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Hannah Baker


Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker
Show Character (Fiction)
Cause Of Death
Suicide (Blood Loss, Wrist Cutting)
Student (Liberty High School)
The Crestmont Movie Theater (Former)
Relationships Information
Olivia Baker
Andrew Baker
Clay Jensen
Tony Padilla
Clay Jensen
Bryce Walker
Courtney Crimsen
Justin Foley
Jessica Davis
Courtney Crimsen
Zach Dempsey
Alex Standall
Marcus Cole
Ryan Shaver
Sheri Holland
Tyler Down
Portrayal & Appearances
Season One
Portrayed By
Katherine Langford
First Appearance
Tape 1, Side A
Last Appearance
Tape 7, Side A

Table of Contents

This article is about the Netflix series character. You may be looking for the book character.
For a minute, just a minute, I felt like I could beat this.
Tape 7, Side A

Hannah Baker is a main character of the Netflix Original series, 13 Reasons Why. She is portrayed
by Katherine Langford.
She was the only daughter of Olivia Baker and Andy Baker who loved her dearly. She also worked at The
Crestmont Movie Theatre with Clay Jensen and so got to know him more throughout the series. Hannah
died prior to the beginning of 13 Reasons Why and thus exclusively appears in flashbacks throughout the


Early Life

Hannah Baker moved to town two months before taking her job at the movie theater, The Crestmont. It is
hinted that some issues like bullying had a place in Hannah's past.
Season One

In the Liberty High School, Hannah's locker was adorned with student's letters, as a memorial. The scene
unfolded with Hannah's recorded voice saying her first words in Tape 1, Side A. Clay Jensen looked across
the hall and saw a hallucination of Hannah, then she vanished. Her death was still fresh in everyones
minds at school, to different extents: A pair of students took a selfie in front of the memorial saving it to
social media tagging it with #NeverForget. In the first period, the teacher was talking about suicide
prevention and as Clay looked at Hannah's former seat, he flashed back to another memory of Hannah,
when he complimented Hannahs short hair and remarked that change was good.
As Clay was driving through the neighborhood with Tony Padilla, he caught sight of The Crestmont, the
town's movie theatre, and flashed back to another memory of him and Hannah. It was Clay's first time
working at the Crestmont. Hannah, as his guide, was showing him how to serve popcorn and tend to the
customers. Hannah was still her quick witted and sarcastic self, giving Clay a hard time about being a nerd.
When Hannah first moved, she attended a party hosted by her "best and only friend" Kat, as a good bye
party since she was leaving town. During the party, Kat indirectly introduced Hannah to Justin
Foley and Zach Dempsey, describing them as "stupidly sweet". Though Kat did say that she had dibs on
Justin, Hannah took a linking towards him instead of Zach, the guy Kat had actually picked out for her.
It was the first day of sophomore year, as Hannah arrived at school. Kat had already left, leaving a lonely
Hannah walking to school by herself. She noticed Justin in the school's premises, hanging out with the
jocks. When he saw her walking towards the entrance, he followed her. That is how Justin began a
flirtatious relationship with Hannah. She led him on a wild goose chase, luring him onto the bus, getting
his number, ditching him on the bus, and telling him to meet her at the park later that night. They hanged
out in the park for a little while, and Justin sneakily took pictures of Hannah as she was going down the
slide, knowing very well that she was wearing a dress. They then had a makeout session at the bottom of
the slide Hannah revealed that it was her first kiss. Justin sneakily took a few more pictures.
The next day, Justin was in the hallway at Liberty High, where he was talking to his friends and showed
them the pictures that he took of Hannah. Bryce Walker then grabbed the phone from Justin and sent the
picture to everyone in the school, igniting rumors of Hannah being "easy" and a slut, which was the initial
blow to her reputation. This caused Justin to become #1 on Hannah's list of people who had a hand in
leading her to commit suicide.
It was Hannah's first year attending Liberty High, and so was Jessica Davis. Hannah had arrived to the
main offices, waiting to see Mrs. Antilly, the school's guidance counselor, as she briefly talked to another
girl, Jessica Davis. That was the first time she'd encountered Jessica. Since they were both new and Mrs.
Antilly wanted them to be friends or at least a "friendly face in the crowd", the two got paired up. After
school, Jessica and Hannah bonded over some coffee and hot chocolate at Monet's, which soon became
their office.
One day, they met Alex Standall and the three soon became a trio and had a saying, "FML forever".
However, after a while, Alex and Jessica went their separate ways and stopped coming to the cafe. Now it
was only Hannah left. Later on, she found that they were still seeing each other and actually became a
couple. Hannah got upset that they left her out. One night when they were getting tickets to watch a movie
at The Crestmont, Hannah encountered Jessica and gave her a ticket for free, saying "that's what friends
are for, right?". Jessica laughed nervously. Alex soon appeard beside her, asking Hannah for a ticket.
Hannah got upset by this. Yet again, they rubbed their relationship on her face and she had no one to talk to
now. When Alex asked for a ticket, Hannah asked him to pay her for the ticket. Jessica looked at her
unbelieveably. Alex payed and left with Jessica in hand. Hannah was left upset.
Hannah decided to talk to Jessica due to a new rift in their friendship caused by Alex's "Hot List", where he
listed Hannah's ass as "Best Ass" and Jessica's as "Worst Ass" (possibly with the intention of annoying
Jessica). Jessica suspected that Alex broke up with her because Alex was seeing Hannah. Due to this,
Hannah got slapped across the face by Jessica, before Jessica stormed out of Monet's in tears. [2]
After work at The Crestmont, Clay and Hannah decided to go up to the rooftop and watch a lunar eclipse.
Because of the "hot list," Hannah got assaulted daily as guys started to grab her, make lewd comments, and
take pictures. Hannah was at the local liquor store purchasing a candy when she ran into Bryce. He offered
to buy her the candy bar. As he was handing Hannah the candy, he reached over and grabbed her ass. He
smugly said that Alex appropriately gave her the title of "best ass." Hannah was taken aback and freaked
out. She didn't move as Bryce left the store. [3]
Hannah heard someone outside her window, and confessed to her friend, Courtney Crimsen, that she had a
stalker. Courtney offered to help her catch the creeper in the act. While waiting for the stalker to arrive,
they went through the liquor cabinet and decided to play an alcohol-fueled game of truth or dare. Hannah
was dared to take off her bra under her shirt and to kiss Courtney. This led to a make-out session on her
bed. Hannah then heard the stalker outside a window, but Courtney didn't. She decided to kill two birds
with one stone and pointed the light at Courtney and the stalker. Courtney got off her, and it is revealed
that the stalker is Tyler Down, the school photographer. The next day, Hannah confronted Tyler and told
him to delete the file, but when she rejected his date offer, Tyler angrily forwarded the picture to the entire
school as revenge. Hannah met Courtney by her locker, who suggested that they shouldn't talk any

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