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Artifact Reflection Two

Artifact Name Check Your Progress Chapter 2

Core Competency Business Ethics 1.2
Course Subject Intro to Business
Last Update September 20, 2016
Rationale I choose this assignment, Chapter Two Check
Your Progress because it shows my
understanding of business ethics. It also shows
that I understand social responsibility, unethical
issues, code of ethics, and the pro vs. cons of
social responsibilities in businesses. I meet this
core competency by explain the nature of
business ethics.
Knowledge I learned about ethical and unethical ways of
business, social responsibility, and how it can
affect the environment. I personally believe that
any successful business has to have good
business ethics in order to succeed for a long
period of time. I also understand social
responsibility, unethical issues, code of ethics,
and the pro vs. cons of social responsibilities in
businesses. I learned about the functions of a
business and how they run with business ethics.
Skills On this assignment, I used my own sense of
opinion along with the facts out of my Business A
Changing World textbook. I love the fact that we
addressed the ethical ways of business in Intro to
Business because you must be kind, use customer
service, help however you can, and doing the
right thing. My skills that I used are using
Microsoft Word, ability to look up information in
a textbook, and format my work.
Growth and Improvement If I were to do this assignment again I would
Statement have put more of my opinion in the assignment
more than just the facts and information from the
Business A Changing World textbook. I answered
all the questions fully and correctly with it well
formatted. I have improved my knowledge of
ethical issues and my ability to address them.

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