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Description of work plan- Updated Rulemaking Current staff Allocation- Additional Details

Resource constraints affecting Additional Comments on

Rule Title/Subject/Docket No. RIN Rule and Significance Legislation Projected Completion Dates based on Timeline (FR PHMSA staff assigned to more Affecting Rulemaking
process Rulemaking Status
currently available information Publication Date) than one project at a time. Progress


Pipeline Safety 2011 Sec 5(IM), 8 Office of Pipeline Safety; Office of Hazardous
(leak detection); Sec 29 Materials Safety; FR is Federal Register;
2137-AE66 OST is Office of the Secretary of Transportation;
(seismicity); Sec 14 (bio fuels), Sec
OPS: Safety of On-Shore Hazardous Liquid 21(c) (offshore gathering) OST Approval- Oct 17, 2016 ; OIRA is Office of Information and Regulatory
Pipelines Final Rule-Significant OIRA Approval - 1/10/2017; TBD 10 staff Affairsl; NPRM is Notice of Proposed Rulemaking;
PHMSA-2010-0229 withdrawn from FR on 1/24/2017 Final Rule (FR) Interim Final Rule (IFR) Advanced
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM)
PIPES Act 2016 Sec 14 (safety
data sheets) Sec 25 (assessments)

Comment period ended

Pipeline Safety 2011 PSA 5(e) (6
7/13/2016 and there are
months); 5(f)(3) - exp IM
OPS: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines Pipeline Advisory Committee held Jan over 300 comments. Size,
2137-AE72 Final Rule-Significant principal); 23(a) testing; 23(a) 13 staff Competing priorities.
PHMSA-2011-0023 2017. Workplan under development. complexity of comments
MAOP-incomplete records; 29 -
will lead to more study in
drafting final rule.

OPS: Pipeline Rupture Detection and Mitigation Notice of Proposed

Pipeline Safety 2011 PSA Sec 8; Other projects using resources;.
for Onshore Populated and High Consequence 2137-AF06 Rulemaking (NPRM)- Workplan under revision NPRM-TBD 9 staff Currently re-drafting
Sec 4 competing priorities.
Areas Signficant
OPS: Operator Qualification, Cost Recovery,
Accident and Incident Notification and Other Pipeline Safety 2011 PSA Sec 9; Published in FR Published in FR 1/23/2016
2137-AE94 Final Rule Non Significant 22 staff
Changes Sec 13 1/23/2016 82 FR 7972 82 FR 7972


OST Approval - 10/18/16 OMB Published IFR on Published IFR on

OPS: Underground Gas Storage Facilities Interim Final Rule (IFR)-
2137-AF22 PIPES ACT 2016 Sec 12 Approval - 12/6/2016 Published 12/19/2016. 4 staff 12/19/2016. 81
PHMSA-2016-0023 Significant
12/19/2016 81 FR 91860 FR 91860

PHMSA Administrator Approval of

Published IFR on
OPS: Emergency Orders Authority PHMSA- Final Rule PIPES Act 2016 Sec NPRM 9/26/16; IFR Drafingt FR-projected
2137-AF26 5 staff 10/14/2016.
2016-0091 Non Significant 16 Publication - 10/14/16 Comment publication 3/2017
81 FR 70980
period ends 12/13/16

Advanced Notice of Published ANPRM

OHMS: Gasohol (Hazardous Material PIPES Act 2016 Published ANPRM 11/21/2016. 81
2137-AF25 Proposed Rulemaking 8 staff 11/21/2016.
Identification Number) Section 15 FR 83190
(ANPRM)- non-sig 81 FR 83190

Chart Updated 10/21/2016

Description of work plan- Updated Rulemaking Current staff Allocation- Additional Details
Resource constraints affecting Additional Comments on
Rule Title/Subject/Docket No. RIN Rule and Significance Legislation Projected Completion Dates based on Timeline (FR PHMSA staff assigned to more Affecting Rulemaking
process Rulemaking Status
currently available information Publication Date) than one project at a time. Progress

PIPES Act 2016

OPS: Unusually Sensitive Areas 2137-AFXX 2 staff Under development
Sec 19

LNG PIPES Act 2016 Sec 27 Workplan under development 5 staff Under development

FAST Act 2016

Published ANPRM
Published ANPRM 1/19/2017 82
OHMS: Real Time Train Consist 2137-AF21 ANPRM FAST Act 2016: Sec.7302 TBD 10 staff Competing priorities. 1/19/2017 82
FR 6451.
FR 6451.
OHMS: Oil Spill Planning and Information PHMSA Approval - 3/17; OST Comment period ended on
FAST Act 2016: Sec.
Sharing for High-Hazard Flammable Trains 2137-AF08 FR - TBD Approval - 4/17; OMB Approval - FR - July-17 8 staff 9/29/16. Reviewing and
7302 and 7307.
PHMSA-2014-0105 07/17; FR Publication - 07/17 assessing comments
OHMS: Revision to Requirements for Hazardous Published NPRM on Published NPRM on
FAST Act 2016: Sec. PHMSA Approval - 9/30/16; FR In 60-day comment period;
Materials Grants 2137-AF19 FR- TBD 10/11/2016. 7 staff 10/11/2016.
7203 & 7301 (RRR) Publication - 10/14/16 Workplan for FR TBD
PHMSA-2015-0272 81 FR 70067 81 FR 70067

PHMSA proposes to amend 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 198 by incorporating into PHMSAs regulations the existing statutory procedures in the Federal pipeline safety laws regarding the certification of State authorities
State Certification Notice of Proposed
2137-AF14 to regulate intrastate gas and hazardous liquid pipelines and the process by which PHMSA and State authorities may enter into interstate-agent and other agreements for State authorities to assist PHMSA in the regulation and
PHMSA-2015-0177 Rulemaking-non significant
inspection of both interstate and intrastate pipelines.

Periodic Update of Regulatory References to

Notice of Proposed This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposes to amend the Federal pipeline safety regulations to incorporate by reference new, updated or reaffirmed editions of the voluntary consensus standards that are applicable to
Standards PHMSA- 2016- 2137-AF13
Rulemaking-non significant pipelines subject to the requirements of the Federal pipeline safety regulations.
Plastic Pipes Rule PHMSA is proposing to amend the natural and other gas pipeline safety regulations (49 CFR part 192) to address regulatory requirements involving plastic piping systems used in gas services. These proposed amendments are
2137-AE93 Final Rule -TBD
PHMSA-2014-0098 intended to correct errors, address inconsistencies, and respond to petitions for rulemaking.
**Staff allocations listed in this chart identify the total number of persons assigned to each rulemaking project. However, PHMSA staff are often assigned to multiple rulemaking teams and have additional tasks that prevent them from working full-time on a single rulemaking project. Workplan Projected
Completion Dates based on currently available information

Chart Updated 10/21/2016

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