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One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.

Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 1

Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM


CodeOfPractice fcu fys fyv cover span cantilever

BS8110:1985 25 460 250 35 1 Nil

Span No Span-m Width-mm Depth-mm F-width F-depth

1 5.2 125 750 125 0

Maximum Concrete strain, Ecc = 0.0035

Average Concrete Stress Above Neutral Axis, k1 = 10.20 N/mm^2
Concrete Lever Arm Factor, k2 = 0.4557
Limiting Effective Depth Factor, cb = 0.50
Limiting Concrete Moment Capacity Factor, kk1
= cb*k1*(1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.20(1-0.50*0.4557) = 3.9379 N/mm^2
k2/k1 Factor, kkk = 0.0447

Span No = 1 ; Location = 1/4 Span ; Bending Moment, M: -0.0


kk1 = cb*k1*(f1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.200*(1-0.50*0.456) = 3.938

Mu/bd^2 = -0.0*1000000/(125*707^2) = -0.000

For Singly Reinforced Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < kk1 ; Mu/bd^2 = -0.000 ; kk1
= 3.938
Design as Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam : b = 125 mm; d = 707 mm

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 0.0 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x/1000 = 10.20*125*0.0 = 0.00 kN

Steel area required, As = Fc*1000/(fyy*fy) = 0.00/(0.87*460) = 0 mm^2

Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 0.00(707-0.4557*0.0)/1000 = 0.0 kNm

Tension Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Compression Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Tension Steel area provided, As = 141 mm^2

Compression Steel area provided, As = 122 mm^2
One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.
Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 2
Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM

Span No = 1 ; Location = Span ; Bending Moment, M: 79.8 kNm

kk1 = cb*k1*(f1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.200*(1-0.50*0.456) = 3.938

Mu/bd^2 = 79.8*1000000/(125*707^2) = 1.277

For Singly Reinforced Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < kk1 ; Mu/bd^2 = 1.277 ; kk1 =
Design as Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam : b = 125 mm; d = 707 mm

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 94.3 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x/1000 = 10.20*125*94.3 = 120.17 kN

Steel area required, As = Fc*1000/(fyy*fy) = 120.17/(0.87*460) = 300 mm^2

Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 120.17(707-0.4557*94.3)/1000 = 79.8 kNm

Tension Steel area required, As = 300 mm^2

Compression Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Tension Steel area provided, As = 300 mm^2

Compression Steel area provided, As = 122 mm^2

Span No = 1 ; Location = Left Support ; Bending Moment, M: 0.0


kk1 = cb*k1*(f1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.200*(1-0.50*0.456) = 3.938

Mu/bd^2 = 0.0*1000000/(125*707^2) = 0.000

For Singly Reinforced Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < kk1 ; Mu/bd^2 = 0.000 ; kk1 =
Design as Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam : b = 125 mm; d = 707 mm

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 0.0 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x/1000 = 10.20*125*0.0 = 0.00 kN

Steel area required, As = Fc*1000/(fyy*fy) = 0.00/(0.87*460) = 0 mm^2

Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 0.00(707-0.4557*0.0)/1000 = 0.0 kNm

Tension Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Compression Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Tension Steel area provided, As = 141 mm^2

Compression Steel area provided, As = 122 mm^2
One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.
Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 3
Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM

Span No = 1 ; Location = Right Support ; Bending Moment, M: 0.0


kk1 = cb*k1*(f1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.200*(1-0.50*0.456) = 3.938

Mu/bd^2 = 0.0*1000000/(125*707^2) = 0.000

For Singly Reinforced Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < kk1 ; Mu/bd^2 = 0.000 ; kk1 =
Design as Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam : b = 125 mm; d = 707 mm

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 0.0 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x/1000 = 10.20*125*0.0 = 0.00 kN

Steel area required, As = Fc*1000/(fyy*fy) = 0.00/(0.87*460) = 0 mm^2

Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 0.00(707-0.4557*0.0)/1000 = 0.0 kNm

Tension Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Compression Steel area required, As = 0 mm^2

Tension Steel area provided, As = 141 mm^2

Compression Steel area provided, As = 122 mm^2


Refer to BS8110:Part 1: Table 3.10, Table 3.11 & Table 3.12

Eqn. 8, fs = 5fy*As,reqd/(8As,prov) = 5*460*300/(8*402) = 214.7 N/mm^2

Eqn. 7, Tension Modification Factor, TMF = 0.55 + (477-fs)/(120*(0.9+M/bd^2))
= 0.55 + (477-214.7)/(120*(0.9+79801239/(125*707.0^2))) = 1.55

Actual Beam span/depth ratio = 5274/707.0 = 7.5

Eqn. 9, Compression Modification Factor, MF1 = 1+As/(3+As/) =

1+0.26/(3+0.26) = 1.08
Allowable span/depth ratio = TMF*MF1*BasicRatio = 1.55*1.08*20 = 33.5

Modification fac = 1.68; Deflection ratio = 4.49; Steel = 0.26


Actual Beam span/depth ratio < Allowable span/depth ratio, i.e.

7.5 < 33.5 --> Deflection O.K.
One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.
Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 4
Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM

To back calculate end column moment from nominal steel provided:
From p.53 of Examples of The Design of buildings to CP110 and allied codes
Mu/bd^2 = p.fyd(1-k2.p.fyd/k1) -> Mu =

Steel provided, p = As/bd = 3.1416*2*12*12/(4*125*707.0) = 0.0026

Mu/bd^2 = p.fyd(1-k2.p.fyd/k1) = 0.0026*400.2(1-0.4557*0.0026*400.2/10.20) =
Mu = 0.9774*125*707.0*707.0/1000000 = 61.1 kNm

Lower Column Stiffness, LCk = b*h*h*h/Lh = 0.125*0.125*0.125*0.125/3.000 =

Beam Stiffness, LCk = b*h*h*h/l = 0.125*0.750*0.750*0.750/5.274 = 0.0100
Total Fixed End Moment = 1.40*20.3 + 1.60*12.1 = 47.9 kNm
Fixed End Moment Transfered to Column =
47.9(0.0000+0.0001)/(0.0000+0.0001+0.0100) = 0.4 kNm
Moment Transfered to Upper Column = 0.4*0.0000/(0.0000+0.0001) = 0.0 kNm
Moment Transfered to Lower Column = 0.4*0.0001/(0.0000+0.0001) = 0.4 kNm
DL Reaction Transfered Between Adjacent Supports = 20.3*0.4/47.9/5.274 = 0.0
LL Reaction Transfered Between Adjacent Supports = 12.1*0.4/47.9/5.274 = 0.0

To back calculate end column moment from nominal steel provided:
From p.53 of Examples of The Design of buildings to CP110 and allied codes
Mu/bd^2 = p.fyd(1-k2.p.fyd/k1) -> Mu =

Steel provided, p = As/bd = 3.1416*2*12*12/(4*125*707.0) = 0.0026

Mu/bd^2 = p.fyd(1-k2.p.fyd/k1) = 0.0026*400.2(1-0.4557*0.0026*400.2/10.20) =
Mu = 0.9774*125*707.0*707.0/1000000 = 61.1 kNm

Lower Column Stiffness, LCk = b*h*h*h/Lh = 0.125*0.125*0.125*0.125/3.000 =

Beam Stiffness, LCk = b*h*h*h/l = 0.125*0.750*0.750*0.750/5.274 = 0.0100
Total Fixed End Moment = 1.40*20.3 + 1.60*12.1 = 47.9 kNm
Fixed End Moment Transfered to Column =
(47.8896+0.0000)/(0.0001+0.0000+0.0001) = 0.0 kNm
Actual moment Transfered to Column = minimum of 61.1 and 0.4 = 0.4 kNm
Moment Transfered to Upper Column = 0.4*0.0000/(0.0000+0.0001) = 0.0 kNm
Moment Transfered to Lower Column = 0.4*0.0001/(0.0000+0.0001) = 0.4 kNm
DL Reaction Transfered Between Adjacent Supports = 20.3*0.4/47.9/5.274 = 0.0
LL Reaction Transfered Between Adjacent Supports = 12.1*0.4/47.9/5.274 = 0.0
One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.
Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 5
Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM

Span No 1 at Left Support ; Shear, V = 43.8 kN

Shear Stress, v = V/bd = 43.8*1000/(125*707) = 0.496 N/mm^2

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/707) = 1.000
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.46) = 0.46
vc = ( 0.79*(0.46)^1/3*(1.000)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.486 N/mm^2

Shear Stress - Shear Capacity = v - vc = vd = 0.496 - 0.486 = 0.010 N/mm^2

vd < 0.40 N/mm^2 --> Design for vd = 0.40 N/mm^2

Steel area provided by Link size 6 = 2*pie*dia*dia/4 = 2*3.1416*6*6/4 = 56.5

Link spacing required for dia. 6 = 216
Shear Capacity provided by Link = 0.87*220*56.5/(216*125) = 0.400 N/mm^2

Link provided = 1R-6-200

Span No 1 at 1/4 Span ; Shear, V = 32.6 kN

Shear Stress, v = V/bd = 32.6*1000/(125*707) = 0.369 N/mm^2

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/707) = 1.000
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.46) = 0.46
vc = ( 0.79*(0.46)^1/3*(1.000)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.486 N/mm^2

Shear Stress - Shear Capacity = v - vc = vd = 0.369 - 0.486 = -0.117 N/mm^2

vd < 0.40 N/mm^2 --> Design for vd = 0.40 N/mm^2

Steel area provided by Link size 6 = 2*pie*dia*dia/4 = 2*3.1416*6*6/4 = 56.5

Link spacing required for dia. 6 = 216
Shear Capacity provided by Link = 0.87*220*56.5/(216*125) = 0.400 N/mm^2

Link provided = 1R-6-20

One V Project Management & Consultancy Sdn. Bhd. Client : PARAMOUNT Job Ref.
Structure : DRY WELL Calc.sheet No. 6
Drawing Computed Checked
No. By By Date : 18-May-17

BEAM RB1 (125X750) AR IR. WOON 5:12 PM

Span No 1 at Right Support ; Shear, V = 43.8 kN

Shear Stress, v = V/bd = 43.8*1000/(125*707) = 0.496 N/mm^2

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/707) = 1.000
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.46) = 0.46
vc = ( 0.79*(0.46)^1/3*(1.000)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.486 N/mm^2

Shear Stress - Shear Capacity = v - vc = vd = 0.496 - 0.486 = 0.010 N/mm^2

vd < 0.40 N/mm^2 --> Design for vd = 0.40 N/mm^2

Steel area provided by Link size 6 = 2*pie*dia*dia/4 = 2*3.1416*6*6/4 = 56.5

Link spacing required for dia. 6 = 216
Shear Capacity provided by Link = 0.87*220*56.5/(216*125) = 0.400 N/mm^2

Link provided = 1R-6-200

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