Pennyfctake1 Amayaalvarez

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Your argument/personal commentary not source related

Source integration (remember you must use two sources - normally it is 3, but for this assertion, I want 2)

Concession/ Counter Argument

Voice and use of rhetorical devices

Bolded - WB to purpose

Italics - persuasive elements

Assignment: You will be writing everything except the first assertion for the penny prompt. Your introduction and

thesis must be original to you; you must have a transitional phrase at the beginning of the second assertion (the only

one youre writing); you must have a counterargument and/or a concession; you must write a conclusion.

Our countrys most important of principles are represented by the most mind boggling of objects: a tiny piece

of metal. This small object is a penny, a coin known to all and have been used by all. Our penny is in everyones

homes, everyones pockets, and everyones piggy banks. Anyone can say theyve used these coins for a variety of

purposes that prove significant in their lives, no matter how small the task may be. Although many believe the penny

is a useless object without a purpose, in reality, this copper, one cent coin is what provides economic and patriotic

significances that goes beyond our countrys lines to influence other nations alike.

Although some feel as if the penny serves no purpose in the social aspect of our lives, in reality, it

unifies our people and stands as a symbol for the founding principles of democracy. Who knew something as small

as a penny could hold a nation as large as the United States together? That, through and through, is such a feat for

something said to be so useless.. Straight from the start of the nation, the penny has existed. Lady Liberty used to

be on the front of it where Abraham Lincoln now takes place. (Source G) These faces, along with others alike,

showcase the images of freedom and liberty as they existed for the sole purpose of preserving and honoring
american independence. The opposite side of the penny serves for the similar purpose as the front to

commemorate all that the United States stands for. On the back of the penny from the year of 1793, there are a

number of links connected together in a circle. (Source G) One can make the assumption, provided they know of the

meaning behind Lady Liberty on the front, that the links exhibit the idea that all the people are together as one. The

circle is a representation that this togetherness is neverending. This keeps people side by side as they are aware that

they have others to support them whatever the case may be. Similar to the penny from 1793, the back of the

modern penny holds a similar concept but with different content. The Lincoln Memorial is shown communicating the

feeling of togetherness from the implication of the time when all had come together for a cause, like after the Battle of

Gettysburg. This event pushes people to remember that they will always have one another for support against an

opposing force. No one would want to get rid of the very thing that holds a body of people so

strong. The penny holds way too high a value than even just a monetary standpoint to eliminate.

Some may argue the significance of the penny no longer exists. Many people believe they have no further use for

the outdated, almost worthless, bothersome wasteful penny(Source C) as most of the once historical benefits no

longer provide their purpose in anyones life. Because of this, most of the pennies in the United States have

dropped out of circulation and into dusty black holes where they can never be found again. The pennies are failing to

prove significant in peoples lives as their historical values fail to contain relevance. The times of Abraham Lincoln are

falling away into the forgotten past as modern society and newer issues take hold and causing the penny to lose

even further value. As this may seem to be true, organizations created strictly for the copper coin prove otherwise.

For example, the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission was created to coordinate the national observance of

the 200th anniversary of Lincolns birth. (Source F) Why would Congress, an influential legislative body, put

an effort into such a program if the penny did not have some form of influence? There is no

reason. The penny holds such a value that the commission has even sent redesigns of the penny for Lincolns
birthday to the Senate and the House of Representatives to be voted upon. Again, why would they put this

much effort into something with such little significance? Well, they wouldnt as the penny has been

proven to be of much higher value to peoples lives as it is a symbol for their unity and freedom.

The penny displays the first real historical figure (Source F) who had restored and united our nation for the

preservation of our liberal ways of life. People all over the country want to preserve and pass on its image of the

United States as a single and united country. (Source F) and therefore showcasing the necessity of the penny as a

reminder of the reasons why we are here today.

Without the penny, our society would not be as held together as it is. There are so many social,

economic, and political issues that divide us, weakening our country against foreign nations. The pennys symbolic

and monetary significance provides the key to keeping us together and further strengthening our founding principles

so as to keep us from falling into anarchy of an unjust government and lives full of suffering.

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