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PCM MoineauTM HR

Hydraulically Regulated PCP for downhole multiphase pumping

- HRPCP, patented technology -


Multiphase flow patterns

In Multiphase Conditions, flow pattern depends on:

- Viscosity
- Fluid Velocity
- Temperature
- Well and Piping Architecture

Multiphase Flow:
gas/oil/water mixture with changing proportions

Multiphase conditions downhole:

- low Bottom Hole Flowing Pressure
- High GOR
- depleted reservoir

Downhole Multiphase pumping challenges

1. Increase oil and gas production by decreasing the submergence

2. Accelerate and increase the recovery of the reserves thanks to a

lower ultimate abandon pressure

3. Put back on stream gassy wells / abandoned wells where

conventional Artificial Lift System was not adapted

PCP State of the art

Conventional PCPs
- Accept moderate gas : 30-40% GVF
- Above 20% life span is questionable
- Typical failure mode is hysteresis (heating)

Market need : Alternate technology to overcome larger GVF

with longer life span

Conventional PCP with gas

PCP Pressure

High Pressure increase located at

pump outlet

Elastomer deformation & gas

compression cause high
Temperature increase

Run Life is shortened


HRPCP benefits
HRPCP PCP Pressure

Better pressure distribution

Less elastomer deformation

Reduced hysteresis &

temperature increase

Stator run life is increased

FLOW : Hydraulic Regulators

PCM MoineauTM HR Technology

HRPCP = PCP with Hydraulic Regulators

- Ability to handle high GVF
- Self-regulated system embedded in the rotor
- Regulation not affected by elastomer swelling

Works and lasts

- Patented and proven technology by PCM

The only Self-Regulated Multiphase PCP on the market

16 models available, 5 elastomers for the most suitable


PCM MoineauTM HR : Areas of interests

Mature fields / Depleted reservoirs

Oil wells producing gas (low to high GOR wells)

Conversion of low-volume production systems

- SRP (gas lock)
- Low-volume ESP (gas lock)
- conventional PCP (facing problems due to gas)
- Conventional PCP + gas separator (energy)
- Ageing gas lift
- Declining natural flowing wells

Gas well dewatering


PCM MoineauTM HR: Operation

As simple to operate and to maintain as a conventional PCP

Multiphase pumping package provided by PCM

- downhole and surface -

Keep the benefits of the conventional PCP system

- Hydraulic Regulators embedded in the rotor
- Pump OD is equal to conventional PCP
- Will work better and longer than a conventional PCP
- Same Bottom hole assembly as a conventional PCP
- Simplify your Logistics

PCM MoineauTM HR
Energy Savings Vs use of a gas separator

Handle gas instead of separating it

Multiphase flow in the tubing

Up to 40% net power savings

Downsize your motor, VSD and

Power facilities on surface.

Gas Separator


HRPCP brings the PCP in multiphase applications

HRPCP provides better run life

Embedded technology as simple to use as a conventional PCP

Lower OPEX (Less Work Over / Less production losses / Less spare parts)

Higher and Longer production


PCM MoineauTM HR as a strategy to fight gas Case Story


- Field in Argentina, 18API, pressure declining res ervoir

- High GOR up to 600 m3 / m3, asphaltene and paraffins
- Artificial Lift strategy based on Beam Pumps and conventional PCP
- Gas Lock occurring on SRP
- Gas Separators plugging (asphaltenes) on PCP systems
- High submergence maintained to mitigate downhole gas proportion => not optimized
- Artificial Lift strategy not dedicated to high gas content

=> PCM MoineauTM HR has been installed on this field as an alternative Artificial Lift System

PCM MoineauTM HR as a strategy to fight gas Case Story


Well A
- Declining Naturally flowing well that required Artificial Lift System
- Average ALS field Run Life with SRP and conventional PCP is less than 1 year
- Installation of 13E2600 HRPCP: September 2009
- GOR = 295 m3 / m3
- Estimated average GVF @ pump intake = 75%
- 20 months days achieved, POOH for dry running.

Well B
- Previous ALS: SRP
- Erratic production was observed because of SRP Gas Lock
- SRP was not considered as a sustainable ALS for this well
- Installation of 13E2600 HRPCP: September 2010
- 16 months achieved, production is steady and does not need close control any more

PCM MoineauTM HR as a strategy to fight gas Case Story


Well C
- Previous ALS: Conventional PCP with gas separator
- gas separator used to decrease GVF at pump causing premature failures
- Intervention required every 5 months because of gas separator plugging (asphaltene)
- Installation of 13E2600 HRPCP: July 2010
- 18 months run life achieved, pump is still running
- lower torque Vs previous ALS as gas is handled by the pump (gas lift effect)


- 20 x HRPCP are running on this field

- PCM MoineauTM HR pumps offer a new Artificial Lift alternative when its about gas
- Project is going further as the technology is considered successful by the user:
additional installation are planned.
- Team work between PCM and company

PCM MoineauTM HR

Hydraulically Regulated PCP for downhole multiphase pumping

- HRPCP, patented technology -


PCM MoineauTM HR: 16 models available

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