A To Z of Stones and Crystals - Malachite To Rutilated Quartz

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1/10/2017 AtoZofStonesandCrystals:MalachitetoRutilatedQuartz


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Malachite to Rutilated Quartz

MALACHITE: This powerful healing stone works to heal the heart as well as the body. Malachite is one of the few stones that
can be used to clear and activate all Chakras. It has wonderful healing properties, because of the high copper content of
the stone. It has a very steady pulsing electromagnetic energy field, absorbing negative energy from the auric field and
cleansing it, thus balancing the wearer and protecting them from the effects negative energies.
It is great for increasing ones concentration skills and is quite beneficial to ones physical, as well as psychic, vision.
Malachite helps
to find a balanced path between the desires of ego and of our higher Will, aiding us in removing blockages and
inspiring us with ideas which will help to manifest those goals. Known as the'Salesperson's Stone' it is further used
to manifest prosperity. A small piece in the cash register draws customers. Other attributes include enhancing
our ability to nurture all Life represent hope and inner peace believed to protect from danger often used as a
child's talisman for sleep, protecting from bad dreams. Chakras: All but esp. 3rd (Solar Plexus) & 4th (Heart) Star
Sign: Capricorn

MOLDAVITE: Excellent stone for channelling also good for the brain and central nervous system.

MOONSTONE / RAINBOW MOONSTONE: 'Mother Earth' stone, vibrating with the feminine wisdom and Goddess energy of
the waxing and full Moon. A stone good for all female health problems especially premenstrual symptoms, period pains,
balancing the reproductive system and fertility.

The Romans believed that it was created by Moonlight (hence the name) and empowered with magical
properties. Thought to bring good luck and the ability to grant wishes. Other attributes include: helping to
strengthen intuition and psychic perception bringing balance and harmony & opening the heart to
humanitarian love and hope. Good emotional balancing stone for all. Good for protection while travelling on
water. Chakras: 7th (Crown) Star signs: Cancer, Libra & Scorpio

MOSS AGATE: Helps persuaviveness. Improves selfesteem. It has been said to help in acquisition of riches.

MUGGLESTONE: Helps focus ones Earth energy on the body & Earth plane: Grounds Centres & Balances
Gathers & Calms Scattered Energies. Reduces stress Particularly when induced by conflicts with other people.

OBSIDIAN (SNOWFLAKE): A very powerful healing stone that absorbs negativity and offers protection for sensitive
people this releases many pent up feelings use rose quartz after this stone to help relieve the feelings this stone
can unearth.

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ONYX: Can be used to help banish grief. Can help in decision making.

OPAL: "The Stone of the Magician" awakens psychic and mystical qualities, enhances intuition and purifies the
emotions. Best worn in times of better health in body and mind as this stone tends to reflect a persons mood
back onto itself so great for the good days. Chakras All Star Sign: Libra Birthstone: October

PETRFIED WOOD: Can help in stopping worry over minor things. Has been known to help in back problems.

PERIDOT: The joyful and friendly energy of this stone helps to make and seal friendships. It clears the hear,
releasing eo, jealousy and anger and bringing a sense of peace and quiet amusement. A great antitoxin
gemstone and a good tonic for the body and mind as it reduces stress yet stimulates the mind. Peridot is not
recommended for general chakra work because it acts to seal the aura, it is suggested that peridot be removed
while working on chakras other than the heart and solar plexus. Chakras: 3rd & 4th Birthstone: August

PHANTOM QUARTZ: It is a excellent crystal to help meditation and connection with the past and finding guidance.

PYRITE: The ancients used this mineral as a fire starter and as a mirror, it is particularly symbolic of our connection to the sun.
It works on the 3rd Chakra aiding stomach and intestines.

QUARTZ: Also known as Rock Crystal, Clear Quartz, Crystal Quartz: Considered by many to be the best all
purpose crystal or stone. It is particularly useful for meditation and when working to contact or align with one's
higher self. Receives, transmits, stores and amplifies energy and information. Absorbs negativity great near
VDUs etc. Gives Strength and Energy. It is an excellent channeller for healing bringing light and goodness into
everyday life. Chakras: All Star Sign: Aquarius


RED JASPER: Provides protective 'earth energy' it's protective qualities emphasize survival and physical
Red Jasper is a powerful divination stone, and can be worn to protect the individual during out of body
experiences and vision quests by providing a solid grounding. It also helps with conflict and aggression, promotes
grace and perserverence. A stone of good luck especially for travel. Chakra: 1st (Root/Base)

RED TIGER EYE: Useful for enhancing physical vitality, this stone can help create healthy patterns in exercise and eating
habits. It is grounding and offers a practical and optimistic outlook. It helps the wearer feel energetic, vibrantly healthy and
passionate. It
balances the yinyang energy bringing awareness of one's personal needs as well as the needs of others. Other
properties include: becoming practical and discreet of mind as well as more grounded brings optimism
eliminating 'the blues' helps with internal mental battles stimulates wealth. It also produces stimulating and
soothing vibrations. Tigers eye has been used in the treatment of eye and throat disorder and also disorders of
the reproductive system. Chakras: 1st (Base) 3rd (Solar Plexus) Star Sign: Capricorn & Leo

RHODONITE: A stone for activating love energies in oneself and others and said to promote friendship and
goodwill. Rhodonite is also good at dispelling tension and anxiety and helps one establish inner balance. It is

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sometimes refereed to as the 'stone of peace' and may help resolve conflicts. Chakra: 4th (Heart).

RHODACHROSITE: A good energy conductor helps a balance of the emotional mental and physical self .helps creativity
and intuition

ROSE QUARTZ: A Soothing, Calming Stone that dispels Stored Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Grief and resentment. Balancing the
emotions and healing emotional wounds, it brings peace and calm. It is especially powerful in times of stress or loss,
helping the wearer to
slow down and take it easy. Its loving nurturing energy takes away fears, resentment and anger and gently
replaces them with a feeling of higher self esteem and confidence. Rose Quartz is also a good stone for love,
and to increase self love and feelings of self worth. It brings healing and clarity to the heart and allows the
wearer to learn to trust again. Wear this and open yourself to love. Chakras: 4th (Heart)

RUBILITE (pink tourmaline): Leads with the heart and helps if you wish to devote yourself to a task or way of life a
channelling stone. It gives you insight into your emotions relieves inner conflict and pain.

RUBY: A stone of sexual passion and creation. Gives a high energy boost strengthens immunity, increases

RUTILE/RUTILATED QUARTZ: A powerful healing stone it also stimulates mental activity and eases depression.

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