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King Tut

By Molly, Megan, Isaac, and

Medical Examiner By Isaac
He was 19 when he died
They was no foul play in his death.
So natural causes are He had malaria , bone disorder and a blood clot
Some facts about his death is he was in a weak state and he had
a broken leg.
When they found him he had a broken leg and a blood clot.
I think he died from a chariot accident
Megan Wright
Howard Carter found King Tuts tomb, in 1900s, but the tomb was not
intact. In the tomb he found marvelous treasures including four goddess
statues and four canopic jars, which have the lung, liver, stomach, and the
intestines. There was a few things missing though for instance stone jar lids,
fragments of gods, razors, and a bronze arrowhead. <This could have also
been stolen from the tomb back when he was buried. He was one of the
most famous pharaohs because of his accomplishments and perhaps it was
the fact that he was a pharaoh at age 18! They used to believe that there
was a curse on is tomb because the first people to walk in lost their best
howl dog and killed himself because he didn't want to live any more. I do not
think that the curse is real because it doesn't seem like it would make
someone want to kill themselves.
Archaeologist By, Jacob Tholstrup

King Tut became a pharaoh by Thumultuos religious reforms for his

Howard carter headed the expedition to find king tut.
We can learn from king Tuts sarcophagus that his mask was made of
gold. And his tomb was made of solid gold too.
King Tuts tomb is different because his is fabricated and made of solid
Kings Tuts tomb is buried in a place that not normally used for burials.
And it is buried beneath the Earths surface.
There were gold and toys in the tomb of king Tuts too.
Molly Gaug
King Tut became Pharaoh when his dad died. He was the first and only
son in line for the throne.
When he was king, he changed his name from Tutankhaton, to
Tutankhamen, for religious reasons
Tutankhamen means The living image of Amen.
Akhenaten and Nefertari were possibly King Tuts parents.
King Tut married Ankhensenpaaton.
Because his tomb was not as detailed as the other tombs, we believe his
death was unexpected. Also, the mummy was prepared badly, the tomb
was not ready, and King Tut was only 18 years old.

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