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FIRRHILL HIGH SCHOOL Mathematics Department S2/3 Homework Booklet 1 S1 Revision and Powers 2 Pythagoras 3 Circle 4 Circle 2 5 Solving Equations 1 6 Algebra 1 (Equations and Inequations and Changing the Subject) 7 Symmetry 8 Scientific Notation 9 Tolerance 10 Area and Surface Area 11 Volume 12 Algebra 2 (Breaking brackets and Common Factors) 13 Patterns and Sequences 14 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 15 Gradient 16 Straight Line 17 Scale 18 Angles and Circles 19 Trigonometry 20 Money 21 Ratio and Proportion $2/3 (M) Maths Homework 1 show all warking 1) Evalucte, a) 568+768 b) 6343-568 c) 87.5x8 p= dy) 7a05=+5 2) 6.89 « 3000 f) 162 + 60 2) Evaluate a) 5? b) 4 ¢) 12% ayn e) f64 #) at gr h) 27 B:4 i) Yea pviow =k) Vi 3) Evaluate a) 6-10 -b)5-C-7) c)-12 = (-9) 27-15) aL 2) ¢3)*5 — f)(-3)x(-5) g) 2B=(-4) hy) C28)+(-4) 9a Ah af £6340 b) 45M of £523 ¢) 2 of 4Bkg d) a of $186 e) | of Sof £99 5) Copy each diagram and fill in all the missing angles. o\ 8 x 27 5° iea° ‘g0* 6) Solve a) 2x4 72 19 b) Sos 1e 8 Om =o 7) If a= 2 andb « 3, find the value of 0) 4a- 2b b) bc) Sab =) 4a? y 4 B) Round 567 632 toa) Ssf b)2sf c) 1 sf pe 52/3 (M) Maths Homework 2 1) Evalucte, a) 76x30 b) 94002200 cc) 17x 4000 d) 8680270 2) 843x900 f) 84000 +3000 2) On the some Saturday in London there were 43 568, people at Stamford Bridge, 58 457 at the Emirates Stadium and 34 776 at Upton Park. a) How many people cttended these three games in total ? b) Pind the difference between the Eminates Stadium and the Stamford Bridge attendances. ©) One in eight people at the Upton Pork were not West Ham fans. How many people at that match were West Ham fans ? 3) Find the length of the unknown side in each of these right angled triangles. eRe es 2” izcm 4) Find the perimeter of these triangles to one decimal a Bb) 13cm Fom 5) Which of these sums will have the bigger answer. IK aides + 473° or a1z4e6 + 474 2 Explain your answer. 52/3 (M) Maths Homework 3 yy 2) 3) 4) 5) 4) Tt costs £23 for one person to enter The Great North Run. How much would it cost for o charity to enter four hundred people for this race ? Find the length of the unknown side in each of these right angled triangles, giving your answers to one. decimal place hm b) m 7om 13m kom Find the area of this shape. a 1 ea ¥ cm izon Coloulate the area and the circumference of *reee Fi circles. A) em Find the area of this shape. 18 om 480 people work in on office. Four fifths of them come to work by car. An eighth of rem travel by bus. The rest of the staff walk ta work How many peeple walk to work? 52/3 (M) Maths rk 4 1) Calculote the perimeter and area of these shapes ‘c~\ -A ~~ te Ten 2) Calculate the diameter of these circles a) b) Circumference =ZZom 3) Find the perimeter of this shape. i4em SS 20 om 4) Evaluate, a) 47x20 by) 2400 +200 c) 1323x6000 d) zas0+ 80 oe) 379x900 f) 84.000 + 4000 5) Find: a) 10%0f 2500 by) 28%ofedes oc) 20% of 9975 d) 15% of 240 e) 17% of 3000 f)__82% of 3400 6) Calculate K a) 3? +5*-(-1P = b)(f25-f36)' ¢)10+10%+ 10°+ 10%, 7, Solve o) 2x+5=12 b) 4a-9=2-3a cc) S-Bds Bde 7 52/3 (M) Moths Homework 1) Solve for x a) 5x+7=32 b) éx-39=15 2) Solve. a) on 2) 28 245 dy pa9 3) Salve the equations a) 3(3a+4)=21 b) 20Qv-7)=7 4) Solve these equations. a) Uix+2)+3(r+4)= 31 b) 3p-6=l4+p ©) 450+ 2) =90a+2) 5) Make an equation and solve for x. el ee a 9) 4 number is tripled, and 4 is added The result is 25. Whot is the number? &) Evaluate. 74e50 b) 29e900 c) 6704-800 gd) 2540-70 a F) Sanah travels to work atan average speed of 44 mph. Her work is 33 miles from her house. How long does it take Sarah to travel to her work? #) Rearrange these so they are in ascending order. 1 A one 4th 004 5 OO 52/3 (M) Maths Homework 6 1) Tohire.a cor costs £25 a day and o £40 deposit. How much does it costs to hire a cor for 14 days? Y/Y 2) Collect like terms: a) 6xt+x 6) 4y + 3x-y ©) 12a@-35+4a+35 d) 8g +3p-12g-p 3) Fora=§,6=8,c=2andd=3 a) 6a+9 b) 125-—4a 2) 2743 d) ab 2) 100-57 f) Gacd 4) Find the area of this isosceles triangle. a) 4@+7)-3x+13 -b) 6 (a+3)+a ce) 3@4s+5)+7Gs+2) d) 9 (6w43)-7 6) Find the area of the shaded shape. > Fem 5) Expand and simplify, XK 7) Make m the subject of the formula a) n-Ty=13 b) 4m =9—n+ 4m K cc) 6ya=2mb d) 3-ig-a-n gy F-7 4) np. me 4 3 a= 52/3 (M) Maths Homework 7 1) Complete this drawing so thet the dotted line is an axis of symmetry. 1K 2) Find the crea of this shape - | fil 15m 3) Find a) 7424 b) 239¢+ 5 4) Complete thig drawing so thet both detted lines are an axes of symmetry. ts 7 5) Salve, a) 3(x+5)=39 ob) Tp+6=3p+38 KK 6) Complete these drawings so that they have half turn symmetry about the dot. i ve OES 52/3 (M) Maths Homework & 1) Convert these numbers into Scientific Notation. a) 2000 5) 53000 <) a74 d) 876000 e) 3400000 f) 78 2) Write out these numbers in full. a) Baxic b) 7-45 x 10° c) o7 x10" d) 2643 x10? 3) Bound 7 674-328 to a) the nearest 100 b) the nearest 10 c) one decimal place d) two decimal places 3) Evaluate, a) 47895 x 200 b) 743-500 4) Caloulate the average speed of: a) a car which travels BOkm in Z hours. 5) a beat which travels 135 miles in 1 hour 30 minutes. ¢) awalker who covers 9-2 km in 2 hours 18 minutes. 5) Find the shortest distance between these coordinate points. Give your answers correct to one decimal place. a) (-4,-8) ond (3, -2) by (,-5) ond (-6, 1) 8) Calculate the perimeter of this shape. Give your answer to 2 dp. 4m am 7) Pind the area of this shape. S2/3 (M) Maths Homework 9 ) 2) 3) 4) a) 6 5 i 7. Write out these numbers in full. a) 83x10* b) 7-45 x10" ps. c) S57 x 10° d) 2843 x 107 Convert these numbers into Scientific Notation, a) O32 by) o005 c) oo7s K d) 000083 e) OOOddOTL f) 0.000 000 07 Complete these drawings so that they have quarter turn symmetry about the dot. a) b) Measune the length of this piece of paper. The teacher will accept an answer of (210 2 3)mm ps. What is the highest ongwer the teacher will accept? What is the lowest angwer the teacher will accept? A pupil is asked to measure this angle ina test. The angle is 42+ The marking scheme allows (42 2 2)" The pupil says the angle is 44° boes the pupil get the mark? Fully explain your answer. Apples on sole ot a particular supermarket must have a diameter of between 5 cm and 7 om. Write this in tolerance notation. For safety reasons a rivet joint in an aeroplane must be between 158 mm and 20-2 mm. Write this in tolerance notation. 52/3 (M) Maths He 10 1) Find the aren of each of these shapes. IK a) b) Sm 19 cn iSan 12m Bom ‘tam 2) Find, a) the area of thig shape b) the perimeter of this shape Zam 3) Pind the surface area of this cuboid. i Som 4) ao) Find the curved surface area of this cylinder. of this cylinder El VY b) Find the total surface area no] 5) Find, 3m im 27 cm a) = of £75 b) 4 of 476 kg i ©) 78% of £326 d) 90% of 524m 52/3 (M) Maths He 11 1) Calculate the volume of this cuboid in litres [om 30 cm “hoon 2) Find the length of the unknawn side in each of these right angled triangles. x om 3) cals he volume. of this cuboid in litres. | 60cm 13m

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