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Application of a New Multicomponent

Gas Adsorption Model to Coal Gas

Adsorption Systems
C.R. Clarkson, SPE, Burlington Resources Canada Ltd.

Summary ance calculations to determine coalbed gas EUR13 and to forecast

A new multicomponent adsorption model is proposed for applica- gas production.3 Complicating these calculations is the fact that
tion to coal gas adsorption systems. The model is derived by coalbed gas, in some cases, is composed of mixtures of compo-
combining the vacancy solution and Dubinin-Polanyi theories. Ap- nents such as methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and heavier hy-
plications of the new adsorption model include the modeling of drocarbons (>C2), although methane is commonly the most abun-
multicomponent adsorption processes associated with primary and dant component.
enhanced coalbed methane recovery (ECBM). During pressure depletion, the primary recovery mechanism for
In the new model, the adsorbed phase in the single-component coalbed gas production, produced gas composition may evolve as
(pure) adsorption system is treated as a binary mixture of a single- the most strongly adsorbed components are held preferentially
component gas with a hypothetical vacancy species, which also until relatively low pressures are reached. For example, in the San
occupies adsorption space. The adsorption system is modeled as Juan Basin Fruitland coal Fairway, coal gases initially (prior to
equilibrium between the gaseous phase and the adsorbed-phase depletion) consisted mainly of methane (>90 mole%) and carbon
vacancy solution. The Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) equation is used to dioxide (<10 mole%). During primary depletion, carbon dioxide,
generate activity coefficients, as a function of the degree of pore- which is more strongly adsorbed than methane, has steadily in-
filling, for the pure component gas in the binary (adsorbate+vacancy) creased in concentration in the produced gas stream. Today, car-
adsorbed-phase mixture. The Wilson equation is chosen to fit pure bon dioxide concentrations in the produced gas stream may exceed
component (D-A-derived) activity coefficient curves by optimiz- 20 mole%. The prediction of gas composition evolution during
ing the binary interaction coefficients. These binary interaction depletion is desirable so that the commercial value of the produced
coefficients are then used to predict multicomponent adsorption gas stream may be forecast. Accurate binary gas adsorption models
equilibrium, although only the case of binary adsorption is mod- are thus required in some cases for economic modeling of primary
eled here. coalbed gas recovery.
The adsorbed phase mixture for binary gas adsorption is treated An additional application of binary or multicomponent adsorp-
as a ternary mixture of the two pure component adsorbates and the tion models is in the prediction of methane recovery as a result of
hypothetical vacancy species. Binary gas adsorption equilibrium is ECBM mechanisms or storage of carbon dioxide for the purposes
described by equilibrium between the gaseous components and the of sequestration. The former process involves the injection of non-
components in the adsorbed phase solution. Adsorbed-phase ac- hydrocarbon gases, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, for the
tivity coefficients are calculated from the Wilson equation, with purpose of increasing the recovery of methane, while the latter
the binary interaction coefficients obtained from pure component process involves the injection of (pure) carbon dioxide or flue
adsorption data. Thus, only pure component adsorption data are gases in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Alberta
required to make binary and multicomponent adsorption predic- Research Council4 has proposed that both processes could be em-
tions with the new model. ployed simultaneously to achieve sequestration of carbon dioxide
Two binary (CH4+CO2) gas adsorption experimental data sets while improving methane recoveries from coalbed gas systems.
with coal as the adsorbent and one binary (CH4+C2H6) gas ad- Recently, Bustin5 has proposed that hydrogen sulfide could also
sorption data set with activated carbon as the adsorbent are used to be used as an ECBM gas, which would facilitate its disposal in
test the predictions of the new model. In most cases the new model the subsurface.
is able to predict binary gas adsorption accurately. The poor fit of Numerous multicomponent adsorption models have been ap-
the Wilson equation to the D-A-derived activity coefficients for plied to binary and tertiary component coal gas adsorption data.
some pure component data suggests that some improvement in Some success (accurate predictions) has been achieved with both
model predictions could be made with the choice of a different Ideal Adsorbed Solution (IAS) and 2D equation-of-state (2D EOS)
activity coefficient equation. models,6 both of which have a rigorous thermodynamic derivation.
A unique feature of the current model is the ability to predict Poorer predictions are often yielded by the extended Langmuir
multicomponent gas adsorption at different temperatures from the model,6 which is not thermodynamically consistent. Numerous
pure component adsorption data collected at a single temperature. other models, which have not been used extensively for coal gas
The temperature independence of pure component characteristic systems also exist.7 None of the models have been extensively
curves, as demonstrated in Dubinin-Polanyi theory, allows pure tested against field data to determine their success in predicting
component adsorption to be predicted for a range of temperatures. adsorbed or produced gas compositions during primary or en-
These pure component data can then be used in modeling binary or hanced recovery.
multicomponent adsorption data at various temperatures. This is The current study introduces another model for use in coal gas
demonstrated for one experimental binary gas adsorption data set. binary adsorption predictions. This model, which is a hybrid of
Dubinin-Polanyi8 and vacancy solution9,10 theories, uses pure gas
Introduction adsorption isotherms only for multicomponent predictions, is eas-
ily applied analytically, and has a rigorous thermodynamic deri-
Adsorption is the primary storage mechanism of gas in coal res-
vation. One of the unique features of the model is the simple
ervoirs. Adsorption models are often coupled with material bal-
prediction of temperature effects upon multicomponent adsorption,
which is a result of the use of adsorption potential theory in its
derivation. For field applications, this may be of importance where
Copyright 2003 Society of Petroleum Engineers injected gas (for ECBM or greenhouse gas sequestration) and res-
Original SPE manuscript received for review 2 April 2002. Revised manuscript received 30
ervoir gases are at different temperatures. Additionally, reservoir
April 2003. Paper SPE 78146 peer approved 18 May 2003. temperatures may vary (as a function of depth or local temperature

236 September 2003 SPE Journal

gradient) in a basin, causing variability in multicomponent adsorp- where (nL)i and bi the pure gas isotherm Langmuir constants.
tion characteristics. The current model requires only that single- Partial pressures of the component gases in the free gas phase are
component adsorption data be collected at a single temperature. determined with the following equation:
The range of temperature that could be handled accurately by the
Pi = PYi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
current model is uncertain at this time, however.
The new multicomponent adsorption model is tested against Langmuir parameters for pure component isotherms are used to
three data sets that exist in the literature. Two of the data sets predict component adsorbed volumes for gas mixtures at any total
consist of CH4+CO2 binary gas adsorption on coal, and the third gas pressure and free-gas composition.
consists of CH4+C2H6 binary gas adsorption on activated carbon. The IAS theory16 is based upon the assumption that the ad-
Only the binary gas application is demonstrated for the current sorbed mixture behaves like an ideal, adsorbed solution, and there-
model, but it can be easily extended to multicomponent systems. fore is analogous to Raoults law for bulk solutions. Activity co-
efficients of the adsorbed solution are therefore assumed to be
Adsorption Models for Coal unity, and the equilibrium between the gas-phase mole fraction of
Single-Component Adsorption. Numerous single-component a component and the adsorbed phase mole fraction is given by
adsorption equations have been used to model coal adsorption
PYi = Pi Xi , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)
isotherm data. The most popular is the Langmuir equation11:
where Pi the gas (vapor) pressure of the pure component ad-
ns = nL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) sorbed at the same temperature and spreading pressure as the so-
1 + bP lution. Fugacities may be substituted for pressures in Eq. 4 to
The Langmuir model is based upon the assumption that a state account for gas phase nonidealities. The spreading pressure for the
of dynamic equilibrium exists (at constant T and P) between ad- pure components may be determined through integration of the
sorbed and nonadsorbed species and that adsorption is restricted to Gibbs adsorption isotherm to the vapour pressure of the pure com-
a single monolayer.12 The adsorbent surface is assumed to be ponent, Pi
energetically homogeneous with respect to adsorption. The Lang- i A nP

muir equation has two parameters that may be optimized for fitting i* = = Pi
dP, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
RT 0 P
adsorption data (b and nL), is simple in form, and has been fit
successfully to coal methane adsorption data.13,14 where n(P) the pure component adsorption isotherm. The
Recently, Dubinin-Polanyi theory, herein referred to as the spreading pressure () may be defined as the reduction in surface
combination by Dubinin and his coworkers of the potential theory tension of a surface owing to the spreading of the adsorbate over
developed by Polanyi15 and the theory of volume filling of mi- the surface. Any pure component isotherm equation can be used to
cropores,8 has been applied to methane adsorption on coal.14 A evaluate Eq. 5.
fundamental difference between Dubinin-Polanyi theory and Mole fraction constraints include
Langmuir theory is in the assumed mechanism of pore-filling for Nc Nc
microporous solids, such as activated carbons. In Langmuir theory,
the adsorbed phase is assumed to occupy a monolayer on the i=1
Xi = 1; Y = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6)

adsorbent surface, which in turn is assumed to be homogenous.

Dubinin-Polanyi theory assumes that, in micropores, the adsorbate The total amount of adsorbed gas in the mixture (for an ideal
fills the adsorption space by means of the mechanism of volume solution) is given by
filling, and therefore does not form discrete monolayers in the Nc

1 Xi
pores. Dubinin8 used adsorption on zeolites as proof of the volume- = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
filling mechanism. nms i=1
Coal is a microporous solid; therefore, it is natural to want to
The actual amount of each component adsorbed in the mixture is
apply adsorption equations that have been successful in modeling
given by
adsorption data for other microporous solids. Two equations have
been developed by Dubinin and his coworkers8 for correlating nis = nmsXi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
adsorption data on microporous solids: the Dubinin-Radushkevich
(D-R) equation and the D-A (Eq. 9 in this text). The Dubinin Eq. 5 may be evaluated for each component using an isotherm
equations have been used with success to correlate a large amount equation, such as the Langmuir single-component isotherm equa-
of adsorption data, and have been particularly useful in application tion, or may be determined graphically. The IAS model has also
to adsorption on activated carbon. The equations, like the Lang- been modified to include nonidealities in the adsorbed and gaseous
muir equation, are simple in form. To date, however, the Dubinin phases and has been used to model multicomponent coal adsorp-
equations have not been used extensively for correlating methane tion data.17
adsorption on coals. Recently, 2D EOS models have been applied to coal adsorption
Aside from the applicability of the Dubinin equations to mi- data with some success.6 These models are 2D analogs of the
croporous solids such as coal, Dubinin-Polanyi theory has an ad- popular 3D EOS, such as those of van der Waals and Peng-
ditional attribute that makes its application to coal desirable: pre- Robinson. Hall et al.6 demonstrated that IAS and 2D EOS models
diction of temperature dependence of adsorption. As will be dis- give similar predictions for binary gas adsorption on coal, but are
cussed in detail below, correlation of adsorption data at one more accurate than the extended Langmuir equation.
temperature may be used to predict adsorption at other temperatures.
New Model Derivation
Multicomponent Adsorption. The extended Langmuir model7 Suwanayuen and Danner9,10 and Cochran et al.18 applied the con-
and IAS theory16 are most commonly used for the prediction of cept of a vacancy solution to the modeling of single- and mul-
mixed gas adsorption on coal. Both the extended Langmuir model ticomponent gas adsorption. The vacancy solution model (VSM),
and IAS theory require pure component isotherm data for multi- as developed by those authors, uses the concept of vacancy solu-
component predictions. The simplest model used for prediction tions, originally described by Dubinin,19 and a thermodynamic
of multicomponent adsorption isotherms is the extended Lang- treatment similar to that of Lucassen-Reynders.2022 Details of the
muir equation: VSM derivation will not be discussed here, but the conceptual
model will be introduced.
nLibiPi The VSM treats the components in the adsorbed solution as a
nis = Nc
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) mixture of a hypothetical solvent called vacancy, with adsorbate
1+ b P
j j
species. The gaseous solution, in (osmotic) equilibrium with the
adsorbed solution, is also treated as a mixture of these components.

September 2003 SPE Journal 237

The equilibrium relationship between the two vacancy solutions rect low-pressure limit. Recently, Sundaram24 proposed a modifi-
can be derived from basic thermodynamic principles; the equilib- cation to the Dubinin isotherm that incorporates a Henrys
rium between the bulk (gaseous) solution and the 2D adsorbed law limit.
phase solution is treated analogously to the equilibrium between In the current work, the adsorbed phase is treated as a bulk
multicomponent vapor and liquid solutions. Adsorbed solution mixture of the hypothetical vacancy species and the single-
nonideality is accounted for with the use of an activity coefficient. component adsorbate. Nonideal solution theory may then be used
The main difference between the VSM of Suwanayuen and Dan- to model the adsorbed-phase behavior, starting with the definition
ner9,10 and that of Cochran et al.18 is that the compositional de- of the chemical potential of the single component (nonvacancy) in
pendence of the activity coefficient is described by the Wilson the adsorbed and gaseous phases.
equation in the work of the former authors and by the Flory-
Huggins activity coefficient equations in the work of the lat- Adsorbed Phase.
ter authors. s1 = s1 + RTlns1X s1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14)
The model developed in the current work uses the concept of
equilibrium between the gaseous phase and an adsorbed-phase where
vacancy solution. The single-component isotherms utilized in the P1
new model are based upon the Dubinin-Polanyi theory. Significant s1 = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)
X s1P1
procedural differences exist between the current VSM approach
and that of other authors because of the treatment of the gaseous If s1 1, then Raoults law results.
and liquid solutions as bulk solutions, as with traditional vapor-
liquid equilibria. The concept of a spreading pressure, as used for Gaseous Phase. Assuming ideal gas behavior,
2D adsorbed phase treatments, is thus eliminated. The develop-
ment of the new VSM, referred to as VSM-DA, is detailed below
for single- and binary-gas adsorption. The new model combines
s1 = go
1 + RT ln
P o1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)

the analytical simplicity of the models described previously, is If the chemical potential of the component in the gas phase and
thermodynamically rigorous, and has the added feature of being adsorbed phase are equated (equilibrium),
able to predict temperature dependence of adsorption.

Single-Component Adsorption. As with the VSM, the current

s1 + RT ln s1X s1 go
1 RT ln
P o1
= 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17)

model treats single-component adsorption as a binary mixture of a If the reference state for the gas phase is chosen as the saturated
single-component gas with a hypothetical vacancy species that vapor pressure at temperature T, then

also occupies spaces that could be filled with adsorbate. The D-A
equation is used to generate activity coefficients for the single- ln s1X s1 ln = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)
component gas in the binary mixture. P1
Chen and Yang23 demonstrated that the D-R and D-A equa- In the work by Suwanayuen and Danner,9 the assumption was
tions were approximations of an adsorption isotherm equation that made that the mole fraction of the adsorbed phase (nonvacancy)
they derived from statistical thermodynamic principals. A theoret- component was equal to the fractional coverage. If the assumption
ical basis for the D-R and D-A equations was thus demonstrated. is made that the degree of pore-filling is equal to the mole fraction
The equivalence of the D-A equation with Chen and Yangs of the adsorbate in the current work, then Eq. 18 becomes

isotherm is shown with the following equation (Eq. 30 in Chen
and Yang23): P1
ln s1 ln = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)
ln =
K Po
P n
KNo Po
P n
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
A method of determining the adsorbed-phase activity coefficient is
obtained if Eq. 19 and Eq. 13 are equated (noting that P1Po):
where W/Wo. Eo
Eq. 9 is the D-A equation with the following constraint: ln s1ln + (ln)1/n, or
KNo = Eo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
ln1 n

Eq. 9 was derived by equating the chemical potential for the bulk exp ln +
(gas) phase and the adsorbed phase at temperature T for two dif- 1 =
= exp ln1 n . . . . . (20a)
ferent gas pressures, P and Po. The two relationships were summed RT
and several further approximations yielded Eq. 9. The following If Eq. 9 is used in the derivation of the activity coefficient instead
critical approximation was used in the derivation of Eq. 9: of Eq. 13, then

| |P exp ln1 n
|ln| ln , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) RT
Po 1 =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20b)

which is approximately valid for moderate values of . Thus, a method for generating adsorbed phase activity coefficients
If this assumption is not made, then Eq. 9 may be rewritten with is obtained.
some algebraic manipulation as A method for predicting multicomponent activity coefficients

ln +
ln1 n ln
= 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12)
from the single-component data (binary vacancy solutions) is re-
quired to model multicomponent adsorption data. The Wilson
equation is chosen to fit the activity coefficients calculated from
Using Eq. 10, Eq. 12 becomes Eq. 20 by optimizing the binary interaction coefficients. The equa-

ln +
ln1 n ln
= 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
tion for the adsorbate component (nonvacancy) in the adsorbed
phase is

which is a more general form of the D-A equation. This equation 1 lnX s111 + Xvs1v
may be fitted to experimental isotherm by optimizing the param- s1 = exp X s111 X vsv1 . . . . . . . (21)
Eo +
eters Wo, n, and D . Despite the successful application of the X s111 + X vs1v X s1v1 + X vsvv
D-A equation to many adsorption systems, the D-A equation (as Multicomponent Adsorption. The case of binary gas adsorption
well as the D-R equation) has been criticized because of an incor- is used here, but the following procedures may be extended to

238 September 2003 SPE Journal

multicomponent adsorption. For binary gas adsorption, vacancy ns,
1 is optimized instead of Wo. In the current work, a least-squares
solution theory requires that binary equilibrium adsorption be routine coupled with a multiparameter optimization algorithm in
treated as equilibrium between ternary vacancy solutions (two MATLAB was used to optimize the isotherm parameters. Mul-
adsorbates+vacancy). The chemical potential of an adsorbate com- tiparameter optimization runs were re-initiated at several starting
ponent in the adsorbed and gaseous phases becomes: points to ensure that the convergence to the same point occurred.
2) Calculate the activity coefficients as a function of degree of
Adsorbed Phase.
filling for each component using the regressed parameters, calcu-
is = is + RT ln isX is, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22) lated in Step 1, and Eq. 20.
where i1, 2 for adsorbed (nonvacancy) components. 3) Calculate binary interaction coefficients 1v,v1 by fitting
Eq. 21 to the activity coefficient curve generated by Eq. 20
Gaseous Phase. Assuming ideal gas behavior, (Step 2); for simplification, Lambda;11,vv may be assumed equal

Pi to unity.
ig = ig + RT ln o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) 4) Assume a value for X1 (X21X1).
Pi 5) Calculate nm from Eq. 29.
If the chemical potential of the component in the gas phase and 6) Use Eq. 28 to calculate the activity coefficients for the ad-
adsorbed phase are equated (equilibrium), sorbed components.

Pi 7) Solve the two equilibrium equations (components i and j)
is + RT ln isX is + RT ln o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24) derived from Eq. 27 simultaneously for Y1 (Y21Y1) and nm s
Temperature Invariance Condition
Because the standard state for the adsorbed and gaseous compo-
nents are assumed to be equal, then Eq. 9 and the D-R equation (assuming n2) were derived from the

following relation:

ln isX is = ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) A
Pi =f ,n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (30)
As with Suwanayuen and Danner,10 the following relationships
are assumed: where
X is = Xi, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26)
A = RT ln Po
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (31)
where = . and
Substituting Eq. 26 into Eq. 25, E = Eo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (32)

ln isX i = ln
Yi P

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
A unique feature of Dubinin-Polanyi theory is that character-
istic curves, or plots of vs. A, are temperature-invariant for many
adsorption systems (particularly for gas and vapor adsorption on
where Daltons law is assumed for component partial pressure. carbonaceous adsorbents). If this is the case for a given adsorption
The activity coefficient for each component in the ternary ad- system, then E and n are also temperature-invariant. Thus, if E and
sorbed solution may be described by the Wilson equation: n are derived from an isotherm at one temperature, then isotherms
at different temperatures may be easily derived. Dubinin8 dis-
cusses the range of for which the temperature-invariance condi-
tion holds.

Illustrations of how the temperature-invariance principle can be
1 lnX is + X jsij + X vsiv used to calculate single-component isotherms for coal gas systems
at different temperatures have been discussed elsewhere (i.e., Rup-

X is X jsji pel et al.13 and Clarkson et al.14). The current study uses the new
is = exp +
X is + X jsij + X vsiv X isji + X js + X vsjv multicomponent adsorption model derived above to calculate bi-
nary gas total adsorption at different temperatures. Procedurally,
X vsvi
+ s this is achieved as follows:
X i vi + X jsvj + X vs 1) Follow Steps 1 and 2 in the previous section using single-
component isotherms at one temperature.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28) Eo
2) Recalculate D= for both component gases at the new
temperature(s), assuming E is temperature-invariant.
where i,j 1,2 or 2,1. 3) Follow Steps 2 through 7 in the previous section to calculate
An expression is now required for nm , the maximum total binary adsorption amounts at the new temperature.
number of moles in the adsorbed mixture. The expression utilized Implicit in the above procedure is that ns, or Wo is tempera-
by Suwanayuen and Danner10 for the adsorbed vacancy solution is ture-invariant. Dubinin8 provides a method for correcting for the
adopted here: temperature dependence of the maximum adsorbed amount.
nms, = X1ns,
1 + X2n2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)
Application of Model to Binary Gas Adsorption
Calculation Procedure Data Sets
The following procedure is required to calculate mixed gas ad- Three binary gas adsorption data sets were chosen to test the new
sorption equilibrium compositions and total mixed gas adsorption model predictions: CH4+CO2 binary gas adsorption on moist
isotherms from the pure component data, using the example of Fruitland coal data of Hall et al.,6 CH4+CO2 binary gas adsorption
binary gas adsorption: on dry Westcliff Bulli seam-coal data of Stevenson et al.,17, and
1) Use Eq. 13 or Eq. 9 to obtain the parameters Wo, n, and CH4+C2H6 binary gas adsorption on activated carbon data of
Eo Reich et al.26 The new model predictions are compared graphically
D= for each component through regression from experimental
RT against those of IAS theory,16 using the Langmuir equation to
data. Po in Eq. 13 or Eq. 9 is calculated using the reduced Kirchoff model single-component adsorption data.
equation (Kapoor et al.25). In the case of experimental data
ns CH4+CO2 Adsorption Data on Moist Fruitland Coal. Hall et
expressed as ns1 as a function of pressure, 1 , and therefore al.6 collected adsorption data for pure CH4 and CO2 (as well as N2)

September 2003 SPE Journal 239

and for their binary mixtures at 115F on moist Fruitland coal at Optimized parameters for the D-A and Langmuir equations are
pressures up to 1,800 psia. Only the CH4+CO2 data is modeled given in Tables 2a and 2b. The optimized parameters for the D-A
here. CO2 isotherm data for pressures below 1,010 psia were used equations (Eq. 9 and Eq. 13) were obtained from using lnP/Po
because of the inflection adsorption data at higher pressures, as (experimental and calculated) in the least-squares function, as op-
discussed in Hall et al.6 The feedgas compositions used for binary posed to adsorbed amount (experimental and calculated) for the
adsorption were 20, 40, 60, and 80%, thus providing a large range Langmuir equation.
in compositions that are ideal for model testing. The Langmuir equation fit to the data is not as good as the D-A
The fit of the D-A equation (Eq. 13 is plotted) to CH4 and CO2 equation, as discussed previously.27 This is because the D-A equa-
isotherm data is shown in Fig. 1a. Eq. 9 gave a very similar match, tion has three optimized parameters vs. two for the Langmuir
and is not plotted. The quality of fit (%AAD, see Table 1 for equation.
definition) for the D-A and Langmuir equation is also shown in The pure component gas adsorbed-phase activity coefficients
Fig. 1a. Note that the %AAD is given for the D-A Eq. 9 instead of generated from the D-A equation (Eq. 20a and Eq. 20b) for CH4
Eq. 13 (which is plotted in the figure). The reason for this is that and CO2 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, along with the Wilson
Eq. 9 can be written explicitly in terms of the adsorbed amount equation fit to the activity coefficient curves. The Wilson equation
(Eq. 13 cannot), facilitating a direct comparison with the Langmuir was fit to the activity coefficient curve over the pore-filling range
equation because the adsorbed amount is used in the least-squares represented by the experimental data. The Wilson equation fit is
function for both Eq. 9 and the Langmuir equation (as opposed to not particularly good over the range of pore-filling shown, sug-
lnP/Po for Eq. 13). gesting that another activity coefficient equation may be more

Fig. 1(a) Hall et al.6 CH4 and CO2 isotherm data (115F) and model fits; (b) Stevenson et al.17 CH4 and CO2 isotherm data (86F)
and model fits.

240 September 2003 SPE Journal

appropriate for binary interaction parameter calculation. Equilib- The pure component gas adsorbed-phase activity coefficients
rium (isobaric) compositional diagrams at 1,800, 1,000, and 120 generated from the D-A equation (Eq. 20b) for CH4 and CO2 are
psia are shown in Figs. 4a through 6a. The new model predictions shown in Fig. 7, along with the Wilson equation fit to the activity
(using activity coefficients calculated from Eq. 20a and Eq. 20b), coefficient curves. The Wilson equation was again fit to the ac-
along with those of IAS theory, are shown. The new model pre- tivity coefficient curve over the pore-filling range represented by
dictions are comparable, if not slightly better than, IAS theory. The the experimental data. The Wilson equation fit to the CO2 curve is
predictions using Eq. 20b to model single-component adsorbed not particularly good over the range of pore-filling shown, further
phase activity coefficients are better than those using Eq. 20a, as supporting the application of another activity coefficient equation
demonstrated in Table 1, which summarizes the relative error cal- to the adsorption data. The match is particularly poor for high
culations for total adsorption and gaseous-phase mole fraction. degrees of pore-filling. The Wilson equation fit to the CH4 curve
Total adsorption vs. gaseous-phase mole fraction is shown in is better, owing to fitting over a smaller range of data.
Figs. 4b through 6b for 1,800, 1,000, and 120 psia. At 1,800 psia, Equilibrium (isobaric) compositional diagrams at 800 and 120
the new model underpredicts the total adsorption for high values of psia are shown in Figs. 8a and 9a. The new model predictions for
CO2 gaseous-phase mole fraction because of the inflection in CO2 this data set are worse than IAS theory, probably because of the
adsorption at high pressures. Overall, the model predictions for poor fit of the Wilson equation to the activity coefficient curves.
total adsorption are very good, being within 10% of the experi- Table 4 summarizes the relative error calculations for total ad-
mental data. sorption and gaseous-phase mole fraction.
Total adsorption vs. gaseous-phase mole fraction is shown in
CH4+CO2 Adsorption Data on Dry Bulli Seam Coal. Stevenson Figs. 8b and 9b for 800 and 120 psia, respectively. At both pres-
et al.17 collected adsorption data for pure CH4 and CO2 (as well as sures, the new model underpredicts total adsorption. Overall, the
N2), and their binary and ternary mixtures at 86F on dry Westcliff model predictions for total adsorption are very good, being within
Bulli seam coal at pressures up to 850 psia. Again, only the 5% of the experimental data.
CH4+CO2 data are modeled. The feedgas compositions for the
Stevenson et al.17 binary data set span a wide range as with
the Hall et al.6 data set. The new model predictions, using Eq. 20b CH4+C2H6 Adsorption Data on Activated Carbon: Tempera-
to calculate pure component adsorbed-phase coefficients, are ture Dependence Predictions. The CH4+C2H6 pure and binary
shown only. gas adsorption data of Reich et al.26 are used to test the predictions
The fit of the D-A equation (Eq. 13 is plotted) to CH4 and CO2 of the new model for adsorption at various temperatures. This data
isotherm data is shown in Fig. 1b. As with Fig. 1a, %AAD is given set was chosen as the pure, and binary data was collected at vari-
for the D-A Eq. 9 (using adsorbed amount in the least-squares ous temperatures.
function) instead of Eq. 13. Optimized parameters for the D-A and The ability of the new multicomponent adsorption model to
Langmuir equations are given in Tables 3a and 3b. The optimized predict adsorption as a function of temperature is contingent upon
parameters for the D-A equations (Eq. 9 and Eq. 13) were obtained the temperature invariance of the characteristic energy of adsorp-
from using lnP/Po (experimental and calculated) in the least- tion, E, and the D-A exponent n. The CH4 and C2H6 pure com-
squares function, whereas the adsorbed amount (experimental and ponent isotherms at 8.7F were first fit with Eq. 9, and the param-
calculated) was used for the Langmuir equation. The Langmuir eters ns,
1 , n, and D, obtained from nonlinear regression. The pure
equation fit to the data is also shown, and is not as good as the D-A component isotherms at 82.9F were then predicted from the 8.7F
Eq. 9, as with the Hall et al.6 data. Note that the units of adsorption isotherm data by recalculating the D parameter at 82.9F. This is
in Fig. 1 are kept consistent with the original authors, even though done by assuming E is temperature-invariant, and by using the
the pressure axis was changed from units of kPa to psia. following relation:

September 2003 SPE Journal 241

T1 D1 data. In this analysis, ns,
1 is not adjusted for the thermal expansion
D2 = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (33) of the adsorbate (i.e., Dubinin8). The procedure for calculating the
binary gas equilibrium at the new temperature then follows that
The pure component isotherms are then calculated at the new described in the Calculation Procedure section given above.
temperature (82.9F) using the D parameter, adjusted for tem- The fit of the D-A Eq. 9 to the pure component data at 8.7F,
perature, n, and n1s,, calculated from the 8.7F pure component the 82.9F predictions, and the experimental data are

Fig. 2(a) CO2 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20a); (b) CH4 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20a).

242 September 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 3(a) CO2 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20b); (b) CH4 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20b).

given in Fig. 10a. Optimized parameters (using lnP/Po in least- The Wilson equation has been used to model pure gas (binary
squares function) for the D-A equation are given in Table 5. The with inclusion of vacancy species) adsorbed-phase activity coef-
prediction of adsorption at 82.9F is reasonable at low pressures, ficients, as well as the binary gas (ternary with inclusion of va-
but some deviation occurs at high pressures. The deviation is likely cancy species) adsorbed-phase activity coefficients. It is apparent
caused by the fact that ns,
1 was not corrected for thermal effects. that the Wilson equation fit to the pure component data is not
Table 6 summarizes the relative error calculations for the optimal, and is likely the cause of some error in binary predictions.
VSM-D-A model applied to the 8.7F binary (74.5% CH4/25.5% The original vacancy solution theory also utilized the Wilson equa-
C2H6) adsorption data. tion to model nonideality in the adsorbed-phase solution, but im-
The predictions for binary (74.5% CH4/25.5% C2H6) gas total provements were later made by incorporating the Flory-Huggins
adsorption at 82.9F are shown in Fig. 10b. The predictions are activity coefficient equations.18 Future studies will include the
very good, with only small deviation occurring at high pressure. application of other activity coefficient equations and their effect
upon the new model predictions.
Discussion The development of the new model assumed that the gaseous
The proposed multicomponent adsorption model, which is a hybrid phase behaved ideally, and thus activity coefficients for the gas-
of the Dubinin-Polanyi and vacancy solution theories, describes eous phase were not included. Although this assumption is not
binary gas adsorption behavior of coal systems quite well, al- necessary, it reduces computational complexity. Some insight into
though some improvements could possibly be made. the effect of noninclusion of gas-phase nonideality corrections

September 2003 SPE Journal 243

Fig. 4(a) Binary CH4+CO2 equilibrium compositions; (b) binary CH4+CO2 total adsorption: 1,800 psi.

upon predictions may be obtained from a study by Manik.28 In this Dubinin-Polanyi theory. Limited testing of the model (over
study, predictions of binary gas adsorption were compared by a small temperature range) illustrates these predictions to
using IAS theory with (IAS-RG) and without (IAS-PG) correction be accurate.
for gas-phase nonideality. The data set of Stevenson et al.17 was
used. Equilibrium concentration and adsorption capacity predic- Nomenclature
tions for IAS-RG and IAS-PG appear to be in good agreement for
A specific surface area of adsorbent, m2/g
low (120 psia) and high (800 psia) pressures. The impact of the
ideal gas assumption upon binary gas prediction for the new model b Langmuir model constant, 1/psi
is similarly expected to be small, but will be studied in future work. Eo
D , D-A equation parameter, dimensionless
Conclusions Eo characteristic energy of adsorption for standard
1. A new multicomponent adsorption model, which was derived by vapor, J/mol
combining the vacancy solution and Dubinin-Polanyi theories, k Boltzmanns constant, 1.381 1023 J/K
is reasonably accurate for binary gas/coal adsorption systems. K constant in Eq. 9
2. Adsorbed-phase activity coefficient curves derived for pure n constant in Dubinin-Astakhov equation,
component adsorption are not accurately fit by the Wilson equa-
tion, causing some error in binary gas predictions.
3. Improvements to the new model could be made through the use nL Langmuir model constant, mol/g
of different activity coefficient equations and the incorporation ns number of moles of pure component in the adsorbed
of gaseous-phase activity coefficients. phase (Eq. 1), mol/g
4. The prediction of adsorption temperature dependence is easily nsi number of moles of component i in the adsorbed
achieved with the new model, owing to the incorporation of phase mixture, mol/g

244 September 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 5(a) Binary CH4+CO2 equilibrium compositions; (b) binary CH4+CO2 total adsorption: 1,000 psi.

i amount of pure component adsorbed from pure gas at spreading pressure as the solution (Eqs. 4 and 5),
the same temperature and spreading pressure as the psi
adsorbed mixture (Eq. 7), mol/g Pi reference-state pressure of the pure component i
i maximum number of moles of component i in the chosen as saturated vapor pressure of component i at
adsorbed phase mixture, mol/g same temperature as adsorbed solution, psi
nm s
number of moles of mixture in the adsorbed phase, R universal gas constant, 8.314 J/molK
mol/g T absolute temperature, K
nm maximum number of moles of mixture in the W adsorbed amount at pressure, P, cm3/g
adsorbed phase, mol/g Wo adsorbed amount at saturated vapor pressure (limiting
Nc number of components volume of the adsorption space), cm3/g
No Avogadros number, 6.022 1023 mol1 Xi mole fraction of component i in the adsorbed phase
Np number of data points (no vacancy), dimensionless
P pressure of the gas phase, psi X si mole fraction of component i in the adsorbed phase
Po saturated vapor pressure, psi vacancy solution, dimensionless
Pi reference-state pressure of the pure gaseous Yi mole fraction of component i in the gaseous phase,
component i, or gas (vapor) pressure of the pure dimensionless
component adsorbed at the same temperature and similarity coefficient, dimensionless

September 2003 SPE Journal 245

Fig. 6(a) Binary CH4+CO2 equilibrium compositions; (b) binary CH4+CO2 total adsorption: 120 psi.

si activity coefficient of component i in adsorbed phase si reference-state chemical potential of component i in

vacancy solution, dimensionless adsorbed phase vacancy solution, J/mol
dimensionless loading gi chemical potential of component i in gaseous phase,
ij, ji Wilson equation parameter, binary interaction J/mol
constant between components i and j, dimensionless gi reference state chemical potential of component i in
si chemical potential of component i in adsorbed phase gaseous phase, J/mol
vacancy solution, J/mol spreading pressure, N/m

246 September 2003 SPE Journal

* reduced spreading pressure, Eq. 5, mol/g exp experimental
potential energy between adsorbate and adsorbent i component i
(see Chen and Yang23) L Langmuir
m mixture
Subscripts 1 adsorbate
calc calculated v vacancy

Fig. 7(a) CO2 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20b); (b) CH4 activity coefficient plot, derived from D-A (Eq. 20b).

September 2003 SPE Journal 247

Fig. 8(a) Binary CH4+CO2 equilibrium compositions; (b) binary CH4+CO2 total adsorption: 800 psi.

Superscripts paper 9765 presented at the 1997 International Coalbed Methane Sym-
g gaseous phase value posium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1217 May.
o, reference state 3. Clarkson, C.R. and McGovern, J.M.: Study of the Potential Impact of
Matrix Free Gas Storage Upon Coalbed Gas Reserves and Production
s adsorbed phase value
Using a New Material Balance Equation, paper 0113 presented at the
maximum adsorption limit value
2001 International Coalbed Methane Symposium, Tuscaloosa, Ala-
bama, 1418 May.
Acknowledgments 4. Gunter, W.D. et al.: Deep Coalbed Methane in Alberta Canada: A
The author would like to thank the management of Burlington Fossil Fuel Resource with the Potential of Zero Greenhouse Gas Emis-
Resources for granting permission to publish this paper. I would sions, Energy Convers. Mgmt (1997) 38, Suppl. S217.
also like to gratefully acknowledge Drs. R.L. Robinson and K.A.M 5. Bustin, R.M.: Hydrogen Sulphide Sorption on Coal with Comparisons
Gasem of Oklahoma State U. for reviewing the new model to Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen and Hydrogen: Implications for
thermodynamic derivation. Their insights and suggestions Acid Gas Sequestration and Co-production of Methane, paper 0112
are appreciated. presented at the 2001 International Coalbed Methane Symposium, Tus-
caloosa, Alabama, 1418 May.
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September 2003 SPE Journal 251

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