List of SM Scimago Journals

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Rank Title Type Issn SJR

1 Academy of Management Journal journal ISSN 0001427 10.317
2 Journal of Financial Economics journal ISSN 030440 9.92
3 Academy of Management Review journal ISSN 0363742 8.83
4 Organization Science journal ISSN 1047703 7.037
5 Journal of Management journal ISSN 0149206 6.617
6 Strategic Management Journal journal ISSN 0143209 6.278
7 Organizational Research Methods journal ISSN 1094428 5.705
8 Journal of Operations Management journal ISSN 0272696 5.052
9 Journal of Management Studies journal ISSN 1467648 4.931
10 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management journal ISSN 1526549 4.609
11 Management Science journal ISSN 0025190 4.384
12 Academy of Management Perspectives journal ISSN 1558908 4.258
13 Journal of International Business Studies journal ISSN 1478699 4.208
14 Organization Studies journal ISSN 0170840 4.047
15 Omega journal ISSN 0305048 3.771
16 Research Policy journal ISSN 0048733 3.536
17 Management and Organization Review journal ISSN 1740878 3.435
18 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal journal ISSN 1932443 3.377
19 Supply Chain Management journal ISSN 1359854 3.127
20 Journal of Human Resources journal ISSN 0022166 2.761
21 Strategic Organization journal ISSN 1741315 2.733
22 International Journal of Management Reviews journal ISSN 1468237 2.466
23 Tourism Management journal ISSN 0261517 2.45
24 Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management journal ISSN 1478409 2.359
25 Journal of Product Innovation Management journal ISSN 0737678 2.337
26 International Journal of Operations and Production Management journal ISSN 0144357 2.198
27 Human Relations journal ISSN 0018726 2.117
28 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management journal ISSN 1535396 1.974
29 Longe Range Planning journal ISSN 0024630 1.958
30 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making journal ISSN 1099077 1.909
31 International Journal of Hospitality Management journal ISSN 0278431 1.887
32 Business Strategy and the Environment journal ISSN 1099083 1.873
33 Journal of International Management journal ISSN 1075425 1.829
34 Organization journal ISSN 1350508 1.806
35 Journal of Cleaner Production journal ISSN 0959652 1.721
36 Asia Pacific Journal of Management journal ISSN 0217456 1.676
37 Decision Sciences journal ISSN 0011731 1.586
38 European Journal of Industrial Relations journal ISSN 0959680 1.577
39 California Management Review journal ISSN 0008125 1.571
40 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences journal ISSN 0038012 1.513
41 Journal of Service Management journal ISSN 1757581 1.506
42 Journal of Information Technology journal ISSN 0268396 1.474
43 Journal of Corporate Finance journal ISSN 0929119 1.446
44 International Journal of Production Research journal ISSN 1366588 1.445
45 British Journal of Management journal ISSN 1467855 1.371
46 Journal of Small Business Management journal ISSN 1540627 1.368
47 Production Planning and Control journal ISSN 1366587 1.295
48 Journal of Quality Technology journal ISSN 0022406 1.226
49 European Management Review journal ISSN 1740476 1.224

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50 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE journal ISSN 0733936 1.219
51 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy journal ISSN 1058640 1.212
52 International Transactions in Operational Research journal ISSN 0969601 1.179
53 Human Resource Management journal ISSN 0090484 1.138
54 MIT Sloan Management Review journal ISSN 1532919 1.128
55 Journal of Knowledge Management journal ISSN 1367327 1.12
56 Corporate Governance journal ISSN 0964841 1.119
57 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management journal ISSN 0018939 1.091
58 Journal of Manufacturing Processes journal ISSN 1526612 1.09
59 International Journal of Industrial Organization journal ISSN 0167718 1.085
60 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M journal ISSN 0923474 1.079
61 Industrial and Labor Relations Review journal ISSN 0019793 1.065
62 Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE journal ISSN 074259 1.06
63 Management Learning journal ISSN 1350507 1.046
64 Journal of the Operational Research Society journal ISSN 0160568 1.026
65 Innovation Policy and the Economy book serie ISSN 1537261 1.018
66 Project Management Journal journal ISSN 8756972 1.011
67 Journal of Destination Marketing and Management journal ISSN 221257 1.003
68 Educational Management Administration and Leadership journal ISSN 1741144 0.982
69 Journal of Family Business Strategy journal ISSN 1877858 0.98
70 R and D Management journal ISSN 0033680 0.939
71 Journal of Advanced Transportation journal ISSN 0197672 0.911
72 Public Performance & Management Review journal ISSN 1530957 0.907
73 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management journal ISSN 1392373 0.907
74 Group Decision and Negotiation journal ISSN 1572990 0.905
75 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies journal ISSN 1548051 0.902
76 Management Communication Quarterly journal ISSN 0893318 0.877
77 Journal of Marketing Management journal ISSN 026725 0.859
78 Cooperation and Conflict journal ISSN 0010836 0.856
79 Journal of Air Transport Management journal ISSN 0969699 0.845
80 European Management Journal journal ISSN 0263237 0.816
81 Journal of Management Inquiry journal ISSN 1056492 0.807
82 Health Care Management Review journal ISSN 1550503 0.806
83 Sport Management Review journal ISSN 1441352 0.805
84 Management International Review journal ISSN 1861890 0.803
85 Journal of Place Management and Development journal ISSN 1753833 0.802
86 Economic and Industrial Democracy journal ISSN 014383 0.799
87 International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management journal ISSN 1741040 0.785
88 Leadership and Policy in Schools journal ISSN 1570076 0.782
89 Research in Transportation Business and Management journal ISSN 2210539 0.768
90 International Journal of Conflict Management journal ISSN 1044406 0.763
91 Journal of Communication Management journal ISSN 136325 0.735
92 Industrial Relations journal ISSN 0019867 0.716
93 Interfaces journal ISSN 1526551 0.709
94 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis journal ISSN 1057921 0.707
95 Journal of Forecasting journal ISSN 0277669 0.706
96 International Journal of Human Resource Management journal ISSN 0958519 0.705
97 School Leadership and Management journal ISSN 1363243 0.7
98 New Technology, Work and Employment journal ISSN 1468005 0.697
99 Leadership journal ISSN 1742715 0.691

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100 Technology Analysis and Strategic Management journal ISSN 0953732 0.67
101 Operations Management Research journal ISSN 1936973 0.668
102 ICAPS 2012 - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on A conference an- 0.657
103 Creativity and Innovation Management journal ISSN 1467869 0.654
104 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization journal ISSN 1553166 0.639
105 Collection Management journal ISSN 1545254 0.631
106 Industrial Management and Data Systems journal ISSN 0263557 0.63
107 Journal of Management Control journal ISSN 2191477 0.605
108 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management journal ISSN 174103 0.605
109 Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice journal ISSN 1052392 0.6
110 System Dynamics Review journal ISSN 0883706 0.577
111 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development journal ISSN 1462600 0.575
112 JMM International Journal on Media Management journal ISSN 1424127 0.574
113 International Journal of Selection and Assessment journal ISSN 0965075 0.571
114 Journal of Product and Brand Management journal ISSN 1061042 0.562
115 Managerial and Decision Economics journal ISSN 0143657 0.546
116 International Journal of Design journal ISSN 1991376 0.545
117 International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management journal ISSN 026567 0.544
118 Journal of Brand Management journal ISSN 1350231 0.535
119 Review of Industrial Organization journal ISSN 0889938 0.526
120 Research Technology Management journal ISSN 0895630 0.522
121 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management journal ISSN 0972269 0.52
122 International Journal of Strategic Property Management journal ISSN 164871 0.518
123 European Sport Management Quarterly journal ISSN 1746031 0.513
124 Journal of Change Management journal ISSN 1469701 0.505
125 Scandinavian Journal of Management journal ISSN 0956522 0.504
126 Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering journal ISSN 1355251 0.503
127 American Journal of Evaluation journal ISSN 1098214 0.5
128 Service Business journal ISSN 1862851 0.494
129 Systems Research and Behavioral Science journal ISSN 1099174 0.485
130 Service Industries Journal journal ISSN 0264206 0.471
131 Evaluation and Program Planning journal ISSN 0149718 0.47
132 Journal of Network and Systems Management journal ISSN 1573770 0.466
133 Journal of Risk Research journal ISSN 1366987 0.461
134 International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences journal ISSN 1755807 0.455
135 International Journal of Leadership in Education journal ISSN 1360312 0.455
136 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy journal ISSN 1751805 0.439
137 Journal of Healthcare Management journal ISSN 1096901 0.435
138 International Journal of Technology Management journal ISSN 1741527 0.428
139 Corporate Reputation Review journal ISSN 1479188 0.422
140 Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management journal ISSN 1477657 0.419
141 International Journal of Innovation Management journal ISSN 1363919 0.412
142 Asian Business and Management journal ISSN 1476932 0.41
143 TQM Journal journal ISSN 1754273 0.403
144 Harvard Business Review journal ISSN 0017801 0.401
145 Security Journal journal ISSN 0955166 0.399
146 Journal of Labor Research journal ISSN 0195361 0.394
147 Journal of Strategic Marketing journal ISSN 1466448 0.393
148 E a M: Ekonomie a Management journal ISSN 1212360 0.392
149 Monthly Labor Review journal ISSN 0098181 0.383

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150 Journal of Business Strategy journal ISSN 0275666 0.381

151 Journal of Organizational Change Management journal ISSN 0953481 0.378
152 Negotiation Journal journal ISSN 0748452 0.374
153 International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making journal ISSN 204010 0.371
154 International Journal of Applied Management Science journal ISSN 1755892 0.369
155 International Labour Review journal ISSN 0020778 0.358
156 International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management journal ISSN 1470951 0.356
157 Nonprofit Management & Leadership journal ISSN 1542785 0.355
158 Baltic Journal of Management journal ISSN 1746526 0.354
159 International Journal of Manpower journal ISSN 0143772 0.354
160 Systemic Practice and Action Research journal ISSN 1573929 0.352
161 IMA Journal Management Mathematics journal ISSN 1471679 0.351
162 Negotiation and Conflict Management Research journal ISSN 1750470 0.35
163 Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change journal ISSN 1832591 0.346
164 Journal of High Technology Management Research journal ISSN 1047831 0.342
165 Public Personnel Management journal ISSN 0091026 0.335
166 Knowledge and Process Management journal ISSN 1092460 0.334
167 International Journal of Business Excellence journal ISSN 1756005 0.333
168 Risk Management journal ISSN 1743463 0.332
169 Operational Research journal ISSN 1109285 0.331
170 Action Research journal ISSN 1476750 0.33
171 Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences journal ISSN 1416383 0.323
172 International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences journal ISSN 1756701 0.323
173 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education journal ISSN 1098839 0.322
174 Journal of Media Business Studies journal ISSN 1652235 0.318
175 Journal for East European Management Studies journal ISSN 1862001 0.317
176 American Health and Drug Benefits journal ISSN 1942296 0.313
177 International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Managemjournal ISSN 0975680 0.291
178 Library Leadership and Management journal ISSN 1945885 0.282
179 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing journal ISSN 1546223 0.279
180 International Journal of Integrated Supply Management journal ISSN 1477536 0.277
181 Quality - Access to Success journal ISSN 1582255 0.276
182 Management and Organizational History journal ISSN 1744935 0.275
183 Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita journal ISSN 2239195 0.275
184 Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship journal ISSN 1084946 0.271
185 Emergence: Complexity and Organization journal ISSN 1521325 0.27
186 Journal of Global Information Management journal ISSN 1062737 0.266
187 Business and Society Review journal ISSN 0045360 0.265
188 International Journal of the Legal Profession journal ISSN 1469925 0.263
189 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development journal ISSN 2040447 0.263
190 Quality Innovation Prosperity journal ISSN 1335174 0.262
191 International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital journal ISSN 1479486 0.262
192 Howard Journal of Communications journal ISSN 1064617 0.257
193 Journal of Entrepreneurship journal ISSN 0971355 0.253
194 International Journal of Energy Sector Management journal ISSN 1750622 0.25
195 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics journal ISSN 1355585 0.244
196 International Journal of Management Education journal ISSN 1472811 0.242
197 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management journal ISSN 1741509 0.238
198 Advances in Strategic Management book serie ISSN 0742332 0.238
199 Society and Economy journal ISSN 1588972 0.237

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200 Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship journal ISSN 1471520 0.237
201 Management in Education journal ISSN 0892020 0.233
202 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management journal ISSN 2013095 0.232
203 Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict journal ISSN 1544050 0.228
204 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management journal ISSN 0160806 0.227
205 International Journal of Organizational Analysis journal ISSN 1934883 0.222
206 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics journal ISSN 1741802 0.222
207 Intangible Capital journal ISSN 1697981 0.221
208 International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy journal ISSN 1740281 0.219
209 Gedrag en Organisatie journal ISSN 0921507 0.218
210 International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations journal ISSN 1741522 0.218
211 Business: Theory and Practice journal ISSN 1648062 0.218
212 Informacion Tecnologica journal ISSN 0718076 0.217
213 New Directions for Evaluation journal ISSN 1097673 0.214
214 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing journal ISSN 1742536 0.213
215 International Journal of Agile Systems and Management journal ISSN 1741918 0.212
216 Journal of Enterprising Communities journal ISSN 1750620 0.212
217 Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing journal ISSN 1479186 0.211
218 Investment Management and Financial Innovations journal ISSN 1810496 0.209
219 Journal of Cases on Information Technology journal ISSN 1548772 0.208
220 RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas journal ISSN 0034759 0.207
221 International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking journal ISSN 1460673 0.207
222 International Journal of Business and Systems Research journal ISSN 1751200 0.205
223 Polish Journal of Management Studies journal ISSN 2081745 0.204
224 Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations journal ISSN 1539293 0.204
225 Journal of General Management journal ISSN 0306307 0.204
226 DLSU Business and Economics Review journal ISSN 0116711 0.203
227 International Journal of Construction Management journal ISSN 1562359 0.203
228 International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector journal ISSN 1935568 0.203
229 Business Strategy Series journal ISSN 1751563 0.201
230 Management journal ISSN 1846336 0.197
231 Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association journal ISSN 1342261 0.196
232 Journal fr Betriebswirtschaft journal ISSN 0344932 0.195
233 Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management journal ISSN 221329 0.194
234 South African Journal of Business Management journal ISSN 0378909 0.194
235 International Journal of Business Performance Management journal ISSN 1741503 0.194
236 International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise journal ISSN 1745323 0.192
237 BAR - Brazilian Administration Review journal ISSN 1807769 0.188
238 International Journal of Services, Economics and Management journal ISSN 1753082 0.186
239 International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing journal ISSN 1475896 0.183
240 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management journal ISSN 1368214 0.183
241 Revue Francaise de Gestion journal ISSN 0338455 0.181
242 Journal of Asset Management journal ISSN 1470827 0.181
243 ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb journal ISSN 0947008 0.179
244 International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management journal ISSN 1082191 0.178
245 Organisation Management Journal journal ISSN 1541651 0.175
246 International Journal of Product Development journal ISSN 1477905 0.175
247 Innovations journal ISSN 0095451 0.173
248 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Managementjournal ISSN 1741877 0.172
249 Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa journal ISSN 1135252 0.17

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250 Problems and Perspectives in Management journal ISSN 1727705 0.169

251 International Journal of Entrepreneurship journal ISSN 1099926 0.167
252 Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal journal ISSN 1087959 0.165
253 International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logisticconference anISSN 2305210 0.162
254 International Journal of Information and Management Sciences journal ISSN 1017181 0.161
255 International Studies of Management and Organization journal ISSN 0020882 0.16
256 International Journal of Business and Society journal ISSN 1511667 0.159
257 International Journal of Disclosure and Governance journal ISSN 1746653 0.156
258 Leadership and Management in Engineering journal ISSN 1532674 0.156
259 International Journal of Intellectual Property Management journal ISSN 1478964 0.156
260 Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governa journal ISSN 2330314 0.156
261 Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods journal ISSN 1477702 0.153
262 Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios journal ISSN 1983080 0.152
263 International Journal of Management Practice journal ISSN 1477906 0.149
264 Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management journal ISSN 1741243 0.149
265 Cuadernos de Gestion journal ISSN 1131683 0.146
266 Academia journal ISSN 1012825 0.144
267 Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management journal ISSN 2053462 0.144
268 Academy of Strategic Management Journal journal ISSN 1544145 0.142
269 Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems journal ISSN 0219686 0.141
270 International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage journal ISSN 1479249 0.14
271 International Journal of Technology journal ISSN 2086961 0.139
272 Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences journal ISSN 1842284 0.139
273 IEEE Potentials journal ISSN 0278664 0.138
274 Journal of Medical Marketing journal ISSN 1745790 0.138
275 International Journal of Revenue Management journal ISSN 1474733 0.138
276 Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales journal ISSN 0121505 0.137
277 Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Research and Innovations - conference an- 0.137
278 Strategy and Leadership journal ISSN 1087857 0.136
279 Quality Progress journal ISSN 003352 0.135
280 International Journal of COMADEM journal ISSN 1363768 0.134
281 Information Resources Management Journal journal ISSN 1533797 0.133
282 International Journal of Value Chain Management journal ISSN 1741536 0.131
283 Asia Pacific Management Review journal ISSN 1029313 0.13
284 International Business Management journal ISSN 1993525 0.129
285 Fuel Cells Bulletin journal ISSN 1464285 0.128
286 International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management journal ISSN 1753029 0.126
287 International Journal of Project Organisation and Management journal ISSN 1740290 0.126
288 Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis journal ISSN 1932915 0.124
289 International Journal of Rural Management journal ISSN 0973005 0.124
290 Research Journal of Business Management journal ISSN 1819193 0.124
291 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Strategic Manag conference an- 0.122
292 Congress Proceedings - CLC 2012: Carpathian Logistics Congress conference an- 0.121
293 Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Service Operaticonference an- 0.117
294 International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management journal ISSN 1741104 0.116
295 Change Management journal ISSN 2327917 0.116
296 Journal of Asia Business Studies journal ISSN 1558789 0.115
297 International Journal of Business journal ISSN 1083434 0.114
298 Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society journal ISSN 1063292 0.113
299 Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions journal ISSN 2077429 0.113

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300 International Journal of Services, Technology and Management journal ISSN 1741525 0.113
301 Operations Research Perspectives journal ISSN 2214716 0.112
302 Entrepreneurial Executive journal ISSN 1087895 0.112
303 World of Mining - Surface and Underground journal ISSN 1613240 0.111
304 Organizational Cultures journal ISSN 2327801 0.111
305 Cuadernos de Administracion journal ISSN 1900720 0.111
306 IEEE Engineering Management Review journal ISSN 0360858 0.109
307 Argumenta Oeconomica journal ISSN 1233583 0.108
308 OR54 Keynote Papers - 54th Conference of the Operational Research conference an- 0.108
309 International Journal of Economics and Management journal ISSN 182383 0.108
310 Proceedings of the International Conference of DAAAM Baltic conference anISSN 2346612 0.108
311 Knowledge Management journal ISSN 2327924 0.106
312 Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Developbook serie ISSN 1572832 0.105
313 Travail et Emploi journal ISSN 0224436 0.105
314 Zeitschrift fr Evaluation journal ISSN 1619551 0.105
315 Creative Industries Journal journal ISSN 1751069 0.105
316 Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Operational Reseconference an- 0.104
317 2014 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and P conference an- 0.104
318 27th KI Workshop on Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfenconference an- 0.103
319 Machine Design journal ISSN 0024911 0.103
320 Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Glob conference an- 0.103
321 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management journal ISSN 1447957 0.102
322 IHS Jane's Defence Weekly journal ISSN 2048343 0.102
323 Tamkang Journal of International Affairs journal ISSN 1027497 0.101
324 Strategic Direction journal ISSN 0258054 0.101
325 PC World (San Francisco, CA) journal ISSN 0737893 0.101
326 OR55 Keynotes and Extended Abstracts - 55th Conference of the Operconference an- 0.101
327 AGIFORS 54th Annual Symposium: An Industry in Transformation conference an- 0.101
328 Research Methodology in Strategy and Management book serie ISSN 1479838 0.101
329 International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership journal ISSN 2329159 0.101
330 Proceedings of the 24th International Business Information Managemenconference an- 0.101
331 4th International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Managem conference an- 0.101
332 ICEMSI 2013 - 2013 International Conference on Engineering, Manag conference an- 0.101
333 Gas International, Engineering and Management journal ISSN 1755547 0.101
334 Industry Week journal ISSN 0039089 0.101
335 Purusharta journal ISSN 097502 0.1
336 NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management journal ISSN 2226677 0.1
337 Paperboard Packaging journal ISSN 0031122 0.1
338 Proceedings of 2012 15th International Telecommunications Networ conference an- 0.1
339 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engine conference an- 0.1
340 2014 International Annual Conference of the American Society for En conference an- 0.1
341 Plant Engineer (London) journal ISSN 0032083 0.1
342 Annual International Conference of the American Society for Engin conference an- 0.1
343 China Business Review journal ISSN 0163716 0.1
344 Graphic Arts Monthly journal ISSN 1047932 0.1
345 Plant Engineering journal ISSN 003208 0.1
346 IBM Data Management Magazine journal - 0.1
347 Electronic Design journal ISSN 0013487 0.1

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H index Total DocTotal DocTotal RefsTotal Cite Citable Cites / DoRef. / Doc.Country
Q1 227 66 224 6378 1809 219 6.4 96.64 United States
Q1 170 128 411 5806 2020 373 3.86 45.36 Netherlands
Q1 193 37 111 3539 902 97 6.78 95.65 United States
Q1 167 65 302 5747 1340 297 3.39 88.42 United States
Q1 145 77 207 7197 1531 192 6.07 93.47 United States
Q1 199 205 304 8748 1495 300 4.04 42.67 United Kingdom
Q1 69 30 78 2569 431 72 5.75 85.63 United States
Q1 134 50 119 3668 713 113 4.45 73.36 Netherlands
Q1 119 56 175 3561 1060 161 5.53 63.59 United Kingdom
Q1 57 43 139 1645 318 134 2.09 38.26 United States
Q1 181 172 478 8087 1647 472 2.98 47.02 United States
Q1 88 27 78 2520 414 77 4.51 93.33 United States
Q1 130 56 148 5208 790 148 4.32 93 United Kingdom
Q1 102 65 212 5966 844 202 3.4 91.78 United Kingdom
Q1 90 133 339 5152 1426 277 5.18 38.74 United Kingdom
Q1 160 144 426 10491 2240 406 4.46 72.85 Netherlands
Q1 26 44 75 2407 274 61 3.34 54.7 United Kingdom
Q1 12 18 58 1217 168 52 2.92 67.61 United States
Q1 73 49 139 4163 737 138 3.12 84.96 United Kingdom
Q1 71 32 101 1316 244 101 2.17 41.13 United States
Q1 19 20 71 1413 187 63 3.41 70.65 United Kingdom
Q1 61 44 75 3725 538 73 6.22 84.66 United Kingdom
Q1 110 195 493 13755 2127 463 4.14 70.54 United Kingdom
Q1 60 21 85 1494 277 70 3.34 71.14 United Kingdom
Q1 101 96 318 5060 940 275 2.81 52.71 United Kingdom
Q1 94 60 178 5396 620 177 2.93 89.93 United Kingdom
Q1 90 85 196 5737 709 191 3.06 67.49 United Kingdom
Q1 37 41 85 1979 312 77 3.37 48.27 United Kingdom
Q1 69 60 87 2065 309 64 4.06 34.42 United Kingdom
Q1 55 80 130 1527 354 119 3.07 19.09 United Kingdom
Q1 60 138 482 8973 1449 458 2.62 65.02 United Kingdom
Q1 61 72 121 2976 416 109 3.37 41.33 United Kingdom
Q1 46 23 84 2078 249 82 2.84 90.35 United States
Q1 69 42 159 2817 442 145 2.38 67.07 United Kingdom
Q1 96 1532 2169 61622 9763 1770 5.28 40.22 United Kingdom
Q1 50 54 172 3910 423 158 2.35 72.41 United States
Q1 82 60 118 2166 235 112 1.53 36.1 United Kingdom
Q1 30 26 80 1028 117 68 1.32 39.54 United Kingdom
Q1 96 20 87 781 207 86 1.79 39.05 United States
Q1 33 19 89 1182 200 81 1.1 62.21 United Kingdom
Q1 27 35 94 2828 365 94 2.61 80.8 United Kingdom
Q1 55 34 90 1932 176 62 2.23 56.82 United Kingdom
Q1 61 131 295 6107 515 271 1.53 46.62 Netherlands
Q1 91 624 1413 18179 2997 1362 2.06 29.13 United Kingdom
Q1 70 72 152 4485 488 147 2.78 62.29 United Kingdom
Q1 67 83 121 6498 349 111 2.44 78.29 United Kingdom
Q1 50 79 246 4871 519 231 1.63 61.66 United Kingdom
Q1 65 0 61 0 100 52 2 0 United States
Q1 17 18 51 1327 94 44 2.1 73.72 United Kingdom

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Q1 71 107 463 4660 744 446 1.47 43.55 United States

Q1 52 59 115 1580 118 115 0.99 26.78 United Kingdom
Q1 11 94 146 1715 224 136 1.32 18.24 Denmark
Q1 60 109 137 5663 329 131 2.11 51.95 United States
Q1 71 56 176 789 290 141 1.58 14.09 United States
Q1 49 68 177 5022 511 177 2.4 73.85 United Kingdom
Q1 48 50 119 2341 253 90 2.49 46.82 United Kingdom
Q1 69 88 196 2828 342 176 1.82 32.14 United States
Q1 24 140 186 3464 389 174 2.24 24.74 Netherlands
Q1 62 58 202 1758 209 199 0.86 30.31 United States
Q1 48 32 103 1963 241 86 1.79 61.34 Netherlands
Q1 59 42 128 1905 185 127 1.33 45.36 United States
Q1 41 100 202 4619 327 190 1.47 46.19 United States
Q1 55 32 91 2441 197 85 1.98 76.28 United Kingdom
Q1 75 167 476 5746 647 453 1.36 34.41 United Kingdom
Q1 6 6 18 232 20 15 1.4 38.67 United States
Q1 16 63 137 2661 277 105 2.75 42.24 United States
Q1 9 48 79 1428 172 73 1.86 29.75 United Kingdom
Q1 23 49 158 2832 198 138 1.35 57.8 United Kingdom
Q1 18 22 89 1929 145 76 1.7 87.68 United Kingdom
Q1 70 90 106 2360 208 96 1.95 26.22 United Kingdom
Q1 24 73 149 1679 198 140 1.37 23 United Kingdom
Q1 7 17 93 981 90 92 0.82 57.71 United States
Q1 28 109 266 3290 429 262 1.71 30.18 Lithuania
Q1 43 40 189 1023 246 156 1.48 25.58 Netherlands
Q1 19 32 108 2368 153 103 1.48 74 United States
Q1 30 39 97 1365 155 93 1.12 35 United States
Q1 21 89 251 6002 446 216 1.69 67.44 United Kingdom
Q1 22 28 88 1855 169 86 1.86 66.25 United Kingdom
Q1 46 105 309 3657 410 287 1.36 34.83 United Kingdom
Q1 69 64 194 3391 445 184 2.22 52.98 United Kingdom
Q1 44 53 176 2412 135 111 1.26 45.51 United States
Q1 39 46 115 1305 153 98 1.35 28.37 United States
Q2 28 53 135 3121 249 123 1.63 58.89 Australia
Q2 31 32 107 2831 188 104 1.43 88.47 Germany
Q2 6 16 37 667 79 37 1.94 41.69 United Kingdom
Q2 25 28 122 1435 108 108 0.88 51.25 United Kingdom
Q2 31 52 141 3086 279 141 1.76 59.35 United Kingdom
Q2 6 18 55 1113 47 53 0.74 61.83 Netherlands
Q2 8 52 136 1666 188 118 1.55 32.04 Netherlands
Q2 38 19 64 1580 82 63 1.07 83.16 United Kingdom
Q2 6 24 67 1385 69 67 1.05 57.71 United Kingdom
Q2 43 30 100 1258 113 97 0.85 41.93 United Kingdom
Q2 48 41 141 788 88 135 0.65 19.22 United States
Q2 4 24 47 940 52 43 1.21 39.17 United Kingdom
Q2 41 50 138 1536 137 138 0.97 30.72 United Kingdom
Q2 73 227 623 10063 986 572 1.56 44.33 United Kingdom
Q2 30 32 110 1506 92 92 0.85 47.06 United Kingdom
Q2 31 16 54 867 89 52 1.46 54.19 United Kingdom
Q2 20 25 80 1840 100 73 1.67 73.6 United Kingdom

Page 9

Q2 47 72 213 4150 291 198 1.24 57.64 United Kingdom

Q2 11 10 36 640 29 30 0.95 64 United States
- 8 0 47 0 60 45 0 0 United States
Q2 10 54 110 3074 184 93 1.44 56.93 United Kingdom
Q2 18 62 189 1808 160 189 0.89 29.16 United States
Q2 12 15 66 254 25 55 0.44 16.93 United States
Q2 69 71 218 4473 429 218 1.74 63 United Kingdom
Q2 6 22 57 959 46 44 1.24 43.59 Germany
Q2 45 57 168 3310 231 165 1.27 58.07 United Kingdom
Q2 24 35 128 1149 110 123 0.77 32.83 United States
Q2 42 9 61 251 109 53 1.66 27.89 United Kingdom
Q2 29 40 118 2862 179 118 1.14 71.55 United Kingdom
Q2 9 16 39 712 63 37 1.3 44.5 Switzerland
Q2 44 33 125 1705 120 121 0.81 51.67 United Kingdom
Q2 32 53 141 3701 228 140 1.35 69.83 United Kingdom
Q2 32 86 129 2112 113 126 0.88 24.56 United Kingdom
Q2 21 25 71 1477 102 70 1.13 59.08 Taiwan
Q2 63 56 170 2465 214 170 0.79 44.02 United Kingdom
Q2 22 51 144 3314 219 137 1.38 64.98 United Kingdom
Q2 41 43 129 1205 91 121 0.69 28.02 Netherlands
Q2 48 52 208 418 140 129 0.93 8.04 United States
Q2 10 28 80 1663 140 67 1.91 59.39 India
Q2 17 31 84 1332 99 83 0.84 42.97 Lithuania
Q2 12 29 86 1818 129 73 1.58 62.69 United Kingdom
Q2 13 22 76 1084 100 70 1.55 49.27 United States
Q2 34 43 115 3701 162 94 1.35 86.07 United Kingdom
Q2 37 28 79 1389 91 78 0.94 49.61 United Kingdom
Q2 39 39 133 1220 138 129 0.82 31.28 United States
Q2 14 37 125 641 91 95 0.91 17.32 Germany
Q2 30 71 165 1985 159 139 1.03 27.96 United Kingdom
Q2 42 47 326 2068 375 312 0.85 44 United Kingdom
Q2 42 97 235 3762 250 207 1.1 38.78 United Kingdom
Q2 26 31 120 635 93 113 0.98 20.48 United States
Q2 33 162 286 3327 249 239 0.94 20.54 United Kingdom
Q2 11 20 68 821 103 67 1.52 41.05 United Kingdom
Q2 25 69 88 1405 66 73 0.76 20.36 United Kingdom
Q2 11 26 75 1228 76 64 1.15 47.23 United Kingdom
Q2 36 61 188 133 108 126 0.8 2.18 United States
Q2 42 39 148 2382 151 142 1.1 61.08 United Kingdom
Q2 13 21 58 1360 57 56 0.92 64.76 United Kingdom
Q2 12 45 142 927 70 125 0.47 20.6 United Kingdom
Q2 22 77 153 5858 167 146 0.79 76.08 Singapore
Q2 10 19 78 1059 58 73 0.84 55.74 United Kingdom
Q2 44 54 132 2146 146 127 0.78 39.74 United Kingdom
Q2 130 33 733 0 822 286 2.66 0 United States
Q2 10 24 72 1359 73 69 1 56.63 United Kingdom
Q2 27 23 70 686 44 68 0.49 29.83 United States
Q2 14 90 129 2694 130 99 1.29 29.93 United Kingdom
Q2 11 53 144 2011 139 143 1.03 37.94 Czech Republic
Q2 42 0 71 0 99 67 0.5 0 United States

Page 10

Q2 17 40 109 602 68 109 0.55 15.05 United Kingdom

Q2 47 58 153 4061 182 151 0.91 70.02 United Kingdom
Q2 20 49 88 576 41 77 0.45 11.76 United Kingdom
Q2 6 20 63 729 39 59 0.56 36.45 United Kingdom
Q2 10 17 64 668 42 63 0.66 39.29 Switzerland
Q2 33 36 87 914 126 87 1.5 25.39 Switzerland
Q2 15 22 64 969 41 59 0.72 44.05 United Kingdom
Q2 8 33 77 1243 66 68 0.66 37.67 United States
Q2 14 24 69 1756 86 69 0.89 73.17 United Kingdom
Q2 37 52 166 2370 143 161 0.62 45.58 United Kingdom
Q2 25 24 120 750 72 103 0.67 31.25 United States
Q2 20 11 82 463 67 78 1.08 42.09 United Kingdom
Q2 4 16 61 974 39 59 0.71 60.88 United States
Q2 7 24 67 1853 62 67 0.45 77.21 United Kingdom
Q2 32 19 47 1123 63 46 0.9 59.11 United Kingdom
Q2 32 27 107 1673 82 105 1 61.96 United States
Q3 12 24 74 1327 58 72 0.79 55.29 United Kingdom
Q3 12 38 114 2346 107 114 0.79 61.74 United Kingdom
Q3 8 17 40 1160 26 38 0.52 68.24 United Kingdom
Q3 9 50 80 670 63 73 0.82 13.4 Germany
Q3 15 28 79 881 67 73 0.78 31.46 United Kingdom
Q3 7 16 40 620 28 40 0.89 38.75 Hungary
Q3 10 19 63 557 34 62 0.4 29.32 Switzerland
Q3 6 25 64 1030 29 57 0.24 41.2 United States
Q3 4 17 54 771 29 53 0.52 45.35 Sweden
Q3 8 22 65 1020 45 51 0.76 46.36 Germany
Q3 7 58 319 858 127 134 1.6 14.79 United States
Q3 10 50 141 1370 100 139 0.71 27.4 India
Q3 7 30 98 537 20 76 0.19 17.9 United States
Q3 24 13 45 974 38 45 0.54 74.92 United States
Q3 15 6 28 297 17 27 0.41 49.5 United Kingdom
Q3 14 266 909 4558 370 908 0.63 17.14 Romania
Q3 8 19 70 778 55 63 0.37 40.95 United Kingdom
Q3 5 22 77 591 28 72 0.6 26.86 Italy
Q3 13 31 94 1963 65 80 0.73 63.32 Singapore
Q3 16 35 92 960 36 70 0.51 27.43 United States
Q3 32 15 47 1109 53 47 0.91 73.93 United States
Q3 12 22 66 1289 31 66 0.38 58.59 United Kingdom
Q3 6 18 59 1097 23 49 0.28 60.94 United Kingdom
Q3 9 20 72 1022 41 67 0.48 51.1 Switzerland
Q3 5 19 54 454 50 52 1 23.89 Slovakia
Q3 12 21 69 1298 50 69 0.95 61.81 United Kingdom
Q3 14 20 64 1078 32 62 0.25 53.9 United States
Q3 8 11 34 492 21 33 0.43 44.73 India
Q3 12 33 82 1586 54 82 0.64 48.06 United Kingdom
Q3 15 32 69 2102 70 68 0.71 65.69 United Kingdom
Q3 5 36 89 2085 80 74 0.95 57.92 Netherlands
Q3 15 21 80 1135 37 78 0.26 54.05 United Kingdom
Q3 19 33 36 2421 13 36 0.32 73.36 United States
Q3 5 34 85 1265 34 82 0.34 37.21 Hungary

Page 11

Q3 2 13 24 858 13 24 0.16 66 United Kingdom

Q3 8 30 100 739 28 85 0.27 24.63 United Kingdom
Q3 10 93 191 2636 104 189 0.42 28.34 Spain
Q3 4 25 74 1317 20 68 0.26 52.68 United States
Q3 25 18 75 661 34 57 0.67 36.72 United States
Q3 11 37 84 2570 51 84 0.58 69.46 United Kingdom
Q3 8 17 57 1127 23 57 0.33 66.29 United Kingdom
Q3 6 30 114 1286 34 113 0.23 42.87 Spain
Q3 14 11 38 594 16 37 0.63 54 United Kingdom
Q3 8 20 75 1012 21 70 0.4 50.6 Netherlands
Q3 15 16 118 657 50 117 0.4 41.06 United Kingdom
Q3 11 37 114 1558 53 114 0.56 42.11 Lithuania
Q3 8 109 290 2977 120 277 0.43 27.31 Chile
Q3 6 40 106 969 51 92 0.51 24.23 United States
Q3 7 20 67 1478 42 66 0.51 73.9 Switzerland
Q3 8 18 18 811 112 18 6.22 45.06 Switzerland
Q3 8 21 68 1158 37 68 0.48 55.14 United Kingdom
Q3 8 0 22 0 13 22 0 0 United Kingdom
Q3 7 69 199 2118 47 199 0.23 30.7 Ukraine
Q3 9 7 57 253 17 57 0.28 36.14 United States
Q3 6 56 132 2601 60 132 0.46 46.45 Brazil
Q3 6 25 50 1208 64 46 1.39 48.32 United Kingdom
Q3 11 21 72 860 22 70 0.33 40.95 United Kingdom
Q3 4 76 78 1833 76 78 0.97 24.12 Poland
Q3 17 17 55 698 48 55 0.61 41.06 United States
Q3 13 13 54 872 27 50 0.51 67.08 United Kingdom
Q3 4 21 55 667 10 50 0.26 31.76 Philippines
Q3 4 28 61 1246 26 61 0.35 44.5 China
Q3 6 17 47 849 26 47 0.57 49.94 United States
Q3 6 0 52 0 32 52 0.43 0 United Kingdom
Q3 14 41 123 1986 60 123 0.37 48.44 Croatia
Q3 6 52 132 570 15 128 0.11 10.96 Japan
Q3 9 0 23 0 13 20 0.31 0 Germany
Q3 3 15 29 661 11 25 0.44 44.07 United Kingdom
Q3 8 34 88 1703 34 87 0.3 50.09 South Africa
Q3 15 29 77 1269 28 76 0.47 43.76 United Kingdom
Q3 4 5 25 114 13 25 0.35 22.8 United Kingdom
Q3 6 26 81 1299 26 72 0.21 49.96 Brazil
Q3 6 0 31 0 13 31 0.1 0 Switzerland
Q3 12 9 73 370 25 71 0.12 41.11 United Kingdom
Q3 16 20 70 847 21 67 0.27 42.35 United Kingdom
Q3 12 91 254 3018 33 227 0.1 33.16 France
Q3 6 38 96 1039 31 92 0.21 27.34 United Kingdom
Q3 9 0 288 0 32 267 0.09 0 Germany
Q3 7 9 51 290 14 50 0.25 32.22 United States
Q3 8 36 113 1191 21 66 0.16 33.08 United States
Q3 16 16 85 672 35 80 0.24 42 United Kingdom
Q4 4 20 109 918 12 103 0.08 45.9 United Kingdom
Q4 15 16 37 429 13 33 0.37 26.81 United Kingdom
Q4 6 28 67 815 23 56 0.42 29.11 Netherlands

Page 12

Q4 11 88 187 3430 37 186 0.19 38.98 Ukraine

Q4 5 8 33 331 8 29 0.19 41.38 United States
Q4 5 17 61 880 12 55 0.07 51.76 United States
- 3 0 50 0 5 50 0.05 0 Italy
Q4 15 13 79 419 11 77 0.14 32.23 Taiwan
Q4 9 24 66 1149 29 60 0.54 47.88 United States
Q4 5 30 88 1385 27 87 0.26 46.17 Malaysia
Q4 11 17 66 1159 22 61 0.26 68.18 United Kingdom
Q4 9 0 76 0 21 59 0.35 0 United States
Q4 8 6 50 143 7 50 0.13 23.83 Switzerland
Q4 2 37 31 1797 13 29 0.45 48.57 United States
Q4 13 4 38 70 21 36 0.43 17.5 United Kingdom
Q4 4 40 94 2023 19 88 0.16 50.58 Brazil
Q4 6 20 61 1364 17 59 0.2 68.2 United Kingdom
Q4 8 0 31 0 13 27 0 0 United Kingdom
Q4 3 12 44 767 11 44 0.26 63.92 Spain
Q4 4 0 26 0 5 23 0 0 Colombia
Q4 5 15 38 872 7 38 0.19 58.13 United Kingdom
Q4 5 29 51 1270 16 45 0.28 43.79 United States
Q4 10 17 41 415 11 40 0.25 24.41 Singapore
Q4 19 13 28 371 8 28 0.19 28.54 United Kingdom
Q4 3 137 88 2085 14 81 0.16 15.22 Indonesia
Q4 7 42 151 1652 42 151 0.31 39.33 Romania
Q4 20 54 207 162 55 153 0.34 3 United States
Q4 9 0 92 0 23 75 0.24 0 United Kingdom
Q4 8 11 36 463 10 36 0.19 42.09 United Kingdom
Q4 5 73 143 3435 28 134 0.18 47.05 Colombia
- 2 0 117 0 6 115 0 0 Netherlands
Q4 19 28 100 295 43 86 0.24 10.54 United Kingdom
Q4 26 164 527 517 36 290 0.12 3.15 United States
Q4 9 25 59 470 9 55 0.13 18.8 United Kingdom
Q4 26 16 55 738 33 55 0.42 46.13 United States
Q4 9 0 26 0 6 26 0.33 0 United Kingdom
Q4 5 33 67 1824 8 67 0.08 55.27 Taiwan
Q4 9 198 212 4000 34 212 0.12 20.2 Pakistan
Q4 16 293 321 43 19 63 0.33 0.15 Netherlands
Q4 8 6 28 443 9 27 0.33 73.83 United Kingdom
Q4 8 43 35 1791 6 35 0 41.65 Switzerland
Q4 4 4 19 307 2 19 0.15 76.75 Germany
Q4 3 12 38 485 6 35 0.22 40.42 India
Q4 6 29 60 1488 8 60 0.09 51.31 United States
- 3 0 24 0 21 23 0.91 0 Czech Republic
- 2 0 100 0 6 99 0 0 Czech Republic
- 3 0 91 0 12 90 0 0 United States
Q4 4 7 11 211 4 11 0.4 30.14 United States
Q4 1 15 29 562 2 29 0.07 37.47 United States
Q4 1 18 13 1245 5 13 0.38 69.17 United Kingdom
Q4 4 22 69 664 15 69 0.11 30.18 United States
Q4 10 19 63 659 13 45 0.32 34.68 United States
Q4 2 84 122 2784 7 101 0.09 33.14 Ukraine

Page 13

Q4 16 23 64 605 12 61 0.23 26.3 United Kingdom

Q4 2 18 3 698 1 2 0.5 38.78 United Kingdom
Q4 5 2 34 27 4 30 0.09 13.5 United States
Q4 6 21 111 192 15 93 0.15 9.14 Germany
Q4 1 17 37 668 3 37 0.08 39.29 United States
Q4 4 12 88 371 5 80 0.05 30.92 Colombia
Q4 12 19 100 21 7 82 0.1 1.11 United States
Q4 2 0 41 0 4 40 0.16 0 Poland
- 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 United States
Q4 10 22 74 781 10 73 0.04 35.5 Malaysia
- 4 0 200 0 26 197 0.22 0 Austria
Q4 2 8 35 282 9 35 0.26 35.25 United States
Q4 2 25 92 514 3 81 0.04 20.56 United States
Q4 4 5 53 188 5 53 0.04 37.6 France
Q4 3 12 52 208 2 45 0.05 17.33 Germany
Q4 2 13 50 483 3 41 0.03 37.15 United Kingdom
- 1 0 62 0 4 61 0.07 0 Slovenia
- 1 0 87 0 1 85 0.01 0 United States
- 0 0 8 0 0 7 0 0 Germany
Q4 7 70 225 2 2 224 0.01 0.03 United States
- 2 0 92 0 38 90 0.42 0 Netherlands
Q4 5 1 109 18 1 109 0 18 United States
Q4 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 United Kingdom
Q4 3 0 17 0 0 17 0 0 Taiwan
Q4 7 120 366 164 9 353 0.02 1.37 United Kingdom
Q4 4 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 United States
- 0 0 20 0 0 19 0 0 United States
- 0 0 20 0 0 19 0 0 United States
Q4 13 0 21 0 0 20 0 0 Netherlands
Q4 1 11 23 221 1 23 0.04 20.09 United States
- 2 0 240 0 28 239 0.12 0 United States
- 1 0 27 0 0 26 0 0 Australia
- 0 0 33 0 0 31 0 0 United States
Q4 0 0 44 0 0 33 0 0 United Kingdom
Q4 10 17 140 0 1 140 0 0 United States
Q4 1 7 43 121 2 43 0.05 17.29 India
Q4 1 0 48 0 1 45 0.03 0 Taiwan
Q4 2 0 62 0 0 53 0 0 United States
- 1 0 69 0 0 68 0 0 United States
- 0 0 85 0 0 82 0 0 United States
- 0 0 93 0 0 92 0 0 United States
Q4 1 41 170 0 0 110 0 0 United Kingdom
- 1 0 123 0 0 121 0 0 United States
Q4 7 49 189 226 4 134 0 4.61 United States
Q4 1 25 138 0 0 138 0 0 United States
Q4 4 71 263 0 0 263 0 0 United States
Q4 1 0 331 0 1 331 0 0 United Kingdom
Q4 7 93 349 25 1 349 0 0.27 United States

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