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American Journal of Emergency Medicine 34 (2016) 15561560

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Original Contribution

Outcome of nonsurgical intervention in patients with perforated

peptic ulcers
Ping-Lien Lay, MD a,b, Hsin-Hung Huang, MD a, Wei-Kuo Chang, MD, PhD a, Tsai-Yuan Hsieh, MD, PhD a,
Tien-Yu Huang, MD, PhD a, Hsuan-Hwai Lin, MD, PhD a,
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung, Armed Forces General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Although surgical intervention is the favorable treatment modality for perforated peptic ulcer, non-
Received 20 April 2016 surgical treatment is another option. The aim of this study is to analyze the results of conservative treatment for
Received in revised form 15 May 2016 perforated peptic ulcer.
Accepted 17 May 2016 Methods: Between 2003 and 2014, 403 patients were admitted to our hospital for perforated peptic ulcer, and 383
patients underwent surgery, whereas 20 were allocated to conservative treatment. The results of nonsurgical in-
tervention in these patients were analyzed retrospectively.
Results: The overall mortality rate of conservative treatment was 40%. Eleven patients remained hospitalized less
than 2 weeks; among them, patients with a high (IV) American Society of Anesthesiologists class at admission
had higher mortality than those with a low (b IV) American Society of Anesthesiologists class (83.3% vs 0%, P =
.015). However, when patients remained hospitalized longer than 2 weeks, the mortality rates did not differ be-
tween patients with the low and high American Society of Anesthesiologists classes. Eight patients presented
with a high American Society of Anesthesiologists class, of which 3 received early enteral feeding, and all of
them survived. In contrast, the survival of patients without early enteral feeding was 0%, suggesting that early en-
teral feeding improved survival of patients with the high American Society of Anesthesiologists class (P = .018).
Conclusions: A higher American Society of Anesthesiologists class correlated with mortality in patients undergo-
ing conservative treatment during the rst 2 weeks of hospitalization. Early enteral feeding might improve the
outcome of conservative treatment in patients with high American Society of Anesthesiologists class.
2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ulcer has declined [6,7]. However, the incidence of perforated peptic
ulcer (PPU) has remained unchanged in the past decades [79]. It may
In the past century, peptic ulcer disease was a common health prob- be that the increased use of nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs or as-
lem. Since histamine-2 receptor (H-2) blockers and proton pump inhib- pirin in elderly patients increased the risk of PPU [10,11].
itors (PPIs) were introduced in the 1970s [1,2], these antisecretory Perforated peptic ulcer is an emergent condition, and surgical inter-
drugs have played an important role in the treatment of peptic ulcer dis- vention is the preferred therapeutic treatment modality [12,13]. At rst,
ease, according to the principle of no acid, no ulcer [3]. In addition, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered intravenously, and
Marshall and Warren [4] and discovered Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) then simple closure, omental patch repair, or laparoscopic treatment is
in 1982 and proved the crucial involvement of this pathogen in the de- performed in most patients, followed by antisecretory treatment and
velopment of peptic ulcers. Furthermore, the eradication of H. pylori re- H. pylori eradication, if indicated [1315]. The mortality rate ranges be-
duces the recurrence of peptic ulcer [5]. Because of the aforementioned tween 4% and 30% [7]. When patients are unsuitable for surgical repair,
ndings and advancements, the incidence of uncomplicated peptic nonsurgical treatment involving fasting, nasogastric tube suction, intra-
venous broad-spectrum antibiotics, and antisecretory therapy is anoth-
er option for PPU [1620]. In 1946, Taylor [20] rst reported the results
of conservative treatment for PPU, which yielded promising results,
This study was supported by the Research Fund of Tri-Service General Hospital (TSGH- with 11% mortality rate after conservative treatment for perforated du-
C103-067). odenal ulcers. In addition, in 1989, Crofts et al [21] reported a random-
Corresponding author at: Division of gastroenterology, Tri-Service General Hospital,
No.325, Sec 2, Cheng-Gong Rd., Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan. Tel.: + 886 287927409;
ized trial in which similar outcomes were reported for nonsurgical
fax: +886 287927139. treatment and emergency surgery, and the mortality rate was 5% in
E-mail address: redstone120@gmail.com (H.-H. Lin). both groups. Gul et al [17] reported an overall mortality rate of 3% in

0735-6757/ 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P.-L. Lay et al. / American Journal of Emergency Medicine 34 (2016) 15561560 1557

patients with perforated duodenal ulcer managed conservatively. How-

ever, these results are not widely accepted. In 1971, Cohen et al [22] re-
ported their experience in the management of 852 patients with PPU, in
which 87 patients received conservative treatment only, and their mor-
tality rate was 100%, which was signicantly higher than the 9% in the
operative treatment group in the same study. The reason for this huge
difference in mortality rates between conservative and operative treat-
ments in previous studies may be selection bias, and in such studies,
only patients with a low risk were recruited. Further, in those studies,
patients managed conservatively would be switched to surgical treat-
ment immediately if the former treatment was unsuccessful.
In 1987, Boey et al [13,23] reported that the major medical illness,
preoperative shock, and prolonged perforation (over 24 hours) are
risk factors for patients with perforated duodenal ulcer and can predict
the outcome of surgical treatment accurately. Kocer et al also showed
that old age, delayed surgery, presence of shock, high American Society
of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class, and denitive surgery are poor prog-
nostic factors for patients undergoing emergency surgery for PPU [7].
Larkin et al [24] performed a retrospective study of patients undergoing
conservative treatment and reported that the mortality rates of patients
with perforated duodenal ulcers were lower in the group with ASA clas-
ses I-III than in the group with ASA classes IV-V (0% vs 52.9%). The above
reports suggest that prognostic factors are crucial for the outcome of
both surgical and nonsurgical treatment of patients with PPU. Fig. 1. Plain abdominal radiograph showing the enteral feeding.
In this study, we aimed to retrospectively analyze the results of con-
servative treatment in patients undergoing nonsurgical treatment for 3. Results
PPU in a teaching hospital. The clinical characteristics of our patients
were rst examined, and subsequently, we analyzed the putative prog- 3.1. The clinical features of PPU in patients who did not undergo surgical
nostic factors and determined whether these factors were important for intervention
the entire course of conservative treatment.
During 2003-2014, 403 patients were admitted to the Tri-Service
General Hospital for PPU. Three hundred eighty-three patients
2. Materials and methods underwent surgery, whereas 20 patients (median age, 74 years; range,
31-99) received conservative treatment because they were unsuitable
2.1. Patients or unwilling to undergo surgery. Five patients were men, and 15 were
women. Fourteen patients had shock index (heart rate/systolic blood
In this retrospective study, medical records of patients who present- pressure) b1 at admission. Median ASA class was III (range, I-V). Median
ed to Tri-Service General Hospital with PPU, during a 10-year period be- APACHE II score was 10.5 (range, 5-46). Median duration of hospital
tween January 2003 and February 2014, were reviewed. The diagnosis stay was 14 days (range, 1-78). Of 20 patients, 8 died of sepsis with
of PPU was based on radiological (chest radiography or computed to- multiple-organ dysfunction, and the overall mortality rate of conserva-
mography scans), endoscopic, or operative ndings. This study focused tive treatment was 40%. Patients were divided into 2 groups according
on patients who did not undergo surgical intervention for PPU. Patient to the duration of hospital stay ( or b15 days), and 9 patients remained
age, sex, ASA class, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II hospitalized longer than 2 weeks (Table 1). There was no difference in
(APACHE II) score, clinical presentation, management mode, mortality, age, ASA class, and APACHE II score between these 2 groups. There
and duration of hospital stay of these patients were analyzed. Nonsurgi- was no signicant difference in the percentage of patients with clinical
cal treatment of these patients with PPU consisted of fasting, nasogastric improvement after conservative treatment for 12 hours between
tube suction, intravenous uids, intravenous broad-spectrum antibi- these 2 groups. Female sex predominated in both groups. The propor-
otics, and antisecretory therapy with PPIs. Some patients underwent en- tion of shock index 1 or higher at admission was higher in patients
doscopic placement of enteral feeding tubes, which bypassed the with lengths of hospital stays shorter than 2 weeks than in patients
perforated site [2527] and received early enteral feeding before the with lengths of hospital stay longer than 2 weeks (45.5% vs 11.1%);
PPU healed (Fig. 1). Patients undergoing conservative treatment however, the difference in these values was not signicant (P = .16).
were categorized into 2 groups according to the duration of hospital Similarly, mortality rates were higher in patients with shorter hospital
stay ( or b 15 days). The mortality rate of these patients in the 2 groups
was calculated. The study was approved by the institutional review Table 1
board of Tri-Service General Hospital. Clinical characteristics of patients with PPU according to the duration of hospital stay

Hospital stay Hospital stay P

b15 d 15 d
2.2. Statistical analysis No. 11 9
Median age (range) 74 (48-99) 74 (31-97) .94
All data were presented as median and range for continuous vari- Gender (male/female) 2/9 3/6 .62
Shock index 1 at admission, no. (%) 5 (45.5) 1 (11.1) .16
ables or number and percentage for categorical variables. Statistical
Median ASA class (range) III (II-V) III (I-IV) .19
analysis was performed using SPSS statistics software, version 18 (IBM Median APACHE II score (range) 14 (5-46) 10 (7-23) .37
Co, Somers, New York). Continuous variables were compared using With clinical improvement in 12 h, no. (%) 5 (45.5) 3 (33.3) .67
Mann-Whitney U tests, and categorical variables were compared using Mortality, no. (%) 6 (54.5) 2 (22.2) .19
Fisher exact test. All reported P were 2-tailed, and P b .05 was consid- Median hospital stay (range) 8 (1-14) 34 (15-78) b.001

ered signicant. Abbreviations: Shock index, heart rate (min)/systolic blood pressure (mm Hg).
1558 P.-L. Lay et al. / American Journal of Emergency Medicine 34 (2016) 15561560

stays than in patients with longer hospital stays (54.5% vs 22.2%), but Table 3
the difference was not signicant (P = .19). Outcome of patients with poor prognostic factors after early enteral feeding

Survival (%) P
3.2. Factors related to survival rate of patients with different durations of ASA class IV-V
hospital stays With early enteral feeding 3/3 (100) .018
Without early enteral feeding 0/5 (0)
In patients with hospital stays shorter than 2 weeks (Table 2), the APACHE II score 10
With early enteral feeding 3/3 (100) .045
survival rate was signicantly higher in patients who had a shock Without early enteral feeding 2/9 (22.2)
index less than 1 at admission compared with those with a shock Lack of clinical improvement after 12 h
index of 1 or higher at admission (83.3% vs 0%, P = .015). Patients With early enteral feeding 3/3 (100) .045
who experienced clinical improvement after 12 hours of starting con- Without early enteral feeding 2/9 (22.2)
servative treatment had a higher survival rate compared with patients
without clinical improvement after 12 hours (100% vs 0%, P = .002).
Similarly, the survival rate was signicantly higher in patients with improved survival of patients with a high ASA class or high APACHE II
ASA class I-III than that of patients with ASA class IV-V (83.3% vs 0%, score. Among patients who lacked clinical improvement after 12
P = .015). Furthermore, the survival rate was signicantly higher in pa- hours of starting conservative treatment, the survival rate was higher
tients with APACHE II score less than10 than in patients with APACHE II for patients with early enteral feeding than that for patients without
score of 10 or higher (100% vs 14.3%, P = .015). early enteral feeding (100% vs 22.2%, P = .045).
In patients with hospital stay longer than 2 weeks (Table 2), there
was no signicant difference in the survival rate between patients 4. Discussion
with shock index less than 1 and 1 or higher at admission (75% vs
100%, P = 1.0). The survival rate was not signicantly different between Perforated peptic ulcer is not a rare complication of peptic ulcer [3],
the patients with and without clinical improvement after 12 hours of and an emergent surgical repair is the preferred intervention for PPU
starting conservative treatment (66.7% vs 83.3%, P = 1.0). There was [12,13]. Conservative treatment is another option for PPU [1621]
also no statistically signicant difference in the survival rates between based on the observation that perforations may be gradually sealed by
patients with ASA score I-III and those with ASA score IV-V (66.7% vs the surrounding viscera [15,28]. However, conservative treatment has
100%, P = .5). In addition, there was no signicant difference in survival not been widely accepted. Therefore, the surgical intervention is the
rates between patients with APACHE II score less than 10 and those with preferred choice for these patients currently [12,13], and nonsurgical
APACHE scores of 10 or higher (75% vs 80%, P = 1.0). treatment is preserved for these patients unsuitable or unwilling to un-
dergo operation [15]. Previous retrospective studies have revealed that
3.3. Early enteral feeding might improve the outcome of patients with high most patients with PPU underwent surgery and that only 2% to 10% of
ASA class or APACHE II score these patients did not undergo surgical intervention [9,19,22,29]. In
our study, 4.9% patients with PPU underwent only nonsurgical treat-
Three patients underwent endoscopic placement of an enteral feed- ment during the study period.
ing tube and received early enteral feeding. They all presented with a In 1967, a retrospective study reviewed 402 patients with PPU and
high ASA class or high APACHE II score upon admission and did not showed that the mortality rates associated with nonsurgical and surgi-
present clinical improvement within 12 hours of starting conservative cal treatment for PPU were 72.5% and 7.5%, respectively [29]. Similarly,
treatment. Among the patients with ASA class IV-V, the survival rate in 1971, Cohen et al [22] also reported that the nonsurgical mortality
of patients with and without early enteral feeding was 100% and 0%, re- was signicant higher than the operative mortality (100% vs 9%). Both
spectively (P = .018; Table 3). Similarly, among the patients with retrospective studies suggested that nonsurgical intervention was asso-
APACHE II score of 10 or higher, the survival of patients with and with- ciated with a high mortality rate. However, antisecretory agents, such as
out early enteral feeding was 100% and 22.2%, respectively (P = .045; H-2 blockers and PPIs, were not introduced until the 1970s [1,2]. There-
Table 3). These results suggested that the early enteral feeding fore, no effective antisecretory agent was available during the study pe-
riod of the above studies. Bucher et al [19] retrospectively reviewed
patients with PPU between 1978 and 2004, and the mortality rate of
conservative treatment was 30%, which was much lower than those re-
Table 2
The correlation of survival rate with the shock index, ASA class, and APACHE II score in pa-
ported in previous retrospective studies. In a subgroup analysis, they
tients with a short duration of hospital stays found that the patients who received H-2 blockers as antisecretory
drugs had higher mortality rates than those who received PPIs (64% vs
Survival (%) P
11%, P = .008), suggesting that advances in antisecretory therapy im-
Hospital stay b15 d proved the outcome of conservative treatment for PPU [19]. In our
Shock index 1 at admission 0/5 (0) .015
study, all patients received PPIs, indicating that these antisecretory
Shock index b1 at admission 5/6 (83.3)
With clinical improvement after 12 h 5/5 (100) .002 drugs were routinely applied to the patients with PPU at our hospital.
Lack of clinical improvement after 12 h 0/6 (0) In 1989, Crofts et al [21] reported a prospective randomized trial that
ASA class I-III 5/6 (83.3) .015 compared the results of conservative treatment for PPU with that of
ASA class IV-V 0/5 (0) emergent surgical intervention. In this study, patients who were allocat-
APACHE II score 10 1/7 (14.3) .015
ed to receive conservative treatment underwent surgery when their
APACHE II score b10 4/4 (100)
Hospital stay 15 d clinical symptoms and signs did not improve after 12 hours. Notably,
Shock index 1 at admission 1/1 (100) 1.0 the mortality rates of nonsurgical and emergent surgical treatment
Shock index b1 at admission 6/8 (75) were both 5% [21]. Gul et al [17] also conducted a prospective study to
With clinical improvement after 12 h 2/3 (66.7) 1.0
dene the role of conservative treatment for perforated duodenal ul-
Lack of clinical improvement after 12 h 5/6 (83.3)
ASA class I-III 4/6 (66.7) .5 cers. As in previous study, conservative treatment would be switched
ASA class IV-V 3/3 (100) to surgical treatment when there was no clinical improvement after
APACHE II score 10 4/5 (80) 1.0 12 to 16 hours of treatment with conservative treatment. The overall
APACHE II score b10 3/4 (75) mortality rate of conservative treatment was 3% in this study [17].
Abbreviations: Shock index, heart rate (min)/systolic blood pressure (mm Hg). Two prospective studies described above showed a low mortality rate
P.-L. Lay et al. / American Journal of Emergency Medicine 34 (2016) 15561560 1559

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