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Event: 5th Annual Real Size Real Chic Fashion Show

September 30, 2017
The Union Arts Studio and Gallery
700 E Union Street, 3B, Jacksonville, FL 32207

This agreement is by and between Ashia Lewis Owner/President of Mode Noir, Inc and
_________________________________ for the purpose of entering into a binding agreement.
As a vendor we agree to the below terms:

Vendor Arrival Time: Saturday September 30, 2017 5:00pm there will be no setup after 5:30pm
(no exceptions). Any vendor arriving after 5:45pm vendor voids fees and contract. Your fee
includes the owner entrance fee only. Any additional personnel (max 2) may purchase an
entrance ticket for a discounted rate and they must be inside by 6pm.

Mode Noir will provide: Facility, Fashion Show production, models, and print and social media

By signing the contract by and between ____________________ and Mode Noir, Inc. it is a
release of liability and all participation is at their own risk.

Owner Name (last) ____________________________ (first) ___________________________________

Business name _________________________________

Type of business _________________________________


City & State____________________________________________________ Zip _______________

E-mail: ________________________________________ phone: ________________________________

Please send Paypal payment ($50) and business logo to

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