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Special Edition:

A Message from the Editors
The next two to three years will see a significant growth in the demand for propylene derivatives,
particularly polypropylene, which will lead to structural tightness in the global propylene market.
Since steam cracker capacity expansion, which is tied to a lower growth rate in the demand for eth-
ylene, is forecast to lag propylene demand, the petrochemicals industry is looking to operators of
FCC processes to fill the propylene supply gap. In the short term, this will lead to opportunities for
refiners to further increase margins by using ZSM-5 based additive technologies to produce incre-
mental propylene for sale into the petrochemicals market. In the long term, a number of refiners
are considering either revamping their FCC units to operate in "petrochemicals mode" or are con-
sidering investing in grass roots "on purpose" propylene production facilities that utilize ZSM-5
based FCC catalyst technologies.

This special edition of the Catalagram focuses on the important role FCC-type processes play in
the propylene market. The lead article by Davison Catalysts describes the commercial performance
of the industrys most widely used ZSM-5 additive for enhanced light olefins production, Olefins-
Max , as well as the performance of the new generation, ultra-high activity additive, OlefinsUl-
tra, now being used with excellent results in 17 FCC units around the world. In addition, data
is presented from our APEX project for propylene maximization that has led to the introduction of
a new generation of catalysts that will take FCC propylene production to a new level.

Then we feature articles by experts from Dow Chemicals, a leading net consumer of propylene;
ExxonMobil, a major player in the petroleum refining and petrochemicals industries; Kellogg
Brown and Root, ABB Lummus, Stone and Webster, all leading engineering companies with FCC-
type processes designed to produce propylene as a primary product; and the research group at
KFUPM who, together with Nippon Oil, JCCP and Saudi Aramco, have developed a process to
maximize propylene from the FCC unit. Experts from the industry consultants CMAI and Nexant
provide commentary on the dynamics of propylene and polypropylene markets, respectively. Fi-
nally, we introduce our new Davison 8500 Series Polypropylene Catalysts for superior PP resins.

We are delighted to bring together a compilation of articles that provide a broad overview of the
propylene value chain and the opportunities that exist for refiners to increase participation in the
petrochemicals market. We hope that you find this special edition of the Catalagram informative
and look forward to receiving your comments.

Finally, we wish to thank all the authors not only for their articles, but also for the many stimu-
lating discussions we had while compiling this special edition.

Jim Nee, PhD Markus Lesemann, PhD
In this issue.

Propylene Production in the FCC 3

By J.R.D. Nee and M. Lesemann, Davison Catalysts, USA
This paper highlights the important role of the FCC unit as a producer of propylene for
the petrochemicals market and describes the commercial performance of Davisons
OlefinsMaxTM and OlefinsUltraTM ZSM-5 additive technologies. Data from our APEX
propylene maximization catalyst project are also presented. This technology will take
propylene production in the FCC to a new level.

Global Propylene: Feast or Famine? A Dow Chemical 12

By Stephen J. Markovich, Dow Hydrocarbons and Resources, Inc.
A 1.1 million metric ton shortfall in propylene supply will position Dow as one of the
largest buyers of propylene. How does Dow see the supply/demand dynamics in the global
propylene market?

Propylene Supply for the Global Petrochemical 14

By Stephen J. Zinger, Chemical Market Associates, Inc.
Industry expert Steve Zinger of CMAI explains how the FCC unit is becoming increasing-
ly important as a source of propylene supply to meet future demand growth into the
world petrochemical markets.

Global Polypropylene Market 21

By Pamela Giordano, Nexant/Chem Systems
Polypropylene accounts for over 60 percent of global propylene consumption. Thus, an
analysis of the polypropylene market dynamics is a prerequisite for understanding com-
ing developments in propylene markets.

Meeting Propylene Demands with SUPERFLEXTM 27

By Curtis Eng, Ray Orriss and Michael Tallman, KBR Olefins Technology
The SUPERFLEX process is a fluidized catalytic cracking process that converts olefinic
streams from petrochemical or refinery sources to significant amounts of propylene and
ethylene. The authors discuss the technology as well as the status of the first commercial
SUPERFLEX unit that SASOL will commission in 2005.

On-Purpose Propylene from Olefinic 33

By Michael W. Bedell, ExxonMobil Process Research Laboratories; Philip A.
Ruziska, ExxonMobils Chemical Company; and Todd R. Steffens, ExxonMobil
Research and Engineering Company
ExxonMobils new PCC Process converts olefin molecules in naphthas to high value ethyl-
ene, propylene, and (optionally) butylene. This article discusses the characteristics of
PCC and the integration with FCC.

continued on page 2

Advanced Catalytic Cracking Technologies for Production of Light Olefins from
Low Cost Refinery Based 37
By Dilip Dharia, Warren Letzsch and Lark Chapin, Stone & Webster
Engineering Corporation
The authors give an overview on how Deep Catalytic Cracking (DCC) and the new
Catalytic Pyrolysis Process (PCC) can enable refiners to extend their product slate into
higher margin petrochemicals.

A New FCC Process Upgrades Gasoline and Maximizes 45

By T. Ino and Y. Fujiyama, Nippon Oil Corporation, H. Redhwi, A. Aitani and
M. R. Saeed, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Aramco, Japan Cooperation
Center-Petroleum and Nippon Oil have developed a novel high-severity fluid catalytic
cracking (HS-FCC) process that is claimed to increase the yield of light olefins to 40 wt.%
of fresh feed.

Make Propylene the FCC/SCC 51

By Dalip Soni, ABB Lummus Global
The paper describes how Selective Component Cracking (SCC) can provide very high
propylene yields by recycling certain components of the FCC product slate into the

ZSM- 5 FCC Additive Development: A Brief 57

By Girish K. Chitnis and Thomas F. Degnan, ExxonMobil Research and
Engineering Company
The authors describe key challenges in the development of ZSM-5 based FCC additives,
which go back to R&D work by Mobil and were then first commercially introduced by
Davison in 1986.

Davison 8500 Series Polypropylene Catalysts for Superior 61

By Kyle Lorton, Davison Catalysts
The author describes the performance of commercially proven Ziegler-Natta catalysts
that are now produced by Davison.

Cover photo: Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-95

Christo & Jeanne-Claude
(100,000 square meters (1,076,000 square feet) of thick woven
polypropylene fabric and 15,600 meters (51,181 feet) of
blue polypropylene rope)
Photo: Wolfgang Volz
1995 Christo

Propylene Production
in the FCC Unit:
An Opportunity to Increase
Refinery Profitability
J.R.D. Nee and M. Lesemann
Davison Catalysts, USA

The fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit is an impor- greater tendency for FCC units there to operate with
tant source of propylene for the petrochemicals ZSM-5 catalyst additives to increase propylene pro-
industry. However, substantial changes are taking duction. Indeed, during the next two years, several
place within the industry that will result in an even FCC units will be revamped in order to operate in
greater emphasis on the FCC unit as a source of "propylene maximization mode" (propylene yield >
propylene, as the demand growth rate outpaces sup- 10 wt.% of fresh feed).
ply from its primary source, the steam cracker. This
structural shift in propylene supply dynamics will A substantial amount of steam cracker capacity is
present operators of FCC units with opportunities to expected to come on stream in the Middle East by the
further boost revenues by making and selling incre- end of the decade. This capacity will be based on cost-
mental propylene into the petrochemicals market. advantaged ethane feedstock that will generate little
by-product propylene. Much of the Middle Easts eth-
This article will highlight the important role of the ylene derivatives will be imported into Asia and this
FCC unit in the production of propylene and present will have an immediate impact on the profitability of
state-of-the art catalyst technologies supplied by local steam cracker operators. As more ethylene
Davison to meet the demands of the modern, petro- derivatives pour into the region, steam cracker oper-
chemicals-oriented refinery. ators may be forced to operate their units to maxi-
mize propylene. However the impact on the propy-
Regional Propylene Supply Dynamics lene market of, for example, processing heavier feeds
such as gas oil, will not be significant. Thus, propy-
The demand growth for petrochemicals is driven by lene production from FCC units in Asia will continue
economic expansion primarily in Asia and the Indian to increase and the region could also see some growth
sub-continent. Steam crackers in this region operate in on-purpose propylene processes, such as those
with heavy feedstocks (naphtha, gas oil) that gener- described in this edition of Catalagram.
ate a significant amount of by-product propylene
(0.5-0.6 lbs/lb ethylene). However, the region is gen- In North America the petrochemicals industry is
erally long on gasoline and consequently there is a under extreme pressure to generate profits, as high

(and volatile) gas prices, in combination with a use ZSM-5 additives, as in the U.S., do so to fill their
relentless shift in manufacturing to low cost regions, alkylation units. Nevertheless, several refiners,
erode margins as well as North Americas petro- notably those located adjacent to petrochemicals
chemicals export position. Steam crackers in this facilities, operate with ZSM-5 additives to maximize
region are generally based on ethane feedstock that propylene production.
up until 2001 was relatively cheap. However, there
are a number of units that can process either gas- or Europe is generally characterized as "diesel orient-
crude-based feedstocks, providing this region with a ed and there is a greater tendency to utilize ZSM-5
high degree of feedstock flexibility. additives compared to the U.S. As in Asia, low cost
imports of ethylene derivatives from the Middle East
The refining industry in North America is gasoline- could impact steam cracker operating rates in the
driven. Not surprisingly, almost half of the worlds long term and create more demand for FCC sourced
FCC capacity is located in this region, and almost propylene.
half of this is concentrated in the U.S. Gulf Coast
the heart of the U.S. petrochemicals industry. Of Naphtha feedstocks are largely processed in steam
those refiners that use ZSM-5 technologies to crackers in South America though much of the new
increase the yield of light olefins, many do so to fill and planned capacity is based on ethane. FCC units
their alkylation units. Several refiners with access to are expected to increase volumes of propylene sold to
petrochemical facilities use ZSM-5 additives on an the petrochemicals market; therefore, the use of
ongoing basis, usually to fulfill long-term supply con- ZSM-5 additive technologies in this region will con-
tracts. There are, however, "opportunistic" users of tinue to increase. Much of the growth is expected in
ZSM-5 technologies that will make incremental Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
propylene for sale to the petrochemicals market
(domestic and export) when economics are favorable. Compared with 2001, FCC units worldwide are
Thus, with so much FCC capacity at its disposal, the expected to provide an additional nine million MT of
U.S. is well positioned as a "swing" producer of refin- refinery grade (RG) propylene by the year 2008. Very
ery-sourced propylene. little of this propylene will actually come from new
FCC units, as only limited capacity expansions are
Steam crackers in Europe, as in Asia, operate with expected. Most of the additional propylene will be
heavy feedstocks (e.g. naphtha) where by-product produced by existing FCC units employing ZSM-5
propylene is significant. Typically, FCC units that based additives or catalysts (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Incremental Expected RG Propylene Supply From FCC Units
RG Propylene Supply over 2001, WW
9,000 Production from new units
Production from existing units
1,000 MT

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Furthermore, the percentage of FCC produced propy- year-end inventories are constantly being reduced by
lene that is upgraded in splitters to polymer or chem- cash-strapped companies, and additional speculative
ical grade (PG and CG) will increase. Currently, trading of RG propylene is increasing as reported by
about 83% of all refinery grade (RG) propylene pro- CMAI. Furthermore, refineries that are located fur-
duced worldwide is upgraded to PG or CG in propy- ther away from the U.S. Gulf Coast are increasingly
lene splitters, and this is forecast to increase to 86% participating in the propylene spot market with the
by 2007. Although the fraction of RG propylene that production of incremental propylene.
is upgraded varies significantly between different
regions, e.g. 79% in North America vs. 96% in The graph below (Figure 2), provided by CMAI,
North East Asia, the same trend towards higher shows that until the fall of 1999, the range of report-
upgrading rates can be expected in most regions of ed spot RG propylene prices within a two-week peri-
the world [1, 2]. od was well below one cent/lb. Then from 2000,
propylene prices fluctuated sharply in the U.S. with
Propylene price volatility price fluctuations of more than three cents/lb, and
later in 2003 more than four cents/lb with a maxi-
Besides the structural increase in demand for propy- mum of 6 cents/lb in February of 2003. [3]
lene from FCC units, price volatility in propylene
markets is expected to continue. According to a These price swings in the U.S. propylene market are
recent report by CMAI, the volatility of RG propylene largely due to substantial changes in oil and gas
prices in the U.S. has increased significantly since prices and moreover the relative pricing of these two
the beginning of 1999. The main cause is the under- commodities in North America. However, other fac-
lying volatility of energy prices, as well as changed tors mentioned above, such as supply disruptions,
dynamics in the RG propylene market. In particular, serve to aggravate these price swings.
supply shortages are occurring more frequently,

Figure 2
Volatility in RG Propylene Markets (Source: CMAI)
Historical CMAI Reported Spot RG Prices
Range/Delta Absolute Price
(Cents Per Pound) (Cents Per Pound)

6.0 30

5.0 25

4.0 20

3.0 15

2.0 10

1.0 5

0.0 0
01/16/95 01/31/96 02/14/97 02/27/98 03/15/99 03/28/00 04/16/01 04/29/02 05/15/03

Delta Between High and Low Reported Prices Absolute High and Low Prices

It is clear that this trend towards higher price met primarily by fractionating refinery-sourced
volatility will lead to economic opportunities for FCC propane/propylene mixes, i.e. RG propylene [5].
operators who are not only well informed about mar-
ket conditions but are also willing and positioned to Reliance Industries, India, Asias largest polypropy-
utilize ZSM-5 additives at short notice. lene manufacturer and number seven in the world,
plans to increase its polypropylene capacity by 40%
Propylene Consumers and the Propylene to a total of 1.4 million metric tons per annum.
Supply Gap Reliance sees its own cracker, started up only in
1997, as having strategic importance during this
Faced with a potential propylene supply gap, propy- expansion, since the cracker can provide petro-
lene consumers, especially polypropylene producers, chemical feedstocks while eliminating Reliances
(the main consumers of propylene) are examining exposure to volatility in international petrochemi-
opportunities to secure propylene supply through cals markets [6].
backward integration. Sunoco, for example, recently
expanded its polypropylene position with the acqui- Davison Catalysts: Propylene Maximization
sition of Equistars Bayport facilities but fundamen- Technologies
tal to their business plan is a 15-year, 700 million
pounds per year propylene supply contract with The use of ZSM-5 based additives is the most cost
Equistar Chemicals [4]. Sunocos own refineries effective way to increase propylene production in the
account for some 35% of their propylene require- FCC unit. Demand for these additives has increased
ment. steadily over the years and the industry has contin-
ued to move to higher activity grades.
Several large propylene producers and consumers
agree that incremental propylene will need to be Davison Catalysts was the first catalyst manufactur-
sourced from refineries to meet the demand growth er to supply ZSM-5 based additives for use in FCC
forecast. Dow Chemicals is one of the largest net buy- units back in 1984 (see article "ZSM- 5 FCC Additive
ers of propylene and they believe that some refiners Development - A Brief History" in this issue) where
will make the necessary investments to upgrade their primary role was to enhance gasoline octane.
hardware so that they can produce and recover high Since then, the role of these additives has changed to
yields of propylene (see Dows article in this issue of that of optimizing the yields of high value C3= and
Catalagram). Of course, propylene prices will need to C4= olefins, while at the same time capturing the
increase to a level that justifies such investments. boost in gasoline octane. Through continuous R&D
Enterprise Products Partners, the leading provider efforts Davison has maintained its position as the
of propylene upgrading technology in the U.S. Gulf worldwide leading provider of ZSM-5 based FCC cat-
Coast, reports that propylene demand growth will be alyst technologies.

Figure 3
Worldwide ZSM-5 Additives Segmentation by Activity
High Activity High Activity
63% 55%

Activity Low
Low Ultra - High Activity
22% Activity Ultra - High Activity
Activity 11%
2% 31%

2003 2006 Forecast

Figure 4
Additives Containing 25 wt.% ZSM-5 Crystal - Segment Share
Competitive 26%
with 25%
ZSM-5 crystal

Grace Davison

Developments by Davison Catalysts over the years duction of OlefinsMax, the first such additive to con-
have focused on increasing the intrinsic activity of tain 25% ZSM-5 crystal, which at the time was the
ZSM-5 additives to enable refiners to more cost-effec- maximum allowable under license. This additive rap-
tively maximize yields of light olefins. Figure 3 idly established itself as the benchmark for high
shows that the vast majority of refiners currently activity ZSM-5 additives and is still the most widely
using ZSM-5 additives have chosen high- or ultra- used ZSM-5 additive in the refining industry,
high activity ZSM-5 additives to meet their light accounting for nearly half of all ZSM-5 users. In fact,
olefins needs. With the upturn in the next petro- an analysis of refiners that employ additives con-
chemical cycle, a further increase in the demand for taining 25 wt.% ZSM-5 crystal confirms that
ultra-high activity ZSM-5 additives (>>25 wt.% crys- OlefinsMax is by far the additive of choice (Figure 4).
tal) is expected as more FCC units operate to maxi-
mize propylene production. The reason for the wide acceptance of OlefinsMax is
its performance relative to competitive products.
OlefinsMax Commercial data shows OlefinsMax has higher activ-
ity per pound of additive compared with competitive
The first real breakthrough in the development of products that also contain 25 wt.% ZSM-5 zeolite.
high activity ZSM-5 additives came with the intro- One recent example is shown in Figure 5. This activ-

Figure 5
Commercial Example of OlefinsMax Application
OlefinsMax Shows Higher Activity Per Unit of Crystal Versus Competitive Product (25% ZSM-5)
Relative Activity per unit of ZSM-5 Crystal %






Competitive ZSM-5
70 72 74 76 78 80

Figure 6
Davison Additives Show Linear Activity Response
as a Function of ZSM-5 Crystal Input


6.0 Grace Davison

Relative Activity

3.0 Additives


There are significant performance differences

1.0 between competitive additive suppliers' products!

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Relative ZSM-5 Concentration

ity difference is attributed to the proprietary ZSM-5 not only ensures maximum activity per unit of ZSM-
zeolite stabilization process employed by Davison 5 crystal but also provides excellent attrition resist-
Catalysts that ensures maximum ZSM-5 activity ance properties. In fact, a major European refiner
over a wide range of ZSM-5 levels in the additive was able to reduce by almost half the addition of
(Figure 6). Stabilization of the ZSM-5 zeolite with ZSM-5 additive and still achieve the desired yield of
phosphorus is a critical process in the manufacture of propylene (Figure 7a). This enabled the refiner to
ZSM-5 additives. reduce fresh catalyst consumption by more than 10%
(Figure 7b).
Refiners that utilize OlefinsMax typically add it to
the unit in the range of 3-5 wt.% of fresh catalyst OlefinsUltra is the ideal choice for refiners wishing
additions. However, several refiners have increased to maximize the production of propylene and
OlefinsMax additions to levels well above 5 wt.% and butylenes from the FCC unit where high levels of
are getting as much as 16 vol.% (9 wt.%) propylene conventional additives would be required that would
from their FCC units. Those refiners that have otherwise result in dilution of the circulating catalyst
already made the decision to switch to the ultra-high inventory. OlefinsUltra is currently being used suc-
activity ZSM-5 additive, OlefinsUltra are benefit- cessfully in 17 refineries around the world.
ing not only from industry leading propylene yields
but also from reduced dilution of the circulating cat- Davisons APEX project: New Propylene
alyst inventory, allowing them to reduce fresh cata- Maximization Technology
lyst consumption.
Davison Catalysts has also been actively working on
OlefinsUltra a propylene maximization project with the aim to
produce catalysts that give yields in excess of 15
The intrinsic activity of OlefinsUltra far exceeds wt.% from the FCC unit. A new family of catalysts
even that of OlefinsMax and it provides the highest has subsequently been developed that will allow
activity per pound of any commercially proven ZSM- refiners to take propylene production to a new level.
5 additive. The unique matrix system in OlefinsUltra Using proprietary shape-selective zeolite and matrix

Figure 7
Commercial Application of OlefinsUltra:
European Refiner Reduced Fresh Catalyst Addition Rate and
Maintained High Propylene Yield Following a Switch to OlefinsUltra

Propylene Selectivity (C3=/Conversion)

4 4
4 OlefinsMax
4 OlefinsUltra
Propylene Selectivity, (%)

Propylene yield >14vol % (8 wt.%)

Time 4

Fresh Catalyst Addition Rate


ca 10 wt.% Reduction in
Fresh Catalyst Addition Rate


70 4 75
Equilibrium Catalyst Microactivity

Table I
APEX Project: Propylene Maximization Catalyst Technology

Typical Yields (wt.%)

Conventional FCC Conventional FCC AP pmc-140 AP pmc-150 AP pmc-200
+ZSM-5 Additive
Feed Type Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Light
Ni+V/ppm 5000 5000 5000 5000 <100
Reactor (C) 535 535 550 565 565
Conversion (wt.%) 80 80 80 85 85
Propylene (wt.%) 5 9 15 18 22
Butylenes (wt.%) 8 10 14 12 17
C5+gasoline (wt.%) 52 46 36 32 28
LCO + HCO (wt.%) 20 20 20 15 15

technologies, the catalysts developed within the Davison Catalysts is the leading supplier of high per-
APEX project not only produce exceptional yields of formance ZSM-5 FCC additives. OlefinsMax is the
propylene (Table I) but also demonstrate low coke most widely used additive in the industry today by
make and good bottoms cracking activity in the pres- virtue of its performance versus competitive prod-
ence of contaminant metals. Propylene yields of more ucts. To meet the industrys need for additives with
than 20 wt.% are of particular interest to refiners even higher activity, Davison introduced
who are considering revamping their FCC units to OlefinsUltra which is now being used in 17 FCC
operate in a "petrochemicals mode". This new cata- units around the world.
lyst technology reaffirms Davisons commitment to
developing leading edge technologies that offer refin- For those refiners that are considering revamping
ers cost-effective solutions to meet or exceed their their FCC units to operate in a "petrochemicals
expectations. mode", Davison in its APEX project is introducing
new catalyst technology that will take the production
This propylene maximization technology is currently of propylene in the FCC unit to a new level.
in the commercialization stage, and a first applica-
tion in an FCC unit is expected to take place in 2004. References

Conclusion [1] CMAI World Light Olefins Analysis 2003. CMAI, Houston,
The demand for propylene from FCC units will
[2] Steve J. Zinger, CMAI, CMAI World Petrochemical
increase significantly over the next few years to fill Conference 2003.
the supply gap that is developing as a result of a lag
in steam cracker capacity expansion and an increase [3] Monomers Market Report 552, CMAI, Houston, 2003.
in the processing of light feedstocks (e.g. ethane in
[4] Press release by Sunoco, Inc., March 27, 2003.
steam crackers.) This will lead to opportunities for
refiners to boost revenues by producing incremental [5] Enterprise Products Partners L.P.,
propylene for sale into the petrochemicals market
[6] Speech by Mukesh Ambani, Chairman & Managing Director,
through the use of ZSM-5 additive technologies.
Reliance Industries, India (June 16, 2003)

Davison Automatic Injection Systems
Accurate & Reliable Easy to Install
Full Service Support
Designed to inject additives or catalyst
into FCC units with unsurpassed reliability.
Proven worldwide!

For more information please contact our regional offices:

Al Jordan Matthias Scherer John Haley

Americas Europe Asia Pacific

W. R. Grace & Co. Grace GmbH W. R. Grace (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

7500 Grace Drive In der Hollerchecke 1 501 Orchard Road
Columbia, MD 21044, U.S.A. 67545 Worms, Germany #07-02A, Wheelock Place, Singapore 238880
+1 (410) 531-8299 +49 (6241) 403 585 65-737-5488
Global Propylene:
Feast or Famine?
A Dow Chemical Perspective
Stephen J. Markovich
Dow Hydrocarbons and Resources, Inc
Houston, TX

The Dow Chemical Company with its subsidiaries Global propylene applications have seen increased
has a worldwide presence in the propylene and price volatility as the world enters the twenty first
propylene derivatives industry, with global produc- century. Although much of this volatility has been
tion capacity of 3.2 million metric tons per year and caused by increased volatility in the underlying ener-
global propylene derivative demand of over 4.3 mil- gy industry, an increasing amount of the volatility
lion metric tons per year. Dow uses propylene to can be attributed to propylene supply/demand
manufacture polypropylene, propylene oxide/glycol, dynamics. There are some concerns as to whether
acrylic acid, and oxo alcohols. This 1.1 million met- supplies of propylene will be adequate to allow for
ric ton shortfall will position Dow as one of the continued growth at historical rates. While some
largest buyers of propylene, the majority of which is industry consultants predict potential shortages in
purchased in North America for propylene derivative industry supply, there are others that believe that
production. As a large consumer of propylene, Dow tightness in the industry will incent and enable
maintains a keen interest in the U.S. supply dynamics refinery propylene to become more available to the
of propylene including current supply from ethylene chemical industry and thereby offset any potential
steam crackers and refineries, and developing supply shortages.
from on-purpose production and catalyst technologies.

Over the last ten years propylene derivative demand The increase in natural gas pricing over the last cou-
growth has historically outstripped that of ethylene ple of years has brought into question the competi-
derivatives. If propylene prices continue to stay tiveness of the U.S. Gulf as a light olefin (ethylene
lower than ethylene prices, this trend will continue. and propylene) producer, thereby decreasing the like-
But as ethylene and propylene prices converge, the lihood of any additional light olefin capacity from the
demand for propylene should decrease. According to construction of steam cracking capacity. However, as
leading industry consultants, global propylene deriv- ethane feed to flexible steam crackers is replaced by
ative demand is expected to grow at a rate of five per- heavier feeds such as propane and naphtha, the
cent for the next five years. However, because propy- propylene yield from steam crackers will increase
lene is a co-product of ethylene and, to a lesser providing additional supply for the chemical indus-
extent, refinery fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) for try. Propylene yields from ethane are typically 3-4%
the production of gasoline and distillates, the pace of of total production of the steam cracker by weight,
additional propylene capacity has not been in sync yields from propane approximate 40%, and yields
with the demand growth. An additional factor for the from naphtha can range from 50-60%. The propylene
U.S. propylene industry is its presence in global capacity generated by the flexibility of the U.S. Gulf
regions as an exporter of propylene monomer. It is steam crackers can vary by 300-400 MM pounds of
estimated that the U.S. Gulf will export 450,000 tons production per month when switching from light feed
of polymer grade propylene primarily to Asia, Europe slates (ethane) to heavier ones (naphtha, conden-
and Latin America in 2003. This will put additional sate).
demand on the future propylene supply picture on
the U.S. Gulf, particularly if growth in Asian propy- There is, however, some refinery catalyst technology
lene derivative production creates additional growth that may fill the potential propylene supply void in
in export demand. the U.S. in future years and help to support contin-
ues strong propylene derivative growth. Zeolite
In some areas of the world this has created the based catalyst technology, referred to as ZSM-5, was
opportunity for new on-purpose propylene technolo- introduced into U.S. Gulf FCC units in the 1980s pri-
gies to become economically feasible supply alterna- marily to increase octane numbers in gasoline. The
tives. Current on-purpose production of propylene effect of the catalyst was to increase light olefins pro-
accounts for less than three percent of total global duction from FCC production from the normal 3-5
propylene production. Propane dehydrogenation and wt.% to as high as 10-15 weight% while reducing
metathesis facilities have been built and announced total gasoline production volume by 5-6%. This cre-
for Europe and Asia within recent years due to this ates an optimization for the refinery to balance the
phenomenon. Metathesis is a technology in which value of additional propylene production against lost
ethylene and butene are reacted to produce propy- gasoline production. There are several reasons why
lene. Propane dehydrogenation uses propane feed- this catalyst technology has not yet been fully uti-
stock to produce propylene through a dehydrogena- lized. The most pervasive of these is the likelihood
tion process. that most refineries would have to spend capital of
$20-30 million to increase light ends recovery sys-
The U.S., however, has been more reluctant to par- tems at these refineries. This capital must compete
ticipate in on-purpose production facilities with the with other refinery capital projects including those
notable exception of some existing and announced that result from regulatory and environmental com-
metathesis production facilities. Industry consult- pliance.
ants project that heavier feedstock cracking at U.S.
Gulf steam crackers and the use of catalyst technolo- The U.S. propylene industry will likely experience
gies at refineries are the most likely incremental substantial movement in supply/demand balance
sources of supply to fill future demand. and price volatility in the future. Refineries are like-
ly to invest capital necessary for the use of propylene
production enhancing catalyst technologies.

Propylene Supply
for the
Global Petrochemical Markets
Stephen J. Zinger
Chemical Market Associates, Inc.
Houston, TX

The market for propylene as a basic intermediate refinery or gas separation/fractionation plant in
petrochemical continues to grow at average rates of order to make the basic feedstocks for steam crackers
4.0-5.0% per year. The largest source of propylene (ethane, propane, butane, naphtha, gas oil, or con-
supply to the petrochemical markets is steam crack- densate) and to make the basic feedstocks for an oil
ers (as a by-product of ethylene); the second largest refinery FCC unit (gas oil or residue). The primary
source of propylene supply to the petrochemical mar- purpose of a steam cracker is to produce ethylene,
kets is refinery FCC units (as a by-product of gaso- while the primary purpose of the refinery FCC (flu-
line and distillates). However, the FCC unit is idized catalytic cracking) unit is to produce gasoline
becoming increasingly important as a source of and distillates. Therefore, propylene is generally
propylene supply to meet future demand growth into considered a by-product from steam crackers and
the world petrochemical markets. FCC units.

Propylene Market Overview In 2003, the estimated size of the world poly-
mer/chemical grade propylene markets was 56.2 mil-
Like most petrochemicals, propylene is ultimately lion metric tons. About 67% of the worlds propylene
derived from the basic fundamental energy com- production originates from steam crackers as a by-
modities of either crude oil or natural gas. These two product of ethylene.
fundamental commodities are processed in an oil About 30% of the worlds propylene production is

Figure 8
World PG/CG Propylene Demand Forecast
Million Tons
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Polypropylene 7.9 / 5.7* Cumene 3.0 / 4.6* Acrylonitrile 2.5 / 2.1*

Oxo Alc. 3.1 / 4.0* Propylene Oxide 3.7 / 4.3* Others 3.6 / 4.1*

*%AAGR 90-03 / %AAGR 03-08

from refinery FCC units as a by-product of motor such as garden hoses or shower curtains), and propy-
gasoline and distillates. Less than three percent of lene oxide (for polyurethanes used as car seat foam
the worlds propylene production comes from "on- or insulation and for propylene glycol used in
purpose" production such as propane dehydrogena- antifreeze)(Figure 8).
tion, metathesis, olefin cracking, and methanol-to-
olefins. Except under unique circumstances, these Steam Cracker Propylene Supply
processes are generally not competitive with the
by-product processes of producing propylene by Since propylene is produced as a by-product of ethyl-
steam crackers or refinery FCC units. ene in steam crackers, existing steam crackers are
usually optimized and new steam crackers are usu-
Propylene is typically recovered from steam crackers ally built in order to meet ethylene demand. Over
as "chemical grade" at 93-97% purity or "polymer the past 12 years, global ethylene demand growth
grade" at 99.5% purity and from FCC units as "refin- has averaged 4.4% while global propylene demand
ery grade" at 65-80% purity. Refinery grade propy- growth has averaged 5.8%. Propylene demand
lene is often upgraded to polymer or chemical grade growth is faster than ethylene demand growth,
propylene through distillation. because propylenes largest consumer, polypropylene,
grows at faster rates than ethylenes largest con-
The most significant propylene consumer is sumer, polyethylene. CMAI expects that this trend
polypropylene resin production, consuming about of faster propylene demand growth will continue in
63% of global propylene production. Most polypropy- the near future. Since new steam cracker invest-
lene resin is formed into injection-molded plastic ments are primarily made to meet new ethylene
goods (caps and closures, containers, cups, auto demand and since propylene demand is growing
parts), fibers (carpet face yarn, agricultural bags), or more quickly than ethylene demand, not enough new
film/sheet (snack packaging). Other major, yet less steam cracker investments will be completed to meet
significant propylene consumers, include the produc- new propylene demand(Figure 9).
tion of acrylic acid (for superabsorbent polymer used
in diapers and acrylates used in paints, coatings, and Average propylene yields from steam crackers are
adhesives), acrylonitrile (for acrylic fibers used in also expected to decline in the future as a result of
clothes and blankets and for ABS polymers used in investment activity in the Middle East. Over the
appliances), cumene (for polycarbonate used in com- past 12 years, Middle East producers have nearly
pact discs and phenolic resins used in plywood), oxo- doubled ethylene capacity, while propylene capacity
alcohols (for plasticizers used in flexible PVC goods additions have been relatively minor. Most steam

Figure 9
Global Propylene and Ethylene Annual Demand
Annual Demand Growth






1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

cracker feedstocks in the Middle East are based on alents (propylene contained in polypropylene or acry-
low-cost ethane supplies (with insignificant propy- lonitrile).
lene yields), and most ethylene produced is sent to
Asia in the form of ethylene equivalent exports (eth- Over the next eight years, the Middle East producers
ylene contained in polyethylene or ethylene glycol). will again double ethylene production and equivalent
Over the past 12 years, the Middle East has con- exports based mostly on low-cost ethane feedstocks,
tributed very little to global propylene supplies and with only minor increases in propylene production
has actually been a net importer of propylene equiv- (Figure 10). The Middle Easts global market share

Figure 10
Middle East Ethylene/Propylene Capacity & Trade
Million Tons






1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Propylene Derivative Exports Ethylene Derivative Exports

Propylene Capacity Ethylene Capacity

of ethylene production is expected to increase from 0.6) to more field condensates and gas oils (with
seven percent in 2000 to 18% in 2010, while the propylene-to-ethylene ratios of 0.6-0.7). Finally,
Middle Easts global market share of propylene pro- steam cracker operators are considering the auxil-
duction is expected to increase from two percent in iary use of novel technologies to further enhance
2000 to five percent in 2010. Since most of the new propylene yields, including metathesis and higher
Middle East ethylene will be exported in the form of olefin cracking.
ethylene derivatives to Asia, fewer steam crackers
will be built in Asia to meet new ethylene demand FCC Unit Propylene Supply
than otherwise would have been built without the
additional ethane-based Middle East capacity. In Due to the aforementioned constraints of propylene
contrast to the Middle East, steam crackers in Asia supply growth from steam crackers, additional
are naphtha-based and the lack of new Asian projects emphasis has been placed on recovering propylene
consequently will reduce propylene production from refinery FCC units. Like steam crackers, refin-
growth in Asia. ery FCC units are not operated or built to make
propylene, but some other primary product. FCC
Steam cracker operators are currently implementing units primarily produce motor gasoline or other dis-
several options to enhance propylene yields. Based tillate heating or transportation fuels.
on the expectation for future tighter propylene mar-
kets, investors are more likely to consider heavy feed Like ethylene from steam crackers, the primary
(naphtha, condensates, gas oil) crackers or at least products from FCC units (petroleum-based products)
light/heavy flexible crackers unless there is an are growing at even slower rates than the by-product
extremely cost-advantaged source of ethane avail- propylene. Over the past 12 years, global petroleum
able. In some instances, investors are even calculat- demand growth has averaged one to two percent,
ing expected production costs and revenues based on while global propylene demand growth has averaged
the "cost of light olefins ethylene and propylene" 5.8%. Propylene demand growth is faster than petro-
rather than just the traditional method of the "cost of leum demand growth, because propylenes largest
ethylene". For existing facilities, steam cracker consumer, polypropylene, grows at faster rates than
operators are considering lower severity and heavier the more mature markets of transportation and
feedstock operations. Some cracker operators heating fuels. CMAI expects that this trend of faster
throughout the world have already increased their relative propylene demand growth will continue in
feedstock flexibility from the traditional full-range the near future (Figure 11). Since new FCC invest-
naphthas (with propylene-to-ethylene ratios of 0.5- ments are primarily made to meet new gaso-

Figure 11
Global Propylene and Petroleum Growth
Annual Demand Growth

10% Petroleum





1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Figure 12
FCC Supply Geographic Location (North America)

line/distillate demand and since propylene demand is production units are often concentrated in these
growing more quickly than gasoline/distillate areas in order to take advantage of efficiencies relat-
demand, not enough new FCC investments will be ed to common infrastructure and economies of scale.
completed to meet new propylene demand.
North America is one of the largest transporta-
Even though new FCC units will not be constructed tion/heating fuel and petrochemical consumers in the
quickly enough in order to meet new propylene world and provides an example of the geographic
demand, there is tremendous potential for existing variation in the locations of FCC units and existing
FCC units to recover propylene that is currently not petrochemical infrastructure. About 85% of steam
utilized in petrochemicals. Globally, the recovery of cracker capacity (basic petrochemical production) is
propylene for chemical uses from FCC units in 2003 located on the U.S. Gulf Coast of Texas and
is expected to be 20.0 million tons. However, FCC Louisiana, while only 29% of refinery FCC unit
units actually produced an estimated 14.5 million capacity is located in Texas and 18% of refinery FCC
tons for non-chemical uses and could even potential- capacity is located in Louisiana. Other areas of high
ly produce an estimated additional 19.3 million tons FCC unit capacity concentration are the heavily pop-
with the use of practical levels of high activity cata- ulated areas of California (11%), the Northeast
lyst additives (ZSM-5). (10%), and the Midwest (16%) (Figure 12). Since
most existing petrochemical infrastructure is located
Therefore, global "reserves" of FCC propylene exist on the U.S. Gulf Coast, this poses a challenge to
that could be tapped for petrochemical use, but sev- propylene consumers who seek to access the
eral issues limit the ability to access these "reserves". "reserves" of propylene located in other areas. As
First, the supplies of FCC propylene are often locat- consumers seek this propylene in the future, the
ed in areas far away from the existing infrastructure price of propylene will either incur additional deliv-
for petrochemical production and consumption. ery costs to the existing infrastructure in the U.S.
Historically, demand for transportation and heating Gulf Coast or the dislocated propylene supplies will
fuels has extended to almost every geographic region be consumed by the construction of new derivative
of the world and oil refineries (and FCC units) have plants and associated infrastructure in areas with
been built throughout the world to meet this high concentrations of FCC units.
demand. However, the major demand for basic
petrochemicals has been limited to the most econom- The second issue that limits access to global
ically developed countries, and basic petrochemical "reserves" of FCC propylene for petrochemical use is

the volatility of the underlying alternative internal bined with isobutane to produce a relatively clean,
values for refinery-based propylene. Although some high-octane C7 motor gasoline blending component.
newer refineries were built with the intention to sell The netback value of propylene in the refinery alky-
propylene to a petrochemical consumer, most refiner- lation process is defined as the price of refinery grade
ies have been designed to be self-sufficient on their propylene that a refiner would be willing to pay for
capability to consume by-product propylene either as propylene in order to break-even (zero profit) on
feed to a gasoline production unit (alkylate or making an alkylate gasoline. The propylene alkyla-
dimate) or to be blended with other light hydrocar- tion netback value effectively sets a floor for refinery
bons to make a saleable heating/cooking fuel (LPG or grade propylene prices. (If refinery grade propylene
propane). The values of these internal uses for prices fall below the alkylation netback, then refiners
propylene as an automobile or heating/cooking fuel will consume incremental propylene supplies in alky-
are quite volatile and chemical consumers must lation. Conversely, if refinery grade propylene prices
effectively compete with these values in order to are above the alkylation netback, then refiners will
secure propylene feedstocks. seek to sell more propylene production to petrochem-
ical consumers). The difference between refinery
In the U.S., the most common alternative refinery- grade and polymer/chemical grade propylene prices
internal use for FCC-sourced propylene is as feed- effectively represents the cost of purification.
stock in the alkylation process. Propylene is com-
Figure 13
U.S. Propylene Prices & Alkylation Impact
Cents Per Pound Dollars Per Ton
30 660

25 550

20 440

15 330

10 220

5 110

0 0
'90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05

Texas Alky Value Spot Refinery Grade Contract Polymer Grade

The volatility of the underlying alkylation netback Refinery FCC operators are currently implementing
values for propylene is very much related to the several options to enhance propylene yields. For
motor gasoline markets, which experience seasonal existing units, FCC operators are considering recov-
demand (and price) peaks in the summer months and ering propylene that is currently being consumed
are greatly impacted by crude oil prices (Figure 13). internally in alkylation, dimate, or LPG. This usual-
As more and more "reserves" of refinery-based propy- ly requires investments in separation, storage, and
lene supplies are accessed, alternative valuations logistic facilities, especially if there is not an on-site
for refinery propylene (alkylate, dimate, propane, petrochemical consumer. Some refiners are being
or LPG) will become more important to propylene "courted" by petrochemical companies to allow for
pricing, and propylene producers will have to the construction of on-site derivative plants.
either absorb the volatility associated with this Existing refiners are also examining the use of high
alternative valuation or pass this volatility on to activity catalyst additives (ZSM-5) to essentially dou-
their customers.

Figure 14
World PG/CG Propylene Supply Forecast
Million Tons








90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Stm. Crackers 4.6 / 3.1* Dehydrogenation FCC/Splitters 8.3 / 6.1* Others

*%AAGR 90-03 / %AAGR 03-08

ble or triple their existing propylene yields; however, Steam crackers currently produce most of the worlds
this usually requires not only additional catalyst cost propylene for petrochemical uses, but growth in
but also investment in expansions of light ends han- propylene supplies from this source will be limited
dling systems. Finally, existing refiners are consid- due to slower relative ethylene demand growth and
ering the auxiliary use of novel technologies to fur- associated steam cracker investments and due to the
ther enhance propylene yields, including metathesis use of lighter steam cracker feedstocks (with lower
and higher olefin cracking. For new units, some propylene yields) mainly in the Middle East.
refiners are considering the novel technology of "deep
catalytic cracking" or "high olefin cracking" that FCC units are currently the second largest source of
severely over-cracks gas oil feedstock, producing propylene for petrochemical uses. Like steam crack-
propylene yields up to 20-25 wt.% versus the tradi- ers, growth in propylene supplies available for petro-
tional FCC propylene yield of 3-6 wt.%. The growing chemicals from new investments in FCC units will be
importance of refinery-sourced propylene is shown in insufficient because motor gasoline/distillate
Figure 14. demand grows at much slower rates than propylene.
However, significant profit-enhancing opportunities
Conclusions exist for refining companies with existing invest-
ments in FCC units that can upgrade propylene pro-
The global demand for propylene as a petrochemical duction from internal fuel uses (alkylation, LPG,
intermediate continues to grow at quite strong rates etc.) to petrochemical uses and also increase propy-
(5.8% per year) relative to other chemical and refin- lene yields for petrochemical uses through the use of
ing commodities, mainly due to strong growth rates high activity catalyst additives.
for propylenes primary derivative, polypropylene.

Global Polypropylene Market
Pamela Giordano
Nexant/Chem Systems
White Plains, NY

Recovery is Now Underway In the post-2005 period, the degree of over-supply

will be smaller than it has been historically, due to
As 2003 came to a close, it was clear that the expect- the stabilizing effect of industry consolidation. The
ed recovery for the polyolefin industry had been key drivers for future profitability will be consolida-
delayed yet again. The industry downturn has been tion, lower energy prices, and under-investment.
prolonged by a variety of unforeseen events that Energy prices are projected to remain low in the
had significant impact on global polyolefins markets. post-2005 period ($21/bbl base case). The next cycle
The tragedy of September 11th, successive wars in may be the best in 25 years, with the peak in 2005
Afghanistan and Iraq, political problems in forming a gradually declining plateau, followed by a
Venezuela, natural gas shortages, and the SARS epi- relatively high trough.
demic combined to keep feedstock and energy prices
high while polyolefin demand and prices were low. In North America, polypropylene has also suffered
Historically, cycles in commodity petrochemicals like from severe over-supply. The result has been the
polypropylene have been about eight years long longest period of poor performance in the history of
peak-to-peak, but this one is expected to be close to the industry. The history of margin decline can be
ten years long as seen in Figure 15, with the next traced directly to the 1995 to 2001 timeframe, when
peak forecast for 2005. producers added five billion pounds of new

Figure 15
U.S. Petrochemical Industry Profitability
Cash Cost Margins - Constant Dollars - Cycle Case

4 4 4
4 9 Years 4 7 Years 4 10 Years
Peak-to-Peak Peak-to-Peak Peak-to-Peak
Index, 1982 = 100

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
polypropylene capacity to a 14 billion pound North strong growth in some markets. But since approxi-
American market. Cash cost margin for U.S. Gulf mately 65% of polypropylene consumption goes into
Coast polypropylene producers can be seen in Figure durable products like appliances and automotive
16. parts, economic downturns have a direct impact on
demand growth. With global economies now improv-
Over the past few years, the sustained lower pricing ing, a strong recovery for polypropylene is expected
and versatile properties of polypropylene versus cer- in 2004 and 2005. Global demand for polypropylene
tain competing materials have helped bolster very is expected to grow between six and seven percent

Figure 16
Cash Cost Margin

Cents per Pound


'90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03

Figure 17
Global Polypropylene Demand by Region
Thousand Metric Tons






2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010

North America South America

Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe
Middle East/Africa Total Asia

per year from 2003 through 2010 as seen in Figure global polypropylene leaders have exerted greater
17. This growth forecast has been lowered slightly influence on supply/demand dynamics by closing
from earlier estimates to reflect propylene shortages capacity when margins were unacceptable. Nearly
and the resulting impact on polypropylene pricing 1.6 billion pounds of polypropylene capacity was
and supply dynamics. closed in North America alone over the past two
years, and little new capacity has been announced.
The Impact of Producer Consolidation Producers have also begun to partially "uncouple"
polypropylene and propylene prices, increasing the
Consolidation in the polyolefin industry over the past influence of industry operating rates on market
few years has resulted in improved discipline among prices. With operating rates now climbing, some
suppliers, particularly in North America and idled capacity will be restarted in 2004 and 2005,
Western Europe. Over 20 major polyolefin compa- but with North American demand growing over 5%
nies have merged into seven leading global producers per year, a new world-scale polypropylene plant will
with increased market influence; be needed in 2004 and 2005. Suppliers could poten-
tially be sold out in 2005. Figure 18 demonstrates a
Basell: Elenac, Targor, BASF, changing global pattern for new polypropylene
Hoechst, Montell, Shell capacity:
BP: Amoco, Arco, BP, Solvay
ChevronPhillips: Chevron, Phillips Fewer new plants are being planned;
Dow: Dow, Union Carbide Most are outside North America - lower cost
Equistar: Lyondell, Millennium, and fastest growth is in developing regions
ExxonMobil: Exxon and Mobil Polypropylene production will increase in regions
Borealis: Borealis, PCD with low-cost feedstock, and product focus will be on
commodity polymers for domestic and export mar-
Other mergers and acquisitions have occurred as kets. Producers in regions with higher feedstock
well, including Sabic and DSM, NOVA and DuPont costs will continue to limit expansions and differen-
Canada, and there is major restructuring underway tiate process and polymer technology to supply more
in the Japanese petrochemical industry. The new profitable markets.

Figure 18
Global Polypropylene Capacity Additions by Region
(1000 Metric Tons/Year)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

North America Latin America Europe Asia Mid East

The limited number of polypropylene expansions as force the development of alternative on-purpose
over the next few years will be driven by: technologies. Propylene yields of 20% or more from
Leading producers determination to keep supply FCC units are becoming possible with catalyst tech-
and demand in balance to improve profitability; nology from Davison Catalysts (APEX project). The
Limited capital for expansions as debt is new technology is currently in the commercialization
refinanced; stage, and a first application in an FCC unit is
Propylene supply constraints in most regions expected to take place in 2004.
beyond 2004.
On-purpose routes include propane dehydrogenation
The Propylene Issue (PDH), olefin metathesis, olefin inter-conversion (e.g.
SUPERFLEXTM by KBR), deep catalytic cracking,
Propylene derivative demand growth will begin to and gas-based routes like methanol-to-propylene
outpace propylene availability by 2004, mainly driv- (MTP) and methanol-to-olefins (MTO). Only PDH,
en by high growth in global polypropylene markets. olefin metathesis, and deep catalytic cracking have
Many regions continue to experience higher growth been commercially tested, while Statoil and UOP are
for propylene than for ethylene, which has caused testing the MTO route in pilot scale. MTO produc-
supply/demand imbalances in propylene and increas- tion is very capital intensive because it requires con-
ing propylene-to-ethylene(P/E) demand ratios as struction of a "mega-methanol" plant. Propane
seen in Figure 19. The propylene-to-ethylene price dehydrogenation is particularly attractive in regions
ratios will also continue to increase. with large quantities of low-cost propane like the
Middle East, where government incentives are
U.S. refineries have been able to bridge the propy- aggressively promoting production of
lene supply gap for the most part by using new zeo- propane/propylene derivatives. Many integrated
lite fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts, but the PDH and propylene derivative plants will be con-
availability of propylene from FCC units outside the structed in the Middle East over the next few years.
U.S. is limited as seen in Figure 20. Brazil, China, Most of the propylene produced in the region will be
and the U.S. are among the few countries with refin- consumed captively for polypropylene. Due to rela-
ery propylene currently available for petrochemicals. tively low demand for polypropylene in the region,
and excellent logistics for supplying Europe and fast-
Given what appears to be a structural problem with growing Asian markets, the Middle East will become
the propylene supply side, new innovations are a huge net exporter of polypropylene resin over the
expected to enhance supply from refineries, as well next decade as seen in Figure 21.

Figure 19
U.S. Ethylene and Propylene Growth Comparison
40,000 0.7

u u
Thousand Metric Tons

u u u u u
u u u u u
u u u
u u u u u u

P/E Ratio
20,000 0.52
15,000 0.4


0 0.2
80 982 984 986 988 990 992 994 996 998 000 002
19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

Ethylene Propylene u P/E ratio Linear (P/E ratio)

Figure 20
Propylene Sources by Region, 2002






North Latin EMEA Japan East Asia
America America

FCC Propane Dehydro Steam Cracker

Figure 21
Global PP Trade in 1990, 2000, and 2010

Thousand Metric Tons





United Canada Latin Western Eastern Middle Africa Japan East Oceania
States America Europe Europe East Asia

1990 2000 2010

Conclusions supply on polypropylene growth in the future, since

polypropylene accounts for over 60% of global
New technology continues to play a major role in propylene consumption. New propylene supply from
polypropylene market development. Research work alternate sources implies higher propylene prices to
on new polypropylene catalysts and polymers make these routes economically viable. This will
remains strong despite the polymers maturity, and push polypropylene prices up, reducing its partici-
new, enhanced polypropylene resins continue to pation in low-end commodity market sectors, but
make inroads in non-traditional markets. In increasing its value in differentiated applications.
essence, the value in use for polypropylene, which Changing feedstock costs and demand in different
has been historically undervalued, keeps expanding. regions will result in a shift in global polypropylene
Of major concern is the impact of limited propylene production and trade patterns in the future.

Meeting Propylene Demands
SUPERFLEX Technology
Curtis Eng, Ray Orriss and Michael Tallman
KBR Olefins Technology
Houston, TX

Polypropylene continues to drive the need for addi- gives a summary of major propylene production tech-
tional propylene, especially in developing countries. nologies as a function of feed source.
Most of todays propylene is a result of byproduct
recovery from either steam crackers or from refinery Currently, steam cracking and refinery operations
conversion processes such as FCC operations. As constitute over 97% of the propylene produced today.
such, the byproduct propylene from these sources Clearly, alternative routes to propylene will gain
can grow only as fast as the growth for ethylene or prominence as producers seek to leverage their exist-
transportation fuels. Ethylene growth rates have ing assets and available internal streams to find an
lagged propylene growth rates and will continue to optimum solution for meeting the demand for propy-
do so in the future. Similarly, the growth rate of lene. SUPERFLEX technology can be a solution to
transportation fuels is several times lower than meeting the propylene gap in the future.
propylene. In addition, the shifting of steam cracker
feedstocks to lighter feeds produces less propylene SUPERFLEX Overview
byproduct, which could result in a regional propy-
lene shortages requiring alternative on-purpose SUPERFLEX is a fluidized catalytic cracking tech-
propylene technologies. nology which converts olefinic streams from petro-
chemical or refinery sources to significant amounts
Feed Sources For Propylene of propylene and ethylene. Ideal streams can be:

Very simplistically, significant amounts of propylene Mixed C4s from a refinery or steam cracker,
can be made from feeds as light as methane to heavy Raffinate 1 or Raffinate 2;
oils from atmospheric tower bottoms (ATB). In most Mixed C5s from a refinery or steam cracker,
cases, it is unrealistic for the existing propylene pro- amylenes, TAME feed or raffinate;
ducer to import large amounts of new feedstocks for Light cracked naphtha from a steam cracker, FCC
propylene production, rather the best source may be unit, coker or visbreaker;
with low value or problematic internal streams with- Olefinic streams from Fischer Tropsch or other
in the producers refinery or steam cracker. Table II processes

Table II
Propylene Production Technologies
Feed Process Status Ultimate C3H6
Yield % of Feed

Methane Indirect, Methanol To Olefins, No commercial units yet 25-40%

methanol over custom catalyst

Ethylene Metathesis, requires clean, high Commercialized at Lyondell 90-95%

+ Butene purity olefins for reaction
Propane Dehydrogenation Several plants, but key is 80-85%
cost-effective propane pricing
Paraffins Conventional steam cracking Propylene recovered as a 13-16%
byproduct, the primary source
of propylene
C4-C10 Olefins inter-conversion over SASOL SUPERFLEX unit 40-50%
Olefinic proprietary ZSM-5 based will startup in late 2005
Gas oil Conventional FCC unit 2nd major source of propylene 4-7%
but fairly low fuels growth
Gas oil High severity FCC unit with Many variations, including 15-25%
proprietary ZSM-5 based KBRs MAXOFINSM
ATB High severity resid FCC with No commercial units, although 25-30%
specialized catalyst additives quite a bit of research by many

Lyondell Chemical Company (formerly Arco all yields as a function of feedstock type. Overall,
Chemical Company) is the developer and owner of ultimate propylene plus ethylene yields between 50-
SUPERFLEX technology. In 1998, KBR became the 70% can be achieved with olefinic feedstocks and the
exclusive worldwide licensor of SUPERFLEX. In recycle to extinction of unconverted C4/C5s from the
this role, KBR is entirely responsible for supporting reactor.
the technology, including the marketing, sales, devel-
opment, engineering and commercial aspects of A simplified flow sheet for the SUPERFLEX process
SUPERFLEX. is shown in Figure 23. The reactor system employs
elements of KBRs FCC technology, backed by 65
SUPERFLEX uses a fluid riser type reactor, quite years of experience and over 120 commercial units.
similar to a FCC reactor, to convert hydrocarbon After feed preheat, the feed is converted in the riser
feeds, typically in the C4-C8 carbon range, to pre- before the gas is separated from catalyst fines in the
dominately propylene. Generally, the higher the upper disengager. Heat is recovered from the gas,
olefin content of the feed, the higher the propylene and the catalyst fines removed in an oil wash col-
yield. The original intent of the technology was to umn. The cooled gas is then sent to the recovery sec-
convert available, low value streams to high value tion for the production of polymer grade olefins.
petrochemical light olefins. In addition to propylene, Catalyst from the upper disengager is stripped and
the major byproducts are ethylene and a highly aro- regenerated in the lower section of the KBR convert-
matic gasoline stream. Figure 22 gives typical over- er, and the catalyst returned to the riser reactor.

Figure 22
Typical SUPERFLEX Ultimate Yields

Ultimate Yield, Wt.%


C2 -
Mixed Mixed Light Cat Light
C4 C5 Naphtha Coker
Compared to similar inter-conversion processes from In the SASOL facility, the feed to the SUPERFLEX
others, SUPERFLEX is clearly differentiated with reactor will be a Fischer-Tropsch derived hydrocar-
several process advantages, as follows: bon fraction in the C4 C11 range containing paraf-
fins, olefins, and oxygenates. The olefin cut further
The reaction temperature is high, leading to high includes a mixture of n-olefins and iso-olefins with
conversions with a higher propylene and much off-cuts of varying composition including both alpha
higher ethylene yields; and internal olefins. The feed also contains an appre-
Further, at these high temperatures, there is ciable amount of oxygenates which is processed in
significant conversion of both paraffins and the SUPERFLEX reactor without any prior separa-
naphthenes in the feed, as well as olefins; tion or purification, and converted to valuable light
With a substantial conversion of most species in olefin products.
the feed, SUPERFLEX can truly operate in a total
recycle mode, returning unconverted olefins, The reactor will have a production capacity of
paraffins and naphthenes in the effluent back to approximately 250,000 metric tons per year of propy-
the reactor. lene and approximately 150,000 metric tons per year
of ethylene. The reactor effluent will be combined
SASOL SUPERFLEX Unit with other olefins streams for the ultimate produc-
tion of approximately 500,000 metric tons per year of
In October 2002, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) propylene and approximately 200,000 metric tons
announced the award of a basic design engineering per year of ethylene using a KBR proprietary recov-
package for a high-capacity propylene and ethylene ery scheme.
production facility for Sasol Technology Pty (SASOL)
in Secunda, Republic of South Africa. This facility is The SUPERFLEX cracking process will produce
part of SASOLs Synfuels Catalytic Cracker Project. other byproduct streams that meet SASOLs needs.
The heart of this new production facility is the The C4 cut from the plant will be rich in iso-buty-
SUPERFLEX reactor technology licensed by KBR. lene and used as a feed stream for SASOLs exist-
The technology meets SASOLs ethylene and propy- ing Cat Poly Unit. The C5+ gasoline product will be
lene needs and provides solutions to SASOLs clean
a valuable high-octane (RON+MON)/2 > 100)
fuels requirements, as well as supplying other valu-
blending component. Finally, significant amounts
able by-products. With this project, SASOL will
of ethane (cracked for additional ethylene produc-
become the first operator of the new SUPERFLEX
tion), and propane (recovered and sold as LPG
process when the unit starts up in late 2005.
product) are produced.

Figure 23
Simplified SUPERFLEX Flow Scheme

C4/C5 Recycle R
Converter C

stack Fuel
Flue Gas Oil Propylene
Y C6+

Regn Air

SUPERFLEX Applications However, coupling the SUPERFLEX concepts with

MAXOFIN technology leads to a patented process
In addition to stand-alone units, SUPERFLEX can that increases propylene yields to as much as 25
play an important role when integrated in ethylene wt.%, or about ten percentage points above high
plants or refineries: severity FCC units from others;

Steam Cracker Integration: Integration of SUPER- Aromatics Production: The SUPERFLEX gasoline
FLEX in a steam cracker can lead to a shift in the is quite rich in BTX. This can be recovered sepa-
propylene/ethylene ratio from about 0.5 to at least rately as another high value product;
0.6. This is achieved by selectively hydrogenating
the mixed C4 stream and sending this and the mixed Conclusions
C5s to the SUPERFLEX reactor. There is an added
benefit of making additional ethylene. Or if the SUPERFLEX technology will continue to play a
added ethylene is not needed, then the feed to the strategic role in meeting future propylene demands
steam cracker can be reduced significantly, as in a cost effective manner. Both refiners and ethyl-
SUPERFLEX makes substantial amounts of ethyl- ene plant owners will benefit from the conversion of
ene; low value or problematic internal streams to high
value light olefins. Because of the robust and flexi-
Upgrade Refinery Streams: Should mixed C4s or ble nature of the technology, SUPERFLEX will
enable the producer to convert a wide variety of low
light cracked naphtha have a low internal value,
cost feeds into higher margin propylene and ethyl-
SUPERFLEX can be added to convert these streams
to higher value products;
Petrochemical Refinery: Many producers are con-
sidering moving into higher value petrochemicals as
The authors graciously acknowledge the permission
opposed to low margin transportation fuels. There
and support of SASOL, especially Sias Swart and
are conversion technologies such as a high severity
Francois Moeller, in the preparation of this informa-
gas oil FCC technology (KBR MAXOFIN) that could
deliver large amounts of propylene from a refinery.

Propylene S U

Solutions SCORETM

Your Keys

to success.

F or over 50 years, KBR has provided solutions for the olefins
and refining industries. With recent technological innovations,
KBR is uniquely positioned to help you meet your propylene
production requirements. Your keys for achieving efficient routes to
and high yields of propylene are with KBRs proprietary technologies:

*SUPERFLEXTM Convert C4-C8 olefinic streams in a fluid riser bed

reactor to predominately propylene.

SCORETM Make significant amounts of propylene via steam cracking.

MAXOFINSM Use gas oil and heavy oils in an enhanced, high-olefins

FCC unit for maximum propylene yield.

These cost effective technologies combined with KBRs experience

and in-depth knowledge are your keys to success in the propylene

*SUPERFLEXTM is a trademark of Lyondell Chemical Company.

Technology Worldwide Headquarters

601 Jefferson Ave. 4100 Clinton Dr.
Houston, TX 77002 Houston, TX 77020
Tel: 713.753.2000 Tel: 713.753.3011
Fax: 713.753.6644 KA036 2003 Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. a Halliburton company All rights reserved
ExxonMobil Chemical Licensing

Available for licensing
State-of-the-art technology
tested and demonstrated in
many ExxonMobil Chemical
and licensee plants around
the world
Olefins Leading steam cracking
technology, combining the highest
ethylene yield with low investment
and operating costs

Aromatics Industry-recognized,
leading-edge technologies for the
production of paraxylene, benzene,
ethylbenzene and cumene will keep
you at the forefront

Polymers The most flexible high-

pressure process for the production of
low-density polyethylene in autoclave or
tubular reactors

Catalysts Cutting-edge catalyst technology

for unique applications in refining and petro-
chemical processes

Licensed technology from ExxonMobil Chemical.

A wise investment for your future.



For a complete overview, visit the Technology section of our web site
at or call (281) 834-5710.
Certain technologies are licensed through cooperations with other leading companies like
Univation Technologies, KBR, Stone & Webster, Axens and others.
2004 Exxon Mobil Corporation. The terms corporation, ExxonMobil, ExxonMobil Chemical, our and its, as used in this advertisement, some-
times refer not only to ExxonMobil Chemical Company, a division of Exxon Mobil Corporation, but collectively to all of the companies affiliated
with Exxon Mobil Corporation or to any one or more of them or their employees. License terms subject to final agreement.
On-Purpose Propylene from
Olefinic Streams
Michael W. Bedell
ExxonMobil Process Research Laboratories
Baton Rouge, LA

Philip A. Ruziska
ExxonMobil Chemical Company
Baytown, TX

Todd R. Steffens
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
Fairfax, VA

Abstract Propylene Needs

ExxonMobil recently completed development of a Propylene is one of the fastest growing petrochemi-
new, on-purpose propylene technology based on cat- cals, driven primarily by the high growth rate of
alytic naphtha cracking, called the ExxonMobil polypropylene (Figure 24). Polypropylene demand
PCCSM Process. This process offers significant advan- currently is growing in the U.S. at 5%/year, and in
tages over prior systems. The development of this some regions of the world, the growth rate is consid-
technology was driven by the need for increased vol- erably higher.
umes of propylene to supplement supplies of propy-
lene currently produced as co-products in steam While steam cracking continues to supply most of the
cracking and fluid catalytic cracking. The PCC world's propylene, there is an increasing need for
Process provides a means of converting olefin mole- propylene from other sources. The growth in steam
cules in naphthas to high value ethylene, propylene, cracker capacity is driven by the need for ethylene,
and, optionally, butylene. In addition, hydrogen con- and co-product propylene production is not keeping
sumption and octane loss are reduced in subsequent up with propylene demand growth. Furthermore,
hydroprocessing of the naphtha required to meet low much of the new steam cracking capacity is based on
sulfur mogas regulations. ethane feed, which produces little propylene.

Figure 24
50M Ton Propylene Market Driven by Polypropylene
Propylene Oxo-Alcohol
Oxide 9%
7% 10%

source: CMAI

Propylene production from FCC units is the second Production of such large volumes of propylene from
most important source of worldwide petrochemical olefinic naphtha and C4 cracking requires large vol-
propylene supply. As demand has increased, refiners umes of olefinic feedstock. By far, the largest source
have been able to increase propylene production in of olefinic feedstock molecules is cat naphtha from
FCC units (FCCU) by optimizing catalyst, ZSM-5 FCCU, an order of magnitude larger than that avail-
additive and operating conditions. In the U.S., FCC able from steam cracking. Depending on the FCC
propylene has, in fact, surpassed steam cracker feed, processing conditions, and naphtha cut range,
propylene as the largest source of U.S. petrochemical cat naphtha may contain as much as 60% olefins,
propylene supply. However, the potential for addi- which makes it ideal for catalytic conversion to
tional production of propylene in existing FCC units propylene. Figure 26 illustrates the relationship of
(FCCU) is limited by the capacity of the units and an integrated process scheme. Catalytic conversion
the cost to debottleneck. of cat naphtha olefins to propylene before hydrotreat-
ment converts most of the contained olefins to light
New on-purpose propylene technologies will be olefins, thereby further minimizing the potential for
required to provide the additional supplies of propy- octane loss in hydrotreatment. Concentration of the
lene needed to meet the growth projections. Several higher octane aromatics, plus paraffin isomerization,
on-purpose propylene technologies are available, provides an increase in octane level of the residual
such as propane dehydrogenation and metathesis, naphtha.
but have seen only limited applicability. Propane
dehydro requires high investment and both technolo- ExxonMobil PCC Process
gies require opportunistic feedstock economics. A
newly emerging technology involving catalytic crack- ExxonMobil now is pleased to announce the develop-
ing of olefinic naphthas and/or C4's can now be con- ment of a new fluid solids naphtha cracking process
sidered as well. called the ExxonMobil PCC Process (Propylene
Catalytic Cracking). The PCC Process employs an
Olefin Cracking for Propylene optimum catalyst, reactor design, and patented com-
bination of optimum operating conditions to achieve
Catalytic cracking of olefinic streams to produce pri- a high degree of reaction selectivity and provide PCC
marily propylene along with ethylene and butylenes with economic advantages over prior fluid solids con-
has been described by several companies in recent figurations. These patented conditions and process
years. These processes are characterized by the use configuration are designed to minimize the down-
of specially designed ZSM-5 catalysts to convert grade of gasoline molecules to fuel components.
higher molecular weight olefins and paraffins to
lighter olefins, with propylene being the olefin prod-
uct having highest yield (Figure 25).

Figure 25
Reaction Equilibration in Catalytic Naphtha

Wt.% of Total Non-Cyclic Olefins 3 Product Feeds

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Carbon Number

These conditions also produce product C2 and C3 line regulations. These characteristics provide PCC
streams that are highly concentrated in olefin con- with economic advantages over prior fluid solids con-
tent, resulting in lower investment for product recov- figurations, as well as alternate on-purpose propy-
ery. Specifically, the PCC reactor produces propylene lene technologies, and are summarized in Table III.
at the concentration required for chemical grade
propylene (95%), thereby avoiding costly product ExxonMobil recently has completed the development
fractionation. In addition, the optimized conditions of this new PCC Process. The development program
minimize the production of aromatics, which will be has involved extensive testing in ExxonMobils pilot
an important consideration in meeting future gaso- facilities.

Figure 26
PCC Integration with FCC

Fluid Catalytic Cracker Propylene Catalytic Cracker

FCC: Primarily catalytic C4- minus

cracking of side chains
and saturated rings Chemical
PCC: Selective catalytic Naphtha
PCC Propylene
cracking of olefins
provides advantage
Distillate Improved
Improved Mogas to meet Mogas
emerging regulatory Blendstock
environment VGO
Feed Bottoms

ExxonMobil PCCSM Process

Table III
Characteristics of PCC vs. Other Naphtha Cracking Processes

ExxonMobil Other Fluid Fixed Bed Propane

PCC Bed Processes Dehydro

Robust Reaction
Environment Yes Yes No Yes
Feed Flexibility Yes Yes Limited No
Selective Olefin
conversion Yes No Unknown n/a
recovery cost Low High Unknown High
Residual naphtha
aromatics content Moderate High Unknown n/a

Conclusions References

Fluid solids processing has been found to be prefer- [1] Chang, T., "Worldwide Ethylene Capacity Grows in Spite of
able for on-purpose production of large volumes of Warnings", Oil & Gas Journal, March 30, 1998, 41-55.
propylene from a wide variety of olefinic streams.
[2] Chem Systems Report, "Ethylene/Propylene", 96/97-6, March
ExxonMobil has developed and optimized the design 1997.
of its new PCC Process in order to provide a cost
effective, best-in-class on-purpose propylene process. [3] Chem Systems Report, "Routes to Propylene", 97/98S3,
February, 2000.
PCC technology builds upon ExxonMobil's extensive
FCC and light olefin production background. [4] Ladwig, P.K., "Process for Selectively Producing Light
ExxonMobil Chemical currently is developing plans Olefins in a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process", U.S. Patent
to implement this technology at one of its own petro- 6,069,287.
chemical sites, as well as evaluating making the
[5] "Propylur Route Boosts Propylene Production", European
technology available for licensing. Chemical News, March 27 - April 2, 2000, 47.

[6] Richards, D., "Ethylene Producers Wary as Economy Slows",

Chemical Market Reporter, Dec. 11, 2000, 5.

[7] Stell, J., "2000 Worldwide Refining Survey", Oil & Gas Journal,
Dec. 18, 2000, 110 - 119.

[8] "U.S. Polypropylene Demand to Expand 6%/Year",

Hydrocarbon Processing, October, 2000, 23.

[9] Ware, R. A., "Mobil Olefins Interconversion Technology (MOI)

- A Flexible Propylene Production Alternative", presented at Chem
Systems' Annual U.S. Chemical Conference, Jan. 27 - 28, 1999.

[10] "Wasted or Wanted - Who Values Propylene?", European

Chemical News, November 6-12, 2000, 56-59.

Advanced Catalytic Cracking
Technologies for Production of
Light Olefins from Low Cost
Refinery Based Feedstocks
Dilip Dharia, Warren Letzsch and Lark Chapin
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation
Houston, TX

The changing supply and demand situation for was originally developed jointly by Sinopec and the
propylene, as described in detail by CMAI (1, and Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) in
article in this issue), will force refiners to put addi- China. Stone & Webster (S&W) is the exclusive
tional emphasis on recovering propylene from FCC licensor of the technology outside of China.
units. The two key approaches are:
DCC Process & Product Yields
Maximize recovery of propylene from existing units
and increase propylene production by using The DCC flow scheme is similar to that of a conven-
additives and new catalysts. tional Fluid Catalytic Cracker (FCC) unit. The main
Build new catalytic cracking units, such as Deep fractionator and light ends recovery use the same
Catalytic Cracking with high yields of propylene basic configuration with the necessary adjustments
(20 to 25 wt.%). required for different yield structures. DCC opera-
tion is similar to FCC in the way the catalyst is han-
Deep Catalytic Cracking (DCC) dled and regenerated. DCC is in fact an extension of
FCC technology, with more severe operating condi-
Deep Catalytic Cracking is a commercially proven tions compared to FCC, but less severe compared to
fluid catalytic process for selectively cracking a wide steam cracking (SC) as summarized in Table IV.
variety of hydrocarbon feedstocks to light olefins,
particularly propylene and isobutylene (2, 3). DCC Maximum typical yields for a DCC unit operating in
a propylene mode are shown in Table V. DCC pro-

Table IV
Typical Operating Parameters


Reactor Temp., C 500-550 505-575 560-650 760-870

Residence Time, Seconds 1-3 1-10 1-3 0.1-0.2
Press., Atm. 1-2 0.7-1.5 0.8 1
Cat/Oil, (w/w) 5-10 7-15 15-25 -
Steam Dilution Rate, 1-6 6-30 30-50 30-80
wt.% of Feed
duces significantly less dry gas and more LPG than The lack of secondary exothermic hydrogen transfer
SC and more dry gas and LPG compared to FCC. reactions results in a much higher heat of reaction.
This is what would be expected, since the SC opera- The combination of the higher endothermic heat of
tion is predominantly thermal cracking while DCC is reaction with the higher reactor temperature leads to
mainly catalytic cracking. The ethylene content is a higher coke yield for the process.
three to four times greater in DCC than in FCC.
To meet polymer grade propylene specifications, a
The C5+ naphtha from the DCC has a high octane number of purification and processing steps need to
92.9 (R+M)/2, is rich in BTX components and is suit- be included. Typical contaminants which need to be
able for extraction, if desired. The naphtha may removed are mercaptans, sulfur, COS, arsine and
need to be selectively hydrotreated to improve its water. The ethylene contents are high enough to
stability. make recovery worthwhile in a nearby ethylene

Table V
TPI DCC Yields
Test date 1998 1997
Feedstock HT Arabian light VGO plus HT Arabian light VGO plus
6.5% DAO and 11% Wax 7% Wax
Catalyst CRP-1 20% CRP-1 and 80% CRP-S
Reactor temp/C 565 559
C2- 11.6 10.3
C3+C4 41.5 40.0
C5+naphtha 35.7 31.9
RON 98.5 99.3
MON 85.3 85.3
Olefin Yields/wt.%
Ethylene 5.3 5.1
Propylene 18.5 17.4
Bytylenes 13.3 11.0
In which
Isobutylene 5.9 4.8

DCC Feedstock these catalysts in 1997 and in 1998. The propylene
yield of both test runs exceeded the design value of
DCC uses various types of heavy feeds such as: VGO, 16.7 wt.%. The naphtha octane values are high due
hydrotreated VGO, deasphalted oil, lube oil waxes, to the high aromatics and iso-olefin content. The
coker gas oils and atmospheric residue. isobutylene selectivity was excellent resulting in
near equilibrium concentrations (44 wt.% of the total
DCC Catalyst butylenes).

DCC catalysts are designed to possess the following Currently, the TPI plant is running at 120% of its
characteristics: high matrix activity for the primary original design capacity with more than 30 wt.%
cracking of the heavy hydrocarbons; modified meso- atmospheric residue oil in the feedstock. Although
pore zeolite with a pentasil structure for the second- the feedstock is much heavier, the propylene yield is
ary cracking of gasoline; high skeletal isomerization just below the design value.
activity; and low hydrogen transfer. A series of DCC
catalysts has been formulated to meet DCC process- Catalytic Pyrolysis Process (CPP)
ing objectives, such as low delta coke and high met-
als tolerance, required for processing resids. Todays very competitive environment and the supply
and demand situation for light olefins and petroleum
DCC Commercial Experience products are forcing refiners and petrochemical pro-
ducers to integrate their facilities to improve profit
DCC is well proven commercially with seven DCC margins. If they have a choice, refiners would like:
units in operation with a total feed rate of more than
three million tons per year and over 50 years of com- A process that offers the flexibility to use heavier
bined operating experience. The light olefin yields and less expensive feedstocks to produce both
that are consistently produced in these units are list- ethylene and propylene;
ed in Table VI. A process that enhances ethylene and propylene
yields, as well as provides control over the E/P ratio
In mid-1997, the first Stone & Webster designed and of his product slate so profitability can be
engineered DCC complex was successfully commis- maximized at all times.
sioned in Thailand for Thai Petrochemical Industries
(4). CRP-S catalyst was developed with lower activ- A new catalytic cracking process has been developed
ity specifically for start-up operation. CRP-1 was by RIPP and Sinopec that meets these requirements.
used for all subsequent makeup additions. Table V S&W in conjunction with RIPP/Sinopec is offering
shows the results of two test runs conducted with this new process known as the Catalytic Pyrolysis

Table VI
DCC Light Olefin Yields

Refinery Daqing Anqing TPI Jinan Jinan

Feedstock Paraffinic Naphthenic Arabian Intermediate base
Reaction temp/C 545 550 565 564 530
Olefin Yields/wt.%
Ethylene 3.7 3.5 5.3 5.3 1.8
Propylene 23.0 18.6 18.5 19.2 14.4
Butylenes 17.3 13.8 13.3 13.2 11.4
Isobutylene 6.9 5.7 5.9 5.2 4.8
Isoamylenes - - - - 5.9

Table VII
CPP Commercial Test Operating Conditions and Product Yields

Table VIIa Feedstock Properties

Density(20C), g/cm3 0.9012

CCR, wt.% 4.7
Hydrogen, wt.% 12.84
Sulfur, wt.% 0.16
Nitrogen, wt.% 0.25
Nickel, ppmw 6.3
Composition, wt.%
Saturates 55.5
Aromatics 28.0
Resin 15.7
Asphaltene 0.8

Table VIIb Operating Conditions & Product Yields

Operating Conditions
Feed rate, t/h 9.73 8.00 5.90
Reaction temp. C 576 610 640
Reaction pres. MPa(g) 0.08 0.08 0.08
Regeneration temp. C 720 725 760
WHSV, h-1 2.5 4.0 no bed
Catalyst/oil ratio 14.5 16.9 21.1
Steam/oil ratio 0.30 0.37 0.51
Product Yield, wt.%
H2S 0.08 0.08 0.08
C2- 17.73 26.50 37.48
C3 C4 43.97 36.86 28.72
C5+ Naphtha 17.94 17.76 14.96
LCO 11.82 9.05 8.00
Coke 8.46 9.75 10.76
100.00 100.00 100.00
Olefin Yield, wt.%
Ethylene 9.77 13.71 20.37
Propylene 24.60 21.45 18.23
Butylenes 13.19 11.34 7.52

Process utilizing its expertise in both FCC and ethyl- peratures as high as 650C and the highest amount
ene technologies. of dilution steam (50 %). The intermediate mode of
CPP operation (CPP-2), as expected, operates
CPP is an extension of FCC; it is actually a hybrid of between the two aforementioned modes. Major oper-
FCC and conventional steam cracking technology ating parameters and product distribution are shown
with the following features (5): in Tables VII.

Proprietary zeolite catalyst developed by RIPP that The commercial trial showed that the production of
promotes both free radical and carbenium ion ethylene and propylene was 20.37 wt.% and 18.23
cracking mechanisms; wt.%, respectively, when producing maximum ethyl-
Specialized operating conditions in terms of ene and was 9.77 wt.% and 24.60 wt.% when produc-
temperature, hydrocarbon partial pressure and ing maximum propylene as shown in Table VII. This
space velocity. The CPP process operates at a process is unique because it gives the operator the
higher temperature with more steam than that for ability of changing the propylene to ethylene ratio by
FCC or DCC, as shown in Table IV. However, they changing the process operating conditions. The feed
are significantly less severe than steam cracking. cost of CPP is much lower for producing ethylene and
propylene compared with a steam cracker.
Of note is that the most severe CPP operation tested
to date can be tolerated in most modern RFCC units CPP Unit Integration with a Steam Cracker
as the upper regeneration limit is 760C and the
upper reaction temperature is 650C. CPP can be integrated with a steam cracker as
shown in Figure 27, offering very attractive econom-
CPP Feedstock ics. In this integrated scheme, only the front-end of a
CPP unit is required, consisting of the reac-
CPP produces ethylene and propylene from VGO or tor/regenerator section and the main fractionator.
heavy oil feedstocks. In general, all feeds applicable CPP produces a gasoline and lighter product stream
for FCC operation can be used in CPP. Blending from the overhead of the main fractionator that is
residua into the feed can help with the heat balance, very similar in composition to the cracked gas stream
as the heat of reaction and severity of operation are from the overheads of the primary fractionator in an
significantly elevated over a conventional FCC oper- olefins facility that cracks primarily liquid feed-
ation. stocks. Hence, the overheads of the CPP main frac-
tionator feed the olefins unit water quench tower.
CPP Commercial Trial The remainder of the olefins facility, i.e. the cracked
gas compressor and the product recovery systems, is
Three test cases were conducted using a Daqing designed the same as an olefin plant to separate and
crude feed blend of 45% VGO blended with 55% VTB. purify the gasoline and lighter gases into the desired
The three modes of operation were as follows: maxi- products.
mum propylene (Mode 1), maximum ethylene (Mode
3) and an intermediate between the two (Mode 2). This configuration is applicable for both expansion of
The maximum propylene mode of operation (CPP-1) an existing olefins facility or as a part of a new
operates at the lowest severity with the lowest steam olefins complex. The scheme offers significant
requirement. The maximum ethylene mode (CPP-3) advantages such as lower feedstock cost, feedstock
operates at the highest severity with reaction tem- flexibility and control over P/E ratio.

Figure 27
Ethylene/CPP Unit Integration
Stone and Webster World-Leading Olefin Technology

C4/C5 Fuel Gas

Cracked Gas C2=

C3 =
Naphtha Pygas
or Cracked Gas
SC Furnace

Conclusion References

The refining and petrochemical industries are seek- [1] Zinger, Stephen J., "Demanding Customers & Erratic Supply:
ing lower cost routes for propylene production. DCC The Challenges of Managing C3 and C4 Olefin Business", CMAI
is commercially well proven and offers a reliable low- World Petrochemical Conference, March 2003, Houston, TX,
cost route to propylene using heavy, less expensive [2] Zaiting, Li, Fukang, Jiang; Chaogang, Xie; and Youhao, Xu;
feedstocks. The process enables the refiner to extend "DCC Technology and Its Commercial Experience", China
his product slate into higher margin petrochemicals. Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, No. 4,
December 2000.
A new CPP process has emerged based on proven [3] Peiling, Zhou; "Integration of a DCC Unit into a Refinery",
FCC and DCC technologies to produce light olefins Hydrocarbon Engineering, October, 1997.
from heavy feedstocks. This new process offers very
attractive economics coupled with feed and product [4] Fu, Andrew; Hunt, David; Bonilla, Jorge; and Batachari,
Andrew; "Deep Catalytic Cracking Plant Produces Propylene in
flexibilities when integrated with a steam cracker. Thailand", Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 12, 1998.

[5] Swaty, Tim; McCue, Dick; Chapin, Lark; Letzsch, Warren; and
Dharia, Dilip, "Catalytic Pyrolysis Process (CPP) and Its
Integration with a Refinery and a Petrochemical Plant", Fifth
International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, January
2003, New Delhi, India.


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A New FCC Process Upgrades
Gasoline and Maximizes
T. Ino and Y. Fujiyama
Nippon Oil Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
H. Redhwi, A. Aitani and M. R. Saeed
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Introduction Process features of HS-FCC

The FCC unit continues to be the dominant conver- The process scheme of the HS-FCC process consists
sion process in the petroleum refinery, and increas- of several steps such as reaction, stripping, regener-
ingly its desired product slate is being shifted toward ation, and separation. Oil feedstock is dispersed with
light olefins production. The product slate from the steam and fed to the system, then contacted with the
fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit looks attractive hot regenerated catalyst in a downer reactor and is
when propylene is desired. Despite the technologies catalytically cracked. Coke deposited on the catalyst
available to increase light olefins production in the is stripped with steam and transferred to the regen-
FCC unit, an intense research activity in this field is erator where air is introduced and coke on the cata-
still running. The conventional FCC process is being lyst is removed by combustion. The hot regenerated
modified in a joint research project between King catalyst is returned to the reactor via a catalyst hop-
Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi per at a controlled circulation rate to achieve heat
Aramco, Japan Cooperation Center-Petroleum and balance of the system.
Nippon Oil Corporation to a high-severity FCC
process suitable for an integrated refinery-petro- Down-Flow Reactor
chemical complex [1]. The technology provides an
olefin-driven process with the flexibility and per- A down-flow reactor system has been adopted for HS-
formance capabilities to make it a key driver to refin- FCC process. The catalyst and the feed flow down-
ery profitability. KFUPM and JCCP have piloted a ward along with gravity to minimize back mixing in
novel high-severity fluid catalytic cracking (HS-FCC) the reactor and to obtaining a narrower distribution
process that can increase the yield of light olefins to of residence time. The selection of an optimum resi-
40 wt.% of the product, versus the normal 10wt.%. dence time allows the maximization of intermediate
The process combines mechanical modifications with products such as gasoline and light olefins. The
changes in process variables and catalyst formula- down-flow reactor permits higher catalyst/oil ratio
tions [2-5]. The main operating regime of this novel because the lifting of catalyst by vaporized feed is not
refining process is high reaction temperature, short required. As with most reactor designs involving
contact time, high catalyst/oil ratio and a special competing reactions and secondary product degrada-
down-flow reactor system. tion, there is a concern over catalyst-feed contacting,
back mixing, and control of the reaction time and

Figure 28
Benefits of Down-flow Reactor in FCC Operation

temperature. The down-flow reaction would ensure FCC units. Under these reaction temperatures, how-
plug flow without back mixing. Since the FCC ever, thermal cracking of hydrocarbons also takes
process involves successive reactions, the desired place concurrently with catalytic cracking, resulting
products such as olefins and gasoline are considered in increased undesirable products as dry gas and
intermediate products. A suppression of back mixing coke.
is the key to achieve maximum yield of these inter-
mediates. Figure 28 shows the benefits of operating Short Contact Time
in a down-flow mode.
The time-temperature relationship for the conven-
High-Reaction Temperature tional FCC suggests there is an optimum operating
window. If the residence time is too low, the bot-
Conventional FCC is typically operated at low to toms cracking suffers while high reactor tempera-
moderate severity (510C to 530C riser outlet tem- tures and long residence times promote dry gas
perature) with flexibility to swing between maxi- production. The short residence time (less than 0.5
mum gasoline and maximum distillate mode. sec) of feed and product hydrocarbons in the down-
Attempts to operate the FCCU at high severity to er should be favorable to minimize the thermal
produce more light olefins are not economically cracking. Furthermore, undesirable successive
attractive because incremental light olefins will come reactions such as hydrogen transfer reactions,
at the expense of secondary cracking of gasoline. The which consume olefins, are being suppressed. In
secondary cracking of gasoline will result in exces- order to attain the short residence time, the cata-
sive dry gas (C2 and lighter) yields. While the FCCU lyst and the products have to be separated immedi-
has the capability of running at very high reactor ately at the reactor outlet. For this purpose, a high
temperatures, this approach is first being looked at efficiency product separator has been developed
to improve the conventional FCC process. The HS- capable of suppressing side reactions (oligomeriza-
FCC unit is operated under considerably higher reac- tion and hydrogenation of light olefins) and coke
tion temperatures (550 to 650C) than conventional formation accelerated by condensation.

Figure 29
Schematic Diagram of HS-FCC Pilot Plant with Downer Reactor

Dispersion Hopper


Gas Analysis Down Flow Feed Oil
3 Reactor 3
Wet Gas 3 Wet Gas
Meter Meter
Stripper Stabilizer

High Catalyst/Oil Ratio catalyst hopper. Figure 29 presents a schematic flow

diagram of the HS-FCC pilot plant (Davison
In order to compensate the decrease in conversion Circulating Riser, modified to operate in "downer"
due to the short contact time, the HS-FCC process mode). Feed oil is charged into the upper part of the
has to be operated at high catalyst to oil ratios (C/O), downer reactor together with dispersion steam.
in the range of 15 to 25. As mentioned earlier, the Regenerated catalyst is also charged to the top of the
other advantage of operation at high C/O is the reactor from the catalyst hopper. At the outlet of the
enhanced contribution of catalytic cracking over downer, product hydrocarbons are separated imme-
thermal cracking. Catalytic and thermal cracking diately from catalyst in the stripper, where heavy oil
proceed simultaneously in FCC reactions. It is well adsorbed on the spent catalyst is stripped by steam,
known that the ethylene yield is lower and isobuty- and then spent catalyst is sent to the regenerator.
lene yield is higher in catalytic cracking compared to Catalyst circulation rate is calculated from the delta
thermal cracking at the same conversion. By increas- coke and coke yield. Typical design parameters of the
ing the catalyst/oil ratio, the effects of operating at pilot plant test are presented in Table VIII. All tests
high reaction temperature (thermal cracking) are were conducted at 600C and a catalyst/oil ratio of 40
minimized. High C/O increases conversion and using a hydrotreated vacuum gas oil (VGO) of
decreases temperature drop during the endothermic Arabian Light origin. The base catalyst is a low
cracking reaction. Therefore, high C/O maintains cracking activity catalyst containing H-USY type
heat balance and helps minimize thermal cracking, zeolite with low acid site density. The catalyst was
over-cracking, and hydrogen transfer reactions. modified with 10 wt.% of a high activity ZSM-5, sup-
plied by Davison Catalysts. The ZSM-5 additive is
Pilot Plant Study widely used in the FCC process to increase octane
Experimental and light olefins yields. The base catalyst and addi-
tive were deactivated with 100% steam at 810C for
Experiments were conducted in a downer-type pilot six hours in a fluid-bed steamer before evaluation.
plant with a capacity of 0.1 bbl/d. The pilot plant con-
sists of a downer reactor, stripper, regenerator, and

Table VIII
Reaction Conditions of Downer and Riser Pilot Plants

Parameter Type of Reactor

Downer Riser
Reactor Outlet Temperature C 600 600
Pressure (Stripper Top) kPa 98 98

Hydro treated VGO feed

Rate kg/h 0.4-1.2 0.7-1.0
Preheat C 280 280
Proprietary catalyst
Inventory L 8 2
Steam Pretreatment for 6h C 810 810
Circulation rate kg/h 13-40 13-18
Cat/Oil ratio kg/kg 13-40 13-30

Table IX
Comparison of ZSM-5 Addition in Conventional FCC and HS-FCC
Conventional FCC: Pilot Plant Data Generated in
Davison Circulating Riser (DCR)
HS-FCC: Pilot Plant Data Generated in DCR modified for "Downer" mode.

Conventional FCC HS-FCC

Base Base +10 wt.% Base Base +10 wt.%
Product Yields wt.% Catalyst high activity Catalyst high acitivity
ZSM-5 additive ZSM-5 additive
Dry Gas 5.3 6.4 4.6 5.5
Propylene 7.5 13.0 10.7 18.4
Butylenes 8.8 13.6 16.1 17.8
Total C3-C4 Olefins 16.3 26.6 28.7 39.3
LPG 20.7 29.3 30.9 40.5
Gasoline 43.4 34.1 45.4 34.0
Light Cycle Oil (LCO) 15.0 15.4 9.4 9.3
Heavy Cycle Oil (HCO) 14.3 13.4 6.6 7.1
Coke 2.3 2.1 3.1 3.5

Results of Pilot Plant Tests Concluding Remarks

The base catalyst has a low-hydrogen transfer activ- With proper design and operation, the HS-FCC
ity which is preferred for light olefins production. process is in the best position to produce light olefins
However, operating at high reaction temperature for petrochemicals usage. As per process technology,
and high C/O ratio compensated for the low cracking reactor configuration has a major impact on operat-
activity of the base catalyst [6,7]. Short contact time ing requirements, conversion and product selectivi-
also suppressed hydrogen transfer reactions. Based ties. Catalytic cracking under high severity in a
on the intrinsic features of HS-FCC, maximum light downer-type reactor boosts overall conversion and
olefins yield can be obtained by the combination of enhances the production of gasoline and light olefins.
optimized catalyst system and operating conditions. The results of preliminary economic evaluation show
The yields of light olefins, LPG, gasoline, LCO, HCO, that the additional production of propylene and
and coke make are presented in Table IX for conven- paraxylene plays a major role in the economics of the
tional FCC and HS-FCC. In conventional FCC, the upgraded refinery with HS-FCC option.
base catalyst yielded about 16 wt.% light olefins and
43.4 wt.% gasoline compared to 29 wt.% light olefins References
and 45 wt.% gasoline in HS-FCC. In the case of ZSM-
5 addition, the yield of light olefins increased to more 1. A. Maadhah, M. Abul-Hamayel, A. Aitani, T. Ino, and T.
than 37 wt.%, particularly propylene which showed Okuhara, "Down-flowing FCC Reactor Increases Propylene and
Gasoline Make", Oil and Gas Journal, Aug 14, 2000, p. 66.
an increase of 72%.
2. Y. Fujiyama, "Process for Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Oils", US
The results showed that ZSM-5 is highly selective Patent No. 5,904,837, May 18, 1999.
toward propylene relative to Y-Faujasite containing
3. T. Ino and S. Ikeda "Process for Fluid Catalytic Cracking of
base catalyst. In both cases, the rise in light olefins Heavy Fraction Oil", US Patent No. 5,951,850, September 14,
was accompanied with a drop in gasoline yield since 1999.
the addition of ZSM-5 accelerates the cracking of
gasoline to lighter products. The addition of ZSM-5 is 4. Y. Fujiyama "Process for Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Heavy
Fraction Oils", US Patent No. 6,045,690, April 4, 2000.
effective in catalytic systems where the base cata-
lysts have low-hydrogen transfer activity. The yield 5. T. Ino, T. Okuhara, M. Abul-Hamayel, A. Aitani, and A.
of light olefins for the base catalyst (with and with- Maghrabi, "Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process for Heavy Oil", US
out ZSM-5) increased with increasing conversion. Patent No. 6,656,346, December 2, 2003.
However, increasing ZSM-5 additive content to 25 6. T. Okuhara, T. Ino, M. Abul-Hamayel, A. Maghrabi, and A.
wt. % showed a minor increase in the yield of light Aitani (2001) "Effect of ZSM-5 Addition on Product Distribution in
olefins. a High Severity FCC Mode", Petroleum Science and Technology,
19, p. 685.

7. Aitani, A., T. Yoshikawa and T. Ino (2000). "Maximization of

FCC Light Olefins by High Severity Operation and ZSM-5
Addition", Catalysis Today, 60, p. 111.

Is your CAT purring?

Let us take a look at it.

Our in-depth FCC design knowledge and technical Whether integrating this technology into an
service experience will deliver innovative, cost existing FCC unit or building a grassroots unit, your
effective solutions to maximize your FCC units plant will deliver the best performance possible.
Our patented feed injection nozzles, direct- For more information on this and other Lummus
coupled cyclones and riser technology can provide refining technologies, call us at 713-821-5381, fax us
superior yields and run lengths, as proven in many at 713-821-3587, or email us at
units throughout the world.

ABB Lummus Global

3010 Briarpark Drive
Houston, Texas 77042 USA

Make Propylene the FCC/SCC Way
Dalip Soni
ABB Lummus Global

The FCC unit, the most flexible and trusted work- mode to maximize production of propylene. In the
horse of the refining industry, has successfully met SCC mode of operation, certain components of the
the increasing challenge of producing high octane FCC product slate and/or cracked or straight run
motor fuels. It is now being challenged to meet the products from other units are recycled back to the
demands of the petrochemical industry for more same riser or fed to a second riser as shown in Figure
propylene, or even ethylene. 30. This mode of operation can provide very high
propylene yield with relatively low dry gas and coke
The FCC unit is flexible in several ways. Its mode of production. This design and operation of the FCC
operation can be easily changed to maximize either unit is based on a thorough understanding of the
motor fuels, like gasoline and diesel, or petrochemi- interactions between the FCC reaction paths, the
cals. This unit is also able to process a wide range of operating conditions, and catalyst formulation.
feedstocks from naphtha boiling range materials to
portions of vacuum residue. Thus an FCC unit is an FCC Reaction Paths
ideal fit for a frequently fluctuating marketplace.
In an FCC unit, the main catalytic cracking reactions
This paper discusses how a modern FCC unit, as proceed via the formation of an olefin. Larger olefins
designed by ABB Lummus Global, can be used to pro- crack to form smaller olefins. However, olefins can
duce more propylene. Lummuss FCC unit is shown also react to form naphthenes or paraffins as shown
in Figure 31. It incorporates the hardware and the in Figure 31. These undesirable side reactions need
design features needed to achieve the highest con- to be eliminated, or reduced substantially, to maxi-
version and selectivity to lighter products. This unit mize the yield of propylene. Thus for high propylene
is operated in Selected Component Cracking (SCC) production, the reaction conditions, catalyst, and

Figure 30
FCC Unit Modified for Selected Component Cracking (SCC)

Direct Coupled Cyclones

SCT Riser SCT Riser

Advanced Stripper


MicroJet Injectors
Square Bend
Transfer Line

From Second RCSP

Table X
FCC Unit Operated in SCC Mode:
Product Yields

Feed, VGO 25.9 API

Riser Outlet Temp. 570 C
C2 minus, wt.% 7.23
C3, wt.% 2.82
C3=, wt.% 23. 84
C4s, wt.% 20.40
C5 to 221 C, wt.% 25.46
LCO, wt.% 9.57
HCO, wt.% 3.21
Coke, wt.% 7.50
design of the unit should maximize production of mination device at the end of the riser. The products
larger olefins and then preferentially crack them made in the riser need to be quickly and efficiently
to smaller ones, while hindering the slower side recovered at the end of the riser to maximize propy-
reactions. lene selectivity. This is accomplished in Lummuss
FCC unit by the use of a cyclone system (two stages)
FCC Unit Operation that is directly connected to the riser. A unique fea-
ture of the system is that the primary cyclone oper-
The inherent flexibility of the FCC unit enables it to ates at a lower pressure than that in the cyclone con-
be run in SCC operating mode wherein the hydro- tainment vessel. The recovery of hydrocarbons at the
carbon molecules can be selectively cracked to shift end of the riser is almost complete, post riser resi-
the product slate in favor of a higher yield of propy- dence time is minimized, and undesirable side reac-
lene. The operating parameters that significantly tions are essentially terminated.
influence the yield of propylene and also the design
of the unit include temperature, residence time, In the SCC mode of operation, the FCC unit is run at
hydrocarbon partial pressure, and the catalyst type. a significantly lower hydrocarbon partial pressure.
As with many chain reactions, initiation and termi- At lower hydrocarbon partial pressure, larger olefins
nation are important steps. For initiation, quick feed selectively crack to smaller olefins to yield high
vaporization and contact with the active sites on the propylene production. Lower hydrocarbon partial
catalyst are critical. These requirements led to the pressure is attained by operating the unit at lower
design of the patented MicroJet feed injectors and pressure and/or by using higher amounts of feed dis-
the feed injection zone of Lummuss FCC unit. High persion steam or additional steam injection in the
temperature/high severity is required for initiation riser. Lummus has optimized the operating pressure
and to crack the larger olefins to propylene. MicroJet of the unit to yield the highest propylene selectivity.
injectors enhance the ability of the unit to be operat- The catalyst formulation is another critical factor in
ed at very high temperatures while minimizing the high propylene production. In the SCC mode of oper-
detrimental effects of high temperature operation, ation, an optimized catalyst formulation converts
such as high dry gas and coke. larger olefins to propylene and other light olefins.
This catalyst formulation consists of a high activity
The reaction time, on the other hand, has to be con- base catalyst that maximizes the primary cracking
trolled to inhibit slower, undesirable hydrogen trans- reactions and minimizes the undesirable bimolecular
fer and other side reactions that reduce the produc- reactions that destroy the olefins produced in the
tion of lighter olefins and produce higher amounts of first step of the cracking reactions. This base catalyst
dry gas and coke. This requirement, along with the is then mixed with a certain amount of catalyst from
need to operate the unit at high temperature, influ- the high activity, shape-selective ZSM5 family of
ences the design of the FCC riser reactor and the ter- catalysts.

Figure 31
Reaction Paths in FCC
To maximize propylene yield, undesirable olefin side reactions
to naphthenes or paraffins must be minimized.


io n
l iza t
Paraffins hyd






de me
hy riza
dra tion
ti on

4Aromatics + (H )
Cycloolefins + (H2)

4 Unsubstituted
Aromatics + Olefin

4 Heavy Coke or
de Ring
ti on

Heterocyclic Aromatics

n Naphthenes

4Smaller Olefins

en t
s fer

The FCC unit operated in SCC mode can attain very LUMMUS FCC Unit Design
high propylene yield as shown in Table X. Figure 32
shows the jump in propylene yield selectivity that is The thrust of the Lummuss design philosophy for
achieved by following this approach. Propylene yield the FCC unit is to reduce delta coke (i.e. coke added
of over 24 wt.% can be attained depending on the to the catalyst as it passes through the reaction zone)
feedstock characteristics. so that the regenerator temperature is relatively low
and the catalyst-to-oil (C/O) ratio is very high at the
Maximizing propylene production requires maximiz- high riser temperature required in the SCC mode of
ing the production of gasoline-range larger olefins to operation. In addition, selected lighter components
feed the reactions catalyzed by ZSM5. Therefore, are recycled to the same riser at an appropriate point
the FCC unit design and the operating conditions where the reaction severity is maximized and thor-
must first give the highest conversion to gasoline- ough contact of this material with the catalyst is
range material. Advanced FCC reaction system hard- achieved. In cases where a large amount of the light
ware, along with a high activity base cracking cata- material needs to be cracked or re-cracked, a sepa-
lyst, is essential to achieving a higher propylene rate riser reactor can be employed as shown in
yield. Figure 30.

Figure 32
FCC Unit Operated in SCC Mode Yields
Increased Propylene Selectivity

r at
e op
C3H6 Selectivity

Ma ne ope r
ed prop

60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Feed Conversion, wt.%

The unit design aspects that reduce the delta coke, Advanced Stripper Design: The small amounts of
increase the catalytic conversion, and provide the product vapors entrained with the spent catalyst
high degree of selectivity to lighter products are: and in the pores of the catalyst are removed in the
high efficiency stripper. The stripper internals con
MicroJet Feed Injectors: The heart of the sist of perforated plates or baffles positioned in
injector is a specially designed tip that generates such a way as to utilize almost all the cross
several micro-jets of finely atomized feed. These sectional area of the stripper vessel for catalyst
small jets combine to form a flat fan spray. The flow, and at the same time maximize surface area
design achieves uniform distribution of the feed for mass transfer between the fluidized catalyst
across the tip and in turn across the riser cross phase and stripping steam. The lower catalyst
section. velocity (higher catalyst residence time), along
with thorough and uniform contact of the catalyst
Short Contact Time Riser: The riser is precisely and the stripping steam, provides very high
designed for the optimum contact time and stripping efficiency. In addition, the advanced
velocity profile as calculated using advanced design ensures that the stripping efficiency does
kinetic and hydraulic models. The velocity in the not drop with increases in catalyst mass flux.
riser is calculated at various points along the
length of the riser to better ascertain The FCC process operated in SCC mode offers a flex-
hydrodynamic conditions in the riser. ible, stepwise approach to the production of higher
The optimized riser design is key to increased quantities of propylene. Depending on the feedstock,
catalytic conversion, reduced delta coke, and high propylene yield of over 24 wt.% is achievable. The
olefin selectivity. FCC unit is a tried and trusted conversion/upgrading
process in the refining industry and can be easily tai-
Reaction Termination Device/Direct-Coupled lored to meet the demands of the petrochemical
Cyclones: As discussed, the unique feature of this industry.
proprietary system is that the primary cyclone is
at a lower pressure than that in the cyclone
containment vessel, resulting in a negligible
amount of vapors entrained with the separated
spent catalyst. This reduces delta coke
substantially and the yield and selectivity of light
olefins is increased.

ZSM-5 FCC Additive Development
A Brief History
Girish K. Chitnis
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
Fairfax, VA
Thomas F. Degnan
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
Annandale, NJ

Introduction octane from non-traditional sources. Beginning in

the mid-1980's, a manifest need developed for "clean-
Almost two decades passed between the initial dis- er gasoline", depleted of sulfur, olefins, and aromat-
covery of ZSM-5 in 1965 and its initial commercial ics. This, in turn, produced more favorable econom-
trial in a cracking unit in 1983. That initial com- ics for light paraffin-olefin alkylation. Finally, in the
mercial trial in Neste Oys Naantali, Finland refinery early 1990's, a robust market for polypropylene drove
was the product of many years of painstaking testing an interest in producing more propylene from FCC
and analysis of ZSM-5 activity, selectivity, and sta- units.
bility in both laboratory and pilot scale catalytic
cracking units. ZSM-5 FCC additive development Early Cracking Catalyst Evaluation
within ExxonMobil is the subject of a separate
review (1). Landolt and Argauer first synthesized ZSM-5 in 1965
(2). Because it was only synthesized in very small
Interestingly, the motivation for developing a ZSM-5 quantities (<5g), ZSM-5 remained a laboratory
additive changed over the course of its development. curiosity. In 1967 it was first evaluated for process-
In the early 1980's, lead was eliminated from gaso- ing waxy gas oils and was soon determined to be a
line which prompted a search for a means to increase very shape-selective material that preferentially

cracked normal or slightly branched paraffins. For Thermofor Catalytic Cracking ZSM-5 Catalyst
much of the late 1960s most of the ZSM-5 that was Commercialization
synthesized was directed toward the development of
new dewaxing catalysts (3). The Thermofor Catalytic Cracking (TCC) unit of the
Neste Oy refinery in Naantali, Finland was the set-
When ZSM-5 was first evaluated as a cracking cata- ting in 1983 for the first full scale commercial trial of
lyst, its initial evaluation was quite unremarkable. ZSM-5 in a catalytic cracking unit (5). The bead cat-
A blend of 10% REY and unsteamed 5% ZSM-5 eval- alyst contained both REY and ZSM-5. A TCC, rather
uated in a fixed fluid bed gave the same octane than an FCC, was used because of ExxonMobils
improvement as the REY alone. Separate experi- experience with TCC catalyst formulation and TCC
ments aimed at evaluating the effect of processing unit operation. The renewed emphasis on octane
wide cut FCC gasoline over ZSM-5 also showed that prompted by the phase out of tetraethyl lead had
gasoline research octane was not affected. However, transformed the economics of ZSM-5 addition.
additional experiments showed that the heavier frac-
tion of FCC gasoline (355K+) could be separately In the trial, gasoline RON and MON both showed
upgraded over ZSM-5 and that octane did increase steady increases that paralleled the ZSM-5 addition
when this was blended back into the lighter gasoline. rate. Gasoline yield decreased. However, this was
offset by increases in propylene and butylene. The
In the early 1970s efforts to evaluate ZSM-5 in ZSM-5/REY catalyst was added over the course of 92
cracking applications began to gain momentum. By days. The stability of the gasoline octane uplifts was
then, several studies with small quantities of ZSM-5 the most surprising result of this test. Based on lab-
showed that mildly steam deactivated ZSM-5 did, in oratory testing, it was anticipated that product
fact, improve gasoline octane. However, the mecha- octane and yields would revert to pre-test levels soon
nism for octane improvement was not yet under- after the ZSM-5 addition stopped. However, the
stood. Prior to considering ZSM-5 for service in TCC three to five number RON and two number MON
and FCC units, several key properties of the zeolite shifts were sustained through nearly the entire trial,
had to be thoroughly studied. Principal among these even though gasoline yield returned to the original
were steam stability, metals resistance, and selectiv- values fairly quickly. It is now known that the long-
ity maintenance. lived residual octane enhancement results from the
relatively stable isomerization activity of ZSM-5
ZSM-5 Zeolite Manufacture compared with the shorter-lived cracking activity.
ZSM-5's olefin cracking activity is responsible for
Another major hurdle along the path to achieving gasoline yield loss. The TCC catalyst was commer-
producing a ZSM-5 FCC additive was actually the cialized by ExxonMobil as Durabead 11 (6).
commercial manufacture of the ZSM-5 crystal. Prior
to ZSM-5, virtually all zeolites were manufactured by Development of the Additive Concept
low temperature, atmospheric pressure synthesis.
Higher-pressure syntheses using organic directing One of the critical questions in the development of a
agents were mainly the province of scientists work- ZSM-5 catalyst was whether ZSM-5 could be incor-
ing in academic and industrial laboratories. porated into a separate additive or whether it was
"Templated zeolites" were first synthesized in 1960 most effective when incorporated in the same parti-
by Barrer and Kerr (4), but the scale-up of these cle as the Y-zeolite. Testing showed that there was
materials remained a challenge. Thus, there were no no synergy between Y and ZSM-5 and therefore the
precedents to draw upon when ExxonMobil decided separate additive case was attractive. The main rea-
to construct its own pilot scale zeolite synthesis and son for combining ZSM-5 and Y in the same particle
catalyst plant in Beaumont, Texas in 1973. Over the was to reduce the effect of dilution attributable to the
next five years, the demand for fixed bed ZSM-5 cat- additional binder used in the additive. The separate
alysts transformed the plant from a pilot scale facili- particle approach was attractive mainly because it
ty to small catalyst manufacturing plant. Still, the allowed much greater flexibility in ZSM-5 addition
capacity of the plant was not sufficient to supply the and make-up rate.
needs of a process as large as FCC. The economies of
scale achieved through several plant expansions and ZSM-5 FCC Additive Development
the experience gained in synthesizing ZSM-5 in larg-
er and larger volumes, decreased the manufacturing The events leading up to the development of a ZSM-
costs to the point where cracking applications could 5 FCC additive and subsequent milestones are
at least be considered. depicted in Figure 30. Davison Catalysts was instru-
mental in scaling up the manufacturing of a ZSM-5

Figure 34
ZSM-5 Additive Development Timeline

ZSM-5 Lab & Pilot Scale First Commercial Ultra-high activity

Discovered Cracking Studies Cracking Trial (TCC) ZSM-5 Additive
of ZSM-5 at Neste Oy Introduced
Steam and Metals High ZSM-5
Tolerance Evaluated Additive Demonstrated

{ 1975
ZSM-5 First

Selective ZSM-5

Additive Commercial

Initial Lab
Studies First FCC Trial
of ZSM-5 Additive

only additive and was the first company to introduce Development of Selective ZSM-5 Additives
a commercial ZSM-5 additive for FCC in 1984.
Davison has been improving the technology ever Many refiners make use of the additional propylene
since. and butylene for alkylate feed. The resulting alky-
late usually more than offsets the gasoline loss pro-
Phosphorus Stabilization of ZSM-5 duced by ZSM-5. Nevertheless, a demand developed
in the late 1980s for an additive that produced
Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of octane shifts similar to ZSM-5 but without the gaso-
phosphorus on the stability and shape-selectivity of line losses obtained with the conventional ZSM-5.
ZSM-5 (7). ExxonMobil began work on such an additive in 1986
and by 1988 had commercially demonstrated a
The benefit of adding phosphorus appears to be due selective version that provided similar shifts in
to its ability to retard aluminum from leaving the RON and MON at roughly half the gasoline yield loss
zeolite framework. Phosphorus reduces the initial (8). While some FCC operators still use this type of
acidity of the zeolite but, after severe steaming, additive, the current focus on propylene maximiza-
produces a zeolite that retains a larger fraction of tion has driven most refiners to use high activity ver-
its acidity. MAS NMR analyses have shown that sions of ZSM-5.
the stabilization of cracking activity is entirely due
to the improved retention of framework aluminum Process Modeling ZSM-5 Yield Predictions
in ZSM-5.
Extensive laboratory work on the chemistry of ZSM-
Phosphorus has also been used as a marker for 5 catalyzed cracking together with large riser pilot
the ZSM-5 additive that allows refiners to track the scale and commercial evaluations allowed several
amount of ZSM-5 in the catalyst FCC inventory. companies to construct process models (9). The mod-
Beginning in 1987, ZSM-5 additive manufacturers els are capable of predicting yield shifts and octane
began to add phosphorus to their formulations. changes as a function of ZSM-5 loading, feed proper-
The effects were dramatic in improving the effec- ties, riser operating conditions, riser configuration
tiveness of ZSM-5 and reducing the amount of and base cracking catalyst properties. It has been
additive required to achieve the desired effect on updated over the past ten years to incorporate the
octane and light olefin yield. The increased effec- results of more recent work on FCC conventional and
tiveness translated into reduced additive costs for selective additives (10,11). The model includes a
refiners and ultimately led to a much wider use of decay function for ZSM-5 coking along with kinetics
the ZSM-5 additive.

and associated rate constants for the primary reac- References
tions. This model permits a tailoring of the ZSM-5
addition rate for particular applications. [1] T. F. Degnan, G. K. Chitnis, and P. H. Schipper, "The History
of ZSM-5 FCC Additive Development at Mobil," Microporous and
Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 35-36, 245 (2000).
Recent ZSM-5 Additive Developments
[2] R. J. Argauer and G. R. Landolt, U. S. Patent 3,702,886,
Additives with high levels of ZSM-5 have only November 14, 1972.
become commercially available in the last few years
[3] N. Y. Chen, W. E. Garwood, and F. G. Dwyer, Shape Selective
(12). These new ZSM-5 additives produce high levels Catalysis in Industrial Applications, 2nd ed., Mercel Dekker, New
of light olefins with minimal dilution of the base York, 1996.
cracking catalyst. Indeed, ExxonMobil conducted its
own trial of a high ZSM-5 additive at its Joliet refin- [4] D. A. Breck, Zeolite Molecular Sieves, John Wiley Interscience,
New York, 1973.
ery. The results of that trial verified the value of
high levels of highly active ZSM-5 in the inventory [5] C. D. Anderson, F. G. Dwyer, G. Koch, and P. Niiranen,
for the production of propylene and butylenes. More Proceedings of the Ninth Iberoamerican Symposium on Catalysis,
recently, a new generation of ultra-high activity Lisbon, Portugal, 1984.
ZSM-5 additives, Davisons OlefinsUltra, has been [6] C. D. Anderson, L. L. Breckenridge, R. G. Bundens, F. G.
reported to deliver high yields of propylene while Dwyer, and J. A. Herbst, Natl. Pet. Refiners Assoc. Annual
allowing the refiner to reduce fresh catalyst addi- Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 29-31, 1987.
tions(13). If coupled with improved hardware modifi-
[7] W. W. Kaeding, J. Catal. 61 (1981) 240.
cations such as closed cyclones, improved atomizing
nozzles and second risers of lift zones for recracking [8] R. P. L. Absil, R. J. Cimini, G. W. Kirker, D. A. Pappal, J. A.
FCC naphtha, the impact of such new ZSM-5 addi- Herbst, and D. J. Klocke, RPS Seminar on Advances in Fluid
tives on propylene and butylene makes can be mag- Catalytic Cracking Technology, Houston, TX, November 12-14,
nified even further.
[9] P. H. Schipper, F. G. Dwyer, P. T. Sparrell, S. Mizrahi, J. A.
Conclusions Herbst, S. P. Donnelly, and A. Huss, Jr. ACS Symp. Ser. 375, 1988,
p. 64.
Nearly two decades passed between the discovery of [10] J. S. Buchanan, Appl. Catal. 74 (1991) 83.
ZSM-5 and its widespread acceptance as a fluid cat-
alytic cracking additive. The development of ZSM-5 [11] J. S. Buchanan, Appl Catal. A: Gen, 171 (1998) 57.
technology for FCC was unique in the significant
[12] P. K. Niccum, R. B. Miller, A. M. Claude, M. A. Silverman, N.
number of challenges that the technology had to A. Bhore, K. Liu, G. K. Chitnis, and S. J. McCarthy, NPRA Annual
address on the path to commercialization. Meeting, San Francisco (1998).

However, the significant incentives provided by the [13] J. R. D. Nee, Catalagram 91 (2002)
need for additional gasoline octane in the early
1980s combined with more recent favorable econom-
ics for producing light olefins provided the momen-
tum to overcome all these hurdles.

Davison 8500 Series
Polypropylene Catalysts
for Superior Resins
Kyle Lorton
Marketing Manager, Polypropylene Catalysts
Davison Catalysts

Davison Catalysts, the worlds leading supplier of These catalysts are cost effective in slurry, bulk and
catalysts for polyolefin production, announces our bulk/gas phase processes and provide an outstanding
8500 Series polypropylene catalysts for producing combination of high activity, polymer morphology,
polypropylene resins with properties that are superi- and polymer properties. Our 8500 Series includes
or to other impact copolymers (ICPs) and random catalysts with a particle size range of 35 to 75
copolymers (RCPs) and, at minimum, competitive microns in size.
with other homopolymers (HPs).
Other notable performance achievements of our 8500
With a half-century of experience in polyolefin cata- Series catalyst family include higher HP isotacticity
lyst assembly technology and our fundamental mate- levels versus the isotacticity levels received from con-
rial science position, Davison has expanded our cata- ventional catalysts. Stiffness properties in both the
lyst portfolio with the acquisition of Borealis ABs HPs and ICPs are extraordinary without sacrificing
spherical magnesium chloride (MgCl2) production ability to control stereospecificity. Both the RCPs
capacity. We now produce fourth-generation, and ICPs have a high degree of comonomer random-
Borealis-developed, polypropylene catalysts that are ness. Lastly, the desired isotacticity, melt flow rate
commercially proven in the SpheripolTM and (MFR), molecular weight distribution, and
BorstarTM process technology platforms. comonomer content are easily controllable through
the polymerization conditions.
The Davison 8500 Series high performance Ziegler-
Natta catalysts have demonstrated commercial suc- Figure 35, laboratory data comparing XPO 8501 to
cess in producing HP, RCP, and ICP resins for the same competitive PP catalyst, demonstrates the
-Injection molding higher activity of XPO-8501 compared to the same
-Film competitive PP catalyst, at all ranges of Al/Si ratio.
-Blow Molding Figure 36 demonstrates the TEAL/donor ratio versus
-Thermoforming xylene solubles (XS) of XPO 8501. The lower XS val-
ues translate to superior crystallinity and strength of
the homopolymer resins.

Figure 35
XPO 8501s Donor Response Activity


XPO 8501
Activity Kg/g



Competitive Catalyst A


0 10 20 30 40

Figure 36
XPO 8501 Delivers Superior Crystallinity
Donor Response XSRT

XS wt.%

4 Catalyst A

XPO 8501

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Teal/Donor Molar Ratio

Davisons 8500 Series polypropylene catalysts are Kyle Lorton

currently being commercially used and providing Marketing Manager,
operation enhancement in the Spheripol and Polypropylene Catalysts
Borstar processes. For more information on these Davison Catalysts
proven, superior catalysts or to find out how
Davisons extensive history of collaborative relation- W. R. Grace & Co.
ships can provide you with a total catalyst solution to 7500 Grace Drive
the meet the specific needs of your process technolo- Columbia, Maryland 21044 USA
gy segment, contact: (410) 531-4148

Davisons 8500 Series
Commercially proven to deliver
superior polypropylene resins

Davison Catalysts is pleased to announce the

8500 Series of Ziegler-Natta polypropylene
catalysts for producing resins with superior
properties. In commercial operations, Davison
8500 Series catalysts have achieved excellent
results, yielding HP, RCP, and ICP resins for a
complete range of end uses, including injection
molding, film, fibers, blow molding, and

These fourth-generation, Borealis-developed

catalysts have proven success in the
Spheripol and Borstar process technology
platforms. Davisons 8500 Series catalysts
are cost effective in slurry, bulk and bulk/gas
phase processes, providing an outstanding
combination of high activity, polymer
morphology, and polymer properties.

For more information on how the Davison

8500 Series of polypropylene catalysts can
improve your resins, contact:

Kyle Lorton
at (410) 531-4148;
k your refinery to the
propylene opportunity

As the demand for propylene outpaces the activity per pound of any commercially proven
supply from steam crackers, operators of FCC ZSM-5 additive and is now being used in 17
units will have opportunities to further boost FCC units around the world. In one commercial
revenues by making incremental propylene for application, a major European refiner obtained
the petrochemicals market. more than 8 wt.% propylene, while cutting
ZSM-5 consumption by almost half. This en-
ZSM-5 based additives are the most cost abled the refiner to reduce fresh catalyst con-
effective way to increase propylene production sumption by more than 10%.
in the FCCU. OlefinsUltra provides the highest

For more information on OlefinsUltra or any of Davisons FCC ZSM-5 additives, contact:

Jim Nee Markus Lesemann

Phone: +1 (410) 531-8212 Phone: +1 (410) 531-4597
Fax: +1 (410) 531-8248 Fax: +1 (410) 531-8248
e-mail: e-mail:
2004 W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn.

Davison Catalysts Davison Catalysts Davison Catalysts Europe

W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn. Asia Pacific Grace GmbH & Co. K.G.
7500 Grace Drive W.R. Grace Pte. Ltd. In der Hollerhecke 1
Columbia, MD 21044 501 Orchard Road Postfach 1445
(410) 531-4000 #05-11/12 Wheelock Place D-67545 Worms, Germany
Singapore 238880 49 (6241) 40300
(65) 6737-5488
The information contained herein is based on our testing and experience and is offered for the user's consideration, investigation and verification. Since
operating and use conditions vary and since we do not control such conditions, we must DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, with
regard to results to be obtained from the use of this product. Test methods are available on request.

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