Jedidiah Bar Graph Assessment Rubric

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Name/Class : Jedidiah

Category Needs More Almost there Great Job Fantastic

Tally Chart Tally chart is not Tally chart has Tally chart is Tally chart is
present missing complete but complete and
components and has some parts accurate
parts are are inaccurate
Title The graph does A title given but There is a There is a
not have a title not relevant to relevant title for creative and
data in the the data in the relevant title to
chart. chart. the data in

Y and X axis Labels are not The labels are Labels are clear Labels are neat
Label present. present, but may and describe the and clear and
not describe the information accurately
information. presented. describe the
Interval The graph does The graph has The graph has The graph has
not have some consistent consistent all consistent and
consistent intervals. intervals most of appropriate
intervals. the time. intervals.

Accuracy of Bars Bars are not Some of the bars Most of the bars All bars are
correct size OR are correct size are correct size correct size and
extra bars were and are easy to are neat to see.
included. see.

Information The information Most of the Most of the All of the

displayed on the information information information
graph is incorrect displayed in the displayed in displayed in the
graph is graph is correct graph is correct.

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