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CPD For Engineers

1.0 Introduction

The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) is currently in the process of introducing a policy on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to further enhance professionalism among
engineers and the scheme is expected to be fully implemented by 2006. The policy targets
professional engineers with the possibility of extending to other grades of engineers. This effort
by BEM is timely as engineering has become increasingly recognised as a field which is facing
rapid changes in this new millennium. This will enable the local construction industry to instill
and uphold a greater level of professionalism and professional expertise in view of globalisation
and the challenges associated with it in the international services sector.

The policy is aimed to further improve and broaden the knowledge and skill of engineers in
performing their duties in line with current practice and regulations. On the implementation side
of this CPD policy, a well-structured organisation backed by strong membership support has
become crucial in order to provide sufficient and appropriate training programmes for the largest
profession in the country. At the moment there are more than 11,000 professional engineers
registered with the Board. With the membership base and the pool of engineering expertise
available, the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia therefore is well-placed to be an organisation
capable of assisting BEM in the implementation of the CPD policy and programme.

2.0 CPD Hours for Activities of IEM

The Training Sub-Committee of IEM has been working on a guideline on eligible CPD Hours for
members who attend and participate in IEM activities. The main objective of the guideline is to
standardise and streamline the various IEM activities with the number of CPD Hours which can
be earned by a participating member.

The guideline which is in the form of a Table (see pages 4 and 5) had been endorsed by the
Standing Committee on Training and Education and the IEM Excomm.

All IEM activities as itemised in the Guideline would be eligible for CPD Hours under BEMs
requirement. Members are therefore encouraged to actively participate in those activities so that
they could achieve the required CPD Hours.

3.0 Certificate of Attendance

Professional engineers are reminded that the onus on obtaining proof of having attained the
annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Hours lie with the engineers themselves.
As such it is imperative that the engineer keeps a good record of the activities that he/she may
have had taken part in or shall be taking part in future, be it in the form of a hardcopy or in digital
form. It is also to the benefit of engineers to acquire a thorough understanding of the concept of
Continuing Professional Development and its implication to his/her professional career,
especially on the prospects of enjoying continued recognition as a practising professional
engineer by the Board of Engineers Malaysia.

This requirement for professional engineers to keep in pace with the development of the field in
which the professional engineer is engaged in, is in line with a global trend requiring engineers
to equip themselves with the latest developments in their engineering field of specialisation. To
ignore these requirements is to the detriment of the engineer as far as renewing the certificate
for continual professional practice is concerned. The best bet is to practice a good approach
and that is to take an active part in activities organised by IEM or other CPD service providers.
Becoming active members of IEM and its technical divisions is a good start. However, when in
doubt, the most appropriate way out is to check with IEM about the CPD validity of the said
activity, especially those not organised by IEM, before actually committing oneself to it, as the
cost can be substantial in the event it is not CPD relevant.

In view of the bottom line being showing evidence of having acquired the total CPD Hours that
the engineer maintain he/she has achieved for that particular year, keeping a list of the activities
pursued is therefore recommended. First and foremost is recognising what activities constitute
accumulation of CPD Hours.

CPD Hours has been pre-approved for most activities organised by IEM and the number of CPD
Hours would be stated in brochures, announcements, leaflets, flyers, etc. Good examples of
these are the regular technical visits, technical talks, short courses, conferences and seminars
organised by the various Technical Divisions of IEM. Others are attending to engineering-
related activities such as representing IEM in meetings, attending meetings as committee
members, assisting to organise IEM activities, etc.

CPD Hours may also be allocated for seminars, conferences, short courses, workshops, etc.
organised by other service providers or institutions of higher learning that have been approved
to carry out CPD activities. The CPD Hours allocated would also be indicated in their respective
brochures prior to commencement of the activity. These functions would have been earlier
approved either by IEM or BEM.

Activities like writing of journal papers that have been published in respectable publications,
books on engineering subjects, special research reports, specific standards of practice, courses
leading to a higher degree, continuing education programmes, and activities in other disciplines
but having a direct contribution to the development of the engineering profession are also
accepted for clocking of CPD Hours.

It is this latter category that engineers should take note of. Keeping a copy of brochures,
announcements, certificates, notes obtained or handouts and a certified document of having
partaken in that activity is to the advantage of the engineer as these may be used to seek
approval for CPD attainment later on, although not all may be recognised as having CPD
equivalents. In an effort to help members to keep track of CPD achievements, IEM is initiating
the following mechanisms for Approved CPD Activities organised by IEM only, and they are
categorised as follows.

3.1 IEM Activities

3.1.1 Endorsements of brochures/flyers/announcements of activities organised by IEM

Under this format, participants who attend the activity at IEM will have to bring along an original
flyer circulated by IEM for the event held at IEM. The participants shall sign in the LIST OF
PARTICIPANTS for the said event at the registration first. The participant may then complete
his/her particulars in the flyer and at the end of the function, the participant will bring the flyer to
the registration counter for the event to have the flyer endorsed.

This endorsement will only be given to participants who have attended the full event. Upon
endorsement, the participant keeps the flyer as evidence. Endorsement of flyers for Technical
Visits shall be done at IEM upon returning from the visit. This endorsement will only be given
ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. No fee is required for this endorsement.

3.1.2 Certificates of Attendance

Under this mode, participants who have attended the said IEM activity and who have not used
the Endorsement of Flyer approach above can request for a Certificate of Attendance for the
event. Request for this certificate shall be upon completion of a REQUEST FORM after the
event and a fee of RM5 would be imposed. The issuance of the certificate is also on the
premise that the participant had actually attended fully the event and had registered his/her
name on the LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. The certificate shall be mailed to the participant.

3.1.3 Requests for a Compilation of Activities Previously Attended

Members who had participated in activities of IEM and have not kept a record of his/her
participation as listed in the above two modes can request for a COMPLETE LIST OF
ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATED in the year. A REQUEST FORM has to be completed together
with a payment of RM50 as administration fee. The complete list will be mailed to the member

The names of participants in all IEM-organised activities shall be keyed into the IEM-Multicentrix
System at the end of every event organised. The names keyed in would be based on the signed
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. Therefore it is imperative that the participant registers at the
registration counter before attending an event. Data of this nature is kept for three years.

3.2 Non-IEM Activities

3.2.1 CPD Endorsements of Non-IEM Activities

Members who have attended activities organised by other providers but whose activities have
not been previously certified for CPD Hours by either IEM or BEM can record the said CPD
Hours. However they must be able to justify that those activities are acceptable for CPD when
and if they are audited by BEM. Members are advised to keep all documentary evidence of the
event, such as complete details of the event, organisers, contents of the activity, notes and
whatever information that will support the case. In the interest of the members well-being, it is
however recommended that such endorsement should be sought prior to the event so as to
avoid non-CPD-recognition of the event after it has taken place, especially when not fully
substantiated with proper documentary evidence.

4.0 Conclusion

An important reason why the IEM is well-placed to manage the CPD Programme on behalf of
BEM is the fact that IEM is already internationally recognised by sister organisations in Mutual
Recognisation Agreements (MRAs) and other arrangements within the globalisation framework.
IEM is already the secretariat for the registration of International Professional Engineers (IntPE)
under The Engineers Mobility Forum (EMF) as well as of APEC Engineers (APEC Eng) under
APEC arrangement. Under this framework, the IntPE and APEC Eng are already required to
prove CPD for reregistration.

All Professional Engineers are therefore encouraged to actively support the CPD effort now
spearheaded by BEM so as to be at par with international professional standing in meeting the
necessary practice benchmarking. IEM activities are organised to facilitate the implementation
of this CPD effort and members should take every opportunity to be part of this vital effort in
maintaining a high standard of engineering in Malaysia.

Prepared by Ir. Dr. Muhamad Fuad Abdullah, Ir. Khew Swee Lian and Ir. Dr. Lee Teang Shui on
behalf of the Standing Committee on Education and Training.

(The numbering is as per CPD Record Sheet)

No CPD Programme Hours Rationale and Basis

3 Meetings
- time weighted factor = 1
- no limit
3.1 AGM/EGM at HQ 4 AGM/EGM would normally require 4 hours
(9am 1pm)
3.2 AGM/EGM at Branches 4 AGM/EGM would normally require 4 hours
(9am 1pm)
3.3 AGM Technical Division 2 AGM for TD would normally require 2 hours
(5pm 7pm)
3.4 Council Meeting 4 Council Meeting normally stretches from
3.30pm to 7.30pm
3.5 Excomm Meeting 4 Excomm Meetings normally takes place from
5pm to 9pm
3.6 Branch Committee Meeting 4 Excomm Meetings normally takes place from
5pm to 9pm
3.7 Standing Committee 3 Stand Com Meetings are normally held from
5.30pm to 8.30pm
3.8 Technical Division 2 TD Meetings are normally held between 5.30pm
to 7.30pm
3.9 Sub-Committee to Stand Com 2 Sub-Com Meetings are normally held between
5.30pm to 7.30pm
3.10 Sub-Committee to Branch 2 Sub-Com Meetings are normally held between
Standing Com 5.30pm to 7.30pm

3.11 IEM Rep in Outside Bodies 2 IEM Reps in Committees established by

Governmental and Professional Bodies attend
meetings normally from 9am to 11am or 2.30pm
to 4.30pm
3.12 Stand Com Technical Talk 2 Talks normally takes place between 5.30pm to
3.13 Technical Div Technical Talk 2 Talks normally takes place between 5.30pm to
3.14 Half Day Seminar 4 Half Day Seminars are normally between 9am
to 1pm. Coffee break is considered time for
discussion and networking
3.15 One Day Seminar 8 One Day Seminars are normally between 9am to
5pm. Lunch and Coffee breaks are considered
time for discussion and networking.

3.16 Half Day Technical Visit 4 Half day visits are normally between 9am to
1pm. Interaction and discussion during visit also
considered as CPD.
3.17 One Day Technical Visit 8 One day visits are normally between 9am to
5pm. Interaction, discussion and networking
done during visit considered as CPD.

3.18* Committee for Standards of - To follow the half day or one day seminar
Writing and Code of Practice depending on the length of the meeting,
4 Presentation and Papers Hours Rationale and Basis
- time weighted factor = 10
- maximum 30 hrs per year
4.1 Speaker for presentation of 3 This would be the same for IEM speakers as the
papers speaker would normally take 2 hrs to prepare
and 1 hr to deliver the presentation.
4.2 Referee of Papers per paper 4 This gives the referee time to read through and
(review of technical papers before edit the papers.

4.3 Publication for paper:

- Journal 20

- Bulletin 10

- Book (> 100 pgs) 60

- Book (less than 100 pgs) 40

5 Service Activities Hours Rationale and Basis

- time weighted factor = 1
- max 30 hrs
5.1 PI Interviewer Principal 8 PI normally takes place between 9am to 12pm
for the Essay Writing; and 2pm to 4pm for the
Interview. Examining submitted Reports and
Drawings has 2 CPD Hours. Setting the Essay
Questions and organising the Essay Writing can
be aggregated to be 1 CPD Hour. Interview has
2 CPD Hours. Marking Essays has 2 CPD
The Administrative work undertaken by the
Principal Interviewer is given 1 CPD Hour.
5.2 PI Interviewer 2nd 6 As above, except for Setting Essay Question and
Administrative work done by the Principal
5.3 PI Reviewer 4 Going through Submitted Documents is given 2
CPD Hours and reviewing Essays 2 CPD Hours.
5.4 Mentor Per Mentee per year 15 The Mentor normally meets the Mentee for
about 1.5 hours per month over ten months a
5.5 Speaker for IEM talks 3 The speaker normally takes 2 hr to prepare and
1 hr to deliver the talk.

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