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Society and Culture

Curriculum Assessment Portfolio and Critical

By Rachel Foster 17439190
Society and Culture Assessment Task Two

Lesson Plan One _________________________________________________________________ Page 3

Online Digital Resource ________________________________________________________ Page 18
Lesson Plan Two _______________________________________________________________ Page 19
Lesson Plan Three _____________________________________________________________ Page 24
Justification _____________________________________________________________________ Page 29
Reference List __________________________________________________________________ Page 32
Scope and Sequence ___________________________________________________________ Page 34
Concept Map ____________________________________________________________________ Page 35
Assessment Schedule __________________________________________________________ Page 36
Assessment Task _______________________________________________________________ Page 37
Unit Outline _____________________________________________________________________ Page 39
Relational Table ________________________________________________________________ Page 45

Lesson Plan One

Topic area: Popular Culture Stage of Learner: Stage 6 Syllabus Pages: 39 - 41

Date: 2017 Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 1 /3

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 25 Printing/preparation:

As required

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

H1 Evaluates and Introduction to Concepts: Identify and describe
effectively applies the online digital - access the role of popular
social and cultural resource. Clear - ideology culture in their own
concepts. explanation and - socialisation lives and in the macro
H3 Analyses relationships instruction given - conflict world.
and interactions to further - change (BOSTES, 2013).
within and between learning. Set - consumption
social and cultural tasks must be - globalisation
groups. completed and - institutional
(BOSTES, 2013) will be further power
examined in - continuity
following classes. - self
- influence
- mythology
- identity
- media
(BOSTES, 2013).

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the

Teaching element Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.2 Deep Understanding Deep understanding is demonstrated through this lesson by introducing
the online digital resource to students, making sure they understand the
need and use for this tool and how it will appropriate their learning and
further deepen their knowledge.
2.3 High Expectations High expectations are set through the instruction of the online digital
resource. Students must complete the set work and be prepared to use
this tool in class to gain a deeper understanding of course content.
3.5 Connectedness Connectedness is demonstrated through the use of ICT modes in the
online digital resource.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centered
5 Students enter and are seated. Teacher: Mark roll. T

Student: Seated and ready for instruction

Resources: Roll

10 - 30 Introductory PowerPoint to Popular Teacher: Show PowerPoint to students on the T

Culture ideas of Popular Culture and important

Student: Listen attentively, ask any questions and

take notes.

Resources: Popular Culture PowerPoint

30 - 45 Students to open their workbooks and are Teacher: Instruct students to open their S
to work on set task. workbooks and complete the following task.
Name five popular cultures that are apart of your
life past, present or future.
What characteristics make these popular cultures?
What elements can you find from these that make
them popular cultures?
List how these popular cultures exist on a local,
national and global level.
What products/consumer goods are associated
with these popular cultures?

Student: Open workbook and complete set task.

Resources: Workbooks.
45 - 50 Class discussion Teacher: Ask a student to share their answers with S
the class.

Student: Chosen student to share their answers

with the class.

Resources: N/A
50 - 60 Introduce the online digital resource. Teacher: Show the students to the online digital T
resource, how to get access to it and explain the
task set out in online digital resource. Explain to
the students to expectations of the tasks.

Student: Listen and take note on how to access the

online digital resource. Ask any questions.

Resources: Online digital resource.

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

The online digital resource was the hardest and most enjoyable aspect of this
assessment task. It was helpful to see how inclusive ICT can be used in a unit of work
and especially with the study of Popular Culture it fits perfectly with the themes
throughout the unit.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

H1 Evaluates and Students will demonstrate understanding of social and
effectively applies social cultural concepts through both class activities and
and cultural concepts class discussion.
H3 Analyses relationships Through the classroom activities on popular culture
and interactions within and students will be able to demonstrate understanding
between social and cultural on the interactions between different groups and
groups. levels of society and culture.

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply
with the standard.

Graduate Standards Evidence within this lesson

2.6 Implement teaching This is demonstrated through the online digital
strategies for using ICT to resource a tool for independent student learning.
expand curriculum-learning
opportunities for students.
3.1 Set learning goals that The learning activities are simple and thorough to
provide achievable allow for clear communication and understanding.
challenges for students of
varying abilities and

Work, Health and Safety

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

Make sure students enter classroom safely no running.

All tables and chair are appropriate for use and can be safely used.
All windows work properly and provide no hazard.
All lighting fixtures work properly.
All cables and power connections are safe for use and provide no electrical or trip

Lesson One Resources:

(Glen Innes High School HSC Society and Culture http://www.gleninnes- )

Online Digital Resource

Lesson Plan Two

Topic area: Stage of Learner: Stage 6 Syllabus Pages: 39 - 41

Popular Culture
Date: 2017 Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 2 /3

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 25 Printing/preparation:

As required

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

H2 Explains the Formative The creation and Examine popular
development of Assessment development of the culture that conforms
personal, social and based on set task popular culture. to the distinguishing
cultural identity. from the Online characteristics and has
H3 Analyses relationships Digital Resource The consumption of a global acceptance.
and interactions the popular culture.
within and between
social and cultural The contribution of
groups. the popular culture.
H9 Applies complex course
language and
concepts appropriate
for a range of
audiences and

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the

Teaching element Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.4 Higher Order Thinking Higher Order Thinking is indicated throughout the lesson by allowing
students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of set task
within the online digital resource.
2.2 Engagement Engagement is indicated through the students use of the online digital
resource. Participation in the set tasks allows for students to
collaborate and learn from each other.
3.3 Knowledge Integration Knowledge Integration can be seen through the class activities allowing
students to further their unit content understanding.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centered
5 Students enter safely and are seated waiting for Teacher: Mark roll T
Student: Seated and waiting for instruction

Resources: Roll

10 - 20 Use of the online digital resource Teacher: Students are to open the online S
digital resource and go to Module Two
reviewing the set questions and the
opportunity to share ideas and answers with
fellow classmates.

Students are encouraged to share their ideas

and answers with the class and are given the
opportunity to add any relevant ideas they
may have missed in their responses.

Student: Open online digital resource and

open responses to set questions.

Resources: Module Two ODR

20 - 30 Think, Pair, Share Teacher: Students are to now do a Think, S
Pair, Share activity using the module two
online digital resource questions to collate
and further ideas they can add to their
responses. Students are encouraged to ask
other students their ideas and are
encouraged to ask for support in further

Student: Complete Think, Pair, Share activity

using the set questions from ODR task. Ask
other students about their responses.

Resources: ODR
30 - 40 Module Three Activity Teacher: Using the ODR students are to go to T
Module Three where as a class we will re-
watch the television show trailers and
students will share there responses to the set

Student: Watch the television show trailers

and be prepared to share with class their
responses and ideas to the set questions.

Resources: Online Digital Resource

40 - 60 Module Three Activity Teacher: Class Discussion construct a mind S
map on the white board about each
question. Share ideas about the related
television show trailer and mind map ideas
and key points that students can add to their
answers. Repeat this for all three videos
encouraging students to look closely at each
text and relate specific popular culture
content to the video.

Student: Using their already constructed

responses to the task, participate in the mind
mapping activity and add any relevant ideas
to the responses

Resources: Online Digital Resource

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

The online digital resource was the hardest and most enjoyable aspect of this
assessment task. It was helpful to see how inclusive ICT can be used in a unit of work
and especially with the study of Popular Culture it fits perfectly with the themes
throughout the unit

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

H2 Evaluate and effectively Using formative assessment relating to student
applies social and cultural responses through the set task on the online digital
concepts resource.
H3 Explains the Using formative assessment relating to student
development of personal, responses through the set task on the online digital
social and cultural identity resource.
H9 Applies complex course Using formative assessment relating to student
language and concepts responses through the set task on the online digital
appropriate for a range of resource.
audiences and contexts.

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply
with the standard.

Graduate Standards Evidence within this lesson

2.2 Organise content The online digital resource is an effective tool to organise
into an effective classroom content and lesson sequencing. This is evident
learning and teaching throughout the lesson plan by utilizing this tool to further
sequence. student participation and learning outcomes.
2.3 Use curriculum, Using student responses to question to formatively assess
assessment and students knowledge is paramount in order for students to
reporting knowledge to have success in their HSC examinations.

design learning
sequences and lesson
2.6 Implement ICT is demonstrated through the use of the online digital
teaching strategies for resource and integrating this into the lesson plan.
using ICT to expand
opportunities for
3.1 Establish learning The set task on the online digital resource is designed to
goals that provide both challenge and cement student content understanding
achievable challenges of course work. The lesson plan is designed to test this
for students of varying knowledge and understanding and also to clarify and
abilities and misconceptions about the unit.


What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

Make sure students enter classroom safely no running.

All tables and chair are appropriate for use and can be safely used.
All windows work properly and provide no hazard.
All lighting fixtures work properly.
All cables and power connections are safe for use and provide no electrical or trip

Lesson Plan Three

Topic area: Popular Culture Stage of Learner: Stage 6 Syllabus Pages: 39 - 41

Date: 2017 Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 3 / 3

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 25 Printing/preparation:

As Required

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

H1 Evaluates and Using the Online The nature of popular Effectively respond to
effectively applies Digital Resource culture. examination style
social and cultural students will questions.
concepts. practice past The control of the
H7 Selects, organises, paper question popular control.
synthesizes and from the Society
analyses information and Culture The different
from a variety of examination. perceptions of the
sources for popular culture.
usefulness, validity
and bias. The contribution of
H10 Communicates the popular culture to
complex information, social change.
ideas and issues using
appropriate written,
oral and graphic

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the

Teaching element Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.1 Deep Understanding Deep understanding is indicated through the lesson activity, and the
allowance for student feedback.
2.4 Social Support Social support is evident through collaborative style lesson activities
to set students up for success.
3.6 Narrative Narrative is demonstrated through practice of past paper

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centered
5 Students enter safely, be ready for instruction Teacher: Mark roll T

Student: Enter classroom safely be ready for


Resources: Roll
10 - 25 Module Four Online Digital Resource Teacher: Instruct students to open the online T
digital resource and access module four
looking at past paper exam questions on
popular culture.

As a class discuss the response plans students

came up with the different questions. What
elements can be added, how can they
strengthen their responses.

Student: Open online digital resource to

Module Four have open response plans, add
any ideas to response plans from class

Resources: Online Digital Resource

25 - 40 Using past paper student exemplars Teacher: Students are to read the past paper S
exemplar and distinguish what makes the
responses good response and what mark do
they believe this paper response received?
http://arc2, Students are to add these elements to their
process/15350/2002/qexemplar_q5a.pdf own response plans. Student: Read the past paper exemplar and

process.15350/2002/qexemplar_q5b.pdf add any additional ideas to their response

Resources: Past Papers.

40 - 60 Using the response plans worked on in class, Teacher: Students are to now using their S
students are to now choose one years past response plans choose one year and answer
paper questions and answer the questions the questions and to hand in for feedback.
and hand in for feedback.
Student: Students are to work independently
and answer the past paper exam questions
they have chosen using their response plans.

Resources: ODR, past paper.

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

The online digital resource was the hardest and most enjoyable aspect of this
assessment task. It was helpful to see how inclusive ICT can be used in a unit of work
and especially with the study of Popular Culture it fits perfectly with the themes
throughout the unit

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

H1 Evaluate and Students to submit their response to their selected
effectively applies social past paper exam questions and submit for feedback.
and cultural concepts.
H7 Selects, organises, Students to submit their response to their selected
synthesizes and analyses past paper exam questions and submit for feedback.
information from a variety
of sources for usefulness,
validity and bias.
H10 Communicates Students to submit their response to their selected
complex information, ideas past paper exam questions and submit for feedback.
and issues using
appropriate written, oral
and graphic forms.

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply
with the standard.

Graduate Standards Evidence within this lesson

5.1 Demonstrate Students are to practice past paper examination question
understanding of for the depth study of popular culture. This will be a
assessment strategies, formative assessment and will give students detailed
including informal and feedback for evaluation of learning.
formal, diagnostic,
formative and
summative approaches
to assess student

2.1 Demonstrate The use of the online digital resource will examine
knowledge and student understanding of concepts and unit substance.
understanding of the The practicing of the past papers will allow for teaching
concepts, substance and strategies to improve student learning.
structure of the content
and teaching strategies
of the teaching area.
2.3 Use curriculum, Feedback will be given to students using their responses
assessment and to the past paper questions.
reporting knowledge to
design learning
sequences and lesson
3.2 Plan lesson Further lesson plans will be built around student
sequences using responses to past paper exam questions to further build
knowledge of student knowledge.
learning, content and
effective teaching


What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

Make sure students enter classroom safely no running.

All tables and chair are appropriate for use and can be safely used.
All windows work properly and provide no hazard.
All lighting fixtures work properly.
All cables and power connections are safe for use and provide no electrical or trip


The Appendices:

The scope and sequence is reflective of the Board of Studies structured scope
and sequence for both the preliminary and the higher school certificate course
(BOSTES, 2013). The Depth Study Popular Culture has been placed in term two
of the higher school certificate course as it allows students to opportunity to
build upon skills learnt throughout the preliminary course and the first term of
the higher school certificate course. Moreover the concept map built for this unit
of work directly links to key concepts and ideas from the Board of Studies
Society and Culture Syllabus (2013, pg. 39-41). The fundamental concepts will be
second nature to the students and will also help them with learning new related
depth study concepts such as commercialization and commodification in relation
to the study of popular culture (BOSTES, 2013, pg. 39). The assessment schedule
has been copied from the Board of Studies also as it directly links into the scope
and sequence and also allows continual flow and allows students to effectively
build upon content related skills (BOSTES, 2013 & Foster, R, 2017). In further the
assessment task itself is designed to incorporate the knowledge and skills
students have already learnt throughout the unit and the online digital resource,
the pedagogical ideology behind the assessment comes from Peter Seixas who
explains that identifying and building upon students prior knowledge in various
subjects, provides an opportunity for new forms of historical meaning-making
(Pg. 298). Ergo the assessment task reflects clear pedagogical foundations and
allows for students to move up the bands for academic success in the higher
school certificate society and culture course.

The Online Digital Resource:

The development of the online digital resource was solely with student growth in
mind, the online digital resource itself has been designed to test students skills
and abilities with tasks directly relating to the higher school certificate

examination for the depth study of popular culture (Ayres, 2004, pg.159). The
four modules assess different skills sets and will also contribute to further unit
planning and lesson sequencing depending on the students abilities. The
different modules are to be completed autonomously and will provide formative
assessment which is an integral pedagogical framework (Lyons, 2014, pg.
70)(Naderi, H, Baezzat, F and Motaghedifard, M, 2015, pg. 42).

Furthermore the pedagogical ideologies surrounding the construction of the

online digital resource to a large extent revolves around the idea of cooperative
learning and self-efficacy (Lyons, 2014, pg. 76- 78) it is the idea that cooperative
learning addresses specific academic content, as well as development of social
skills, and an increasing of the roles people fulfill when they work cooperatively
to achieve a common end. Cooperative learning pedagogy has been used in the
designed and implementation of the online digital resource tasks and modules in
order to both maximize student content understanding but to also develop the
social skills of student so that they social and cultural literate members of society
after school. On the other hand the online digital resource has been designed
with simplicity and clear structure so that students do not feel overwhelm
(Doolittle, P, 1997 & Marsh, 2014).

Furthermore pedagogical ideologies that has stimulated the idea to construct the
online digital resource simple have been developed from Vygotskys zone of
proximal development where it is hereby explained individual potential for
cognitive growth is limited on the lower level end by that which he or she can
accomplish independently, and on the upper end by that which he or she can
accomplish with the help of a more knowledgeable other such as a peer, tutor or
teacher (Doolittle, P, 1997, pg. 85). Therefore it was important to make the
resource accomplishing for students rather than daunting and to utilize the tool
in class effectively to make sure students were building upon skills and
knowledge (Foster, R, 2017).

In addition the online digital resource addresses the integration of both ICT and
UbD, making use of technology within the classroom and for students is

important in todays contemporary societies and classrooms. The use of effective
ICT and UbD can enhance and encouraged student participation and
development (March, 2014, pg. 236). Therefore it is evident that the use of ICT
and UbD is an integral part of this unit of work.

The Pre and Post Lesson Plans:

The Pre and Post Lesson Plans and the Assessment Task have been designed
with the Australian Professional Standards of Teaching (2017) and the Board of
Studies Society and Culture Syllabus (2013, pg. 39-41) outcomes in mind (Foster,
R, 2017). First the pre lesson plan provides clear instruction for the expectations
of the online digital resource and the four module tasks. The significance of the
online digital resource is clearly laid out for students and will help them prepare
for the society and culture higher school certificate examination, this is an
imperative part of positive pedagogy (Lyons, 2014, pg.74).

Furthermore the post lesson plans draw from the activities in the online digital
resource which focuses back to cooperative learning mentioned earlier and also
allows the students to clarify information and to work together to build their
content knowledge and understanding (Foster, R, 2017). The idea of signifying
the importance of learning is largely taken from Peter Seixas ideology that
history is to be meaningful, depending on the selection and depending on the
established criteria of significance, it needs to be relevant and to disregard the
more dismissive content (pg. 282). Ergo the lesson plans have been developed
from various different pedagogical ideologies and this in turn encourages
student development and allows for students to move up the bands in their HSC
examinations and also allows them to build upon skills useful in life after the
Higher School Certificate (Foster, R, 2017).

Reference List

Ayres *, P., Sawyer, W., & Dinham, S. (2004). Effective teaching in the context of a
grade 12 high-stakes external examination in New South Wales, Australia. British
Educational Research Journal, 30(1), 141-165.

Board of Studies Syllabus. (2015). Retrieved 20 March 2017, from

Doolittle, P. (1997). Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development as a Theoretical

Foundation for Cooperative Learning. Journal On Excellence In College Teaching,
8(1), 83-103.

Elements Of Learning And Achievement | Quality Teaching Framework". N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

Lyons, Gordon, Margot Ford, and June Slee. Classroom Management: Creating
Positive Learning Environments. 6th ed. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning
Australia, 2014. Print.

Marsh, Colin J, Maggie Clarke, and Sharon Pittaway. Marsh's Becoming A Teacher.
6th ed. Sydney Australia: Pearson Australia, 2014. Print

Motaghedifard, M., Naderi, H., & Baezzat, F. (2015). Effectiveness of quality

education based on Glasser's choice theory on the student's academic self-
efficacy. European Journal Of Psychology And Educational Studies, 2(2), 43-47.

Seixas, P. (1994). Theory and Research in Social Education. The Offical Journal Of
The College And Univeristy Faculty Assesmbly Of The National Council For The
Social Studies, XXII(3), 282-298.

Standards | Australian Institute For Teaching And School Leadership". N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

Foster, R, 2017, Professional Task, Secondary Curriculum 2A, Unit 102090

Modern History.

Lesson Plan Weblink Resources:



Appendix A: Scope and Sequence

Course Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Preliminary Topic: The Topic: Personal Topic: Intercultural Students start the HSC
Social and and Social Communication 40% course in this term.
Cultural World Identity 40% Syllabus Outcomes:
30% Syllabus P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6,
Syllabus Outcomes: P8, P10
Outcomes: P2, P3, P5, P6, Duration in weeks: 6 week
P1, P3, P5, P6, P8, P9, P10,
P7, P10 P11
Duration in Duration in
weeks: 3 weeks weeks: 6 weeks
Course Term 4 (year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
HSC Topic: Topic: Social Topic: Depth Studies 20% Topic: Depth Studies
Personal and Cultural Popular Culture 20% Equality and
Interest Project Continuity and Syllabus Outcomes: Difference
30% Change 30% H2, H3, H4, H5, H7, H8, Syllabus Outcomes:
Syllabus Syllabus H10 H2, H3, H4, H5, H7,
Outcomes: Outcomes: H8, H10
H1, H7, H6, H1, H3, H4, Duration in weeks: 8 weeks
H8, H9, H10, H5, H6, H7, Duration in weeks: 8
H11 H8, H10 weeks

Duration in
Duration in
weeks: 12
weeks: 12

Appendix B: Concept Map Popular Culture

Appendix C: HSC Assessment Schedule

Component Task One Task Two Task Three: Task Four: Weighting %
Personal Social and Depth Study: Depth Study:
Interest Cultural Popular Culture Equality and
Project Continuity Difference
and Change
Report and Research and Extended Response Examination
Oral Report
Term One Term Two Term Three Term Four
Outcomes H1, H7, H6, H1, H3, H4, H2, H3, H4, H5, H2, H3, H4,
H8, H9, H10, H5, H6, H7, H7, H8, H10 H5, H7, H8,
H11 H8, H10 H10

Knowledge and 10 10 10 20 50
Understanding of Content
Application and 5 10 10 5 30
evaluation of social and
cultural research

Communication of 5 5 5 5 20
Information, ideas and
issues in appropriate

Marks 20 25 25 30 100

Appendix C: Assessment Task

Society and Culture Assessment Task Depth Study Popular Culture

Due Date: Week 7

Weighting: 25%

Outcomes Assessed:

H1 evaluates and effectively applies social and cultural concepts

H2 explains the development of personal, social and cultural identity
H3 analyses relationships and interactions within and between social and
cultural groups
H5 analyses continuity and change and their influence on personal and social
H7 selects, organises, synthesises and analyses information from a variety of
sources for usefulness, validity and bias
H9 applies complex course language and concepts appropriate for a range of
audiences and contexts
H10 communicates complex information, ideas and issues using appropriate
written, oral and graphic forms

The Task:

With reference to ONE example of pop culture you are to assess the extent of the
contribution of the popular culture to social change in TWO differing cultures
(cross cultural comparison). In your response you must:

1. Explain how the popular culture expresses contemporary social values,

2. Identify the positive and negative impact of the popular culture on wider
society, and
3. Evaluate the ways in which the popular culture has contributed to social
change to your chosen cultures.

Your response must be:

Between 1500-2000 words in length

Marking Criteria:

Identifies the pop culture and clearly indicates how the characteristics of pop culture
relate to the chosen example
Clearly identifies and examines two differing cultures /1
Provides a detailed explanation of how the popular culture expresses contemporary
values in two differing cultures, providing at least two examples from each
Identifies both positive and negative impacts of chosen pop culture on the wider society /4
Clearly assesses the extent of the contribution of the chosen pop culture to social change
on the chosen cultures and provides relevant examples to support this assessment
Included detailed bibliography /1
Presents a clear and coherent response demonstrating an understanding of course
terminology and concepts.
Total /20

Appendix D: Unit Outline

Subject: Popular Culture Number of
Course: Society and Culture Weeks: 8
Unit title: Depth
Study Popular
Key Concepts/ Big Ideas The importance of this learning
Persons Students are provided with essential concepts,
Society skills, competencies and knowledge to
Culture encourage a process of independent thinking
Environment that can be used to explain patterns of
Time behaviour, solve problems, and engage in and
Power actively contribute to all levels of society.
Authority (BOSTES, 2013, pg. 6).
Institutional Power
(BOSTES, 2013, pg. 39).

Unit context within Scope and Syllabus Outcomes

Term Three H1 Evaluates and effectively applies social and
cultural concepts.
H2 Explains the development of personal, social
and cultural identity.
H3 Analyses relationships and interactions
within and between social and cultural groups.
H5 Analyses continuity and change and their
influence on personal and social futures.
H7 Selects, organises, synthesises, and analyses
information from a variety of sources for
usefulness, validity and bias.
H9 Applies complex course language and
concepts appropriate for a range of audiences
and contexts.
H10 Communicates complex information, ideas
and issues using appropriate written and

graphic forms.
(BOSTES, 2013, pg. 39).
Literacy Focus Numeracy ICT Focus
Focus Differentiation
Literary focus Within The Online
will be key popular Digital
throughout this culture the Resource will
unit as it allows numeracy demonstrate
to students to focus will effective use
study exciting take place of ICT.
and modern through
topics that they monetary
are interested values and
in, allowing for commercial
deeper and goods.

Week/ Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Resources

Sequence Strategies including
assessment for learning.
Week Integrated Concepts: Introductory PowerPoint
One - fundamental PowerPoint on attached in
concepts Popular Culture. resources to
- additional Lesson Plan
concepts THINK, PAIR, SHARE One.
- related depth on different popular
study concepts cultures associated Online Digital
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.39) with contemporary Resource

Introduction to online
digital resource for
students to use
Week Contemporary Context PowerPoint on PowerPoint on
Two - use examples Television as Popular Contemporary
drawn from Culture study focusing Context of
contemporary on contemporary Television.
society context.
- assess the impact Online Digital
of technologies, Use of online digital Resource.

including resource in class.
technologies, on Class discussion on
popular culture class activities on the
- examine a impact of technologies,
contemporary communication and
issue in popular research methods.
culture using
research method
of content analysis
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.39)
Week Nature of Popular PowerPoint on the PowerPoint on
Three Culture Nature of Popular Nature of
- associated Culture for Television Popular Culture.
commercial study.
products and Online Digital
paraphernalia THINK, PAIR, SHARE Resource
- development of activity on the nature
local to global of popular culture.
- achieved Online Digital
widespread Resource.
consumer access
- is constantly
changing and
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.40)
Week Focus Study Past Paper HSC Past Paper HSC
Four questions activity. examination
The creation and Students to plan a questions.
development of the response to past paper
Popular Culture: questions in class. Online Digital
- the origins of the Resource
popular culture Online Digital
- the development Resource
of the popular
culture from a Independent research
local to a global into the
level commodification of
- the process of television as popular
commodification culture.
for the popular
culture Class presentation on
- the role of information.
mythology in the
creation and
perpetuation of
the popular

- continuities and
changes to the
popular culture
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.40)
Week Focus Study THINK, PAIR, SHARE Online Digital
Five activity on the Resource
The consumption of the consumption of
Popular Culture: popular culture.
- the consumers of
the popular Online Digital
culture and the Resource
nature of its
consumption Mind-mapping activity
- the relationship of on globalisation of
heroes and popular culture.
mythology to
media and Past Paper response
consumption activity, share with
- how globalisation class responses and
and technologies get feedback.
have influenced
- the relationship of
access and
consumption to
age, class,
ethnicity, gender,
location and
- how consumption
and ownership of
influence a sense
of identity
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.40)
Week Focus Study Past Paper HSC Past Paper HSC
Six examinations practice. examination
The control of the questions.
Popular Culture Online Digital
- the ownership of Resource Online Digital
the popular Resource
culture and the THINK, PAIR, SHARE
tensions between on stakeholders.
consumers and
- the stakeholders
and how they
influence the
popular culture-

family peer
groups, media,
governments and
global groups
- the role and
impact of official
and unofficial
- the influence of
power and
authority at the
micro, meso and
macro levels
(BOSTES, 2013, pg.40)
Week Focus Study Mind-mapping activity Online Digital
Seven on the evolution of Resource
The different perceptions television as a popular
of the popular culture culture study.
and the contribution of
the popular culture to Class presentation of
social change ideas.
- groups that accept
and reject the Create an
popular culture advertisement on
- changing television programs,
perceptions and shows etc
the value of the
popular culture to Online Digital
groups in society Resource
- how the popular
culture constructs
or deconstructs
- how the popular
culture expresses
social values
- the positive and
negative impact of
the popular
culture on wider
- the ways in which
the popular
culture has
contributed to
social change
(BOSTES, 2013, pg. 40)

Week Focus Study Timeline activity on
Eight different rends on
The near future television as popular
- determine current culture.
trends and
suggest probable THINK, PAIR, SHARE
future directions on future predictions
for the popular of television as
culture popular culture.
- evaluate the
impact and
implications for
the popular
- predict the
importance of the
popular culture to
society in the near
(BOSTES, 2013, pg. 41)

Assessment Details Outcomes

Assessment Details are attached in H1 Evaluates and effectively applies social
appendices. and cultural concepts.
H2 Explains the development of personal,
social and cultural identity.
H3 Analyses relationships and interactions
within and between social and cultural
H5 Analyses continuity and change and their
influence on personal and social futures.
H7 Selects, organises, synthesises, and
analyses information from a variety of
sources for usefulness, validity and bias.
H9 Applies complex course language and
concepts appropriate for a range of
audiences and contexts.
H10 Communicates complex information,
ideas and issues using appropriate written
and graphic forms.
(BOSTES, 2013, pg. 39).
Evaluation of the Learning and Teaching Indicators of Learning
Online Digital Resource task Successful completion on set tasks on the
completed. online digital resource.
Assessment Task. Successful completion of assessment task.

Appendix E: Relational Table

Year Questions
2016 How does paraphernalia contribute to
a sense of identity in ONE popular

Evaluate the roles of both official and

unofficial censorship in the
development and evolution of ONE
popular culture.

(BOSTES, 2016).
2015 Explain how the media influence
demand for popular culture.

To what extent does ONE popular

culture express contemporary values
that contribute to social change?

(BOSTES, 2015)
2014 Outline ONE aspect of continuity in the
consumption of ONE popular culture.

How has conflict created change in

ONE popular culture?

(BOSTES, 2014)
2013 Explain the influence of technology on
the globalisation of ONE popular

Describe the role of paraphernalia in

the consumption of ONE popular

(BOSTES, 2013).


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