A Case Report in Changes in Phonatory Physiology Following Voice Therapy

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A Case Report in Changes in Phonatory Physiology

Following Voice Therapy: Application

of High-Speed Imaging
*Rita R. Patel, Jack Pickering, *Joseph Stemple, and Kevin D. Donohue, *zLexington, Kentucky and yNew York, New York

Summary: Objective. To clinically evaluate changes in vocal fold vibration and voice production caused by voice
therapy in hoarseness resulting from contact granuloma.
Design. Single-subject before-after prospective study using multiple measures of vocal function. A 6-week program of
vocal function exercises (VFEs) was conducted using multiple assessments of vocal function to identify and measure the
changes pre- and posttreatment, in a 51-year-old male with unilateral contact granuloma. Multiple outcome measures
were recorded. High-speed digital imaging (HSDI) measures of voice onset time (milliseconds), open quotient, speed
quotient, maximum amplitude, peak closing velocity, peak-to-average opening velocity, and peak-to-average closing ve-
locity were derived from motion data. Acoustic measures of maximum phonation duration (seconds), noise-to-harmonic
ratio, average fundamental frequency (hertz), the lowest fundamental frequency (hertz), and the highest fundamental
frequency (hertz); aerodynamic measures of expiratory volume (milliliter) and mean expiratory airflow (liter/second);
stroboscopic measures of glottal closure and phase closure; and perceptual assessment of voice quality (total score) using
the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice were obtained.
Results. Stroboscopic, acoustic, aerodynamic, and audioperceptual measures were minimally informative related to
pre- and posttreatment vocal function in a patient with contact granuloma. HSDI measures provided multiple physiologic
and kinematic measures demonstrating pre- and posttreatment efficiency of vocal function, including vibratory motion,
closure, and impact stress.
Conclusion. The results have implications for the use of high-speed imaging to identify and measure change in pho-
natory physiology in patients with contact granuloma. Changes in phonatory physiology support the use of voice therapy
techniques, such as VFEs that facilitate a semioccluded vocal tract for treatment of contact granuloma.
Key Words: High-speed imagingVoice therapyVocal physiologyContact granuloma.

INTRODUCTION process contact during phonation, voice therapy is often recom-

A vocal fold granuloma or a contact granuloma is a benign, re- mended as a primary mode of treatment6 coupled with manage-
active/reparative lesion along the posterior one-third of the vo- ment of laryngopharyngeal reflux.1,4,79 Botox injection and/or
cal fold that presents as granulation tissue or fibrosis overlying surgical excision is occasionally recommended to prevent re-
intact or ulcerated squamous epithelium along the vocal pro- currence.4,8 A comprehensive review of vocal fold granuloma
cess1 of the arytenoid cartilage. A contact granuloma is thought is provided by Hoffman et al.10
to result from trauma due to acid reflux, intubation, vocal hyper- There is little information in the literature regarding the vi-
function and / or large peak interarytenoid pressures.2 Insuffi- bratory characteristics resulting from contact granuloma.
cient glottal closure owing to vocal fold stiffness and vocal Through high-speed film recordings, von Leden and Moore11
fold paresis is also known to result in contact granuloma.3,4 first identified large movements of the arytenoids with in-
More males appear to develop vocal fold granuloma than fe- creased closed time resulting in impact stress at the level of
males.5 Presenting symptoms from contact granuloma can the vocal process. An anterior glottal gap2,12 identified in cases
range from no vocal symptoms; to lump in the throat sensation, with vocal fold granuloma is also thought to result in high con-
pain, and shortness of breath; to severe hoarseness. Owing to tact stress at the level of the vocal process.
the impact stress resulting from repetitive trauma from vocal Laryngeal visualization of vibratory patterns is fundamental
for appropriate assessment and treatment of most voice disor-
ders; however, empirical investigations of vibratory changes
Accepted for publication January 10, 2012.
Funding: none.
as a response to vocal fold granuloma resulting in impact stress
From the *Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of Rehabil- are not known. Vocal symptoms of low pitch voice, monotone,
itation Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky; yDepartment of Commu-
nication Sciences and Disorders, The College of Saint Rose, New York, New York; and the
vocal fry, hyperfunction,1315 and vocal effort16 identified per-
zDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, ceptually and confirmed by acoustic and aerodynamic assess-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Rita R. Patel, Division of Communica-
ments are thought to result from increased impact stress
tion Sciences and Disorders, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of resulting in contact granuloma. Although valuable, acoustic
Kentucky, 900 South Limestone, 120 D, Charles T. Wethington Building, Lexington,
KY 40536-0200. E-mail: rita.patel@uky.edu
and aerodynamic measurements provide indirect estimates of
Journal of Voice, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 734-741 vocal function. How these translate to laryngeal biomechanics
2012 The Voice Foundation
and vibratory features on laryngoscopy is not known. Hillman
doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2012.01.001 et al13 using acoustic and aerodynamic assessments of voice,
Rita R. Patel, et al Changes in Phonatory Physiology Following Voice Therapy 735

revealed abnormally high levels of AC flow, peak flow, and Study design
maximum flow declination rate in two cases with contact gran- In this prospective case study, multiple measures were used to
uloma, suggesting high vocal fold closure velocities, high colli- assess changes of vocal function consequent to a voice therapy
sion forces, abnormally large amplitude, with incomplete approach. HSDI, stroboscopy, and perceptual assessment of
closure resulting in large open quotient. Empirical physiologi- voice quality were obtained pre- and post-VFE. In addition to
cal investigations directly quantifying these spatiotemporal fea- the above, acoustic and aerodynamic measurements were ob-
tures of high closing velocities, large amplitude, and large open tained pre- and post-VFE and at 1 week interval. Percentage
quotient from vocal fold motion are not known. Clinically, de- change in vocal function was calculated for the measurements
tailed accurate assessments of spatiotemporal vibratory features derived from stroboscopy, HSDI, acoustics, aerodynamics,
for the entire vocal fold image can now be obtained with the use and perceptual assessments before and after VFE, only for mea-
of high-speed digital imaging (HSDI) as it captures actual surements that were not within the normal limits.
cycle-to-cycle vibratory motion.17,18
The purpose of this study was to comprehensively investigate Data collection and measurements
changes in vocal physiology before and after voice therapy, in Acoustic analysis. Weekly and pre- and posttherapy acous-
a patient with contact granuloma using multidimensional as- tic measurements were computed for sustained phonation on
sessments of HSDI, stroboscopy, acoustic analysis, aerodynam- the vowel /a/ with the KayPentax (Montvale, NJ) Computerized
ics, and perceptual assessments of voice quality. Speech Laboratory (CSL), model no. 4500. Multidimensional
voice profile module of the KayPentax CSL system was used
METHODS for analysis. A constant mouth-to-microphone distance of
Participant 6 in. was maintained for the recordings. A SHURE PG48
A 51-year-old college professor and speech-language patholo- (Niles, IL), cardoid dynamic microphone of professional qual-
gist with a history of laryngopharyngeal reflux and a left vocal ity was used to obtain the acoustic recordings. The following
process granuloma was recruited for the study at the University parameters were computed for sustained phonation: maximum
of Kentucky Vocal Physiology and Imaging Laboratory, after phonation time (MPT, seconds), average fundamental fre-
signing an institutional review board-approved informed con- quency (hertz), jitter (%), low fundamental frequency (hertz),
sent. Diagnosis of contact granuloma was made 4 months before high fundamental frequency (hertz), shimmer (decibels), and
the initiation of the study on otolaryngological examination. noise-to-harmonic ratio.
The patients chief complaint included vocal fatigue, hoarseness Aerodynamic analysis. Pre- and posttherapy aerodynamic
after teaching a long class, and occasional lump in the throat measurements of expiratory volumes (milliliter) and mean ex-
sensation in the morning. The patient was also diagnosed with piratory airflow (liters per second) were computed using the
laryngopharyngeal reflux and right vocal fold sulcus vocalis KayPentax Phonatory Aerodynamic System no. 6600.
along the anterior one-third margin of the right vocal fold. Since High-speed digital imaging. For the HSDI recordings,
the diagnosis, the patient was taking a proton-pump inhibitor a KayPentax high-speed system model 9710 was used. Images
once a day and followed antireflux dietary and behavioral pre- were recorded at 4000 frames/s for a maximum duration of
cautions, with minimal change in voice quality or lesion size, 4.094 seconds with a spatial resolution of 512 3 256 pixels.
as monitored via monthly stroboscopic examination of the vocal A 300 W xenon light source was used. Recordings were made
folds. Owing to persistent symptoms of hoarseness and patient on sustained phonation of the vowel /i/ at typical pitch and loud-
requirements of heavy professional voice use, voice therapy ness and on the laryngeal diadochokinetic task of repeating /he
was recommended. he he he/ four times with short breaths between syllable. Three
trials of all the tasks were recorded for pretreatment and four tri-
Voice therapy program als recorded for posttreatment. Pre- and posttherapy spatiotem-
A well-established voice therapy program with proven out- poral features of voice onset time, open quotient (duration of
comes19 known as vocal function exercises (VFEs) was imple- the cycle during which the vocal folds remain open divided
mented for 6 weeks. The VFE20 voice therapy approach is a type by the duration of the entire cycle),21 maximum amplitude,
of physiologic voice therapy designed to improve: (1) the bal- speed quotient (duration of lateral movement divided by the du-
ance among the subsystems for voice production, (2) laryngeal ration of medial movement), relative peak closing velocity,
muscle strength, (3) voice control and stamina, and (4) supra- peak-to-average opening velocity, and peak-to-average closing
glottic modification of the laryngeal tone. The exercises consist velocity were derived from the vibratory motion using custom-
of the following 4 steps: (1) warm-up, (2) stretchinggliding developed image processing software using Matlab (Math-
from the lowest note to the highest note, (3) contracting Works, Natick, MA).22 Voice onset time was calculated in
gliding from the highest note to the lowest note, and (4) adduc- milliseconds as the duration from initial vocal fold edge motion
tory powersustaining five musical notes (C-D-E-F-G) for as after complete abduction to the first vocal fold contact which is
long as possible on vowel o while pursing the lips to partially followed by steady-state cyclic oscillations, typically preceded
occlude the vocal tract. The patient performed the four steps of by prephonatory irregular motion. The voice onset time was
the VFE, twice daily, once in the morning and once in the even- calculated using glottal cycle montage analysis combined
ing for 6 weeks. with digital kymography of the task /he he he/.
736 Journal of Voice, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2012

Mean (Standard Deviations) of the Spatiotemporal Measurements Derived from High-Speed Digital Imaging Before and
After 6 weeks of Voice Therapy
Spatiotemporal Vibratory Measures (Units) Prevoice Therapy (Right/Left) Postvoice Therapy (Right/Left)
Voice onset time (ms) 140 (0.05) 77 (0.06)
Maximum amplitude (pixels) 0.078 (0.006) 0.100 (0.006)
Open quotient NA 0.6739 (0.0089)
Speed quotient 0.92 (0.08)/0.58 (0.02) 0.44 (0.04)/0.48 (0.03)
Peak closing velocity (glottal lengths/s) 18.5 (1.1)/18.0 (1.3) 27.1 (3.4)/24.0 (1.1)
Peak-to-average opening velocity 3.44 (0.04)/2.73 (0.12) 1.37 (0.04)/1.58 (0.17)
Peak-to-average closing velocity 2.11 (0.06)/1.62 (0.05) 1.69 (0.19)/1.45 (0.11)
Pitch and intensity were kept constant for pre- and postvoice therapy recordings.

The spatiotemporal features of maximum amplitude, speed ration and phase closure was performed using standard strobo-
quotient, relative peak closing velocity, peak-to-average opening scopic imaging at 30 frames/s on sustained phonation of the
velocity, and peak-to-average closing velocity were extracted vowel /i/ at comfortable pitch and loudness. Three blinded
from the high-speed video sequence using semiautomatic edge speech-language pathologists performed pre- and posttherapy
detection methods to track vocal fold edge displacements from ratings of stroboscopic imaging using a consensus based
the medial line in pixels. The analysis was performed for the approach.
midmembranous section of the vocal fold for steady-state pho- Audio-perceptual assessment. Three blinded speech-
nation at normal pitch and loudness. Displacements for the right language pathologists performed pre- and posttherapy voice
and left vocal folds were extracted from the detected edges, assessments of overall voice quality (total score) using the Con-
which were verified by direct human observation (edges overlaid sensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V).23
on video images). The glottal length in pixels was estimated
through manually marking frames in the video sequence. The
glottal lengths were used to normalize displacement values to RESULTS
reduce the variability inherent in the pixel dimensions, which Pre- and posttreatment changes in vocal physiology in a single
was used for some of the features (Table 1). The spatiotemporal subject with unilateral contact granuloma was investigated with
features were computed for every cycle and the median value measures from multiple voice assessment domains, including
over all cycles was used to characterize motion for the given acoustics, aerodynamics, HSDI, laryngeal videostroboscopy,
steady-state phonation. Table 1 represents the mean and the and audioperceptual assessment. The participant was enrolled
standard deviation values for features computed over the inde- in a 6-week voice therapy program (VFE) in which progress
pendent recordings. Maximum amplitude is the maximum dis- was determined by improvement in MPT from baseline to
placement of the vocal fold during the opening phase, relative completion of the exercises at week 6. Table 2 demonstrates
to the glottal length, and is computed for each cycle as the improvement in mean MPT of 35.21 seconds at baseline to
sum of the right and left vocal fold peak displacement divided 45.1 seconds at week 6.
by the glottal length in pixels. The peak closing velocity is de-
fined as the minimum displacement gradient value during the Acoustic analysis
closing phase of the glottal cycle. Simple gradient differences Acoustic measures of average fundamental frequency, jitter%,
of normalized adjacent displacement points in the closing phase low and high extent of fundamental frequency, and noise-to-
were used to compute the peak closing velocity. The velocity is harmonic ratio were within normal limits before and after
in units of glottal lengths per second because the displacements
were normalized by the glottal lengths. The peak-to-average
opening velocity characterizes velocity evenness or change dur- TABLE 2.
ing the opening phase. A stronger peaking (higher value) reflects Weekly Averages of Maximum Phonation Times for the
a greater acceleration at shorter intervals during the motion. Vocal Function Exercises in Seconds
Peak-to-average opening velocity is the maximum opening
velocity divided by the average of all velocities in the open Note Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
phase. Because this feature is a ratio of velocities, it is therefore
unitless. The peak-to-average closing velocity is analogous to C3 35.25 37.57 44.93 46.61 44.25 42.43
D3 35.64 38.07 47.21 49.11 46.04 45.14
the peak-to-average opening velocity but represents the change
E3 35.14 38.50 48.75 50.29 46.29 45.57
in velocity during the closing phase. F3 35.43 38.29 48.36 49.21 46.61 45.89
Stroboscopic imaging. Stroboscopic assessment was per- G3 34.61 36.64 45.18 47.89 45.11 46.64
formed using KayPentax Digital Stroboscopy system RLS Average 35.21 37.81 46.89 48.62 45.66 45.13
9100b. Visual perceptual assessment of glottal closure configu-
Rita R. Patel, et al Changes in Phonatory Physiology Following Voice Therapy 737

Acoustic Data for Sustained Vowel /a/ Weekly Before and After (Week 6) VFE
Acoustic Measures Pre-VFE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Norms, Mean (SD)
Average F0 (Hz) 134.1 134.6 136.7 131.0 137.1 151.5 132.4 145.22 (23.41)
Jitter (%) 0.363 0.240 0.180 0.150 0.190 0.228 0.252 <0.59 (0.54)
Low F0 (Hz) 70.0 57.4 58.8 63.6 65.4 72.0 67.6 77482*
High F0 (Hz) 468.5 596.0 580.3 596.0 558.2 580.9 496.3 77482*
Relative intensity level (dB) 60.55 70.62 69.79 67.12 62.66 74.77 79.80 <60110*
Shimmer (dB) 0.20 0.25 0.15 0.16 0.26 0.16 0.20 <0.22 (0.085)
NHR 0.086 0.141 0.152 0.145 0.164 0.143 0.109 <0.12 (0.014)
Source: The norms are taken from the KayPentax Computerized Speech Labs database within the Multidimensional Voice Program.
Abbreviations: VFE, vocal function exercise; SD, standard deviation; F0, fundamental frequency; NHR, noise-to-harmonic ratio.
* The norms marked are taken from Stemple JC, Glaze L, Klaben B. Clinical Voice Pathology, Theory and Management. 4th ed. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing;

therapy (Table 3). The greatest pre- posttest acoustic change open quotient for the posttreatment was 0.674. The mean speed
was demonstrated in mean intensity level. A 26.7% (60.55 quotient was also reduced with the right fold showing greater
79.80 dB) increase in intensity level was noted after VFE. reduction (0.900.48) than the left fold (0.580.53). The
mean peak closing velocity in glottal lengths per second was in-
Aerodynamic analysis creased for both folds (18.5 to 27.1 right; 18.0 to 24.0
Aerodynamic measures were taken pre- and posttreatment left) as the vocal folds were moving greater distances over
while keeping both frequency and intensity constant (Table 4). shorter period of time. The mean peak-to-average velocity
The participant demonstrated a 4.07% increase in respiratory (this is unitless) during both the opening and closing phases de-
volume (190 mL) and a 54.16% decrease in mean expiratory creased after treatment for both the vocal folds, with the right
airflow following 6 weeks of VFE. decreasing more than the left vocal fold (Table 1). For all the
spatiotemporal measures, the standard deviations were low
HSDI results (Table 1), being one order of magnitude less than the pre-
Greatest percentage change in pre- and posttherapy measure- and posttreatment changes for all except the speed quotient of
ments on high-speed imaging was observed for voice onset the left fold. This suggests that the variability among the
time, maximum amplitude, speed quotient, open quotient, repeated measurements is smaller than the variability cased
peak closing velocity, peak-to-average opening velocity, and by therapy.
peak-to-average closing velocity (Table 1). Voice onset time
was reduced from 140 to 77 milliseconds. The mean maximum Laryngeal stroboscopy results
amplitude of vibration was increased from 7.8% to 10% of the Pretreatment, glottis closure was characterized by a small ante-
glottal length. The vocal folds remained open during the pre- rior glottal gap and a complete posterior closure. Posttherapy
treatment recording; hence, the calculations of open quotient demonstrated improved closure of the membranous vocal folds
are not applicable for the pretreatment recordings. The mean and a small posterior glottal gap. Figure 1 demonstrates both the
glottis closure configuration and the phase closure pattern of the
vocal folds pre- and postvoice therapy. The open and closed
phases of the vibratory cycle appeared to be near equal for
Aerodynamic Measurements Before and After 6 Weeks of both pre- and posttreatment.
Voice Therapy
Audio-perceptual results
Prevoice Postvoice
The overall voice quality scores of the CAPE-V were calculated
Aerodynamic Measures Therapy Therapy Norms
and averaged from pre- and posttreatment. The mean overall se-
Expiratory volume (mL) 5480 5670 >2000 verity rating on the CAPE-V was 18.33/100 mm pretherapy in-
Mean expiratory 0.12 0.065 0.080.2 dicative of a mildly deviant voice quality. Posttherapy, the mean
airflow (L/s)
overall severity rating on CAPE-V was 0/100 mm indicative of
Mean sound pressure 76.68 79.80
level (dB)
a normal voice quality.
Mean fundamental 171.73 173.85
frequency (Hz) DISCUSSION
Pitch was maintained constant for the pre- and postvoice therapy record- The goal of this study was to evaluate changes in voice pro-
ings as indicated by the value of mean fundamental frequency. duction and vocal physiology before and after voice therapy in
A 3 dB difference in intensity level was noted for pre- and postvoice
hoarseness resulting from contact granuloma. Multiple voice
assessment domains of HSDI, laryngeal videostroboscopy,
738 Journal of Voice, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2012

frequency. These results bring into question the efficiency of

routine acoustic measures for demonstrating characteristics of
vocal function with this patient with contact granuloma.
The selected aerodynamic measures, expiratory volume, and
mean expiratory airflow showed a minor increase in volume and
a decrease in airflow rate. It can be speculated that the VFE
trained the subject to breathe to his maximum capacity, thus in-
creasing volume. The decrease in airflow rate was consistent
with improved midfold glottal contact during adduction, which
was demonstrated with only high-speed imaging posttreatment.
The most illuminating assessment tool for demonstrating
pre- and posttreatment changes in vocal function appeared to
be HSDI. The measurements from HSDI clearly demonstrated
FIGURE 1. Pre- and postvoice therapy glottal closure configuration differences in spatiotemporal characteristics of not only the vo-
from stroboscopic assessment revealing small posterior phonatory gap cal fold vibration in pre- and posttreatment, but also between
following voice therapy, suggestive of reduced impact stress along the the left and right vocal folds. The posttreatment phonation of
vocal process. this subject with unilateral (left) contact granuloma clearly
demonstrated a decreased onset time, which is illustrated in
the kymographic images taken from the high-speed vibratory
image (Figure 2). Typical values of voice onset time for young
acoustics, aerodynamics, and audioperceptual parameters, were adults (less than 78 years) was reported to be 77.5 millisec-
used to compare the vocal function of an individual with unilat- onds.24 After treatment, the participants voice onset time
eral vocal fold granuloma, pre- and postvoice therapy. Most re- reached within the normal range. Improved vocal flexibility
vealing was the contribution of HSDI in expanding the authors was clearly demonstrated by increased maximum amplitude
understanding of the clinical implications of vocal process gran- of vibration posttreatment. In addition, the open quotient and
uloma including impact stress and changes in vibratory dynam- speed quotient measures posttreatment demonstrate more bal-
ics resulting from treatment. For example, multiple routine ance in the timing and phases (open/closed) of the vibratory cy-
acoustic measures failed to demonstrate abnormalities in voice cle (Figure 3). The open quotient after treatment was
quality or vocal function pre- or posttreatment in spite of the par- approximately 0.67, which is closer to the normal of 0.64
ticipants complaints of rough voice and vocal fatigue. Indeed, 0.88.21 Before treatment, the open quotient could not be com-
jitter and shimmer measures and noise-to-harmonic ratios puted as the glottis remained open during the vibratory cycle.
were within normal limits throughout the testing as were funda- The speed quotient, especially of the right vocal fold, was closer
mental frequency and frequency range. The only pre- posttest to the value of 1, before treatment. This indicates that the open-
differences in the acoustic measures were seen in relative inten- ing and closing parts of the glottal cycle for the right vocal fold
sity level and an increase in the high extent of fundamental were of equal duration, when for normal motion the vocal folds

FIGURE 2. Digital kymographs showing improved voice onset time after 6 weeks of successful voice therapy. The number 1 indicates the first mo-
tion of the vocal fold after complete abduction and 2 indicates the first vocal fold contact of steady-state cyclic oscillations after the prephonatory state.
Rita R. Patel, et al Changes in Phonatory Physiology Following Voice Therapy 739

FIGURE 3. Pre- and postvoice therapy glottal cycle montage from high-speed digital imaging revealing small posterior phonatory gap and
improved midmembranous vocal fold contact following voice therapy, suggestive of reduced impact stress along the vocal process.

open faster than they close, resulting in a speed quotient ap- control of the membranous part potentially owing to high
proximating the reported ranges from 0.50 to 0.78.21 impact stress along the vocal process. Reduced mean values
Finally, and perhaps most revealing in this case of unilateral of the peak-to-average opening velocity for posttreatment
contact granuloma, HSDI revealed that the peak-to-average ve- (Figure 6) especially during the closing phase suggest a consis-
locity function of both vocal folds was decreased from pre- tent force on the vocal fold with more balanced muscle control
posttreatment thus reducing the impact stress of the vibrating for vocalization.
vocal folds. Before treatment, there was no closure of the ante- Spatiotemporal features of impact stress from high-speed im-
rior to the midmembranous fold during the glottal cycle, with aging in this case of granuloma were increased speed quotient,
the posterior portion of the vocal fold remaining closed for increased voice onset time, and increased peak-to-average
the entire cycle (Figure 4). This finding of incomplete closure opening/closing velocity. Maximum midmembranous ampli-
along the membranous part of the vocal fold provides support tude and peak closing velocity was smaller before treatment,
to the theory of a presence of a large anterior glottal gap2,12 re- which is contrary to the inference of vocal function from previ-
sulting in increased contact stress along the vocal process. The ous study.13 One explanation for this could be that the right vo-
more pronounced velocity peaks observed during both the cal fold appeared stiff with the presence of potential sulcus
opening and closing phases before treatment (Figure 5) suggest vocalis, resulting in reduced vibratory amplitude and reduced
an uneven force on the moving vocal folds. These sharp veloc- peak closing velocity at the midmembranous portion. Moreover
ity changes could be a result of an imbalance in the muscle the vocal folds remained open during the entire cycle along the
740 Journal of Voice, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2012

FIGURE 4. A. Indicates the pretherapy size of the vocal fold granuloma. B. and C. Indicates glottal closure pattern before and after voice therapy
in a case of contact granuloma from high-speed digital imaging. Note an incomplete glottal closure along the entire membranous part of the vocal
fold with complete closure of the posterior glottis before therapy.

mid membranous and anterior part of the vocal folds, which from the impact stress resulting in vocal fold nodules, where
would suggest that the vocal folds are traveling a shorter dis- one would expect large vibratory amplitude at the midmembra-
tance and hence the reduced peak closing velocity measure- nous section of the vocal fold. It may be that velocity functions
ment. It would be interesting to calculate the peak closing ranging from peak-to-average are more representative of im-
velocity along the posterior part of the vocal fold, at the site pact stress for in vivo measurements of vocal function. How-
of the granuloma. The vocal folds however remained closed ever, large studies would need to be conducted to determine
along the posterior part for the entire cycle during the pretreat- the spatiotemporal measurements of impact stress and their nor-
ment phase and hence this measurement could not be calcu- mative ranges in controlled phonation. The values of reduced
lated. After voice therapy, a consistent small posterior speed quotient, voice onset time, and peak-to-average open-
phonatory gap was maintained at the posterior part of the vocal ing/closing velocity are unique to this study. Although further
folds, which along with the improved closure of the membra- large-scale study is clearly warranted, the data here suggest
nous vocal fold, could be inferred as reduced impact stress the usefulness of HSDI for clinical investigation of vocal phys-
along the posterior margin. The other possibility could be that iology owing to the impact stress in patients with vocal fold
the impact stress resulting in vocal fold granuloma is different granuloma.

A6 A6
Percent glottal length

Percent glottal length


0 2

2 4

4 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120

B 6
Percent glottal length

4 Velocity/10
4 Velocity/10 % Amplitude
% Amplitude 6
6 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 Milliseconds

FIGURE 5. Pretreatment midglottal vocal fold edge waveforms for FIGURE 6. Posttreatment midglottal vocal fold edge waveforms for
three cycles. A. Edge detection points right (3 marker) and left three cycles. A. Edge detection points right (3 marker) and left (B
(B marker) with denoised waveform as solid line in units of percent marker) with denoised waveform as solid line in units of percent glottal
glottal length. Note no contact of vocal folds during the cycles (B). Ve- length. Note complete contact of vocal folds during the cycles (B). Ve-
locity estimate for right fold scaled down by a factor of 10 to superim- locity estimate for right fold scaled down by a factor of 10 to superim-
pose on the amplitude displacement waveform. Note multiple peaking pose on the amplitude displacement waveform. Note the smooth
of velocities during the closing and opening phases of a glottal cycle. velocities during the closing and opening phases of a glottal cycle.
Rita R. Patel, et al Changes in Phonatory Physiology Following Voice Therapy 741

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