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Villegas 1

Raymond Villegas


Writing 8B

Jan 23, 17

Dear Robert Menendez,

Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or

seldom has a face.- Jacques Chirac

Terrorism is everywhere, no matter how powerful and great a country is. The

United States of America has received numerous terrorist attacks, such as 911, and

they had responded by attacking back. With ISIS on rise, should the U.S. attack it

before it gets attack by it or should the U.S. leave it alone? This question may start

many debates, but it is clear that the U.S. should just leave ISIS alone. Attacking ISIS

comes with many positives, but the cons overrules it. This letter is to inform you that

attacking ISIS will come with some benefits, but in the end, attacking ISIS will be a

waste of time!

War is seen as a horrible thing to go through. There are deaths, attacking,

gunshots, bombs exploding, etc. Although it seems horrible, there could be benefits! If

the U.S goes to war with ISIS it could be used as self defense in order, to disrupt ISIS

before it tries to attack Americans in the region or inside the United States. (Beinart) If

America attacks ISIS then it could end a future war before it even begins! This could
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save many current and future lives and a lot of war time in the future. This could also

give America the opportunity to attack ISIS before it gets big. This war could also be

used to stop, the Islamic State, or isis, from striking the United States.(Beinart) This

goes back to the first claim. If the U.S attacks ISIS before ISIS ever thinks about

attacking U.S, then the U.S could destroy a possible future threat. Attacking ISIS could

also help the U.S create a better relationship with Syria. This could help their

relationship with each other because Syria is suffering wanton killings from ISIS, so if

the U.S attacks ISIS, then,American air strikes can prevent more wanton killing (Coll)

from ISIS to Syria. With the help from America, Syria could stop the ISIS killings. This

would benefit the U.S because they wouldnt have to send the soldiers to the land, while

they could attack from air, and attack ISIS head on and prevent the possibility of losing

soldiers lives. If America helps Syria, then they could have peace between each other.

A win-win for both places. This could only happen if the U.S attacks ISIS.

Although all those pros sound good, but this war with ISIS also comes with many

cons.It would be a catastrophic error for the United States to take on that role.

(Beinart) of attacking ISIS because if the U.S attacks ISIS then ,the United States is

heading back into the terror trap. (Beinart) This terror trap could lead to many disaster

and deaths within the U.S. This is a horrible thing to do because many innocent lives

and soldiers lives could be lost. Also, the disasters of war could cost the U.S billions of

dollars in repair. If the U.S ever decides to attack ISIS in their land, then it could be a

waste because, the United States has relatively few troops in the Arab and Muslim

world. (Beinart) This could come to a disadvantage to the U.S because they would
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have fewer soldiers to battle with against ISIS. Few American soldiers could also come

with another disadvantage because the U.S wouldnt have had the chance to explore

the Muslim and Arab world. This makes it harder to attack ISIS because, President

Obama has decided that the United States must now attack ISIS, if only from the air.

(Coll) Attacking ISIS from the sky is a problem because since theres few American

soldiers in ISIS land, it could be hard to discover where ISIS is hiding. This makes it

even harder to attack from the sky because we wouldnt know where theyre hiding! It

would be pointless to attack from air because looking for ISIS from the air would be

difficulty. For those reasons, the U.S should not attack ISIS.

Attacking ISIS comes with those pros and cons, but the U.S should NOT fight

ISIS. If America attacks ISIS then the war will, likely spark more terrorism against the

United States, thus fueling demands for yet greater military action.(Beinart) The war will

cause more terrorism within the States. The terrorism could lead to many deaths and

the U.S will have to get a greater military action. Military action isnt free. The U.S would

have to pay for it and even it could cost many soldiers lives! Anyways, attacking ISIS

would be pointless because, [ISIS] has shown no intent to launch attacks in the West,

or any ability to do so. (Coll) Attacking ISIS would start trouble for the U.S because

ISIS dont have intentions to attack the U.S. ISIS dont have the ability to attack the

west, so the U.S wouldnt have to worry about ISIS attacking them anytime soon. This is

why the U.S should just leave ISIS alone

For all the reasons stated, the U.S should NOT go to war or battle ISIS. The war

would just lose many lives and a lot money for the U.S. Unless ISIS attacks the U.S
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first, then the U.S will have to respond. Other than that, the U.S should not attack ISIS

first because it could cost a lot disorder within the U.S. Please take this letter and

acknowledge that the U.S should NOT go to battle with the terrorists.

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