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Equation Solved

Dear brothers and sisters,
My name is Pane Astral Walker Andov and before I go on, I feel a need to tell you this:
There were two ways of creating this file. I could have held back information which is
stunningly bizarre, but true. This would be the easy way, staying within the comfort zone and
communicating only that which would not challenge too many peoples sense of possibility.

Or I could treat the readers like fully formed, fully connected multidimensional, adult
human beings and communicate all the relevant information, including some which will
stretch their sense of reality to breaking point.

As always, I have chosen the latter. It is not for me to edit information for the
readers, it is for the readers to edit the information for themselves.

Its not easy for me to say this, but this letter is the most important information that you
have ever received regarding events that are going to happen in the near future. I would like
to ask you for your attention (PLEASE STAY WITH ME).

For you to know on what ground I am standing, and how I know what I know, there is no
other way but to get straight to the point: I have been taken and have had contacts with
the ETs many times since I was of 7 years of age. I will not go into the details at this
moment (we will deal with abduction phenomenon later) and for now I will just mention that
my DNA has been altered, enabling me to use abilities such as Astral projection on a daily
basis. For the last 3 decades I have been visiting Stars and Planets in space which are at
the great distance from our Planet, and had contacts with the ETs. From all the visits, what
was passed to me and which I clearly remember is that the human race is heading
towards a great change, many spirits will return to the stars and something magnificent is
going to happen.

In order to create a bigger picture so that you can understand what is going to happen in
the near future, I will have to explain couple of things:

Milky Way Galaxy, Chandra satellite, and Red Giant

Mayan (Sun) Long Count Calendar

The Crop Circles Phenomenon

What Are We and DNA structure

When a human being physically dies

How the game will be played by the Dark Force

Cosmic rays penetration into Solar system

Ancient Giants and DNA

Forgotten Past and Ancient nuclear conflicts on Earth and Moon

My personal experience with ET

What do we need to do?

Final Word

Once you see the bigger picture, you will understand why you were not told about all this
through the regular means of information.

Milky Way Galaxy, Chandra satellite, and Red Giant
Around 26 000 years ago from the galactic centre of the Milky Way, there was a powerful
release of an enormous amount of energy, which like a huge, shining, circular wave is
spreading across the galaxy from its centre to its edges. Our solar system is on the exact
edge of the Milky Way galaxy, and around 26 000 light years from its galactic centre. For
man, this enormous distance is an unimaginable length of time, but from the global cosmic
point of view is like a bolt of lightning across the sky. The released energetic pulse is already
affecting the whole galaxy including the little dot we call our solar system. Very soon it will
reach us and hit us with full strength.

In 1999 NASA launched a satellite The

Chandra X-ray Observatory that is capable
of scanning space with x-rays and much of
what was previously invisible and
unimaginable to the human eye has become
visible. The Chandra X-ray Observatory
managed to record the cosmic jet that was
ejected from the massive black hole in the
centre of the Milky Way, along the huge and
powerful energetic wave that is spreading
along the galactic plane. We have to
understand that for scanning space, humans
have only had powerful and precise
equipment for 5 decades, which is just a
blink of the eye in the global cosmic reality.

Chandra recorded stars increasing in size by the extreme influence of the energetic wave
and going through major changes; swelling in size and then ejecting the outer layer and
becoming much smaller. The forecast (see Appendix A) is that the same will happen with our
Sun; as soon as it is hit by the energetic wave it will start to react. A complex nuclear
reaction will be set in motion that will cause our Sun to increase in size, swallowing the
planets Mercury and Venus. That means that it will come extremely close to Earth causing
impossible conditions for biological life, with daily temperatures of ranging from 800C plus
to minus 70C and below.

(For more detailed explanation of mechanism that will set Sun into fast growing motion and a
few fundamental things that you really need to know about our Sun please see Appendix B)

Is that going to be the end of the story? The end of all life on Earth? Of everything?

Mayan (Sun) Long Count Calendar

Since its become obvious that we are not the first civilization on Earth, in order to
understand what is going to happen in near future, we need to go way back in time to see
what information ancients had left for the generations to come as a warning. One of these
warnings comes from the Ancient Mayans. Their structures, mathematical and astronomical
knowledge and precision of time counting are more than impressive. In fact it is proven that
their way of counting time is far more sophisticated than the way we do today. One of the
artefacts that remained largely unspoiled by the conquistadors in their search for gold is the
so called Mayan Long Count Calendar. It appears as a large, circular stone with many
engraved markings and is a record of time keeping spanning 5200 years. It ends on 21 Dec
2012. Why did the Mayans or whoever created and gave that Long Count Calendar to the
Mayans not account for any days after that date?

Does that date have to do with the arrival of the energetic pulse from Hunab Ku (Mayan
name for Creator that acts through the central galactic opening of the Milky Way) and death
of our Sun? Is there a possibility that in those times there was an advanced technology
available and was there intelligence; human or nonhuman that had sophisticated knowledge
of those future events? Was the Mayan Long Count Calendar left as a warning for those
living in present time, around 2012 AD?

There are indications that the Calendar was given to Ancient Mayas. Olmec people had
almost the same Calendar, Aztecs and the original Egyptian as well - before it was changed
by the secret societies and ruling Masonic Elite to preserve the information and keep it a
secret. What were they all counting? All of them were looking at the Sun and at the galactic
centre. The Calendar is so profound that it didnt miss a single day, hour, minute or second.
Ever. The question remains: Who were the creators of the Calendar?; What did they

The Crop Circles Phenomenon

Perhaps all these questions would remain unanswered if it wasnt the mysterious
phenomena known as Crop Circles. During the last few decades we have became more
aware of this phenomenon, some form of higher intelligence that is trying to communicate
with us by delivering amazing messages in the crop fields around the world. Contrary to
popular perception, crop circles are not a modern phenomenon. They are mentioned in
academic texts of the late 17th Century, and over 200 cases have been reported prior to

To date more than 30,000 crop circles have been catalogued worldwide by the military,
some occupying areas as large as 200,000 sq ft and their anomalous features continue to be
irreplaceable: plants bent an inch above soil and gently laid down in geometrically-precise
pattern with no physical signs of damage, light burn marks at the base of stems, altered
cellular structure and soil chemistry, discrepancies in background radiation, alteration of the
local electromagnetic field, depletion of the local water table, and dowsable, long lasting
energy patterns, not to mention measured effect on the human biological field.

One of the essential characteristics of crop circles is that they appear to have been formed
by an intelligent source that is able to create and control some form of electromagnetic
energy to a very high and precise degree.

There has also been many reports of a very distinctive sound that is heard when crop circles
are being formed. In genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent, normally about
an inch off the ground and near the plants first node. In special cases, the stems are bent

six inches from the top of the seed head. Such features defeat the hoax argument, since a
plank or garden roller would flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in clear damage to the
plants. Laboratory analysis has revealed the crystalline structure of the affected plants have
actually been changed by some force. Even more significant is the fact that the DNA is
considerably different from the plants that have not been affected. In other words this force
that has created the crop circle had the exact vibrational frequency necessary to modify the
information patterns in DNA.

The laboratory analysis also found that the seeds and the germinating process of the
affected plants had been changed. Although the plant itself was unharmed, this force had
made substantial changes to the plants natural regenerative processes. It is suggested that
this kind of change can only be brought about by tampering with the information patterns in
the DNA of the plant. Regarding the bending process itself, the laboratory analysis
undertaken by W.C. Levengood (a respected Michigan-based biophysicist) concluded that
an energy source originating in the microwave region had boiled the water inside the plants
nodes, effectively transforming it into steam.

For all of you who would like to hear more on this research, who is making those complex
pictograms around the world and what most of them mean, I will make special presentation
in Brisbane very soon.

Summarized, many of the geometries that are delivered are countdown clocks to 2012
and development of human consciousness. The study of the available evidence has
shown that at least 5 non-human races are delivering intelligent messages to us. So despite
the fact that this information is suppressed by leading media such as CNN, FOX, BBC whom
we all know are owned by so called Illuminati Order or Ruling Elite, we made Contact
decades ago. Most of those non-human races have an active triple helix DNA structure
(providing telepathic, telekinetic performance) and differ from us with only double helix active
DNA potential. More on this will be address at the presentation.

(For more details about triple helix DNA of one of non human races, presented also through
the crop circles, please see Appendix C)

Now, why all this is not on the news all the time? Why the secrecy? Why lies and deception
about the true nature of this Contact? Why not tell people openly that we are not alone? Why
not tell them about the underworld that was built to survive the 2012 Event? Why not tell

them about the storage of seeds and food for the next Ice Age they expect after Suns Red
Giant Phase is over and the star becomes a lot smaller a White Dwarf not capable of
producing that much light and heat anymore? Why not tell them the truth?

Are we ready to rewrite our history books, reconsider everything we have been told? Let go
of all our beliefs? Let go of fear of unknown? Probably not yet. Or are our perceptions
starting to change, have we yet realized that weve been manipulated by the elite for so
long, those concealing this essential information and controlling access to advanced
technologies. Would you believe that none of us have to work any more? There are
technologies available that can supply sufficient energy for everything and food for everyone.
Money keeps us enslaved. We need to work to generate income, to pay the bills, to pay the
rent, expenses. We have to live according to their rules. To the best of my knowledge none
of other races are doing this to their kind. Only humans have specialized in this kind of
behaviour. Greed. Power. But is it their fault alone? Or there are hidden forces that control
even the so called Illuminated Ones? Think about it.

Now lets look at what one of the other races has to say about 2012.

15 July 2008 Avebury Manor, Wilts, England. Another

mysterious crop circle appeared from nowhere. Mysterious
properties detected again. The stem of the plants within a
crop circle are bent in a manner which cannot be explained
by conventional science. Laboratory tests confirmed
unusual properties. No doubt a genuine one. (Please
see Appendix D with deeper explanation about differences
between genuine (non-human intelligence made) versus
non genuine (human made) crop circles).

The pictogram is a clear depiction of our planetary system on 23 Dec 2012, two days after
the official End of the Long Count Calendar December 21, 2012. It is a clear selection of
two groups: One group consist of thin circles and depicts the orbits of the Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars and Pluto. The other ones with bold circles consist of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune. They insist that we pay attention on two things:

First: the first anomaly is in Plutos orbit, NASA solar system live simulator is showing that
Pluto should be on different location (picture at the right) which clearly depicts that this
heavenly body will be influenced by outer gravitation from some passing body, planet or

Second: the second anomaly is the splitting
into two groups. Can this be understood as
separation of our solar system on two groups,
as result of extreme Suns activity in
combination with some extreme powerful
gravitation of passing body or comet?

The message is perfectly clear its our

solar system on 23 Dec 2012.

All this would not be so significant if 7 days

after, on the 22 July, 2008 an update didnt
appear. And what was on it, says absolutely
everything we need to know!

22 July 2008 - Avebury Manor, Wilts, England

It indicates huge geological changes and movements in our solar system as a result of Suns
expansion in mass and strong gravitational pull from outside. The mass of the Sun is much
bigger, showing us the maximal expansion size as a Red Giant and showing us that
the planets Mercury and Venus will be completely assimilated.

The Earth with its companion (inside the crop design there is a dot in Earths circle
representing the Moon) together with Mars are staying in their orbits but dangerously close
to the Sun. According to this, our solar system will never be the same!

The large circle is the moons movement around Earth during the year. Actually we are
looking at the expanded view of the lunar orbit. There is a smaller circle with 11 rings and a
dot that is bringing our attention to the number 12. This tells us that they are suggesting the
12th month of the Moons movement around Earth. Our Moon will lie in Earths sky close to a
bright comet in the twelfth month (December) of 2012. The precise date will be Dec 13, 2012
when our Sun is in the constellation Ophiuchus and our Moon is new. (Explanation: our Sun
at RA = 17 26 on Dec 13 2012 lies close to two stars in Ophiuchus). Now you know why
Ophiuchus constellation is all over the ancient temples.

Nominal orbit of Pluto is disturbed by the

huge combined gravitational influence of
the passing celestial body and the Sun.
Crop circle makers depict the new moon,
which if checked on astronomy star charts
will appear after Dec 13, 2012. On that
same, exact date there will also be a
comet visible from Earth in the night sky.
After further analyses it was concluded
that that comet is actually the first
bluish-white beam of light out of 12 that
will reach us, according to data extracted from other crop messages. Dec 13, 2012 will be
the first time that people from Earth will be able to see on the visible spectrum the arrival of
the first cosmic beam of bluish-white light from the galactic centre area. Since they travel
very fast they will be here very fast, and will hit our planetary system on Dec 23 2012.

The smaller symbols from right to left are:

Milky Way with depicted galactic plane;

Cosmic snake symbolizing Nexus or Superwave (the carrier of the Designers DNA
mutation ultimate program - only one that is known in our universe) and shows the
snake is coming spreading along the galactic disc;
Snail in ancient Maya tradition is a symbol of the termination of physical Life and also
the closure of a cycle, a measure that is completed. . .the final integration;
The spiral represented the "life-death-rebirth" cycle of the Sun. At the end of the
Aztec Fifth Sun our star will slowly start to expand until it reaches culmination on 28
March 2013 when outer layer will be released into space and only the core of the star
will be left or the time when a New Baby Sun will be born (reborn) The Birth of the
Sixth Sun. The Birth of Era of Light.
Next symbol is clearly depicting new moon, and the Ophiuchus star constellation
which is in that exact place (close to the moon) in Dec 13 2012.

Before I go on, please understand that this letter

contains confronting knowledge of major Earth
change events. Sometimes this kind of information
can be harmful, especially if you have lived with
different life perspectives inside the Matrix. If you
feel that the provided information is too much to
take or that you are not ready to know the truth I would kindly advise you not to read any
further, continue with your life as before, delete this file and pretend that you never received
it. Please know this: This information was not indented to frighten, but to awaken many to
begin spiritually, mentally and physically preparing for the challenging period ahead. Its
purpose is to aid the transformation process and to raise consciousness of the most
important issues that are well known outside the public arena.

It is now obvious that we can not avoid the transformation process which as stated before is
cosmic in nature. But what we can do is to work hard on the inner transformation by cleaning
and harmonizing our essence and our bio-field. In other words lifting our own vibrational
level and staying at the same level most of the time which will lead to a stronger radiation of
psionic particles into the environment. Only after doing that, we can speak of eventual
meditative connection, firing up the Earths acupuncture energetic grid and eventual impact
on the fractal structure of the Matrix. So the focus is raising consciousness and helping our
planet to go through a smoother transformation phase. This can be achieved by reaching
oneness with our planet and all the life on it. In other words, by creating strong and stable
bio-psionic field of energy around our planet capable of receiving the powerful Nexus Energy
(Cosmic Snake) without any harm.

I will elaborate more on this in the second part of this letter, and extensively in the coming
presentation. Before I can share with you info in that direction I need to explain to you a little
further what crop circle makers are saying about the events that will be happening on the 3D
realm very soon.

The detailed analysis that was conducted clearly indicates that high number of pictograms
have Aztec and Mayan symbolism and Quetzalcoatl connection. According to the
Aztec tradition, the history of the Earth falls into five successive ages or suns, each
representing the temporary dominance of a different aspect of teotl. The present era,
the Age of the Fifth Sun, is the final one. Like its four predecessors, the Fifth Sun is
destined to cataclysmic destruction, at which time the earth will be destroyed by earthquakes
and humankind will leave Earth.

Conclusion was made that the crop circle makers, are depicting the time measuring
according to the Long Count Calendar and Sun-Venus Calendar exactly the same as
ancient Mayas and Aztecs in Central America did long time ago. Both Calendars are clearly
depicted in the crop pictograms that appeared in UK, in Silbury Hill in 2004 and in Woolstone
Hill in 2005.

As we already know, The Long Count Calendar ends on December 23, 2012 (and not on
December 21, 2012 as most people believe) which will mark the End of the Fifth Sun that
started exactly on 13 August 3114 BC. Different from the first calendar, the Mayan Sun-
Venus Calendar ends on 28 March 2013, which marks the end of the current 52-year Venus
cycle that began on April 10, 1961 and more important it also mark the start of new 5000-
year cycle of Sixth Sun.

The messages were perfectly clear, like in the

pictogram that appeared 2006 in Waylands
Smithy. This pictogram clearly depicts that at
the end of the Sun-Venus Calendar periodically
emitted cosmic rays from the galactic core will
arrive on Earth. The preliminary analysis of the
pictogram that appeared on Waylands Smithy
2006, had shown series of "astronomical rays"
emerging from some central source in all three
spatial directions x ,y or z:

Those rays have been drawn as "square" along their lengths, because the intensity of any
astronomical wave or ray becomes weaker as it proceeds further from the source by a factor
of distance-squared. What could be the central source of energies shown there?

The answer is completely clear the Ultra Massive Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way
known as Sgr A*. A ring of 12 stars surrounds Sgr A* in space, just like a ring of 12 points
surrounds the empty centre of that crop picture. Every one of the three longest rays seems
to contain a 7 x 8 = 56 grid of mini-circles within an open square end. They were showing us
the time code, telling us when the longest ray will reach Earth.

For someone to understand what they are trying to tell us, it is better that we firstly
understand that every Sun-Venus conjunction lasts for 292 days, whether inferior (Venus
between Earth and Sun) or superior (Sun between Earth and Venus). Ever since the
pictogram appeared on July 8, 2006, two years ago, when there were still "9 left", they
constantly remind us that the countdown to 2013 has continued!

Then on August 12, 2007, the Mayan/Olmec number "six" appeared at Stanton St. Bernard.
It was intended to tell us that "only 6" Sun-Venus conjunctions remained until Venus transit
on June 6, 2012, or "only 7" until an end to their Sun-Venus calendar on March 28, 2013.

If the right peaces of the puzzle are combined we are starting

to see the meaning of what They are trying to say. The crop
pictograms clearly are showing an astronomical event that
will happen between late 2012 and early 2013, between the
ending date of Mayan Long Count Calendar and ending date
of the current Sun-Venus Calendar the arrival of some kind of cosmic rays from the
Galactic Centre. Yet another pictogram from West Kennett (July 13, 1996) did seem to
describe the same near-future astronomical event in a slightly more precise way, so we will
study that one next. We can see the Mayan symbol for the galactic centre, waves emerging
from everywhere (12 total), new moon close to the Sun and a passing comet or the arrival of
the first of those beams.

Mayan symbol - galactic center

It becomes, obvious that those rays from the galactic center will arrive periodically according
to their size and strength. Note: NASA had released many documentaries how cosmic rays
affect DNA of life causing mutation for better or worse. In our case, the last and the biggest
cosmic ray of all from the Nexus Event (the arrival of the energy of the Cosmic Snake), will
be the one that will complete the reprogramming of the DNA of the organic life forms in this
system. It will arrive exactly on 28 March 2013, when as we mentioned earlier, officially is
the End of the Sun-Venus Calendar, and the beginning of the Age of the Sixth Sun!

What this means?

If we push our sharp logic to the maximum, we are looking at the Event that involves the
bathing of our planet and the biology upon it in gamma ray energies projected from the
Galactic Centre. In other words, reactivation of the dormant DNAor reactivation of what
mainstream science refers to as 97% junk DNA material. It means as soon as the bluish-
white beam of light touches you, you will remember who you were in the past, all the
assimilated knowledge will be back together with all the powers of your consciousness.
Amazingwe are so lucky to be here in this time and space.

It will be the triumph of compassion and intelligence over violence and ignorance. This is to
be achieved by the actual transmutation of human genetic material, our DNA, when it is
bathed in galactic light emanating from our own Sun, acting as transducer of the Galactic
Centre itself, passing directly through the Earth.

As of June 2008, three full orbital

cycles of Venus (large white
numbers) remains until the end of
our current Mayan Sun Venus
calendar in 28th of March 2013. Any
full synodic cycle of Venus takes 584 days or 1.6 years, hence there will be 3x1.6 = 4.8
years until March 2013. Likewise, five half orbital cycles of Venus (small blue numbers)
remains until Venus transits the face of our Sun in June 2012. Any half synodic cycle of
Venus takes 292 days or 0.8 years, hence there will be 5 x 8= 4.0 years until transit on June
6, 2012. This is the same 52 or 104 year calendar thats the Olmecs, Mayans or Aztecs
used long ago in central America. Five days later at Stanton Bridge on July 4, the Mayan
number three appeared, once again to remind us that only three full orbital cycles of
Venus until their calendar ends on March 28th 2013.

Another important message about the expansion of the outer layer of the Sun appeared on
27.06.2009 Milk Hill Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire.

27 June 2009 30th June 2009 27th June 2009

Milk Hill Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Alton B., Wiltshire Southfield, Alton Priors,

Funtunfunefu-Denkyemfunefu (Siamese crocodiles) >> UNITY - ancient

symbol of democracy & oneness despite cultural difference.

Despite the fact we have different cultures we are ONE. This Truth can be seen only when a
being reaches a development of fourth chakra. When the fourth centre is open, the
consciousness sees that everything in cosmos is part of the same source and is ONE.

The time for conflict is over and it is time for peace

and balance. On greater scale, humanity will
experience this when North becomes South during
the next Solar maximum at the end of 2012. Again
there is clear depiction that Sun will expand in mass.
If you see all this with the eyes of your mind you will
see global changes in this 3D reality, but if you see
with the eyes of your heart things look completely
different. During this Event Humanity will realize that
only Love is the answer and that everything else is
illusionary. The same day and few days after the Milk
Hill Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire crop design appeared, there were few other crop designs
depicting different extraterrestrial races, their written language and most of them had a circle
where third eye should be on the forehead. Also there was arrow pointing out from the
extraterrestrial head showing clearly that they are transmitting messages so we will
understand and prepare and also that they are observing us all the time. I can not go far into
this at this moment, much more will be covered in my presentation but what I want to point
out is that Humanity has to open up to the fact that we are sharing this planet with many
other life forms and that there is oneness despite cultural differences. It also has to open up
to the fact that our planet is changing, since current cycle is coming to its end and that the
ones that choose the path of Light and Peace await evolution and upgrade of DNA.

What Are We and DNA structure

Before we can understand more clearly what our role is in this entire 2012 scenario, we
need to go through few others aspects of our existence. Lets start with understanding what
we are, what is our pure essence, what is our bio-energetic structure and our subtle bodies,
how all that is connected to RNA/DNA and especially how RNA/DNA is going to be
influenced by the cosmic energy that will arrive in late 2012.


We are an Intelligent Life Force in the Universe and our pure essence is the

Our Consciousness is capable of multidimensional presence. It has its own bio-energetic

field that people usually know as auric field. Besides the biological host that we have, we
also have so many other energetic hosts, bodies or vehicles, if you will.

Those energetic carriers can provide the Consciousness to be present in different

dimensions. One energetic host or subtle body have a suitable density and speed of
vibration of only one dimension or plane of existence, otherwise our pure essence can not
be in that dimension inside that particular energetic host or body.

At the moment most of humans are operating on so

called double helix functionality which means we are
using only 3% of our DNA genetic material and all the
rest 97% of the genetic material is inactive or dormant.
Mainstream science calls it Junk DNA, supposedly its
there for nothing and we have no use of it
whatsoeverwhich as so many other things presented
by mainstream science is completely incorrect. That
97% of the genetic material is disconnected at this
moment but still undamaged and can be reactivated. In
fact, all the rest of the energetic bodies we have can be
accessed and controlled if that genetic material
becomes active, along with all the energies and abilities
that goes with every one of them. In other words, every
one of those bodies has different abilities, different type
of interwoven energies and capable of different

In order that you can understand this properly I will explain this in this fashion:

Scientific community had split the composition of

our Universe to Normal Matter ~ 4%, Dark Matter ~
26% and Dark Energy around 70%.

Normal matter contains everything we see on the

visible part of the Universe including super-
clusters, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, stars,
planets, biological life forms etcor if you prefer
different approach: it consist of heavy elements
0.03%, neutrinos 0.3%, stars 0.5% and
hydrogen/helium around 3.2 %.

Now, picture all those layers: Normal matter, Dark matter and Dark energy, into one
single large Cube.

On the bottom put the Normal matter as most dense: super-clusters, clusters of galaxies,
stars, planets, chemical elements, biological life and everything that can be seen from our
perspective inside the cosmos. Above that layer put Dark matter: invisible dimensions even
more filled with energy and larger variety of life forms; and at the top you put the last layer
Dark Energy where energy is strongest and directly influences any further dynamic
movement in the creation process of this Universe. Universe is alive, intelligent and fully
conscious of itself and its still fallowing dynamic pulsation of fractal contraction and
expansion. That dynamic pulsation of contraction and expansion is orchestrated from above,
from the layer mainstream science calls Dark Energy, and despite the fact that, that
terminology is wrong because that energy is definitely not darkthe better term would be
Invisible Energy.

Anyway, observe that Cube as mix of all of that. If you

zoom in, the Cube has different densities from bottom to
top and other way around. It allows streaming and
penetration of energetic particles with different speed
depending on the density or in the location in the Cube.
On the bottom the density is high and particles move
slower because of that density and how you climb
towards the top the particles move extremely fast since
its becoming less and less dense.

All those densities are completely different dimensions.

Separate but still connected in the same time. Old
models of understanding are holding the perspective of
7 huge dimensions in this Universe that have different
densities, but personally I do not see any reason why
there can not be an infinitive number of dimensions
outhere. In fact, there are lot more then just seven
planes of existence and I will explain this in more detail
in the presentation.

To the best of my knowledge, our pure essence has potential to be in most of those
dimensions if not in all of them using a suitable vehicle locked in our dormant DNA potential.

At the moment we function on double helix functionality which is only sufficient that you can
see and read this text and to experience it to a certain leveland lets say relatively low
awareness of the astral plane in the form of the lucid dreaming, short out of the body
experiences or near death experiences. The most input is taken from the five senses and
thats all that most of us can reach and experience. Thats all that those 3% of active genetic
material can providea low quality of existence.

Despite the fact its only 3% of the active DNA, most of humans are still using the astral body
during the sleeping time, completely unaware that they are in the one of their subtle bodies
and completely unaware that they are in the other dimension astral dimension.

Controlling your astral body and conscious controlled out of the body experiences will be
also covered in my presentation and I believe its good to mention that I will be doing also
seminars and workshops for astral projection in Brisbane soon, teaching whoever is
interested in those rare arts. I have extensive experience in the subject with more then
thousand students worldwide.

As mentioned before in the rest 97% of the genetic

material we have so many other carriers that if
activated we can reach deeper into the universe. The
closest dimensions are so called etheric, astral, mental
and causal dimension. To simplify, the physical dimen-
sion is most dense, the etheric layer is the frontier
between mater and antimatter, the astral is less dense
than the physical but denser that mental and causal
dimensions. The higher you go, or the further you go
from this dimensionthe conditions change, the
density is different and speed of vibration is different. If
you travel in your astral body you can observe the
astral dimension but you can not observe the mental
and causal dimension etc. Every next dimension you are in extends your abilities,
understanding, it brings you more extended perception and wisdom if I may say. The more
you climb up the more you understand yourself and the purpose of your existence in the
Universe. The more you learn and grow the more you become aware of your responsibility
and what your task is or how you can help in the Great Divine Plan.

Its not hard to understand that the higher you climb through dimensions you need more and
more active DNA. For the consciousness to be capable to be consciously present very hight
in those realities, it needs fully activated DNA structure. It needs 12 strains DNA functionality
or 100% active DNA genetic potential. Now, another important part:

When a human being physically dies

When a human being physically dies, that

does not mean that the DNA is destroyed. It
means that the DNA stays with consciousness
because it has many subtle bodies that are
attached to it, and which the consciousness
can use as vehicles for moving through the
higher dimensions of the Universe. The only
part that fades when the event we call physical
death happens is the harmonic that matches
the physical vehicle.

The higher DNA harmonics are still with the

consciousness because as I said earlier is
capable of multidimensional existence or
capable of moving through different dimensions using suitable vehicles. Once again, the
astral body matches the astral frequency, mental body the mental frequency or plane of
existence and so on.

In other words, today DNA and the consciousness are interconnected because the subtle
bodies are interlocked inside the double helix. Apart from tiny DNA physical harmonic that is
slowly disintegrating as the physical body starts to fall apart in time, the rest of DNA stays
intact and departures with the consciousness. In the moments very near to the physical
death, when the consciousness realizes that the time for departure is near, certain natural
bio-chemical process begins allowing some further activation of DNA structure, probably
around 3% more to be able to provide relative good awareness of the astral dimension and
relative good clarity of the astral vision. When that happens, most people see that they are
now in some transparent body and that their senses had drastically increased in quality.
They are able to neutralize the Earths gravity by conscious thought command, pass through
walls and physical obstacles, able to fly, reach space, communicate telepathically etc.

The problem that exits on Earth, and I will explain this in more detail on the presentation, is
that in the event when a person physically died, the consciousness that had moved away
from the physical host, stays with double helix functionality despite it has changed the
environment from more dense to a less dense plane of existence. In some cases, few more
percentages are added to those 3% active DNA but still its only enough for the conscious
presence on the astral dimension. All this is a huge science that I will teach whoever feels its
ready on my seminars.

Even when through the process known as
incarnation, when the consciousness
returns back in the physical realm of
existence and takes another biological host
its still keeping the same double helix
functionalitythe same potential. Its like
your vehicle can go very fast, lets say
30.000 km/h but for some reason you are
only allowed to go 3 km/h. The potential is
there but dormant, asleep.

Unreachable and useless, in this moment. Not to mention the complete dependency on the
five senses, that provides extremely limited perception of souranding reality. Perhaps all this
is far out from your default model of understanding, people do not speak in the news about
those things, but please hear me out. Its very important that you receive this info. In fact, in
my perspective there is nothing important than this, especially now when the time is so short.

Summarized, the more DNA is activated the more we can reach towards other planes of
existence and fully conscious.

The arriving cosmic snake, energetic wave known as NEXUS is so powerful that it causes
mutation of the DNA structureonce you are touched by the bluish-white light, all those 97%
dormant genetic material will awake and reactivate, all the memory of who you were in the
past, all your accumulated knowledge during your incarnations, all your abilities and powers
will be regained. You will be able to see and understand the big picture, you will become
functional again and you will be safe. Finally you will be able to take care of yourself.

The only problem that those humans known as Light

Workers are concern, is that the Dark Forces that are also
present on this planet are completely aware of the
approaching energy and what that energy is capable of
doing to the RNA/DNA of life. If not stoped they will try to
reduce human population to such extreme scale that only
one/tenth of the population will remain on the physical

How the game will be played by the Dark Force

The plan is to use natural disasters and artificially made ones, using technologies like
HAARP and similar to achieve reduction of the human population on the physical dimension.

Here is the logicAs soon as

most of the humans will loose
their biological bodies, they will
awake in the astral dimension
and since the consciousnesses
will still have only double helix
functionality, it will be a kind of
shock for them. It will be as
you were sleeping close to the
edge of a swimming pool and
someone had suddenly pushed
you inside the cold water.
Imagine the surprise you will
have and that it will take a few
seconds at least before you
realize what is going on. The
plan is that when immediate
astral awakening will took
place, the consciousness will
definitely be not used to that
kind of awareness, not used to
the astral plane and definitely
not aware of the potential of
the astral bodyso they are
going to be an easy target for
the negative extraterrestrial
groups that are very familiar
with the astral dimension.

After the catastrophes that will take place in the physical dimension, if the negative ETs want
to be successful, they need to act during the first moments of shock and agony. They have
probably less then a minute to do this, to take advantage of billions confused
consciousnesses that have no idea where they are and what is going on, and to trap them
into energetic containers. After they are stored into huge energetic containers they will be
taken far out of this space region via star ships.

Perhaps, it will come as a shock to many of you, but at this moment there is a real war for
souls and the UFO activity is greater then ever. And with only double helix functionality
we are in most unpleasant situation and almost like siting ducks. Perhaps you will learn
astral travel soon and take a look for yourself what is going on in the closest dimension.

At the moment here on Earth there are three sides: one side consist of biological/non-
biological species of Light, the second one consist of biological/non-biological species of
Darkness and the third side consist of neutral ones which do not want to get involve in
Earths inhabitants karma. Every each of us has a choice to choose side.

The Forces of Light are fighting for a mass awakening and mass gathering, making
tremendous effort that we join in meditative oneness and protect ourselves and our planet by
creating an astral shield of energy in the form of Flower of Life.

They only way that Dark Force can win over humanity is to move the humanity out from the
reach of the coming beams and preventing further mutation of the RNA/DNA human
structure. If the Light Workers and other positive ETs that are around us and watching us,
are not successful and this scenario still happens, remember this words when the time
comes, dont stare into floods, earthquakes and terror down below that you see from the
astral dimension, you have not much time to become aware that your physical body is gone
and scenario that you have read in 2010 took place. Stop panicking and concentrate on
going fast towards the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Take a strong and fast astral flight
and push the consciousness to maximum without fear.

The beams are not far away so you will not need to travel far
and as soon as you see gigantic approaching beam of bluish-
white light, go straight into it. Once it will touch you, the DNA
change will be completed and you will be safe. But you have to
remember that you have max 30 seconds to become aware of
what is going on and move your pure essence in your astral
body out of the astral space of Earth before the negative

entities use advanced technology to trap it. Remember max 30 seconds to escape the
planet, and to direct yourself towards the galactic center of Milky Way. Its very important
that you got this clearly.

In case the Dark Force will be successful, while the

consciousnesses of billions of previously humans will be
travelling to other systems, they will be kept almost in a dream
state, completely unaware of what is going on. Certain
percentage that has more active and dynamic consciousness
and those few additional percentages of the DNA structure had
been awaken, will face deliberately created hologram like they
are flying through dark tunnel with the light at the end, and
once its crossed they will face familiar environment, towns,
villages, houses, buildings, streets, humans, loved ones, land
and blue sky and everything else that perception will identified
as earth-like environment. Of course in reality it will be a
hologramto a Christian, mother Marry and Isus will appear, to
Moslems, Hindu, Buddhist and the rest more or less religious
followers, others suitable figures will become visibleAfter consciousness are taken to
different planets they will be put into another genetically double helix compatible host and
manipulation for food, energetic feeding and crossbreeding can continue for a very long
time. If we do not wake up from the dream, start paying attention what crop circles actually
means and what we have to do to avoid all this.

Dark intelligent life forces lives on our moon, the call them fast-walkers, shadows that moves extremely fast (what you are seeing on the above four images is not a craft
but living shadow entity that has high rank in the Dark Force hierarchy at least thousands of them are detected on the moon, leaving the moon, coming to Earth and
going back to moon again)

Trust my words that many of the Extraterrestrial groups have the knowledge and capacity to
do it easily. And they are already doing it since the process had already started. What some
people experience during the so called alien abduction experience is just a game to what
some of those negative groups are capable of doing. And the bigger problem is that most of
the elite politicians are already implanted with micro-devices and completely under control of
the groups.

Another Shadow biological/half-etheric creature photographed by Apollo (Moon); -- Ancient record of negative ET (Egypt); -- Atemp of physical alien abduction (Mexico)

As my friend David Icke stated, the elite world politicians we see in the
news, are not chosen by people and election process, but they are
previously chosen by their bloodlines. As most that are part of high
Masonic Lodges they have absolutely no emotions whatsoever about
what they are doing to others and absolutely no compassion. They do not
feel any gilt at all. They just fallow orders not aware what the real
controllers in the background are planing to achieve. Its obviously that its
not about the money or control or even not a race for gaining
extraterrestrial technology. Ruling Elite already have unlimited amount of
money, they print them and own the banking system, they have already
much of the back-engineered extraterrestrial technology and they already
control everything in this matrix at lest what human societies are concern.
So its something much bigger, something that we are going to talk about.

Note: Only the ones that are in the certain planetary zones will not be affected, since even if
you had lost your physical body your pure essence is save in your astral body. They have
two options, to stay inside the triangle zone (if they have this information and they do not
panic) or take a strong and extremely fast astral flight towards the center of the Milky Way
galaxy in order to intercept the bluish-white beams of light). Either way, once touched by the
light of the Creator, the DNA will reactivate and its done - you are safe.

This is just a bad joke right?

I wish it was.

The most important factors within the vaccines are intended to reduce Earths population
and that is why they are targeting the long term sick, children and pregnant women. What
then of those who do not fall into the categories in their first wave? These others are
particularly feared by the Illuminoids because they have health, intelligence and potential to
resist the so called New World Order. The use of nano-particles in a shot for this category
has a duel purpose. It is intended to insert the much feared chip in people that can then be
tracked and controlled, and generally used as slave labourers, skilled and otherwise. All
populations across the globe will be targeted thus, they hope.

But, there is an even more secret reason for the intention to introduce this vaccine to all
groups, surviving the vaccine or not, and that is to do with curtailing the ongoing mutation of
Human RNA/DNA, first noticed in all global populations from the mid-1980s onwards.

But before we touch that important subject we need to understand few things about how
cosmic rays penetrate into our solar system and to what scale they influence the DNA of life.

Cosmic rays penetration into Solar system

Like Earth, our entire solar system has its own atmosphere, called the Heliosphere. Its a
protective bubble that surrounds the Sun and all of the planets as our system travels
through space. One of its functions is to block the penetration of the cosmic rays, cosmic
dust, and all sort of interstellar material.

The boundary between this heliosphere and the interstellar medium is known as
Heliopause. Like our Earth's magnetosphere, the movement of the heliopause creates a
rounded "head" and a narrowing tail. During the last solar maximum it suddenly manifested
anomaly, it stoped to function as before. Its completely changed dynamic allowed and are
still allowing cosmic dust and cosmic rays to enter our system. First the heliopause collapsed
and recently it was discovered that Earths thermosphere collapsed too. Not to mention that
in 2009 scientists confirmed that Earths magnetic poles are moving away from their
previous locations at the rate of 37 miles per year. The movement rate will surely increase
rapidly as a consequence of the major changes that are taking place inside our Sun and
approaching energy. Another important factor for such behaviour of the magnetic field could
easily be the gravitational influence from the passing celestial body close to Pluto. In fact the
gravity of this celestial body has a major role in the changes of the speed of the Earths
rotation its magnetic field.

Interesting article appeared recently:

..A mysterious force is moving the Earth's north magnetic pole and no one is sure
what is happening to cause changes to the magnetic core of this planet. All scientists
know is that the north magnetic pole is marching toward Siberia at the speed of 37
miles per year.

Whatever it is, it is unlikely to stop. So people will need to make allowances when
they pull their compasses out to orient themselves, scientists say.

Scientists first found the magnetic north pole in 1831 and it pretty much stayed put
until 1904 when it started moving northeastward at about 9 miles per year. However,
in 1989, it sped up more and in 2009, scientists confirmed that it was moving at 37
miles per year toward Russia

Everything is changing rapidly, earthquakes, volcanos, floods; the climate is out of control.
People are dying every day in great numbers all around the globe. Around 2000 people lost
their lives in the floods in Pakistan and more than 6 million people were left homeless. Whole
cities and regions, destroyed completely. As 2010 started, we are seeing similar scenarios
everywhere on the planet.

Despite the natural weather anomalies, there is solid evidence that high technology is in use
to induce even more disastersUnreal. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is only one
example. I just wonder what was done to us so that we become so blind and ignorant.

These images are just three out of many that are showing solid evidence of what was the cause of the oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico. The first massive explosion occurred five seconds after the image on the left was shot. Other two images are showing
clear view of deck/damage by the laser beam. Who did it? Still unknown but it is a clear example of a mega disaster from
artificial origin. Disaster which consequences are yet to come. In stead of working all together and using the best of technology
into constructive ways and how to deal with the upcoming changes the technology is used for dark purposes.

Anyway, until recently, astronomers believed that our solar system was a region relatively
free from cosmic dust. The cosmic dust and frozen material of space were kept outside this
protective bubble. This was confirmed when the IRAS and Ulysses spacecrafts showed
infrared images of the solar system, surrounded by wispy clouds of cosmic dust that
increased in density just beyond Saturn.

So if cosmic dust is surrounding the heliopause, what would make it suddenly penetrate the
heliopause and enter inside the heliosphere? And how would this coincide with the
previously unseen long solar minimum in 2008-2009 and almost enormous solar activity that
we are seeing from the beginning of 2010?

Not long ago, thanks to new surveillance technologies lunched into the space, it was
confirmed that something is definitely disrupting the heliopause from the outside, impacting it
and drawing cosmic dust inside with it and energizing the Sun. The energy of such an impact
would be immense. The most logical place to look for such enormous released energy is at
the center of The Milky Way Galaxy. The measurements of cosmic dust streaming inside the
heliopause have steadily increased to almost three times its original size since the last solar
maximum in 2001.

During the solar maximum of each 11 years cycle, the polarity of the Sun shifts - North
becomes South and visa versa. This brief period of magnetic instability allows some cosmic
dust to enter the heliopause because the Sun's "shields" are reduced. But once the new
polarity is established, the Sun usually quickly blocks the dust. This time (2001) it didn't

Cosmic dust has been streaming in from the Galactic center direction and astronomers are
at a loss to explain why. This is the first time something like this has happened, at least in
the time frame of our Sun monitoring.

Ribbon: NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft recently detected a mysterious ribbon of particles at the edge
of the solar system.


Something happened during the last solar maximum in 2001.

The protective shield around our solar system for some reason became less effective and
the galactic dust from outer-space continued to penetrate inside. Its still penetrating. Its
penetrating in big time, disrupting if I may use that word the default behaviour of our Sun.
What Sun is doing in 2010 and in the previous two years is far out from anything we seen so

Only the discovered Ribbon that is found near our solar system and touching the
heliosphere is electro-magnetic enough to energetize the Sun. The Ribbon is also called a
Fluff cloud and it was detected that it has strong magnetic properties. The first discovery of
this anomaly was discovered by NASA around October 15, 2009.

If you do additional research, you can see that the ribbon is visible on the surface level of our
heliosphere and it is from the direction of Milky Way. Summarized, the Sgr A explosion in the
past had caused distribution of hot gas and plasma into local suburbs and one of the hot gas
emissions is just at our door. The energy is approaching and no one can stop this. Its

In other words our solar system as it travels through space had encountered a blob of hot
gas about ten light-years across, with a temperature of 6-7 thousand degrees kelvin.

Solar system location towards Ribbon The huge heliosphere opening or magnetic storm is between Voyager 1 and Voyager 2

It is becoming obvious that there is some unknown connection between our star and the
supper massive black hole of the Milky Way. It is also becoming obvious that our solar
system is already experiencing the invasive energy from the exploded galactic core as we
move closer to 2012.


The recent data shows that dramatic and potentially deadly effects can result from solar
flares and coronal mass ejections. Substantial data suggests that an event, similar to the
one anticipated in the 2012 scenario, occurred not so long ago in Earths history and was
recorded by ancient humans. This event appears to have lasted for several years in duration
and was responsible for the abrupt end of the last ice age as well as a substantial culling of
the human population.

The surprising findings of my good friend Dr. Paul LaViolette (PhD), supported by other
research, suggests that the extreme solar event corresponded to powerful radiation coming
from the center of The Milky Way Galaxy and that it was associated with gamma rays and
cosmic dust. Recent observations have shown a dramatic increase in gamma ray energy in
the Galaxy's equator.

We are talking about a Superwave of energetic particles (cosmic snake) with unusual
properties that are coming our way. That same energetic wave of unknown composition has
the power to change everything that we see around us, including us. If small amount of
cosmic rays that are allredy reaching us are capable of DNA mutations its not difficult to
comprehend what extreme amounts of cosmic radiation can do. Perhaps some of you that
are into the genetics would sayyea right, the genetic mutations are happening because we
are consuming genetically manipulated food. No, genetically manipulated food is to stop the
DNA mutation that is happening naturally as a result of new codes that arriving with the
cosmic rays. I will explain this in more detail in my presentation.

I guess you must have got the message till now; we are facing a Mega Event in just two
years time. Maybe for some, this is only a 26,000 years old deadly gamma-ray outburst from
the Sgr A*, something extremely dangerous to be reckoned with.

However, for the open minded...its a lot more than that. It will be contact with the COSMIC
DESIGNER Himself. It is a supreme program from the same COSMIC DESIGNER that
created all the planets, stars, galaxies, clusters and super-clusters that we can see. Its our
opportunity for freedom and evolution.

Cosmic Designers bluish-white beams of light will change the DNA composition of
everything they come in contact with, but to the best of my knowledge it is extremely
important that the emotional part of the pure essence that is touched, is clean and positive in
nature as much as possible.

Why Bluish-White beams of light?

Scientists have found that the core of an active galaxy

can shine brighter than the galaxy itself. That is,
cosmic ray electrons breaking away from the galactic
core, close to the speed of light, produce a bluish
bright light, so bright, that it masks the life of galaxy
spiral arms and surrounding masses of stars.
Difference in distance detected those two are
moving extremely fast

Since our solar system is currently at the location of a joining point between the Sagittarius
Dwarf galaxy and The Milky Way, the arrival of cosmic rays will certainly affect us.

Since in visible spectrum, it wasnt possible
for scientists to see directly in the galactic
core because of its intervening dust clouds,
they had to scan with x-rays which allowed
them to see right through the dust clouds. If
the explosion took place, most of the blue
light from the galactic core explosion that
came from the cosmic ray electrons emitted
from the core should be visible with x-rays
scan. Simple as that.

Were they detected?


The first two so called mysterious x-ray filaments were detected in 2009 and then the third
x-ray filament that has bluish-white appearance is detected in January this year. Chandra X-
Ray Observatory is still not releasing new images on which we can easily calculate the
speed of their movements. They are enormously big x-ray filaments and are the first three
out of twelve that will be detected and that reach us, changing our DNA structure and the
world as we know it. The only official statement that NASA gave was that they are moving
extremely fast and they have no idea at this point what is the cause of it.

That isofficially of course.

Off the recordthey are aware of real situation. They

provided few video files of the Sgr A* explosion on
their official website - the released Jet and the
released energy that is spreading along the galactic
plane. They done it mostly to show others that are in
the know, perhaps also to a few that will figure out and
find the info useful, but definitely not for the majority
since the masses does not have the sufficient
knowledge to understand what exactly they are looking
at and what that actually means for life on Earth.

During the 26,000 light year journey to us, these

powerful cosmic ray electrons would continuously generate a beam a bluish-white light.

As crop circle makers have obviously shown, soon after they become
visible to us on Dec 13, 2012 when our moon will be yang, the
Superwave of cosmic rays will start to penetrate the protective magnetic
field of our solar system. When time comes, as soon as they penetrate
inside the heliopause they will cause a network to form, of faintly
luminous cobweb-like filaments stretching out from the sky.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that as result

of the penetration of those cosmic rays our RNA/DNA is
already changing. We are mutating, and there is a great
awakening process. Many children that are born
everywhere express telepathic and psychokinetic abilities,
are able to astraly project and communicate with ETs. Just
in Africa there are cases of albino children that are born
completely white while their parents have black skin biological host. Humanity is under
surveillance and different kind of genetic programs by many extraterrestrial species. It is
going on for thousands of years back but only in the last two decades we are becoming
more and more aware of their presence and activities.

Children on the left: Albino children number increasing world wide especially in Africa. The three middle images are showing new born baby that is half-human/half
extraterrestrial and it was born in Mexico last year. Similar cases are happening everywhere but they are heavily suppresses by the public media and the mothers are
usually humiliated and they do not want to attract public attention and people to know about it. The genetic programs conducted by different ET groups had become more
complex then ever. Today its a real mess.

Anyway, usage of fluoride, aspartame, genetically manipulated food, vaccines and many
other tools are only to slow down the mutation process. To slow down the awakening and
the evolution of human race. At the moment its a kind of mess on our planet since many
cultures have different agendas. Our governments are not doing us a favour by denying the
evidence that we are not alone, that we are not controlling the land, water, air space of earth
and definitely not the solar system.

Btw, are you aware that the famous double-helix

DNA discovered by Watson & Crick, has a central
area thought to be evolutionary junk, but is
actually a growing third strand, increasingly
communicating with the other two strands?

The potential of the light-encoded filaments in these

strands to trigger a rapid metamorphosis into a twelve
strand RNA/DNA is of great concern to the Illuminati
Elites, because once activated, it will make the human
being a totally new type of superhuman being. A being
with a fully utilised brain (currently, even a genius only uses one tenth of his mental
capacity.) A changed endocrine system, a raised healing rate, an integrated and fully

functional seven-chakra system operating on the aetheric level and morphing into a thirteen

This natural process of super-evolution creates the

Novaman species, a severe threat to the NWO power
base, because such beings will be in natural telepathic
communication with their fellows, on world and off. Their
consciousness will be raised to superhuman perceptive
levels, increasing psychic powers, currently latent, but
growing. Such beings will be sovereign and have no
further use for the drones known as Illuminati.

The desperate hope of the Dark Cabal (The Highest

Ranking Cabalistic/Alchemic Body in the Illuminati Ruling
Structure), is that the vaccine nano-particles will
incorporate gene-splicing agents intended to effectively halt the receiving of Galactic
(cosmic ray) signals and information packages activating the molecular mutation, by
splicing the strand communications at cell level.

The secondary method being ramped-up, to prevent the Galactic

signals getting through, is to change the frequency of the terran
atmosphere, using sprayed airborn particulates that lower the
intensity of the super-violet rays currently bombarding our planet
and causing changes in human beings responsive to the energy
input. At least a quarter of Earths Humanity is very responsive to
these incoming rays and are mutating, at what the NWO consider an
alarming rate.

The fact is that even now human race is changing fast, and the more
DNA is becoming active and starts to form towards triple DNA structure.
Since DNA is also antenna, it simple responds to the received signals
that are directing the DNA molecule to reconfigure itself. That means that
more and more of us will soon be in a position to resist the negative alliance when time
comes. That is why we need to open up, to change our ways, to let go of old belief systems,
to learn to use those potentials.

Summarized, Dark Force workers are in the rush to

implement their insane project and NWO before 2012.
Implemented New World Order will allow them One World
Government and will provide them a legal power to use
weapons to kill billions of people in the name of global
peace and illusionary terrorism, and then trap billions of
consciousnesses in the astral dimension inside huge
energy-field containers, store them in large star ships and
taken away from the approaching energetic wave. All that we see on shelves of major food
stores is in order to prevent evolution of the human DNA and the return of psionic powers of
the Consciousness. The sad part is that 99.9% of human population have absolutely no idea
why we are forced to use genetically manipulated food at all?

Anyway why not do this now, openly? Why do not eliminate us all right now? Why waiting till
the very end? Who can stop them?

They can not do this directly because there are others who are present here and are
watching and will not allow such act. They are still standing aside, fallowing the cosmic rule
of not influencing into the evolution of other species, but helping us indirectly and guiding us
through messages through crop designs.

Some of the species that want to help us are already communicating with people that had
activated enough of their RNA/DNA potential or have been born with it and are able to pick
up their telepathic transmission and to understand it properly. To the best of my knowledge,
there are at least around few hundred people around the globe capable of direct
communication with ETs including myself. If you wish I can help you to reactivate more of
your DNA potential and connect with the ETs that are sending us messages via crop circles
and the consciousness of mother Earth known as GAIA. All that in order that you become
more in position to help avoiding the worst possible scenario mentioned previously.

Its not a taboo anymore that human physical body is well designed bio-computer. Apart from
illusion and religious belief systems, human biological bodies are cloned bio-computers.
Date of genetic design and by who is still unknown. The RNA/DNA testing clearly showed
that biological vessels are artificially manufactured and are not naturally created. In fact most
of the life everywhere in this Universe is genetically engineered.

Ancient Giants and DNA
A genetic research during the last 60 years showed that original functionality of a single
biological host was far beyond imaginable, but for some reason today functionality of the
same become limited only to 3-4% of DNA potential usage.

In order to answer the logical question,

how our physical bodies got in that
condition of such limited functionality we
need to go way back in time when DNA
was more functional than today.

If we look back in our past we will see

that everything was gigantic. Trees were
far bigger and higher, animals were far
bigger, sea life was a lot bigger, birds were a lot bigger, insects were bigger also, and there
were human beings that were a lot bigger that today tallest human being.

In fact the evidence of the excavated bones worldwide had shown at least five body sizes of

In fact, if we look in our distant past, we see that not so long ago, just less then 13
thousands years ago on the face of Earth there were many giants, life forms that do not exist
anymore today.

Creatures with four and more arms or legs, half humans half animals, half humans half
fish, creatures that were here on Earth that came from the stars etc. In those times the
humans were a lot different, there was even a race with blue skin, then a race with long ears
and huge antenna that grown from the top of their head, creatures that in our understanding
can be classified as angelic or demonic.

The Sanskrit texts are often speaking of humans with super natural powers building huge
temples with using only psychokinetic powers and doing amazing things that are strange and
difficult to comprehend even today. There are scripts and other evidence that are describing
telepathic communications between yogis as some form of tuning into meditative oneness in
order to influence the matrix or to take group astral travel to distant dimensions.

Summarized, the atmosphere in ancient times was a lot bigger which means there was lot
more prana or life force in it. Simplified, the more prana means the more DNA in abundance.

Today our atmosphere is a lot smaller, nothing grows that big anymore, and we see obvious
fall in the DNA functionality.

Ref: NASA NEWS Sept 1st 2010 > Earth's High Atmospheric Layer Recently Shrunk to Historic Low > The Sun's energy output declined to unusually low levels from
2007 to 2009, during the recent prolonged solar minimum of scarcely a sunspot. At the same time, Earth's thermosphere (55 to 300 miles altitude) shrank more than at
any time in the 43-years of space exploration. The results showed the thermosphere cooling in 2008 by 41 kelvin (about 74 Fahrenheit) compared to 1996, with just 2 K
attributable to the carbon dioxide increase. The results also showed the thermosphere's density decreasing by 31 percent.

Whatever the cause was, ten etheric strands of the DNA molecule were disconnected from
the endocrine system from our bio-computer. The endocrine system actually is connected
with the bio-chemical processes that are activating the pineal gland, pituitary and thalamus.
Those glands are directly responsible for many manifestations that can be classified as
higher sensory perception.

After the Great Fall of RNA/DNA those glands shrink in size and lost most of their

In order to scientifically prove this observation, we can take as a

reference the research of the archaeologist Dr. Carl Baugh who
had artificially created the same conditions as present in the
distant past and managed to induce gigantism. Dr. Carl is an
archaeologist and also a Director of the Creation Evidence
Museum in Glen Rose, Texas.

He proved that the environment in which we live with plants and

other animals has changed from the environment thousands of
years ago. He stated that the composition of the air we breathe has continued to change.
For example, the concentration of oxygen found within the air has decreased over time. The
climate, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, snowfall, and the like has also been
changing. Whatever was the case, his research concluded that there was a decrease in
atmospheric pressure, a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth's
atmosphere, changes in the strength and orientation of the earth's magnetic field, and the
change in the intensity and characteristics of the light cosmic radiation to which life on Earth
was exposed. He invented and patented a 'Hyperbaric Biosphere' chamber to test Biblical
claims regarding pre-flood atmosphere and magnetic conditions based on Genesis that
states that life on earth was created 'perfect' and designed to live very long or even forever.
It also states that after the Great Fall, all elements of which everything is made were

This Hyperbaric Biosphere patent allows for the ability to vary the mix of gases comprising
the atmosphere in the chamber as well as to vary the electromagnetic field intensity,
frequency and duration.

He was after what is called Optimal Genetic Expression or the best of the RNA/DNA
what organism can have.

Claims include;

an oxygen supply and control mechanism for supplying oxygen to said chamber and
maintaining a predetermined oxygen concentration of 22% to 30% of volume therein;

a carbon dioxide supply and control mechanism for supplying carbon dioxide to said
chamber and maintaining a carbon dioxide concentration in the range of 0.1% to
0.3% by volume therein;
An apparatus wherein magnetic field coil is connected to a power generator for
generating a controlled electromagnetic pulses at energy levels in the range of 1 to 5
Gauss and at a frequency in the range of approximately 0.5 Hz to approximately
30 Hz.

Dr. Baugh's experiments with his special hyperbaric biosphere have produced fascinating
results that indicate potential methods to heal and/or rejuvenate people today. NASA has
even requested Dr. Baugh's research and discoveries to determine their applicability to the
space program.

Some examples include; extended life span of drosophila fruit flies up to three generations,
molecular change of venom in copperhead snakes to a non-toxic state, accelerated growth
of piranha fish - from 2" to 16" over a 2.5 years period.

It has been estimated by researchers at the University of Illinois that the atmospheric
pressures thousands of years ago, could have been as much as 29.4 pounds per square
inch, twice the current sea level pressure (14.7 psi at sea level).

oxygen content would have been about 30% instead of the 21% we experience today
an open wound could heal overnight under these conditions
this atmospheric condition would support human life lasting several hundred years

In any case this is taking us to one conclusion. Today Double Helix DNA functionality is
related to current life conditions. Nothing is gigantic anymore, but if you pay better attention
of the world today you will start to see that DNA is changing again and more and more
creatures are experiencing mutations in their species. As stated before, the upper layer of
our atmosphere is disappearing that means that we will exposed to cosmic rays even more.
The more exposure on those cosmic radiations, the more DNA will react on those cosmic
impulses and the more DNA change will took place. The truth is we are in the middle of a
great shift in consciousness a massive awakening.

But in order to understand how we got in this state, we
have to see back in time, but this time not with filtered
eyes, prejudices or belief systems, but with unfiltered
eyes. The best method is like you pull over the chess
table, let all the figures fall down and than you start to
put the figures on the chess table one by one. In other
words, we need to start scanning into past with new
eyes. Forget about the history books, most of those had proven useless, full of perspectives
and belief systems forced by the ruling elite. Reality then was a lot different and stranger
than fiction.

Among the first conclusion when you observe the most ancient temples, is that most of them
are made from granite, very tall and massive in size, very complex and very difficult to cut,
shape and build without advanced technology and knowledge. The naked truth is that the
granite was so heavily manipulated in those structures that make you spin in your head if
you know what it requires that to be accomplished, at least with todays modern technology.

Borobudur Structure Java Indonesia Began Temples - Burma Sigiriya rock - Sri Lanka

For example, in Lebanon there is a location 44 miles from Beirut with fascinating ruins. This
place is called Baalbek and it is also mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Kings. These
stones called Trilithon, are officially the most massive stones in the world that have been
used for construction purposes. Despite the fact that some scientists consider that they
weigh around 800 tons, the truth is, no one with 100% certainty can say how much they
actually do weigh. It could be double or at least much more than 800 tons.

They are simply so big that we do not know for sure how much they weigh. These stones
were somehow cut, shaped, and moved to Baalbek from a location some five miles away.
Then they were lifted in the air, perfectly erected and connected so that you cannot put a
paper or riser in-between each stone. How in the world, they managed to do that, is still
unclear. In any case, one thing is sure - today "officially", we do not posses a crane which is
capable of lifting those weights. Not even close.

Even to move a block of stone that weights a lot less then one half of what Trilithon stone
weights, we need a team of construction engineers, at least two cranes with a combination
of one or two helicopters. If we today cannot lift those stones, how was this achieved by the
builders of Baalbek thousands of years ago?

Probably a combination of elephants and logs?

Today the strongest elephants can lift up to 500 kg max if they use their body weight, leaning
backwards and are able to push a 25 tone block stone on wooden logs. This stands mostly
for African elephants since they are stronger then the ones in Indonesia. For the record: the
hardest logs will be smashed like butter under the pressure of 200 tone stone block.


I didnt think so.

And not to mention that they were transported 5 miles and positioned side by side with such
precision that, not even a needle can be inserted between them. There is no wooden log that
we know of, that can hold such weights; even logs out of hardest wood would be very quickly
crushed under the weight of a heavy 800 tone Trilithon stone.

So who were the supermen behind this breath-taking project? Surely the world is aware of
their origins and history. Who were these people?

Unfortunately, however, nobody knows their names. Nowhere in extant Roman records does
it mention anything at all about the architects and engineers involved in the construction of
the Great Platform. No contemporary Roman historian or scholar commentates on how it
was constructed, and there are no tales that preserve the means by which the Roman
builders achieved such marvellous feats of engineering.


Why the silence?

Surely someone, somewhere, must know what happened. And herein the problems begin,
for the local inhabitants of the Beqaa Valley who consist in the main of Arab Muslims,
Maronite Christians and Orthodox Christians do preserve legends about the origins of the
Great Platform, but they do not involve the Romans. They say that Baalbeks first city was

built before the Great Flood. They also say that the first city become ruins as a result of
terrible conflict and was much later re-built by a race of giants. Bones of enormous
proportions were excavated all over the area.

Baalbek - Lebanon, Giza Pyramids - Egypt, Teotihuacan > the pyramid of the Sun - Mexico,
Shaanaxi Pyramids - China, Dambulla Temple - Sri Lanka, Angkor Wat Cambodialist
goes on and on.

Teotihuacan the pyramid of the Sun (Mexico)

The official stories presented by leading media about how all those ancient monuments were
build are ridiculous and absurd. Yet, the belief that that how it was done is still accepted by
many that are still asleep in the ordinary matrix, not aware of the major manipulation that is
going on. Even today, despite the few unsuccessful attempts, we are not powerful and
skilled enough to duplicate the Great Pyramid of Giza with all its inner complexity.

Despite our impotence to admit that we are far away from the peak of the Evolution of life
that once existed on this planet, there is a huge amount of evidence found all around the
world. Firstly, there were so called "Men in Black" who were responsible for retrieving,
hiding or destroying if necessary, anything that could serve as evidence of what exactly
happened before on Earth.

Forgotten Past and Ancient nuclear conflicts on Earth and Moon
If you do not know what happened before, you do not understand why things are like they
are; you have no clue what you are or why you have only this double helix functionality. They
have destroyed this "Men in Black enigma" (backed up with thousands of testimonials
worldwide in the last 60 years) with movies that reflect science fiction comic nonsense.
Those movies are not even close to the real events. Today it's probably a group with a
different name but with the same purpose.

Anyway, that is why we must not be so ignorant about the knowledge and messages that the
ancients have left for us. That is why it's extremely important that we study the ancient
knowledge which is speaking about the beginning and an end of cycles that are of crucial
importance for life on this planet. People who are not aware of their true history are lost and
can be easily manipulated. On the other hand, to those members from so called "Elite" who
are in possession of the real information what exactly happened in ancient times, that
knowledge gives them a great advantage. It gives them huge space for easy ruling.

Every 26000 years our solar system passes through the 12 zodiac signs. Ancient people
such as the Hopi, Egyptians, Cherokee, Apache, Mayans and other, were aware of this
Great Cycle and had Calendars according to it. This Cycle is defined by many different
occurrences in nature such as suns orbit around the Alcion the central star of Pleiades. This
cycle is broken down into five sub-cycles of 5125 years each. Every of those sub-cycles

have their own Age. As mentioned before, the Aztec Calendar or Mesoamerican Sun Stone,
depicted that each sub-cycle had been destroyed by the five elements.

The sub-cycle that we are currently in, is the AGE OF THE FIFTH SUN (3113BC 2012AD)
as explained in the crop circle section of this file.

5123 years ago in the year 3113BC, the Age of the Forth Sun ended. It was the time of the
Great Flood that every ancient tradition is talking about.

The beginning of a continuous

bas-relief frieze discovered in
Yucatan, which suggests to a
remarkable degree the Atlantean
cataclysm. The above photograph
describes a pyramid and temple
collapsing, a volcano in eruption and
the land sinking. The figure in the
water suggests destruction of life by
drowning. Many escaped as
symbolized by the
figure in the boat.


Some researches are stating that Mayan Time Keepers had left records that Earth has been
through fire, earth, air and water and that time Earth will be altered through the final element
ETHER and humanity will leave this planet for good.

All over the world in every native culture you will find stories of a Great Flood that wiped out
much of humanity. There is no doubt that an unimaginable catastrophe, or more likely
catastrophes, were visited upon the Earth between approximately 11,000 and 4,000 BC. The
geological and biological evidence is overwhelming in its support of the countless stories and
traditions which describe such events. They come from Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Africa,
throughout the American continent, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, China, Japan and the
Middle East. Everywhere.

Some speak of great heat which boiled the sea; of

mountains breathing fire; the disappearance of the Sun
and Moon and the darkness that followed; the raining
down of blood, ice and rock; the Earth flipping over; the
sky falling; the rising and sinking of land; the loss of a
great continent; the coming of the ice; and virtually all
of them describe a fantastic flood, a wall of water,
which swept across the Earth.

Old Chinese texts describe how the pillars supporting the sky crumbled; of how the Sun,
Moon and stars poured down in the north-west, where the sky became low; rivers, seas and
oceans rushed to the south-east where the Earth sank and a great conflagration was

quenched by a raging flood. In America, the Pawnee Indians tell the same story of a time
when the north and south polar stars changed places and went to visit each other. North
American traditions refer to great clouds appearing and a heat so powerful that the waters
boiled. The Greenland Eskimos told early missionaries that long ago the Earth turned over.

Peruvian legend says that the Andes were split apart when the sky made war with the Earth.
Brazilian myth describes how the heavens burst and fragments fell down killing everything
and everyone as heaven and Earth changed places. And the Hopi Indians of North America
record that: the Earth was rent in great chasms, and water covered everything except one
narrow ridge of mud.

All of this closely correlates with the legends of Atlantis

and Mu or Lemuria: two vast continents, one in the
Atlantic and the other in the Pacific, which many people
believe were ruled by highly advanced races. The
continents are said to have disappeared under the sea
in the circumstances described above, leaving only
islands like the Azores as remnants of their former
scale and glory. Atlantis was described by Plato (427-
347 BC), the ancient Greek philosopher and high
initiate of the secret society-mystery school network. To
this day this secret network has passed on much
knowledge to the chosen few while denying that
privilege to the mass of the people. The Azores, which
some believe were part of Atlantis, lie on the Mid-
Atlantic Ridge which is connected to a fracture line that
encircles the planet. This line continues for a distance
of 40,000 miles. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is one of the
foremost areas for earthquakes and volcanoes.

Four vast tectonic plates, the Eurasian, African, North American and Caribbean, all meet and
collide in this region making it very unstable geologically. Both the Azores and the Canary
Islands were subject to widespread volcanic activity in the time period Plato suggested for
the end of Atlantis. Tachylite lava disintegrates in sea water within 15,000 years and yet it is
still found on the sea bed around the Azores, confirming geologically-recent upheavals.

Other evidence, including beach sand gathered from depths of 10,500-18,440 feet, reveals
that the seabed in this region must have been, again geologically-recently, above sea level.
The oceanographer, Maurice Ewing, wrote in National Geographic magazine that: Either the
land must have sunk three miles, or the sea must once have been three miles lower than

The geological and biological evidence also suggests that the widespread volcanic activity
which caused the sinking of the land in the region of the Azores, happened at the same time
as the break up and sinking of the land mass known as Appalachia which connected what
we now call Europe, North America, Iceland and Greenland.

Even their degree of submergence appears closely related. Similar evidence can be
produced to support the view that vast continent of two great ancient cultures Mu and
Lemuria now rests on the bed of the Pacific.

The so-called Bermuda Triangle between Bermuda, southern Florida, and a point near the
Antilles, has long been associated with Atlantis. It is also an area steeped in legends of
disappearing ships and aircraft. Submerged buildings, walls, roads and stone circles like
Stonehenge, even what appear to be pyramids, have been located near Bimini, under the
waters of the Bahama Banks and within the triangle. So have walls or roads creating
intersecting lines.

The Himalayas, the Alps and the Andes, only reached anything like their present height
around 11,000 years ago. Lake Titicaca on the Peru-Bolivia border is today the highest
navigable lake in the world at some 12,500 feet. Around 11,000 years ago, much of that
region was at sea level!

Why are so many fish and other ocean fossils found high up in mountain ranges? Because
those mountains were once at sea level. Recently so in geological terms, too.

There is increasing acceptance that the Earth has suffered some colossal geological
upheavals. The debate (and often hostility) comes with the questions of when and why.
These upheavals have obviously involved the solar system as a whole because every planet
shows evidence of some cataclysmic events which have affected its surface, atmosphere,
speed and angle of orbit or rotation.

There was certainly an enormous cataclysm on the Earth around 11,000 BC which
destroyed the advanced civilisations of the high-tech Golden Age and that date of 13,000
years ago is highly significant and very relevant to the time we are living through now.

It is interesting to be mentioned that during an exploration of subsoil by the Russians and
Chinese in 1927 traces of the ancient nuclear explosions were detected. Certain
sedimentary layers had been atomically vitrified many thousands of years ago. The very
same phenomenon can be observed today around nuclear test sites. Clear evidence of
nuclear blast and people fused into the stone and soil is found in Lost City of Mohenjo Daro
with measured radioactivity. Evidence that indeed advanced war took place in the ancient

Atomically vitrified sedimentary layers Russia People fused with ground Mohenjo Daro, India Atomically vitrified sedimentary layers Desert Gobi

Its become obvious that we are not the first civilisation here on Earth and certainly not the
most advanced one. The evidence had shown that the previous civilizations had spread all
over the entire planet. More than 600 pyramids made of stone, earth and even iron.

These pyramids are almost pointed in the same direction; all have the same proportion as
number Phi and all situated on magnetic cross points of the planet. The same or similar
structures were detected on the Moon and Mars. It is obvious that the previous civilization
had the technology for interplanetary travel and beyond.

The most known three on Earth are found in Egypt, but the oldest and the biggest are in
Asia. Many of them are submerged, but only two are publicly known. One is south of Japan
at Okinawa and the other south of Cuba. These two were built in the same time - about
12,000 years ago.

In China (Shaanxi region) more than 70 pyramids are located in the same region, from which
two are far bigger than the Great Pyramid in Giza.

In other words, our civilization is

the fifth of the civilizations
described previously. We are
nether the first nether the last.
There is plenty of evidence of a
terrible Ancient War everywhere
on Earth, Moon and Mars. In fact there are indications that the asteroid belt between Mars
and Jupiter was in fact a planet in the past that for some reason was destroyed.
Not many people are aware but many craters on earth are surface scars from ancient
nuclear blasts.

EYE OF AFRICA Sahara Desert (Mauritania) Lonar Crater, Lonar, Maharashtra, India Baringer Crater, Northern Arizona desert, United States

For decades mainstream scientists have wondered how a meteorite powerful enough to
have made Arizona's Barringer Meteor Crater (pictured) could have left hardly any melted
rock in its wake. 1.2 km wide, 170 meters deep, with a rim 45 meters high. Not a single
object found ever.

Not inside the crater, not miles away and not hundreds of miles away from the center of the
crater either. It seems that the meteor that caused the crater of such proportions
disappeared in thin air. No trace of meteor parts whatsoever. Of course this is only a cover
up story for the people. What we are looking at is one of thousands of craters from the
ancient nuclear conflict. Many of those are still radioactive. People get sick when they get
near them. Its all therein front of us and we still do not realize what we are seeing.

Earths major Impact Crater Sites Chubb crater - Canadian Shield Merewether three craters Pingualuit Crater

Hindu epic poems Mahabharata and Ramayana are offering the best description of
ancient atomic warfare one can find:

(it was) a single projectile, charged with all the power

of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and
flame, as bright as the thousand suns, rose in all its
splendorit was an unknown weapon, and iron
thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which
reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the
Andhakasthe corpses were so burned as to be
unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery
broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned
whiteafter a few hours all foodstuffs were infectedto
escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their

The gods, in cloud-borne chariotsbright celestial cars in concourse sailed upon the
cloudless sky.

The Mahabharata.

Rama Empire in the east, being the descendants of Lemuria Uniform of Rama Empire citizen

When the god Rama was threatened by a army of monkeys he put a magic arrow into
action. This produces a flash of lighting stronger than the heat from a hundred thousand
suns, turning everything to dust. The hair of survivors falls out, their nails disintegrate.

The Ramayana.

Mahabharata is describing an atomic battle in which Arjuna is given a celestial weapon

which he cannot use against humans for it might destroy the world, but he could use it
against any foe who is not human.

A researcher with the name David Davenport spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts
and evidence at the ancient site of Mohenjo-Daro, and declared in 1996 that the city was
instantly destroyed 2,000 years BC.

The city ruins reveal the explosions epicenter which measures 50 yards wide. At that
location everything was crystallized, fused or melted. Sixty yards from the center the bricks
were melted on one side indicating a blastthe horrible mysterious event of 4000 years ago
was recorded in the Mahabharata.

According to that text white hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose
in infinite brilliance and reduced the city to ashes. Water boiledhorses and war chariots
were burned by the thousandsthe corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat
so that they no longer looked like human beings

Sigiriya rock - Sri Lanka Lions Gate ruins from the nuclear attack

From one of the oldest chronicles of India...the Book of Dzyan:

"Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point
where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose
into the air in a huge shining metal vessel.

While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining
lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball
of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were
horribly burned and even those who were not in the city - but nearby - were burned also.

Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those
who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as
were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled
into dust and was forgotten by men. When the leader saw what he had done to his own
people he retired to his palace and refused to see anyone. Then he gathered about him
those warriors who remained, and their wives and children, and they entered their vessels
and rose one by one into the sky and sailed away. Nor did they return."

In other words, both Hindu epic poems contain detailed descriptions of an age
thousands of years ago when great god-kings rode about in their Vimanas or flying
craft and waged war by launching powerful weapons at their enemies. The
descriptions given of these weapons in the ancient versestheir force, the
characteristics of their destruction and the after-affectssound disturbingly modern.

The texts describe:
*The thunderbolt of Indra was endowed with the force of thousand-eyed Indras thunder.

*The bolt of death measured three cubits by six. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt of Indra, the messenger of death.

*The projectile was charged with all the power of the Universe.

*The Agneya weapon was capable of being resisted by none of the very gods themselves.

*The Brahma-danda or Brahmas rod was even more powerful.

*Though it struck only once, it smote whole countries and entire races from generation to generation.

*Adwattan let loose the blazing missile of smokeless fire.

*The missile burst with the power of thunder.

*The flying missile ruined whole cities filled with forts.

*The three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas were destroyed together in one instant.

*An incandescent column of smoke and fire as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendor.

*Clouds roared upward showering dust and gravel.*Dense arrows of flame like a great shower issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy on all sides.

*The sky blazed and the ten points of the horizon filled with smoke.

*Meteors flashed down from the sky.

*Fierce winds began to blow, and the very elements seemed disturbed.

*The sun appeared to waver in the heavens.

*The earth and all its mountains and seas and forests began to tremble.
*The wind blew as a fierce storm and the earth glowed.

*No one saw the fireit was unseen. Yet it consumed everything.

*As rain poured down it was dried in mid-air by the heat.

*Birds croaked madly, and beasts shuddered from the destruction.

*Animals crumpled to the ground, their heads broken, and they died over a vast region.

*Elephants burst into flame, running to and fro in frenzy seeking protection.

*The waters of rivers and lakes boiled and the creatures residing therein perished.

*Thousands of war vehicles fell down on either side.

*Whole armies collapsed like trees in a forest burnt where they stood as in a raging fire.

*Corpses were so burnt they were no longer recognizable.

*The gaze of the Kapilla weapon was powerful enough to burn fifty thousand men to ashes.

*The thunderbolt reduced to ashes the entire race of Vrishnis and Ankhakas.

*To escape the breath of death the warriors leapt into rivers to wash themselves and bury their armor.

*Hair and nails fell out.

*Unborn children were killed in the womb.

*Birds were born with white feathers, red feet and in the shape of turtles.

*Pottery broke without cause.

*All foods became poisoned and inedible.

*The land was afflicted by drought thereafter for ten long years.

There are too many details here that are frighteningly similar to an eye-witness account of a
nuclear explosionthe brightness of the blast, the column of rising smoke and fire, the
fallout, intense heat and shock waves, the appearance of the victims and the effects of
radiation poisoning. More than half a century ago these ancient descriptions were

considered mere fantasybut with the advent of the Nuclear Age in 1945, suddenly the
texts from ancient India take on a whole new meaning.

There are remains that strongly suggest that nuclear wars were indeed waged in the distant
past. According to the Mahabharata, the Great Bharata War in which flying Vimanas and
fiery weapons were used, involved prehistoric inhabitants along the upper Ganges River of
northern India. Precisely in the region, between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal,
are numerous charred ruins which have yet to be explored or excavated.

Observations made in the nineteenth century indicated that the ruins were not burnt by
ordinary fire. In many instances they appeared as huge masses fused together with deeply
pitted surfacesdescribed as being like tin struck by a stream of molten steel. There are
indications that the horrific war which brought about the fall of the prehistoric Rama Empire
in India was once fought in the region of what is now Kashmir. Just outside of Srinigar are
the massive ruins of a temple complex called Parshaspur, whose multi-ton stone blocks are
scattered over a wide area. The configuration of the blocks is suggestive of a tremendous
explosion having once destroyed the site. It is not without karmic significance that today the
two modern southern Asian nuclear powersIndia and Pakistanare bitter rivals, and one
of the elements of their contention is the disputed region of Kashmir.

Images from left to right: Ancient Rama Empire structure also found on land of Pakistan.

Image on the right: One of the rare depictions or a survivor of ancient nuclear conflict. There are indications that some Rama
citizens departure to space in order to escape the nuclear destruction in their vimanas and some of them went deep
underground into the Agartha. Agartha is the underground kingdom that exists even today with the capital city Shamballa. We
are seeing a Rama survivor who has return to Earth surface when the conflict was over and when RNA/DNA was degraded.
Actually a being with long ears is teaching the Sacred Knowledge of Rama Tradition to the beings (short ears) around him.
Those beings depicted are actually our current double helix functionality biological bodies. Obviously it took many years before
Rama survivors returned back to the surface again. After the conflict everything was degrated. Trees didnt grow that large, the
atmosphere shrink, and everything lost the quality. Today Buddhist monks and Yogis are actually the ones that received the
knowledge from the descendants of the Lemurian race that vanished long ago. That is why if you scan the Vedic and Buddhist
Texts you will see they contain the Sacred Knowledge from the survivors of Rama.

Farther to the south among the dense forests of the Deccan are more such ruins which may
be of earlier origin, pointing back to a war antedating that the Mahabharata, and which
encompassed a far greater area. The walls are glazed, corroded and split by a tremendous
heat. Within several of the buildings that remain standing even the stone furnishings have
been vitrified. That is, the surfaces of the rock have been melted and re-crystallized.

No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to
cause this phenomenon. Only a strong radiated heat could have done this damage. In this
same region as this second group of ruins, Russian researcher Alexander Gorbovsky
reported in 1966 the discovery of a human skeleton with radiation fifty times above normal

In January, 1992 a news report was published concerning the discovery of a three-square
mile area of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, located ten miles west of Jodhpur. The
development of a housing project in this area had to be abandoned because of the high
incidents of recurring cancer and birth defects.

The earliest form of Sanskrit found in India Map of Vedic India Vedic India was part of the Rama Empire

A nuclear power plant recently built in the region was thought to be the culprit, but a five-
member scientific team, headed by project foreman Lee Hundley, dispatched to study the
mystery found a very different source. They eventually unearthed the charred remains of
buildings thought to be at least eight to twelve millennia old which were once inhabited by
perhaps as many as half a million people.

The prehistoric city had all the appearanceand the tell-tale radioactive residueof having
been destroyed by a nuclear weapon the scientists estimated was about the same size as
that which destroyed Hiroshima in 1945. Archaeologist Francis Taylor, in a follow-up to this
initial discovery, found historical wall engravings and texts in a nearby temple which depicted
the local people as praying to be spared from the great light that was coming to destroy
their city. The inscriptions appeared to have been copied from older sources going back
several thousands of years. Taylor was quoted as saying:

Its so mind-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we
did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic

In order to protect the local population, the ash and

ruins were carefully covered over to barricade
against the remaining radiation, and today only a
length of thick concrete highway running through the
area is all that can be seen. It may be more than
coincidental that at the time the mysterious city was
destroyed in Rajasthan circa twelve thousand years
ago, there was also an increase in traces of copper,
tin and lead in ice cores from around the world
indicative of huge amounts of pollutants suddenly

being thrown into the upper atmosphere and circulated around the globeas well as a
dramatic increase in uranium concentrations in coral growths from 1.5 parts per million to
over 4 parts per million. Paleo-climatologists have never been able to explain these
increases as a natural occurrence.

The mighty Saraswati river and its mighty civilization are referred to in Rig Veda more the 50
times proving that drying up of Saraswati river was subsequent to the origin of the Rig Veda.
Pushing its date of origin further back into antiquity. The satellite image clearly shows two
river systems - the Indus River system and the controversial Saraswati dry river system,
extending from Himalaya to the Arabian Sea. The Indus River in on the left outlined in blue
and the Saraswati river basin is on the right outlined in green. The black dots are the many
archaeological sites or previous settlements along the bangs of now dried Saraswati River.

The archaeological studies had shown that dry up of the Saraswati River fallowing major
tectonic movements or plate shifts in the Earths crust. The primary cause of this drying up
was due to the capture of the Saraswati Rivers main tribute areas. All do early studies
based on limited archaeological evidence produced contradictory conclusions, recent
independent studies show no evidence of a foreign invasion in the Indo-Saraswati
Civilization and that cultural continuity could be traced back at least for a millennia. In other
words, archaeology does not support the Arian Invasion theory.

The evidence is pointing towards that that civilization

ended as a result of nuclear conflict, which was
heavily described in Mahabharata and other ancient
texts. Marine Archeology has also been utilized in
India of the coast of ancient pork city of Dwarka in
Gujarat, uncovering further evidence and supportive
statements in the vedic scriptures. An entire
submerged city Dwarka the ancient port city of
Krishna was found underwater as it was described in
the Mahabharata and other vedic literatures.

All these underwater excavations add further credibility to the

validity of the historical statements found in the vedic literatures.
A part from Dwarka, more than 35 archaeological sites in North
India have been identified as ancient cities described in
Mahabharata. Furthermore, the Vayumahapuranam describes
great flooding that destroyed the capital city of Hastinapur
forcing its inhabitants to relocate in Kausambi.

The soil of Hastinapur reveal proof of this flooding. The archeological evidence of the new
capital Kausambi receintly been found and it has been dated to the time period just after this
flood. Summarized, from the Indo-French field study, we can definitely conclude that the Rig-
Veda describes the geography of North India as it was long before 3,000 BCE. The clinching
evidence is provided by the fate of the Saraswati River.

It is very important that we understand that the ancient conflict was not only on the land of
Vedic India but it was worldwide.
One example is found in Brazil. The fallowing images are old but valid.

The civilization that dwelled in ancient land of Egypt was also involved in the nuclear conflict
and also had flying technology in abundance.

Images on the ceiling beams New Kingdom Temple, located several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos. (At least 3000 year old)

There are many other clues regarding nuclear warfare. In Africa there are parts of a city that
are vitrified, and the walls of rock are partly melted.

(Images on the right and middle) Oklo Mountain mines in Gabon, Africa Sodom Dead Sea

Sodom and Gomorrah can be compared with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is high
probability that Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, Admah and Zeboiim were destroyed, creating the
Dead Sea.


Peru monument of non-human being Nazca evidence

The list has no end. The more you dig and research, the more starts to spin in your head.
Something is pointing that everything we been thought in schools is false. We have been

No matter how impossible it seams the ancient conflict was major. It was interplanetary!

Moons surface is full of craters from nuclear blasts. The craters are so intelligently
positioned that no doubt they are product of natural cosmic influence, meteoroids or

Did some form of nuclear bomb exchange took place between the
Earth and Moon in ancient times? Obviously it did.

There are ruins of artificial structures detected on Moon. Some are

still intact and inhabitant by non-human life forms. One of the most
important things that were found on the dark side of the Moon, was a
wreckage of a huge vimana. The coordinates are 17 S / 117.5 E. It
looks like the flying craft was taken down from laser fire.

Frames from the "Apollo 20 flyover" on a presumed unknown spaceship, on the backside of the Moon - footage taken by the LM-15 (Phoenix)

The official NASA photos are available on the website of the Lunar and Planetary Institute
(LPI, in Houston), which is a "research institute that provides support services to NASA and
the planetary science community": the links to find the pictures (the AS15-P-9630 and the
AS15-P-9625, from the Apollo Image Atlas) are the following:

Moon Tower Evidence 500 meters tall. Moon Tower zoomed out More Towers and blured structures

Mars is also covered with thousands of those mysterious structures. When we at Mars from
an distance we will immediately notice that this planet had suffered extreme activity on its
surface. A giant scar its obvious result of a collision with some other celestial body or
something. Again this information is always filtered and never reaches public awareness to a
scale it should. More about the found Moon and Mars bases will be covered the

Huge scar of Mars ET base on Mars (still active)

The Vedic texts are also describing a war with the gods which gives you a clear
perspective that those negative ETs that were present in those times never left. They are still
here on Earth and other places of the solar system. They were here all along, but only now
we have grown enough to detect their presence and to be able to understand the logic
behind their actions. It took thousands of years so humankind had grown again to a point
that we detect that we are under surveillance and that there are different kinds of programs
that are conducted on us.

Some of the extraterrestrial races we been able to detect today, are the same gods that
Vedic texts and other ancient writings are describingalong the description that they were in
conflict with ancient humans. The only difference is that in those times the ancient humans
were far more developed technologically and spiritually than we are today and had far more
active genetic material that we have today. At this moment we have not much what we can
use as defence so it is logical that we study their ways and to understand the big picture
behind their action. It will be very helpful if many of us start to use their natural abilities as
remote viewing and controlled out of the body experience. That will able more of us to be
able to reach the astral dimension and to observe what is going on that plane of existence.
As mentioned before, cosmic rays are hitting our planet in a rate we havent seen before so
more and more DNA is becoming active. We can master those arts faster, unite into
meditative oneness like ancients use to do it, connect to mother Earth and help in the
smoother transition.

Our luck is that now we are approaching the time-sequence when
the galactic bath of extreme energy will move through this region of
space causing the mutation of all life forms taking us to a far higher
quality of existence that what ancient people ever had. If we are
successful and we still manage to learn our lessons on time, this
extremely powerful energy will take us from the lower quality of
double helix material existence to the energetic multidimensional
existence of enormous power and access to knowledge.

Please have in consideration that Im sharing all this with you wonderful people only because
I believe we can make difference. Im trying to describe to you as simple as possible so you
will have a clear image in your head where we are standing in everything that we see around
us. In reality the universe that we see is far more complex.

The universe, like the whole of the physical world, is actually a hologram - beams of light
colliding to create the appearance of three-dimensional form.

It is like throwing stones into a pond

and watching the waves collide and
create patterns. In fact this universe
is a hologram of 64 waves or time
scales and this is why we have the 64
hexagrams of the I Ching, 64 keys of
the Tree of Life, and the 64 codons of
the DNA. The good part is that that all
64 of these waves are going to peak
together in 2012. We are so lucky to
live here and now. Incredible!

I will cover this in more detail in my presentation.

In order to show you the evidence that those ETs never left and they stayed here on Earth in
their underground bases and their submerged bases I will bring to your attention few
centuries old images of depicted so called UFOs.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

(Image 1 & 2) The above painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called "The Annunciation" (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped
object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary's head

(Image 3 & 4) - These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript " Annales Laurissenses" (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and
refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting
when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects
and the Saxons fled.

(Image 5) This image cames from the french book "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs" by Jacques Legrand. You can find this book in Chantilly Cond's Museum ref 1338 ,297
part 15 B 8. Some people say that the sphere is a balloon but there was no balloon in France in 1338...

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

(Image 1, 2 & 3) The picture on the left shows a fresco entitled "The Crucifixion" and was painted in 1350. Two objects with figures inside can be seen in the top left and
top right of the fresco. Two enlargements of these objects are shown above. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia

(Image 4) - This image is by flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled "The Baptism of Christ" It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge.
A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

(Image 1) This is a 17th century fresco and is located in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. Notice the two saucer shaped objects either side of Christ.

(Image 2) In the two blow ups you can see they contain faces.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

(Image 1 & 2) This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". It was painted in the 15th century. The Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown although
attributed to the Lippi school. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. The image in the middle is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can clearly
be seen looking up at the object

(Image 3) - 1660. The illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of
different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled :"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by
different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information etc.

Image 1 Image 2

(Image 1) A plate from Nepal, the decoration show a saucer-like shape and a large headed humanoid. It also shows that they are fallowing the progress of the reptoid
forms. It is estimated that the plate is old around 3,000 years B.C.

(Image 2) Few centuries old Northeast Utah Rock Art.

Two images from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa. (6000 BC)

If you use the Google search engine and you do your own additional research you will find
hundreds more. I believe you see where Im going.

They never left for good. Most of them went into the space and returned after the Earth
stabilized. There is more than sufficient evidence that our planet went through Pole Shift and
flipped over. In the moment of imbalanced gravity the water in the oceans went out of control
and flooded everything. Tsunamis were at least 4 miles high. All ancient traditions had left a
record of the event in one form or another.

We been told lies and forced to believe otherwise for so long by a small group of rich people
on the top of the ruling pyramidthat are not even human.

The ruling pyramid is all about special bloodlines. In most cases those special bloodlines are
mix of human and reptilian genetics.

In fact everything
revolves around secret
societies held by these
crossbreed individuals
and their hidden

Not even one president is not elected by the peoplebut put on that function by the rulling
elite because if his/her special bloodline.

Take for example Barack Obama. He is the reincarnation of Pharaoh Akhenaton of Ancient

Pharoah Akhenaton

After the Great Fall their DNA degraded to double helix functionality too and their life force
was travelling to the astral dimension and back few times until they arrived on the Earthly
plane again in this time.

In ancient Egypt, the Goddess Isis was the personification of Wisdom and worship by many.
Pharaoh Akhenaten changed the worship to himself as he proclaimed himself Amen Ra
The Son God. The word Amen at the end of the prayer originates from ancient Egypt and
the worship of Amen Ra. In fact, Pharaoh Akhenaten in ancient Egypt was the source of the
evil that had spread above this planet ever since. And now he is back to finish what he has

When you see they are showing this sign be sure that they salute to other members of the
secret society and their secret agenda that serves the Dark Side of the Force.

In fact everything revolves around secret societies held by these crossbreed individuals and
their hidden agendas. All the rest is a movie for the people that are still with sleeping
awareness and easy to manipulate.

There is a great evil among us and sometimes it seems that people are under some kind of
spell. Majority of people act as they are asleep, not understanding what is going on, not able
to think clear and they have become fully obedient as they are hypnotised. Its something
similar to when cobra hypnotises her prey. People are blinded by the illusionary shine of the
evil agenda. Blinded by the Great Deception.

Crop circle makers oppose that great deception and understanding their information is our
only chance in this moment. We need to unite with them and with others that are on the side
of the Light. We need to wake up people. In order to do that we really need to start getting
some good and solid info. And I mean clean info not destroyed or manipulated in any way.

Again Im facing a point where big question appears in my consciousness should I withheld
information from you, because that information can harm you or push you out of your
comfort zone?

And again inner guiding force that is driving me in the creation of this file is pointing is that
information has to go out and reach as much as possible more people, so the deception will
be revealed. Once when that is done I will explain how to deal with it in order that evil
becomes powerless and can not reach people anymore.

This is going to be bizarrebut to the best of my knowledge is the truth.

You can find remains of dark creatures everywhere in the world, showing us that life on this
planet was a lot different from we are been told. Some of those have no human origin at all
and are the so called gods that Mahabharata, Ramayana and other ancient texts are
speaking about.

New Zealand Vanuatu Ancient scull found in Mexico close to Maya temple

Even today, when most of the people likes to call themselves civilized we are forced to
believe that we need kings and queen to rule above us because of their supposed royal
blood, while in reality it has nothing to do with royalty but because those individuals have a
dark blood line that stretches from the ancient times. As in the ancient times, most of the
creatures that are present today on the Earth plane have to drink human plasma in order to
sustain the human appearance and not to undergo a process known as shape-shifting.

Proofwhere is proof for such extreme claims?

Everywhere. Here is one:

Published: Sunday, March 7, 2010

Title: Queen Elizabeth I and a Serpent

Portrait of Elizabeth I reveals she held serpent where a posy now appears behind the
enigmatic smile: National Portrait Gallery to display 16th century work which has given up its
secret after 400 years. Detail from the portrait of Queen Elizabeth I showing the outline of
the coiled serpent she originally held. Photograph: National Portrait Gallery/PA

Scientific detective work has revealed a mysterious coiled serpent in the hands of Queen
Elizabeth I, which was painted out by the artist shortly afterwards, in a portrait at the National
Portrait Gallery. It has also been revealed that this portrait of the queen, which has not been
on display at the Gallery since 1921, was painted over an unfinished portrait of an unknown
sitter. The revelations about this painting and three others of the Tudor queen will form a
new display, Concealed and Revealed: The Changing Faces of Elizabeth I, from 13 March at
the National Portrait Gallery as part of the Making Art in Tudor Britain project led by Dr
Tarnya Cooper. The portrait of Elizabeth I with the serpent (NPG 200) was painted by an
unknown artist in the 1580s or early 1590s.

Degradation over time has revealed that Elizabeth I was originally painted
holding the serpent, the outline of which is now visible on the surface.
Paint analysis has shown that the snake was part of the original design,
painted at the same time as the rest of the portrait, and Elizabeth's
fingers were originally clasped around the snake (as seen in the artist's
impression). At the final stage of painting a decision was made not to
include this emblem, and the Queen was shown holding a small bunch of
roses instead. It has also been revealed that the same portrait was
painted over the unfinished portrait of an unknown woman. X-ray
photography shows a female head facing in the opposite direction and in
a higher position than the queen. The eyes and nose of the first face can be seen where
paint has been lost from Elizabeth's forehead. The identity of this original sitter remains a
mystery, but the unfinished portrait was very competently painted and appears to be by a
different painter. This discovery confirms that sixteenth-century panels were sometimes re-
used and recycled by artists. The unknown woman appears to have been wearing a French
hood, fashionable in 1570-1580s, suggesting that there may have been a period of a few
years before the panel was re-used for the portrait of Elizabeth I.

You are seeing that its nothing royal about the Queen
Elisabeth I bloodline but only darkness. Before she was
murdered-sacrificed, (Note: she was killed in the special
place and time according to sacred astrology) Princes
Diana was speaking that she had seen inside the royal
house people doing shape-shifting into reptiles. She
was describing horrible events where the skin of the
member of the royal family turns green and then it starts to take a snake or alligator
appearance until it loses the human look completely. And she is not the only one that was
claiming such things. Many other people had seen things that are too afraid to speak about,
and most of them were connected to royal family or had work for them.

The British Royal Family is the key in this entire scenario because that bloodline originates
from the most ancient bloodline which carriers were member of so called "Brotherhood of the

That is why I have attached the image of the Queen Elizabeth I so you people can see the
evidence behind it.

It is also important to you understand that till this day, every single United States president,
with no exception, has a direct bloodline relation to British Monarchs. On Dec 20th 1993
George Herbert Walker Bush was knighted by the queen of England as a The Most
Honourable Order of the Bath for his leadership in the Golf War. Does this sound
inappropriate when American president kneel before the queen of England in a ceremony
that symbolizes the legions?

In summary, a race of interbreeding bloodlines, a race within a race in fact, were centred in
the Middle and Near East in the ancient world and, over the thousands of years since, have
expanded their power across the globe. A crucial aspect of this has been to create a network
of mystery schools and secret societies to covertly introduce their Agenda while, at the same
time, creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and
set them at war with each other.

The hierarchy of this tribe of bloodlines is not exclusively male and some of its key positions
are held by women like in the case of Hilary Clinton. But in terms of numbers it is
overwhelmingly male and therefore better to be referred as the Brotherhood. Even more
accurately, given the importance of ancient Babylon the more accurate term would be
Babylonian Brotherhood.

The present magnitude of Brotherhood control did not happen in a few years, even a few
decades or centuries: it can be traced back thousands of years. The structures of todays
institutions in government, banking, business, military and the media have not been
infiltrated by this force, they were created by them from the start. The Brotherhood Agenda
is, in truth, the Agenda of many Millennia.

It is the unfolding of a plan, piece by piece, for the centralised control of the planet. The
bloodline hierarchy at the top of the human pyramid of control and suppression passes the
baton across the generations, mostly sons following fathers. The children of these family
lines who are chosen to inherit the baton are brought up from birth to understand the Agenda
and the methods of manipulating the Great Work into reality.

Going back to Egypt the land of his previous incarnation

Advancing the Agenda becomes their indoctrinated mission from very early in their lives. By
the time their turn comes to join the Brotherhood hierarchy and carry the baton into the next
generation, their upbringing has moulded them into highly imbalanced people. They are

intellectually very sharp, but with a compassion bypass and an arrogance that they have the
right to rule the world and control the ignorant masses who they view as inferior.

Any Brotherhood children who threaten to challenge or reject that mould are pushed aside or
dealt with in other ways to ensure that only safe people make it to the upper levels of the
pyramid and the highly secret and advanced knowledge that is held there. Some of these
bloodlines can be named.

The British House of Windsor is one of them, so are the Rothschilds, the European royalty
and aristocracy, the Rockefellers, and the rest of the so-called Eastern Establishment of the
United States which produces the American presidents, business leaders, bankers and
administrators. But at the very top, the Dark Cabal which controls the human race operates
from the shadows outside the public domain. Any group which is so imbalanced as to covet
the complete control of the planet will be warring within itself as different factions seek the
ultimate control. This is certainly true of the Brotherhood.

The Illuminati is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have been around for
thousands and thousands of years and are using the Jewish Dark Cabala as one of their
guidelines to oppress the rest of the population.

Summarized, 13 Illuminati bloodlines rule this planet from the shadow. Here are the names
of those 13 families:

1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)

The following families are also interconnected with those above:

1. Reynolds
2. Disney
3. Krupp
4. McDonald

Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds of others that are more remotely
connected to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentioned
here; they are considered less powerful and less "pure" by the 13 Elite Bloodlines.

All of those are satanic and worship the Dark Side of the Force. No exceptions. So now you
will see for yourself who is driving the bus behind the scene and where.

Now, things are getting more and more bizarre. I have to keep on going because Matrix is
ready to recognize the cold truth.

Those 13 Illuminati bloodlines have more or less shape-shifting ability and some drink
human plasma on regular basis and some from time to time. They rule above humanity
which is still asleep and still comfortable with the current type of social structure, often
obeying without any question, giving all the sovereignty rights.

The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all
started thousands and thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret
society that goes back all the way to the time of Garden of Eden and old Sumer.

I personally dont have any information how many of those shape-shifting reptile beings are
out there. It looks they are many and that they have infiltrated in many institutions. For some
reason Fox Television is a good place for those, since the majority of the video evidence
comes from there. Probably because it is run by the Illuminati bloodline person. The frames
of the above video footage of Reptilian Reporter FOX NEWS is just one of so many.

If you want to see more just go to the or

just search the archive data of live news of Fox television and you will be able to trace the
videos by yourself, download the file and analyse with some software for video analysis.

Those half human half reptile beings seems to be controlled by at least four ET groups,
probably implanted and influenced telepathically.

The hybrid bloodline that concerns me personally is the type like Chris
Angel. That bloodline possesses tremendous mental power, that he uses in
black purposes. He has at lest 20% of active genetics that allows him
impressive psionic abilities. He is hiding under the profession illusionist,
which of course is only cover up for his performance. Unfortunately I have
seen clear evidence that he is connected with Dark Cabal and he has also
direct contact with the negative ETs.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

One of the flying crafts that negative ETs use regularly is depicted above (image 1) or
(image 3 bellow). If you see a flying craft of that shape run as fast as you can.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Anyway, the ET group that uses those types of crafts is not on the top layer of the controlling
pyramid. The next step in the ultimate controlling pyramid, belongs to the creatures in the
lower astral plane and then finally is the Ultimate Evil Force that is almost powerful as the
Creator Himself.

9/11 event was a lot more than people realize. The Twin Towers, were used as Two Pillars
to open a gate to the lower astral plane. In order to succeed in the opening and to open a
window directly to hell, they had to create a major sacrifice. The 9/11 was the inside job and
Nano-thermite Explosives were used along the heavy back up from UFOs. I will cover this
subject in better detail in my presentation.

We have reach a point in time where we need to understand what its going on the face of
the planet Earth, and what can be done about it.

As mentioned before, everything revolves around secret societies and their agenda. In
recent times everything began As regards our Era everything in reality started just before
WWII. Hitler had broken certain taboos in regards occultism and secret societies.

He sent expeditions everywhere and he broth back to Germany powerful artefacts from

As part of the secret society he helped in the creation of Nazi special organization with code
name Ahnenerbe. The special organization was assigned for secret research of many
things, among which for archaeological and anthropological research, during one expedition
in Afghanistan found a berried flying craft thousands of years old. The flying craft had disk
shape and on the surface appeared to be undamaged. That flying object was VIMANA and
fit very well into the description in the in ancient texts. It was the first of so many that
Ahnenerbe succeeded to collect worldwide. People have to understand that Hitler, due to
this discoveries which he took highly seriously, was about to open a Pandora box which any
of the governments around world does not wish to close afterwards.

As mentioned before, Hitler was related to the Iluminati bloodlines, he was initiated in secret
doctrines, and his visits to Tibet were very frequent. After using force against the Tibetan
monks he learned about many other secret localities where ancient technology and artefacts
are still preserved. The Nazi secret organization made a contact with survivors of ancient
civilizations, olders on ancient technologies like previously described Vimanas.

One must understand that the study and understanding of the several recovered prototypes
were the absolute priority to insure Nazi domination over the sky. The Allies in parallel,
focused on mastering the atom and creating the first nuclear bombs. These secret bases
were the centre of all research supervised by the Nazis. In one of those bases worked Victor
Schauberger father of Nazi UFOs.

Schauberger was part of the Vril Society in charge of anti-gravitational research. He died in
1958 in Texas, while working under the protection of the United States on the improvement
of his own flying sources which as since become American.

The first challenge was, to carry on and even complete the Nazi research in great secrecy.

The military had come up with more efficient pattern than secrecy. Making people that they
did not exist was not the right solution and clearly insufficient. Discrediting enemies and
frightening the population by systematic misinformation proved far more efficient. UFOs and
humans with parapsychological powers, belonged to the movies, television and collective
paranoia and not to the rial world and scientific study as shouldnt be the case.

Once WWII was over, and Nazi technology was systematically plumbed both by Russians
and Americans. Most of the German rocket scientists that were Nazi were taken to US and
all their previous records or past was erased. In the same time NASA was created.

Summarized, what WWII is concern, the German scientists were the first that had the secret
flying machines to visit the moon, but when the conflict was officially over that technology
was taken mostly by Americans and Russians.

The development of such technology is at full run today and its ongoing process. People that
were working in the sensitive military positions were witnesses that secret societies made
direct contacts with at least two extraterrestrial groups. The Treaty was about exchange of
technology in return of secret abductions of certain small percentage of human population.
The reason was stated that those groups will do genetic check ups on the abducted
individuals, all the memory will be erased of such event and the individual will be brought
back safely and unharmed.

This is the time when famous M12 group was created, which again all of the members were
specially selected because of their bloodline. Things become difficult very soon, because it
become obvious that the extraterrestrial groups are not respecting the Agreement and they
are doing far more abductions that agreed upon. The real nightmare began when they find
out that many of the abductees are actually implanted with micro devices that transmit and
receive electronic signals.

The situation becomes critical and that was the time when all of the major parties on earth
decided that this is a planetary issue. There was an union accomplished on a very high level
and that commanding body become known as Shadow Government.

From the contacts with the extraterrestrial groups the Shadow Government learnt about the
coming of extreme changes that will culminate in 2012-2013. The decision was made that
humanity must survive the even and that the best option is to build the unground world.
Huge amounts of funds were generated from illegal actions in order the main underground
centers to be build. Around the main bases hundreds of smaller underground bases were
build and underground network started to form. This is still ongoing process and to the best
of my knowledge, the network is almost complete and all the areas on Earth are covered.

This has been one of the most hidden secrets but still thousands of workers in the
construction phases were testifying about direct contact with non human entities. So many
were describing huge levels underground, bases miles deep, and as deeper you go, the
humans has less clearance to go. In other words, they are preparing big time for more then
60 years and we on the surface have absolutely no idea what is going on bellow our feet.

The only reason the underworld was build because of the expansion of the Sun and the
gravitational influence from the passing celestial body near our solar system. The asteroid
belt between Mars and Jupiter is already gravitationally affected by this passing body and we
will start to experience direct hits from the passing asteroids.

Analysing the strategy they pull through public media, it can be detected that info is starting
to come out, still in the covert form but clearly indicating that military is preparing for
something major in 2012. Today almost there is no one that didnt hear about the 2012 in
one form or another. Most feel that all this nothing more then another new age nonsense,
the date in 2012 will come and go and nothing will happen as usual.

I have point out again this is something very real, real as it can be and it is coming soon. We
need to prepare physically, mentally and most important spiritually. I have taken this
biological host 37 years ago in order to help people in the awakening process. Sometime the
awakening requires speaking about things that are bizarre and terrible and hard to believe. I
can assure you that everything that is put into this file is with the purpose to awaken and
help humanity. Not to frighten or harm, but to show the real world, the real situation on this
planet. If we do not see what the problem iswe are lost and we will never solve the

It was mine to pass this

information which to the best of
my knowledge is the truth and
nothing but the truth. Some of the
information is gathered from other
sources that from my own
experience are valid. Everything
that you have read in this file and
a lot more will be covered in my
presentation and unbreakable
proof and video evidence will be
shown. Afterwards whatever you
do with the information, its your

Summarized, analysing the

strategy the ruling elite is putting
through the public media, it can
be detected that info is starting to
come out, still in the covert form
but clearly indicating that military
is preparing for something major
in 2012. Today almost there is no
one that didnt hear about the 2012 in one form or another. Most feel that all this nothing
more then another new age nonsense, the date in 2012 will come and go and nothing will
happen as usual.

Luckily the beings of Light are also here. They watch everything and they are helping as
much as they can.

And how do I know all this?

My personal experience with ET

Till the present day I had numerous contacts with ETs that I described in my book
Extraordinary Powers in Humans. The ETs had showed me what is going to be like just
before the expansion of our star and the arrival of the energetic pulse. They have also
showed me what we need to do as humanity. They had showed me the next step.

I recall that things started to take an unusual direction after I was taken at seven years of
age. It happened to me and my brother in the year 1980, I was taken many times in later
years, but this was the first one that I recall.

I was walking along the River Vardar in Skopje with my older brother, during an evening
time. We use to come there from time to time to enjoy the ambient, and to see falling
meteors on the night sky. This time something unexpected happen. It was a full moon
evening and there was a huge ball of orange-yellow ball of fire approaching from the sky. As
7 year old boy I immediately asked my older brother how come there are two moons?

My brother Miki looked in the direction of the full moon and he spotted the approaching ball
of fire. His face had shown confusion and seconds afterwards a panic. The orange-yellow
ball of fire was approaching fast and it got very big. A flash of bright white light appeared and
I felt the time had stoped. The view of Vardar, the sound of the River, the wind, the sky,
everything fades away in second. I found myself inside a room where I could see all sorts of
strange walls and strange equipment, but the glowing white light was a dominant experience
in my consciousness. I couldnt see my big brother anywhere.

I recall what they were doing to me, calming me down not to worry, because they mean no
harm. All sorts of light combination started to move on body and it felt strange, but at the

time I didnt know what to make of it. It wasnt scary and it wasnt painful either. They were
doing something to me.

A voice in my head appeared. It was nice but powerful in the same time. The voice was

We are glad we have found you before the others did. From now on, we will know where
you are and we will be able to protect you. We have done something to you in order that you
will be able to experience certain things. That will help you to understand better what has to
be done when time comes. Dont worry we will guide you all the way and help you whenever
you really need us.

Remember thisYou are here to play a major role in the process of awakening. As the time
will pass by, more you will remember. Humanity is heading towards a great change, many
spirits will return to the stars and something magnificent is going to happen.

Very soon after I was taken, during the nights (sleeping time) I started to become very
conscious of myself. It was not rare to find myself floating above the roof of my house
looking everything from bird perspective. Flying above my neighbourhood was my favourite
thing to do. Almost always I was able to detect that some strong source of light is
somewhere behind me watching on my every move. It wasnt scary, but in contrary, it felt
protective in some way. I didnt pay much attention to it since flying and jumping above roofs
was much more interesting to me. That lasted for many weeks.

Sometimes, strange manifestations like hearing thoughts of others but especially of my
mother, hearing so clearly conversations of people that are hundreds of meters away from
me, sensing danger if some other kid wanted to hurt me etc., were very active for few days
and then all those weird abilities were gone. I did not know what to make of it at the time, I
was still a child, no one seems to talk about the similar stuff and all those experiences
started to fade away.

My mother was pressuring me that she will take me to the doctor to check it out what is
going on in my head, after one incident took place. It was evening time, she was ready to put
me into my bed for sleep when her friend called her and invited her for a coffee. I remember
that she responded to her that she is very tired and that she wants to go to sleep, but her girl
friend was very persistent and convinced my mother to go and visit her for short.

Anyway, I end up playing with her son for more than a half an hour, and in one moment I
strongly felt that something is wrong and image of my bedroom become frozen in my
consciousness. I started to pull my mothers hand and screaming at her that there is
something wrong with our house and that we have to go back immediately. My mother was
not very superstition person, she started to laugh at me, but after she saw in my eyes that
Im persistent and she decided to check it out. It was winter at the time, there was no snow
but it was still very cold and she turned electrical blanket on to warm the bed for me.

Most of the times from what I can recall, she was putting electrical blanket and my duvet less
was usually enough before she remove it, but for some reason when her friend called her for
a coffee she forgot that she turned on the electrical blanket. I had no idea that she turned the
electrical blanket on since I was playing in the other room. That happened almost 30 years
ago and electrical blankets were not so safe at the time. The moment we come to our house,
the smoke was coming from my bedroom and the cause of that was that electrical blanked
caused a fire. Luckily the neighbours come quickly triggered by my moms screaming and
the problem was solved with one big giant hole in the electrical blanked and my duvet.

The event ended ok but to my mom it was a final proof that something weird is going on with
me. She became very concern about me. What was happening was way beyond her
experience and it became obvious that she has a difficult time dealing with it.

As every mother who encounters situation of

her child that she is not able to handle, she
started to threaten me that if I do not go back
to normal like every other kid that she will take
me to hospital. I knew that she was serious,
and that mysterious force started to fade inside
of me.

Things got quite for a while but everything

changed up side down when I reached
teenage. Inspired by my uncle, I started to train
in the ancient arts at the age of fourteen.

The top most secrets of Yoga and Buddhism came so naturally to me that many times I felt
that I already knew most of the knowledge in some mysterious way. People that knew me at
the time noticed that I was interested in all the incredible powers that Yoga masters and
Tibetan monks had demonstrated and that I was training hard to develop them.

As a result of long years of practicing meditation, I started figuring out the mystery of their
way of life. I felt compelled and focused to obtain the knowledge that was once considered
the norm in ancient civilizations. Thus, I meditated six hours a day and started to discover

my inner potential. I became attracted to all psychic abilities, but particularly to the
extraordinary ability called astral projection.

Very soon my abilities increased to such high levels that I was

able to stay out of his physical body for many hours fully
conscious. The new and mysterious world that was opening in
front of me made me realize that reality was not what it seemed
to be, but something completely different.

Rapidly, I began to understand that humanity was under some

kind of experiment by a few E.T races and that the truth was
hidden from us. One by one, the missing pieces of the mosaic
started to fall into the place and I was starting to see what was
going on.

Pane Andov

At the same time, I felt great sorrow with the realization that I couldnt share my observations
and conclusions. The average level of astral development was so low at the time. If i
touched a subject he could hurt someone and demolish his whole belief system. Take for
example this file. How many of you will have difficult time coping with some parts of it?

Instead of sharing what was going on in the higher dimensions, I started to work on finding
solutions to the equation called humanity. After many years of contact with E.T
intelligences, I had finally understood what was going on and had seen what was coming in
the future and how some of what is coming could be neutralized.

Im totally aware that there is a little time to utilize what I have seen and recognized as a
solution to our current situation, since we are very close to the end of the Great cycle which
in our way of time measurements falls on 23 December 2012.

During the last 20 years I have passed huge amount of knowledge to thousands of people
World Wide. With all of them I had developed unique soul connection. I have opened
thousands of doors, changed people lives and perspectives, brought higher quality of life to

Im also the author of the book Extraordinary Powers in Humans that deals with
development of psionic abilities, their understanding, control and utilization in constructive
ways. My approach does not suffer from any limitation and I comfortably move from the most
advanced ancient knowledge to modern UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial
multidimensional presence.

Preview of the book can be found here:

My trainings usually start with basic of relaxation and meditation,

teaching the student to meditate in the right way. Then slowly
advances towards more progressive altered states of
consciousness as clairvoyance, remote viewing and controlled out
of the body experience.

During the years I earned my nickname Astral Walker - he who

can enter the astral plane and walk among the stars

There will be Presentations and Psionic Workshops in Brisbane and Gold Coast soon.
If interested, please provide your contact details at (put
subject presentation or psionic development).

I hope you will allow me the chance to help you to become an Astral Walker too. To be able
to be of more help to Mother Earth and to be able to accomplish the things that you feel
deep inside that you need to do. I can teach you so many useful things, and help you in so
many ways.

What do we need to do?
A part of everything, I believe that we have a short time to figure out what we have to
accomplish in order that we go through a smooth transition.

In order that we understand what we need to do as humanity, it would help a lot if we decode
some of the relevant crop circle messages. The one that mysteriously appeared on August
15th, 2002 - Crabwood Farm, Hampshire in UK, can certainly shine a light in that direction.

It clearly shows an extraterrestrial being with 3 UFOs in the background, some kind of
disk with encrypted message.

Perhaps the ETs thought if humans had reached technological development that enables
them to use smart computers and to burn and read data on CDslets burn them one.
Despite how funny the previous sentence appears in my personal opinion this message is
very important and contains a warning to all humankind. And a serious warning!

But is someone listening? First, lets start with the disk.

A spiral of 8 bit binary encoding in

hexadecimal form with English alphabet
letters represented by ASCII character
sets used by computer programmers
since the 1960s. To translate the
code, you have to start at the center
and spiral outward, counter-clockwise.

Deciphered, it reads:

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still
time. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING [bell

The line Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES stands for the
depicted negative extraterrestrial beings that had established direct contact with the
representatives of Shadow Government more than five decades ago. According to the
released top secret M12 documents in 1954, the President Eisenhower was approached by
two different races of extraterrestrials.

One race was referred as Quetzal and the other was simple called a Gray Collective.

The Quetzal extraterrestrial race is actually responsible for the delivery of most of the
crop circle messages. Many of the mysterious lights, orbs and shiny flying crafts seen above
crop fields around the globe, belong to the Quetzal race. This race is here to help us in
these sensitive times we live, to make sure the Earth is not destroyed before the powerful
energetic wave arrives and the reactivation of the RNA/DNA of life takes place.

In other words they are some form of guardians to make sure that the cycle is running
properly and according the laws of nature.

During the years, there were many reports of their flying crafts engaging in combat with the
ones that belong to Gray Collective, even with ones that are in the possession of the
Shadow Government. It become clear that some kind of conflict is going on and that there
are groups that are not resonating with total destruction of everything. It is obvious that some
of the groups are trying hard to protect the planet from any use of destructive technologies,
human or non-human origin. In the last few decades, there were many cases with serious
nuclear reactor issues inside the Nuclear Power Plants. UFOs appeared from nowhere, fixed
the problem and disappeared again. There are military reports that they have neutralized
and deactivated nuclear missiles in flight too.

So the good part is that someone is watching over us that we do not hurt ourselves with our
toys. Even better news is that despite Quetzal race there are other positive oriented
extraterrestrial races that are visiting Earth and our solar system.

Conduit CLOSING [bell sound]"

Many other benevolent races are here too, watching with full attention and curios what will
be the final outcome for humanity when the Great Cycle is going to close on Dec 23 2012.
Many of those races are trying hard this cycle to be a success from the spiritual point of
view. Quetzal race and few others ET groups had delivered clearly many times that humans
need to change their ways, they need to stop being ignorant and to start to work on their own
spiritual growth and development. Most important they stated that we need to learn to live
together in peace in goodwill and with the harmony with the planet Earth. In other words,
they are here to help us, but we have to walk the road and climb the stairs, they can not do it
for usits simply not the proper way.

The Quetzal race are conduit closing of the Great Cycle which means they are assisting the
light that is incarnated in human biological bodies, trying hard the information to get through
to ones that are able to hear and see. It is my personal obligation to help in the process and
that is why I have arrived on this planet. I seek no rewards for what I do and I do what I do
because I believe is the right thing to do.

The messages that Quetzal are delivering are often very complex, perfect in geometrical
and mathematical sense. Some messages are delivered in a form of binary code systems
and some are simple delivered on ancient languages as Aztec, Mayan, Olmec, Egyptian,
Indian and other. They were the ones that have been watching and guiding us for a long
time, helping us in so many different ways.

Usually when they enter our dimension, they shrink the size of their flying crafts to a just
basketball size and fly over the crop very low so they will be not visible to the radar. Once
they move in the other dimension or they simple go beyond our atmosphere they regain their
original size. They do this in order to protect their selves and to avoid eventual conflict. The
moment Shadow Governments radars and satellites detect them, there are helicopters and

fighter jets released to chase the balls of light and to take them down. Unfortunately, there
are some reports that in few occasions their flying crafts were taken down by powerful lasers
from satellites. What Im trying to say is that they are risking a lot just to draw beautiful
images in crops for us and we really need to start to appreciate their help. At least we can
push our intelligence to maximum and try to decode what the messages are actually saying.

Btw, Quetzal is one of the races that established a form of telepathic-astral contact with me.
Its only because my RNA/DNA was altered by them when my physical carrier was at the
age of seven. To the best of my knowledge there are at least 200 more individuals in
different parts of the world capable of direct communication too, and have similar altered
genetics too. Good news is that with constant arrival of powerful cosmic rays, more and
more genetic material is mutating, it becomes more active in human bodies and
consciousness starts to experience great awakening.

But is it going fast enough?

Quetzal are very concern about our destiny because the great cycle is almost complete
and there are things that needs to be done before time runs out.

Much PAIN but still time.

What do we need to do, before time runs out and cycle closes?

I will explain this in more detail shortly but before we move to that section, lets complete the
line: Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.

2.The other extraterrestrial race that President Eisenhower was approached by in 1954
was named a Gray Collective or simple Grays because of their dolphin type of skin
with dominant gray colour. This race had shown to be very aggressive, negative and

This race has overtaken the control of the entire political and military establishment of planet
Earth. They have implanted the political/military elite and they control human society through
them. Using the world media those implanted individuals were forced to create a deception

of unimaginable proportionsa deception that needs to disappear soon, otherwise humanity
will face a mage-scale catastrophe with consequences far beyond the physical existence.

Since the bloodlines of the members of the World Ruling Elite (or more precise: 13 Illuminati
families all related and all part of the same secret society) are actually half-human/half-
reptilian they contains genetics that are easy to manipulate by the Gray Collective. The
evidence had shown that because of their half-human/half-reptilian genetics the members of
the World Ruling Elite have no sense of morality or compassion what they are doing to

Evidence that surfaced in the last 30 years, had also shown that those bloodlines controlled
by the Gray Collective are able to shape-shift from human to green colour reptile life form
and back. Will go in more detail about this on my presentation and provide evidence for such
claim. The micro devices inside their bodies are driving those political-military individuals into
taking actions that are catastrophic for all humanity and the planet itself.

Think about 9/11, Haiti earthquake, Oil spill in Golf of Mexico etc
and you will see that is true. So for those that are in the know I
will just say, Grays control the Reptoid forms and not the other
way around. For the record those Reptoid forms have genetics
that allows them to shape-shift. Unfortunately, the problem goes
deeper since the Earth is constantly visited by so many ET
groups and some of the cosmic renegades or cosmic criminals if
you will, have joined the Gray Collective.

Anyway, representatives of Quetzal told President Eisenhower to beware of the Grays

because they will deceive him and humanity in whole. They offered to help humanity in the
spiritual development so the cycle will successful, but before that can take place, Quetzal
race asked in return, all nuclear weapons in all countries to be deactivated and destroyed.

There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION.

Not wishing to give up nuclear weapons, Eisenhower decides to ally with the Gray
Collective for a promise of high-tech military technology, but he is deceived.

Back in 1954, why would those Greys have offered Eisenhower new military technologies, in
exchange for the right to abduct humans and harvest livestock? Eisenhower could never
have imagined modern advances in genetic engineering, so he would have been at a
profound disadvantage when dealing with them. Why else would visiting greys wish to
abduct humans (thereby collecting tissues, sperm or eggs) while harvesting livestock (in a
more lethal fashion), except to collect the materials needed for experiments on

I believe now these lines are clear: "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN
PROMISES. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION.

Quetzal are warning us again about the depicted ET

group that is messing with human genetics, abducting
humans and livestock and use them in so many
different evil ways. As presented in the file, the Gray
Collective are here for thousands of years and they
were the same evil gods that ancient humans got in
conflict with.

Summarized, the Shadow Government that represents all of Earths countries had made a
mistake in 50s selling humanity for exchange of military technology. Of course the Gray
Collective had never respected the signed Agreement and the Shadow Government realized
that a catastrophic mistake has been made. A mistake that we all need to rectifier before
time runs out.

The Gray Collective standard appearance


Other renegade ET groups - with similar appearance. Depicted in movie serial Taken.

Image on the midle: Their Flying crafts (If spotted run avoiding any kind of contact is high recommendable)

Perhaps some of you will recall this line from the 1977 Vrillon message:

The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your
rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments!

In our world today, we are witnessing many evil agendas resulting in a negative direction. It
has become obvious that we cannot trust our governments anymore. They are controlled by
the negative ETs and they are forced to follow Gray Collective agenda, and do not care
about us and our planet Earth.

That is why, we all have to understand the true nature of our existence, that we are in fact
consciousness inside a physical body and that we can influence our environment.

For a consciousness that is still asleep inside the matrix, all this will seems like heavily
loaded SF story, but for the consciousness that is awakening, that is still able to feel and to

think clearly; still free and unpolluted inside, it will come as most important information ever.
It will resonate so deeply inside the spiritual heart because simple its the truth.

In fact, everything that was shown to you in this document is to serve for better
understanding of the situation on this planet, what is the main problem, who is causing it and
what can be done about it. Its about how we can change the situation that humanity is in.
Most people will say that current situation on Earth is unrepairable and that things went too
far for something to be done, that in order everything to be back in balance it need a total
reset of civilization, but that is not my perspective. And certainly that is not the perspective of
the Quetzal race and all other races with spiritual orientation that are around us. We didnt
come here for nothing. Its hard, but thats ok, nothing that we didnt expect, we just need to
regain the inner balance again; we need to stay focused, to take the necessary steps and we
will finish the cycle successfully.

There is a Light at the end of the Tunnel and there is HOPE!

HOPE is the source of greatest strength of Humanity. Hope generates emotion, emotion
generates power, power generates action, action generates a change inside the matrix.

You just have to keep in your head that your inner divine self will protect you from any evil,
and just keep on walking. Once the energetic wave that was released from the Milky Ways
core reach us, it will be done, we will become beings with cosmic awareness again and it will
be accomplished. It will be like waking up from a long dream.

Therefore, the main objectives of this document is to achieve synchronization of the

consciousness of humanity with Gaia (i.e the consciousness of our Planet), to activate
healing energies with the intention of heal ourselves and our planet, to reactivate the
necessary minimum of the genetic material to we will become compatible for the arrival of
the Nexus The Cosmic Designers Energetic Wave!

Now lets deal with the line: Much PAIN but still time!

The first logical question is: still time for what?

What do we have to do before its too late?

In 2002 when the message was delivered, it was much pain and now we are in 2010 there is
still pain and even less time. But we will get there!

If we study the crop circle phenomenon, we will see that in most occasions they are showing
us and teaching us about fractal structure of the matrix. We are seeing clear depictions of
fractality, Star of David dividing into smaller and smaller stars of David, and that goes to
infinity. Or if you want to observe the fractal movement differently, bigger pentagrams
dividing into smaller and smaller pentagramsthe same goes into infinity.

Basic Mandelbrot Fractal

July, 1998 Milk Hill, in Wiltshire, England (Koch Fractal)

Midle trianglual egg form where Koch's Fractal emerges

Note: In 1905 Helmig Von Koch, a mathematician, conceptualized the mathematics of the
"fractal," seen as the outer outline in these drawings. On Aug. 8, 1997 the Quetzal race
gifted to the people of Earth the symbol in the center. That this symbol was never seen by
mathematicians prior to its appearing in the fields of England. This symbol is the seed, the
flower of life, and is the egg from where Koch's Fractal would emerge.

They are showing us the fracal structure of the Matrix! Or should I say better, they are
teaching us about the fractal nature of the five elemental matrix and how it can be accessed
and even changed. If you run a computer program of fractal devision, it will run forever, but
what I want to say is that if you make a change in
the parametars somewhere along the fractal
movement it will continute to fallow that change to
infinity. Imagine standing in one point in space and
from there on one side everythings is contracting
towards the infinite small and on the other side of
your standing point everything is expanding to
infinitly large. All that movement, no mater if we are
talking about contraction or expansion of matter, is
done in a fractal fasion. Literary everything in this
universe obeys those geometrical and matematical
laws. Everything vibrates, pulsates, contracts and
expands; even our energy field vibrates and
pulsates according to our breath and our state of
consciousness. Everything flows with energy, its
one giant ocean of energy, and we are all part of it.

People would usually say, ok we see that they are refering to fractals but what fractals have
to do with us or anything in particilar that is connected to our reality and our current

Everything! Thats the main Key!

They are showing us that Consciousness can shift fractal structure or

in other words Consciousness can change reality. The stronger the
consciousness is the stronger is the impatct on the souranding matrix
and the bigger is the chance for the drastic change. Consciosness
manifests thoughts and those thoughts release energy into the fractal
structure of the matrix. If they are neutral they do more or less change
but the bigger changes appears when thougts have emotional charge
because the fractal structure is sensitive.

Which brings us to the - Emotions!

Emotions are actually the ones that are carriers of the psionic power that can influence the
fundamental fractal structure of our matrix.

Especially the emotion we call LOVE!

Simplified: Consciousnes + Thoughts/Intent + Pure Emotions + Meditative Oneness = The

necessary rise of the vibrational field of our planet!

Why all that? It is very important how the planet will vibrate when the powerful energy wave
arrives. The beings that live on Earth are releasing thoughts and energy into the vibrational
field of the planet. If the vibration is low the powerful energy can do harm to the planet and
its inhabitants, if not it causes evolution.

Quetzal has delivered many times that humans need to build a Flower of Life Astral
structure inside their aura.

When that is done, we need to spin the spheres clockwise from the outer obseriving point or
counter-clockwise from our standing point inside the central sphere.

When that also is acomplished we need to creat a spin of the star-tetrahedron inside that
structure and move our consciousness from our physical to our light body! But this is
imposible without clean and pure emotions.

Of course we do not need to do anything and everyone has the choice what he/she will do
with this information. Im just showing you what they are saying and what they feel it is
extremely important that we learn and do. I will teach people how to crete the whole
structure inside their auras and how to breath properly on my seminars soon and I will also
cover this to some degree in my presentation. The point is if - not done properly, the
meditation is useless. If done properly it trigers activation of latent genetic material.

One other important thing that Quetzal passed to me, is that crop circles that are delivered
by them contain drivers that will instal special software in our brain. I will just say that we can
easily compare our brain with computer processor. Our biological body is a bio-computer
and the brain is the processor of that bio-computer, if you will. Like every computer, our brain
need software and that software is imbeded in our RNA/DNA.

Because of the basic double helix functionality, our brain operates on limited level, but in
case the right software is installed it will start to operate on a extended level. In other words,
to become more telepathic, clairvoyant and etc, we need the necessary drivers to be
installed into our brain.

Those drivers are imbeded in some of their crop designs, but they clearly showed in
numerous ocasions that in order to work we need to use software to spin the diagrams
depicted in the crop fields. Usually the ones that needs to be spun are delivered near
windmils with the hope that humas will figure it out that the design needs to be spined.

In fact if people joing into meditative oneness inside the genuine crop designs and they start
to meditate with thousands in order to connect with the crop cirlce makers, the humanity will
achive the next step. Quetzal are in position to help us activate our spiritual potential to
whole new level, but only if humanity choses to. Staying with old makeup people will end in
some of the 3D scenarios but if people open up, let go of fear of unknown they will face
extreme progress. When I say extreme progress, I mean extreme progress.

Take for example this testimony of Valerie Cox which is only one of so many.

Recently she wrote on one of the facebook pages that serve for people to report new crop
circles and something unusual.

This is what Valerie wrote:

Just to report that on the night this crop circle was made myself and
my two sons were camping at the Barge Inn in Honey Street. At
approximately 1am we all saw a very bright light high in the sky
almost the size of the moon but brighter. This reduced in size quickly
after a few seconds to look like a satellite and flew... off to the side
behind a cloud. A few minutes later two very bright flashes like low
level lightening lit up this field. The next day we went off to see this
crop circle that had been reported that morning and realised that we
were standing in the exact field that we had seen the light.

We didnt take any samples. Simply did a lovely meditation in there.

There was also another I visited earlier this year at Cley Hill nr
Warminster. It was the 3D cross formation. Four of us went and on the way there 2 of us felt
strangely sick on the walk towards the formation. Whilst in there 3 of us did a short
meditation and all of us independently saw swirling patterns whilst we had our eyes closed
rather like a spirograph design. No one thought it was important at first until we discussed it
on the way home in the car and we all said that was what we had seen. That was also very
strange, I thought possibly we had been influenced by circular designs of the crop circle
however this was a square formation. The visualisations were very clear and pronounced!

In general, my perspective is that genuine Crop Circles are gift to all humanity. Crop Circles
contain multidimensional messages and 3D images visible only when they are spun at high
speed. In 2009 I joined forces with a friend of mine that works for NASA and we used a
combination of special, ground breaking software in order that we produce a unique video to
capture more than 30 frames per second at
high resolution. We discovered that
combination of sound frequencies and the
digital extraction of their geometric designs
spun at high speed, influence the
consciousness in unbelievable ways.

Anyway, as we are approaching the ending of

the cycle in 2012, more and more human
beings are starting to wake from a long
dream. They start to remember, to recognize
what is going on and the reason why they are

My seminars are actually a transformation tools. They contain huge amounts of theoretical
and practical knowledge that anables people to become more telepathic, able to do astral
travel and able to achive contact with higher inteligences.

After all that was present before you previously, now it becomes clear why they said: Much
PAIN but still time!

It means that humans have to realize that they are in fact infiniteve consciousness with
extreme powers and that if they unite into meditative oneness they can influence the fractal
structure of the matrix, separate from all evil and become ready for the evolution that awaits
between Dec 23 2012 and March 28 2013.

It means, we as humans have to gather into meditative oneness, thinking of the same
outcome, and release a powerful field of energy that will heal our planet and lift the
vibrational frequency.

Another line from the Vrillon 1977


We come to warn you of the

destiny of your race and your world
so that you may communicate to
your fellow beings the course you
must take to avoid the disaster
which threatens your world, and the
beings on our worlds around you

I believe their message makes sense. It will make sense only if the hearth is open. For the
closed hearth everything looks like doom and gloom, while in reality its not the case. We are
at the end of a Great Cycle and we need to play our part as humans.

I feel that the time for conflict is over and that we have to move
towards a new paradigm in our evolution as a race. If we look
around us, we can see that everything is changing at great
speed. Our Sun and the entire solar system are changing
rapidly on every level. Humanity is changing. We are
awakening from a long and deep sleep and are starting to see
the bigger picture i.e. that we are sparks of infinite
manifestation in the Universe.

In summary, this is an attempt to synchronize as many people

as possible, particularly those already participating in spiritual
groups around the world and who are practicing meditation.

A singular, meditative stream of consciousness carries enough psionic power to influence

the basic structure of the Matrix for the benefit of the whole of humanity. Collated from the
research of many respected scientists, but mostly from the respected Dr. Masaru Emoto,
we now know and have factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words,
ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water. It is the same with rest of three
earth elements plus ether. If we can alter the fractal structure of five elements we will be able
to do the necessary change and awake 7 billion people from the magical spell of the Dark
Side of the Force. Humanity has to understand that this is not about me, you, mine,
yoursits about one for all and all for one. The naked truth is that we are all ONE but our
five sense limitation is blocking our view to see it and to feel it. In my perspective Humanity

is worth to save and we need to do our best in order to awake as many as possible, until we
are so many that we will be able to do this.

This is the ultimate message that E.Ts are delivering to us. This knowledge and information
has and is being transmitted by E.Ts via crop circle formations. It is up to us to decide
whether we will take their messages more seriously or whether we will discredit them.

The result of that decision will affect us all

Summarized, there is high chance that we will face one of those two scenarios:

Life wins in both of them only in a different way.

1. Vibrational field of organism we call Earth has not reach the satisfactory level which
provides safe accumulation of the energetic waveresult >> format of all life and nature on
3D Level except zones that are shielded. Nexus hits, compatible life forms experience great
evolution, not compatible life forms experience opposite

After the star dies and the released outer layer hits Earth, it distributes the necessary
building blocks of life and causes Genesis.

Genesis stands for LIFE from Lifelessness, it is a process where bio-molecular structure
its reorganized at subatomic level into LIFE Generating matter of equal mass. Everything is
formed again, oxygen, H2O, Helium etc. Life conditions are formed againbut its going to
be a process because the star is now small and it will take a while until it starts to grow
towards Yellow Dwarf again and to provide the same condition for life.

And it will take a while until pure essences of what was once humans can take biological
hosts again and to incarnate on the new Earth. But with all power and knowledge regain I do
not think that many would chose to return to 3D reality which is only a school.

If Dark Side plans are successful, humanity is taken to different parts of cosmos, far beyond
the touch of the NEXUS. I already explained what that means. The Light is fighting strongly
to prevent such scenario.

2. Vibrational field of the organism we call Earth has reached the satisfactory level where
consciousness had prevailed over vandalism and low material naturethere is strong
meditative connection among people, that connection touches the consciousness of all life
on the planet including ETs and people from Shamballa. That meditative connection of all life

becomes so strong that it feels the planet to the atomic level; it feels GAIA and becomes
ONE with it

The flower of life protective astral-energetic field is created around Earth and the planetary
Star Tetrahedron is fired up and spinning in beautiful light (Note: auroras are going to
change colour and size soon)the energy passes, the planet is compatible for upgrade,
ascension and reconfiguration of the RNA/DNA of All Life takes place.

Life continues on 3D, oceans remain and are not boiled since the planet magnetosphere had
become the flower of life protective shield, GAIA through its polar openings streams more
energy into the star tetrahedron and whole flower of life structure

More input about Red Giants and Released Energy:

Red sun sign marks the Sgr*A

There was enormous explosion in the center of the galaxy, the
energy was released and its not spreading towards the edges

Its coming fast

Its going to hit the Sun

The physical contact of the approaching energy will make the Sun
to expand in mass. (To enter its Red Giant Phase)

If the Flower of Life Force Field is not build and the union among races has failedrecommended
dislocation to the triangle zone >> Feb-March 2012.

Perhaps will have to keep eye on the climate changes.

Combined disasters are already happening...

In June 2012 Earth will be exposed on highest gravitational influence from two sides. That's when
things will become critical.

Keep an eye when the crack in Ethiopia will become critical. When that happens you will know that
it will happen soon.

Around 2 miles wide and extreme long crack in the Atlantic Ocean is the weakest point on Earth.
Imagine if you cut yourself and someone pulls you hard. Where is going to hurt the most? - Where
the wound is. Where you have injured yourself.

Imagine Earth has a long cut that is still not healed from the last event. When the huge celestial
body that is approaching our solar system will start to pull strongly it will influence the rotation of
our planet. Sun from one side is pulling naturally and as the passing celestial body will come closer
the Earth will experience gravitational pulling from two sides.

Guess where its going to hurt most?

- Where the long crack in the Atlantic Ocean is. The crack is going around the whole continent of
Africa and now its spreading towards Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

When the continent breaks, earthquake will be so powerful that will destroy everything in the area.
The Tsunami from the earthquake will be so powerful that it will cause another global flood. Tidal
waves more then 4 miles in hight willwe all know what that means.

New York City will have nuclear blast in 2012. Who will be responsible >> Gray Collective.

Reason - mass sacrifice. That's all that I can tell you. Let's hope so they will be stopped.

Anyway there is still time to avoid this scenario.


Update 2010-11-11


Dear friends, If its ok with you, I would like to share what I think its required for Humanity
to do in order to change the default outcome of the events that will happen in near future.

There is a extremely powerful wave of energy arriving from the galactic core of the
Milky Way and its now very close to us around 10 Billion miles away from Earth.

In the image bellow you can see that powerful wave of energy spreading inside the Milky
Way depicted with dark reddish color. Its everywhere around our Local Interstellar Cloud and
its coming towards us.

The Heliosphere of our solar system is already affected by the recently discovered giant
Ribbon of magnetics. Its a energetic wave that was released from the the explosion of the
Supper massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way thousands of years ago.

This Gigantic Ribbon in our Heliosphere is about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy
mixture of hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000C and its highly

In the next few images you can see the location of the Gigantic Ribbon in our Heliosphere
regarding the galactic plane of Milky Way. It matches perfectly, and you can see how big
actually the wave is comparing to our small solar system. There is no way that it will miss us
and the contact is unavoidable.

Its hot and magnetic enough to energize our Sun and cause our star to move from its main
sequence to its Red Giant Phase. From what was observed in the Milky Way, where the wave
already passed it caused yellow dwarf type of stars to become red giants and then white

Estimate time of physical contact of the galactic pulse with our Sun 23 Dec 2012 and thats
where Sun will start its Red Giant Phase a slow expansion of its outer layer that will last
from 23 Dec 2012 till 28 March 2013. When it will reach the mentioned date in 2013, the
outer layer will be released into space and our star will become very small type of a star or
what is known in astronomy as white dwarf.

Extraterrestrial and domestic (planetary) races are warning us that we need to do something
in order 3D life to survive. Otherwise our atmosphere will not survive the powerful magnetic
energy and the the water in the oceans, lakes and rivers will be boiled by the rising heat from
the expanding sun when it enters its Red Giant phase.

In other words, how impossible it may seems, we need to assist other 18 species that also
live on Earth with the creation of Flower of Life protective shied around our planet.

The data, generated from crop circle messages points that we have been called to join the
unity in order to save the 3D life on this planet. Many different types of ETs were shown to
us via crop designs. Btw, the image bellow is not extraterrestrial face as it circulates on the
internet but human face they are addressing to us.

In the Chilbolton crop circle we clearly see one of those 18 races that we need to work with
in the creation of the protective Flower of Life shield. The number of their population was
shown, triple dna structure, and place of living Earth, Mars and four moons on Jupiter.

The Unity has to be reached; otherwise the Flower of Life Shield will not function. Believe
or notthe way we are going to play will affect many others. And they need our help as
much as we need their help.

In June 2009 a strange crop design appeared in Milk Hill Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire.

It was another important message about the expansion of the outer layer of the Sun, but also
there was something else. Someone appealed for UNITY despite cultural difference.
Someone out there appealed that we need to gather into unity and to do something together in
peace, harmony and lovesomething that is directly connected to the next solar maximum in

Funtunfunefu-Denkyemfunefu (Siamese crocodiles)

UNITY ancient symbol of democracy & oneness despite cultural difference.

Despite the fact we have different cultures we are ONE. This Truth can be seen only when a
being reaches a development of fourth chakra. When the fourth centre is open, the
consciousness sees that everything in cosmos is part of the same source and is ONE.

The time for conflict is over and it is time for peace and balance. On greater scale, humanity
will experience this when North becomes South during the next Solar maximum at the end of

Again there is clear depiction that Sun will expand in mass.

The same day and few days after the Milk Hill Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire crop design
appeared, there were few other crop designs depicting different extraterrestrial races, their
written language and most of them had a circle where third eye should be on the forehead.
Also there was arrow pointing out from the extraterrestrial head showing clearly that they are
transmitting messages so we will understand and prepare and also that they are observing us
all the time.

I want to point out that Humanity has to open up to the fact that we are sharing this planet
with many other life forms and that there is oneness despite cultural differences. Humanity
also has to open up to the fact that our planet is changing, since current cycle is coming to its
end on 23 Dec 2012 and that the ones that choose the path of Light and Peace await evolution
and upgrade of DNA.

This shield needs to be build as soon as possible and maintain active but no later than
December 22 2012, a day before the Great Cycle ends.

Two scenarioslife wins in two of themonly in a different way.

Scenario (2012-2013) Number 1

Vibrational field of organism we call Earth has not reach the satisfactory level which
provides safe accumulation of the energetic waveresult >> format of all life and nature on
3D Level except zones that are shielded.

More detail about the safe zone in Australia can be found in the PDF 2012 Equation

Nexus-Superwave hits, compatible life forms experience great evolution, not compatible life
forms experience opposite

The heat from the expanding sun boils the water in the oceans after the star dies and the
released outer layer hits Earth, it distributes the necessary building blocks of life and causes

Genesis stands for LIFE from Lifelessness, it is a process where bio-molecular structure
its reorganized at subatomic level into LIFE Generating matter of equal mass. Everything is
formed again, oxygen, H2O, Helium etc.

Life conditions are formed againbut its going to be a process because the star is now
small, does not radiate the same amount of light and heat so it will take a while until the
planet becomes suitable for biological life again.

It will take a while until pure essences of what was once humans can take biological hosts
again and to incarnate on the new Earth. But with all power and knowledge regained I do not
think that many would chose to return to 3D reality which is only a school.

If Dark Side plans are successful, THE UNITY is not reached; huge part of humanity will be
taken to different parts of cosmos, far beyond the touch of the powerful energy that was
released from Sgr*A, which as mentioned before is capable of DNA mutation. Again
extended explanation you can find in the PDF. The Forces of Light are fighting strongly to
prevent such scenario.

Scenario (2012-2013) Number 2

Vibrational field of the organism we call Earth has reached the satisfactory level where
consciousness had prevailed over vandalism and lower material naturethere is strong
meditative connection between human and 18 different species.

That meditative connection of all life becomes so strong that it feels the life force of the
planet to the atomic level; it feels GAIA and becomes ONE with it

The shield protects from the CMEs and arriving energy

As soon as those two appeared, one of them was erased by someone, but when the image is
inverted its becoming clear that the erased one is actually the Sun with CMEs moving out
from the surface. Its there just in front of the Seed of Life crop design with the points where
Seed of life needs to complete the next two steps in order Flower of Life shield to be

The flower of life protective astral-magnetic field is created around Earth and the planetary
Star Tetrahedron is fired up and spinning in beautiful lightthe energy passes, the planet is
compatible for upgrade, reconfiguration of the RNA/DNA of all life, and ascension takes

Everything in the Universe runs on energy. It was deliberately put there so we will
understand that in order to work we need to spin the spheres.

Starting from the central one.

These astral/energetic/magnetic spheres needs to be rotated clockwise when observed from
outside or anticlockwise when observed from inside.

This needs to be done not only on planetary scale but on the individual level too

It has to be done in 3 steps. Energies of your thoughts and emotions needs to be used but in
order that you are successful you need to transfer your awareness from your physical body to
your light body!

Here is a link how to do the Merkaba.

The described meditative technique inside the link is only a basic one and soon more
complex and accurate way of doing it will be provided.

In other words, you need to become aware of your true essence and you need to feel your
complex auric field.

You need to reshape your magnetic aura from its default appearance into Flower of Life
Auric Structure in 3 steps:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Order of creation of the spheres. Create the spheres one by one, using your concentration and
creative visualization.

Here are the colour of the spheres relating to chakras. It starts with the green sphere of Love
and ends with purity top white one. 19 spheres that pulsate with energy and all spun
counter-clockwise observing from your standing point. Meditation needs to be done as you
stay or as you laying on the

The same needs to be done on a planetary scale. The order of the creation is completely the

As mentioned, if Scenario 2 takes place, the Life will continue on 3D, oceans will remain and
will not be boiled since the planets magnetosphere will become the flower of life protective
shield. GAIA through its polar openings will stream more energy into the star tetrahedron and
the whole flower of life structure

The generated force field is strong enough to shield from the heat and radiationStar is
reborn, Earth staysall the dirt is cleaned between 23 Dec 2012 28 March 2013 and Earth
survives and its reborn in the Era of Light, Peace and Harmony.

The meditative ONENESS holds and protects the LIFE on the Planet.

At the moment we are late, and the odds to accomplish this are 1:1000 but forget about
oddskeep on going, fast and strong, believe and it will be manifested. Do not fear, keep the
focus and it will achieved.

Everything starts inside the consciousnesswell consciousness is what our planet is, what
our sun is and what our universe iswe just need to learn to recognize and to tune into that
huge ocean of consciousnesses.

Now you know why Seed and Flower of Life are depicted everywhere on the Ancient
TemplesIt is Warning to the future generations and the KEY in the same time.

There are only handful of people that live on the surface of this planet that have understood
this properly

The TIME has come for Ancient Secret to be revealed again. The way we use this revelation
will affect us all and the ones that are around us

The main objectives:

The main objectives are to achieve synchronization of the consciousness of humanity with
Gaia (i.e the consciousness of our Planet) and with other 18 positively oriented species that
live here in parallel, mostly underground and inside the deepness of the oceans. They all have
different cultures but they all understand the importance of doing this Flower of Life
Protective Shield.

In this moment, due to human foolish behavior and ignorance, majority of the races are
avoiding direct physical contact. Most of them are always keeping an eye on what we are
doing with our nuclear weapons, so we will not do something foolish and destroy our mutual
home Earth.

Its becoming obvious that some of the races had taken responsibility to help us by delivering
to us certain amount of knowledge that will be helpful in understanding what is necessary to
be done before the Great Cycle ends on Dec 23rd 2012.

They are warning us about the destiny of our race and our world so that we communicate
among each other of the course we have to take in order to avoid the mega disaster which
threatens our world and the worlds around us. They are helping us to grow both spiritually
and intellectually, so that we can play our role in the process of the great awakening as planet
passes into the New Age of Aquarius.

All those races had realized that time has come to achieve a planetary unity in order to defend
all planetary life as powerful energetic pulse comes along and makes extreme changes to our

For many this will sound like heavily loaded science fiction, but for those who are ready, who
started to awake and who are picking up the awakening impulses coming from Sgr*A, they
will know that this is true and that this is the key. They will hear and they will resonate.

In other words, this is an effort to achieve planetary oneness a single focus of positive
energy in order to create the fundamental geometrical astral/magnetic field of cosmic
creation, to activate healing energies with the intention of DNA regeneration of all life and to
prepare ourselves and our planet for the arrival of the Nexus 2012 Event; this being a
Superwave that is arriving from the galactic center.

In summary, this is an attempt to synchronize as many people as possible, particularly those

already participating in spiritual groups around the world and who are practicing meditation.
A singular, meditative stream of consciousness carries enough psionic power to influence the
basic structure of the Matrix for the benefit of the whole of humanity.

This is because the fractal structure of the Matrix can be modified with the power of our
thoughts and only if they are pure enough, if they are strong enough, and if they are focused
enough to effect such a change.

So we need to start to practice how to do it!

One hour Flower of Life planetary meditation will do for a start. Lets say between 7 am
and 8 am Brisbane time - every Saturday and all the rest can refer to that time according to
their own time zone. Its very important to be done in the same time everywhere on the planet.

Example: If you live in London, you will need to tune into the meditation in the time that
matches Saturday 7 am Brisbane time and you will need to be in meditative state emanating
energy for a whole hour.

Once again, to be absolutely clear to everyone

We are talking about a 1 hour-long synchronized Flower of Life planetary meditation

from our homes every Saturday at 7 am.

Every participant starts the global meditation according to the Time Zone of their respective
location in accordance with the 7 am Saturday Brisbane time.

Put some beautiful meditative music on. Music that fulfills you, that makes you feel nice and
relaxedmusic that brings peace and takes you into the deep.

Close your eyes, feel the energy, feel the vibe, become one with it. Open up, and stop the
thinking process.

That will take you to present moment, here and now and the first thing you will become
aware of will be your breathing. If you try to control your breathing you will soon realize that
there is a way to use your breathing to remain in that state of no thoughts.

Start to feel how your vibrational field becomes one with the vibration that exists inside the
crop circles. Visualize in your consciousness images of crop circles where the flower of life is

Open uptry to establish communication with the cosmic intelligence that is making those
crop circles.

Dont be afraid, seek contact with open heart and full strength.

Know this

If you want to do a harm to someone, you never give him/her knowledge to grow
intellectually, technologically and spiritually, but you keep him/her in the dark so he/she will
remain ignorant and easy to be manipulated.

The more a person awakes, grows and gains knowledge, its getting harder and harder to
manipulate him/her and keep him/her under control.

Observation of Spinning Crop Circles Way to Connect with Crop Circle makers

Fact: Crops circles had given us such knowledge and information that we were able to
improve ourselves intellectuality, technologically and most important spiritually.

So, do not be afraid of the contact, soon we will need to establish meditative-telepathic
contact not just with them, but 17 other positively oriented races in order we defend the life
on Earth. More and more of us are awakening every day, time is speeding up, things are
changing rapidly minute by minute, soon we will grow enough both intellectually and
spiritually that we will able to co-create Flower of Life Planetary Field.

How you will know who is positive and who is not?

You will feel in your heart. Thats where you are most powerful, thats where your compass
and radar are, and thats where you truly sense is the outer vibration harmful of not.

You just need to trust your own hearth.

Time for conflict is overits time we wake up that we are sharing this solar system with
other races and that only way that is left for us is that we open up towards the stars and
cosmic co-existence.

Lets go on

Flow with the intent and purpose of the creation and emanate friendly impulses that hold no
harm to anyone, that express that you are one with everything and that everything is made
from the same energy.

Release a intelligent pulse that you want to help in the creation of the protective field, and
that you understand the importance of such action. Feel the best in a human, realize that time
for conflict is over and that we need to move towards our evolution. Feel how more and
more, your DNA antenna start to pick up signals from everywhere, especially from the GAIA
it self.

Feel Love, Joy, Happiness, Friendship and harmony with everything. The GAIA through crop
formations will amplify those emotions. Send them out towards all the planet, send healing
energy and manifest purification process. Send psionic pulses one by one, every next pulse
stronger then the one before. Send it where is needed

Join in meditative oneness, feel joy, happiness, harmony. Do it for real.

Go back in your life and remember of something beautiful that took place long
agosomething that means so much to you Something that you see as sacred, something
that puts you into a state of joy and happiness.

Once you enter that emotional state of consciousness, stay in that state. See how extremely
strong bright white light starts to come from your inside, if you open your eyes only bright
light should be visible. Make that visualization the best you can and feel it to the atomic
structure. Release that energy outwards. See and feel how powerful wave of energy is
spreading everywhere along the planet cleaning all the spots of dark fog.

Do it until the whole planet is energetically clean and shines with light.

In the moment, our planet needs those energies like blood infusion. We all have been
borrowing energy from our mother Earth for so longits time to give some back. Mother
Earth will receive it, she will amplify that energy and send it back to us. If you are doing this
with open hearth you will feel this very strong .

You will feel how the force is getting stronger in you and around you. Send that force back to
Earth. The more you send it, the more you will receive it back like laser bounced of a mirror.
The energy will grow more and more and its your obligation to direct it constructively. We
have to open up to those energies, go back to our source our consciousness and all
powers that we are connected to.

This is the only way towards future.

We need to let go of the old models and we need to stop the conflict among us. Forget about
poor or rich, color of the skin, social status, education those are all illusions.

The truth is that we are all ONE and that we are all made from the same energy.

We have to unite, there is no other way!

All competition, ego or whatever that keeps our vibration down must disappear from us
before we can tune into onenessbefore we can all enter group meditation and achieve
oneness similar to one that is beautifully depicted in the Avatar movie.

Release the energies and positive vibe out. Feel how the sacred sites and the points where
past crop formations where delivered are coming alive, start to emanate light and becoming
one with youfeel how the energy flow amplifies your thoughts, making them stronger and

Then visualize the world you want to live.

A world without any evil, lies or deceptionsthe world how it should be a New world of
harmony and peace. A world where morality is the only direction of existence. If we are ONE
and we are all the same, who needs competition, who needs leaders and hierarchy?

We are all good in different things, if we forget about differences and work how to unite our
skills and knowledge we will make it. We have to move from mine towards ours.

Visualize how our planet heals itself from generated energy. Feel and see within your
consciousness a creation of strong force field around Earth. Feel the huge ocean of sharing
positive energy moving in and out from Earth. Moving on the surface of the planet
distributing peace and balance and refreshing all life.

Visualize how magnetosphere starts to pulsate with energy.

Using the creativity of your consciousness start to form the planetary Seed of Life
astral structure.

Visualize how GAIA the inner sun in the center of our hollow planet is starting to

The color of light of the inner sun depends on current state of planetary consciousness
and which charge is dominant. Most times the light that is coming from GAIA dominate
greenish color.

That is why the polar auroras are mostly green, sometimes having some yellow light too,
but sometimes they turn red and rarely they have beautifully bluish-white color.

The bluish white light usually comes when the planet breaths with most divine and
when millions of Shamballas citizens gather in meditation to unite their energy with

Visualize how the inner sun is starting to glow with beautiful bluish-white light.

The visualization in you consciousness is set like this:

The top of the planet matches the North Pole opening, the center matches the inner
sun of the planet and the bottom point is the South Pole opening

With years the polar openings are contracting and expanding depends on the radio signals
that are coming from the Sun. Sun is completely alive and conscious as all the planets are.
Majority of the planets in our solar system are hollow and there are inner mini suns inside
their centers. Majority of what we been told is false. The old models of understanding are
starting to fall apart like towers of cards as new input comes along

See and feel your personal connection with the planetary core. GAIA releases energy
and the spherical energy field is getting bigger and bigger until it reaches the whole

Thats the first half transparent sphere where Earth fits perfectly.

Make projection of that sphere upwards and create the second half transparent sphere.

Feel the energetic connection between those two.

Visualize how the core of the planet starts to pulsate stronger and stronger, emanating
more light and energy into those two spheres.

They form what is known Vesica Piscis.

The third projection is generated between those two.

Before every new sphere is projected visualize the core of the planet pulsating more and
more and sending energy towards already created ones and every time creates another

The order of creation is already given with numbers.

When you are done with the first seven spheres and you have generated the Seed of
Life astral structure the next step is to spin them.

You concentrate on the central sphere and you start to move it counter-clockwise
observed from inner observing point or clockwise if Earth is observed from space.

You start to spin that sphere to maximum. As it is spinning more and more you start to
see an electrical current forming inside that central sphere.

That powerful electrical current is moving into the second sphere and that one starts to
spin also.

Soon it reaches the same speed and electrical force. When that happens electricity
spreads into the third sphere and that starts to spin also.

You continue to do that until you activate all of the seven spheres of the Seed of Life
astral structure.

Use the maximal power of your thoughts and push your brain to maximum.

If done properly you will feel that your light body is responding to the created

Feel Oneness with everything, everywhere in the cosmos. Feel the neutrinos from the Sun
and from everywhere else moving around you and through you. Feel ready to for the next
step in order that we play our part. Visualize earthquakes, hurricanes and floods reducing

rapidly, all other phenomena, and keep sending your energy towards Earth and towards all
life on the planet it in order that we all go smoothly through the transit 2012-2013.

Now, stop spinning the seven spheres, but do not shut them off. Keep them in static

Start to create the second layer of spheres that consist of six spheres.

Again, the order of creation is given above. (please see the numbers)

Exactly the same as done with the first seven spheres, the core of the planet pulsates
stronger and stronger, distributes more energy in all of the spheres.

It does this in perfect order and when it reaches the last one, always creates another

When you are done with the creation of the 13 spheres you concentrate again on the
central sphere where the Earth is.

Again you start to spin that sphere and when electrical current appears pass it to the
second sphere and as that is done that sphere starts to spin also.

In the crop design you can see the Inner Sun GAIA. They explain that we need to rotate the
central sphere to generate power necessary the seed of life to come alive and to distribute
energy into the rest of the spheres.

Then do the same with the the third sphereand so on, until you reach the last
thirteenth sphere.

13 Spheres are rotating fast and electricity is generated in the central sphere and it
moves from one sphere to the next one until it reaches the 13th sphere.

Feel how powerful electrical field around our planet had become.

Stop the spinning again and disconnect the electricity. The spheres are still pulsating
but the electrical current is off.

Concentrate on the central sphere again and how it pulsates. The pulsating energy
moves from sphere to sphere it reaches the thirteenth sphere and creates another one.

That sphere is the first of the third and last layer of spheres that will complete the
Flower of Life Astral structure.

Again, the way and order of creation is given above.

When all 19 spheres are in place, you can see them in your consciousness, you can reach
them and feel them with your energy, concentrate again on the central sphere.

Again it starts to spin very fast and that rotation produces electricity and magnetism.

The electrical current moves into the second sphere it starts to spin too, then it moves to
the next one and so on until it reaches the last 19th and that one starts to spin also.

The generated electrical force is so strong that it affect the surrounding space. The
magnetism is increasing as the electrical current moves from one sphere to the next one
and everything around us becoming more magnetic.

As the electrical current moves through the 19 spheres of the Flower of Life structure, it
start to move back towards the central sphere through the Vesica Piscis that are
generated inside the Seed of Life.

The whole force field is becoming self sufficient and its starting to work on its own. The
electrical energy is moving outside from planetary core towards the astral-magnetic
structure and back again towards the core of the planet through created petals vesica
piscis inside the Seed of Life.

As the Flower of Life rotates fast and electricity is moving out and in, two planetary
tetrahedrons are forming with apexes on the Poles.

Charged by the energy of the core itself, the planetary tetrahedrons start to rotate in
different direction and they form planetary star tetrahedron.

The one with apex at the North Pole opening rotates clockwise and the one with the
apex at the South Pole opening rotates counter-clockwise.

The rotation of the star tetrahedron reaches extreme rate and the whole Flower of Life
astral-magnetic structure becomes a protective and strong force field. A force field that
will not allow anything harmful to penetrate in.

This is what the rest 18 races will be doing. Please have in consideration that most of the
species have more functional DNA potential then our current DNA potential and they
will lead the creation. But we need to do the same and give our best.

This Force field will protect Earth from approaching hot magnetic gas from the Ribbon
and from the extreme heat form the expanding Sun.

This my brothers and sisters is the key to avoid a great catastrophe on 3D Level.

Please spread this information to many as possible. Time is getting short and there is great
importance that we do this.

We can not win this with guns, lasers, weaponsbut only with higher consciousness.
Spirituality is what makes us human. Our technology is useless if we die from inside and
become like machines. We need to open up people, see things with different eyes.

In 2002 the message that appeared in the crop field in Crabwood Farm, Hampshire in UK
said: Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN
but still time. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING
[bell sound]

If we analyse the line: Much PAIN but still time a logical question appears What do
we need to do, before time runs out and cycle closes?

We need to co-create a field of energy around our planet in shape of a Flower of Life with a
star tetrahedron in its center. One hour Flower of Life planetary meditation between 7 am
and 8 am Brisbane time - every Saturday!

Time had shortened but we understand now what they are referring to and what is
smart that we all do.

So lets do it!

Final Word
I will leave you with the full message that was delivered back in 1977.

The message is what I resonate with and where my heart is:

This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command,

speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you
now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your
planet Earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may
communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which
threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you
may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius.

The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your
rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of
which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show
yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and
goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of
the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only
those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to
you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your
world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it
to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.

Your inner divine self will protect you from this.

You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is
confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you
will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We
have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies.
You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth
than your scientists admit.

We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to
help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of
your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are

now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth
of the Cosmos

I Love You All

Pane Astral Walker Andov


I want to express my deepest gratitude to my good friend Mo (Momir Pajic) from Brisbane for all his support. Without him
the creation of this important document was simple impossible. Thank You brother!

I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved wife Svetlana Andova and our two wonderful children Leon
Andov and Sara Andova for putting up with me all this time necessary to write the document. If it were not for Svetlanas
unconditional love and support as well as her taking care of the home and the family the document would have never been
written. I Love you all!

Many thanks to all my friends from the stars and to all my friends from the hollow Earth. Thank you for all your guidance
and support. I really appreciate it.
I also want to thank everyone else who was helpful in any way.




In 2007, the History Channel from FOXTEL had released series of documentaries that
illustrate something extraordinary: extreme expansion of our Sun and that some of the elite
NASA scientists have wild predictions about the next solar maximum in 2012. Of course on
the end of each documentary they had to explain that there is no need for panic or concern
since that is an event that will happen billion years in the future.

The name of the American documentary television series was The Universe and has
covered the latest scientific research conducted by NASA. The show features computer-
generated imagery/computer graphics of astronomical objects in the universe and interviews
with scientists who study in the fields of cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics.

The focus was about the connection of the supermassive black hole (Sagittarius A*) with
the rest of the galaxy, especially with our solar system. And finally, the evidence that Sgr A*
exploded 26 000 years ago and that powerful burst of energy was released. In other words,
a powerful energetic pulse created by explosion of Sgr A* started to travel away from the
galactic centre 26 000 years ago, spreading towards the corners of the galaxy.

Because of the distance, it took that long for the pulse to spread so far and to get so close to
us because our solar system is on the very edge of the Milky Way some 26000 light years
away from the galactic center.

Many documentaries of mentioned American television series had shown the expansion of
our Sun in great detail. In order to show the public how that expansion is possible, NASA
scientists had gone through extensive explanation of the most complex dynamics of our star,
sunspots, CMEs, solar wind, solar min/maxand so much more just to tell us what the Sun
is capable of doing if something alters its inner dynamic.

NASA scientists were persistent to tell the viewers that our star is enormous source of heat
and energy and that just one direct hit of 100 Radiation Super Flare is capable of destroying
our ozone layer and killing every living organism on the planet. Just ONE Super Flare, not to
mention if Sun expands in size and goes through what is known as Red Giant Phase.


Our Sun is a type of star known as a Yellow Dwarf. Yellow because of the colour of the
surface, and Dwarf because its small for a star. But from different perspective, its huge -
since inside its boundaries you can fit 1000 Earths.

The Sun is the Super Power of our solar

system. It consists mostly from Helium and
Hydrogen superheated into plasma that burns
at millions of degrees. Inside the Sun,
Hydrogen atoms are flanged together by
immense pressure to form Helium atoms. In
this fusion process, the resulting atoms are less
massive than the ones that created them. The
missing mass is given off as energy. Each
second, inside the Sun, six hundred million
tonnes of Hydrogen are fused into five hundred
ninety five million tonnes of Helium. That five
million tonnes of mass lost in the process, is
converted into energy equal to one billion one megaton hydrogen bombs exploding in the
same second. This happens every second inside the Sun. In other words the Sun is
powered by nuclear fusion.

It has a surface temperature of 10.000 degrees Fahrenheit and that generates 380 billion
billion megawatts of Power. Nothing on Earth is capable of producing such amount of
energy. The Hoover Dam in Nevada generates only 280 megawatts. We are talking about
380,000,000,000,000,000,000 megawatts of power just in one second.

From the latest data, we understand that the Sun had gone through 4 reset points. Our star
is too small to go out in a bang. In other words its too small to erupt in Supernova. Stars the
size of our Sun, do a peculiar thing. The hotter they get the cooler they get from inside.

As the Suns hydrogen fuel starts to dissipate, our star will start to cool very fast and
gradually it will collapse under the force of gravity. Energy from this collapse will start heating
the core again to hundreds of millions of degrees. It will get so hot again that it will start to
burn helium. Under the extra heat of the helium the Sun will expand into a monstrous plasma
orb called a red giant. It will get so big that it will engulf the entire orbits of Mercury and
Venus. It is due to happen during the next solar maximum in 2012.

The Sun and the Earth have unique relationship between each other. Much of that is based
on the ideal distance between our planet and the Sun. If the distance between the Earth and
Sun increases the planet will become too hot and it will no longer be suitable for biological
life forms but if the distance decreases the planet will become a frozen world. In other words,
the distance of the Sun directly impacts the planets climate.

As previously presented, in this moment Sun is burning Hydrogen into Helium but when it
reaches a phase of maximal burning it will start to burn Helium into Carbon. Thats when

things are getting hot inside the Sun. That is the point when Yellow Dwarf starts to expand
and it becomes a Red Giant.

When the Sun becomes a Red Giant it will grow at least 30 times its own size. It will swallow
Mercury and Venus. The luminosity of the Sun will increase at least 1000 times. Thats going
to make Earth so hot that the outer crust will start to melt. As the Sun gets closer its heat will
boil the water in the oceans. Only some portion of the water will remain in the underground
cavities. In the case of the Australias safe zone the Triangle Area that I will speak of in my
presentation, the unground water from the Great Artesian Basin will help sustain life in that

The Sun will start expanding slowly.

The Expansion Phase: The Hydrogen in the core of the star has all been used, and the
fusion of hydrogen in a shell around the core starts. This makes the sun swell up: Its radius
becomes about 40% larger and its luminosity twice as bright. In the process of becoming a
Red Giant it will become much cooler but not for us. Despite the fact it will get cooler and the
colour will change from Yellow to Red, it will still be incredibly hot and capable of evaporating
all the oceans on the Earth in when it comes into the closest point. The boiling and the
evaporating process will be complete in just few minutes.

Water is essential for life. If the Earth loses all its water, organic life will disappear.

As a Red Giant does, the Sun will fluctuate in size before it collapses into a White Dwarf.

Mainstream science defines the last of the growing process of a star from the start until it
reaches maximum size takes billions of years. In reality evidence showed that process of
Yellow Dwarf star turning to Red Giant, releasing the outer layer and finally becoming a
White Dwarf - can happen in few months time.

The proof of that is everywhere in space.

Take for example the Chi Cygni - a star similar to our Sun (but much bigger) that was
observed going through Red Giant Phase in 2003. About 550 light-years from Earth, Chi
Cygni has swollen in size to become a red giant and very largeMoreover, it has begun to
pulse dramatically in and out, beating like a giant heart. New close-up photos of the surface
of this distant star show its throbbing motions in unprecedented detail. Chi Cygni pulsated
once every 408 days. At its smallest diameter of 300 million miles, it became mottled with
brilliant spots as massive plumes of hot plasma roiled its surface.

As it expands, Chi Cygni cools and dims, growing to a diameter of 480 million miles - large
enough to engulf and cook our solar system's asteroid belt. This star behaviour clearly
demonstrated Red Giant Phase and gives unbreakable proof that it does not take billion
years for a star to grow drastically in size but just a period of months.

Previous size Size after around 6 months and a half

If you like you can check the evidence on this link:

Summarized, Chi Cygni is much larger than our Sun which has diameter of only 860,000
miles, and that is why it experienced such expansions and contractions. In our case, our
precious star does not have the fuel or nuclear energy to manifest such behaviour, but it will
go into a few months expansion phase. The culmination as mentioned before will result with
releasing the outer layer into space.

The Earth will be moved from its nominal orbit. As the Sun is swelling it also begins to lose
its mass. It will lose mass more rapidly that its losing in this moment. The logic is simple
getting less massive means less hold or pull on the Earth. In other words, the planet will start
to move further out into a larger orbit.

Its going to be a kind of race between growing Sun (growing heat from the star) and Earth
moving little away from that fire that is getting too hot.

For life to develop anywhere, carbon organics have to be present, water seems to be an
essential ingredient. As mentioned before, it is very important for you to understand that Sun
had gone through this same process 4 times. That is why ancient Mayas had era of the First
Sun, Second Sun, Third Sun, Fourth Sun and now according to their Long Count Calendar
we are living at the very end of the Fifth Sun. In fact only few really understood what Mayan
Long Count Calendar actually is counting.

When the Red Giant phase had reached its

maximum and the extreme hit and solar storms
had formatted almost everything in 3D realm in
its near distance, the outer layer of the star is
ejected into space distributing again all of the
essential elements, including Hydrogen,
Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorus, Nitrogen etc.
H2O forms again and life that survived the
Event can go on. Everything starts from
beginning again.


Before I go on, I feel the need

to show you at least one race
that is creating so called crop
circles. I believe most of you
know what is depicted on the
upper images. For you that
dont know I will try to simplify
in few sentences. We made
contact - with extraterrestrials
that is - this is one of their
responses. It all started in
1974, before SETI (The
Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) was even
formed (1984), but at the
beginning of the Arecibo
project. At this time,
upgrading the Arecibo station
in the US Territory of Puerto
Rico was done with the help of Frank Drake and Carl Sagan. The most interesting
experiment in 1974 with Arecibo however was it's 3 Terawatt narrowband transmission of a
"human template" in the direction of the M13 globular star cluster which consists of 300,000
stars and is in the constellation of Hercules. The journey of the human template message
from Arecibo would take 22,800 light years to reach Messier 13. It took a tiny fraction of that
to receive a reply however.

The human template, originally sent in 1974 by Arecibo is shown to the left. With the help of
Richard C. Hoagland, in 1971 templates were added to United States spacecraft, but the
human template transmission in 1974 was sent at the speed of light and in binary form. The
blank space in the image represents a binary 0 and the solid blocks represent binary 1's.

The Arecibo message included, among other things, the binary equivalent of the numbers 1-
10 showing a "base of 10" identifying our math system and a way to decipher the message.
Below these numbers identified the most common atomic numbers in life that we knew at
that time. We transmitted our atomic numbers for Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and
Phosphorus. We didn't stop there and added the molecular formulas for our human DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic Acid).

In 1974, we knew the estimated number of nucleotides in our DNA, and we transmitted
those as well and you can also see our "Double Helix" DNA Strand. We also sent, as the
human race, our average height, and a rough proportional representation of our bodies. The
population of our planet earth, which in 1974 was estimated as 4.29 Billion Humans was also
transmitted. For the source of the transmission, planet Earth, Arecibo, we sent our solar
system identifying the third planet from the Sun - Earth - just under our feet. Also with the
source was the Arecibo Telescope, with it's diameter.

Expecting the transmission to take 22,800 Light Years might have been an exaggeration
when, in reality it may reach life much earlier. In fact, the transmission has now travelled
nearly 27 light years from Earth (156 trillion + miles) - towards M13, and has passed the
distance of the closest star from our Sun which is 4.3 light years away. It takes only
approximately 1 minute to reach Mars travelling at light speed for perspective, or 1.23
seconds to reach the moon.

Response arrived at Chilbolton Telescope, England on August 13, 2001, and evening of
August 18 or 19th. The transmission was received in the form of 2 crop glyphs next to the
Chilbolton Radio Telescope run by the British Government in England.

Extraterrestrial Atomic Numbers for Life - The atomic number for Silicon (14) is inserted
in it's correct position in the list of atomic numbers for life, just before Phosphorus (15). This
is an indication of intelligence and knowledge of the human periodic table.

Extraterrestrial Molecular DNA Structure Triple helix DNA functionality they have
more evolved biological hosts that humans have. The atomic number for Silicon depicted.
This is an indication that their skin is more dolphin type and similar colour to dolphins.

Extraterrestrial Body Grid Area - The extraterrestrial body equals 3.30 Feet, or 3 Feet 4
inches which is compared to 5.78 feet for the human or 5 feet 9.5 inches. There are
significant changes to the alien body visual representation. Extraterrestrial body is smaller,
and the head is bigger.

Extraterrestrial Solar System Changes They live underground and underwater on Earth
usually invisible to our perception, mostly on Mars and also on four moons of Jupiter.

Extraterrestrial Population in 2001 - The binary number converted to decimal values

12,742,213,502 or 12.74 Billion. From other sources at least one third lives on Earth,
majority on Mars and the rest on bases on four moons of Jupiter. Is it not funny to search for
other intelligent forms of life in the cosmos while we have them on the Earth and we share
the planet with them and others that we start to become aware of? Anyway, just for the
record in the original Arecibo message that was sent to space in 1974 there was a binary
value of 4,292,853,750 or est 4.29 Billion in human Population of that same year. Today we
have human population of 7 Billion.

Please have in consideration that we are talking about one intelligent race. We will cover this
subject on the presentation in more detail.


Before we can take for granted the crop messages and how they are related to released
energy from the galactic center of the Milky Way, Red Giant Phase of our Sun in 2012 and
upgrade of the DNA molecule, Ancient Calendars and a lot more, we need to see and
understand without any prejudice what exactly the phenomena is.

One of the essential characteristics of crop circles is that they appear to have been formed
by some form of electromagnetic energy created by intelligent source that is able to control it
to a very high degree.

Some eighty eyewitnesses as far flung as British Columbia & Australia have reported crop
circles forming in under twenty seconds; these witnesses describe sightings of incandescent
or brightly-coloured balls of light which either precede a crop circle or are actively involved in
its creation: in some cases shafts of light have descended onto a field and swirled the crop
into a geometric shape in less than fifteen seconds. Such reports are often described by

There has also been many reports of a very distinctive sound that is heard when crop circles
are being formed. In genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent, normally about
an inch off the ground and near the plants first node. In special cases, the stems are bent
six inches from the top of the seed head. Such features defeat the hoax argument, since a
plank or garden roller is required to flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in clear damage
to the plants.

The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the
stems to drop just above the ground at 90 degrees, where they reharden into their new and
very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature, and it is
the singlemost method of identifying the real phenomenon.

Hoax - manmade Genuine - real phenomenon White ancient horse monuments

Is there a connection?

Research and laboratory tests suggest that infrasound (sound below 20 Hz) is capable of
producing such and effect: High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the
stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants
nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers
that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design.
This process creates surface charring along the stems.

There are reports of many incidents where all sorts of electrical and mechanical equipment
has malfunctioned precisely when taken into a crop circle, and then resumes normal
functions as soon as it is removed from the immediate vicinity of the crop circle. The
engines of aircraft flying over crop circles have even been known to experience malfunction.
The stem of the plants within a crop circle are bent in a manner which cannot be explained
by conventional science. Crop circles have appeared in wheat, canola, barley, rye and
linseed as well as many other cultivated crops. With a number of these crops any attempt to
bend the stalk will result in it snapping.

However all plants in a crop circle have the stem permanently bent, and yet apart from that
they remain alive and well. As regards the walls of crop circles, this force is capable of
incising pictograms containing over a thousand elements with surgical precision, covering
areas of up to 150,000 square feet, and with such unerring accuracy that curtains of wheat
one stalk wide are sometimes all that separate one circle from another. The perimeter walls
resemble the seamless curve of a drum, and where inward-curving walls meet inside a
design, the central point can be defined down to a single stalk. From this description it is a
abundantly clear that the force that creates these crop circles has to include precision laser
beam technology.

The floor of crop circles consists of plants that have been flattened, but are otherwise
undamaged and unharmed. The flattened plants can be woven into complex spirals and
swirls, and there can also be several layers of densely interwoven stalks resembling
interrelated wave patterns.

Generally any attempt to pry the interwoven plants apart will destroy them. The flattening
process can also exhibit extraordinary selectivity. Different species of plant can be left
standing amongst an otherwise flattened crop. The selectivity can even extend to plants of
the same type and age which are left standing amidst flattened crop.

Laboratory analysis has revealed the crystalline structure of the flattened plants has actually
been changed by some force. Even more significant is the fact that the DNA is considerably
different from the plants that have not been flattened. In other words this force that has
flattened the crop had the exact vibrational frequency necessary to modify the information
patterns in the DNA.

The laboratory analysis also found that the seeds and the germinating process of the
affected plants had been changed. Although the plant itself was unharmed, this force had
made substantial changes to the plants natural regenerative processes. It is suggested that
this kind of change can only be brought about by tampering with the information patterns in
the DNA of the plant. As regards the flattening process itself, the laboratory analysis
undertaken by the biophysicist W.C. Levengood concluded that an energy source
originating in the microwave region had boiled the water inside the plants nodes, effectively
transforming it into steam.

There are opinions that most of the genuine crop circles are made from satellites or HAARP
using microwave energy, which is incorrect and clearly not the case. During the years, a lot
of video material is recorded that made the previous biological research more complete.

For all of you who would like to hear more on this research, who is making those complex
pictograms around the world and what most of them mean, I will make special presentation
in Brisbane very soon.

Summarized, many of the geometries that are delivered are countdown clocks to 2012 and
development of human consciousness

If you have any comments/questions or you would be interested in the detail power point
presentation please feel free to contact the author Pane AstralWalker Andov.



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