Vocabulary Advanced

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1 Units 1 and 2 [A Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. ‘Students leaning English as a second language are sometimes given @ word by thelr teacher and asked to ae an (2) EXPLAIN] as to what that word means; in other words, to provide a @ (DEFINE), The (3), (ASSUME) is that you know a word, you can defn it. (4 (LOGIC), that ight make sense, butin realty it's nat always ® (REASON) to assume that, There are words and phrases that even naive speakers use in conversation without much (6) (THINK) wich can lead to a (CONFUSE! when you ask a native speaker to define them. Take the ® (CONCENE? of zetgeist, for example, which has entered English rom German. e519) (DOUBT) much easier to use than its to define, With a word tke ‘egos, itmay be more (10) (SENSE) to test the student's understanding in ways oter than asking them to define it (1 mark per answer) B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe frst sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, Including the word given. 11. imnever going to forget to consider Darrer's vows when | make a decision again. account That's the laste | ‘when Imake a decision, 12 don't know how on earth ste thinks of such billant plots for her novels. eome How on earth such brillant pots for er novels? 13 im sue Nancy's stil presuing thatthe party starts at nine. impression Ti sure Nancy thatthe party starts at rine “ Sean, do you know yet what youre doing this evening? mind Sean, yet what youre doing this evering? 15 tld Jeane, thinking tat shed be supportive -how wrong | was! beef Hold Jeanne that she'd be supportive ~ how wrong | was! 16 There's no way tat youre staying out alright with your frends, tm ara. question Your staying out all right with your friends 1 Tm aad 17 Tim lad you now see sense and agree that you parents are right, senses Im gled ‘and agree that your parents are righ 18 | think you think wrongly ~ that tis isla conspiacy against you. misapprehension thik ‘that this sal a conspiracy against you (2 marks per answer) © Write one word in each gap. 19 You rally have 0 have YoU nn» about you when diving through Bimingham. 20 t's a typical example of not being able to See the... fF the tees. 21 BilDenver? That aame rings 22 Dontet success go to your 23. We were kept completely the .....no» about what was going on ~ they didnt el us anything! 2A Aum going round the nnn OF id you ust ask me to marry you? 25 Hell never win the court case. My solicitor says he doesn't have a... t0 stand on. 26 Dawn's bt sow onthe... ‘sometimes, so maybe she didn realise you were suggesting she ‘gave you ab (0 mark per answer) D Circle the correct word. ‘We're stil tying to part / place / set together exactly what want wrong. too much informaton for me to take / read / get in in one go. ‘You'd better create / think / work up 2 very good excuse why you didnt come to the meeting. Let me mul this about / in / aver for aie and then Ml get bac to you. Toni was totaly opposed at first but think she's come / made / taken around tothe idea row. | tink you should face up on / with / tothe fact that ou telationst's over We'e sil trying to figure / think / guess out how the burglars got in [im going to have to learn / swot / look up on wat al the road signs mean before my driving test. (1 mark per answer) 27 ey 2 30 al 32 33 34 E choose the correct answer. 35 Fin 20a nnn and Tut dot KNOW what 39 nncnm Alan for hours but he ust doesn't todo, answer his mobile, I hope athing’s wrong, Adena query Alcal Clvecaled 8 paradox Dhuneh Bim cating Dive been cating ‘They/e staying in rented accommodation for the Looking at your CY, |. you used to Ive cli in Australia, doing Agatier Cam gathering Dosing B do gather Dhave gathered ‘sitrealy the frst ime... fst class? | cocenennen ts going ta snow tonight, doit you? ‘you ever fy you've ever own A speculate reckon Byovie everthing youve ever been hing = reflect. D ponder cnn Belting a pet taratula? “Have you fished wih the paper yet” ‘Does Giste realy” C Has Clave realy Wen tated reading it! think of ‘thought that even Bls Clare really thinking D Has Claire really been Bist of thinking that Unit 4 Vesey Topic vocabulary: Change ‘A. Complete using the correct form ofthe words in the box. | decay + endure + innovation + meture * modify * potential + progress * shit substiute + switch 1 Sometmes | wonder how many ofthe changes we see around us wil realy 2 There has been areal in atitudes towards this ately. 3 Mobile phones that receive TV prograrimes are areal 4 ristas ot of ‘and should do well in her future career. 5. You have to try to be about the situation and use your experience to fnd 2 solution. 6 Thisisrt my laptop! Someone must have my big and thers. 7 Weve made ot of wit the plans, but we stil have along way to go. You might nave leart the theory, but there's no for practical experience. When trees fll and start to + they provide a home for many insects. 10 Ne the design by giving the car sic whees instead of fou B choose the correct word. The changing face of Britain It seemed tothe generation of Britons ave before the Second Work! War that her way oie would rr) ‘or many years to come. However, the war caused a (2) in Beish ite that ‘completely changed te (3), What had een a fairly (4) society up to that pont, with people sharng many basic beliefs and values, underwent (5) ........... changes after the war, The 6)... was away from fixed social roles and towards a more (7)... society. Britain began to (8)... nt its present form and many ideas that are accepted today, such asa large amount of freedom for teenagers, were atthe time 9) ............ and exciting, New and vn MUsic and fashion had a great (11) ............. onyoung people and the whole of ess (12) 1 Asustain B maintain Clast Dbe 2 Arevaltion Brevision rotation Drejecton 3 Asovial status B status quo C status symbol Dhigh status 4 Auniform Bsame similar Didentcal 5 Aretnes B potential Cateratve Dradecat 6 Areform B trend fashion D decay 7 Arevised B amended Céynamic Dciferent 8 Areine B progress C substitute Devoive 9 Anovel B mature Catemate D steady 10 Ainteral B incoherent Cimate D innovative LL Asubstiue ——Bprogress Cintuence D innovation 12 Aconservatie concerned convinced D contained C Complete using the correct form ofthe words in the boxes. 1 ie ve only te wipro : 2 Hh raipottcaeeettarien [whan vais od ms 30 ‘ang ond wecoey Unit 3. thought the reportin the paper completely the truth oe ane he convact andit now say tha you wireceie 15%, |_aTend * dso 5: | sometimes fn thar to abalone between work a my home ite mmaptain + remain 6 The import ting sto cal ad yt ikl. a 7 Youcan the char to mak it confral by pesing ths bton. | saan + aga 8 This company needs to cor were not going to survive os 9. Mike and meet for eofe on Saturdays deren slate 10 Theres alot of trac, som tying tod an route, — LL Youll regret it i you in annoying people ke that a ae ee 12. Canthe company ihekind of growth wee had ecenty? = 13. Mary peonein Britain to Christiniy during the Roman prod, |_OMert + tansfoom 14 Leaning to ue the tern as realy mye ——— 15. I hope the bad weather didnt yur holiday. Seteriorate = spel | Topic vocabulary: Technology D tthe word in bold is correct, puta tick. If itis incorrect, replace it with one ofthe words im bold from the other sentences. The lntemet is realy 2 vast console of computers, all comected together. Since we got resource, we've been watching music videos onine Early computer games seem quite nuclear compared to today's ames, It seems to me that primitive cower is far cleener than of ‘These ancient tols have been erafted with an enormous smaurt of ski. ‘The next generation of games technique wil have beter graphics. There's 3 network n computing called ‘beta testing’, which means you test something to see iit works propery before t becomes offi. Tis latest breakthrough wll mean cheaper, faster interet access fr al The computer has fished analysing all the broadband 10 The sea s a great natural data but we need the right technology to use it. E Complete using the correct form ofthe words in the box. click * complex * downioad * electronics * fle * manual * ofine * onine * programmer * upload | WANTED: COMPUTER GEEK ‘Some people thnk ‘geek’ is a negative term for someone who spends all ther time on computers. Wel, | we at Compulear thik its a pose thing! youre interested in becoming a computer (1) soe YOU enoy reading the (2) nomen to find out what’ realy going on inside consumer (B) nnn ke the latest plasma TV, then we want to hear from you. | Our sixweek course covers everything trom (4) music (5) from the Internet to wring your own games. You learn NW £0 (6) 2. snnnn your own website to | the Internet and how to S08 (7) nme problems inthe latest programming languages. Go @ nn BOW and visit us on the net (9) ‘1 Opportunites and start your ‘future row. A for any reason our webste is (10) + 0F you ae unable to connect othe Internet, call us on OBOO-COMPULEARN) 31 Unit 4 Yeabutey 32 Phrasal verbs F Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Use the word given in brackets. 1 Why dont you remove those wet things an put something dry on? (out) 2 The mage onthe seen slomly dsappeared and knew it was a computer virus. (away) 3 Let try your new game and see if i works. (out 4 Youll regret you dont make a cony of. your important data (up) 5 Have you recorded onal of the blank CDs | gave you, or have you got some left? (up) 6 Did you hear theyre thinking of geting rid of Identity cords? (away) 7 ‘You need to putin using the keyboard your details and then press ‘enter’ n) B We should redecorate Jake's bedroom now he's lat hae. (Up) G Complete using the correct form ofthe phrasal verbs in the box. change around + change into * make into + mix up + switch on + take apart * tum into * wear aut 1 Could you send someone to have a look at my computer, because noting happens when | it ? 21 my watch... to see what was wrong with t, but couldnt put it back together again! 3 Your essay would make more sense if you the second and third paragraphs 4 One ofthe miracles of nature isthe way a caterpiar a buttery 5 played so much football ast season that | two pats of boots! 6 Inthe story, Cinderoias coach ‘8 pumpkin at midnight. 7 My CDs were al inorder and now someone's them 8 ihn theyve the ol lorry areal nice space for children to read in H_ The phrasal verb do up means something ike improve’. Put the following phrasal verbs into the sentences and tick the sentences where the phrasal verb means something ike improve’. bring uo * brush up + cheer up + dressup * make up + take up * tidy up * tun up 1 Wy dont you yoga? 2 | was depressed all day, but started to hen I saw Ae. 3 tm going to my French before we go on hotay. 4 How could you such aridcuous excuse? 5 you ~~ YOU oom, then yout beable to find things more easy. 6 Why did you have to ‘the fact that Denis has los is ob? 7 Lets ‘and go out fo that new Raan restaurant tonight. 8 What time cid Nig! fay atthe party, then? Unit 4 34 ctery K For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences. 1 There wil bea help and support ne when the new comoutr system is in Im ghing my laptop away because i’ of no tome any more. What's the of yng to keep up with fashions that change tao quickly? 2 think it time Megan faced upto ‘and realise that she's going to have to change her ies, ‘There’ a lot of ak about the effects of technology, but! dort think people have eal changed that mach in eS amazing how popular TWhas become in such a short tne 3. Many of today’s mobile phones would look out of in science fcton fis VViram’s been offered a _at Orford to study computer science. Nothing wil ever take the ‘of my of, relable transistor rato. 4 Dol these ignts on the stereo serve a ‘or are they ust for decoration? erry seems to lack a sense of since he retired. | can't beleve thet Ae wouldve sent you a computer veus on 5 Inthis game, you compete against the to collet as many god ings a8 you can, Peope in my office waste time suring the Net and watching the Unt its time to eave. ‘We provide ful tectrical support oral our products around the 6 During the 1970s, compute chips began to appear in people's homes inthe ofthe frst ames consoles. ‘You need to i out the online to become a member ofthe website ‘Al the payers have been n good lately, sot shouldbe a good match, 7 Lwasin the of texting Debbie when my phone rang and it was her Recent developments mean that there is a ood chance the Mile East peace could be restarted. I the monster is behind that door or that door, then it must be behind the third one ~ it’ just 2 i ‘of elimination, 8 Thepath ound the side ofthe bung, Wat you to come up wih the idea ofa clockwork rato? The scientist, ‘me into the laboratory, where an experiment was gong on Idioms L. Complete each dialogue using the appropriate form of an idiom inthe box. ‘leopard cat change its spats + all mod cons # break the mould * change your tune havea change of heart » know sth inside out » reinvent the wheel « stek to your guns the tools ofthe trade + turn over anew leaf 1 ‘Do you think they might pick Lisa on Thursday? ‘twould realy for ther to choose @ woman to run the cub, but hope so." 2 1 thought you were going to tell Nigel you were angry with i.” ‘Wel and decide to just ignore it after al 3. “our son's behaviour in class has improved this term, Mrs Harris” “Oh, good. Lets hope he's y 4 As your research based on other people's work? ‘Some of it. Wel theres no point visthere?™ ‘hanged tctogy Unit ‘5 ‘Tm not sue whether to change my mind nd et Jonny go tothe party” "think you should and show her youre serious. 6 ‘lwish Terry wouldnt be so thoughtless athe time.” ‘know, but «you know! 7 ‘tm thinking of asking Felicty out on a date” Youve «avert you? You said she annoyed you" 8 “Youve got lots of books on computing languages.” “5 what | do fr a ving, so theyre just . realy 2 You moved recent, dct you? What's your new place tke?” “Oh, fantastic. t's got and ts handy forthe train’ 10 ‘Maria came round and fixed my computer yesterday “Oh, she computers . doesit she? Word formation M Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. @ Tow we wt ees rs fee nese xi a bro be een ate kr weve ows | ene ete sew 0 (REX ro ese ee Be ec oni evn ne cory me sancnw oa 8 town ono, et 73) We te 76 be sce a oe er erties tn eb ® Ch ewe pounce as Oo tac se keene Tae econ chem hoor eaten) ikem cnn ce Ne | 'N Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals, The weather's been so today that | dont know what to wear (CHANGE) Bonnie showed lot of in the way she handled the problem with Olivia, (MATURE) The flats were but inthe 1960s, but they were all inthe 90s. MODERN Jack got ina lot of trouble for breaking school rules. PERSIST) | realy dont tink Fé have the to finish a marathon (ENDURE) eet alot better since | decided to stop eating ‘ood. PROCESS) Can we the lesson for next Wednesday? ARRANGE) ‘We need to rely more on wave power, wind poner and other sources of energy. (NEW! | gradual lost touch with Ricardo after his to lam. (CONVERT) 10 Im scenning my gan’ photos onto my computer because they be i anything happened to them. (PLACE) 35

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