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ASCERTAINING AND CONTROLLING RISKS ________________________________________________

A. CONCEALMENT ________________________________________________
Section 26. A neglect to communicate that which ________________________________________________
a party knows and ought to communicate, is ________________________________________________
called a concealment. ________________________________________________
Section 28. Each party to a contract of insurance ________________________________________________
must communicated to the other, in good faith, ________________________________________________
all facts within his knowledge which are material ________________________________________________
to the contract and as to which he makes no ________________________________________________
warranty, and which the other has not the ________________________________________________
means of ascertaining. ________________________________________________
Section 29. An intentional and fraudulent ________________________________________________
omission, on the part of one insured, to ________________________________________________
communicate information of matters proving or ________________________________________________
tending to prove the falsity of a warranty, ________________________________________________
entitles the insurer to rescind. ________________________________________________
Section 31. Materiality is to be determined not by
the event, but solely by the probable and ________________________________________________
reasonable influence of the facts upon the party ________________________________________________
to whom the communication is due, in forming ________________________________________________
his estimate of the disadvantages of the ________________________________________________
proposed contract, or in making his inquiries. ________________________________________________
Section 107. In marine insurance each party is ________________________________________________
bound to communicate, in addition to what is ________________________________________________
required by section twenty-eight, all the ________________________________________________
information which he possesses, material to the ________________________________________________
risk, except such as is mentioned in Section ________________________________________________
thirty, and to state the exact and whole truth in ________________________________________________
relation to all matters that he represents, or ________________________________________________
upon inquiry discloses or assumes to disclose. ________________________________________________
----- ________________________________________________
Section 30. Neither party to a contract of ________________________________________________
insurance is bound to communicate information ________________________________________________
of the matters following, except in answer to the ________________________________________________
inquiries of the other: ________________________________________________
(a) Those which the other knows; ________________________________________________
(b) Those which, in the exercise of ________________________________________________
ordinary care, the other ought to know, ________________________________________________
and of which the former has no reason ________________________________________________
to suppose him ignorant; ________________________________________________
(c) Those of which the other waives ________________________________________________
communication; ________________________________________________
(d) Those which prove or tend to prove
the existence of a risk excluded by a ________________________________________________
warranty, and which are not otherwise ________________________________________________
material; and ________________________________________________
(e) Those which relate to a risk excepted ________________________________________________
from the policy and which are not ________________________________________________
otherwise material. ________________________________________________
Section 32. Each party to a contract of insurance ________________________________________________
is bound to know all the general causes which ________________________________________________
are open to his inquiry, equally with that of the ________________________________________________
other, and which may affect the political or ________________________________________________
material perils contemplated; and all general ________________________________________________
usages of trade. ________________________________________________
Section 33. The right to information of material ________________________________________________
facts may be waived, either by the terms of the ________________________________________________
insurance or by neglect to make inquiry as to ________________________________________________
such facts, where they are distinctly implied in ________________________________________________
other facts of which information is ________________________________________________
communicated. ________________________________________________
Section 34. Information of the nature or amount ________________________________________________
of the interest of one insured need not be ________________________________________________
communicated unless in answer to an inquiry, ________________________________________________
except as prescribed by section fifty-one. ________________________________________________
Section 35. Neither party to a contract of ________________________________________________
insurance is bound to communicate, even upon ________________________________________________
inquiry, information of his own judgment upon ________________________________________________
the matters in question. ________________________________________________
Section 51. A policy of insurance must specify: ________________________________________________
(a) The parties between whom the ________________________________________________
contract is made; ________________________________________________
(b) The amount to be insured except in ________________________________________________
the cases of open or running policies; ________________________________________________
(c) The premium, or if the insurance is of ________________________________________________
a character where the exact premium is ________________________________________________
only determinable upon the termination ________________________________________________
of the contract, a statement of the basis ________________________________________________
and rates upon which the final premium ________________________________________________
is to be determined; ________________________________________________
(d) The property or life insured;
(e) The interest of the insured in ________________________________________________
property insured, if he is not the ________________________________________________
absolute owner thereof; ________________________________________________
(f) The risks insured against; and ________________________________________________
(g) The period during which the ________________________________________________
insurance is to continue.
Section 108. In marine insurance, information of ________________________________________________
the belief or expectation of a third person, in ________________________________________________
reference to a material fact, is material. ________________________________________________
----- ________________________________________________
Section 27. A concealment entitles the injured ________________________________________________
party to rescind a contract of insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 29. An intentional and fraudulent ________________________________________________
omission, on the part of one insured, to ________________________________________________
communicate information of matters proving or ________________________________________________
tending to prove the falsity of a warranty, ________________________________________________
entitles the insurer to rescind.
B. REPRESENTATION Section 46. The materiality of a representation is
determined by the same rules as the materiality
Section 36. A representation may be oral or of a concealment.
Section 31. Materiality is to be determined not by
Section 37. A representation may be made at the the event, but solely by the probable and
time of, or before, issuance of the policy. reasonable influence of the facts upon the party
to whom the communication is due, in forming
Section 38. The language of a representation is to his estimate of the disadvantages of the
be interpreted by the same rules as the language proposed contract, or in making his inquiries.
of contracts in general.

Section 39. A representation as to the future is to

be deemed a promise, unless it appears that it ________________________________________________
was merely a statement of belief or expectation. ________________________________________________
Section 40. A representation cannot qualify an ________________________________________________
express provision in a contract of insurance, but ________________________________________________
it may qualify an implied warranty. ________________________________________________
Section 41. A representation may be altered or ________________________________________________
withdrawn before the insurance is effected, but ________________________________________________
not afterwards. ________________________________________________
Section 42. A representation must be presumed ________________________________________________
to refer to the date on which the contract goes ________________________________________________
into effect. ________________________________________________
Section 43. When a person insured has no ________________________________________________
personal knowledge of a fact, he may ________________________________________________
nevertheless repeat information which he has ________________________________________________
upon the subject, and which he believes to be
true, with the explanation that he does so on the ________________________________________________
information of others; or he may submit the ________________________________________________
information, in its whole extent, to the insurer; ________________________________________________
and in neither case is he responsible for its truth, ________________________________________________
unless it proceeds from an agent of the insured, ________________________________________________
whose duty it is to give the information. ________________________________________________
Section 44. A representation is to be deemed ________________________________________________
false when the facts fail to correspond with its ________________________________________________
assertions or stipulations. ________________________________________________
Section 45. If a representation is false in a ________________________________________________
material point, whether affirmative or ________________________________________________
promissory, the injured party is entitled to ________________________________________________
rescind the contract from the time when the ________________________________________________
representation becomes false. ________________________________________________
C. WARRANTIES ________________________________________________
Section 67. A warranty is either expressed or ________________________________________________
implied. ________________________________________________
Section 68. A warranty may relate to the past, the ________________________________________________
present, the future, or to any or all of these. ________________________________________________
Section 69. No particular form of words is ________________________________________________
necessary to create a warranty. ________________________________________________
Section 70. Without prejudice to section fifty- ________________________________________________
one, every express warranty, made at or before ________________________________________________
the execution of a policy, must be contained in ________________________________________________
the policy itself, or in another instrument signed ________________________________________________
by the insured and referred to in the policy as ________________________________________________
making a part of it. ________________________________________________
Section 71. A statement in a policy of matter ________________________________________________
relating to the person or thing insured, or to the ________________________________________________
risk, as a fact, is an express warranty thereof. ________________________________________________
Section 72. A statement in a policy which imparts
that it is intended to do or not to do a thing which ________________________________________________
materially affects the risk, is a warranty that such ________________________________________________
act or omission shall take place. ________________________________________________
Section 73. When, before the time arrives for the
performance of a warranty relating to the future, ________________________________________________
a loss insured against happens, or performance ________________________________________________
becomes unlawful at the place of the contract, ________________________________________________
or impossible, the omission to fulfill the warranty ________________________________________________
does not avoid the policy. ________________________________________________
Section 74. The violation of a material warranty, ________________________________________________
or other material provision of a policy, on the ________________________________________________
part of either party thereto, entitles the other to ________________________________________________
rescind. ________________________________________________
Section 75. A policy may declare that a violation ________________________________________________
of specified provisions thereof shall avoid it, ________________________________________________
otherwise the breach of an immaterial provision ________________________________________________
does not avoid the policy. ________________________________________________
Section 76. A breach of warranty without fraud ________________________________________________
merely exonerates an insurer from the time that ________________________________________________
it occurs, or where it is broken in its inception, ________________________________________________
prevents the policy from attaching to the risk. ________________________________________________
D. INCONTESTABEL CLAUSE contesting the validity of the insurance
with respect to which such statement
Section 48. Whenever a right to rescind a contract was made after such insurance has been
of insurance is given to the insurer by any in force prior to the contest for a period
provision of this chapter, such right must be of two years during such persons
exercised previous to the commencement of an lifetime nor unless contained in written
action on the contract. instrument signed by him;

After a policy of life insurance made payable on Section 230. In the case of industrial life
the death of the insured shall have been in force insurance, the policy shall contain in substance
during the lifetime of the insured for a period of the following provisions:
two years from the date of its issue or of its last
reinstatement, the insurer cannot prove that the (b) A provision that the policy shall be
policy is void ab initio or is rescindible by reason incontestable after it has been in force
of the fraudulent concealment or during the lifetime of the insured for a
misrepresentation of the insured or his agent. specified period, not more than two
years from its date of issue, except for
Section 227. In the case of individual life or non-payment of premiums and except
endowment insurance, the policy shall contain in for violation of the conditions of the
substance the following conditions: policy relating to naval or military
service, or services auxiliary thereto, and
(b) A provision that the policy shall be except as to provisions relating to
incontestable after it shall have been in benefits in the event of disability as
force during the lifetime of the insured defined in the policy, and those granting
for a period of two years from its date of additional insurance specifically against
issue as shown in the policy, or date of death by accident or by accidental
approval of last reinstatement, except means, or to additional insurance
for non-payment of premium and except against loss of, or loss of use of, specific
for violation of the conditions of the members of the body;
policy relating to military or naval
service in time of war; ________________________________________________
Section 228. No policy of group life insurance shall ________________________________________________
be issued and delivered in the Philippines unless ________________________________________________
it contains in substance the following provisions, ________________________________________________
or provisions which in the opinion of the ________________________________________________
Commissioner are more favorable to the persons ________________________________________________
insured, or at least as favorable to the persons ________________________________________________
insured and more favorable to the policy- ________________________________________________
holders: ________________________________________________
(b) A provision that the validity of the ________________________________________________
policy shall not be contested, except for ________________________________________________
non-payment of premiums after it has ________________________________________________
been in force for two years from its date ________________________________________________
of issue; and that no statement made by ________________________________________________
any insured under the policy relating to ________________________________________________
his insurability shall be used in ________________________________________________
E. STIPULATIONS LIMITING ________________________________________________
COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION TO LESS ________________________________________________
THAN ONE YEAR ________________________________________________
Section 63. A condition, stipulation, or agreement ________________________________________________
in any policy of insurance, limiting the time for ________________________________________________
commencing an action thereunder to a period of ________________________________________________
less than one year from the time when the cause ________________________________________________
of action accrues, is void. ________________________________________________
VII. LOSS AND NOTICE OF LOSS ________________________________________________
Section 83. An agreement not to transfer the ________________________________________________
claim of the insured against the insurer after the ________________________________________________
loss has happened, is void if made before the loss ________________________________________________
except as otherwise provided in the case of life ________________________________________________
insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 84. Unless otherwise provided by the ________________________________________________
policy, an insurer is liable for a loss of which a ________________________________________________
peril insured against was the proximate cause, ________________________________________________
although a peril not contemplated by the ________________________________________________
contract may have been a remote cause of the ________________________________________________
loss; but he is not liable for a loss which the peril ________________________________________________
insured against was only a remote cause. ________________________________________________
Section 85. An insurer is liable where the thing
insured is rescued from a peril insured against ________________________________________________
that would otherwise have caused a loss, if, in ________________________________________________
the course of such rescue, the thing is exposed ________________________________________________
to a peril not insured against, which permanently ________________________________________________
deprives the insured of its possession, in whole ________________________________________________
or in part; or where a loss is caused by efforts to ________________________________________________
rescue the thing insured from a peril insured ________________________________________________
against. ________________________________________________
Section 86. Where a peril is especially excepted in ________________________________________________
a contract of insurance, a loss, which would not ________________________________________________
have occurred but for such peril, is thereby ________________________________________________
excepted although the immediate cause of the ________________________________________________
loss was a peril which was not excepted. ________________________________________________
Section 87. An insurer is not liable for a loss ________________________________________________
caused by the willful act or through the ________________________________________________
connivance of the insured; but he is not ________________________________________________
exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or ________________________________________________
of the insurance agents or others. ________________________________________________
Section 88. In case of loss upon an insurance ________________________________________________
against fire, an insurer is exonerated, if notice ________________________________________________
thereof be not given to him by an insured, or ________________________________________________
some person entitled to the benefit of the ________________________________________________
insurance, without unnecessary delay. ________________________________________________
Section 89. When a preliminary proof of loss is ________________________________________________
required by a policy, the insured is not bound to ________________________________________________
give such proof as would be necessary in a court ________________________________________________
of justice; but it is sufficient for him to give the ________________________________________________
best evidence which he has in his power at the
time. ________________________________________________
Section 90. All defects in a notice of loss, or in ________________________________________________
preliminary proof thereof, which the insured ________________________________________________
might remedy, and which the insurer omits to ________________________________________________
specify to him, without unnecessary delay, as ________________________________________________
grounds of objection, are waived. ________________________________________________
Section 91. Delay in the presentation to an ________________________________________________
insurer of notice or proof of loss is waived if ________________________________________________
caused by any act of him, or if he omits to take ________________________________________________
objection promptly and specifically upon that ________________________________________________
ground. ________________________________________________
Section 92. If the policy requires, by way of
preliminary proof of loss, the certificate or ________________________________________________
testimony of a person other than the insured, it ________________________________________________
is sufficient for the insured to use reasonable ________________________________________________
diligence to procure it, and in case of the refusal ________________________________________________
of such person to give it, then to furnish ________________________________________________
reasonable evidence to the insurer that such ________________________________________________
refusal was not induced by any just grounds of ________________________________________________
disbelief in the facts necessary to be certified or ________________________________________________
testified. ________________________________________________
VIII. DOUBLE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE ________________________________________________
A. DOUBLE INSURANCE ________________________________________________
Section 93. A double insurance exists where the ________________________________________________
same person is insured by several insurers ________________________________________________
separately in respect to the same subject and ________________________________________________
interest. ________________________________________________
Section 94. Where the insured is overinsured by ________________________________________________
double insurance: ________________________________________________
(a) The insured, unless the policy ________________________________________________
otherwise provides, may claim payment
from the insurers in such order as he ________________________________________________
may select, up to the amount for which ________________________________________________
the insurers are severally liable under ________________________________________________
their respective contracts; ________________________________________________
(b) Where the policy under which the ________________________________________________
insured claims is a valued policy, the ________________________________________________
insured must give credit as against the ________________________________________________
valuation for any sum received by him ________________________________________________
under any other policy without regard to ________________________________________________
the actual value of the subject matter ________________________________________________
insured; ________________________________________________
(c) Where the policy under which the ________________________________________________
insured claims is an unvalued policy he ________________________________________________
must give credit, as against the full ________________________________________________
insurable value, for any sum received by ________________________________________________
him under any policy; ________________________________________________
(d) Where the insured receives any sum ________________________________________________
in excess of the valuation in the case of ________________________________________________
valued policies, or of the insurable value ________________________________________________
in the case of unvalued policies, he must ________________________________________________
hold such sum in trust for the insurers, ________________________________________________
according to their right of contribution ________________________________________________
among themselves; ________________________________________________
(e) Each insurer is bound, as between ________________________________________________
himself and the other insurers, to ________________________________________________
contribute ratably to the loss in ________________________________________________
proportion to the amount for which he is ________________________________________________
liable under his contract. ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Section 216. An insurance company doing
________________________________________________ business in the Philippines may accept
B. REINSURANCE reinsurances only of such risks, and retain risk
thereon within such limits, as it is otherwise
Section 87. An insurer is not liable for a loss
authorized to insure.
caused by the willful act or through the
connivance of the insured; but he is not Section 217. No insurance company doing
exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or business in the Philippines shall cede all or part
of the insurance agents or others. of any risks situated in the Philippines by way of
reinsurance directly to any foreign insurer not
Section 95. A contract of reinsurance is one by
authorized to do business in the Philippines
which an insurer procures a third person to
unless such foreign insurer or, if the services of a
insure him against loss or liability by reason of
non-resident broker are utilized, such non-
such original insurance.
resident broker is represented in the Philippines
by a resident agent duly registered with the
Section 96. Where an insurer obtains
Commissioner as required in this Code.
reinsurance, except under automatic
The resident agent of such unauthorized foreign
reinsurance treaties, he must communicate all
insurer or non- resident broker shall immediately
the representations of the original insured, and
upon registration furnish the Commissioner with
also all the knowledge and information he
the annual statement of such insurer, or of such
possesses, whether previously or subsequently
company or companies where such broker may
acquired, which are material to the risk.
place Philippine business as of the year
Section 98. The original insured has no interest in preceding such registration, and annually
a contract of reinsurance. thereafter as soon as available.

Section 218. All insurance companies, both life

Section 215. No insurance company other than
and non-life, authorized to do business in the
life, whether foreign or domestic, shall retain any
Philippines shall cede their excess risks to other
risk on any one subject of insurance in an
companies similarly authorized to do business in
amount exceeding twenty per centum of its net
the Philippines in such amounts and under such
worth. For purposes of this section, the term
arrangements as would be consistent with sound
subject of insurance shall include all properties
underwriting practices before they enter into
or risks insured by the same insurer that
reinsurance arrangements with unauthorized
customarily are considered by non-life company
foreign insurers.
underwriters to be subject to loss or damage
from the same occurrence of any hazard insured
Section 219. Any insurance company doing
business in the Philippines desiring to cede their
excess risks to foreign insurance or reinsurance
Reinsurance ceded as authorized under the
companies not authorized to transact business in
succeeding title shall be deducted in determining
the Philippines may do so under the following
the risk retained. As to surety risk, deduction
shall also be made of the amount assumed by
any other company authorized to transact surety
(1) Except in facultative reinsurance and
business and the value of any security mortgage,
excess of loss covers, the full amount of
pledged, or held subject to the suretys control
the reserve fund required by law shall be
and for the suretys protection.
set up in the books of and held by the
ceding company for so long as the risk
concerned is in force; Provided, That in
case of facultative insurance, the ceding the assuming insurer or insurers as of the same
company shall show to the satisfaction effective date; nor unless the reinsurance
of the Commissioner that the Philippine agreement provides that payments by the
market cannot provide the facilities assuming insurer shall be made directly to the
sought abroad. ceding insurer or to its liquidator, receiver, or
statutory successor except (a) where the
(2) The reserve fund withheld shall be contract specifically provides another payee of
invested in bonds or other evidences of such reinsurance in the event of the insolvency
debt of the Government of the of the ceding insurer and (b) where the assuming
Philippines or its political subdivisions or insurer with the consent of the direct insured or
instrumentalities, or of government- insureds has assumed such policy obligations of
owned or controlled corporations and the ceding insurer as direct obligations of the
entities, including the Central Bank, assuming insurer to the payees under such
and/or other securities acceptable policies and in substitution for the obligations of
under section two hundred. the ceding insurer to such payees.

Should any reinsurance agreement be for any Section 222. No life insurance company doing
reason cancelled or terminated, the ceding business in the Philippines shall reinsure its
company concerned shall inform the whole risk on any individual life or joint lives, or
Commissioner in writing of such cancellation or substantially all of its insurance in force, without
termination within thirty days from the date of having first obtained the written permission of
such cancellation or termination or from the the Commissioner.
date notice or information of such cancellation
or termination is received by such company as ________________________________________________
the case may be.
Section 220. Every insurance company authorized ________________________________________________
to do business in the Philippines shall report to ________________________________________________
the Commissioner on forms prescribed by him ________________________________________________
the particulars of reinsurance treaties as of the ________________________________________________
first day of January of the year following the ________________________________________________
approval of this Code and shall thereafter ________________________________________________
similarly report to the Commissioner particulars ________________________________________________
of any new treaties or changes in existing ________________________________________________
treaties. ________________________________________________
Section 221. No credit shall be allowed as an ________________________________________________
admitted asset or as a deduction from liability, to ________________________________________________
any ceding insurer for reinsurance made, ceded, ________________________________________________
renewed, or otherwise becoming effective after ________________________________________________
January first, nineteen hundred seventy-five, ________________________________________________
unless the reinsurance shall be payable by the ________________________________________________
assuming insurer on the basis of the liability of ________________________________________________
the ceding insurer under the contract or ________________________________________________
contracts reinsured without diminution because ________________________________________________
of the insolvency of the ceding insurer nor unless ________________________________________________
under the contract or contracts of reinsurance ________________________________________________
the liability for such reinsurance is assumed by ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ supplies held in storage); piers, wharves,
________________________________________________ docks and slips, and other aids to navigation
________________________________________________ and transportation, including dry docks and
IX. MARINE INSURANCE marine railways, dams and appurtenant
facilities for the control of waterways.
(2) Marine protection and indemnity
Section 99. Marine Insurance includes: insurance, meaning insurance against, or
against legal liability of the insured for loss,
(1) Insurance against loss of or damage to: damage, or expense incident to ownership,
(a) Vessels, craft, aircraft, vehicles, goods, operation, chartering, maintenance, use, repair,
freights, cargoes, merchandise, effects, or construction of any vessel, craft or
disbursements, profits, moneys, securities, instrumentality in use of ocean or inland
choses in action, evidences of debts, waterways, including liability of the insured for
valuable papers, bottomry, and personal injury, illness or death or for loss of or
respondentia interests and all other kinds of damage to the property of another person.
property and interests therein, in respect to,
appertaining to or in connection with any
and all risks or perils of navigation, transit or ________________________________________________
transportation, or while being assembled, ________________________________________________
packed, crated, baled, compressed or ________________________________________________
similarly prepared for shipment or while ________________________________________________
awaiting shipment, or during any delays, ________________________________________________
storage, transhipment, or reshipment ________________________________________________
incident thereto, including war risks, marine ________________________________________________
builders risks, and all personal property ________________________________________________
floater risks; ________________________________________________
(b) Person or property in connection with or ________________________________________________
appertaining to a marine, inland marine, ________________________________________________
transit or transportation insurance, including ________________________________________________
liability for loss of or damage arising out of ________________________________________________
or in connection with the construction, ________________________________________________
repair, operation, maintenance or use of the ________________________________________________
subject matter of such insurance (but not ________________________________________________
including life insurance or surety bonds nor ________________________________________________
insurance against loss by reason of bodily ________________________________________________
injury to any person arising out of ________________________________________________
ownership, maintenance, or use of ________________________________________________
automobiles); ________________________________________________
(c) Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, precious ________________________________________________
metals, whether in course of transportation ________________________________________________
or otherwise; ________________________________________________
(d) Bridges, tunnels and other ________________________________________________
instrumentalities of transportation and ________________________________________________
communication (excluding buildings, their ________________________________________________
furniture and furnishings, fixed contents and
B. INSURABLE INTEREST ________________________________________________
Section 100. The owner of a ship has in all cases ________________________________________________
an insurable interest in it, even when it has been ________________________________________________
chartered by one who covenants to pay him its ________________________________________________
value in case of loss: Provided, That in this case ________________________________________________
the insurer shall be liable for only that part of the ________________________________________________
loss which the insured cannot recover from the ________________________________________________
charterer. ________________________________________________
Section 101. The insurable interest of the owner ________________________________________________
of the ship hypothecated by bottomry is only the ________________________________________________
excess of its value over the amount secured by ________________________________________________
bottomry. ________________________________________________
Section 102. Freightage, in the sense of a policy of ________________________________________________
marine insurance, signifies all the benefits ________________________________________________
derived by the owner, either from the chartering ________________________________________________
of the ship or its employment for the carriage of ________________________________________________
his own goods or those of others. ________________________________________________
Section 103. The owner of a ship has an insurable ________________________________________________
interest in expected freightage which according ________________________________________________
to the ordinary and probable course of things he ________________________________________________
would have earned but for the intervention of a ________________________________________________
peril insured against or other peril incident to the ________________________________________________
voyage. ________________________________________________
Section 104. The interest mentioned in the last ________________________________________________
section exists, in case of a charter party, when
the ship has broken ground on the chartered ________________________________________________
voyage. If a price is to be paid for the carriage of ________________________________________________
goods it exists when they are actually on board, ________________________________________________
or there is some contract for putting them on ________________________________________________
board, and both ship and goods are ready for the ________________________________________________
specified voyage. ________________________________________________
Section 105. One who has an interest in the thing ________________________________________________
from which profits are expected to proceed has ________________________________________________
an insurable interest in the profits. ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ nature of the risk depends, the insurer may
________________________________________________ rescind the entire contract.
Section 112. The eventual falsity of a
representation as to expectation does not, in the
absence of fraud, avoid a contract of marine
Section 104. The interest mentioned in the last
section exists, in case of a charter party, when
the ship has broken ground on the chartered
voyage. If a price is to be paid for the carriage of IMPLIED WARRANTIES
goods it exists when they are actually on board,
or there is some contract for putting them on Section 113. In every marine insurance upon a
board, and both ship and goods are ready for the ship or freight, or freightage, or upon any thing
specified voyage. which is the subject of marine insurance, a
warranty is implied that the ship is seaworthy.
Section 105. One who has an interest in the thing
from which profits are expected to proceed has Section 114. A ship is seaworthy when reasonably
an insurable interest in the profits. fit to perform the service and to encounter the
ordinary perils of the voyage contemplated by
Section 106. The charterer of a ship has an the parties to the policy.
insurable interest in it, to the extent that he is
liable to be damnified by its loss. Section 115. An implied warranty of
seaworthiness is complied with if the ship be
Section 110. A concealment in a marine seaworthy at the time of the of commencement
insurance, in respect to any of the following of the risk, except in the following cases:
matters, does not vitiate the entire contract, but
merely exonerates the insurer from a loss (a) When the insurance is made for a
resulting from the risk concealed: specified length of time, the implied
warranty is not complied with unless the
(a) The national character of the insured; ship be seaworthy at the
commencement of every voyage it
(b) The liability of the thing insured to undertakes during that time;
capture and detention;
(b) When the insurance is upon the
(c) The liability to seizure from breach of cargo which, by the terms of the policy,
foreign laws of trade; description of the voyage, or established
custom of the trade, is to be transhipped
(d) The want of necessary documents; at an intermediate port, the implied
warranty is not complied with unless
(e) The use of false and simulated each vessel upon which the cargo is
papers. shipped, or transhipped, be seaworthy
at the commencement of each particular

Section 111. If a representation by a person

insured by a contract of marine insurance, is
intentionally false in any material respect, or in
respect of any fact on which the character and
Section 116. A warranty of seaworthiness extends Section 122. If the course of sailing is not fixed by
not only to the condition of the structure of the mercantile usage, the voyage insured by a
ship itself, but requires that it be properly laden, marine insurance policy is that way between the
and provided with a competent master, a places specified, which to a master of ordinary
sufficient number of competent officers and skill and discretion, would mean the most
seamen, and the requisite appurtenances and natural, direct and advantageous.
equipment, such as ballasts, cables and anchors,
cordage and sails, food, water, fuel and lights, Section 123. Deviation is a departure from the
and other necessary or proper stores and course of the voyage insured, mentioned in the
implements for the voyage. last two sections, or an unreasonable delay in
pursuing the voyage or the commencement of
Section 117. Where different portions of the an entirely different voyage.
voyage contemplated by a policy differ in respect
to the things requisite to make the ship Section 124. A deviation is proper:
seaworthy therefor, a warranty of seaworthiness
is complied with if, at the commencement of (a) When caused by circumstances over
each portion, the ship is seaworthy with which neither the master nor the owner
reference to that portion. of the ship has any control;

Section 118. When the ship becomes (b) When necessary to comply with a
unseaworthy during the voyage to which an warranty, or to avoid a peril, whether or
insurance relates, an unreasonable delay in not the peril is insured against;
repairing the defect exonerates the insurer on
ship or shipowners interest from liability from (c) When made in good faith, and upon
any loss arising therefrom. reasonable grounds of belief in its
necessity to avoid a peril; or
Section 119. A ship which is seaworthy for the
purpose of an insurance upon the ship may, (d) When made in good faith, for the
nevertheless, by reason of being unfitted to purpose of saving human life or relieving
receive the cargo, be unseaworthy for the another vessel in distress.
purpose of the insurance upon the cargo.
Section 125. Every deviation not specified in the
Section 120. Where the nationality or neutrality last section is improper.
of a ship or cargo is expressly warranted, it is
implied that the ship will carry the requisite Section 126. An insurer is not liable for any loss
documents to show such nationality or neutrality happening to the thing insured subsequent to an
and that it will not carry any documents which improper deviation.
cast reasonable suspicion thereon.


Section 121. When the voyage contemplated by a

marine insurance policy is described by the
places of beginning and ending, the voyage
insured in one which conforms to the course of
sailing fixed by mercantile usage between those
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D. LOSS ________________________________________________
Section 127. A loss may be either total or partial. ________________________________________________
Section 128. Every loss which is not total is partial. ________________________________________________
Section 129. A total loss may be either actual or ________________________________________________
constructive. ________________________________________________
Section 137. An insurance confined in terms to an ________________________________________________
actual loss does not cover a constructive total ________________________________________________
loss, but covers any loss, which necessarily ________________________________________________
results in depriving the insured of the
possession, at the port of destination, of the ________________________________________________
entire thing insured. ________________________________________________
Section 130. An actual total loss is cause by: ________________________________________________
(a) A total destruction of the thing ________________________________________________
insured; ________________________________________________
(b) The irretrievable loss of the thing by ________________________________________________
sinking, or by being broken up; ________________________________________________
(c) Any damage to the thing which ________________________________________________
renders it valueless to the owner for the ________________________________________________
purpose for which he held it; or ________________________________________________
(d) Any other event which effectively ________________________________________________
deprives the owner of the possession, at ________________________________________________
the port of destination, of the thing ________________________________________________
insured. ________________________________________________
Section 132. An actual loss may be presumed ________________________________________________
from the continued absence of a ship without ________________________________________________
being heard of. The length of time which is ________________________________________________
sufficient to raise this presumption depends on ________________________________________________
the circumstances of the case. ________________________________________________
Section 135. Upon an actual total loss, a person
insured is entitled to payment without notice of ________________________________________________
abandonment. ________________________________________________
----- ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ information is of a doubtful character, the
________________________________________________ insured is entitled to a reasonable time to make
Section 131. A constructive total loss is one which inquiry.
gives to a person insured a right to abandon,
under Section one hundred thirty-nine. Section 142. Where the information upon which
an abandonment has been made proves
Section 139. A person insured by a contract of incorrect, or the thing insured was so far
marine insurance may abandon the thing restored when the abandonment was made that
insured, or any particular portion thereof there was then in fact no total loss, the
separately valued by the policy, or otherwise abandonment becomes ineffectual.
separately insured, and recover for a total loss
thereof, when the cause of the loss is a peril Section 143. Abandonment is made by giving
insured against: notice thereof to the insurer, which may be done
orally, or in writing; Provided, That if the notice
(a) If more than three-fourths thereof in be done orally, a written notice of such
value is actually lost, or would have to be abandonment shall be submitted within seven
expended to recover it from the peril; days from such oral notice.

(b) If it is injured to such an extent as to Section 144. A notice of abandonment must be

reduce its value more than three- explicit, and must specify the particular cause of
fourths; the abandonment, but need state only enough
to show that there is probable cause therefor,
(c) If the thing insured is a ship, and the and need not be accompanied with proof of
contemplated voyage cannot be lawfully interest or of loss.
performed without incurring either an
expense to the insured of more than Section 145. An abandonment can be sustained
three-fourths the value of the thing only upon the cause specified in the notice
abandoned or a risk which a prudent thereof.
man would not take under the
circumstances; or Section 146. An abandonment is equivalent to a
transfer by the insured of his interest to the
(d) If the thing insured, being cargo or insurer, with all the chances of recovery and
freightage, and the voyage cannot be indemnity.
performed, nor another ship procured
by the master, within a reasonable time Section 147. If a marine insurer pays for a loss as
and with reasonable diligence, to if it were an actual total loss, he is entitled to
forward the cargo, without incurring the whatever may remain of the thing insured, or its
like expense or risk mentioned in the proceeds or salvage, as if there had been a
preceding sub-paragraph. But freightage formal abandonment.
cannot in any case be abandoned unless
the ship is also abandoned. Section 148. Upon an abandonment, acts done in
good faith by those who were agents of the
Section 140. An abandonment must be neither insured in respect to the thing insured,
partial nor conditional. subsequent to the loss, are at the risk of the
insurer and for his benefit.
Section 141. An abandonment must be made
within a reasonable time after receipt of reliable Section 149. Where notice of abandonment is
information of the loss, but where the properly given, the rights of the insured are not
prejudiced by the fact that the insurer refuses to ________________________________________________
accept the abandonment. ________________________________________________
Section 150. The acceptance of an abandonment ________________________________________________
may be either express or implied from the ________________________________________________
conduct of the insurer. The mere silence of the ________________________________________________
insurer for an unreasonable length of time after ________________________________________________
notice shall be construed as an acceptance. ________________________________________________
Section 151. The acceptance of an abandonment, ________________________________________________
whether express or implied, is conclusive upon ________________________________________________
the parties, and admits the loss and the ________________________________________________
sufficiency of the abandonment. ________________________________________________
Section 152. An abandonment once made and ________________________________________________
accepted is irrevocable, unless the ground upon ________________________________________________
which it was made proves to be unfounded. ________________________________________________
Section 153. On an accepted abandonment of a ________________________________________________
ship, freightage earned previous to the loss ________________________________________________
belongs to the insurer of said freightage; but ________________________________________________
freightage subsequently earned belongs to the
insurer of the ship. ________________________________________________
Section 154. If an insurer refuses to accept a valid ________________________________________________
abandonment, he is liable as upon actual total ________________________________________________
loss, deducting from the amount any proceeds of ________________________________________________
the thing insured which may have come to the ________________________________________________
hands of the insured. ________________________________________________
Section 155. If a person insured omits to ________________________________________________
abandon, he may nevertheless recover his actual
loss. ________________________________________________
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________________________________________________ (b) The value of the cargo is its actual
E. MEASURE OF INDEMNITY cost to the insured, when laden on
board, or where the cost cannot be
Section 156. A valuation in a policy of marine ascertained, its market value at the time
insurance in conclusive between the parties and place of lading, adding the charges
thereto in the adjustment of either a partial or incurred in purchasing and placing it on
total loss, if the insured has some interest at risk, board, but without reference to any loss
and there is no fraud on his part; except that incurred in raising money for its
when a thing has been hypothecated by purchase, or to any drawback on its
bottomry or respondentia, before its insurance, exportation, or to the fluctuation of the
and without the knowledge of the person market at the port of destination, or to
actually procuring the insurance, he may show expenses incurred on the way or on
the real value. But a valuation fraudulent in fact, arrival;
entitles the insurer to rescind the contract.
(c) The value of freightage is the gross
Section 157. A marine insurer is liable upon a
freightage, exclusive of primage,
partial loss, only for such proportion of the
without reference to the cost of earning
amount insured by him as the loss bears to the
it; and
value of the whole interest of the insured in the
(d) The cost of insurance is in each case
property insured.
to be added to the value thus estimated.
Section 158. Where profits are separately insured
Section 162. If cargo insured against partial loss
in a contract of marine insurance, the insured is
arrives at the port of destination in a damaged
entitled to recover, in case of loss, a proportion
condition, the loss of the insured is deemed to
of such profits equivalent to the proportion
be the same proportion of the value which the
which the value of the property lost bears to the
market price at that port, of the thing so
value of the whole.
damaged, bears to the market price it would
have brought if sound.
Section 159. In case of a valued policy of marine
insurance on freightage or cargo, if a part only of
Section 163. A marine insurer is liable for all the
the subject is exposed to the risk, the evaluation
expenses attendant upon a loss which forces the
applies only in proportion to such part.
ship into port to be repaired; and where it is
stipulated in the policy that the insured shall
Section 160. When profits are valued and insured
labor for the recovery of the property, the
by a contract of marine insurance, a loss of them
insurer is liable for the expense incurred thereby,
is conclusively presumed from a loss of the
such expense, in either case, being in addition to
property out of which they are expected to arise,
a total loss, if that afterwards occurs.
and the valuation fixes their amount.

Section 161. In estimating a loss under an open Section 166. In the case of a partial loss of ship or
policy of marine insurance the following rules its equipment, the old materials are to be
are to be observed: applied towards payment for the new. Unless
otherwise stipulated in the policy, a marine
(a) The value of a ship is its value at the insurer is liable for only two-thirds of the
beginning of the risk, including all remaining cost of repairs after such deduction,
articles or charges which add to its except that anchors must be paid in full.
permanent value or which are necessary
to prepare it for the voyage insured;
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X. FIRE INSURANCE ________________________________________________
A. DEFINITION AND COVERGAE ________________________________________________
Section 83. An agreement not to transfer the ________________________________________________
claim of the insured against the insurer after the ________________________________________________
loss has happened, is void if made before the loss
except as otherwise provided in the case of life ________________________________________________
insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 167. As used in this Code, the term fire ________________________________________________
insurance shall include insurance against loss by ________________________________________________
fire, lightning, windstorm, tornado or ________________________________________________
earthquake and other allied risks, when such ________________________________________________
risks are covered by extension to fire insurance ________________________________________________
policies or under separate policies. ________________________________________________
Section 173. No policy of fire insurance shall be ________________________________________________
pledged, hypothecated, or transferred to any ________________________________________________
person, firm or company who acts as agent for or ________________________________________________
otherwise represents the issuing company, and
any such pledge, hypothecation, or transfer ________________________________________________
hereafter made shall be void and of no effect ________________________________________________
insofar as it may affect other creditors of the ________________________________________________
insured. ________________________________________________
B. MATTERS AFFECTING POLICY ________________________________________________
Section 168. An alteration in the use or condition ________________________________________________
of a thing insured from that to which it is limited ________________________________________________
by the policy made without the consent of the ________________________________________________
insurer, by means within the control of the ________________________________________________
insured, and increasing the risks, entitles an ________________________________________________
insurer to rescind a contract of fire insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 169. An alteration in the use or condition ________________________________________________
of a thing insured from that to which it is limited ________________________________________________
by the policy, which does not increase the risk, ________________________________________________
does not affect a contract of fire insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 170. A contract of fire insurance is not ________________________________________________
affected by any act of the insured subsequent to ________________________________________________
the execution of the policy, which does not ________________________________________________
violate its provisions, even though it increases ________________________________________________
the risk and is the cause of the loss. ________________________________________________
C. MEASURE OF INDEMNITY ________________________________________________
Section 171. If there is no valuation in the policy, ________________________________________________
the measure of indemnity in an insurance ________________________________________________
against fire is the expense it would be to the ________________________________________________
insured at the time of the commencement of the ________________________________________________
fire to replace the thing lost or injured in the ________________________________________________
condition in which at the time of the injury; but ________________________________________________
if there is a valuation in a policy of fire insurance, ________________________________________________
the effect shall be the same as in a policy of ________________________________________________
marine insurance. ________________________________________________
Section 172. Whenever the insured desires to ________________________________________________
have a valuation named in his policy, insuring
any building or structure against fire, he may ________________________________________________
require such building or structure to be ________________________________________________
examined by an independent appraiser and the ________________________________________________
value of the insureds interest therein may then ________________________________________________
be fixed as between the insurer and the insured. ________________________________________________
The cost of such examination shall be paid for by ________________________________________________
the insured. A clause shall be inserted in such ________________________________________________
policy stating substantially that the value of the ________________________________________________
insureds interest in such building or structure ________________________________________________
has been thus fixed. In the absence of any ________________________________________________
change increasing the risk without the consent of ________________________________________________
the insurer or of fraud on the part of the insured, ________________________________________________
then in case of a total loss under such policy, the ________________________________________________
whole amount so insured upon the insureds ________________________________________________
interest in such building or structure, as stated in ________________________________________________
the policy upon which the insurers have received ________________________________________________
a premium, shall be paid, and in case of a partial ________________________________________________
loss the full amount of the partial loss shall be so ________________________________________________
paid, and in case there are two or more policies ________________________________________________
covering the insureds interest therein, each ________________________________________________
policy shall contribute pro rata to the payment ________________________________________________
of such whole or partial loss. But in no case shall ________________________________________________
the insurer be required to pay more than the ________________________________________________
amount thus stated in such policy. This section ________________________________________________
shall not prevent the parties from stipulating in ________________________________________________
such policies concerning the repairing, rebuilding ________________________________________________
or replacing of buildings or structures wholly or ________________________________________________
partially damaged or destroyed. ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ persons, all of whom must be living at the time
________________________________________________ the annuity is established.
It may also be constituted in favor of the person
A. DEFINITION AND COVERAGE or persons upon whose life or lives the contract
is entered into, or in favor of another or other
Section 179. Life insurance is insurance on human persons. (1803)
lives and insurance appertaining thereto or
connected therewith. Art. 2023. Life annuity shall be void if constituted
upon the life of a person who was already dead
Section 180. An insurance upon life may be made
at the time the contract was entered into, or who
payable on the death of the person, or on his
was at that time suffering from an illness which
surviving a specified period, or otherwise
caused his death within twenty days following
contingently on the continuance or cessation of
said date. (1804)
Art. 2024. The lack of payment of the income due
Every contract or pledge for the payment of
does not authorize the recipient of the life
endowments or annuities shall be considered a
annuity to demand the reimbursement of the
life insurance contract for purpose of this Code
capital or to retake possession of the property
In the absence of a judicial guardian, the father,
alienated, unless there is a stipulation to the
or in the latters absence or incapacity, the
contrary; he shall have only a right judicially to
mother, or any minor, who is an insured or a
claim the payment of the income in arrears and
beneficiary under a contract of life, health or
to require a security for the future income,
accident insurance, may exercise, in behalf of
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
said minor, any right under the policy, without
necessity of court authority or the giving of a
bond, where the interest of the minor in the
Art. 2025. The income corresponding to the year
particular act involved does not exceed twenty
in which the person enjoying it dies shall be paid
thousand pesos. Such right may include, but shall
in proportion to the days during which he lived;
not be limited to, obtaining a policy loan,
if the income should be paid by installments in
surrendering the policy, receiving the proceeds
advance, the whole amount of the installment
of the policy, and giving the minors consent to
which began to run during his life shall be paid.
any transaction on the policy.
Civil Code
Art. 2026. He who constitutes an annuity by
gratuitous title upon his property, may provide
Art. 2021. The aleatory contract of life annuity
at the time the annuity is established that the
binds the debtor to pay an annual pension or
same shall not be subject to execution or
income during the life of one or more
attachment on account of the obligations of the
determinate persons in consideration of a capital
recipient of the annuity. If the annuity was
consisting of money or other property, whose
constituted in fraud of creditors, the latter may
ownership is transferred to him at once with the
ask for the execution or attachment of the
burden of the income. (1802a)
property. (1807a)
Art. 2022. The annuity may be constituted upon
Art. 2027. No annuity shall be claimed without
the life of the person who gives the capital, upon
first proving the existence of the person upon
that of a third person, or upon the lives of various
whose life the annuity is constituted. (1808)
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________________________________________________ the child resides, or, if the child resides in a
________________________________________________ foreign country, in the proper court of the place
where the property or any part thereof is
Section 180. An insurance upon life may be made
The petition shall be docketed as a summary
payable on the death of the person, or on his
special proceeding in which all incidents and
surviving a specified period, or otherwise
issues regarding the performance of the
contingently on the continuance or cessation of
obligations referred to in the second paragraph
of this Article shall be heard and resolved.
Every contract or pledge for the payment of
endowments or annuities shall be considered a
The ordinary rules on guardianship shall be
life insurance contract for purpose of this Code
merely suppletory except when the child is
under substitute parental authority, or the
In the absence of a judicial guardian, the father,
guardian is a stranger, or a parent has remarried,
or in the latters absence or incapacity, the
in which case the ordinary rules on guardianship
mother, or any minor, who is an insured or a
shall apply. (320a)
beneficiary under a contract of life, health or
accident insurance, may exercise, in behalf of
said minor, any right under the policy, without
necessity of court authority or the giving of a
bond, where the interest of the minor in the
particular act involved does not exceed twenty ________________________________________________
thousand pesos. Such right may include, but shall ________________________________________________
not be limited to, obtaining a policy loan, ________________________________________________
surrendering the policy, receiving the proceeds ________________________________________________
of the policy, and giving the minors consent to ________________________________________________
any transaction on the policy. ________________________________________________
Family Code ________________________________________________
Art. 225. The father and the mother shall jointly ________________________________________________
exercise legal guardianship over the property of ________________________________________________
the unemancipated common child without the ________________________________________________
necessity of a court appointment. In case of ________________________________________________
disagreement, the father's decision shall prevail, ________________________________________________
unless there is a judicial order to the contrary. ________________________________________________
Where the market value of the property or the ________________________________________________
annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the ________________________________________________
parent concerned shall be required to furnish a ________________________________________________
bond in such amount as the court may ________________________________________________
determine, but not less than ten per ________________________________________________
centum (10%) of the value of the property or ________________________________________________
annual income, to guarantee the performance of ________________________________________________
the obligations prescribed for general guardians. ________________________________________________
A verified petition for approval of the bond shall ________________________________________________
be filed in the proper court of the place where ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ other key officials of insurance companies for
________________________________________________ purposes of this section.
Suicide and Accidental Death
No person shall concurrently be a director
Section 87. An insurer is not liable for a loss and/or officer of an insurance company and an
caused by the willful act or through the adjustment company.
connivance of the insured; but he is not Incumbent directors and/or officers affected by
exonerated by the negligence of the insured, or the above provisions are hereby allowed to hold
of the insurance agents or others. on to their positions until the end of their terms
or two years from the effectivity of this decree,
Section 187. No insurance company shall transact whichever is shorter.
any insurance business in the Philippines until
after it shall have obtained a certificate of Before issuing such certificate of authority, the
authority for that purpose from the Commissioner must be satisfied that the name of
Commissioner upon application therefor and the company is not that of any other known
payment by the company concerned of the fees company transacting a similar business in the
hereinafter prescribed. Philippines, or a name so similar as to be
calculated to mislead the public.
The Commissioner may refuse to issue a
certificate of authority to any insurance Such certificate of authority shall expire on the
company if, in his judgment, such refusal will last day of June of each year and shall be
best promote the interest of the people of this renewed annually if the company is continuing
country. No such certificate of authority shall be to comply with the provisions of this Code or the
granted to any such company until the circulars, instructions, rulings or decisions of the
Commissioner shall have satisfied himself by Commissioner. Every company receiving any
such examination as he may make and such such certificates of authority shall be subject to
evidence as he may require that such company is the provisions of this Code and other related
qualified by the laws of the Philippines to laws and to the jurisdiction and supervision of
transact business therein, that the grant of such the Commissioner.
authority appears to be justified in the light of
economic requirements, and that the direction No insurance company may be authorized to
and administration, as well as the integrity and transact in the Philippines the business of life
responsibility of the organizers and and non-life insurance concurrently unless
administrators, the financial organization and specifically authorized to do so; Provided, That
the amount of capital, notwithstanding the the terms life and non-life insurance shall be
provisions of section one hundred eighty-eight, deemed to include health, accident and disability
reasonably assure the safety of the interests of insurance.
the policyholders and the public.
No insurance company shall have equity in an
In order to maintain the quality of the adjustment company and neither shall an
management of the insurance companies and adjustment company have an equity in an
afford better protection to policyholders and the insurance company.
public in general, any person of good moral
character, unquestioned integrity and Insurance companies and adjustment companies
recognized competence may be elected or presently affected by the above provision shall
appointed director or officer of insurance have two years from the effectivity of this
companies. The Commissioner shall prescribe Decree within which to divest of their
the qualifications of the executive officers and
stockholdings. (As amended by Presidential ________________________________________________
Decree No. 1455). ________________________________________________
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B. TRANSFER OF POLICY ________________________________________________
Section 181. A policy of insurance upon life or ________________________________________________
health may pass by transfer, will or succession to ________________________________________________
any person, whether he has an insurable interest ________________________________________________
or not, and such person may recover upon it ________________________________________________
whatever the insured might have recovered. ________________________________________________
Section 182. Notice to an insurer of a transfer or ________________________________________________
bequest thereof is not necessary to preserve the ________________________________________________
validity of a policy of insurance upon life or ________________________________________________
health, unless thereby expressly required. ________________________________________________
Section 183. Unless the interest of a person ________________________________________________
insured is susceptible of exact pecuniary ________________________________________________
measurement, the measure of indemnity under ________________________________________________
a policy of insurance upon life or health is the ________________________________________________
sum fixed in the policy. ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ property arising out of and in the course of
________________________________________________ employment. (As amended by Presidential
Decree No. 1814 and 1981)
(d) Owner or Motor vehicle owner means
the actual legal owner of a motor vehicle, in
whose name such vehicle is duly registered with
the Land Transportation Commission;
Section 174. Casualty insurance is insurance
covering loss or liability arising from accident or
(e) Land transportation operator means the
mishap, excluding certain types of loss which by
owner or owners of motor vehicles for
law or custom are considered as falling
transportation of passengers for compensation,
exclusively within the scope of other types of
including school buses;
insurance such as fire or marine. It includes, but
is not limited to, employers liability insurance,
(f) Insurance policy or Policy refers to a
motor vehicle liability insurance, plate
contract of insurance against passenger and
glassinsurance, burglary and theft insurance,
thirty-party liability for death or bodily injuries
personal accident and health insurance as
and damaged to property arising from motor
written by non-life insurance companies, and
vehicle accidents. (As amended by Presidential
other substantially similar kinds of insurance.
Decree No. 1455 and 1814)
Section 374. It shall be unlawful for any land
transportation operator or owner of a motor
vehicle to operate the same in the public
Section 373. For purposes of this chapter: highways unless there is in force in relation
thereto a policy of insurance or guaranty in cash
(a) Motor Vehicle is any vehicle as or surety bond issued in accordance with the
defined in section three, paragraph (a) of provisions of this chapter to indemnify the
Republic Act Numbered Four Thousand One death, bodily injury, and/or damage to property
Hundred Thirty-Six, Otherwise known as the of a third-party or passenger, as the case may be,
Land Transportation and Traffic Code. arising from the use thereof. (As amended by
Presidential Decree No. 1455 and 1814)
(b) Passenger is any fare paying person being
transported and conveyed in and by a motor Section 375. The Commissioner shall furnish the
vehicle for transportation of passengers for Land Transportation Commissioner with a list of
compensation, including persons expressly insurance companies authorized to issue the
authorized by law or by the vehicles operator or policy of insurance or surety bond required by
his agents to ride without fare. this chapter. (As amended by Presidential
Decree No. 1814)
(c) Third-Party is any person other than a
passenger as defined in this section and shall also Section 376. The Land Transportation
exclude a member of the household, or a Commission shall not allow the registration or
member of the family within the second degree renewal of registration of any motor vehicle
of consanguinity or affinity, of a motor vehicle without first requiring from the land
owner or land transportation operator, as transportation operator or motor vehicle owner
likewise defined herein, or his employee in concerned the presentation and filing of a
respect of death, bodily injury, or damage to substantiating documentation in a form
approved by the Commissioner evidencing that
the policy of insurance or guaranty in cash or transportation operator, otherwise, he shall
surety bond required by this chapter is in effect. secure the insurance policy required by this
(As amended by Presidential Decree No. 1455) chapter. The aforesaid cash deposit may be
Section 377. Every land transportation operator invested by the Commissioner in readily
and every owner of a motor vehicle shall, before marketable government bonds and/or
applying for the registration or renewal of securities.
registration of any motor vehicle, at his option,
either secure an insurance policy or surety bond (2) In the case of an owner of a motor vehicle,
issued by any insurance company authorized by the insurance or guaranty in cash or surety bond
the Commissioner or make a cash deposit in such shall cover liability for death or injury to third
amount as herein required as limit of liability for parties in an amount not less than that set forth
purposes specified in section three hundred in the following scale in any one accident:
I. Private Cars
(1) In the case of a land transportation operator Twenty
the insurance guaranty in cash or surety bond (a) Bantam
thousand pesos;
shall cover liability for death or bodily injuries of Twenty
third-parties and/or passengers arising out of (b) Light
thousand pesos;
the use of such vehicle in the amount not less
Thirty thousand
than twelve thousand pesos per passenger or (c) Heavy
third party and an amount, for each of such
II. Other Private Vehicles
categories, in any one accident of not less than
that set forth in the following scale (a) Tricycles, motorcyles, and : Twelve
scooters thousand pesos;
(a) Motor vehicles with an authorized (b) Vehicles with an unladen : Twenty
capacity of twenty-six or more weight of 2,600 kilos or less thousand pesos;
passengers: Fifty thousand pesos; (c) Vehicles with an unladen : Thirty
(b) Motor vehicles with an authorized weight of between 2,601 kilos thousand pesos;
capacity of from twelve to twenty-five and 3,930 kilos
passengers: Forty thousand pesos; (d) Vehicles with an unladen : Fifty thousand
(c) Motor vehicles with an authorized weight over 3,930 kilos pesos.
capacity of from six to eleven
passengers: Thirty thousand pesos; The Commissioner may, if warranted, set forth
(d) Motor vehicles with an authorized schedule of indemnities for the payment of
capacity of five or less passengers: Five claims for death or bodily injuries with the
thousand pesos multiplied by the coverages set forth herein. (As amended by
authorized capacity. Presidential Decree No. 1455 and 1814)

Provided, however, That such cash deposit made

to, or surety bond posted with, the Section 378. Any claim for death or injury to any
Commissioner shall be resorted to by him in passenger or third party pursuant to the
cases of accidents the indemnities for which to provisions of this chapter shall be paid without
third-parties and/or passengers are not settled the necessity of proving fault or negligence of
accordingly by the land transportation operator any kind; Provided, That for purposes of this
and, in that event, the said cash deposit shall be section
replenished or such surety bond shall be
restored with sixty days after impairment or (i) The total indemnity in respect of any person
expiry, as the case may be, by such land shall not exceed five thousand pesos;
therein required shall be withdrawn
(ii) The following proofs of loss, when submitted immediately. (As amended by Presidential
under oath, shall be sufficient evidence to Decree No. 1455 and 1814)
substantiate the claim:
Section 380. No cancellation of the policy shall
(a) Police report of accident and be valid unless written notice thereof is given to
(b) Death certificate and evidence the land transportation operator or owner of the
sufficient to establish the proper payee vehicle and to the Land Transportation
or Commission at least fifteen days prior to the
(c) Medical report and evidence of intended effective date thereof.
medical or hospital disbursement in
respect of which refund is claimed; Upon receipt of such notice, the Land
Transportation Commission, unless it receives
(iii) Claim may be made against one motor evidence of a new valid insurance or guaranty in
vehicle only. In the case of an occupant of a cash or surety bond as prescribed in this chapter,
vehicle, claim shall lie against the insurer of the or an endorsement of revival of the cancelled
vehicle in which the occupant is riding, mounting one, shall order the immediate confiscation of
or dismounting from. In any other case, claim the plates of the motor vehicle covered by such
shall lie against the insurer of the directly cancelled policy. The same may be re-issued only
offending vehicle. In all cases, the right of the upon presentation of a new insurance policy or
party paying the claim to recover against the that a guaranty in cash or surety band has been
owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident made or posted with the Commissioner and
shall be maintained. which meets the requirements of this chapter, or
an endorsement or revival of the cancelled one.
Section 379. No land transportation operator or (As amended by Presidential Decree No. 1455)
owner of motor vehicle shall be unreasonably
denied the policy of insurance or surety bond Section 381. If the cancellation of the policy or
required by this chapter by the insurance surety bond is contemplated by the land
companies authorized to issue the same, transportation operator or owner of the vehicle,
otherwise, the Land Transportation Commission he shall, before the policy or surety bond ceases
shall require from said land transportation to be effective, secure a similar policy of
operator or owner of the vehicle, in lieu of a insurance or surety bond to replace the policy or
policy of insurance or surety bond, a certificate surety bond to be cancelled or make a cash
that a cash deposit has been made with the deposit in sufficient amount with the
Commissioner in such amount required as limits Commissioner and without any gap, file the
of indemnity in section three hundred seventy- required documentation with the Land
seven to answer for the passenger and/or third- Transportation Commission, and notify the
party liability of such land transportation insurance company concerned of the
operator or owner of the vehicle. cancellation of its policy or surety bond. (As
amended by Presidential Decree No. 1455)
No insurance company may issue the policy of
insurance or surety bond required under this
chapter unless so authorized under existing laws.

The authority to engage in the casualty and/or

surety lines of business of an insurance company
that refuses to issue or renew, without just
cause, the insurance policy or surety bond
Section 382. In case of change of ownership of a execute any quit claim or document releasing it
motor vehicle, or change of the engine of an from liability under the policy of insurance or
insured vehicle, there shall be no need of issuing surety bond issued. (As amended by Presidential
a new policy until the next date of registration or Decree No. 1455)
renewal of registration of such vehicle, and
provided that the insurance company shall agree In case of any dispute in the enforcement of the
to continue the policy, such change of ownership provisions of any policy issued pursuant to this
or such change of the engine shall be indicated chapter, the adjudication of such dispute shall be
in a corresponding endorsement by the within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
insurance company concerned, and a signed the Commissioner, subject to the limitations
duplicate of such endorsement shall, within a provided in section four hundred sixteen.
reasonable time, be filed with the Land
Transportation Commission. Section 386. It shall be unlawful for a land
transportation operator or owner of motor
Section 383. In the settlement and payment of vehicle to require his or its drivers or other
claims, the indemnity shall not be availed of by employees to contribute in the payment of
any accident victim or claimant as an instrument premiums.
of enrichment by reason of an accident, but as
an assistance or restitution insofar as can fairly Section 387. No government office or agency
be ascertained. having the duty of implementing the provisions
of this chapter nor any official or employee
Section 384. Any person having any claim upon thereof shall act as agent in procuring the
the policy issued pursuant to this chapter shall, insurance policy or surety bond provided for
without any unnecessary delay, present to the herein. The commission of an agent procuring
insurance company concerned a written notice the said policy or bond shall in no case exceed
of claim setting forth the amount of his loss, ten per centum of the amount of the premiums
and/or the nature, extent and duration of the therefor.
injuries sustained as certified by a duly licensed
physician. Notice of claim must be filed within six Section 388. Any land transportation operator or
months from date of the accident, otherwise, owner of motor vehicle or any other person
the claim shall be deemed waived. Action or suit violating any of the provisions of the preceding
for recovery of damage due to loss or injury must sections shall be punished by a fine of not less
be brought, in proper cases, with the than five hundred pesos but not more than one
Commissioner or the Courts within one year thousand pesos and/or imprisonment for not
from date of accident, otherwise, the claimants more than six months. The violation of section
right of action shall prescribe. (As amended by three hundred seventy-seven by a land
Presidential Decree 1814) transportation operator shall be a sufficient
cause for the revocation of the certificate of
Section 385. The insurance company concerned public convenience issued by the Board of
shall forthwith ascertain the truth and extent of Transportation covering the vehicle concerned.
the claim and make payment within five working Section 389. Whenever any violation of the
days after reaching an agreement. If no provisions of this chapter is committed by a
agreement is reached, the insurance company corporation or association, or by a government
shall pay only the no-fault indemnity provided office or entity, the executive officer or officers
in section three hundred seventy-eight without of said corporation, association or government
prejudice to the claimant from pursuing his claim office or entity who shall have knowingly
further, in which case, he shall not be required permitted, or failed to prevent, said violation
or compelled by the insurance company to shall be held liable as principals.
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XIII. SURETYSHIP ________________________________________________
A. DEFINITION AND COVERAGE ________________________________________________
Section 175. A contract of suretyship is an ________________________________________________
agreement whereby a party called the surety ________________________________________________
guarantees the performance by another party ________________________________________________
called the principal or obligor of an obligation or ________________________________________________
undertaking in favor of a third party called the ________________________________________________
obligee. It includes official recognizances, ________________________________________________
stipulations, bonds or undertakings issued by ________________________________________________
any company by virtue of and under the ________________________________________________
provisions of Act No. 536, as amended by Act No. ________________________________________________
2206. ________________________________________________
Section 176. The liability of the surety or sureties ________________________________________________
shall be joint and several with the obligor and ________________________________________________
shall be limited to the amount of the bond. It is ________________________________________________
determined strictly by the terms of the contract ________________________________________________
of suretyship in relation to the principal contract ________________________________________________
between the obligor and the obligee. (As ________________________________________________
amended by Presidential Decree No. 1455) ________________________________________________
----- ________________________________________________
Suppletory application of the Civil Code Art. 1210. The indivisibility of an obligation does
not necessarily give rise to solidarity. Nor does
Section 178. Pertinent provisions of the Civil Code solidarity of itself imply indivisibility. (n)
of the Philippines shall be applied in a suppletory
character whenever necessary in interpreting Art. 1211. Solidarity may exist although the
the provisions of a contract of suretyship. creditors and the debtors may not be bound in
the same manner and by the same periods and
Civil Code conditions. (1140)

Art. 2047. By guaranty a person, called the Art. 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors may
guarantor, binds himself to the creditor to fulfill do whatever may be useful to the others, but not
the obligation of the principal debtor in case the anything which may be prejudicial to the latter.
latter should fail to do so. (1141a)

If a person binds himself solidarily with the Art. 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign his
principal debtor, the provisions of Section 4, rights without the consent of the others. (n)
Chapter 3, Title I of this Book shall be observed.
In such case the contract is called a suretyship. Art. 1214. The debtor may pay any one of the
(1822a) solidary creditors; but if any demand, judicial or
extrajudicial, has been made by one of them,
Art. 1207. The concurrence of two or more payment should be made to him. (1142a)
creditors or of two or more debtors in one and
the same obligation does not imply that each Art. 1215. Novation, compensation, confusion or
one of the former has a right to demand, or that remission of the debt, made by any of the
each one of the latter is bound to render, entire solidary creditors or with any of the solidary
compliance with the prestation. There is a debtors, shall extinguish the obligation, without
solidary liability only when the obligation prejudice to the provisions of Article 1219.
expressly so states, or when the law or the
nature of the obligation requires solidarity. The creditor who may have executed any of
(1137a) these acts, as well as he who collects the debt,
shall be liable to the others for the share in the
Art. 1208. If from the law, or the nature or the obligation corresponding to them. (1143)
wording of the obligations to which the
preceding article refers the contrary does not Art. 1216. The creditor may proceed against any
appear, the credit or debt shall be presumed to one of the solidary debtors or some or all of
be divided into as many shares as there are them simultaneously. The demand made against
creditors or debtors, the credits or debts being one of them shall not be an obstacle to those
considered distinct from one another, subject to which may subsequently be directed against the
the Rules of Court governing the multiplicity of others, so long as the debt has not been fully
suits. (1138a) collected. (1144a)

Art. 1209. If the division is impossible, the right Art. 1217. Payment made by one of the solidary
of the creditors may be prejudiced only by their debtors extinguishes the obligation. If two or
collective acts, and the debt can be enforced more solidary debtors offer to pay, the creditor
only by proceeding against all the debtors. If one may choose which offer to accept.
of the latter should be insolvent, the others shall He who made the payment may claim from his
not be liable for his share. (1139) co-debtors only the share which corresponds to
each, with the interest for the payment already obligation and of those which are personal to
made. If the payment is made before the debt is him, or pertain to his own share. With respect to
due, no interest for the intervening period may those which personally belong to the others, he
be demanded. may avail himself thereof only as regards that
part of the debt for which the latter are
When one of the solidary debtors cannot, responsible. (1148a)
because of his insolvency, reimburse his share to
the debtor paying the obligation, such share shall
be borne by all his co-debtors, in proportion to -----
the debt of each. (1145a)
Art. 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor shall not ________________________________________________
entitle him to reimbursement from his co- ________________________________________________
debtors if such payment is made after the ________________________________________________
obligation has prescribed or become illegal. (n) ________________________________________________
Art. 1219. The remission made by the creditor of ________________________________________________
the share which affects one of the solidary ________________________________________________
debtors does not release the latter from his ________________________________________________
responsibility towards the co-debtors, in case ________________________________________________
the debt had been totally paid by anyone of ________________________________________________
them before the remission was effected. (1146a) ________________________________________________
Art. 1220. The remission of the whole obligation, ________________________________________________
obtained by one of the solidary debtors, does not ________________________________________________
entitle him to reimbursement from his co- ________________________________________________
debtors. (n) ________________________________________________
Art. 1221. If the thing has been lost or if the ________________________________________________
prestation has become impossible without the ________________________________________________
fault of the solidary debtors, the obligation shall ________________________________________________
be extinguished. ________________________________________________
If there was fault on the part of any one of them, ________________________________________________
all shall be responsible to the creditor, for the ________________________________________________
price and the payment of damages and interest, ________________________________________________
without prejudice to their action against the ________________________________________________
guilty or negligent debtor. ________________________________________________
If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or ________________________________________________
the performance has become impossible after ________________________________________________
one of the solidary debtors has incurred in delay ________________________________________________
through the judicial or extrajudicial demand ________________________________________________
upon him by the creditor, the provisions of the ________________________________________________
preceding paragraph shall apply. (1147a) ________________________________________________
Art. 1222. A solidary debtor may, in actions filed ________________________________________________
by the creditor, avail himself of all defenses ________________________________________________
which are derived from the nature of the ________________________________________________
Premium ________________________________________________
Section 177. The surety is entitled to payment of ________________________________________________
the premium as soon as the contract of ________________________________________________
suretyship or bond is perfected and delivered to ________________________________________________
the obligor. No contract of suretyship or bonding ________________________________________________
shall be valid and binding unless and until the ________________________________________________
premium therefor has been paid, except where ________________________________________________
the obligee has accepted the bond, in which case ________________________________________________
the bond becomes valid and enforceable ________________________________________________
irrespective of whether or not the premium has ________________________________________________
been paid by the obligor to the surety; Provided, ________________________________________________
That if the contract of suretyship or bond is not ________________________________________________
accepted by, or filed with the obligee, the surety ________________________________________________
shall collect only reasonable amount, not ________________________________________________
exceeding fifty per centum of the premium due
thereon as service fee plus the cost of stamps or ________________________________________________
other taxes imposed for the issuance of the ________________________________________________
contract or bond; Provided, however, That if the ________________________________________________
non-acceptance of the bond be due to the fault ________________________________________________
or negligence of the surety, no such service fee, ________________________________________________
stamps or taxes shall be collected. ________________________________________________
In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor shall ________________________________________________
pay the subsequent annual premium as it falls ________________________________________________
due until the contract of suretyship is cancelled
by the obligee or by the Commissioner or by a ________________________________________________
court of competent jurisdiction, as the case may ________________________________________________
be. ________________________________________________

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