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STM32 Amazon web services IoT software expansion

for STM32Cube
Data brief

Ready to run firmware example using WiFi $SSOLFDWLRQOHYHOGHPRQVWUDWLRQV

and Ethernet connectivity to support quick

evaluation and development of AWS IoT cloud $:6 PEHG7/6 /Z,3 )UHH5726
Interface to configure the board to connect to
the Amazon web services (AWS) IoT %RDUG6XSSRUW +DUGZDUH$EVWUDFWLRQ
3DFNDJH %63 /D\HU +$/ &06,6

WiFi connection 'ULYHUV

AWS IoT connection, subscribe and publish

Specific features on the B-L475E-IOT01 board: 670 :L)LPRGXOH (WKHUQHW 6HQVRUV

Measurement of humidity, temperature, +DUGZDUHFRPSRQHQWV

3-axis magnetic data, 3D acceleration,

3D gyroscope data, atmospheric pressure %/(,27 )+',6&29(5< ),',6&29(5<
and time-of-flight
AWS key protection with firewall 06Y9

Remote firmware update

For the three boards, a sample application
performs the configuration of the board WiFi
Description parameters if WiFi is used and of its AWS
security credentials, the connection to the
The X-CUBE-AWS software expansion package
Internet, the connection to AWS, and the
consists of a set of libraries and application
publication of MQTT messages and the
examples for STM32L4 Series, STM32F4 Series
corresponding subscription.
and STM32F7 Series microcontrollers acting as
end devices. With the 32F769IDISCOVERY board, the AWS
connection is handled via Ethernet instead of
X-CUBE-AWS runs on three platforms. The
B-L475E-IOT01 board supports WiFi
connectivity with an on-board Inventek module. It For more details refer to user manual Getting
is equipped with a set of sensors able to report: started with X-CUBE-AWS Amazon web services
humidity, temperature, 3-axis magnetic data, 3D IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
acceleration, 3D gyroscope data, atmospheric (UM2178) available at
pressure, time-of-flight, and gesture detection.
The 32F413HDISCOVERY board supports WiFi
connectivity with an on-board Inventek module.
The 32F769IDISCOVERY board natively
provides an Ethernet interface.

March 2017 DocID030379 Rev 1 1/4

For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
Ordering information X-CUBE-AWS

Ordering information

X-CUBE-AWS is available for free download from the website.


The software components provided in this package come with different license schemes as
shown in Table 1.
For more details, refer to the license agreement of each component.

Table 1. Software component license agreements

Software component Owner License

aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C Amazon Apache License - Version 2.0

Board Support Package (BSP) ST BSD License
Cortex-M CMSIS ARM BSD License
FreeRTOS 2016 Real Time Engineers Ltd GNU GPL
HAL STM32 L0/F4/F7 ST BSD License
Inventek driver ST BSD License
2001-2004 Swedish Institute of
Computer Science
mbedTLS ARM Apache License - Version 2.0
Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd-party
Project examples ST

2/4 DocID030379 Rev 1

X-CUBE-AWS Revision history

Revision history

Table 2. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes

29-Mar-2017 1 Initial release.

DocID030379 Rev 1 3/4



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2017 STMicroelectronics All rights reserved

4/4 DocID030379 Rev 1

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