Unit: The Basic Unit of Living Things CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Title: Cellular Structure and Function Grade/Period: High School/10th Grade

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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Jerrica Vanderkarr- Biology

Unit: Lesson Title: Grade/Period:

The Basic Unit of Living Things Cellular Structure and Function High School/10th
CCSS or State Standards:

CCSS: MS-LS1-1 Develop and

use a model to describe the
function of a cell as a whole
and ways parts of cells
contribute to the function.

ISTE Standards for Students:

Creativity and innovation
1.a. Apply existing knowledge
to generate new ideas,
products, or processes
1.b. Create original works as a
mean of personal or group
1.c. Use models and
simulations to explore
complex systems and issues

Resources and Materials:

Warm up
Textbook (Chapter 3)
Students powerpoint
Exit Ticket
(can be attached)

Objective: I can:
What students will know and be able to do - I can describe the difference between living and
stated in student friendly language (use
Blooms and DOK levels for higher level nonliving systems.
thinking objectives) - I can describe how organisms maintain homeostasis.
- I can compare and contrast prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
- I can explain the structure and function of the
cell/plasma membrane.
- I can compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
- I can relate cell structures to their function.

Essential Question(s): - How do cells maintain homeostasis?

Over-arching questions of the lesson that will - What are the cellular structures and their functions?
indicate student understanding of
concepts/skills What is it you want the
students to learn/know? Why?
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Inclusion Activity: All students are expected to participate in the daily warm-
Describe an activity that will ensure that all up. There is no penalty for being wrong. This is completely
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson. anonymous to the class as a whole, only I will know what
responses belong to which students.

The warm up today questions what students already know

or what they remember from learning about cellular
structure and function.

Sequence of Activities: - 0:00 Students enter Displayed when they arrive the
Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson. agenda for the day. Students will find their seat.
Should also include estimates of
pacing/timing. Students are to be instructed to begin their warm-up
as soon as they are seated.
- 0:05 should be set aside for the warm-up.
While students are completing their warm up
attendance can be taken. The google form allows for
live feedback therefore the progress of the warm-up
can be checked periodically as well, to ensure that all
students are participating.
Questions about the questions will be covered within
the lecture, save questions for the end.
- 0:07 Begin Lecture
- During lecture students are to fill out their
powerpoint with the missing information. This
information is found both in the textbook
(Chapter 3) as well as the lecture. Students are
able to fill out the powerpoint using
technology or a paper copy to meet their
- The powerpoint was made available to
students prior to class. My lecture power point
will be made available to students after class.
- Make sure students are filling out their power
point during lecture!!
- The information from the powerpoint will be
immensely helpful when completing their
- 0:37 At this time allow students to ask any clarifying
questions pertaining to the information covered
The last slide of the powerpoint has a youtube link
for remediation if needed.
- 0:39 Students will complete the warm up again. This
will allow me to formatively assess where my
students are with the material. This will also allow
me to see progress in student learning.
- 0:45 At this time I will cover the answers to the warm
- 0:50 Explain the cellular structure and function
project. Due 1 week from today.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Provide students with the project guidelines as well

as a copy of the rubric that will be used.
During this time students may ask any clarifying
questions about the project and begin brainstorming
for their project.
Time will be set aside prior to next lesson to cover
any remaining questions.
- 0:55 As an exit ticket students will hand in google
form with a possible idea as to how to complete their
cellular structure and function project.

Instructional Strategies: Whole group instruction, formative assessment, recognizing

Research-based strategies to help students possible at-risk students and plan interventions (based on
think critically about the concept/skill
formative assessment).

Assessment: Formative assessment: see lesson 0:00 and 0:39.

List both formative and summative
assessments that you will use to assess student
understanding. Formative assessments are Summative: Cellular Structure and Function Project
given during instruction (check for (attached above)
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will you grade
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation,
demonstration, etc.).

Differentiation: All students are provided with a copy of the lecture slides.
Describe who will need additional or different However, the student copy is missing some of the
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could information. Students can get this information from the
include testing accommodations, preferential lecture but if they are absent or miss something they are
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teachers notes, assignment notebook, peer able to reference their textbook as well. Students are
tutors, etc. provided with the cells prior to class and will be provided
with my lecture powerpoint at the end of the class.

The cellular structure and function project guidelines are

vague. This allows students to pick a way to use technology
that interests them or that they feel they are proficient in
and can use in order to complete the project.

The exit slip allows me to see students who are struggling to

come up with an idea for their cellular structure and
function assignment and spend time with them to develop
an idea.

Summary, Integration and Youtube video is available for remediation. Exit ticket will
Reflection: help me see students who are struggling with the idea and
List the way that you will bring students therefore I can target interventions to those students.
together to integrate and reflect on their
learning from this lesson
Both formative and summative assessment students are
required to use technology.

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