A To Z of Stones and Crystals - Sapphire To Zoisite PDF

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Sapphire to Zoisite

SAPPHIRE: "The stone of Truth, Wisdom and Dedication" Promotes loyalty and love, helps you bring about the
fulfillment of dreams. Chakras: 6th (Third eye) and 5th (Throat).

SATIN SPAR: An aphrodisiac, also enhances will power and relives stress.

SELENITITE: Soothes the nervous system especially suited to women as it has a soft and feminine feel to it.

SERPENTINE: A excellent stone to help you meditate.

SILVER: Considered a psychic metal, enhancing and empowering the psychic abilities and intuition of the
bearer. It is protective, calming, and has moneydrawing vibrations. This metal is associated with Lunar energies.

SMOKEY QUARTZ: A variety of quartz that is "smokey" looking, from light grey or brown to dark brown or black. A
grounding and stabilising stone. Promotes realism, calmness, and can give the wearer or user a sense of comfort.
Excellent stone for relieving Grief, old anger, depression and resentment. Balances sexual energy, fears,
unhappiness. Place at or on the feet of one experiencing "floatiness" or instability to help the individual regain
their composure and grounding. Chakra: 1st (root/base)

SODALITE: Provides for rational thought by eliminating confusion. Alleviates fear and calms and clears the mind.
Enhances communication and aid's in verbalising one's true feelings. Sodalite is an excellent stone for use in
groups providing fellowship and solidarity and a common goal and purpose. It encourages selfesteem, selftrust
and trust in others. Sodalite works best on the Throat Chakra, balancing the Glandular and lymphatic system. It is
also effective against the damage caused by electromagnetic fields.
Chakras: 5th (Throat) & 6th (Third Eye) Star Sign: Sagittarius

SPHALERITE: Helps to balance the masculine and feminine aspects in everyones personality. Can be used to assist

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changing vocations.

SUGILITE: An excellent healing stone it also helps the holder to forgive others and themselves .A good stone for
helping prevent headaches. Helps dispel feelings of disorder Also a good stone to carry if you are surrounded by
people who you feel youve nothing in common with.

SUNSTONE: Can clear and energise the chakras good for increasing vitality encourages independence.

TANZANITE: A rare gem found in Tanzania. It promotes qualities of spiritual leadership, gives greater vision and
helps to express and manifest it. Tanzanite can also be used to connect and communicate with the highter self,
spirit guides and beings from other dimensions. Chakras: 5th (Throat) & 7th (Crown)

TIGER EYE: It is believed that the stone has great healing powers especially beneficial to the digestive system. It is
also attributed such qualities as the development of courage and prosperity and inspires you to be brave. A
grounding stone.

TOPAZ: Helps focus thought and helps an awareness of your soul. Soothing, peaceful and tranquilizing as a

TOURMALINE: All colours offer a strong protective influence, it is a powerful healer of mental disorders and assists
the troubled mind to rest. It can be used to stimulate inspiration. The Black form repels negativity from other
people. The green inspires creativity and can attract success and prosperity. Rubellite, pink tourmaline is a stone
of love and creativity that also promotes joy.

TURQUOISE: American Native as well as indigenous Asian tribes consider the stone highly spiritual and it is
regularly used in religious and cultural ceramonies across the world. It is helpful in expanding awareness while still
maintaining practicality. Turquoise moves the wearer toward integration and wholeness. Used on the throat
chakra, turquoise promotes communication and the ability to speak honestly, clearly and from the heart, and
reminds us of our connection
to Earth and Sky. Ancient lore suggests that it also protects against environmental pollutants. In ancient times, turquoise
was utilized to gain wealth. Wearing turquoise can speed the healing process. Lore also has it that the stone will change
color, warning when the owner is in danger. A powerful protector against all pollutants. Inspires friendship and loyalty.
Chakras: 5th (Throat) Birthstone for December.

TURQURENTIE: is infact Howlite that has been dyed to resembel Turquoise. Although it is not as powerful in its
energies as genuine Turquoise, suprisingly it does take on some of the metaphysical properties of Turquoise, in
addition to the natural properties of Howlite. These include dispelling an excessively critical nature, diminishing
selfishness and facetiousness. promoting reasoning, observation and patience. For healing purposes it is believed
to reduce pain, stress and rage. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the teeth, bones and muscles.
Also believed to help fevers.

UNAKITE: The pink in unikite speaks to the heart chakra to awaken the love within. The green lends it healing
qualities to gently release blocks from old heart wounds. The pink in unikite is a deeper shade of pink and is more

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grounding than that found in rose quartz. This stone has a leveling affect, and helps to balance the emotional
aspects of the body. For the physical body, Unakite allows us to get to the underlying cause of disease and
begin to heal it. It is also an earthy, peaceful stone, balancing emotions, and encouraging Higher Love. It
prepares and facilitates the rebirthing process, as well as the actual birth process as it is a healing tonic for the
reproductive system. Scorpio stone. #5, #7, and #11 vibrations. This is an interesting stone that is a joy to work

YELLOW JASPER: "Protection Stone" Balances the YinYang energy, stabilizes the aura, rejuvenates, gives courage
and wisdom, relieves pain and suffering. Yellow Jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and
balanced in the social arenas and protects one's social welfare. Used for good luck in travel by the West Indians.
Chakra: 3rd (solar plexus)

ZIRCON: A natural gemstone, that is very similar in properties as the diamond and quartz crystal. It ranges from red, brown,
green and yellow, most commin in the clear form which breaks light in to the full range of colours, and works on all chakras.
It promotes purity, innocence and clarity. Chakras: 7th (crown).

ZOISITE (RUBY ZOISITE): This powerful stone transmutes negativity into positive energy. It relieves lethargy and
boosts physical energy. It offers stamina to the mental processes, facilitating advancements of the wearer's
goals. Ruby often grows in zoisite matrix and the addition of ruby creates an energetic combination of stones
helps to reach and maintain trance states, stimulating the mind and powerfully amplifying both mental and
psychic talents. It helps the wearer to maintain both their individuality and their connection to others, as it
awakens the crown chakra.

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