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1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:BlackOnyxtoFuchsite


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Black Onyx to Fuchsite

BLACK ONYX: This solid feeling stone is excellent for grounding negativity and letting go of stress. Onyx is soothing
and helps in focus, to banish grief and old habits, protecting the bearer and encouraging happiness and good

BLOODSTONE: Primarily known as an intense healing stone, balancing spiritual forces and reducing emotional
stress. Bloodstone is also known to revitalise love, relationships and friendships. It's many other properties include
purification, orderliness, prosperity, instills wisdom, enhances creativity, supports decision making, brings courage
and strengthens the will. The message of the Bloodstone is to "be here now"

BLUE LACE AGATE: Especially suited to people of a gental nature. Good for the throat relieving neck and
shoulder pain arthritic conditions mending broken bones strengthening nails. It can also be used in the
treatment of the pancreas and also aids digestion. Excellenct stone for the 5th (Throat) Chakra, but also 4th
(Heart), 6th (Third Eye) and 7th (Crown). Star Sign: Gemini & Pisces

BOTSWANAN AGATE: Enhances creativity. Can be used to help find solutions to problems. Good for the nervous system.

CARNELIAN: A sacred stone of the Egyptians and the Tibetans, this energetic stone activates the lower chakras and helps
wearer to take action. It brings energy and fire, enhancing physical energy and personal power and invoking
joy, laughter and warmth as it opens the heart. It installs a feeling of well being and inflowing power. It is
recomended for infertility or impotency. It also helps regulate circulation purifies the blood and it has also been
suggested that it can stop nose bleeds! Chakras: 2nd (Sacral) Star Sign: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo & Virgo

CALCITE: Alleviates fear and stress it also inspires joy. Green calcite is said to rid the body of infections. Clear and
golden calcites are good energy sources.

CELESITE: Absorbs negative moods from the environment. Accelerates spiritual growth and inspires creative expression.

CHALCEDONY: A balancing stone that also helps mental stability. 1/3
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CHAROITE: A high frequency stone which aids the wearer in walking their 'Dharma' (Destiny), their path of service
in this lifetime. Violet is the highest spiritual colour and vibration, denoting power within, psychic and inner
development, influence and transcendence. Some say the colour violet represents the "flame of transmutation"
that burns negativity and makes new growth possible. Charoite instills a sense of peace and harmony with the
divine flow of life and destiny, a stone of spiritual transformation, allowing us to understand and heal the lessons
we have brought upon ourselves. It allows us to get beyond the material world and physical body of reality.
Charoite is a stone that brings one closer to the goddess/god in all of us. Charoite makes us aware of karma
and that there is a higher plan for each of us and to recognise our connection with the ALL.

CITRINE: An energising stone, both physically and mentally, stimulating openness and accelerating the awakening of the
mind. A stone of manifestation, Citrine brings our thoughts into being on the physical plane, helping us to realize our
dreams. It is especially
useful for desires involving happiness, wealth, success and communication. Helping to balance the solar plexus
chakra, it brings clarity to the difference between the needs of ego and our divine, higher Will, and to fill our lives
with joy. Aids the digestive system helping to eliminate toxins. Helps unblock subconscious fears serving as a
natural relaxant. Said to help financial luck.
Chakras: 3rd (Solar Plexus) Star Sign: Scorpio & Aries

CRYSOCOLLA: A Beautiful Blue/Green stone. These colours represents a stone of creative expression and
communication and is ideal for use on the throat chakra. Chrysocolla is an important stone for releasing stress,
grief, sadness, and fear from the throat chakra. It brings joy, certainty, and peace. All in all an excellent stone for
supporting the process of letting go of pain and worry. It is also an excellent stone for stimulating the thyroid
Associated with the 5th (throat) Chakra.

CRYSOPHRASE: A vibrant green stone. Green is about healing on all levels. This stone activates, opens, and
energizes the heart chakra. Meditating with or wearing Chrysoprase can facilitate a deep heart connection
with the Mother Earth. Men love Chrysoprase for its vibration of courage. Also helps one to move ahead in all
business dealings. 4th Chakra.

DALMATIAN JASPER: Acquired its name due to the similarity of spotted markings with the Dalmatian breed of
dog. Jasper helps us release our tendencies to over think or over analyse things. It allows us to see beyond our
disillusionment toward a brighter future, bringing a sense of fun. Dalmatian Jasper is just the stone you need
when you want a pickmeup. When you wear or carry it, your mood is lifted immediately alleviating depression
and negative thinking. Make sure you wear it to places you are expecting to have a dull time. Dalmatian Jasper
is also excellent at preventing nightmares. An ideal stone for athletes as it provides stamina and determination. It
can also prevent strains and muscle spasms.

DANBURITE: Stimulates the intellect and helps people getting along with others.

DIAMOND: The diamond is the hardest gemstone and one of the most valued. It does come in yellowish colors,
green and blue, but the clear or white is the most used in jewelry. Most diamonds come from South Africa.
Diamonds are the symbol of innocence and constancy. The diamond is one of the stones associated with Aries
and Leo. It is one of the birthstones of April. The diamond is a symbol of the Sun.

DUMORTIERITE (Blue Quartz): Tiny Dumortierite crystals grow in the Quartz giving it a blue hue. Known as the
'Stone of Patience' this stone is said to promote a positive attitude in all life situations. A great stone for restoring
order and precision by enhancing organizational abilities, selfdiscipline and reducing excitability and
stubbornness. It also prevents the wearer from being scatterbrained by promoting mental clarity, helping us
become more businesslike,
systematic, tidy and methodical. Dumortierite can also assist in verbalizing spiritual thoughts and ideas. This enhancement is
believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between 2/3
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lower chakras (physical) and higher chakras (mental/spiritual). Physically this stone helps with nausea, vomiting, cramping
and diarrhoea. A good choice to take with you when going on long sea trips. Dumortierite is also used to ease panic and

EMERALD: One of the most prized gems in the world, it's name derives from the Greek Smaragdos, meaning
green stone. Mystic Lore say's that Emerald heals and activates the heart chakra, enhancing love energies. It is
said to eliminate negativity, to enhance meditation, to bring prosperity and harmony into one's life, and to
inspire oneself and others to positive actions.

EPIDOTE: Enhances perceptions and helps the nervous system.

FLUORITE: Helps bring order to chaos. A powerful healing stone it also helps calm the over excitable. Strengthens
the bones and teeth.

FUCHSITE: Can be used alongside other crystals to help speed up the healing process. It can be use to bring
yourself back to a good state of mind after emotional confrontation.

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