Practiceplan Example Biomech5

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Practice Plan 5


Emphasis Of The Day: THE NEW MOVE

Thought For The Day: Concentrate on what will produce results rather than on the results, the
process rather than the prize. Bill Walsh (NFL coach)


7:00 Dynamic Warmup Stretch before Focus mind and
practice starts body
7:10 Teach the new Learn from Ball-handling,
behind the back demonstration and passing
switch pass execute
7:17 Layup lines with Control the ball Balance and
new move catch and shoot footwork
7:23 Weave with new Limit travels; catch Balance and
move and secure ball footwork.
7:30 Transition Break w Control the tempo Transition
new move
7:40 Water Hustle at all times Being Coachable
7:43 Wing pop, cut and Making decisions New move
drive with 2
defenders, make a
decision and
include new move
if possible
7:56 Swish 7 Correct form in Shooting
8:03 Water Hustle at all times Be Coachable
8:05 Shell drill Up the line, help Defensive
side, deny fundamentals
8:15 Motion Offense Move without the Plays
8:25 Freethrows Everyone makes 1 Pressure shooting

8:30 End Of Practice 1 good thing, 1 Reflection

thing to improve

Announcements: Parent meeting after practice tonight. 100 shots between this and next practice

Coaching Emphasis: Working on building the individual success in order for the team to succeed.
There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time. I owe him my best. Joe DiMaggio
This week we add the new move. We demonstrate it positively first and then give the kids PLENTY of
opportunity to run it, however as in a game situation, the players will not be told WHEN to run it,
rather that they must when the time is right. We will do a feedback sandwich approach here to
maintain confidence while learning a tough new move.

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