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Lesson Plan Template Candidate Name: Heather Ingram

Strategy: Task Rotation

Unit Name
To conform or not to conform?
Romanticism 1820-1860; Transcendentalism 1840-1860

Lesson Name Time Needed (Hours/Days)

Rhetorical Appeal, Central Idea, and Supporting Evidence in 2 Class Periods
Historic Texts

Grade Subject Course

11 English Language Arts American Literature
GA Standards of Excellence & TAG Standards
Please include both GSE & TAG Standards
GSE Standards:

ELAGSE11-12 RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide
an objective summary of the text.

ELAGSE11-12RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

ELAGSE11-12RI9: Analyze foundational U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (including The Declaration
of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Lincolns Second Inaugural Address) for their
themes, purposes, and rhetorical features. For British Literature, American Literature, and Multicultural Literature use
comparable documents of historical significance.

T.A.G Standards:

Advanced Communication:
2. The student produces written and/or oral work that is complex, purposeful, and organized, includes relevant
supporting examples and manipulation of language
Creative Thinking & Creative Problem Solving Skills (CPS) Elements
7. The student uses analogies, metaphors, and/or models to explain complex concepts.
Higher Order Thinking Skills
2. The student responds to questions with supporting information that reflects in-depth knowledge of a topic.

Essential Question(s)
What should students know when lesson is completed?
What is Transcendentalism?
What are the major Principles of Transcendentalism?
What are examples of Transcendentalism in a historic context?
How are Transcendental Principles demonstrated and/or negated in a contemporary
What are Aristotles Rhetorical Appeals and how do they develop throughout a text?

Teacher Lesson Preparation

Abridge the Testimony of Angelina Grimke; make copies for all students
Find a list of Transcendental Principles and Tenets; make copies for all students
Compile Transcendental-era Poetry; make copies for all students
Find Ethos/Pathos/Logos chart; make copies for all students
Construct a Transcendentalism Informative Essay Outline

Activating Strategy (for example: Hook/Mini-Lesson/Warm-Up/Connection to Prior Learning)

Viewing of AMERICAN EXPERIENCE The Abolitionists, Part One, Chapter 1 (PBS Documentary)
with a brief contextualization (by instructor) and connection to previously read Transcendental-era

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology

1. Mastery
After reading the Testimony of Angelina Grimke, students will annotate for passages that
reflect Ethos, Pathos, and Logos; this will serve as a review of Aristotles Rhetorical Appeals
(Unit 1)
2. Self-Expressive
After reading a collection of Transcendental-era poetry, students will choose a line that
intrigues them; using that line, students will free-write for 10 minutes
3. Understanding
Using the Testimony of Angelina Grimke as the anchor text, students will identify 2 Central
Ideas, restate in their own words, and find 3 Supporting Passages for each Central Idea
4. Interpersonal
After reviewing Transcendental Basic Principles & Tenets, students will choose 3; for each
Transcendental Principle, students will find a contemporary example
Students will contextualize the example (MUST include evidence)
Students will connect the contemporary example to the corresponding
Transcendental Principle
Reflect (why did you choose the Principle and contemporary example; personal

Assessment Strategies
Students will submit all tasks (Mastery, Self-Expressive, Understanding, Interpersonal)
Self-Expressive Task will be graded for completion (7 sentence minimum)
Mastery, Understanding, and Interpersonal Tasks will assessed for accuracy
Synthesis TaskTranscendental Informative Essay

Scaffolds/ Interventions/Extensions/Enrichment
Instructional Activities 1 (Mastery), 3 (Understanding), 4 (Interpersonal), and the Synthesis Task are
sequenced to scaffold
Mastery, Understanding, and Interpersonal Activities will be submitted; Assignments with errors will
be marked, returned, and resubmitted
Extensions & Enrichment
Students are encouraged to watch a documentary of their choosing (Instructor will make
suggestions) that relates to Transcendentalism or Transcendentalism Principles

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE The Abolitionists, Part One, Chapter 1 (
The Testimony of Angelina Grimke
Ethos Pathos Logos Chart
Transcendentalism Basic Principles & Tenets
Transcendental-era Poetry
I Hear America Singing (Walt Whitman)
Come Up From the Fields Father (Walt Whitman)
America (Walt Whitman)
Because I could not stop for death (Emily Dickinson)
Banish air from air (Emily Dickinson)
Fame is a fickle food (Emily Dickinson)
I never hear that one is dead (Emily Dickinson)
The Witnesses (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
The Quadroon Girl (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
The Slave in the Dismal Swamp (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
The Slave Singing at Midnight (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Learning to Read (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
A Double Standard (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
The Slave Auction (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
The Slave Mother (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
Songs for the People (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
Bury Me in a Free Land (Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)

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