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1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:AgatetoAventurine


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Agate to Aventurine

AGATE: Brings strength and courage to the holder.

ALEXANDRITE: Aids internal and external regeneration, has positive influence on nervous system, spleen,
pancreas. Helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual tranformation and regeneration. Reflects highest
potentials of unfoldment. Joy, oneness with life.

AMBER (cognac): With an energy like liquid sunshine, amber is the fossilized resin of pine trees. Amber is said to
enhance the beauty of the wearer. It is used to tap into the power of the Sun, and is good for success,
abundance, healing, vitality and joy. A powerful stone for manifestation, Amber is also used for healing of the
physical body. It carries a negative electrical energy charge and therefore is good to draw power and energy
into its bearer. Great for absentmindedness. It was said to bring good luck to warriors. Said to calm the nerves.

AMBER (green): With an energy like new sap rising from a tree in springtime, green amber is a wonderful stone for
healing and energizing the body. As a stone of manifestation, it brings wealth and prosperity to the wearer,
empowering them with success. Green amber clears the heart chakra, filling the heart with love and radiant joy.

AMETHYST: In Greek, Amethyst means "Against Drunkenness" from the belief that if inserted in water it will turn a drunk
person sober

instantly. It doesn't work! Amethyst is regarded by many as a healing spiritual stone and a stone of great psychic
power. Wearing it helps promote meditation, peace & tranquility and can help in the achievement of the
ultimate meditation state of mind NIRVNA. Other qualities attributed to Amethyst are: it's ability to speed up
thoughts, maintenance of celibacy, dispelling fears, heightening intuition, ridding yourself of any addictions,
aiding sound sleep and helping to embrace your own intuitive wisdom. Amethyst is a great stone for cleansing
both crystals and yourself. Chakras: 6th (Third Eye) & 7th (Crown) Star Sign: universal stone suitable for all signs
but especially Pisces & Aquarius.

AMAZONITE: A mineral that is visually soothing. It improves selfworth and can instill confidence. It works on the
throat, heart and solar plexus Chakras for selfexpression, artistic creativity and healing.

AMETRINE: A mixture of Amethyst & Citrine. Helps eliminate prejudice. Good for you when the body is
undergoing physical change. Good to use in Meditation. This mineral also carries many of the benefits of
Amethyst and Citrine. 1/2
1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:AgatetoAventurine

ANGELITE: An aid to help in mathematical comprehension. A good stone for raising your awareness. It also
dispels anger and can help in psychic healing.

APOPHYLLITE: Allows one to reflect on ones character, see faults and rectify them.

AQUA AURA: Clear quartz that has been molecularily bonded with 24K gold. This stone is sometimes referred to
as the stone of manifestation. Metaphysically it has the qualities of both quartz and gold. Quartz has a
harmonising effect and aligns the chakra system. Gold imparts a more assertive energy to the wearer and the
blue colour helps stimulate the throat chakra improving communication abilities through speach.

AQUA MARINE: "The stone of courage" accelerates spiritual and intellectual development. A good stone to get
you through difficult situations. Aids communication on all levels expecially on the physical and spiritual planes
and will also boost the immune system helping ward of infections. Chakras: 4th (Heart) & 5th (Throat)

ARAGONITE: Sometimes called 'sputnik' due to it's natural space like resemblance to a satalite. Enhances ones
patience, helps people burdened by many responsibilities. Can be used to combat chills and to warm the

AVENTURINE: Radiating a claming energy, aventurine is used in shiellding the heart and in healing and balancing
the emotions releasing emotional stress. Aventurine further stimulates creativity and independence. It enhances
leadership qualities allowing the wearer to act decisively, and strengthens intuitive power. It is especially useful
for healing especially disorders of the lungs, heart, adrenal glands, muscular and urogenital system. It balances
and aligns one's intellectual, emotional, physical and auric body. Aventurine is also said to bring good luck.
Chakras: 4th (Heart) Star Sign: Aries & Libra.

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