Poster Conference Write-Up

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Jacobs poster on diseases and pandemics was very well-organized and visually attractive.

did a good job of communicating the subject matter by incorporating photographs and
diagrams related to his topic. Some blocks of texts were small and dense, making them a little
difficult to read, but his subject matter was interesting. In his verbal presentation I was drawn
to his unusual claim that diseases and pandemics bring society together and promote long-term
advancement, though it took me a few minutes to understand where he was going with his

Kaylynnes visual presentation was very strong and drew my attention immediately. Making her
poster look like a chalkboard with simple, geometric shapes, she emphasized how her research
paper is about making life better or at least more normal for children with cancer. She also
made a powerful emotional appeal by including a photo of her sister who battled cancer. The
materials on the board were both visually appealing and well-organized, though, like Jacob,
some of the blocks of text on her poster were a little small and difficult to read. Furthermore,
the statistics she included were compelling and clearly supported her claim that pediatric
cancer research is underfunded.

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