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Pharmacy management system can make the work easier by giving

the details of the medicine when its name is entered. A computer gives the
details of the medicine like rate of medicine, and the expiry date and the
row and rack location of the medicine. It becomes very difficult in big
medical stores to handle the details of all the medicines manually, so by
using this pharmacy manage system we can maintain the records of all the

By using this management system the time gets saved and there will
be very negligible chance for the errors to occur. We can check the
record instantly which is not possible by manual methods. As the system
gives the information of the expired medicines we can discard them and
replace them with new stock. Thus we can conclude that pharmacy
management system is helpful for handling the tasks efficiently in the store.

Pharmacy is the one of the medical facilities to serve the people of

certain population for their healthcare. Before this, pharmacy uses the
manual system to manage the medicine stock. It needs the pharmacist
assistant check the medicine twice a week to check expire date of the
medicine in the storage and the medicine that out of stock. The pharmacist
assistant take out the medicine that rise the expired date and keep it at the
safety place to avoid mistake the expired medicine to be sell. If there is the
out of stock of the medicine, the purchase order form is filling by the
pharmacist to order the medicine from the medicine company.


This project entitled with Pharmacy Management System. This
application developed using VB.NET technology as front end and backend

Pharmacy Management system are employed in regulatory control

and drug management, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, the
pharmaceutical industry, academic activities, training of other health
workers, and research. In all these fields, their aim is to ensure optimum
drug therapy, both by contributing to the preparation, supply and control of
medicines and associated products, and by providing information and
advice to those who prescribe or use pharmaceutical products.

Pharmacy management system can make the work easier by giving

the details of the medicine when its name is entered. A computer gives the
details of the medicine like rate of medicine. It becomes very difficult in
big medical stores to handle the details of all the medicines manually, so by
using this pharmacy manage system we can maintain the records of all the

A pharmacy information system must retrieve process and update the

information it obtains for safe and effective use of drugs. It is used to
manage drug usage in the patient health care process and to communicate a
large volume of information to pharmacy and pharmaceutical firms. The
pharmacy information system is normally used to support activities and the
inventory. Pharmaceutical companies had developed some relationship, on
marketing issues, with hospital pharmacies. The findings were in favor of
further therapeutic activities by pharmacy information systems, which
could be achieved by improving relationship between hospitals and
pharmaceutical firms, particularly in Tehran.

1.2 Modules Description:

It has been modularized into following modules.
Administrator Module
Pharmacist Module
Cashier Module
Manager Module

Administrator Module:
In that Admin can add new pharmacist and can view the
pharmacists list. And He has the rights of delete Pharmacist Details.
In that Admin can add new Manager and can view the Details of
Managers and He has the rights of delete Manager Details.
In that Admin can add new cashier and can view the Details of
Cashier and He has the rights of delete Cashier Details.

Pharmacist Module
Pharmacist Module used to add and view the prescription list.
He can Maintain Stock Details and add new Medicines.
This module gives the following details:
Cashier Module
Cashier Module can collect the bills and cash. This Modules Maintain
the all Process of Payment details.
This module gives the following details
Process payment (include invoice no, payment type, etc..)

Manager Module
Manager Module used to view the users Details and Prescription
And Can Add new medicines, View Medicine details.
This module gives the following details
View Users
View Prescription details
Manage Medicine Details


System : Dual Core Processor

Hard Disk : 500 GB
Monitor : 15VGA Colour monitor
Mouse : Logitech
Keyboard : 110 keys enhanced


Operating System : Windows 7

Front End : Microsoft Visual Studio
Back End : SQL Server 2008
Coding Language : .Net 2013


The .NET platform is an integral component of the Microsoft

Windows operating system for building and running next generation
software applications and Web services. The .NET development
framework provides a new and simplified model for programming and
deploying applications on the Windows platform. It provides such
advantages as multiplatform applications, automatic resource management,
and simplification of application deployment. As security is an essential
part of .NET, it provides security support, such as code authenticity check,
resources access authorizations, declarative and imperative security, and
cryptographic security methods for embedding into the users application.
.NET provides a simple object-oriented model to access most of the
Windows application programming interfaces (APIs). It also provides
mechanisms by which you can use the existing native code. In addition, it
significantly extends the development platform by providing tools and
technologies to develop Internet-based distributed applications.


The .NET Framework is a multi language, application execution

environment that transparently manages core infrastructure services. It is a
set of multiple languages/technologies used for developing and creating
components to create Web Forms, Web services, and Windows
applications. It supports the software life cycle for development,
debugging, deployment, and maintenance of applications. The version of
.NET framework that ships with Visual Studio .NET 2003 is version 1.1.
The .NET Framework consists of the following parts:
o Common Language Runtime (CLR).
o .NET Framework base class library.
o Common Language Specification (CLS).
o .NET-compliant languages.
o Data and XML classes such as ADO.NET and XML.
o A set of class libraries for building XML Web services.
o ASP.NET Web Forms-based Web applications.
o Windows Forms-based rich client applications.
o Common Type System (CTS).
o Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 integrated development
environment (IDE).

Microsoft provides the programming model, the development

environment, and the tools necessary to build, deploy, and operate Web
services with applications such as Visual Studio .NET 2003.

FIG. 2.1 .NET Framework Overview


The Microsoft .NET enterprise servers make up the Microsoft .NET

server infrastructure for deploying, managing, and operating XML Web
services and traditional applications. Examples of enterprise servers are
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft Commerce Server 2000.


A core set of building block services that execute standard tasks and
act as a basis for developers to build upon. These foundation services are
known as Microsoft .NET My Services and provide many features and
functions. Most of the foundation services are hosted (outsourced)
services. An example of a currently available Web service is Microsoft
.NET Passport.


Sometime in the July 2000, Microsoft announced a whole new

software development framework for Windows called .NET in the
Professional Developer Conference (PDC).Microsoft also released PDC
version of the software for the developers to test. After initial testing and
feedback Beta 1 of .NET was announced. Beta 1 of the .NET itself got lot
of attention from the developer community. When Microsoft announced
Beta 2, it incorporated many changes suggested by the community and
internals into the software. The overall Beta phase lasted for more than 1
years. Finally, in March 2002 Microsoft released final version of the
.NET framework. One thing to be noted here is the change in approach of
Microsoft while releasing this new platform. Unlike other software where
generally only a handful people are involved in beta testing, .NET was
thrown open to community for testing in its every pre-release version. This
is one of the reasons why it created so many waves of excitement within
the community and industry as well. Microsoft has put in great efforts in
this new platform. In fact Microsoft says that its future depends on
success of .NET. The development of .NET is such an important event that
Microsoft considers it equivalent to transition from DOS to Windows. All
the future development including new and version upgrades of existing
products will revolve around .NET.

If you are developing applications that require speedy delivery to

your customers and features like integration with some version control
software then simple Notepad may not serve your purpose. In such cases
you require some Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that allows
for Rapid Action Development(RAD). The new Visual Studio.NET is such
an IDE. VS.NET is a powerful and flexible IDE that makes developing
.NET applications a breeze. Some of the features of VS.NET that make you
more productive are:
Drag and Drop design
IntelliSense features
Syntax highlighting and auto-syntax checking
Excellent debugging tools
Integration with version control software such as Visual Source Safe
Easy project management
Note that when you install Visual Studio.NET, .NET Framework is
automatically installed on the machine.


Now that we know some basics of .NET, let us see what makes .NET
a wonderful platform for developing modern applications.


.NET framework provides a rich set of functionality out of the box. It

contains hundreds of classes that provide variety of functionality ready to
use in your applications. This means that as a developer you need not go
into low level details of many operations such as file IO, network
communication and so on.


ASP.NET is a technology available on .NET platform for developing

dynamic and data driven web applications. ASP.NET provides an event
driven programming model (similar to Visual Basic 6 that simplify
development of webpages (now called as web forms) with complex user
interface. ASP.NET server controls provide advanced user interface
elements (like calendar and grids) that save lot of coding from
programmers side.


The advantages of Object Oriented programming are well known.

.NET provides a fully object oriented environment. The philosophy of
.NET is Object is mother of all. Languages like Visual Basic.NET
now support many of the features that were lacking traditionally. Even
primitive types like integer and characters can be treated as objects
something not available even in Object Oriented languages like C++.


Generally enterprises have varying skill sets. For example, a

company might have people with skills in Visual Basic, C++, and Java etc.
It is an experience that whenever a new language or environment is
invented existing skills are outdated. This naturally increases cost of
training and learning curve. .NET provides something attractive in this
area. It supports multiple languages. This means that if you have skills in
C++, you need not throw them but just mould them to suit.NET
environment. Currently four languages are available right out of the box
namely Visual Basic.NET, C# (pronounced as C-sharp), Jscript.NET and
Managed C++ (a dialect of Visual C++). There are many vendors that are
working on developing language compilers for other languages (20+
language compilers are already available). The beauty of multi language
support lies in the fact that even though the syntax of each language is
different, the basic capabilities of each language remain at par with one


Modern life style is increasingly embracing mobile and wireless

devices such as PDAs, mobiles and handheld PCs. . . .NET provides
promising platform for programming such devices. .NET Compact
Framework and Mobile Internet Toolkit are step ahead in this direction.


While developing applications developers had to develop an eye on

system resources like memory. Memory leaks were major reason in failure
of applications. .NET takes this worry away from developer by handling
memory on its own. The garbage collector takes care of freeing unused
objects at appropriate intervals.


Before the introduction of .NET, COM was the de-facto standard for
componentized software development. Companies have invested lot of
money and efforts in developing COM components and controls. The
good news is you can still use COM components and ActiveX controls
under .NET. This allows you to use your existing investment in .NET
applications. .NET still relies on COM+ for features like transaction
management and object pooling. In fact it provides enhanced declarative
support for configuring COM+ application right from your source code.
Your COM+ knowledge still remains as a valuable asset.


If we have worked with COM components probably aware of DLL

hell. DLL conflicts are a common fact in COM world. The main reason
behind this was the philosophy of COM one version of component
across machine. Also, COM components require registration in the
system registry. .NET ends this DLL hell by allowing applications to use
their own copy of dependent DLLs. Also, .NET components do not require
any kind of registration in system registry.


Now days it is hard to find a programmer who is unaware of XML.

XML has gained such a strong industry support that almost all the vendors
have released some kind of upgrades or patches to their existing software to
make it XML Compatible. Currently, .NET is the only platform that has
built with XML right into the core framework. .NET tries to harness power
of XML in every possible way. In addition to providing support for
manipulating and transforming XML documents, .NET provides XML web
services that are based on standards like HTTP, XML and SOAP.


Deploying windows applications especially that used COM

components were always been a tedious task. Since .NET does not require
any registration as such, much of the deployment is simplified. This makes
XCOPY deployment viable. Configuration is another area where .NET
especially ASP.NET shines over traditional languages. The configuration
is done via special files having special XML vocabulary. Since, most of the
configuration is done via configuration files, there is no need to sit in front
of actual machine and configure the application manually. This is more
important for web applications, simplyFTPing new configuration file
makes necessary changes.


Windows platform was always criticized for poor security

mechanisms. Microsoft has taken great efforts to make .NET platform safe
and secure for enterprise applications. Features such as type safety, code
access security and role based authentication make overall application more
robust and secure.



Microsoft announced the .NET initiative in July 2000.Microsoft

.NET is software that enables you to develop applications for different
environments and devices. Microsoft has introduced the .NET initiative
with the intention of bridge the gap in interoperability between
applications. It aims at integrating various programming languages and
services. .NET overcomes one of the biggest challenges of the software
industry: to exchange data between applications written in different
languages and for different environments.

Microsoft .NET (pronounced dot net) is a software component that

runs on the Windows operating system. .NET provides tools and libraries
that enable developers to create Windows software much faster and easier.
.NET benefits end-users by providing applications of higher capability,
quality and security. The .NET Framework must be installed on a users PC
to run in .NET applications.This is how Microsoft describes it: .NET is
the Microsoft Web services strategy to connect information, people,
systems, and devices through software. Integrated across the Microsoft
platform, .NET technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy,
manage, and use connected, security-enhanced solutions with Web
services. .NET-connected solutions enable businesses to integrate their
systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner and help they realize the
promise of information anytime, anywhere, on any device.


Microsoft .NET consists of the following major components:

Common Language Specification (CLS)

Framework Class Library (FCL)
Common Language Runtime (CLR)


If you have the necessary bandwidth to download over 130 MB, you
might consider downloading the full Microsoft .NET Software
Development Kit (SDK). We fully recommend getting the SDK for
learning more about .NET and for the documentation, samples, and tools
included. At the base of the diagram in gray is the operating system, which
technically can be any platform but typically is Microsoft Windows 2000
or greater, accessed through the Win32 API (Application Programming
Benefits of .NET

.NET provides the best platform available today for delivering

Windows software. .NET helps make software better, faster, cheaper, and
more secure. .NET is not the only solution for developing Web software-
Java on Linux is a serious alternative. But on the Windows desktop, .NET

For developers, .NET provides an integrated set of tools for building

Web software and services and Windows desktop applications. .NET
supports multiple programming languages and Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA).For end-users, .NET results in software thats more
reliable and secure and works on multiple devices including laptops, Smart
phones and Pocket PCs.


1. Managed code execution that runs under the common language

runtime robust stable and secure application.

2. is totally object oriented programming language.

3. The .net framework comes with ADO .net

4. uses XML to transfer data between the various layers in the
DNA architecture.

5. Error handling has changed in A new try catch finally

blocks has been introduced.

6. Security has become more robust in


SQL was invented and developed by IBM in early 1970s SQL

stands for Strutted Query Language. In order to communicate with the

Web application or Client Server Application or Desktop

Application we need to store data which can be retrieved or can be
accessed whenever we require. SQL server is a Back End Tool. SQL stands
for Structure Query Language. It is a powerful database. SQL server was
developed by MICROSOFT corporation. The SQL server is used to
manipulate large amount of information.

EX: Banking section, School, University, Ticket Booking center,

Share marketing.

It is a high performance scalable distribute. Relation database

management system that addresses to the needs of Client/Server
computing. Microsoft SQL server enhances the performance Reliability
and Scalability provide. Microsoft SQL server enhances the performance
Reliability and Scalability provided by Earlier Relax SQL Server by
Marketing process of developing Application, Managing system and
Replicating Data Easier than Even.

SQL Supports the following categories of commands

1. Data definition language-creates, alter, and drop commands.

2. Data manipulation language-inserts, commit, save point and
rollback commands.

3. Transaction control language-commit save point and rollback


4. Data control language-grants and revokes commands.


Non procedural language, because more than one record can be

accessed rather than one record at a time. It is the common language for all
relational databases. In other words it is portable and requires very few
modifications so that it can work on other databases. Very simple
commands for querying, inserting, deleting, and modifying data and

Microsoft SQL server is a Structured Query Language (SQL) based,

client\server relational database. Each of the terms describes a fundamental
part of the architecture of SQL Server.


Hospital pharmacy supervision is to ensure that medicines are

accessed and used safely by patients and professionals both within the
environments of a hospital and beyond. Pharmacy involves information
processing, which means retrieving information from one file and using it
to compare, update, or display information from another file. The
pharmacist could play an essential role in providing accurate data for
managing patient care. Information systems are now necessary to help
pharmacists to perform their expanding list of daily tasks efficiently.

chances of errors and data processing time
Timely Due to manual process, required more time to complete user
It will increase updating is complicated.
Security of data were not maintain


Hospital pharmacy supervision is to ensure that medicines are

accessed and used safely by patients and professionals both within the
environments of a hospital and beyond. Pharmacy involves information
processing, which means retrieving information from one file and using it
to compare, update, or display information from another file. The
pharmacist could play an essential role in providing accurate data for
managing patient care. Information systems are now necessary to help
pharmacists to perform their expanding list of daily tasks efficiently. The
pharmacy information system collects, stores and manages information
related to drugs and supervises the use of drugs in line with patient care.
The pharmacy information system can rely on management information
system to track and dispense drugs to hospitals and health care
organizations. Pharmacy information systems are also among the most
widely used clinical information systems today.


It is one of the features of computer that medical store
management system project report it provides accuracy result. It is often
said, Man does mistakes but machines never.

When a man works there seems numbers of errors and mistakes

in performing calculation and other things, while it is not in case
with computers.

The security is maintained vary comfortably in computers. Secretes
are not disclosed off, as there are password settings in the
computers. So the firm can get the benefit of non-disclosure of its
secrets to the outsider competitors as well as other non-authorized
Time saving
The computerized system is time saving. On an immediate
inquiry, the operator or any authorized person has to just click some
switches and get the information in few seconds.
Perform Repetitive Task Very Well
It is said that medical store management system project report
computer never tires. I do the repetitive task very well as it never
feels laziness. Performance of repetitive task by a man is not well

Performed, as main tires very quickly and feels lazy. It is not in the
case with computer. So, proposed system is beneficial than Old one.

Low cost
The computer need not change year as it happens in case of
registers. In register system clerk , employees and also managers are
needed to fulfill the management activity while in computer system
the two persons are enough for all the work. So in proposed system
the two persons and expenses of registers are saved annually.

Easy Maintenance
The maintenance of the computer is not tough job as compared
to the registers, as it may not be lost or damaged. So there is only
soft or easy maintenance needed with computers.

Easy Modification
In case of any change in data stored , the modification or
editing can be done very easily and clearly trough computers, but
that medical shop management system project report is not possible with

Attractive and Status

Computer creates different kind of impression in mind of
computer or any other person . computer tends to increase in
reputation/status of the firm . whenever party required any information
the units has just to print to out clicking some switches . so with the
help of computers , promoters can increase their profit .

Hence , with these merits , it would be very unwise and

reckless to manage the organization through the system of book
keeping . as it is said that medical store management system project
report prevention is better than cure , it would be very fine and
intelligent decision to have computer application system in


Admin Details Data Flow

Level 1
Level 2

Level 3

D. Name

Dealer M
D. Code Supplies

Item. Code
.Code M
M Item
D.Add Product . Name

M Price
C.Code C.Name C.City
M 1
Customer Sales
items 1


Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and

represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. In fact,
testing is the one step in the software engineering process that could be
viewed as destructive rather than constructive.

A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design

methods into a well-planned series of steps that result in the successful
construction of software. Testing is the set of activities that can be planned
in advance and conducted systematically. The underlying motivation of
program testing is to affirm software quality with methods that can
economically and effectively apply to both strategic to both large and
small-scale systems.


The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. Initially

system engineering defines the role of software and leads to software
requirement analysis where the information domain, functions, behavior,
performance, constraints and validation criteria for software are
established. Moving inward along the spiral, we come to design and finally
to coding. To develop computer software we spiral in along streamlines
that decrease the level of abstraction on each turn.

A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of

the spiral. Unit testing begins at the vertex of the spiral and concentrates on
each unit of the software as implemented in source code. Testing progress
by moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the focus
is on the design and the construction of the software architecture. Talking
another turn on outward on the spiral we encounter validation testing where
requirements established as part of software requirements analysis are
validated against the software that has been constructed. Finally we arrive
at system testing, where the software and other system elements are tested
as a whole.

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of

software design, the module. The unit testing we have is white box oriented
and some modules the steps are conducted in parallel.


This type of testing ensures that

All independent paths have been exercised at least once

All logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false sides
All loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational
All internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity.
To follow the concept of white box testing we have tested each form
.we have created independently to verify that Data flow is correct, All
conditions are exercised to check their validity, All loops are executed on
their boundaries.


Established technique of flow graph with Cyclometric complexity

was used to derive test cases for all the functions. The main steps in
deriving test cases were:

Use the design of the code and draw correspondent flow graph.

Determine the Cyclometric complexity of resultant flow graph, using


V(G)=E-N+2 or

V (G) =P+1 or
V (G) =Number of Regions

Where V (G) is Cyclometric complexity,

E is the number of edges,

N is the number of flow graph nodes,

P is the number of predicate nodes.


In this part of the testing each of the conditions were tested to both true and
false aspects. And all the resulting paths were tested. So that each path that
may be generate on particular condition is traced to uncover any possible


This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the
location of definition and use of variables. This kind of testing was used
only when some local variable were declared. The definition-use chain
method was used in this type of testing. These were particularly useful in
nested statements.


Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing tests to

uncover error associated within the interface. In the project, all the modules
are combined and then the entire programmer is tested as a whole. In the
integration-testing step, all the error uncovered is corrected for the next
testing steps.

The Implementation Plan describes how the information system will

be deployed, installed and transitioned into an operational system. The
plan contains an overview of the system, a brief description of the major
tasks involved in the implementation, the overall resources needed to
support the implementation effort (such as hardware, software. facilities,
materials, and personnel), and any site-specific implementation
requirements. The plan is developed during the Design Phase and is
updated during the Development Phase; the final version is provided in the
Integration and Test Phase and is used for guidance during the
Implementation Phase.


Every system has to perform Maintenance at some point or another.

Whether its just to upgrade a portion of the system or because of some
problem with the system, its an inevitable fact of operating system. And in
many cases, maintenance requires taking your system for at least a few

It has been a great pleasure for me to work on this exciting and

challenging project. This project proved good for me as it provided
practical knowledge of programming in VB.NET and MYSQL Server, and
also about all handling procedure related with E-Pharmacy Management
System. It also provides knowledge about the latest technology used in
developing web enabled application and client server technology that will
be great demand in future. This will provide better opportunities and
guidance in future in developing projects independently.


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