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Year Level: 10 Time: 1:00 1:50 Students Prior Knowledge:
Date: xx/xx/20xx
This topic culminates a 4-week Depth Study investigating World War II.
Learning Area: HASS (History) Students prior knowledge includes:
The inter-war years between World War I and World War II
Topic from the WA HASS Curriculum The causes and course of World War II
The experiences of Australians during World War II and the
An examination of significant events impact on the Homefront
of World War II, including the
Holocaust and use of the atomic bomb Students read a chapter in their eTextbooks (Pearson, 2017 pp. 240-
(ACDSEH107) 241) for homework before this lesson that gives a brief overview of the
Manhattan Project, divided opinions, and the nature of Atomic
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
creative understanding Social understanding
thinking competence
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australias engagement Sustainability
histories and cultures with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Recall instructions on building a timeline using Sutori.

Identify and record important information from Britannica Online to address the web quest task.
Recall key facts from research in a Kahoot quiz.
Teachers Prior Provision for students at educational risk:
Preparation/Organisation: SWD - Hearing impairment:
Laptop and projector for This student will be seated close to the front of the classroom to
demonstration and Kahoot allow them to see and hear more clearly when instructions are
Laptop and projector set up All instructions will be included on the Web quest page so that
ready to display Weebly so there is always a written form of reference
that students can follow along G&T:
with instructions Opportunity to use higher order thinking skills during research
Ask for these students to share their ideas in the class
Ask these students heavily scaffolded questions during the
discussion and plenary activity to give these students an
opportunity to contribute
Group work allows for students to be allocated roles that suit
their ability level and support each other in their learning
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Were the students able to develop sufficiently detailed timeline without teacher assistance?
Were the students able to locate information with ease?
Were they able to answer all questions in the Kahoot quiz?
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Were the instructions for activities clear enough?
Were students at educational risk sufficiently catered for?
Do the students have a good idea of the requirements of the Web quest, moving forward?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

(Not required to be completed for NDU assessment)

Time: LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as Resources/
relevant) References
Align these with the
1:00 Introduction: segment where they
1:07 Welcome students into class (Students are to line up outside before class). will be introduced.
1 min
Introduce web quest: This lesson will continue from the last and students will Students have
resume the groups they had established. laptops/tablets ready

6 mins Sutori: Students will follow the link on the webquest to Sutori and follow Lesson objectives
along with the teacher to create their timeline. With the aid of the attached outlined on Web quest
worksheet, the teacher will walk the students through Sutori and its page on Weebly
functions. Following the 6 steps carefully while using directed questioning to
confirm understanding and manage behaviour. Students will use the Sutori help document
collaborate function to share the Sutori amongst their groups. and hyperlink on Web
quest page
1:07 Lesson Steps: (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
12 mins Step 1 - Sutori: Students will use the worksheet as a guide to complete the
outline of their timeline. The teacher will check over the shoulder to ensure
students are on task and provide assistance. Directed questions will help
guide students and keep them on task. The timeline will require three major Students use their
headings; Pearl Harbor, the Manhattan Project, Dropping the Bombs. The piktochart from
dates of these events will also be required. Students will add some text, an previous lesson
image and a few facts under each heading. The piktochart from the previous
lesson will be added under the heading for Dropping the Bombs.

25 mins Step 2 Researching: Students are to use the focus questions from the
previous lesson to guide the groups research. These should be informed by
the class brainstorm and identified gaps in knowledge. Students must
consider what information they will need to construct a timeline of the topic.
Eg: What was the period of time over which the Manhattan Project was
undertaken? Who were the key players from both sides of the argument on
the use of Atomic Weapons in WWII? Using Britannica school, the students
will seek to complete their timeline, including the text, facts, image and
1:44 Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
5 mins A Kahoot quiz will cover topics that students will have found during their Kahoot quiz and
research. Ensure students pick appropriate screen names by blocking devices for students to
inappropriate ones. access it.

1 min Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Students are reminded that this Web quest will be continued across the
following lessons and that they will need to have their timelines completed
before the start of the next lesson. Warn students that the teacher needs
access to their timelines and any unfinished timelines will have an email sent
out to them and their parents.

1:50 Class Finished

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Formative assessment:
Students creation of their Sutori timelines will be shared with the teacher so
they can be evaluated.
Summative assessment:
A Kahoot will assess how well students understood the topic.

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