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USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your

Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based

Instructional Design Proposal

Purple People Eaters Group

Problems in Instructional Design for Computers
EDF6284, Dr. Glenn Smith
Fall 2015
Authored by: Reginald, Tiffany, and Natasha
USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your
Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based
Instructional Design Proposal

The Global Citizen Award program encourages and rewards University of South Florida undergraduate students'
global engagement. The program encourages students to develop global awareness, global responsibility, and global
participation. Students complete award requirements through a combination of curricular and/or co-curricular
activities of their choosing. On-campus opportunities include Global Citizen coursework, study abroad, community
USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015

service, undergraduate research, internships, and/or foreign language study. The first step of the process is attending
a mandatory workshop called Starting Your Adventure in which students declare their intent to pursue the Global
Citizen Award, acquire important information regarding the award, learn about global citizenship and learn how to
create their Adventure Map. The Global Citizens Project (GCP) faces some challenges in meeting student demand for
the Starting Your Adventure workshop due to limited computer lab class size as well as GCP staff size and structure.
The GCP is in need of an educational product that would provide a more convenient way for students to complete
the Start Your Adventure Workshop and learn more about the Global Citizens Award. Organizing the content
presented during the Start Your Adventure Workshop into a CBT will provide a more convenient way for students to
attend, increase consistency and accuracy of information delivered and allow the workshop to scale with increased
student demand without the need for increased staff to teach additional live workshops. The CBT will include both a
pre-assessment and a summative assessment. The CBT will begin with a hook or attention grabber. Next, the
content will be chunked into learning objectives and instruction. After each learning objective instruction, activities
and assessments will follow. Students will complete a variety of different assessment formats including; true or false,
multiple choice, Likert scaled self-reflection, completion of a tentative adventure map, and reflection of learning.

There is a need for students to acquire the information being presented in the Starting Your Adventure workshop in a
more efficient way. The Global Citizens Project (GCP) office is in need of a CBT to help meet current demand for
the workshop. The office currently has three graduate assistants helping to coordinate the Starting Your Adventure
workshops. These grads currently work up to 20 hours a week. Based on the limited staff, the office can only offer
two workshops a week. Using a CBT, the GCP office will be better equipped to meet the needs of USF students
desiring to attend the Starting Your Adventure workshop, which is mandatory for participation in the program.

The first step to completing this award is to attend the Starting Your Adventure workshop. The workshop is
designed as the first step for students to declare their intent for pursuing the Global Citizen Award. During the
workshop students have the opportunity to explore what it means to be a global citizen as well as receive help on
creating their adventure maps. Students will also receive important details regarding the award, important deadlines,
and the opportunity to have questions about the award answered.

The Global Citizens Project (GCP) is experiencing a challenge in meeting student demand for the Starting Your
Adventure workshop. Currently the workshops are only open to 40 students at a time due to the size of the computer
lab room in EDU building. Students are placed in a 40-person computer lab to take a survey assessing their
knowledge of the concept of global citizenship. Another challenge facing the current structure of the workshop is
scalability. The University of South Florida currently has 41,938 undergraduate students for 2015. If ten percent of
our undergraduate students showed interested in pursuing this program, based on current resources, the program
would not be able to meet student demand.

Based on the above information, the Global Citizens Project is in need of an educational product that would provide
students interested in learning about the Global Citizens Award a more convenient way to learn about the
information currently being presented in the workshop. Organizing the information presented in the current
workshop within a computer-based training (CBT) allows the workshop to scale with increased student demand.
Having a CBT also improves accuracy of information being presented within the workshop.

Teaching and learning challenges faced when addressing this concept could be student access to Internet or device

USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015
where the CBI would occur. It is assumed that students would have access to a device with Internet to take the
CBT. Another challenge could be language. When looking at student diversity, it is reasonable to assume that not all
members of the target audience will learn best with a CBT delivered in English.

Target Audience
The target audience is comprised of all undergraduate students at the University of South Florida. All undergraduate
students have the opportunity to take the CBT to begin the first step to becoming a global citizen. Therefore, the
project is suitable for college students, ages 17 and up. The training could be adapted for graduate students, if the
program were to expand to include this group as well.

The target audience has noted characteristics in the areas of cognitive, physiological, affective, and social. Important
cognitive characteristics include: a high value in educational achievement, possessing a high school reading level,
minimal to no prior knowledge on the topic, and normal visual literacy for the majority of the target
audience. Notable physiological characteristics of the target audience include both male (44%) and female (56%)
undergraduate students with a mean age of 23 and standard deviation of 2 years. Additionally, important affective
characteristics of the target audience include: a general interest in and motivation for learning about becoming a
global citizen. Finally, social characteristics of the target audience include: a diverse population from different
countries, cultures, and a wide representation of states in the United States.

Design Implications of Target Audience

The CBT may need to be provided in Spanish as well as English, because almost 20% of the population identified as
Hispanic. Information about the portion of students that have documented disabilities is not public
knowledge. Therefore, we will work under the assumption that there will be students taking the CBT who may have
disabilities. Because of this, it is important to design the training with accessibility in mind. Students should be able
to obtain the information using a screen reader and closed captions should be included. It is important that all images
and videos capture a diverse population, because the target audience is diverse.

Students may select the opportunities in the Global Citizen Award Requirements that best suit their personal
interests, educational, and career goals. Because they have so many options, the workshop will help them

purposefully create their adventure. So, they must attend a Starting Your Adventure Workshop to officially begin
working toward the Award.

In this workshop, we will need to explore what being a Global Citizen is all about, help students create their
Adventure Map, explain the Award details and important deadlines, and answer all of the students Award questions.
They must also have a chance to meet Global Citizens Project staff and connect with other students interested in
global issues in the workshop (Global Citizens Project, 2015).

Performance objectives
The instructional design of our CBT is a linear tutorial. A linear tutorial is the ideal instructional strategy for our
objectives because it allows us to present the information and ask questions along the way. Learners will know how
to complete the Global Citizens Award and continue on to the Global Citizens Scholar Award
USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015

Comprehension - Learners will understand the objectives of the program

Application -Learners will be able to access links and information provided for them in the CBT
Analysis - Learners will be able to determine which path towards the award is best for them.
Synthesis -Learners will be able to develop a tentative Global Adventure map
Evaluation - Learners will complete pre-, post, and interval assessments throughout the online workshop.
Affective Objective - Learners will recognize their personal responsibility for achieving Global Citizenship
and will identify challenges and opportunities they may face during the project.
Psychomotor Objective - N/A

Courseware content:
The content information is the information used for the face-to-face workshop.
Students will learn the different aspects of the Global Citizens Award and how they are expected to progress
through the program.
Students will also learn of the competencies and outcomes expected from the program.
The Global Citizens Project Website is where much of our content will come from (GCP Website )
Other sources of information include faculty and staff involved in the GCP.
Global Citizens Award
Global Citizens Scholar Award:
Global Events:
Using Canvas for Tracking of the Award - Announcements, Requirements, and Additional Information

Time Scale
Our time scale is to have the audience commit 30 minutes of time total. Our goal is to have students learn about the
key components of the Global Citizens Award (GCA) while only having to invest 30 minutes of time completing the
workshop. Ideally students will complete the Starting your Adventure Workshop within a 30-minute time frame,

however, the course is not time limited so it may take longer if students require additional time. There is no time

Instructional activities and strategie s

Our instructional strategy is that of a linear tutorial. Students are first given a general assessment to evaluate their
understanding of the concept of global citizenship. After completing the initial assessment, students watch a video
which gives an overview of what it means to be a global citizen. Next, information on the conceptual framework of
the Global Citizens Project is delivered. Then there will be a CBT slide listing the GCP Award requirements. After
that, the CBT becomes more interactive as they learn about GCP Adventure Maps. By selecting their major from a
drop down menu, they see how GCP requirements can be customized to their individual educational path. The actual
creation of their Adventure Map occurs after completion of the CBT, but is not part of the CBT. Adventure Map
design is performed through Canvas.

The drop down menus in the CBT and the customized examples of the Adventure Workshop by major will be our
unique computer creation. The first section of the CBT which reviews GCP requirements and the concept of global

USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015
citizenship will be adapted from the existing workshop materials designed by the USF GCP Department. As
mentioned previously, the instructional design is a linear tutorial. A linear tutorial is the ideal instructional strategy
for our objectives because it allows us to present the information and ask questions along the way. Our students do
not work in cooperative learning groups. We are supporters of constructivism because we believe that the learner
plays an active role as a creator of knowledge. The purpose of our CBT is to have each student create his/her own
Adventure Map for GCP completion. The examples listed below demonstrate how our project is interactive and

Students have the opportunity to select their major category like science (Biology, Chemistry, etc), engineering, arts
and science, or non-science concentrations (History, Psychology, etc) from a drop-down menu. Based on major
category, students will be shown examples of how to complete the GC Award. For example, if a student selects
science as their major category, that student will be given options that show how a science major could complete the
requirements of the GC Award based on attending the 8 events, completing the two of the five options that are more
applicable to their major and completing research based on a global topic such The Impact of Global Warming on
Third World Economies. Ideas for completing their Global Service requirement will also be tailored to their selected
major. For example, a health science major who speaks Spanish could volunteer to translate at a local free clinic or
health fair for patients who speak English as a second language. The CBT will display an adventure map for their
selected major category.

Example number two is engineering as selected major from the drop down menu. These students would be best
served to complete their 8 GCP events, select a globally themed topic and complete a research project on this and
ultimately complete a week-long international experience trip. An example of a globally themed research project
topic for an engineering major would be designing portable water purification devices which can be inexpensively
produced and used in third world countries. Because engineering majors already have a very heavy course load, this
option would be ideal for engineering majors as a way to avoid having to take two additional courses, which could
cause them to hit excess hours. The goal of all of these examples is to clearly show the flexibility of the requirements
and how requirements can be customized for each students individual needs.

Materials necessary for this project include: PC or mac computer, tablet, or smart phone, Internet connection,
HTML coding, Articulate or Adobe software. Instructional module will be approximately 30 minutes in length and
contain informational assessments throughout. CBT will include graphics, video, informational charts, cited
resources, web resources with hyperlinks, surveys (pre and post), interactive drop down menus and help screens.

Setting for coursework delivery

The courseware would be delivered on computers and mobile devices that have access to both the Internet and web
browsing capabilities. The training could take place anywhere the user has access to both the device and the
Internet. Users could complete the training anytime and anywhere. The students could use the labs at the college to
complete the CBT, if they did not own a device. They would complete the training and follow up requirements by a
deadline set by the college to be a global citizens award recipient at graduation.

USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015

We will have two forms of assessment. First is a brief assessment, which is the start of the CBT. This initial
assessment evaluates student understanding of the concept of global citizenship. Quiz questions will appear
periodically throughout the rest of the CBT to check knowledge acquisition. Students will use the information
acquired from the CBT to design their Adventure Map, which specifies their proposed path to complete the GCP
Award requirements. The completion of their Adventure Map is not part of our CBT, but will be part of the
assessment process.

Our Global Citizens Award workshop CBT objectives are that the student will:

Be able to define global citizenship

Learn the conceptual framework of the GCP program
Know the requirements for GCP Award completion
Understand what an Adventure Map is and how to create one
Know the customizability of the GCP requirements to their specific major

Assessment will target all learning objectives as a pre and summative assessment. The pretest and posttest will
contain a collection of the following types of questions: self-reflection Likert, reflecting on learning, and content

Learning Objective: The student will be able to describe what it means to be a global citizen.

Instructional Activity: Video Download from YouTube:

Assessment: True or False Question(s) max 3

Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify the requirements for both the global citizen award and global
citizen scholar award.

Instructional Activity: Understanding the Global Citizen Award and Global Citizen Scholar Award Activity
Assessment: Multiple Choice Question(s) max 3

Learning Objective: The student will be able to complete the adventure map and know the customizability of the
GCP requirements to their specific major.

Instructional Activity: Adventure Map Activity - Students will be given examples of different Adventure
Assessment: The students will complete a tentative plan for their adventure map, that will later be revised
and upload later in Canvas.

Learning Objective: The student will be able to describe the conceptual framework of the GCP program.

Instructional Activity: Click on hotspots of the conceptual framework to learn more.

Assessment: The students will be dragging and dropping the main pieces of the conceptual framework into
place in a structure on the screen.

USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015
Ultimately, students will create an Adventure Map in Canvas, however, this is not part of our CBT. Our CBT is
designed to teach them how to create their Adventure Map. Assessment during the CBT will consist of an initial
assessment regarding their understanding of the concept of global citizenship as well as numerous quiz questions
throughout the rest of the presentation to assess comprehension of content. Students will be allowed multiple
attempts to answer the quiz questions, but they will not be allowed to proceed through the CBT until the correct
answer has been selected. In this manner, we can ensure that students are meeting the learning objectives.

Task Assignments
Reginald: Project Manager, Content Developer, Web Page Designer and Programmer

Natasha: Multimedia Designer, Graphic Designer, and Editor

Tiffany: Assessment Designer, Web Page Designer, And Instructional Activities Designer

Item 1: Targeted Learning Objectives with Assessment

Included in Page 7

Item 2: Global Citizens Project at USF Website

Item3: Quality Enhancement Plan for the Global Citizen Project

Item 1:Targeted Learning Objectives with Assessments

Targeted Learning Objective: The student will be able to describe what it means to be a
global citizen.

Global citizenship requires legal citizenship in more than one country. (True/False)
The Global Citizens Project is a university-wide initiative aimed at preparing you to succeed in
today's interconnected world. (True/False).

Targeted Learning Objective: The student will be able to identify the requirements for both
the global citizen award and global citizen scholar award.

Which of the following is considered one of the 4 requirements for the global citizen award?
What does both the Global Citizen Award the Global Citizen Scholar Award include?
USF Global Citizens Projects Start Your Adventure Workshop as Computer-Based Training | Fall 2015

Targeted Learning Objective: The student will be able to describe the conceptual framework of the
GCP program

Widget where students will be dragging and dropping the main pieces of the conceptual
framework into place.

Targeted Learning Objective: The student will be able to complete the adventure map and
know the customizability of the GCP requirements to their specific major.

The student will be given a blank adventure map in the CBI and using the drop down menus the
student will customize their map. They will be able to download the draft they create to later revise
and submit as a final copy in Canvas.

Preassessment and Summative Assessment: Targeting all learning objectives .

What is the global citizens award at USF?

What is a global citizen?
What are the three primary qualtiies processed by a global citizen?
Which of the following is NOT a requirement for the global citizen award?
Which of the following are NOT learning outcomes for the global citizen project at USF?
What role does the adventure map serve in the global citizens award?
How many on campus global/cultural events are students required to attend for the global citizen
How confident do you feel about completing your own adventure map?
Rate your prior knowledge of the global citizens award on the scaled provided.
Rate your prior knowledge of the global citizens scholar award on the scale provided.

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