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Spiced Apple Crunch

1 cup (250 ml) dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup (60 ml) sugar
1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) cinnamon
1 lemon (juice and rind) 3 apples, sliced
1/4 cup (60 ml) butter, melted
2 cups (500 ml) water
Butter a 15 cm (6") baking dish. Combine bread crumbs (or graham wafer crumbs), sugar,
cinnamon, juice and lemon rind. Place alternate layers of apples and crumbs in baking dish.
Pour melted butter over ingredients and cover baking dish firmly with aluminum foil.

Place water, trivet, then baking dish in pressure cooker. Lock the lid in place and bring to
pressure, then lower heat and cook for suggested time. Allow pressure to drop using the natural
release method and remove the lid. Remove the baking dish, loosen the foil and cool.
Pumpkin Pie
1 1/2 cups (350 ml) pressure-cooked
pie pumpkin, mashed
1 cup (250 ml) sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons (12 ml) pumpkin pie spice
(or 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon
ground ginger and 1/2 teaspoon ground
cloves) 1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) salt
1 1/2 cups (350 ml) evaporated milk
1/2 cup (125 ml) milk
2 eggs
Cut the pumpkin into (25-50 mm) 1-2 inch slices. Place water, trivet, then steamer basket in
pressure cooker. Place the pumpkin on steamer basket. Lock the lid in place and bring to
pressure, then lower heat and cook for suggested time. Allow pressure to drop using the quick
release method [2] or the automatic release method [3] and remove the lid. Mash cooked

Preheat the oven to 225 C (425 F). Combine all of the above ingredients in a large bowl and beat
until smooth. Pour into a lined 9-inch pie pan (use a ready-made frozen pie shell or line pie pan
with your favourite homemade pastry dough). Bake for 10 minutes, then lower the heat to 150 C
(300 F) and bake for about 45 minutes or until the filling is firm.
Cinnamon Apple Flan with Maple Syrup

5 tablespoons (75 ml) maple syrup

1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) cinnamon
2 apples, peeled and cut in 1/4" (5 mm) slices
3 whole eggs 3 egg yolks
1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) vanilla
6 tablespoons (90 ml) sugar
2 1/2 cups (625 ml) milk
In a small saucepan, combine the maple syrup and the cinnamon. Add the apple slices and
slowly simmer until the apples are tender. Divide the mixture into 6 greased custard cups. In a
large bowl, whisk the eggs and egg yolks. Stir in the vanilla, sugar and milk. Pour this mixture
slowly into the custard cups. Cover tightly with foil.

Fill the pressure cooker with 625 ml (2 1/2 cups) water. Place as many custard cups as will fit in
the pressure cooker steamer basket and lower into the pressure cooker. Lock the lid and bring
to pressure, then lower heat and cook for suggested time. Allow pressure to drop using the
natural release method [1] and then let stand with closed lid for 10 minutes. Remove the lid,
take out the basket, loosen the foil and cool the custard.
Rice Pudding

1 tablespoon (15 ml) butter

1/4 cup (60 ml) long grain rice
2 cups (500 ml) milk
1 cup (250 ml) water
1/3 (75 ml) sugar 1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) salt
1 egg
1/4 cup (60 ml) evaporated milk
1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) vanilla
Melt the butter in the pressure cooker and stir in the rice, coating it with the butter. Pour in the
fresh milk and water, then stir in the sugar and salt. Lock the lid in place and bring to pressure,
then lower heat and cook for suggested time. Allow pressure to drop using the natural release
method and remove the lid.

In a small bowl mix together the egg, evaporated milk and vanilla. Stir in a little of the hot liquid
from the pressure cooker, then add the mixture to the pressure cooker. Cook, uncovered, over
medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the rice pudding just barely begins
to bubble. Remove immediately from the heat. Cool 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Bread Pudding
1 tablespoon (15 ml) butter
4 slices day-old French or Italian bread, crusts
trimmed, cut in cubes
1/2 cup (125 ml) golden raisins
1/2 cup (125 ml) chopped walnuts
Zest of 1/2 orange, in very thin julienne strips
1/2 cup (75 ml) packed light brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) salt
1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) cinnamon
2 cups (500 ml) warm milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) vanilla
3 cups (750 ml) water
Butter a 1.5 litre (5-6 cup) souffl dish or bowl that fits loosely into the pressure cooker. In
another bowl combine the bread, rasins, walnuts and orange zest. And in another bowl mix the
brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, milk, eggs and vanilla. Pour the milk mixture into the bread
mixture and then transfer to the buttered souffl dish. Cover souffl dish tightly with foil. Pour
the water into the pressure cooker. Place the souffl dish in the pressure cooker steamer basket
and lower into the pressure cooker.

Lock the lid in place and bring to pressure, then lower heat and cook for suggested time. Allow
pressure to drop using the quick release method or automatic release method and then keep the
pressure cooker closed for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and take out the souffl dish. Loosen the
foil and cool.
Cinnamon-Flavored Stewed Fruits
1 cup (250 ml) red wine
1 cup (250 ml) water
3/4 cup (175 ml) packed brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick 2 lemon slices
1 lb (450 g) mixed dried fruits, such as
prunes, figs, apples, etc.
In the pressure cooker, mix together the wine, water, sugar, cinnamon stick and lemon slices.
Bring to a boil, then simmer until the sugar dissolves. Add the fruits. Lock the lid in place and
bring to pressure, then lower heat and cook for the suggested time. Serve warm or at room
temperature, with, if you wish, liquid or whipped heavy cream.

Combine wine, water, sugar, lemon slices and cinnamon stick inside the pressure cooker.
Allow the mixture to boil until the sugar dissolves.
Toss in the fruits.
Lock the lid and bring to pressure.
Lower down the heat and allow to cook for about an hour.
Serve warm with whipped heavy cream.
Pina Colada Rice Pudding
1 cup Arborio rice
1 1/2 cups water
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 14-oz can coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 can pineapple tidbits, well drained and cut in half
In pressure cooker pot, combine rice, water, oil, and salt. Lock the lid in place and select High
Pressure and 3 minutes cook time. When beep sounds turn off pressure cooker and use a natural
pressure release for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, release any remaining pressure with a quick
pressure release.
Add coconut milk and sugar to rice in pressure cooking pot; stir to combine.
In a small mixing bowl, whisk eggs with milk and vanilla. Pour through a fine mesh strainer into
pressure cooking pot. Select saut and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture just starts to boil.
Turn off pressure cooker. Stir in pineapple tidbits.
Pour into serving dishes and chill. Pudding will thicken as it cools.
Pressure Cooker Tapioca Pudding
1/2 cup small-pearl tapioca
1 cup water
1 cups whole milk, divided
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
In pressure cooking pot, mix together tapioca, water, and 1/2 cup milk. Lock the lid in place and
select High Pressure and 6 minutes cook time. When beep sounds turn off pressure cooker and
use a natural pressure release for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, release any remaining pressure
with a quick pressure release.
Whisk sugar and salt in to tapioca in pressure cooking pot.
In a small mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks with remaining 1/2 cup milk. Pour through a fine mesh
strainer into pressure cooking pot. Select saut and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture just
starts to boil. Turn off pressure cooker and remove pressure cooking pot. Stir in vanilla.
Cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. (Pudding will thicken as it cools. ) Pour in to
serving dishes and chill.
Lemon Pudding Cake
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons sugar
3 teaspoons grated lemon rind
2 eggs, separated
1/3 cup cake flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup lemon juice
whipped cream
Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the grated lemon rind and egg
yolks and beat well. Sift the flour and fold into the mixture. Add the milk, then the lemon juice.
Beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold into the lemon mixture.

Butter and flour a souffle dish. Pour in the lemon pudding mixture and cover with 2 layers of
buttered wax paper. Pour 1 1/4 cups of water into the pressure cooker. Put the dish on a rack or
trivet, cover and pressure cook for 5 minutes. Allow the pressure to drop gradually, uncover and
serve warm or cold with whipped cream.
Oatmeal Apple Crisps
4 cups apples, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup quick cooking oats
1/3 cup flour
A cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
A teaspoon salt 1/3 cup melted margarine
Sprinkle apples with lemon juice. Combine oats, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt and
margarine. Place alternate layers of apples and oat mixture, beginning and ending with apples,
in a buttered metal bowl that fits loosely in the cooker. Cover with aluminum foil and place in
rack in cooker. Pour 1 cup water into cooker. Lock the lid and cook 20 minutes. Cool cooker at
Lemon Custard
1 cup milk egg
2 1/2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon lemon rind, grated
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract
a pinch of salt
3/4 cup water
Scald reduced quantities, do not reduce water at all. In a bowl, beat egg lightly to mix yolk and
white. Add sugar, lemon rind, lemon extract and salt. Stir. Gradually add milk, stirring
constantly. Grease two 6 oz. glass custard cups. Pour half the mixture in each cup. Cover cups
tightly with aluminum foil securely tied. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat.
Reduce heat and remove for 5 minutes. Remove cooker from heat. Reduce pressure by placing
cooker in approx. 4 inches of cold water in a basin or in a sink for 1 or 2 minutes. Open cooker.
Take out and uncover cups. Allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate. Serve custard
Antilles Cake
8 oz water
4 bananas
2 eggs (separated)
4 tbsp butter
5 oz sugar
7 oz stale bread
pt milk
1 lemon
1 sachet vanilla
tsp. cinnamon
6 oz apricot or red currant jam
2 oz rum
Boil the milk along with the sugar and vanilla extract. Then pour it on the stale bread (broken
into pieces). Add the cinnamon, the juice of a lemon and its grated peel, 2 egg-yolks, 4
tablespoons of melted butter, and the bananas cut into thin slices. Beat up the egg-whites into a
stiff froth and incorporate them into the preparation. Line a deep cake dish with butter and put
the mixture into it. Pour 8 ounces water into the pressure cooker. Put in the metal pannier
containing the cake-dish and cover with a plate. Close the lid and cook for 20 min. This dessert
dish is better served cold. Present it on an attractive dish covered with jam that has been
softened over a low heat and flavored with rum.
Stuffed Apples
1 cup water
1 lb sugar
12 egg yolks
2 egg whites
Allow sugar to dissolve in water and let it boil for five minutes.
Allow the syrup to cool and then pour some over the mold and coat evenly.
Pour eggs in a separate bowl together with the remaining syrup and stir continuously.
Fill the mold with the mixture, cover with aluminum foil and place in the steamer for 20
Serve chilled.
Peach Tart
1 jar Calanda peaches
4 1/2 oz butter
3 egg yolks
3 oz sugar
7 oz flour
1 tsp baking powder
Butter for greasing the tin
Flour for the tin
3 egg whites
7 oz sugar
9 oz peeled, ground almonds
Zest of 1 lemon
In preparing the pastry:
Combine butter and sugar to form a paste.
Slowly add the egg yolks one by one and follow it up with flour mixed with baking powder.
Pour mixture into a greased 9-inch tart pan and sprinkle with flour.
Line the base and walls of the mold with pastry.
For the filling:
In a bowl, mix and beat egg whites with sugar until stiff.
Add in lemon zest and almond meringue.
Cook in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Asturian Crepes
1-3/4 cups flour
4 eggs
2 cups plus 1 TB milk
2 TB sugar
1 ts lemon zest
olive oil (a few drops for cooking)
1/2 cup white or brown sugar (for sprinkling)
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
Add a few drops of oil on a medium-sized skillet.
Pour about cup of the mixture and toss it over quickly in order to coat the entire a bottom of
the pan.
Using a spatula, lift frisuelo from the pan gently to avoid sticking.
Cook each side for about one minute.
Transfer to a serving plate and sprinkle some sugar.
Create a frisuelo stack and roll each frisuelo and serve.
Banana Fritters
about 1 cup of flour
1/3 cup cold milk
2 eggs (separated into yolks and whites)
1 TB sugar
1 ts vanilla extract
1 ripe banana
1/4 cup powdered confectioner sugar
1-2 cups olive oil for frying
In a large bowl, combine milk, two egg yolks, vanilla extract and sugar.
Mix ingredients well and sprinkle flour little by little. Continue stirring frequently.
In a small bowl, beat eggs whites until soft peaks are formed.
Cut bananas lengthwise and into thin slices.
Toss in the banana slices into the flour mixture.
Fry a spoonful of banana mixture and cook each side for about 90 seconds.
Sprinkle powdered sugar after transferring to a plate.
Pumpkin Crema Catalana
1 pint heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 tablespoon brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
7 large egg yolks
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch ground allspice
Pinch ground cloves
1 cup pureed cooked pumpkin
1/2 cup raw or turbinado sugar, for topping
Preheat oven to 300 F.
Combine cream, vanilla, brown sugar and spices in a saucepan.
Use an electric mixer to beat eggs yolks and sugar until a pale yellow and thick mixture is
Pour cream mixture gently while beating at lowest speed.
Add in the pumpkin.
Pour mixture to cup cazuelas and put inside a roasting pan.
Roasting pan should be filled with hot water that is about 2/3 on the sides of cazuelas.
Cook for about 40 minutes and then remove from the oven afterwards.
Chill for at least three hours.
Sprinkle sugar and caramelize using propane torch until the top is browned.
Melon Gazpacho
1/2 Spanish white melon (or honey dew)
1/2 cantaloupe
1 peach
1 tomato peeled
2 TB chopped mint
2 TB extra virgin olive oil
Peel and slice melon flesh about 2 inch things and put inside a large bowl.
Peel and cut up peach and tomatoes and place them together into the bowl.
Combine ingredients and mix well.
Add some sugar, depending on your preference.
Place inside the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Garnish with either mint, peach or strawberry.
Brazo de Gitano
5 eggs, separated
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons sifted confectioners' sugar
1 cup heavy cream, whipped
1 1/4 teaspoons rum extract
1 tablespoon superfine sugar (Put desired amount of granulated sugar in a blender and
blend at high speed for about 30 seconds
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a bowl, beat egg yolks and cup sugar until a thick mixture is formed.
Slowly add in the flour, cocoa and vanilla extract. Mix well.
Beat egg whites in a separate bowl until soft peaks are formed.
Add into the flour mixture.
Grease a 15 x 8 inch baking pan and line it with wax paper.
Sprinkle two tablespoons of confectioners sugar.
Gently pour mixture into the pan and allow it to spread out evenly.
Place in the oven for 15 minutes and allow to cool for another 5 minutes.
Remove paper after ten minutes and before serving, mix whipped cream, rum and sugar in a
separate bowl.
Spread out over the cake and sprinkle a bit of the confectioners sugar.
32 fl. oz of milk
olive oil
16 oz. honey
16 oz. sugar
8 eggs
Slices of bread for 'torrijas'
Create thick slices from a loaf of bread.
Whip eggs in a small bowl.
In a separate bowl, mix in milk and sugar.
Dredge bread slices into the milk and eggs and fry until golden brown.
Drizzle honey over the cooked torrijas and sugared milk could also be added to the serving dish.
Leche Frita
32 fl. oz milk
6 fl. oz olive oil
1 spoonful of sunflower oil
2 eggs
2 oz corn flour
2 oz of light flour
1 stick of cinnamon
4 oz sugar
In a large bowl, combine flour, corn flour, sugar and a quarter of the milk.
Boil the remaining part of the milk with cinnamon stick for about 10 minutes.
While using a strainer, pour in the flour mixture into the pan.
Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes and stir continuously.
Pour contents into a tray greased with sunflower oil and cool.
Cut 10 x 5 cm triangles out of the pan and put them into the flour and beaten egg.
Fry and serve with cinnamon and sugar.
Spanish Orange Cake
25 oz cream cheese
6 oz biscuits
2 oz butter
2 oz of sugar
3 fl.oz orange juice
10 oz of mandarins or preserved oranges
Chocolate shavings
Crush biscuits and combine them with butter.
Transfer contents to a butter-greased tray and put inside the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
Combine cheese, sugar and orange juice in a separate bowl and mix well.
Pour mixture over the tray and return it to the refrigerator for four hours.
Garnish cake with mandarin and chocolate shavings.
Tocinillo de Cielo
6 egg yolks
9 oz sugar
1 fl. oz water
For the caramel:
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoons water
Heat up sugar and water in a saucepan until a golden brown syrup is formed.
Pour half of the syrup into the baking pan.
In a large bowl, whip egg yolks and slowly pour down the syrup.
Add mixture into the pan and cool for 20 minutes at 150 degrees.
Remove from oven and let it cool before serving.
Spanish Bread Pudding
4 1/4 cups milk
1 cinnamon sticks
1 lime
2 tbsp. sugar
4 bread slices
2 eggs
sunflower oil
ground cinnamon
Pour in milk, cinnamon stick and lime zest in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Turn off heat and add sugar. Stir.
Soak bread slices into the milk and drain on a cooling rack for half an hour.
Beat eggs in a separate dish.
Dredge bread slices into the beaten eggs and fry until golden brown.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar before serving.
Spanish Cheesecake
1 container ricotta cheese
3 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
5 2/3 tbsp. butter (room temperature)
6 1/3 tbsp. flour
1 tbsp. ground cinnamon
1 lemon
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
Combine ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, butter, flour, ground cinnamon, lemon zest and a pinch of
salt in a large bowl.
Pour batter in a greased pan and bake for 40 minutes or so until the cake turns golden.
Allow to cool and then serve.
Spanish Palm Pastries
one sheet of puff pastry
1 egg, beaten
butter or oil for the pan
Settle puff pastry on a surface that is dusted with flour.
Brush beaten egg on its sides and sprinkle it with sugar.
Roll up the sheets from both sides until each roll would meet in the middle.
Cut up the puff pastry into 1 centimeter thick slices.
Lay the slices on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle each slice with sugar.
Bake inside the oven for 12-15 minutes at 500 degrees until golden.
Allow to cool before serving.
Spanish Lard Cookies
1 cup flour
3/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup lard, at room temperature
1 egg
Finely grated zest of 1 orange
1 tablespoon brandy
powdered sugar, for dusting
Preheat oven to 350.
Add ground almonds and flour on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
Allow to cool.
Lower oven temperature to 300 degrees.
In a separate bowl, add in flour, almonds, sugar, cinnamon and salt. Put some lard into the
Toss in the egg, orange zest and brandy and continue stirring.
Create 1 inch balls from the mixture.
Assemble balls on baking sheets about an inch apart.
Bake for 15 minutes, or so until cookies are browned.
Allow to cool in a wire rack and dust with confectioners sugar when serving.
Almond Cookies
2 cups whole blanched almonds
2/3 cup sugar
4 teaspoons grated lemon rind
Dash of salt
1 large egg
Cooking spray
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
24 whole blanched almonds
Preheat oven to 350.
Grind 2 cups of almonds in a food processor.
Slowly toss in sugar, lemon rind, salt and egg and pulse 10 times.
Create 24 balls and place them 1 inch apart on the baking sheets.
Sprinkle cinnamon and press an almond on the center part of the dough.
Bake at 350 degrees until the edges turn golden brown.
Remove from pan and cool before serving.
3 liters of grape must
24 fresh figs
1 small melon
1 small siam pumpkin
mineral water
Boil grape must until quantity is reduced to 1/3.
Slice siam pumpkin into half, peel and remove the seeds. Cut up chunks.
Place in a pan filled with water and cook for 20 minutes.
Remove water and let the pumpkin cool inside.
Drain and mash into strands.
Cut figs into four parts and remove its skin.
Peel melon and slice it into cubes.
Add melon and siam pumpkin strands into the grape must and let it cook for 3 minutes.
Place in the refrigerator and serve cold.
Guirlache Nougat
1 cup of raw almonds, or pine nuts (or a nut of preference)
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of water
1 lemon
Add water and sugar in a heated pot.
Add a few lemon drops and allow it to thicken.
Adjust to low heat, stir in the almonds without stopping.
Start greasing a cutting board and blade of a wide knife.
Pour the mixture on the board and using the knife, turn it over several times until it cools.
Create a square shape out of the nougat using two knives and let it set.
Cut out the cubes completely and wrap up in transfer paper.
Suspiro de Monja (Nuns Sigh)
7 oz. of butter
14 oz. of sugar
5 whisked eggs
2 cups of water
2 of flour
lemon peel
olive oil
icing sugar
Heat up water in the saucepan and slowly add up butter, sugar and lemon peel.
After the water begins to boil, remove the peel using a spoon.
Gently add flour and stir using a wooden spoon.
Allow the mix to cool for 15 minutes or so until the dough could be removed easily from the
bottom of the pan.
Form cubes out of the dough about size of a finger.
Fry until the cubes become golden in color.
Transfer to another plate and drain out the excess oil.
Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.
Cinnamon Rosquillas
1 stick of cinnamon
2 cloves (optional)
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup of brown sugar
scant 1/2 cup of brandy or cognac
2 cups of flour (I have substituted whole wheat with good results)
ground cinnamon and sugar for dusting
Drizzle some olive oil in a pan.
Fry cinnamon stick and cloves and when properly toasted, set aside and let them cool.
Remove cloves and cinnamon from the oil.
In the same pan, blend sugar and brandy.
Add in flour little by little.
Take a ball about size of a golf ball and roll it between your palms to form 5 inch rope.
Connect the ends together to form a ring shape.
Settle these rings on the baking sheets and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Guava Empanadas
8 ounces guava jelly
4 ounces butter, softened
3 ounces cream cheese
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon water
Mix guava jelly, butter and cream cheese in a large mixing bowl until well-blended.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Take an empanada disc and place a tablespoon of filling at the center of each round. Fold in
half and secure edges by pressing the ends using a fork.
Beat eggs and water in a small bowl.
Brush egg mixture to the empanadas.
Assemble on a baking sheet.
Bake until golden brown for 25 minutes.
1 cup of granulated sugar
3 large egg whites
1/4 tsp of cream of tartar
1/2 tsp of vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit.
Beat egg whites and salt in a medium bowl until peaks are formed.
Gently pour sugar in the mixture and beat for 5 minutes.
Add in cream of tartar and vanilla and continue mixing for another 3 minutes.
Scoop dollops about an inch in diameter and assemble them in a baking sheet.
Place tray inside the oven for 20-30 minutes.
Galician Almond Tart
For the pastry:
0.8 cup of flour
Pinch of ground cinnamon
Flour for rolling out
Butter for greasing
Confectioners sugar for dredging
3 oz. of sugar
3.5 oz. of butter
1 egg
For the filling
4 eggs
1.05 cup of sugar
Peel of 1 unwaxed lemon
1 cup of almonds
In a bowl, knead flour, sugar, butter and egg.
Little milk could be added, if desired.
Form a ball from the dough and wrap it with foil. Place inside the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Preparing for the filling, beat eggs and sugar until a creamy mixture is formed.
Add lemon rind, ground almonds and cinnamon.
Roll out pastry in a board that is dusted with flour.
Place pastry in a greased pan and prick several parts of it using a fork.
Put the filling on tip.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Allow it to cool and the transfer to a serving plate.
Sprinkle with confectioners sugar, if desired.
Quesada Pasiega
2 cups whole milk
zest of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup all-purpose flour
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Use butter to grease an 8-inch round pan.
Pour in milk, lemon zest and cinnamon in a saucepan over medium heat.
When it starts to simmer, remove from heat and let it cool completely.
Whip butter, sugar and eggs for a couple of minutes.
Add in yogurt and pour the milk mixture into the egg mixture.
Stir in flour and pour all mixture into the pan.
Allow to bake for 45-55 minutes.
Cool, slice and then serve.
3 cup (907 grams / 2 lb) toasted unsalted peanuts, skins removed
2 confectioner's sugar
Grind peanuts using a food processor.
While mixing, slowly pour in the confectioners sugar.
Mixture is ready when the paste remains sticking on your fingers and it is still compact.
Fill a circular cookie cutter with the paste and remove from the cookie cutter until the shape is
retained. Continue doing this process until all paste are used up.
Wrap the mazapan with wax paper or tissue.
Bizcocho with Strawberries in Port Wine Sauce
1 8" x 8" white or yellow cake, Spanish bizcocho or 8 magdalenas
8 oz (125 ml) port wine
4 oz (60 ml) water
1/2 cup (100 gr) granulated sugar
2 1/2 - 3 cups fresh strawberries
whipping cream (optional)
In a saucepan, pour wine, water and sugar and let it boil.
After boiling, reduce heat until liquid is reduced by half.
Turn off heat and allow mixture to cool.
Slice strawberries and toss into a bowl.
Pour the wine sauce over the strawberries and allow it coat evenly for at least an hour.
Before serving, slice cake or bizcocho into individual servings.
Transfer strawberries to a serving plate and drizzle with port wine sauce.
8.8 oz. of magdalenas mix
3.55 oz. oil
3.89 oz. tepid water
12 paper cases
Preheat the oven at 180C.
Combine Magdalena mixture with oil and water.
It is preferred to use an electric mixer and whisk for at least 5 minutes until the mixture
becomes smooth.
Line the Magdalena paper cases on a baking tray and using a spoon, fill about 2/3 of each case.
Add some sugar on top and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the mixture becomes
Breadcrumb Fritters in Honey
3 eggs
3 tbsp bread crumbs, made from unprocessed white bread
Olive oil for frying
Powdered cinnamon
For the honey syrup:
1/2 cup rosemary honey or other honey
1/4 cup water
Combine eggs and bread crumbs in a large bowl.
Fry spoonfuls of dough mixture and drain excess oil.
In a saucepan, heat up honey and water and when it starts boiling, add a few fritters each time.
Continue cooking for 5 minutes and transfer contents to a low-sided baking dish.
Pour honey syrup and add some cinnamon on top.
Casar Cheese Ice Cream with Villuercas Honey
11 oz Torta del Casar cheese
2 tbsp light cream
1 tbsp milk
5 oz brown sugar
2 tsp Villuercas honey (you may substitute other honey)
Honey and cinnamon for serving
In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.
Strain contents into an ice-cream maker and put inside the refrigerator.
Serve in scoops and drizzle honey on top with cinnamon.
Cheese Ice Cream
1 cup cream
2 oz Idiazbal cheese
3/4 lb Torta de la Serena cheese
2 eggs
7 oz sugar
1 cup milk
Blackberry, redcurrant or raspberry sauce
In a saucepan, boil the milk with the cream and the Idiazbal cheese.
Beat eggs, sugar and Torta de la Serena cheese in a large bowl.
Pour the cheese mixture when the milk begins to boil.
Beat using an electric beater and allow to cool.
Place contents in a container and beat once or twice during the freezing process using a hand
Include fruit sauce in serving the ice cream.
Calanda Peaches in Wine with Yogurt Sauce
4 Calanda peaches in wine (or 4 fresh Calanda peaches, 1 bottle Toro red wine, and 12 oz
1/2 cup wine syrup from the preserved peaches
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup cranberry jam
Fresh mint leaves
Yogurt sauce:
16 oz plain yogurt
2 tbsp honey
1/2 cup light cream
Drain Calanda peaches in wine using a strainer.
Reserve a glass of the syrup and dissolve sugar in a saucepan.
Allow to boil for three minutes and add the cranberry jam. Simmer for 5 minutes.
Throw in the peaches and allow to cool in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Assemble peaches with scoops of wine sauce and yogurt sauce.
In creating a yogurt sauce, beat yogurt with honey and mix slowly with table cream.
Sprinkle some cinnamon and decorate with fresh mint.
Dulce de Leche
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
Put a trivet and steamer basket inside the pressure cooker.
Place the can of milk on the basket without letting it touch the sides or the base of the cooker.
Fill with water until the can is covered. You can lay the can on its side to submerge it more
Lock the lid of the cooker and turn the heat up to high. Let it reach pressure, then lower the heat
to the minimum to maintain pressure. Cook for 20 minutes at high pressure.
Lower pressure, remove from heat and cool using the natural release method.
Dont remove the lid even after the pressure cooker unlocks. Instead, set the pressure cooker
aside and allow overnight cooling.
Only remove the can from the cooker the next day, where you can store it as is or use it
Pears in Red Wine Sauce
6 peeled green pears (keep the stem)
1 vanilla pod
1 cloves
1 pinch of Cinnamon
200 grams castor sugar
1 wine glass of good red wine
Add the red wine, sugar, vanilla and clove in your pressure cooker and swirl around until sugar
Place the peeled pears (sitting upright) in the pressure cooker and pop on the lid.
Bring to pressure, then cook on low heat for 7 minutes.
Baked Chocolate Custard
300 ml cream
250 ml full cream milk
110 gm or cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
375 gm dark cooking chocolate finely chopped
6 egg yolks
Slowly simmer cream, milk, sugar and vanilla.
Stir to combine well. Remove from heat then add chocolate pieces to melt. The mixture should
look like a chocolate sauce.
Whisk egg yolks until pale then slowly stream into chocolate mixture.
Pour into round porcelaine dish then place in pressure cooker on trivet with 4 cups of water.
Cook on high pressure for 30 minutes. The custard should wobble in the center when ready.
Serve with fresh strawberries.
Caramel Pudding
Milk - 2 cup (whole)
Sugar/ condensed milk 1 cup (as per taste)
Eggs 2
Vanilla essence 2 tsp
Sugar 5-6 tsp (for caramelizing)
Pre-heat oven to 350 F/180 C
Bring milk to a boil in sauce pan, add sugar and essence, boil until it melts
In a mixing bowl, whisk / beat eggs well , to this add the milk and whisk
Melt sugar in another sauce pan, in medium heat until a golden brown color and pour it in the
pudding mould/ ramekins/ baking dish, give it a big whirl so that the caramel is well coated on
the sides and base of the container
Pour the milk & egg mixture into the container
Place the molds into a baking tin with tall sides; pour hot water into the tin such that half the
mold is immersed in the water. In case you are intending to use a baking dish you could follow
the same
Bake for 40 mins and let it cool for sometime. Later insert a knife onto the sides to release and
turn inverted into the serving plate, if that how you wish to serve it.
Pressure Cooker Eggless Dry Fruit Cake
1 cup - Refined flour
1/4 cup - Butter
1/4 cup - yogurt
1/2 cup - Milk
1/4 cup - powdered Sugar
1/4 tsp - baking soda
1/2 tsp - baking powder
2-3 tbsp - chopped Cashewnuts
1 tbsp - Raisins
1 tsp - vanilla essence
1 cup - salt for base of the cooker
Sieve together baking soda, baking powder and refined flour and keep aside
Grease and dust the bake tin.
Place the pressure cooker on medium heat and add salt to it and close the lid without gasket and
the weight of the cooker.
Beat powdered sugar, butter, add yogurt and beat well. Add vanilla essence and mix.
Add the sieved flour and mix well.
Add any dry fruits like cashew nuts and raisins and mix. Keep adding milk little by little and
keep beating the mixture till the right cake consistency is obtained.
Pour the mixture into the cake tin.
Place the tin in the cooker over the salt and in medium heat bake the cake for around 30 mins.
Check with a knife, it comes out clean switch off the flame and cool on a wire rack.
Chocolate Cake in Pressure Cooker
1 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar (powdered)
1/4 cup water
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/8 tsp salt
6 inch round greased baking tin
Mix the flour, cocoa, baking powder, butter, sugar, water and vanilla and beat together.
Add the eggs and beat the batter smooth.
Transfer onto the baking tin.
Heat the pressure cooker, covered but without the pressure for 3-4 minutes on high heat, then
place the cake tin in the empty cooker (do not add water in the cooker).
Cover again without the pressure, lower the flame and let cook till done (about half an hour).
Pressure Cooker Banana Walnut Cake
1 (18.25-oz.) box vanilla cake mix with pudding
4 medium eggs
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 cup canola oil
5 cup water
1 large banana, peeled and mashed
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 (13.4-oz.) can cream cheese frosting
Coat a 1-quart round baking dish or a 6-quart cake pan with nonstick cooking spray. Cover with
two layers of aluminum foil.
In a large mixing bowl, combine cake mix, eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg, canola oil, and 1 cup water.
Using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat for 2 or 3 minutes or until well blended.
Scrape down the sides of the bowl, and fold in banana and walnuts. Pour batter into the
prepared baking dish or cake pan.
Add remaining 4 cups water to a pressure cooker. Insert a rack in bottom of the pressure cooker,
and place the baking dish or cake pan on the rack. Set the pressure cooker over high heat.
Lock the lid in place. Bring to high pressure, and maintain for 35 minutes. Remove from heat,
and reduce pressure using the quick release method.
Using heat-safe gloves, transfer the baking dish or cake pan to a cooling rack. Let cake cool
completely, and then invert it onto a cake platter.
Frost cake with cream cheese frosting, cut into 6 slices, and serve immediately.

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