Cold War Project

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Cold War

By:Peyton Blackwood and

Kinzlee Wallace
Harry Truman Importance
Harry Truman was a very important man. Harry Truman
was a United States President. Harry was a Vice President
until Franklin. D. Roosevelt died then Harry became
president. He went into the presidency in a very bad time
during the war.
Where is Harry From
President Harry Truman is from Lamar Missouri. He
was born on May 8, 1884. He died on December 26,
1972. He died from old age and pneumonia. When he
was in Missouri for the first 12 years of his life he was a
farmer. Then he went to France during World War 1.
Harry got married to Bess . They had one kid named
Margaret Truman.
What did Harry do
Truman decided for the U.S that they were going to
oppose communism. When F.D.R died Truman went into
office. He went into office April, 12, 1945 he was the 33rd
president. When Truman went into office he was only in
the office for 1 month and he dropped the atomic bomb.
Know in society we don't have communist in the United
Pictures of Harry Truman
Space monkey-why is it important?
The monkeys were sent into space to find different effects of spaceflight.

This was a very cruel thing but the data was very usable.

It was dangerous to send people so they sent monkeys there.

Russians and Americans both launch space monkeys

Space monkey-where did it happen
Soviet Union were the first people to send a dog to space.

The United States were the first people to send the a monkey into space.

We sent it in 1948
What is the impact of this event?
The impact of this event was so we knew if it was safe for people to go.
Monkeys are the closed things to humans. They sent them to get data to see if
the people will live. The monkeys did not live at first. Eventually we figured out
that if we wore space suits they would protect us. NASA is not only sending
people to space we are also sending people to the moon.

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