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Williams Internship Observation Notes

Date Event/Task Observation

9/7/2017 Attend/Volunteer at an Today, I had the opportunity to help volunteer with
Enrichment Activity running an enrichment activity for gifted students. Our
students participated in an escape bus activity at
various times throughout the day. While this seems like
more of an entertaining activity rather than an
academic activity, our students had to use critical
thinking skills to gather clues to help them escape the
room. At the end of the day, we had the opportunity to
participate and attempt to escape the room. It was so
difficult; we were not able to escape.
1/6/2017 Assist with teacher We worked in a group of five to revise and prepare a
training of gifted PowerPoint suitable to deliver to staff during a faculty
students. meeting after Christmas Break. While I understand all
aspects of the CISS instrument, I was a bit intimidated
having to stand in front of all my colleagues. I think
our presentation was concise; I think we should use a
pamphlet in the future as a quick reference guide for
1/6/2017 Present on a gifted I presented my findings that I gathered from
topic to faculty interviewing gifted girls from different backgrounds to
my English department teachers. I set out to know
what they thought about the gifted program experience
at our high school, and their thoughts about how they
ae being served. Many of our students felt that they
were not being served in all of their classes. They
stressed that they felt some teachers give daunting
assignments, while others give simple meaningless
assignments. I also asked when do they feel their best
use their gifted abilities in the classroom. My students
responded that when teachers let them pick whatever
they want to do to demonstrate their mastery. It
appears that even when they have choice in
assignment, they still would rather create their own
final product.
2/1/2017 Attend informational We conducted a parent meeting for parents of
meeting for parents prospective gifted students in order to explain the
screening process and answer questions to clarify
questions. It appears that parents think of giftedness as
some sort of prize. They seem to be more concerned
with the labeling then how they will be served. This is
an area for improvement for our eligibility team.
Williams Internship Observation Notes

3/10/2017 Observe a veteran I had the opportunity to observe my mentor teacher in

Gifted Endorsement action. I was particularly excited seeing as we teach the
Teacher same subject. She has been teaching for 10 plus years
and has mostly taught gifted students. Her room is
organized into groups of varying numbers from 4 to 8?
I thought this was strange, but I truly enjoyed seeing
the level of autonomy her students had It was as if the
class ran itself. Students were engaged in discussion
about the text and made connections to real life issues
like the new president and issues in the middle east.
She allowed for her students to have choice in what
formative assessment they would use to demonstrate
their knowledge. I think that was most beneficial.
3/28/2017 Observe/Assist with I think was my best experience. I had the opportunity
testing and scoring to help assist with testing of gifted students. These
students were administered the Torrance test. I thought
that it was so interesting that about 5 out of 12 students
who were being tested where actually drawing the
same creative picture in their attempt to manipulate
the shape. We always tend to think that if people have
the same ideas on a test maybe they cheated. It goes to
show that some ideas just are not creative or unique.
Our TAG contact also did a great job of maintain the
integrity of the test by keeping it secured and locked up
at all times.
5/ 1/2017 Observe/Serve on an We met to discuss the testing results of students who
Eligibility Team were tested during the CISS administration and discuss
changes for next year. Our specific school has a few
issues with allocating responsibilities to a select few. I
would hope that next year I can play a more vital role
on the eligibility team.

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