Assessing Satellite-Based Basal Crop Coefficients For Irrigated Grapes (Vitis Vinifera L.)

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Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554

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Assessing satellite-based basal crop coefcients for

irrigated grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)
Isidro Campos a, , Christopher M.U. Neale b , Alfonso Calera a , Claudio Balbontn a ,
Jose Gonzlez-Piqueras a
Instituto Desarrollo Regional (IDR), Grupo Teledeteccin y SIG, Universidad Castilla La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A combined methodology of basal crop coefcient (Kcb ) derived from vegetation indices (VI) obtained from
Received 29 September 2009 satellite images and a daily soil water balance in the root zone of the crop was proposed to accurately esti-
Received in revised form 5 May 2010 mate the daily grape crop coefcient and actual evapotranspiration. The modeled values were compared
Accepted 20 July 2010
with eld measurements of crop evapotranspiration (ET) using an energy balance eddy-covariance ux
Available online 25 August 2010
tower and adjusted for closure using the measured Bowen ratio. A linear relation between Kcb and VI for
vineyard was obtained, Kcb = 1.44 NDVI-0.10 and Kcb = 1.79 SAVI-0.08. The correlation of the measured
crop coefcient (Kc ) and modeled (Kcrf ) exhibits a linear tendency, Kc = 0.96Kcrf , r2 = 0.67. Other derived
Evapotranspiration of grapes
Vegetation indices
parameters such as weekly Kc and daily and weekly ET show good consistency with measurements and
Remote sensing higher coefcients of determination. The study of the soil water balance suggests the importance of soil
Canopy reectance water storage in grapes within the La Mancha region. These results validate the use of remote sensing as
Crop coefcients a tool for the estimation of evapotranspiration of irrigated wine grapes planted on trellis systems.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction development [near 30% at peak cover] due to row spacing, indi-
cate that soil evaporation could be an important parameter in the
One of the most important crop management practices in estimation of grape evapotranspiration.
semiarid areas is the application of irrigation water. The precise The use of remote sensing in the assessment of crop water
estimation of crop water requirements allows for adequate irriga- requirements through the estimation of crop coefcients from
tion management and savings of water. One accepted methodology remotely sensed vegetation indices has a long development history.
for the estimation of crop water requirements is the use of refer- Heilman et al. (1982) exposed the possibility of reectance derived
ence evapotranspiration and a crop coefcient (Allen et al., 1998; vegetation indices (VI) to describe crop evolution. Bausch and Neale
Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1977). Estimation of the crop coefcient (1987) and Neale et al. (1989) demonstrated the possibility of relat-
(single or dual approach) is required for calculating crop evap- ing the crop coefcient of herbaceous crops with VI derived from
otranspiration and maintaining a soil moisture balance such as remote sensing. Choundhury et al. (1994) established a relation
described by the FAO56 methodology. A large amount of research between normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived
has been conducted during the last 30 years to estimate the stan- from a radiative transfer model and a transpiration coefcient cal-
dard values and temporal evolution of crop coefcient (Allen et al., culated for wheat under different soil background and vegetation
1998; Wright, 1982). Nevertheless, adaptation to local crop vari- cover conditions, providing a theoretical background of this rela-
eties, management practices and climate is always recommended. tionship. Hunsaker et al. (2003) also showed a linear relationship
One type of crop for which local management practices can be more between NDVI and basal crop coefcient for cotton in the growing
relevant is in the case of fruit trees, where the standard param- stages before full cover. Other relationships reported for herba-
eters can vary greatly from one area to other. Amid fruit crops, ceous crops but using the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) as
grapes have a great relevance; the typical low planting densities of the reference VI were proposed by Bausch (1993) and Choundhury
vineyards in many areas and the commonly low vegetation cover et al. (1994). These relationships have been studied for many crops
and recently for potato (Jayanthi et al., 2007), cotton and sugar beets
(Gonzlez-Dugo and Mateos, 2008), and wheat (Duchemin et al.,
2006; Er-Raki et al., 2007). Recently, some studies are combining
Corresponding author at: Instituto Desarrollo Regional (IDR), Grupo Telede-
thermal and optical remote sensing methodologies to derive VI-
teccin y SIG, Universidad Castilla La Mancha, Campus Universitario s/n, 02071
Albacete, Spain. Tel.: +34 967 599200x2640; fax: +34 967 599349. crop coefcient relations (Rafn et al., 2008; Singh and Irmak, 2009)
E-mail address: (I. Campos). or compare the results of both methodologies respect to accu-

0378-3774/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
46 I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554

rate ground data (Gonzalez-Dugo et al., 2009). Within the study

region of our experiment Cuesta et al. (2005) checked the ability to
obtain single coefcient from satellite data for several annual crops
and Gonzlez-Piqueras (2006) obtained a good agreement between
crop coefcient and VI for wheat and corn comparing reectance-
based crop coefcients from eld radiometry with lysimeter data.
These previous studies developed relationships between vegeta-
tion indices and basal crop coefcient for herbaceous crops, but
the development of this relationship for fruit trees such as grapes
remains unexplored.
This paper assesses the estimation of grape evapotranspira-
tion based on a basal crop coefcient derived from VI obtained
from satellite imagery. This spectral basal crop coefcient derived
from spectral reectance, was used to estimate evapotranspira-
tion according to the dual crop coefcient FAO-56 approach. The
proposed model is validated through comparisons with measured
crop evapotranspiration using eddy-covariance techniques over an
irrigated production vineyard in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. The
development of a methodology to derive a spectral basal crop
coefcient based on remote sensing could lead to an operational
methodology for the assessment of water requirements for grape
crops over large areas. The availability of satellite data with ade-
quate temporal and spatial resolution could facilitate the use of
remote sensing as valid tool for irrigation scheduling of vine crops.

1.1. Study site Fig. 1. Aerial orthophotograph of the vineyard study eld showing the location of
the eddy-covariance ux station and the surrounding elds with vegetation and
The study eld was located in the province of Albacete, south- other crops.

east of Spain, (39 16 34 N, 1 58 32 W, 700 m. above MSL). The
climatology in the area is described as Temperate Mediterranean high vegetation reduction produces excessive bunch exposition an
(Gonzlez-Piqueras, 2006; Montoro et al., 2008) according to the may reduce the grape quality (Haselgrove et al., 2000; Jackson and
Papadakis Classication. Mean annual precipitation for the last Lombard, 1993). The shoots were pruned in the experimental eld
thirty years is 340 mm and the mean annual temperature is 13.6 C around DOY 187 and no new leaves or stems were observed after
for the same period (INM, 2004). Soils are classied as Inceptisoil that date, so the fractional vegetation cover remained stable at 30%
according with the USDA 1987 Soil Taxonomy (IGN, 1992). Soil tex- after that date.
ture at the experimental eld is classied as sandy clay with the
presence of abundant gravel. 2. Materials and methods
The study eld was a drip irrigated vineyard, 18.5 ha in size,
planted with four different varieties of wine grapes that were 2.1. Estimation of evapotranspiration
seven years old: the Cencibel variety was predominant but Caber-
net Sauvignon, Shiraz and Merlot were also cultivated in smaller A theoretical approach to estimate crop evapotranspiration (ET)
proportions. The study eld was surrounded by other crops such as is given by the PenmanMonteith combination equation (Eq. (1)).
winter cereals and irrigated fruit trees and a pine forest (Fig. 1). The crop coefcient (Eq. (2)) (Allen et al., 1998; Doorenbos and
The plants were grown on vertical shoot positioned trellis, with Pruitt, 1977) is the ratio between crop evapotranspiration and ref-
wood pruning during the dormant period and additional pruning erence crop evapotranspiration (ET0 ), which may be computed by
during the vegetative growth to adjust the vegetative develop- means of the FAO56 PenmanMonteith equation (Eq. (3)) (Allen et
ment. No tillage or cultivation is conducted during the growing al., 1998). The variables utilized in the formulation of evapotranspi-
season but the application of herbicides prevented the growth of ration are net radiation (Rn ) heat ux into the soil (G), air density
weeds. The vine spacing was 1.5 m and the row spacing 3.0 m which (a ), specic heat of air (cp ), vapor pressure decit (es ea ), the
were oriented approximately in the northsouth direction. The row thermodynamic psychrometric constant (), aerodynamic resis-
direction and plant spacing are very representative of wine grapes tance (ra ), canopy resistance (rc ), wind speed adjusted to 2 m of
in the area, although some variations can occur as a function of plot height (u2 ), air temperature (T) and saturation slope vapor pres-
dimensions. The drip line was placed on the trellis below the plants sure curve at air temperature (), the subscript 0 denotes grass
with drippers spaced 1.0 m apart. as the reference surface used in the computation of ET0 .
Vineyard production in 2007 was 14,000 kg ha1 , around
(Rn G) + a cp (es ea )/ra
7 kg/tree, which was similar to previous year yields, and no infec- ET = (1)
 + (1 + rc /ra )
tion or diseases were detected in the plants during the growing
season. Irrigation was performed according to local production ET
Kc = (2)
practices, with the application of 22 mm of water every 12 days, ET0
with a total applied irrigation depth of 143 mm throughout the
0.408(Rn0 G0 ) + (900/(T + 273))u2 (es ea )
growing season. Grapevine management was oriented towards ET0 = (3)
 + (1 + 0.34u2 )
increasing the fruit quality and included the control of foliage
development to reduce the competition for assimilates with grape The model proposed in this paper to calculate the crop evap-
berries (Pellegrino et al., 2006). Unnecessary vegetation devel- otranspiration for grapes is based on the dual crop coefcient
opment increases crop water consumption, reducing soil water methodology (Wright, 1982). In particular, we used the basal crop
storage and increasing the irrigation requirements. In contrast, coefcient approach (Kcb ) with a soil evaporation term (Ke ) and
I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554 47

adjustments to Kcb to account for water stress in the root zone, 2.2. Field data
modeled as Ks (Allen et al., 1998) (Eq. (4)). Actual crop evapotran-
spiration resulting with this formulation taking into account the 2.2.1. Crop evapotranspiration measurements
presence of water stress will be named ETa in this paper. Crop evapotranspiration was measured with a full energy bal-
ance eddy-covariance ux tower placed in the vineyard. The ux
tower included the follow instrumentation: LI-7500 Infrared Gas
ETa = (Ke + Kcb Ks )ET0 (4)
Analyzer (IRGA); 3D Sonic Anemometer (CSAT3); Kipp & Zonen
four-way Net Radiometer; HFP01-SC Soil Heat Flux Plates and soil
The reectance-based crop coefcient was obtained by means of a temperature thermocouples for the correction of the measured soil
linear transformation between the measured basal crop coefcient heat uxes. The sonic anemometer and IRGA were placed at 3.0 m
and the VI derived from canopy reectance estimated from satellite above the ground surface. The fetch in the main wind direction
image (Bausch and Neale, 1987; Neale et al., 1989). In production (from the northwest) was 207 m (Fig. 1). The relationship fetch-
agriculture, the actual crop growth usually differs from the ideal to-height used in this work was approximately 1:70, the which is
conditions which the standard crop curves represent. Thus, the mentioned by Stannard (1997) to allow at least 80% of the EC mea-
use of a basal crop coefcient derived from multi-temporal surface surement was in equilibrium with the studied surface. Following
reectance inputs can provide a better representation of the real the methodology proposed by Schuepp et al. (1990) the 90% of the
eld conditions than tabulated basal crop coefcients which are accumulated ux (effective fetch) had their source inside a limited
based on average climatic and production management conditions. area to 159 m and the maximum contribution to the ux was at 8 m
The reectance-based basal crop coefcient will be named Kcbrf in from the tower.
this paper. Crop coefcient computed using Kcbrf and Ke is named Because the simultaneous transfer of sensible and latent heat
Kcrf in this paper. The Kcrf is comparable to the adjusted crop coef- causes changes in the moist air density it was necessary to apply
cient described in the FAO-56 manual (Allen et al., 1998), because some routine corrections to the raw data to adjust for spurious
Kcb is adapted to the particular crop development characteristics uxes when air is measured volumetrically. Standard corrections
obtained by the remotely sensed inputs. were applied using the theory developed by Webb et al. (1980).
A daily water balance in the soil root zone was performed fol- Post-acquisition corrections were apply using the software TK2
lowing Eq. (5), after the simplications proposed in Eq. (6), in order (Mauder et al., 2007). This software correct for the errors in the
to estimate Ks ; and for the surface soil layer [10 cm] to compute Ke . wind speed vertical component (Kaimal and Finnigan, 1994), sensor
Due to the absence of capillary rise (CR) from groundwater table, separation and path-length averaging (Massman, 2000) and elim-
and insignicant deep percolation (DPi ) and runoff from the soil inates spurious ux values (spikes). The data were processed to
(RO) in the study eld, Eq. (5) was simplied to the one described obtain 30 min intervals and averaged for each 24 h, including the
in Eq. (6). Other terms relative to water inputs such as irrigation data obtained during the night period, to obtain the daily aver-
(Ii ) and precipitation (P) were measured. Dr,i and Dr,i1 refer to the age ux values. Daily ux measurements of latent heat ux (LE)
soil moisture depletion on the day and previous day time step. DPi and sensible heat ux (H) were adjusted following the Bowen-
is an important component in the soil water balance under high ratio closure method. This approach assumes that the Bowen ratio
irrigation or precipitation regimes, but in the conditions described (Bowen, 1926) is correctly measured by the EC system and uses it
in this experiment and having into account the evidence of max- to proportionally adjust H and LE (Twine et al., 2000) and force clo-
imum irrigation deep detected by the humidity sensors it can be sure with the available energy or net radiation minus soil heat ux
neglected. (Rn G). The soil heat ux (G) was obtained by averaging measured
The calculation of these coefcients is described by Allen et al. values from ux plates at three different positions between rows,
(1998), taking into account the soil physical water retention prop- to take into account the heterogeneity in plant cover. The daily val-
erties as well as the special characteristics of the vine crop, i.e. drip ues of adjusted LE were transformed to mm day1 to obtain daily
irrigation, high row spacing and low fraction of vegetation cover. measured crop evapotranspiration (ETmeasured ).
For the dataset analyzed herein more than the 90% of the daily
data ux presents an energy balance closure greater than 0.85; it
Dr,i = Dr,i1 (P RO)i Ii CRi + ET + DPi (5) causes an uncertain in ETmeasured determination lower than 15%
of available energy that is traduced in an uncertain lower than
Dr,i = Dr,i1 Pi Ii + ET (6) 0.5 mm day1 in the daily ux determination for the 90% of the
data. The closure methods are applied to reduce this uncertain and
although the literature is not conclusive about which is the best
The soil water balance was computed beginning on DOY 120 of method to close the energy balance the two more accepted are the
2007 and the soil prole was assumed full watered at this time, residual method and the Bowen-ratio method (Twine et al., 2000).
This supposition is based in the study of the water balance dur- We select the method Bowen-ratio because it preserves in a better
ing the previous grapes dormancy period, after the vines from the way the conditions of the raw eld data, since it does not discard
2006s growing season had lost their leaves. The soil prole was any of the two uxes and just distributes in a pondered way the
assumed to be at 35% of available water at that point in time, a value disclosures.
of depletion beyond which grapes are considered to be stressed.
The addition of winter and spring rains to the prole brought the 2.2.2. Reference evapotranspiration
root zone soil prole to eld capacity at the beginning of the 2007 To perform the comparison between ETmeasured and ETa data
growing season, DOY 120, corroborated by the soil moisture water using the crop coefcient approach, referente evapotranspira-
balance modeling. At the end of the 2007 season, the modeled soil tion values (ET0 ) were required as an input to the model. The
moisture in the prole was much higher than the 35% assumed at daily ET0 was calculated using the FAO56 PenmanMonteith
the end of 2006, as a result of two late irrigations. This is a com- equation (Allen et al., 1998). The required meteorological parame-
mon irrigation water management practice which was also used ters, i.e. wind velocity and vapor pressure decit were measured
in 2006, leading us to believe that the assumption of 35% available with an automated weather station, placed 2.96 m above the
water at the end of the 2006 season for initiating the water balance ground, and adjusted to 2 m height according to the wind pro-
modeling, is conservative. le over an ideal reference surface. The station included a Vaisala
48 I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554

Table 1
Path-row and acquisition dates for the cloud-free Landsat 5 images used in the analysis.

DOY 126 151 174 183 190 199 206 215 238 247 270

Path-row 200-33 199-33 200-33 199-33 200-33 199-33 200-33 199-33 200-33 199-33 200-33

thermometerhygrometer, an anemometer, Wind Monitor 05103- analysis of soil moisture in the entire soil volume explored by the
5 (Young Company) and a CM3 pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen), for roots along with the use of eld calibrated moisture sensors. These
measuring the incident radiation. The net radiation and soil heat considerations will be taken into account in future research.
uxes were modeled according to the characteristics of a reference
surface as is described by Allen et al. (1998) taking the measured 2.3.1. Soil water balance parameterization
incident solar radiation as the input. The evaporation coefcient methodology proposed in FAO 56
was adapted to the special characteristics of the vine crop in terms
2.2.3. Satellite-based surface reectance and vegetation indices of wet and sun-exposed bare soil after each drip irrigation event.
Vegetation indices used to model the basal crop coefcient were The low vegetation cover, which reached 30% at peak vegetative
obtained from Landsat-5 TM satellite images. Fortunately, the study cover, could lead to a high evaporation rate of water from the bare
eld was located in the overlap zone between two Landsat paths soil surface after irrigation or rainfall events. ETmeasured after these
(Path-Row 199-33 and 200-33) which increased the temporal reso- events during the study period showed an increase as described
lution from 16 to 79 days. Eleven cloud-free images over the study by the FAO-56 model. The width of the surface wetted by the irri-
area were used, listed in Table 1. gation system, fw, was xed at 0.9 m (30% of the surface) based
The image processing included geometric correction and rec- on visual observations in the eld after irrigation events. However,
tication of the Landsat-5 TM optical bands. An atmospheric the fraction of soil wetted and exposed, few, is remodeled taking
correction methodology based on the estimation of atmospheric into account the portion of wet soil shaded during the day result-
conditions through image properties (Guanter et al., 2007) was ing from the row orientation and canopy height and position of the
applied. The procedure includes image calibration using the coef- sun in the sky.
cients proposed in the literature for Landsat-5 TM (Chander et al., The parameters and values used in the soil water balance related
2007). to the deep rooting system and soil moisture are presented in
The vegetation indices were calculated on a pixel-by-pixel basis Table 2. Similar root depths have been reported for grapes by direct
and averaged for the entire study plot, avoiding eld edge pixels. observation (Pellegrino et al., 2004) compatible with the assumed
The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (Rouse et al., root soil depth used in our modeling. The soil water depletion with-
1973), and the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) (Huete, 1988), out reduction of the evapotranspiration, p, was modeled following
was used in this study. The seasonal evolution of the VI during the the procedures proposed in FAO-56 modied for the grape crop by
eld experiment along with main crop phenology dates are also using a p value of 0.65 for an ETmeasured of 5 mm day1 .
shown in Fig. 3. Field capacity was determined in laboratory (300 cm-H2 O suc-
tion), using pressure plates, for unaltered samples. Wilting point
2.3. Measured soil water content was obtained by means of textural percentage measured in labora-
tory and using the approximation proposed by Saxton et al. (1986).
A direct measurement of soil water content was made using This measurements was made for the soils in an adjacent eld,
EnviroScan soil water capacitance probes. The calibration equation
provided by the manufactures was applied to frequency readings Table 2
scaled with respect to air and water measurements. The probes Value and units for the parameters used in the soil water balance based on the
FAO-56 methodology.
were placed at different depths, from 10 to 80 cm, and at different
distances from the drip emitters to measure the possible varia- Parameter FAO-56 symbol Value and unit
tions of soil moisture from wet (close to the emitters) to dry (at Soil water content at  FC 0.29 cm3 cm3
the middle of the space between the rows). eld capacity
According to the soil moisture measurements, a typical irriga- Soil water content at  WP 0.14 cm3 cm3
tion wetted the soil up to 75 cm away from the emitter to a depth wilting point
Soil water balance
of 50 cm. The probes placed beyond this point in the space between
parameters at soil
rows did not register the effect of irrigations. However, these probes Surface
did register a continuous decrease of soil moisture throughout the Depth of soil surface Ze 0.1 m
season, indicating that the vine root system actually extended into evaporation layer
this soil volume. The soil moisture trend depended on the probe Total evaporable water TEW 19.4 mm
Readily evaporable REW 4.0 mm
location. In the middle of the row, the deep probes did not register water
increases in soil moisture after an irrigation event, but the values Fraction of soil surface fw 0.30
decreased from 10 to 80 cm of depth. wetted by irrigation
The capacitance probes were not calibrated for the specic soil Fraction of soil surface few 0.12
wetted and
physical characteristics, i.e. the range of soil moisture between
eld capacity and wilting point. Installation deciencies such as the Soil water balance
presence of air gaps between the access tube and the soil may have parameters at root
also affected the measurements with some of the probes. For such, zone
these measurements were only considered as relative qualitative Soil depletion fraction p 0.65
without stress
values. However the soil water content measurements did describe Maximum effective Zr max 2 m.
the evolution of the water content in the soil and established the root deep
soil volume from which the grape plants were extracting water. Effective root depth Zr min 2 m.
The comparison of soil water depletion predicted by the modeling during initial growth
with respect to soil water content measurements needs a complete
I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554 49

Table 3 winter and spring precipitation and the use of that water by the
Estimated and measured eld capacity and wilting point values for the soil in the
grape plants. The precipitation during the growing season was only
adjacent eld (E. Torres, 2009, personal communication).
45 mm.
Parameter Estimated Measured Seasonal ETmeasured reported in this study can be compared
Mean Mean
with previous reported values for grapes. Evans et al. (1993), in
Field capacity cm3 cm3 0.26 0.29 a complete review on annual water consumption of grapes found a
Wilting point cm3 cm3 0.14 0.22 range between 450 and 900 mm. According to these values, the sea-
sonal consumption of 342 mm for our study eld during the 2007
growing season appears to be low. The difference could be due to
these data are shown in Table 3. The reason to combine estima- the evapotranspiration outside of the growing season, Bucks et al.
tions from textural analysis and pressure plates measurements is (1985) calculated a seasonal evapotranspiration for grapes in Ari-
that at higher suctions water retention is more inuenced by tex- zona ranging from 310 to 485 mm, closer to the lower part of the
ture and at lower suctions the amount of water retained depends range described by Evans et al. (1993).
mainly on the soil structure (Hillel, 1998). Apart from the different vegetation canopy, water management
and plant development, ET0 has a great inuence in the differences.
3. Results and discussion To reduce the impact of atmospheric demand variations in ET, the
discussion is made in terms of Kc , the ratio between ETmeasured and
3.1. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration ET0 .

Total crop evapotranspiration water consumption during the

measuring campaign, from DOY 148 to DOY 272, was 321 mm 3.1.1. Estimated crop coefcient
(Fig. 2); the cumulative ET0 was 705 mm during the same period. Daily Kc values were obtained by dividing ETmeasured with the
Eddy covariance tower measurements started on DOY 148 when reference evapotranspiration calculated as described above. Kc thus
the vines were growth but not full developed, thus ET during the derived includes plant transpiration and soil evaporation. Fig. 2
developing phase initial stage were not measured. Considering a shows the temporal evolution of Kc together with the temporal
linear extrapolation of Kc back in time from the rst measure- evolution of ET0 , along with dates of irrigation and precipitation
ment date, DOY 148, to the date of phenological stage 2 to 3 and canopy ground cover development, canopy ground cover were
leaves unfolded, which corresponds to DOY 120, the total water measured by analyzing digital photographs obtained from nadir
consumption during the growing season, from May to October, over the eld.
was estimated as 342 mm. During the same period the cumulative Previous studies with Thomson Seedless grapes in California
ET0 was 824 mm. The difference between irrigation water applied (Williams and Ayars, 2005) showed a linear relation between per-
(143 mm) and that used through evapotranspiration (342 mm) cent of shaded area and Kc . That equation predicts a Kc equal to
shows the importance of the water stored in the soil resulting from 0.55 for a vineyard with the same plant cover (shaded area) as our

Fig. 2. Calculated ET0 , ETmeasured , estimated Kc , along with irrigation and rain events and vegetation cover development for the studied vineyard.
50 I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554

a slight decreasing trend with time. Slight variations of VI within

the plateau around the trend line, can be a result of environmen-
tal and atmospheric conditions as well as changes in canopy and
surface conditions. The vegetation cover peaked between DOY 180
and DOY 190, remaining fairly constant for the rest of the eld cam-
paign. Both vegetation indices followed the vegetative growth quite
well. The observed decrease in the VI on DOY 190 was probably due
to the decrease in leaf area resulting from the mechanical pruning
of the vines that occurred around DOY 187. The NDVI appeared
to be more sensitive than the SAVI to wet soil surface, presenting
lower values after the irrigation events on DOY 199 and 215.
Once the canopy reached the maximum vegetative develop-
ment as a result of the mechanical pruning, no changes occurred
in the canopy architecture, because no new shoots, leaves or stems
were further observed. The slow decrease of VI after peak vege-
Fig. 3. Evolution of TM5 based VI during the 2007 grape growing season with the
main phenological stages for the grapes. tation could be due to leaf maturity and aging, as described for
other crops (Heilman et al., 1982) and shadow enlarge (Jiang et al.,
2006) as consequence of changes in the zenith angle. The effect of
study plot. That relationship was developed for daily irrigated vines, row direction in the ground shaded area were simulated using the
therefore, that value must be compared with Kc values we obtained model proposed by Oyarzun et al. (2007) and no substantial differ-
after irrigation events, of around 0.58, which are very close to those ences were found at satellite acquisition time. According with this
presented by Williams and Ayars (2005). Montoro et al. (2008) simulation, changes in the sun declination during the date of the
reported a monthly mean Kc around 0.58 at peak cover, august, year has greater effect in the shadow enlargement.
for daily irrigated grapes, measured using a lysimeter in the same
region of La-Mancha. These values are higher than the monthly
3.3. Kcbrf modeled from vegetation indices
values obtained herein, 0.48 in august. These discrepancies may be
mainly due to the effect of higher irrigation frequency on Kc result-
Kcbrf has usually been modeled by means of a linear relationship
ing from increased soil evaporation. Similar differences were found
established between VI and Kcb measured during the vegetative
with Kc obtained at other locations for vines with high irrigation fre-
growth stage (Cuesta et al., 2005; Gonzlez-Piqueras, 2006). Neale
quency (Evans et al., 1993; Teixeira et al., 2007). These differences
et al. (1989) proposed the development of this relationship by
indicate the relevance of different irrigation management schemes
means of linear scaling relating the average NDVI of dry tilled bare
for saving water on irrigated vineyards. For a rainfed vineyard, in
soil for the site with the Kcb value for dry bare soil and the average
the same region of La-Mancha, Oliver and Sene (1992) describe a
maximum NDVI value for the site (at effective cover) with the Kcb
seasonal Kc closer to 0.2 for vines in the absence of soil evaporation.
value at effective cover. Following this procedure, specic equa-
The lower vegetation cover of 25% reported by those authors could
tions can be developed for diverse crops in different agricultural
also be one of the reasons for this lower Kc value. Soil moisture
stress due to the typical water shortage conditions in this semiarid
Since the relationship between VI and crop coefcient were
region could be another reason to explain the lower values.
based on the basal crop coefcient Kcb , that is dened as the ratio
of the crop evapotranspiration over the reference evapotranspira-
3.2. Vegetation indices and grapevine development tion when the soil surface is dry but transpiration is occurring at
potential rate (Allen et al., 1998), only the dates with minimum soil
The ability of VI to relate to crop evapotranspiration is based on evaporation and free of water stress in the root zone could to be
the relationship with vegetation cover, leaf area index, and other used in the VIKcbrf model development. In this way, only the data
biophysical variables directly related to ET (Gonzlez-Piqueras, after a minimum of 4 days following an irrigation or rain event
2006; Montero et al., 1999). In Fig. 3 the seasonal evolution of NDVI were used, with the goal of reducing the evaporation component
and SAVI for the grapevine canopy is shown. Temporal VI patterns from bare soil. The selected dates that met these criteria and used
exhibit an initial phase of linear increase, followed by a plateau with to obtain this relationship were DOY 126, 151, 174, 183, 190, 206,

Fig. 4. VIKcbrf relationships for both vegetation indices used in the study. Kcb for the lowest VI values under bare soil conditions, was estimated following Wright (1982) and
Allen et al. (1998).
I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554 51

Table 4
Summary of some Kcb VI relationships reported in the literature (Eqs. (7) and (11) are modied for grass as the reference surface).

Equation Author Crop

(7) Kcbrf = 1.36 NDVI 0.06 Bausch and Neale (1987) Corn
(8) Kcbrf = 1.46 NDVI 0.26 Choundhury et al. (1994) Theoretical approach
(9) Kcbrf = 1.416 SAVI + 0.017 Bausch (1993) Corn
(10) Kcbrf = 1.69 SAVI 0.16 Choundhury et al. (1994) Theoretical approach
(11) Kcbrf = 1.587 SAVI + 0.005 Jayanthi et al. (2007) Potato

247 and 270. Linear relationships between Kcb and both NDVI and
SAVI resulted in high coefcients of determination (Fig. 4), although
the scarce number of points available at lower values will require
further research for conrmation.
The similarity between the Kcbrf VI relationships described
herein and other reported equations (Table 4) albeit for different
crops, are signicant although small differences for slope and inter-
ception can be observed. For the full developed vines values of NDVI
and SAVI found here, Kcbrf from empirical equations (Bausch, 1993;
Bausch and Neale, 1987; Jayanthi et al., 2007) showed in Table 4
ranges between 0.45 and 0.50, conrming the similarity between
the reported empirical relationships, at least for the medium range
of vegetation indices.
The use of SAVI did not signicantly increase the accuracy of the
model. According to the analysis by Huete (1988), the use of SAVI Fig. 5. ETmeasured and ETa throughout the 2007 grape growing season along with ET0 .
with crops having low vegetation cover reduced substantially the Observe the increases of ETmeasured and ETa after irrigation or rain events.

effects of the soil background and improved the linearity between

the VI and biophysical parameters. In the case of this experiment, root zone. The irrigation application of 22 mm every 12 days, except
the main possible reason for soil background reectance variabil- at the beginning and at the end of the season, imposed a cyclical
ity would be related to wetting due to irrigation. However, due to variation of Kc . After each irrigation event, a sudden increase in the
the use of trickle irrigation, the portion of wetted soil is small com- Kc can be observed due to the presence of increased soil evaporation
pared to the row spacing and mostly occulted by the vegetation with a subsequent dry down period and decrease in the Kc lasting
canopy when viewed from nadir and apparently does not intro- typically 34 days. The largest differences between measured and
duce signicant variability in the spectral response at eld scales modeled Kc occurred on days after rain or irrigation events, indi-
if the satellite image is taken a few days after an irrigation event. cating that the bare soil evaporation model could be improved. The
However the use of the NDVI based model operationally could lead close agreement outside of these periods reinforces the validity of
to increased error if applied on days with wet soil due to irrigation the approach based on the reectance based basal crop coefcient
and especially rain, as in the latter case the entire inter-row soil sur- and conrms the methodology used in its development.
face would be wet. Besides these considerations, the slightly higher During the period between DOY 167 and DOY 199, the absence
r2 of the NDVI model presented herein lead us to apply the water of soil evaporation along with well-watered conditions in the root
balance model using Kcbrf based on the NDVI relationship. For the zone coincided with the period when the grapes reached their peak
dates when satellite images were not available, Kcbrf was linearly vegetative growth before being pruned. The measured Kc reached
interpolated between the previous and the following image date. 0.5 during this period and reduced to 0.47 after pruning. The main
error source was in the soil surface evaporation model used for
3.4. Comparison between measured and modeled crop Ke estimation which presently does not accurately reproduce the
evapotranspiration measured values. The proposed modication relative to wet and
exposed area increased the precision of the results, but some dif-
Following the dual crop coefcient approach and assimilat- ferences appear during the dry down period after irrigation or rain
ing the Kcbrf modeled from reectance data in the computation, events.
actual crop evapotranspiration, ETa , was calculated as the product
of Kcrf and ET0 . The results match closely the evolution of ETmeasured
including the increases after irrigations and rains that produce
short-term increments in ET due to bare soil evaporation (Fig. 5).
ETmeasured and ETa are strongly inuenced by the increases in vege-
tation development as well as daily and seasonal ET0 increases and
Total modeled water consumption during the growing season
was 324 mm resulting in a difference of 15 mm, or 5% of ETmeasured .

3.5. Comparison between measured and modeled crop coefcient

The Kc followed the grape canopy growth increasing its value

from DOY 120 to DOY 187 (Fig. 6), when the vegetation growth was
stopped due to mechanical pruning. Variability in Kc after that date
was due to either the increased soil evaporation component after Fig. 6. Estimated Kc throughout the season along with modeled Kcrf using the
irrigations and rains or decreases due to water limitations in the reectance-based basal crop coefcient approach.
52 I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554

Fig. 7. Comparison between measured and modeled evapotranspiration. (a) Daily crop coefcient with a minimum of 4 days after irrigation or rain; (b) weekly mean crop
coefcient for the whole data; (c) daily evapotranspiration with a minimum of 4 days after irrigation or rain; and (d) weekly cumulated evapotranspiration for the whole

However, modeled crop coefcient and crop evapotranspiration sider that the load of fruit was well balanced with the foliage
using data from periods after a minimum of 4 days from an irriga- development, because the experimental plot was oriented to max-
tion or rain event reproduce measured values and show a linear imize the production and quality. The approach of using Kcbrf from
correlation near the 1:1 line (Fig. 7). The high coefcient of deter- remote sensing coupled with a soil water balance, to calculate ETa
mination of the Kcbrf VI linear relationship results from the parallel requires knowledge of water stress functions and bare soil evapo-
trends that both parameters follow during the grape vines vegeta- ration modeling. Probably in some cases, with trees specially, the
tive growth stage; a fact that has been conrmed for other crops water stress functions would need to be more complex than the
in studies using this methodology such as Neale et al. (1989) and method described in the FAO56 approach, and more inputs would
Jayanthi et al. (2007). In addition, comparisons of weekly values of be required. Advances on bare soil evaporation modeling also need
cumulative ET, a common time period used in irrigated agriculture, to be developed.
shows a good agreement between measured and modeled values. The Kcbrf procedure combined with surface energy balance mod-
els using remote sensing could lead to interesting solutions. Surface
3.6. Practical applications and limitations energy balance (SEB) models couple the canopy/soil root zone con-
tinuum and the atmosphere through the radiometric temperature.
The empirical Kcb VI linear relationships in grapes as presented In a comparison of both methodologies (Gonzalez-Dugo et al., 2009)
in Fig. 4 are similar to those previously found for herbaceous crops found similar accuracies between both approaches, so a synergistic
with higher LAI and cover values at different sites as shown in combination of these approaches (Rubio et al., 2006) should be a
Table 4. Further research is needed to conrm if the relationship future research line for tackling water stress functions.
developed for grapes herein can be used with grape canopies that The Kcb ET0 approach decouples canopy and atmosphere. The
attain higher LAI values. Previously developed Kc vs. NDVI rela- temporal evolution of Kcb describes the canopy growth along its
tionships for other crops in the same region also exhibit similar growing season. The curve could be approximated by a smooth,
coefcients; an indication of the reliability and temporal stability of continuous, function, opening the possibility to interpolate this
these relationships (Cuesta et al., 2005; Gonzlez-Piqueras, 2006). parameter between adjacent dates due to its great stability in com-
Our ndings indicate that the Kcbrf value of a canopy expresses parison with the great variability of ET values. A good example of
the maximum (potential) value of the ratio ET/ET0 that this canopy the stability of Kcb is shown in Fig. 3
could reach under dry surface soils, when the overall canopy con- Though the relationships in this paper were developed using
ditions are optimal. Water stress, diseases, soil salinity, etc. could Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery, the use of virtual satellite con-
be causes for a reduction of its maximum rate. For grapes and other stellations (Martinez-Beltran et al., 2009) based around multiple
fruit trees with large stomatal control, the ratio ET/ET0 could also and compatible satellite sensors and platforms open the possibility
be dependent on the load of fruit supported by the plant for the of increasing single platform temporal resolution, which is a serious
same foliage development. In the data here presented we con- hindrance for operational applications. Since the most recent and
I. Campos et al. / Agricultural Water Management 98 (2010) 4554 53

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