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1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:GarnettoLepidolite


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Garnet to Lepidolite

GARNET: A stone of vital power and energy, it lends vitality and strength, aids in raising and directing the flow of
kundalini energy and increases sensuality thus great for raising the spirit and stimulating your sex drive. Garnet is
also excellent for invoking and releasing creative ability and inner fire, good for depression, rheumatism and
arthritis. Given as a gift garnet symbolizes true and neverending love and devotion. Garnet is associated with
the root chakra.

GASPEITE: A carbonate of nickel, magnesium and iron. Its color ranges from pale green to apple green, with
streaks of brown. It's name comes from the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, where much the first gaspeite was
found. This is a relatively newly discovered stone and as of yet I am unable to find a popular meaning for this

GOLD: Good to assist in improving one's self and extremly dynamic when mixed with Quartz. Gold's many
qualities include balancing energy fields, aid coping with frustration and burdens, helping to attract honors and
wealth, stabilises emotions and enhances mental capicity. It is also reported to clean negativity from the
chakras. Gold works well with other stones. Gold is reputably good for Multiple Sclerosis, the Nervous system,
Arthritis, Skin cancer, Heart diseases, Paralysis, Rheumatism, TB, and Spinal problems. Corresponding astrological
sign : Leo

HEMATITE: The root "hem/o" means "blood". When ground or cut, this blackish grey metallic stone forms a reddish
powder. Hematite forms a reflective shield around the wearer, letting negativity bounce off and return to the
sender. The bearer should remember however, that their own negativity will be reflected to them if they are its
source. It is therefore a "lesson stone," teaching the aware to release and ground their negativity. It heals and
cleanses the blood, improves memory, encourages optimism and is great for stress and depression. Chakra: 1st

HERKIMER DIAMOND: Can stimulate physic abilities. It can amplify the power of other crystals it is placed on. This stone can
be used to attune you or someone else to a place or person.

IRON PYRITES: Aids Digestion. It influences a more positive outlook on life. Inspires leadership.

JADE: A stone that takes a long time to make itself known but Raises consciousness and helps balance and heal
the entire being. In china traditionally a stone of protection inner strengh and good luck. 1/3
1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:GarnettoLepidolite

JET: It has been use to treat stomach ache headache and toothache and colds. It also dispels fearful thoughts.

JASPER: Enables you to work under heavy negativity, Stabilizes emothions, Grounding & Healing.

DALMATIAN JASPER: Acquired its name due to the similarity of spotted markings with the Dalmatian breed of
dog. Jasper helps us release our tendencies to over think or over analyse things. It allows us to see beyond our
disillusionment toward a brighter future, bringing a sense of fun. Dalmatian Jasper is just the stone you need
when you want a pickmeup. When you wear or carry it, your mood is lifted immediately alleviating depression
and negative thinking. Make sure you wear it to places you are expecting to have a dull time. Dalmatian Jasper
is also excellent at preventing nightmares. An ideal stone for athletes as it provides stamina and determination. It
can also prevent strains and muscle spasms.

RED JASPER: Provides protective 'earth energy' it's protective qualities emphasize survival and physical
Red Jasper is a powerful divination stone, and can be worn to protect the individual during out of body
experiences and vision quests by providing a solid grounding. It also helps with conflict and aggression, promotes
grace and perserverence.
A stone of good luck especially for travel. Chakra: 1st (Root/Base)

YELLOW JASPER: "Protection Stone" Balances the YinYang energy, stabilizes the aura, rejuvenates, gives courage
and wisdom, relieves pain and suffering. Yellow Jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and
balanced in the social arenas and protects one's social welfare. Used for good luck in travel by the West Indians.
Chakra: 3rd (solar plexus)

KUNZITE: Used on the Heart chakra, Kunzite promotes devine love and emotional healing, by opening up the
heart to give and receive love on all levels. It is a soothing and calming stone good for anxiety, fear and stress.

KYANITE: Never needs cleansing and has a tranquil and calming effect. It helps the user to perceive. Great for
people who find it difficult to relax sufficiently and can help them to meditate.

LABRADORITE: Helps one work around changing situations. Relieves insecurity apprehension and reduces stress.
Brings patience to the holder. It is reputed to be a Traveling stone and is also ascribed the ability to heal
infections, energize and help in the achievement of mental and physical balance.

LAPIS LAZULI: Sacred to the Goddess Isis, this stone was prized by the Ancient Egyptians and holds the energy of
a starstudded sky, limitless in its wisdom. Lapis provides mental clarity and objectivity it assists in awaking the
third eye and for tapping into your intuition and strengthen psychic abilities. Lapis is also connected with Jupiter
and thus expand intellect, wisdom and leadership qualities as well as helping in legal matters. The stone works as
a shield from psychic attack. It is used to relieve insomnia and let go of anxieties. It brings peace and general
relaxation to the body and mind. It is said to bring success to relationships. Many believe it protects the holder
against physical danger. Chakras: 5th (Throat)

LEPIDOLITE: A soothing and gental stone which helps in activating intellect. Lepidolite calms and relaxes, gently
eases intense feeling, stress, mood swings and all states of depression. A good stone for business pursuits. 2/3
1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:GarnettoLepidolite
LEOPARD SKIN JASPER: Known as the 'Stone of Happiness and Harmony' Leopard skin jasper is associated with shamanic
travel and spiritual discovery. It helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem and traverse between the worlds in
order to learn the lessons of your personal totem. It is revered as sacred and protective and is also good for healing,
balancing and bringing joy and freedom. Used to heal the 1st and 3rd Chakras.

LODESTONE: Lodestones are magnetic iron ore. It is believed that they posess powerful magick energy. Lodestones attract
and draw good fortune, money, success or even a new love. They are also used in healing rituals with the belief that they
can draw pain from the body in the same manner. Presented in printed packaging with iron filings and paper clip.

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