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Doc. Ref.

: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 86 de 118

Vibration Analysis
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.2.1 24/05/2017 11:59 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units
Gas-Gas HX N1
Rating - Horizontal Countercurrent Flow TEMA NEN Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside condition Sens. Gas (Level 2,3000)
Axial stress loading (MPa) 0,000 Added mas s factor 1,276
Beta 9,900
Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
Length for natural frequency (m) 0,794 0,688 0,794
Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0,612 0,531 0,612
Number of spans (--) 22 22 22
Tube natural frequency (Hz) 80,1 + 80,1 80,2
Shell acoustic frequency (Hz) 106,7 + 110,0 113,0
Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
Window parallel velocity (m/s) 1,76 1,87 1,98
Bundle crossflow velocity (m/s) 2,13 3,09 2,41
Bundle/shell velocity (m/s) 1,22 1,30 1,01
Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
Log decrement HTRI 0,039 0,042 0,039
Critical velocity (m/s) 17,88 25,41 18,96
Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0,1187 0,1208 0,1262
Average cros sflow velocity ratio (--) 0,1193 0,1215 0,1269
Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,349 0,506 0,394
Chen number (--) 156593 210095 152507
Turbulent buffeting ratio (--) 0,376 0,544 0,424
Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,555 0,802 0,626
Parallel flow amplitude (mm) 0,001 0,002 0,001
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0,037 0,080 0,047
Tube gap (mm) 11,680 11,680 11,680
Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s 2) 305,44 600,15 344,59
Bundle Entrance/Exit
(analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 1,927 * 0,656
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 3,597 1,298
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0,75206 0,66695
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 13,83 * 4,99
Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (mm) None None
Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
Impingement device Rectangular plate --
Flow area (m2) 0,209 0,277
Velocity (m/s) 5,51 4,69
RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 2038,2 1308,2
Shell type NEN Baffle type Double-Seg.
Tube type Finned Baffle layout Parallel
Pitch ratio 1,6000 Tube diameter, (mm) 19,050
Layout angle 30 Tube material Carbon s teel
Number U-Bend supports Supports /baffle space 0
Use deresonating baffles No
Program Messages
+ Frequency ratios are based upon lowes t natural or acoustic frequency
* Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 87 de 118

Vibration Analysis
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.2.1 24/05/2017 11:59 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units
Gas-Gas HX N1
Rating - Horizontal Countercurrent Flow TEMA NEN Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside condition Sens. Gas (Level 2,3000)
Axial stress loading (MPa) 0,000 Added mas s factor 1,276
Beta 9,900
Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
Length for natural frequency (m) 0,794 0,688 0,794
Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0,612 0,531 0,612
Number of spans (--) 22 22 22
Tube natural frequency (Hz) 80,2 + 80,2 80,3
Shell acoustic frequency (Hz) 99,7 + 103,4 106,7
Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
Window parallel velocity (m/s) 1,53 1,65 1,76
Bundle crossflow velocity (m/s) 1,85 2,71 2,13
Bundle/shell velocity (m/s) 1,06 1,14 0,90
Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
Log decrement HTRI 0,039 0,042 0,039
Critical velocity (m/s) 16,72 23,89 17,91
Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0,1102 0,1129 0,1185
Average cros sflow velocity ratio (--) 0,1107 0,1134 0,1191
Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,325 0,475 0,374
Chen number (--) 159107 214711 156631
Turbulent buffeting ratio (--) 0,349 0,511 0,402
Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,481 0,704 0,554
Parallel flow amplitude (mm) 0,001 0,001 0,001
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0,029 0,049 0,037
Tube gap (mm) 11,680 11,680 11,680
Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s 2) 265,14 527,23 305,59
Bundle Entrance/Exit
(analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 1,788 * 0,615
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 3,118 1,149
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0,86202 0,74846
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 12,00 * 4,43
Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (mm) None None
Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
Impingement device Rectangular plate --
Flow area (m2) 0,209 0,277
Velocity (m/s) 4,78 4,16
RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 1768,4 1159,6
Shell type NEN Baffle type Double-Seg.
Tube type Finned Baffle layout Parallel
Pitch ratio 1,6000 Tube diameter, (mm) 19,050
Layout angle 30 Tube material Carbon s teel
Number U-Bend supports Supports /baffle space 0
Use deresonating baffles No
Program Messages
+ Frequency ratios are based upon lowes t natural or acoustic frequency
* Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 88 de 118

Vibration Analysis
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xist 7.2.1 24/05/2017 11:59 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units
Gas-Gas HX N1
Rating - Horizontal Countercurrent Flow TEMA NEN Shell With Double-Segmental Baffles
Shellside condition Boil. Liquid (Level 2,3000)
Axial stress loading (MPa) 0,000 Added mas s factor 1,276
Beta 9,900
Position In The Bundle Inlet Center Outlet
Length for natural frequency (m) 0,794 0,688 0,794
Length/TEMA maximum span (--) 0,612 0,531 0,612
Number of spans (--) 22 22 22
Tube natural frequency (Hz) 80,1 + 80,2 80,3
Shell acoustic frequency (Hz) 91,3 + 95,6 99,7
Flow Velocities Inlet Center Outlet
Window parallel velocity (m/s) 1,28 1,40 1,53
Bundle crossflow velocity (m/s) 1,55 2,31 1,85
Bundle/shell velocity (m/s) 0,88 0,97 0,78
Fluidelastic Instability Check Inlet Center Outlet
Log decrement HTRI 0,039 0,042 0,039
Critical velocity (m/s) 15,33 22,10 16,72
Baffle tip cross velocity ratio (--) 0,1004 0,1039 0,1101
Average cros sflow velocity ratio (--) 0,1009 0,1044 0,1107
Acoustic Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,271 0,405 0,325
Chen number (--) 158369 0 159123
Turbulent buffeting ratio (--) 0,292 0,435 0,349
Tube Vibration Check Inlet Center Outlet
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 0,402 0,600 0,481
Parallel flow amplitude (mm) 0,001 0,001 0,001
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 0,022 0,033 0,029
Tube gap (mm) 11,680 11,680 11,680
Crossflow RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s 2) 221,61 448,89 265,20
Bundle Entrance/Exit
(analysis at first tube row) Entrance Exit
Fluidelastic instability ratio (--) 1,629 * 0,572
Vortex shedding ratio (--) 2,607 0,998
Crossflow amplitude (mm) 1,02364 0,76097
Crossflow velocity (m/s) 10,03 * 3,84
Tubesheet to inlet/outlet support (mm) None None
Shell Entrance/Exit Parameters Entrance Exit
Impingement device Rectangular plate --
Flow area (m2) 0,209 0,277
Velocity (m/s) 3,99 3,61
RHO-V-SQ (kg/m-s2) 1477,8 1006,1
Shell type NEN Baffle type Double-Seg.
Tube type Finned Baffle layout Parallel
Pitch ratio 1,6000 Tube diameter, (mm) 19,050
Layout angle 30 Tube material Carbon s teel
Number U-Bend supports Supports /baffle space 0
Use deresonating baffles No
Program Messages
+ Frequency ratios are based upon lowes t natural or acoustic frequency
* Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design. Review your case
using the procedure described in Online Help; You may find that a vibration problem is unlikely.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 89 de 118

Reportes Xvib Vibraciones (10-ES-4411/12/13)

Tube Locations
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:04 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=39, Tube=4

373,08 mm

Dummy Short Tube
Dummy Long Tube
Plugged Tube
Tie Rod
Seal Rod
Impingement Rod
Xvib Tube

373,08 mm

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 90 de 118

Primera coraza-Tubo 1
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:04 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pas s=1, Row=39, Tube=4

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 66,952
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mas s factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Density (kg/m3) 7838,9
Elastic modulus (MPa) 202301
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
80,786 0,1285 0,2341 25, 15
82,036 0,1265 0,2405 9, 31
84,434 0,0637 0,1177 35, 7
84,578 0,1051 0,1862 7, 15
87,295 0,119 0,2115 15, 37
91,839 0,0692 0,1198 39, 3
92,32 0,0893 0,1629 3, 9
95,487 0,0675 0,1155 9, 39
96,25 0,0838 0,1534 39, 35
103,32 0,0763 0,1212 35, 1
106,15 0,0652 0,1432 1
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 91 de 118

Segunda coraza-Tubo 1
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:06 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=39, Tube=4

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 77,147
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Density (kg/m3) 7844,1
Elastic modulus (MPa) 203334
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
80,901 0,1203 0,2222 18, 28
82,175 0,1184 0,2121 34, 12
84,511 0,1128 0,2033 8, 36
84,684 0,0239 0,0469 36, 28
87,427 0,1115 0,1866 28, 6
91,827 0,1014 0,1832 4, 40
92,355 0,0326 0,0679 40, 34
95,665 0,0789 0,1215 34, 4
96,123 0,065 0,1084 4, 2
103,66 0,0718 0,1155 2, 42
105,63 0,0686 0,1227 42
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 92 de 118

Tercera coraza-Tubo 1
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:06 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=39, Tube=4

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 92,755
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Density (kg/m3) 7849,2
Elastic modulus (MPa) 204368
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,89
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
87,764 0,0901 0,1848 3
88,192 0,0636 0,1298 3
88,345 0,0635 0,1293 3
88,622 0,0633 0,1285 3
89,687 0,0626 0,1255 3
90,392 0,0621 0,1236 3
91,494 0,0613 0,1206 3
93,192 0,0602 0,1162 3
96,277 0,0583 0,1089 3
98,164 0,0572 0,1048 3
100,2 0,056 0,1005 3
100,37 0,0559 0,1002 3
102,89 0,0546 0,0954 3
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 93 de 118

Tube Locations
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:07 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=5, Tube=1

373,08 mm

Dummy Short Tube
Dummy Long Tube
Plugged Tube
Tie Rod
Seal Rod
Impingement Rod
Xvib Tube

373,08 mm

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 94 de 118

Primera coraza-Tubo 2
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:07 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=5, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 67,049
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Dens ity (kg/m3) 7839,0
Elastic modulus (MPa) 202309
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
82,063 0,129 0,2034 36
82,063 0,0912 0,1438 36
88,742 0,1193 0,174 36
90,623 0,0826 0,118 36
91,212 0,0821 0,1164 36
91,766 0,0816 0,115 36
92,912 0,0806 0,1122 36
94,195 0,0795 0,1092 36
99,373 0,1066 0,1387 36
104,39 0,0717 0,0889 36
104,59 0,0716 0,0885 36
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 95 de 118

Segunda coraza-Tubo 2
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 23/03/2017 14:43 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=5, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 77,285
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Density (kg/m3) 7844,1
Elastic modulus (MPa) 203342
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
80,904 0,1198 0,1816 25, 15
82,173 0,1179 0,16 9, 31
84,608 0,1143 0,1656 35
87,413 0,1106 0,1383 15, 27
92,02 0,069 0,0946 39, 3
92,272 0,0788 0,1107 3, 9
95,614 0,0723 0,0922 9, 39
96,035 0,07 0,0871 39, 35
103,69 0,0667 0,0783 35, 1
106,02 0,0622 0,0977 1
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 96 de 118

Tercera coraza-Tubo 2
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:08 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=5, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 92,963
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Dens ity (kg/m3) 7849,2
Elastic modulus (MPa) 204376
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,89
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
87,113 0,0849 0,1334 8, 32
87,447 0,068 0,0992 32
87,606 0,0584 0,103 32, 8
87,94 0,0373 0,0643 8
88,231 0,0828 0,1279 8, 6
89,441 0,1139 0,1708 6, 8
89,535 0,0771 0,1127 6
89,8 0,0767 0,1117 6, 8
90,08 0,0925 0,141 8, 36
90,587 0,0803 0,1336 36, 6
90,881 0,0797 0,114 6, 8
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 97 de 118


Tube Locations
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:09 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=89, Tube=1

373,08 mm

Dummy Short Tube
Dummy Long Tube
Plugged Tube
Tie Rod
Seal Rod
Impingement Rod
Xvib Tube

373,08 mm

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 98 de 118

Primera coraza-Tubo 3
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:09 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=89, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 67,049
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Dens ity (kg/m3) 7839,0
Elastic modulus (MPa) 202309
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
82,063 0,129 0,2038 36
82,063 0,0912 0,1441 36
88,742 0,1193 0,1743 36
90,623 0,0826 0,1182 36
91,212 0,0821 0,1167 36
91,766 0,0816 0,1153 36
92,912 0,0806 0,1124 36
94,195 0,0795 0,1094 36
99,373 0,1066 0,139 36
104,39 0,0717 0,0891 36
104,59 0,0716 0,0887 36
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 99 de 118

Segunda coraza-Tubo 3
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:10 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=89, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 77,285
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Dens ity (kg/m3) 7844,1
Elastic modulus (MPa) 203342
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,88
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
80,904 0,1198 0,1818 25, 15
82,173 0,1179 0,1606 9, 31
84,608 0,1143 0,1665 35
87,413 0,1106 0,1392 15, 27
92,02 0,0691 0,0955 39, 3
92,272 0,0789 0,1114 3, 9
95,614 0,0723 0,093 9, 39
96,035 0,07 0,0879 39, 35
103,69 0,0669 0,0799 35, 1
106,02 0,0625 0,0999 1
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.

Doc. Ref.: BO-INC-10-TEEC-902332

Memoria de Clculo - CTR Referencia: 3885-TARG-R-CA-902-332

Intercambiadores de Calor Revisin: 01 Fecha Rev : 30-Mar-2017
de Proceso
Disciplina: PRO Tipo Documento: CAL

Fase: FE Sistema / Subsistema: 90 Tipo Equipo: NA Estado: AFD Clase: 2 Pgina 100 de 118

Tercera coraza-Tubo 3
Output Summary
Released to the following HTRI Member Company:
Xvib 7.2 24/05/2017 12:10 SN: 00791-1419548681 SI Units

Tube Pass=1, Row=89, Tube=1

No Data Check Messages.

No Runtime Messages.

Vibration Data

Number of spans 43
Average span length (m) 0,682
Tube pitch (mm) 30,480
Fluid density (kg/m3) 92,963
Fluidelastic instability constant 10,996
Lift coefficient 0,1000
Added mass factor 1,2759
Log decrement 0,0419

Tube Material Information

Tube material Carbon steel

Density (kg/m3) 7849,2
Elastic modulus (MPa) 204376
Effective weight (kg/m) 0,89
Area moment of inertia (mm4) 2544,1

Analysis Results

Mode Frequency Gap Velocity / Max Vortex Shedding Span

Critical Gap Velocity Amplitude Number
(--) (Hz) (--) (mm) (--)
87,113 0,0849 0,1341 8, 32
87,447 0,068 0,0994 32
87,606 0,0584 0,1032 32, 8
87,94 0,0374 0,0653 8
88,231 0,0828 0,1286 8, 6
89,441 0,1139 0,1717 6, 8
89,535 0,0771 0,1132 6
89,8 0,0767 0,1122 6, 8
90,08 0,0926 0,1422 8, 36
90,587 0,0804 0,1346 36, 6
90,881 0,0797 0,1148 6, 8
* Mode shapes at equivalent natural frequencies have been combined.

Este documento es propiedad de TOTAL E&P Bolivie. No debe ser archivado, reproducido o revelado sin la autorizacin escrita de la COMPAA.


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