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March 16, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: itis my pleasure to serve as a reference for Brittany Morin as she pursues her future endeavors. | enjoyed having Brittany in my Professional Communication and Financial Literacy courses this year at Green Mountain Technology and Career Center Brittany has impressed me with her diligence and creativity Brittany demonstrates an incredibly motivated work ethic and willingness to improve upon assignments. While writing her business plan, for instance, Brittany took it upon herself to complete the assignment ahead of its deadline in order to have ample time to make improvements prior to receiving a final grade. On this assignment, and many others, Brittany found success through a methodical approach of following directions carefully, while still applying a genuine level of authenticity and creativity. It was clear that Brittany, although not particularly passionate about the English class curriculum, she was nonetheless motivated to become a better writer, even if that meant producing multiple drafts and revising specific sections of her writing for accuracy and clarity. Its this kind of effort that leads me to believe that she will be successful no matter the capacity. Although no longer in my class, Brittany continues to impress me with her level of professionalism. During a mock interview earlier in the semester, Brittany came prepared with a multiple copies of her cover letter, resume, and other materials, ‘Additionally she demonstrated the kind of poise, insightfulness, and clearly researched the position well. However, what really impressed me was the follow-up email and thank you card that she sent to me, indicating a level of care not often seen from young ‘adults, Brittany is somebody who will continue to grow and make a great addition to your institution should you afford her the opportunity Based on my experience as both an Advance Placement Composition and Humanities Instructor, | have confidence that Brittany's work ethic will lead her to success. | recommend her to you without reservation and am happy to answer any questions you may have, Respectfully Submitted, Christopher Lipa, M English and Financial iteracy Instructor

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