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Cold War

By Benny Pan and Tristan Johnston

Space Monkey
The us sent the first monkey into outer space
June 11, 1948 he was sent into outer space
They sent multiple animals were sent into space
This is Albert 1 the first monkey in space
Why was this event important.
It was the first ever monkey into space. No one else had sent any animals yet. The
U.S was the first people to send any animal in space.
Where did this person from or where did this event
They launched him in the us and it was in Texas at the launch center.
Why is the impact this event or person on today's
It has a huge impact because now they know the rules for proper air support. They
know how much fuel and air.
Fun facts

The chimp eons was the first non human in space
This first space satellite went into space on Oct. 4, 1957
It was launched from the Soviet Union
This event will lead to many other scientific advancements
Also, this will encourage the U.S. to work harder to win the Space Race

This satellite had a diameter of 22 inches and weighed 184 pounds

It travelled at 18,000 mph and sent radio signals back to Earth
It orbited the Earth for 3 months before it burned in the atmosphere
Fun Facts
Sputnik is Russian for satellite
This satellite goes around Earth every 1 hour and 36 minutes
It went a highest of 584 miles and a lowest of 143 miles above the Earth
Some people could actually see this amazing object with binoculars before
sunrise and after sunset
This is a colorized photo of Sputnik orbiting Earth
The Space Race
The U.S. had actually planned to launch a satellite too.
But it was 10 times smaller than Sputnik and it wasn't due until the year after
Sputnik was launched.
However the U.S. worked harder and launched Explorer on Jan. 31, 1958
By then, the Soviet Union launched the first dog in space.
After that it went on to make more scientific achievements.
Soviet Unions first ever achievements
First satellite
First dog
First man
First woman
First 3 men
First space walk
First to impact the moon
First to impact Venus
First to soft land the moon
U.S. comeback
Then, the U.S. Launched Apollo 11, which successfully landed 2 astronauts on the
surface of the moon in 1969. The Soviets tried to do the same, but they failed and
resulted in many deaths. This will be the turning point in the Space Race.
The End
Thank you

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