TPAM 2.5.916 ReleaseNotes

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The Privileged Appliance and

Modules (TPAM) 2.5.916

Release Notes
July 2016
These release notes provide information about the The Privileged Appliance and Modules (TPAM) release.
About this release
Resolved issues
Known issues
System requirements
Installation instructions
About Dell

About this release

TPAM automates, controls and secures the entire process of granting administrators the credentials necessary to
perform their duties. Privileged Password Manager ensures that when administrators require elevated access,
that access is granted according to established policy, with appropriate approvals, that all actions are fully
audited and tracked and that the password is changed immediately upon its return. Privileged Session Manager
provides session control, proxy, audit, recording and replay of high-risk users, including administrators, remote
vendors and others. It provides a single point of control from which you can authorize connections, limit access
to specific resources, view active connections, record all activity, alert if connections exceed pre-set time
limits and terminate connections.
TPAM 2.5.916 is a minor release, with enhanced features and functionality. See Enhancements and Resolved

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
The following is a list of enhancements implemented in TPAM 2.5.916.

Table 1. General enhancements

Enhancement Issue ID
Increased session request maximum retention period to 8 years. Increased session log retention BFER 3350,
before archival maximum to 8 years. 3535
Support Sybase IQ v15.4 through existing Sybase platform. 3853
Added Thai as a choice for keyboard and language in PSM Connect Options. BFER 3875
Can now set up a Windows account as a functional account for a MS SQL Server system through BFER 5285
CLI/API and batch import/update.
Added a Convert to ASCII check box on the PSM hot keys menu to assist with cut and paste BFER 6895
during a session.
Changes made to resolve copy and paste issues for various languages and keyboards. BFER 6895
Added SessionLogID and ActiveSessionID to the Other Info column of the Activity report to link BFER 7086
session starts, session replays and kill sessions.
Added new data extract, NoExpandEntitlements, which does not show group or collection BFER 7178
assignments expanded.
Allow TPAM and DPA to support TLS v1.2 connections to HP NonStop platform. BFER 7460
Added new CLI/API command, ProfileCertificate, that allows an Administrator or PPM ISA to BFER 7469
download certificates assigned to a managed system. Certificates created by TPAM can also be
regenerated with this command. For more details see the TPAM Administrator Guide, CLI/API
Command Chapter.
Added a new global setting to allow user IDs using certificate authentication to be linked to the BFER 7570
certificate through the value of the subjectAltName:PrincipalName attribute in the certificate.
For more details see the Global Setting chapter in the System Administrator Guide.
Added four batch reports for auto discovery mappings: Daily LDAP/AD System Auto Discovery BFER 7615
Mappings, Daily LDAP/AD User Auto Discovery Mappings, Daily Generic System Auto Discovery
Mappings, Daily Generic User Auto Discovery Mappings.
Added ascending/descending date sort order to auto discovery agent log filter. BFER 7753
Added certificate information, certificateinfo.txt, to generated support bundles to assist in BFER 7762
Allow the use of a domain account as the functional account for custom platforms. BFER 7786
The PSM session viewer no longer runs within a browser. Java JRE (1.7+) must be installed on the BFER 7787
client server to use the JNLP viewer to view sessions, however the Java plug-in within the
browser can be disabled. As a result of the JNLP changes the procedure for PSM file transfer
has changed. Please see the TPAM Administrator Guide, TPAM Requestor Guide, or
Conducting Sessions chapter for details.
Added email notification User Type Edited that sends an email when the user type of a user ID is BFER 7819
changed. This notification will be sent to the email address of the user ID affected.
Security enhancements made to TPAM console, DPA and cache server. BFER
7897, 8160
Added support for SAP clusters. For more details see the SAP chapter in the Client Set Up Guide. BFER 7861
Added support for Cisco ACS (Access Control Server) platform. BFER 7879
Any place that password profile selection is visible, now the total number of minutes per day BFER 7884
that the check or change can be scheduled is also displayed.
Added ISA File Release Log retention setting to Global Settings. Changed minimum retention BFER 7937
setting for File Release Requests from 1 day to 10.
The use SSL option has been added to the Oracle platform, enabling SSL connection encryption BFER 7939

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Table 1. General enhancements

Enhancement Issue ID
Added a --ForUser parameter to the ListAcctsForPwdRequest and ListAcctsForSessionRequest BFER 7946
CLI/API commands.
Add message body tags to display the account used to authenticate to the Session Start and BFER 7948
Post Session Notification emails. Increased characters allowed on the message body from 500 to
Added support for VMware vSphere v6. BFER 7952
Updated OpenSSL version to 1.0.2g. BFER 7954
Added ability to label the SysLog with the appliance names from the cluster management page BFER 7997
to differentiate between cluster members.
Added default request duration setting to access policies. The password, session or file request BFER 7998
default duration is now pulled from the either the access policy or the account settings.
Account Discovery options are now disabled if a domain account or local computer account is BFER 8019
used for the functional account on a Microsoft SQL Server system. After applying 2.5.916 any
MS SQL systems with domain or local computer as the functional account will have their account
discovery settings cleared and noted in the patch log.
Increased maximum characters allowed for domain name on system batch import and update to BFER 8021
Performance improvements for the User Entitlement Report. BFER 8037
Do not change password while release is active can now be selected on a password change BFER 8058
profile even if No scheduled password changes is also selected. This will prevent post release
resets occurring while the release is still active.
Increased Max Recording Size global setting maximum to 2 GB. Session sizes over 800 MB should BFER 8068
be hosted through the DPA.
Added linked accounts functionality so that one user ID can be to be linked to many privileged BFER 8069
accounts without requiring user specific accounts on each managed system. This allows for PSM
access without the user knowing the password for the privileged account. For more details see
the Linked Accounts chapter in the TPAM Administrator Guide. Added new CLI/API commands to
list linked accounts, use linked accounts for PSM requests and add/remove linked accounts for
When a user tries to access an unauthorized page, the warning message also now notifies them BFER 8078
that their access attempt has been logged.
Expanded Name on Domain on managed account page for *nix systems to hold 286 characters. BFER 8119
Made some performance improvements to password request and approval process. BFER 8123
Added option to include password check and change profile information when creating a support BFER 8142
Updates have been made to the SonicWall platform to be more compatible across the different BFER 8147
SonicWall series.
TPAM's native SSH client has been updated to OpenSSH 7.2. Older platforms that have Diffie- BFER 8147
Hellman key lengths less than 2048 are unable to be managed by TPAM due to this
restriction. Target systems may need to be upgraded or KEX Algorithms modified to support a
different exchange. Contact TPAM Customer support if further options are needed.
Web certificate requests generated through TPAM now use SHA-2. BFER 8154,
If the Do not change password while release is active check box is selected on password BFER 8175
change profile assigned to an account that a PSM proxy type of auto logon, the password will not
be changed if a session is recording.
Added the TPAM software version installed to the file name of the support bundle. BFER 8206
Added details in Cache server chapter about adding a certificate from a custom application BFER 8211

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Table 1. General enhancements

Enhancement Issue ID
Added warnings on Password Rules Configuration page if settings selected do not conform with BFER 8235
what is recommended. The setting will be highlighted in orange, and a mouse hover pops up the
Added more detailed instructions on configuring account discovery in the TPAM Administrators BFER 8241
Added Owner check box to email config for notifications on system, account and file email BFER 8244
changes. If the check box is not selected the email will be logged but not sent out.
Improved performance when retrieving next profile schedule for an account or synchronized BFER 8251
Added record in the Activity log to indicate if a manual password update was successful or if it BFER 8259
Added filter capability on the Manage Host Keys listing. Also added total count of how many host BFER 8265
keys exist.
Accounts with password management set to Manual, can no longer be synchronized password BFER 8269
NOTE: Any manually managed accounts that were members of a synchronized password prior
to applying the 2.5.916 patch will be unsubscribed and noted in the patch log.
Configuration changes to application server component to provide additional security BFER 8280,
enhancement. 8281
For UpdatePSMAccount CLI command, when setting FileTransType, FileTransPath or BFER 8448
FileTransAuthMethod you must supply all three at the same time even when the other values are
not being changed. When FileTransType is being disabled you may omit the other values.

Resolved issues
The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.

Table 2. General resolved issues

Resolved issue Issue ID

PSM Sessions (record, monitor, and playback) will NOT work on Windows 8/Internet Explorer BFER 4803
10 when running in Metro mode.
Using the ALT+TAB keys to toggle between a PSM session and another window on the end users BFER
computer hangs. 6103,6337
PSM applet(s) will not run when using Java JRE 8u31 or greater with the Security Level set to BFER 7198
Very High in the Java Control Panel.
Issues copying and pasting in PSM session to AIX target. BFER 7274
Ticket system SQL error. BFER 7609
During auto discovery user names containing a single quote () interpreted as double quote. BFER 7644
CLI command ListSyncPasswordSubscribers limited to only returning 50 subscribers. BFER 7661
Radius external authentication timing out. BFER 7668,
Approver sees 2 approvals to approve for the same request on one account for two PCM BFER 7704
TPAM cannot connect to a system due to unsupported MACs and older version of PuTTY. BFER 7737
Password change not working when DNS alias used as the network address for a Windows Active BFER 7745
Directory system.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Table 2. General resolved issues

Resolved issue Issue ID

Mouse scrolling issue in PSM sessions in web based applications. BFER 7776
Adding a system name that contains the plus (+) symbol does not work through the CLI. Adding a BFER 7790
system name that contains the dollar ($) symbol does not work in the TPAM web interface.
Non printing characters, such as carriage return and tab, cause logs to be missing from support BFER 7808
System Administrator can modify a promoted users authentication method. BFER 7819
Unable to connect to Sybase using SSL. BFER 7824
Error message results from promoting an administrator user to a system administrator and then BFER 7841
changing the administrator user role to basic.
Auto-discovered users, with Defender as their external authentication method, are not getting BFER 7872
their Defender user ID populated.
If you point a browser to https://cacheipaddress or https://dpaipaddress you see a Glassfish BFER 7880
Enterprise Server is running page.
If you use DD/MM/YYYY date format on the Manage Batches filter page, the TPAM interface will BFER 7881
Users cannot authenticate with certificates that are signed with OpenSSL CA. BFER 7892
Paradmin and parmaster user accounts that had been configured for certificate authentication in BFER 7904
prior versions can not log in after upgrading to a new version of TPAM.
Locked accounts are having their passwords scheduled for a password check. BFER 7919
Performing a split-pair upgrade fails if the replica has failed over to act as the primary. BFER 7935
When TPAM date format is set to Day/Month/Year running Accounts/List Accounts produces an BFER 7943
error message.
Batch update account process fails if account is set to manual password management. BFER 7965
Not using the ComputerName to verify identity of connected managed system when checking or BFER
changing the managed account password. 7971,8016
Invalid error message logged when calling the ListAccounts JAVA API command. BFER 7982
Post release resets not always occurring for synchronized password subscribers. BFER 8003,
Backslash (\) and Alt Gr for Spanish keyboard not working during PSM sessions. BFER 8004
Auto discovery processes running more frequently than scheduled as a result of bad characters in BFER 8005
user name/computer name.
Review cannot be completed because required reviewer was in group that was deleted. BFER 8006
Check password reporting as failed for Fortinet even though test system and change password BFER 8012
are successful.
Error during migration from 2.4 to 2.5.915. BFER 8013
Internet Explorer 8 issues while completing ISA password release. BFER 8017
Expired Passwords report displaying incorrect expiration date for manually managed passwords. BFER 8018
Using Chrome, cannot select and copy text on the account logs change log tab. BFER 8022
After upgrading to 2.5.915, many cluster alerts are generated. BFER 8043
After powering off a DPA that had an active session running, the session cannot be terminated BFER 8059
and the DPA cannot be removed from the cluster.
Changes made to the number of required approvers for an account are not logged correctly in BFER 8090
the activity log.
Failed to authenticate error message when trying file transfer using Internet Explorer. BFER 8094
Batch updating a user that is disabled is re-enabling the user even if that change is not in the BFER 8099
batch import file.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Table 2. General resolved issues

Resolved issue Issue ID

PSM Certificate JAR (Java Archive) files set to expire. BFER 8108
Problem saving changes to data extracts. BFER 8144
The accounts data extract displays an incorrect date for NextChangeDt. BFER 8158
Password change on HP-UX Trusted fails if unlocking the user fails. BFER 8168
Error message when creating a new template based on a system that was originally created from BFER 8201
a template.
DPA will not upgrade past version 3.1.2a. BFER 8207
Error editing DPA settings after migrating to 2.5.915. BFER 8221
Duplicate rows appear for PPMReviewRequirements and PSMReviewRequirements data extracts BFER 8224
on the Data Sets tab.
Password Requests report missing Reason Code and UTC Offset columns when exported to Excel. BFER 8252
ISA with correct permissions is not able to add or remove collection members through the CLI. BFER 8254
Password check and change profiles not set correctly for systems created from a system BFER 8262,
template that has an auto-managed or manually managed functional account. 8273
Problem with error logging output to database for account discovery. BFER 8276
Cache server will not connect if the primary is in maintenance mode and the cache server is BFER 8288
Security issue in TPAM CLI/API. BFER 8289
For an LDAP system if the distinguished name is not specified, when performing a check or BFER 8314
change password, the error messages returned refer to the description field instead of the
distinguished name field.
Scroll bars in PSM window hide the Refresh button. BFER 8317
Account discovery attempts to connect to a system template. BFER 8325
A user added with user type of Auditor is automatically added to the global review group. BFER 8331
Password change for H3C system times out. BFER 8349
For an AIX user created without a password, check password fails. BFER 8356
Un-force failover would not complete due to the large amount of sessions logs that needed to BFER 8372
replicate back to the primary.
Repeated ticket validation failures from ISA password releases may eventually cause unexpected BFER 8409
errors during ticket validation.
PSM Session Requests report missing UTC Offset column when exported to Excel. BFER 8435
If PSM account password begins with a hyphen (-) a test file transfer results in an error. BFER 8440
Batch import account fails when Mainframe LDAP TS is platform and Account DN is populated BFER 8462
with a value.
When a system is soft-deleted the queued rows in account discovery for that system are not BFER 8506

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Known issues
The following is a list of issues, including those issues attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the
time of release.

Table 3. General known issues

Known issue Issue ID

TPAM appliances are shipping out with the session log deletion global setting set at 9999 days as BFER 6638
the default instead of 90 days.
Workaround: Go to global settings and adjust the value.
A user, who only has ISA permissions on collections with no members, may get an error when BFER 7351
trying to add a new system.
Workaround: Grant the PPM or PSM ISA permissions on at least one other system to be able to
add a new system.
TPAM does not support privileged password management through a DPA for Microsoft SQL BFER 7552
Server systems using Windows authenticated functional accounts or if the network address is a
named instance.
Migration from 2.4 to 2.5.916 will not work until hotfix 8548 is applied to 2.5.916. BFER 8548

Table 4. Third-party known issues

Known issue Issue ID

Session times out for a user logged in to TPAM using Internet Explorer 8/9. The user tries to log BFER 3391
back in and gets the message Your session has timed out or been disconnected. Please close
this browser and open a new one to reconnect.
Workaround: Close all open browsers before you can log back in to TPAM.
After updating Java 7 with update 45 you may see a Java error message when running a PSM BFER 5827
Workaround: Go to Java in the Control Panel and clear the Java cache.
In the admin interface, on the Backup Management page, the Show Password button does not BFER 6789
work using Internet Explorer 8.
Workaround: Use another browser version.
Privileged command management will not work with a Windows 10 system. No workaround at BFER 7124
this time. The ability to specify a command on RDP start up is no longer supported in Windows
Notifications are not occurring when restricted commands are run on Windows 8.1 systems that BFER 7218
have the latest Windows updates applied. Microsoft is researching the problem, no current

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
System requirements
Before installing or upgrading TPAM 2.5.916, ensure that your system meets the following minimum software

Browser requirements
Table 5. Browser requirements

Requirement Details
Microsoft Internet Explorer V8-11 (32 and 64 bit)
NOTE: TPAM no longer supports Internet Explorer V7. When TPAM
2.5.917 is released, Internet Explorer V8 will no longer be supported.
Mozilla Firefox V3.5+
Google Chrome V39+

Java requirements
Java 7 update 45 or higher is required for PSM. Java 32 and 64 bit are supported.

Standard platforms supported

In the event that a platform is not listed, it may now be configured using custom platforms. The TPAM Custom
Platform guide includes instructions on setting up custom platforms. For assistance configuring custom
platforms please contact Dell Professional Services.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Table 6. Standard platforms supported

Platform Privileged Password Manager Privileged Session Manger

Check Point SP
Cisco ACS
Cisco CatOS
Cisco PIX
Cisco Router (SSH)
Cisco Router (TEL)
Dell Remote Access
ForeScout CounterACT
HP Tandem NonStop
HP-UX Shadow
HP-UX Untrusted
Juniper (JUNOS)
Mac OS X
Mainframe ACF2
Mainframe LDAP ACF2
Mainframe LDAP RACF
Mainframe LDAP TS
Mainframe TS
MariaDB (use MySQL platform)
Miscrosoft SQL Server (DPA required)
NetApp Filer 8.x
Nokia IPSO
Novell NDS

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Platform Privileged Password Manager Privileged Session Manger
Oracle (DPA required)
IBM 4690 POS
Proxy SG
PSM ICA Access (DPA required)
PSM Web Access (DPA required)
SCO OpenServer
SonicWall (SonicOS)
Stratus VOS
Sybase (DPA required)
Tru64 Enhanced Security
Tru64 Untrusted
UnixWare 7.X
VMware vSphere 4,5,6
Windows 2012
Windows Active Directory
Windows Desktop

Upgrade and compatibility

The minimum required version to upgrade to 2.5.916 is 2.5.904.

Installation instructions
It is strongly recommended that a backup of the current version of TPAM be run and downloaded prior to
applying this patch. You must put the appliance in Maintenance mode BEFORE you apply the 2.5.916 patch.
We recommend temporarily setting the failover timeout for any replicas to 3600 seconds so that they will
not failover during the patch process. The patch process could take a long period of time so be patient.
Once the patch has installed (which you should verify by checking the patch log) please reboot the primary
appliance. If you have replicas, check the Cluster Status tab to ensure the replicas have also been
upgraded. Once the replicas have received the upgrade these should also be rebooted.

If you have cache servers, after the patch is installed, go to the Cache Server Management Details tab and
clear the Enabled check box and click the Save Changes button. Wait one minute then select the Enabled
check box, and Save Changes again. Repeat this for all your cache servers.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
If you have generated any keys with passphrases in 2.5.913, and NOT applied hotfix 6973, after applying
the 2.5.916 patch the keys need to be regenerated with a passphrase.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from 2.5.910 or lower and any of your scheduled jobs such as the Daily
Maintenance job, data extracts, scheduled backup, etc., have not been completing, after applying the
2.5.916 patch, go to the configuration page for the job and resave the job. This will increase the timeout
set for the job, so the job will be able to complete.

Any problems applying the patch should be reported to Technical Support. Before applying the patch make sure
that no active PSM sessions are running. If you are upgrading from 2.5.908 or earlier and you are using DPAs and
transferring large files during sessions, it is recommended that the DPA/s be rebooted after applying the
2.5.916 patch. Refer to TPAM System Administrator Guide for installation instructions.

Upgrade to version 2.5 from 2.4

TPAM v2.4 is no longer supported. If you are still running TPAM v2.4 you must upgrade to TPAM 2.5.TPAM version
2.5 runs on a different operating system, and it will not be possible to do a field upgrade of a stand-alone, a
primary or a replica appliance to version 2.5. Therefore upgrading from version 2.4.804 to version 2.5 requires
careful planning and consideration. At a high level, the process for upgrading will include receiving additional
appliance(s) from Dell that already have version 2.5 installed. Then a backup is taken from the existing
appliance(s), and the data is restored to the new 2.5 appliance(s). Once the new appliance(s) have been tested,
the next step is to schedule the cutover from the existing 2.3 or 2.4 environment to the new 2.5 environment.
Distributed Process Appliances (DPAs) and cache servers will not need to be replaced, but they will need to be
enrolled into the new environment. The minimum version needed to upgrade to version 2.5 is 2.4.804. Any
custom platform patches may be overwritten by this release. Prior to upgrading contact Technical Support to
determine if this release will affect your customization. Hotfix 8548 MUST BE APPLIED to 2.5.916 before

Upgrade Options
There are two options for the upgrade appliances that Dell will ship for version 2.5 that are outlined below.

Hardware refresh: Brand new hardware is purchased at a special upgrade-only price and includes
additional memory to take advantage of the new 64-bit operating system.

Like-kind: A like-kind, new or refurbished appliance(s) is provided to replace the existing appliance(s) in
your environment at no cost. With this option, your previously purchased appliance(s) are returned to
Dell when the upgrade to version 2.5 is complete.
To start the upgrade process for version 2.5, please contact your sales representative.

This release supports any single-byte character set. Double-byte or multi-byte character sets are not supported.
In this release, all product components should be configured to use the same or compatible character encodings
and should be installed to use the same locale and regional options. This release is targeted to support
operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern
Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.

This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: Although there are existing customers in all
markets, the product supports US English only at this time. There is very limited support for non-US character
sets and keyboards, and only in a small number of areas within the application.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
About Dell
Dell listens to customers and delivers worldwide innovative technology, business solutions and services they
trust and value. For more information, visit

Contacting Dell
For sales or other inquiries, visit or call 1-949-754-8000.

Technical support resources

Technical support is available to customers who have purchased Dell software with a valid maintenance
contract and to customers who have trial versions. To access the Support Portal, go to
The Support Portal provides self-help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. In addition, the Support Portal provides direct access to product support engineers through
an online Service Request system.
The Support Portal enables you to:
Create, update, and manage Service Requests (cases).
View Knowledge Base articles.
Obtain product notifications.
Engage in community discussions.
Chat with a support engineer.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes
Copyright 2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Dell and the Dell logo are
trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. MAC OS, OS X are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered
in the U.S. and other countries. Check Point is a registered trademark of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. or its
affiliates. Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other
countries. ForeScout and CounterACT are trademarks of ForeScout Technologies, Inc. Fortinet is a registered trademark of the
Fortinet Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD foundation.
H3C is a trademark of Hangzhou H3C Technologies, Co. Ltd. Google and Chrome are trademarks of Google, Inc., used with
permission. HP, OPENVMS and Tru64 are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company. AS/400, IBM and
AIX are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
Juniper, JUNOS and NetScreen are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. MariaDB is a registered
trademark of MariaDB Corporation.Microsoft, Active Directory, Internet Explorer, and Windows are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mozilla and Firefox are
registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. NetApp is a registered trademark of NetApp, Inc., registered in the U.S. and
other countries. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Novell is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries. Oracle, Java, MySQL, and Solaris are trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. PAN-OS
is a registered trademark of Palo Alto Networks, Inc. PowerPassword is a registered trademark of BeyondTrust Software, Inc.
PROXYSG is a trademark of Blue Coat Systems, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Stratus is a registered
trademark of Stratus Technologies Bermuda Ltd. Teradata is a registered trademark of Teradata Corporation or its affiliates in
the United States or other countries. UNIX and UNIXWARE is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
and other countries. VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks
and names or their products. Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.


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WARNING: A WARNING icon indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

IMPORTANT NOTE, NOTE, TIP, MOBILE, or VIDEO: An information icon indicates supporting information.

The Privileged Appliance and Modules 2.5.916

Release Notes

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