both pain and
suffering of unesseary excess of bodily impurities
BB: well that and not eating alot of fast food
OC: hahahahaa
OC: yeah
OC: only through mc donalds cheesburgers do your arteries become possessed by devilish toxins
that will reside within the arteries known as fatty acids
BB is typing...
BB: just regular fatty acids

12 October

Nadine Hughs


Opinions in the morning time!
This is a video response to Setaoshinjii's video (posted in the "response" section on this channel)
as well as a little rant that I began in the process.


12 October

Nadine Hughs

o heres another one against some guy named venger satanis. I dont know whats going on nor do i
care. i know one thing though, If i wasnt afraid of this girl i would say, i want you to re -do your
video. without" the cigarette. and i want you to tell me, if you feel inferior without it. good-

Venger Satanis



12 October

Nadine Hughs

o I think hes just playing. I think yeah, i think hes just playing.



12 October

Nadine Hughs

o all i know is when you get in a room with a bunch of ego trippers... they all get offended and hog-
wild when they see a threat... thats my view on human nature..

12 October

Nadine Hughs

o im watching the sister wives right now. the father goes, jealousy creeps in, and there always gonna
wonder if i love one more than the other...and as this dialogue is going on. he opens the car door to
the youngest, newest, skinniest pregnant wife and rubs her pregnant belly. "its my job to convince
them otherwise."

12 October

Nadine Hughs

o here he is again! here he is! " the arrogant man"

I want you to hate me

RE: Beastxeno


12 October

Nadine Hughs

o i would put, damn i am afraid of you being a satanist and being utterly vindictive due to your
inherent weakness.. youre right i am afraid. lol

o that would be funny if i put, by the looks of those blinds behind you, I assume you don't have any
accomplishments either hahahahah

o im gonna watch a show called Big, easy Brides hahahahahah

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i go hey shelby do you like this song? i used to like it when i was like eleven or twelve. she nodds
her head no. then she whispers jokingly, " because you have a

Dishwalla - Miss Emma Peel fan vid

A fan vid made for Gerard Butler's fans. Features his costars in Tomb Raider 2, Dracula 2000, The
Phantom of the Opera & Dear Frankie set to the Dishwalla so...


13 October
Nadine Hughs

o This is the bomb track right here. track one. they played at the fair. the singer looked like a young
pierce brosman.

Dishwalla-Pretty Babies



13 October

Nadine Hughs

o oh yeah why didnt i mention this earlier? i guess my mom went to school with the guitarist Rob
Browning at carpenteria high school. she said he was really nice and non conformist or something
i forget. my dad knew who he was too.. anyway.

o my dad knew someone named ian who knew someone from porno for pyros. i think it was martin
le noble. id always say, ah dad! why didnt you go? why didnt you invite me? i want to meet perry!
but he never gave a fuck.

o my dad says sometimes ( hes a liar though) that i told my grandfather to " fuck off when i was
little" everyones afraid of my dad, in his family. hes like a spoiled brat. well, from my memory i
remember just telling my grandfather to mind his own business. cause i was gonna get in trouble
from my dad. i loved my grandpa and still do i dont recall telling him to fuck off. anyway. im 75
percent sure i didnt lol

13 October

Nadine Hughs
o i remember my mom was on the phone with my grandfather during the divorce because he was in
on it when it came to playing games and ripping her off. i was looking downstairs and my mom
said in the phone, " youre just a pussy youre afraid of your own son!" " pussy! hahahahah

o my mom said my dad took me out of the golden chicken in or some chinese restaurant when i was
a baby he just had it with me. my mom said she couldnt leave because they didnt pay yet. so my
dad took me to the car and spanked me or shook me or something ( he used to shake baby wyatt
my brother) when i came back i was all sad. isnt that sad? i was sniffing and stuff. thats so sad...

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i had a really good mom and a shitty father. but he worked mostly. i remember being little like
three and i shook my baby doll and threw her in the closet. unless of course im just evil. i was
saying bad baby! bad baby! or id spank one and i remember my dad going Hey! thats not nice!

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i love my little brother wyatt though. hes so cute. when its time to go to bed his mom goes, good
night. he goes, good night love you." then he goes, mama" sissy" love me too mama" sissy loves
me too"

o i just start thinking about my baby doll i had and i start thinking about babies. i dont think ill have
kids cause honestly, i dont know. but once in awhile i get sentimental... for a short time though. i
thought about baby nanty my doll. i did love her despite throwing her in the closet. its sad cause
when you shook her ( i know this sounds weird but her eyes would open and close and theyd
squeak... i still looved kissing that dolls cheeks though. i imagined her talking like pebbles on the

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i had a bald baby. this cute little bald baby it was bald. my baby brother tyler would say, " baldy
baby" he liked boys toys but occasionally hed get the bald baby doll and carry it around or kiss it
on the cheek. we thought it was cute.
o i have an idea Logan. why dont you, impregnante me? hahahahahaha

o if youre gonna get a stalker you might as well get the whole package deal. seriously though, i dont
want kids. im serious. i just think we have a biological innate urge to fufill and it becomes an
instinct once in awhile.

o youre gonna get some big titted broad pregnant and then im gonna die of jealousy. i could just see
you rubbing her pregnant fucking belly. im laughing right now. i laugh cause im so fucking
bazarre. I wanted to have your baby! me! damnit! jk

o you wANNA know something funny . im not the jealous type of girl. we could be swingers
almost... but now im starting to wonder...who is this red haired bitch? with big nice, fake tits.??
anyways. i bet you fucked her. god.

o awww you are sweet though. under that veneer... you are sweet at heart. thats why i like you, i
know you are sweeet..oh... awww.... hahahahaha

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o I am going to piss my pants. its that same guy again. ok alright, you got me here... omg... i couldnt
stop laughing. ill show you the video hes making fun of. i dont know what his deal is. i guess shes
just his rival. shes a sweet girl i dont know what his deal is. anyways. i laughed hard though i must

Venussatanas - Divine Feminine

This is the video of Venussatanas that I am making fun of

v=XdcPMeVwPw0&feature=related And this is Fat Venus dancing on a pole ...


13 October
Nadine Hughs


The Divine Feminine

Are you afraid to explore the divine feminine? where will it lead you? Will it bring you a greater
understanding of yourself and the world around you?


13 October

Nadine Hughs

o I want to fight that guy. I think hed be a good challenge for me. I'm fat though and that doesnt put
me in a good.... place. but yeah, i wanna.. fight him but knowing him hell put a death spell on me!

o ill put him in his place like lady mc fucking beth... hell feel stupider than a damn mexican on a

o "Ok BUFFALO BILL" im gonna look for a silence of the lambs video and post it as a reply..

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways. that was too funny. i was looking at this video called the 27 club. ive heard of it before...
but take a look at how short life is. im almost twenty seven. damn.

27 Club

A video to the 5 most famous people in the 27 Club, a group of musicians who died at 27.


13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i love the doors.. damn havent heard them in awhile.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o btw i saw your shooting video yesterday. i also saw a video of you filming a drunk friend or
woman cross the street. i didnt see any of you so i could see your gestures or mannerisms or
anything. anyway, you are just like i pictured.. so far as the back of you is concerned.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i just ate a piece of swiss mom goes "dont eat all the cheese...i'm like i cant help it i'm
fat. my sisters like, "because You hav a disability... then shes like was it rude of me to joke around
like that?. im like, no but i appreciate your concern.
o speaking of which. ( my computer was left on thats why im here on facebook...remember that time
you made fun of me and i was tripping out. well, the picture of me on the beach in a skirt. i know
you thought i was attractive well, i had weight problems before that. i was dillusionally in love
with ben and i guess i was a little manic. i would go on the treadmill for an hour every fucking day
and jog or walk or run. i guess i did it for myself as well. but, yeah i was very .. i accomplished
something, then i just put it all back on again. its ghetto. but im gonna try to gain my self respect
back again. i have a treadmill i should use it. i have one of those air climbers... i like the treadmill
better but yeah. thats my story.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o i went out with this guy for awhile . he was so fucking dellusional he just pissed me off. freud
talked about this type of person in a book. their pussy whipped but in actuality there lusting over
someone. well, he just was all upset that i left him because he was clingy... so i was at home and
he texted me so i thought motherfucker. and i took a pic of me naked. fat. how you like me now
bitch"? hahaha and he didnt really want to talk with me again. fucker.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o hes really fucking dellusional hes like, " lets get married" im like asking my friend yuki. was
carlos in special education with you?" i dont know.. well, what the fuck is wrong with him.. whats
his disorder.? anyway. hahahahah... BITCH!

o everytime my friend mike would call me i'd be at mc donalds. hed be like , what are you doing? id
be like, eating. hed go, thats cool. There was this girl in this punk band called ( i forgot what it was
called) she just didnt want any attention from the press or she bloated and doubled in
size.. i mean, if ( like he was trying to imply something give me a hint..) it was funny. its funny
now but not funny as i was sitting in mc donalds.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o omg im watching that guy again. he is too much. hes a real psycho. i dont know i think im just
starting to respect him for putting on a good show. regardless of his intentions. that video has got
to be,,, one of the most entertaining videos... its a long ass video too! omg. what a psycho omg i
love it.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o no than i see it from her perspective (after watching her video. Hes trying to crush her pride
though. thats not right. She has confidence and hes tearing her down and making her a target for
ridicule. hes trying to take away her respect. its defamatory and slanderous in a way. i dont like it.
No, i still want to fight him.

13 October

Nadine Hughs

o look heres another. why does she represent such a threat. for one thing. shes a girl. what a bunch of
pussies i swear. what kind of men are they.

Venus Satanas = the Forrest Gump of Satanism

The dancing video has been removed within the last 24 hours (Wow. big surprise). Venus' video on
"dark matter" (amongst other blunders)


13 October

Nadine Hughs
o im gonna post it i dont give a damn. The nobles saw themselves as naturally happy, and any
misunderstanding rested on the contempt and distance they held from the lower orders. By
contrast, the man of ressentiment distorts what he sees so as to present the noble man in as bad a
light as possible, and thereby to gain reassurance.

14 October

Nadine Hughs

o BTW...a few years ago...everythings blurry...i believe i meant to say, "paraphernalias" but i came
up with pedophilias... is that why you made fun of me? just what set you off and would you make
a spectacle out of micael jackson? anyways, im not a pedophile. just can have my i.p
addy. spposably crowely is said to be a pedophile..things get very mixed up with schizophrenia

14 October

Nadine Hughs

o i could just see you thinking eww gross... hahaha but, no I'm being serious, because i dont think
you insulted me for no good reason. it could of been because i was flying high and mighty and you
just wanted to see me fucking fall. whatever, you picked and fucked with the wrong astrological
sign. it didnt work.

14 October

Nadine Hughs

o its like you stratigically planned it out. your intention worked. it was like a night-mare...things are
really really trippy when your tripping...for instance three months can go by but it feels like a
couple weeks. my baby pigs crying i have to let her out.. the weiner dog. i hope you learned your
lesson about bullying people..

14 October
Nadine Hughs

o that was funny when your stupid bitch friend elizabeth goes, " good-job" and I'm like. oh thanks. i
am a good artist arent i? then the bitch has to tear you down again TO SHOW YOU WHOS

o you dont even say youre sorry either. this goes alot to show about your class and integrity.

o i might of looked slavish being paranoid that people were underhandedly trying to get me and
sabotage me. maybe i went a little too far. i have a strong instinct of self preservation. but just
remember one thing... out of ben and everyone. IM THE FUCKING MASTER. godamnit. I AM.

14 October

Nadine Hughs

o IMG][/IMG]



14 October

Nadine Hughs


Jedi Mind Tricks - Blood in blood out

First project in Premiere. Videoclip to Blood in blood out by Jedi Mind


14 October

Nadine Hughs


14 October

Nadine Hughs

o watch this lady..Patty Hildreth my cousins name is nadine hughs and I've lost track of her my
maiden name was patty kimbell wish I could find her her husbands name is edward hughs
October 8 at 2:07am LikeUnlike.Nadine Hughs No, I made up the name Nadine Hughs to hide
my identity. i am an escaped convict from the circus of Ole

14 October

Nadine Hughs

o casey nicoli is on my facebook and says today is xiola blue's birthday. who knew she was a libra...

o i wish you could come to my house for thanksgiving. anyways. arent i a psycho i get mad and then
i just forget it in like ten nietszche i am pretty noble arent i. anyways, i wish you
could come to my house for thanksgiving. my quiet one.

o i got mad at heather one day im like, FUCKER! just like a dike. i hang up the phone and a few
seconds later heathers crying on the other line. im like its ok, i just got carried away. then heather
goes, i ripped up your picture! like a first grader.. i just hang up. out with the old in with the new.
ill find another. asta la vista friend..

14 October
Nadine Hughs

o she really is a good friend though. just at the moment i believe im one hundred percent right. so i
handle it like a diike.

o you should read anthony keidis's scar tissue. Anthony keidis locks his gf out of the house
something like that. She slept outside all night, that was her way of prooving her love for him. its a
scorpio thing.

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o see this commercial. i asked my mom if shes seen it before. it is really creepy. it was made in the
sixties i bet the director was just TRipping... im serious. it looks like something a druggy would

Creepy Ass Doll Commercial

*50,000 views 31 de 09* thanks ppl :D Pyscho laughs alot. This is why many people growing up
during that era have nightmares.


15 October

Nadine Hughs

o the funny thing is someone took the backround ( i cant find the video now and they put some
scareface movie clips in it. with the laughter in the back . the ending where there going up the
stairs with machine guns. my moms like, I dont get why they mixed scareface or what scareface
has to do with the doll commercial. I'm like, I do. i see exactly what theyre doing lol

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o Do you ever come to the conclusion or the thought " what should i do with my life?" that's what
I'm contemplating. well, i can get in shape, then sell mysellf on my webcam make a little bit of
money. go some places..uh...i dont know what i should do. i can go back and try at school again
like a nim-wit. i can bare a child and go on welfare just kidd hahaha i dont know where that came
from. i need to fall in love with someone but, i havent come across anyone yet. that'll make
something worthwhile..

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o you went to law school you live in los angeles. you travel alot.. your life is better than mine. ( not
that im comparing, i just dont wanna sound like im trying to make you feel bad for thinking the
same thing. what to do.. what to do. the existential question. i need a friend or a lover.

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o I just wish. i could co habitate with you. id deck myself out for you, be your little bitch. first off,
i'll work out all the time. just basically be your little bitch. waddya say? some day... ill do your
laundry, cook. clean, ( oh thatas right this is just my schizophrenic self taking over.. oh thats right.
im doing what the doctor orders..

15 October

Nadine Hughs
o im laughing right now. you can tell your friends. that i'm a male order bride from Pakistan..
although i speak english relatively well. i'm laughing cause you and me are just so open-minded..
take it as a grain of sand. i know.

15 October

Nadine Hughs





15 October

Nadine Hughs

o theres this book by Black Herman that says people in June should marry people either in June, or
suprisingly November. I believe Black herman may be right to a certain extent. just look at my
brother and his girl friend. it works.

o i dont know if im your type though. i dont. so, im not that dellusional

o the good thing about you being a Gemini and my personality is.. that you like freedom ( p.s ill get
a grammar book from the library) and really, i let people do what they want. Im not clingy, or
demanding, or even bosssy. i just ask that i dont get abused verbbally. a slap might hurt my
feelings, and a rape might make me leave you but, i wont call the police on you because you never
did it to me. no sarcastic wise cracks at my expense... because im very paranoid and sensitive to
personal attacks and criticism. and i wont verbally abuse you either.

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o p.s I'm not a stalker. i never followed anyone in my life. i mind my own business. However,
digitally, I am very engrossed in fantasy and i have a hard time differentiating what is socially
acceptable and not.. so socially acceptable. I would never stalk you personally. however digitally,
you know i can get real creative with you if i wanted to. so im going to stoop my bullshit. i ask for
nothing in return. just no more psycho babble. from now on it will get interesting. it may take
awhile but my point is, Do not call the police please... -thanks. p.s i like you?

15 October

Nadine Hughs

o ill be back october 2012...before the world ends!

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o ok i dont have a crush on but he is kind of cute. hes off my shit



16 October

Nadine Hughs
o Heres that cult of cathulu guy complaining about zach. I think hes a nice person though i can tell.
his sense of humor is kind of odd though.. but, thats fucked of zach once again

Zach Black ~ Drunken "satanist"

Yes, this is my ode to Zach. Enjoy. SIN, I'm not at war with you. My fight is against false
satanists, false LHP practitioners, and drunken retards. Happy Wa...


16 October

Nadine Hughs

o This is who i have a crush on. everytime hes on my sister makes fun of me.. . look at sissys face
light up whenJjimmy Fallons on!! hes a virgo freak...

Why I think Jimmy Fallon is a genius....

Jimmy Fallon on Conan O'brien doing an 80's song medley.


16 October

Nadine Hughs

o this is some crazy interesting stuff.. is this where you go on Sunday?


Satanic Black Mass conducted by SATANIC CORPSE @ THE SATANIC CHURCH OF THE


16 October

Nadine Hughs

o theres this book ( i type alot) called 23 minutes in hell. I guess Heathers mom tries to.. convince
her about heaven and hell all it does is fuck with her psyche.. anyways Heather talks about the
book. i read it once in awhile at wall mart. i think the man who wrote the book is a sadist and

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o Jesus healed only those who visibly, volubly, clearly, publicly and repeatedly worshipped him. In
other words, he extended his gift only to his sources of narcissistic supply. There are numerous
instances in the four canonical gospels where Jesus actually bargains with the afflicted and
demands - sometimes in anger - their unconditional adoration. He is happiest when acknowledged
and affirmed as Christ, the Son of Man (son of God). Those who do not recognize his splendid
grandeur, unbounded might, and implied divinity are "dogs" and "swine" (Matthew 7:6)

16 October

Nadine Hughs

American Chronicle | Jesus Christ, narcissist?

We are an online magazine for national, international, state, local, entertainment, sports, and
government news. We also provide opinion and feature articles.


16 October

Nadine Hughs

o everynight sometimes i just sit and trip out on something. i can watch it for a long time. usually
what happens is, i'll see someone who maybe used to be my best friend...and funny thing is, they
accomplished my dream..and i start to think about failure. was i meant to be a failure? how is this
my fate....and i think about where i was before this mess,, and why i wasted so many years of my
life in my own world..and can i pick up the pieces..what do i do? good friends no longer my
friends due to my illness and...will i always be alone?



16 October

Nadine Hughs




16 October

Nadine Hughs


Black Mass

Black Mass ritual based on ceremony that used to be practiced in France by the Societe des
Luciferiens early twentieth century


16 October

Nadine Hughs

o remember how on your myspace page you got pissed off about that guy talking to people about
how his girlfriend got into a car-crash. Well, theres this guy on my facebook page who posted a
picture of a child in a hospital bed with a respirator on it says, " forever in my heart" wtf? i mean,
what is he trying to do to people? i mean look at me i have two dead kids in my picture but, lol i
mean look at me i have a post mortem photography as my pic .. but anyways, i assume he knows
him or something. I dont even bother to ask the bastard. poor kid though. michael jackson- jk

16 October
Nadine Hughs

o oh he says i read it again. ( A.D.D) that if he gets 100 shares whatever the fuck that means, he will
save the babies life. wow, if its like a chain letter he must be really superstitious. anyways, i cant
donate a lung from myspace. i mean, facebook. ( i dont know how facebook works really . i dont
spend much time figuring it out.

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o ive given up talking to creepy old men on the net. that has to be one of the dumbest things ( top ten
dumbest things ive done in my life) and ive done like 100..

o i used to be really trusting and stupid. i mean stupid. i would just talk to people hi" if the witch on
hensel in gretel invited me in i probably would of went in. im suprised i wasnt raped. heather, shes
the most gullible fucking person on the net. If a scientologist put a super soaker to her head.. shed

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o look how funny this is.Brooke Dickey

If I can make a difference in the world , I want to .
LikeUnlike 2 hours ago near Monroe, LA Shared with: Brooke's friends
3 people like this..
Claire Harrington start by not talking about ppl..that will get u started..
2 hours ago LikeUnlike 1 personLoading....
Write a comment......Top Story

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o i wrote this and she responded. Hi venus santanas. I really enjoy your videos. youre very
enthusiastic and passionate.. i just want to say that i know you know about satanic international
and his deragatory comments which really reflect his nasty character... sorry run on sentence..i
read alot of Frederich nietszche well, from what i understand of it. i assume you are independent
free-spirited. slaves people that are basically filled with avarice hate, etc instead of enjoying their
lives are always going to oppose what is stronger in this case it would be you vs them. you
obviously represent a threat.. well, i took this out of nietszche's geneology of morals.( The nobles
saw themselves as naturally happy, and any misunderstanding rested on the contempt and distance
they held from the lower orders. By contrast, the man of ressentiment distorts what he sees so as to
present the noble man in as bad a light as possible, and thereby to gain reassurance. -nietzsche
geneology of morals..

resentment is associated with the slave morality. they are just trying to bring you down. its
pathetic, im sure other masters can see its ridiculousness. best of luck to you. be yourself, be free.
-the scorpio woman.

16 October

Nadine Hughs

o VenusSatanas
Re: hi venus satanas a word of devine feminine comfort Your words of comfort are very inspiring
and heartfelt. I think that it's beautiful. I see zach and others as nothing but 'schoolyard bullies' -
They don't bother me. I will continue on regardless of what they think. Zach is disappointed that I
didn't advertise his site for him to my fans, but why would I? I like to bring beneficial, good and
useful things to them. His site does not offer that.

as it has been said by Ghanid - "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win.."

Thank you, your words are like honey and wine...



o - Venus Satanas - Homepage

Satanism and Magic and Demonology


16 October

Nadine Hughs
o heres a nother... haha a reply from that douche bag. who cares if shes a stripper. if getting twenty
dollars in your g gives you money than great..jason666king
Reply to your comment on: Venus Satanas = the Forrest Gump of Satanism @664nadine Let me
hazard a guess: I'm the "man of resentment" and Venus is the "noble man".

Oh so funny. If only that twat hand an ounce of nobility, perhaps your silly reference would have
some merit. Instead, she's a weeded-out jobless ex-stripper who married an old (pun intended)
John who used to slip her twenties in the -G. And me, well I'm happily married for (let me count . .
) seventeen years to a beautiful Nubian Goddess and we have two awesome children together.
Case closed.

18 October

Nadine Hughs

o i went to that website spiritual I have nothing against venus santanas im not one of
those two faced fucks and i think shes a good person. But you know how you have an ambivalent
feeling about what it is someone else or what somene elses ideas are.. well, this guy is a crack up.
I dont agree with satanism either. i mean, you have to be really fucking selfish, but he has some
good points as well.

Pagan Pretenders

This is a video where I discuss the behaviors of one guy, although it is a set of behaviors I have
seen in a few people. Unless your name is "Jack", I am not...


18 October

Nadine Hughs

o check out this video. its funny. it gets funnier and funnier.

Anton Lavey - Speak of the devil 3/10

Speak of the devil; The canon of Anton Lavey


18 October

Nadine Hughs

o i agree or i can relate to what he means here... i like em both what can i say?



19 October

Nadine Hughs

o this is the third day Ive been watching my sister. So today i woke up and shes fine watching Paula
Deene. Shes nine and she likes to cook. i woke up and I'm like. youre home today? shes like "
yep!" i was sick this morning but now im fine! Im thinking, Godamnit I wanted to watch
pornography this morning! i wanted to watch some pornography, now my plans are ruined. On the
otherhand, kids will ruin your life... lol

19 October

Nadine Hughs

o check this out. everytime i talk with a pisces.. theyre easily subservient. always. anytime a scorpio
needs a bitch get a pisces... i want more of a challenge..

19 October

Nadine Hughs

o size1997: yeah a little

OC: i cant wait to watch this show called american horror story
Red B: thats sick
Red B: u play with urself on horror movies?
OC: no you psychopath
Red B: haha
OC: now that you mentioned it maybe i will
OC: ooohhh i like the shining
Red B: get wet like a scared lil babygirl
Red B: waiting in the dark
OC: especially the part where that guys in a costume and theyre playing master and servant
Red B:
OC: whens your birthday
Red B: feb
OC: oh so youre an aquarious
Red B: pices
OC: youre nice then i dont want to fight with you
OC: oh ok. then i do want to fight with you
OC: that explains why youre so fucking weird associating horror stories to a fuck
Red B: ha
Red B: so u like to be fucked while you fight?
OC: why are you some kind of rapist
Red B: nagh i just know girls love rough sex
OC: im looking for a porn site with extreme hardcore ssex in which i dont have to use my credit
Red B: do u have pics/
Red B: ?
OC: yeah i do
OC: theyre on my phone
OC: now give me the link to a hard core sick site i want to see it for the first time
OC: pop my cherry
Red B: lol don't make me look for it
Red B: i like the real thing better
Red B: or in your case if it ivolves sext or phone
OC: how do you know
OC: are you psychic?
OC: can you see nme?
OC: can you see me?
OC: where \are you???
OC: where \are you???
Red B: right behind u babe
Red B: i think u are a lil psycho
Red B: but i like that
OC: i cant talk to you youre a pisces. i hate them niggers
OC: tootaloo
Red B: ha
Red B: i can tell youve had pices before
Red B: and u looove them
Red B: but they drive u mad
Red B:
Red B: lol ur so weird
OC: youre weird motherfucker and you know it
OC: dont project your character onto me
Red B: wait, where is that aggression comming from ?
OC: its coming from Pluto you passive aggressive subservient BITCH OF A FUCK
Red B: crackhoe
Red B: i'm just laughing so hard right now u have no idea
OC: ok lol
OC: omg
OC: im gonna go watch a show
OC: keep me on your messenger
Red B: are you bipolar?
OC: yeah i am actually
Red B: you sound like it
OC: wow, good job
OC: i have a.d.d did you know we just love to fight
OC: it turns us on
OC: I'm not even mad as i do it
OC: you dumb red neck hoe
Red B: yea u just wanna be smacked like a hoe
OC: i'm really a nice person
OC: if you can believe it
OC: i just use the net for an outlet
OC: anyways, i gotta go watch a show
OC: talk to you later
Red B is typing...
Red B: later hun

19 October

Nadine Hughs

o You kknow what? Im just gonna stop stalking you. what am i doing here? whats my point? whats
the point. ? you dont talk to me anyways. you have millions of girl friends ... its just stupid. on my
part. talking to you has been jolly. im out.

19 October

Nadine Hughs

o whats the point everythings fucked right now and UGLY. I dont care to air out my dirty laundry.
everythings FUCKED. here, have this. and read the five love languages. i dont know who writes
it. you can look it up. there are five types of ways in which people express love, acts of service,
physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, and gifts. This is my good guy badge. have fun
with your red headed punk rock big titted bitch.

Nietzsche on Hardship 1 of 3

Philosophy - A Guide To Happiness: Nietzsche on Hardship


19 October

Nadine Hughs

o I dont know why they were frightened of his large moustache. thatd be a plus these days..

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o My weiner dog breathes like a pig and lies on her side like a pig. all she does is sleep all day... Her
favorite place to sleep is my bed. She is laying and breathing like a pig on my bed.. i dont want to
live her off and disrupt her from her sleep but I have to go to bed. picture her little self breathing
and snoring like a baby pig. like the 409 you squirt.. on your twitter.

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o i lifted her off the bed and shes on the carpet. lying and breathing like a pig. i carry her upside
down and and i just make out with her. i just kiss her chest but my mom says i make out with the
dog. if shes on the floor she rolls upside ddown and puts her wrist down and i just kiss her. when i
see her i joke around " a piggy! a baby-piggy!

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o i could just see you with your beer and your ciggarette. " Youre not metally! or psychologically

o I don't know what its called or what it means when one tries to arouse sentimentality. I know that
pity makes us naucious" like Frederich mustache cunninglingus Nietzsche said. I was thinking,
speaking of pity.. I was just thinking about those ladies as a rape victims advocate. Were there for
reassurance but were also there to be traumatized in the process.. Its almost like they get a sick
kick out of it. I was telliing my mom anyways, then i thought of something funny. Remember that
lady madonna volunteers at the aids " test results clinic?" i bet... continued

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o She just cant seem to get her fix. Shes like " I want these people POORER! the POORER THE
better! once this lady came for donations with like a mavado watch and like a bentley and i saw
her look her up and down with jealousy...So her next job is to pick up dead bodies on the side of
the road..she still isnt satisfied. Shes like, i want the sickest, deepest, saddest darkest shit! this isnt
cutting it. Theyre like, Madonna, theres St Judes childrens hospital for dying children. theres an
open space for the person who wants to hold the childs hand as theyre dying... now... all you have
to do is apply

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o I could just see Edgar Cayce... wherever he is. in a chair up in the sky. For that joke! i am going to
give you ovarian cancer!.. it is now spreading throughout your body...say goodbye to your
worthless life,,and prepare for the next one, in hell.

o imagine remember how i had a breakdown... so like, six months to a year afterwards my dad like
all narcissists do this.. they come to an ambivalence about whether to keep you around or discard
you. my dads like, you can get an apartment. I start crying! you mean youre just gonna leave me in
poverty! i had a breakdown in school they sent me to the health office blah i forget what
were talking about. but to give me reassurance, somehow my dads like. I killed a guy" i killed him
with ( i cant remember what weapon the police dont know and.... imagine in the midst of my
psychosis continued..hahaha

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways. hes just full of shit... Hed tell us this story about how he saw a goat devil...a goat with
the devil diablos face when he visited Mexico as a be in the car. "wed be on vacation
coming back from a trip to the lake,, and wed be like DAD! is it true? and hed just be driving, or
hed change the subject. Hes a real psycho. in case you havent noticed..So imagine me at my
psychologists office like saying " He said he killed a guy an.... now imagine my shrink ( this old
man rolling his fucking, somehow all these bad asses come up with a story like this...
what if it was fucking true and no one car ed.. lol

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o but dad Im so fragile! this will cheer you up You see its all about ME... and i cant handle these
emotions, so im gonna make up a story about how i killed a guy and cut off his dick and stuck it in
his mouth. oh, im thinking of perry farrells story but, This is the way you comfort fragile little
girls. This will distract her from her worries i am good dad. i am...

20 October
Nadine Hughs

o This is so funny too. now i must say, our dad can be really fun..but, we were looking at pictures of
deceased relatives and what not. i guess my dad was crying. its a scorpio thing... well, my baby
brother my moms like really attentive wheres the baby? wheres the baby? but me and my dad like
we kind of dont want to be bothered with kids. see i inherited that from him. and we forgot all
about my baby brother..its been like 30 minutues, and we hear something from the back room. im
like, baby boy! we forgot about him! we hear some toys or something. i start laughing and my dad
totally gets it. we forgot about baby-boy!!

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o we were looking at a picture bin full of family pictures and stuff at the kitchen table

o i'll never forget when i was just starting to get to know Heather. She tells me this story. Shes like,
my mom had this mexican gardner over and all the sudden i walked passed her room and saw my
mom in bed with this gardner. My dad came home..." because her rooms over the garage. Shes like
i could hear my dad just shouting at my mom. YOU FUCKED HIM DIDNT YOU?? didnt YOU!!!
answer me you fucked him! and she says the whole neighborhood could hear..

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o notice how i go from subject to subject. Well Heather and I. I swear shes a schizotypal i'm not just
saying serious. we go from subject to fucking subject. which reminds me. oh how funny.
this time we just are all over the fucking place. my friend would be talking to me and hed be like. "
we were just talking about ______ howd you get to _____. One time i had this friend well
everyone hated her and said she was a bitch, but she was really hard and i was sitting on her porch
and she goes. she was really obnoxious. Godamnit! my friend _____ had add and he doesnt STAY
closet tweeker?

20 October

Nadine Hughs
o anyways my friend didnt like her..hed be like, i stay away from seana that bitch. anyways she had
like no class or tact. I worked with her at toys r us. She kinda reminds me of anjolina jolie in girl
interupted. well, we go through the drive del taco and she goes hot or mild sauce? hot or
mild? and she turns to me and asks me and i say, mild. and she literally yells mild. BECAUSE

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o these two teenage girls in Utah tried to stand in the middle of two trains as they were going in the
opposite direction. they didnt know you could get sucked under..and they did and died. its a sad
story but scary as well. my mom told me

20 October

Nadine Hughs

o Its like home-alone. " i can go on forever baby"... as far as typing.

21 October

Nadine Hughs

o i could just see you thinking shhhh! enough already enough! i cant believe i found this scene cause
its what that shhhh! keep it down reminds me of.

Trent Walker rules my entire world.


21 October

Nadine Hughs

o hes like always horny and im always looking for someone dirtier..and raunchier while i tell him im
frigid. so now look at his attitude. what kind of early 20s man calls and refers to a girl as hun? who
taught him that. where is me modeling that from Uncle Fred? hahahahahYou are using an old
version of Yahoo! Messenger to chat. Upgrade to the latest version now.

OC: want to see good porn

BB: not tonight hun
BB: y?
BB: ur horny again?
OC: just asking
BB: maybe another time
OC: what crawled up your black dick and died
BB: nothing
BB is typing...
BB: im just a lil fridgid
OC: go to hell

21 October

Nadine Hughs


21 October

Nadine Hughs

o BB: so u want a black dick again?

OC: yeah or white just so long as its big
OC: what are you doing
OC: online
BB: nuthin really
BB: well u know mine is big
OC: youre right
BB: and u miss it being inside u huh
OC: i do
BB is typing...
BB: so then y be fridgid?

21 October

Nadine Hughs

o hes mad about all those times i turned him down. Pisces bastard. anyways, we took this human
sexuality class, theyre like.. the average american male gets horny this percentage and for the
aFRICAN american male the percentage is 20% higher... they need more sex...

21 October

Nadine Hughs

o hes too crazy though. i have to bullshit him. Im supposed to be the schizo and he cant differentiate
reality from fantasy..BB: so then y be fridgid?
BB: and yes i will admit, my black cock has missed being inside u very much lol
Last message received on 10/21 at

21 October

Nadine Hughs

o then he logged out as his passive aggressive dick- poking way at getting back at me. ugh i hate
when people get personal using "YOU" instead of your pussy. hes back online now. black horny

21 October

Nadine Hughs

o i swear hes playing games with me. Im gonna pull an Anthony Keidis on him.. hes sleeping
outside.BB has signed back in. (10/21/2011 1:32 AM)

BB: watching the porn now huh

OC: yeah

BB is typing...
BB: and i will take it as a yes
OC: did you like it
OC: ???
OC: /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///
OC: thats it
OC: im done with you.

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o oh just a thought. You know how i was in scientology for awhile.. i worked there but i wasnt into
it. let me rephrase that. they would mention something like say, suicide, the way they talked about
it was as if they burned some fucking bread or something. " a fellow commits suicide... something
was lacking in there consciences i cant describe it. the same thing with this girl Holly at the rape
meeting. i remember we watched this video about this girl who was molested by her dad and he
denies it and at the end she has this temper tantrum. it was crazy but got people emotional. it got
me emotional. and after so i was crying... other people were crying to not just me but continued...

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o well i guess i was crying and i said.. God, i got verbally abused but i remember my dad saying to
me " I didn't rape you?" and as im saying this this motherfucking i assume LDS bitch is just
looking at me not a normal reaction like disgust or shock but just like yeah, youre lucky. like all
there fucking dads cant stop themselves from touching there fucking daughters or something.
Somethings wrong with peoples conscience or character.. something's amiss in certain people. like
im just appalled by the fact that a father would justify abuse and compare it to rape. I didnt rape
you. like, it could of been worse, or god knows if they secretly wanted to.

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o anyways. the scientologists. somethings amiss in there consciences, i cant quite put my finger on
it. like that selflessness is selfishness in disguise... just thinking. its like god theyre so FUCKING
DUMB. its like theyre all sucking hubbards dick. what are they looking for a father figure? llol

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o I like now nietszche says, A healthy mind can see multiple truths. They would literally tell me.
THIS IS THE TRUTH so theyd make me close my eyes and picture a cat to prove i had a fucking
soul. id say that didnt prove anything. thats just a perception or interpretation..or theyd say theyd
look of the definition what is psychology and the fucking text is from 1920 theyd say "the study of
the soul" no shit you moron this was made in 1909 before they studied the fucking brain. you
motherfuckers are so stupid its unbelievable. thats a fucking interpretation. there are no facts
dumbass only interpretations. mother fuckers.

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o thats just conscousness and your intepretation of a fucking animal. that doesnt prove my soul is
outside my body like your inverted dick. what are you trying to tell me.

o anyways there was this guy there that i had a crush on. HAD and they talked to me on myspace
this guys like btw sean got married. I didint ask about him. and i dont want him anymore. FUCK
IT . you can HAVE HIM. ! good luck. its like theyre so fucking resentful they have to prove im
happy . I"M happily married NOW. good, i feel sorry for the bitch she married one DECIETFUL
motherFUCKER .

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o i hate that motherfucker. I sent him a letter saying thankyou for confiding and believing in me but
im out of this cult. in a nice way of course. well, the motherfucker had to subjugate me somehow
by bullshitting me " come and see me" all he wanted me to do was write down my sins. i was so
stupid back then. i should of grabbed a lock of that motherfuckers hair and did a destruction spell
on him. thats what you get FOR FUCKING WITH ME>

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o you know what i think the problem was? the motherfucker somehow knew I WAS A BETTER
PERSON THAN HE WAS.. THIS was his way of preserving his weak self PRESERVATION to
bring me downn to bring his subservient good guy badge up

o i hate jews niggers, and i HATE THEM SCIENTOLOGISTS!!!

22 October

Nadine Hughs

o that would be cool if they made a greeting card.. you open it up and it says, " SOME PEOPLE



23 October

Nadine Hughs
o and dont forget to read Dr Phil's life strategies.. from your local library and or bookstore.. Lets
begin.. Do you spend a high percentage of your free time as a couch potatoe," watching ridiculous
sitcoms or blood and guts dramas on television..? i do. Oh Dr Phil, i know youre jealous. I know
what its like to work work and work and still fuck Oprah with your eyes open on fridays. Oh Dr
phil... When youre at home, do you put on the same house dress, T-shirt, and baggy shorts or
pajamas so often its regarded as your uniform? I do. who cares Dr phil. I know what its like to
work work work and try to look presentable. Publishers clearning house isnt showing up anytime
soon. SO DONT WORRY ABOUT IT... ...bald fuck... next question Do you stand at the
refridgerator, staring into it, as if you really might discover something that wasn't there when you
looked five minutues ago? I do it all the time but i have short-term memory loss Do you treat life
as though it is a speactator sport and you are in the cheap seats? Dr phil do you ever feel like there
are spectators all around you while you suck cheap teats? Do you actually live vicariously through
characters on T.v and discuss them as though they are real people? I do but to each there own. you
go to church and call on saints when youre about to shit your pants?.. do you live vicariously
through them? bastard... next question Do you actually count and re count the items in your
grocery cart before you enter the express lane? Dr phil. im not rich i have to count my items so i
dont overspend. You wouldnt know now would you.. and dont try to pretend youre the good guy
either; you fuck oprah in order to put food on your families table.. dont act like lifes all that hard.
Is your job or your kids all you ever talk about? would you rather me talk about crystal meth?
what.. what dr phil will make you happy? On the rare occasions you decide to go out, do you
spend thirty minutes debating where to go? honestly dr phil. i plan it out. would you rather me go
through the mc donalds drive through? jesus fucking christ.. dr phil.. Do you only eat out at places
where you look up rather than look down on a menu? Dr phil when judging the human race do you
look up with pride or down with disgust. be honest dr phil, no rubbing your bald head on this one.
what does it matter. ill still order a double double only difference is I'll wait for it, but its still
fucking fried.. ill just wait for it. Do you have sex quarterly, and in less than four minutes so you
can watch the commercial breaks.. ? what are you trying to do here dr phil. encourage us to get
involved when it comes to sex. heres one for you dr phil, when a woman chooses a man to sleep
with her should he be black or white? the minute i meet someone who fucks in between
commercial breaks I'm getting a divorce Do you fantasize about things you never actually do.. ? i
dont know Dr Phil. youre a married man you tell me. Im sure you do. i cant finish typing this
survey its too long but have a great year!!!.

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17 mins ago lucia gonzalezposted a new bulletin:

you know who you are

all the time I turned you down saying i was frigid.. i was lying. In actuality I WAS LOOOKING
KNOWLEDGE!!!( pigs in zen)-a song

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Oct 05 lucia gonzalezposted a new bulletin:

bulletin im about to paste this on someones blog, so might a

You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything
you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and
quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. Therefore, the Satanist believes you
should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek
to your enemy!
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David Cummings
thats the problem right there, nobody is saying to love everyone and everything, it wouldnt hurt to
atleast try and co-exist with everybody
Reply16 days ago

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Sep 30 Matt and Andrew Comoposted a new bulletin:

NYC Shows - MEANY Fest and Cin-M-Artspace 43

Come to our NYC Shows! Mention our name at the door and you will receive a gift. We would
love to see you there!

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Sep 21 lucia gonzalezposted a new bulletin:

thats just unconcious knowledge!

" Jane's Addiction - Pigs in Zen Copyright Disclaimer Under
Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as
criticism, comment, news reporting, t...

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Sep 19 lucia gonzalezposted a new bulletin:

the teenage guide to popularity!!!

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Sep 12 Kyle Kore Parsonsposted a new bulletin:

Add me on Facebook!
Hey motherfuckers let's connect on Facebook! Kyle Kore
Parsons | Facebook Kyle Kore Parsons - Professional alcoholic, unapologetic shit talker, and avid
button-pusher. | Facebook

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Dii ZhRizbeth and Selma Tajroska liked this.

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Angelica Auten
lik wut...
Reply26 days ago
yesi would like tht.
Reply1 month ago

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Sep 11 Colette Larsonposted a new bulletin:

Prednisone Side Effects

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lucia gonzalez 12:44 AM you know who you are
lucia gonzalez Oct 05 bulletin im about to paste this on someones blog, so might a
Matt and Andrew Como Sep 30 NYC Shows - MEANY Fest and Cin-M-Artspace 43
lucia gonzalez Sep 21 thats just unconcious knowledge!
lucia gonzalez Sep 19 the teenage guide to popularity!!!
Kyle Kore Parsons Sep 12 Add me on Facebook!
Colette Larson Sep 11 Prednisone Side Effects
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Colette Larson Sep 11 Olive Garden Coupons
Colette Larson Sep 11 More Tylenol recalls? It never ends...



26 October

Natalie Hughs

o Someone hacked my other i made a new one. i like it. anyways. i barely look through
facebook but when i do i am seething with jealousy because everyones life is so much better than
mine. hahaha just thought id share that. hahahahah

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o anyways. i wont write you for a long time. i was just bored and thought i'd say hello..hello hello! i
dont know why you said goodbye i said hello" the beetles.

o its so funny how you could put the university you attended and the shitty credentials you never
obtained without anyone knowing. well, you know, i did go there for a semester... hahahah

o that'd be funny if it said for job they have the option " social-security disability"... its so funny
what i put for religion...

o im laughing right now. it must be late im getting delirious.. 'web-cam entertainer"... porno...
favorite show: Jerry springer. dont the two go hand in hand.

o laugh laugh.. i dont know if you know this, but everytime I'm at home watching a show... well, i
watch very little T.V. but, all the commercials come on for trade schools particularly when you are
watching a show for loosers like jerry springer.. its like they want you to literally, "get off your ass
and get a job" its like directed toward welfare recipients..

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o binder and binder.. attorneys at Law. helping people get on disability for 20 years with a high
success rate..

o I guess Ben showed up on my people you might know. I guess he went to graduate school..
godamnit benjaminista! i added him. i thought he was an un accomplished socio-path. i must be

o anyways. I cant help writing to you . youre so fun and I'm sure you laugh. if i wasnt me i'd want
me as a stalker. I cant help it!" i have this porn where this girl is giving a man a hand job and
talking dirty. She goes, god i love rubbing this cock. " I cant help it" and then she moves her hand
up and down real fast...I.." I cant help it"

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o i feel like calling all the accredited universitites and be like, do you have to take algebra for this
degree?.. yes, alright then fuck it. fuck it fuck it. you know what i hate, not only is there regular
algebra, but they have to have a college fucking algebra.. if you havent gotten enough of this!
heres some more...! im sure its doable, i just dont wanna do it. i learned more in two chapters of a
basic math book for dummies than i ever did thoughout my whole education. i havent gotten to the
fractions part because i never fucking learned to do fractions can you fucking believe it. i
understand the book though i understand it. i just never understood the teacher. never. i learned
more through that book.

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o oh well. its only for self-esteem. i have a disability....

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o You know what though, I doubt Bens gonna add me. I dont think he understands i have no
animosity towards him despite the fact that i think he gets off on frusterating me. really, he loves
to frustrate me. i think he gets off on it. I think he had a really bad mother.

o ok ima gonna leave you alone now baby boy.

o i think hes mad cause he knows everyones nobler than he is lol

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o omg i cant believe you are an attorney. You must be really sharp. Even the godamn secretaries job
looks overwhelming. omg. hard stuff.. i found this when i was looking for your job description..

o Attachment unavailable
The attachment source was deleted or the privacy settings on this attachment do not allow you to
view it.

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o Heres another funny one. these people have a good sense of humor.. making fun of peoples

o Attachment unavailable
The attachment source was deleted or the privacy settings on this attachment do not allow you to
view it.

26 October
Natalie Hughs

o I should send this to Ben. hey eye for an eye. You can tell im jealous but, its funny. he sucks. i dont
hate him or anything he just sucks. hes a real mysoganist i think... anyways.. I should be like, So,
hows it hanging lately?

o Attachment unavailable
The attachment source was deleted or the privacy settings on this attachment do not allow you to
view it.

26 October

Natalie Hughs


o Attachment unavailable
The attachment source was deleted or the privacy settings on this attachment do not allow you to
view it.

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o This is funny too. one time Yeah this was the last time i talked to him on messenger. I'm like, Ben,
on a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me. and he literally types a 4. Im thinking, I'm just
trying to differentiate if youre a socioopath or not. if youre gonna kill me a 10 if not 0 cause i have
no reason. thats what i mean... back to that resentiment nietszche. hes resentful of the femenine...

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o I said alright, bye, bitch.

o he must have got offended by that as well because after that he deleted me from his messenger.
like i blew his last straw for calling him a bitch. hahahah
o have you ever had a good-girl and you just blew it. Like they were perfect for you but YOu did
something to fuck it all up? thats what i did, occasionally i think about it. like, wow, we really
could of built something together. but i ruined it. occasionally, not like i was in love or anything,
just wow, we were supposed to have met for a reason and i fucked it up.. wow.. oh well, theres
plenty of fish in the sea.. this is about someone else not ben. but you have doubts there are.... jk

26 October

Natalie Hughs

o i just had to write.. again write cause everyones a pussy these days. " I'm terrible" i take that back.
" im terrible i'll admit it" i didnt have my prozac... but youll never

o Live and learn... live and learn

27 October

Natalie Hughs

o all these ( i dont know how facebook works) all these really pretty indian girls are on my site. one
girl is just promoting sex and posting porographic pictures. even im getting horny. im laughing at
my own comment but god, its tempting.

27 October

Natalie Hughs

o Tanya Rajput Tany


LikeUnlike Share 3 hours ago via mobile .11 people like this..

27 October
Natalie Hughs

o theyre like foreign sex machines or something. they barely speak english but mumble a few words
here and there about sex . lol

27 October

Natalie Hughs

o i dont know whats going on but im adding all these sluts.Payal Mehta was tagged in Cute Latina
Chicas's photo.
Payal Mehta was tagged in Cute Latina Chicas's photo.

27 October

Natalie Hughs

o omg. where did they come from? lmao..omg. there all just ( im dead serious tagging porno
pictures of tits etc and theyre like a group of INDIAN SLUTS!!!!


Amoral conscienceless, authoritarian, care only about appearances,contemptuous,critical of

others,CRuel,dissapointing gift givers,dont recognize own feelings,envious and competetive,feels
entitled,flirtatious and seductive, grandiose,HARD TO HAVE A GOOD TIME W ITH,hate to live
alonehypersensitive to criticism,impulsive,LACKS Sense of humor,naive,
pessemistic,secretive,stingy, strange work habits, weird sense of time. IM CONVINCED NOW

08/08/2012 14:58


P.s the noble man respects his enemies. Thats why i flirt with you. Youre not on the same level.
So, i dont think youll ever truely comprehend my gestures. You ignore me to control me. You lack
empathy and dont have a kind bone in your fucking body.

08/08/2012 15:03


Dont you forget about me. Dont dont dont dont! When you walk on by, will you call my name?

11 August 2012

11/08/2012 18:06


I think its fucked you didnt let the construction worker into your house to use the bathroom. If i
were him id of shitted on your driveway. You do have a sense of humor tho..

11/08/2012 18:20


Have you seen TheHelp? Youd be like Hilly. With the restrooms.

13 August 2012

13/08/2012 21:26


Thats so cute how your friend rachel gave you a sanwich tutorial. So cute i was laughing a bit.
Funny. You smash it a lil....etc.

17 August 2012

17/08/2012 00:20



17/08/2012 00:25


Speaking of friend. I dont mean to sound like a preschooler but, Will you be my friend? Haha
thats what my little brother asked my sister. First he stares at her to see if shes nice then
hesitates then asks quickly, "will you be my friend? Next thing you know shes holding his hand at
Dave and Busters jumping over a lazer light. Who would have thought?

17/08/2012 01:05


Btw. Im sorry if i got carried away with my comment. I have black dick on my mind24/7. No, but
im just impulsive a.d.d. i just laugh at my comment but i wont post on your site. I have a feeling
you deeply rely on peoples opinion. Particularly your buddies. I say fuck them but thats just me.
Ok well you enjoy your fabulous life. Take care. Kiki

17/08/2012 01:14


One thing i noticed about geminis is, theyre not very argumentive.i appreciate that. Scorpios just
insult people..for a breif moment or so. Overall, youre a nice guy im not trying to manipulate you
im just saying, well. Take care.

Oh yes why does the gemini man flee the scorpio woman. ?Dedicated to russel brand and katy

Conversation started 9 March 2013

09/03/2013 02:30
Facebook User

Can you do me a Big favor. Block me on your flickr. I tried to erase my comments i couldnt. I feel guilty
please erase. I will never write you again. Please.

23 April 2013

23/04/2013 01:25
Facebook User

AHey. Its michelle. Guess what im completely over you now. Its hard for me to type because Im on a
nook. I went to this chat room and got this guy's number. We exchanged pictures etc. Well, before i get
technical, ok, lol youre going to laugh. He photoshopped his photos so prayers of jesus would be
connected to pictures of him in a cow boy hat. That, right there, should of been enough evidence about
his disposition i had to, guess what stop to laugh. But Im going to get to the point. Hes a drunk,
persistent hick. He sends excessive messages to me. I get mad and say, call me back when your sober. I
TELL him im tired. Leave me alone. He wont. I find out, not only is he a Pisces man, but hes a fucking
MANIC DEPRESSive which makes me speculate he may be a stalker. I try to tell him, Leave me alone, or
i"ll put a restraining order on you. Hes a typical Pussy, moody pisces man who will become aggravated
when he percieves imaginary slights. He will text " i hate fake girls" and ill text i hate immature drunks! Ill
text if i was fake id be talking to you. YOURE THE LOON TEXTING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING
NIGHT, leave me alone. Then hell text, i think youre beautiful. I go, im a fat fuck! Find someone else. Who
wants a Fat Fuck? Let me get to the point. Im very afraid because i know, that karma KARMA is going to
get to me. What im going to do, is exactly what you works, it may take awhile, but it works, cut all
lines of communication. THERE WAS THIS OTHER GUY!sorry caps a 50,pot bellied man who claims he has
a ten inch dick despite lack of proof. I found out he lived where i do. I was so, fucking horny. He asked
Question. He found out what town i was in through chat room sign up! Fuck! I, you live in.
Who do you live with?. Lets talk. I said, i hate talking fuck! This asshole was So fucking nosey! He wasnt
worth a bootie call. Fuck! He wants to fucking chit chat...i mean were gettin to know eachother! You take
medication for schiz...whyare you still virgin. How many guys you etc etc so one night, i ignore the old
bastard. Go back to the chat stay up the asshole comes to my text...srry very medicated. And asks me.
How late did you stay up last night? I go, You are one of the Nosiest! Motherfuckers ive ever met! Fuck!
And he left. Haha i told him several times, " i dont give out that info. What city you from? It says youre in.
Ok old man youve gone Too Far....! Anyways, i was hurt for awhile but deep down, youre only protecting
yourself. The old mans gone. I even felt srry for him after i yelled texted..i tried to be kind with him but, i
guess im not worth a bootie call. Theres a book at the library called, you lost him at hello. I want to make
an internet version. Jk "hes a hick, " ya lost me at hello"

23/04/2013 01:57
Facebook User

I know this sounds nutty, but i think i may have found a possible soul mate. Before anything progresses
however, i must try different flavors, sow my wild oats or else i'll never be satisfied. This guy whom i
abuse or have verbally abused before holds no resentment and still, desires friendship. Occasionally ( i
know this is messed up) i will pull a lady Mac Beth....i want a strong man, and youre not one of them.
Then hell go, okay, whatever makes you happ,y take some adderall. Then i feel both guilt and my heart
bursts with love and affection and all my resentment is released threefold. We both are, mentally ill, had
abusive dads, like to read and write. We watch netflix and trade movies. He knows how much i weigh
cause ive expressed it out of sheer frustration. I send him pics. Only downfall is, ive never seen his face.
Ive come to the conclusion, despite any character flaws, i like virgo men and women. Not sexually but as

23/04/2013 02:25
Facebook User

Michelles chart. Capricorn men, uncertain capricorn women, smart, ambitious, hard- working aquarius
men, rebellious, stubborn, loving, friedndly, eccentric, unconventional, aquarian woman, loving, likable,
humanitarian, messy, careless,unconventional Pisces men, total pussies, usually like feet, get butthurt
easily slave to scorpioo women feet piss, or some other weird shit. Pisces woman so sensitive, resentful,
full of hate ( they make the best friends to me lol for some reason) quirky, likes weird interests,
unambitious usually slackerApril aries the ram. Youre fucking mean frigid bitch. Step mom, lady gaga srry
logan, me no really like,kourtney kardashian. Aries woman you have no fucking emotions! Fuck! Are you
a sociopath? Jk aries man. Dick dick dick the only aries i like perry farrell. Strong, ambitious, mean, cruel,
May taurus man. Dont know much taurus women. You are Funny! Tina fey like taurus!
June......Gemini....unreliable, disapoints people often, not very fatherly. Smart intelligent, funny witty.
Loves to socialize. Gemini women i cant figure you out. I we have nothing in common.Cancer men and
women i like exceptkhloe Kardashian. Women, Brag, showoff, egotistical, caring, sensitive. Cancer men. I
like very much! August leo men youre loyal good natured masculine and friendly i like Leo
women,.....youre one of the worst signs of the fucking judge everyone and everything. You
did this! You did that! Take a look at yourself bitch! Youre never happy.!virgo man...strange, easygoing,
studious, likes to read, good friend, perfectionist virgo women, you arefeminine,beautiful, sweet, and yet
you can be dominated...perfectLibra men, youre so fucking likable easy going....a good person in general
Libra women. Easy to please we get along Scorpio man...Scorpio man in bed i think....Sadist
they like to abuse people covertly and openly. Not my cup of tea for long term prospects! Scorpio
women we do our own thing, Fuck everyone else, emotional,creative, moody and bitchy. Most of us are
semi intelligent but so are other signs...cap,gem etc...december saggitarius good sense of humor,
emotional blunt honest, independent women gaurd there mates men, you never seem to have a steady
woman for some reason but me like!

23/04/2013 02:54
Facebook User

Another thing. I was just daydreaming looking at your photos. You look very healthy but i hope you dont
eat bacon every morning. I know youre a smart person but just in case youre not aware, turkey bacon is
leaner and healthier.
23 April 2013

23/04/2013 16:59
Facebook User

Hey logan. You know something, youre a fun/ funny motherfucker!

25 April 2013

25/04/2013 00:58
Facebook User

You know your friend JR Richards. I dont even know his fucking name. I think i rambled on about
something...etc..i deleted my site because i dont have any fucking friends..i do but dont pity me, im glad
i dont have a whole lot of friends...i deleted my site. Then i was on the phone with Heather and she
needed a pic to photoshop..we were messing around so i luckily remembered my password and logged
back in. All the sudden i get this fucking message Youre back on facebook? Blah blah blah. I thought that
was a weird way of addressing someone...then, why dont we fix this and ill add you? Ok. Wow, that was
nice. But....i noticed he deleted me! Ha added me! Then he fucking deleted me. Hey, Thanks for Adding
to the whole Double Bind Theory that got me fucked up and unlikable in the first place!

25/04/2013 01:01
Facebook User

Im going to see what speaking of which...what is this fucker up to. Hes prob baking a pie or working on
his good guy badge....

25/04/2013 01:18
Facebook User

I just read it for a brief moment. He worked with developmentally challenged people, that took patience.
Wow jr dick richards, you didnt have any patience with me. You also stated id be a suicide statistic. This
fuckers an egotistic Fuck.

25/04/2013 01:45
Facebook User

Theres this guy who works for Anonymous...protesting against scientology. He has stalker tendencies but
hes real entertaining. He always yells DANGEROUS Cult of Scientology! David miscavege beats his
staff...etc...This one time he talks with a Scientologist..So nancy hows it going? And shed reply..then he
would cut her off mid-sentence..." Fake,....fake fake, fake fake fake! Its funny and fucked

25 April 2013

25/04/2013 18:38
Facebook User

Hey do you wanna see something funny. I just got in a fight with heather and she hung up on me...These
are my texts....from old to new... Youre an evil little bitch....youre JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS.......I cant
be your friend because ONLY when i talk to you do i feel two faced.But it was entertaining..thanks..I
should of dropped you after you made that profile of me you vindictive FUCK.. I feel sorry for you at
times i think to myself. If she fucks with me one more time, im fucking never talking to this bitch again
BORDErLiNE equals..Miserable!....You were jealous of that BITCH and you had to SPOIL her fun!...Never
trust girls with shitty mothers, most of them are SLAVES!...Im enjoying Things Bpd
people do..You need help serious fucking help. Ive said a prayer for you a couple times. And BITCH! I am
a WiTCH!..she hasnt

25/04/2013 19:36
Facebook User

She responded this is what she wrote:I didnt read any of your texts because they were most likely
despicable lies from an unstable person not worth investing any time or energy reading.....Me: You think
Im stupid enough to believe that? What i texted was the truth bitch and like all mentally "unstable"
people, youre not going to accept it. I stung you bitch, now you must learn to live with it.

25/04/2013 19:38
Facebook User

And then she texted. Ok Dr MICHELLE......( i have mercy on slow people, and let them have the last word.

25/04/2013 20:06
Facebook User

I got another one " You are so off its not even funny" This means Im right on not responding.
Let nature run its course.

I havent heard from my bf in the last couple days...This is how my superego comforts myself, work out
harder, learn from your mistakes, find yourself a rich man. You deserve it.
26 April 2013

26/04/2013 00:00
Facebook User

Im back. Its like jerry springer. Jerry Jerray!...a few weeks ago i was browsing her friends on facebook,
seeing if i knew anyone. Well i saw a picture of me with my first and last name. Besides where i said i
worked was listed, UNEMPLOYED! Then, there was a statement about poop. This is a day where i said,
make my picture into a fairy..but dont put my name on there. Well, i saw it. I was suprised, i giggled.
Anyways, i told my mom and my mom got pissed! She called mom said to her! What your
doing is vindictive and nasty and Michelles been nothing but a good friend to you! How often does she
stay on the phone with you while you talk about your problems! You better take that down right now or
im suing your ass! You better. Meanwhile my little sisters friend and i are looking at eachother like yeah,
this dramas good!

26/04/2013 00:09
Facebook User

Anyways. Heres whats freaky Bpds are well, more of the women. Because theyre more
manipulative...are fucking psycho. Shell say or said last weekend my aunt and i are friends! And shes
moving closer so we can be together. I text thats awesome. Because she really has no one. Then she gets
hateful and turns the table. I was going to do her hair. Bitch needs to take care of herself. She moved into
this trashy house...what a looser. Bpd women hate other females...period well, men too theyre whole life
is a pathetic attempt to get a man. Im tired of it. She says everybodies two faced i go, Not everyone
heather! Most people arent. Shes so fucking paranoid...its her mothers guise. She says she went into a
beauty school for an orientation. All the girls were supposably dogging her and she doesnt know if she
wants to go through with it...shes going fucking insane.

26/04/2013 00:17
Facebook User

One time we were at pachanga walking and this guy started talking to me. Youre pretty blah blah blah.
Heather got so bothered that she goes...i gotta get home now etc. She doesnt want girls to have what
she wants.Attention from a man. Weve tried threesomes she cant go through with it. She has a good
side,,happy funny even confident if she is getting fucked.

26/04/2013 00:24
Facebook User
Heres my point. She has a brother who lives with his gf and the gfs sister moved in. She wanted to go to
kereoke with bros gfs lil sis. She gets real drunk heather is ranting and raving. Saying her boobs were
hanging out she was getting all guys attention. She met a man who needed a place to stay. She said, ( the
girl you can crash with us! Heather goes he wanted something more from her! Etc They get to the house
Heather goes, ( her fam owns the house) my dad owns this house. You cant stay here. She drives him
home and asks for gas money. The guy makes an innuendo referring to her as psycho heather cries and
the guy tries to shake her hand. She refrains. Man walks off in distance.

26/04/2013 00:31
Facebook User

The man asked her, how cute do you think i am? I dont know if he is an egotistical prick or if he was
testing her but she literally states 8.5. She was just bitter he wanted the other girl. So i got pissed. I just
cant take her anymore.

27 April 2013

27/04/2013 19:45
Facebook User

Im not trying to bag on my friend because im resentful but, i see this from the "Dumbinatrix" scenario. "
How cute do you think i am?....uuuuummmmm 8.5... she might of sucked his dick and freudian slipped
the inches. I mean, who the hell answers? 8.5.? Thats just well from where I' m sitting it sounds fucking
retarded and made me think of Dumbinatrix...

27/04/2013 19:57
Facebook User

Im not one to hold grudges, but i like to contemplate people's moralities, character strengths and
weaknesses. If i ever go to the psyche-ward, should you decide to come see me " for research purposes
etc.. just say, yes, Im here to see the girl diagnosed schizo- affective who has a keen, strong, sustained
interest on the concept of Master/ Slave moralities Although people tend to vary in which direction thier
predominate nature lies,... we tend to gravitate to one, are you a master? Or are you a slave.
Heather is a slave and im a master not 100%....but your girl ex..lindsay shelton....she looks like a
that an illusion? Or, i cant say this, youll want to spank my fat ass.

27/04/2013 20:09
Facebook User
Um no. Im sure both coexist within myself. I have a big heart and its not forced. Its fucking apparent. I
value kind people, and i appreciate them. I also have a habit of pkitying things and people and nietzsche
states the masters stay away from pity. I also like to help people. Now in Thelema, youre not supposed to
interfere whether by means of helping with another's true will....edgar cayce Gods advocate, states, in
helping the weak, you become strong. Now if cayce would of burned his fucking bible, how would his
insights be transcribed to humanity. Would any of cayces personal, bullshit beliefs be illiminated,, making
his philosophy more believable?

27/04/2013 20:18
Facebook User

My medication makes me look stoned. My mom is embarassed. She wouldnt let me ask the gardener for
a business card. Because my eyes are fucking shut and i look stoned. SCHIZOPHRENIA is tragic to most,
but i have an easy life. would be cooler with more money but. You know..ill get to it just playing..

27/04/2013 20:32
Facebook User

Im trying to fight my own physical deterioration...anyways i found an old man who will fuck me. Only
thing he has to do is convince me he doesnt have an std. Stoned....

27/04/2013 20:54
Facebook User

Sounds nasty doesnt it? Older know why women like older men? One word, Power.

27/04/2013 20:59
Facebook User

Omg. He just texted me. I asked, are you in your truck? He goes, yes, i want to Fuck in here. My heart
fucking sinks..texts no, public place only! Wtf...hes a truck driver..even more low and forbidden.

27/04/2013 21:05
Facebook User

This guy gets me though. He has a good sense of humor. I wonder if i manifested him anyway, i dont like
him enough to fuck in a dark truck on the side of the road. Reminds me of Joy Ride or Duel..scary.
3 May 2013

03/05/2013 01:01
Facebook User

Hey i havent heard from that slave. I know hes a slave, he has to be. I just calculate his predisposition in
life mixed with aspirations etc and ive come to that conclusion. Ive mixed up several philosophies, As a
man thinketh, james allen. The scientology tone scale ( im ambivalent about this but i get an idea. I think
hes passive aggressive and hes trying to punish me. Faggot.

03/05/2013 01:06
Facebook User

So. Ima gonna ignore him too. I sent the last text and got no response maybe he thinks im fat i dont
know who cares fuck it. Nothing i cant change. Anyways... yeah talk about a looser. With no dreams
hopes aspirations or fucking interests. Jesus fucking christ.

I havent contacted him in like a week. But yeah, thats my story. But once that other old man gets back,
were fucking.

03/05/2013 01:20
Facebook User

Anyways. The minute some guy fucks with me, its over. Im just thinking about blacky too. That fuck, i
hope he dies. I laugh. Omg. If i could turn back time, i wouldnt orgasm id just lay there. Like nietzsche
says. " the resentful man is cleverer!

If you ever see me on snapped, someone teased, withheld sex from me or made me doubt my own

Im so bored. I wanna text, Just because i once owned you on a plantation doesnt mean you should treat
your master like dirt. I feel so guilty for being truthful, ima gonna adopt myself a black baby. That will
make it all better.

03/05/2013 01:50
Facebook User

He told me a story about having a real stalker. He goes to his therapists and she tells him how to deal
with people. For instance, when i went off on him. The therapist is probably like, use reverse psychology,
appeal to blah blah blah. She tells him how to manipulate women most likely because alot of female
shrinks hate their fucking mothers. Fuck Both of them. Im not going to let Either of them know theyre
getting to me. I told him he was a pussy so he would maybe try to transcend his difficulties, but since hes
a slave, his station in life just may be fixed. The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off. So just
tell me im fat godamnit dont manipulate me.

03/05/2013 02:03
Facebook User

I want to grow a garden.. it just sucks because floweres arent as prevailent here like cali. Im going to try
the law of attraction. Think of a different type of person, and maybe, that's what you'll attract. So im
going to think of herbs and flowers. You should try it at least Try it. Nothings guaranteed though.

4 May 2013

04/05/2013 21:48
Facebook User

I talked to him finally. He texted me saying the cops came into his apartment. They mentioned books he
has read that to their standards, considered disturbing. Something like that. I guess the gov has their eye
on him. His friend said, " i cant help him anymore" he thinks its his friends getting investigators. What a
bunch of fuckers. Anyways, when im by myself contemplating things too much i come up with the worst.
But its all in my head.

04/05/2013 21:53
Facebook User

I just cant believe they had a warrant. He seems harmless, godamn what kind of books are considered
taboo these days..enough to get the gd authorities on you? Jesus christ. He did mention he found some
Tracy Lords underaged videos. Bfd. Whats the real problem?...

04/05/2013 21:59
Facebook User

When my brother is talking, hell be like, " Hes more like a cereal killer..Michelles type, all bomb building
and shit." My brother just vents his frusterations. I went to zion..a hiking place. It was the lowest hiking
trail but i was scared and had to wait. So i went half way and waited on a bench. My mom was just
talking on the phone about oh your sister just waited it wasnt to steep etc. My brother goes, Michelles
such a pussy"

7 May 2013

07/05/2013 18:40
Facebook User

People are so full of shit on facebook. Especially the girls. They all brag about their relationships. Some
one loves me!... fuckers. Who gives a flying fuck.

7 May 2013

07/05/2013 22:35
Facebook User

Its like, oh youre just jealous. Fuck yeah im jealous and Fuck you for making me so. Who the fuck sits
around planning to incite envy? Here i was having a joyful day and youre rubbing shit in my face. And its
the intention that makes me bitter.. who the fuck goes out of their way to make others feel like shit? Lol

8 May 2013

08/05/2013 21:31
Facebook User

I need a new computer. Look on my site, see those romance photos i gathered? Im gonna make a slide
show and play U2s sweetest thing. Cant wait. Anyways, im bored....i need new computer. Id ask my dad
but hes cheap and he would be pissed. I need to take basic computer classes. What are you
doing?..............................?....what.....what are you doing?

08/05/2013 21:35
Facebook User


08/05/2013 22:03
Facebook User

Omg. I just read your post about the abercrombie and fitch. When you said, ive seen some ugly muffin
tops etc. I started laughing. Omfg. Youre mean but what else is new thats funny. When i was a teenager, i
went into a store spencers or wild of the two. Now that i look back, i had
unmedicated...prob hypomania. I came across a shirt that had a man chained to two bitches like he was
controlling them and the T- shirt said, Pimpercrombie and Bitch. I laughed so hard. We would always say,
" Im not going into pimpercrombie, if thats what you think etc...
11 May 2013

11/05/2013 23:47
Facebook User

I think fanapt with no prozac sucks. My dr works and is manipulated by the pharmeceutical reps i think i
am going to die. I had a panic attack in the drs office because there were two drs..maybe an intern/
college student and i said i had too much anxiety what of? " im afraid what people will think of me. So in
four days i start seroquel and im scared to death of gaining more weight. Im taking fanapt ( this has
nothing to do with self control but i cant stop eating. My endurance is low on fanapt! I used to be on
level 2 of jillian michaels 30 day shred and now i can barely get through level one. Ive been exercising
pretty consistantly so its not a matter of stopping, and letting my endurance decrease. I cannot gain
more weight. I lost 10 pounds since they diagnosed me with diabetes. The medicine causes your blood
sugar to increase! I researched an alternative remedy " orthomolecular therapy for bi polar and
schizophrenia by dr hoffer. I have my hearing this fall for ssi eligibility. My dr stated i cannot work that i
am disabled. The medicine is killing my heart ( i just have a feeling it liver, kidneys..its toxic poison.
The med i was on before fanapt made me happy but id sleep until 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Waisting my
life away. All my problems afe biological in origin, but treated the wrong way. I am going to take this fall,
niacin whatever dr hoffer prescribes 5 htp which ive tried it works. My medication days will hopefully i
dont relapse, will be fucking over.

12/05/2013 00:20
Facebook User

I just started acting really weird. Mostly 2002-2010 but before that i had symptoms and even after. I was
thinking strangely and i couldnt help it nor did i realize i was acting fucking strange. I thought i was a
creative genious and i had to let people know. Im embarassed to see people again and i avoid those
people i may have offended. Im glad i live far away.

12/05/2013 00:31
Facebook User

I want to be reincarnated with a fresh new brain..only im so thankful for my loving family. Im fucked past
the point of no return. I have shitty social skills. Anxiety that makes me act real fucking strange. I cannot
focus. I have short term memory loss cannot multitask. Uninterested in socializing and people. I might as
well start over.

12/05/2013 00:47
Facebook User
Tomarrow is Mother's Day im happy about that. Whatever, im not wallowing in self pity. It only lasted a
few seconds.

12 May 2013

12/05/2013 22:54
Facebook User

I was bored so i looked at jr richard's story. Have you ever seen Little Miss Sunshine when Steve carrell
asks Dwayne, So who do you hang out with? And Dwayne replies( i think thats his name. " No one. I

12/05/2013 23:08
Facebook User

I saw a movie with Tom Cruise and i fell asleep. There were too many sciencefiction dialogue and a
complicated shitty fucking plot. I started snoring. Im glad i slept through most of that shit.

I feel like Tom Cruise was playing the jetsons.

They have all these movies about the future. I remember being at universal studios in the early nineties
waiting inline for back to the future. Theyd say The year 2015 maybe even earlier. That we would have
flying cars where the f are they?

13 May 2013

13/05/2013 20:27
Facebook User

Im sick of cat- fishing with people online. Its pathetic. All i xo is complain basically say the same shit he
said to me and i get no response. All you have to do, is represent what people hate in themselves and
you turn them off. Its human nature. I tell him i have 2x Add cognitive impairment, the dr has to write
shit down for me. That i cant gain anymore weight im fucking fat. My favorite one i said was, " I want to
join a group home for retards and fuck ups" i havent gotten a response. FAGGOT

13/05/2013 20:29
Facebook User

No one wants a wounded incapacitated fucking animal. Its survival of the fittest. Not to mention virgos
are perfectionists.

13/05/2013 20:45
Facebook User

When he needs me for some fucking reason. Im not going to be there for him. Eye for an eye tooth for a
tooth. Im no longer being lenient with people. If you cant accept my dark side why be friends and vice

13/05/2013 21:15
Facebook User

I can drop people dump them in the trash and never think of them again. I move on to the next possible

14 May 2013

14/05/2013 18:05
Facebook User

Omg. See that guy on my site named kc zeeman. I see him at the library bus and theres no way to
escape. Hes really nice but has some sort of developmental disability. He added me and today i got all
these friend requests from all these Fucking Mormons. My goal was not to add anyone. I know he prob
thinks i need friends but jesus fucking christ...Im so miserable on fanapt. Im trying serequel tonight but. I
think theres no point in me being alive. I am overweight i feel like an ugly girl. Im going back on symbyax
and when i do im going to exercise two hours a fucking day. Im done with that motherfucker he cant
handle shit. He is a pussy afterall. Hahaha

14/05/2013 18:08
Facebook User

I just texted him. Whatever im done. He hasnt talked to me. It makes me feel lame when i talk and he
doesnt respond.

Ive never had a good experience with a man ever. I dont care if im single the rest of my life.

14/05/2013 18:24
Facebook User

I typed. Youre not communicating dont bother to write me back. Im done with you. Period.

14/05/2013 18:32
Facebook User

This is what else i typed. I actually get a high from saying it ok here it is lol

YOU GIVE ME NO fucking support. You cant handle anyone elses shit cause you cant handle your own.) ( i
hate you) Youre miserable you have nothing to OFFER

14/05/2013 18:42
Facebook User

You dont Laugh, you dont Playyou dont know anything about love" Ally - The Notebook

14/05/2013 18:59
Facebook User

He never talks about anything such as movies, poetry, ideas goals hopes..Nada shit. The only thing he
talks about is, i hate work. How can i get on ssi. That his writing scares people. Etc. He lost his friend, job,
gf everything and it was like 10 maybe 15 fucking years ago! Fuck l ron! Move up the tone scale!

14/05/2013 19:01
Facebook User

His favorite line was, how can i retire from life?

14/05/2013 19:33
Facebook User

I have this book on tone scale. It says,Does the message ever get across? When conversing with low
toned feels good to be cruel.

14/05/2013 20:25
Facebook User
Im sorry i dont agree with your idea about the firearms/ iq. What about emotional flooding, narcissistic
rage and sociopathy?. Fuck man! Those are the least people youd like to snap!

Bibliography. Emotional flooding. Alexander Lowen Narcissism.

14/05/2013 20:33
Facebook User

You think because Donald Trump is very intelligent, hes less likely to become dangerous? Vs someone
like my dad?

14/05/2013 20:41
Facebook User

I could just see you. " well, does Donald Trump have a criminal record?

15 May 2013

15/05/2013 14:18
Facebook User

I love to laugh. I added this to his texts...and one last thing. I dont know why youre looking for a perfect
partner when youre a piece of shit yourself. You should lower your standards.

He complains about porn stars's boobs, saying theyre sagging an inch lower etc. Hes a fuck.

15 May 2013

15/05/2013 19:28
Facebook User

I got no response. I wish i could be the one to finally make him do himself in. That would brighten my
day. He says he hears voices, " kill yourself! Its probably satan and all his demons. " This guys a pussy, he
needs to kill himself" go up there and harass him godamnit. I wanna burn that faggot with my torch.

15/05/2013 19:37
Facebook User
You know what my mom always says.. " she needs a dick up her ass" theres this gay guy at my moms
work. There like, what does that lady need. " a dick up her ass" i realize im fucking terrible. I realize im
rejecting him before he further rejects me but. Talking shit is liberating. It feels good to talk shit. If i
followed the buddhist doctrine " the right speech" id be miserable.

15/05/2013 20:16
Facebook User

Lol you know that Russian guy on Rockie? " If he dies, he dies! Lol

16 May 2013

16/05/2013 11:21
Facebook User

I have more. Im bored what can i say lol. Im lying on my bed talking shit. Feels good.

Text one: Show your fucking face someday too. Its not fair you go around judging porn stars tits, when
youre such a coward you cant even show your face.

Text two: No ones afraid of your writings as much as they find them pathetic and of low origin.

Text three: Youre what Nietzsche calls SLAVE

Text four. Its like home alone. I can go on forever baby." You need to stop being a pussy and work like a
normal man. Im disabled and id take your load anyday.

Last one oh god feels good..." Youre too weak for my taste."

If someones rejecting you a bit. Reject em back. Hey im not skinny enough? Thats okay guess what?
Youre not strong enough.

16/05/2013 11:56
Facebook User

He texted back this. Nice im glad i had to get a new phone. Doesnt take much does it? I wish you well
and happiness. Take care of you. ( this is what i

Bullshit you wish me happiness. You decietful fuck

I texted Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave

16/05/2013 12:06
Facebook User

He texted. Im at work and i dont have your email blah blah blah. Then. Were done its not worth it you
just assume im a dick.

Then i texted. Fine then. Its done. Im done with people.

That about ends my saga... " You dont laugh, you dont play,, you dont know anything about love...
( seriously id like to laugh once in awhile....

16/05/2013 12:16
Facebook User

I get a text from Heather...Heather? A picture mail. I think..its going to be a picture of Satan watch i click
on it and its a forward " My friend Amanda gave me a happy birthday baloon, but buddy was scared of it
and wouldnt stop barking at it so i had to destroy it and make a recording of my helium voice....?

16/05/2013 12:19
Facebook User

The thing about borderlines is, you can slap em around. Treat em like shit. Shit in their mouth and they
still want/ need you. Because they believe every insult you tell them about themselves.

16/05/2013 12:38
Facebook User

An show an elbow. A finger something. Three quarters of the head of your dick. Something so i know
youre human! Lol

The other day i was doing the dishes. When i heard a lincoln park song..its lame but it goes..." Dont turn
your back on me! I wont be ignored! I laughed to myself. Theres my song.

16/05/2013 12:53
Facebook User
Hey wanna know something funny. This would of never happened had i been on prozac. The Lord works
in mysterious

16 May 2013

16/05/2013 15:59
Facebook User

Damn i need to get some help i think im a mysandrist. I was sleeping away the guilt. All im doing is
spreading negativity. I still have no feelinngs for the bastard but i worry about possible damage caused
by me. Oh well..back to sleep i go.

16/05/2013 17:39
Facebook User

Whatever. Fuck it. Im over it. Was a good 20 min nap.

16/05/2013 18:51
Facebook User

Seriously i wish i wasnt a pussy and was afraid to die. Otherwise id die. Theres no hope when you have
schizophrenia. Its a barren life.The funny thing is, all the people with higher iqs end up killing themselves.
" the more knowledge about the illness, the more your liklihood of dying. All u do is eat sleep and dream
of a better future. I hope someday i can be like leutenant Dan and be grateful about my
circumstance..thanks forrest, i owe you.

16/05/2013 18:57
Facebook User

Do you have any regrets? Yes, i regret not taking some of that niggers nappy hairs while he was sleeping
and performing a destruction ritual."

16/05/2013 20:11
Facebook User

Im like a fish dying i need prozac. Godbless elizabeth wurtzel for writing prozac nation. I cant live without
that stuff. I was writing when, ohhh i heard my pig making a bed in my closet with blankets...aww my pig.
Breathing out with her little nose.
I went to my closet and she is wrapped like a burrito..just her head sticking out...oh ho ho the piggy...ol

17 May 2013

17/05/2013 12:43
Facebook User

Omg. I was analyzing his text because Im perplexed. Ill tell you why. This is his text ( What other reason
would there be i cant call u from work and i dont have your email. I dont mind the texts but at least you
could of been concerned be ( it stops right there at be. I texted, b ba ba ba ba be? What comes after be?
Um, a reason could be that youre not that into me and why should i be concerned about a jackass who
ignores my texts? Your mother shrink, whatever fucking female figure in your life needs to stop fucking
pitying you and show you some tough love

17/05/2013 12:49
Facebook User

Heres the other text. After b..." fore blasting me" like a pirate. I wonder about his sanity. For someone
with two degrees, he doesnt make himself understandable. Go to myspace, gabriel dorian. He has one
writing he had several. Hes on the tone scale of grief. I wonder if people stuck on grief cant fight back
because they cant work there way up to anger.

17/05/2013 13:14
Facebook User

Ok its time to drop it. " Let him Rot!" Im going to write a book about all my alter egos. Im a bitch ill admit

I made a madame who comes out with a cane. " Women is mean, but man is EVIL" man cant etc....

Man offers no is cruel..withholding, cunning, arbitrary..( i dont even no what that means
better look it up lol

17/05/2013 13:39
Facebook User

Go to ruth minshull how to choose your people. Its free it will tell you about the different tone levels.

17 May 2013

17/05/2013 16:41
Facebook User

I texted something terrible and condescending. He texted back. STOP TEXTING ME. I went to the store
and couldnt forgive myself for what ive done. So i texted..Im sorry.We dont have to be friends. But i want
you to know that I am sorry. I am fully accountable for my actions.then, You dont have to forgive me, just
know that human nature is sometimes cruel. Then, If i could take it all back i would. Just know that.

17/05/2013 16:46
Facebook User

What i texted was oh yeah haaaayyyy!,, lol the stop texting me wasnt in caps. But...

17/05/2013 16:56
Facebook User

I started crying i didnt want my mom to see me so i came into my room. I feel guilty.

20 May 2013

20/05/2013 20:37
Facebook User

I was like earlier with Dorian. " Do me a favor and text this fuck for me, tell him theres a bomb under his
seat." Heres another..." All those women at the rape crisis intervention were rapists in a past life" what
goes around comes around they were so bitchy... and here this guy sits judging me while the authorities
come into his apartment with a warrant... he has no sense of humor. Just saying. I was just thinking
about the do me a favor, text this sob and telk him theres a bomb under his seat...

20/05/2013 20:39
Facebook User

This guy he actually likes me because he keeps texting me he kept saying..mmm i didnt trust him so i told him to text him that. Haha

20/05/2013 20:47
Facebook User

Im good is good great things are going to come out of this." I regret nothing" michelle phieffer
white oleander

20/05/2013 20:54
Facebook User

Courageous,untroubled, mocking and violent- that is what wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman,
and loves only a warrior." Nietzsche

21 May 2013

21/05/2013 20:43
Facebook User

You would still be funny without your degree. Your degree doesn' t define you. I partially agree with what
that Tess Hartwell is saying.Because I know women have an inclination to put your status on a pedistal.
Do whatever you want. Youre a warrior, youve proved your worth. You, are a

21/05/2013 20:54
Facebook User

Oh and i gotta stop stalking you. I cant help it! I like you but, i know, that i gotta go...i like you! I cant help
it..! But, i gotta go..

21/05/2013 23:14
Facebook User

I could just see you. Does she really think Im going to quit my job and sit at home posting pictures of
myself on facebook? I also realize that girl could be being sarcastic. Gimme a break! Schizophrenia affects
your iq!

28 May 2013

28/05/2013 17:40
Facebook User

Cindy Doktor. What a dissapointment she must be to her parents. Haha

28 May 2013

28/05/2013 22:42
Facebook User

You know what? I was just thinking. I will stop thumbs up but your posts are so damn funny, i gotta let
you know. Im really sorry i used to comment your site and message your main inbox. I know now, that i
probably i dunno maybe i embarass u or myself. Thing is, i have had moments where i feel like i am on
drugs...ive lost..well, i got psychotic, and i fucked up alot of things with people. But lately, ive felt
better...i have schizophrenia and bi polar. According to my dr. Let me tell you something, i wish i could
feel the same liking i feel towards you to a man in real life. That would be nice. I think you were really
good to me in a past life. I never have forgotten it. Im sorry for all the hassle.

4 June 2013

04/06/2013 22:13
Facebook User

Hey. Do you wanna hear a funny story. Speaking of psychos.Theres this guy on my facebook page,his
name is k.c zeeman. I don't know whats wrong with him mentally other than having muscular dystophy.
But, something's off. I cant pin point my finger on it. Anyway, he talks to everyone on the bus. Hes
extremely extroverted...funny ( hes got a sense of humor. But a little on the obnoxious side where you
want to say, ok ok enough. Hes always hugging me telling me, " Youre so cute" today he told me, youre
so funny and cute. You need a ring on your finger. Ok. A few days ago he comes onto the bus or gets back
on at the terminal saying one of the bus drivers, Jose, asked if he was harassing me. Are you harassing
her? Leave her alone. This kid zeeeman fucking blows up that motherfucker! That motherfucker! I hate
him. I saw him at the store! I said. Hey jose hows it goin? And he goes" Fuck off" then he goes, im calling
sun tran and making a complaint! Hes so rude to me blah blah blah! Then he hangs up. Ok and he calls
his mom. Hello Mom its kc! Yes jose was rude to me.You know what mom? Why dont they just cut off
both my legs mom! Put me in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, i know this is fucked, but Im trying hard not to
laugh. Trying so hard." Mom! Cut off both my legs. I mean its sad, because hes handicapped in more
ways then one. I always tell my mom, " you know crippled boy? Theres no way to avoid him. I like him an
all but you know. Thats what sucks about riding the bus . You cant avoid people. He wrote me a message
on facebook. Hi babe im at my aunts gotta cell number? And i just didnt respond. So today im at the
library on the computer when he comes up to me. Hes like hey, but hes got a different vibe going on. Hes
nice to me and everything. Then all the sudden he starts talking about fat girls! So gross on top of me
yada yada. Then later in the convo he pinches my arm and he goes muscle" i go, are you kidding me thats
fat. Then he hugs me youre not fst. It was so creepy. I just pretended to be on line then im like, i gotta go.
Ill see you later. It was like dr jeckyle and mr hyde. I know he wants my fat ass jiggling on top of him.
Maybe on a wheelchair.disability calling. I told my mom about this and the bus driver telling him, Fuck
off! She thought that was the funniest thing. I know hes sad and bitter but like heather. Dont take it out
on other people. I have no room to talk but....anyway, thats my story.

04/06/2013 22:29
Facebook User

I know this is fucked. But i would go out with him if everyone disappeared on earth. In otherwards, i
would. I just, wouldnt want anyone to know. Hes an indigo person. But i think hed get all my nerves me
being moody and all. My family would think ive lost it. But, its just a fleeting thought. Im not in love or

18 June 2013

18/06/2013 12:40
Facebook User

Did you see what happened on Myspace? Godamn Tom, that motherfucker. I want to strangle his ass and
put a knife up to his throat. isnt it funny i picture tom sitting in a chair.. almost like the villain on expector
gadget. well, i was going to write a fucking novel and my best scene was on myspace. so now, i have to
start over again. i figure if im going to start over again, i might as well forget about you too. you said i
was insane, and i dont want to be a stupid battered woman though i am. jesus christ im typing at lik3 50
words per hour. listen .... you will see me in the next life . i wont be handicapped. none of that shit. so be

18/06/2013 12:47
Facebook User

btw before i go. i saw fuck, i tried to avoid crippled boy today. I tried getting on a different bus but he
stalked me. anyways, hes fucking obnoxious and started calling the driver uncle cracker. i couldnt help
but laugh and laugh. these people, here in utah, most of them. I dont know if its because they are
desended from pionneers or what but They Do NOT laugh! this kid, is so fucking crazy, that he took an
orange or peach and told me to catch it. i usually have a really good arm but it hit me in the sunglasses.
omfg i laughed so hard. his face was priceless like, holy shit this is not happening. i couldnt stop laughing.
No one else was laughing but me and this crippled kid. i tried to suppress my laugh after he got off the
bus. I almost pissed my pants. btw im reading grammar for dummies. it doesnt do me much good with
add. but im going to try. i know you cant take a retard like this seriously. who can?
haha........hahahahahhahahahah omg fucking outragious!!!

18/06/2013 12:49
Facebook User

ching! 'goodbye my love,,, i am not alive.".. red hot chili peppers taste the pain.....UH GOODBYE MY

18/06/2013 12:56
Facebook User

theres this librarian behind me. right now. im so paranoid that i just want her to get off my ass. GET OFF

anyways listen. i really like you. but, i gotta go ... will you miss me even 2% ....2%... come on you son of a
bitch lol

18/06/2013 13:27
Facebook User

Im afraid someones gonna point me out. This girl right here! she has a problem! omg. that girl over there
is stalking i had to erase that word so no one could read it. let me turn around now. lol ....

oh just a couple of spics. just kidding. a mother and her children.

tom you really fucked with my nerves tom. theres people on side of me go away! fuck. this world is
reserved for me jk.

Tom really did it this time. i had a friend who was developmentally disabled and he pictured Tom as well,
Tom. a man sitting behind a desk in a cooporate world tom.

godamn. i gotta go spic behind me

18/06/2013 13:58
Facebook User

Oh and as for me communicating with my father. I stopped. (excuse my grammar okay, im lazy and i
havent read the book yet. ) i cut all ties communications...etc. I'll tell you why i did so. I had an education
fund growing up. My brother recently dipped into his and took out thousands of dollars. were not rich or
anything just like 14,000 and anyway money is money. i recently called for mine, and they told me my
account had been cleared out. when? back in the year 2000. So my brother got his money and i got
nada.. So i texted my dad, dont ever talk to me again. Tylers your favorite. etc. and suprisingly i got NO
message back! hes not one not to argue through anything. well, several days later my phone got shut off.
i was on a family plan. and seriously, i dont love my dad really. i just feel guilty when he pays for my
phone or anything like that. my mom and step dad think he doesnt help me with anything. being
disabled and all. but, honestly, hes not like Jon Vioght asking for anjolina jolie to converse with him. he
only wants me for one thing, " narcissistic supply" so he can tell his family that we are alright... were not.
anyway. my dad, also recently had a deceased parent who gave him and his three brothers fair share of
the house he grew up in. They were supposed to split it equally but my dad did something where he
ripped off one of his brothers! now his brother and his wife do not talk to my dad and want nothing to
do with him. he is a shrewd, sneaky mother-fucker let me tell you. and I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM thank
god. I would never rip off family member i am generous. fuck i'm stilll poor though. all i have is
meaningless virtue.

18/06/2013 14:02
Facebook User

Im sorry. I FORGOT IT was your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! im sorry, i didnt know. i just looked on your
site thats right June 18th is your birthday. see im not that dedicated. lol.

18/06/2013 14:33
Facebook User

He shut off my phone too. i was on a family plan. I doubt it was my dad though. hes not that fucking
vindictive. he procrastinates, it was probably my step mom. ( anytime she has a chance to fuck me over
shell do it) god i hate the bitch. im just thinking. if i could rewind my life and they asked me ok, who
would you NOT associate with. it would be my dad, and her. who else? maybe a few teachers. a math
class thats about it. and why am i talking about this? because im phoneless. good thing im not homeless.
lol. You have a happy birthday. im deleting this later. im too lazy to do it now. you have yoruself a martini
fucking birthday. alright? good bye my friend.

20 August 2013

20/08/2013 01:44
Facebook User

Sometimes in the night....or during the day...i really regret my actions . Five years ago on myspace ( in
general) not just what happened on your site, but, i just regret acting obnoxious and crazy. I hope i never
see some people ever again. Theres nothing that takes shame away that i know of...when youre
psychotic,you feel shameless. Takes sip of your drink. I cant believe i stalked you cyberly for years....i just
cant believe it...i cant believe i did this or said that...oh well.

20/08/2013 01:57
Facebook User

Im on abilify now. I think i was on abilify....for quite some time. That shit really clears your head. How are
you doing these days.? Oh thats right, im a stalker, i deserve no response. - Heisenberg lol jk

20 August 2013

20/08/2013 21:57
Facebook User

Life is shitty. I try to play audio cds with Doreen Virtue ( conversing with the Angels. It works for five
mins. Then i feel like Im talking to Santa Claus. Im waiting for Social Security benefits. I have no money
and had no money for more than three in a half years...maybe five. I try to wake up and get some
exercise in. Sometimes i procrastinate so i end up walking in the afternoon. I weigh 185 pounds. Im 5 2"
the highest Ive ever gotten was 205. I cured my own blood sugar after they diagnosed me with diabetes.
The anti psychotic zyprexa is whatvreally helped me pack on the pounds. I googled, do people commit
suicide because of too many problems? Its just a fleeting thought. Im horny as hell and i am terrified to
show any men what i really look like. I have pcos and all the problems that go along with it. I thought the
angels gave me a sign when i found a book called e book millionaire. Maybe i can be a writer. But that
too, was a fleeting thought.

20/08/2013 22:13
Facebook User

Theres this man Ive been conversing with online who said he liked big girls, that i was just right. He lives
in my area although hes on the road as a truck driver. He said he would be happy to take my virginity but
somehow its STILL here. Hes never made the initiative to get together. He just asks for pictures of my tits
over and and over again. as if a few arent enough. I hate him. Im dropping him. Doreen virtue talks about
past lives and celibacy". I didnt ask for this. This isn' t a part of my karma. Why the fuck would a god deny
someone sexual pleasure?

20/08/2013 22:19
Facebook User

I googled. Like the idiots Im about to mention. Why are some guys hesitant to fuck a girl. But instead, i
got, why are guys reluctant to enter a relationship. One girl stated, he doesnt know what the hell he
wants......hes soo ambivalent about the whole thing. No dumbass, he doesnt want YOU. Im sick of this
shit. I wanna be number fucking one. It sucks being fat. Its depressing and i have no one to blame but
myself. Everytime i go to counseling i try to bring up sex because i thought that was the whole point of
psychotherapy but to no avail the sex talk goes nowhere.

20/08/2013 23:01
Facebook User

Im angry at God and God is a man. For symbolically raping me, destroying my reproductive organs
rendering me unfertile..For giving me male attributes as my hair falls out in the shower....for murdering
me. I dont want children, that fuck. I want to be more like God a man. I want to be.....a writer. I just need
a computer, punctuation skills and maybe add on elaborate some more. Lol

21/08/2013 00:35
Facebook User

Godamn. I think i consume too many calories. I could just see you. Why do you eat so much? Well, why
do you drink so much.? i think alot of times no one would want me but at the same time, i
dont want anyone else. Fuck relationships. Godamnit here i am available free pussy! And in return i get
shit. I dont get it. I mean i get it im fat but, there are fat lovers so what the fuck? I just feel like such a
fucking looser....oh well.

21/08/2013 00:55
Facebook User

I know people say Dont say that about yourself wheres your self esteem. Its the truth. Fuck im not gonna
lie to you. I have self esteem to a certain degree. Its just deep in my heart i find myself to be destined to
be a spinster. Lets face it my dad fucked me up if not layed down the foundation for me to be open to
bad relations with men. So whatever. I respect certain respectful men but really i just want them for sex.
At least for right now. Its like Dorothy Gale, i suppose theres nothing in that black bag for me"

22 August 2013

22/08/2013 21:33
Facebook User

I dont know what happend above. I lost it. I spent all day yesterday crying. Now im fine. I have to tell you
something before i go. has to do with Entertainment tonight and access hollywood lmao

22/08/2013 21:42
Facebook User

They sometimes mention celebrities who get stalked and harassed. Im not that kind of stalker. I dont
know if you save my messages or anything. I hope actually i hope i never see you. I would never go out of
my way to see you. I feel ashamed when they mention crazy ass stalkers. I dont even think i have
erotomania. If i did, id believe you liked me. The only reason i believe you could semi like me is because i
like myself. Which is quite contradictory from what i mentioned above but its true. Secondly, alot of
people like you. You are very why cant i like you too? Lol thirdly, i dont drive. Im retarded. Id
never be able to follow a gps. Nor do i give a shit. When people say, That must be hard to have a schizo
affective person living with you my step dad says, shes a good girl meaning hardly any trouble.

22/08/2013 21:49
Facebook User

Anyways it feels like im on drugs. Im a druggie. Too much dopamine. I think i had a little too much
dopamine the other day dopamine means, " dope"..anyway im in a good mood now. Oh before i go leave
you alone. This is why i miss heather. We could talk and laugh. People on the internet, particularly those
looking for sex, are weird. I mean i know im weird but these people are fucking weird!

22/08/2013 21:58
Facebook User

Theres that truck driver hick. You know what? Im lowering my standards considering im fat an all and
this fuck is rejecting me all the sudden heres the funny part. Everyday id gat a text from him, ,,,,hi...thats
all it would say " hi" hai....idvexchange pics etc. Hes the one who would want to get together. Hes weird
he says we could just maybe touch and feel if ya wanta. Im like thinking what am i 12? I want your dick in
me!.... we were talking hes not into phone sex or anything. But one day " hes weird he likes to chat
about the weather n shit. I start talking about sex and ive been watching alot of porn you know when
people deep throat and they come up for air? Picture me doing this mm k. Like im gasping for air after i
deep throat him. He says nothing...he doesnt grunt or groan ...shit. after hell be like that was good. Then
he" ll text me " i liked our sex" hes really weird..always on the road texting me at restops. It must get
lonely. But anyway... heres the funny part. This is why hes not talking to me anymore. What a weirdo.

22/08/2013 22:04
Facebook User

He always wants pictures of my tits. Which is cool an all but i started taking many pictures of porn stars
screaming and taking cocks etc. Id then send them to him. Saying ooooh baby. Lol or " This is what my
face will look like as your fucking me" thats what im talkin bout...and now he no longer talks to me. I
scared him away.... there was this other guy. Id be like we can do this! And this! All this stuff the porn
stars do. Hes like, literally slow down...thats not very realistic. Im like but we can....etc. these people are
really really weird. If i was a man, id be thrilled. Anyways too funny. " this is what my face will look like
while i take your huge, big, erect fucking cock! Lol hahahaha

22/08/2013 22:10
Facebook User

Im starting to think i have more ballz. Then some of these guys. My body produces too much
testosterone. Maybe i have more BallZ....i know i have more balls then dorian. Dorian! Get to work. Jk
poor dorian. I still think everything i said went right over his head though. Anyways. What a retarded
situation some people are just retarded! Lol

22/08/2013 22:23
Facebook User

Could you yourself a couple nights worth of sleep by not seeing this movie. Im sleep
deprived or i get anxious at night. I used to be.. the bravest girl in the world. Telling your dr you are
terrified of the demon on the conjuring and you cant sleep at night. Or now i sleep with a night light. My
mom didnt have a place for her rocking chair cause she says its a family heirloom? Dont know how to say
it. Thanks mom. Its harder for me to sleep now but im getting better each day. Time heals all wounds.

22/08/2013 22:53
Facebook User

Ive never stalked anyone. Never followed anyone. Not even people on the playground! But i do have one
dellusional see least from my dont have to agree with me. Im not
attempting to give you a shared psychotic dellusion. Only if you want to....i see you and feel you deep
inside like youre a good person. I also think in my gut that, i knew you in a past life thats why i fixate on
you. You could of been a friend or who knows. My karmas bad with you as far as, i cant reach you nor are
you a part of my life.. but i do believe that, were simply not meant to be friends in this life...maybe i did
something maybe i was mean to you. Anyways..i dont have a dellusion where i think im your wife or
some shit. This guy made a facebook profile saying he was married to the person he stalked now Thats,
bat shit crazy. And i am crazy as far as my perceptions a little off. I do have HYPERGRAPHIA..i could
writeto you for hours but im not going to. If you see people who write and write and write incoherently,
they most likely have bi polar, schizophrenia, or both.

22/08/2013 23:04
Facebook User

Im going to leave you alone. I just now that if say if you dont read these..its just meant to be. If they gave
me a lie detecter asking me, do you love logan lee? Id say yes...yes im sorry i do but i just do. I dont know
why i just do. More like a friend though. Not necessarily lustful or anything. I wouldnt lie about that as
embarassing and irrational as it is. I think people love one another its just a part of life. Hey better love
tha n its opposite. But yes. I try so hard to leave you not bother you etc. Which is what ill do. But as a
friend aquaintance i would care if you were sick or something like that thats what i mean. Love is the
Law, love under will.."

24 August 2013

24/08/2013 12:24
Facebook User
You know what Ive been thinking about? Better to be a virgin than get an std like aids. I went to biolife
and they want to take plasma from you they ask all kinds of questions. I didnt follow through with it its
not worth 40 bucks. Plus, i thought people lying in the recliners, particularly men were thinking. Look at
that fat cow right there. fucking fat girl. hahahaha The doctor had to feel my fat stomache Im like no way
Im not doing this anymore. this is fucking embarassing. You know the movie Jaw Breaker? how rose mc
gowen goes into a bar at night looking for strange men. I mean. that guy is a hick. Ya think it migh....ya
think it might rain in here. wuld ya really have sex with me? i have an unconventional taste when it
comes to fucking. sometimes i make fun of his grammar. He'll text me, im going brook. ill be like, Youre
going broke? or youre going to Brooklyn wtf? and hell think what a Bitch. i read that men dont like
women who want to sleep with them too quickly because it affects their ego. you didnt take the time to
value him as a man. i tell you, i dont give a fuck. I dont give a fuck where hes from or how many cows he
owns. If nature intended women to feel objectified for wanting sex than fuck nature. Anyways, i just
fucking love to laugh. im not laughing now but, life is funny you know. terrifying and funny. Poor guy
though im not intentionally making fun of his grammar skillls. i feel sorry for people who cant spell
because i cant do math. I texted, I guess it didnt work out. no response. then i hesitate. godamn im so
fucking compelled to type. Youre a frigid mother fucker arent you? but i dont want it to affect my karma
in the future. thats how scorpios are. rejecting the rejecter. if somenoes going to reject me i gotta sting
them hard. so they walk away thinking, jesus. that wasnt easy. fuck! that motherfucker hurt me! lol.
anyways. look, this is the Last message im typing for a long ass motherfucking time alright. i hope you
enjoy. Fuck i enjoy my own company! hahahahah

24/08/2013 12:33
Facebook User

Im suprised i dont hear voices. this is what i do to make me exersisse i read articles on why men think fat
girls are disgusting. ignore them. they aint worth the time etc. and it makes me wanna conquer this shit!
thats probably why i dont hear voices. The devils like that one,, no, no we better not. she might learn to
enjoy our company.

29 August 2013

29/08/2013 09:20
Facebook User

The hick was in the hospital. isnt that sad? ... poor hick. it wasnt anything serious, but i cant remember
what it was. something about a gall bladder. like i said, i didnt want to get intimate with him. anyways, i
have a serious problem. not only this, typing to a stranger but this is where it gets funny. i texted the hick
all this horrendous stuff, i hate men. why dont you reject me like all the rest. exaggerating etc. i really
dont hate men. i dont hate this hick. " i could use you like a whore and discard you." all the stuff that
would make you think ding ding ding, borderline!! and he calls me. then i think, oh shit he really cares.
poor hick...what have i done. i thought he was gonna think, this girls nuts! i mean its a sad situation but
shes nuts and i want nothing to do with her! but he didnt. he texted. " i still want you" but its too late
because its me who doesnt like myself. so i ended up rejecting the hick and becoming the frigid fuck that
i am. lol now i have to go see a therapist. Im thinking of coming out of the stalking closet but, its just a
thought. i dont think a shrink is going to take me seriously. Anyways. he has a name hes not really a hick.
hes a nice man though. some men are compassionate after, i have problems... oh well

29/08/2013 09:30
Facebook User

and why am i writing this? oh to complete the story. But, like i said, im going to stop doing this and get
the help that i need to live a semi fufilling life. whats left of it... what i can do with it. you know what i
think the best things in life is and im sure youll agree. best friends fried green tomatoes. i miss Heather.
Heather was the best fucking fucked up friend that i had. she started being mean to me though. you
wanna know why. cause scorpios put up a tough facade but theyre really vulnerable. theyll resent you for
it. I discarded my night light now though the demon is out. i have this other friend i talk to but its not the
same. some people just arent as dark as you are. Some people you cant tell that you hate yourself at
times. we were friends like that. my other friends like, i cried over a guy i havent cried like that since my
mother died. im thinking, shit, i cry every other week. sometimes i cry to the angels take away this mixed
manic episode oh god. lmao. anyways. yes, thats the end of my story and i will stop typing. theres a dude
behind me making me nervous i gotta go. im afraid of americans im afraid of the world, im afraid i cant

29/08/2013 09:39
Facebook User

" I guess theres nothing in that black bag for me" " I guess I dont have master morality after all" lmao

29/08/2013 09:49
Facebook User

and why the hell am i going for an old man. do i have daddy issues? lol oh well. you know, something.
You remind me of someone.... you remind me of that dog at chuckie cheese. you know, the red neck...
hahaha Thanks for everything. You are so unbelievably nice under that fucked up mean facade.

29 August 2013

29/08/2013 19:55
Facebook User

Im srry for all these messages. I swear on my life, this is the last message im sending you....ever.
thankyou for not getting me into trouble for doing this for years. I am so sorry. I get anxious, and i can act
really strange. Its a secret ive kept well, i think my brother knows but im sorry. I do it because it feels
good to do so sometimes. I have that de clamboits syndrome....something like that. I am harmless, but a
part of me thinks ive caused you trouble now that i look back and im very sorry. Ive been ill lately but im
going to be okay. Its just hard being psychotic. I feel a knot in my stomache, and sometimes feel
physically sick when i think about how ive tripped out and pushed people in my life away. I think your
eyes are the window to your soul. You have a good soul.

29/08/2013 20:16
Facebook User

I feel like theres no place for me in this world. I am schizoid schizotypal...i feel anxious around people. I
stay in my house all day. Im afraid to live life. Im afraid of intimacy, so i stalk you. I dont know how a dr
can help me but im going to try to get better.i love you blows nose. You meant so much to me in my past
life. You always comforted me...i remember.

29/08/2013 22:01
Facebook User

Please dont tell anyone i know about this, because i will throw up. You can tell your friends, but please,
not my family. I know it sounds strange but its just how i feelLast thing ok goodnight

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