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Fluid Flow in Cracks as Related to

Low-Permeability Gas Sands

K.R. Brower, New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology
N.R. Morrow, SPE, New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology

A problem in formation evaluation of tight gas sands is resin into the sample, followed by etching after the epoxy
that their permeabilities are sometimes surprisingly sen- is set. 9- 11 Pore casts for over 20 samples, 11 12 of which
sitive to variations in overburden pressure. Photomicro- were selected for the variety they provided in geologic
graphs of pore casts show an interconnected system of character, typically showed sheet pores that are linked to
sheet pores, which are somewhat like the surfaces of a give random polyhedra. Within this structure are
randomized honeycomb. A mathematical relation for distributed relatively large pore spaces commonly formed
predicting the pressure dependence of flow rate in sheet by solution of individual grains and cements. These spaces
pores has been derived from the dimensions of the pores are often filled partially with matrix material.
and the elastic constants of the matrix. The equation has Inspection of pore casts before and after etching, and
been validated by measurements on artificial media con- thin sections of samples containing injected resin, indicates
taining cracks of known dimensions in glass and concrete. that individual grains are largely bounded by sheet pores;
The observed pressure sensitivity of the gas sands used individual polyhedra, seen in the pore cast, appear to be
in this study requires the aspect ratio of the pores (in this associated with individual grains or local regions bounded
case, the ratio of average large dimensions to sheet by grain surfaces. Thin sections generally show that, as
thickness) to be greater than 100. Aspect ratios have been a sediment is compacted over geologic time by pressure-
determined by taking the large dimension from photo- solution and recrystallization processes, the grains fit
micrographs of pore casts or grain size and the thickness together more and more snugly and may even fracture,
from mercury injection pressure or the slope of a plot of but they maintain their individual identities with respect
apparent permeability vs. the reciprocal of mean gas to neighboring grains. The polyhedral structure, therefore,
pressure. The latter gives the diffusive contribution to gas is related strongly to grain size distribution.
flow from which the pore size can be calculated. The two
methods for measuring pore size give satisfactory agree- Contact Between Grains. The ability of etchant, used
ment. The aspect ratios for the sheet pores in tight gas in preparation of pore casts, to penetrate the sheet pores
sands are large enough to explain the dependence of through many layers of particles may imply the existence
permeability on overburden pressure. of areas of cementation or direct contact between grains.
However, from examination of sheet pores studied to date,
Introduction the areas of actual contact between grains generally are
Sensitivity of permeability to overburden pressure is often difficult to identify from the pore casts and probably are
a key factor in formation evaluation of tight gas sands. 1,2 small. For some sediments with permeability less than
Gas permeability reductions of more than an order of about 0.005 md, it was difficult to prepare satisfactory
magnitude have been observed in dry cores when over- pore casts, possibly because the casts had very poor struc-
burden pressure is increased to typical formation values. tural integrity or because the resin did not penetrate the
Although this sensitivity to pressure has been related to space, if any, between grains. From our observations to
the presence of clays and shales, 3 the current consensus date, it seems likely that most tight sands of potential com-
is that the pressure behavior of crack-shaped pores-i. e. , mercial interest contain a network of polyhedral sheet
pores characterized by two large dimensions and one small pores that largely control permeability.
one-is largely responsible. 4-6 A similar conclusion was
reached earlier by Fatt with respect to the less severe, Pore Thickness. Electron micrographs of the sheet pore
but still significant, sensitivity exhibited by conventional edges, such as shown in Fig. 1d, for sands of less than
sandstones. 7 ,8 In this paper, the effect of pressure on 1 md permeability, show their thicknesses to range typical-
pore structure and consequent changes in gas permeability ly from about 0.2 to 4 p.m. The lower limit may be related
are examined for a variety of natural and synthetic porous to difficulties of preparing casts of even finer cracks, since
media. the presence of much smaller pores is indicated by mer-
cury porosimetry and NMR measurements. 12
Pore Structure
Surface Area. The two-dimensional network at the sur-
Pore Casts. The pore structure of tight sands is revealed
face of the pore cast permits estimates of crack length per
in three dimensions by resin pore casts such as those
unit area to be made. These can be translated to approx-
shown in Fig. 1. The cast is prepared by injection of epoxy
imations of crack surface area, An per unit volume. 13
Copyright 1985 Society of Petroleum Engineers Typical values, 11 counting both sides of the crack, were

APRIL 1985 191

1000 pm

(a) Example of well-defined sheet pore structure and solution (c) Typical appearance of sheet pores and solution porosity,
porosity, Wilkin Ridge, lOS, 17E, Sec. 21, UT. Depth =3140 Uinta Basin, U78JP16. Depth =2519.85 m [8,267 ttJ, q,= 7.5%,
m [10,302 ttl, q,a7%, k oo(35)=46.5Xl0- md, k oo(345) = k oo (35) =6.7x 10 -3 md, k oo(345) = 1.8 x 10 -3 md.
5.4xl0- 3 md.

~ I-----t
100 pm 1 pm

(b) Sheet pores of Wilkin Ridge sample shown in more detail. (d) End-on view of sheet pore, Brush Creek Well 1-25, 94W,
Sec. 25, CO. Depth=2218.60 m [7,279 ttJ, q,=8.4%,
k 00(35) = 22 x 10 -3 md, k 00(345) = 3 x 10 -3 md.

Flg_ 1-Electron micrographs of pore casts formed from low-permeability gas sands. (Samples supplied by J.K. Pitman , USGS.)

in the range of 125 to 275 cm 2 /cm 3 This range is in to measure this fraction from micrographs of pore casts
contrast to surface areas measured by nitrogen adsorp- have not been pursued because porosities obtained from
tion, which are usually in the range of 2.5 X 10 4 to point counts on micrographs were always too high. Likely
5 x 10 4 cm 2 I cm 3 . Thus, the surface area of the causes are the general difficulty of identifying a crack
polyhedral structure provides only a small fraction of the edge-the micrographs had high depth of field-and the
total surface area of the system, which is dominated by presence of undissolved grains and matrix material pro-
the matrix material, consisting of very fine particles tected by resin.) If the average thickness of sheet pores
including clays, and microporous minerals , such as chert. is 0.5 Jtm and their area, counting only one side, is 100
cm 2 /cm 3 , then the crack porosity, c , is 0.5 %, which
Porosity. Porosities of tight sands are typically about 8%. is less than one-tenth of the total porosity. These crack
The range of surface area and sheet pore thickness given areas and thicknesses were estimated from pore casts
above would indicate that the fraction of porosity caused prepared at ambient conditions; both thicknesses and
by cracks could range anywhere from a small fraction of effective path lengths for flow can be expected to be re-
the total porosity to about one-half. (To date, attempts duced by increased overburden pressure.








;:.;; (Normally SQUARE SHAPED 1/8"
connected to Qas (Normally the outlet)

~ : : ':;: :, : ',:;:,:;: : 9 ==_-__~__~ ____ ,~
I mm to, I I
(Permits play in I I
r-.., ..... -., direction of tube) I I
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L
__- _ _ _ _ _ _~n~--~I~I--~

Fig. 2-Apparatus for measurement of permeabilities and mercury injection pressures,

Particle Size Analyses. Sieve analyses for five samples The form of core holder used in the permeability
were carried out on disaggregated rock for particles down measurements is shown in Fig. 2. Details of the ex-
to 44-J-tm diameter. Surface areas estimated from the grain perimental procedure are given in the Appendix.
size distribution (for grains >44 J-tm) were somewhat In contrast to Vycor and mortar, low-permeability gas
higher than those estimated from crack length, indicating sands show reductions in gas permeability with over-
that not all of the larger individual grains provide cast burden pressure from 2- to 25-fold when loading is in-
polyhedra. Typical values of mean grain diameter by creased from 35 to 345 bar [50 to 5,000 psi]. Fatt pointed
weight were about 100 to 150 J-tm. out that the pressure sensitivity of relatively high-
permeability, consolidated sandstone was much greater
Aspect Ratio. From the observed sheet pore thicknesses
than could be reasonably expected for cylindrical pores.
and the measured grain and polyhedra sizes, we conclude
He demonstrated that pressure sensitivity of sandstones
that aspect ratios of the sheet pores typically could be in
could be mimicked by highly permeable artificial media
the range of 50 to 200. In specimens where difficulty was
containing sheet pores. 7 Further evidence that high aspect
met in forming pore casts, it is quite possible that sheet
ratio cracks are responsible for pressure-sensitive behavior
pores existed, but the casts did not have sufficient
is provided by Wyble, who measured changes in electrical
mechanical strength to endure acid leaching.
conductivity and permeability to water for three classes
of pressure-sensitive sandstones. 15 Permeability was
Permeability. In studies of tight sands, a general trend
markedly more sensitive to overburden pressure than was
has been observed that sensitivity to overburden pressure
electrical conductivity. Consideration of the presented data
increases as permeability decreases. However, this is far
shows that, on average, the reduction in permeability was
from a reliable rule of thumb and is certainly related to
fairly close to the cube of the reduction in electrical con-
details of pore structure rather than permeability. Ex-
ductivity; this is to be expected for cracks of high aspect
amples of low-permeability media that were not sensitive
ratio. The development of high aspect ratio pores in car-
to overburden pressure are provided by VycorTM glass
bonate rocks by recrystallization has been discussed at
and mortar. The Vycor product has a porosity of 28%
and pore diameter of only about 5 to 6 nm. 14 The pores length by Wardlaw. 9 For some reason not yet
understood, crystal growth appears to cease when two
are believed to be reasonably close to circular. Although
crystal surfaces come into close proximity. This behavior
the permeability was only about 5 x 10 -5 md, no reduc-
offers an explanation for the existence of grain-boundary
tion in flow rate was detected with increase in overburden
to 345 bar [5,000 psi]. Similarly, when a test core oflow- sheet pores in a wide variety of sedimentary rocks.
permeability media was formed from mortar, the
permeability of the material was 0.04 md, but the max- Confining Pressure and Pore Structure. The effect of
imum reduction in permeability was only about 10% for overburden pressure on pore structure of a pressure-
an increase in overburden pressure to 345 bar [5,000 psi]. sensitive tight sand was investigated by comparing a pore

APRIL 1985 193

100 I'm 1----1
100 I'm

(a) Ambient pressure. (c) 345 bar [5,000 psi} confining pressure.


100 I'm 1----1
100 I'm

(b) Sketch of region shown in Fig. 3a based on color slide . (d) Sketch of region shown in Fig. 3c based on color slide.
(Shallow etch.) (Deep etch.)

Fig. 3-Change in appearance of pore cast caused by increase in confining pressure from ambient conditions to 345 bar [5,000 psi].

cast formed at ambient conditions with one in which the even more sensitive test of the presence of sheet pores .
core was saturated with resin and subjected to a hydro- Pores of less than about O.5-lLm thickness are readily seen
static load of 345 bar [5,000 psi]. The core was allowed in pore casts but are difficult to detect by conventional
to set for 3 days. As a result of the pressurization, there means of inspection in 25- to 30-lLm thin sections because
was a dramatic change in the appearance of the pore cast. only very thin boundaries between neighboring grains are
Sheet pores were no longer abundant and partial etching seen.
revealed that the resin was retained as disconnected Because of the strong evidence pointing to crack-shaped
pockets associated with solution porosity. Photomicro- pores as a cause of pressure sensitivity of permeability,
graphs of the two types of structure observed with and quantitative confirmation was sought by examining in
without confining pressure are shown in Fig. 3. The detail the effect of stress on crack shape and flow behavior
micrographs were prepared from color slides and do not in cracks .
do justice to the clarity with which the features of pore
casts could be seen with the aid of a microscope. Compression of Penny-Shaped Cracks
However, the procedure permits unambiguous identifica- The literature on the effect of stress on cracks in elastic
tion of the resin-filled solution pores indicated in Fig. 3 media offers a number of possible starting points. A de-
for the regions shown in the photomicrographs. As a result tailed treatment is given by Sneddon and Lowengrub. 16
of the applied confining pressure, many of the cracks had Walsh 17 derived a relation for the compressibility of a
either closed or become so narrow that the resin struc- medium containing penny-shaped cracks:
ture, if formed, had collapsed during etching. We lean
towards the latter explanation. Comparable observations
on resin-imprefnated thin sections are reported by Keighin
and Sampath. In our experience, pore casts provide an
[1 + 16(1-u )r c 3], ... .. ..... ... .. .. (1)


in which c s is the compressibility of the medium, a is
the Poisson ratio, r c is the average radius of a crack, and
v is the volume of medium containing one crack. Expres-
sions for cracks of other shapes are similar in form but
differ in their dependence on a.17
Mavko and Nur 18 have proposed the following com-
pressibility expression for tapered cracks in which the
length and width are different:

............... (2)

The numerical coefficient is nearly the same as in Eq. 1,

but the lateral dimensions, r c and d, decrease as the crack
closes under pressure. For some types of cracks the
tapered shape may be physically more realistic, but this
is probably not true for sheet-like pores, which acquire
their form by recrystallization. In the previously men- 0.35 mm
tioned recrystallization experiments by Wardlaw, 9 the
Fig. 4A-Artificial cracks: sample broken to show penny-shaped
sheet pores will be enlarged at their edges. While the cracks in mortar formed by hydrolyzing Mylar disks.
peripheral mode of support of the penny-shaped cracks
may not be representative of sheet pores in tight sands
(we will return to this point later), the property of
unchanging lateral dimensions is considered appropriate. Viscous Flow in Cracks
The theory for compression of penny-shaped cracks was The flow rate, q, for viscous flow, can be related to the
tested by experiment. A cement mortar was prepared from average crack thickness, h, by assuming that q is propor-
40% Portland cement and 60% fine sand. One portion tional to h 3 This is only strictly true for cracks of con-
was mixed with Mylar disks of 3500-l-tm diameter and stant thickness (parallel planes, concentric spherical
25-l-tm thickness to give a concentration of 29 disks/cm 3 surfaces, etc.), but the errors introduced by nonuniform-
(0.0345 cm 3 0f medium/disk). The other portion served ity of h in the range of interest to us is not large. It can
as a control. Both portions were molded into cylinders be shown, for example, that if a channel of rectangular
of 1.25-cm diameter and 2.5-cm length and allowed to cross section is pinched in the center to form a straight-
set for two weeks. Then both cylinders were heated with sided figure with central thickness equal to h o/2 and
water for 1 hour at 200C [392 OF] to hydrolyze the Mylar average thickness equal to 3h o/4, the error in assuming
in the sample containing disks. A sample, broken open that the flow should be 04)3 qO is approximately 10%.
to reveal the penny-shaped cracks, is shown in Fig. 4A. Alternatively, if the crack is initially of thickness 2h at
The samples were saturated with water and placed in a the center and h at the edge, for reduction in central
permeameter that was adapted, as described in the Ap- thickness down to h/2, the error in estimating q from
pendix, to measurement of pore space compressibility. average thickness does not exceed 10% for up to an eight-
The volume of extruded water was measured at various fold reduction in q. Thus, the mechanism by which the
pressures up to 200 bar [2,900 psi]. The initial com- crack changes its average thickness is secondary to the
pressibility of the sample containing cracks was 1.41 times manner in which the average change affects flow behavior.
higher than that of a control core formed from the same If it were possible to measure the effects of flow
cement mortar mix. According to Eq. 1, with v=0.0345 behavior in well-connected penny-shaped cracks, a link
cm 3 , a=0.2, and r c =0.175 cm: between flow and compressibility would be obtained.
Assuming that the volume of a crack at pressure p is
7rh or c 2 (qp/qo) 'I" we obtain the relation
16(l-a 2 )rc 3
c'/c= 1 + = 1.44.

Eq. 1 will fail at pressures so high that opposite faces

of the crack come into contact. However, while additional Combining Eqs. 1 and 3 gives
surface-to-surface contacts may occur during compres-
sion of sheet pores, these probably will involve asperities,
and the crack area will remain essentially unchanged. A
q /qo= [ 1-----------
cP] 3 ............ (4)
model in which crack closure is controlled by elastic p 9(1-2a) 7rh o
deformation of a distribution of surface asperities is treated
in detail by Ostensen. 19 While this is a likely mechanism Eq. 4 has the same form as one proposed by Jennings et
for control of crack width, we will present evidence that al. 2o but differs in having no adjustable parameters. As
indicates that support between grains is such that tight for compressibility, Eq. 3 will fail if the faces of the crack
sands generally correspond to a pore system in which contact each other. In this region of behavior, the cube
permeability is controlled by high aspect ratio sheet pores. root of the permeability should not be linear in p but rather

APRIL 1985 195




Fig. 4B-Artificial cracks: crack formed by glass hemicylinders and shims.

some more slowly varying function such as the logarithm By setting C= 1 and using the kinetic theory of gases to
of pressure as proposed by Jones and Owens. 21 It should evaluate "A and p" we obtain
be emphasized, however, that in tying pressure to flow
rate by means of their relationship to pore thickness we
are concerned only with the early stages of compression ................... (6)
and only about an order of magnitude reduction in flow
rate. Any of the idealized models proposed to date would
be unsatisfactory beyond this point. It might place mat- This is similar in form to Eq. 5 with bh 2 in place of r3.
ters in perspective to mention that formation pressures The detailed treatment, such as discussed by Matson and
and the pressures involved in our experiments seldom ex- Quinn,26 of pure diffusion through a rectangular pore
ceed 10 % of the pressure at which opposite faces of a gives a result in which the flow is not simply proportional
crack will touch for either form of the idealized crack cor- to b. The flow increases more rapidly than b owing to
responding to Eqs. I and 2. Obviously, predictions of flow a complex geometric factor that becomes linear in b only
behavior in penny-shaped cracks cannot be tested by at extremely high aspect ratios. This appears to be caused
experiment, since the cracks are not connected. by very long flights between collisions by molecules
moving at small angles to the plane of the crack. We
Pore Size From Klinkenberg Plots believe that a relationship having the form of Eq. 6 is more
Measurement of the contribution to gas flow b~ diffusion suitable for present considerations because long flights will
derived from the slope of a Klinkenberg plot 2 offers an be interrupted by collisions between gas molecules when
indirect method of estimating a characteristic crack h is comparable to "A and by collisions with the walls, even
thickness. A number of writers have shown that the at low gas densities, because real cracks are never likely
number of molecules per second flowing through a to be perfectly smooth and straight as in the rectangular
capillary by diffusion is given by model.
Viscous flow is given by Eq. 7 for capillaries and Eq.
8 for cracks with edge effects being neglected.
Z r 3 ilp
q'= L.JMkBT ' .......................... (5) q=r4 ilppI8p,Lk B T ......................... (7)


where r is the radius, I1plL is the pressure gradient, M q=bh 3 ilppI12p,Lk B T, ...................... (8)
is molecular mass, Z is a numerical constant which is
slightly different for different derivations, k B is the where p represents mean gas pressure. The apparent
Boltzmann constant, and T is temperature. The highest permeability for a given specimen, gas, and temperature
and lowest values of Z we have seen are 3.34 (Knudsen may be represented as follows.
cited by Youngquist 23 ) and 1.97 (Dullien 24 ). An exact
treatment is not important to the present work and a value kp =Cx(q+q')/l1pp . ....................... (9)
of three has been adopted somewhat arbitrarily.
The diffusive contribution to flow through a crack can The limiting permeability, k 00 , is ordinarily obtained by
be found by following Knudsen's25 analysis (see also plotting k p vs. lip and finding the intercept at p = 00. At
Klinkenberg22) of flow through a circular capillary by this point the relative contribution of diffusive flow is
consideration of so-called molecular slip at the surface. negligible. By combining Eq. 5 with Eq. 7 and Eq. 6 with
The slip velocity is h"ACl1pI2IlL, and the additional flow Eq. 8 and using the given definition of kp, we find
resulting from slip is bh 2 "ACpilpl2pk B TL where band h
are the width and thickness of the crack, respectively, "A 24p,(kBTIM) '/2
is the mean free path, C is a dimensionless constant near r= ........................ (10)
unity, k B is the Boltzmann constant, and T is temperature. 7rp(kplkoo -1)



666 4200 x 30 f.Lm
HEMI 181181181 6900 x 20f.Lm
1200 CYLINDERS 000 9000
I [ x 20f.Lm
0 +++ 9000 x 15f.Lm
X 1.00 MORTAR 000 5000 x 7.2f.Lm
"0 10.50
::J 0.80
UJ w 0.70
~ 6.00
ex: <:
$$$ HELIUM a:
0- XXX HYDROGEN ~ 0.60
4.50 0
3.00 FROM FLOW RAT[ 6.5 I'm >
FROM SLOPE OF } 5.4 I'm ~..J
KliNKENBERG PLOT 5.1 I'm UJ 0.40
150 a:
0.00 0.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 300 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 6.00

_L, bar -1
Fig. 5-Klinkenberg plots for crack between hemicylinders + 0
propped by 7-p.m shims (see Fig. 48).
0.00 ~~~~~""'---'"---I.._"""'_J..--..I._.....L..~
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
and Fig. 6-Comparison of theory with experiment for the effect of
pressure on flow in artificial cracks.
h = 2 '/2 48p,(k BTl M) '/,
57r Y'p(k Ik 00 -1)' .................... (11)
a measured area. The assembly was mounted in a rubber
Comparison of the numerical coefficients, 7.64 and 7.66, sleeve and placed in a permeameter under light load to
shows that a circular capillary of radius r will give essen- seal the edges. Flow rates were measured for helium and
tially the same result as a crack of thickness, h=r. hydrogen, which have high values of p,1./ii. Shims
Pore sizes obtained from measurements using Eq. 10 having a thickness of 7.0 p,m before loading gave flow
for mortar and Eq. 11 for two sandstones were compared rates that indicated h=6.5 p,m according to Eq. 8. The
with pore sizes determined from pressures required for values obtained from the slopes in Fig. 5 were 5.1 p,m
mercury injection. The respective sizes were 0.20 and for helium and 5.4 p,m for hydrogen.
0.29 p,m for mortar, 0.45 and 0.52 p,m for the first sand- To extend the test to a thinner crack and larger Klink-
stone, and 0.50 and 0.73 p,m for the second sandstone. enberg effect, the crack was propped with a light sprin-
The mercury injection values correspond to 20% mercury kling of zinc dust that covered about 1 % of the area. The
saturation. Considering that both 'measurements are zinc particles were flattened by loading to approximately
weighted averages, which are weighted in different ways, 200 bar [2,900 psi]. The thickness could no longer be pre-
and that each method has a distinctly different physical determined, but Eq. 8 gave a value of h=2.0 p,m. The
basis, the agreement is satisfactory. The determined values slope of the Klinkenberg plot, incorporated in Eq. 11,
for the sandstones are also consistent with crack gave h=2.80.4 p,m.
thicknesses observed for pore casts. A further series of tests on cracks between hemi-
cylinders was carried out using shims to form cracks hav-
ing the following widths and thicknesses expressed in p,m:
Experiments on Flow in Rectangular Cracks 9000 x 15, 6900x20, 9000x20, and 4200x30. The
The foregoing theory was also tested for a variety of ar- aspect ratios range from 600 to 140. Flow rates were
tificial cracks, most of which were formed with a pair measured using water with a hydrostatic head of 1 m.
of glass hemicylinders of 1.25-cm diameter and 2.5-cm Results are shown in Fig. 6, where relative flow rate,
length. The hemicylinders were fabricated by pressing qlqo, is plotted against p in bars. The calculated value
together the polished faces of two pieces of plate glass of 16(1-0 2 )/9(1-20), taking a value of 0 of 0.25 for
and cutting with a diamond core drill, aligned with and glass, is 3.3, but a value of 8.4 gives a better fit to Eq.
centered over the joint. A crack of known width and 3, as shown by the solid lines and associated data points.
thickness was formed by placing aluminum shims at each Qualitatively, a larger coefficient is appropriate because
edge of the joint as shown in Fig. 4B. The average the crack is not supported all around its periphery like
thickness of the shim was calculated from the weight of the ideal penny-shaped crack.

APRIL 1985 197


it O




L5 30


Fig. 7-End view of cylindrical mortar core showing crack formed
by hydrolysis of Mylar ribbon.

0 L---~0~'----~0~.2-----0~.3~--~0 74----~0~5--~
A crack having a rough granular surface was formed - - bar- 1
in cement mortar made from fine-grained sand by embed-
ding a Mylar ribbon before setting. The Mylar was (a) Klinkenberg plots for Multiwell Sample MWX1 14 14 (1499
hydrolyzed by heating in water for one hour at 200C m [4,918 It)).
[392 of], and a ribbon-shaped crack remained. An end
view of the specimen is shown in Fig. 7. The thickness
calculated from gas flow rates and use of Eq. 8 was 7.2
#tm; the width was 5000 #tm. The elastic constants of the
mortar were not measured, but a good fit with theory was
obtained with c s =3X 10- 6 bar- J andfia)=8.4, which 4

seems reasonable. The results are included in Fig. 6. o

Experiments in Sandstones-
Consistency of Eqs. 8 and 11
In a test of the consistency of Eqs. 8 and 11, two pressure- o
sensitive cores were selected: TIOSR20E (Uinta) 8290 and o
Mobil F31-13-G (Peance) 9998 (supplied by courtesy of
K. Sampath as an example of a highly pressure-sensitive o DRIED

rock). For the Uinta sample, k351k280 =4.6, where the o FLU SHED WITH ACETONE
subscripts 35 and 280 denote the pressure in bars at which
Klinkenberg values of k were measured, h351h280 =0.281

#tm/0.163 #tm, and (h35Ih280)3 =5.1. For the Peance O ~----~OL

.I ----~
3 ----~O~
. 4----~O~.~
sample, k351k3JO = 14, h351h3JO =0. 140 #tm/0.052 #tm, CRACK THICKNESS h, I'm
and (h35Ih3!O)3 = 19. Thus, variation in crack thickness
(b) Cube root of Klinkenberg permeability vs. crack size deter-
obtained from Klinkenberg plots predicts the variation in
mined from the slope of the Klinkenberg plot (see Eq. 11).
permeability with reasonable accuracy.
Changes in effective crack thickness with overburden Fig. 8-Detail of results that provide a test of relationships be-
pressure were determined in detail for Multiwell Sample tween permeability and crack thickness.
MWX-l 14-14 taken from 1498 m [4,917 ft]. One of two
sets of Klinkenberg plots is shown in Fig. 8a. Statistical
analysis shows that all predictions of Klinkenberg was displaced. However, this cleaning procedure did not
permeability should be reliable to within 1 %. In Fig. 8b .cause any noticeable change in permeability behavior. The
the cube root of permeability is plotted' against the effec- results fall close to theoretical values for flow in cracks.
tive crack thickness determined from both sets of Klinken-
berg plots. Before taking the second set of data, the core Simple Crack Model
was flushed with acetone and 20 ItL of organic material
It has been shown that both permeability and crack
'Courtesy of K. Sampath. thickness can be evaluated by gas flow measurements. Our
next purpose is to see whether other properties deter- EQUIVALENT DEPTH, m
minable by experiment, such as pore cast dimensions, pore 4000 6000 8000
aspect ratio obtained from pressure dependence of
permeability, and crack thickness values determined by 0.90
mercury injection form a self-consistent set.
A simple model will be adopted in which the nested
polyhedra formed by sheet pores are modeled as a set of
stacked cubes, of width b, separated by a distance, h, be-
tween faces that make random angles with the ends of the
specimen. The sheet pores are assumed to be held apart
at their edges at distance, h, by some means that does not
interfere with flow but is broadly comparable to the glass ~

:"- 0.50
and concrete models used in the experiments described
The permeability of this model can be expressed as

k = FaFbh2 =0.0867 h 2 c' .............. (12)

18 0.20

where F a and F b are trigonometric factors correcting for 0.10

tortuosity and the projected density of cracks on the sur-
face normal to the flow, for which values of Fa = 1.3 and
F b = 1.2 are assigned, respectively. For the model, all of o 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200
the porosity is in the form of crack porosity, c' Other
simple geometric relationships for the model, assuming Fig. 9-Relative reduction in permeability with increase in over-
b'$>h, are burden pressure predicted by simple cubic network of
cracks with aspect ratios ranging from 10 to 1,000.
c=3hlb, ............................... (13)

and for the specific surface per unit volume,

flow in random polyhedra with interspersed solution
Ac =6Ib. . ............................... (14) pores, can be developed, they probably would not serve
much purpose until more detailed determinations have
Assuming values of 0.5 pm for hand 100 /-tm for b, been made of crack size distributions, crack closing
values of c (fraction), A e , and k for the model are mechanisms, changes in the population of cracks effec-
0.015, 600 cm 2 /cm 3 , and 0.65 md, respectively. As tive for flow, and the role of secondary porosity.
pointed out previously, quantitative estimates of crack
porosity are not yet available, but the model porosity is Conclusions
less than 0.08, which is typical for low permeability sand- 1. The permeability to gases of low-permeability, com-
stones. Furthermore, the magnitude of c is consistent pacted sandstones is generally controlled by a polyhedral
with the reductions in ~rosity with compression reported structure of sheet pores given by spaces between in-
by Jones and Owens. 1 The surface area is almost 200 dividual grains.
times less than typical total surface areas as measured by 2. The polyhedral structure usually composes signifi-
nitrogen adsorption, but is only about two to five times cantly less than one-half of the total porosity, the major
larger than sheet pore areas estimated from pore casts. part consisting of spaces developed through certain grains
Change in permeability with pressure for the model can or cements passing into solution. These spaces are filled
be estimated with the aid of Eq. 3. Using the same to varying extent with matrix material.
parameter, fly) = 8.4, that gave good fits for cracks in glass 3. Sensitivity oflow-permeability sands to overburden
and concrete gives pressure is caused by the effect of stress on high aspect
ratio sheet pores. Significant changes in aspect ratio with
(kplk o ) II, =(1-8.01 x 1O- 6 pA R ) ............ (15) overburden pressure were demonstrated by changes in ap-
pearance of pore casts formed at different levels of over-
where kp is the permeability at pressure p, ko is the burden.
permeability at ambient conditions, and AR is the aspect 4. Surface areas measured by nitrogen adsorption are
ratio. This predicts an almost lO-fold reduction in typically about 200 times greater than sheet pore areas.
permeability at 345 bar [5,000 psi] of confining pressure. The latter were given by measurements of crack length
Relationships for the simple cube model between (kplk o ) per unit cross-sectional area, which translated to areas that
and pressure (and equivalent depth) for aspect ratios rang- were lower than surface areas determined from sieve
ing from 10 to 1,000 are presented in Fig. 9. analyses by a factor of about three.
It is seen that the simple cube model for flow in cracks 5. Theoretical expressions for compression of high
predicts sensitivities that are comparable to those observed aspect ratio rectangular and penny-shapeq cracks and flow
for low-permeability sandstones. While more represen- in rectangular cracks have been confirmed by experiments
tative models of tight sandstone pore structures, such as with artificial media.

APRIL 1985 199

6. A method of estimating pore size from the diffusive AS19-80BCI0216, and the New Mexico Energy Research
contribution of permeability gives results that are consis- and Development Inst. Project No. 2-69-3305.
tent with pore size measurements obtained by mercury
7. A simple model of interconnected sheet pores involv- References
ing a cubic array of cracks provides results that are broad- 1. Vairogs, J. et al.: "Effect of Rock Stress on Gas Production from
ly consistent with observed behavior of low-permeability Low-Permeability Reservoirs," J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1971) 1161-67;
gas sands. Trans., AIME, 251.
2. Thomas, R.D. and Ward, D.C.: "Effect of Overburden Pressure
and Water Saturation on Gas Permeability of Tight Sandstone
Nomenclature Cores," J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1972) 120-24.
A = area, cm 2 3. McLatchie, A.S., Hemstock, R.A., and Young, J.W.: "The
Effective Compressibility of Reservoir Rock and Its Effect on
Ac = crack surface area/unit volume, cm 2 /cm 3
Permeability," J. Pet. Tech. (June 1958)49-51; Trans., AIME, 213.
AR = aspect ratio, dimensionless 4. Keighin, C.W. and Sampath, K.: "Evaluation of Pore Geometry
b = crack or sheet pore width, Jlm of Some Low-Permeability Sandstones-Uinta Basin, Utah," J. Pet.
Tech. (Jan. 1982) 65-70.
c = compressibility of porous medium, bar - 1
5. Sampath, K. and Keighin, C.W.: "Factors Affecting Gas Slippage
c' = compressibility of medium containing in Tight Sandstones of Cretaceous Age in the Uinta Basin," J. Pet.
cracks, bar - 1 Tech. (Nov. 1982) 2715-20.
6. Walls, J.D.: "Tight Gas Sands-Permeability, Pore Structure, and
C s = compressibility of solid, bar-I
Clay," J. Pet. Tech. (Nov. 1982) 2708-14.
C = constant, dimensionless 7. Fatt, I.: "Pore Structure in Sandstones by Compressible Sphere-
d = crack length, cm Pack Models," Bull., AAPG (Aug. 1958) 1914-23.
8. Fatt, I.: "Compressibility of Sandstones at Low to Moderate
Fa = trigonometric factor, dimensionless
Pressures," Bull., AAPG (Aug. 1958) 1924-57.
F b = trigonometric factor, dimensionless 9. Wardlaw, N.C.: "Pore Geometry of Carbonate Rocks as Revealed
h = crack or sheet pore thickness, Jlm by Pore Casts and Capillary Pressure," Bull., AAPG (Feb. 1976)
ho = crack thickness at ambient conditions, Jlm
10. Gardner, K.L.: "Impregnation Technique Using Colored Epoxy
k = permeability, md to Define Porosity in Petrographic Thin Sections," Cdn. J. Earth
ko = permeability at low (reference) confining Sci. (1980) 17, 1104-07.
11. Morrow, N.R., Brower, K.R., and Kilmer, N.H.: "Relationship
pressure, md
of Pore Structure to Fluid Behavior in Low Permeability Gas Sands, "
k p = permeability at confining pressure p, md 1982 Annual Technical Report to the U.S. DOE, Report No.
k 00 = Klinkenberg permeability, md DOE/BC/10216-14; in press.
12. Brown, J .A. et al.: "NMR Logging Tool Development: Laboratory
kB = Boltzmann constant, I/K Studies of Tight Gas Sands and Artificial Porous Material," paper
L = length, cm SPE 10813 presented at the 1982 SPEIDOE Unconventional Gas
M = molecular mass, kg Recovery Symposium, Pittsburgh, May 16-18.
13. Underwood, E.E.: Quantitative Stereology, Addison-Wesley
p = pressure, bar
Publishing Co., Reading, MA (1970).
p = mean pressure of flowing gas, bar 14. Enustun, B.V. and Enuysal, M.: "Direct Pore Size Measurements
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15. Wyble, D.O.: "Effect of Applied Pressure on the Conductivity,
q' = diffusive contribution to flow rate, Lis [or Porosity, and Permeability of Sandstones," J. Pet. Tech. (Nov.
molecules/s] 1958) 57-59; Trans., AIME, 213.
16. Sneddon,LN. and Lowengrub, M.: Crack Problems in the Classical
qo = flow rate at ambient conditions (or low
Theory of Elasticity, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York City
value of confining pressure), Lis [or (1969).
molecules/s] 17. Walsh, J.B.: "The Effect of Cracks on the Compressibility of
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qp = flow rate at confining pressure p, Lis [or
18. Mavko, G. and Nur, A.N.: "Effects of Non-Elliptical Cracks on
molecules/s] Compressibility of Rock," J. Geophys. Res. (1978) 83, 4459-68.
r = pore radius, cm 19. Ostensen, R.W.: "Microcrack Permeability in Tight Gas Sand-
stone," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1983) 919-27.
r c = radius of penny-shaped crack, cm 20. Jennings, J.B., Carroll, H.B., and Raible, C.J.: "The Relation-
T = temperature, C ship of Permeability to Confining Pressure in Low Permeability
v = volume of one crack, cm 3 Rock," paper SPE 9870 presented at the 1981 SPE/DOE Symposium
on Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs, Denver, May 27-29.
Z = numerical constant 21. Jones, F.O. and Owens, W.W.: "A Laboratory Study of Low-
A = molecular mean free path, cm Permeability Gas Sands," J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1980) 1631-40.
Jl = viscosity, cp 22. Klinkenberg, L.J.: "The Permeability of Porous Media to Liquids
and Gases," Prod. Practice (1941) 200-213.
cp = porosity, fraction or % 23. Youngquist, G.R.: "Diffusion and Flow of Gases in Porous Solids,"
cp c = crack porosity, fraction or % Flow Through Porous Media, American Chemical Soc. Publications,
a = Poisson ratio, dimensionless Washington, DC (1970) 57-69.
24. Dullien, F.A.L.: "3.1 Macroscopic Pore Structure Parameters,"
Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore Structure, Academic Press,
Acknowledgments New York City (1979) 81.
Contributions to laboratory work and photographic 25. Knudsen, M.: "Die Gesetze der Molekularstromung und der in-
neren Reibungsstromung der Gase durch Rohren," Ann. Physik
analysis were made by Vijaya Dandge, Deborah Hagen, (1909) 28, 75.
Shirleen Bretz, Neal Kilmer, and Richard Spaulding. This 26. Matson, S.L. and Quinn, J.A.: "Knudsen Diffusion Through Non-
work was supported by the U.S. DOE Contract No. DE- circular Pores: Textbook Errors," AIChE J. (Sept. 1977) 768-70.


APPENDIX clamped to the base to stabilize it before the vessel is filled
Experimental Procedure for with water or another pressurizing fluid.
Permeability Measurement The apparatus then is ready to be connected to a
pressurizing pump for application of overburden pressure.
A schematic of a core testing apparatus designed for in- The external 0.32-cm tubing is connected to a gas cylinder
vestigation of low-permeability sandstones under or to a pressure generating pump filled with an appropriate
hydrostatic loading is shown in Fig. 2. The core samples liquid. In either case, a precision pressure gauge is used
were cut with a 1.27-cm diamond core bit. The samples for measurement of upstream pressure.
were approximately 2.54 cm long, but the apparatus can Flow rates from 0.05 JLLls to over 5 mLis can be
be adjusted for moderate variation in core length. The measured by suitable choice of technique. For liquids, a
exact size of the core (length and diameter) are measured small ruler is attached to the capillary and flow in cmls
before loading for use in permeability calculations. can be determined. Similarly, slow flow rates of gases
Core preparation can be handled in a variety of ways. are measured by injecting a liquid marker into the
After saturating a sample with water, the rock is dried capillary. With faster rates of gas flow, a bubble
in a vacuum desiccator. Porosity is determined by com- flowmeter is connected to the outlet. By using different
paring weights before and after drying. diameters of burettes, flow of varying rates can be ac-
The rock is inserted in a piece of rubber vacuum hose curately measured. Gases and liquids usually are pumped
(0.95 cm ID and 1.59 cm OD) that is 1.9 cm longer than through the rock at pressures of 1.4 to 20.7 bar [20 to
the sample. A rock sample painted on both ends with 300 psi] at the inlet and atmospheric pressure at the outlet.
epoxy was loaded to test for leakage between the rubber The apparatus, however, has been used to measure
and the sides of the sample. After an initial brief time at permeabilities with the inlet pressure less than at-
138 bar [2,000 psi] confining pressure, the leakage at 17 mospheric. This is accomplished by pulling a vacu~m on
bar [250 psi] was insignificant. After several hours, the one end of the sample with a controlled leak of aIr or a
flow of H2 gas was immeasurable (less than 0.02 JLLls). pure gas into the other end of the sample.
In testing core samples, the core was first subjected to Compressibility of pore space was measured for liquid-
the maximum desired confining pressure. The confining saturated samples by determining change in pore volume
pressure was then reduced to the lowest of the desired with pressure from meniscus movement in the capillary .
levels of overburden. Permeability measurements were This method was also used to determine injected volumes
then made at increasing levels of confining pressure. of mercury in the measurement of mercury penetration.
Dow Corning F38RTV is used to ensure a seal be-
tween the rubber sleeve and the stainless steel parts. The
sealant is applied to the bases of the stainless steel bosses. SI Metric Conversion Factors
The rubber hose with the sample inside is then pressed bar X 1.0* E+05 Pa
onto each ofthe two bosses. The 1.27-cm tap hole on the cp x 1.0* E-03 Pas
bottom disk must be directly under the cutout sector on OF (OF - 32)/1.8 C
the top disk. in. X 2.54* E+OO cm
The supporting studs are inserted and nuts are made L X 1.0* E+OO dm 3
finger tight. The top and bottom plates should be parallel. E-04 2
md X 9.869233 JLm
The sealant is allowed to dry until set; this takes about micron X 1.0* E+OO JLm
two hours. psi X 6.894757 E+OO kPa
The 0.32-cm high-pressure tubing is connected to the
two plates as shown in the diagram. The sample holder *Conversion factor is exact. SPEJ
can be placed inside the pressure vessel. The thrust ring
is inserted and tightened. The 0.32-cm tubing connector Original manuscript received in the Society of Petroleum Engineers office Feb .. 28,
1983. Paper accepted for publication March 17, 1984. ReVised manusClipt received
attached to the capillar)'. (see Fig. 2) should be parallel April 30, 1984. Paper (SPE 11623) first presented at the 1983 SPE/DOE Symposium
to the base of the pressure vessel. The connector is on Low Permeability held in Denver March 14-16.

APRIL 1985 201

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