Mary and Jack: by Valerie Ho Y7 Respect

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Mary and Jack

By Valerie Ho Y7 Respect
There was a boy called Jack who was born in a straw house and a girl called Mary who was
fed with gold spoons. They loved each other, but sadly was not allowed to date each other.
What is it? Jack asked softly, anxious in seeing Mary so depressed in his graduation ball.
M- m- my mom forbid me to see you, she murmured She said we cant be together
anymore and said you were a pig. She looks down on poor people. She always does. Jack
sighed and said I promise I will never let you go! Mary smiled. They enjoyed a precious
moment and did not realise a storm ahead.

Mary is heading to the US to continue her study. Marys mom announced in the next
morning. It will be a fresh start in her life, and also- she paused and looked at Mary to
prevent her from seeing a boy who is as poor as a rat. Mary, pack your precious things!
Your luggages are ready. You will be leaving this afternoon. Marys father was silent. He
loved Mary very much and was sad to see her going. But after all, Marys mother was the
head at home, he couldn't argue with her. Mary couldnt take it all at once. She was so
shocked and speechless, thinking about leaving her beloved father and boyfriend, and to
start a new life in an unfamiliar place. She didnt cry. She couldnt. She did not bring along a
thing except her hollow body. She went on the airplane for New Hampshire in Kai Tak
Airport. Vrooooooooom.Marys face was stormed with tears.

On the other hand, Jack was told by a friend shortly after Marys departure. Millions of
arrows pierced his heart. He was then fueled by his promise. He was determined to work
hard and earn lots of money to be together with his soulmate. He found a job and started a
new life. He worked as hard as a cow and made investment, and gradually money came
rolling in.

Mary had already settled down in her new school for about a year when disastrous news
came to her. Her father had a heart attack and passed away, and her uncle took hold of all
their family possession. The family was broke. Her mom was in coma from a stroke.
Everything happened in a flash. Mary was asked to leave the school shortly and was
abandoned aboard without a penny in her pocket. She had to find a job to earn a living. She
hung her head like a dying flower, discouraged and heartbroken. The only light in her soul
was that Jack would be there one day.

Jack was now extremely rich. With this wealthy life, it was time for him to find his destiny. He
appointed private detectives to track down Marys location.

After arriving in New Hampshire, he went to a restaurant as he was as hungry as a

devouring flame. He heard faintly a familiar voice humming a tune and rushed to the back of
the restaurant. Bang! The back door of the restaurant flew open and there sat a girl in dirty
clothes washing dishes. She had the smile on her face that had been appearing in his
dreams all these years.

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