Detailed Specifications

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Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document

Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Part 8 - Detailed Specification

1. General Technical Specifications

This part of section outlines the detailed specifications of various components under scope of
work for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Sewage Pumping
Stations, Sewage Treatment Plant, Intermediate Pumping Station, Sewerage Network including
trenchless work, Sumps/chambers, Roadworks, Road Restoration, Operation and Maintenance of
the Entire sewerage system for 5 years after defect liability period 1 year on the date of
commissioning comprising of Civil, Pipeline, Mechanical, Electrical and related Instrumentation
SCADA works. Generally the following activities shall be carried out for each component of this
Contract, but shall not be limited to:

A) Investigations, Surveys and Submissions

i) Setting up fully equipped/staffed field offices to carry out the required surveys
and investigations and preparing the necessary designs and drawings at the very
start of the Contract as part of the SIP. The design offices shall interact with the
Employers staff to ensure team work for early submission and approval of the
design and drawings required.
ii) Carrying out necessary topographical survey/sub soil investigations for the
Sewage Pumping Stations, Sewage Treatment Plant, Effluent tank and campus
development, sewerage network, roadworks, road restoration works, Operation
and Maintenance of the Entire sewerage system within the limits of the Contract
in consultation with the Employers Representative so as to verify and check the
data provided in the document.
iii) Carrying out required subsoil investigations for design of foundations including
the tests for determination of safe load. Carrying out various other subsoil
investigations such as the type of soil, the strata, and the level of ground water,
optimum moisture content, soil resistivity and chemical composition, bearing
capacity, etc., as may be required.
iv) Preparation of system designs where required (e.g. Sewage Pumping Stations,
Sewage Treatment Plant, and campus development, sewerage network, effluent
OHT, roadworks, power supply system, automation, local SCADA systems for
monitoring and control, communications etc.) for approval of the Employers
v) Planning, design and preparation of the working drawings for the proposed
Works. Preparation and submission of the L-sections, layout plans and cross
sections and conceptual drawings etc. and all other drawings at appropriate scale
and details for planning and construction of all components of the project.
vi) Submission of documents (designs, drawings, data sheets, etc.) and samples
required according to the Contract for approval by the Employers Representative
of all design and drawings, material to be used, equipment specifications, etc.,
prior to construction.
vii) Submission of the design, drawings, catalogs and the technical data sheets of all
the equipment, electrical system design of the electrical components and
substations taking into account the interfaces to the other project
components/packages. Preparation and submission of General Arrangement

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Drawing (GAD) and Architectural Elevation drawings of all structures proposed to

be constructed under the contract.
viii) Preparation of the structural design and drawings (including reinforcement
detailing) for all the Works taking into consideration the functional reliability and
structural safety of the buildings.
ix) Preparation and submission of all detailed working drawings on the basis of
conceptual designs and plans approved by the Employers Representative.
x) Equipment for surveying and measurement on the work shall be procured by the
Contractor forhis use. The same shall also be made available to the Engineer at
site for any work connected with the Contract without any additional charge.
B) Works
i) Setting up of suitably equipped/manned field offices for supervision of the works
for the Contractors staff and the Employers Representative.
ii) Development of suitable storage spaces for construction material and equipment
to be received for the works.
iii) Identification of suitable quarries/sources for construction material and get them
approved from the Employers Representative.
iv) Setting up, and staffing with qualified engineers/ technicians for suitable
laboratories .
v) Setting up suitable labour camps with all water and sanitation arrangements and
other facilities required under the relevant Labor laws.
vi) Implementation of all the environmental and relevant social mitigation measures
as required.
vii) Making arrangements for equipment and material required for maintaining
safety of the sites and the workmen on site (helmets, boots, jackets, safety belts,
gloves, scaffolding, barricading, etc.)
viii) Submission of initial work program and updating the same every month for
approval by the Employers Representative.
ix) Site clearance and leveling of site. Layout of the works as per the approved
x) Disposal of surplus soil as directed by Employers Representative, construction of
civil components of all the units, and maintaining the construction site in orderly
xi) Carrying out tests on materials received and finished works and maintaining
complete records and registers required on site as per the QA/QC Manual of
xii) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, packaging, transportation
to site, providing transit insurance, storage, handling at site, installation,
sectional testing, pre- commissioning testing, trial runs and commissioning of all
components of the system including the pipes, fittings, hydraulic, mechanical,
electrical, electro-mechanical and instrumentation equipment.
xiii) Providing spares, tools and tackles.
xiv) Remedying the defects during the Contract period

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

xv) Site Clearance and tidying up and restoration of the premises after completion of
the Works
xvi) Submission of 'As Built' drawings and Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
C) Operation and Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Repair of Complete
Sewerage System for 10 Years.

1.1 Site Clearance

This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees,
bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness, rubbish etc., from the area of Works which in the opinion of the Project
Manager are unsuitable for incorporation in the Works, and such other areas as may be
specified on the Drawings or by the Project Manager. It shall include necessary
excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps to required
compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of cleared materials. Clearing and grubbing
shall be performed in advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications.

Preservation of Property/ Amenities Trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences,
signs, monuments, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all facilities within or adjacent to the
site which are not to be disturbed shall be protected from injury or damage. The
Contractor shall provide and install at his own expense, suitable safeguards approved by
the Employer/employer representative for this purpose.

Trees, shrubbery fences, poles and all other property shall be protected unless their
removal is allowed by the Employer/employer representative. When it is necessary to cut
roots and tree branches, such cutting shall be done under the supervision and direction
of the Employer/employer representative.

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be disposed of by the
Contractor as directed by the Employer/employer representative

Clearing and grubbing of construction area shall be deemed to be a part of preparatory

work and shall be deemed to have been included in the rates quoted for the construction
item and no separate payment shall be made for the same.

1.2 Disposal of Materials

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be disposed of bythe
Contractor as directed by the Employer/employer representative.

Clearing and grubbing of construction area shall be deemed to be a part of preparatory

work and shall be deemed to have been included in the rates quoted for the construction
item and no separate payment shall be made for the same.

1.3 Soil Investigation

Contractor must get the safe bearing capacity of strata tested by carrying standard
penetration test (SPT) etc at the proposed sites. The test shall be carried out through
approved Government Engineering College in consultation with EMPLOYERS
REPRESENTATIVE The test method and the results obtained shall be certified by the
approved authority as mentioned above. The test results alongwith investigation report

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

shall be furnished by the contractor while submitting detailed structural design of

structures .The design of Sewage Pumping Stations, Sewage Treatment Plant,
Sumps/chambers, Roadworks, shall be based on the approved values of test results only.

1.4 Setting Out

The contractor shall provide all labour (skilled & unskilled) material needed & shall
himself carryout as directed by Engineer, lining out, setting out, checking of works, taking
measurements without any extra cost. The contractor shall also provide proper approach
& access to all the works under construction and material stores without any extra cost..
Before starting the work he shall also carry out at his own cost, working survey of the
whole worksite. After the survey permanent base lines, cross lines and benchmarks shall
be established at site by the contractor so as to serve as reference points and
dimensional control of works. The contractor should prepare &submit drawings and
plans showing such reference points with their full description..

1.5 Quality Assurance

The contractor shall submit the quality assurance plan before starting the work. The
Q.A.P. shall give the construction activities & methodology to be followed so as to
achieve the best quality of work. All the provisions and instructions given in the quality
Assurance/ Quality control Manual shall be binding on the contractor & shall be followed
strictly. The contractor shall have a laboratory for carrying out routine test . Other tests
as per QAP / QA & QC and as directed by Employer/employer representative should be
carried out in the approved Engineering College/ testing laboratory or approved testing
institution at the cost of contractor.

1.6 Service Improvement Plan

Contractor should submit Service improvement Plan within 100 days from contract
commencement date. Final SIP should be approved within 135 days from contract
commencement date.

1.7 Approval of Materials

Approval of all sources of material for Works shall be obtained in writing from the
Employer/employer representative before their use on the project.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal


2.1 Excavation

Excavation shall be taken to the width of the lowest step of footing or the pile caps and
the sides shall be left plumb where the nature of the soil allows it. Where the nature of
the soil or the depth excavated trench/ pit does not permit vertical sides, the contractor
at his own expense shall put up the necessary shoring, strutting and planking or cut
slopes to a safe angle or both with due regard to the safety of personnel and the works
and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. the depth to which the excavation is to
be carried out shall be as shown on the drawings unless the type of material encountered
is such as to require changes, in which case the depth shall be as ordered by the Engineer-

2.2 Preparation of Foundation

The bottom of the foundation shall be levelled both longitudinally and transversally or
stepped as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Before the footing is laid, the surface shall
be slightly watered and rammed. In the event of the excavation having been made
deeper than that shown on the drawing or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer-in-
charge, the extra depth shall be made up with concrete of the foundation grade at the
cost of the contractor. Ordinary filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the
foundation to level. When rock or other hard strata is encountered, it shall be freed of all
loose and soft materials, cleaned and cut to a firm surface either level, stepped, or
serrated as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. All seams shall be cleaned out and filled
with cement mortar or grout to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

2.3 Foundation

The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipments, buildings and frame
foundations and load bearing walls shall be as per IS: 1904. However, it shall not be less
than 2m from the natural GL at that location except hard rock is encountered. It may be
reviewed by the Employers representative in hard strata.

Care shall be taken to avoid the interference of the foundations or any other component
of the new building with the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure. Suitable
adjustments in depth, location and size may have to be made depending on site
conditions. The Employer shall accept no extra claims for such adjustments.

Special attention is drawn to the danger of uplift being caused by the ground water table.
A base raft for underground structure shall be designed for uplift forces that are likely to
be developed.

Where the level of foundation is above or near the natural/existing ground level, this
difference shall be filled up in the following ways:

In case of non-liquid retaining structures the natural topsoil shall be removed till
a firm stratum is reached (minimum depth of soil removed shall be 500 mm) and
the elevation difference shall be made up by compacted backfill as per
specifications. However, the thickness of each layer of the backfill shall not
exceed 150mm. The area of backfilling for floor slabs shall be confined to prevent
soil from slipping out during compaction. The safe bearing capacity ofthis well
compacted backfilled soil shall not be considered more than 100 KN/sq.m in the

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

design. Pitching shall be provided to maintain slope.

In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural top soil shall be removed and
the elevation difference shall be made up with plain cement concrete (1:5:10)
2.4 Plinth Protection

Plinth protection works are to be constructed all around Sewage Pumping Stations,
Sewage Treatment Plant, chambers, Effluent Over Head Service Reservoirs (OHSR/ESR)
and all other Waste Water Retaining Structures it shall be extended upto 1.5m from fall
of balcony or edge of raft slab, whichever is more all around the structure. It shall consist
of laying, 150mm thick concrete in M20 over lean concrete 100 mm thick in M10, over
compacted stone soling of 200mm. Sectional details shall be prepared by the Contractor
as directed by the Employers Representative.

2.5 Filling in Pits and Trenches around Foundations of Structures, Walls, Etc.

The spaces around the foundations, structures, pits, trenches, etc., shall be cleared of all
debris, and filled with earth in layers not exceeding 15 cm, each layer being watered,
rammed and properly consolidated to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. Earth shall
be rammed with approved mechanical compaction machines. Usually no manual
compaction shall be allowed unless the Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied that in some cases
manual compaction by tampers cannot beavoided. The final backfill surface shall be
trimmed and levelled to a proper profile to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

The filling shall be done after the concrete or masonry is fully set and done in such a
manner as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure.

2.6 Plinth Filling

Plinth filling shall be carried out with approved material such as soil, sand or murum as in
layers not exceeding 15 cm watered and compacted with mechanical compaction
machines. When fillingreaches the finished level, the surface shall be flooded with water,
unless otherwise directed, for at least 24 hours, allowed to dry and then the surface
again compacted as specified above to avoid settlement at a later stage. The finished
level of the filling shall be trimmed to the level/slope specified.

Compaction of large areas shall be carried out by means of 12 ton rollers smooth
wheeled, sheep-foot or wobbly wheeled rollers. In case of compaction of granular
material such as sands and gravel, vibratory rollers shall be used. A smaller weight roller
may be used only if permitted by the Engineer- in-charge. As rolling proceeds, water
sprinkling shall be done to assist consolidation. Water shall not be sprinkled in case of
sandy fills.

The thickness of each unconsolidated fill layer can in this be upto a maximum of 300 mm.
The Contractor will determine the thickness of the layers in which fill has to be
consolidated depending on the fill material and equipment used and the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge obtained prior to commencing filling.

The process of filling in the plinth, watering and compaction shall be carried out by the
contractor in such a way as not to endanger the foundation columns, plinth walls etc.
already built up. Under no circumstances Black cotton soil shall be used for plinth in

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Rolling shall commence from the outer edge and progress towards the centre and
continue until compaction is to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, but in no case less
than 10 passes of the roller will be accepted for each layer.

The compacted surface shall be properly shaped, trimmed and consolidated to an even
and uniform gradient. All soft spots shall be excavated, then filled and consolidated.

At some locations/areas, it maynot be possible to use rollers because of space

restrictions, etc. The Contractor shall then be permitted to use pneumatic tampers,
rammers, etc. and he shall ensure proper compaction.

2.7 Sand Filling in Plinth and Other Places

Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall be clean, medium
grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand shall be kept flooded with water for
24 hours to ensure maximum consolidation. The surface of the consolidated sand shall be
dressed to required level or slope. Construction of floors or other structures on sand fill
shall not be started until the Engineer-in- charge has inspected and approved the fill.

2.8 Dewatering

The Contractor shall ensure a this cost that the excavation and the structures are free
from water during construction and if the excavation and the structure is in an area with
stagnant water, and in the opinion of the Employers Representative it is feasible to
remove it, the same shall be removed by bailing out or pumping, as directed by the
Employers Representative and the area of the excavation shall be kept dry. Care shall be
taken to discharge the drained water so as not to cause damage to the works, crops or
any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such
damage is caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore it
to original condition or compensate the damage at his own cost.

The scheme for dewatering and disposal of water shall be approved by the Engineer-in-
charge.The Contractor shall suitably divert the water obtained from dewatering from
such areas of site where a buildup of water in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge
obstructs the progress of the work, leads to unsanitary conditions by stagnation, retards
the speed of construction and is detrimental to the safety of men, materials, structures
and equipment.

2.9 Rienforced Cement Concrete (RCC)

2.9.1 General

The aggregates and cement to be used shall be proportioned by using weight

batch mixer only. The mixing shall invariably be carried out in mechanical mixer
so as to avoid any loss of water or cement. No hand mixed concrete will be
allowed. It should be conveyed, placed in position and compacted by suitable
type of mechanical vibrator as rapidly as practicable
butinnocasethetimeofcompaction after mixing shall increase 20 minutes. Standby
Concrete Mixer and different type of vibrators shall be available at Site.

The concrete shall be cured properly by keeping it moist constantly until end of
three weeks from the date of casting.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Unless otherwise called for by the Employers Representative, cement shall be

ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 269, IS: 8112 or IS: 12269, Super
Sulphated cement conforming to IS 6909 or super resistant Portland cement
conforming to IS 12330 or Pozzolana Portland Cement conforming to IS 1489.
Only one type of cement shall be used in any one mix. Cement of mini plant is
not allowed. Contractor should get approval of manufacturer for cement to be
used in work. The source of supply, type or brand of cement within the same
structure or portion thereof shall not be changed without approval from the
Employers Representative. Cement which is not used within 90 days from its date
of manufacture shall not be used in any work.

All reinforcement used shall be of Tor steel (Fe 415) ISI marked shall be clean and
free from loosemill scales, rust and coating of oil or other coatings which may
destroy or reduce bond. Minimum size of reinforcement bars shall be of 8mm.
Only steel shuttering shall be used. Shuttering shall be new or in good condition
without holes or dents. It has to be approved by the Employers Representative.
The individual elements should be in the good shape to ensure gap free
shuttering according to the drawings. The paint used shall have good bonding
and shall not stick to the concrete surface. Suitable system have to be provided
for keeping the surface in place and keeping thecorrectdistance in caseofwalls.No
through bolting is permitted in shuttering. The construction jointsshould be
minimum and they have to be executed with most care. Before continuing
concreting the loose material has to be removed and they have to be cleaned
properly. Honey combing has to be avoided by suitable shuttering and proper use
of vibrators.

The water used for concreting shall be free from all undesirable salts and other
impurities and shall be fit for concreting as per IS: 456.

The exposed surface of concrete shall be kept continuously in a wet condition by

ponding or covering with a layer of sackings, canvas, hessain or similar materials
and kept continuously wet for at least 21 days from the date of placing of
concrete. To obtain a dense concrete and to reduce chances of honeycombing
adequate admixture approved by Employers Representative shall be used as
integral water proofing compound in concrete work. The quantity of the
admixture shall be as prescribed by the manufacturer and as approved by the
Employers Representative.

All the civil works shall be carried as per standard specifications of RUIDP with
incorporating latest IS provisions. The RCC work shall be carried out with SRC
cement where the structure will remain in touch with sewagein design mix of min

2.9.2 Failure to Meet Strength Requirements

In cases where concrete tested fails to meet the test requirements, the
Employers Representative shall have the right to require any one or all the
following additional tests.

Curing and load testing of the concrete member concerned represented

by the test which failed.

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Replacement of any such portions of the structure. No payment shall be

made for the dismantling of the concrete, relevant form work, or
reinforcement. Embedded fixtures and reinforcement of adjoining
structures damaged during dismantling shall be made good by the
contractor at his own expense.

Extended curing of the structure of the concrete represented by the


Collecting and testing of a core specimen from the hardened concrete.

The location number and size of such specimen shall be taken as directed
by the Employers Representative.

Any Other tests i.e. ultrasonic / or rebound hammer tests to be decided

by the Employers Representative, at the contractors own cost.

These shall be carried out by contractor at his own expense. The Employers
Representative shall be the finally authority for interpreting the results and shall
decide upon the acceptance or otherwise.

2.9.3 Check of Reinforcement and Concreting

All reinforcement shall be got checked recorded prior to pouring of concrete, by

a representative of the Employers Representative. Similarly, the entire concrete
pouring work shall be done in the presence of are presentative of the Employers
Representative.The contractor shall therefore, give a notice of a minimum three
days to the Employer or his representatives, such that the work can be checked
by him or his representative. No work shall be covered before inspection and
approval of Employers Representative.

2.9.4 Minimum Requirement for all Reinforced or Plain Concrete Structures

The minimum grade of concrete for waste water retaining structures shall be
M30 having minimum cement content of 360kg/m3 with maximum 20mm size
down graded coarse aggregates.

Approved quality water proofing compound (chloridefree) shall beaded during

concreting of all waste water retaining structure, in the proportion specified by
the manufacturer / as per designmix or upto 2% (percent) by weight of cement.

2.9.5 Final Finishing

The contractor shall ensure that the entire structures along with all its
installations are in a finished and in new and fully operative condition when
handed over. He shall repair and remove all signs of damage occurred during the
course of installation and fixing of equipment.Heshallalsoensurethat all the
external surface is finished properly and the entire siteisclearedof
allextraconstructionmaterial, debrisand excavated soil.

2.10 CI/DI Pipes and Specials

C.I./D.I. flanged pipe centrifugally cast with screwed flange Class B shall be used for
Inlet, Outlet, Overflow, Washout and Bypass and shall confirm to I. S. 1536 2001 (Latest

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

edition). C.I./D.I.flanged specials & fittings shall confirm to I. S. 1538 - 1993 (latest
edition). Pipes and specials shall subject to inspection & testing by third party as
approved by Engineer. The jointing of pipes and specials shall be flanged joint and will
confirm to IS 3114 1985 (Latest edition).

2.11 Walkways and Access Stairs

All units shall be accessible by concrete walkways of a width of 1.2 m. The walkways shall
have railings of 1.0 m of galvanized steel tubes of diameters 32 (pillars and upper railing)
and 25 mm (lower railing). The walkways shall be accessible from the upper floor of the
control building and by means of 1m wide stairs at suitable places (filters, mixing
chamber). Walkways shall link all the units within the Plant area to fulfill the functional

Walkways shall be provided to connect all the structures necessary for smooth passage
from one unit to other.

2.12 Ladder and Stairs

For Sewage Pumping Stations, Sewage Treatment Plant, chambers, Effluent Over Head
Service Reservoirs (OHSR / ESR), and all other Waste Water Retaining Structures: Stairs
shall be in situ of RCC of 1.20 m wide, rise 150mm and tread 250mm and also
incorporated while designing the structure. Depending on height of the structure, M. S.
ladder of 450 mm wide, made up of 65mm x 65mm x 6 mm M.S. angle iron and 20mm
M.S. bars welded at 300mm c/c shall also be provided for effluent OHT.

Anodised (20 to 25 micron) Aluminum ladder of 450mm wide with 2 nos rectangular
section of 65 x 35 mm (3 mm thick) as vertical post and 25 mm bars steps at 300 mm c/c
shall be provided at STP.

2.13 Railing

Hand railing around the platforms, Balcony, stairs and landings shall be consisting of
25mm diameter medium B class GI pipes in two rows (one at the top and other at middle
level) and 900mm high vertical post 65x65x6mmangleiron@1500mm center to center (At
least two vertical angles are to be provided wherever distance is less) and shall be built
into the concrete or bolted to the MS plate embedded in concrete with all accessories
like elbows, tees etc. including welding, threading and embedding in cement concrete
floor. The pipe shall pass through hole in the vertical angle. Railing shall be protected
against corrosion after welding and shall be painted with three coats of approved paint.

2.14 Water Level Indicator

Water level indicator consists of an approved copper float and iron counter weight and
connected by 4 mm thick steel flexible stranded wire passing over aluminum pulleys 7 cm
diameter fixed on GI medium class pipe shall be provided. The scale shall be calibrated in
centimeters and should consist of MS sheet 20 gauge fixed over wooden plank with an
MS angle iron frame of 35 mm X 35 mm X 5 mm and painted with white enamel bases,
letters in black and red. The scale shall be located and fixed with RCC column above the
ground for effluentService Reservoir.

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2.15 Ventilator

Ventilators shall be provided for Effluent Over Head Service Reservoirs (OHSR / ESR),
Sewage Pumping Stations, Sewage Treatment Plant, chambers, and all other Waste
Water Retaining Structures. The size of ventilator shall be approved by Employers
representative in consideration to the tank size. Size and number of ventilator shall be
calculated as per design requirement.

The ventilator shall consist of angle iron frame 25x25x3 mm and wire gauge 16 mesh 24
gauge including 100 mm square bars at interval of 100 mm welded screwed to frame
with metal beading of 20x3 mm.

2.16 Lightning Arrestor

Lighting arrester shall be of copper bar of 25mm dia and 2m long to be provided at the
top of Effluent Over Head Service Reservoirs (OHSR / ESR), Sewage Pumping Stations,
Sewage Treatment Plant, chambers, and all other Waste Water Retaining Structures
where required. This is to be connected by a GI strip of 25mm wide & 3mm thick. This
conductor strip shall be connected to a 450mm x 450mm x 3mm thick copper plate to be
embedded below the average ground levelby digging a pit. The earthing system shall
comply with Indian Electricity Rules and shall confirm to IS 3043. The pit shall be refilled
by alternate layers of salt and coke and balance shall be filled with loose soil. The 40 mm
dia GI watering pipe shall be provided in the pit. Care shall be taken that earth pit does
not sink.

2.17 Painting

The outer wall and surface of tanks above ground shall be painted with minimum two
coats of cement paint of approved shade. Internal roofandfreeboardportion shall be
painted with twocoats of food grade epoxy paint over primer.

2.18 Water Bars

The water stop shall beofplasticcompound, the basic resin of which shall be polyvinyl
chloride. The compound shall contain additional resins, plasticizers, inhibitors or other
materials such that when the material is compounded, it shall meet the requirements
given in IS. Water stop bar shall be of reputed makeas approved by Employers
Representative. It shall be 230 mm wide and 8 mm thick. The water stops shall be jointed
in straight reaches only by experienced trained personnel using a suitable device as
approved by the Employers Representative.

2.19 Slogan and Logo

The contractor shall paint an area of 6m x 3m on the vertical wall of the effluent tank
portion by using 3 coats of plastic emulsion paint of shade as approved by Employers
Representative to form a base for writing the slogan with 75 mm thick border around the
area. For writing the slogan the letters shall be of 30 cm size. The size of logo shall be 75
cm. The shade for painting the slogan will be approved and directed by Employers
Representative. The logo should indicate the name ofthe project, name of the village and
the capacity of the reservoir. The slogan shall be as directed by the Employers

PIPE CLAMP The clamp shall be 6mm thick 550mm wide MS flat fixed on pipe & column.

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

2.20 Manhole Cover

For Efflent OHT Square manhole cover 800x800 mm shall be provided. The cover shall be
made of 3 mm thick MS flat. The frame shall be made of MS angle 80x80x4. The cover
shall be connected tothisframebyusingtwonos.strung hinges.

2.21 Testing for Water Tightness

The Contractor shall carry out a water tightness test for the maximum water head
condition i.e. with the water standing at full supply level. All cost of testing shall be born
by the contractor. This test shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure given

For water tightness test, before the filling operations are started, the reservoirs / water
retaining structure shall be jointly inspected by the Employers Representative and the
representative of the Contractor and condition of surfaces of wall, construction joints etc.
shall be inspected and noted and it shall be ensured that jointing material filled in the
joints is in position and all openings are closed. The contractor shall make necessary
arrangement for ventilation and lighting of reservoir by way of flood lights, circulators
etc. for carrying out proper inspection of surface and internal conditions if so desired by
the Employers Representative.

The water retaining structures shall be filled with water gradually at the rate not
exceeding 30 cm. Rise in water level per hour and shall extend for a period of 72 hours.
Records of leakages starting at different level of water in the reservoirs, if any, shall be

The tanks shall be filled with water and after the expiry of seven days after the filling; the
level of the surface of the water shall be recorded. The level of the water shall be
recorded again at subsequent intervals of 24 hours over a period of seven days. The total
drop in surface level over a period of seven days shall be taken as an indication of the
water-tightness of the tank. The actual permissible nature of this drop in the surface level
shall be decided by taking into account whether the tanks are open or closed and the
corresponding effect it has on evaporation losses and/or on account of rainfall. However,
underground tanks whose top is covered may be deemed to be water-tight ifthe total
drop in the surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 20 mm.

In case of tanks whose external faces are exposed such as elevated tanks, the
requirements of the tests shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no
signs of leakage and remain apparently dry over the period of observation of seven days
after allowing a seven day period for absorption after filling.

If the structure does not satisfy the conditions of test, and the daily drop in water level is
decreasing, the period of test may be extended for further seven days and if specified
limit is then reached, the structure may be considered as satisfactory. The roofs of liquid-
retaining structures should be water-tight and should be testedon completion by flooding
the roof with water to a minimum depth of 25 mm for 24 h or longer, if so specified.
Where it is impracticable, because of roof slopes or otherwise, to contain a 25 mm depth
of water, the roof should have continuous water applied by a hose or sprinkler system to
provide a sheet flow of water over the entire area of the roof for not less than 6 h. In
either case the roof should be considered satisfactory if no leaks or damp patches show
on the soffit. Should the structure not satisfy either of these tests then after the

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

completion of the remedial work it should be retested in accordance with this clause. The
roof insulation and covering if any should be completed as soon as possible after
satisfactory testing. If the structure does not satisfy the test requirements, and the daily
drop in water level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for a further seven
days and if the specified limit is not exceeded, the structure may be considered as

In case the drop in water level exceed the permissible limit with the stipulated period of
test, the Contractor shall carry out such additional works and adopt such measures as
may be directed by the Employers Representative to reduce the leakage in the
permissible limit. The entire rectification work that shall be carried out in this connection
shall be at Contractors cost.

No separate payment shall be made for water tightness test and the cost thereof shall
deem to be covered in the rates quoted of different items of work of Service Reservoir.

2.22 Doors and Windows

The total area of openings for windows, doors and ventilators shall be not less than about
25% of the floor area.

Doors to the pump and compressor room and to the chemical storage room shall be of
the rolling shutter type with manual operation from inside. They shall have adequate
width and height so that a truck can enter (backside first). A standard door shall be
provided for entry of the operators. Doors in dangerous areas (chemical house, main
distribution panel room) shall open to the outside. The chlorinator room shall have two

All outer doors and those of dangerous areas shall have a self -closing device.

Locations of the doors and windows shall be approved by the Employers Representative.

2.23 Painting of Metallic Surfaces

If not otherwise stated metallic surfaces shall receive one initial primer coat in the
manufacturer's workshop. After arrival of the equipment on site, the same shall be
inspected and damaged and corrugated portions shall be cleaned and given the primer
and under coat of similar paint. After erection all metal work shall be painted as follows:

TablePainting of Metallic Surfaces

All mild steel railing, mild steel ladders, Galvanization, Zinc chromate primer, and two
pipes for water supply, grit iron plates coats of approved oil paints, finishing coat of
approved oil based paint of approved shades.
Submerged metallic parts and their Two coats of bituminous paint
projections above water level
Metal parts above water level or in dry Primer of red oxide, two under coats and one
places finishing coat of an approved oil based paint and
of approved shades
All indoor fixtures, instruments and similar Chromium or copper nickel plating
equipment on panels etc.

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2.24 Final Finishing

The Contractor will ensure that the entire buildings along with all its installations are in a
finished and in new and fully operative condition when handed over. Contractor shall
have repaired and removed all signs of damage that might have been done during the
course of installation and fixing of equipment. He shall also see that the entire exterior
has been finished properly and the entire site is cleared of all extra construction material,
debris and excavated soil. This shall have to be done to the satisfaction of the Employers

2.25 APS Flooring with Ironite Topping (Heavy Duty Flooring)

Heavy Duty Flooring shall be laid in overall thickness of 50mm over sub base and shall
conforming to IS: 5491 in workmanship.

Base layer shall be 35mm thick in cement concrete (1 cement: 1.5 coarse sand: 3.5 stone
aggregates of 10mm to 6mm size by volume). Base layer shall be laid over sub base in
alternate panels in desired shape and pattern. Each panel shall not exceed 1.5m in width.
Panel shall be bound by 3x30 PVC strip panel dividers, fixed in position with their top at
proper level maintaining the required levels, slopes, linearity, etc. as required. Before
laying the base course, neat cement slurry @ 2.75 kg of cement per sq. meter of area
shall be applied by brush over the prepared sub base. The border of the panel shall have
metered joints at the corner of the room and intermediate joints shall be in straight line
with panel joints. Cement concrete shall be placed in position and beaten with trowel
and finished smooth. Beating shall cease as soon as surface is found covered with cream
of mortar. Necessary slope shall be provided.

Wearing Top layer/ finishing layer shall be of cement, hardener and stone aggregate mix
of 15mm thickness laid over the base course. Unless otherwise mentioned, one part of
approved quality hardener and four parts of cement by weight shall be mixed dry. This
dry mixture shall be mixed with stone grit of 6mm and down size in the ratio of 1
hardener and cement mixture: 2 stone grit by volume. Just enough water shall then be
added to the mix. The mixture so obtained shall then be laid on the base course within 2
to 4 hours of latter's laying. It shall be firmly pressed into bottom concrete so as to have a
good bond with it. After the starting of initial setting, the surface shall be finished smooth
and true with steel floats. Each finished portion of floor, on completion shall be kept wet
with ponding for a minimum period of 7 days.

2.26 Internal Water Supply

The water supply of the whole treatment plant shall have two circuits:

Process Water
Drinking/ Service Water
2.26.1 Process Water

Process water shall be supplied from the backwash water tank for:

Back-washing of the filters

Preparation of the chemical solutions
Supply points for desert coolers and cooling system

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2.26.2 Drinking / Service Water

The Contractor shall provide the drinking water facilities within the campus.
These shall be provided in laboratory, staff room, workshop, chemical house,
offices, watchmans cabin, staff quarters and any other location required by
Employers Representative. The material used for providing drinking water facility
shall be of superior quality so that water losses are minimum in the system and
shall be approved by Employers Representative.

2.27 Site Drainage

The Contractor shall provide a site drainage system.The system shall comprise of the

Storm Water Drainage

Foul Drainage
Process Drainage
2.27.1 Storm Water Drainage
Storm water drains running along the proposed roads (to de provided under this
Contract) shall be sized for a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/hr, allowing for 100%
runoff. Drains adjacent to roads shall be in Reinforced Cement Concrete of M25
Grade, topped with 75mm thick concrete slab (cover). The storm water system
shall have Main drain leading to nallah.
2.27.2 Foul Drainage
The foul drainage system shall accept discharge from toilets, washrooms, offices
and the laboratory. The foul drainage system shall discharge to a nearby sewer
line and connected to the manhole.
2.27.3 Sluice Valves
Sluice valves of PN 1.0 rating shall confirm to IS 14846 2000. All the sluice
valves should be fitted with spur gear and ball thrust bearing arrangement. The
valves shall be inspected & tested by third party as approved by
Employer/employer representative. Only tested material satisfying the
requirement as specified shall be delivered to site duly packed.
2.28 Cable and Pipe Trenches

Cable and pipe trenches shall generally be constructed in reinforced concrete. However,
500 mm x 500 mm size or smaller trenches, not on fill may be constructed using 350 mm
thick stone masonry in C.M (1:4) over 150mm thick PCC base slab. The trenches shall be
plastered internally with cement mortar (1:4).

Trenches within the buildings or Plant areas shall be covered with G.I. chequered plates,
and those outside the buildings shall be covered with M20 precast R.C.C covers. The
trenches shall be suitably sloped to drain off rainwater to a suitable location.

Layout of trenches outside the buildings shall allow space for construction of future
trenches where necessary with due consideration for planning for future developments.
This aspect shall be brought to the notice of the Employers Representative while
planning the works.

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2.29 Site Office

The Contractor shall furnish the site office of 500 SqFt area and well equipped laboratory
as per the direction of the Engineer in charge.All the operating expenses, water, lights
and other charges shallbe regarded as an inclusive cost of the Contractors operating
costs and part of the contract price.The equipment, furniture and furnishings shall

Nos. of 5 x 3 table with both side drawers (3 on each side)

1 Nos. of 3 x 2 table with single side three drawers 10 chairs
Nos. of Steel cupboards (Store well type or similar approved) 1 No. Drawing
nos, Drawers Filing cabinet
Water supply/ Plumbing/ Electrical/ Telephone/ internet complete Computer
with printer 1 No
Computer operator 1 No

2.30 Areas outside the Site

In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary way leave or
accommodation acquired by him or any tip for the disposal of surplus materials, or any
borrow pit or quarry, he shall obtain the written consent of the owner, occupier or
authority having charge of the land in which such wayleave, accommodation or tip is
situated and shall make a record agreed by the owner, occupier or authority as aforesaid
of the condition of the surface of that land before entering thereon.
The Contractor shall permit the Employer and/or the Employers Representative and any
person authorised by the Employer or the Employers Representative access for the
purposes of the Contract to any such special or temporary wayleave or additional
In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary wayleave or
additional accommodation made available to him by the Employer for the purpose of the
Contract, the land in which such wayleave or accommodation is situated shall be deemed
to be part of the Site.
Under these circumstances the Contractor shall form a Working Area extending 5 m from
the edge of the Permanent Works or accommodation on all sides. The Contractor shall
restrict his activities to within this Working Area. On completion of the works in this area,
the Contractor shall reinstate the area to its original condition to the satisfaction of the
Employers Representative.
For the purposes of this Clause, `accommodation' shall be deemed to include housing,
offices, workshops, warehouses, and storage areas.
2.31 Road Works
The Contractor shall obtain all permits required for carrying out works such as excavation
on public roads and shall liaise with the appropriate authorities with regard to the timing
and execution of the road works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining temporary road
diversions for the duration of the road works. The road shall be kept open at all times
during the road works period, and the work shall be carried out in such a manner as to
minimise the disruption to traffic.

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2.32 Maintenance of Existing Access Roads

The Contractor shall only use existing access roads within the Site boundary which are
necessary for the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for
the maintenance of the existing site access roads. This responsibility shall continue until
the completion of the Defect Liability Period, or until such earlier date as the Employers
Representative may advise the Contractor in writing. Such maintenance work shall
include general up-keep, and any necessary repairs to damaged road surfaces, pavement,
drainage, associated slopes, etc to original condition. While carrying out such
maintenance work, the Contractor shall make arrangements to maintain through passage
for the Employer's and his staff's vehicles over these access roads, which may comprise
temporary diversions all to the approval and satisfaction of the Employers
The Contractor shall take every precaution while operating tracked or unsprung vehicles
on surfaced roads and shall use planking or some other protective material to protect the
road surface.
2.33 Clearance of the Site
The Contractor shall clear the Site to the extent required by the Employers
Representative for checking the setting-out.
Clearance of the Site shall also include the demolition and removal of all articles, objects
and obstructions which are expressly required to be cleared.
The Contractor shall ensure that the parts of the Site to be occupied by the Permanent
Works are clear, and shall maintain the remainder of the Site as may be required for
access and Temporary Works areas.
The Contractor shall remove the material arising from such clearance and dispose of it in
a manner and at a location, on or off the Site, to the approval of the Employers
The Contractor shall fill and make good with appropriate materials those cavities and
losses of soil which result from clearing the parts of the Site not subsequently to be
occupied by the Works.
The Contractor shall not clear the Site of any structure without the prior written
permission of the Employers Representative.
2.34 Clearance and Reinstatement of the Site on Completion
On completion of the Works, the Contractor shall clear any temporary works areas and
temporary access roads and reinstate the areas to their original condition and to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative.
2.35 Site Records
The Contractor shall make records of the position and extent in the excavations of every
type of service, stratum and obstruction encountered during the construction of the
2.36 Access for the Employer and Employers Representative
The Contractor shall permit the Employer and the Employers Representative and any
person authorised by the Employer or the Employers Representative including
workmen of the Employer, other contractors or utility undertakings access for the
purposes of the Contract to all areas of the Site and to any additional accommodation or
temporary wayleave for the duration of the Contract period.

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2.37 Waste Water Disposal on Site

Wastewater shall be disposed off clear of the Site to the satisfaction of the Employers
Representative so as to cause no damage or complaint.
2.38 Latrines and Washing Facilities
Throughout the period of construction of the Works the Contractor shall provide,
maintain and cleanse suitable and sufficient latrines and washing facilities for use by his
employees. He shall ensure thathis employees do not foul the Site but make proper use
of the latrines.
Where practicable the latrines shall be connected to the nearest sewer, or if this is not
practicable the Contractor shall provide an adequately sized septic tank and soak away.
The Contractor is also to provide separate latrines to the above requirements for the
entire Employers Representative staff.
After Completion of the works, the latrines and washing facilities shall be removed, all
ground disinfected and the surface reinstated to the satisfaction of the Employers
2.39 First Aid and Life-Saving Apparatus on Site
The Contractor shall provide on the Site such life-saving apparatus as may be appropriate
and an adequate and easily accessible first aid outfit or such outfits as may be required in
any government ordinances, factories acts, etc, published and subsequently amended
from time to time. In addition,an adequate number of persons permanently on the Site
shall be instructed in their use, and the persons so designated shall be made known to all
employees by the posting of their names and designations in a prominent position on
2.40 Electrical Safety on Site
The Contractor shall be responsible for the electrical safety of all Plant supplied and
installed. Whilst any equipment is being installed or tested, the Contractor shall ensure
that all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard personnel working on site. If
necessary, this shall include fencing off areas which are considered to pose a risk, and
erecting warning notices.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the electrical installation is carried
out bysuitably trained competent personnel and that the work is carried out in a safe
The Contractor shall be responsible for the operation on the Site of a permit to work
system during the period of electrical equipment installation and testing. This system
shall regulate the installation, the energisation and the use of electrical Plant installed
and the method of work adopted.
2.41 Noise
The Contractor shall ensure that the operations entailed in the construction of the Works
do not cause annoyance to others working on the Site or to persons living adjacent to the
2.42 Contract Signboards
The Contractor shall supply and erect signboards at locations to be specified by the
Employer's Representative. The layout and dimensions of the signboards and their
construction shall be to the approval of the Employers Representative and the lettering in

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

both Hindi & English shall be black on a white background.

2.43 Advertising
The Contractor shall not use any part of the Site for any form of advertising without the
prior written approval of the Employers Representative.
2.44 Nameplates, Signboards, Nomenclature
Each item of the plant shall have permanently attached to it in a conspicuous position a
nameplate,on which shall be engraved or stamped the manufacturer's name, type and
serial number, year of manufacture, details of the design capacity etc. Such labels shall be
of non-hygroscopic material to be approved by the Employers Representative.
Nearby or on each item of the plant, shall be fixed a plate with the name and
nomenclature (code) of the item according to the project nomenclature. It shall be visible
from a distance of several meters.
The Contractor shall also provide bilingual signboards and instruction tables of durable
material, throughout the plant, for the purposes of operation, maintenance and security:
Danger and caution signs (English and local language)
Preventive maintenance schedules (local language)
Operating instructions (local language)
Unit names (English and local language)
Nameplates at the doors to the units (English and local language)
Signboards and plates shall be appropriately sized in relation to the relevant item and
itssurroundings. Details of the proposed inscription, size, material and colors shall be
submitted to the Employers Representative for approval before any signboards or plates
are manufactured. They shall be compatible with the instructions in the operation
All cables shall be provided with clip-on identification numbers on both ends and at all
terminations in between, for identification. The nomenclature shall correspond to the
electrical as-built drawings.
The nomenclature and labeling of the plant shall be decided in close co-operation with
the Employers Representative.

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal


For Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) included in this bid, coarse-screened sewage shall be
pumped by the SPS Pumps via one pumping main as specified in this bid document, to
STP, the pumping main shall convey the sewage to the Medium Screen Influent Channel
of that STP. Pump speed and sequencing shall be automatically controlled based on wet
well level.
The pump shall be vertical, submersible, non-clog, single stage, bottom suction,
monoblock type driven by single speed submersible motor suitable for pumping all kinds
of sewage / sludge / containing plastics and fibrous materials.
The pumps should develop the required total dynamic head at rated capacity. The head
capacity curve of the pump shall be continuously rising towards the shut-off with highest
head at shut-off.
All pump motors shall be submersible type and with adequate capacity
heavydutycontinuous rated motor provided with all protective devices viz. RTD BTD and
moisture sensor, and enclosure protection of IP68/IP55 as per relevant standard. and IS:
The pumps shall be suitable for under floor wet installation with pedestal and guide
arrangement. The pedestal shall be provided with auto-coupling arrangement to
facilitate installation/ removal from the well top without entering into the well.
The pump shall be suitable for parallel and continuous operation.
The capacity of pumps shall be adequate to meet the peak rate of flow with standby.
The suction and delivery openings of Pump shall be of minimum 100 mm dia for
protection against clogging.
The design period of Pumping machinery shall be 15 years.
The pump shall be designed to be protected against reverse direction of rotation due to
the sewerage returning through the pump.
The pumps shall operate trouble free, smooth and without any undue noise and
vibrations. The magnitude of peak-to-peak vibration at shop and at site installation shall
be limited to 75 microns and 50 microns respectively at the bearing housing.
The pumps shall be of identical configuration to facilitate in inter -changeability
Pumps shall be designed for continuous operation under submerged or partially
submerged conditions, and intermittent operation when totally dry without damage to
pump or motor.
Pumping unit shall be complete with motor, control system, guide rail, anchoring
brackets, base elbow, power cable, and pump lifting cable and control panel and level
Pumps shall be fitted with dynamically balanced non clog impellers designed to pass
course solids of at least 50 mm diameter
Minimum 15% margin over the power input to pump at duty point shall be kept while
selecting the motor rating. Specific gravity of 1.03 shall be considered for wastewater for
calculation of power input to pump.
The name plate KW rating of the pump motor shall be sufficient to drive the pump
through the entire range of head of capacity curve.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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Thermostats shall be provided to monitor temperature raise in motor winding and

Moisture sensor shall be provided to monitor motor housing.
Mating surfaces to be watertight and fitted with nitrile O-rings
Rising Mains
The following are design requirements for rising mains
Rising mains shall be of Ductile iron class K-9 with internal cement mortar lining.
Pump discharge pipe and rising mains shall be sized to maintain the velocity 2.1 m/sec.
Inside lining shall be Sulphate Resisting Cement (SRC) in accordance with BS 4027 for
sewage application
All the pipes and fittings above the ground level shall be flanged type. All buried pipes
and fittings shall be socket and spigot rubber ringjointed
Fittings shall be confirming to BSEN 545&598 and lined same as pipe
Flange: Raised-face, ductile iron, screwed on conforming to BS 4504 PN16.
Bolts, nut and washer material shall be as per BS EN ISO 3506.
Cement concrete access pavement at different locations of head works shall be constructed with
a minimum total width of 5.50 m for base and sub-base and its top shall be covered with 3.75
meter wide M-30 and thickness of 200mm plain cement concrete as per the standard drawing
with . Both shoulders of 0.875m wide shall be constructed by using granular sub-materials
including watering and compaction as per the specifications.
Plain cement concrete pavement shall be constructed with thickness as per design over a
prepared sub base with 43 grade cement for any other type as per clause 1501.2.2 M30 grade
coarse and fine aggregate confirming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding
25 mm mix in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 Cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher
using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side form work (steel channel, laying and fixing
of 125 micron thick polythene film wedge steel plates including levelling the form work as per the
drawing) spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes, compacted using needle screed and plate
vibrator, vacuum watering with required machinery and finished in continuous operation
including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints applying de-bounding strip,
primer sealant, dowel bars nearapproaches to construction joints, admixtures as approved curing
of concrete slab for 14 days using curing compound 9 where specified) and water finishing to
lines and grade as per drawing and technical specifications clause 1501.
A separation membrane shall be used between the concrete slab and the sub base. Separation
membrane shall be impermeable plastic sheeting 125 microns thick laid flat without creases.
Before placing the separation membrane, the sub-base shall be swept clean of all the extraneous
materials using air compressor. Wherever overlap of plastic sheets is necessary, the same shall be
at least 300 mm and any damaged sheeting shall be replaced at the Contractors expense. The
separation membrane may be nailed to the lower layer with concrete nails.
The location and type of joints shall be constructed depending upon their functional requirement.
Transverse and longitudinal joints in the pavement and sub base shall be staggered so that they
are not coincident vertically and are at least 1 m and 0.3 m apart respectively.

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All side forms shall be of mild steel of depth equal to the thickness of pavement or slightly less to
accommodate the surface regularity of the sub-base. The forms can be placed on series of steel
packing plates or shims to take care of irregularity of sub base. They shall be sufficiently robust
and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by a paving equipment. Side forms for use
with wheeled paving machines shall incorporate metal rails firmly fixed at a constant height
below the top of the forms. The forms and rails shall be firmly secured in position by not less than
3 stakes/pins per each 3 m length so as to prevent movement in any direction. The forms shall be
got inspected from the Engineer for his approval before the construction of the slab and shall not
be removed until atleast 12 hours afterwards.


Proportioning of materials shall be done in the batching plant by weight, each type of material
being weighted separately. The cement from the bulk stock may be weighed separately from the
aggregates and water shall be measured by volume. Wherever properly graded aggregate of
uniform quality cannot be maintained as envisaged in the mix design, the grading of aggregates
shall be controlledby appropriate blending techniques.


The work shall consist of constructing shoulder (hard / paved / earthen with brick or stone block
edging) on either side of the pavement, in accordance with the requirements as directed by the
Engineer. The brick/stone blocks shall be laid on edge, with the length parallel to the transverse
direction of the road. They shall be laid on sand, set carefully, rolled into position by a light roller
and made flush with the finished level of the pavement. 150 mm thick Shoulder for cc pavement
shall be 0.875m wide on both side of road, shall be treated with granular sub-base having proper
drainage arrangement

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal



IS Code No Description
IS 14602- 1999/2004 Installation methods of positive displacement Hydraulic pumps
and motors guidelines
IS 14601- 1998/2003 Method of presenting performance data for hydraulic pumps.
IS 8304- 2002 Submersible pump set specifications
IS 15310- 2003 Hydraulic design of pump sumps and intakes guidelines
IS 4111- 2007 Part- I- Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewage
systems- Manholes(1986)
Part-II - Finishing Tanks(1985) Part-III- Inverted syphons (1985)
Part-IV- Pumping stations & pumping mains (1968) Part-V-
Tidal outfalls(1993)
IS 10069- 1992/2002 Hyd. Fluid power- Positive displacement pumps,motors and
integral transmissions & determination of steady state
IS 10572- 1983/2005 Method of sampling pumps
IS 8472 1998/2004 Pumps regenerative for clear, cold water- specifications.
IS 3042- 2003 Specifications for single faced sluice gates
IS 11485- 1985/2000 Criteria for hydraulic design of sluices in concrete and masonry
IS 2685 1971/2003 Code practice for selection, installation and maintenance of
sluice valves
IS 9890- 1981/2003 Specifications for general purpose for ball valves
IS 10459- 1983 Specification for general purpose for plug valves
IS 11791- 1986 Specifications for diaphragm type valves for general purposes
IS 11149-1984/2004 Specs for rubber gaskets.
IS 3549 Rubber hoses.
IS 11855-2004 Guideline for design and use for different types of Rubber seals
for hydraulic gates.
IS 5382-1982/2003 Specs for rubber sealing ring for gas mains, water Mains and
IS 5189-1985/2005 Specs for cold polymerized raw styrene-butadiene Rubber.
IS 14803 Part 1-2000-Plain bearings fits

Part 2-Tolerances on form and position and surface Roughness

for shafts, flanges and thrust collars.
IS 12820-2004 Dimension requirements of rubber gaskets for mechanical
joints and push on joints for use with cast iron pipes and fitting
for carrying water,gas and sewage.
IS 4826-1979/2006 Hot dip galvanizing on round steel wires.
IS 1367-2002 Technical supply conditions for threaded steelfasteners part 1
to 20.
IS 13229 Zinc for galvanizing
IS 12313 Specs for hot dipterne created steel sheets.
IS 1001 Specs for performance requirement for constant speed
compression ignition (Diesel) engines for general proposed (up
to 20kw)
IS 1002 Specs for performance requirement for constant speed

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

compression ignition (Diesel) engines for general proposed

(Above 20kw)
IS 15217 Fuel oil for diesel generator sets specs
IS 14691 Rolling bearings -Taper rolling bearing tapered rollersmetric
series specs.
IS 10037-1981/2005 Requirement for sludge dewatering equipment part 1to3
IS 11630-2005 Methodofultrasonictestingofsteelplatesfor pressure
IS 5456-2006 Testing of positive displacement type air compressors and
exhausters-code of practice.
IS 13256-1992/2004 Air compressor lubricants types DAA and DAB-specs
IS 11119-1984/2007 Technical supply condition for sliding vane rotary air
IS 1092-1984 Technical supply conditions for reciprocating air compressor
above 60kW.
IS 9242-1986 Rated pressure of air compressor
IS 14642 Part-1 Compressed air for general use contaminants & quality
Part-2 Test methods for aerosol oil contents(2004)
IS 7938-1976 Specs for air receivers for compressed air installation.
IS 10431- 1994/2004 Measurement of air flow of compressors and exhausters by
IS 14740- 1999 Pneumatic fluid power general rules using compressible
fluid- determination at flow rate characteristics.
IS 15045- 2001 Pneumatic fluid power Five port directional control valves-
part 1 to 3.
IS 12725- 2002 Pneumatic fluid power general rules relating to system.
IS 15331-2003 Identification of ports and control mechanism of control valves
and other components- Pneumatic fluid power.
IS 10527- 1983 Specification for pressure ranges of compressed air system for
Inland vessels.
IS 9683- 1980 Carbon and low alloy steel forgings for fired and unfired
pressure vessels.
IS 2825- 1969/2007 Code of un-fired pressure vessels.
IS 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
IS 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water gas andsewage
IS 14333 High density polythene pipes for sewage- specification
IS 6908 Specification for asbestos cement pipe.
IS 14402- 1996/2001 Specification for GRP pipe joints and fittings for sewage,
industrial waste and water( other than potable)
IS 14787- 2000 Unplasticised PVC pipes (ducts) and fittings forunderground
telecommunication cable installation- specification.
IS 6418 Cast iron and malleable cast iron flanges for general
engineering purposes.
IS 6392 Steel pipe flanges.
IS 4867 Welded neck shell flanges for carbon steel pressure vessels
and equipments
IS 4866 Welded shell flanges for carbon steel pressure vessels and
IS 4869 Welded shell flanges with hub for stainless steel pressure

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vessels and equipments.

IS 4868 Welded shell flanges for stainless steel pressure vessels and
IS 5986 Hot rolled steel flat products for structural forming and flanges
IS 4864 Specifications for shell flanges for vessels and equipments
IS 4870 Flat gaskets for shell flanges.
IS 15225- 2002 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride compounds used for pipes and
fitting specifications.
IS 4985- 2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water supplies-
IS 4984- 1995 Specifications for low density poly ethylene pipes forpotable
water supplies.
IS 3076- 1985/2003 Specifications for high density poly ethylene pipes for potable
water supplies.
IS 15450- 2004 Poly ethylene/ Aluminum/ Polyethylene composite pressure
pipes for hot & cold water supplies.
IS 13592- 1992 Specifications for UPVC pipes for soil & waste discharge
systems inside building including ventilation and rain water
IS 15328- 2003 Unplasticized non-pressure polyvinyl chloride(PVC)pipes for
use in underground drainage and sewage systems-
IS 14735- 1999/2007 UPVC injection molded fittings for soil and waste discharge
system, inside and outside buildings including ventilation and
rain water system.
IS/ISO 9373- 1989 Cranes and related equipments Accuracy requirements for
measuring parameters during testing.
IS 13834 Part-1-1994Cranes- Classification General
Part-5- 2003 Over head traveling and portal bridges cranes
IS 807- 2006 Design, Erection, testing (structural portion) of cranes and
hoists- code of practice.
IS 14475- 1997 Cranes- Condition monitoringPart-1- General
IS 13558- Part 1 to 5 Part-1- Cranes- controls- layout & characteristics general
Part-5- Overhead Traveling cranes & portal bridge works.
IS 3177- 1999/2006 Code of practice for heavy duty electric overhead Traveling
cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work cranes
IS 14473- Part 1- 1997 Cranes Inspection General
IS/ISO 8686 Part-1 Cranes Design principle for loads & load combinations.
Part-5 Overhead traveling and portal bridge crane
IS 4137- 1985/2006 Code practice for heavy duty electric overhead traveling cranes
including special service machines for use in steel works.
IS 14470- 1997 Cranes- Test code and procedures.
IS 14471 Cranes and lifting appliances- Technical characteristics and
acceptance documents.


For this Specification the following definitions shall apply: -

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Design duty The total head to be developed and the quantity of fluid to be
discharged when the pump is running at rated speed;
Static head The difference between free water surface level on the suction side of
the pump and the delivery level;
External friction head The head required to overcome friction external to the Works
(Frictional loss in the transmission main) and the velocity head at the
outlet of the pumping main;
Station losses The friction losses in valves and pipes within pump room;
Internal losses The frictional losses in the pump suspension main and head bend up
to the delivery flange of vertical wet well pumps
Total head The sum of (b), (c), (d) and (e);
Design duty head The sum of (b) and (c);
NPSHa Net positive suction head available at site
NPSHr Net positive suction head required by the pump
LWL Low Water Level at free water surface level on the suction side of the
HWL High Water Level at free water surface level on the suction side of the
pump (during flooding)


The head/quantity characteristics of pumps shall be stable at all rates of flow between
closed valve and fully-open valve, and the characteristics shall be steep enough for
satisfactory operation in parallel under all conditions specified.

Pump efficiency shall be well maintained over the whole of the specified duty range.

Lubrication arrangements shall be designed to avoid any contamination of the pumped

fluid, with shaft bearings lubricated by filtered water.

Pumps and associated pipe work shall be arranged so that air can be completelyremoved
during priming, using air-release valves at high points, and complete drainage is provided
from low points by drain valves.

Pump suction and discharge flanges shall each be provided with 2 opposed plugged
tappings for fitting pressure gauges and the like. The tappings shall be fitted with suitable
metallic plugs for transport.

Arrangements for the easy handling of all pumping machinery shall be provided, by using
lifting lugs or eyes as appropriate.


Unless otherwise specified, pumps shall be driven by electric motors and be directly
coupled. Motors shall provide a power margin of not less than 10% above the maximum
power absorbed by the pump in any possible operating condition.


If pumps are fitted with packed glands, the shafts shall be fitted with replaceable sleeves
where they pass through the gland. Packing shall be readily replaceable and adjustable. If
packed glands are used, effective means shall be provided for collection of the gland
leakage water which shall be piped into the drainage system.

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Pumps may be fitted with mechanical seals in place of packed glands only if the seals
have a proven record of satisfactory running when fitted to the pump design in question,
and with prior approval. Mechanical seals shall be readily adjustable and replaceable

Flushing facilities shall be provided for mechanical seals or packed glands if the pumped
fluid may include abrasive material.


Pump bearings shall have a design running life of not less than 75 000 hours. Bearings
shall be designed for loadings 20% in excess of calculated maximum loading and shall be
suitable for reverse rotation at 150% of rated speed or the maximum reverse speed the
pump can reach in installed conditions when driven backwards by reverse flow if this is

Bearing cooling arrangements shall use closed circuits. Open discharge of cooling water
into the pumping station drainage system is not permissible. The coolant flow shall be
easily visible and local indication of bearing metal temperature shall be provided.
Excessive metal temperatures shall result in safe shutdown of the pump.


Rotating assemblies shall be statically and dynamically balanced in accordance with ISO
19401 and designed so that the first critical speed of the pump and its drive is at least
50% higher than the maximum operating speed. If the rotating assemblies are small and
any out of balance forces are negligible, the Employers Representative may waive this
requirement. For each pump, the manufacturer shall state whether or not balancing has
been completed.

4.8 NPSH

The NPSH requirements of pumps, based on the 2% output drop criterion, shall be atleast
1m less than the NPSH available at every working condition at site maximum ambient


Unless otherwise specified, the water velocity in the suction branches of a pump shall not
exceed 1.8m/s and in the discharge branch shall not exceed 2.0m/s when the pump is
operating within its specified working range. There shall be no discernible noise due to
hydraulic turbulence or cavitation within the pump or its associated pipe work and valves.

If discharge branch velocities exceed 2.0m/s in the working range, the use of profiled
taper pipes will be allowed. Taper pipes shall be designed to reduce velocityprogressively
to not greater than 2.0m/s, using profiled internal contours which contain no steps or
angles from which turbulence or cavitation can be generated. The taper pipes shall be
considered as part of the pump and be included in performance calculations and tests.


Unless otherwise approved, pumps shall be set at levels which ensure they are primed
automatically at the lowest inlet water level which is possible in normal operation.

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If pump and motor are mounted on a combined bedplate, the bedplate shall be a
substantial fabricated-steel construction or of cast iron. Holes for holding-down bolts
shall be included, and all packing for levelling, and all holding-down bolts and the like
shall be provided. Steel dowels shall be fitted after final alignment of pump and motor to
facilitate dismantling and reassembly.


Pump performance guarantees shall relate to the flow rate, the total head and the
efficiency of the pump when tested at the manufacturers works. Verification of factory
test results shall form part of the Site Tests on Completion.

Pumps shall operate at design duty within the acceptance tolerances for flow and total
head laid down in IS 9137-2002, IS 10981or ISO 3555.

Unless otherwise specified, at the time of tender the Contractor shall supply the
performance curves for the pumps he is providing. The curves shall show total head,
pump efficiency, power absorbed by the pump, and NPSHr plotted against flow rate for
the full operating range required. The curves shall be extended to show shut valve
conditions, and to show performance at flow rates at least 20% in excess of the
maximum flow rate expected in normal operation at site conditions.

Where appropriate, curves shall also be included to show the variations in station losses
and internal plant losses plotted against flow rate, to enable the complete pump
performance curves to be shown.

If the Purchasers estimated system curves for head against flow have been provided, the
Contractors pump curves shall be superimposed on the system curves to show
conveniently the expected performance in site conditions.

Power consumption for tender adjudication and discounted cash flow will be calculated
as shown below:

If the parameters A, B & C are given in the Particular Specification, the sum of weighted
power consumptions of the pump when operating at separate points in the duty range
shall be used, calculated as shown below.

If the parameters A, B, and C are not given, continuous operation at the design duty will
be assumed.

A, B, C = percentages, reflecting the percentage of time the pump will operate at these


Sump pumps shall be of the open-impeller centrifugal-type, vertically-mounted and close

coupled to their fully-submersible electric motors.

Sump pumps of 1.5kW and under shall incorporate an integral level detector, control and
motor starter and shall be powered only with a suitably-fused three-phase or single-
phase low-voltage supply and with supply isolation at the supply point.

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Sump pumps over 1.5kW shall be controlled and started from the supply point. Control
shall be by means of adjustable float level switches mounted near the pump.

Pumps shall be supplied with all necessary pipe work to discharge to surface drainage.
Each pump shall be provided with delivery reflux and isolating valves, and suitable lifting
gear for lowering and lifting the pump from the sump.

Pumps weighing 40kg or more shall be lowered into the sump on guide rails and be
located to their respective discharge pipe work with an angle flange connection and self-
locating clamps.

Pump impellers shall be designed to pass solids of the sizes which pass through the inlet
ports of the pump and shall be capable of pumping solids of up to 50mm diameter.


4.14.1 General

Submersible sewage pumps shall be provided Contractor shall decide rating head
and no of pumps. At any flow condition there shall be 100 % Stand by capacity.
Pumps rating shall be worked out keeping in mind variation in flow conditions.
Sewage should be pumped out from wet well within 30 minutes from the time of
arrival. One pump suitable to pump out at average flow rate shall be provided as
store spare for each pumping station

a) Pumps shall be suitable for single as well as parallel efficient operation at

any point in between the maximum and minimum system resistances.
b) The pumps shall be designed to handle sewage with solid sizes of up to
50 mm.
c) Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration.
d) The pumps shall be suitable for starting with discharge valve open and/or
e) The pumps shall be capable of withstanding the accidental rotation in
reverse direction.
f) The synchronous speed shall not exceed 1450 rpm at 50 Hz supply.
g) The specific gravity of sewage is 1.02.

a) Pump shall be centrifugal, vertical mounted, fixed type with bottom entry, non-
clog, wear resisting, single stage, fully submersible and closed coupled type.
b) Pump casing shall be of robust construction. Liquid passages shall be finished
smooth and designed as to allow free passage of solids and clogging materials.
The volute tongue shall be filed to a smooth rounded edge.
c) Double Mechanical seals shall be provided to protect the motor from ingress of
sewage along the shaft. The primary seal (lower seal) shall be withtungsten
carbide or silicon-carbide faces and secondary seal (upper seal)shall be carbon Vs
chrome steel.
d) Moisture detection system to be provided to sense ingress of moisture / liquid in

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to the oil; chamber. Sensors are to be provided to detect if leakage of sewage

into the oil housing is above 30 % concentration.
e) Impeller shall be single / double vane non-clog type with smooth blunt edges and
large water ways so as to allow free passage of the large size solids. It shall be
free from sharp comers and projections likely to catch and hold rags and stringy
f) The critical speed of the rotor shall be at least 30% above the operating speed.
g) To take care of all axial & radial forces, maintenance free antifriction
permanently greases filled ball bearings shall be provided. Thrust bearings shall
be provided to take care of unbalanced hydraulic thrusts of the impeller and the
weights of the revolving parts of the pump. The bearing life shall be minimum
40,000 hrs of operation.
h) Each pump shall be complete with a cast iron deliveryconnection arrangement
for fixing to the concrete floor of the sump well. All necessary stainless steel
fixtures required for guiding the pumps during lifting / lowering shall be
provided. The installation shall facilitate automatic installation and removal of
pump without a person entering the sump well. Each pump shallbe provided with
a SS 304 lifting chain with suitable provision for engaging the hook of the crane at
1 m interval.
i) The pump shall start and stop automatically based on level in the sump well.

Pump casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260

Discharge casing : CI IS: 210 Gr FG 260
Impeller : SS ASTM A 743 Gr CF8M
Shaft : SS AISI 410 H&T
Mechanical Seal : Silicon Carbide
Fasteners : SS AISI 304.
Protective Coating : The pumps shall be epoxy painted

a) Material test certificate for casing, impeller and shaft.

b) Hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the shut-off head or twice the rated discharge head,
whichever is greater

c) Performance test as per IS:5120 & IS:9137 at full speed

d) Mechanical balancing as per ISO:1940, Gr. 6.3 or better

e) Pumps shall be offered for visual inspection before shipment. The pump
components shall not be painted before inspection

f) Field performance tests required for satisfactory operation


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4.18.1 Performance and Characteristics

a) The submersible motor shall conform to IS:325/IS:9283 and the

submersible cable shall conform to IS:9968.

b) The motor shall be two phases, dry induction type with non-overloading

c) Motors shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in the

expected life span when operated continuously under the following supply

i) Variation of supply voltage from rated motor voltage 10%

ii) Variation of supply frequency from rated frequency 5%

d) The starting current of motor shall not exceed 200% of rated full load
current for star / delta starting under any circumstances.

e) Motor shall be suitable for full voltage star / delta starting.

f) Motors shall be capable of starting and accelerating the load with the
applicable method of starting, without exceeding acceptable winding
temperatures, when the supply voltage is in the range 85% of the rated motor
voltage to maximum permissible voltage.

g) The locked rotor current of the motor shall not exceed 600% of full load
current (subject to tolerance as per the applicable standard) unless otherwise

h) Motors shall be designed to withstand 120% of rated speed for two

minutes without any mechanical damage, in either direction of rotation.

i) The motor vibrations shall be within the limits specified in applicable

standard unless otherwise specified for the driven equipment.

j) Except as mentioned herein, the guaranteed performances of the motor

shall be met with tolerances specified in applicable standard, IS:9283-1979.

k) Protection against increase in motor winding temperature above 150C

shall be provided. Two nos. thermic (I each in every phase) are to be provided to
sense the stator winding temperature rise.

l) The power rating of the motor shall be larger of the following:

i) 115% of the power input to the pump at duty point at a speed

corresponding to the frequency of 49.0 Hz.

ii) 105% of the maximum power input while operating one and/or two
pumps in parallel at a speed corresponding to the frequency of 50 Hz.

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Each pump shall be provided with submersible cables of equal length for power and
control so that the pump positions can be interchanged with each other. The cable shall
be terminated in a common weatherproof junction box.


a) Earthing of the motor shall be done in accordance with the relevant provisions of

b) For the purpose of earthing these motors, earthing connection may be made to
the discharge pipe.


a) Any joints in the motor insulation such as at coil connections or between slot and
end winding section, shall have strength equivalent to that of the slot sections of
the coil.

b) The insulation shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment for successful
operation of the motor in hot, humid and tropical climate. The tropicalising
treatment shall be as per the applicable standard.

c) The stator winding shall be made from high conductivity annealed copper
conductor, winding insulation shall be of class-F insulation, conforming to IS:325.
The stator winding shall be of high conductivity annealed copper enameled
insulated wires conforming to IS:4800 (Part-VII): 1970 for dry type motors.

The temperature-rise test of the motor shall be taken with the motor coupled to the
suitable pump to give the full load output of the motor. When the various temperatures
are stabilized, the set is stopped and the temperature-rise of the stator winding by the
resistance method shall not exceed 35C. During the test, the temperature of the cooling
water may not exceed 35C. As the cable resistance will also be substantial, it is
necessary that while calculating the temperature rise by resistance method, due care is
taken to account for the correct hot and cold resistance of windings.


a) The motor shall be suitable for continuous duty as well as intermittent dutywith
full submergence of the motor.

b) Aluminum die cast rotor to be provided for better starting torque characteristics.

c) The electric motor shall be suitable for 10 stars & stops per hour.

d) Single phasing and overload protection system shall be provided.

e) The motor degree of protection shall be IP68.

f) Each motor shall be provided with minimum 35 m length of power & control
cables and 15 m length of lifting chain.

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All routine tests shall be carried out as per the latest edition of IS:325.


Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor and slip shall be conducted on all the


The following type tests shall be carried out on one motor of each rating:

i) Temperature rise test

ii) Momentary overload test

iii) Over speed test

iv) Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor and slip

v) Starting current, starting torque and pullout torque at reduced voltage


The construction of sluice gates shall be in accordance with the specification and
generally as per AWWA C 501 or IS 13349. The sluice gates shall be capable of performing
the duties set in the specification without undue wear or deterioration. They shall be
constructed so that maintenance is kept to a minimum. All parts of sluice gate, including
mechanism components shall be designed for the heads specified with a minimum safety
factor of five. All sluice gates shall be of the raising spindle type.

All sluice gates shall be manually operated. Motorised gates, if provided by the
Contractor, the actuator specs be got approved from the Employers representative.


The sluice gates shall be standard design of manufacturers and of robust construction.
The special features shall be as follows

4.28 FRAME:

The frames shall be of ample section and cast in one piece. All surface forming joints and
bearings shall be machined. The frame shall be of the flange back type and shall be
machined on the rear face to bolt directly to the machined face of the wall thimble.

4.29 GUIDE:

The guide shall be bolted to the frame or cast integrally with it and shall be machined on
all bearing and contact faces. The length of the guide shall be such that it should support
the gate upon the horizontal line of stem nut pocket. Arrangements shall be such that it
should support the gate upon the horizontal line of stem nut pocket. Arrangements shall
be made to prevent lateral movement of bolted on guides. They shall be capable of

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taking the entire thrust produced by water pressure and wedging action. Wedges or
wedge facings shall be attached to the guides at point where, in the closed position, they
will make full contact with the wedging surface on the slides.


The seating faces shall be of full width, solid section. They shall be secured firmly by
means of counter sunk fixings in finished grooves in the frame and slide faces in such a
way as to ensure that they will remain permanently in place as well as free from
distortion and loosening during the life of the sluice gates.


Sluice gates shall be equipped with adjustable side, top and bottom wedging devices
required providing contact between the slide and frame facing when the gate is closed
position. All faces shall be machined accurately to give maximum contact and wedging
action. Wedges shall be fully adjustable with suitable adjusting screws and lock nuts and
so designed that they will remain in the fixed position after adjustment.


The slide shall be with strengthening ribs where required and reinforced section to
receive the seating faces. The slide shall have tongues on each side extending its full
length and tongues shall be machined accurately on contact surfaces. Surfaces of the
slide that in come in contact with the seat facing and wedges shall be machined
accurately. The maximum allowable clearances between the slide and slide gate shall be
1.6 mm. An integrally cast stem nut pocket with reinforced ribs shall be provided above
the central line of the slide.


A gate shall be provided with lower fixed stem nuts for connecting the stem to the slide
and revolving lift nut located in the lifting mechanism in the head stock. They shall be of
ample design to endure the thrust developed during gate operating under maximum gate
operating condition loads in opening and closing direction. The stem nut and slide shallbe
constructed to prevent turning of the stem nut in the pocket in the slide. The stem nut
shall be threaded and keyed or threaded and pinned to the stem.

4.34 STEM

The operating stem shall be designed for a tensile strength to withstand 90 kg effort on
the crank and for a critical buckling compressive load assuming a 36 kg effort on the
crank. The threads of the stem be machine cut or rolled and of the square or acme type.
The number of threads per inch shall be such as to work most effectively with the lift
mechanism used. The top of the stem be provided with a stop collar. Stem shall be
provided with polycarbonate cover fixed to the headstock.


The coupling shall be threaded and keyed or threaded and bolted and shall be of greater
strength than the stem

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Stem guides shall be cast, with bushings and mounted on cast brackets. Guides shall be
adjustable in two directions and shall be so constructed that when properly spaced they
shall hold the stem in alignment. The number of stem guides shall be such that the
unsupported length of stem shall not exceed one hundred times its diameter.


Sluice gates shall be operated through a suitable lifting mechanism, which shall
incorporate gearing if required. The lifting mechanism shall be suitable for operation by
one man under all conditions. The lifting mechanism shall incorporate a strong locking
device suitable for use with a padlock or padlock and chain. The manual operation shall
be of the hand wheel crank operated type and shall have a lift nut threaded to fit the
operating stem. The crank shall be removable. Ball or roller thrust bearings shall be
provided above and below flange on the lift nut to take the load developed in opening
and closing the gate with torque of 14 kg-m on the crank. Fittings shall be provided to
lubricate gears and bearing. The design of the lift mechanism of the hand operated gates
shall be such that the slide can be operated with torque is not more than 7 kg-m on the
operator after the slide is unseated from wedges based on the operating head. The
maximum crank radius shall be 380 mm.


All gears and bearings shall be enclosed in cast iron housing with labyrinth seals. The
lifting mechanism shall be of cast iron pedestal, machined and drilled to receive the gear
housing and suitable for bolting to the operating floor. The gates shall close
withclockwise rotation of the crank. The direction of rotation to close the gates shall be
indicated on the lift mechanism. A suitable means shall be provided for lubricating the
stem threads directly adjacent to the lift nut. An inspection cover shall be provided to
access the lift nut and gearing.


All anchor bolts, assembly bolts, screw, nuts etc., shall be of ample section to safely
withstand the forces created by the operation of the gate.


The wall thimbles shall be made of cast iron and shall be supplied along with the gate.
The wall thimbles shall provide a rigid mounting and designed to prevent warping of the
gate frame during installation. The cross section of the thimble shall have the shape of the
letter F. The front, or mounting flange, shall be machined and shall be attached to the
thimble with bolts and studs. The depth of the wall thimbles shall not be less than
300mm. To permit entrapped air to escape as the thimbles are being encased in the
concrete, holes not less than 35 mm diameter at not more than 600 mm span, shall be
cast ordrilled in each entrapment zone formed by the reinforcing ribs or flange and water

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Frame, Guide, Thimble, Stem C I conforming to IS 210 Gr 260 Guide Bracket, Wedges,
Door Sealing faces Bronze conforming to IS 318 Gr LTB 2
Spindle SS AISI 431
Flush bottom resilient seal Natural or synthetic rubber conforming to IS: 1855
Anchor bolts SS conforming to IS 6603
Hand wheel Cast iron
Stem cover Polycarbonate transparent tube.

Type Rectangular rising spindle

Size As per requirement
Applicable code IS 13349 Class 1
Maximum seating head As per contractors design
Unseating head As per contractors design Maximum distances between gates centre
line and operating platform As per contractors design.
Tests Seat clearance check, moving tests, leakage tests and Hydrostatic tests as per IS
13349/ AWWA C 501 shall be conducted at Manufacturers works in accordance with the
Inspection category.

4.43.1 Pipe Work within Structures

The term pipe work shall include all necessary supports, saddles, slings, fixing
bolts and foundation bolts required to support the pipes and associated

The pipe work shall be laid out and designed to facilitate the erection, painting in
situ and dismantling of any section for maintenance and to give a constant and
uniform flow of working fluid with a minimum of head loss. Where steel pipe
work is used, the number of flanges shall be kept to a minimum and the size of
each length of pipe work shall be determined by the ease of handling, installation
and general appearance of the completed pipe system. Positions of flanges shall
take account of any concrete pipe supports or thrust blocks needed.

Flexible joints shall be provided where needed to facilitate removal of Plant or to

allow for differential settlement of the building. Wherever practical, flexible
joints shall be provided with tie-bolts or other approved means to transfer thrust
or tension axially along the pipe work.

All pipes and fittings over 100mm diameter and within buildings shall be steel.

Where steel and cast flanges are to be bolted together, the steel flange shall be
machined over its full face after welding to its pipe is completed. Flanges shall be
finished truly square with the pipe axis. Wherever possible, standard fittings shall

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be used in preference to special fittings.

Facilities shall be provided for draining the pipe system and releasing air. The
drainage fluid shall be piped into the appropriate drainage system and the time
for drainage shall not exceed 30 minutes.

Pipe work layout within pumping stations shall have the approval of the pump

Valves, strainers and other devices mounted in the pipe work shall be supported
independently of the pipes to which they connect.

Flanges shall be drilled in accordance with the appropriate pressure rating.

Where a pipe passes through a wall, a retaining wall, or is subject to end thrust, it
shall incorporate a puddle flange. Puddle flanges shall be undrilled.


High-pressure pipe work shall be of seamless or welded steel, complying with API
Specification 52 for line pipe.
Pipes and fittings shall be specified by nominal diameters.

Steel specials for butt-welding shall comply with BS 1640: Part 3 or ANSI B16.9. All
specials shall have the same strength and be compatible in all other respects with the line
pipe with which they are to be used.

Carbon steel pipes shall be in accordance with BS 3601. Carbon steel fittings shallcomply
with BS 1965Part 1
All pipe work and fittings shall be entirely fabricated and corrosion-protected atthe
makers works.

Welding shall be in accordance with BS 2633 Class 1 arc welding. All welding and
fabrication operatives shall be coded and tested by an independent inspection authority.
The work shall be done manually by welders qualified for all-position welding to BS 2633
and the Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative details of all welders
whom he proposes to employ. The Employers Representatives approval for any welder
will be given only after the welder has satisfied the requirements of the welder tests
prescribed by BS 4871: Part 1. The welder shall perform the relevant tests, and test
certificates shall be provided by the Contractor for examination by the Employers
Representative. The Employers Representative reserves the right to visit the premises
where fabrication is taking place, to examine procedures, to inspect fittings, to spot check
where relevant all certification of materials and operatives employed on work being done
for the Employers Representative.
The internal and external surfaces of the pipe shall be smooth, clean and free from
grooving and other defects which might impair its functional properties. The ends of the
pipe shall be cleanly cut square with the axis and free from deformity. The pipe shall be
homogeneous throughout and uniform in colour, opacity, density and other physical

The pipe shall be delivered in the longest lengths possible to keep site jointing to a

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The materials used in the manufacture of uPVC pipes and fittings shall comply with the
physical properties indicated in IS 4985-2000. They shall not contain any matter which
could impart taste, odour, toxicity or be harmful to health or adversely affect the water

Unless specified otherwise joints shall be of the push-fit type complying with IS 4985 or
BS 4346 having an elastometric sealing ring. Joints shall be made in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.

Fittings shall be injection-moulded in PVC to the requirements of IS 4985 or BS 4346.

Fabricated uPVC fittings or fittings manufactured in other materials will only be
permitted when the material and method of manufacture are approved by the Employers


Where dismantling joints, flexible couplings or flange adaptors are used these shall be of
the Viking-Johnson type except where otherwise specified or approved.

Pressure ratings shall match the pressure rating of the pipe work in which they are
installed, and materials used and methods of protection shall not be inferior to those
used for the pipe work

Where needed, joints and couplings shall be provided with tie bolts to restrain the
maximum axial thrust arising when in service.
Nominal pipe diameter(mm) Angular deflection(degrees)
Up to 600 5
601 to 750 4
751 to 900 3
901 to 1200 3
1201 to 1800 2
1801 upwards 1
Detachable flexible couplings shall be suitable for the angular deflections specified below
without leakage. Flange adaptors shall be suitable for half the angular deflection stated.

Flexible couplings for each size of pipe shall also be capable of withstanding the shear
force applied by the weight of a 4m length of pipe of that diameter full of water
suspended between two couplings.

Detachable flexible couplings shall be provided with central registers or location plugs
only where specified or detailed in the Drawings.

Flange adaptors shall have flanges as specified for flanged joints.

Bolts, nuts and washers shall comply with the requirements for bolts, nuts and washers
for flanges.

The metal components of detachable flexible couplings and flange adaptors shall be
protected by thermoplastic polyamide or fusion-bonded epoxy coatings unless otherwise
specified or detailed in the Drawings.

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4.47.1 General

Valves shall be suitable for use with the fluid being conveyed at the temperatures
and pressures required for the application. Generally, pressure designation shall
not be less than PN 10.

Valves shall have integral flanges drilled as specified in BS 4504 where applicable.
Flanges to other standards shall be used only if approved and provided that any
differences do not affect mating dimensions. Back faces of flanges shall be

Sluice valves and butterfly valves shall be suitable for flow in either direction.
Sluice valves shall comply with IS 14846 or BS 5150 or 5163 as appropriate
Butterfly valves shall comply with IS 13095 or BS 5155 / AWWA-C-504/1980
Reflux/check valves shall conform to IS 5312 -1986/2007 or BS 5153

Valves shall be suitable for frequent operation, and for infrequent operation after
long periods of standing either open or closed.

Rubber used in valves shall be ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM or EPM) or

styrene butadiene rubber (SBR). It shall comply with the requirements of IS
13095 or Appendix B of BS 5155, be suitable for making a long term flexible seals,
and be resistant to anything causing deterioration of the flexible seal.

4.47.2 Gate Valves (Sluice Valves)

Gate valves shall comply with IS14846 or BS 5150 and be of the solid wedge-gate
type with non-rising stems. Valves less than 250mm diameter may be of the
resilient-seated type unless otherwise specified.

Gate valves up to and including 1000mm nominal diameter shall conform to the
requirements of IS 14846 or BS 5150 for copper-alloy faced or resilient-seated
valves with solid or split wedge, except that gate valves up to and including
600mm nominal diameter may conform to BS 5163.

Gate valves larger than 1000mm nominal diameter shall comply with the
materials and other relevant provisions of IS 14846 or BS 5150.

Valve spindles shall be of the internal non-rising type. The valve spindle seal shall
be replaceable with the valve fully open and the main under pressure.

Valves used with potable water shall not contain any brasses which have more
than 5% zinc.Valves 450mm and over shall be fitted with integral by-passes and
gate jacking screws.

Valves below 80mm NB shall comply with BS 5154.

4.47.3 Kinetic and Double Air Valve

The valve shall be capable of exhausting air from pipe work automatically when been
filled. Air being released at a sufficiently higher rate to prevent the restriction of the

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Inflow rate. Similarly the valve shall be capable of ventilating pipe work automatically
when being emptied. The air in flow rate being sufficiently high to prevent the
development of a vacuum in pipe line. The valve shall automatically released air
accumulating in pipe line work during normal working condition.

Air valve shall be of double orifice type with a large orifice for ventilation for exhaust of
the pipeline and small orifice for release of air under working pressure. The valve shall be
suitable for maximum working pressure in the system. All air valve shall be provided with
isolating sluice valve and flanged end connection.

Air valve shall be design to prevent premature closure prior to all air having been
discharge from the line. The orifice shall be positively sealed in the close position but
float (Ball) shall only be raised by the liquid and not by mixer of air and liquid. The sealing
shall be design to prevent the floats striking after long period in the close position.

All branched outlets including outlets for Air valves will be with compensation pads (Dia
of Main / For branch Dia ratio greater than 3). Diameter of compensation pad will not be
less than 1.75 times the O.D. of the branched outlet. Plate thickness for pads will be same
a that of the main.

For outlets with above ratio less than three, then the joints will be of plate reinforcement

The aperture of valves must be properly designed for which the contractor shall submit
design calculations for necessary approvals before the procurement of valves.

The air valve should be as per IS: 14845 of minimum PN 1.0 rating.

All branched outlets including air valve tees will be provided with one 15mmBSP
coupling duly plugged for measurement of pressure in due course. The closing plug will
be in Stainless Steel (AISI 304 or equivalent) with Hex. Head. and will be provided with
copper washer for sealing.

All flanges will be drilled as per I.S. 1538. The gaskets shall be of nitrile rubber.

4.47.4 Spring Loaded Dual Plate Check Valve

The valve shall be of flanged type suitable for mounting on a horizontal pipeline.

Valves shall possess high speed closing characteristics and be designed for minimum slam
condition when closing.

Dual plate check valves conform to API 594 and API 598. They shall have resilient sealing.
The spring action shall optimise the equal closing rates of each plate especially when the
friction coefficients are uneven due to one plate resting upon one another. The plates
shall not drag on the seat while opening. The plates shall not vibrate under full or partial
flow condition.

The minimum body-wall thickness shall conform to those given in Table 1B of API
Standard 594.

The face-to-face dimensions of valves (including valves with ring-joint facings) shall
conform to those mentioned in Table2B of API Standard 594.

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The spring of the valves shall be of SS 316 or better grade SS to ensure long life ofvalves
up to at least 100000 cycles. The spring cycle test will be performed at manufacturers
works to confirm the quality.

The valves shall be of minimum PN 1.0 rating.

The valve body shall be furnished with a clearly visible cat, forged, machined-in, or die-
stamped arrow to indicate the direction of flow through the valve.

4.47.5 Constructional Features

Double Flanged quick closing non slam spring loaded dual plate generally conforming to
API 594 for pressure rating as per requirement at particular section of size equivalent to
the delivery pipe shall be provided with following material of construction

4.47.6 Reflux /Check Valves

Reflux/check valves shall be designed for rapid closing without slamming no later than
the moment forward flow stops. The valve size and design shall be chosen to give the
best performance possible, taking account of the system where the valve is installed. The
effect of any surge vessel in the system as well as the static and dynamic heads shall be
included in the assessment. Valves shall be conforming to IS 5312 part 1 & 2.

If self-closing without slamming cannot be achieved, external mechanisms may be used

to control the closure rate. Details of mechanisms will be subject to approval.

Valves shall preferably be fitted with resilient faces or seats.

Check valves used in raw water systems shall not be installed vertically, or positioned so
that water-borne solids can settle against the valve flap when the flap is closed.

4.47.7 Butterfly Valves

Valves shall be conforming to IS 13095: 1991.

Unless otherwise specified, valve body and disc shall be of close-grained grey cast iron.
and valves shall be mounted with shafts horizontal.

Valves shall be fitted with indicators to show the position of the disc, clearly marked with
open and closed positions.

Valves shall not contain any brasses containing more than 5% zinc. Gunmetal to IS10742
or BS 1400 Grade LG2, aluminium bronze, or nickel components may be used for internal

Resilient-seated valves shall have nitrile rubber seals. For valves of 900mm and above,
retaining rings shall be provided to enable the sealing ring to be replaced without the
need to remove the valve body from the pipe work.

Metal-seated valves of 900mm and above shall have seat clearances adjustable to obtain
as near a watertight condition as possible, without the need to remove the valve body
from the pipe work.

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4.47.8 Penstocks (Sluice Gates) and Headstocks: General

Penstocks shall be of cast iron or plastic construction as specified and suitable for either
on-seating or off-seating as specified. Apertures may be rectangular or circular.

On-seating penstocks shall be drop tight at their operating seating pressure, unless
otherwise approved.

The leakage rate for off-seating penstocks shall be stated by the Contractor and will be
subject to approval Penstocks Cast Iron

Penstocks shall be cast iron complying with IS 3042 or BS 1452 not less than Grade 12
and to the dimensions specified.

Penstocks shall be flat-backed for wall mounting or be provided with short spigots for
building into an opening, Penstock apertures shall be rectangular or circular.

Seating surfaces shall be gunmetal to BS 1400 LG2, or bronze to BS 2874, hand-scraped

and securely fixed to frame or door.

Penstocks shall be suitable for either on-seating or off-seating pressures as required by

the application, and shall be drop-tight at their operating seating pressures.

Rising or non-rising shafts shall be provided, as specified.

Rising shafts shall be mild steel, connected to the door and working through a gunmetal
nut rotated by the operating gear. Rising-shaft penstocks shall be provided with head and
foot brackets, or foot brackets only as required.

Non-rising shafts, which shall rotate in a gunmetal nut in the door, shall be of manganese
bronze or phosphor bronze. Where length permits, only the screwed portion need be of
manganese bronze or phosphor bronze.

Extension shafts shall be provided with sockets which engage the penstock shafts. A
securing bolt, locked in position shall unite the 2 shafts.

Guide brackets shall be included with shafts and extended shafts where necessary.

Operating handwheels shall be big enough diameter to enable the required duty to be

Hand-operated weir penstocks shall be lockable in any position.

4.47.9 Headstocks

Where remote operation of penstocks, gate or butterfly valves is required they shall
generally be as shown on the Drawings, using headstocks or headstocks with operating
shaft extensions.

Headstocks for direct connection to valves or penstocks shall be for use with non-rising
stem valves. They shall be cast iron and fitted with position indicators. Stem bearingsshall
be gunmetal bushed.

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If operational conditions require, hand wheels shall operate through bevel gears.

If the installation requires, extensions shall be provided between penstock or valve and
headstock. Extension lengths shall be adjustable during assembly on Site. Universal
couplings shall be fitted next to the valve and the headstock, and the two couplings shall
be arranged to give linear transmission of rotational movement between headstock and
penstock shaft.

4.47.10 Valve Operation

Shafts and Caps for Tee-Key Operated Valves

Operating and extension shafts for valves operated by tee key shall be capped.

Extension shafts shall be circular section. For valves installed in chambers, extension
shafts shall be provided with split bearings, rigidly held on brackets spaced no more than
1,500 mm apart. For buried valves, the shaft shall be supported inside a protecting tube
held on a purpose-made support, which shall be fixed to the top of the valve and
provided with a shaft guide.

Bearings and shafts shall be suitably protected against corrosion. Extension shaft
couplings shall be provided with locking arrangements.

4.47.11 Manual Operating Mechanisms

Manual closing of valves shall be by the clockwise rotation of a tee key or handwheel.
Tee-key operated valves shall be provided with detachable cast iron shaft caps, with keys
to match the cap. One key shall be supplied for every five valves installed, with
aminimum requirement of two keys in any one size.
Handwheels shall be shaped to give a safe grip without sharp projections, clearly marked
with the direction of opening and closing and shall be fitted with integral locking
devices.A padlock and chain will not be acceptable for locking.
Manually-operated valves and penstocks shall be capable of being opened and closed by
one person, when the specified maximum unbalanced pressure is applied to the valve or
penstock. Under this condition the total force required at the rim of the handwheel or at
the tee key to open the valve or penstock from the closed position shall not exceed 30 kg
(15 kg each hand). Where necessary, gearing and bearings shall be provided and the
handwheel sized to fulfil this requirement.
Gearboxes shall be totally enclosed oil bath lubricated. Thrust bearings shall be provided
so that the gearcase may be opened for inspection or be dismantled without releasing
the stem thrust or taking the valve or penstock out of service. Oil and grease lubricated
gearing, bearings and glands shall be protected against the ingress of dust and moisture.
Operating mechanisms shall be of the weatherproof type and those parts subject to
submergence shall have a degree of protection IP68(to BS 5490/at a depth of
submergence of 5m.Where practicable, operating mechanisms shall be fitted with
mechanical position indicators clearly visible from the operating position.
Headstocks of the non-rising shaft type shall each have an index pointer working over a
graduated, open-to-closed position indicator fixed to the side of the pillar.

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4.47.12 Valve Packaging and Installation

a) Marking and Packing

Each valve shall be indelibly marked with the diameter and pressure rating and
shall carry a unique reference number to enable each item to be clearly identified
with works fabrication records, works test certificates, delivery notes and the

Wherever possible, the identification marks shall be painted on the outside of

the item but where there is not enough smooth surface area for the
identification marks they shall be put on rust-proofed metal tags secured to the
item with galvanised wire or chain (not through flange holes).

Valves shall be packed in the `closed' position except that uncrated resilient seat
gate valves for transport to tropical areas shall be in the `open' position.

b) Valve Handling

The Contractor shall provide all equipment needed to handle and install valves
and associated equipment without damage to any coatings. The equipment shall
include lifting beams, reinforced canvas slings, protective padding, cradles and
the like. Wire rope or chain slings shall not be used for handling these items.

Temporary packing, coverings or crates provided for protection in transit shall

not be removed (except for inspection purposes after which they shall be
replaced) until immediately before installation.

c) Valve Installation

Valves shall be installed and commissioned in accordance with the

manufacturer's instructions. After installation, valves shall be cleaned, gates,
discs, seats and other moving parts closely inspected, foreign matter removed,
and the valves checked for ease of operation. Moving parts shall be lightly
greased or otherwise treated in accordance with the manufacturer's

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Employers Representative,

butterfly valves shall be enclosed in chambers, installed with the shaft horizontal,
and supported. They shall be installed so that when the valve is opening the
lower portion of the disc moves in the direction of the main or normal flow.

Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, gate valves shall be installed with their
shafts vertical.

Gate valves without external gearing, and not otherwise required to be in a

chamber, may be buried. The buried part of the valve shall be protected as
specified. Unless otherwise specified, backfilling shall be to just below the top of
the valve or shaft shroud, and a surface box shall be provided.

Jointing, sleeving, external wrapping, anchor and thrust blocks, valve chambers,
valve marker posts and the cleaning and disinfection of valves shall be executed
as specified for the associated pipeline.

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4.48.1 Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes: General Requirements

Cranes shall be designed and constructed in accordance with IS 807-2006 or BS

2573 and shall comply with the requirements of IS 13834 Part 1 & 5 or BS 466:
Class 2 medium-duty operation.

The term crane shall be deemed to include gantry rails, platform with handrails
for maintenance use, down-shop conductors, end stops, holding-down bolts and
all other items required for complete installation.

Cranes shall be prominently marked with their SWL on both sides of the crane
bridge girders.

Crane hooks shall be fitted with safety catches and the hook block shall
incorporate fully- guarded rope sheaves.

The maintenance platform shall be designed to provide safe access to the crane
machinery and all high-level lighting and roof-mounted ventilation plant. Access
to the platform shall be by fixed stairway from a convenient point in the pump

Enough slings, ropes, shackles, lifting beams and the like shall be supplied to
handle all the plant to be served by the crane. They shall be labelled or marked
with the safe working load (SWL) and the purpose for which they are intended.

The crane, and all other lifting equipment supplied shall be tested by the
manufacturer at his works. The tests shall be at 125% of safe working load, and
test certificates shall be submitted by the Contractor.

Site tests shall be done by the Contractor who shall supply the necessary
materials forthe test loads. The test loads shall be removed from Site by the
Contractor after successful tests have been completed.

Electric Operated Hoist shall be suitable for lifting the heaviest equipment at
respective unit but it should be provided in standard ratings like 5, 7.5 or 10
Tonnes, manufacturing as per relevant IS.

Driving spindle and pinions shall be made from alloy steel and shall be case

All gears shall be accurately machine cut from special alloy steel and shall be case

The load wheel shall be made of heavy duty malleable castings with accurately
casted chain pockets for smooth running.

The load chain on a pulley block shall be of alloy steel of grade not less than 80
and shall be calibrated to IS 6216: 1971.

All electric hoisting controls shall be available on operating floors through

Pendant controls and controls for micro motions shall also be provided.

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Hook shall be manufacturing as per IS: 3815 from high tensile steel. Electric Hoist
Travelling Trolley

This shall be of geared type with a sprocket chain wheel with one endless hand
chain driving two trolley runners on one of the side plates by means of a driving
pinion on which the hand wheel is fixed. The pinion shaft shall be housed in cast
flanged bracket fitted on the side plate with two bolts and nuts.

4.48.2 Electrical Requirements

All movements shall be electrically powered and be suitable for operating with
the hook fully loaded. Motors shall be of the quick-reversing type with electro-
mechanical brakes suitable for the duties specified. Limit switches shall be
incorporated to prevent excess travel, or over-hoisting and over-lowering of the
crane hook. Facilities shall be provided for the accurate location of the hook by
means of inching all the motions.

Crane operation shall be from ground floor level by bridge-mounted pendant

push-button controls. Controls shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked
to prevent inadvertent operation of opposing motions. The pendant shall be
supported independently of the electric cable and shall be arranged for
extending for operation when necessary.

Down-shop conductors shall be of the fully-insulated shrouded busbar type. The

current collectors shall have renewable contact pieces. Festoon cables may be
used for cross travel.

A crane isolator, lockable in the off position and incorporating a warning

lamp,illuminated when the supply is on, shall be provided at the bottom of the
access ladder.A second isolator shall be provided at the control cubicle located
on the crane platform.

The Contractor shall supply all necessary contactors, control cubicles and
protection equipment necessary to operate the crane and provide adequate
electrical protection against overload, phase and earth fault and fail-safe
protection if the power supply fails.

All electrical equipment shall be fully tropicalised. Motors and switchgear shall be
provided with anti-condensation heaters, which shall be energised when the
crane is at rest, and suitable warning notices shall be provided.


Cranes shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with IS 807-2006 or BS 2573

and shall comply with the requirements of IS 13834-Part 1&5 or BS 466 Class 2 medium

The crane details and ancillary equipment provided shall conform with applicable parts of
the General Requirements specified above for electrically-operated overhead cranes,
except that the crane shall be manually-operated in all motions by conveniently-mounted
endless chains, arranged for operation by one man

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Unless otherwise indicated, the requirements of this Section shall not apply to individual
fans having a duty air flow rate of 0.7m/s or less.

The make and type of fan shall be subject to approval.

Fans shall be type-tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 848 and shall be
selected to give the air flow rate and sound power level specified.

Fans shall be built to a fully-developed design and shall be capable of withstanding the
pressures and stresses developed during continuous operation at the selected duty. Belt-
driven fans shall be capable of running continuously at ten per cent in excess of the selected
duty speed.

Based on values of the resistance to air flow of items of equipment, ductwork and the total
distribution system. The Contractor shall verify these values based on the equipment
offered, and provide fans capable of delivering the required air volume when operating
against the actual total system resistance.

Where fans are supplied with noise attenuators, full details shall be provided. Fan drives
shall be as detailed elsewhere in this Specification.

Fans shall be installed using bolts, nuts and washers with all as-cast bearing surfaces for
bolt heads and washers counterfaced. Holding-down bolts for fans and motors shall be
provided with means to prevent the bolts turning when the nuts are tightened. Anti-
vibration mountings shall be as detailed elsewhere in the Specification. Fans heavier than
20kg shall be provided with eyebolts or other purpose-made lifting facilities.

Where specified, or as necessary, fans shall be fitted with variable inlet vanes which shall be
matched to fan performance to give stable control. Vanes shall be interlocked to ensure
movement in unison. Operation shall be manual or automatic as specified. Where manual
control is specified, the operating device shall facilitate positive locking in at least five
different positions.

Vane blades shall not vibrate or flutter in any possible operating condition, and the
construction of the linkage system shall minimise friction and lost motion.

Unless otherwise specified, the shaft and impeller assembly of all fans shall be statically and
dynamically balanced. All propeller fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced where
the impeller diameter is 750mm or greater. Where indicated, limits of vibration severity
shall be in accordance with BS 4675: Part 1.

Fan bearings shall be suitable for the installed attitude of the fan. They shall be grease/oil
ball and/or roller type or oil-lubricated sleeve type. All bearing housings shall be precision-
located and arranged so that bearings may be replaced without the need for realignment.
Bearing housings shall be protected against the ingress of dust and, where fitted with
greasing points, they shall be designed to prevent damage from over-greasing. For grease-
lubricated systems, the bearings shall be provided initially with grease recommended by the
bearing manufacturer. For oil-lubricated systems, the housings shall provide an adequate
reservoir of oil and shall include a filling plug and be oil-tight and dust-proof. Systems other
than total-loss types shall include an accessible drain plug. All bearing lubricators shall be
located to facilitate maintenance.

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Ceiling fans shall comply with IS 374 or BS 4934 for safety and BS 5060 for performance.

Fans shall be speed-controlled in at least five discrete steps, using a separate surface-
mounted controller. The controller shall use a tapped auto-transformer for speed control.

Motors shall be capacitor start/run type, with inner wound stator and rotating outer body
and incorporating ball-type bearings. Motors shall be suitable for use in a tropical


Centrifugal fans for high-velocity high-pressure systems (definedwithintheHVCA

Specification DW/141) shall be backward-bladed type.

Unless otherwise specified, centrifugal fans of more than 7.5kW at the fan shaft shall be of
the backward-bladed type having a fan total efficiency not less than 75%.

Fan casings shall be built to permit withdrawal of the impeller after installation. Fans other
than those in air-handling units shall be provided with flanged outlet connections and
spigoted inlet connections unless otherwise specifed, except that, for negative pressures
greater than 500Pa, inlet connections shall be flanged. A plugged drain point shall be fitted
at the lowest point in fan casings. Permanent indication shall be provided showing the
direction of rotation of the fan impeller. Fan casings shall be provided with removable access
panels incorporating purpose-made air seals. The sizes of access panels shall facilitate
cleaning and maintenance.

Impellers shall be of mild steel or aluminium alloy, of riveted, welded or other approved
construction, with spiders or hubs of robust design.


Axial-flow fan casings shall be rigidly constructed of mild steel or aluminium alloy,
stiffened and braced where necessary. Mounting feet shall be provided
wherenecessaryfor bolting to a base or to supports. Inlet and outlet ducts shall terminate
in flanges to facilitate removal. For in-duct mounting fans, the length of the fan casing
shall be greater than the combined length of the impeller(s) and motor(s) and electrical
connections to the motors shall be through an external terminal box secured to the

Impellers shall be of steel, aluminium or plastics and the blades shall be secured to the
hub or the blades and the hub shall be formed in one piece. The hub shall be keyed to the
shaft. Blades shall be aerofoil or laminar section, capable of pitch adjustment where

For axial-flow fans driven by motors external to the fan casing, the requirements for
drives and guards mentioned elsewhere in this Specification shall be met. Unless
otherwise indicated, a guard is not required for any part of a drive which is inside the fan
casing. An access panel with purpose-made air seals shall be provided in the fan casing.
The access panel shall be sized to facilitate maintenance.

Where axial-flow fans of the bifurcated type are specified, the motors shall be out of the

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air stream. Motors may be placed between the two halves of the casing in the external
air or may be placed within the fan casing, provided that effective ventilation is given to
the motors.


Propeller fans shall be ring-mounted or diaphragm-mounted as specified. Impellers shall be

of steel, aluminium, or plastics. Blades shall be securely attached to the hub, or theblades
and hub shall be formed in one piece.


Mixed-flow fan casings shall be rigidly constructed of mild steel, or aluminium alloy
stiffened and braced where necessary. Mounting feet shall be provided where necessary
for bolting to a base or supports. Inlet and outlet shall terminate in flanges to facilitate
removal. Stator vanes shall be of mild steel or aluminium alloy. The design shall facilitate
access to the impeller. Where motors are mounted external to the casing, the
requirements for drives and guards given elsewhere in this Specification shall be met. An
access panel with purpose-made air seal shall be provided in the fan casing. The access
panel shall facilitate maintenance.


The fans used in roof extract units shall meet the appropriate requirements of the
preceding clauses relating to fans generally and to particular types of fans. Cowls and
bases shall be of materials which are resistant to the weather and solar radiation, and are
appropriate to the location of the fan. Casings shall be formed to facilitate a
weatherproof fitting to the building structure. Adequate access to electrical supply
terminals and lubrication points shall be provided by means of hinged cowls or otherwise
asappropriate. Back-draught dampers or fire-release dampers shall be provided where
specified. Bird guards of not greater than 25mm mesh shall be provided as an integral part
of the unit.



Where fans are required to handle toxic, corrosive, flammable, explosive or high-
temperature gases, the materials of construction shall be chosen appropriately, and all
relevant safety regulations shall apply. Bearings and lubrication arrangements shall be
suitable for the conditions. Protectively-coated fans shall meet the appropriate
requirements of the preceding clauses relating to fans generally and to particular types of
fans, and the form of protection shall be as indicated. Where a protective coating is
required for use with corrosive gases the coating shall cover all parts of the complete fan,
motor and casing assembly which will be affected No fan shall be installed if the
protective coating has been damaged. Impellers shall be of coated steel, stainless steel,
aluminium or plastics as specified.

For fans are installed in hazardous atmospheres, requirements shall be as specified.


Filters shall be complete with robust purpose-made holding frames which shall not
distort in operation. Filters shall be arranged to facilitate access for cleaning, removal and

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refitting. Purpose-made seals shall be provided to minimise air leakage around filters and
the effectiveness of the seals shall not be impaired by periodic removal and refitting of
the filter cells.

Where a flame-proof filter medium is required, the material shall comply with the
requirements of BS 476.

The design air velocity at the face of the filters shall not exceed 2.5m/s. At the design air-
volume flow rate the initial (clean) resistance shall not exceed 90Pa for filters.

Enough spare filter elements shall be provided to replace the complete filter bank.

Unless otherwise indicated, filters shall be selected from the following range of preferred
nominal sizes:

(a) 600mm x 600mm;

(b) 500mm x 500mm.


4.59.1 Automatic In-Line Strainers

00In-line strainers shall be totally-encased, self-cleaning, metallic-element filters

suitable for installation in and forming part of the pipe work system. They shall
be capable of removing all waterborne debris which may reasonably be expected
to pass through a 25mm-spaced coarse bar screen.

The strainer body shall be manufactured and designed as a pressure vessel. If

fabricated, it shall be designed in accordance with the relevant sections of BS
5500 except for inspection and witness of testing which shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor to arrange.

As a minimum, the strainer body shall contain:

(i) Removable man-way cover allowing inspection and maintenance of the

strainer elements and cleaning mechanism. The man-way cover shall be
easily re-mountable and incorporate lifting eyes or similar to
facilitatehandling with an overhead crane.

(ii) Inlet and outlet branches rated and sized to suit the pipe work system in
which it is installed without necessitating a change in pipe diameter.

(iii) Air vent valve.

(iv) Drainage valve and pipe work necessary to route drainage water into the
building drainage system.

(v) Pressure differential switch to give adjustable settings for strainer

stop/start control and high differential pressure alarm and reset.

The strainer element and associated brackets, fixings and screws shall be of a
non- corrodible material equal to or better than 316 S16 (EN58J) stainless steel.

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The elements shall be readily removable from the strainer and designed to
withstand a differential pressure equal to the maximum generated head within
the pipe system.

The backwash mechanism shall be held within water-lubricated bearings which

shall be arranged to prevent the ingress of sand. The mechanism shall be
electrically-driven from an IP55, 415V, 3-phase motor via a suitably-rated gear
box and shear pin or similar device to prevent damage occurring due to the
backwash device jamming. The drive shall be arranged by means of a cam and
micro switch on the main drive shaft to park at an unperforated section of the
screen in order to reduce the backwash flow when the screen-drive motor is not

Where the operating head of the pipe system is insufficient for backwashing, a
single- entry close-coupled centrifugal pump and fully-submersible type motor
shall be used. The pump shall have a suitable NPSHR characteristic, and be able
to handle trash likely to pass a 25mm-spaced coarse bar screen.

4.59.2 Access Steelwork

Ladders, step-irons, platforms, covers and handrails to be supplied and fixed

under this Contract are generally shown on the Drawings, but the Contractor
shall ensure that the Works are designed for safe operation and maintenance by
providing whatever safe access arrangements are needed.

Any small areas of chequer plating or similar coverings that are needed to cover
gaps between items of Plant and the surrounding structure, and any access
ladders, platforms and handrails that need to be attached to items of Plant to
facilitate operation, inspection or maintenance, shall be supplied and erected by
the Contractor.

The Contractor shall also supply and erect adequate access to all handwheels,
sight glasses, gauges, lubrication points and any other items to which access is
necessary for routine maintenance.

Handrails shall consist of double-ball forged-steel standards with tubular rails,

hot-dip galvanised in accordance with BS 729.

Chequer plating shall be of Durbar or other non-slip pattern, not less than
4.5mm thick (exclusive of pattern) and hot-dip galvanised after fabrication in
accordance with BS 729.

Aluminium alloy flooring may be used instead of chequer plating. It shall comply
with BS 1470 material H 30 TB.

4.59.3 Handrailing

Handrailing shall be double-rail, 1100mm high. On stairways, it shall be not less

than 900mm high above the stairs measured vertically from the nose of the

Standards shall be 38mm diameter solid forged-steel to BS 4360 Grade 43A with
60mm diameter solid-forged steel balls at handrail locating points, drilled to give

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1.5mm clearance to handrails. Each ball shall incorporate a concealed grub-screw

with Allen-type head to secure the rail. Standards shall have a minimum base
width of 65mm, drilled for M16 fixing bolts and be set at maximum 1800mm

Handrails shall be 33.7mm external diameter, 3.2mm thick tubular steel to BS

1775 Grade 13. Joints shall be arranged to coincide with the spacing of standards
where possible otherwise they shall have butt joints with a tubular steel ferrule,
plug-welded or fixed with a 5mm diameter countersunk head pin.

Removable sections of handrail shall have half-lap joints secured with a

countersunk head pin.

Chains across openings shall be 10mm with 3 links per 100mm galvanised mild
steel.The hooks and retaining eyes shall be securely fixed to the balls of the

All components for handrailing shall be hot-dip galvanised after manufacture in

accordance with BS 729.


Screens shall have the aperture size specified, to prevent coarse debris from entering the
inlets and protect the plant against mechanical damage. They shall be inclined at an angle of
not less than 30 degrees from vertical to facilitate raking. Inclined length shall not exceed

Screens shall be designed for mounting as shown on the Drawings. The design shall avoid
the formation of areas of stagnation in the flow. Sealing shall be provided between
theframe and the inlet channel walls.

Screens shall be designed to withstand the maximum possible pressure differential across
the screen when fully blinded, without incurring any damage or overload. The working
headloss across the screen at maximum flow shall not exceed 50 mm following screen
cleaning. Unless otherwise specified the velocity of the flow through the screen shall not
exceed 1.2 m/s.

The equipment shall be capable of operation under all duty flow variations and debris
loadings, and shall be capable of withstanding the impact of large floating material and
heavy objects in the flow without damage to the screen.

Screen bars shall be accurately set and secured to give the designed clearance between
the bars. The bars shall extend from the sole plate, to which they shall be individually
welded, to a point above maximum possible top water level, at which point they shall be
individually welded to the screen top plate. Intermediate stiffening supports shall be
welded to the screen bars as necessary for screens to accommodate hydraulic pressure
due to depth and high flow rates through the inlet channels. The screen bars shall be
individually welded to each stiffening support. Stiffening supports shall be fitted so
theycannot impede raking

The sole plate shall be profiled to induce screenings and debris to be directed onto the
screen bars and not to accumulate at the foot of the screen. The leading edge of the sole
plate shall be level with the inlet channel invert.

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The top edge of the screen shall be profiled to enable easy raking-off of screenings

When specified, for applications where large or heavy oversize debris may accumulate
against the screen, hoisting equipment shall be provided. The screen shall then be fitted
with hoist-guide pulleys, and operator access shall be provided to enable manual removal
of oversize objects from the flow.

Screens shall be constructed from hot-dipped galvanised steel.

Raking shall be manual and screenings shall be transferred manually to a rakings

container. The scope of supply shall include manual rakes and manually moved
containers, with all accessories needed to remove the collected debris.

Rake handles shall not exceed 2.5 m long. Rake tines shall be designed to fit the screen
apertures, and tines shall be of material which cannot damage the screens.

Rakings containers shall be sized so that, when fully loaded with the typical tropical
organic material expected, the gross weight shall not exceed 50kg. They shall be fitted
with handles to facilitate manual or mechanical handling as specified.

Where needed, means shall be provided for safe man-access to a raking platform which
shall be provided along the whole width of the screens, above the screen top edge.
Access shall be by ladder with handrail. Safety handrailing shall be provided along the
whole length of the platform, which may be designed as partly-removable during raking.
Secure anchorages at suitable intervals shall be provided for operatives safety harness,
using hook-on arrangements.

4.61 PIPELINE WORKS (DI Pipe Line)

4.61.1 Materials
The materials used in the manufacture of pipes and fittings shall comply with
requirements specified in IS 8329 and IS 9523.
4.61.2 Dimensions and Tolerances
The internal diameter, thickness and length of barrel, dimensions of pipes and
fittingsshall be as per the relevant tables of IS 8329/ IS 9523 for different class of
pipes and fittings. Pipe class K9 or as per requirement, pipe nominal diameter of
500 mm and standard length of 6 m is recommended and other properties for
pipes and fittings shallbe as per IS 8329 / IS 9523. Each pipe supplied shall be of
uniform thickness throughout its length.
The tolerances for pipes and fittings regarding dimensions, mass, ovality and
deviations from straight line in case of pipes shall be as per IS 8329/IS 9523.
4.61.3 Testing
a) Mechanical Tests
Mechanical tests shall be carried out during manufacture of pipes and
fittings as specified in IS 8329 / IS 9523.The frequency and sampling of tests
for each batch of pipes shallbe in accordance with IS 8329. The test results
so obtained for all the pipes and fittings of different sizes shall be
submitted to Employers Representative. The method for tensile tests and
the minimum tensile strength requirement for pipes and fittings shall be as

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perIS 8329/ IS 9523

b) Brinell Hardness Test
For checking the Brinell hardness, the test shall be carried out on the test
ring or bars cut from the pipes used for the ring test and tensile test in
accordance with IS 1500. The test shall comply with the requirements
specified in IS 1500/ IS 8329.
c) Retests
If any test piece representing a lot fails in the first instance, two additional
tests shall be made on test pieces selected from two other pipes from the
same lot. If both the test results satisfy the specified requirements, the lot
shall be accepted. Should either ofthese additional test pieces fail to pass
the test, the lot shall be liable for rejection.
d) Hydrostatic Test
For hydrostatic test at works, the pipes and fittings shall be kept under test
pressure as specified in IS 8329 / IS 9523 for a period of minimum 15
seconds, during which the pipes shall be struck moderately with a 700 g
hammer for confirmation of satisfactory sound. They shall withstand the
pressure test without showing any leakage, sweating or other defect of any
kind. The hydrostatic test shall be conducted before surface coating and
4.61.4 Joints
a) General
Jointing of DI pipes and fittings shall be done as per IS 12288 and
manufacturers recommendations. After jointing, extraneous material, if
any, shall be removed from the inside of the pipe. Rubber sealing
rings/gaskets used for jointing shall conform to IS 638, IS 12820 and IS
4.61.5 Dismantling Joints
All sluice, scour valves, Bulk water meters or any other online valves etc. shall
beinstalled between flanges with a flexible MS dismantling joint at one side. The
dismantling joints on suction and delivery pipes within the pumping station
buildings shall be of Bellow type. The joint must allow dismantling of the valve,
meters etc. without causing stress to the joints of the attached pipes. The
minimum clearance of the dismantling joint shall be five (5) cm. The pressure
class of the dismantling joint shall be the same as that of the pipe. Drawings of
the dismantling joint shall be submitted to the Employer for approval. The Nuts
and Bolts of the joint shall be galvanised. The joints shall be painted/coated as
per specification given for exposed pipes.
4.61.6 Expansion Bellow
The pipe work installation shall be so arranged to offer ease of dismantling and
removalof pumps or other major items of equipments. Stainless steel AISI 304
expansion bellows which can take radial and axial misalignment of minimum 1
percent of valve nominal size with tie rods shall be included in the suction and
delivery pipe work of all pumps as wellas on delivery header for easy dismantling.
All loose flange shall be secured to fixed flanges by suitable tie-bolts. All pipe
work shall be adequately supported with purpose- made fittings. When passing

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through walls, pipe work shall incorporate a puddle flange or other suitable
sealing device. The final outlet connection of the pipe work shall match the
connecting point of the transmission main.
4.61.7 Spigot And Socket Joints
These shall have sockets which are integral with the pipe and incorporate an
elastomeric rubber ring gasket conforming to IS 12820.
The gaskets/sealant used for joints shall be suitable for potable water
conveyance. In jointing DI pipes and fittings, the contractor shall take into
account the manufacturers recommendations as to the methods and equipment
to be used in assembling the joints. In particular the Contractor shall ensure
that the spigot end of the pipe to be jointed is smooth and has been properly
chamfered, so that the rubber ring as per IS 12820 and IS 5382 is correctly
positioned in line, before the joint is made. The rubber rings and any
recommended lubricant shall be obtained only through the pipe supplier or as
otherwise directed by the Employers Representative.
4.61.8 Gaskets For Flanges
The gaskets used between flanges of pipes shall be of natural/synthetic rubber
conforming to IS 638 of thickness between 1.5 to 3 mm suitable for clear water
conveyance and as specified by manufacturer.
4.61.9 Flanged Joints
These shall be of 10 bar rating and shall comply with dimensions and drilling
details as specified in IS 8329. These shall have isolation gaskets between the
flanges, isolation sleeves around all bolts and isolation washers under all bolt
heads and nuts. All material shall be supplied by a reputed manufacturer and
shall be approved by the Employers Representative.
Each bolt should be tightened a little at a time taking care to tighten diametrically
opposite bolts alternatively. The recommended bolting torque to be followed
forassembling flanges shall be as specified in manufacturers instructions. The
practice of fully tightening the bolts one after another is highly undesirable. The
bolts shall be of mild steel unless otherwise specified.They shall be coated with
coal tar epoxy coating after tightening.
4.61.10 Specials
Standard DI fittings shall be in accordance with IS: 9523. Wherever standard DI
specials are not available, they shall be manufactured and tested as per
requirements with the approval of the Employers Representative.
4.61.11 Coatings
a) General
Unless otherwise specified, DI pipes and fittings shall be externally Zinc
coated with Bitumen over coating in accordance with following
specifications. At buried DI pipes and fittings shall also have factory or site
applied polythene sleeving. Coating shall not be applied to pipe and fittings
unless its surface is clean, dry and free from rust. Pipe coatings shall be
inspected at site and any damage or defective areas shall be made good to
the satisfaction of the Employers Representative.
b) Zinc coating

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Zinc coating shall comply with ISO 8179 and shall be applied as a spray
coating. The mass of sprayed metal shall not be less than 130 g/m3 in
accordance with ISO 8179.
c) Bitumen coating
Bitumen coating shall be of normal thickness of 75 microns unless
otherwise specified. It shall be a cold applied compound complying with
the requirements of BS 3416 Type II, suitable for tropical climates, factory
applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Damaged areas of coating shall be repainted on site after removing any
remaining loose coating and wire brushing any rusted areas of pipe.

d) Polythene Sleeving
Where polythene sleeving is specified to be applied in addition to bitumen
coating aboveit shall comply with ISO 8180. Site applied sleeving shall be
stored under cover out of direct sunlight and its exposure to sunlight shall
be kept to a minimum. Pipes having a factory applied sleeving must be
stored in the same conditions. Joints in the sleeving shall be properly
overlapped and taped in accordance with manufacturers instructions to
provide in continuous sleeving.

Unless otherwise specified, pipes and fittings above ground level shall be epoxy painted.

All exposed pipes and fittings shall be painted externally with zinc rich epoxy primer and
epoxy paint. Both shop and site application is to be done by airless spray equipment.
Paints of reputed make and approved by the Employers Representative shall be used.
Thinning or heating of paints will not be permitted except with specific approval from
Employers Representative and in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

Each lot of primer and paint used by Contractor shall be accompanied by certified copies
of the test results on hardness, impact and heat resistance and resistance to corrosion
carried out by manufacturers in accordance with relevant Indian or International

Surface preparation shall be in accordance with manufacturers instructions, but as a

minimum the pipes shall be abrasive blast cleaned to BS 7079 Grade Sa 2.5 orequivalent
to achieve surface roughness profile of 40 50 microns. The primer shall be applied
within 2 hours of surface preparation, before flash rusting can occur. Two coats of Zinc
rich epoxy primer shall be applied by spray equipment on the pipes and fittings.

The priming coat shall be uniform in thickness and free from floods, runs, sags, drips, and
bare spots. Any bare spots or defects shall be recoated with an additional application of
the primer. All defects shall be rectified as per the instructions of the Employers

Though the priming coats become touch dry in 10 to 15 minutes, the finishing coats with
epoxy paints shall be applied after allowing the film to cure at least for 48 hours. The final
dry film thickness shall be a minimum of 300 microns. This may be achieved by applying
in 2 to 4 coats.

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On completion of the work, the contractor shall remove any oil stains or paint spots,
leaving the pipes and fittings in a clean and acceptable condition.


All pipes and fittings shall be internally lined with cement mortar in accordance with ISO
4179/IS: 11906. Cement mortar lining shall be applied at the factory in conformance with
the above mentioned standards. No admixtures in the mortar shall be used without the
approval of the Employers Representative.

Pipe linings shall be inspected on site and any damage or defective areas shall be made
good to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative.

Lining shall be uniform in thickness all along the pipe. The minimum thickness of factory
applied cement mortar lining shall be 3 mm for DN 300 mm pipe; 5 mm for DN 350 to
600 mm pipe; and 6 mm for DN 800 mm pipes.


Each pipe and fitting shall have cast, stamped or indelibly painted on it the following
appropriate marks:

a) The nominal diameter.

b) Class reference.

c) Mass of pipe.

d) Date of manufacture and

e) Manufacturers name, initials or identification mark. Marking shall be done as per

IS 8329 and IS 9523.


Pipes and fittings/specials shall be transported from the factory to the work sites at
places along the alignment of pipeline as directed by the Employers Representative and
as specified by manufacturer. Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of pipes and
fittings/specials in transit, loading/unloading. Every care shall be exercised in handling
pipes and fittings/specials to avoid damage. While unloading, the pipes and
fittings/specials shall not be thrown down from the truck on to hard surfaces. They
should be unloaded on timber skids with steadying ropes and / or by any other approved
means. Padding shall be provided between coated pipes, fittings/specials and timber
skids to avoid damage to the coating. Suitable gaps between pipes should be left at
intervals in order to permit access from one side to the other. In case of spigot socket
pipes, care should be taken regarding orientation of pipes while unloading. As far as
possible pipes shall be unloaded on one side of the trench only. The pipes shall be
checked for any visible damage (such as broken edges, cracking or spalling of pipe) while
unloading and shall be sorted out for replacement. Any pipe which shows damage in the
opinion of the Employers Representative shall be discarded and replaced by new one.
Dragging of pipes and fitting/specials along concrete and similar pavement with hard
surfaces shall be prohibited.

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Each stack of pipes shall contain only pipes of same class and size, with consignment or
batch number marked on it with particulars of suppliers wherever possible. Storage shall
be done on firm level and clean ground and wedges shall be provided at the bottom layer
to keep the stack stable. The stack shall be in pyramid shape or the pipes laid lengthwise
and crosswise in alternate layers. The pyramid stack shall be made for smaller diameter
pipes for conserving space in storing them. The height of the stack shall not exceed 1.5

Fittings/specials shall be stacked under cover and separated from pipes.

Rubber rings shall be stored in a clean, cool store away from windows, boiler, electrical
equipment and petrol, oils or other chemicals. In the field the rubber rings shall be
handled such that they are not left out on the ground in the sun or overnight under
heavy frost or snow conditions.


4.67.1 Trenching

Trenching includes all excavation which is carried out either by hand or by

machine and shall be carried out in accordance with all general requirements of
specifications for earthworks as given in Standard Basic Specifications for Water
Supply Works contracts. In addition to those general requirements, the following
requirements shall apply to pipelines:

The excavation shall be done such that it does not get far ahead of laying
operations. Before excavating trench the alignment of pipeline shall be approved
by the Employers Representative. Cuttings length and other appurtenances shall
be provided to suit detailed pipe configurations required.

To protect persons from injury and to avoid damage to property, adequate

barricades, construction signs, red lanterns and guards as required shall be
placed and maintained during the progress of the construction work and until it is
safe for the traffic to use the roadways. The relevant Indian standards and the
rules and regulations oflocalauthorities in regards to safety provisions shall be

The road metal and also the rubble packing shall first be stripped off for the
whole widthof the trench/pit and separately deposited in such place or places as
may be determined by Contractor and approved by the Employers

During excavation, large stones and rubble shall be separated and removed from
the excavated soil and stacked separately. The material from excavation shall be
deposited on either side of the trench leaving adequate clear distance from the
edges of the trench and pit, or as may be necessary to prevent the sides of the
trench pit to slip or fall, or at such a distance and in such a manner as to avoid
covering fire hydrants, sluice valves, manholes covers etc. and so as to avoid
abutting the wall or structure or causing inconvenience to the public and other
service organizations or otherwise as Employers Representative may direct.

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Contractor shall take into account additional excavation if any as the Employers
Representative may require in order to locate the position of water pipes, drains,
sewers etc. or any other works which may be met with, in or about the
excavation of trenches while quoting the rates for excavation of trenches while
quoting the rates for excavation. Such service lines if met with during excavation
shall be properly maintained by Contractor, by means of shoring, strutting,
planking over, padding or otherwise as Employers Representative may direct, and
shall be protected by the Contractor from damage during the progress of the
work. Any damage to the service lines shall be borne by Contractor. All
precautions shall be taken during excavation and laying operations to guard
against possible damage to any existing structure/pipe line of water, gas, sewage

4.67.2 Laying Of Pipes and Fittings

Pipes and fittings shall be laid in accordance with IS 12288 and manufacturers
instructions. In addition the requirements specified above in Clause 5.9.5 shall
also be followed.

All precautions shall be taken during excavation and laying operations to guard
against possible damage to any existing structure/pipeline of water, gas, sewage
etc. After excavation of trenches, pipes shall not be lowered unless the
dimensions of trenches and bedding work for pipes at the bottom of the trenches
are approved and measured by Employers Representative. Pipes and
fittings/specials shall be carefully lowered in the trenches. Special arrangements
such as cranes, tripods with chain pulley block for lowering the pipes and fittings
shall be made by Contractor. In no case pipes and fittings shall be dropped. Slings
of canvas or equally non-abrasive material of suitable width or special
attachment to fit the ends of pipes and fittings/specials shall be used to lift and
lower the coated pipes and fittings/specials. The pipes and fittings/specials shall
be inspected for defects and be rung with a light hammer preferably while
suspended to detect cracks. If doubt persists, further confirmation shall be done
by pouring a little kerosene/dye on the inside of the pipe at the suspected spot.
No sign of kerosene/dye should appear on the outside surface. Pipes and fittings
damaged during lowering or aligning shall be rejected by Employers
Representative and shall be replaced by newone.

All the pipes are to be laid perfectly true both in alignment and to gradient
specified. In case of spigot and socket pipe the socket end of the pipe shall face
upstream, except when the pipeline runs uphill in which case the socket ends
should face the upgrade. The laying of pipes shall always proceed upgrade of a
slope. After placing a pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the
socket and the pipe forced home and aligned to required gradient. The pipes
shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except
at the socket. Pipes and fittings which do not allow a sufficient and uniform space
for joints shall be removed and replaced with pipes and fittings/specials of
proper dimensions to ensure such uniform space. Precautions shall be taken to
prevent dirt from entering the jointing space. At times when pipe laying is not in
progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other
means approved by Employers Representative. During the period that the plug is
on, the Contractor shall take proper precautions against floating of the pipe
owing to entry of water into the trench. Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe

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from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid

obstructions or where long radius curves are permitted the deflection allowed at
joints shall not exceed 2.

The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings or specials shall be done in a neat
and workman like manner by using tools and taking precautions as per
manufacturers recommendations without damage to the pipe so as to leave a
smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. For this purpose, pipe cutting
machine shall be used.

4.67.3 Thrust Blocks And Anchor Blocks

Thrust blocks and anchor blocks shall be provided as shown in Drawings. The
requirements specified above shall be followed.

4.67.4 Backfilling

Trenches shall be backfilled with approved selected excavated material only after
the successful testing of the pipeline as directed by Employers Representative.
Backfilling shall be in accordance with requirements specified above in standard
specifications and or as shown on Drawings.

4.67.5 Cleaning Of Pipes And Fittings

Pipelines shall be cleaned of all dirt, debris, dust or other deposits before
hydraulic test to the satisfaction of Employers Representative. The requirements
specified above in shall be followed.


Pipelines and fittings shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure tests in the presence of the
Employers Representative which shall comply with IS 12288 unless otherwise specified.

Testing shall be carried out in two stages:

(i) Test of sections as construction proceeds

(ii) A test of the whole of the pipeline on completion
The Contractor shall equip himself with all plant, equipment, fittings and water necessary
for the hydraulic tests. The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative, well
in advance of the time of tests, details of his proposals, including the supply of water
either by tankers or boreholes. No connections from the existing pipelines will be
allowed, nor will any connections to the pipeline and pipe work which would involve
cutting,tapping or altering the Permanent Works be allowed.

Test gauges shall be of approved manufacture having dials at least 200 mm diameter,
graduated such that the test pressure is at least 75 % of the full scale reading shall be
used. If necessary different gauges shall be supplied for different pipeline sections. Two
gauges shall be provided for the sole use of the Employers Representative and shall
remain in Employers Representatives possession for the duration of the Contract. All
gauges shall be dead weight tested and calibrated at the commencement of work and at
regular intervals as required by the Employers Representative.

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The Contractors arrangements for testing shall include a suitable means of quick
installation and removal of the Employers Representatives gauges during testing.


The Sectional Hydraulic Test shall be carried out after the pipeline section to be tested
has been laid, jointed and backfilled to a depth sufficient to prevent floatation, butleaving
the joints exposed which have not been tested. The sections to be tested shall be to the
approval of the Employers Representative and shall not be longer than 2000 m or 500 m
when either the pipeline is laid adjacent to or underneath the carriageway or when
section includes an air valve chamber. The joints between each tested section shall be
left exposed until the pipeline has passed the Test on Completion.

In addition to the above requirements the Contractor shall perform a hydraulic test on
the first 200 m length of pipeline to be laid under the contract. This test shall be
undertaken within one month of the Contractor commencing the laying of pipes. Should
the pipeline fail the test or the Contractor fails to undertake the test, all laying and
welding work shall come to a halt until that section of pipeline passes a hydraulic test.

Each length of the pipeline to be tested shall be capped or blanked off at each end and
securely strutted or restrained to withstand the forces which will be exerted when the
test pressure is applied. Testing against closed valves will not be permitted. Washout
valves shall be fitted with blank flanges and these together with in-line valves shall be left
open. Air valves already fitted shall be permitted to function during the test.

Proposals for testing where thrusts on structures are involved, even where thrust flanges
on the piping are installed, shall be submitted, with the calculations of the forces to be
carried, to the Employers Representative for approval.

The method of filling the pipeline with water shall be approved by the Employers
Representative. The length under test shall be filled making certain that all airis displaced
through an air valve installed at the top of the blank flange situated at the high end of the
line. The length shall then remain under constant moderate pressure, 10 to 20m head of
water, for a period of several hours until the pressure can be maintained without
additional pumping.

The pressure shall then be slowly increased at a maximum rate of 1 bar per minute to the
full test pressure and pumping discontinued for 3 hours or until the pressure has dropped
by 10m, whichever occurs earlier. Thereafter pumping shall be resumed and continued
until the test pressure has been restored. The quantity of water pumped to restore the
pressure shall be the measure of leakage from discontinuation of pumping until its

The pipe length shall pass the test if the leakage is not more than 1.079 litres per mm
diameter per kilometre per 24 hours for each 100 m head of pressure applied and the full
test pressure has been sustained for at least eight hours.

Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the hydraulic test, if there is any

discernible leakage of water from any pipe or joint the Contractor shall, at his own cost,
replace the pipe, repair the pipe or re-make the joint and repeat the hydraulic test.

No pipeline shall be accepted until the leakage on any length is not more than the rate of
leakage specified above and all sources of leakage have been rectified.

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The Test on Completion shall be carried out after all the pipeline sections have been
satisfactorily tested and the joints between each section completed to provide a
continuous test length between contract interfaces.

Pipelines shall be tested as above except where the Employers Representative issues
such instructions as are necessary for testing parts of the Works that have been designed
for stresses limited by considerations other than those applying to the pipeline systems.


Details like valve type, size and cistern number shall be painted on all valve chambers as
directed by Employers Representative. Where valve chambers are flush with the ground,
suitable marker posts shall be provided adjacent to the chambers at a suitable location
with all details approved by Employers Representative.

In case of the pipeline laid above ground details such as chainage, invert levels of pipe,
saddle number, culvert number, anchor/thrust block number etc., shall be suitably
painted either on the pipeline or the supporting structure in distinct colour.

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The specific design and performance requirements for all electrical equipment are given
in this part of the Specifications. The Requirement specified shall be fully met with by
the Contractor.


The scope of works for STPs included in the bid document i.e. 20 MLD at Phoosgarh, 8
MLD at Shiv Nagar and 10 MLD at Transport Nagar, Karnal envisages design,
manufacture, testing at works, supply and delivery at site, unloading and storing the
equipment at site of installation, installation, testing and commissioning of the
following equipment at site:-

11kV Metal enclosed Switchboards ,11kV/0.433kV transformers, 415V Metal

enclosed switchboards/distribution boards/motor control centres, 415V capacitor
banks with APFCR panel, Diesel Generator Set with AMF control panel , Battery ,
Battery charger ,DC Distribution board, Variable Frequency drives ,Non segregated
bus ducts, Lighting system, Power &control cables, Cable carrier system, Earthing &
Lightning protection system.

All equipment/items have to be of makes as specified in the list of preferred

makes. Various equipment /items shall conform to latest applicable standards
specified. In case of Conflict between standards and this specification, this specification
shall govern.


Electrical power supply for 20 MLD Phoosgarh shall be derived at 11 kV,3 phase,50 Hz
from the nearest Haryana Electricity Board (HSB) substation. HSB will be making
necessary modification in their substation by adding extra 11kV Switchgear, Laying
11kV under ground cable up to the Double Pole structure in new STP location.
Necessary double pole structure, lightning arrestors, 11 kV Isolators, CTs, PTs,
Metering unit ,11kV VCB and all interconnecting cable from double pole structure up to
11kV VCB will be provided by HSB . This work will be executed by HSB. The
Contractors scope includes liasoning with HSB for getting construction power supply,
making new power supply agreement for the plant and getting final clearance from
competent authority for complete Electrical system.

10 MLD STP at Transport Nagar, the STP adjacent to the 40 MLD STP under running
condition at Transport Nagar. The electric power supply to 40 MLD STP already exist and
therefore bidder has to taken extension from the existing one after making modifications
as required by HSEB and laying a electric feeder upto the proposed site of 10 MLD.
Bidder should visit the site before quoting the rate and take suitable provision for
electrical requirement of plot. Similarly 8 MLD STP at Shiv Colony, Kaithal Road is running
on extended deviatins for which electrical supply has already been taken. Bidder may
taken suitable provision for the same too.

Separate Feeder are required for electrical power supply of 3 IPS intermediate pumping
station proposed to be constructed at Saipura, Gurunanakpura and Rampura Kattabagh
for which electrical load shall be as under:

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Pumping Machinery
No Particulars Details of Pump
Discharge Head HP KW
(cum/hr) (m)
1 IPS 1 (Saidpura) 1530 15 121 162
2 IPS 2 (Gurunanakpura) 510 15 40 54
3 IPS 3 (Rampura Kattabagh) 255 15 20 27

The Contractors scope starts from the outgoing of 11kV VCB provided by UHBV Nnear
proposed two pole structure and shall cover all equipment/items as given above in Scope of


5.4.1 Genreal
All electrical equipment shall be rated for 45 C design ambient temperature. The
installation l shall generally conform to Indian Standards / IEC.
The following factors shall be considered for proper selection of electrical
apparatus or equipment for areas where flammable gas or vapours may rise.
a) Area classification
The classification of area shall be as per IS 5571 & IS 5572 , based on
the degree of probability with which explosive concentrations of
combustible gas or vapour may arise in installations in terms of both
the frequency of occurrence and probable duration of existence on each
(i) Zone 0 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously
present or present for long periods.
(ii) Zone 1 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is likely to occur in
normal operation.
b) Zone 2 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to
occur in normal operation and if it occurs, it will exist only
for short periods.Gas Group Classification
The characteristics of the gas or vapour involved in relation
to Igniting current or minimum ignition energy in case of
installations of intrinsically safe apparatus or maximum
experimental safe gap data in case of installations for flame
proof enclosures as per IS 2148.
c) TemperatureClassification
The Ignition temperature of the gas or vapour involved, or the
lowest value of ignition temperature if more than one
combustible material is present.
The maximum temperature of any unprotected surface of
electrical equipment shall not exceed the Ignition temperature
of gas or vapour. For electrical apparatus, no margin of safety
need be applied between maximum surface temperature and

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ignition temperature. The Ignition temperature of combustible

gases and vapours are measured in accordance with the test
method prescribed in IS 7820.
d) Environmental conditions in which the apparatus is installed .
Apparatus and its component parts shall be constructed so as to
guard against electrical and mechanical failures in the intended
conditions of use.
The selection of type of protection of electrical equipment for the
different zones of Hazardous areas shall be made in accordance
to Clause 6 , Table -1 of IS 5571.
electionof equipments and installation guidelines of IS 5571.
5.4.2 11kVSystem
a) Nominal voltage
b) Number of phases
c) Frequency
: 11kV
: 3
: 50 Hz
d) Connection : 3 Wire
e) Maximum Fault Level : 500 MVA
5.4.3 LV System
(a) General Supply
- Voltage : 415 V nominal
- Frequency : 50 Hz
- Connection : 4 wire
- No load transformer voltage: 433 V
- System earthing : Solidly earthed
- Maximum fault level : 36 MVA
All Plant shall, unless otherwise specified, be capable of continuous operation at
a voltage level in the range of 90% to 110% of the relevant nominal voltage
and a frequency variation of plus 5% minus5%with a maximum combined
tolerance of 10%.

(b) AC Control, Lighting and Space Heating

- Voltage: 240 V
- Phases: 1
- Frequency 50 Hz
- Connection 2 wire (Phase & Neutral)

(c) DC Control , Protection and Alarm

- Voltage: 110 V
- Phases: 1
-Connection 2 wire (unearthed)

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11kV Switchboard shall be indoor, floor standing, sheet metal enclosed with IP4X
degree of protection, with draw out type vacuum circuit breakers for incoming &
outgoing feeders, control & protection .The switchboard shall be rated for a fault
current not less than 26.25 kA (rms). All protective relays shall be numerical type.


The transformers shall be out door type, ONAN, 11/0.433 kV,3 phase, 50 Hz,two
winding, Dyn11 with solidly earthed neutral and micro processor based OLTC.

The transformers shall be sized considering 20% Contingency of total working load
while arriving at the final capacity of transformers. Two no of transformers shall be
provided in each location such that under normal condition, each transformer will be
loaded up to 50% and in case of failure of any one transformer, the healthy transformer
shall have capacity to take entire load so as to have 100 % standby. The transformer
shall be designed such that at any point of time maximum loading on any single
transformer shall not exceed 80% of full load capacity.


Numerical relay based protection system for various parts of the power supply system is
proposed. The following protection systems shall be used:

(a) 11 kV Incomer Feeder

Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection;
Instantaneous earth fault protection;
Inverse definite minimum time phase over current protection;
Inverse definite minium time earth fault protection.,
Potential transformer fuse failure protection.,
Under voltage protection.
Negative phase sequence protection.
(b) 11 kV Transformer Feeder
Inverse definite minimum time phase over current protection.,
Inverse definite minimum time earth fault protection.,
Instantaneous phase over current protection.,
Instantaneous earth fault protection.,
Standby earth faulprotection.,
Thermal over load protection.,
Inrush protection.,
Breaker failure protection.,
Winding temperature high alarm & trip..
Oil temperature high alarm &trip..

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Buchholz relay alarm &trip.,

Magnetic oil level gauge alarm.,
Restricted Earth Fault protection to be provided for Transformer rating
more than 2 MVA.,
Pressure relief valve alarm & trip.,
Oil surge relay trip..
Alarm annunciation with connectivity to PLC.
(c) 415 V Incomer Feeder
Overload, Earth fault and short circuit protection ;
Under voltage relay.
(d) LV Motors
(i) Motors less than 15 kW
overload protection by three phase thermal (bimetal) relay.
Single phasing preventor.
Moror Protection Circuit Breaker
(ii) Motors 15 kW up to 132kW
Electronic motor protection relay providing the following protection :
Earth fault;
phase currents out of balance.
Single phasing preventor.
(iii) Motors 132kW and above
Comprehensive motor protection relay providing the following protection :
locked rotor;
Over current;
Earth fault;
phase currents out of balance.
Over voltage & under voltage;
phase loss/reversal;
Negative sequence;
Protection for repeated and prolonged starts;
restart inhibition;
No load running;
Single phasing preventor.

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(iv) Pump Drives

All pumps shall be provided with the following additional protection , as
per requirement :
Dry run protection;
Temperature protection, ( Submersible pumps)
Moisture entry protection. ( Submersible pumps)
Over pressure (positive displacement pumps).
(v) Blowers
Blowers shall be provided with the following additional protection:
Over pressure.
(vi) Rotating Arm Drives
Rotating arm drives shall be provided with the following additional protection:
motion detectors;
Over torque detectors.
(vii) Valve Actuator Drives
Valve actuator drives shall be provided with the following additional protection:
Over torque detectors.
5.8 Switchgear Equipment / Instruments
(a) 11 kV Feeders (Incomer and Transformer feeders)
Ammeters for all 3 phases;
Voltmeter with selector switch;
KW meter;
KWh meter;
KVArh meter;
Frequency meter;
Power factor meter.
Digital Multifunction meter with RS 485 connectivity
(b) 415V Incomer Feeders
Ammeter with selector switch.,
Voltmeter with selector switch.,
KW meter;
(c) 415V Motor Starter Feeders
Ammeter; with selector switch.
KW meters for Motor feeders more than 132 kW ;
Multifunction meters with facility to extract historical data for Process Air
Blower Feeders ;
DOL Starters for motor feeders less than or equal to 5.5 kW;

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Star-Delta Starters for motor feeders above 5.5 kW and up to132kW.,

Electronic Soft Starters for motor feeders above 132 kW;


5.9.1 All STPs

There shall be one no. Stand by Diesel Generator Set with AMF Panel & Acoustic
Enclosure at each of the above STP locations. The capacity of the Standby Generator
at each location shall be sized for supplying all critical loads which are required for
continuous operation of the corresponding Sewage Treatment plant during main
power failure. Minimum of 50% of total working load of the Plant and additional
10% Contingency shall be considered while sizing the DG Set.

5.9.2 Automatic Main Failure Panel:

One AMF (Automatic Main Failure Panel) shall be provided for each Diesel Generator
Set. The AMF shall include two circuit breakers, one for mains (UHBVN) supply and
one for standby generator power, with both electrical and mechanical interlocks
between the mains and the standby generator power supply.

In case of main failure detected by an under-voltage relay mounted in the AMF

panel, the main breakers (receiving the main power from UHBVN) will be off under
auto mode. Consequently, the standby generators starts in the auto mode. After the
generator set reaching the rated speed and rated voltage, the generator circuit
breakers will be switched on to feed Diesel Generator power to the AMF panel. On
restored main supply, the reverse sequence of the above will be followed for the
mains supply to feed power to the loads as in normal condition.

The two breakers in the panel shall be operated manually at the AMF panel during
trouble shooting or maintenance.

5.10 415 V PCC / MCC

415 V PCC/MCC shall be floor standing, sheet steel enclosed with Form IV enclosure as per
IS 8623 with Air circuit breakers/MCCBs /MPCBs, Control & Protection. The PCC /MCC shall
be rated for a fault current not less than 50 KA(rms ) for 1sec. All Motor Feeders in the MCC
Panels shall have ON-OFF Trip indication, Start Stop Push buttons and OLR Reset button.

5.10.1 Local control panel (LCP)

For each motor:

EMERGENCY STOP shall be provided.
Start push button operates only when the switch on LCP is in Local
Stop push button shall operate only after pre determined requirement of
closing the delivery valve either in Local mode or Remote mode for 132 kW
and above pump motors.
Emergency Stop push button operates irrespective of the position of the

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selector switch.
When the selector switch on LCP is in LOCAL position, the motor will be
operated by push buttons on LCP and will take into account only the specific
fail-safe controls of the equipment (electrical protections, low level for a
pump). When the selector switch on LCP is in REMOTE position the drive
will be operated from PLC
Motorized valves shall be with fully integrated control Actuator. The
actuator comes with integrated:
One Selector switch Remote / Local "
Control switch for: OPEN / CLOSE/ STOP.
Local Control cubicle with remote operation from PLC with position feed
5.10.2 Operation Logic of Switchgears :
(i) Operation Logic of 415V metal Enclosed Switchboard:
At normal condition, both the incomers shall be in closed position and the
DG incomer & bus coupler shall be in open position.
If any incomer fails, the faulty incomer will be in open position and the bus
coupler and the healthy incomer shall be in closed position.
In case of power failure, DG incomer & bucoupler shall be in closed position
and the mains incomer shall be in open position.
The Non Critical loads shall be switched off by the activation of Under
Voltage Relay of the Grid Incomer.
5.10.3 L.T Capacitor Bank with Panel and Power Factor Correction
The capacitor banks provided shall be of bus connected type with Automatic Power
factor correction, the system shall be designed such that a power factor of not less
than 0.98 is maintained.
Automatically controlled multistage power factor correction shall be provided. 2
Nos. PFC panels providing no less than 8 No PFC stages per panel shall be provided
each connected to one bus section of the LT Switchboard. The PF on each bus
section of the board shall be monitored and corresponding PFC capacitors switched
in and out automatically in discrete stages in order to maintain a set point PF value.
Each panel shall be configured such that no PFC capacitor stages shall operate when
the standby generator is powering the side of the distribution board to which it is
MCCBs, Switches, Contactors shall be suitable for making and braking current of the
capacitors. The Panels shall be floor standing, sheet steel enclosed with IP 54 degree
of Protection.
5.10.4 Variable Frequency Drives
Following minimum loads shall be provided with Variable frequency Drives,
(a) TSPS :
Nos TSPS Pumps
(b) STP:
Process Air Blowers

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Mixer liquor Recycle Pumps

SBR Waste Activated Sludge Pumps
Thickened Sludge Pumps
Centrifuge feed Pumps
Dewatering drives for Centrifuge
5.10.5 DC Power Supply

DC Power supply shall be provided for protection and control in 11kV and 415V
Switchgears and for DC emergency lighting for Substation Building.

A Conventional system operating at 110V DC using maintenance free rechargeable

Ni-Cd batteries shall be provided and shall be complete with battery, battery charger
with boost & trickle charging facilities, necessary controls, indications and DC
distribution board.

5.10.6 Cabling
(a) HV Power Cables
HV Power cables shall be 3 core, 11kV (UE), XLPE type with stranded aluminium
conductor & GI armouring . Minimum size of cable shall be selected based on the
short circuit considerations.
(b) LV Power Cables
LV Power cables shall be 1.1kV ,XLPE type with stranded aluminium conductors & GI
armouring for sizes 6sqmm and above and stranded Copper Conductors & GI
armouring for sizes below 6sqmm. No. of cores shall be as per requirement.
(c) Control cables
Control cables shall be 650/1100V, XLPE with stranded copper conductors and GI
armouring. No. of cores shall be as per requirement. Minimum size of core shall be
(d) Cable Rating
All power cables shall be sized for continuous current carrying capacity and
permissible voltage drop at an ambient temperature of 45 degrees C. Due
consideration shall be taken of cable grouping, method of installation and local
variations in ambient conditions. Further, for cables controlled by circuit breakers,
due consideration shall be given to the fault level.
HV and LV cables shall be sized for a minimum fault clearance time of 0.5 second for
incoming feeders and 0.16 second for equipment feeders
For all LT Cables , the voltage drop in the cables between the transformer and the
switchgear (PCC) or between PCC and MCC for full load current shall be limited to
2%.Further the voltage drop in cables between PCC/MCC to Motor terminals for full
load current shall be limited to 3%. The Total Voltage drop transformer secondary to
motor terminal shall be limited to 5%.
Under motor starting conditions the corresponding voltage drop shall not affect the
operation of the motor controls or the ability of the motor to start and run
effectively and in any event shall not exceed 10%.

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(e) Cable Installations

Heavy duty galvanized iron cable tray and ladder racking shall be used for cable
support systems. These shall be used to route cables along walls , below beams and
within cable trenches. Cables shall be securely fixed to the support systems.
Bundling of cables shall be permitted where allowance for this practice has been
made while sizing the cables.
Cables of different categories shall be installed so as to maintain satisfactory
clearances for safety and in order to reduce the possibility of electrical
interference. The following Table details the distances in mm that shall be
maintained between the different categories of cables.
Table of Separation Distances between different Categories of Cable
Cable Category HV Power LV Power C&I/Protection Telecomms

HV Power N/A 300 500 500

LV Power 300 N/A 300 300
C&I/Protection 500 300 N/A 100
Telecomm 500 300 100 N/A

(f) Cable Numbering

All cables shall be allocated a unique number which will be fixed to each end of
the cable using a corrosion resistant label. Cables of different categories will be
tagged with the following subscripts and a three digit number.

HV power HV-P_ _ _
LV power P_ _ _
Control C_ _ _
Instrumentation I_ _ _
Protection PR_ _ _
Telecommunication T_ _ _
5.10.7 Building Services

(a) Lighting
All internal and external areas shall be provided with lighting. The illumination
levels to be achieved shall be as follows:
Area Illumination Level (Lux)
Pump house 200 Lux
Battery room 150 Lux
Machinery service area 200 Lux
Offices and conference rooms 300 Lux
Switchgear room , DG room 200 Lux
Control rooms/ SCADA room 300 Lux
Chemical and general stores 150 Lux

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Chemical plant room 200 Lux

Cable basement 100 Lux
All other indoor areas 100 Lux
Outdoor platforms and walk 50 Lux
Building entrance 100 Lux
Outdoor plant areas 20 Lux
Outdoor transformer yards

- General

Roads 20 Lux
Luminaires for internal lighting shall be of fluorescent / high pressure sodium
vapour types. The latter type shall be used for large high bay areas such as the
pump house. However even in the pump house these luminaires will be
supplemented with fluorescent luminaires to assure that minimum
illumination levels are maintained following momentary power dips which
could extinguish the discharge lights for several minutes. All other internal areas
will be lit with fluorescent luminaires.

Luminaires for outside areas shall be of the high pressure sodium vapour type.

Ceiling fans shall be provided in offices, control rooms and they shall be
connected to local lighting circuit.

The lighting installations shall be designed using a maintenance factor of 0.6

The internal lighting installation shall be installed using single core, XLPE
insulated copper cable enclosed in galvanised iron conduit. Lighting in external
areas shall be installed using multicore armoured cable.

(b) Emergency Lighting

The Emergency lighting illumination level shall be 10 % of Normal
Lighting Illumination level specified in Clause 12.5.14(a) for the
Indoor area .The Number of Emergency Luminaries shall be selected
For Substation building , few lighting fixtures shall be supplied
through 110V DC for emergency lighting.
Self contained chargeable type emergency luminaires shall be provided
in all other internal premises. These luminaires shall automatically
illuminate in the event of a power failure and provide a minimum level
of lighting for approximately 3 hours. They shall automatically recharge
on the return of mains power.
(c) Ventilation Fans

Variable speed ventilation ceiling fans shall be provided in offices,

conference rooms, laboratories, control rooms, control areas and
switchgear rooms. One No.48 fan shall be provided for each 10 m2 or
part thereof of the area concerned.

Where fitted ceiling fans shall be connected to the local lighting circuit.

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(d) Small Power Outlets

Switched single phase three pin 5 A and 15A receptacles shall be

provided throughout. In offices and control rooms they shall be the
Modular decorative type and industrial type metal clad in all other areas
for single and three phase sockets. All outlets for domestic pump,
dewatering pump, submersible sump pump shall be provided with
local starter panel or control cubicle. All metal clad sockets shall be
provided with suitable metal clad plug. All socket out let shall be
provided with ELCB /RCCB at the source side.

5amp /15amppower outlets in required number to be provided to power

specific Plant items.

30 A switched three phase and neutral receptacles shall be provided in

plant areas where appropriate i.e. adjacent to areas where flooding is
likely (to permit the use of portable sump pumps) or where other
portable equipment is likely to be used in the operation of the
treatment plant. The Contractor shall install ten such outlets at various
locations throughout the treatment plant.

The location of outlets shall be approved by the Engineer.The spacing

of 5 A and 15 A outlets shall be arranged to suit the intended location of
equipment, desks etc.

Receptacles for outside areas shall have a degree of protection of IP 55.

5.10.8 System Earthing

An earthing system comprising earth electrodes and conductors shall be

established for each Sewage Treatment Plant.

The earthing system will be designed to give a combined earth resistance value of
not greater than 1 ohm. In order to be sure of obtaining suitable final values,
soil resistivity shall be measured at the various sites during the detailed design
phase of the work.

In outdoor substation areas the main earth electrode conductors shallbe located,
to ensure potential gradients occurring at the surface during fault conditions are
kept within allowable limits.

Materials used for earth electrodes shall be designed to suit the ground
conditions and shall either be plain mild steel or Galvanised steel.

The system shall be designed for the following maximum earth fault currents.
These values will be confirmed at the detailed design phase.

11 kV system 26.25 kA.

415 V system 50 kA.

The fault clearing time shall be taken as one second for the 11 kV and 415 V

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The maximum temperature allowed for steel welded joints will be taken as 500
degrees C with an ambient of 45o C. Main equipotential bonding conductors
shall be galvanised steel.

Circuit protective conductors will comprise either the armouring of the supply
cable or, for major loads such as main switchboards and large drives the supply
cabling plus an additional suitably sized single core copper cable.

The neutral point of the 11/0.433 kV transformer secondary windings shall be

solidly earthed.


Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers approved
by The Department
2 Type As per Specification
Applicable Standards As per Specification
Quantity No. (*)
Switchgear cubicles and Bus
bar ratings
(a) Rated voltage, phases and 11kV ,3 phase , 50 Hz
(b) System Neutral Earthing Resistance earthed
(c) Maximum system voltage kV 12
(d) One minute power frequency kV (rms) 28
withstand voltage
(e) 1.2/50 sec impuls kV
withstand 75
voltage (pea
(f) Short circuit withstand
(g) (i)Short time (1 sec) at rated kA(rms) 26.25
(ii) Dynamic rating kA(peak) 65
Reference ambient 45 C
(h) Maximum temperature of bus Joints, Silver faced : 100oC
bars droppers connectors and Busbars and other joints : 85o C
contacts at continuous current
rating under site reference
ambient temperature
(i) Continuous current rating of A (*)
(j) bus bar
Bus bar material Copper
(k) Bus bar Insulation Fully insulated by shrinkable
sleeve with mould caps protecting
all joints
(l) Cable entry Bottom

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

(m) Cable type for Incoming and 11 kV(UE) , XLPE Aluminium

Outgoing feeders conductor with GI armouring
6 Switchgearconstructional
(a) Thickness of sheet steel Frame 2.5min.
Frame, Frame enclosures, Doors/Covers/partitions 2.0min.
doors, covers and partitions
(b) Degree of protection IP4X for panel enclosure & IP52 for
(c) Colour finish shade Interior - Glossy white
Exterior - Light grey semi-glossy
shade 631 of IS:5
(d) Earthing i) Material Copper
(e) ii) Size mm x mm (*)
Earthing i) Material
conductor GS Flat
ii) Size mm x mm (*)
7 Breaker Particulars
(a) Circuit breaker type 3 pole,Vacuum draw out type
,truck mounted with Surge
Supressor, trip free mechanism &
anti pumping feature
(b) Voltage, phases and frequency 12 kV, 50 Hz, 3 Ph
(c) Rated operating duty O 3 min CO 3 min - CO
(d) Rated current at reference A (*)
ambient temperature
(i) Incoming breakers
(ii)Outgoing breakers A (*)
(e) Rated breaking capacity kA (rms) 26.25
(f) Rated making current kA (peak) 65
(g) Short time current withstand kA (rms) 26.25
for 1 sec duration
(h) Total break time Less than 50 ms
(i) Operating mechanism type Motor spring Chargedstored
(Normal) energy typefor closing and tripping
Operating mechanism type Manual Spring Charged for closing
(Emergency) and tripping
(j) Minimum no. of auxiliary 6 NO+ 6 NC
(k) Withstand test voltage
(i) One minute power kV (rms) 28
(ii)1.2/50 se kV (peak) 75
(l) Auxiliary control voltage 110 V DC
(i)For closing / tripping coil
(ii) For spring charging motor 240 V AC
(iii) For space heaters and 240VAC
(iv) Permissible variation in 85to110% for closing coil 70 to

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

operating voltage of 110% for tripping coil

closing&tripping coils
(m) Anti pumping feature To be provided
(n) Latching requirement Trip free
8 CurrentTransformers
(a) Type Cast resin,window type
(b) Class of insulation Class E or better
(c) Rated current ratio and burden (*)
(i) Incomers and bus couplers
(ii)Outgoing feeders (*)
(d) Accuracy class 1.0
(i) Metering
(ii) Protection 5P10 and PS for core connected to
Restricted Earth fault relay
(e) Short time 1 sec current rating kA (rms) 26.25
(f) Dynamic rating kA (peak) 65
9 VoltageTransformers
(a) Type Cast resin
(b) Rated Voltage V 11000/ 3
(i) Primary
(ii) Secondary S1 V 110/ 3
(c) Method of connection Star, earthed
(i) Primary P
(ii) Secondary S1 Star, earthed
(d) Application S1 Metering and protection
(e) Rated burden VA (*)
(f) Accuracy class Metering 1.0
Protection 3P
(g) Rated voltage factor 1.1
(i) Continuous
(ii) Short time 1.5
(h) Insulation class Class E or better
10 (a) Meters
(b) Accuracy Class
(i) Indicating Meters Class 1.0
(ii) Energy Meter Class 1.0
11 Protective Relays
Type Numerical Type
Auxiliary supply 110V DC
12 Annunciations
(a) Following alarm annunciations shall be provided for each Incomer & Bus coupler
circuit breaker
(i)Tripped on fault (ii)O/C&E/F operated
(iii) Trip circuit supervision unhealthy (iv)DC fail
(v)AC fail
(b) For each Outgoing transformer feeder circuit breaker
(i) Tripped on fault
(ii) O/C&E/F operated
(iii) Bucholz

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(iv) WTI,OTI trip

(v) Trip circuit supervision unhealthy
(vi) DC fail
(vii) AC fail
(viii) Bucholz,WTI,OTI,Oil level low alarms
(c) For Bus PT
(i) Under voltage trip
(ii) DC fail
(iii) AC fail
(d) Spare windows Min.2 Nos.
13 CubicleComponents
(a) Each 11 kV circuit breaker cubicle shall be provided with the following minimum
standard accessories
One control switch trip-neutral-close spring return to neutral position
(b) One control selector switch Local-remote stay-put type
(c) LED Indicating lamps
(i) Red for breaker in On indication (ii)Green for breaker Off position
(iii) Amber for breaker tripped on fault White for trip circuit healthy (iv) Red for
breaker in Service position
(v)Clear for breaker in Test position( vi) Blue for breaker spring Charged
(vii) Amber for DC fail
(viii) Amber for AC fail
(xi) Red, Yellow, Blue for supply healthy for incomers.
(d) Mechanical trip push button to trip the breaker when control supply is lost. The
push button shall be shrouded type
(e) One electrical anti-pumping relay
(f) Double pole control supply MCB one each for AC&DC control supply. Cubicle
(g) space heater of adequate capacity with thermostat
(h) 240V, 1 Phase, 50Hz, 15/5A, 6 pin receptacle with switch Cubicle lampwith door
(i) interlock switch
14 Auxiliary A.C. Supply
240 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz supply shall be made available to each cubicle of 11 kV Metal
Enclosed Switchboards separately for provision of following
(a) Spring charging motor
(b) Cubicle space heater
(c) Cubicle lamp
(d) 240 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz 15/5A 6 pin receptacle with switch

Inspection and test Category A (#)

1 Make
As per Preferred Makes/Manufacturers
of Part-6, General requirement.
2 Type
As per Specification
3 Applicable Standards
As per Specification
4 Rated output KVA (*)
5 Quantity required Nos. (*)
6 Transformer location Outdoor
7 No load transformer ratio kV/kV 11/0.433kV

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8 Number of phases 3
9 Rated frequency Hz 50
10 Impedence at all taps % Value as per IS 2026
11 Numberofwinding/material Two/Copper/class-A
of conductor / Insulation
12 (a) Method of connection HV Delta
(b) LV winding Star
13 Vector group Dyn 11
14 LV Neutral Solidly earthed
15 Type of cooling ONAN
16 Tap changer Full capacity, microprocessor based On-
load type on HV side with local
marshalling box and Remote Tap
Changing panel
17 Tap range % + 5 % to -15 %
18 Tap step % 2.5 %
19 (a) Terminal connection HV Cable box suitable to 11 kV, UE,XLPE,
terminals Al.Conductor ,armoured cable of size
(b) LV terminals Cable box suitable for 1100 V XLPE,
Al.Conductor armoured cables (*)
For transformer ratings greater than or
equal to 1000kVA should be suitable
for termination of Non-Segregated
Aluminium Bus duct (*)
20 (a) Current Transformer On LV
(b) On LV Neutral (*)
21 LV Neutral earthing LV Neutral shall be brought out
through a 1.1 kV rated bushing, both
inside the cable box for forming the
3 Ph, 4-wire system and outside the
cable box for direct connections to
earth by means of 25 x 3mm, GI
earthing conductor(*)
22 Insulation of Windings H.V. L.V.
(a) One minute power kV (r.m.s) 28 3.0
frequency withstand voltage
(dry and wet)
(b) 1.2/50 micro second full kV (peak) 75 -
wave impulse withstand
23 Insulation of bushings H.V. L.V.
(Line andNeutral)
(a) Rated Voltage ofbushing kV 17.5 1.1
(b) One minute power kV (r.m.s) 38 3.0
frequency withstand voltage
(c) 1.2/50 microsecond full wkV (peak) 95 -
(d) Minimum creepage distance mm 25mm/kV on 25mm/kV on 3kV

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24 Vacuum withstand 250mm of mercury

capability of transformer
main tank with bushings,
radiations, fitting and

Inspection and test Category A(#)

1 Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
2 Type As per Specification
3 Applicable Standards As per Specification
4 Quantity No. (*)
5 415 V Switchgear And
Busbar Ratings
(a) Rated voltage phase and 415 V, 3 Ph 50 Hz
(b) System Neutral Earthing Solidly earthed
(c) Maximum system voltage V 476
(d) One minute power
frequency voltage
i)Power circuits V 2500V (rms)
ii) Control circuits V 1500V (rms)
iii) Aux. Circuits connected V 1500V (rms)
to Sec of CTS
(e) Continuous current rating Rating (*) Copper
of Busbars under site Material
reference Ambient
Temperature and type &
(f) Busbar insulation Fully insulated shrinkable sleeve with
moulded caps protecting all joints
(g) Reference Ambient oC 45
(h) Maximum Temperature of oC 85o C for bus bars and non silver
Busbars, Droppers and plated joints
Contacts at Continuous
current rating under site 100o C for silver plated joints
ambient temperature
(i) Short Circuit current
withstand for Busbars and
(i) Short time 1 sec
kA (rms) 50
(ii) Dynamic Rating kA (peak) 125
6 SwitchgearConstructional
(a) Type of Construction Single front fixed type (Except for
incomer air Circuit Breaker which
shall be drawout type). Construction

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features shall be as per specification.

(b) Thickness of sheet steel mm CRCA 2.0
(i) Frame, Frame enclosures,
doors, covers and partitions
(c) Degree of protection IP 54 indoor and IP55 for outdoor
(d) Colour finish shade Interior : Glossy white
Exterior : Light grey semi glossy
Shade 631 of IS-5
(e) Earthing bus Material Copper
Size mm x mm (*)
(f) Earthing Material GS
Size mm x mm (*)
(g) Minimum clearances in air mm 25.4
of live parts
(i) Phase to Phase
(ii) Phase to Earth mm 19.4
(h) Cable entry to cubicles (*)
7 InstrumentationTransformer
(a) Current transformer
(i)Ratio (*)
(ii) Burden VA (*)
(iii) Accuracy Class 1.0
(b) Voltage transformer
(i)Ratio (415V3) /(110V
(ii) Burden VA 50
(iii) Accuracy Class 1.0
8 Inspection and test Category A(#)

5.12 415 V Power Capacitor and Control Panel

Sr. No Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 General
(a) Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Type As per Specification
(c) Applicable Standards As per Specification
(d) Quantity No. (*)
(e) Rated Capacity KVAR (*)
(f) Rated supply voltage V 415
(g) Rated frequency and 50 Hz, 3 Phase
(h) Reference Ambient oC 45
(i) Cable gland required Yes
(j) Type of cable 1.1 kV, XLPE, Al. Conductor

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(k) Size of cable (*)

(l) Cable entry (*)
2 ConstructionalRequirement
(a) Thickness of sheet steel mm CRCA 2.0
i) Frame, Frame
enclosures, doors covers
and partition
(b) Degree of protection IP 54
(c) Colour finish shade Interior : Glossy white
Exterior : Light Grey Semi Glossy
Shade 631 of IS 5
(d) Main busbars and size Copper and (*)
(e) Maximum Temperature of oC 85o C for bus bars and non silver
Busbars, Droppers and plated joints
Contacts at Continuous
current rating under site 90o C for non silver plated joints
ambient temperature
(f) Earthing Material 100o C for Copper
bus silver plated
Size mm x mm (*)
(g) Earthing Material Copper
Size mm x mm (*)
3 Design Requirement
(a) Insulation level kV (rms) 3.0
(b) Capacitor bank connection Delta
(c) Short circuit withstand for kA (rms) 50
i) Short time (1 sec)
ii) Dynamic kA (peak) 125
(d) Type of switching Automatic switching responsive
to power factor through power
factor sensing relay
(e) Switching steps Minimum 8 steps
(f) Switch and Rating of To suit KVAR of unit
(g) Incomer MCCB current To suit rated capacity of
rating capacitor banks
(h) O/L capacity of capacitors 30% of rated capacity as per IS
(i) O/V capacity of capacitors 10% of rated voltage as per IS
(j) Protections O/V, U/V and O/L
4 Inspection and test Category A(#)

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5.13 Diesel Standby Generator Sets

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 General As per Preferred
(a) Set Manufacturer Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Type Silent Set with AMF
(c) Method of starting Electric
(d) Rating (kVA) (*)
(e) No.OfPahses,R Voltage, 3Ph, 415V, 50Hz. 0.8 and
ated 1500RPM
Frequency, PF
and Speed
(f) Overload capacity 10% overload for 1 hour in any 12
(g) Provision of Acoustic Yes
(h) Sound Level at 1 metre < 75 dB
2 (a) Alternator As per Preferred
Manufacturer Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Type Salient pole ,Revolving field,
Brushless type
(c) Rating KVA (*)
(d) Voltage V 415
(e) Frequency Hz 50
(f) Overload Capacity 10% overload for 1 hour in any 12
(g) Insulation Class H with Class B temperature
(h) Short circuit current 3 times full load current for 10
(i) Degree of protection IP 23 with IP 54 for terminal box
(j) Current A (*)
(k) Power Factor 0.8
(l) Winding material copper
(m) Rating of biggest motor (*)
which can be started on DOL

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(n) Details of protection U/V, O/V, U/F, O/C, E/F and O/L
(o) Efficiency Minimum 95.5% at rated load
and frequency
3 Diesel Engine As per Preferred
of Part-6, General requirement.
(a) Manufacturer
(b) Type Four stroke, direct injection,
(c) Rating HP (*)
(d) Speed rpm 1500
(e) Fuel Specification As per manufacturers standard
(f) Overload Capacity 10% overload for 1 hour in any 12
(g) Class of governance Electronic Class A1
(h) Starting system 24V electric starting
(i) Type of cooling Radiator, Liquid cooled
(j) Exhaust system Residential silencer type
4 Day oil tank capacity Litres 990
5 Inspection and test Category A(#)

5.14 Variable Frequency Drives

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-
6, General requirement.
2 Type of Drive Inverter Controlled A.C Drives
3 Rated voltage, frequency 415, V 50 Hz, 3 Phase
and phases
4 Variation in voltage 415 V + 10
6 Variation in frequency 50 Hz + 5
7 Type of Duty 100% continuous, 150 %
overload for 2 minute once in
period of 24 hours, 200 %
overload for 10 seconds once
in period of 24 hours
8 Design Ambient 450C
9 Overall Harmonic Less than 5% as per limits
Limitation given in IEC 61800
10 Application As per Clause 12.5.10 of Part

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12 Particular Electrical Plant

11 Interfaces Serial or Profibus
12 Inspection and test Category A(#)

5.15 Battery

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-
6, General requirement.
2 Type of battery Ni-Cd
3 Applicable Standards As per Specification
4 Number of battery banks (*)
5 Ambient conditions Min. Temp. 25 C
Max. Temp 45 C
6 D.C. system voltage V 110
7 Ampere hour capacity of Ah As per the Requirement
battery at 27 Deg. C at 5 hour
rate to give final cell voltage
of 1.16 volts/cell
8 Momentaryload/duration A
9 Emergencyload/duration A
10 Continuousload/duration A To be furnished by the Bidder
11 Nominal voltage V 1.2 V per cell
12 Cell voltage - initial/final V 1.42/1.14 V
13 Discharge rate Hours 5
14 Number of cells per bankr Nos (*)
equired to give rated voltage
15 Number of spare cells per Nos (*)
16 Mountingarrangement Multi tier
17 Charging method Float cum boost charging
18 Inspection and test categories Category A(#)

5.16 Battery Charger

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 General
(a) Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-
6, General requirement.
(b) Applicable Standards As per Specification
(c) Type Float and Float cum Boost

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(d) Number required Nos (*)
(e) Rated Output voltage (DC) V 110
(f) Rated Output kW (*)
(g) DC System Earthing Unearthed
(h) Voltage regulation from no %
load to rated load
(i) AC ripple in DC out put Less that 1%
voltage at rated continous
(j) Type of rectifier SCR, full wave fully controlled
(k) Transformer Copper double wound dry type
with class-F insulation
(l) Ambient Design Temperature Deg. C 45
(m) Float/Trickle charging current mA As per manufacturer
of battery
(n) Boost Charging Current of A As per manufacturer
Battery (Maximum)
(o) Boost Charging Voltage of V As per manufacturer
Battery (maximum)
(p) Maximum Time for Boost hr As per manufacturer
charging of Battery
2 AC System Data
(a) Supply Voltage V 415
Phase 3
(b) (i)Variation in supply Voltage %
(ii) Variation in supply %
(c) Short Circuit level kA 50
(d) Type of earthing Solidly Earthed
3 Performance
(a) DC voltage setting 10% of nominal voltage

adjustment for float charger
(b) Voltage stabilisation for 1% of set D.C. voltage, with

constant voltage regulator AC input variation and DC load
variation from 0 to 100%

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(c) Maximum permissible

in DC voltage (no load to full
(d) D.C. voltage setting 70% to 100% of max. boost
adjustment for boost charging voltage
(e) D.C. current adjustment for 30% to 100% of max. boost
boost Charging charging current
(f) Current stabilisation for
constant current regulator
for boost charger
(g) Minimum permissible power 0.8
factor to rated continuous
(h) Permissible ripple content at 3% (maximum)
rated continuous load
(i) Relay for auto changeover Yes
from Float to boost mode to
be provided (in case of float-
cum-boost charger)
4 ConstructionalFeatures
(a) Thickness of sheet steel mm CRCA 2.0(min.)
Frame, Frame enclosures,
doors, covers and partition
(b) Degree of protection IP 42
(c) Colour finish shade Interior : Glossy white
Exterior : Light Grey Semi
Glossy Shade 631 of IS 5
(d) Busbar material & size Copper, size as per requirement
(e) Earthing Material Copper
Size mm x mm (*)
(f) Earthing Material GS
Size mm x mm (*)

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(g) Cable entry Bottom

(h) Cable Sizes (*)
(ii) DC output (*)
(iii) AC input (*)
5 Inspection and test -- Category A(#)

5.17 DC Distribution Board

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 General
(a) Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Applicable standards As per specification
(c) Quantity Nos (*)
(d) DC System voltage (Nominal) V 110
(e) DC System Earthing Unearthed
(f) Ambient Design Temperature Deg. C 45
(g) Bus bar material , rating and Copper , Rating & Size (*)
2 DC Bus Load
(a) Total continuous DC load A (*)
(b) Short time loads (Additional
to continuous loads)
(i)DC lights/Facia lamps A (*)
(ii) Starting current and A (*)
duration of Largest Secs (*)
Connected DC Motor
3 ConstructionalFeatures
(a) Thickness of sheet steel mm CRCA2.0
Frame, Frame enclosures,
doors, covers and partition
(b) Degree of protection IP 54
(c) Colour finish shade Interior : Glossy white
Exterior : Light Grey Semi Glossy
Shade 631 of IS 5

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(d) Earthing bus Material Copper

Size mm x mm (*)
(e) Earthing Material GS
Size mm x mm (*)
(f) Cable entry (*)
(g) Cable Sizes
(i)DC Input from Battery (*)
(ii) DC output to Load (*)
4 Inspection and test categories -- Category B(#)

5.18 Cables

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 11kV (UE) XLPE Insulated
(a) Make As per Preferred
of Part-6, General
(b) Applicable Standards As per specification
(c) Cable size selection As per requirement
(d) Continuous current rating with A (*)
cable laid in air/ ground under
specified ambient temperature
(e) Conductor material Stranded, aluminium, EC
(f) Conductor screening Semiconducting compound
(g) Insulation Extruded XLPE
(h) Screening on Insulation Semiconducting compound
by extrusion (non metallic),
copper tape (metallic)
(i) Identification of codes By providing strip of Red,
Yellow & Blue colours
(j) Inner sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2
(k) Filler material PVC
(l) Armouring Galvanised steel flat strip

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(m) Outer sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2

(n) Overall diameter of cable To be furnished by the Bidder
(o) Recommended minimum mm To be furnished by the bidder
bending radius
(p) Standard length of cable on mts (*)
each drum
2 1100 V Grade XLPE Insulated
Power Cables
(a) Make As per Preferred Makes/
Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Applicable Standards As per specification
(c) Cable size selection As per requirement
(d) Conductor material Stranded, aluminium/copper,
(e) Insulation XLPE
(f) Inner sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2
(g) Armouring Galvanised steel flat strip/
round wire
(h) Outer sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2
(i) Overall diameter of cable To be furnished by the Bidder
(j) Recommended minimum mm To be furnished by the bidder
bending radius
(k) Standard length of cable on mts (*)
each drum
3 (a) 650/1100 V Grade XLPE As per Preferred Makes/
Insulated Control Cables Make Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Applicable Standards As per specification
(c) Cable size selection As per requirement
(d) Conductor material Stranded, copper, EC grade
(e) Insulation XLPE
(f) Inner sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2
(g) Armouring Galvanised steel round wire
(h) Outer sheath Extruded PVC, type ST-2
(i) Standard length of cable on mts (*)
each drum
4 Inspection and test categories Category A(#)

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5.19 Lighting Fixtures and Accessories

Sr. No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars
1 General
(a) Make As per Preferred Makes/
Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
(b) Type As per specification
(c) Illumination levels at various As per Building Services ,
premises Clause 12.5.13 of Part 12-
Particular electrical
(d) Normal supply voltage, phase AC 240 V, 1 ph, 2 wire, 50 Hz
and frequency DC 110 V, 2 wire, unearthed
(e) Variation in supply:
(i) Voltage (AC & DC) % + 10
(ii) Frequency % +5
(iii)Combined voltage & % + 10
(f) Design ambient air temperature 0C 45
2 Luminarie terminal suitable for
(a) Indoor area
(i)Conductor material Copper
(ii) Cable size Coresxmm (*)
(b) Outdoor area
(i)Conductor material Copper
(ii) Cable size Cores xmm2 (*)
3 Luminaire earthing terminal
suitable for
(i)Conductor material G. I. wire
(ii) Conductor size SWG (*)
4 Inspection and test categories Category A(#)
5.20 Lighting System and Equipment

Sr.No. Description Unit TechnicalParticulars

1 System Particular
(a) Voltage
(i)3 Phase, 4 wire 50 Hz system
Rated V 415
Maximum V 476
One minute withstand 3000 V AC.
(ii) D.C. system
Rated V 110
(b) System short-circuit level
(i)At 415 V, A.C. kA (rms) 10
(ii) At 110 V.D.C. kA (D.C.) 6
(c) Reference ambient temperature 0C 450 C
2 Distribution Board/Panels

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(a) Main, floor mounted distribution

(i) Main Lighting distribution
Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
Type Floor standing ,sheet steel
Degree of protection IP 54
Bus bar material Copper
Bus bar current rating A (*)
Short circuit current rating kA (*)
Cable entry Based on Layout Top or bottom
Location Indoor
(ii) Emergency lighting panel (D.C.)
Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
Type Wall mounting , sheet steel
Degree of protection IP 54
Bus bar material Copper
Bus bar current rating A (*)
Short circuit current rating kA (*)
Cable entry Based on Layout Top or bottom
Location Indoor
(iii) Single phase DBs, wall/structure
SLDB for indoor area
Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
Type Wall mounting ,sheet steel
Degree of Protection IP 54
(iv) SLDB for outdoor area
Make As per Preferred
Makes/Manufacturers of Part-6,
General requirement.
Type Wall mounting ,sheet steel
Degree of Protection IP 55
(v) Paint Finish
(i)Colour shade: Interior : Glossy white
Exterior: Light gray semi glossy
shade 631 of IS:5
3 Street Light Poles And Flood Light
(a) Street Light Pole

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Total Height: m 10
Quantity: Nos. (*)
(b) Floodlight Light Pole
Total height : mts. 10
No. Of floodlights to be fixed per No. (*)
4 Inspection and test categories Category A(#)

5.21 Earthing and Lightning Protection System

Sr. No. Description Technical Particulars

Size Material No.of Leads &
1 (a) Main Earthing Grid
Buried in earth (*) MS Quantity as per
(b) Buried in floor slabs in (*) MS Quantity as per
buildings requirement
2 Conductor Leads To
(above ground)
(a) Transformers
(i) Transformer neutral to (*) GS
bottom of tank
(ii) From bottom of tank to earth (*) GS Number of
grid Leads
(iii) Transformer tanks and (*) GS As per relevant
radiator bank Standards ,
(b) Diesel Generator Set Quantity as per
(i) DG Set neutral earthing (*) GS requirements
(ii) DG Set body earthing (*) GS
(c) Fence posts and gates (Flex. (*) GS
3 11kVMetal Enclosed (*) GS
Switchboard, 415V switchgear/
4 Motors
(a) 415V Motors above 10 kW (*) GS
(b) 415V Motors up to 10 kW (*) GS
(c) Fractional horse power (*) GS
5 Other Items
(a) Capacitor panel, Battery (*) GS
charger panel, DC
distribution board, Main
lighting D.B, Control panels
and sub-lighting distribution
(b) Hand Rails (*) GS
(c) Cable trays (*) GS

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(d) Tanks (*) GS

(e) Junction boxes (*) GS
(f) Lighting fixtures, receptacles, (*) GS
lighting conduits
(g) Push button stations, limit (*) GS
6 Crane rail (*) GS
7 Street lighting, flood lighting (*) GS
poles and junctions boxes
8 Metallic non current carrying (*) GS
9 LightningConductors
(a) Lightning protection down (*) GS
comers for building
(b) Lightning protection (*) GS
horizontal roof conductor for
10 Electrodes (*) Heavy duty Quantity as per
(a) Pipe electrode (*) CI/GI pipe requirements
3000 mm
11 Inspection and test categories Category C(#)
Note :

(i) Any requirement /features /provisions not specifically mentioned in the Specification,
but are necessary for trouble free and smooth operation of the Plant System shall be

(ii) (*) The numbers, ratings, sizes etc have to be worked out by the contractor during
execution and to be approved by the Engineer.

(iii) (#) As defined in Clause 14.1.2, Materials, Plant & Equipment Part 14, Volume -2 of the
Bid document.

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This section of specifications defines the requirements of Instrumentation and Control

system to be installed at Sewage Pumping station, Sewage Treatment Plant and
Intermediate Pumping Station. For selection of field instruments and control system or
anything related to instrumentation, the Contractor shall follow the specifications contained

Irrespective of the detailed specifications of the respective items detailed elsewhere, the
Contractor shall be required to provide all equipment, accessories, cabling, earthing,
providing necessary transducers/sensors, system hardware/software, programming logic
etc. to achieve the functional requirements described in the Bid Document. The civil and
electromechanical work associated with installation of the instrumentation equipment shall
be in the Contractors scope.


The control systems for the sewage Pumping Station (SPS/IPS) shall be based onthe use of
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). The various
modes of controls shall be Auto, Semi-automatic and Manual. Remote operation facilities
shall be provided for operating the equipment from the local SCADA system. There shall be
Secondary Control Centre local PC based SCADA systems at each of the pumping stations
and a PC based SCADA system in Master Control center at City campus pumping station. This
Master SCADA system is provided for central monitoring andfor remote operations of the
SPS. The local SCADA system, PLCs and RTUs shall be capable of interfacing / networking
with this master SCADA system.

In the event of failure of the automatic controls or by operator choice it shall be possible to
revert to semi-automatic or manual operation of each item of Plant independent of the PLC

The field instruments shall also form an integral part of the control system.


Unless otherwise approved, instrumentation shall comply with relevant quality standards
test procedures and codes of practice collectively referred to as Reference Standards
including those listed below in accordance with the requirements detailed elsewhere in this

BS 89-2:1990, EN 60051-2:1989, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical

IEC60051-2:1984 measuring instruments and their accessories
BS 1042 (Various) Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits.
BS 1646-1:1979, ISO Symbolic representation for process
3511/I-1977 measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Basic requirements
BS EN 837-1:1998 Pressure gauges. Bourdon tube pressure gauges.
Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing
BS EN 60751:1996, IEC 60751:1983 Industrial platinum resistance thermometer
BS 3680 (Various) Measurement of liquid flow in open channels.
BS 3693:1992 Recommendations for design of scales and
indexes on analogue indicating instruments

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BS EN 60770- 1:1999, IEC 60770- Transmitters for use in industrial-process control

1:1999 systems.
Methods for performance evaluation
BS 4675-2:1978, ISO 2954-1975 Mechanical vibration in rotating machinery.
Requirements for instruments for measuring
vibration severity
BS EN 60584- 1:1996, IEC 60584- Thermocouples. Reference tables
BS 5308 (Various) Instrumentation cables
BS EN 60529:1992 Specification for degrees of protection provided
by enclosures (IP code)
BS ISO 11631:1998 Measurement of fluid flow. Methods of specifying
flowmeter performance
BS 5863-1:1984, Analoguesignalsforprocesscontrolsystems.
IEC 60381- 1:1982 Specification for direct current signals
BS 5863-2:1980, IEC 60381- 2:1978 Analoguesignalsforprocesscontrolsystems.
Specification for direct voltage signals
BS EN 60654- 1:1993, IEC 60654- Industrial-process measurement and control
1:1993 equipment. Operating conditions. Climatic
BS 6739:1986 Code of practice for instrumentation in process
control systems: installation design and practice
BS EN 60073:2002 Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification. Coding
principles for indicators and actuators
BS 1553 (Various) Specification for graphical symbols for general
ISA-5.1-1984 - (R1992) Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
ISA-5.4-1991 Instrument Loop Diagrams
ANSI/ISA-7.0.01- 1996 Quality Standard for Instrument Air
ANSI/ISA-18.1-1979 - (R1992) Annunciator Sequences and Specifications
ISA-26-1968 Dynamic Response Testing of Process Control
ISA-37.1-1975 - (R1982) Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and
ISA-37.3-1982 - (R1995) Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Pressure
ANSI/ISA-50.00.01- CompatibilityofAnalogSignalsforElectronic
1975 (R2002) Industrial Process Instruments
ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 - (R1993) Process Instrumentation Terminology
ISO 9000 and 09004 Quality Systems
IEEE 60587 Power Supply Surge Protection
IEC 61131-3 Programming Languages for Programmable
IEC 61158-2 Communication Protocols
ISO 9075 (BS 6964) Structured Query Language (SQL)
BS 5515 Documentation of Computer Based Systems
BS 7165 Recommendation for Achievement of Quality in
BS EN 50081 Electromagnetic Compatibility
ISO 3511 Process measurement control functions -

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instrumentation symbolic representation.

ISO-OSI 7 Layer Communication Model
IEEE 472-1974 Surge protection.
IEC-61850 Sub-station automation protocol
IEC-8705101 Modbus Protocol Conversion
BS 89-2:1990, EN 60051- 2:1989, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical
IEC60051- 2:1984 measuring instruments and their accessories.
BS 1042 (Various) Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits.
BS 1646-1:1979, ISO 3511/I- Symbolic representation for process
1977 measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Basic requirements
BS EN 837-1:1998 Pressure gauges. Bourdon tube pressure gauges.
Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing
BS EN 60751:1996, IEC 60751:1983 Industrial platinum resistance thermometer
BS 3680 (Various) Measurement of liquid flow in open channels.
BS 3693:1992 Recommendations for design of scales and
indexes on analogue indicating instruments
BS EN 60770- 1:1999, IEC 60770- Transmitters for use in industrial-process control
1:1999 systems. Methods for performance evaluation
BS 4675-2:1978, ISO 2954-1975 Mechanical vibration in rotating machinery.
Requirements for instruments for measuring
vibration severity
BS EN 60584- 1:1996, IEC 60584- Thermocouples. Reference tables
BS 5308 (Various) Instrumentation cables
BS EN 60529:1992 Specification for degrees of protection provided
by enclosures (IP code)
BS ISO 11631:1998 Measurement of fluid flow. Methods of specifying
flowmeter performance
BS 5863-1:1984, IEC 60381- 1:1982 Analoguesignalsforprocesscontrolsystems.
Specification for direct current signals
BS 5863-2:1980, IEC 60381-2:1978 Analogue signals for process control systems.
Specification for direct voltage signals
BS EN 60654- 1:1993, IEC 60654- Industrial-process measurement and control
1:1993 equipment. Operating conditions. Climatic
BS 6739:1986 Code of practice for instrumentation in process
control systems: installation design and practice
BS EN 60073:2002 Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification. Coding
principles for indicators and actuators
BS 1553 (Various) Specification for graphical symbols for general
ISA-5.1-1984 - (R1992) Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
ISA-5.4-1991 Instrument Loop Diagrams
ANSI/ISA-7.0.01- 1996 Quality Standard for Instrument Air
ANSI/ISA-18.1-1979 - (R1992) Annunciator Sequences and Specifications
ISA-26-1968 Dynamic Response Testing of Process Control
ISA-37.1-1975 - (R1982) Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and

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ISA-37.3-1982 - (R1995) Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Pressure
ANSI/ISA-50.00.01- 1975 (R2002) Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic
Process Instruments
ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 - (R1993) Process Instrumentation Terminology
ISO 9000 and 09004 Quality Systems
IEEE 60587 Power Supply Surge Protection
IEC 61131-3 Programming Languages for Programmable
IEC 61158-2 Communication Protocols
ISO 9075 (BS 6964) Structured Query Language (SQL)
BS 5515 Documentation of Computer Based Systems
BS 7165 Recommendation for Achievement of Quality in
BS EN 50081 Electromagnetic Compatibility
ISO 3511 Process measurement control functions
instrumentation symbolic representation.
ISO-OSI 7 Layer Communication Model
IEEE 472-1974 Surge protection.
IEC-61850 Sub-station automation protocol
IEC-8705101 Modbus Protocol Conversion


The Contractor shall provide a list of the reference standards used and shall provide a
compliance/non-compliance statement during the Bid submission and FDS submission once
the contract has been awarded. Failure to do so will be treated as a non-responsive bid.

All standards which the Contractor intends to use but which are not part of the above
Standards or other listed Reference Standards, shall be submitted to the Engineer for
consent before any design against that standard proceeds.



The instrumentation, control, automation SCADA installations shall fully comply with design
standards, regulations and the material and workmanship requirements of the Specification.

The electrical plant installations associated instrumentation control and automation systems
shall also comply with and be tested in accordance with the latest edition of BS 7671 or
equivalent Indian standards.

All equipment and materials incorporated in the system shall be selected, designed and
rated to operate under the defined performance duties and specified site conditions and to
maintain a high level of operational reliability.

The instrumentation control and monitoring system equipment and materials shall have an
operational life of not less than 15 years, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

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a) Instrumentation and Control system shall be designed, manufactured, installed

andtested by an experienced system integrator to ensure high standards of
operational reliability. Instruments mounted in field and on panels shall be suitable
for continuous operation. All electronic components shall be adequately rated and
circuits shall be designed so that change of component characteristics shall not
affect plantoperation.

b) All I&C equipmentshall be new,ofproven design, reputed make,and shall be suitable

for continuous operation. Unless otherwise specified, all instruments shall be
tropicalized. The outdoor equipment shall be designed to withstand tropical rain and
temperature variation from 0 to + 500 C. Wherever necessary, space heaters, dust
and waterproof cabinets shall be provided. Instruments offered shall be
completewith all the necessary mounting accessories. The control equipment
installed inside the control room should be designed to work at 350 C and the
instruments in sheltered place outside the control room at 450 C.

6.5.2 Installation Requirements

a) The locally mounted instruments shall be installed on appropriate rigid supports,

having minimum vibrations.The instruments shall be installed away from hot objects.

b) The instruments shall be protected against physical damage or liquid splashing by

providing metallic/ fibre glass enclosures or canopies.

c) All transmitters / transducers shall be installed nearest to the sensing point and at a
place convenient to get access for maintenance.

d) The field instruments i.e. the instruments mounted outside the control panel shall
be mounted at a convenient height of approximately 1.5 m above grade platform.

e) While installing the instrument, provision shall be made to carry out in-situ
calibration Isolation valves and drain valves shall be provided to the field
instruments wherever required.

f) Instrumentation cables shall be separately laid, away from electrical cables. The
instrumentation cables from the field mounted instruments shall be terminated on
the control panel without any joints.

g) Double compression glands shall be used for glanding the cable in field instruments
andinstrument control panel.

h) Metallic tag number plate shall be provided for each instrument.

i) Instrument Power Supply Cables and Instrumentation Signal Cables

Cables shall be capable of satisfactorily withstanding without damage,

transportation to site, installation at site, and operation under normal and short
circuit conditions of the various systems to which the respective cables are
connected when operating under the climatic conditions prevailing at the site as
indicated in this specification.

Cable joints in instrument signals and power supply cables shall not be permitted.

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Cables shall be capable of satisfactory performance when laid on trays, in trenches,

conduits, ducts and when directly buried in the ground.

Cables shall be capable of operating satisfactorily under a power supply system

voltage variation of 15%, a frequency variation of 5.0%.

j) Laying Of Cables

A distance of minimum 300mm shall be maintained between the cables carrying low
voltage AC and DC signals and a distance of minimum 600mm shall be maintained
between HT cables and signal cables. In outdoor areas, the cables shall be directly
buried. Each instrumentation and power supply cable shall be terminated to
individual panel/ terminal box. Identification of each cable shall be by proper
ferrules at each junction as per cable schedule to be prepared by Contractor.

Cables shall be laid in accordance with layout drawings and cable schedulewhich
shall be prepared by Contractor and submitted for approval.

All cable routes shall be carefully measured and cables cut to the required lengths,
leaving sufficient amount for the final connection of the cable to the terminals on
either end. Various cable lengths cut from the cable reels shall be carefully selected
to prevent undue wastage of cables. A loop of 1 meter shall be left near each field
instrument before terminating the cable. Cables shall be complete uncut lengths
from one termination to the other.

All cables shall be identified close to their termination point by cable numbers as per
cable interconnection schedules. Identification tags shall be securely fastened to the
cables at both the ends.

6.5.3 Programmable Logic Controllers (Plc) Codes and Standards

The design material, construction features, manufacture, inspection and testing of

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) shall comply with all currently applicable
statutes, regulations and safety codes. The PLC shall comply with the latest
applicable standards and codes. If any such standards are not applicable thenthe
same shall comply with the available recommendations of professional institutes like
NEMA, IEC, ANSI, ISA, IEEE, DIN and VDE. Design and Construction Requirements

(i) PLC shall be provided as a Hot-Standby configuration to perform

combinational and sequential logic functions, status monitoring and
reporting functions with counter and timer facilities.
(ii) PLC Panel interrogation power supply should be fully redundant.
(iii) PLC shall comprise of necessary processors, input/output (I/O) modules,
communication interface modules and man-machine interface (MMI)
required to perform the desired functions.
(iv) Each PLC shall have memory protected built in historical archiving/data
logging of system alarms & events and process variables. Data logger shall
be able to log data based on time or an event.PLC shall have enough

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memory allocatedto allow 200,000 time and data stamped discrete and /or
analog values to be archived. The historical archive shall allow the oldest
data to roll off the system as memory is used keeping the 200,000 most
current data points available. Process point time stamping frequency shall
be selectable within the configuration software. It shall be possible for the
archived data to be exported in CSV format allowing use with standard
spreadsheet and data software applications
(v) PLC shall have the following attributes as a Hot-Standby configuration.
- carry out sequential logic implementation for operations of plant;
- carry out computation and interfacing for data acquisition, data
storage and retrieval;
- it shall accept downloaded program from a programmer;
- it shall have different functional modules to perform the desired
- it shall scan the inputs in time cycles and update the status of its
(vi) Dual redundant processors
The master station shall be provided with two identical central processors
configured such that they operate in Hot-Standby mode.
Redundant system with hot back up redundancy feature should be built in
the CPU. Software engineered hot backup systems are not acceptable. CPU
should have the memory expansion capability up to 7 MB. Both the CPUs
should have separate backplane and associated hardware for redundancy.
CPU system should have built in WEB server
SCADA connectivity with the CPU will be on dual Ethernet network (10/100
Mbps with open Modbus TCP/IP protocol). On the event of hardware failure
in primary system the standby system will provide dual connectivity with the
Redundancy of switch for SCADA (industrial grade managed switch)
connectivity is to be provided.
Failure to do adhere to the above will be treated as a non-responsive bid
andlead to technical disqualification. Contractor should take note on the
importance of this obligation.
The system shall be designed and implemented such that when the Main
processor fails, the Standby one shall automatically take over. The
changeover shall be seamless, smooth and without any time delay and shall
not cause any disruption to the overall distributed control system and to the
ongoing processes.
(vii) The PLC system shall be expandable (OPC compatible) and shall be modular
in construction, so as to capable of future expansion without hardware
modifications. External OPC servers will not be considered.
a) The system hardware, application software and database shall be
sized to accommodate a total of 50% increase in signal capacity and up
to 100% increase in an individual zone.
b) Sufficient plug in modules shall be provided and wired to terminals ready

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to accept future signals of up to 10 % for each IO card

c) Each IO card shall be able to accept at least two more I/O cards without
requiring replacement of, or additions to, the original equipment.
(viii) PLC s shall be microprocessor based. PLC s shall use standard known
protocols and structures for communication outside the system. In case of
system failure or power supply failure the outputs shall attain a
predetermined fail safe condition (this shall normally be off).
(ix) The PLC used shall have a proven record in the type of application
concerned and in the prevailing environmental conditions. PLC shall be of an
approved type from a major international manufacturer. Refer Vendor list.
The PLC shall be furnished with a dual redundant microprocessor. The PLC
shall be open systems standard for all elements of communications and
programming and shall be designed for ease of use and minimum
(x) Application logic programs shall be fully compliant with all five logic
development methods detailed in IEC 63331-3. The PLC shall be powered by
two independent sources provided by the UPS system and all internal
operating supplies shall be derived from the UPS. The power supplies, I/O,
CPU and communication modules and battery backup rates shall be
monitored by the PLC and shall be available by report.
(xi) During the times of the battery discharge, the PLC shall initiate an orderly
self shutdown and automatically restart on the main power restoration
without the need for reloading or initiation of any kind. The PLC shall comply
with the specification specified elsewhere in this specification.
(xii) Each PLC shall have built in web server capability allowing system
information to be stored in a format that allows for easy access and viewing
with standard Windows based b
built in O & M data associated with its specific site including; as a minimum,
basic system information, panel layouts, wiring diagrams, material lists
w/part numbers, and operational summary. This information shall be
accessible locally or remotely.
(xiii) Central Processing Units
The central processing units (CPU) shall be a high performance processor
with modular configuration suitable for real time process applications
The following features shall be provided on a minimum
Communication between CPU and peripherals shall be by an I/O bus. The
individual device, interfaces shall be capable of being plugged into the I/O
On resumption of power following a power failure the PLC shall
automatically restart its controlling function.
CPU shall have a real time clock capability to accept a time synchronization
pulse and adjust its internal clock with the pulse.
CPU shall have extensive self diagnostic facilities and watch dog timersto
identify faults at card levels
(xiv) Memory Unit
Memory unit shall comprise of highly reliable memory chips which are

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industry standard, proven design with fast random access and suitable for
operation in process environments. Main memory shall be modular and
facility shall be provided for the upgrading and expansion of memory to
meet future demands.
Not less than 50 % spare program memory and data memory space shall be
provided. System initialization and application software shall be stored in
EEPROM or EPROM. Operating data shall be stored in a RAM fitted with an
internal battery backup. The battery backup provided shall support the
memoryon loss of power for at least one month.The battery life shall be at
least 2 years.
(xv) I/O Modules
Standard rack mounted plug in I/O modules shall be provided. I/OModules
should be of the same series as the PLC CPU. Deviation from this would be
treated as a non responsive bid and lead to technical disqualification.
Contractor should take note on the importance of this obligation. Field
wiring shall be terminated in screwed terminal blocks and interconnected to
the processor I/O system with prefabricated cables and plug in card type
connectors. The I/O modules shall be hot swappable.
20% extra modules of installed capacity for each type of module shall be
provided as spare. Provision shall be made for future expansion of additional
20% extraI/O modules of the installed capacity. RIOs to have dual
redundancy on network level connected to both the CPU. Even on the
failure of one CPU backplane the other system should be available on dual
network at RIO level. All the RIO rack should have redundant power supply
modules for the backplane.
All I/O modules shall be rack mounted type and as follows:
- inputs shall be opto isolated.;
- filters shall be provided for noise rejection;
- output status shall be indicated by an LED;
- all outputs shall be fuse protected and have fuse failure indication the
fuses may be mounted externally from the output module;
- all the modules shall be of addressable type.
Ethernet I/O modules shall be connected to the PLC by on board Ethernet
10/100 BaseT connection port. Ethernet I/O modules shall support multiple
communications including TCP/IP and Modbus ASCII and RTU allowing
connection to any device supporting these protocols over standard Ethernet
(xvi) Analogue Input Modules
They shall consist of an input isolation unit, signal conditioning unit and an
analogue to digital converter (ADC). In addition, the following features shall
be provided.
- cross talk attenuation
- provision for monitoring of the ADC for overflow detection
- gain amplifier with high common mode rejection ratio
- accuracy for analogue signals shall be 0.5%

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Analogue Output Modules

They shall consist of signal conditioning unit and a digital to analogue
converter (DAC).In addition, the following features shall be provided.
- 16 bits resolution minimum
- provision for monitoring of the DAC for overflow detection
- accuracy for analogue signals shall be 0.5%

(xvii) Digital Input Modules -

The following design features shall be provided.
- contact bounce protection;
- choice of type of contacts.
Digital Output Modules
The digital output module shall provide contact closure output by driving
relays. The features to be provided are as follows:
- contact bounce protection shall be provided
- relay output shall be provided to operate pump motors and motorised
valve actuators
- fail safe position in case of output module failure and fault indication
PLCs provided under this specification shall be capable of performing the
necessary logic to control the system as previously defined. These
capabilities shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. Discrete input/output 10. Latch/unlatch relays
2. Analog input 11. Counters
3. Analog output 12. Comparators
4. Timers 13. FBD logic
5. Pump Controller 14. Flow Totalization/Integration
6. Pump Alternation 15. Intrusion Detection
7. Mathematical Function Blocks 16. Time of Day Control w/Lockout
8. Stage Blocks 17. Ramp Blocks
9. Trending 18. Data Logging
(xviii) PLC Programming
Where ever possible PLC programming shall be carried out using FBD, based
on the approval of the employers representative.The logic shall be prepared
using proprietary programming software and shall be comprehensively
annotated with subroutine and rung comments to assist further
development and maintenance.
The system shall support a simple programming of the application software
complying with IEC 63331-3.
The system shall support a structured, modular programming. At least the
following standard operations shall be applicable:

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(1) Logic functions (such as AND/OR/AND NOT etc.);

(2) Timer functions (externally adjustable);
(3) Counter functions;
(4) Skip functions;
(5) Comparison functions;
(6) Limit value functions;
(7) Arithmetic functions;
(8) Physical unit functions;
(9) Closed-loop functions such as P/PI/PID/etc.
The Contractor shall submit the logic diagrams for review. The Contractor
shall include the as-built logic in the final submission.
Programming Unit
The programming unit shall be of the portable type, industrial model
designed to be used during commissioning on site. A functional keyboard
which supports different type of programming methods shall be included, as
well as a CRT or TFT display.
- At least the following functions shall be included on a minimum:
- On-line programming
- Off-line programming
- Flexible corrections during input
- Full screen editing functions
- Absolute and symbolic programming
- Input of comments and title blocks for complete documentation
- Complete application software documentation functions. Printouts of
application software logic functions shall preferably be in Ladder logic
- Load and transfer functions
The computer shall be provided complete with proprietary PLC
programming and SCADA software complete with plant mimics and
documentation software. Communications cables required to interact with
the PLC, (Eg: Modbus Cable) would be supplied by the contractor. The
software shall provide facilities for:
- carrying out program revision management;
- insertion of comprehensive program subroutine and rung comments;
- search and find and search and replace contacts and coils;
- simulation functions and testing of the program by changing the status
of contacts and monitoring the outputs;
- preparation of coil and contact list and their locations and memory
- make system backup copies while the system is online;

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- upload and down load programs to the PLC on line;

- carry out on line maintenance and fault finding on the PLC. Technical Particulars for PLC

1. Functions As per the control logic and input/output list

2. Expandability 50% of installed capacity
3. Interposing relays Shall be provided for all the digital outputs (DO)
including spare DO and for digital inputs wherever

4. Optical isolation for all Required

digital inputs and outputs
and galvanic isolation for
analog inputs
5. Mounting Inside the control panels with viewing glass on the
6. CPU and power supply Required (In hot standby mode)
module redundancy
7. Processor
Diagnostic function Required
Minimum 32 bit Required
performance with floating
point capability
Memory module To store programs, standard software to perform
logic functions and diagnostic functions
8. Inputs and Outputs Refer I/O schedule
9. System Loading Max. 60% under worst loading Conditions
10. Power supply to sensor / Required
11. Type of input Binary, analog and pulsed as required.
12. Outputs Binary signals (Relay outputs for driving MCC
Starter coils, driving motorized valves etc.); analog
and pulsed as required.
13. Spare I/O 20% of each type, wired to terminal block
14. Accessories Laptop computer for programming along with all
necessary adapter, laptop carrying kit, cables,
connectors and accessories (1 No. common for
Proprietary PLC programming and documentation
software along with all cables and connectors for
loading on laptop computer and on local PC based
SCADA system
15. Interface (Hardware and Required
Software) to Local SCADA
16. Communication port to RS 232/ RS 485 (with suitable converters as
be provided for interface applicable)
to Local SCADA system
17. Communication port for Required
interfacing with
temperature scanners
(for pumping stations)

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18. Communication port for Required

interfacing with
Multifunction meters/
Motor Protection Relays
19. Communication port for Required
interfacing with flow
indicator totalisers Default Values

Every operator selectable parameter shall be provided with a default value held in EPROM or
EEPROM in the relevant PLC.

The default value shall be used if no other value has been entered through the local SCADA
system or if the value entered through the local SCADA system has been lost. The default
values shall be made available for interrogation by the local SCADA system at all times.

Sensible and logical default values shall be inserted prior to the start of system tests. The
default values at the time of handing over the plant shall be thosefound operationally
suitable during commissioning.

The PLCs shall make available for interrogation by the local SCADA for bits corresponding to
the following PLC faults:

(a) failure of PLC as indicated by the PLC watchdog relay;

(b) failure of each I/O card;
(c) failure of communication link
(d) status of 24 V DC power supply for I&C system. Software

The on line real time operating system supplied shall be proven for similar application and
shall be able to support all the equipment/peripherals.
PLC programming shall be carried using latest available industrial standard formats for logic.
The PLC programming shall be prepared using the PLC manufacturers recommended
windows based PLC coding and documentation software. The PLC code shall be structured in
the manner of the best industry standard and have comprehensive subroutine and rung
annotation. Ladder program will be preferred.
The PLC shall be commissioned using RAM memory storage modules which shall be replaced
with an Erasable read only memory (EPROM) or electrically erasable read only memory
(EEPROM) when testing is complete. Operator Interface Unit (OIU)

a) OIU shall be provided for the PLC system on the front facia of the control panel.
b) The OIU shall consist of panel mounted industrial grade unit with Color LCD/LED
screen and tactile key pad. It shall be environmentally protected and designed for
plant room use with a wipe clean finish.
c) The OIU shall provide facilities to:
(i) Display status of Plant in a graphical and tabular format (i.e. running,

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stopped, fault etc.)

(ii) Display analog values on the appropriate graphic screen (displays shall
change color when in fault conditions or when data is suspect);
(iii) Annunciate alarms associated with the area of the plant concerned including
details of the time the alarm occurred
(iv) Provide facilities for the operator to:
- adjust process set points;
- select process modes;
- select number of running pumps;
- provide all other facilities required for operation of the Plant;
- acknowledge alarms;
- view a journal of unacknowledged alarms;
- view a journal of the alarms acknowledged and unacknowledged.
- Display process set points;
- Display a total running hours log of local transmission pump drives.
- Provide real time and historic data
- Any additional features required to assist in the effective and efficient
operation of the plants.
- Security systemsshall be provided to prevent unauthorized
adjustment of process set points.
d) Graphic screens shall be provided as follows:
(i) Main and subsystem menus;
(ii) Pumping system overview (i.e. providing details of Nos. of pumps running,
total flows, reservoir/ sump level, power supply status etc.)
(iii) Transmission main local surge suppression equipment tabular status format
(iv) Screens to permit viewing and modifying of process set points
(v) Tabular screen of pumping plant status and values
(vi) Running hours log for pumping stations.
e) The screens shall display data commensurate with their size and the area of and the
number of Plant items covered. The Contractor, in addition to the specific screen
requirements stated above shall be responsible for providing any additional screens
to ensure comprehensive coverage of the Works.
f) The software chosen shall have a comprehensive alarm handling capability with the
ability to annunciate, acknowledge, sort and maintain a historic record of current
and past alarms including details of when the alarm occurred, when it was
acknowledged and when it returned to normal. Tests for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

The following tests shall be carried out for the PLC

(i) Scanning rate check for analog signals

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(ii) Scanning rate check for digital signals

(iii) PLC cycle time check
(iv) Processor redundancy check
(v) Power supply redundancy check
(vi) Power supply failure alarm check
(vii) Power supply failure alarm check
(viii) Card level failure detection check
(ix) Failsafe output check on failure of output module
(x) Sensor failure detection check
(xi) Status indication check for healthiness of each input/output channel
and module
(xii) Status indication check for power supply for each module
(xiii) Isolation check for input/output module
(xiv) Input filtering check for noise level
(xv) Processor battery back-up check
(xvi) Controller functioning check on under voltage and over voltage
(xvii) Ladder logic program check by simulation of inputs and outputs
(xviii) Functional check of programming units. Remote Terminal Unit RTU System Design

RTU shall be designed in accordance with this specification.The RTU shall be

of proven designand suited for water supply and distribution SCADA

In general the RTU design should aim to minimize power consumption and
heat generation. It should be designed to work in remote installation by
being of robust physical construction with immunity to electrical noise.

The RTU shall be assembled from modular units, for example, power supply
module, CPU and communications module, communication interface
modules and modules for input / output purposes. I/O and serial cards shall
be able to be arranged in the RTU rack in any order.

Modules shall be inter connected via a suitably robust plug and socket
method. It shall not be necessary to unscrew individual wires / cables, both
interna lRTU wiring and I/O wiring, to replace faulty modules. The failure of
one module will not affect the performance of any other module.

A marshalling terminal area shall be incorporated with each RTU to provide

terminations for field cables. This area can be located in the RTU cubicle
itself for an RTU replacement but for new locations there should be a
separate marshalling cubicle. The RTU and marshalling cubicles shall
normallybe boltedtogethertoform a 2- baycubicle suite. A separation plate
may be located between the cubicles.

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The RTU and the cubicles shall be designed toaccommodate theactual

numberof input/outputs and IEDs at the specific substation, plusspare

6.5.4 RTU Spare Capacity

The spare capacity, which includes equipped, wired and cubicle capacity, shallbe
supplied asdescribed below.The supplier shalldetail the steps requiredto activatethe
spare capacity.

a) Equipped capacity
Equipped capacity shall include all electronic cards and output terminals. To
activate this capacity, an input/output connection shallbe made to the
designated field terminals in the marshaling cubicle. This additional capacity
is generally provided to cover the initial design and commissioning. It
includes rounding up the quantities specified to the modulus of the number
of points per card. Unless this is otherwise specified, the initial equipped
spare capacity shall be not less than 20% for each type of input and output
used. Unless specified, any I/O lists or quantities given for a particular RTU
shall not include spare capacity.Therefore these quantities will need to be
increased by 20% to meet spare capacity requirements.
b) Wired capacity
Wired capacity means that a card slot is provided. To activate this capacity,
in addition to connection of the field input, an additional input card or
output card is required to be supplied and fitted, and wiring arranged from
the I/O card to the terminals in the marshalling cubicle; the wiring is usually
done by a preformed cable. This capacity is specifically provided to cater for
some future known requirement, which may be 4-5 years away. Unless
otherwise specified, this additional capacity shall be zero.
c) Cubicle capacity
Cubicle capacity is a requirement to provide adequate cubicle space
capacity, such that additional card files and terminations could be retro-
fitted at some stage in the future.
This is to cater for expansions possibly 8-10 years or more away. Unless
otherwise specified, this additional capacity shall be zero.
d) RTU I\O Structure
The RTU I/O quantities shall be developed in accordance with requirements.
e) Performancerequirements Environmental conditions
The RTU shall be designed and supplied suitable for indoor equipment
conditions. For RTUs installed indoors, the ambient temperature range is -5
to +55C. RTUs installed in a cubicle in the field (outdoors) are required to
work successfully in an ambient temperature range of -10C to +65C.
Heat dissipation calculations shall be provided to demonstrate the RTUs
ability to comply with the temperature ratings of the equipment in the range
f) Maintainability
It is a requirement that all RTUs require nor out in or planned maintenance.

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Therefore, no fans or moving parts shall be used inthe RTU to avoidany need
for maintenance. To ensure this requirement is met the RTU should be
constructed to resist the entry of dust.
A single technician shall be able to remove and replace for repair purposes,
without special tools and test equipment, all equipment involved in the
operation of an RTU. Restoration of equipment to full operational use shall
be possible within 15 minutes (nominally) of repairs being completed.
It should not be necessary to dismantle (remove multiple pieces of) the RTU
in order to replace a module.
g) Reliability
The equipment will normally remain in continuous service to provide SCADA
facilities. Failure can result in the interruption of the water supply to
Jhunjhunu city and a high level of reliability is therefore required.
The supplier shall provide the predicted meantime to failure and the
meantime to repair of the equipment. Where in sufficient historical data is
available, the supplier shall state the methods used to determine the
reliability performance.
Predicted availability of equipment supplied should exceed the following:
System Function System Availability
Control andmonitoring of any one control 99.99%
Monitoring of any one single alarm (High 99.99%
Monitoring of any one analogue input 99.99%
(Flow meter value)

For the purposes of thesecalculations:

the availability of any interconnecting communication equipment or

system supplied by othersshall beassumed tobe 100%

an assumption of an average 2 hours for maintenance personnel to

travel to site shall be made. Repair time shallbe added to this travel

h) Service life
The equipment shall be capable of complyingith this standard, including
performing its intended purpose, for a minimum of 20 years from the date
of supply.

The supplier shall indicate the following:

The date at which the product was released forsale.

The anticipated date at which the product will be withdrawn from

sale, but support will continue to be supplied.

The anticipated date that product support will be withdrawn, i.e.

spares will no longer be available and technical support is no longer

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i) Inter change ability

RTU parts shall be interchangeable individually, and as a whole RTU. Any
such change or replacement shall not reduce the capability of the
equipment to conform to the requirements of this specification.

j) RTU power supply

The power supply to run the RTU shall be the responsibility of the
contractor. However, at some locations, a general purpose 240V AC supply
will be available to power the RTU. At these sites, the RTU is required to
function for a period of at least 10 hours incase of AC supply failure. A
combination battery charger and battery shall be provided by the supplier
for this purpose. The RTU and its communication equipment are the only
equipment to be powered from this source at these locations.

The batteries provided by the supplier shall be 12V DC. Batteries shall be of
the sealed AGM (absorbed glassmat) or gel type lead acid, and shall be
supplied in a separate wall mounted cubicle, with venting to atmosphere of
approximately 10cm square.

The supplier is required to provide design calculations to demonstrate the

battery capacity to be supplied. The calculation of the required battery
capacity shall include a margin to ensure system integrity. This margin shall
include a design allowance of 20% minimum, a temperature correction and
an ageing factor for at least 4 years obtained from the
batterymanufacturer.The batteryshallbe suitableto berecharged fromits
design end-of-discharge voltage to full charge in 5 hours.

k) General
In all cases, galvanicisolation shall be provided on each power supply of the
RTU that connects to the power supply source. Power supply isolation shall
conform to applicable standards.

The RTU shall be microprocessor based. Once power is supplied to the unit,
it shall be designed to operate without manual intervention; additionally, it
shall auto restart and be able to communicate with the master station
without reporting spurious state changes on power resumption after a
power failure. Suitable, reliable indicators such as LEDs shall be provided for
personnel to readily ascertain the status of the RTU.

The processor shall monitor the health of the RTU with built in diagnostics,
which are capable of remote interrogation including diagnostics for memory
and bus errors, buffer overflows, local software routine health,
communication ports status, input / output card health. Diagnostics shall
also be supplied that shall permit complete testing of the RTU with a
portable computer. Diagnostic checking of the communication ports shall be
provided to permit checking by a portable computer.

Power supply and battery low volts or failure conditions shall be monitored.

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The RTU shall possess memory to permit storage of a minimum of 2000

events (input changes) locally for subsequent transmission to the SCADA
master station and these events shall notbe lost on buffer overflow; an
indication shall be provided of this latter condition. Events will be retained in
the buffer until they are correctly read by the master station. As a minimum,
separate buffers shall be provided for digital and analogue events.

To enable fault finding to occur, there shall be a separate event list to record
internal RTU events such as health, time synchronization and any internal
errors. This shall permit storage of upto 2000 events.

When memory is provided for the purposes of local control or

communications routines, spare capacity shall be provided equal to the
amount utilized.

The RTU shall have a real time clock, with are solution of 1m sec. It shall have
the capability of time stamping events. The RTU clock shall be synchronized
by the master station using DNP3 protocol every 5 minutes. In the advent
that this does not occur, the RTU clock shall drift no more than 1 second in
24 hours.

Within the RTU, events shall be reported to an accuracy of +/-1msec.

The RTU shall be capable of programming in a high level language to

implement local control and logic routines. It shall also be capable of being
programmed using at least two IEC1131-3 programming languages.

m) Communication ports
The minimumrequirement for communications is as follows:

The RTU shall be equipped and configured to communicate via dual

10BaseFL Ethernet ports,

RS-232 serial port


RS-232/RS-485 port

Isolation of all communications circuits shall conform to IEC60870.2.1 Table

18 Class VW3. Galvanicisolation shall be provided for any port that is not
based on a fibre interface.

The RTU must reply on whichever port it is scanned.

The SCADA Master Stations interface with the RTUs utilizing ISDN / GPRS

n) RTU Input / Output modules

This section relates to direct wired input / output equipment.

o) Digital inputs
Digital inputs shall comprise both active & passive types. Where passive

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inputs are nominated, the power shall originate at the input module. Active
inputs shall be powered from external equipment. Both the active and
passive inputs shall normally have identical voltageratings & types.

Digital input signals shall conform to applicable standards and

galvanicisolation shall be provided.

Each input shall be provided with individual anti-bounce signal conditioning

and noise filtering such that a value can be varied to adjust the sensitivity of
the input from 0- 30ms. This ensures compatibility with older equipment
with contacts that do not make solid contact initially.

Each input shall be able to detect a minimum change, from High to Low or
Low to High, of 4ms. The threshold voltage shall be set such that an input
will not change from Low to High unless the input voltage is atleast 35% of
the nominal battery voltage and it will not change from High to Low unless
the input voltage is less than 65% of the nominal battery voltage.

Each group of inputs shall be protected by fuses (or equivalent). Fuse

monitoring in groups shall be provided to detect whether fuses have failed,
and alert the master station operator of this occurrence.

p) Digital outputs
Digital outputs shall comprise voltage free contacts rated for switching.
Relays shall conform to IEC 60255-3 (formerly IEC 255-4).

Loads shall be typically:

240V AC 2 Amps

24V DC 1 Amp

Appropriate relays shall be selected for the specific type of load. The
minimum contact whetting current shall be specified for the relays selected.

Digital output signals shall conform to applicable standards, and

galvanicisolation shall be provided.

The preference is to use voltage free contacts for the digital outputs. This
applies to all controls which therefore require 2 wires in the field cabling for
each control.

q) Analogue inputs
Analogue input signals will conform to applicable standards, and
galvanicisolation shall be provided.

Analogue inputs shall be bipolar, but normally configured to accept 4-20mA

DC or 20mA DC or 10mA DC or 2V DC using full resolution.

Each input shall be provided with individual software filtering.

The resistors used to convert the current loop to a voltage shall be precision
resistors. The overall minimum accuracy of analogue measurement shall be

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0.25% over the full scale and full temperature range. This includes resistors,
ADC and software accuracy.

r) Diagnostic and configuration utilities

The RTU shall be supplied with a port that provides connection for a laptop

The supplier is required to provide diagnostic and configuration software to

run in these laptops and access the RTU. This software shall include facilities

Monitoring of all inputs, control of all outputs and testing of

calculation logic.

Monitoring of all inputs and logic at card level, logic level and DNP 3

Display of communications statistics and eaves dropping of

communications channels, including Ethernet, IP, DNP3, Modbus
and Conitel / Baker.

Download & upload of RTU software, database configuration and

calculations, upload the complete configuration from RTU to modify
and then download to RTU.

On-line help.

Display current firmware, software and configuration running in the


Configurationand diagnostic software must runon both Windows

2000, XP, Windows 7 and 8.

The diagnostic and configuration utility software shall be provided on a

CD/DVD that is compatible with the laptop PC. The current version number
of such software shall be provided. Any costs in upgrading to subsequent
version numbers shall be included in the pricing.

s) RTU cubicle
Each RTU shall be supplied fully assembled, together with all ancillary
equipment, including wiring terminals, mounting rails, wiring ducts & wiring,
to form a complete system, subject only to connection of substation
equipment to field terminals.

t) RTU marshalling cubicle

The RTU marshalling cubicle shall incorporate cable-marshalling terminals
for all incoming field cables. Terminals shall normally be rail mounted

Terminals shall be provided for each core of all field cables. The individual
cores of a field cable will be terminated in a row of adjacent terminals.

Adequate means of support for field cables shall be provided. This will

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typically be a section of cable ladder / tray / ducting to which the field cables
can be tied for support. Normal field cable access shall be bottom entry into
the marshalling cubicle.

Space shall be allocated between sections of terminals allocated to different

cables to provide adequate space for labelling a minimum label width of 9
mm shall be provided.

Wiring looms shall be provided between each RTU I / O module in the RTU
cubicle and the terminals in the RTU marshalling cubicle.

Where ductingis provided for locating cables, the duct size shall be large
enough to hold all the cable spermitting the duct lid to be fitted when cables
are installed.

The design of the marshalling cubicle layout shall be to Engineersapproval.

u) Factory testing
The RTU shall be supplied defect free.

An Inspection & Test Plan shall be submitted for approval, prior to the
commencement of any tests.

Factory testing of each RTU shall be conducted at the manufacturers

premises. Provision shall be made for witness testing of all equipment.

Each RTUshall be fully assembled and configuredfor factory testing, prior to


Tests shall include, but not be limited to:

Point to point wiring check

Serial numbers of all cards and modules shall be listed in an Excel


Confirmationof all digital inputs & outputs,from the field terminal

through to the diagnostic laptop

Verification of analogue values received (at least zero, half full scale,
full scale values and negative full scale values for bipolar analogues)
using a DC current or voltage signal generator measured from the
field terminals to the diagnostic laptop

Confirmation of control functions from the diagnostic laptop to the

field terminals, including exercising the dummy circuit breaker, and
the controls isolate switch

Confirmation of effective communications between the RTU

andother devices using the specified protocols

All powered testsshall be carried out atthe specified power supply

rating of the RTU Test results for each RTU showing tests
undertaken, results and any corrective action taken shall be

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provided in an approved format.

Documentation associated with the RTU equipment

Documentation comprises the suppliers standard manuals and customized

drawings for each RTU.

v) Manuals
The Supplier shall supply descriptive manuals for design, configuration,
installation, commissioning and maintenance purposes.

w) Drawings
It is preferred that drawings of input / output circuits be provided be in
proforma form, such that they may be easily understood by field staff
from a master set, rather than having multiple sets of drawings. Separate
spreadsheets may be provided to contain additional information.

Drawings as follows shall be submitted for the approval, for each RTU:

Inspection & Test Plans

Cubicle or gear plate General Arrangements showing RTU layout

Dimensioned cubicle and / or gear plate drawings

Bill of Material for each cubicle / gear plate set identifying all parts

Power Distribution Schematic Diagrams for each RTU

Schematic Diagrams for Inputs and Outputs for each RTU (preferably
using pro forma principles)

Calculations for RTU and I/O power consumption: An Excel

spreadsheet shall be provided that calculates the maximum power
consumption of the RTU. Inputs shall be the numbers and types of
I/O and communications cards. The calculations shall compute the
power at the primary voltage level into the RTU allowing for any
power conversion efficiencies.

x) Spareparts
A set of recommended spare parts not less than 10% of installed quantity
shall be detailed and supplied for each RTU. The set shall be sufficient to
cover the complete range of RTUs supplied.

All spare parts shall be fully tested.


6.6.1 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (Scada)

The SCADA shall be a fully integrated microprocessor based control and data

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acquisition system to monitor, control, display, record and trend all assigned plant
inputs and outputs. The SCADA shall be a fully dual redundant server micro
processor based computer system such that reliable and automatic plant control can
be achieved. The main process monitoring and control shall be by means of VDU
(monitor) based process operator workstations that shall be located in the central
control room.

SCADA/HMI system shall be Dual Redundant server system. The system shall be
designed and implemented such that the failure of a central processor or HMI
console does not inhibit continuous automatic control of the plant. In the event of
such a failure, historical data shall be recoverable to a condition where a worst- case
maximum of 15 minutes of historical data is lost.

Failure of a single outstation or communications to that outstation shall not affect

control or operation of any other outstation, unless the failed outstation provides
essential data to another outstation, in which case the non-failed outstations shall
revert to a fail-safe mode.

An alarm shall be generated whenever a communications system failure occurs. Hardware

The system shall support hardware and software interconnectivity

to other networks generally in accordance with the ISO Open
System Interconnect 7 layer reference model. Computer

1. The computer hardware shall be of current technology at

the time of installation, Standard PC technology with modern
hardware, Windows operating system and data transmission over
Industrial Ethernet must be used for the engineering workstations.

It must be possible to install more than one engineering station

in a system.

The engineering system must be an open system that, for

example, permits the importing of project data from Microsoft
Excel or from CAD /CAE programs. It must be possible to import
/ export messages to / from Excel and Access for simple

Removable memory media must also be provided for each


It must be possible to back up all database and configuration

data both on removable media and on non-removable storage
media without the system being offline.

Provision of redundant storage media must be possible for the

configuration database.

The computer shall, as a minimum comprise of a personal

computer (PC) type architecture, with IBM compatible Pentium

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IV based system or better, capable of running a multi-tasking

real time operating system suitable for process control
applications: The specs for computer hardware shown are
indicative only. The contractor to select the appropriate
hardware to suit the process requirements and data archiving.

a. Minimum clock speed shall be 2 GHz

b. Hard disk drive: 500GB (Minimum)

2. All workstations, servers, communications equipment and

peripherals shall be from reputed manufacturers, suitable for
continuous operation and shall be the most currently available
models at the time of construction, subject to approval. Adequate
spare capacity shall be included to meet the specified
requirements and future expansions.

3. Data Storage

A historical data storage system with removable media for

archive and backup will be provided.

The data storage system shall store alarms and events, with the
time of occurrence for one month and selected analogue signals
connected to the system. All alarms and events shall be archived
in a first in first out buffer, for a period of 40 days.

A high speed back up device with removable media, such as

streaming tape cartridge or optical disk, shall be provided for each
,suitable for backing up the whole system on a weekly basis. Data
selected for archive shall be written to removable media which
shall be sized to support at least 40 days worth of archive data.

External portable hard disk alongwith at least one DVD

write/rewrite/read with R and -R capacity in addition to the
historical data storage device in the Engineering Station should be

4. Visual Display Unit (VDU)/Monitors

1. Visual Display Units (VDUs) shall be colour monitor screens,

capable of displaying information in alphanumeric, bar histogram,
graphical and mimic diagram formats. Monitors shall
simultaneously display a minimum of 256 colours, non-interlaced,
low radiation, flat screen with no discernible flicker. Display of
characters shall be legible and stable on a shadow mask tube,
having a resolution of not less than 1024 by 768 pixels and a
refresh rate of not less than 70 Hz. The units shall include all the
necessary picture controls to adjust the sharpness, contrast and
position of the image. VDUs shall be flat screen, LED type,
minimum requirements: brightness 250 cd/m2, 500:1 contrast
ratio, 1600 x 1200 pixels,

2. VDUs for SCCs shall be 32 inch.

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3. VDUs for MCC shall be 60 inch. (Minimum)

4. VDUs shall be fitted with a power management system to

reduce consumption upon detection of a stand-by signal from the

5. Printers

Logging / Alarm / Report Printers Continuous Feed:

1. Printers used for logging of system wide events and alarms

shall comply with the following:-

a. print speed : 160 characters per second

b. print quality: letter print with optional draft mode

c. paper feed: adjustable width tractor feed


d. paper width: 18 to 38 cm fan fold

e. print pitch : 10 or 12 cpi

f. print width: 132 characters at 10 cpi

g. character set: Full ASCII

h. noise level: 50 dBA.

6. Colour Printers

Laser Jet printers shall be used for the production of colour screen
dumps and reports and shall have a sufficiently sized buffer
memory such that system performance will not be degraded when
the colour printer is operational and comply with the following:

a. print speed : text, 80 characters per second

b. print speed : colour graphics, 2 minutes per full page


c. colours: compatible with VDU graphics

d. paper feed :
A3andA4withautosheetfeedermechanismand minimum
50 sheets per tray

e. paper width: A4/A3

f. resolution: 600 DPI g.RAM : min. 8 MB

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6.6.2 System Overview

The SCADA/HMI system shall follow the International Standards Organization (ISO),
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI), reference model guidelines. All central system
hardware and software devices shall be interconnected using a bus topology data
highway. The communications protocol used shall generally meet the requirements
of the ISO.

The system shall provide efficient and safe operation of the process plant by
detecting alarm and error conditions, alerting the operator to these conditions both
visually and audibly, monitoring all important system parameters and providing
facilities for plant optimization. The system will allow operators, technicians and
engineers to issue commands to change system parameters, start and stop
equipment, provide configuration tools and operate diagnostic facilities from
Operator Workstations (OW) and Engineers Terminal (ET), after successful log-on by
security password.

The System shall perform all the necessary functions for the optimum monitoring,
control and operation of the entire system.

For each abnormal condition, Plant failure, Plant unavailable or failure to respond to
a command within a given period, the MMI shall provide the appropriate alarm.
Printed and archived alarms shall be time and date stamped for occurrence and
acceptance. Alarms, logs and reports shall be output to separate printers. Alarms
shall be in red. The ability to generate alarms within the system software based
upon digital and / or analogue events and set points shall be provided.

An alarm horn with silence button shall be provided to alert the operator of an
alarm condition.

Specific alarm, monitoring and control input / output requirements shall be

determined from the particular control specifications and the Project Drawings.

SCADA/HMI system should be housed in an air-conditioned environment.



1. The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying complete software

packages to enable the equipment to operate as stated in this specification.
Provision must be made for the adding of further software tasks as and when
required. All software functions shall be user friendly, with instruction and messages
to aid the operator. The Contractor shall make available all standard software
functions, even if not specifically detailed in the specification.

2. The computers shall utilise a real time multi-tasking and networked

operating system with a proven track record in real time control applications.

3. The Operating System shall be Windows XP, loaded with MS-Office latest
licensed version suitable for interconnection with external networks in a Wide Area
Network (WAN) configuration, where specified.

4. The Application Software shall provide communication with other industrial

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standard open networks. The Software shall support Object Linked Embedding for
Process Control (OPC). External interfaces are not allowed for OPC.

5. The System shall support fully distributed 64 bit Client / Server architecture.

6. The System shall include Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as a built-in
programming language. Facility shall be available for building custom objects using

7. Object oriented graphics and tools to easily build reusable control strategies.

8. ODBC Application Program Interface (API) capable of collecting and writing

secure real-time electronic records to one or more relational database.

9. The SCADA software & Hardware shall support OPC standards as both a
client and a server for fast and reliable communications with a wide variety of
hardware devices.

10. Provide Active-X controls with selection of third-party Active-X controls for
ready- made solutions without VBA programming.

11. The SCADA software shall use SQL server as the integral database.

12. A standard software package, such as Crystal Report shall be provided to

facilitate generation of free format, intuitive and presentation quality reports.

13. The Engineering Workstation shall be provided with simulation tools to

support off-line testing of the control logics.

14. The Server shall provide the master clock for the SCADA time

15. The system software shall be from the SCADA equipment manufacturer.
Third party software is not acceptable.

16. It is a requirement that the system be supported by on line configuration

and editing of all VDU mimic displays and database and to create new displays and
additional database.

17. Operational mimics and other graphics shall be presented in an industry

standard graphical user interface (GUI) format. A minimum of three active windows
shallbe displayable concurrently. Both text and graphics shall resize automatically to
accommodate changes made to the size of a window. The system shall be designed
to minimise the operators use of the keyboard.All major functionsshall be accessible
on-screen through use of the mouse or track ball.

18. Operator system entry, for each area will be password coded with different
levels of entry depending on the level of authority of the operator. Development
and systems level entry passwords will be provided for engineering
workstations.Each action taken by any operator at any level of entry, or at any
operator terminal, shall be log file recorded and time and date stamped. Log in and
out time and dates will be printed on the control room event logging printer.

19. VDU mimics will display dynamic colour details of flow rates and pressures,

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pump status, well levels, alarms, electrical power supplies and other general
equipment status conditions. All requests and commands shall be via icons, whether
menu linked or linked to equipment control actions. A permanent dynamic alarm
banner shall be displayed at the bottom or top of each operator screen. Each control
action will be routed through a series of confirmation routines. The reports shall be
available for printing in graph or tabular format. Dynamic trend displays shall also be
available for all analogue flow, level and pressure values. Custom, as well as
preconfigured reports and trends shall be available to a higher level of entry. A
colour, A4/A3 size, screen dump printer shall be provided for graph and trend prints.

20. An operator help utility shall be provided, offering help linked to the
particular action being carried out by the operator at that time. At least one help
screen per screen page shall be available. This facility shall be preconfigured with an
option for updating by operators, via a password entry.

21. The Application Server software shall be configurable to provide for the
monitoring and control of all points, loops, and systems through graphic display
screens and hard copy reports. These shall include:

Parameter Displays for signal control Control Loop Status Displays

Real Time and Historical Data Trend Displays Event Displays and Log Reports

Alarm Displays and Log Reports

Equipment Diagnostic Displays and Reports.

22. The system shall provide on-line diagnostics that display the current status
and operation of the local area network and its nodes. The diagnostic display shall
include the LAN adapter status for the machine showing the display, as well as the
current number of messages, errors and retries.

23. The system shall conform to and take advantage of industry standards.
These shall include, but not be limited to:





DDE and Advance DDE

C programming language

Visual Basic

Microsoft Windows XP or the most current Operating System



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24. It must be possible to integrate standard Windows applications such as

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access by means of the standard
mechanisms OLE/ActiveX, ODBC/SQL. Any user programs (e.g.individual data
management, analysis, process optimization) must work together with the control
system via the integrated C programming interface and then utilize both the control
system data and the control system functions.

25. The control system must be OPC-compatible in order to allow cross-vendor

communication. The different OPC standards (DA, HDA and A&E) must be taken into
consideration here. Current process data regarding this should be made available to
other computers and applications. In this way, any computer that is connected to
the network should be able to access all of the control system's data. The use of a
standard database (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) isrequired to store (write-
protected) all of the list-oriented configuration data such as lists of variables and
message texts as well as current process data such as messages, measured values
and user data sets in order to be able to access the database via the opened
programming interfaces C-API or OLE-DB. Work steps in the engineering phase
should be automated and the configuration environment should be individually
expandable through the integration of the standard tool Visual Basic for Applications
(this simplifies the generation of mass data).

26. It is critical that the control system should offer the capability of
homogeneously integrating other applications and application blocks into the user
interface for process operation. Both the application windows and the OLE Custom
Controls (32 bit OCX objects) or ActiveX Controls can be integrated into the control
system application as if they were the control system's own objects. It should be
possible to use the ANSI-C script language and Visual Basic Scripting for dynamizing
graphical objects.

Display Facilities

The displays shall be user configurable, with the user being able to construct any
desired symbol for display. Any display shall appear (excluding historical recall)
within 1 seconds to 3 seconds of selection and the displayed data shall be updated
from the database .Alarms shall typically appear within 3 seconds to 5 seconds of
occurrence and within 1 second of being received into the central system database.

The Contractor shall configure all display pages as fully as possible. However, facility
must be incorporated to permit easy construction and modification of the display
pages, by using a standard library of shapes and symbols. The library shall be
added to and modified by the user as required. The configuration shallbe object
orientated for ease of use.

The initial application software shall provide for the display pages listed belowand
any pages necessary for the system to function as a complete entity.

Mimic displays.

Graphic displays.

Trend displays.

Alarm summary tables with date and time.

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Event logs of past 72 hours with date and time.

Tabular display of data.

Inset windows showing analogue trends may be mixed with mimic displays. In such a
display the main mimic and inset trend shall all be live with automatic display

Indexing of information and menus shall be presented in the form of active windows
on the screen, while the mimics etc. are still available for view.

No display or function shall effect the logging/monitoring of data. It shall be possible

for the master station terminal and auxiliary terminals to perform simultaneously,
different tasks within the display.

Multi-level real-time auditing, advising of energy optimization processand

diagnosis of Plant process performance Software (Operational Data Management

SCADA shall support and include a multi-level real-time auditing and advising of
energy optimization process and Real-time process performance software. The key
benefits of a performance auditing system would be a more efficient plant,
improved reliability & safety, and increased profitability.

Objective of the software in conjunction with SCADA:

Real-time process optimization resulting in energy savings /Cost savings

Reduce Downtime Due to Unnecessary Process Shutdowns

Reduce Process Information Overload on Operators & Engineers

Maintain Better Quality Control of the Desired Process & Products

Capture and Retain Process Knowledge Spread Across Plant Personnel The
optimization software shall support the following features on a minimum:

1. The real time process optimization software in conjunction with SCADA

should comprise of a single source means for complete, multi-level real-time
auditing and diagnosis of Plant process performance.

2. It should continuously audit plant operation to identify areas and assets

(instrumentation, control loops, equipment, unit operations, etc.) that are not
performing properly.

3. Process Sensor Data Validation and Reconciliation

The software in conjunction with SCADA should use method of minimal evidence
diagnostic logic to validate process sensors and audit unit operations

4. Single & Multiple Fault Analysis

The optimization software in conjunction with SCADA should use method of minimal
evidence diagnostic logic to identify either single or multiple process sensor and unit

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operation problems or abnormal process conditions

5. Statistical Process Control Capability

The optimization software in conjunction with SCADA should incorporate SPC

functionality (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average.-EWMA) with alert
capabilities for either continuous or batch processes and for performance equations

6. The optimization software in conjunction with SCADA should also provide

timely information for improved reliability, process optimization, product quality
improvement, cost reduction and critical business (financial, operations, etc.)
process reporting & evaluation

7. All screens (advisory, reports, and charts) should be auto-generating from

the point list to be audited. This will eliminate any additional interface programming
costs during initial setup and continued maintenance of the system.

8. The optimization software in conjunction with SCADA should be designed in

such a way to reduce cost, time, and resource commitment required to install and
maintain these applications, allowing for a quick return on investment.

9. It should be compatible with Industry standard technology (XLM, OPC) to

take thedata from the plant/process to the desktop, making it available for use by
ERP, PLM, PAM and other applications

10. It should also provide redundant soft sensors that could be used via manual
set point control if for any reason the actual meters are reading incorrectly.

11. The optimization software in conjunction with SCADA software should

operate either as a standalone system or run as a web service with advice and
information screens as web clients capable ofmessaging to pagers, cell phones,
etc.The flexibility should allow it to be directly incorporated into most common
distributed control systems and ERP systems.

12. It should also be self-documenting. The entire configured process should be

able to be cross referenced in an HTML report.

13. It should also be web-based. It also needs to be secured using standard NT

security to make remote access to data and information both easy and secure.

14. The optimization software should take tools that are normally used offline
by these groups, such as Excel, SQL, crystal reports and incorporates them into a
comprehensive online auditing and advisory suite. These tools include advising,
charting, executive summaries, reporting, key performance indicators, and soft

Monitoring and Alarms

1. The operator shall be able to monitor all of the information at the

workstation. Heshall be able to view active equipment information on a series of
VDU based graphical and tabular displays.

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2. In the event of an equipment alarm, the following shall occur at the master

a. Alarm message displayed in the alarm message area of the screen.

b. The audible alarm shall sound.

c. The appropriateSection ofthe display page shall change colourand flash.

d. A full message shall be written on the alarm page.

e. The full alarm message shall be printed on the alarm printer.

f. The full alarm message shall be recorded, stored on disk and automatically

3. The operator should be able to acknowledge the alarm by pressing an

accept alarm key or icon. This action shall stop flashing of all associated alarm
messages and displays. However the display shall remain in the alarm state fixed
colour to indicate an accepted alarm. When all outstanding alarms have been
acknowledged the audiblealarm shall be silenced.

4. Once the alarm has cleared, the messages and displays shall return to
normal. The alarm message shall stay recorded on the event/alarm log and an alarm
cleared message shall also be recorded.

5. If the alarm clears before being acknowledged the sequence of events shall
continue as above except the message shall change to indicate a cleared alarm.

6. An audible alarm silence function shall be provided to enable an operator to

silence the audible alarm without acknowledging all alarms. On occurrence of any
subsequent alarm, the audible alarm shall sound.

7. Each signal within the configured system shall be capable of being assigned
an alarm based on the following:

a. Four levels per analogue (Lo Lo, Hi Hi, Lo and Hi).

b. Rate of change.

c. Deviation from set point or other control parameter.

8. Alarms shall be time tagged to 1 second resolution at the I/Os.

9. A minimum of four alarm priorities shall be provided so that those requiring

immediate attention may be separated from alarms of lower priority. An audible
alarm shall soundfor alarms requiring operator action.

10. Typical alarm assignments are as follows:

a. Critical alarm an alarm that requires immediate operator action

b. Non critical alarm an alarm that requires operatoraction but not

necessarily immediate action

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c. Operator guide alarm an alarm that provides information to the operator

d. Event a low priority condition which is recorded.

Data Archiving

The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database system must be provided for managing
the archives and the system parameters. In addition to the required scope of
performance of the databases, the capability for modifying or creating new
applications must be considered by the customer in the licenses offered. The
selected database system and the tools needed by the contractor within the scope
of the database application must be named in the bid.

Continuous process (analogue) data, digital event states, alarms and operator
actions shall be archived to a removable media system. The archive media shall be
sized to store logged analogue data, at a maximum sample rate of 15 minutes for a
period of 15 months. Data recording shall be on dual media. The archive system shall
generate an alarm when a file is 75% full.

Analogues will be stored at a rate selected by the operator in the range 1 second to
1 hour. The operator shall have the facility to select the way in which an analogue is
stored.The system will provide any combination of the following:

a. Instantaneous value.

b. Average value.

c. Maximum value.

d. Minimum value.

e. Not stored.

Maximum, minimum and average values shall be calculated over a period set by the
operator in the range 15 minutes to 24 hours, the default shall be 1 hour.

The logging of new data and reception of alarms must be carried out at the same
time as the operator is viewing archived data. Any alarms received must be
displayed as an overlay on the visual display unit.

Mimic Displays (Mimics)

The Contractor shall configure all the mimics to provide total detailed coverage of
the monitoring and control of equipment as detailed in this specification. It is
expected that display modifications will be required in the future and therefore the
ability to change the displays without programming skills is essential.

Instrumentation shall be displayed using ISO standard symbols. For mimic

configuration, it shall be possible to call up a library of standard symbols
representing items (e.g. pumps, valves) and add new symbols to the library. Building
mimics shall be simple and be achieved by using a mouse or tracker ball pointing
device. The mimic displays shall consist of the following pages:

a. A general diagram covering the whole of the system on a single screen with

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key data

b. A general block diagram for each site or area of Site showing the equipment
displayed on a series of single screens with key data

c. Mimic of the equipment and instrumentation connected to each IO module

displayed on as many screens as necessary.

Trend Displays

Archived values (instantaneous values or compressed values) can be displayed as

curves and in tables on the screen and in reports. The colors and pattern indicate,
for example, overshot limits, substitute values, faults and time jumps. Like the
message window, the curve window also has a toolbar for curve controls. A quick
help explains the meaning of the individual icons. Individually designed keys can also
be configured and saved with the associated operating functions.

For authorized operators, it is also possible to change the parameterization online,

i.e. to change the colors of the curves or to regroup the groups.

Access to the archives is supported by targeted, direct selection of measuring point

groups, measuring points and individual measured values. The selection can be
made via names or time windows. The values of an display section can be focusedon
in detail using the reading line and zoom function. The scaling of the time axis and
value axis is adjusted accordingly and the curve values for the display are
interpolated. For a curve window, a shared or separate axis can be configured for
each curve with a different value range. Limit violations should be identified by a
configurable color change when displayed in the curve window.

Horizontal and vertical "recording directions" of the curves can be set by the
configurable direction of the curve display, which makes a recording function
possible. Compared to the normal curve display, the x axis and y axis are
interchanged by means of the recording function. The y axis is used as time axis.
With the recorder function, you can also determine whether the current time is
counted down on the upper or lower edge of the curve window. If several curves are
displayed at the same time, the control system should also offer the facility for
staggering the curves. This setting displays the curves that are to be displayed in a
curve window one above the other. For each trend, a value range that is to be
displayed can be set for the Y axis.

It shall be possible to plot dynamically updated real time data and archived data on a
line graph, to represent analogue or digital information. Each graph shall be capable
of displaying 8 plots overlaid on a graph of different colours and line texture. Next to
the graph, there shall be a key relating each colour to itsfunction. The horizontal axis
shall be time based and user selectable in minutes, hours, days, weeks, for example,
together with a start time.

The vertical axis shall be scaled as a percentage of range and be displayed in the
colour of the selected reading. To avoid cluttering, the vertical axis scale shall be
changed by selecting the individual display. The vertical axis shall be automatically
scaled for each selected point, between limits entered by the user. Actual values in
engineering units shall be displayed by positioning a cursor atthe desired point of
the trend graph.

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The display of the data shall also be available in tabular form.

All digital and analog parameters of the WTP should be programmed and available
for trending.

Manual Data Entry

1. The system shall be provided with facility for entering data manually via the
keyboard. This data will fall into two types:

a. Constants which will be changed infrequently. This data may have time and
date associated with it.

b. Maintenance related comments.

Manually Corrected Data

The system shall allow a person with authorized access to correct manually,
erroneous data via the keyboard.


There shall be a real time spreadsheet facility supplied and installed by the
Contractor in the master station. The users shall be able to transfer data from either
the archive system or live data to the spreadsheet. The user shall be able to produce
daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports using any data and a mixture of formats
(tables, graphs, summaries, spreadsheets). It shallbepossible to generate reports,
either automatically at predetermined intervals, or manually on demand by the
Operator. Typical reports on a minimum would be:

a. Flow rates and total.

b. Failures of equipment.

c. Analytical instrumentation parameters, Electrical parameters

d. Tank levels.

e. Discharge pressures.

f. Maintenance schedules.

g. Process alarm conditions.

h. Chlorination equipment status etc....


From an average, typical or manually entered plot, it shall be possible to set an

exception profile whereby readings within an upper and lower level are acceptable.
Profiles shall be set graphically via OW. The user may select for the system to alarm
if the reading is outside the profile and highlight such exceptions as part of a report,
thereby reducing the need to examine all data, to ensure acceptability. The number
of exceptions shall be logged.

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Data Manipulation

It shall be possible to perform simple mathematical functions on any data, including

the following functions:

a. Addition

b. Subtraction

c. Multiplication

d. Division

e. Square root

It shall be possible to log, display or use in a control loop, the resultant data.

Database Query Facilities

The system shall support the use of database relationships and wild card characters
to provide database query facilities. It shall be possible for applications integration
to configure queries easily and save them for future use. Support of Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE) or Structured Query Language (SQL), to permit data exchange
between the DCS and external applications, including spread sheets and databases.

Data shall be presented in tabular format and contain any combination of fields from
the main system database. It shall be possible to manipulate the data by specifying
search and sort criteria to define data range limits. Once a query table has been
created, it shall be possible to store the configuration and initiate successive look-
ups, using a point and shoot technique.

Downloading IO Configuration

It shall be possible to download configuration to the IOs from the Engineers

terminal and the Portable Programming Unit (Laptop)


The system shall have on-line diagnostic facilities to report system faults as they
occur. A set of off-line diagnostic routines shall be supplied for more extensive fault

Security Access Levels

The functions available on the system shall be fully flexible so as to allow users
access levels to be customized by the system operator, to suit individual user

Access to management and engineering levels shall be restricted by user selectable

passwords or software key switch. The security systems shall be based on a set of
privileges, which may be granted or denied to individual uses by the system

The security/access levels would be divided between engineers, supervisors and

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The system shall be protected from un-authorized changes to the operating system
and application programs.

The system shall prevent un-authorized users from re-booting the system or
aborting or suspending system-related programs.

The system shall provide three levels of operator access to the system as a
minimum, with the first level permitting access to viewing selected plantconditions
as described below and the highest level intended for the system manager.

A mechanism shall be provided which prevents users operating at a lower level from
accessing functions assigned to a higher level.

The system shall provide a password-protected, user log-on facility for definition of
the user access level. It shall be possible to define a minimum of eight privilege

Passwords entered during the log-on process shall not be printed or displayed.

The software shall monitor the actions of the user currently logged on at each node
and shall log the current user off after a definable extended period of no operator
interaction with the system and produce a printed log-off message.

Logging off of the user shall not shut down the system.

CTRL-ALT-DELETE function of the windows operating system should be disabled to

prevent un-authorized use of the system.

System-generated log messages relating to operator actions, such as alarm

acknowledgements or set-point changes, shall include the identification of the
current logged-on user.

The Contractor shall provide the following defined user access levels as a minimum
and additional levels as instructed by the Engineer:

Default level

The default level shall permit users to view all displays except those specifically
assigned to a higher level of access.

Operator level

The operator level shall permit authorized users to access default level activities in
addition to the following:

(a) Perform control actions;

(b) Acknowledge alarms;

(c) Enter or modify manually entered data for inclusion into reports.

System manager level

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The system manager level shall permit authorized users to access default level and
operator level activities in addition to the following:

(a) Modify alarm and control set points, dead bands and time delays;

(b) Enter or modify historical data;

(c) Add, delete or modify individual I/O points or point attributes;

(d) Add, delete or modify field device configurations;

(e) Create, delete or modify control algorithms;

(f) Create, delete or modify graphic displays;

(g) Create, delete or modify system reports;
(h) Configure trend displays;
(j) Access the operating system;
(k) Assign access levels and user passwords;
(l) Perform any other system maintenance function
The method of programming will depend upon the Manufacturers system
requirements.However, the following standards shall be followed:
a. All programs shall be written such that they lend themselves easily to
alterations and additions.
b. Good programming practice shall be followed using structured programming
techniques. All programs shall be tidy in format and logical to follow. Programs
should be extensively annotated with comments and be self-documenting.
c. The system shall be supplied with programs that use a high level language
for the OW.
Multilingual Configuration Environment
A software version of the PLC system and HMI must support at a minimum the
language, English. The user must be able to change back and forth between the
different languages supported in the configuration environment and operator
production mode without having to retranslate his application for this.
Program Documentation:
As part of the requirements of this specification full documentation is required as
a. Software user manuals
b. Database point allocation table
c. Complete program listing, flow charts for all sequences and control routines
d. Application software source code
e. End user license agreements.


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LCD Screen

A minimum 60 LED screen with necessary CPU shall provide an elementary full
colour pictorial flow diagram display of the water supply scheme and treatment
plant including points at which chemicals are injected. The mimic shall also include
displays of process values e.g. reservoir levels, process flows, water quality etc.
Mounting of LED mimic panel shall be as approved by employers representative.

The operator interface shall provide facilities to:

display status of devices associated with the process area concerned (i.e.
running, stopped, fault etc.);

display analogue values associated with that area of the plant;

annunciate alarms associated with the area of the plant concerned;

provide facilities for the operator to:

silence the alarm (the alarm shall automatically silence after one minute
(manually adjustable) if not manually silenced);

acknowledge alarms

select the duty drive of duty / standby drive pairs;

adjust process set points;

prompt process actions (i.e. the backwash of a particular filter)

Control Room Furniture (System Console)

In addition to the SCADA/MMI system equipment, the Contractor shall provide

furniture (system consoles) to complement or match both the colour and styling of
the equipment. Control room furniture shall comply with relevant IEC standards for
ergonomic design. System console shall be so designed to house all servers,
workstations. Monitors, interface equipment with cables having back entry.Details
and design of system consoles shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

Typically, The Contractor shall provide two fabric-covered upholstered swivel- type
adjustable arm chairs with casters, a rigid and lockable steel cupboard for the
storage of operating and maintenance manuals, drawings, logger paper, charts, disks
and the like.

The visual display unit consoles or VDU desk shall incorporate at least one drawer
unit with drawers for operators use and for standard files.

Tests on local SCADA System

The following tests for various items of local SCADA system including power supply
system shall be carried out as a part of FAT in addition to other tests indicated by
Contractor in FAT document.


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All cubicles shall be energized and the power supplies tested on the panel and
internal lighting arrangements examined.

The boards shall be examined to check that there are no Status Error LEDs lit.

The peripherals like printers etc. shall be energized and proper operation of
peripheral checked by self tests on equipments which have the facilities and others
like VDUs, by connecting them to the system.

The system I/O shall be simulated and checked upto SCADA system database.

By varying the different inputs at random and checking to ensure that right status
reporting is done on the SCADA system, the healthiness of all channels shall be
checked with rated load connected.

Displays : The following shall be functionally checked

Mimic display: Symbols, colors, for correct/ approved format etc.

Control Operations: Simulated command operations from SCADA without any


Status changes: Representation of open/close facility and mode of operation

Variables: Engineering units, updating representation

Events and alarms: Generating of alarms, events by verifying inputs at random, color
code, formatting, and printing

Trend: proper selection, presentation under different time scales and printing

Reports: Reports shall be checked for correct/ approved format, logging intervals,
printing intervals, data accuracy etc.

Response Time Checking:

System response time shall be tested after simulating the full I/O and Man machine
interface system.

Time taken from object status change to the presentation of object status on the

Time taken to generate and display single alarm and multiple alarms (upto 50 ) from
the time of alarm condition.

Time taken to display a complex picture with all variables from the time of calling
the display.

The accuracy of alarms on VDU and printer.

Time stamping accuracy between SCADA and PLC times.

Other Tests on local SCADA

Fail safe operation of local SCADA system during total (including battery) backed
power failure and restoration.

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Fail-safe operation during on-line connection and removal of hand held maintenance
unit, if any.

Check of detecting and reporting of failure of subsystem connected to thenetwork

on VDU status display.

Check of error free data transfer on Communication system along with

modems/communication interfaces.

Check of hard copy unit functions by printing of process pictures.

Check of maintenance, backup (logic/programs, IO database, historical database,

system configuration etc.) functions by connecting them to the system.



Control Panel shall be CNC machine prefabricated out of CRCA sheet steel of
thickness not less than 2 mm, modular in construction, properly reinforced, powder
coated and having rigid frame structure. Internal mounting plate including the gland
plate shall be 3 mm thick. The control panel shall have dimensions as per system
requirement. However, the control panel height shall not exceed 2200 mm.

The exterior corners and edges shall be rounded to give a smooth overall
appearance with projections kept to a minimum.

Lifting lugs shall be provided for installation purposes and shall be replaced with
corrosion resistant bolts after installation.

Control Panel shall be completely metal enclosed and shall be dust, moisture and
vermin proof. Control Panels and instrument enclosures shall provide a degree of
protection as follows:

Indoor Installation : IP 52

Outdoor Installation : IP 65

Control Panel shall be free standing type. There shall be sufficient reinforcement to
provide level surfaces, resistance to vibrations and rigidity during transportation and

Metal sills in the form of metal channels properly drilled shall be furnished along
with anchor bolts and necessary hardware for mounting the control panels. These
shall be dispatched in advance so that they may be installed and leveled when
concrete foundations are poured.

Cable entries to the panels shall be from the bottom with fire retardant spray
compound sealing. Control panels shall be provided with louvers along with
washable micron filters AIRIN AIROUT fans. The control panels shall be designed
for front as well as rear access.

The CP shall provide separate areas for the PLC, internal power distribution,
instrumentation, field cabling termination and for Surge protection devices (SPDs).

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All equipment on front of panel shall be mounted flush or semi-flush. In case of

semi-flush mounting, only flange or bezel shall be visible from the front.

Equipment shall be mounted such that removal and replacement can be

accomplished individually without interruption of service to adjacent equipment.

Equipment mounted inside the panel shall be so located that terminals and adjacent
devices are readily accessible without the use of special tools. Terminal markings
shall be clearly visible.

Cut-outs and wiring for free issue items, if any, shall be according to corresponding
equipment manufacturer's drawing. Cut-outs, if any, provided for future mounting
of equipment shall be properly blanked-off.

Wherever required, panels/desks shall be matched with other adjacent panels/desks

in respect of dimensions, color, appearance and arrangement of equipment on the

Earthing for Instruments

The panel shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed along the inside base of

All metallic cases of relays, instruments and other panel mounted equipment shall
be connected to the instrument earth bus.

Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection to other
devices when the loop is broken shall not be permitted. However, looping of earth
connections between equipment to create alternative paths to earth bus shall be

A separate instrument earth bus will be created which will be floating and all the
cable shields will be terminated onto this bus. This bus will be connected to an
electronic earth pit.

Frame Earthing

All metal parts other than those forming part of an electrical circuit shall be
connected to a copper earth bar run along the inside bottom of the panel. The
minimum section of the earth bar shall be 25 mm x 3 mm. A 15 mm diameter hole is
to be provided at each end of the bar. Connection of the earth bar to the station
earth shall be carried out by Contractor.

Space Heater

Strip type space heaters of adequate capacity shall be provided inside control panels
to prevent moisture condensation on the wiring and panel mounted equipment
when the panel is not in operation. The heaters shall operate on 230 V AC. Heaters
inside the panels shall not be mounted close to the wiring or any panel mounted
equipment. The operation of heaters shall be controlled by thermostats.

Interior Lighting and Receptacles

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Each panel shall be provided with a CFL lighting fixture rated for 20 watt, 230V, 1
phase, 50 Hz supply for the interior illumination of the panel during maintenance.
The illumination lamp shall be operated by door switch or manual switch. Each panel
section shall be provided with separate lighting.

Each panel shall be provided with 230V, 1 phase, 50 Hz, combined 5 amps and 15
amps, 3 pin receptacle with a switch and neon indication. The receptacle with switch
shall be mounted inside the panel at a convenient location. If the panel has front and
rear doors then maintenance socket shall be provided at both locations.

Voltage Level and Power Supply Units

The incoming power supply to the control panel shall be 230 VAC, 50 Hz. Contractor
shall provide necessary transformers, converters, inverters and other associated
hardware required to generate the requisite power supply. Generally, voltage levels
for control schemes and power supply for instruments shall be 24 V DC. Power
supply to all the instruments mounted outside the control panel shall be provided
from the power supply units in the control panel. In case the instruments require
power supply other than 24 V DC, the Contractor shall provide the necessary
convertors. The power supply to all the instruments shall be withoutinterruption
and shall be continued even in case offailureof 230V

A.C. power supply. The battery and battery charger shall be provided for this
purpose and sizing of the same shall be based on the entire load of instrumentation


All the equipment mounted on the front face of control panel as well as equipment
mounted inside the panels shall be provided with individual labels with equipment
designation engraved. The labels shall be mounted directly below the respective
equipment. Also the panel shall be provided at the top with a label engraved with
panel designation.

Switches and Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs)

Each control panel shall be provided with necessary arrangement for receiving,
distributing, isolating and protecting of DC and AC supplies for various control,
signaling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub-circuits shall be
separately provided with Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs). Potential circuits for
relaying and metering also shall be protected by MCBs. All such MCBs will be
provided with an auxiliary contact to be used for providing MCB tripped alarm.

Intra-Panel (Panel Internal) Wiring

Connections within a panel, between panel mounted devices and terminal blocks or
between two panel mounted devices will be made by 660 volt grade, stranded
copper conductor insulated with PVC and designed for a minimum conductor
temperature of 90 degrees centigrade. The wires shall be shielded, where necessary.

Panels shall be supplied completely wired internally, with a color coding scheme
decided mutually between the Department and the Contractor, to equipment and
terminal blocks and ready for external cable connections at the terminal blocks.

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Wires within the panel shall be continuous i.e. without splicing and shall comprise
stranded copper conductors. Internal wiring or wiring between the two assemblies
shall be commensurate with mechanical safety. Prefabricated cables with moulded
multipin connectors shall be used.

Wire termination shall be made with solderless crimping type of tinned copper lugs
which firmly grip the conductor and insulation. Insulated sleeves shall be provided at
all the wire terminations. Engraved core identification plastic ferrules, marked to
correspond with panel wiring diagram shall be fitted at both ends of each wire.
Ferrules shall fit tightly on the wires and shall not fall off when the wire is
disconnected from terminal blocks. All wires directly connected to trip circuit of
breaker or device, shall be distinguished by the addition of a red colored unlettered

Relay modules with plug-in type relays and having multipin connector facility shall
be used.

Terminal Blocks

Terminal blocks for power connection shall be 660V grade, 20 amps rated, one-
piece moulded, complete with stud type terminals, washers, nuts and lock nuts and
identification markings. Terminal block design shall include a white fibre marking
strip with clear plastic, hinged terminal covers. Markings on the terminal strips shall
correspond to wire numbers on the wiring diagrams. All control output terminals will
be fused type and all other input signal terminals will be clip on shrouded type.

All spare contacts and terminals of the panel mounted equipment and devices shall
be wired to terminal blocks.

There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the first row of terminal
blocks and the associated cable gland plate. Also the clearance between two rows of
terminal blocks shall be a minimum 250 mm.

Panel internal wiring shall not be looped directly from instrument to instrument. The
same shall be looped through the panel terminal block only.

If accidental short circuiting of certain wires is likely to result in malfunction of

equipment, such as closing or tripping of a breaker or positive and negative wires,
these wires shall not be terminated on adjacent terminal blocks.

Cable Supports

All external cables shall present a neat appearance and shall be suitably braced,
placed in troughing clipped or laced to prevent effects of vibration.

Terminal/ Identification

Every terminal and test plug shall be uniquely identified within the terminal cabinet
by means of a terminal number. Appropriate labels shall be used topermit quick and
unambiguous identification of each terminal and test plug.

Painting of Control Panel/ Control Desk

The steel sheets of the control panel shall undergo 7 tank treatments prior to

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powder coating.

a) All sheet steel work shall be phosphated in accordance with the following
procedure: I The pre treatment shall be hot process with running water for

ii. Oil, grease and dirt and shall be thoroughly removed by emulsion cleaning.

iii. Rust and scale shall be removed by trickling with clean water followed by
final rinsing with dilute dichromate solution.

b) The control panel shall be powder coated with minimum thickness of

coating of 60 microns. QA test certificate shall be furnished for thickness adhesion
and hardening of powder coating.

Instrument Control Panel (ICP) shall be subjected for the following dimensional

- Width

- Height

- Depth

- Cut-out dimension for each panel mounted instrument

- Spacing between the panel mounted instruments

(c) High Voltage (HV) test for ICP

The HV test of 1 kV AC for one minute duration shall be implemented between the
ICP and the individual power supply feeder which shall be isolated from the
respective power supply. Any reduction in voltage level or duration is not

(d) Insulation test for ICP

Insulation test shall be carried out using a 500V megger as specified below (all
instruments shall be disconnected from wiring)

i. Between individual terminal of terminal block and ground

ii. Between individual wire and ground

iii. Between adjacent terminals of terminal blocks

The acceptable indigenous makes for panel enclosures are Rittal , Enclotek. The
acceptable control panel manufacturers are Siemens, Sai Technologies, Schneider,
Tata Honeywell or equivalent as approved by Employers Representative.



i. Flow measuring system shall consist of flow sensor/ transducers, flow

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transmitter, digital flow indicator and integrator and any other item required to
complete the system.

ii. Flow transducers shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for
continuous operation. Flow transducers shall have waterproof construction and shall
be suitable for installation on underground /above ground pipe lines.

iii. To avoid the effects of disturbances in the velocity profile, a straight

anduninterrupted run, upstream as well as downstream from the location of the
flow sensor shall be provided, as required by the flow meter manufacturer and in
line with applicable standards.

Contractor shall finalize the exact location of flow transducers in consultation with
Employers Representative.

iv. The flow transmitter shall be suitable for field mounting and shall accept
input from the flow transducer. It shall process the input signal and provide 4-20 mA
DC output proportional to flow rate. Flow transmitters shall have LCD display to
indicate instantaneous flow rate. The flow range shall be adjustable.

v. For ultrasonic flow meters, an insertion / retraction tool assembly shall be

provided so that the flow transducers can be removed or inserted without
depressurising the pipeline. The same shall be made of anti corrosive material.

vi. The flow computer shall be microprocessor based and shall have self
diagnosis facilities.

vii. The following standards shall be followed:

- BS EN 24185 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Weighing


- BS ISO 12765 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits Methods

using transit-time ultrasonic flow meters

- ISO 8316 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits Method by

collection of the liquid in a volumetric tank

- BS EN ISO 6817 Measurement of conductive liquid flow in closed conduits

Method using electromagnetic flow meters

- BS EN 29104 (ISO 9104) Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduit

Method of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow measuring system
for liquid

- ISO 9826: Measurement of liquid flow in open channel Parshall Flume and
Saniri Flumes.

Ultrasonic Flow Measuring System for Open Channels

a) Open channel type flow measuring system shall consist of Parshall flume/
Venturi flume /weir, ultrasonic level measuring transducer, flow computer andflow
transmitter, flow indicator and flow integrator and any other item required to

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complete the flow measuring system.

b) The level of the fluid in the flume/weir shall be measured by the ultrasonic
level transducer. The level measured shall be used along with the physical
characteristics of the flume/ weir to compute the flow rate.

c) The design and application of ultrasonic level transducers shall take into
account the channel construction, the material, size, shape, environment, process
fluid or material, the presence of foam, granules, size etc.

d) The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from spurious

reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area,
temperaturefluctuations, specific gravity changes and condensation. For application
where spurious reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with
facilities for spurious reflection rejection.

e) The structure required for supporting the level sensor, platform, railings etc.
shall be in the Contractors scope.

f) The flow computer shall be microprocessor based and shall have facilities for
on-line diagnosis, entering data like the type of channel, channel dimensions,
engineering units, measuring span, etc.

Type of channel Parshall flume

Overall accuracy of measurement loop 3 % of full scale with
facility for range selection
II)Level Measuring Unit:
1. Type Ultrasonic
2. Mounting On flow channel
3. Output 4-20 mA or pulsed
4. Enclosure Material Die Cast aluminium
5. Enclosure Protection IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I
6. Integral cable with Required
III)Flow Computer and Transmitter
1. Type Microprocessor based
2. Mounting Field
3. Input From level measuring unit
4. Output 4-20 mA DC (Isolated)
5. Enclosure Protection IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I
6. Programming facility with rogrammer Required
7. Display Digital, Seven segment
back-lit LCD/LCD display
8. Unit of display Flow rate -m3 / hr Totalised
flow ML
9. Facility to feed data like the type of Required
channel, channel dimensions, engg
unit, dead band etc.
10. Enclosure Material Die Cast Aluminium
IV)Flow indicator and integrator
Specifications shall be as given under Flow Indicator and Integrator.

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Ultrasonic Flow Measuring System for Pipes

a) Ultrasonic Transducers shall work on transit (time of flight) time principle.

b) The transducer probe shall be of the wet insertion type with facility for
online insertion and retraction.

c) The flow computer shall be microprocessor based and shall have facilities for
on-line diagnosis, entering pipe size, engineering units, measuring span etc.

d) The Contractor shall provide a section of pipe having uniform diameter,

forinstallation of flow probes so as to configure a flow meter. The section of pipe
shallbe installed in the pipeline at site. The exact inside diameter of the pipe at
thelocation of flow transducer shall be used for flow computation.

Contractor shall construct a suitable concrete chamber for enclosing flow

transducers to be mounted on underground pipe lines. A concrete enclosure shall be
constructed above the chamber for housing the flow transmitter. For surface
pipelines, a concrete cabin shall be constructed around the pipeline for housing the
flow transducer andthe flow transmitter. A lockable enclosure shall be provided for
the flow transmitter cum computing unit.

e) In order to facilitate the removal / reinsertion of the flow transducers when

the pipe- line is pressurized, the Contractor shall provide an insertion-retraction tool
assembly which shall be leak proof at 1.5 times the working pressure.

Accuracy of flow sensor and 1% of full scale

transmitter during FAT
Overall accuracy of 1.5% of full scale
measurement loop
Material of pipe MS
Application Raw water and Clear water pumping
II)Flow Sensor/ Transducer:
Type Multipath, Insertion type (Clamp-on
type not acceptable)
No. of paths Four paths (8 transreceiver
Measuring principle Transit time (Time of flight)
Weather Protection Class IP 68 as per IS 13947 Part I
Surge protection devices (SPD)Required for protection from lightning
between each flow sensor and surges
flow computing unit/ flow
Flow probe material SS 316
Other wetted parts SS 316
Provision for online removal Required
/ insertion of flow sensors
without depressurization of the
Accessories i) Prefabricated integral cables for

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connecting sensors and flow

ii) Insertion / Retraction assembly and
isolation valve.
iii) Sensor mounting nozzles / couplings
iv) Mounting bracket
Name plate/ Metal tag
III)Flow computer and transmitter
Type Indicating type
2 Type of display i) 4 digit, backlit LCD/ LCD , 12 mm
height for flow rate in m3/hr.
ii) 8 digit, backlit LCD/ LCD, for totalized
flow in ML.
3 Input From ultrasonic flow sensors
4 Output 4-20 mA DC (isolated)
5 Zero and Span Adjustment Required
6 Weather Protection Class IP 65 as per IS 13947 Part I
7 Battery backup for totalised flow Required
8 Facility shall be provided that when any Required
one sensor / path fail the flow meter
shall continue to function by
automatically discarding the faulty
sensor/ path from averaging function.
9 Facility to display flow Required
measured by each path
IV)Flow indicator and integrator
Specifications shall be as given under Flow Indicator and Integrator.
f) Calibration

The ultrasonic flow meter shall be calibrated for the accuracy ofvelocity
measurement wherein the velocities shall correspond to the flow range of the flow
meter covered in the tender. The calibration shall be carried out for the
ultrasonicflow meter under test consisting of multipath flow sensors, flow
transmitter cum computation unit and flow indicator cum integrator unit.

The calibration method shall be either gravimetric method or volumetric method.

The test bed shall be accredited by national /international certifying authority as
per ISO 8316 (Calibration by Volumetric Method) or ISO 4185 (Measurement of fluid
flow in closed conduits weighing method). The Contractor shall produce
accreditation certificates for the test facility and the calibration certificate for the
flow meter for review by Employers representative and shall also demonstrate
complete calibration on the test bed in the flow meter laboratory during witnessing
of the Factory Acceptance Test. The flow meter shall be acceptable if the accuracy
andrepeatability is equal to or better than those specified.

Electromagnetic Full Bore Type Flow Meter

Full bore electromagnetic flow meter shall consist of flow sensor (i.e. flow tube),
flow transmitter and flow indicator and integrator and any other item required to
complete the system. To avoid the effects of disturbances in the velocity profile, a
straight and uninterrupted run, upstream as well as downstream from the location
of the flow meter shall be provided, as required by the flow meter manufacturer and

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in line with the applicable standards. Contractor shall finalize the exact location of
flow meter in consultation with Employers Representative.

Flow measurement shall not be affected by physical properties of water viz.,

temperature, pressure etc., within given limits. Contractor shall provide
compensating electronic circuits, if required.

Contractor shall construct a suitable concrete chamber for enclosing flow meter if it
is to be mounted on underground pipe lines. A concrete enclosure shall be
constructed above the chamber for housing the flow transmitter. For surface
pipelines, a concrete cabin shall be constructed around the pipeline for housing the
flow meter and the flow transmitter.

A lockable enclosure shall be provided for the flow transmitter cum computing unit.

Flow meters shall be suitable for the water turbidity at site during various seasons.
Flow tube shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for continuous
operation. Flow tube shall have waterproof construction and shall be suitable for
installation on underground /above ground pipe lines.

The flow computer and transmitter shall be a single unit suitable for field mounting.
It shall accept inputs from flow tube process the signals and shall provide an output
proportional to the flow rate. The output shall be suitable for transmitting over a
long distance.

a) General:
Accuracy of flow 0.5% of measured value
during FAT
2. Overall accuracy 1.0 % of measured value
measurement loop.
b) Flow tube
(i) Application : a) Raw water pumping mains
b) Treated water pumping mains.
c) Treated water supply lines.
d) Raw sewage pumping mains
e) Treated effluent
(ii) Type : In line full bore electromagnetic
(iii) Size of flow : Same as pipe size
(iv) Process : Flanged
(v) Weather : IP 68 as per IS 13947
(vi) Surge protection: Required for protection from lightning
devices (SPD) surges
between flow
tube and flow
(vii Material of Construction :

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Electrodes : SS 316
Coil Housing : SS 316
Flanges : SS.316
Grounding ring : SS 316
(vii i) Flow tube : Hard Rubber
c) Flow Transmitter Unit
(i) Type : Microprocessor based with facility to
configure the ranges.
(ii) Type of display :4 digit backlit LCD/ LCD , for flow rate in m3/hr.
8 digit backlit LCD/ LCD for totalized flow in ML
(iii) Units of display :Flow rate -m3 / hr Totalized flow ML
(iii) Input :From flow tube
(iv) Output :4-20 mA DC (isolated) proportional to flow rate
(v) Power Supply :24 V DC
(vi) Zero and Span :Required
(vii Weather :IP 65 as per IS 13947
) Protection
(vii i) Battery backup :
for totalized Online
flow Type 2.5 mVA 8 hours.
Backup Time
(xi) Facility for on :Required
line diagnosis
d)Flow indicator and integrator
Specifications shall be as given under Flow Indicator and Integrator.


The Electromagnetic flow meter shall be calibrated for the full flow rangespecified as
per BS EN 29104 (Methods of evaluation of electromagnetic flow meters).

The calibration method shall be either gravimetric method as per ISO 4185
(Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits weighing method) or volumetric
method as per ISO 8316 (Calibration by Volumetric Method). The test bed shall be
accredited by national /international certifying authority. The Contractor shall
produce accreditation certificates for the test facility and calibration certificate for
the flow meter for the review by Employers representative. The Contractor shall
also demonstrate complete calibration on the test bed in the flow meter laboratory.
The flow meter shall be acceptable if the accuracy and repeatability is equal to or
better than those specified.


Flow indicator and integrators shall be modular in design. It shall consist of two
separate dedicated displays for flow rate indication and total flow indication. It shall
accept 4-20 mA DC isolated input. The flow integration shall be carried out in the

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Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The flow indicator cum flow integrator shall
provide 4-20 mA retransmission output proportional to flow rate.

Details Description
Type Microprocessor based
Mounting Front facia of Control Panel
Display Digital, seven segment back lit LCD / LED
Digit Height 14 mm or Higher
No. of Digits for Flow
indicator Flow integrator
4 Digits
6 Digits
Input 4-20 mA DC (Isolated) from flow transmitter
through analogue signal multiplier (Refer
Note 2)
Zero and span Required
Manual Reset Required (shall be password protected)
Facility for flow
Engineering units:
- Flow rate Cum/hr ML
- Flow
Battery backup for Required
Retransmitted output 4-20 mA proportional to flow rate
Alarm outputs 1 NO + 1 NC for high and low alarms
Communication port RS-485 (With Modbus protocol) for
interfacing with PLC
Weather Protection IP-52 of IS 13947 Part I
Accuracy 0.25% of span or better.

1. Digital flow indicator and flow integrator shall be a combined unit.

2. Facility shall be available in the analog signal multipliers and in the flow
indicator and integrator for providing excitation voltage for the flow transmitter in
case of 2-wireflow transmitters.


(a) Insertion type flapper flow switches shall be provided for clear water
service. The pressure drop caused by flow switch shall be kept minimum. There shall
not be any effect on the switch setting because of vibrations.

(b) The flow switch shall have screwed / flanged process connection. The body
material shall be suitable for withstanding the maximum pressure. Standard

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industrial switch assembly of the micro switch type with auto reset and adjustable
switch differential shall be provided.

Type Flapper type.

Flapper and other wetted parts SS 316.

Enclosure material Die cast aluminium.
Weather protection class IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I.
Mounting In field on pipe.
Switch type Microswitch.
Switch differential Adjustable.
Contacts 2NO+2NC.
Repeatability 2 % or better.
Installation hardware Required.


1. Type Flapper type.

2. Body material Same as pipe material.
3. Glass Toughened.
4. Process connection Flanged.
5. Gasket PTFE.
6. Studs and nuts Required.
7. Installation hardware and Required.



Level measurement system shall consist of level transducer, level transmitter, digital
level indicator and any other items required to complete the level measuring

To reduce the effect of water turbulence in reservoirs / tanks, averaging facility

should be provided in the transmitter unit for providing steady readings. Stilling pipe
shall be provided for level electrodes.

The design and application of the level measuring system shall take into account the
reservoir construction, the material, size, shape, environment, process fluid or
material, the presence of foam, granules, size etc.

For ultrasonic type and radar level transducers, the design and installation shall
avoid any degradation of instrument performance due to spurious reflections,
absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area, temperature
fluctuations, specific gravity changes and condensation. Facilities shall be provided
for rejection of spurious reflection.

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The level transmitters shall be mounted in suitable weatherproof lockable pedestal

enclosures near the level sensor.

Radar Type Level Measuring System

a) Radar type level measuring system shall comprise of radar type level sensor,
level transmitter, prefabricated integral cable connecting the sensor and
transmitter, surge protection devices and any other item required to complete the
level measurement loop.

b) The level sensor shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required.
The installation shall avoid any degradation of instrument performance due to
spurious reflections, absorption and condensation of the radar waves. Facilities shall
be provided for rejection of spurious reflection.

c) The radar type level instrument shall have the facility for dampening/
averaging the effect of waves, undulations on the water surface and discriminate the
rate of change of levels to provide steady readings. If required, Contractor shall
provide stilling pipe for providing steady readings with the prescribed accuracy.

d) A lockable enclosure shall be provided for level transmitter mounted in the


e) Necessary metallic cantilever platform shall be provided for mounting of the

level sensor / transmitter.

I) General
Accuracy + 5 mm
II)Level sensor/ level transmitter
1. Type of transmitter Indicating type having backlit LCD/ LCD
2. Output 4-20 mA, DC (Isolated)
3. Zero and span Required
4. Prefabricated integral Required
cable between sensor
and transmitter
5. Facility for suppressing Required
echoes from interfering
6. Enclosure Material Die Cast Aluminium (Non-corrosive)
7. Process connection SS 316
flange material
8 Weather Protection IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I
9 Lockable mild steel Required with weather protection class of
enclosure (epoxy IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I
painted) for sensor and
10 Accessories i) Mounting bracket
ii) Name plate / Metal tag
III)Digital Level Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.

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Ultrasonic Type Level Measuring System

a) Ultrasonic type level measuring devices shall comprise of a transducer, a

transmitter, remote level indicator and all other items required completing the
control system.

b) The level sensor and the field-mounted transmitter shall be separate and
interconnected by integral cable of sufficient length.

c) The transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required

and shall be environmentally protected as per IP65. It shall have ambient
temperature compensation and adjustable datum setting facilities.

d) The design and application of this ultrasonic level meters shall take into
account the vessel or channel construction, the material size, shape, environment,
process fluid or material, the presence of foam, granules, size etc.

e) The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from spurious

reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area,
temperature fluctuations, specific gravity changes and condensation. For application
where spurious reflections are unavoidable the controlunit shall be provided with
facilities for spurious reflection rejection.

I) General
1 Accuracy of measuring loop 0.5% of full scale
2 Temperature compensation Required
II)Level sensor/ level transmitter
1. Weather protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
2. Type Indicating type having back-lit LCD /
LCD display.
3. Output 4-20 mA DC, Isolated
4. Mounting Field
5. Process Connection Flange SS 316
6. Programming facility with Required
7. Prefabricated integral cable Required
for connecting sensor and
III)Digital Level Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.

Capacitance/ RF Admittance Type Level Measuring System

(a) The capacitance / RF Admittance type level measuring system shall consist
of a sensing probe and transmitter and a digital indicator.

(b) The level-measuring probe shall be installed on a tank and shall be

connected to level transmitter.

(c) Guide pipe shall be provided for probe.

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I) General
1 Accuracy 1.5 % of span
II)Level sensor cum transmitter
1 Mounting Top of the tank
2 Probe type Rod
3 Probe material SS 316
4 Weather Protection Class IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
5 Output 4-20 mA DC, Isolated
6 Material of wetted parts SS 316
7 Local indication Required
8 Probe insulation Teflon
9 Stilling pipe SS 316 with perforations
III)Digital Level Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.

Conductivity Type Level Switches

I)Conductivity Probes
1 Type Rigid for length upto 3 meters Flexible for
lengths above 3 meters (Rigid probes
2 No. of electrodes As per application
3 Probe insulation Teflon (except at the tip of electrode).
4 Probe head protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
5 Probe head housing Aluminium
6 Mounting From top of tank / sump
7 Process connection SS 316
flange material
8 Electrode material SS 316
9 Spacers between Required for preventing entangling of
electrodes electrodes.
II)Level Controller
1 Protection class IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
2 Switch contact (for 2 NO + 2 NC
each setting)
3 Contact rating 24 V DC, 2A
4 Sensitivity control Required
5 Input From conductivity probe
6 Mounting Field

Float Type Level Switches

1 Mounting From top of tank / from side as
2 Process connection flange SS316
3 Material of float Polypropylene / SS316
4 Float installation hardware SS316

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5 Switch type Micro switch (Mercury type not
6 Weather Protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I

Buoyancy Type Level Switch

Pressure Measuring System

1. Sensing Element Displacer

2. Mounting Field, on top of tank/ sump
3. Process connection Flanged
4. Weather Protection Class IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
5. Differential Fixed
6. Switch Type Microswitch
7. No. of contacts 2 Nos. SPDT
8. Material of construction
a) Housing Die Cast Aluminum
b) Displacer SS 316
c) Displacer Rope/ cable SS 316
d) Spring Spring Steel
9. Accessories SS 316 Perforated stilling pipe and all
mounting hardware


a) Pressure measuring system shall consist of pressure transducer and

transmitter and digital pressure indicator and any other items required to complete
the pressure measuring system.Pressure transmitters shall be provided with a test
port so that in-site calibration can be carried out.

b) Pressure transmitter shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for

continuous operation. Pressure transmitters shall be designed for operation over
130% of full range. They shall be capable of withstanding surge pressures likely to
occur in the monitored system.

c) Pressure transmitters shall be suitable for field mounting. They shall provide
4-20 mA DC output proportional to pressure. Transmitter output shall be isolated
and shall be suitable for transmitting over long distance. Pressure transmitters shall
have high degree of weatherproof protection as specified in technical particular.

d) Pressure sensor shall be capable of operating in the range of pumps

discharge pressure, and be of the diaphragm type. It shall be provided complete
with impulse tubings, fittings, two valve manifolds with drain cock/calibration
valve. Local and remote display units shall be provided

I) General
1 Accuracy of measuring loop 0.25% of reading or better
II)Pressure sensor and transmitter
1Sensor Diaphragm Sensor

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2Material of sensor and other wetted parts SS 316

3Transmitter type 2-wire, Indicating type
4Range Adjustable over full span
5Zero and span adjustment Required
6Output signal 4-20mA DC, Isolated
7Enclosure protection IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I
8Accessories 2-valve manifold with drain cock,
impulse tubing, snubbers and all
installation hardware
III)Digital Pressure Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.


a) The pressure switch shall have a manually adjustable set point and
differential switchinglevel. The nominal pressure values at which the pressure
switches operate shall be fully adjustable over the whole range of the instrument
and the set value shall be clearly indicated by means of ascale and pointer. Pressure
switches shall have over range protection.

b) Pressure switches shall be housed in cast aluminium alloy enclosures

providing weather protection to IP 65.

c) When necessary a diaphragm seal shall be used to segregate the switch

from the corrosive fluid media. In chlorine applications, the diaphragm shall be in
silver or tantalum. For other fluids an appropriate non-corrosive diaphragm
material shall be used.

d) The pressure switch shall be provided complete with impulse tubing, two
valve manifold with drain cock, fittings etc.

1 Type Non-Indicating
2 Sensing Element Bellows/ Diaphragm
3 Material of sensor and other SS 316
wetted parts
4 Housing Die Cast Aluminium
5 Switch type Microswitch
6 Switch Differential Fixed
7 Set pressure Adjustable
8 Repeatability 1% ofspan
9 Over range protection 125% of maximum pressure
10 Switch Contacts 2 NO + 2 NC
11 Switch Rating Suitable for the control voltage in
the panel where the contacts are
12 Accessories 2-valve manifold with drain cock,
impulse tubing, snubbers and all
installation hardware

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a) Pressure gauges and vacuum gauges shall comply with IS 3624 / BS 1780.
Glycerin filled dial shall be provided where the gauge is subjected to pressure
pulsation and / or vibrations. The internal parts of pressure gauge shall be stainless

b) Pressure gauges shall be provided on discharge and on suction of each

pump. Pressure gauges shall be bourdon type and calibrated for the required range.
The gauge shall be supplied complete with impulse tubing, two valve manifold with
drain cock, fittings etc.

c) The minimum diameter for pressure gauges shall be 150 mm. However,
where the pressure gauge forms part of an equipment, the equipment
manufacturers standard sizes will be acceptable.

1 Accuracy + 1% of full scale

2 Dial size 150 mm
3 Glass Shatterproof
4 Over range Protection 125% of maximum pressure
5 Housing Material Die Cast Aluminium
6 Material of sensor and other SS 316
wetted parts
7 Accessories 2-valve manifold with drain cock,
impulsetubing, snubbers and all
installation hardware


a) Differential pressure measuring system shall consist of a differential

pressure transmitter and digital differential pressure indicator and any other items
required completing the differential pressure measuring system.

b) Differential pressure transmitter shall be rugged in construction and shall be

suitable for continuous operation. Differential pressure transmitters shall be
designed for operation over 130% of full range.

c) Differential pressure transmitters shall be suitable for field mounting. They

shall provide 4-20 mA DC output proportional to differential pressure. Transmitter
output shall be isolated and shall be suitable for transmitting over long distance.
Differential pressure transmitters shall have high degreeof weatherproof protection
as specified in technical particular.

I) General
1 Overall accuracy 0.5% of measured value
II)Differential Pressure Sensor and Transmitter
1 Sensor Diaphragm sensor
2 Transmitter type 2-wire, Indicating type having back-lit
LCD/LCD display
3 Material Non corrosive
4 Mounting Field
5 Range Adjustable over full span.

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6 Zero and span Required

7 Output 4-20 mA DC (Isolated)
8 Accessories Impulse tubings, fittings, valve
manifold with drain cock
9 Enclosure protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
III)Digital Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.


12 channel Temperature scanners shall be provided to measure high winding and

bearing temperature for each pump. The high temperature signal shall be used for
annunciation of alarm and very high temperature signal shall be used for generating
tripping signals. The input signals to temperature scanner shall be derived from
industrial type Pt-100 resistance temperature detectors provided in the windings
and bearings.


1 Service Motor winding and bearing and pump bearing

temperature measurements for each pump
motor in the raw water and clear water
pumping stations
2 Range 0 to 2000 C
3 Type Microprocessor based
4 Mounting On Instrument Control Panel (ICP) of respective
pumping station
5 Accuracy 0.2% of range
6 Resolution 0.1o C
7 Input Signal From RTDs for each pump motor
8 Display LCD / LED display, 4 digit for data and 2 digit for
channel No.
9 Scanning rate Selectable
10 Communication port RS-485 (With Modbus protocol)
for interfacing with
PLC system
11 Set point 2 set points (high and very high) for group of
channels. Minimum 3 groups of channels shall
be provided. Separate relay required for each
set point.
12 Type of contacts 2 change over contacts for each set point
13 No. of channels 12 Nos. (6 Nos. for pump winding
temperatures, 2 Nos. for motor bearing
temperatures, 2 Nos. for pump bearing
temperatures and 2 Nos. spare).
14 Programming Through keyboard mounted on the front facia
15 Password facility Required

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A portable temperature measuring system at raw water and clear water pumping
stations shall be provided for measuring temperature of pump and motor bearing.

1 Type Fixed temperature measuring system

2 Range 0-200 C
3 Display 3 digit LED/ Backlit LCD
4 Sensor Thermocouple / Pt 100
5 Power supply Chargeable battery operated
6 Memory for previousdata The instrument shall be capable of storing
storage and processing records of measurement results
7 Accuracy 0.5 C
8 Accessories Temperature sensor with various
attachments for measuring bearing
temperature, carrying bag, protective
cover, batteries and battery charger.


Portable sound level meters shall be provided for raw water and clear water
pumping stations. The sound level meter shall comply with BS EN 60651, BS EN 747,
ANSI S 1.4 and S1.43.

1 Type Portable
2 Range 0-150 dB
3 Display Back litLCD to Display

Signal level with a quasi analog bar

Measuring range
Menus for displaying and editing settings
Stored measurement results
Selected parameters with levels
4 Microphone Prepolorized free field microphone
5 Power supply Chargeable battery operated
6 Memory for previous records Required
7 Internal Real time clock for Required
marking measurements with
date and time
8 Data storage and processing The instrument shall be capable of storing
records of measurement results
9 Accessories Microphone, Shoulder bag, Protective
cover, batteries, battery charger


Vibration measuring system shall be provided for measurement of pump and motor
vibrations for raw water and clear water pumping stations.

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1 Type Portable vibration meter

2 Range Selectable from

0-1mm/sec, 0-10 mm/sec and 0-100

3 Frequency range 10Hz to 10 kHz
4 Display LED/ LCD type displaying instantaneous,
true peak, with m/s and mm/s2 scales
5 Sensor (Accelerometer) Piezo electric type
6 Mounti Required
7 PTFE Required
ve tape
8 Power Rechargeable battery operated
9 Memor The instrument shall be capable of storing records of
yfor measurement results
10 Access Vibration sensor mounting kit, shoulder bag, protective cover,
ories batteries and battery charger


a) The pH measuring system shall consist of a pH electrode, pH transmitter,

digital pH indicator, electrode holder assembly and any other item required to
complete the pH measuring system.

b) The pH transducer shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for

continuous operation. pH transducer shall include measuring electrode, reference
electrode, and a temperature compensator electrode. All wetted parts of the
transducers shall be of non-corrosive material.

c) The pH transmitter output shall be isolated, and shall be suitable for

transmitting over long distances.

d) The electrode holder assembly shall be of such a design that it contains

some water even when sampling pump is cut off and shall be provided with flow
regulating device.

e) A sampling system consisting of sampling pump / pressure reducing valves,

flow regulator, rotameter, filter assembly etc. shall be provided. The sample water
will be connected to a cabinet containing pH analyzer equipment and pH

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

I) General
1 Overall accuracy 1% of measured value
2 Standard pH solutions for For pH 4,7 and 10 shall be provided
on site calibration
II)pH Sensor
1 Type Encapsulated combined electrode
2 Mounting On flow through assembly
3 Automatic temperature Required
4 Standard cable for Required
connecting sensor and
III)pH Transmitter
1 Type Indicating type with Back-lit LCD / LCD
2 Mounting Field
3 Input From pH electrodes and temperature
4 Zero and span Adjustment Required
5 Enclosure material Non corrosive
6 Enclosure Protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
7 Output 4 to 20 mA(Isolated) for connecting to pH
IV)Digital pH Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.


a) Residual chlorine (RCl) measuring system shall consist of RCl transducer, RCl
transmitter, digital RCl indicator and any other item required to complete the RC
measuring system.

b) RCl transducer shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for

continuous operation. RCl transducer shall work on Amperometric/ Colorimetric
Principle. It shall also consist of an integral pH sensor for compensating against pH
changes and integral temperature sensor for compensating against temperature

c) A sampling system consisting of sampling pump / pressure reducing valves,

flow regulator, rotameter, filter assembly etc. shall be provided. The sample water
will be connected to a cabinet containing RCl analyzer equipment and RCl

d) The RCl sensor enclosure shall be of such a design that it contains some
water even when sampling pump is cut off and shall be provided with flow
regulating devices.

e) The RCl transmitter output shall be suitable for transmitting over long

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I) General
1 Overall accuracy 5% of measured value
II)Residual Chlorine Sensor
1 Type Amperometric/ Colorimetric
2 Automatic Required
ure Compensation electrode
3 Automatic pH compensation Required
4 Range Adjustable over full span
5 Sensitivity 0.1 mg/Lit
6 Standard Cable Required
sensor and Transmitter
III)Residual Chlorine Transmitter
7 Type Indicating type having back-lit LCD/LED display
8 Mounting Field
9 Input From Residual chlorine sensor
10 Output 4-20 mA (Isolated )
11 Zero and Span Adjustment Required
12 Enclosure material Non corrosive
13 Enclosure Protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
IV)Digital Residual Chlorine Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.


(a) Turbidity measuring system shall consist of turbidity detector assembly,

turbidity transmitter, digital turbidity indicator, and any other item required to
complete the turbidity measuring system

(b) Turbidity detector shall operate on Nephelometric measurement principle.

Turbidity detector shall have ratiometric measurement system and shall be suitable
for insertion / flow through type mounting. It shall be possible to calibrate the
turbidity meter at site, with a formazine standard or a glass cube.

(c) Turbidity detector shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for
continuous operation. It shall have an integral bubble trap arrangement.

(d) Turbidity transmitter output shall be isolated and shall be suitable for
transmitting over long distances.

(e) A sampling system consisting of sampling pump / pressure reducing valves,

flow regulator, rotameter, filter assembly etc. shall be provided. The sample water
will be connected to a cabinet containing Turbidity analyzer equipment and
turbidity transmitter.

I) General
1 Overall accuracy of 2%
measurement loop
II)Turbidity Sensor

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1 Type Optical sensor

2 Material For Wetted Parts Non corrosive
3 Cleaning Facility Required
4 Bubble Trap Required
5 Measuring Principle Ratio-metric
6 Color Compensation Required
7 Range setting Selectable
8 Calibration Standard Required, Standard Formazine solution or Glass cube.
9 Accessories

Standard cable for Required

connecting sensor and
Standard Glass cube or
formazine solution for
calibration Required
III)Turbidity Transmitter
1 Type Indicating with back-lit LCD /LED display
2 Mounting Field
3 Input From Turbidity sensor
4 Output 4-20 mA DC (Isolated)
5 Zero and Span Adjustment Required
6 Enclosure material Non corrosive
7 Enclosure Protection IP-65 of IS 13947 Part I
IV)Digital Turbidity Indicator
Specifications shall be as given under Digital Panel Meters.


Meter should be microprocessor based hand held type instrument with rugged &
field proven design and should be easy to operate with less maintenance. Dissolved
Oxygen meter should come along with the following:

12FT cable and probe

Battery Alkaline 4NOS 1.5V EACH Instruction Manual

Hardware Kit Fitted Kcl soln,

Membrane, O-RING SET

Technical Specifications

Range: Dissolved Oxygen 0 20 mg/L, 0 200 % air Temperature - 5

to 45o C

Accuracy: Dissolved Oxygen0.3 mg/L, 2%.

Temperature 0.4o C Resolution: Dissolved Oxygen

0.01 mg/L, 0.1% air

Temperature 0.1 o C

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Dissolved Oxygen Sensor: Steady-state polarographic

Salinity compensation: Desired

Altitude compensation: Desired Temperature

Compensation: Automatic

Power: Battery operation

Cables: 12 feet or more

Other features: Backlit Display

Built-in calibration chamber Waterproof, IP 65



a) Microprocessor based alarm annunciators shall be provided for generating

audio visual alarms for each abnormal condition as defined in scope of work. Alarms
shall be initiated by the opening and closing of volt-free contacts which shall remain
unchanged throughout the periods in which the alarm conditions exist. Alarm
circuits shall be capable of conversion from open-healthy to open-alarm or vice
versa by a simple modification after installation requiring no additional parts or
special equipment. Each alarm shall initiate the operation of both visual and audible
devices. The sound intensity of each audible device shall be suitable for the
maximum sound level of its environment. The sequence of alarm should be user
selectable by dip switch.

b) The operation or acceptance of one alarm shall not inhibit the operation of
the audible device or the flashing of the appropriate alarm indicator if a future alarm
condition occurs.

c) Alarm circuitry shall be arranged so that spurious or transient alarm states

persisting for less than 0.5 seconds (adjustable) do not initiate any action.

d) Isolation facilities shall be provided for the hooter using an MCB.

e) The annunciator will be split architecture type and the facia will have LEDs.

6.6.24 Alarm Annunciation

Alarms shall be annunciated at three locations, at the drive starter, at the local HMI
and at the central HMI (see details later). A philosophy shall be adopted that all
alarms associated with a drive shall be annunciated at the starter whilst a general
alarm only for that drive shall be annunciated at the HMIs. Therefore the operator
observing a general alarm at an HMI shall have to go to the starter concerned to
determine the exact cause of the alarm condition.

A typical alarm schedule is detailed in Table Below: Table - Alarm Schedule

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Device Alarm at the Starter/ Panel Alarm at the relevant local

and central MMI s
1. Power System - transformer fault
- mains incomer tripped
- generator incomer
2. Pump and - overload (see note 1) - drive fault (see note 2)
blower drives - earth fault (see note 1)
- emergency stop operated
- run dry protection
3. Valve - drive fault - drive fault
4. Alum Dosing See note 5 See note 5
5. Service Water - high high level
tank level - high level
- low level
- low low level
6. Chlorination -As per sub Vendor
system Recomendation
7 Thickened - high
sludge holding - low (run dry protection)
8. Servicewater - high
tank - low (run dry protection)
9.Filter Press (if -As per sub Vendor
any) Recomendation
16 Clearwater - high high water level
reservoir level - high water level
- low water level
- low low water level
17. Turbidity - high high level
- high level
18 Chlorine - high high level
residual - high level
- low level
- low low level
19. Control - SCADAtoPLC and PLC
system to PLC communication
faults (various)
20. UPS s - fault
- battery low

1. The seal arms may be displayed on the motor starter panel. If this is flush
mounted further individual indication may not be necessary.
2. These alarms are derived within the PLC from the analogue level value.
3. The Contractor shall provide alarms necessary for the proper and efficient
operation of the plant.

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The above mentioned alarms are indicative only of the number and type of alarms
that are required. The Contractor shall provide the above alarms on a minimum and
other alarm necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plant.

Technical Particulars Alarm Annunciator

Alarm annunciator shall be provided on instrument control panel for annunciation of

alarms in control room. The technical particulars of alarm annunciator are as follows:

1. Type Microprocessor based.

2. Mounting Flush with panel
3. Construction Modular
4. Inputs Potential free, NO/NC contacts
5. Size of windows 50 mm x 35 mm
6. Operating sequences First up (user selectable dip
7. Bulbs per channel 2 (Cluster LEDs)
8. Push Buttons For Reset, Accept and Test
9. Hooter Required, electronic type
10. Power supply status indication Required
11. Weather protection IP-52 of IS 13947


Two numbers of surge protection units shall be provided for each signal loop and
power loop for field instruments located outdoor outside the building. One SPD shall
be provided in the field near transmitter and the other SPD of the loop shall be
mounted in the control panel. The SPDs shall be suitable for withstanding the surge
arising out of high energy static discharge/ lightning strikes and protect the
instrument from any damage. SPDs shall provide three stages of protection through
a quick acting semiconductor like Tranzorb, zener diodes, varistors and an automatic
disconnect and reset circuit. SPDs shall be passive units and shall require no power
for operation. During the occurrence of a surge it shall clamp on the allowable
voltage and pass the excess voltage to the ground. The SPDs shall be of self resetting
type to minimize the down time of the measurement loop. The SPDs shall have a
weather proof casing and shall be suitable for field / back of panel mounting. There
should be total isolation between input, output and ground terminals. The SPDs shall
have a minimum surge rating of 10 KA.


Digital Panel Meters (DPMs) shall be microprocessor based and modular in design.
They shall accept 4-20 mA DC signals from various transmitters for level, pressure,
turbidity, residual chlorine, pH etc. and display of the readings in engineering units.
The DPMs shall have backlit LCD / LED display.

1 Type Microprocessor based

2 Display Digital, seven segment back-lit LCD/LED display
3 Digit Height 14 mm or higher
4. No. of Digits 4 Digits.
5. Input 4-20 mA DC (Isolated) from level transmitters/

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

pressure transmitters/ valve position

transmitters through analog signal multipliers
(Refer Note 1)
6. Zero and Span Adjustment Required
7. Engineering Units for
a) Level Indicators Meters
b) Pressure indicators Kg/cm2
c) Valve position indicators 0 100 %
d) Accuracy 0.1 % of span
8. Enclosure Material Non corrosive
9. Enclosure Protection IP-54 of IS 13947 Part I
10. Retransmission output 4-20 mA DC, Isolated
11. Alarm outputs 2 NO+NC for high and low alarms (adjustable)

1 Facility shall be available in the analog signal multipliers and in the digital
indicator for providing excitation voltage for the transmitters in case of 2-
wire transmitters.

Analogue Signal Multipliers

Panel mounted analogue signal multipliers shall be provided for multiplication of

analogue signals like flow, level, pressure, pH, turbidity, residual chlorine etc. They
shall provide loop power with option to select measurement with power and
without. The multiplier will provide 2 outputs of 4-20mA one for the panel
mounted indicator and other for connection to the PLC. There will be total galvanic
isolation between field I/Os and also between the 2 outputs.


a) The control systems shall be designed for fully automatic operation of the
pumping systems, WTP and water supply system. However, in the event of failure of
the automatic controls or by operator choice it shall be possible to revert to either
semi-automatic or manual operation of each item of Plant independently of the PLC
function. Facilities shall be provided in the control system forremote operation of

b) The control systems shall be designed to recover fully to a normal

operational state on restoration of power, following a power failure, without manual
intervention. This requirement includes recovery from the H.T. failure as well as the
control system power failure.

c) The site instrumentation shall also form an integral part of the control
system and shall be executed on a turnkey basis by an system integrator.


Typical input / output (I/O) requirements for the various PLCs are shown in Table
below. These input/output schedules shall not be limited but be complied with the
process design during the contractors design stage.

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Table - Typical I/O Schedule

Item PLC I/O

1 Each drive running fault (see note 1) available X X X X XX
(see note 2) alarm state (see note 3) start Stop
2. Each motor actuated valve open state XXXX XX
closedstate fault (see note 1) available (see note
2) open command close command
3. Main distribution board item PLC I/O
incomers and generator incomer closed XX X
tripped X pulse X
power consumed incomer 1 pulse
power consumed incomer 2
MFM - Voltage, Current, PF, Power
4. Generator
running fault
fuel system fault low fuel level XXXX
5. Level (digital)
high high high XX
lowlow low XX
6. Level (analogue) Value X
7. Flow (analogue) value X
8. Pressure differential X
9. Water quality XXX XXX
chlorine residual turbidity
10. Control system XX
UPS fault
UPS battery low


1. The fault signal is a logical AND of all drive faults.

2. Available status is derived at the starter and shall be a logical AND of the
following signals:

- starter mounted manual / off / automatic selector switch set to automatic;

- no power failure at the starter;

- emergency stop device not operated;

- no drive fault.

In other words when the drive is available a start signal is received from the PLC the
drive anddevice shall start.

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3. An alarm in this context is a state that does not prevent a drive from running
but should be brought to the attention of the operator.

4. The above I / O list is indicative of what is required. The Contractor shall

provide any additional I / O as required for the control of the Works.


The duty pump for each duty / standby pair shall be selected at the local control
panel and the Plant HMI.

The control logic shall automatically start an available standby in the event of the
duty drive failing. The new duty drive shall take on the role of duty drive in all
respects and shall continue to run as duty until manually reselected to standby or it


Hard wired interlocking shall be provided for safety circuits such as: motor

run dry protection; emergency stop circuitry; rotation monitor.

In addition drives stopped as a result of the action of hardwired interlocks shall in

addition have a fault signal conveyed to the drive in order that the PLC drive run
output is removed. Soft wired interlocking is provided by the PLC for process control
and for safety trips when the signal is derived from a remote source .


The primary power supply for the control panels for RWPS, WTP and CWPS shall be
derived from the respective LV switchboard at 240 V AC. The voltage level for
control schemes and power supply for the instrumentation and control system shall
be 24 V DC. The 24 V DC shall be derived from 230 V AC from LV switchboard. The 24
V DC power supply system at RWPS, WTP and CWPS shall cover the following items:

(a) Sealed maintenance free (SMF) batteries

(b) 24 V DC rectifier unit with float cum boost charger for 24 V DC battery

(c) DC distribution board.

The batteries shall be sized to provide sufficient power to maintain the

instrumentation and control system of the pumping stations / Sewage treatment
plant equipment functioning for a period of 1 hour. The battery shall have maximum
recharge time of 8 hours. The control supply voltage for all the control panels and
field instruments shall be derived from the battery and battery charger. For detailed
technical specification (except the output voltage level) of battery and battery
charger refer electrical specifications. The estimated load of I&C system for each
pumping station and for WTP must be worked out and got approved from
Department, before procurement of the battery and battery charger for the
respective pumping station and for WTP.

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a) Contractor shall provide Online Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System with
One Hour back-up time at full load for the local PC based SCADA systems. Contractor shall
clearly indicate the offered UPS rating in the bid document.

b) The UPS shall be floor mounted, self contained and metal clad.

c) The UPS shall be incorporating a six pulse rectifier and pulse width modulation
inverter technology with microprocessor control. It shall incorporate a static bypass switch
that shall operate in event of UPS failure, overload or manual initiation in order to transfer
the output supply to mains without disturbance to the output supply.

d) The batteries used for power supply system shall be rechargeable, Sealed
Maintenance Free (SMF) Lead Acid type. The battery supply to the UPS shall be via a fused
load break switch dis- connector circuit breaker. The battery recharge time to 90% of full
charge shall be approximately ten times the discharge time at full load.

e) The various alarms and status parameters of UPS system shall be made available to
the local SCADA system(s) for monitoring purpose using RS-232 serial communication port
provided in UPS offered.

f) Software for shutdown of the PC in case mains power supply is not restored shall be
provided as a part of the UPS.

g) Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of UPS shall be less than five percent and any single
harmonic distortion shall be less than three percent.

h) After a dip or failure of the supply, the rectifier controller shall ramp up the DC
voltage slowly.

i) Designing of all power supply items shall be as per the latest national/international
standards such as IS, BS and IEC. Employer has right to reject the system at any time, if
standards are not met by the Contractor. Contractor shall clearly indicate the standards.

j) Power supply scheme and all design calculations for selection of UPS and Battery
capacity shall be furnished by the Contractor in detail along with the bid document.

k) Based on the three phase 415 VAC power supply available at site all required
AC/DCvoltages for SCADA and Communication system etc. shall be derived from this supply
and proper isolation, earthing and safety requirements as per Indian Electricity (IE) Rules
shall be complied bythe Contractor.

l) Contractor shall provide required and sufficient nos. of AC and DC feeders for the PC
based local SCADA system. At least 2 nos. of spare feeders shall be provided in AC, DC

m) The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System with SMF Lead Acid battery shall
conform to the minimum following specifications:

Sr. No. Description Technical Particulars

SYSTEM (UPS) Communication systems
1.1 Rated Power at PF = 0.7 Contractor to design and indicate

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1.2 Input Voltage 240 VAC Single phase to be made

available by Contractor from 415
VAC +/- 10 %, 3 Phase, 4W, 50 Hz +/-
5 Hz made available at one point at
1.3 Allowable variations in input
a) Voltage +/- 10 %
b) Frequency +/- 5 %
c) Combined voltage and frequency +/- 10 %
1.4 Output
a) Voltage 230 VAC, Single phase
b) Frequency 50 Hz +/- 0.5 % (free running ) and
+/- 3% (Sync mode)
c) Regulation Less than +/- 1 %
d) Transient Response +/- 5% for 100% Load
Variation, Correction in 10 m-
sec or better
e) Inverter Technology PWM (IGBT)
f) Distortion (AC harmonics) < 5 % THD, and < 3 % for any single
g) Short term Overload 110 % for 30 min, 150 % for 10 secs,
% for 5 cycles
h) Efficiency Inverter - 92 % or better and AC
to AC
85% or better
i) Load Power Factor 0.6 to unity
j) Static Bypass Required with transfer time less
than 5 m- sec
k) Manual Bypass Switch Required
l) Backup Period One Hour Backup time at 100 % load
1.5 Protections
a) Mains Over/Under Required
b) DC Over/Under Voltage Required
c) Inverter Over/Under Voltage Required
d) Inverter Overload Required
e) Overheat Required
f) Built-in Soft/ Cold start Required
g) Snubber circuits for devices Required
1.6 LED Indicators
a) Mains On Required
b) Inverter On Required
c) Battery on Charge Required
d) Mains Over/Under Voltage Required
e) Low Battery Imminent Required
f) DC Over/Under Voltage Required
g) Inverter Overload Required
h) Load On Inverter Required
Sr. No. Description Technical Particulars
i) Load on Auxiliary Supply Required

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k) Overheat Required
1.7 Digital Metering 16 x 2 or better LCDfor:
a) DC Volts Required
b) AC I/P and O/P Volts Required
c) DC Current Required
d) AC O/P Current Required
e) Frequency Required
f) % Battery Required
1.8 Audible Alarm Required
1.9 Isolation of UPS output from MainsInput Required
1.10 Alarm Contacts for Self Diagnostics Required
1.11 Protection Class IP 21 or better
1.12 Temperature 0 to 50 C
1.13 Relative humidity Upto 95% Non-condensing
1.14 Batteries
a) Type of battery Sealed maintenance free (SMF) lead
Acid type
b) Number of cells per unit Contractor to design and indicate
c) Nominal cell voltage Contractor to design and indicate
d) Final cell voltage Contractor to design and indicate
e) Capacity at 100% load For One hour backup time
Sr. No. Description Technical Particulars
f) Mounting arrangement Open type multitier
g) Following Accessories but not limited to
the following shall be provided
h) Set of inter cell, inter row and inter bank Required
connectors and number plates as
required for the complete installation
i) Accessories for testing and
Centre zero voltmeter

Required (range Contractor to



UPS system of local SCADA system shall be tested at manufacturers work and also
at site for its performance, functional and operation requirements.

Following are the tests to be carried out. Voltage regulation 0-100 % of load Load
test, current limiter operation Output voltage variation

Ripple and harmonic measurement Efficiency and power factor Megger and HV test
for insulation Heat run

Functional tests

Alarms and self diagnostics tests Communication with local SCADA system DC start
for UPS

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Description Voltage
Instrumentation power supplies 24 V DC
PLC input-output modules 24 V DC
PLC input-output circuits/loops 24 V DC
SCADA System 230 V AC (UPS)


All circuits shall be protected against short circuit by the provision of adequate
numbers of miniature circuit breakers.

For ease of maintenance and system security power supplies to each instrument
loop and each PLC module shall be protected with an individual MCB.

Suitable earthing shall be provided for all the control panels. The same shall
beconnectedto electrical earth.

Earthing shall be provided for electronic equipment and shall be connected to

electronic earthing arrangement. The same shall be separate from electrical earth.

Cabinets for Field Instruments

Cabinets shall be provided for enclosing instruments and associated accessories

which are mounted outside the control panel such as transmitter, SPDs, terminal
blocks etc. at all measurement locations.

It shall be fabricated from cold rolled steel with powder coating sheet of standard
gauge and shall be suitable for wall mounting or pedestal mounting as required.

The cabinet shall be properly powder coated from inside by white paint and powder
coated from outside by shade RAL 7032.

The cabinet shall conform to IP-65 protection and shall have built in locking facility.
The cabinet shall be earthed properly. A steel plate/pipe, as per the requirement,
shall be provided in the cabinet for mounting the instrument and accessories.

Instrument Power Supply Cables and Instrumentation Signal Cables

Contractor shall include in his scope the supply and laying of instrumentation signal
and instrument power supply cables and associated civil / mechanical work required
for completing the system.

Cables shall be capable of satisfactorily withstanding without damage,

transportation to site, installation at site, and operation under normal and short
circuit conditions of the various systems to which the respective cables are
connected when operating under the climatic conditions prevailing at the site as
indicated in this specification.

Cable joints in instrument signals and power supply cables shall not be permitted.

Cables shall be capable of satisfactory performance when laid on trays, in trenches,

conduits, ducts and when directly buried in the ground.

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Cables shall be capable of operating satisfactorily under a power supply system

voltage variation of 15%, a frequency variation of 5.0%.



660V/1100 V grade multicore cables, multistranded high conductivity annealed 1.0 stranded tinned copper conductor, extruded PVC insulated, overall screened
with braided wire or with aluminium mylar tape, ATC drain wire run continuously in
contact with aluminium tape, inner sheathed with extruded PVC, armoured with
galvanized steel wire overall sheathed with extruded PVC conforming to IS:1554 and
IEC:189 Part II.



660 V/1100 V annealed, tinned, high conductivity 1.0 sqmm stranded copper
conductor extruded PVC insulated two/ three cores twisted into pair/ triad, laid up
collectively, individual pair/ triad shielded and overall shielded with wire braiding or
aluminium mylar tape, ATC drain wireruncontinuously in contact with aluminium
side of the tape, inner sheathed with extruded PVC, armoured with galvanized steel
wire, overall sheathed with extruded PVC conforming to IS:1554 and IEC:189 Part II.


A distance of minimum 300mm shall be maintained between the cables carrying low
voltage AC and DC signals and a distance of minimum 600mm shall be maintained
between signal cables and HT cables. In outdoor areas, the cables shall be directly
buried. Each instrumentation and power supply cable shall be terminated to
individual panel/ terminal box. Identification of each cable shall be by proper
ferrules at each junction as per cable schedule to be prepared by Contractor.

Cables shall be laid in accordance with layout drawings and cable schedule which
shall be prepared by Contractor and submitted for Employer's Representatives

All cable routes shall be carefully measured and cables cut to the required lengths,
leaving sufficient amount for the final connection of the cable to the terminals on
either end. Various cable lengths cut from the cable reels shall be carefully selected
to prevent undue wastage of cables. A loop of 1 meter shall be left near each field
instrument before terminating the cable.

Cables shall be complete uncut lengths from one termination to the other.

All cables shall be identified close to their termination point by cable numbers as per
cable interconnection schedules. Identification tags shall be securely fastened to the
cables at both the ends.

Cable shall be rigidly supported on structural steel and masonry, using individually
cast or malleable iron galvanized clips, multiple cable supports or cable trays.

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In order to make the most economic use of cable ladder/tray and duct capacity,
multicore cabling shall be utilized in order to connect instrumentation groups by
using suitably locatedsub-distribution junction boxes.

The junction boxes shall have weather protection suitable for the area in which they
are to be installed and for the type of circuit. They shall be readily accessible for
maintenance and clearly labeled. Junction boxes shall be constructed of die cast
aluminium / CI and provide degree of protection IP 65.

Separate cables shall be used for digital and analog signals.

Wires and terminals for the digital and analog signals shall be segregated within
junction boxes. Also wires and terminals for AC and DC signals shall be segregated
within the junction boxes.


Proposed CCTV system shall be an open standard based integrated system with IP
network centric functional and management architecture aimed at providing high-
speed manual/automatic operation for best performance.

System shall use video signals from various types of indoor/outdoor CCD colour
cameras installed at different locations, process them for viewing on
workstations/monitors at Central Control Room/local control rooms and
simultaneously record all the cameras after compression using MPEG 4 or better
standard. Joystick or Mouse-Keyboard controllers shall be used for Pan, Tilt, Zoom,
and other functions of desired cameras.

System shall have combination of Digital CCD Colour video Cameras with individual
IP address, analog CCD Colour VideoCameraswith Fixedor P/T/ZLens,encoders/
decoders, NetworkVideo recorders (NVR/CAMERA SERVER), Network attached
storage (NAS) / Raid backup device for recording, Application software, Colour Video
Monitors, Keyboards with Joystick controllers / Mouse-Keyboard, software based
Video Matrix Switcher, workstation for System Administration / Management /
Maintenance etc.

The NVR / CAMERA SERVER can be embedded type or server based. However the
NVR / CAMERA SERVER software shall run on common off the shelf available servers
(Camera server & Database server). Each NVR / Camera Server shall be able to
handle 12 or more cameras.

Network Video Recorder shall offer both video stream management and video
stream storage management. Recording frame rate & resolution in respect of
individual channel shall be programmable.

System should ensure that once recorded, the video cannot be altered, ensuring the
audit trail isintact for evidential purposes.

System shall provide sufficient storage of all the camera recordings for a period of 30
days or more

@ 25 FPS, at 4 CIF or better quality using necessary compression techniques for all

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

cameras (extended capacity of cameras i.e. present capacity + 25 %).

System shall use a combination of IP enabled cameras & analog CCD cameras
withexternal encoder. The video shall be compressed using MPEG-4 or better
standard and streamed over the IP network.

Encoders shall digitize analog video, compress the digitalvideousingvarious

compression algorithms for outdoor installations, shall be suitable to work from (-)
10o C to (+) 50o C with RH up to 90% non-condensing.

6.8.6 System requirements

Camera with external encoder or IP Camera shall be used for image capture.

Indoor cameras shall be either with fixed focal length lens or with Pan/Tilt & Zoom lens
as per site requirement. All outdoor Cameras shall be Day/Night cameras.

Housing of cameras meant for indoor use shall be of IP 42 rating whereas outdoor
camera housing shall be of IP 66 or better rating. These must be integrated by the
camera manufacturer.

System must provide built-in facility of water marking or Digital certificate to ensure
tamperproof recording so that these can be used as evidence at a later date, if so
desired. The recording shall support audit trail feature.

All camera recordings shall have Camera ID & location/area of recording as well as
date/time stamp. Camera ID, Location/Area of recording & date/time shall be
programmable by the system administrator with User ID & Password.

Facility of camera recording in real-time mode (25 FPS)/15/12.5/10 or lower FPS as well
as in any desired combination must beavailable in the system.

Facility of Camera recording in CIF, 2CIF, 4 CIF as well as in any combination i.e. any
camera can be recorded in any quality Selective or Group of cameras must be available
in the system.

System shall have facility of additional camera installation beyond the originally planned

In order to optimize the memory, while recording, video shall be compressed using
MPEG-4 or better standard and streamed over the IP network. Once on the network,
video can be viewed on a Control room workstation or on analog monitor using a
hardware decoder (MPEG-4/compatible standardReceiver) and shall be recorded on
NVR/CAMERA SERVER and shall be backed up on NAS/RAID Backup device.

System shall be triplex i.e. it should provide facility of Viewing, Recording & Replay

The offered system shall have facility to export the desired portion of clipping (from a
desired date/time to another desired date/time) on CD or DVD. Viewing of this recording
shall be possible on standard PC using standard software like windows media player etc.

PTZ Cameras shall have 64 or more pre-defined positions, to be selected through

suitable input alarm.

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System shall have provision of WAN connectivity for remote monitoring.

System design

Each camera should be connected to a Hardware Encoder, through cable, which shall
support minimum dual streams. Alternatively, the camera shall be IP based,UTP ready.
The encoders should be capable of producing streams @ 25 fps for each camera for
viewingonLANandonmonitorsandalsorecording intothe NVR/CAMERA SERVER/Camera
servers and NAS box/Raid backup device @ 25 fps or lower frame rate, user selectable as
per requirement, for each individual camera.

Encoders shall be Power Over Ethernet (POE) compliant and connected to Layer 2 or
Layer 3 switch as per system design using UTP CAT 6 Cable or fiber optic cable and the
required connectors as per standards.

For monitoring purposes, Video monitors/Plasma monitors/Video wall shall be setup

with suitable mounting arrangements, as per user requirements. Facility for viewing and
controlling all the cameras at various other locations, as required, shall be provided.

Monitoring at Local control rooms may be restricted to operation of certain cameras

only & system administrator should be able to configure the system, accordingly.

There shall be a Control System with Video Control Software to manage all the video
surveillance devices.

Video Surveillance Application Software

The software shall operate on open architecture for integration with perimeter safety,
access control, PA and fire / safety systems based on open standards.

Digital video surveillance control software should be capable to display and manage the
entire surveillance system. It should be capable of supporting variety of devices such as
cameras, video encoders, video decoders, PTZ controller, NVR, NAS boxes/Raid backup
device etc.

The software should have inbuilt facility to store configuration of encoders / decoders
and cameras.

The software should Support flexible 1/2/4 Windows Split screen display mode or scroll
mode on the PC monitor or on preview monitor as per site requirement.

The software should be able to control all cameras i.e. PTZ control, Iris control, auto /
manual focus, and color balance of camera, Selection of presets, Videotour selection etc.

The software should have user access authority configurable on per device or per device
group basis. The user shall have the facility to request the access of any camera and
cancontrolthe camera for a reservationperiod.Controlofcamera is released after the
reservation period.

The system shall provide User activity log (audit trail) with user ID, time stamp, and
action performed, etc.

The administrator should be able to add, edit & delete users with rights. It shall be
possible to view ability / rights of each user or the cameras which can be viewed &

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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controlled as per the permission assigned by the administrator.

It should have recording modes viz. continuous, manual, or programmed modes on date,
time and camera-wise. All modes should be disabled and enabled using scheduled
configuration. It should also be possible to search and replay the recorded images on
date, time and camera-wise. It should provide onscreen controlsfor remote operation of
PTZ cameras. It should have the facility for scheduled recording. Different recording
speeds (fps) and resolutionforeachrecordingmodefor eachcamerashouldbe possible.

Retrieval: The CCTV application should allow retrieval of data instantaneously or any
date / time interval chosen through search functionality of the application software. In
case data is older than 30 days and available, the retrieval should be possible. The
system should also allow for backup of specific data on any drives like CD/DVD/Blu ray
Recorders or any other device in a format which can be replayed through a standard PC
based software. Log of any such activity should be maintained by the system which can
be audited at a later date.


ImageDevice Interlinetransfer1/4"orbetterformatC
Focallength 4mmto72mmorbetter
Opticalzoom(For IndoorCamera) 18Xorbetter
Opticalzoom(For OutdoorCamera) 26Xorbetter
NumberofPixels 720X576
ScanningSystem PAL
Resolution 480TVLorbetter
Illumination(For Indoorcamera) 1.0Lux(Color),0.1Lux(B/W)or better
Illumination(For Outdoorcamera) 1.0Lux(Color),0.05Lux(B/W)or better
PanTravel 360Continuous
TiltTravel 0-90
ManualTiltSpeed 0.5/SECto90/SEC
Manual pan speed 0.5/SECto90/SEC
PresetTiltspeed 0.5/SECto90/SEC
PresetPanSpeed 0.5/SECto300/SEC
Presetpositions Min.64
IrisControl Auto
Focus Auto
Back Light compensation Required with black masking or other
suitable technology
Whitebalance Auto
Electronicshutter Auto
S/Nratio >=48dB
Powersupply As per OEM's design, however
generally AC 230 V
@ 50Hz/12 V or 24V AC Rectifier and
SMPS if DC supply Bullet Camera

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Signal System NTSC/PAL

Image Sensor 1/3" SonySuper HAD
Scanning System 2:1 Interlace
Horizontal Resolution 600 TV Lines
Synchronization Internal
Luminance S/N More than 50dB (AGC
Min.Illumination 0 Lux(IR LED On)
Gamma Adjustable / User
Video Output Level 1.0 Vp-p Composite
Dayand night True Dayand Night
IR LED 850nm, 20ea, Up to 30m
IR LED Operation On:1Lux,Off:3Lux
IPRating IP66 (Water Repellent)
OSDDisplay Built-in
Sense-Up Auto Adjustable
3D DNR 0~100LevelAdjustable
D-WDR Off/Indoor/Outdoor
Image Freeze / Mirror /D-zoom / Sharpness /
Gain Control Off/Low/Middle/High
Motion Zone 4ea (Mask On /
PrivacyMasking Zone 8ea (Mask On /
Function Language Standard : English
Operating Temperature -10C~50C(14F~122F)
Storage Temperature -20C~60C(-4F~ 140F)
Power Supply Dual:DC 12V10% /AC 24V 10%

Fixed Colour Dome Camera Varifocal

ImageDevice 1/3orCCDSensor
Number of Pixels Minimum 720x576
ScanningSystem PAL
Resolution 480TVLinesorbetter
MinIllumination 1LuxatF1.2
S/NRatio >=48dB
ElectronicShutter AUTO
Lens Built-inVarifocallens.AutoIris,lensf=49mm.
Backlightcompensation Required
Powersupply AsperOEM'sdesign


The encoder shall be built on embedded processor and real time operating system. The
Encoder should convert Analog Composite/S-Video input into goodqualitydigital stream
on real time basis and shall be able to transmit as Unicast /Multicast IP packet with low

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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latency (less than 200 msec.) for live viewing as well as forrecording.

The video resolution should be configurable at either of 4 CIF, 2 CIF, CIF @ 25 fpsor at
lower frame rate per camera, user selectable.

The encoder should generate MPEG4 video stream Compliant with ISO/IEC 14496
standard. The encoder should be interchangeable with any standard encoder of any
other make, which generates MPEG4 video stream Compliant with ISO/IEC 14496

e Encoder should have the following specifications or should match with the

Format PALcolor,B/W,composite,25fps, 2:1interlaced

Resolution(HxVpixels) 4CIF704x576,2CIF,CIF,QCIF
FrameRate 25fps(PAL)andlower
Encoding MPEG-4CompliantwithISO/ IEC14496Standard
VideoParameters Brightness,contrast,hue,sharpness,andsizingsele
VideoLatency Lessthan200msec.
Connectors BNCforCompositeVideoforinput,suitableconnect
orsfor Power,Alarmin,andAlarmout,RJ-
45forEthernet10/100 Base-Toutput.
IPAddress StaticIPAddressorasperSystemrequirement.
MPEG4standard CompliantwithISO/IEC14496
IPPackets UnicastandMulticast
POE Compliant
Powersupply AsperOEM'sdesign


NAS box/RAID backup device shall be used to record video streams based on the
configuration assigned by administrator. Workstations & Servers within the LAN should
be able to access the recorded video streams. The NAS/RAID backup device should
support simultaneous play back and recording at full duplex operation.

It shall provide a high quality recording storage and play back of images. It should
support integration with LAN to provide Centralized Management and shall operate on
Windows / Linux OS. Support of user management for security level control and
authentication required.

The minimum capacity of storage device shall not be less than 2TB.

Camera Housing & mount

The camera mount should be:

i. Of the same make as that of camera and suitable for the model number offered
as specified by the manufacturer and should be an integrated unit.

ii. Should be compact and indoor / outdoor type as required.

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iii. Should support the weight of camera and accessories such as housing, pan & tilt
head in any vertical or horizontal position etc.

Speed dome controller/PTZ controller

SpeedDomeControllershould havevariable speedjoystick, LCD display for Programming

and it should be able to control the speed dome for PAN / TILT / Zoom. Cables

Sr.No. Connectivity CableType

1 CameratoVideoEncoder CoaxialRG6/U/CAT6/FibreOptic
2 VideoEncodertoSwitchincontrolroom UTPCAT6/FibreOptic
3 SwitchtoVideoWallSwitches UTPCAT6/FibreOptic
4 FromswitchestoNASBox FibreOptic
5 HardwareDecodertomonitor Compositesignalcable


The following drawings for the instrumentation and control, SCADA and associated
communication and power supply systems covered under this specification shall be
submitted for review of Employers Representative along with tender / BID and after
the Award of Contract.

Sr.No. Description To be To be submitted

submitted with after the Award of
the Tender the Contract
1.0 P&I Diagram * (Preliminary) * (Final)
2.0 Instrument list with tag numbers, range, * (Preliminary) * (Final)
sizes, makes and model numbers
3.0 Data sheets and catalogues for all * (Preliminary) * (Final)
instruments, alarm annunciator and
instrumentation and control cables
4.0 Control Panel
4.1 Overall dimensional drawing, fabrication * (Final)
details and Bill of material for the
instruments mounted on the front facia
and inside the control panel.
4.2 Front facia layout showing all instruments *
with cut-outs and bezel dimensions,
construction details and interior G.A.
drawings for control panels/ consoles
4.3 Wiring diagram with terminal details of *
each component, terminal block details,
powersupply distribution scheme with
loads and bill of quantities of all panel
mounted instruments for control panels/
4.4 Bill of material for the instruments * (Preliminary)
mounted on the front facia and inside the
control panel.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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5.0 Loop diagrams for all fieldmounted *

instruments. (The loop diagram
shallcontain tag numbers, terminal
number, I/O address, cable no. etc.)
6.0 List of alarms provided on alarm *
7.0 PLC & RTU System
7.1 Input / Output list for PLC & RTU indicating *
grouping of various signals in each module
7.2 PLC & RTU system configuration indicating * (Preliminary) * (Final)
7.3 PLC block logic diagram with descriptive *
control logic write-up and software
program listing
7.4 System hardware details along with bill of * (Preliminary) * (Final)
material for PLC & RTU system
7.5 Screens of Operator Interface Unit (OIU) *
8.0 Installation sketches of instruments *
9.0 Battery and Battery Charger
9.1 Front facia layout, overall dimensions, *
wiring diagram, indicating terminal details
and bill of quantities for battery charger
9.2 Calculation of Ampere Hour capacity for *
the battery backup.
9.3 Catalogues and Data sheet * (Preliminary) * (Final)
10.0 I&C system configuration drawing* (Preliminary) * (Final)
indicating instruments, PLCs, RTUs and PC
based local SCADA system.
11.0 Functional Design Specification containing* (Preliminary) * (Final)
summary of the Contractors proposal for
the sequence of operation and design
intent (For RWPS, CWPS, WTP and Water
supply System)
12.0 PC based local and Master SCADA system
12.1 Data sheet and catalogues for PC, printers * (Preliminary) * (Final)
and DAMS software
12.2 Details of communication protocol and *
data structure
12.3 Screens of the PC based Master and local *
SCADA system
13.0 Catalogues, data sheet and sizing *
calculations for UPS and battery for PC
based Master and local SCADA system
14.0 Detailed cable installation layout *
drawings indicating route of cables, type of
laying, etc.
15.0 Cable Schedules and Interconnection cable *
16.0 Operation and maintenance manuals for *
PLCs, local and Master PC based SCADA
system, battery and battery charger panel,

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UPS and all instruments

17.0 Control room layout drawing * (Preliminary) * (Final)
18.0 Data sheets, catalogues, control * (Preliminary) * (Final)
wiringdrawings with terminal details for
motorized valve actuators.
19.0 List of spares for I&C system, PC based *
Master and local SCADA system including
power supply systems
20.0 Operation and Maintenance and *
Instructions Manuals
21.0 As built drawings *
22.0 Documents for system training *



Each item of plant shall be subjected to the manufacturers own tests which shall be
certified. Each item of plant and its installation shall be subject to inspection and
testing at the place of manufacture. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
provision of all necessary test equipment. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the
Employers Representative, the correct operation of any item of plant and the
Employers Representative may witness any test. Tests which, in the opinion of the
Employers Representative, were failed or not performed correctly shall be repeated.

Before any test is made, the Contractor shall submit to the Employers
Representative a full list of test equipment to be used. Each item of test equipment
shall have a standard of accuracy better than that stated by the manufacturer of the
item to be tested. The Contractor shall provide evidence of the condition and
performance of any item of test equipment, in the form of test certificates issued by
an appropriate authority independent of the Contractor and manufacturer, or as
otherwise directed by the Employers Representative. Test equipment shall be
checked frequently during the period of the tests.

The Contractors staff responsible for supervising and carrying out tests shall be fully
conversant with the various items of equipment of other manufacturers and if
necessary the Contractor shall arrange for his personnel to attend suitable training
courses on his own expense. The contractor has to get approval from the clients
representative for the training personnel to be employed by the contractor.

Any fault or shortcoming found during any inspection or test shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative before proceeding with further
inspection or testing of that item. Any circuit previously tested, which may have
been affected by the rectification work, shall be re-tested.




After the successful completion of the manufacturers own inspection and testing of
instruments supplied under the Contract, similar tests shall be carried out in the
presence of the Employers Representative and the Contractor, if requested. Such

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tests shall include a demonstration that an increase or decrease of the measured

value at several points over the full range of the instrument produces a
corresponding increase or decrease in the instrument output signal. These tests shall
include checks on the specified accuracy of the instrument at all points.


The manufacturer shall not present instrument panels, enclosures and mounting
boards (assemblies) for inspection and testing until the manufacturers own tests
and inspection has been completed. A preliminary inspection and test of these
assemblies may then be witnessed by the Employers Representative. The Contractor
shall give not less than 7 days notice in writing that he has completed his tests and
inspection and is ready for the witnessed tests and inspection. Where this notice
period is different in the Conditions of Contract this shall take precedent.

The witnessed inspection and testing shall include the following:

a) A visual inspection of the panel assembly to show that the design,

construction and finish are satisfactory and in accordance with the Specification;

b) A check that equipment is securely mounted, accessible for removal or

calibration without damage to or undue disturbance of other components, wiring or

c) That all engraving and labels are correctly positioned, fixed and designated
in accordance with the Specification;

d) Panel power-distribution circuits have the correct breaker/fuse rating

coordination and designation;

e) Power-isolation facilities meet the Specification;

f) The main incoming supply voltage, frequency and/or pneumatic supply

pressure is within the required limits, these being checked at the beginning and end
of the test and the results recorded on test certificates;

g) The output of all power supply units again at the beginning and end of the
testing with results being recorded;

h) The power supply voltage or air pressure of all component instruments of

the assembly(s), these voltages/pressures being recorded on the test certificate;

i) The insulation resistance of all circuits except sensitive electronic equipment

which is liable to damage by application of the test voltage, such circuits being
disconnected before making the insulation resistance tests and these tests being
carried out in accordance with IEE Wiring Regulations;

j) That the clean earth bar is isolated from main frame of the panel. Internal
lighting and anti- condensation heaters and associated thermostats, isolators, limit
switches and wiring shall be checked for compliance with the Specification. Spare
capacity within the panel(s) shall be checked to see that it complies with the
Specification. This shall include future equipment space, spare terminals, space in
wiring trunkings and provision for additional cable entry

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General requirements

Once the preliminary inspection and testing is complete to the satisfaction of the
Employers Representative, functional testing shall commence. The purposes of the
functional tests are to demonstrate that instrument panels enclosures and mounting
boards (assemblies) conform to requirements of the Specification.

Not less than 30 days before the commencement of functional tests, the Contractor
shall submit to the Employers Representative, for approval, two copies of
comprehensive test procedural documents detailing each test to be carried out. The
document shall include results forms on which the results of each test will be
entered. The forms shall include spaces for numerical values, where necessary, and
witness signatures. All applicable drawings and data shall be provided at the place of
inspection by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide all test instruments and equipment necessary to test
the assemblies in their entirety.

The following is a typical list of the equipment required:

Switch boxes;

Indicator light boxes;

Analogue signal sources;

Dummy loads;



Desk-top computers;

Programmers for DCS or outstations;

Insulation test equipment.

All tests as required, both at the factory i.e. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) before
dispatch, and at site after installation i.e. Site Acceptance Tests (SAT), shall be
carried out. Detailed Test reports and certificates shall be submitted. Test reports
and test certificates for bought out components shall be submitted for
approval.These components shall also be included in the integrated FAT.

The list of tests to be carried for both FAT and SAT along with test instruments to be
used shall be furnished with the Bid for review by the Employers Representative.
Contractor shall indicatetheplace of FAT and the test facilities available.

Prior to testing, all relevant documentation and sufficient briefing about the tests
shall be given to Employers Representatives who would witness the testing.

In addition, testing done during manufacturing and assembly in the factory such as
heat run, component testing, circuit testing etc. for similar equipment shall be

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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demonstrated to the Employers Representative.

Instrumentation and Control:

To ensure that a well engineered and contractually compliant system is delivered by

the Contractor, the Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) shall be performed

Factory Acceptance Test (FAT-Applicable For Inspection Category A)

(a) A Factory Acceptance Test, which shall be witnessed by Employers

Representative, is required for the system. No equipment shall be shipped without
written confirmation by the Employers Representative that the system has
successfully passed its factory acceptance test.

(b) The purpose of the FAT is to qualify the system as meeting all contractual
requirements. The test shall verify the performance and functional integrity of the
individual subsystems, including active interfaces between subsystems and shall
demonstrate the proper operation of equipment/systems.

(c) Factory Acceptance Tests shall be conducted according to test plan with
detailed test procedures. The test plan and procedures shall be submitted by the
Contractor for review and shallbe subject to approval by the Employers

(d) In order to ensure that the FAT will be successfully and expeditiously
completed, it shall commence only after the successful completion of a preliminary
FAT (Pre FAT). The intent is for the Contractor to detect and correct most design,
integration and performance problems before the Employers Representative come
to the factory for the FAT. The Pre FAT shall be supervised by the person designated
to serve later as the Contractor's Inspector of the FAT, and each test shall be
formally signed off by that person. The signed off test results shall be sent to the
Employers Representative for review before the Employers Representative comes
to Contractor's factory for FAT.

(e) A complete set of system documentation, including design and maintenance

documents, user manuals and the test plan and procedures shall be available during
the FAT.

(f) The list of tests to be carried for both Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) along
with test instruments to be used shall be furnished for review by the Employers
Representative. Contractor shall indicate the place of inspection and the test
facilities available.

i) The testing of all the equipment and accessories shall be carried out as per
latest applicable Indian/International standards recommendations.

ii) Prior to testing, all relevant documentation and sufficient briefing about the
tests shall be given to Employers Representatives who would witness the testing.

iii) The FAT to be performed in the factory shall include but not be limited to

a) Tests for guaranteed technical parameters

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b) Integrated functional tests

c) Burn-in tests

d) Hydrostatic tests

e) Calibration tests

f) Power supply variation test

g) Alarm/Diagnostic check


(a) Type Tests

The Contractor shall submit the test certificates for the 'Type Tests' to the
Employers Representative for approval. The type tests (as applicable) for the
instruments shall be as follows:

'Burn In' test for electronic components Humidity test for electronic instruments
Weather protection as per IS 13947 Hysteresis test

High voltage test

Short circuit protection test Material test

(b) Routine Tests

All instruments shall be subjected to the routine tests (as applicable) mentioned
below at the manufacturers works (Factory Acceptance Tests) to ensure correct

i. Calibration of the instruments

All the instruments shall be calibrated for accuracies as per applicable standards.
The calibration shall be carried out at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the range of
the instrument in both increasing and decreasing directions. The instrument shall be
acceptable if the accuracy and repeatability are better than those specified. The
instrument used for testing shall hold a valid calibration certificate from a
recognized laboratory.

(c) Over range protection test

All transmitters, digital panel meters, digital flow indicator cum integrator shall be
subjected to the over range protection test.

(d) Performance test

All the instruments shall be tested by connecting to the specified power supply for
the performance test.

(e) Power supply variation test

All the instruments shall work satisfactorily for the specified power supply variation.

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Accuracy and linearity shall not change.

(f) Hydrostatic test

All flow sensors and pressure sensors shall be tested to withstand 150% of the rated
pressure. The sensitivity, accuracy and calibration of the sensors shall not
deteriorate at this over-range. There shall not be physical damage.

(g) Repeatability test

All instruments shall be subjected to repeatability test over the full range at 0%,
25%, 50%, 75% and

100 % of the full range in both increasing and decreasing directions. Readings
foreachmeasurement mentioned above shall be taken for establishing the

(h) Dimensional check

The dimensions of all the instruments shall be checked thoroughly and shall be
tabulated in a good format.

i. Wherever applicable, following dimensions shall be checked/ noted

Total length

Insertion length


Mounting head

Process connection size etc.

ii. For panel mounted instruments and transmitters following dimensions shall
be checked




Bezel dimensions and cut-out dimensions for panel mounted instruments etc.


QA/QC shall comply with the Contract, with particular requirements specific to the
equipment or service being provided as outlined below for PLC systems. The quality
assurance/control procedures shall include, but not be limited to the following:

Continuity and Wiring tests;

Insulation and High Potential Testing;

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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Packaging and Shipping;


Cleaning and Painting.

The quality assurance/quality control documentation shall include, but not be limited to
the following:

Material Certifications;

Shop Test Reports;

All other documentation required by applicable codes and standards.


The Contractor/ system supplier shall conduct training courses for personnel selected by
Employers Representative. Training shall be conducted by personnel employed by the
Contractor/ system supplier familiar with the system supplied and who have experience and
training in developing and implementing instructional courses.

The entire cost of the complete training program, including reasonable per diem expenses to
cover meals, lodging, transport and similar expenses for all the personnel attending the training
program, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor/ system supplier and shall be included in
the contract price.

The Contractor/ system supplier shall submit information on the training program for
approval, prior to shipment of the equipment. This submittal shall include a course outline;
time required, course schedule, sample workbook and instructor qualification information for
each level.

The Contractor/ system supplier shall make a workbook on each course available to every
person taking the courses listed herein. The workbook shall be of sufficient detail so that, at a
later date, a trainee could review in detail the major topics of the course.

The training times shall be scheduled by the Employers Representative in advance with the
Contractor/ system supplier so as not to disrupt the Employers ability to operate the plant.


Training shall be provided for Ten (10) of the Employers personnel or their
representative at the Contractor/ system supplier facility on operations and
maintenance of all Instrumentation & control components. The training program
shall be divided into two segments and shall consist of at least 7 (Seven) working
days, each of 8 (eight) hours duration.

The maintenance training program shall be developed for personnel that have
instrument & electronics maintenance and repair experience and a general knowledge
of computer systems, but shall not assume any familiarity with the specific hardware

As a minimum, the following subjects shall be covered: System Architecture and Layout

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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Hardware Components.

Module Switch Settings (Configuration Switches) I/O Modules

Power Supplies. Data Highway:

Programmer connection

IOP programming and diagnostic techniques Battery replacement and recharging


Disassembly Cleaning

Component Replacement Re-assembly.

The operation training programme shall include the following topics: Power-up,
bootstrapping and shutdown of all hardware devices.

Interpretation of all standard displays.

Appropriate actions for software and hardware error occurrences. Use of operator
interface displays and keyboards

Creation and editing of graphic operator display screens. Loading of any required
software into the system.


An EPABX system shall be provided at a control room for voice communication. Following
locations are to be covered using single EPABX system:

Main Control room in the Administration and Control Building

All rooms within the Administration and Control Building

The filter control block

The laboratory

The chemical house (chlorine room, point close to the chlorine storage area)

The platform on the mixing chamber / main distribution chamber

The filter operation gallery

The pipe gallery of the filter house

Bulk Chemical Storage Building

The Clarifier control block

Garage section / Parking

Duty Rooms

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Security Cabins at the entrance of the campus

Security Cabin at the entrance of the staff quarters

Switchgear room

PLC room

All instruments located for outdoor applications shall be weatherproof type.

Following paragraphs describes the minimum requirements for the design, manufacture and
application of the EPABX System. The purpose of this specification is to ensure consistency in
selection, design and application of the EPABX System. Minimum hardware and application
software requirements of these systems are defined. Contractor shall design, manufacture,
test, supply, install, and commission the EPABX system in control room. Bidder shall make
his own estimate of quantities for all items and subsystems such as cards, MDFs, IDBs,
cabling, conduits, capping and casing, earthing, lighting protection, UPS, batteries auxiliary
power distribution, labour work etc. it should be clearly understood that the Contract will be
on turnkey (lump sum) basis and no variation will be allowed for items of works not
foreseen or omitted by the Bidder. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all
labour, materials, equipment and services necessary and required to furnish and install a
complete and operating EPABX system. Any material not specifically mentioned in this
specification, but required for proper performance and operation shall be included.


EPABX system shall comply with the requirements of International

Telecommunications Union (ITU-T)

- Telecommunication recommendations and relevant Indian/International

applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the
equipment will be installed.


The proposed EPABX, power supply, all type of cables and accessories required to
make the system complete shall cater to the voice and data requirement of the
WTP. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) cables (suitable multi-core cable)
from nearest PSTN exchange to WTP will be arranged by the Employers
Representative and terminated on Main Distribution Frame (MDF). Contractor will
terminate this telephone cables and Telephone cabling from MDF (including MDF) to
EPABX and their distribution and termination up to extensions shall be in scope of

The EPABX shall support analog, digital and ISDN extension, analog lines from PSTN,
BRI level DID lines from PSTN, and BRI ISDN lines from PSTN.

EPABX shall be suitable for:

Capacity Equipped

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a) Call Office (CO) analog 8 numbers 3 numbers

b) Call Office BRI ISDN 1 numbers Nil
c) Analog extensions 64 numbers 40 numbers
d) Digital extensions 8 numbers 4 numbers
e) Operator console 1 numbers 1 number
f) Multi function interface 1 card Nil

card (PA system, relay and voice system)

g) EPABX offered shall support the voice mail system (min. 4 port PC based or 4 port
in skincard based voice mail system, to be procured in future by Employer, if
required). However, the offered EPABX system presently need not be fully equipped
for voice mail

EPABX is planned for intercom purpose. The EPABX shall have centralized
architecture. EPABX shall cater to the voice and data requirement within the WTP
premises and through trunk line from BSNL to outside world.


The Exchange shall be modular and fully digital, using Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
and Time Division Multiplex (TDM) techniques conforming to ITU-T
recommendations and shall be of Stored Program Control (SPC) type.

The Exchange shall support Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and BRI level
DIDExtensions. EPABX shall also be capable to support VHF voice communication
system, supporting radio paging and calls on mobile phone. Limitation, if any,
regarding maximum number of ports/cards supported shall be clearly brought out
by the Bidder. All systems must have provisions that enable connection to
Employers Representative provided peripheral equipment such as a music-on-hold
system, paging amplifier/speaker sound system, and automatic telephone answering
equipment. The bidder is requested to specify all other peripheral equipment that
may be connected to the system

The system platform shall be based on open system architecture. The EPABX shall
accept DP (Pulse Dialing), DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency), Digital Phones and Fax
and shall also have support for interconnection with PA system, SCADA and other
control relay sys-tem.

The system shall be of 100 % non-blocking type and all the port cards shall have
equal access to any free available time slot and shall have equal access to TDM Bus.
System shall be based on universal port architecture and shall not impose any
restriction whatsoever in terms of slots usage for a particular functional benefit.

The upgradation shall be in building block architecture by adding on additional

stacks/cabinets. However, such expansion shall neither involve any processor up-
gradation nor any of the other common control cards and cabinet. The EPABX
system central processor shall be controlled with non-volatile or stored programs.
The software pro-gram stored in a volatile memory and subject to commercial
power interruption shall be either a) protected from loss by a short term memory

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retention battery, or b) permitted to be lost but reloaded from some memory

storage device after the normal condition is restored.

The system shall be capable of working as transit switch, local switch, data circuit
switch, and packet switch in both digital and analog environment.

System shall support following signaling protocols:


b) E&M (2W/4W)

c) Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)

d) Interface cards suitable for PA system Interface and any other protocols
needed for the specified functions.

In case of emergency failures, the modules in hot standby mode shall take over
without dropping/interrupting any of the existing calls in progress. EPABX offered
shall be capable of providing hot standby configuration, if required in future, using
CPU and common control cards. Presently the bidder shall offer the EPABX system
without hot-standby configuration. But feature demonstration will be tested during
Factory and Acceptance Testing of the EPABX system. Thebidder shall arrange for the
test bench / setup for the same on his own. The redundant system configuration
shall ensure high reliability and maximum MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and
minimum MTTR (Mean Time To Repair).


Each subscriber shall be programmable for various COs say as Class C1 Incoming and
outgoing local calls.

Class C2 Local plus STD calls with software programmable barring facility.

Class C3 Local plus STD and ISD calls with software programmable barring
facility. The EPABX shall have the following features:

a) Automatic distribution of incoming calls at reception desks

b) Auto attendant feature in case of all reception desks being busy

c) Direct Inward Dialing

Digital attendant console shall be with the following facilities:

a) All incoming PSTN calls shall land on operators desk and operator shall
divert the same to desired destination. Auto attendant facility also shall be provided.

b) Automatic and manually selected trunks access

c) Operator controlled trunk-to-trunk connections

d) Adjustable time operator recall to advice caller that called station is busy

e) Automatic call return to attendant when called station fails to answer within

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preset time period

f) Emergency intrusion and, if necessary, disconnection of call in progress by


g) Call intrusion tone, which will announce to the engaged lines that an
intrusion is taking place

h) Abbreviated dialing of up to 64 pre-entered numbers for authorized stations

i) Howler tone on stations dialing incorrectly or left off hook

j) Touch tone dialing, with pulse converters wherever required by local public
telephone company

k) Verify the status of a voice terminal that appears to be out of order and
quickly identify a faulty trunk

l) Alphanumeric display

m) Hands free operation shall be possible with the console provided. The
System should support following features:

Abbreviated Dialing, Last Number Redial, Call Forwarding, Call Pickup, Camp on,
LeaveWord Calling, Conference, Emergency Transfer Facility, Speed Dialing, Direct
Outward Dialing (DOD), Group Hunting, Barge in facility, Direct Inward Dialing (DID),
Call Forwarding, Different ring forinternal, external and feature activated calls (e.g.
call back), Password protected trunk access, Direct in line facility for pre defined
senior executives, Operator/Attendant consoles

System shall support operator console for call handling application. Console features
include the following:

a) Music on hold

b) Automatic and manual call waiting tone to busy line

c) Visual indication of camped call holding beyond prescribed time limit

d) Busy lamp field or traffic status feature

e) Incoming trunk identification

f) Outgoing trunk identification

g) Constant or pulsed trunk status display

h) Calling station number display

i) Display confirmation on dialed extension.

j) Display confirmation of attendant dialed outside number

k) Calling extension readout

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l) Extension number display

m) Add on conference calls

n) Ring again on busy C.O. and internal extensions

o) Automatic last number redial


EPABX shall support Voice mail facility. Every extension shall be allotted a mailbox.
Incoming calls shall be routed to extension through operator. After predetermined
number of rings, if call is not responded, EPABX with voice guidance shall route
caller to called ex-tensions mailbox.


Analog telephones shall have the following features.

a) Instruments shall be desk types.

b) 80 cm coiled cord on handset.

c) Message waiting light.

d) Last number re-dialing.

e) Volume control on ringer. Key pad lock

f) Redial

g) Flash (300 ms)

h) Pause (2 sec)

i) Mute

j) Tone/Pulse selection by switch

k) Ringer volume control

l) Visual indication of ring by LED

m) Pulse/Tone dynamic change over


The EPABX shall use 230volts power supply and make provision for 2 hr battery back
up with suitable un-interruptible power supply (UPS) of sufficient capacity
Contractor shall pro-vide un-interruptible power to the EPABX system during normal
availability of commercial power and during commercial power transients and
failure. The UPS shall be non-redundant and consist of a battery rectifier/charger, a
"SMF" type battery pack, an inverter, and an UPS failure bypass transfer switch. The
battery discharge time shall be no less than 120 minutes and the battery recharge
rate shall be 8-15 times the discharge time. The equipment shall be sized for the

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line/station capacity of the configuration. The inverter can be omitted if the total
system requires only DC power. The bidder shall specify the equipment to be
provided. The Contractor shall indicate the maximum load requirement for the
proposed capacity. Wire, cable, and hardware shall be provided to interconnect the
system, connect the system to the wall service outlet power receptacle. The system
shall include a power line transient voltage suppressor (TVSS), central office
telephone service TVSS devices, and inter- building cable TVSS devices to protect
user personnel and pre-vent equipment damage or total loss resulting from voltage
and current surges superimposed upon the commercial power line and all telephone
line circuits by lightning strikes, commercial power faults, and power line to
telephone line faults.

It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide any wiring for system

components such as rectifier and inverter required on the system side of the
electrical receptacle. The EPABX cabinet shall be grounded with a No. 6 AWG or
larger solid copper insulated ground wire to a single point ground. The ground wire
shall be tagged and identified at the service equipment enclosure and panel board.

The Contractor shall provide main Distribution Frame (MDF) and Internal
Distribution Box/Board panel (IDB) along with suitable cables from MDF to EPABX
and EPABX to IDBs to individual extension. Capacity of IDB and Cables shall be
suitable for distributing the EPABX capacity extensions.


Telephone cables going out of the building shall be jelly filled steel armoured, fire
retardant, outdoor type. All indoor as well as outdoor cables shall have approval
of DoT and other telecommunication and standard organizations. Wire, cable, and
hardware shall be pro-vided to interconnect the system, connect the system to the
wall service outlet power receptacle, and to connect the system to the PSTN
network demarcation or Employers Representative provided PABX interface point.
The telecommunication wiring should be in accordance with the requirements
specified in ANSI/EIA/TIA- 568.

Approved Vendor/Manufacturer/Make List -Instrumentation

The naming of a manufacturer in this specification is not intended to eliminate

competition or prohibit qualified manufacturers from offering equipment.
Rather, the intent is to establish a standard of excellence for the material
used, and to indicate a principle of operation desired.

(i) List of Makes for Instruments:

1 Level Indicator Transmitter M/s EMERSON M/s ABB,
M/s Nivelco
M/s Royce Instruments M/s Global
M/s Endress+Hauser M/s Pulsar
M/s Kobold M/s Yokogawa
2 Flow meters/Flow M/s EMERSON
Indicator/ Transmitter M/s ABB
M/s Royce Instruments M/s Dynameters

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M/s Pulsar
M/s Yokogawa
M/s Endress+Hauser M/s Krohne
3 Level/Float Switches M/s EMERSON
M/s ABB M/s Nivelco
M/s Royce Instruments
M/s Endress+Hauser, M/s Kobold M/s
Pune Techtrol
4 Pressure Gauges/Pressure M/S Warry M/S ABB,
Switches M/s Wika M/s Kobold
M/s Gen Inst Co M/s SwitzerM/s
5 Pressure Indicator M/s EMERSON M/s ABB,
Transmitter M/s Kobold M/s Switzer M/s
M/s Endress+Hauser M/s Yokogawa
6 Online Residual Chlorine M/s Hach Company M/s SWAN
M/s Endress+Hauser M/s Yokogawa
7 Temperature Indicator M/s Kobold
Transmitters M/s Endress+Hauser M/s ABB
M/s Hach Company M/s Yokogawa
8 AnalyticalOnlineInstrument M/s Hach Company M/s Jenco
s (DO, ORP,, etc.) M/s Endress+Hauser M/s ABB
M/s WTW M/s Toshcon
M/s Yokogawa
9 Strain Gage Load Cell M/s Hach Company M/s Jenco
M/s Endress+Hauser M/s ABB
M/s WTW M/s Omron
M/s Yokogawa
(ii) List of Makes For UPS & Batteries:

(a) List of Makes for UPS

1 M/s APC
3 M/s HI-REL
(b) List of Makes for Batteries

3 M/s AMCO

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

(iii) List of Makes for Cables

1 M/s Universal Cables
2 M/s Polycab
3 M/s Havells
4 M/s CCI
5 M/s Finolex
7 M/s Delton Cables Limited

(iv) List of Makes for Enclosures/ Panels

1 M/s Rittal
2 M/s ECIL

In order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance,

spare parts and manufacturer's service, like items of equipment provided
hereunder shall be the end products of one (1) manufacturer.
In the event that the contractor wishes to propose alternate makes for the
equipment mentioned above, he shall submit the following:

1. Demonstrate that the proposed makes are Superior / Equivalent to the

approved makes.
2. Manufacturer involved in manufacture of specified equipment for at least
10 years before bid date
3. At least 3 successful installations commissioned in last 5 years
before bid date and satisfactorily operating for at least one year before bid date
4. Manufacturer to provide full contact information for each reference as
part of technical bid
Approved Manufacturers List for Automation

The naming of a manufacturer in this specification is not intended to eliminate

competition or prohibit qualified manufacturers from offering equipment.
Rather, the intent is to establish a standard of excellence for the material
used, and to indicate a principle of operation desired.


1 Workstations , Servers Dell, HP, Compaq etc.
2 Programmable Logic Schneider Electric(Quantum Series), Siemens
Controllers PLC(S7-400H series), Allan Bradley(Control
Logix series ),ABB(AC 800 M Series)
,Mitsubishi (Q 25 Series),GE(7Xi Series),
Omron PLC(CS1 DSeries)
3 SCADA Programming IntellutionIFix, Wonderware, WIN CC V 6.2,
Software RS View, Visio Citect, Iconics, CX-
Supervisor V3
4 GSM/GPRSEquipment Motorola,GE,Seimens,GSVMicrotek,
DataRadio, Sheetal Wire-less Systems

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In order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance,

spare parts and manufacturer's service, like items of equipment provided
hereunder shall be the end products of one (1) manufacturer.

In the event that the contractor wishes to propose alternate makes for the
equipment mentioned above, he shall submit the following:

13 Submit a letter from the manufacture of the each equipment

mentioned above, that the makes mentioned in this document are un-available.

14 Provide evidence from the manufacture of the proposed equipment

and demonstrate that the makes are superior/Equivalent to the approved

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The workmanship observed for all repair and maintenance work must be in accordance to Good
Engineering Practices. O&M of substation as per Electricity acts, Electricity rules, Electricity
regulation & Factory act etc shall be included in the scope, including but not limited to the following

Routine monitoring of substation equipment and taking preventive measures (as required)
Preventive and breakdown maintenance of substation.



8.2.1 General Maintenance

A comprehensive maintenance program is critical to attaining long-term reliable

performance of SCADA Systems / ICA systems. Periodic device calibration,
preventive maintenance, and testing allow potential problems to be identified
before they can cause mission failure. Prompt corrective maintenance assures
reliability by minimizing downtime of redundant components.

The EPC or Turnkey contractor has to enter in to AMC contracts with system /
equipment suppliers of ICA, as necessary. It is mandatory to enter into an agreement
for a 7 year maintenance contract with the instrumentation, PLC and SCADA system
supplier or the authorized system integrator, whosoever has executed the work for
this project.

8.2.2 Preventive Maintenance

The SCADA system should be part of the overall preventive maintenance (PM)
program for the facility.

Table below provides a list of recommended maintenance activities and frequencies

for SCADA systems and their components. Date wise / daily/weekly schedule of all
the instruments to be covered under preventive maintenance, may be drawn and a
record of defects observed /history card of each instrument to be maintained.

Preventive maintenance schedules for SCADA components and subsystems should

be coordinated with hose for the mechanical/electrical systems they serve to
minimize overall scheduled down time.

Activity Frequency
Pneumatic Systems/Components/Instruments
Check Regulators and Filters Monthly
Inspect Tubing and Piping Monthly
Actuate Pressure Switches 3 months
Calibrate Switches and Sensors Yearly
Calibrate Pressure Gauges Yearly
Calibrate Level Transmitters Yearly
Calibrate Flow transmitters Yearly
Calibrate Pressure Transmitters Yearly

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Calibrate Temperature transmitters, Vibration & bearing monitoring Yearly

Electronic Systems
Lamp Test/Verify Indicators Monthly
Inspect Enclosures for Dirt, Water, Heat Monthly
Run PLC Diagnostics 3 Months
Calibrate Sensors and Transmitters Yearly
Calibrate Meters Yearly
PLC Communication Modules Monthly
PLC Batteries Yearly
Test Automatic control Sequences Monthly
Verify Alarms Weekly
Software Maintenance and Patching 3months
Anti-virus Definition Updates Monthly
Inspect Wire, Cable and Connections Monthly
Inter site Communication Network Weekly
Communication Interface, Interface Panel Monthly
RTU Batteries 6 months
Dead Bus Relays 3 Months
UPS setting with SCADA Weekly
PLC Redundant Power back up Monthly
SCADA Redundancy Monthly
PLC Hot-Standby Monthly
Historian Package & ODMS package(Capacity) Monthly
Data Archiving Monthly

Many components of SCADA systems, such as dead-bus relays, are not required to
function under normal system operating modes. For this reason the system should
be tested periodically underactual or simulated contingency conditions. These tests
should approach as closely as possible the actual off- normal conditions in which the
system must operate.

For example, SCADA for Dual Redundant system should be tested by interrupting the
utility source as far upstream of the normal service as possible.

Periodic system testing procedures can duplicate or be derived from the functional
performance testing procedures.

The SCADA software maintenance should include timely updates of any new
versions from the supplier and testing to verify proper installation on the SCADA
computer. In addition,software antivirus updates should be maintained. This should
be performed any time after the computer is connected to the Internet or the
antivirus patch should be downloaded as and when the updates are available.
Normal operation requires that the SCADA computer not be connected to the

Faulty Instruments, sensors, transmitters, communication modules, computer

hardware should be replaced with new components. Repair of the failure items
would not be accepted. Instruments, modules would have to replace with a new
instruments and components.

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8.2.3 Concurrent Maintenance

Concurrent maintenance is defined as testing, troubleshooting, repair or

replacement of a component or subsystem while redundant component(s) or
subsystem(s) are serving the load. The ability to perform concurrent maintenance is
critical to attaining the specified reliability/availability criteria for facilities and must
be designed into the SCADA system. Where SCADA components are associated with
equipment that has redundancy and therefore are not themselves redundant, their
maintenance should be scheduled to occur during maintenance of the associated
equipment. SCADA components and controllers that are redundant must be capable
of being taken out of service, repaired or replaced and tested without interfering
with the operation of the redundant component.

8.2.4 Reliability Centered Maintenance

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an approach for developing an effective

and efficient maintenance program based on the reliability characteristics of the
constituent parts and subsystems, economics, and safety. RCM provides a logical,
structured framework for determining the optimummix of applicable and effective
maintenance activities needed to sustain the operational reliability of systems and
equipment while ensuring their safe and economical operation and support.

A significant byproduct of the application of SCADA systems to the control of

facilities is the large amount of operational data made available through the
trending and data storage features of the SCADA. This operational data can be used
for automated performance monitoring of mechanical and electrical systems that
can support a RCM approach.

8.2.5 Operations and Maintenance Documentation

The contractor should perform an O&M analysis to determine the O&M data
required to support maintenance of the SCADA system. This analysis should be
coordinated with BMC to determine maintenance parameters and O&M data that
are available. Typical O&M data requirements include the following items:

a. System documentation as defined in FDS, FAT & SAT documents

b. Minimum spare parts list.
c. Recommended spare parts list.
d. Recommended onsite test equipment.
e. Recommended O&M training.
f. Recommended O&M to be performed by contractor
8.2.6 Pumping Stations and all other Buildings

The Contractor shall carry out ordinary repairs to buildings during the O&M period.
The repairs may include but not limited to the following items:

Easing of doors and windows, monsoon repairs to roofs, attention to drains, rain
water spouts, attention to plinth protection.

External white or color wash, external or internal painting, internal distempering,

renewal of approach roads within the campus.

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The frequency of repairs must not be less than as specified below:

Sr.No. Nature of Repair Frequency of repair for other

1 External finishing (color washing)End of second year
after attending minor repairs
such as damage to plaster, etc.
2 Internal finishing (distemper /End of second year
painting) after attending minor
repairs such as damage to plaster

Following repairs prior to onset of monsoon are essential:

Any faults in the electric installation, leakages, earthing, exposed wire ends and any
hazards on this account to the users/inmates of the buildings, should be taken care
of suitably; wiring, if any damaged or outlived, should be replaced.

Damaged sanitary lines should be replaced and choked lines cleared.

Proper drainage of the area around the building should be ensured to avoid
stagnation of rain water/ house effluent, in order to prevent malarial conditions.
Where courtyards exist in the buildings, their drainage into the outer drains should
be ensured. Any choked drains should be cleared properly.

Leaking roofs should be attended to immediately with suitable repairs/ treatment,

as the case may be. The rain waterspouts should also be cleared of blockages, etc.
The roof should be swept clean of leaves, debris, etc., if any.

The plaster on outer walls of the building, which is exposed to weather, should be
repaired before rains in order to prevent dampness inside. Where plinth protection
has been provided, it should be checked and the damaged portions, if any, should be
repaired before rains.

Damaged flooring should be repaired/ replaced as per requirement, in order to

prevent dampness inside the rooms, etc., during rains.

Periodic repairs of damaged floors, door/window fittings, water taps, water coolers,
furniture, desert coolers, electric circuits, must be taken up on complaints using the
material of same quality as used during construction.


The comprehensive manual shall be submitted before the operation and maintenance
period, as specified. It shall be periodically updated to incorporate the best practices
experience gained while carrying out the O&M activities, broadly on the principals listed

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Up-dating any changes in the procedures set out in the O&M manual, as deemed necessary
basedon any limitations observed during the maintenance period, including incorporating
additional procedures for maintenance of other repairs/break downs not incorporated in
themaintenance manual but faced during O&M period.

Frequency of spares used in maintenance of valves (air-valve, sluice valves and butterfly
valves), expansion joints, and equipment installed for surge protection and protection
against corrosion must be recorded for updating the contents of the manual.

Records of trouble shooting points and details of events causing troubles (break downs)
during maintenance of pumps / motors / measuring equipment(s), / electric panel and
accessories there in must be maintained and used for updating the contents of the manual.

Records of trouble shooting points and details of events causing trouble (breakdowns)
during maintenance 220/66 kV substations, etc., must be maintained and used for updating
the contents of manual.

Records of Inventory used must be maintained and the relevant portion of O&M manual
must be updated to list out the inventory requirements for maintaining the system for 12

The provisions in the manual must incorporate every aspect of good industrial practices
even if not elaborated here or in other parts of the bid document. The provisions in the
approved operation and maintenance document shall be valid and binding for both the
parties during operation and maintenance along with the additions and deletions made.

The manual so prepared must be updated after the end of every year of operation and
maintenance, giving effect to the experience gained and the observations made by the
Department during the maintenance period.

At the time of handing over after completion of O&M period, all the equipment, including
standby equipment, must be in good working order.

Maintenance & operation of the fire fighting equipment and their periodical checking, filling
of sand in bucket, filling of fire extinguisher.


The Contractor should specify functional areas of the operating system and/or equipment
where a technical representative will be furnished by the manufacturer for training, test,
checkout, validation, or pre-operational exercises.

Ongoing O&M of SCADA system software may require technical support from the system
vendor or from agency technical personnel not located at the facility. Commercial SCADA
software typically has provisions for remote modem access that permit this type of support
from the vendors location or an agency central engineering group.

Such remote access provisions represent a vulnerability to hacking and must be used with
great caution. They should be monitored when in use and physically disconnected when not
in use.

Password protection policies for all SCADA systems, including PLCs, shall be in compliance
with Established policies and to be agreed with the employers representative.

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These policies require that the default password that came from the control supplier be
changed when placed into operation at the facility.


In case of failure to supply the required quantity of water, liquidated damages shall be
imposed for such failure to meet the performance criteria, as described in the following.

The Employer will be entitled to recover any such damages from the monthly progress
payments to be made to the Contractor in the month in which the failure occurred, or at any
time thereafter from the subsequent monthly progress payments.


The supply is to be measured for each day from 00:00 midnight to next midnight. The
Contractor is expected to meet the daily supply as per indent from the Employers

Liquidated damages (LD) shall be imposed on a daily basis, taking into account the
tolerances of various parameters.


The guaranteed energy power consumption shall be calculated every month on the basis of
the Technical schedules submitted by the Contractor along with the offer and the actual
duty conditionsfor the month (calculation can be done on hourly basis). It will be compared
with the actual energy power consumption and if the actual energy power consumption is
higher than the guaranteed consumption, liquidated damages shall be recovered from the
Contractor at the rate of two times of the charges for the extra energy power consumed.

Application of liquidated damages for excess power consumption will not be subject to any
upper limit.


Applicable rate for penalty shall be as given here below.

Sr.No. Details Penalty Amount per day or part day

i When any of the pump, motor, valve, soft An amount of Rs. 10,000 per day
starter, control panel, transformer, actuator,
relay, switch, breaker etc. unit has been
taken out of service
Note: If several units have been taken out of
service at the same time, the amount to be
deducted from monthly payment shall be
appliedin respect of each of the units out of
service, for more than 2% of the working
ii When the contractor fails to keep the Rs. 2500 per day
automatic system, PLCs, SCADA etc. in
operation, otherthan for a planned outage
for maintenance that has been arranged
with prior approval of the Employer
iii When contractor fails to keep the good Rs. 1000 per day

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house keeping and landscaping

iv When contractor fails to make and submit Rs. 5000 per day
the reports in time


When contractors General Manager, Shift Engineer, Instrumentation Engineer, Electrical

Engineer, Foreman-Electrical, Foreman-Mechanical, Foreman Instrumentation,
Instrumentation Technician, Pump operator, Helpers, Security Guards, Attendant, Gardener
are absent from duty, the following deduction shall be made from monthly payments:

S. No. Conditions Rate per day or part day

i General Manager is not on site for more than Rs. 4000
one day per week
ii Shift Engineer is not on site for more than one Rs. 3000
day per week without an approved replacement
iii Instrumentation Engineer, ElectricalEngineer is Rs. 3000
not on site for more than one day per week
without an approved replacement
iv Foreman-Electrical, Foreman-Mechanical, Rs. 1000
Foreman Instrumentation, Instrumentation
Technician, Pump operator is not on site for
more than 3 days ormore
in a monthwithout an approved replacement
v Helpers, Security Guards, Attendant, Gardeneris Rs. 500
not on site for more than 3 days or more in a
month without an approved replacement
vi When any employee of the contractor is not Rs. 75
wearing prescribed uniform


The Contractor will be permitted to use the premise and quarters developed under the
Contract for use by his staff during operation and maintenance to the extent agreed and
approved by the Employers Representative.


The Contractor, at the time of bidding, will be responsible to ensure the completeness and
adequacy of his Bid Price to fulfill the entire responsibilities as described above. His bid price,
as quoted on a monthly basis in the Schedule of Prices, shall include all costs for carrying out
all O&Mresponsibilities, except for the following items for which the Employer will bear the

The cost of electric power consumed, will be paid directly to Jodhpur Discom by the


The Contractor shall be responsible for safety of his staff during O & M of the Plant and shall

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

procure, provide and maintain all safety equipment necessary for satisfactory O & M such as
gasmasks, gloves, boots, mats etc.,

1. The Contractor shall utilize safety awareness procedures in every element of

operation and maintenance.

2. The Contractor shall emphasize site safety including adoption of Safe working

Cleanliness and care of the plant as a whole

Accident and hazardous conditions prevention and reporting.

Safe practice while working near pressure vessels / electric sub station areas

3. The Contractor shall impart safety training to all members at regular intervals,
especially for new comers.

4. The Contractor shall provide Notice boards and display boards at appropriate
locations detailing precautions to be taken by O & M personnel to work in
conformity to regulations and procedures and by the visitors to the Plant.

5. The Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative immediately if any

accident occurs whether on-siteor off siteinwhichContractor is directly
involvedandresults inany injury to any person, whether directly concerned with the
site or a third party. Such initial notification may be verbal and shall be followed
comprehensive report within 24 hours of the accident.


A defect liability period of 90 days shall commence upon issue of the Contract Completion
Certificate or Taking Back Certificate (as applicable as per contract), by the Employers

During defect liability period, the contractor shall be responsible for the followings: Provide
to BMC the advisory services and follow-up training required.

Complete any outstanding work notified to contractor in Contract Completion Certificate or

Taking Back Certificate (as applicable as per contract), issued by the Employers
Representative under this clause.

If during Defect Liability period, any defect should be found in the system, the contractor
shall promptly, in consultation and agreement with the Employer / Employer regarding
appropriate remedying of the defects, and at its cost, repair, replace or otherwise make
good as the contractor shall determine at its discretion, such defect as well as any damage to
the facilities caused by such defect.

8.13.1 Extension Of Defect Liability Period

The defect liability period shall be extended by the period during which any part of
the works could not be used by reasons of a defect or damage, for which contractor
was liable.

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8.13.2 Failure to Remedy Defects

If the contractor fails to remedy any defect or damage within a reasonable time, a
date may be fixed by the Employers Representative, on or by which the defect or
damage is to be remedied.

If the contractor fails to remedy the defect or damage by such date, the Employer
may carry out such works himself at the contractors risk and cost. Such cost,
determined by the Employers Representative, shall be final and binding.

8.13.3 Defect Liability Certificate

Within 28 days of the expiry of the defect liability period, Employers Representative
shall issue a Defect Liability Certificate stating the date by which the contractor
completed all his obligations under O & M, including remedying all the defects, to
his satisfaction.

The decision of the Employer on all the sub clauses of this clause shall be final and
binding on the contractor.


The contractor shall not subcontract or assign any part of the of O & M contract except as
described in this clause.

The contractor may enter into Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) with the vendors of
certain specialist equipment such as suppliers of SCADA, PLC, Telemetry System, Motors,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Actuators, Instrumentation System and other proprietary

The contractor shall notify his intention to do so and submit the copies of the AMC
agreements of all the said equipment to the Employers Representative for his approval.


Suggested formats to be followed for proper recording of Pumping Stations operations are
given below. The format can be finalized during execution stage. This reports shall be
generated through SCADA and integrated with GIS

A. PUMP OPERATION Pumping Station for each pump: Date:

Time Pump no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10
Mark X if pump is not available Indicate Starting and Stopping time

B. PUMP DATA Pumping Station:

Pump No.

Date: Voltag e Curren t Power Suctio n Water Delivery Total Signature

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Time Hrs Factor gauge level in gauge head

(Pf) readin sump reading (m)
(V) (A) g* (m) (m)
Pumping Station:

Month: Date:

Date Theoretical power Allowances Actual Power Difference

consumption (kWh) consumption (kWh)

C. MONTHLY REPORT Pumping station: Month and year:

Pump no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10
Number of hours of
Vibration mm/sec
Noise level dBA
Total quantity
pumped ml
Energy consumption
Pump no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10
Total no of hrs of
power failure
Total no of pump set
hrs not available
Reason for non
availability of pump

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Action taken for

Non availability of
any other
equipment and
Action taken for


This section applies to carry out operation and maintenance of the facility in meeting its
objective. The section pertains to the specifications of plant and equipment including
materials used for operation and maintenance, the workmanship, period for routine
maintenance, specifications for the acceptable quality of treated water, maintenance of
records, and responsibilities during operation and maintenance period. The Contractor shall
be responsible for providing continuous improvement in the plant operation, the
instrumentation system, communication system, 11kv/415v substations, SCADA, Plant and
Machineries, all ancillary buildings, campus area, for period of Ten years, and to prevent any
further sudden failure or breakdown through maintenance works on plant operation and its
operation works. It is essential that Employer and contractor need to have sufficient
information on operational issues under normal and emergency condition.


The Contractor shall operate and maintain the WTP on a regular and systematic basis, in
compliance with designed /calculated operational index.

Employer will provide only treated(surface water)/ raw (ground) water and power. Rest all
Responsibility lies with the Contractor.

The obligation of bidder is to provide treated water meeting all the specifications and

The contractor shall manage plant operations so as to restrict power consumption and
chemical usage within the specified functional guarantees.

The contractor shall ensure satisfactory operation and maintenance of the whole works so
that the plant operation provides reliable, consistent performance and is economical at all


Maintenance covers all the techniques and systems which, by means of regular monitoring
of equipment and scheduled maintenance procedures, prevent failures and, in the event of
problems, enable repairs to be carried out with the minimum disruption of the process.
Maintenance is therefore a combination of technical, administrative, and management
activities. Maintenance consists of preventive and corrective procedures.

8.17.1 Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance consist of all the regular work carried out in order to sustain
the conditions necessary or smooth operation of the plant and to keep the

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performance of the equipment as close as possible to its original performance level.

Its purpose is to reduce the probabilities of failure of deterioration of equipment of
the plant. In simple terms, preventive maintenance involves the elementary
operations such as lubrication, mechanical servicing, electrical and instrumentation

8.17.2 Corrective or Remedial Maintenance

Corrective or remedial maintenance consists of all work needed to re-establish the

conditions necessary for an apparatus or set of equipment to operate properly
subsequent to failure or deterioration of the results produced by the equipment. It
includes the following operations, Dismantling or equipment,

8.17.3 Replacement of Parts

The work may be scheduled for the short or medium term in accordance with the
checks carried out as part of the preventive maintenance procedure, the number of
hours an apparatus has been operating , or an alarm factor (abnormal noise,
repeated cut-out, weakening of the insulation, etc), or may be dictated by an
unexpected breakdown.

8.17.4 Maintenance Work

The work consists of inspection work and maintenance work as mentioned below:

Inspection work, that includes physical appearance, inspection and measurement

with testing equipment to verify and survey that the plant performance whether
operation is normal or not.

The inspection work shall be daily executed by each technical specialist as a routine
and/or regular inspection and shall be recorded every each time. The evaluation on
the collected data shall be immediately reviewed by the chief operational engineer
to instruct the staff member for operation on the same day and/or make a plan of
detail inspection and/or make repair schedule to make sure continuous plant
operation without any problem.

Maintenance work, for which main task-work shall include activities, such as
lubrication, overhaul, replacement of parts, repair, adjustment, detail examination
and test, cleaning, to maintain the plant in a good condition, performance consistent
and low cost operation based on a regular and preventive maintenance schedule
including attending sudden Equipment breakdown and to achieve high operational


This work consists of operation work and monitoring work:

Operation work is executing the plant operation based on the scheduled process and
procedureto meet designed criteria including set-up or adjust the operational index or data
according to the water quality or demand.

Monitoring work is to conform the operation data, and readout the its measurement value
on panels, and check up the working performance of plant appropriately, as well as keep the
records of the out- put.

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8.19 SAFETY AND HEALTH Chlorination

All personnel who are assigned to use chlorine shall first be trained to understand and follow
all aspects of procedure; Training shall include the potential hazards related to poor personal
hygiene and unsanitary practices.

Chlorine handlers shall be instructed to report any condition that may affect their personal
hygiene to their superiors.


All the electrical equipments shall be handled and operated by a trained and authorized
person only. All the equipment shall be checked for its proper earthing and loose
connections prior to start the equipment. Naked wire, loose connections and faulty
connections shall be repaired immediately prior to start for operation.

Electrical sockets and switch shall not be touched by bare or wet hands. If there is any live
wire found naked or on wet ground, main switch shall be turned off first then the wire shall
be repaired or moved.

For any electrical works proper insulated tools shall be used. Do not try to use tools made
for other purpose; it may be hazardous.


Only authorized person shall work at high place, people working at high level shall be very
careful and protect himself from fall and injuries. Protective gears such as gloves, safety
belts shall be worn and safety belts shall be tied to proper location prior to start the work. If
any body feels dizzy and drowsy he should not work at high and should come down

Wherever possible a ladder shall be used. Ladder shall be in stable condition and proper
slope of ladder is 4 vertical and 1 horizontal and it shall properly secured at base.

All the opening shall be secured properly by barrier of hand rail to avoid unauthorized
person getting in. Wherever covers are provided for opening those covers shall keep closed
all the time, except for maintenance time.

Entering inside tank

If worker should enter inside of deeper manholes or tanks precaution shall be taken.
Manholes cover shall be open and wait for fresh air to circulate.

Prior to enter - oxygen level inside the tank shall be checked otherwise it may be hazardous.
Ifoxygen is not enough a ventilating fan should use to supply fresh air inside.

Only permitted person shall work inside, while a person is working inside there must be next
person watching outside; unless he appoints next person he should not leave from duty.
While men working inside manholes must keep open. And manholes shall be protected from
outsiders to go inside.

If person inside feels drowsy, dizzy or unusual feeling he should come out immediately. He
should rest and take a fresh air.

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If the worker is collapsing inside, do not immediately enter inside for rescue him as you may
be next victim of accident. Prior to rescue make sure that oxygen is enough inside, report
immediately to person In-charge. Try to rescue the person from outside,


The Contractor, in the operation and maintenance manuals, shall furnish a complete
schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants. The number of types of lubricants shall
be kept to a minimum. In case of grease lubricated bearings for electric motors, lithium base
grease is preferred.

The Contractor shall indicate the brand name of indigenously available equivalent lubricants,
withtheir complete duty specifications, in the O&M manual. The Contractor shall also furnish
the schedule of quantities for each fill, frequency of filling and annual requirement in O&M

Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference shall be given to a pressure

system which does not require frequent adjustment or recharging. Frequent, for this
purpose, means more than once in a month. Where more than one type of special grease is
required, a grease gun for each special type shall be used.

All lubricant systems shall be designed so as not to cause a fire or pollution hazard. The
Contractor shall supply flushing oil for such lubrication system when an item of plant is ready
for preliminary running.


All spare parts used for the equipment in the maintenance of the system must be from the
manufacturer of the equipment or, if the equipment itself has been made with parts from
other manufacturers, the parts must be of the same make as used in the equipment supplied
and installed.

All spare parts shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing at
the Site. Each spare part shall be labeled on the outside of its packing with its
description,number and purpose and, if more than one spare is packed in a single case, a
general description of the case contents shall be shown on the outside and a packing list


Earthwork for restoration of rain cuts in embankment and shoulders shall be made using
suitable material and compacting the same.


The material used for restoration of rain cuts shall be got approved from Employers
Representative and shall in general be as specified for earth work in embankment.


The area affected by rain cuts shall be cleared of all loose soil and benched. The width of
thebenches shall be at least 300 mm and they shall extend continuously for a sufficient
length.The height of the benches shall be in the range of 150-300 mm.

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Fresh material shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 250 mm loose thickness and
compacted so as to match with the benching at moisture content close to the optimum.
Compaction shall be carried out using suitable equipment such as plate compactors and
rammers or by suitable implements handled manually. The finished work shall conform to
alignment, levels and slopes as indicated in the approved drawing.


8.26.1 Scope

The work of maintenance of earthen shoulder shall include making up

theirregularities/lossof material on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh
approved soil and compacting it with appropriate equipment, or stripping excess soil
from the shoulder surface, as required.

8.26.2 Materials

The material to be added to the shoulder, if required, shall be select soil as specified
for shoulder works.

8.26.3 Construction Procedure

Making up of the earthen shoulder by adding extra soil and compacting the same;

Wherever extra earth is required to be added, the earthen shoulder shall be stripped
and loosened to receive fresh soil. The deficiency of thickness shall be made up in
layers of loose thickness not exceeding 250 mm. Water shall be added, if required,
to attain the optimum moisture content and the layer compacted by 80 to 200 kN
smooth wheel roller, vibratory roller, hand roller, plate vibrator or hand rammer to
obtain at least 94% maximum dry density in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 8). The
finished surface shall have the specified cross slope and line in accordance with the
drawing. The side shall be trimmed to the required slope with the help of grader or
manual methods using hand tools.

Wherever the earth is required to be excavated from the shoulder, this shall be done
either using equipment like grader or by manual means using hand tools. The
resulting surface shall be uniform and have a field density of at least 94% maximum
dry density obtained in accordance with IS:2720 (Part 8). If the surface is not
uniformly compacted, it shall be excavated to a depth of 150 mm and the soil mixed
with water if required and compacted at moisture content close to the optimum to
achieve 94% of maximum density as stated above.
Operation and Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment
Activity Frequency
General Mechanical
Analysis of operating parameter (pumps, blowers, rotating Daily
machines etc.)
Analysis of operating incidents and rapid correction to Daily
ensure uninterrupted operations.
Read out elapsed time meters of rotating machinery Daily
Activity Frequency
Consumption of various consumables Daily
Lockout and restoration of Equipment under maintenance Daily

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Monitoring, follow-up and adjustment of automated Daily

control devices.
Monitoring of temperature (Bearings,delivers etc.) Daily
Inspection of No.of starts of Equipment and delivers Daily
Check for leakages in the pipeline,delivers and water Daily
retaining structures
Log book recording of details of the Plant Daily
Specific Mechanical
Check for abnormal Noise Daily
Check for Motor/Drive/Engine temperature Daily
Check for operating pressure Daily
Check for abnormal vibration Daily
Lubrication : Weekly Weekly
Checking of Levels and top-up oil Manual Greasing Based on running
Change Oil(Compressors,gears,pumps) Lubricate IC Engines time
Checking of functioning of valves,gates Weekly
Check the functioning of moving parts of all Equipment. Weekly
Tightening of Belts and repack stuffing boxes Monthly
Checking alignment of couplings,pulleys,shaft sets,shear Monthly
pins and torque limiters etc.
Service and replace wear parts(bearings,belts,impellers etc) Monthly
Remove air service screens and accessories Monthly
Test and if necessary remove or service valves and sluice Monthly
gates and their control devices.
Activity Frequency
Check water/air tightness of Equipment Monthly
Dust off Mechanical Equipment. Monthly
Check for Vibrations with vibration damping 3 months
Calibrate the motor speed 3 months
Adjust play, delivery impeller couplings etc. 6 months
Service and replace wear parts of delivers, compressors, 6 months
blowers, pumps, etc
Test and service air compressor sets Yearly
Technical inspection of pressurized tanks by an approved Yearly
Dust of ventilation outlets and ducts Yearly
Inspection of Chlorinators, safety Equipment and Yearly
accessories, centrifuges, rotating machines, proprietary
equipment etc. by the Equipment/system supplier and
servicing of the same in their presence.

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The manufacturing, testing, supplying and testing at work sites of HDPE-DWC pipes shall
comply with IS 16098 Part-II: 2013 and all currently applicable statutes, regulations,
standards and Codes. In particular, the following standards, unless otherwise specified
herein, shall be referred. In all casesthe latest revision of the Codes shall be referred to. If
requirements of this Specification conflict with the requirements of the standards / Codes,
this Specification shall govern:

Code No. Title/Specification

IS 4905:1968 Methods for random sampling.
IS 5382:1985 Specification for rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water
mains and sewers (first revision). Type-I & Type-VI
IS 12235 Methods of test for thermoplastics pipes & fittings.
(Part 1): 1986 Method of measurement of outside diameter.
(Part 5):1986 Reversion test
(Part 8):1986 Internal hydrostatic pressure test
IS 16098 Part-II:2013 Structured wall plastics pipes for non pressure drainage and
sewerage- specifications.

Others Codes not specifically mentioned here but pertaining to the use of HDPE-DWC pipes
form part of these Specifications.

The manufacturers own rework material conforming to the requirements given in 3.25 of
IS:16098 is permissible. No other rework material shall be used.


Marking shall be labelled, printed or formed directly on the pipe or fitting, in such a way that
after storage, weathering and handling the legibility shall be maintained. Marking shall not
initiate cracks or other types of defects which adversely influence the performance of the
pipes or the fitting. Minimum Required Marking


Each pipes shall be marked at intervals of maximum 3 m, at least once per pipe, with the
following information:

a) Manufacturers name/Trade-mark;

b) Diameter series, nominal size;

c) Stiffness class;

d) Material; and


Each fitting shall be marked with the following information:

Volume II
Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

a) Manufacturers name/Trade-mark;

b) Diameter series, nominal size;

c) Nominal angle;

d) Stiffness class;

e) Material; and

f) Lot number/batch number containing information regarding period of manufacture.

g) BIS Certification Marking each pipe or fittings may also be marked with the standard

The use of the Standard mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made there under.


Product markings on Crumpler Plastic Pipe will include the following information to facilitate
jobsite inspection.

Nominal pipe size Manufacturers name Date code

Application standard(s)


Pipes shall be free from all defect including indentations, delaminating, bubbles, pinholes,
cracks, pits, blisters, foreign inclusions that due to their nature degree or extent
detrimentally affect the strength and serviceability of the pipe. The pipe shall be as uniform
as commercially practicable in colour opacity, density and other physical properties as per
relevant IS Code or equivalent International Code. The inside surface of each pipe shall be
free of scouring, cavities, bulges, dents, ridges and other defects that result in a variation of
inside diameter from that obtained on adjacent unaffected portions of the surface. The pipe
ends shall be cut clearly and square to the axis of the pipe


The length of the sewer pipes shall be measured between the inner surfaces of consecutive
manholes at the invert level of the pipes along the central line of pipeline to the nearest
centimeter.Specials shall be excluded and measured and paid separately under the relevant
item. The portion of the pipe at the joints (inside the joints) shall not be included in the
length of pipe work. Excavation, refilling, masonry and concrete work wherever required
shall be measured and paid for separately under relevant items of work.


The pipe shall be delivered at site after inspection by the nominated inspectors by the
Employer. Physical Dimensions and visual inspection: The Manufacturers test reports shall
be provided for review. Mechanical Characteristics shall be in accordance to IS 16098- 2013.
Ring Flexibility shall be as per IS 16098.

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It is not unusual for corrugated polyethylene pipe to be connected to other types of pipe
materials. Available options depend on the joint duality required throughout the system and
the particular combination of pipe materials. The pipe can be jointed by heating the pipe
ends together, wrapping them with a geotextile, and pouring a concrete collar around them.
Although such a connection is dependent on contractor expertise, it will generally limit soil
intrusion but not provide a watertight joint. Watertight connections between different
materials will require additional fittings and adapters. Ifthose options are not acceptable, a
manhole can be used to make the transition.

Pipe manufacturers are a valuable resource during the project planning stage since they are
familiar with adapters that work well with their own products.


1. Soil Tight Split Coupler This is a clam Shell type coupler used in Non-Water Tight
application. They are used on perforated or solid style CPP pipes at site where the
native soil is stiff and cohesive enough to reduce the possibility of a loose soil
infiltration into the pipe that could create a flow restriction.

2. Silt Tight Split Coupler These are Calm Shell type coupler to which a gasket
material has been added for the purpose of restricting Silt Infiltration into the pipe
at a coupling joint. This non- water tight gasket material meets ASTM-D-1056, Grade
2A2 or ASTM-F-477. The installer shouldtake care to remove all dirt and foreign
matter from the pipe ends and gasket material to ensure a secure fit.


These couplers to impede or prevent the infiltration or infiltration of liquids in NON-

PRESSURE application.

1. Bell & Spigot Couplers with O Ring Gaskets:- These couplers are produced on the
pipe during the pipe extrusion process. Bell & Spigot pipes are available in 20-foot
lengths, each coupler Spigot End comes with a non-pressure pipe water leak
restriction gasket manufactured perASTM-D-477. Should gravity flow pressure tests
be required per ASTM-F-1417, one should not test until the pipes have been
backfilled or restrained for safety.

2. Shear gasket gravity flow seal couplers: - These pliable couplers with stainless steel
clamp- Grip Compression bands have been used for years connecting clay, concrete,
steel and plastic pipes in all types of environments. They are impervious to normal
water / sewer, chemicals, fungus growth and all other associated in ground
hazards. As with any coupler, before applying, insure that no foreign matter
jeopardizes contact between the two surfaces.

3. Mastic Wrap Coupler:- Wrap around style mastic couplers have an outer layer of
cross laminated polyethylene plastic and an under layer adhesive surface of
rubberized mastic material. In between these two surface layers is a high strength
shear and puncture resistant layer of woven polypropylene. This center third layer
provides toughness against puncture as well as stretch resistance under earth load
shifts or settlements. The Mastic wrap coupler is mechanically sealed by stainless
steel screw type hose clamp compression bands. These adjustable compression

Volume II
Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

clamp bands are easily secured using simple tools such as screwdrivers, nut
drivers, or socket wrenches.

Proper tension on those bands will provide a seal against infiltration and exfiltration in
gravity flow, non-pressure pipes. Each mastic coupler comes with three hose clamp
compression bands or ties located within the coupler. There is one compression strap
located in the heat joint corrugation pipe valley, and one strap in the first valley on each side
of the heat joint. Proper compression tension on each strap (centered over a corrugation
valley) will forcibly apply the mastic surface around the corrugation crests and walls to
provide a seal. Enough tension should be applied to substantially sink the compression
straps into the corrugation valleys below the corrugation crests in order to have a leak
resistant seal. Prior to applying the mastic side to the pipe be sure to clean the pipe of
soil/dust particles that could interfere with the mastic seal making contact with the
pipesurface.Mastic couplers can also be used to couple corrugation pipes manufactured with
differentcorrugation designs of the same pipe size as well as to couple pipes to other pipes
made from a different raw material base.


a) The Contractor should set aside an area for products to be stored on site.

b) This area should be flat, free of large rocks, rough surfaces and debris.

c) It should also be out of the way of construction traffic.

d) Pipe may be delivered either palletized or loose, depending on the type and quantity
of product.

e) Pallets may be unloaded with a backhoe, forklift or other piece of equipment and a
nylon sling or cushioned cable.

f) The sling should be wrapped around the pallet at the third points as it lifts the pallet
onto the ground. As an alternative to using a sling to unload full pallets, the pallet
may be opened and lengths of pipe unloaded individually be carefully rolling single
lengths of loose pipe from the delivery truck onto the front end loader, then onto
the ground.

g) Alternately, the pipe can also be lifted using a nylon sling or cushioned cable at the
third points.

h) End handling with a forklift MUST NOT be used as pipe damage will occur.

i) Due to joint weight, larger diameter pipes should not be off loaded by hand.


a) Reasonable care should be used in handling pipe.

b) The pipe should not be dropped, dragged or bumped against other pipe or objects.

c) Palletized pipe should remain in the pallet for jobsite storage.

d) Non-palletized pipe can be stockpiled for temporary storage in a flat debris-free area

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

out of the way of construction traffic.

e) Begin the stockpile with secured timbers spaced the width of the proposed stockpile
at a distance not exceeding the third points.

f) For pipe with attached bells, a recommended stacking method is to alternate the
direction of the pipe lengths so that the bells are not stacked on each other.

g) As upto three pipes can be laid before alternating directions. Subsequent layers
should follow the same pattern as the first but with fewer sticks of pipe in each row.

h) For smooth interior pipe, storage space can be minimized by nesting smaller
diameters into large diameter pipe.

i) Factory installed gaskets on the spigot should be protected by positioning them

between corrugations.


a) Placing the pipe and accessories along the open trench, or stringing Can save
handling time.

b) Each pipe length should be laid on a level surface as near as possible to the trench
on the side opposite the excavated trench material; allow some space between
pipe to protect pipe ends.

c) The pipe should be out of the way of any equipment in a location that will allow
excavation to proceed uninterrupted.


a) Each pipe shall be thoroughly checked for any damages before laying and only the
pipes which are approved by the Project Manager shall be laid.

b) While installing the pipes in trenches, the bed of the trench should be level and free
from sharp edged stones.

c) PE pipe is lighter than water. Hence care should be taken for normal installations
where there could be a possibility of flooding of the trench thus the trench shall be
kept free of water till the jointing has been properly done

d) When flooded, some soils may lose cohesiveness, which may allow the PE pipe to
float out of the ground. Several design checks are necessary to see if groundwater
flotation may be a concern. Obviously, if the pipeline typically runs full or nearly full
of liquid, or if groundwater is always below the pipe, flotation may not be a
significant concern.

e) However, weights by way of concrete blocks (anchors) are to be provided so that the
PE pipe does not float when suddenly the trench is flooded and the soil surrounding
the pipe is washed away. Thus site conditions study is necessary to ensure the
avoidance of flotation.

f) Pipe embedment backfill shall be stone-free excavated material placed and

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

compacted to the 95% maximum dry density.


The pipe shall have a jointing system that shall provide for fluid tightness for the intended
service conditions. Appropriate jointing for HDPE pipe as specified above shall be selected
considering site and working condition, pressure and flow of liquids.


Elastomeric sealing rings shall be free from substances that can have a detrimental effect on
the pipes or fittings used in conjunction with pipes.

The design of the profile and dimensions of the sealing ring is left to the manufacturer, as
long as the pipe with the sealing ring meets the requirements of this standard. Where the
design of the socket is such that the ring is not firmly fixed in position, the housing for the
ring shall be so designed as to minimize the possibility of the ring being dislodged during
insertion of the pipe (or spigot or fitting) to complete the joint. Elastomeric sealing rings
shall be in accordance with one of the type (Type 1 to Type 6) of IS 5382. The manufacturer
should specify the type of sealing ring (namely Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) that is being offered.

NOTE A test report or conformity certificate may be obtained from the manufacturer of
the sealing ring for conformity to IS 5382.

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DI pipes and fittings (Class K-9) shall be in accordancewith IS: 8329 and IS: 5382.. Pipesand
fittings shall be procured from reputed manufacturers with Design Build Operations
Engineers approval.Design Build Operations Engineer shall at all reasonable times have free
access to the place where the Pipes and fittings are manufactured for the purpose of
examining and testing the pipes and fittings and for witnessing the test and

All tests specified either in this specification or in the relevant Indian Standards
specifiedabove shall be performed by the Manufacturer / Operator at his own cost and in
presenceof Design Build Operations Engineer if desired. For this, sufficient notice before
testing ofthe pipes and fittings shall be given to Design Build Operations Engineer

If the test is found unsatisfactory, Design Build Operations Engineer may reject any or
allpipes and fittings of that lot. The decision of DesignBuildOperationsEngineerinthismatter
shall be final and binding on the Operator and notsubjecttoanyarbitrationor appeal. The
pipes and fittings shall be striped, with all precautions necessarytoavoidwarpingor shrinking
defects. The pipes and fittings shall be free fromdefects. Any defectin pipes and fittings in
the opinion of Design Build Operations Engineer shall be rejected and shall be replaced by
new one.

In the case of spigot and socket pipes and fittings, the socket shall be without the centre
ring. In the case of flanged pipes, the flanges shall be at the right angles to the axis of the
pipe and machined on face. The bolt holes shall be drilled and located symmetrically off the
centre line. The bolt hole shall be concentric with the boreandboltholesequallyspaced. The
flangesshall be integrallycastwith the pipes and fittingsand the two flanges of the pipe shall
be correctly aligned.


The materials used in the manufacture of pipes and fittings shall comply with requirements
specified in IS: 8329 and IS: 5382.


The internal diameter, thickness and length of barrel, dimensions of pipes and fittings shall
be as per relevant tables of IS: 8329/IS5382for different class of pipes and fittings. Each pipe
shall be of uniform thickness throughout itslength.

The tolerances for pipes and fittings regarding dimensions, mass, ovality and deviations from
straight line in case of pipes shall be as per IS: 8329/IS: 5382


Unless otherwise specified, DI pipes and fittings shall be coated with Bitumen in accordance
with relevant IS Specifications. All buried DI pipes and fittings shall also have factory or site
applied polythene sleeving. Coating shall not be applied to pipe and fittings unless its surface
is clean, dry and free from rust. Pipe coatings shall be inspected at site and any damage or
defective areas shall bemade good to the satisfaction of the Design BuildOperations

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Bitumen coating shall be of normal thickness of 75 micron sunless otherwise specified.It

shall be cold applied compound complying with the requirements of relevant Indian
standards, suitable for tropical climates, factory applied in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

Damaged areas of coating shall be repainted on site after removing any remaining loose
coating and wire brushing any rusted areas ofpipe.

Polythene Sleeving: Where polythene sleeving is specified to be applied in addition to

bitumen coating, it shall comply with ISO 8180. Site applied sleeving shall be stored under
cover out of direct sunlight and its exposure to sunlight shall be kept to a minimum. Pipes
having a factory applied sleeving must be stored in the same conditions. Joints in the
sleeving shall be properly overlapped and taped in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions to provide continuous sleeving.

Cement mortar lining: All pipes and fittings shall be internally lined with cement mortar in
accordance with relevant IS. The cement used shall be Sulphate Resisting Cement confirming
to IS: 12330. No admixtures in the mortar shall be used without the approval of the Design
Build Operations Engineer.

Pipe linings shall be inspected on site and any damage or defective areas shall be made good
to the satisfaction of the Design Build Operations Engineer.

Lining shall be uniform in thickness all along the pipe. The minimum thicknessof factory
applied cement mortar lining shall be as per IS: 11906.


During manufacture, tests on pipes shall be carried out in accordance with these technical
specification by the Third party inspecting agency.

Marking shall be done as per IS: 8329 and IS: 5382 or any other relevant IS codes approved
by the Design Build Operations Engineer. The following information shall be clearly marked
on each pipe,

a) Internal diameter of pipe.

b) Class of pipe.

c) Date of manufacture and

d) Name of manufacture or his registered trade-mark or both.


Carting and handling of D.I. pipes and fittings shall be in accordance with the specifications
in this section.


Trenching includes all excavation which shall be carried out either by hand or by machine

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

and shall be carried out in accordance with all requirements of -Earth work excavations
clause. Wherever a socket or collar of pipe or fitting / special occurs, a grip is tobecut inthe
bottom of the trench or concrete bed to a depth of at least 75 mm be low the bed of the
pipe so that the pipe may have a fair bearing on its shaft and does not rest upon its socket.
Such grip shall be of sufficient size in every respect to admit the hand all round the socket in
order to make the joint, and the grip shall be maintained clear, until the joint has been
approved by Design Build Operations Engineer.

Wherever D.I. pipes are laid over pillar supports for nala crossings etc. the pipes shall be
placed as per the construction drawings and as directed by the Design Build Operations


The type of bedding (granular, concrete cradle, concrete arch etc.) shall be as per approved
construction drawings and specifications in this section.


Laying of DI pipes shall conform to the Code of practice of IS: 12288. Pipes shall be laid as
per the requirement in the drawing and as directed by the Design Build Operations Engineer.
Laying of pipes shall be as per IS specified in Bill of Quantities and approved construction
drawings. All pipes, fittings and material shall be tested and approved by the Design Build
Operations Engineer before being laid. Any pipes, fittings or material placed before they are
tested and approved shall be removed and replaced wit h tested andapproved material.
Before laying the pipe, necessary bedding shall be provided wherever required. Polyethylene
sleeves wounded pipes shall be used for water logged areas as per specification and as
directed by the Design Build Operations Engineer.


Jointing of DI pipes and fittings shall be done as per IS: 12288 and manufacturer's
recommendations. After jointing, extraneous material, if any, shall be removed from the
inside of the pipe. Rubber sealing rings / gaskets used for jointing shall conform to IS: 638,
IS: 12820 and IS:5382.

10.10.1 Spigot and socket Joints:

These shall have sockets, which are integral with the pipe and incorporate an
electrometric rubber ring gasket conforming to IS:12820. The gaskets / sealant used
for joints shall be suitable for water conveyance. In jointing DI pipes and fittings, the
Operator shall take into account the manufacturer's recommendations as to the
methods and equipment to be used in assembling the joints. In particular the
Operator shall ensure that the spigot end of the pipe to be jointed is smooth and has
been properly chamfered, so that the rubber ring as per IS: 12820 and IS: 5382 is
correctly positioned in line, before thejoint is made. The rubber rings and any
recommended lubricant shall be obtained only through the approved supplier and
as directed by the Design Build Operations Engineer.

10.10.2 Gaskets for Flanges

All gaskets used between flanges of pipes shall be of natural rubber conforming to
IS: 638of thickness 3 mm suitable for waste water conveyance and as specified

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by manufacturer.


These shall be of PN 1.0 rating and shall comply with dimensions and drilling details as
specified in IS: 8329. These shall have isolation gaskets between the flanges, isolation
sleeves around all bolts and isolation washers under all bolt heads and nuts. All material
shall be supplied by a reputed manufacturer and shall be approved by the Design Build
Operations Engineer.

Each bolt should be tightened a little at a time taking care to tighten diametrically opposite
bolts alternatively. The recommended bolting torque to be followed for assembling
flanges shall be as specified in manufacturer's instructions.The practice of fully tightening
the bolts one after another is highly undesirable. The bolts shall be of mild steel unless
otherwise specified. They shall be coated with coal tar epoxy coating after tightening.

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The providing, testing, supplying, jointing and testing at work sites of RCC pipes shall comply
with all currently applicable statutes, regulations, standards and codes.


a) IS: 458:1988 - Specificationfor precast concrete pipes (with and without

b) IS: 3597:1985 - Method of tests for concrete pipes.
c) IS: 432: 1982 - Specificationfor mildsteel and medium(tensilesteel bars and hand
drawn steel) wires for concrete reinforcement.
c) IS: 5382:1985 - Specification for rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains
and sewers.
d) IS: 516: - Method of test for strength of concrete.

a) IS: 456:2000 - Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

b) IS: 783:1985 - Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes.


Design of RCC pipes including reinforcement details and the ends of pipes shall be in
accordance with the relevant clauses of IS: 458.


The method of manufacture of RCC pipes (class NP3 and NP4) shall be such that the form
and the dimensions of the finished pipes are accurate within the limits specified in relevant
clause of IS: 458. The surfaces and edges of the pipes shall be well defined and true, and
their ends shall be square with the longitudinal axis. The ends of the pipes shall be further
reinforced by an extra ring of reinforcement to avoid breakage during transportation.

The RCC pipes and rubber rings shall be systematically checked for any manufacturing
defects by experienced supervisors so as to maintain a high standard of quality.

The Employer or employer representative Employer or employer representative shall at all

reasonabletimeshavefreeaccesstotheplacewherethepipesandrubberringsare manufactured
for the purpose of examining and testing the pipes and rubber rings and of witnessing the
test and manufacturing.

All tests specified either in this Employerrs Requirements or in the relevant Indianstandards
shall be performed by the supplier/contractor at his own cost and in presence of the
Employer or employer representative if he so desires. For this, sufficient notice before
testing of the pipesandfittings shallbegiventothe Employer or employer representative.

If the test is found unsatisfactory, the Employer or employer representative may reject any
or all pipes of that lot.

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11.6.1 Cement

Sulphate Resisting Cement shall be used for the manufacture of RCC pipes and
fittings and shall conform to relevant IS codes.

11.6.2 Aggregates

Aggregates used for the manufacture of RCC pipes shall conform to IS: 383. The
maximum size of aggregate should not exceed one third the thickness of the pipe or
20mm, whichever is smaller.

11.6.3 Mixing And Curing Water

Water shall be clean, colourless and free from objectionable quantities of organic
matter, alkali, acid, salts, or other impurities that might reduce the strength,
durability or otherdesirable qualities of concrete and mortar.

11.6.4 Reinforcement

Reinforcement used for the manufacture of the spigot and socket RCC pipes shall be
mild steel Grade I or medium tensile steel bars conforming to IS: 432 (Part-1) or
hard-drawn steel wire conforming to IS: 432 (part-2). A reinforcement cage for pipes
shall be as per relevant requirement of IS: 458.


Concrete used for the manufacture of spigot and socket RCC pipes shall conform to IS: 456.
The minimum cement content and minimum compressive strength of concrete shall be as
per relevant requirements of IS: 458. Compressive strength tests shall be conducted on 15
cm cubes in accordance with the relevant requirements of IS: 456 and IS: 516.


Pipes manufactured in compliance with IS: 458 shall be either water cured or steam cured in
accordance with the relevant requirements of IS: 458.


The internal diameter, wall thickness and length of barrel, reinforcement (longitudinal and
spiral), type of ends and minimum clear cover to reinforcement and strength test
requirements shall be as per the relevant clauses / tables of IS:458 for classes NP3 and NP4
RCC pipes.

The tolerances regarding overall length, internal diameter of pipes or sockets and barrel wall
thickness shall be as per relevant clause of IS: 458.


Pipes shall be straight and free from cracks except that craze cracks may be permitted. The

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ends of the pipes shall be square with their longitudinal axis.

The outside and inside surfaces of the pipes shall be smooth, dense and hard, and shall not
be coated with cement wash or other preparation unless otherwise agreed to between the
Engineer and the manufacturer or supplier.

The pipes shall be free from defects resulting from imperfect grading of the aggregate,
mixing or moulding.

The pipes shall be free from local dents or bulges greater than 3 mm in depth and
extendingover a length in any direction greater than twice the thickness of barrel.

The deviation from straight in any pipe throughout its effective length, tested by means of
rigid straight edge parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe shall not exceed, for all
diameters 3 mm for every meter run.


The RCC pipes shall be provided with special coatings wherever there is possibility of excess
generation of hydrogen sulphide gas during transportation of sewage through sewers. The
location, length of coatings shall be as given in construction drawings or as approved by the
Employer or employer representative.

The work involves, Supply and application of Polymer based protective Elastomeric coating /
Lining with zero V.O.C. for complete inside surface of RCC sewers, with minimum dry film
thickness of 1mm, Acid resistant, Abrasive resistant, Adhesive to concrete surface, Durable and
pinhole / break free, with smooth surface after application, complete as per the Clauses in this
Section, including all labour, HOM of machinery, with all lead lifts, taxes etc. complete. spray
coating / Lining shall be applied by approved and controlled mechanical spray method, for
RCC sewers of diameters 400mm to 800 mm prior to delivery of sewers to site or applied at
site, as approved by approving authority, including all surface preparation,testing, as per
directions of the Employer or employer representative .Rate shall be inclusive of cost of all
materials, tools and plants, testing and inspection etc. complete, or Polymer based protective
Elastomeric smooth coating / Lining with zero V.O.C. by spray method for complete inside
surface of RCC sewers, with minimum dryfilm thickness of 1mm, Acid resistant, Abrasive
resistant, Adhesive to concrete surface, Durable and pinhole / break free, smooth surface after
application, complete as per the Clauses in this Section, including all labour, HOM of machinery,
with all lead, lifts, taxes etc. complete, spray coating / Lining applied by approved method, for
RCC sewers of diameters equal to and greater than 900mm prior to delivery of sewers to site or
applied at site, as approved by approving authority, including all surface preparation, testing,
and directions of the Employer or employer representative, Rate shall be inclusive of cost of
all materials, tools and plants,testing and inspection etc. complete.


All pipes for testing purposes shall be selected at random from the stock of the manufacturer
and shall be such as would not otherwise be rejected under the criteria of tolerances as
mentioned in IS: 458.

During manufacture, tests on concrete shall be carried out as per IS: 456. The
manufacturershall supply, when required to do so by the Employer or employer
representative, the results of compressive tests of concrete cubes and split tensile tests of
concrete cylinders made from the concrete used for the pipes. The manufacturer shall

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supply cylinders or cubes for test purposes required by the Engineer and such cylinders or
cubes shall withstand the tests prescribed as per IS: 458. Every pressure pipe shall be tested
by the manufacturer for the hydrostatic testpressure. For non-pressure pipes, 2 percent of
the pipes shall be tested for hydrostatic test pressure.

The specimen of pipes for the following tests shall be selected in accordance with
relevantclause of IS: 458 and tests in accordance with the methods described in IS: 3597.

i) Hydrostatic test

ii) Three edge bearing test.

iii) Absorption test.


In any consignment, all the pipes of same class and size and manufactured under similar
conditions of production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. The conformity of a
lot to the requirements of this Specification shall be ascertained on the basis of tests on
pipes selected from it.

The number of pipes to be selected from the lot for testing shall be in accordance with Table
15 of IS: 458.

Pipes shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness, all the pipes in the lot
maybe arranged in a serial order and starting from any pipe, every rth pipe be selected till
the requisite number is obtained, are being the integral part of N/n where N is the lot size
and n is the sample size.

All pipes selected shall be inspected for dimensional requirements, finish and deviation from
straight. A pipe failing to satisfy one or more of these requirements shall be considered as

The number of pipes to be tested for tests under clause 4.9 shall be in accordance with
column 4 of Table 15 of IS: 458. These pipes shall be selected from pipes that have satisfied
the requirements of dimensions, finish and deviation from straight.

A lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of IS: 458 if the following
conditions are satisfied.

a) The number of defective pipes (those not satisfying one or more of the
requirements for dimensions, finish and deviation from straight) shall not be more
than the permissible number given in column 3 of Table 15 of IS: 458.

b) All the pipes tested for various tests as per 1.1.15 clause of this specification shall
satisfy corresponding requirements of the tests.

c) In case the number of pipes not satisfying requirements of any one or more tests,
one or two further samples of the same size shall be selected and subjected to the
test or tests in which the failure has occurred. All these pipes shall satisfy the
corresponding requirements of the test.In the event they do not, the lot will be

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The following information shall be clearly marked on each pipe:

a) Internal diameter of pipe

b) Class of pipe

c) Date of manufacture and

d) Name of manufacturer or his registered trade-mark or both.


Unless waived by the Employer or employer representative, method statements shall be

submitted by the Contractor for the approval of the Employer or employer representative
before the handling, transportation and laying of any pipes commences. All pipes shall be
handled and stored in compliance with the manufacturers recommendations. Pipes and
fittings /specials shall be transported from the factory to the central pipe store and unloaded
there before being transported to Site. At every point of loading or unloading, all pipes and
fittings shall be lifted using approved lifting tackle. Unloading by rolling down any form of
inclined ramp will not be permitted. Pliable straps or slings shall be used to lift pipes. Rope,
wire rope, hooks or chains shall not be allowed to come into contract with any pipe surface.
All pipes shall be thoroughly inspected on arrival on site and immediately prior to
installation. Any damage to the pipes shall be notified to the Employer or employer
representative for a decision as to the acceptability of the pipes, with or without repairs or
remedial work. The final judgement will be takenbythe Employer or employer representative
based on his judgement of the suitability of the items forthe purpose intended.

11.15.1 Storage

Each stack of pipes shall contain only pipes of same class and size, with consignment
or batch number marked on it with particulars of suppliers wherever possible.
Storage shall be done on firm level and clean ground and wedges shall be provided
at the bottom layer to keep the stack stable. The stack shall be in pyramid shape or
the pipes laid lengthways and crosswise in alternate layers. The pyramid stack shall
be made for smaller diameter pipes for conserving space in storing them. The height
of the stock shall not exceed 1.5 m.

Rubber rings shall be stored in a clean, cool store away from windows, boiler,
electrical equipment and petrol, oils or other chemicals.


11.16.1 General

Pipes shall be laid and jointed in accordance with all relevant recommendations of
the manufacturer. Any variations between the manufacturers recommendations
and this Specification shall be highlighted in the Contractors Method Statements
and a ruling will be given with the approval. All pipes lying shall be performed by
experienced and competent pipe layers.

The line of the pipe shall be set out and agreed with the Engineer Employer or

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Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

employer representative well in advance of the excavation. Surface stripping,

excavation, pipe laying, backfilling and reinstatement shall follow each other without
undue delay or interval between these activities.


Trenching includes all excavation which shall be carried out either by hand or by machine and
shall be carried out in accordance with all requirements of Earth work excavations clause.
Wherever a socket or collar of pipe or fitting / special occurs, a grip is to be cut in the bottom
of the trench or concrete bed to a depth of at least 75 mm below the bed of the pipe so that
the pipe may have a fair bearing on its shaft and does not rest upon its socket. Such grip shall
be of sufficient size in every respect to admit the hand all round the socket in order to make
the joint, and the grip shall be maintained clear, until the joint has been approved by Employer
or employer representative.


11.18.1 Boning Staves and Sight Rails

In laying the pipes and fittings/ specials the centre for each manhole / chamber or
pipeline shall be marked by a peg. Contractor shall dig holes for and set up two posts
(about 100 x 100 x 1800 mm) at each manhole/chamber or junction of pipelines at
nearly equal distance from the peg and at sufficient distances there from to be well
clear of all intended excavation, so arranged that a sight rail when fixed at a certain
level against the post shall cross the centre line of the manhole/chamber or pipe
lines. The sight rail shall not in any case be more than 30 m apart; intermediate rails
shall be put up if directed by Engineer.

Boning staves of 75 mm x 50 mm size shall be prepared by Contractor in various

lengths, each length being of a certain whole number of metres and with a fixed tee
head and fixed intermediate cross pieces, each about 300 mm long. The top-edge of
the cross piece must be fixed below the top-edge of the tee-head at a distance equal
to the outside diameter of the pipeor the thickness of the concrete bed to be laid as
the case may be. The top of cross pieces shall indicate different levels such as
excavation for pipe line, top of concrete bed, top of the pipe etc. as the case may be.

The sight rail of size 250 mm x 40 mm shall be screwed with the top edge resting
against the level marks. The centre line of the pipe shall be marked on the rail and
this mark shall denote also the meeting point of the centre lines of any converging
pipes. A line drawn from the top edge of one rail to the top edge of the next rail shall
be vertically parallel with the bed of the pipe, and the depth of the bed of pipe at
any intermediate point may be determined by letting down the selected boning staff
until the tee head comes in the line of sight from rail to rail.

The post and rails shall be perfectly square and planed smooth on all sides and
edges. The rails shall be painted white on both sides, and the tee-heads and cross-
piece of the boning staves shall be painted black.

For the pipes converging to a manhole/chamber at various levels, there shall be a

rail fixed for every different level. When a rail comes within 0.60 M of the surface of
the ground, a higher sight-rail shall be fixed for use with the rail over the next
point. The posts and rails shall in no case be removed until the trench is excavated,

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the pipes are laid and Engineer gives permission to proceed with the backfilling.

11.19 LAYING

Laying of concrete pipes shall conform to the Code of practice of IS: 783. Pipes shall be laid
underground with a minimum earth cover of 1m. Pipes shall be generally laid in sections as per
standard practices and as directed by the Design Build Operations Engineer. The RCC pipes
shall be laid with sockets facing up the gradient, on desired bedding. All pipes shall be laid
perfectly true, both to line and gradient. At the close of each days work or at such other times
when the pipe is not being laid, the end of the pipe should be protected by a close fitting

All pipes, fittings and material shall be tested and approved by the Design Build Operations
Engineer before being laid. Any pipes, fittings or material placed before they are tested and
approved shall be removed and replaced with tested and approved material. Before laying the
pipe, necessary bedding shall be provided wherever required as mention in this section.


11.20.1 General

Pipe section shall be joined utilising spigot and socket flexible joint with rubber ring,
as per IS 783. After jointing, extraneous material, if any, shall be removed from the
inside of the pipe and the newly made joints shall be thoroughly cured. The rubber
sealing rings used for jointing, shall conform to IS: 5382.

11.20.2 Spigot and Socket Joint (Flexible)

The RCC pipe with the rubber ring accurately positioned on the spigot shallbe
pushed well home into the socket of the previously laid pipe by means of uniformly
applied pressure with the aid of a jack or similar appliance. The RCC pipes shall be of
spigot and socket type and rubber rings shall be used, and the manufacturers
instructions shall be deemed to form a part of these Employers Requirements. The
rubber rings shall be lubricated before making the joint and the lubricant shall be
soft soap water or an approved lubricant supplied by the manufacturer


The type of bedding for the RCC pipes (granular, concrete cradle PCC, concrete
encasement, etc.) shall be as detailed on the approved Drawings enclosed in Volume-IV.


Concrete shall be grade M15 unless otherwise detailed on the Drawings.

The minimum thickness of concrete between the bottom of the pipe and the trench shall be
0.25 x nominal pipe diameter, subject to 100mm minimum, with a minimum 100mm
beneath sockets.

The pipes shall be set to correct alignment as detailed below:-

The Contractor may use rectangular concrete blocks (two per pipe) made of grade M15
concrete, cast at least 7 days before use, together with pairs of approved hardwood wedges

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of the same width as the blocks in order to align and support the pipe before concreting. The
blocks and wedges shall be of sufficient size and suitably founded on the bottom of the
trench to support the pipe adequately without settlement or movement at any stage. The
blocks and wedgesshould be placed near the end of each pipe length and should be left
undisturbed during jointing of subsequent pipes and during construction, although the
wedges should be removed during placing of the concrete.

Blocks may have thin tie wires cast in to assist in holding down the pipe when the concrete
surround is being mechanically vibrated.

After approval of the joints and satisfactory testing of the pipeline a transverse flexible joint
shall be formed by insertion of a template of compressible joint filler consisting of bitumen
impregnated insulating board as per BS 1142 Part 3 or other equally compressible material
shaped exactly to the pipe and full extent of the concrete cradle or surround. Unless
otherwise detailed on the drawings the thickness of this flexible joint shall be a minimum of

For spigot and socket pipes, the flexible joint in the concrete shall be aligned with the face of
the socket. For sleeve type and flexible mechanical joints, the flexible joint shall be aligned
with one end of the sleeve or mechanical joint. In certain cases, a flexible joint may be
required at both ends of the sleeve or mechanical joint. These instances may be shown on
the Drawings or ordered in writing by the Employer or employer representative. The
concrete infill for flexible mechanical joints shall only be placed after the application of the
specified protection materials to the joint. No steel reinforcement shall pass through the
flexible joint.

Concrete for beddings, surrounds and joint infill shall be placed carefully and uniformly,
suitable measures being adopted to ensure that the pipeline is not displaced by differential
side pressure or by flotation. Concrete shall be properly compacted with particular care
being taken to ensure that no cavities are left underneath the pipe.

Concrete beds to pipes of all diameters and surrounds to pipes of one metre diameter or
less shall be poured in a single operation. Concrete surrounds to pipes over one metre
diameter shall normally be poured in two lifts, with a horizontal joint not more than 100mm
below the crown of the pipe. Concrete shall be prevented from entering pipe joints.

Formwork shall be used for all vertical faces and faces sloping more steeply than 1 vertically
to 2 horizontally. Side forms should not normally be required, if trench widths specified are
such that the concrete bedding / surround will extend the full width of the trench.

All formwork used for forming the concrete bedding shall be removed, unless the written
approval of the Employer or employer representative is given to leave it in place for safety or
similar reasons..

The bedding and surround shall be completed by the careful placing of selected excavated
material in layers not exceeding 150mm thick, thoroughly compacted by hand on both sides
of the pipeline to a level at least 300mm above the crown of the pipes. As this material is
placed and compacted in the trench, the supports to the sides of the trench shall be
concurrently partly withdrawn so that there are no voids or uncompacted zones.

Except where otherwise specified or instructed by the Employer or employer representative,

no traffic load may be imposed upon the trench within 72 hours of the placing of the

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concrete cradle or surround.

If the Contractor wishes to use any other method of laying pipes in concrete cradle or
surround, he must submit his proposals in writing to and obtain the approval in writing from
the Engineer well in advance of the date when he wishes to perform the work.

11.22.1 Concrete Encasement:

Concrete Encasement to the pipe is required when soil cover is less than 0.5 m. This
shall be provided as per the enclosed drawing and as approved by the employer /
employer representative.


As soon as the pipeline has been completed from manhole to manhole the Contractor shall
run through the pipes both backwards and forwards a double disc or solid or closed cylinder
75 mm less in diameter than the internal diameter of pipes.

If as a result of the removal of any obstructions the Employer or employer representative

considers that damages may have been caused to the pipe lines, he shall be entitled to order
the stretch to be tested immediately. Should such test prove unsatisfactory, contractor shall
make good the pipeline and carry out such further tests as are ordered by the Employer or
employer representative.

11.23.1 Site Testing

After laying and jointing of RCC pipes is completed the pipe line shall be tested. All
equipmentfor testing shall be supplied by the Contractor. Damage during testing
shall be contractor's responsibility and shall be rectified by him to the full
satisfaction of the Employer or employer representative. Water for testing of
pipeline shall be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. After the joints have
been checked by the Employer or employer representative and before backfilling of
the trenches, the entire section of the sewer shall be proved by the contractor to be
watertight by filling the pipes with water to the level of 1.50m above the top of the
highest pipe in the stretch and heading the water up for a period of one hour. The
apparatus used for the purpose of testing shall be approved by Employer or
employer representative. The Contractor if required by the Engineer shall de-water
the excavated pit and keep it dry during the period of testing. The loss of water over
a period of 30 minutes shall be measured by adding water from a measuring vessel
at regular 10 minutes intervals and noting the quantity required to maintain the
original water level. For acceptance of the section of pipeline under test the average
quantity added shall not exceed 1 litre/ hour/100 linear metres / 10mm of nominal
internal diameter. Any leakage including excessive sweating which causes a drop in
the test water level in excess of the permitted amount will result in the pipeline
being rejected. The Contractor will be required to remove and re-lay the pipeline for

Water used for the test shall be removed from pipes and not discharged to the
excavated trenches.

All RCC pipes shall be measured according to the work actually done and no
allowance will be made for any waste in cutting to the exact length required. The
measurement for pipes shall be in running metres nearest to a cm. of length along

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

the centre line of pipe as actually laid at work sites.


The length of the sewer pipes shall be measured between the inner surfaces of consecutive
manholes at the invert level of the pipes along the central line of pipeline to the nearest

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal


It is proposed to provide circular manholes. The general construction of the manhole shall be RCC
Precast manholes as per the approved drawings. The contractor will be responsible to ensure
procurement and placement of the precast elements in position without any damage. The jointing of
the various elements will be made so as to achieve the required water tightness. RCC pre-cast and
RCC cast in situ elements shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of IS 456:2000.

The manholes shall generally conform to I.S. 4111.RCC works shall generally confirm to IS.456-2000.
The location of manhole shall be as per the approved drawing or layout given by the Project
Manager or as directed by the Project Manager. The Manhole dimensions and other details shall be
as per the approved drawings. The Contractor, while constructing the manholes, shall suitably
provide PVC-U pipe connection lines for the house sewer connection to prevent the undue breaking
of man hole or road in future, as directed by the Project Manager. The location of manholes shall be
as per the approved drawing or layout given by the Project Manager. The vent shaft connection shall
be as per the approved drawing.

Pre-cast RCC M 40 manhole & sewer chambers shall be procured / constructed simultaneously
with the laying of sewers as per approved drawing and detailed specification.

RCC precast manholes shall be constructed as per approved drawings.

In case of Pre-cast RCC manholes, design mix concrete of grade M-40 shall only be used for the pre-
cast manhole elements as per approved drawings.

The Contractor shall provide steel reinforcement as per design requirement in each Pre- Cast M-40
Grade Circular Rings including Starter Base Wall at thebottomofthe manhole chamber, subject to a
minimum of nominal reinforcement as per Code of Practice of Plain and Reinforced Concrete
IS:456 2000. No extra payment shall be made to the contractor on this part. The Contractor should
therefore take provisions accordingly.

Contractor may study the design, drawings and specifications carefully and if felt necessary, may
increase the sectional thickness, reinforcement or the grade of concrete suitably. No extra payment
shall be made to the contractor over the rates quoted by the contractor for any modifications /
changes proposed by him. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the structural safety of the
pre-cast manhole elements /components.

Any data or information received by the Contractor, from the department or otherwise, shall not
relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for the design and execution and structural stability of
the pre-cast elements.


The work involves construction of Pre-cast RCC M-40 grade circular manhole chamber of
designated diameter for various invert depths including required excavation of earth in all
types of soils such as murrum, sand, sandy silt, black cotton soil, hard soil, kankar etc.
disposing of surplus excavated material within a lead of 50 meter. The work includes laying
of 150 mm thick plain cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 1600/1800/2100 mm diameter bedding in foundation,
providing and laying of plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate ) in channel & circular starter base wall up to 50 mm above outer dia. of
sewer pipe and P&F in position of 125 mm thick 150/225/300 mm high Pre- Cast M-40 grade
cement concrete ring at bottom and consecutive standard size 300 mm high rings. The work

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

includes P&F pre-cast reinforced cement concrete eccentric conical piece of M40 grade, 125
mm thick having 560 mm and 1000/1200/1500 mm internal diameter at top & bottom
respectively, fitted with Ferro-cement cover of 33 kg cast iron double seal ring & frame
(heavy-duty) etc to withstand for class AA loading including supply and fixing of Ferro-
cement footsteps and sealing of all joints with cement mortar 1:1 complete job as per
detailed specifications, drawings and directions of Project Manager.

b) The height of the M-40 grade cement concrete circular rings of manhole can be increased
only after the approval of Project Manager.


Providing and fixing of Pre-cast RCC M-40 grade concrete eccentric conical piece for
manhole manufactured using Weigh Batching Plant.

Only Design Mix Concrete of Grade M-40 shall be used.

Shape: - Eccentric frustum of cone of designated diameter and thickness as per the enclosed
drawings and specifications

Testing: Apart from the usual strength test on of the concrete mix non-destructive test for
strength of the concrete is to be carried out on sample piece of pre-cast manholeelements
as per the instruction of Project Manager.


Providing and fixing of Pre-cast M-40 grade cement concrete circular rings for manhole
chambers manufactured by using Weight Batching Plant.

Only Design Mix Concrete of Grade M-40 shall be used.

Shape: - Circular in shape with end keys at top and bottom of designated diameter, height
and thickness as per the enclosed drawings and specifications. The height of rings can be
increased in the multiples of 30cms after inspection and approval of Project Manager.

Testing: Apart from the usual strength test on of the concrete mix non-destructive test for
strength of the concrete is to be carried out on sample piece of pre-cast manholeelements
lot as per the instruction of Project Manager.

The contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the works during the executions of
works with good Engineering practices. He shall, therefore, have his own independent and
adequate setup for ensuring the same.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal



The selection of samples per lot for testing, failure percentage, no. of test, Concrete mix
curing, etc shall be as per IS 12592 (part-I) for Pre-Cast Concrete Manhole Cover. The load of
class AA shall be as per IRC guidelines.

The Manhole cover shall be heavy duty whereas for Road Side Chamber Cover and frame
shall be medium duty in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) and shall confirm to IS 12592
(Part I & II) except for the scraper manhole. The inspection and testing for these shall be
done by Third Party agency also in the presence of Project Manager or his representative.
The load test shall be done in accordance with Table 1 of IS 12592 (Part I).The cover &
frame shall be manufactured as per approved drawing. The frame and cover of manhole
shall be in SFRC as per approved drawing.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal



Minimum 3 mm thick Polypropylene copolymer is injection moulded around a 12 mm dia

tor-steel bar shall be in Orange Color.

Minimum overall length of 260 mm and width of 165 mm

Protruding legs have a 2 mm tread on top surface by dots for providing an antiskidsurface
Designed to withstand the bend test and chemical resistance test as per specification
Polypropylene copolymer conforming to ASTM D-4101/IS-10910 construction12 mm dia Fe-
415 Steel reinforcement conforming to IS 1786 the manhole step can be driven into two 25
mm diameter parallel pre-formed holes or drilled holes, 137 mm center to center, 135 mm
deep or in case of installation in brick wall the footrest can be placed in the brick wall during
its construction.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal


A manhole is an opening by which a man may enter a sewer for inspection, cleaning and other
maintenance and fitted with a removable cover to withstand traffic loads in sewers. Having designed
the sewer system, the manholes are first constructed in identified reaches before the sewers are
laid. The diameter of circular manhole for stated depth of sewer are in the table below

Diameters of circular manholes for stated depths of sewers

S.No. Range of Depths (m) Diameter

1 above0.90mandupto1.65m 0.9m
2 above1.65mand upto2.30m,1200 mm 1.2m
3 above2.30mand upto9.0m 1.5m
4 above9.0mand upto14.0m 1.8m

15.1 SCOPE

This Specification covers the requirements for providing and construction ancillary works
such as manholes, scraper manholes, vent shafts, etc.


The following standards, unless otherwise specified herein, shall be referred. In all cases, the
latest revision of the Codes shall be referred to. If requirements of this Specification conflict
with the requirements of the Codes and standards, this Specification shall govern.

IS: 111 Code of Practice for Ancillary Structures (Part I) - Manholes.

IS: 555 Cast Iron Steps for Manhole.
IS: 1077 Common Burnt Clay Building Bricks
IS: 3102 Classification of Burnt Clay Bricks.
IS: 395 Method of Sampling and Testing Clay Building Bricks.
IS: 2212 Code of Practice for Brick Work.


Manholes shall be constructed at places as shown on Layout Plan Drawings and as directed
by Employers representative.


Excavation shall be done in accordance with civil work of particular Specification. The rate
quoted for manhole shall be inclusive of excavation and backfilling, bailing or pumping out
water and shoring.


Bricks used in works shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards. They shall be sound,
hard, and homogeneous in texture, well burnt in kiln without being vitrified, table moulded,
deep red cherry or copper coloured, of regular shape and size and shall have sharp and
square and parallel faces. The bricks shall be free from pores, chips, flaws or humps of any

Volume II
Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

kind. Bricks containing ingrained particles and / or which absorb water more than 1/6th of
their weight when soaked in water for twenty-four hours shall be rejected. Over burnt or
under burnt bricks shall be liable to rejection. The bricks shall give a clear ringing sound
when struck and shall have a minimum crushing strength of 50 kg/sqcm. Unless otherwise
noted in Drawings. The class and quality requirements of bricks shall be as laid down in IS:

The size of the brick shall be 23.0 x 11.5 x 7.5 cm unless otherwise specified; but tolerance
upto 3 mm in each direction shall be permitted. Only full size brick shall be used for
masonry work. Brick bats shall be used only with the permission of Employers representative
to make up required wall length or for bending. Sample bricks shall be submitted to
Employers representative for approval and bricks supplied shall conform to approval
samples. If demanded by Employers representative brick sample shall be got tested as per
IS: 395 by Contractor at no extra cost to Employers representative. Bricks rejected by
Employers representative shall be removed from the site of works within 2 hours.


Mortar for brick masonry shall be prepared as per IS: 2250. In ordinary manholes, brickwork
shall have cement mortar (1:3); in scraper manholes, brickwork shall have cement mortar
(1:2). Gauge boxes for sand shall be of such dimensions that one bag containing 50 kg. of
cement forms one unit. The sand shall be, free from clay, shale, loan, alkali organic matter
and shall be of sound, hard,clean and durable particles. Sand shall be approved by
Employers representative sand shall be thoroughly washed till it is free of any

For preparing cement mortar, the ingredients shall first be mixed thoroughly in dry
conditions. Water shall then be added and mixing continued to give a uniform mix of
required consistency. Cement mortar shall be used within 25 minutes of mixing. Mortar left
unused in the specified period shall be rejected.


All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in clean water for at least one hour immediately before
being laid. The cement mortar for brick masonry work of manholes shall be in the proportion
specified. Brick work 230 mm thick and over shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise
specified. 115 mm thick brick work shall be laid with stretchers. For laying bricks, a layer of
mortar shall be spread over the full width of suitable length of the lower course. Each brick
shall be pressed into the mortar and shoved into final position so as to embed the brick fully
in mortar. Bricks shall be laid with frogs uppermost.

All brickwork shall be plumb, square and true to dimensions shown. Vertical joints
inalternate courses shall come directly one over the other and be in line. Horizontal courses
shall be leveled. The thickness of brick courses shall be kept uniform. For walls of thickness
greater than 230 mm both faces shall be kept in vertical planes. All interconnected brickwork
shall be carried out at nearly one level (so that there is uniform distribution of pressure on
the supporting structure and no portion of the work shall be left more than one course
lower than adjacent work. Where this is not possible, the work shall be raked back according
to bond (and not saw toothed at an angle not exceeding 5 But in no case the level difference
between adjoining walls shall exceed 1.25 m. Workmanship shall conform to IS: 2212.

Brick shall be so laid that all joints are well filled with mortar. The thickness of joints shall not

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

be less than 6 mm and not more than 10 mm. The face joints shall be raked to a minimum
depth of 12 mmby raking tools daily during the progress of work when the mortar is still
green, so as to provide a proper key for the plaster or pointing to be done. When plastering
or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be uniform in thickness and be struck
flush and finished at the time of laying. The face of brickwork shall be cleaned daily and all
mortar droppings removed. The surface of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt
before another course is laid on top. If mortar in the lower courses has begun to set, the
joints shall be raked out to a depth of 12 mm before another course is laid. No extra
payment will be made for raking joints.


All joints in masonry shall be raked to a depth of 12 mm with a hooked tool made for the
purpose when the mortar is still green and in any case within 8 hours of its laying. The
surface to be rendered shall be washed with fresh clean water to make it free from all dirt,
loose material, grease, etc. and thoroughly wetted for 6 hours before plastering work is

Concrete surfaces to be rendered will however be kept dry. The wall should not be too wet
but only damp at the time of plastering. The damping shall be uniform to get uniform bond
between the plaster and the wall.

The proportion of the cement mortar shall be as specified on relevant Drawings. Cement
shall be mixed thoroughly in dry condition and then just enough water added to obtain
workable consistency. The quality of water, sand and cement shall be as per relevant I.S.
The mortar thus mixed shall be used immediately and in no case shall the mortar be
allowed to stand for more than 25 minutes after mixing with water.

Curing of plaster shall be started as soon as the applied plaster has hardened enough so as
not to be damaged. The decision as to when the plaster has hardened, will be given by
Employers representative. Curing shall be done by continuous applying water in a fine spray
and shall be carried out for at least 7 days.

Plastering shall be done on both sides of brick masonry, in CM 1:3 and 20 mm thick for
ordinary manholes and in CM 1:2 and 20 mm thick for scraper manholes


Cement concrete channel be constructed in C.C. of M150 grade. Both sides of the channel
shall be taken up to the level of the crown of the outgoing sewer. They shall be benched up
in concrete and rendered in cement mortar (1:1) 20 mm. thick and formed to a slope of not
flatter than 1 in 12 to the channel.


Whenever a pipe enters or leaves a manhole, bricks on edge must be out to a proper form
and laid around the upper end of the pipe so as to form an arch. All around the pipes, there
shall be a joint of cement mortar 1:2 13 mm thick between it and the bricks.


Testing of Sewer manholes shall be carried out as per IS 4111 :( Part: 1)

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal


Heavy duty fiber reinforced concrete manhole covers and frames shall be provided capable
of Withstanding loads of 35 tones. The frame shall be fixed in cement concrete of M150
grade all around and finished with neat cement. The fiber reinforced frame shall have a clear
opening 102 kg. The cover will have a minimum thickness of 100 mm and an approximate
weight of 78 kg. The fibers shall constitute 1% of the weight of the concrete in the form of 50
mm to 100 mm metallic threads. For the cover sheet lapping is provided by M.S. Flat of 18
gauge to avoid damage to the edge and is painted with black paint.

The selection of samples per lot for testing, failure percentage, no. of test, Concrete mix
curing, etc shall be as per IS 12592 (part-I) for Pre-Cast Concrete Manhole Cover. The load of
class AA shall be as per IRC guidelines.

The Manhole cover shall be heavy duty whereas for Road Side Chamber Cover and frame
shall be medium duty in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) and shall confirm to IS 12592
(Part I & II) except for the scraper manhole. The inspection and testing for these shall be
done by Third Party agency also in the presence of Project Manager or his representative.
The load test shall be done in accordance with Table 1 of IS 12592 (Part I).The cover &
frame shall be manufactured as per approved drawing. The frame and cover of manhole
shall be in SFRC as per approved drawing

15.13 C.I. STEPS

Cast iron steps shall be as per IS: 555. Where the depth of invert of manhole exceeds 800
mm, cast iron steps of approved pattern shall be built in the brick work at the interval of 30
cm vertically and 38 cm horizontally. C.I. steps shall weigh not less than 4.5 kg each and shall
be of 150 mm X 375 mm overall dimensions. In case of pipe diameter greater than 600 mm
box type C.I. steps weighing 19 kg. Each shall be provided in channel of the manhole.


Contractor shall have to deploy adequate and trained manpower to carry out cleaning of
Sewers and Manholes.

Contractor must display warning/caution Sign Board , Warning/Caution Sign, Cleaning In

Progress to avoid any kind of accident

While cleaning the Sewers/ manholes, necessary precautions for providing masks, torch,
gascylinder etc, shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.

All equipment, tools and materials such as pick axes, manhole guards, tripod stands, danger
flags, lanterns, batteries, safety lamps, lead acetate paper, silt drums, ropes, iron hooks,
hand carts, plunger rods, observation rods, shovels etc. required for cleaning work shall be
arranged by the contractor in sufficient quantity well in time to avoid any complaint.

In addition, special equipment and devices like potable pump set running on either diesel or
petrol engine, manila rope and cloth balls, sectional sewer rods, a sewer cleaning bucket
machine, a dredger, a Roding machine with flexible sewer rods and cleaning tool
attachments such as augers, corkscrews, hedgehogs and sand cups, scrapers, and
hydraulically propelled devices such as flash bags, sewer balls, wooden balls and sewer
scooters, sewer jetting machines, gully empties and pneumatic plugs shall be arranged and
used by the contractor in sufficient quantity as his own cost for the cleaning work.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Sludge, silt etc. obtained from cleaning the sewer/manhole shall be disposed off on safe site
by the contractor as directed by Employers Representative

A log book shall be maintained by the contractor for every sewer line and manhole cleaning
work as directed by Employers Representative. Record of daily work done by the gang shall
be maintained.

Contractor shall use mechanical sewer machines like jetting machines of standard make for
cleaning of sewers and manholes

The contractor shall check the sewer between two successive manholes for silting, flow
conditions and remove the deposited silt and debris.

Contractor shall check for any harmful and extraneous matter entering into the sewer line so
that further investigation for cause and location can be determined by him.

Contractor shall check for any release valves in rising mains, sluice gates or stoppage in the
sewer lines, overflow arrangement etc.

Contractor shall check Manhole condition for deposition of silt, flow, connections done,
damaged walls or steps, manhole covers, clogged vertical pipes in drop manholes etc.


Provisions for following precautionary measures shall be made by contractor at his own cost
and precautions shall be taken by the contractor accordingly

A. Traffic Control
Place easily readable and clear warning signs well ahead of work area
Fence off adequate space around the manhole for placing equipment and deposition
of still removed Place barricades or signs to channelize the traffic, if possible
Vehicles can be parked between the traffic and the work area
Use flagman at the two ends for controlling flow of traffic from each direction and to
avoid a traffic jam, if the road is narrow and only one lane of traffic is possible.
B. Manhole Safety
Ventilate the sewer line by opening two or three manholes on both the sides where
work is to be carried out. The manholes should be opened at least one hour before
start of operations. The opened manholes should be properly fenced to prevent any
person, especially children, accidentally falling into the sewer. Dummy covers with
BRC welded fabric can be used.
Where it is desirable to use the blowers, operate these for at least 30 minutes
before start and during cleaning operations to ventilate the lowest working levels.
Use safety harness and life line before entering the sewer line. Two helpers at the
top should be provided for each person. The person standing at the top must send
signals at every few minutes interval to the person in the manhole to ensure safety.
Test for hazardous gases before entry of a person into the sewer line and also in
between if the operations are for a longer time.
C. Infection

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Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

The personnel working in sewerage cleaning systems are prone to infections and
hence thefollowing precautions should be taken:
a) Emergency first aid treatment kits shall be provided to take care of all minor
injuries like cuts and burns
D. Precautions of Pumping Stations
a) Guards, shields, fencing, railings, and enclosures should be provided to help
prevent slipping, failing or contacting machinery while in operation. Replace
or repair if they are missing or damaged. When removed install a temporary
safety barrier.
b) When dealing with equipment
Always stop the machine before removing any guard
See that power supply to the equipment is cut off. Place a warning board on the
switch so that somebody does not accidentally put it on.
Hoisting equipment should be able to lift the required load. Temporary support
should be given to any machine or equipment jacked or hoisted up before going
under it.
When lubricating a machine in operation, fittings should be at least 30 cms from any
moving part or piped outside a guard
If oil or grease is split, clean up at once.
E. Precautions against Electrical Shocks
a) Only qualified and specially trained personnel should be allowed to operate
and maintain electrical equipment at the pumping stations
b) All electrical controls should be kept dry and in good condition
c) No metal ladders or metal tapes should be used around electrical equipment
d) Insulated rubber mats should be provided before all electrical control panels
and they should be kept dry
e) Always test wires for current before working on any electrical item. Use
tools with insulated handles and rubber gloves.
F. Safety Equipment
The various safety equipments that are normally required in sewer cleaning work
are gas masks, oxygen breathing apparatus, portable lighting equipment, no
sparking tools, portable air blowers, safety belts, inhalators and divers suit.
The use of the particular safety equipment is governed by the detection of various
gases and oxygen deficiency.
Knowledge of the type of gases in the atmosphere and of the working location
becomes essential for the selection of the right type of safety equipment.
G. Gas Masks
General purpose gas masks are used for respiratory protection from low and
moderately high concentrations of all types of toxic gases and vapours present in the
atmosphere in which there is sufficient oxygen to support life. Masks afford
necessary respiratory protection under many circumstances but it is most important
to know the limitations of the various types available and to be familiar with their

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

use. Even when masks are used properly, other precautions such as never using
open flames or creating sparks in the presence of inflammable gases must be taken.
The general purpose gas masks afford protection against organic vapours, acid
gases, and carbon monoxide up to 2 percent concentration, toxic dusts, fumes and
The gas mask consists of a face piece, a canister containing purifying chemicals, a
timer for showing duration of service and a harness for support. Protection against
specific contaminants can be achieved by the selection of appropriate canisters.
Persons using gas masks should practise regularly with them in order to become
proficient in putting them on quickly and breathing through them.
Gas masks cannot be used in oxygen deficient atmospheres, in unventilated
locations or areas where large concentrations of poisonous gases exist.
H. Breathing Apparatus
This is designed for respiratory protection from atmosphere that contains very high
concentrations of toxic gases and vapours or that are deficient in oxygen. It fully
protects a worker against all gases, vapours, dusts, fumes, smokes and oxygen
deficiencies and can be safely used in petroleumvapours and is the most dependable
device for work in atmospheres normally encountered in sewage works.
I. Air Hose Respirator
This should be used where a source of fresh air is available within a distance of 50m
from the working location. It is essential that the supply of air is obtained from an
uncontaminated source.
It consists of a mask which is a tight fitting face piece attached to a large diameter
flexible hose, breathing tubes and a harness. Fresh air is blown to the mask through
either a power operated or a hand operated blower. An inhalation check valve in the
breathing tube assembly and exhalationvalve in the face piece permit air flow only in
one direction, from the source to the mask, when the blower is in operation.
Exhaled air is released into the surrounding atmosphere through the exhalation
valve. The valve arrangement permits the wearer to breathe directly through the
hose in the event of blower failure. The maximum length of house will be about
50 M. The hose, being of large diameter, permits breathing without excessive
resistance in the event of blower failure. A special pressure release valve on the
blower permits regulation of air delivery and a fresh air bypass valve functions
automatically in the event of blower failure permits regulation of air delivery and a
fresh air bypass valve functions automatically in the event of blower failure
permitting the wearer to breathe directly through the hose. When a hand operated
blower is used the operator will be available to attend to any emergent situation
also. This apparatus does not depend on chemical and may be used over extended
periods at low costs.
Purified air is used where a source of fresh air is not available within 50 m to permit
the use of an air hose respirator or in situations where an air hose should encumber
the worker.
J. Portable Lighting Equipment
The equipment normally used is portable electric hand lamps of permissible types,
electric cap lamps and explosion proof flash lights.
K. No sparking Tools

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Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

These are made of an alloy (containing at least 80 percent of copper) that will not
spark when struck against other objects and metals and yet retains the necessary
strength and resistance to wear.
L. Portable Air Blowers
Forced ventilation of manholes, pits and tanks should be provided by portable
blowers. Special precautions should be taken to ensure that the blowers do not
serve as a source of ignition for inflammable gases. Such precautions shall include
placing of the blower upwind from the manhole or at right angles to the wind
direction and at least 2 m away from the opening. The use of such equipment
requires a consideration of the depth of the manhole, size of enclosure and the
number of openings to uncontaminated atmosphere. Trailer mounted blower having
a capacity of 210 m3/min. can ventilate easily many meters of medium sized sewers.
M. Safety Belt
This consists of a body belt with a buckle and a shoulder harness. The life line is of
high grade spliced manila rope, nylon rope or a steel cable anchored with rings on
each side of the belt and provided with safety straps for anchoring of securing to a
stable support. The life line should beabout 15m in length and the overall assembly
should be capable of withstanding a tensile load of 2000 Kg. The safety belt and life
line should be tested by lifting the wearer clear of ground before each days use.
N. Inhalators
Approved inhalators employing a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide should be
used for resuscitating victims of gas collapse, drowning or electric shock. Artificial
respiration shouldbe started at once on the patient and an inhalator face piece
attached to the victims mouth as soon as the equipment can be made ready. The
carbon dioxide used in small percentages stimulates deep breathing so that more
oxygen may be inhaled. Pure oxygen should be used only when irritant gases such as
hydrogen sulphide or chlorine have caused the victims collapse.
O. Divers Suit
A good quality diver suit should be provided to the diver whose services are very
necessary while plugging the sewer line or removal of some hard blockage due to
stone etc. at the mouth of the pipe in the manholes. Depending upon the site
condition, suit should have provision to connect an air line with compressor or
oxygen cylinder.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal



Vent shafts shall be erected at places shown on the Drawings of longitudinal sections of the
sewers or as directed by Employers representative.


RCC vent shaft shall be of 100 mm and 6.0 m height from ground level with inside core 150
X 150 at top & 200 X 200 at bottom in PCC M150 foundation including flue chamber in brick
masonry CM 1:4 with 20 mm thick cement plastering CM 1:3. This shall be connected to the
nearest manhole shaft by 150 mm diameter GSW pipe or as directed by Employers


The spigot and socket joints of stoneware pipes shall be of rigid type and shall be caulked
with tarred gasket (prepared ready for use before being brought on the work in one length
for each joint and sufficiently long to entirely surround the spigot end of the pipe. The gasket
to be driven as far as possible by means of a suitable instrument. After the pipes area
thoroughly cleaned and moistened, mixture of one part of cement and one part of clean fine
sand tempered with just sufficient water to have a consistency of semi-dry condition should
be forced into the joint and well rammed withcaulking tools, so that whole space around the
spigot and socket is completely filled with lightly chalked mortar and the joints shall be
finished off with a splayed fillet sloping at 5 degrees to the side of the pipe.


The rate quoted in Schedule of Quantities and Rates for Vent shaft shall be deemed to
include the cost of RCC vent shaft, necessary excavation to manhole inclusive of concrete
encasement, erecting, etc. complete. The measurement for vent shaft shall be on per
number basis.


The Contractor shall obtain all permits required for carrying out works such as excavation on
public roads and shall liaise with the appropriate authorities with regard to the timing and
execution of the road works.

The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining temporary road
diversions for the duration of the road works. The road shall be kept open at all times during
the road works period, and the work shall be carried out in such a manner as to minimize the
disruption to traffic.


The Contractor shall only use existing access roads within the Site boundary which are
necessary for the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
maintenance of the existing site access roads. This responsibility shall continue until the
completion of theDefects Liability Period, or until such earlier date as the Employers
Representative may advise the Contractor in writing. Such maintenance work shall include
general up-keep, and any necessary repairs to damaged road surfaces, pavement, drainage,

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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associated slopes, etc to original condition. While carryingout such maintenance work,
theContractor shall make arrangements to maintainthrough passage for the Employer's and
his staff's vehicles over these access roads, which may comprise temporary diversions all to
the approval and satisfaction of the Employers Representative.

The Contractor shall take every precaution while operating tracked or unsprung vehicles on
surfaced roads and shall use planking or some other protective material to protect the road


The dismantled and dug out concrete road surface shall be reinstated M-15 grade concrete
as specified in particular specification. Concrete roads shall be reinstated with 100mm thick
layer of cement concrete mix of 1:2:4 or 1:3:6 with 20 mm nominal size crusher broken
aggregate to be flush with existing road surface for cement concrete roads and layers of
WBM without wearing coat for WBM roadsin all respects as directed by Employers

The dismantled and dug out BT road surface shall be reinstated to original conditions, with
one layer of Granular Sub base of 100 mm thick of grading I ( as per table 1 400.1 of MRTH
specification or as specified in Chapter 13 table no. 13.1 of Standard Specification and 3
layers WBM crust comprised of one layers of 100 mm thick of 63-44mm grading II and two
layer of 52-22.5 mm grading III with crusher broken stones (as per clause 404 of MoRTH
Specifications) and as a bearing surface 20 mm thick premix carpet (as per clause 511 & 512
of MoRTH Specifications) and seal coat, as per the clause 513 of MoRTH Specifications,
complete as per drawing and/or as directed by the Employers Representative. The road
restoration shall be carried out immediately after completion of all the works


The work involves the laying of Sewer pipes from the property boundaries/roadside
chamber to the street manhole as per drawings, site layout and as instructed by the
Employers representativein order to facilitate house sewer connections. Laying of pipes with
required bedding either directly or through roadside chambers to street manhole shall be
done as per drawing. No work shall be carried out inside the property boundaries. The
bedding shall be provided for the pipes as shown in drawing.


A roadside chamber for inspection and cleaning of connecting pipes shall be constructed
close to the property boundaries and on both sides of the road, inside the road width. The
chamber shall be so made that cleaning of connecting pipes is possible by manual means.
The proposed location of the roadside chamber shall be such that it shall be possible to
connect at least three properties to the roadside chamber with minimum length of pipes.
Provision for extra connections into the roadside chamber may be kept as directed/
approved by the Employers representative.


The sewer line to connect the inspection roadside chamber to the manhole shall be done
with PVC-u pipes of diameter 110mm.


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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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The damaged sections of the road shall be restored completely to the satisfaction of the
Employers Representative. The provision of road restoration shall be as per the provision of
Employers Requirements and shall be strictly adhered to.

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Part 8 Detailed Specifications
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All works for Road and Railway crossings by Trench less method i.e. by Pipe Ramming /Manual pipe
jacking shall be carried out asperspecificationsinthissectionmentionedbelowandfordetailsand
specifications not included in this section shall be carried out as per Standard contract clauses for
Trench less Contracts and Standard Guidelines for Trenchless contracts, 2008.


17.1.1 Design

The Operator shall be responsible for the design of the pipes used for the trenchless
method including all joints, for the design of the thrust and reception pits including
support and thrust wall and for the design of the jacking system in general. His design
will be reviewed by the Employers Representative but this will not relieve him of his
responsibility for the adequacy of the design.

17.1.2 Submittals

In addition to the applicable requirement of this Specification, the following shall be

submitted by the Operator and approved by the Employers representative prior to
commencement of any works;

1) Programme or work with resource and equipment allocation.

2) Design Calculations:

a) Pipes including jacking and frictional forces in the axial direction and
earth, traffic and surcharge loading in the vertical direction and the
pipes resistance to these loads. Also allowable deflections atjoints to
limit damage to the joint from eccentric loading under thrust and
sealing limits,

b) Thrust and reception pits to resist external soil and water pressures
and stresses resulting from jacking machine. Drawings showing on plan
and sections, themethod of supporting excavations and equipment
layout shall be included. All calculation shall be certified/ signed by a
qualified Employers representative.

17.1.3 Method Statement which shall include:

a) List of equipment and resources.

b) Detailed step by step procedure describing how work will be carried out
including clear definition of responsibilities and authority.

c) Support of existing services and adjacent structures.

d) Safety arrangement for compliance with safety requirements.

e) Locking pipe in position during insertion of next pipe.

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f) Sealing thrust and reception pits during exiting and entering of pipe.

17.1.4 Railway Crossings

For Railway Crossings, The Operator has to decide the following issues. Check the
profile of track and the strength of the bridge, longitudinally and laterally, the type
strata and evolve a complete system from starting and completion with due
interaction with owners, Southern Railway (SR) Authorities. The system shall be so
evolved that there shall not be any hindrance to any day-to-day activities taking place
in the area. He shall spell out likely danger, difficulty, and hindrance and suggest &
provide suitable remedial measures to obviate them, keeping authorities in
confidence. Suitable sign boards shall be designed and exhibited at proper places in
local and English language to keep users informed of the guidance, notice etc.,

17.1.5 Site Investigation

After award of the Contract, the Operator shall be responsible for all necessary
geotechnical site investigations, including ground water level monitoring, which he
considers necessary but as a minimum at the proposed access pit locations, and
central median. The Operators site investigation programmed shall be submitted to
the Employers Representative for review. The results of such investigations shall be
submitted to the Employers Representative and shall include recommendation for
pipe laying, excavation support and soil stabilization if required.

The Operator shall be responsible for obtaining existing utility structures information
after Conducting Ground Penetrating Radar Survey in a corridor of 4-6 meter width
to detect buried utilities like pipes, cables etc. in such corridor, Marking of the
detected utilities on the map of corridor with information of locations and depths to
the top of various utilities detected. Work to be conducted using 500MHz and
300MHz antenna for best possible resolution and penetration.

17.1.6 Utility Service Structures

The Operator shall replace at his own cost towards damage of any utility service
structures during the excavation and rehabilitate if necessary at his own cost.

17.1.7 Trenchless Technology for Sewer Pipe Laying

For trenchless technology suitable guidelines/ codes from Indian society of

Trenchless Technology shall be followed. The bidder has to decide after field
investigation and as per the guidelines provided by Indian society of Trenchless
Technology for selection of trenchless technology that is best suitable for a particular
section. The codes from IsTT are below mentioned

Code of practice for Horizontal Directional Drilling Suiting Indian Condition Code of
practice for Micro Tunneling and Pipe Jacking Suiting Indian Condition

Code of practice for Glass Reinforced Pipe Technique Suiting Indian Condition Code of
practice for pipe Bursting Suiting Indian Condition

Code of practice for cured in place pipe Technique Suiting Indian Condition Trenchless
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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Technology Selection Guidelines

Standard Operating Procedure for Application of Trenchless Technology

Manual OF site Investigation for Trenchless Projects Trenchless technology Risk

Mitigation Manual Specifications:


a) Definitions

For the purpose of this contract document, the technical terms pertaining to Micro-
tunneling and Pipe jacking works and their functional details are defined below. The
definitions herein are meant only as guidelines even though the pre-qualified Tenderer is
deemed to know the subjects. If other (ornew) definitions or technical terms are used by the
Tenderer in his submittals, they shall be clearly defined.

b) Micro-tunneling

Method of steerable remote control pipe jacking to install pipes of internal diameter less
than that permissible for man-entry.

c) Pipe jacking

Pipe jacking is the Method for directly installing pipes behind a shield machine by hydraulic
or other jacking from a drive shaft such that the pipe forms acontinuous stringinthe ground.


(a) Guided (usually by laser / theodolite) Micro tunnel Boring Machine

It is mechanised guided Micro-tunneling machine (with shield or augur) equipped with

suitably selected cutter head to handle any ground soil conditions to excavate the required
tunnel bore under controlled conditions. The tunnel face and ground water pressure are
continuously balanced as the shield excavates and moves forward. The operation and
steering of the shield are remotely controlled and operated, to install the pipes to required
gradients usually, with the aid of laser, CCTV system and computer.

(b) Tunnel face (Earth Pressure) Balanced System

There are three systems available for the conveyance of the spoils and they are as defined

(c) Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) system

Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) system in which mechanical pressure is applied to the material
at the face and controlled to provide the correct counterbalance to earth pressures in order
to prevent heaveorsubsidence.The system allows excavation ofthe materials under
controlled conditions so that no free flow of soil or ground water is permitted at the tunnel
face. The spoil removal rate and the speed of the shield advancementare thuscontrolled
either fully or semi-automatically.

(d) Slurry System

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Method using a mechanical tunneling shield with closedfacewhichemployshydraulic means

for removing the excavated material and balances the ground water pressure.

In this system, the excavated materials is continuously mixed with water and or bentonite to
convert into slurry and kept under a desired balancing pressure to support the tunnel face.
The slurry is pumped to the ground surface where the excavated materials is separated for
disposal and the slurry fluid is pumped back to the tunnel face for furthermixing with the
excavated materials.

(e) Augur System

A type of Micro-tunnel boring machine, which uses auger flights to remove the spoil
through a separate casing placed through the product pipeline.

In this system, the excavated materials are continuously removed by an encased screw
convey or attachment connected to the rear of the tunnel cutter face. By controlling the
speed of the screw augur and the outlet of the conveyor at the spoil discharge point, the
excavated soil at the tunnel face can be kept under a desired balancing pressure to support
the tunnel face.

(f) Jacking System

The jacking system comprise high thrust hydraulic jacks mounted in a jacking frame capable
of exerting the required jacking force against a purpose built thrust wall to push the pipes
and the shield for ward through the ground. The jacking force is transferred evenly to the
jacking pipe through a thrust (push) ring connected to the pipe.

(g) Guidance System

The guidance system continuously confirms the position of the Micro-tunneling Boring
Machine (MTBM) and the details of its working system is a matter for the machinery
supplier. In principle, the guidance system comprises a laser beam device or a theodolite
with laser beam attachment. The device is installed in the Thrust shaft and the beam is set
to the desired level, gradient and alignment. Some machines have photo sensitive cells on
the target panel located at the rear of the shield which converts the laser position into
digital data. The data are then electronically transmitted to the Operators control panel,
where digital read out of the location can be made. Some modern shields have built in
capabilities to use the digital data may automatically make necessary steering adjustments
to guide machine to the true alignment and required level.

The contractor shall submit complete details of the guidance system he proposes to use and
shall incorporate appropriate check points and hold points in the Quality Assurance Manual
that he shall implement in the contract.

(h) Remote Control System

All Micro-tunneling systems rely on remote control capability. The control system monitors
and controls the steering of the shield, spoil removal system (slurry or augur or vacuum),
jacking system and guidance system. The system operation varies from totally manual to
fully automated. The remote control system is usually housed in portable control cabin.

The control cabin shall be located near to the jacking pits of that the Operator can also

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visually monitor the activities in the pit. Where it is not possible to locate the control cabin
near to the pit due to space limitations, a CCTV camera system shall be set up in the pit so as
to allow the Operator to monitor the activities in the pit.

For the manual operating system, the Operators skill is very crucial for a successful
completion of the project. The Operator shall monitor all the information and continuously
feed into the control panel as necessary. He shall be alert at all the timeand shall observe
the Crews activities and other site activities, evaluate the information and make
appropriate operational decisions. The information relayed back to the Operator shall be
audible, tactile and visual as the MTBM shall have facility to transmit sounds and vibrations
from the excavation face to the Operators to enable him to make appropriate operational
decisions. He shall monitor and keep recordofline and grade of the machine, cutter head
torque, jacking thrust, RPM, steering pressures, slurry flow rate, pressures of slurry systems
and rate of advancement.

In fully automated system, the machine acquires and evaluates the information and selects
the operational steps for automatic steering of MTBM. The information collected shall be
logged in a microprocessor to obtain a printout as necessary.

The Contractor shall incorporate check points and holdpointsfortheguidancecontrol system

in the Quality Assurance System that he shall implement in the contract execution.

(i) Supplementary System

The supplementary system required for Micro-tunneling and Pipe jacking operation shall
include Muckdisposalsystem,Pipelubricationsystem,Groutingsystem, Guide rails with
Entrance and Exit ring installations and the Contractor to submit with descriptions any other
relevant system required for his proposed Micro-tunneling unit.

(j) Entry Shaft (or Thrust Pit)

Also known as a Jacking Pit or Drive Shaft. It is the temporary shaft installed on the line from
which the work is undertaken to push the pipes by extendable jacks through the rigid rails
fixed at base. The shaft is to suit the machine size, jacking pipe, jacks and other required
units and the size is normally 6 m l x 4 m w or circular (normal size of at least 3.5 to 5.0 m

(k) Receiving Shaft (Reception Pit)

Defined as an excavation shaft into which the Micro-tunneling equipment is driven and

A purpose built temporary pit to receive and remove the tunneling shield on completion of
a tunnel drive. The shaft is to suit machine size and usually in rectangular (normal size 3mL x
4mW) or circular (normal size 3 to 4m dia) in shape (usage of pre-cast chamber or cassion
depend to suit site conditions) and smaller than the jacking shaft. The size shall be sufficient
enough to recover the tunneling shieldwhenitemergesinto shaft after completion of a
tunnel drive. Also the shaft canbe usedforconstruction of manhole / chamber as needed
related to the project.

In certain cases, the Receiving shaft can also be used as Jacking pit by reversing the MTBM
to be used in Micro-tunneling the following section. In such case, the size ofthis pit will be

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equivalent to Jacking shaft with appropriate Thrust Wall.

(l) Footprint

Footprint is widely used general term in all the trenchless technology fields. The footprint of
a Micro tunnel drive shallbetakenasthenetareaoccupiedbyallwork items including entry/exit
pits, control and generator rooms, pipes stock & store yards, crane space and all other
related units. The size of the footprint either circular or rectangular depends on many
factors including the Micro-tunneling system and the length of jacking pipe used.The foot
print requirement shall be an important factor, especially in congested and narrow roads
when selecting the Micro-tunneling system for a project.

The Contractor shall take into consideration of the space constraints and restrictions along
the sewer route for location of shafts and he shall ensure that the Micro-tunneling system
selected for use in such sites shall require absolutely minimum space for the footprint.

The laser torch or theodolite shall be firmly supported in the jacking pit at the appropriate
level so that it is independent of any movement that may take place at footprint during the
Micro-tunneling operations.

(m) Thrust Wall

Thrust wall is a temporary rigid concrete or steel structure built at back within the jacking
(Thrust) shaft to transfer the jacking force to the ground during jacking operation. The
jacking shafts may often have more than a single thrust wall and each thrust wall shall be
perpendicular and square to the pipeline. The thrust walls shall be in good contact with the
ground soils behind so that wall can transmit the jacking force effectively and uniformly to
the ground.

Often the first thrust wall may have to be demolished / modified fully or partially to
construct the second thrust wall in continuity.

(n) Layout Submittal

The contractor shall submit the complete layout arrangements in conveniently operative
positions of all the units and submit the same for Engineers approval prior to commence
the Micro-tunneling works.

(o) Thrust Pressure Plate

The thrust pressure plate used is usually a 50mm and in multiple thickness even upto
100mm thick steel plate (depending on background soil conditions) installed between the
jack assembly and the thrust wall. The pressure plate enables the concentrated jacking load
from the jacks to be transmitted evenly to the thrust wall.

(p) Entrance Ring (Launch Seal)

Entry seal provided at shaft wall, top revent in flows of ground water, ground slurry and
lubricants. Normally, a steel flange fitted witha rubber seal (a 10mm to 20mm thick circular
rubber gasket whos outside diameter is same as that of the steel flange and the inside
diameter is slightly smaller than that of the jacking pipe) installed perpendicular to the
pipeline at the entrance.

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(q) Exit Ring

Exit seal also provided at shaft wall to prevent inflows of ground water, ground slurry and
lubricants. This is similar to the launch seal except that the internal diameter of the rubber
seal is much smaller than that of the jacking pipe and is installed to prevent the slurry or
ground water from escaping the tunneling machine when it emerges at the exit shaft.

(r) Intermediate Jacking Station (where needed for longer Jacking)

A series of hydraulic jacks enclosed within an outer steel casing placed in the line between
the butt ends of two special pipes. By pushing the forward section of pipes against the
reaction of those behind, additional jacking load can be added without increasingthe
maximum stress on the pipes.

(s) Cutter Head

The front end of a mechanical excavator, usually a wheel, which actually cuts through rock
or soft ground.

Different types of cutter head configuration are used in Micro-tunneling machines tosuit
any type and nature of the ground conditions through which tunneling is to be carried out.

The cutter head shall be configured by considering geo-technical parameters such as

compressive strength, tensile strength, elasticity, abrasively etc., about the material to be
excavated.The tunneling machine shall be equipped with a crashing chamber behind the
cutter head with powerful crusher to crush the excavated rock into smaller pieces.
Moreover, the machine shall be capable of exerting a large thrust force / torque on to the
tunnel face to facilitate excavation of hard strata. The speed of rotation, torque, bit
arrangement (and its structural and mechanical characteristic to withstand hard strata
excavation for longer drive) of the cutter head and the thrust force the tunneling machine is
capable of exerting on to the rock face are important features to consider when selecting
the machine for tunneling in rock. The Contractor shall choose the appropriate cutter heads
to suit the existing soil conditions including hard kankar, which may encounter at deeper

(t) Thrust (Jacking) Ring

Load spreading device to transfer force from the hydraulic rams to the pipeline in a pipe
jacking operation.

(u) Guide Rails (or Jacking Table)

Device used to support or guide, first the shield and then the pipe with in the drive shaft
during a Pipe jacking.

Products Selections Related to Micro-tunneling Works

(i) Standards and Codes

Except as otherwise stipulated in this Specification all materials and workmanship shall
comply in all respects with requirements of such standard and specifications, reference
codes and other more recent standards issued by the current Indian Bureau of Standards

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that may be applicable to any part of the Works of this Contract. In the event there being no
relevant Indian Standard Specification, Japan Industrial Standards, code of other standard,
the relevant specification, code or other standard at the date of tender of the Japan
Industrial Standard, British Standards Institution, Singapore Standards and Standard
Association of Australia or of the American Society for Testing Materials including ASCE or
German DIN Standards or any other equivalent standards, as approved by the Engineer shall
apply and in the order of precedence.If after the date of invitation to tender there is an
amendment to a standard specification relevant to the Contract, the Engineer will direct
whether the amendment is to apply or not.

In the event of there being any conflict between this Specification, the Drawings and any
Standard Specification forming part of this Contract, this Specification shall take precedence
over the applicable drawing, if any.

(ii) Selection of Micro-tunneling Equipment Based on Geotechnical Baseline Soil Report (GBR)

Contractor shall be responsible for selecting a suitable steerable Micro-tunneling machine

capable of excavating also types including hard kankar at deeper levels which may be
encountered during the execution of the project; however notethat one machine may not
be suitable for excavation all sizes and kinds of ground soils including hard kankar at deeper
depths. Any additional soil survey information which Contractor shall deem necessary may
have on his own for which nothing extra is payable.

The Contractor shall ensure that the slurry unit and Micro-tunneling Machine he selects
shall be capable of excavating all types of soils including hard kankar that may be

Contractors shall pay particular attention, when selecting the tunneling equipment for the
project, to ground water level fluctuation and the wide ranging subsurface soil strata.

The Micro-tunneling equipment shall be capable of balancing the ground water pressure
and supporting the excavated tunnel face at all times. The equipment shall be particulated
to enable remotely controlled steering, in both the horizontal and vertical directions. It shall
be capable of efficiently controlling the rotation and rolling movement of shields body
during the drive. The Micro-tunneling equipment shall, interalia, have the following

Shall have been manufactured by a reputable Micro-tunneling machine

manufacturer whose machines have been successfully used by the contractors
preferably in India to install sewers in projects of similar nature and complexity by
covering variable ground soil conditions including hard kankar strata encountered at
deeper level.

Equipped with lasers and suitable steering guide system that ensures efficient and,
accurate steering control.

Instrumentation to measure deviation from the designed level and grade, rolling
and pitching of the equipment, cutter torque and its percentage to the maximum
torque, rpm, jacking speed and tunnel face pressure.

The Micro-tunneling equipment proposed to be procured by the Contractor for the project
shall be submitted with execution justifications to meet all the above mentioned criteria and

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got prior approval from the Engineer. Failing which, such procurements will be considered
as under contractors risk.

(u) Jacking Pipes For Micro-tunneling Operations

The pipes for jacking operations shall be precast reinforced concrete NP 4 class with inside
monolithic / built in PE lining of approved material and of required thickness so as to
improve its resistance to corrosion and thereby to enhance its life span for not less than 50
years. The thrust load bearing concrete jacking pipes shall be manufactured in principle by
vertical casting or other equivalent approved process. Design, manufacture and factory
testing of the chosen pipes and specials shall comply to BSEN5911,pt.120 or EN 1916:2002
and also designed by JSWAS A-6-1989/A-2-1973 (or the latest JSWAS standard) or other
equivalent acceptable standard and shall also meet the basic concrete testing requirements
specified in IS 458, IS3597of1966 and IS7596:1998 or its equivalent standard as amended to-
date with the onus on the Contractor to prove compliance to the satisfaction of the

BS 5911-1: 2002 calls for 15mm of cover on inner side and sets out crushing strength
requirements for jacking pipe in Table 10, it also sets out dimensional tolerances for jacking
pipe in Table 6 & 7. Type test and testing frequencies are prescribed in the referenced

The outside and inside diameters of the pipe shall be such that they match the dimensions
of the tunneling equipment. The standard length of the jacking pipe is 3.05m or 2.43m or
similar to suit with the thrust shaft and tunneling length. However, the length of the jacking
pipe can be varied if desired by the contractor to suit with the MTBM, Jacking shafts and site
conditions but the Engineers prior approval would be required.

The precast reinforced cement concrete jacking pipes shall be sufficiently reinforced with
steel to with stand all stresses induced by handling, jacking, earth and water pressures and
all working loads at the depths at which they are to be used without cracking, spalling or
distortion. The jacking pipes shall be of atleast strength conforming to Class NP4
manufactured conforming to IS: 458. A load factor of not less than 2.5 with high
compressive strength say more than100N/mm2 shall be used in the calculations to
determine the strength of the jacking pipes required.The strength of the pipes shall be
tested by the three edge bearing test. When subjected to the design load in such a test, the
load required to produce the crack on the pipe shall be in accordance to relevant standard.
All such periodic tests of the size and manufacturing lots inconformity to manufacturing
standards shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineers representatives at the
expense of the Contractor.

When designing the jacking pipes, the contractor shall take into consideration the following:
jacking load, pipe stiffness, corrosive resistance, flexibility, durability.

The Contractor shall also submit full details of his proposals for the jacking pipes, giving
detailed drawings showing wall thickness, reinforcement sizes with design calculations and
type of joints, together with the name of the proposed manufacturer, the place of
manufacture and the manufacturing process to be followed to the Engineer for prior
approval along with a consent letter for manufacture of such jacking pipes. All workmanship
and materials used in the manufacture of the jacking pipes shall be subject to the approval
of the Engineer; who shall from time to time be permitted to inspect the materials at source
with the required stipulated testing and the manufacturing processes in the factory, all at
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Contractors costs.

The jacking pipes shall be efficiently cured for at least 28 days or by other means of chemical
spray short treatment before they are used in the jacking operations. They shall be handled
with extreme care to prevent the edges of the pipes from chipping. Repaired jacking pipes
shall not be allowed for use in the Contract. The Engineer may reject any pipes he considers
not suitable for the jacking works and these rejected pipes shall be demolished and
removed from the site immediately. After factory testing and before dispatch, every pipe
and short length pipe specials shall be marked in accordance with the standard used. In
addition, each jacking pipe shall be marked with a number corresponding with the order of
manufacture. Test certificates from the Manufacturer or other relevant authority like ISO /
ISI with their markings in the jacking pipes shall be submitted to the Engineer.

Some of the sites may have limited or restricted storage space for stacking of jacking pipes.

The Contractor shall therefore schedule the supply of jacking pipes to the sites in such a way
that only absolute minimum numbers are brought to the site at a time.

(v) Jacking Pipe Joints

a. The jointing arrangement and its performances for the jacking pipes as prescribed in
BS EN 1916 and BS EN 295 is crucial in terms of water tightness, flexibility and
smooth transmission of jacking force. Spigot ended jacking pipe with recess to
receive rubber rings and stainless steel couplings (collars) or other acceptable joints
shall be used in pipe jacking application. The Contractor shall submit joint details to
the Engineer for prior approval.

b. Rubber Ring Joints for Micro-tunneling Operations

The joint rubber rings supplied and installed shall be capable of accommodating two
degree deflection at each joint.JointringsshallmeetwiththecurrentEN 681-1 as
prescribed in BSEN 1916 or equivalent standards and of approved quality bythe
Engineer. The properties of the joint ring shall be between those specified in BS
2494:1967 for grade D and grade B.

The testing of rubber ring shall conform to IS. 3400 of 1965 and also IS. 5382 of
1969 and all comply with ISI marks.

The Contractor shall indicate the grade of rubber rings he intends to use and submit
samples with test certificates for approval by the Engineer and test prior to its use in
the works. The grade, type or source of supply of rubberrings shall not be changed
without the written approval of the Engineer.

c. Jacking Pipe Couplings (of Built in Type)

Where pipe couplings (normally Built in Type collar) are used for jacking pipe joints,
it shall be made of weld able structural stainless steel conforming to BS 4360 Grade
43, or relevant Code. The stainless steel coupling shall be of such dimension and
thickness as applicable so that when inserted into the pipe,it fits exactly into the
recesses in the pipe. The joint so formed shall be watertight. The jointdetails shall
be approved by the Engineer.

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d. Compressible Packers for Micro-tunneling Operations

Suitable compressible packers with of approved manufacture conforming to ISI

certification or water resistant like Particle Board (Complying with EN312Part-5)
Chipboard or fibre board shall be used at the joints for distributing the jacking force
evenly through the wall of the jacking pipes. Uneven transfer of jacking force from a
pipe to another shall result in concentrated and excessive stresses in the pipe,
which can cause the pipe to crack Contractor shall submitdetails of the compressible
packers for Engineers prior approval.

e. Identification of Jacking Pipes, Rubber Rings

Every Jacking pipe shall be clearly marked upon with appropriate certifications,
identification number, class, diameter and date of manufacture. Full records are
tobe maintained of each pipe test and for each individual pipe, the date
manufactured, cleared after testing and supplied. Jacking pipe manufacture shall be
arranged to permit the full completion of batching of pipe before testing. After the
satisfactory completion of testing and approval of the pipes by the Engineer, the
pipes shall be stored properly at factory premises during the period awaiting

f. Pre-cast Manhole and Caissons

These are the readymade units of required dia. complying with BSEN 1917 can be
used as entry and exit shafts with benefits of speed and limited disruptions if the
site conditions permits with no interference of the existing public utilities.

(w) Execution of Micro-tunneling Works

(i) Information for the Execution of Micro-tunneling Works

Where specified in the bid that the proposed sewer sections shall be laid by Micro-
tunneling Method. The word Micro-tunneling in this Contract implies Micro-
tunneling and Pipe jacking method of works.

The Contractor shall be responsible for inspecting the sites and familiarising himself
with the conditions under which the work will be performed and with all necessary
details as to the orderly execution of the Micro-tunneling works. The omission of
any details shall not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for the satisfactory
installation of the work in his entirety. No monetary or other claims made by the
Contractor on the grounds of want of knowledge will be entertained by the

Proposed plans and details of the equipment, materials and the method of
construction with the appropriate charts to perform and complete the work shall be
submitted by the Contractor in his tender and also to the Engineer with the updated
information during the construction stage prior to commencing these operations.
Approval by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor on his sole responsibility
for the efficiency, reliability, and soundness of the method employed in completing
the workin a satisfactory manner.

The Contractor is advised that it shall be deemed to be his sole responsibility to

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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ascertain for himself the extent of work that is required to be done at site in related
to the ground strata condition and shall obtain his own information on all matters
affecting the execution of the works involved in this contract to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer. No claim of extras in consequence of any alleged
ignorance in any aspect will be entertained by the Engineer. It must be clearly and
definitely understood that the Contractor shall be held solely responsible for making
all necessary arrangements and coordinating with all other relevant Authorities,
Specialists, Sub Contractors, etc., to ensure satisfactory completion of this contract.

(ii) Execution of Shaft Works General

The Contractor shall be fully responsible to submit for the design calculations
including construction of the entry (jacking) and exist (receiving) shafts, alternatively
the use of caissons (if site permits) sheeting, bracing, installation ofjacking
equipment etc., for the efficient execution of the jacking operations. Full details of
his proposals, including plant, shield machine, equipment, operating procedures,
entry pit and intermediate jacking stations, (where needed) shall be submitted prior
to construction to the Engineer and shall be fully satisfactory to him. However,
review and approval of the plans shall not relieve the Contractor from his
responsibility to provide a safe and satisfactory entry shaft and jacking arrangement.

The Contractor shall be required to monitor closely the progress of the jacking
operations. Daily site records of thrusting pressures and the line
andlevelmeasurements shall be properly maintained and shall be available to the
Engineer at all times.

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the completed tunnels are
watertight. If leakage occurs before completion or during the maintenance period,
the Contractor shall carry out appropriate remedial works that may be necessary to
make the tunnel watertight, all at his own expense. The Contractor shall allow in his
tender rates for appropriate watertight tests on completion.

(iii) Location and Verification of Buried Services

The Contractor willbeheldsolelyresponsibleformakinghisowninvestigationsof any

buried services including collecting the same from the concerned authorities and to
protect them from getting damaged due to his Micro-tunneling operation in the
vicinity of the works. Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for any extra
costs in his rates for detecting all obstructions and buried services including
appropriate measures to protect the services regardless of whether they are
indicated on thedrawingssuppliedduringconstruction stages or not.

The Contractor shall engage at his own cost acompetent service detecting
technician or agency who shall have state-of -the -art detecting equipment like
metal / service detector etc., to locate and verify, if needed by trial pits/trench pit
all the buried services such as sewer, water, telecom, electricity, gas and all other
public services, including abandoned services and structures well ahead of
commencing the Micro-tunneling works. Location of water mains is available with
DJB and may be referred by the contractor.

The information so collected shall be submitted to the Engineer in accordance with

Clause 3.4.1. It shall be clearly understood by the Contractor that no work shall be
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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carried out without locating all buried services and he will be held solely responsible
for any consequential the expenses and delays if he ignore this specific requirement
or fails to locate any services along the Micro-tunneling route.

(iv) Site Investigation for Micro-tunneling Works

The Contractors site investigation for the Micro-tunneling works shall be critical
and the most important engineering work to be carried out before commencement
of the works.The Contractor shall clearly under stand the importance of establishing
the predominant subsurface ground conditions and their range of variability along
the sewer route well before embarking on the actual Micro-tunneling works.

There should not be any room for unforeseen ground conditions and is absolutely
necessary for the Contractor to know what is to be encountered during the
tunneling operations. The Contractor shall be deemed to have accurately
established the types of soil and hard / kankar strata to be encountered, if any,
along the tunnel bore and their range to enable him to select the tunneling system /
machines and to set-up and operated correctly.

(v) Subsurface Soils / Hard Kankar (if any) Investigation for Micro- tunneling Works

The subsurface investigation shall includes collection of all existinggeological and

geotechnical profile for the area including the information pertaining to the project
and the location maps of all the services in the area from the utility
companies/authorities for initial planning. Data on abandoned and existing
obstruction, foundation, piles and the structures in the vicinity of the alignment
shall be also collected. Field survey using utility pipe locator and extensive trial
trench pit shall also be carried out to verify the location of the services and

Mapping out of the subsurface soils/rock profile along the sewer

alignmentandlocating underground utilities and buried objects by geophysical
testing such as the combination of Ground Probing Radar, GPR (low success rate of
identification) and Seismic Survey Methods. Electromagnetic Location (EML) testing
is considered useful in determining the actual nature of ground to be encountered.
The Contractor is deemed to be aware of similar state of the art ground
probing/mapping technology currently available on the market and to have made
provision for itsuseintheprojectaspart of his subsurface investigation works. Where
essentially needed suchdetermination shall be supported by all necessary
boreholesand field tests examination includinglarge diameter borings where

The Contractor shall be deemed to haveinpossessionofalltheinformationand data

Micro-tunneling work.

(vi) Bore Logs and Ground Probing

As regardtoadditionalgeotechnicalsurveys,thecontractorcanchooseanymethod by
putting sufficient numbers of bore holes as deemed necessary. The spacing for the
bore log is generally less than 50m, but at the place where the soil strata is complex
and varies along the Micro-tunneling alignment, borings shall be done more closely.
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

The Contractors shall also carry out simple probing techniques at closer intervals
where feasible (in loose/normal soils) to reaffirm the types of soils to be
encountered along the sewer routeSpecial attention will be necessary in the
proximity of the drains, flyovers and other features particularly the Nallah and rail

TheTendererattentionisdrawn to ASCE Standard Construction Guidelinesfor Micro-

tunneling including but not limited to provision of Boreholes at likely shaft location
to depth3mor oneshaftdiameterbelowinvertlevel anduntilfirm ground is
encountered. Boreholes at intermediate points offsetfromproposed alignment to a
depth of twopipe diameterbelowproposedinvertlevelanduntilfirm ground is
encountered.Continuous sampling is recommended one meter aboveand below
invert level. After sampling boreholes should be converted to piezometers or

(vii) Groundwater Investigation

Groundwaterconditionisone of the critical data required when selectingthe Micro-

tunneling system.Groundwateraffectsthesafetyofthe excavation face, start and exits
of the tunneling equipment from theshafts.Uncontrolledextraction of water from
the surroundings during tunneling excavation, can significantly affect the adjacent
structures. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any affect on adjoining
structure. Piezometric pressure, water leakage,groundwaterleveletc.,shall be
carefully checked throughout the soils investigation and before and during Micro-
tunneling works. Piezometric survey points shall be sealed upon completion.

(viii) Ground Stabilisation

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain stable soil conditions at

the jacking face where needed especially in silty/sandy strata to prevent loss of
ground above thejackingoperationandmovementofthe surroundingearth. The
methodsof maintaining face stability and preventing ground movement and
subsidence shall be by means of fluid slurry or earth pressure applied to the tunnel
face. Alternatively, to overcome such problems, unstable ground ahead of the
jacking face can be stabilised by the injection of suitable chemicals. Methods that
require dewatering/pumping of the ground water (except the filter points system at
closer intervals for depleting the ground water table with no carryover of silt / sand)
will not be accepted, nor will methods that may lead to significant ground loss.

(ix) Setting out of Micro-tunneling Works

The Contractor shall be deemed to have thoroughly examined the sites , the
location of the buried services, availability of space for footprint, access to sites, and
adjusted the sewer alignment as he deem necessary and obtain approval of
thefinalseweralignment from the Engineer before commencement of the Micro-
tunneling unit setting out. He shall set out and mark on the ground the proposed
sewer route and the locations of the jacking and receiving shafts in correlation with
the existing water mains and other public utilities and also the area they occupy for
the Engineers inspection and approval. The Contractor shall be solely responsible
fortheaccuracyofthesettingoutand any expenses ordelaysarisingfrom errors made in
the setting out shall be borne bythe Contractor. Any consequential work or abortive
work carried out by the Contractor to rectify the errors shall be entirely borne by
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the Contractor.

(x) Micro-tunneling Site Layout

The space around the jacking shaft is often restricted and hence the site layout has
to be planned carefully, inadvance, in order to set-up the tunne linge quipment and
the accessories.

(xi) Construction of Jacking and Receiving Shafts

The excavations in the manhole / chamber locations are normally used as Jacking or
Receiving shafts. Where a Jacking shaft is used for the construction of a
manhole/chamber with inter connection works using flexible joints at both sides
withthe usage of appropriate short standard pipe pieces as applicable. The
Contractor shall allow for this in his rates for construction of such manhole /
chamber. In Micro- tunneling project, all manholes will be constructed as per DJB
standard of brick work plastered and lined with adequate thick PE liner sheets.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval dimensioned drawings and
design calculations of the timbering or trench sheet piling or caissons (if site
permits) details for the Entry shafts. Each Entry shaft shall have a separate
ladderbayforaccess, which shallbe isolated from the part of the shaft used for
hoisting materials.The shaft trenching shall be water tight preferably with the
interlock sheet piles (with water bearing strata) and shall prevent any pressurised
slurry from the tunnel face reaching the shaft.

Theshaftsshallbekeptdryatalltimesandshallhaveadrainagesumpto pump out the

ingress water. The Contractor is deemed to be fully aware of the serious
consequences to the tunneling equipment and other accessories if the shaft is
flooded. He shall take every precaution to avoid flooding in the shaft. The shaft shall
also bewell protected against surface runoff getting into the shaft. The Contractor
shall be solely responsible for any consequential delays and expenditure arising as a
result flooding in the shafts.

The shaft floor shall be designed to withstand the micro-tunnel machine and other
accessories including the uplift water pressure, where applicable.

Subject to site conditions, the entry and exit shaft scan be of concrete caissons of
appropriate dia. with the benefits of speed and limited disruptions, if no public
utilities exist.

(xii) Construction of Thrust Wall

Thrust block shall be designed and constructed by the contractor to the

approveddetails. The thrust wall shall be reinforced or unreinforced concrete block
provided against the wall of the Jacking shaft.
TheContractorshallensurethatthethrustblock is provided as an independent
structure and it shallnotinterferewiththeJacking shaft or the floor when jacking
force is applied on to it. Contractor shallindicate in his submittals the construction
details ofthethrustwallshowingdetailsonhowtheblockbemadeindependentofthe
Jacking shaft structure.

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The Contractor shall ensure that the thrust block and the soil behind are in
complete contact and there is no gap between them. The Contractor shall further
ensure that the thrust block shall effectively transfer the jacking force on to the soil
behind and that the ground area behind is capable of withstanding the designed
jacking force.

In the event that there is gap between the block and the soil behind, the Contractor
shall arrange the gap to be filled with approved concrete and or cement mortar
pressure grouted before loading the thrust block.

(xiii) Installation of Guide Rails

The Contractor shall design and fabricate the guide rails in accordance withthe
Micro-tunneling equipment manufacturers details and install it firmly ontothe floor
of the Jacking shaft. He shallensurethattheguiderailsareinstalledtothe correct grade,
levels and alignment. It shall be also square to the sewer alignment at all times and
not disturbed due to forces arising from the jacking operation. He shall arrange with
the Engineer to check the level, alignment etc., of the guide rail and obtain the
Engineers approval endorsement before commencing guide the pipe jacking work.

(xiv) Entrance and Exit Arrangement

One of the most critical Micro-tunneling operations is the launching and the
retrieval (entry and exit) of the Micro-tunneling machine. Often this process takes
place well below the water table. In such cases, it is critical that the Contractor
implement adequate engineering measures to overcome any problem especially
during flooding / monsoon seasons including thestabilisation ofanyunstablesoil
bygrouting or other means soas topreventsoiland water inflows into the shafts.

It is common practice to install a rubber seal at the entry and exit. The purpose of
the seal is to prevent the flow of ground water or lubricant (used for reducing the
frictional resistance) through the shield/pipe entry opening in the shaft wall.

The Contractor shall plan this work well in advance and fabricate the fittings and the
rubber seal, as per approvals conforming to ISO/ISI or approved equal as and where

(xv) Soil Stabilization at the Tunnel Entry and Exit

In addition to the seal, it may be necessary to stabilise the soil behind the entrance
wall. This is to prevent any free flow of unstable soils into the pit when opening is
made for the shield to enter into the ground. Chemical grouting, cement grouting,
jet grouting piles, ground freezing or temporary
shoringaresomemethodscommonlyusedby theContractorsto prevent the soil inflow
into the shaft.

(xvi) Cement Grouting

TheContractorshallbefullyresponsibleforpreventing the occurrence of voids

circumferencing the installed jacking pipe and if they occur, he shall fill by
pressuresuch voids with approved cement grout.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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Immediately following the jacking operation, the Contractor shall pressure grout the
jacked section to fill allvoidsexistingoutsideofthejackedpipes. Groutingshallbe
fromthe interiorofthepipethroughgroutingholesnormallyatcrownatevery 2 to 3
pipes as specified for man entry sewers or externallygroutedatappropriate pressure
for noman entrysewersbycommencingfromdownstreamside with air release system
atupstream side without affecting neither the pipegradients nor allowing inside
buckling (not applicable for rigid pipes). The grout mix shall be at least 1:3 (cement:
sand mix) or approved quality with appropriate retarders and chemicals added.

Systems of ISI or equal standard non-rusting pipe, fittings, hose, and special grouting
outlets (of appropriate approved classes) embedded in thepipewallsshallbeprovided
bythe Contractor.Care shall be taken to ensure that all parts of the systemare
maintained free from dirt. Grout composed of cement, sand and other approved
compound and water shall be forced under pressure into the grouting connections
at the invert and shall proceed until grout begins to flow from upper connections.
Connections shall then be made to these holes and the operation continued to

Apparatus for mixing and placing grout shall be of a type approved by the Engineer
and shall be capable of mixing effectively and stirring the grout and then pumping it
in to the grout connections in a continuous uninterrupted flow.

After grouting is completed, pressure shall be maintained by means of stop cocks, or

other suitable devices until the grout has set sufficiently. After the grout is set, grout
holes shall be completely filled with dense cement mortar and finished neatly
without evidence of voids or projections.

(xvii) Micro-tunneling Jacking System

The high thrust hydraulic jacking system shall be installed against a purpose built
thrust wall in the jacking shaft. The substantial force required for jacking pipes and
the tunneling machine shall be provided by high pressure jacks driven by hydraulic
power packs. The ram diameter and stroke of the jacks may vary according to
individual Contractors technique in correlation of the jacking unit proposed and
also to suit with the site conditions.

The jacks shall be mounted on specially made frames so that the jacks are square to
the pipe alignment. The jacking frame shall be firmly supported to the floor so that
it does not move during jacking operation. A push ring shall be used to transmit the
jacking force evenly to the pipe.

Contractors shall allow for eccentric loading in the pipe, rather than an axial loading,
during the installation of the jacking pipe. To minimise the resultant pipe stresses in
a jacking pipe and to achieve a trouble free jacking operation, attention shall be
paid tothe following:

Jacking pipe shall be straight and uniform with required ends. The
jointsshallbewell formed to allow uniform and efficient transfer of jacking
loads frompipe to pipe

Jacking pipe joint shall be fitted with compressible packer for

betteranduniform distribution of jacking loads.
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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The jacking frame, jacks and steering head shall be properly aligned along
the designed alignment & grade; the whole assembly shall be true to the
thrust wall.

Therearejackingsystems withmultiplestrokesorlongstroke(3.05m or2.43m or similar

long), mounted on a speciallymade jackingframeavailable topush thepipe in a single
setting. The system does not require the use of spacers and hence a substantial
increase in productivity can be achieved by using multiple stroke jacking system.

The allowable accuracy of the Micro-tunneling system for a drive of 120 m is

restricted at 25 mm.

(xviii) Jacking Force

The Contractor shall calculatetheexpectedjackingloadforeachMicro-tunneldrive well

ahead of designing the jacking pipes. Accurate estimation of the jacking load is
necessary to determine the pipe wall thickness, the need for intermediate jacking
stations and lubrication requirements, types of jacking system and thrust block
design. The overall jacking force depends on the type of surrounding soil, depth of
cover, pipe materials, diameter and the overall length of the pipeline. The total
jacking force essentially consists of two components, Frictional force around the
pipeline and the balancing force at the tunnel face called Face Pressure. The
Contractor shall use geo- mechanics formulas and guidelines commonly used by the
pipe jacking contractors for computing the jacking force.The Contractor shall
calculate the anticipated jackingforce for each drive in correlation with the capacity
of the Micro-tunneling Unit and submit his calculations to the Engineer for prior

(xix) Pipe Lubrication System

The Micro-tunneling machinesarecommonlydesignedtoovercutabout10mm(in some

cases up to 20mm) around the external diameter of the jacking pipeline. The
pipeline can, in theory,bejacked freelythroughafluidmediumby injecting a clay based
(bentonite) or polymer based lubricant into this annulus. In practice,however, fluid
losses may occur into the surrounding ground. The Contractor shall carefully
monitor the jacking force and use appropriate lubrication system, to bring down the
jacking force within the allowable limit.

(xx) Partial Covering up of Road in Busy Areas

Where it is unavoidable to locate manhole shafts or working shafts for tunnels in

busy as per approved design, drawing and as directed by the Engineer, roads, the
top of the openings shall be covered by decking to with stand heavy traffic loads
(the design of which shall be approved by the Engineer), leaving only the minimum
required area open at the top to carry out work within the shaft. Vehicles shall be
permitted to travel over such covers provided. The Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for approval details of structural capability of the covering.

(xxi) Steel Trenching Works

Wherever the soil conditions are expected to be soft andunstablecharacter, the

normal methods of timbering will probably prove insufficient to avoid subsidence
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of the adjoining road surfaces. In such circumstances, the Contractor will be

required to use steel trench sheeting or steel sheet piling adequately supported by
timber struts, wailings, etc., by avoiding to damages of the public utilities. Steel
sheet piles shall conform to the provision of B.S. 4360 or relevant IS: 2314-1986
ornon-alloysheet pile conforming toBSEN10249-1, 1996 and shall be driven where
requiredand approved or directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor will be required to design the layout of the piling and the overall
dimensions of the excavation to suit the sheets and corners available and to give
sufficient working spacefor the proper construction of the work. The design shall
begot approved from the Engineer-in-Charge prior to commencing of the works.

The Contractor will be expected to supply, pitch, drive and subsequently remove
trench sheeting or piling in accordance with other items of the Specification and the
terms timber or timbering shall also apply to steel trench sheeting or steel sheet
piling throughout.

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The Contractors staff shall include adequate and competent erection engineers with proven,
suitable, previous experience on similar Contracts to supervise the erection of the Works and
sufficient skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor to ensure completion of Works in time. The
Contractor shall not remove any representative, erector or skilled labor from the Site without
prior approval of the Employers Representative.

The Contractor shall ensure that no installation or erection work shall commence until full
and unconditionally approved working drawings, signed and stamped by the Employers
Representative are available at Site.

The Contractors erection staff shall arrive on the Site on dates to be agreed by the
Employers Representative. Before they proceed to the Site, however, the Contractor shall
first satisfy himself, as necessary, that sufficient plant of his (or his sub-contractors) supply
has arrived on Site so that there will be no delay on this account.

The Contractors representative responsible for erection shall be an erection engineer who is
conversant with the erection and commissioning of the complete Works. If there are more
than one erector, one of them will be in charge and the Contractor shall inform the
Employers Representative in writing which erector is designated as his representative and is
in charge. Erection engineer is to report to Project Manager.

The Contractor shall be responsible for setting up and erecting the plant to the line and levels
of reference and of the positions, levels dimensions and alignment, appliances and labor in
connection therewith. The checking of setting out of any line or level by Employers
Representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the
correctness thereof.

Erection of Plant shall be phased in such a manner so as not to obstruct the work being done
by other contractors or operating staff who may be present at the time. Before commencing
any erection work, the Contractor shall check the dimension of structures where the various
items of Plants are to be installed and shall bring any deviations from the required position,
lines or dimensions to the notice of the Employers Representative. Plant shall be erected in a
neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations and at the locations shown on the
approved drawings. Unless otherwise directed by the Employers Representative, the
Contractor shall adhere strictly to the aforesaid approved drawings. If any damage is caused
by the Contractor during the course of erection to new or existing Plant or buildings or any
part thereof, the Contractor shall, at no additional cost to the Employer, make good, repair or
replace the damage, promptly and effectively as directed by the Employers Representative
and to the Employers Representative satisfaction.

The Contractor shall align all equipment and holding down bolts and shall inform the
EmployersRepresentativebeforeproceedingwithgrouting-intheitemsconcerned. The
Contractor shall ensure that all equipment is securely held and remains in correct alignment
before, during and after grouting-in.

The approval by the Employers Representative of the Contractors proposals for rigging and
hoisting any items of the Plant into their final positions shall not relieve the Contractor
fromhis responsibility for damage to completed structures, parts or members thereof or
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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other installed equipment. He shall at his own cost make good, repair or replace any
damaged or injured items, whether structural, electrical, architectural, or of any other
description, promptly and effectively to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative.

No Plant, equipment or other loads shall be moved across the floors of structures without
first covering the floors with timber of sufficient size so that applied loads will be uniformly
transferred to floor beams and girders. If it is required to reduce bending stresses and
deflection, the beams and girders shall be provided with temporary supports.

During erection of the Plant the Employers Representative will inspect the installation from
time to time in the presence of the Contractors Site representative to establish
conformitywith the requirements of the Specification. Any deviations and deficiencies found
or evidence of unsatisfactory workmanship shall be corrected as instructed by the Employers


Contractor shall undertake, sufficiently in advance, chipping of any unevenness of concrete

on foundations, anchor bolt pockets, cutouts etc., to achieve uniform level of reference for
erection. All concrete surfaces receiving grout shall be chipped as required to ensure better
bonding with the grouting.

Contractor shall undertake the inspection of all components to be erected sufficiently in

advance to check their soundness and conformity to drawings and the inspection records
shall be signed by the Employers Representative as approval for undertaking the installation
of the components. Any damage, shortfalls etc. shall be made good to the satisfaction of the
Employers Representative.

All grout for equipment shall be carried out using non-shrinkable continuous grout materials
with suitable framework of at least 12mm thickness. Surfaces to receive the grout shall be
chipped and roughened and laitance shall be removed by wire brush or blast of air. Concrete
surface shall be blown off by compressed air before commencing grouting. Grouting shall be
done in one continuous operation from one side such that grout flows in a single wave until
grout reaches all confined spaces with no air pockets and air from all confined spaces is
expelled. A hydrostatic head of 150 mm shall be maintained during grouting operations. All
grouting shall be carried out in the presence of the Employers Representative. All lines and
levels shall be checked after grout is set. Blockouts shall be closed using cement concrete of
the same grade as that of the parent structure.


The Contractor shall maintain records pertaining to the quality of installation / erection work
and inspection, testing, compliance with all technical requirements in respect of all his works
as described in the previous paragraphs. The reporting formats shall be in the approved
formats. The Contractor shall submit such records to the Employers Representative after the
completion of any particular work before submitting the bill of supply / progress of work.
Such report shall comprise shop inspection reports, shop testing reports, material test
reports, based on which dispatch clearances are provided, and all the quality control reports
of welding, erection and alignment records.

All the above mentioned records shall be submitted in the final form duly countersigned
bythe Employers Representative attesting conformity to specifications and his approval of
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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installation, and duly incorporating all the additions, alternations, and information as
required by the Employers Representative, on the basis of preliminary reports giving the
progress of the work. Such records notwithstanding, any records submitted earlier with bill of
supply / progress, etc., shall be duly bound and submitted to the Employers Representative
in six copies by the Contractor on his notification of the mechanical completion of erection.


The documents listed in Sub-clauses below should be completed in accordance with the
Contract schedule before completion of erection. The Employers Representative and the
Contractor shall preserve and control these documents in a safe and appropriate place on
Site in order that both parties personnel can make use of them at any time.

Technical Documents:

Operation and Maintenance manual

Design documents including the Contractors design data, drawings and
Tools and test equipment list
Spare parts list
Lubricant list Procedures:
Mechanical testing procedure
Electrical testing procedure
Instrumentation testing procedure
Detailed pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures
Detailed Performance Test procedure General and Coordination Documents:
Detailed organization charts for pre-commissioning and commissioning showing lines
of authorities and responsibility, and functions of all key personnel
Job description of the members of the team
Scheduled dates of assignment of each member to pre-commissioning and
commissioning organization.
Detailed schedule showing the time sequence which the Contractor anticipates to
follow for the various steps in completion of erection, pre-commissioning and
commissioning of each unit and equipment.
Regulations for safety, hygiene and discipline
Practical organization of the relationship (meetings, reports, etc.) between the
Contractor and the Employers Representative at the phases of pre-commissioning
and commissioning.
Emergency communication route. Manpower:
Required manpower shall be provided as agreed between the Contractor and the
Employers Representative in a Manpower Mobilization Plan, which shall include the
number and qualifications of the operator and maintenance personnel to be
furnished by the Employers Representative for the Plant.

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The completion of Plant under erection by the Contractor shall be deemed to occur if all the
units of the Plant are structurally and mechanically complete and will include, among other
such responsibilities, the following:

Plant in the Scope of the Contract has been erected, installed and grouted as per

Installation checks are completed and approved by the Employers Representative.

Erected Plants are totally ready for commissioning checks.

At the stage of completion of erection, the Contractor shall ensure that all the physical,
aesthetic and workmanship aspects are totally complete and the Plant is fit and sound to
undergo tests on completion and subsequent pre-commissioning checks.

Upon achieving the completion as described above, theContractor shall, after having given

21 days advance notice of the expected date for carrying out the inspection, notify the
Employers Representative by a written notice intimating completion of erection and notify
the Employers Representative for inspection. The Employers Representative shall proceed
with the inspection of such units within 24 hours of such a notice.

The Employers Representative shall certify completion when there are no defaults in the
Works or provide the Contractor with a list of deficiencies for rectification, hereinafter
referred as the Punch List. The Contractor shall complete the rectification work within
a jointly agreed period before pre-commissioning activities and obtain the Employers
Representatives acceptance or approval before proceeding with the same.

The Employers Representative may inform the Contractor that the works are accepted with
the Punch List (items which do not hamper operability, safety or maintainability) and allow
the Contractors to proceed with the pre-commissioning checks when the Contractor under-
takes to complete such outstanding works within an agreed time prior to or during thedefects
liability period. Taking over shall be based on rectification of all deficiencies which are to be
completed before acceptance, as advised by the Punch List.

The erection period indicated by the Contractor would be deemed to cover all the activities
up to Completion as stipulated in previous paragraphs, notice of completion by the
Contractor, inspection by the Employers Representative for Completion, and Contractors
rectification of all deficiencies as noticed by the deficiency/Punch List, and acceptance by the
Employers Representative of such rectifications, prior to Tests on Completion.

Minor defects, which in the opinion of Employers Representative do not hamper operability
or maintainability, will not be taken into account for deciding Mechanical Completion. Such
defects shall be rectified concurrent to commissioning checks before Tests on Completion.
However, the Employers Representatives decision in this regard is final.

The commissioning period as notified by the Contractor shall include all periods of pre-
commissioning, trial runs and tests on completion.

It is in the Contractors interest to offer the section/units/systems, progressively under

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Identified milestones within overall erection period, duly completed for rectification of any
deficiencies pointed out by the Employers Representative and to achieve mechanical
completion before undertaking the tests on Completion within the specified erection period.
The Employers Representative also reserves the right to withhold the cost as estimated to be
equivalent to the rectification of deficiencies pointed out to the Contractor until such a time
as the deficiencies are rectified by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Employers


After the completion of erection, pre-commissioning activities listed below shall be carried
out to make the Plant ready for commissioning. All instruments, materials and provisions
necessary for conducting site tests shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost.

Upon completion of erection of each piece of equipment, facility or discrete part of the plant,
mechanical checks and tests shall be carried out according to the Contractors checklist. The
mechanical checks and tests shall be to establish that:

The Plant is erected in accordance with the Contractors construction drawings, pipe
work drawings, instrument diagrams, etc., issued for the Plant;

Materials are installed and mechanically function in accordance with the Contract;

Applicable codes as listed in the Contract are followed for materials and

Items such as painting, thermal insulation and final clean up which do not materially affect
the operation or safety of the Plant will be excluded. All these items shall be listed and
completed after pre-commissioning or commissioning at the discretion of the Contractor, but
before acceptance.

The Contractor shall prepare and maintain at Site test forms and records, which shall include:

Description of type of test or check;

Date and times of test or check;

Identification of equipment and facilities;

Test pressure, test data and results, including remarks, if any; and

Signature of the Contractors personnel attesting to data recorded; if any. The

Contractors construction forces thereof shall carry out checks, tests and records.

Wherever the Employers Representatives witnessing or attesting of the check or test is

required, the Employers Representatives personnel shall attend such check and test. Forthis
purpose, the Contractor shall keep the Employers Representative informed of a day-to- day
test plan schedule. The test plan schedule may be revised from time to time to reflect the
actual progress of the work and test.

Any items found incomplete or requiring repair or adjustment shall be marked as such on the

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test records and reported by the Contractor to the Employers Representative and the
Contractors personnel in charge of the relevant construction area.

Checking procedures shall be repeated until all the items on the checklist are cleared.

A complete set of test records shall be handed over to the Employers Representative on

The tests on the different mechanical and electrical equipment shall include but not be
limited to:


Leakage tests shall be carried out on all erected pipe work, pumps and valves
immediately after erection and where possible before being built in.

Operating tests shall be conducted on valves.

The pumps shall be tested for mechanical performance. The vibration and noise
levels shall be checked to be within the specified limits.

Pump performance tests shall be conducted for pump sets with initial duty impellers.
Each pump shall be tested at a time. To check and verify efficiency of each pump and
vibration of pump.


Condition of winding insulation be tested and insulation values shall be restored to

required level by suitable heating arrangements locally.


(a) Tests on Cables

(i) Check details are in accordance with the specification
(ii) Check for physical damage
(iii) Megger test between each core and armour / sheath
(iv) Continuity check
(v) Connections
(b) Continuity of Signal/Control/Power Supply Cables
After laying of the field signal/control/power supply cables and prior to connection
up to the control panels/instruments, the following procedures shall be adopted:
(i) The signal/control/power supply cables shall be disconnected from each
termination point in turn when the wires shall be 'rung-through' for
identification and tagged.
(ii) The signal/control/power supply cables shall be reconnected to the
termination pointsand again 'rung-through'.
(c) Loop Test

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After testing and calibration of individual instruments forming the various loops,
simulated functional test of the whole loop shall be performed before pre-
commissioning. The procedure for conducting these tests shall be decided by the
Employers Representative and results shall be recorded. During loop test, it is the
Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the calibration of instruments is intact and
in order and if any instrument is found defective in calibration, he shall recalibrate
the same without any extra cost. After the loop test is over, he shall connect back all
the terminations and connections removed for loop test.
(d) Tests on Electrical Installation
(i) Check all closing, tripping, supervision and interlocking of control devices.
(ii) Check operation of all alarm circuits.
(e) Test on Complete Control System
(i) On completion, the functioning of the complete control system shall be tested
to demonstrate its correct operation in accordance with the Specification.
(ii) For control system testing, the Contractor may provide temporary means to
simulate operating conditions, but the system will not be finally accepted until
correct operation has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Employers
Representative when all the Plant is operating.
(iii) The system shall be shown to operate correctly whatever the selection of duty
and standby equipments may be.
(iv) Conditions to be tested shall include:
Normal automatic operation
Normal manual operation
Emergency manual operation
(f) System Validation
(i) The services of factory trained and field experienced instrumentation
engineer(s) shall be provided to validate each system and verify that it is
operational and performing its intended function within system tolerance.
System tolerance is defined as the root-mean square sum of the system
component published specified accuracy from input to output.
(ii) Each system shall be validated by simulating inputs at the first element in
loop (i.e. sensor) of 10 %, 50 % and 90 % of span, or on/off and verifying loop
output devices (i.e. indicator, alarm etc. except controllers).
(iii) During system validation, provisional settings shall be made on levels,
pressure, alarms etc.
(iv) Correct operation of controllers shall be verified by observing that the final
control element moves in the proper direction to correct the process variable
as compared to the set point. All logic sequences shall be verified to operate
in accordance with the specifications.
(v) All defects and malfunctions disclosed by tests shall be corrected
immediately. New parts and materials shall be used as required and
approved and tests shall be repeated.
(vi) A report certifying completion of validation of each instrument system
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indicating calculated system tolerances, verification that the system meets

thesetolerances and any provisional settings made to devices shall be
provided. The report shall be made in the format required by the Employers
Representative and shall be certified by the Employers Representative when
he approves it.
(g) Final Operational Testing and Acceptance.
(i) Upon completion of instrument calibration and system validation, all systems
shall be tested under process conditions.
(ii) The testing shall include, but not limited to all specified operational modes,
taking process variables to their limits (simulated or process) to verify all
alarms, failures, interlocks and operational interlocks between systems
and/or mechanical equipment.
(iii) Any defects or malfunctions shall be immediately corrected using approved
methods and materials and the tests shall then be repeated.
(iv) Upon completion of final operational testing, a report shall be submitted,
indicating that the total control system provided meets all the functional
requirements specified herein. This report shall be made in the format
required by the Employers Representative. The Employers Representative
shall certify this report when he approves it and it shall constitute final
acceptance of the control system.

The commissioning engineer may verify any commissioning tests / completion checks to
satisfy himself that the plant is fit and sound.

The commissioning tests / completion checks to be carried out shall include, but not
belimited to, those described in subsequent paragraphs, as applicable to the individual
equipment / system.

Commissioning Tests / Completion Checks

18.10.1 Reliminary Checks

In general, the following checks shall be carried out on all the equipment/systems,
as applicable.

a) Name plate details according to approved drawings / specifications

b) Any physical damage or defect and cleanliness

c) Tightness of all bolts, clamps and connections

d) Oil leakages and oil level

e) Condition of accessories and their completeness

f) Clearances

g) Earthing connections

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h) Correctness of installation with respect to approved drawings / specifications

i) Lubrication of moving parts

j) Alignment

k) Correctness and condition of connections

18.10.2 General Tests

a) Commissioning Tests of Motor

- Insulation resistance test of motor windings and cables. (PI for MV

motors only)

- Continuity check for power and control cables.

- Winding resistance measurement in case of motors rated 55 kW and


- Control, interlock and protection schemes.

- Operation and setting of timer, in case of Star Delta starters.

- Phase sequence and rotation.

- No load trial run for observation of vibrations, noise and temperature

of bearings etc.

- On load operation, starting and running load current (also observe

vibrations, noise and temperature of bearing and winding).

- Relay setting as per relay co-ordination chart

- Simulation check of motor control circuit by local/ remote closing and


b) Commissioning Tests of Transformer:

(i) Test oil for dielectric strength, tan delta, acidity, resistivity and
dissolved gases, Insulation resistance test of windings.

(ii) Capacitance and tan delta test of condenser type bushings, before

(iii) Test the transformer for the following:

Voltage / turns ratio at all the taps.

Winding resistance at all the taps.

Short circuit impedance (at low voltage)

Magnetic balance.
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Core loss at normal tap at low voltage.

IR and PI.

(iv) Vector group test.

(v) Phase sequence test.

(vi) Test the current transformers for following:

Continuity test.

Polarity test.

Insulation resistance test.

Magnetization characteristics.

Measurement of secondary winding resistance.

(vii) Line connection as per phasing diagram.

(viii) Winding resistance.

(ix) Insulation resistance of control wiring.

(x) Buchholz relay operation (for alarm and trip).

(xi) OLTC control indicating and alarm circuit.

(xii) Operation test of all protective devices (electrical and mechanical) and

(xiii) Calibration of temperature indicators (oil and winding) and

temperature relays.

c) Commissioning Tests of Switchboard:

(i) Checks on relays.

(ii) Insulation resistance test

(iii) High voltage test

(iv) Millivolt drop test for busbar joints

(v) Checks on motors/ simulation check.

(vi) Setting of relays, other alarms, tripping devices and interlocks as per

(vii) Phase angle checks, measurement of magnitude and phase angle of

current transformer secondary currents and potential transformer
secondary voltage.
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(viii) Functional checking of all power and control circuits e.g. closing,
tripping, control, interlock, supervision and alarm circuits including
proper functioning of the component equipment.

d) Commissioning Checks of Relay:

(i) Check operating characteristics over the entire range by secondary


(ii) Check minimum pick up voltage.

(iii) Check operation of electrical / mechanical targets.

(iv) Relay settings.

e) Commissioning Checks of Meter:

(i) Check calibration.

(ii) Megger all insulated portions.

(iii) Check CT and VT connection with particular reference to their polarities

for relevant meters.

f) Commissioning Test of Circuit Breaker:

(i) Check control wiring for correctness of connections, continuity and IR


(ii) Manual operation of breaker.

(iii) Power closing / operating manually and electrically.

(iv) Breaker tripping and closing time.

(v) Trip free and anti pumping operation.

(vi) IR Values, resistance and minimum pick up voltage.

(vii) Contact resistance.

(viii) Simultaneous closing and mechanical interlocks provided.

(ix) Check electrical and mechanical interlocks provided.

(x) Checks on spring charging motor, correct operation of limit switch and
time of charging,

(xi) Checks on CTs.

(xii) High voltage test,

(xiii) All functional tests.

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g) Commissioning Tests of Voltage Transformer:

(i) Insulation resistance test.

(ii) Polarity test.

(iii) Ratio test on all cores.

(iv) Line connections as per connection diagram.

(v) Open delta test with low voltage, wherever required.

h) Commissioning Tests on Current Transformer:

(i) Megger between windings, winding terminals and body.

(ii) Polarity test.

(iii) Ratio identification checking of all ratios on all cores by primary

injection of current.

(iv) Magnetization characteristics, secondary winding resistance.

(v) Capacitance and tan delta test.

(vi) Dielectric test of oil (wherever applicable).

i) Commissioning Checks of Cable:

(i) Megger test between each core and armour / sheet.

(ii) Continuity check.

(iii) Connections.

(iv) High voltage test for cables above 3.3kV.

j) Commissioning Checks for Battery:

(i) Specific gravity test.

(ii) Cell voltage test.

(iii) Capacity test.

(iv) Initial charging/ discharging cycle.

k) Commissioning Checks of Battery Charger:

(i) Functional check of auxiliary devices, such as alarms, indicating lamps

etc. and operational checks.

(ii) Insulation test of all circuits.

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(iii) Measurement of voltage regulation and efficiency.

(iv) No load current and voltage (AC) and voltage and current (both AC and
DC) at different points.

(v) Voltage at tap cell (While boost Charging)

l) Commissioning Checks of Capacitor:

(i) Measurement of capacitance

(ii) Capacitor loss tangent measurement (for above 1000V)

m) Commissioning Checks of Neutral Grounding Resistor:

(i) High voltage test

(ii) Ohmic value test

n) Lighting System

Commissioning tests stipulated in applicable standards and code of practice

covering all lighting system equipment

o) Earthing System

Continuity of all conductors and joints shall be checked. The Employers

Representative may ask for earth continuity tests, earth resistance
measurements and other tests, which in his opinion are necessary to prove
that the system is in accordance with design, specification, code of practice
and electricity rules. Earth grid resistance value should be not greater than
one ohm.

18.10.3 Commissioning

After the completion of pre-commissioning activities the final checks and

preparations necessary for start-up of the plant shall be carried out. The Contractor
shall submit to the Employers Representative a written Notice of Mechanical
Completion, which shall include:

1. Identity part of the Plant considered mechanically complete.

2. Copies of all relevant completed test reports.
3. Date on which the completion of the tests was achieved.
4. Check list.
5. Request for issuance of a Mechanical Completion Certificate in respect of
that part.
6. Within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the Contractors written
Notice, the Employers Representative shall:
In the case of acceptance, issue a Mechanical Completion Certificate.

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In the case of objection, submit a rejection statement setting forth-

remaining items to be completed or defects or deficiencies to be
corrected beforeMechanicalCompletion status can be accepted.
When the Employers Representative rejects the Contractors Notice
the Contractor shall take any necessary action to complete or correct
the items marked and give the Employers Representative a second
Notice of Mechanical Completion.

7. After the issuance by the Employers Representative of a Mechanical

Completion Certificate, commissioning activities listed below shall be carried
out to enable the start-up and operation of the Plant. Procedures are
described as below:

A) Commissioning procedure shall be carried out in a methodical sequence as


Warming up
Initial running
Operability adjustment
Stable operation
Final adjustment

8. At all stages of commissioning sequence, the Plant shall be operated at

optimum Plantconditions. To ensure this, the Contractor may make minor
adjustment to the conditions indicated in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual as necessary.
9. The Contractor shall check the operating conditions of the Plant by constantly
monitoring operating data.
10. The Contractor shall specify for each discrete part of the Plant the
operational data to berecorded and the manner in which the data is to be
11. The Employers Representative on the forms to be mutually agreed shall
record all the operating data. The Employers Representative shall make a
copy of the operating log and analytical data from initial operation through to
the completion of Performance Test available to the Contractorfor
12. The Contractor shall carry out commissioning tests in the presence of the
Employers Representative. The evaluation of test results and decision passed
by the Employers Representative regarding the test results will be final and
binding on the Contractor. Any additional tests or repetition of tests to
establish satisfactory operation of any equipment shall be carried out by the
Contractor, if so desired by the Employers Representative, at no extra cost.
13. All checks and tests shall be as per the Manufacturers drawing manuals,
relevant codes of installation and as per commissioning checklists.
14. Among other commissioning tests, the following shall be carried out at site
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after completion of installation. Contractor shall ensure to use calibrated test

equipment having valid calibration test certificates from standard
laboratories traceable to National Standards / International Standards. All
tests to be carried out in the presence of Employers Representative.
18.10.4 Commissioning Tests

Following commissioning tests are to be carried out on all the equipment/systems, as

Insulation resistance measurement of equipment, accessories, cabling/wiring
Dielectric tests on equipment, accessories, cabling/ wires etc.
Phase sequence and polarity
Voltage and current ratios
Vector group
Resistance measurement of winding, contacts etc.
Continuity tests
Calibration of indicators, meters, relays, etc.
Control and interlock checks
Settings of equipment and accessories
Checking of accuracy/error
Checking of operating characteristics, pick-up voltages and currents, etc.
Operational and functional tests on equipment, accessories, control schemes,
alarm / trip / indication circuits, etc.
Measurement of guaranteed/approved design values including lighting levels,
earth resistance measurement, etc.

Complete commissioning checks of the system

18.10.5 Safety Procedure and Practice

Following safety procedure and practice should be provided by the Contractor in the
switchboard room/ substation as per latest edition of I.S. 5216.

a) Rubber matting in front of HV, MV and LV switchboard and other panels in

switchboard room
b) Shock treatment chart in switchboard / electrical equipment room
c) Caution/Danger Board on -
HV, MV and LV switchboard and other LV panels
Lighting distribution board
Transformer yard.
d) Sand bucket in switchboard / electrical equipment room/ transformer yard

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e) Fire extinguisher in switchboard/ electrical equipment room

f) One set of hand gloves in switchboard room
g) First aid box in switchboard / electrical equipment room
18.10.6 Fire Safety

The requirement of hand appliance in switchboard room, electrical equipment room

shall be as per the latest edition of Fire Protection Manual by Regional Tariff

18.10.7 Contractors Licence

The Contractor shall obtain the necessary Licence/ Authorization from the
Licensing Board of the locality/ State for carrying out the installation work. The
persons deputed by the Contractor should also hold valid permits issued/
recognized by the Licensing Board of the locality/ State in which the work is to be

The electrical installation work shall be carried out by licensed electricians only
and approved by appropriate authorities. It is the responsibility of Contractor to
get approval of complete system from the appropriate authority.


Set of documents shall be prepared and maintained by the Contractor and one set of the
latest revised documents shall always be kept at site. The following documents shall be
prepared by the Contractor:

All latest approved L-sections and alignment drawings.

All up-to-date as built drawings.
Data sheets for instrument specification and selection
List of electrical equipment along with data sheet/ literature
Erection/ Instruction manual of electrical equipment
Commissioning manual of electrical equipment
Instrument Schedule
Electrical cable schedule and inter-connection diagram
Instrumentation schedule
Instrumentation cable schedule
Loop drawings for instruments in the field and control panel
Instrument test and calibration report
Instrument installation drawings
As built drawings and G.A. Drawings for equipment and instrument installation
The Contractor shall keep on site two sets of the latest revised Operation,
Maintenance and Calibration manuals for all field instruments and sub systems,
annunciation system, data loggers, indicating controllers and PLC system etc.
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18.12.1 General

After successful completion of the Tests on Completion the Contractor shall carry
out, as soon as reasonably possible but over a period of time not exceeding one year,
two separate 20 day operational tests. These tests shall be used to prove the
operation of the Works at varying flows and with varying quality. The tests after
completion shall be undertaken in accordance with General Conditions of Contract.

Each part of the Works shall be considered separately as far as the tests are

The timing of the tests shall be determined by the Employer who shall give notice to
the Contractor in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract. The total time
for carrying out the tests shall not be less than six calendar months, of which one of
the tests for eachpart shall be carried out in a period of high raw water turbidity.

On commencement of each 20 day test the Contractor shall allocate a continuous

period of not greater than 40 days to complete the test. Any failure to perform during
the 40 day period shall restart the 20 day clock. If the part of the Works fails to pass
the test in the 40 day period the test shall be deemed as a failure and the Contractor
shall carry out any necessary remedial work to the satisfaction of the Employers
Representative before the Contractor restarts the test again.

During the tests the Contractor shall take samples to demonstrate that the part of
the Works is performing in accordance with the Employers Requirements. The
procedure for taking the samples shall follow the pattern adopted for Test on
Completion. Samples shall be taken at locations and intervals as directed by the
Employers Representative. The tests for performance of the system to meet the
tender requirements shall be completed in this period and the penalties if any due on
the Contractor as per the Contract shall be finalized. The results of the Tests after
Completion shall be compared and evaluated by the Employer and Contractor.

The Contractor will not be held responsible for interruptions to the treatment
process as a result of power failures (unless as a result of a Plant failure), which are
out of his control. However, the Contractor shall be required to demonstrate that the
works can cope with these inevitable interruptions in an orderly fashion and recover
to a normal operational state with the minimum of manual intervention.

All staff and consumables needed for operation of the Works such as fuels, lubricants
etc. and transportation of sludge off site, except raw water, chemicals and power
shall be provided by the Contractor under his operation and maintenance

The Contractor shall be required reasonably to co-operate and co-ordinate his

activities with those of the Employer and other agencies. The Contractor shall provide
all facilities and equipment not supplied under the Contract and which are deemed
necessary to carry out and monitor the tests after completion.

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Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
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The Contractor shall operate and maintain the STP and SPS within its contract price for a total
operation and maintenance period from the date of taking over of the plant by the Employer.
The operation and maintenance period shall include the defect liability period and shall
commence from the date of taking over by the Employer.

All necessary repairs, maintenance, overhaul, replacements etc., shall be made during the O
& M to maintain the STP at the status of formal handing over after the P G test. At the end of
O & M period the plant shall be handed over to the Employer in fully functional and new
condition except normal wear and tear.

O & M shall include supply of all tools, tackles, spares, lubricants, laboratory chemical, and
glassware. The water and power supply shall be made by the Contractor but power and water
bills shall be paid by the Employer as per actual directly to the concerned authorities. The
power consumed shall be within the guaranteed figures as indicated by the bidder. Power
consumption exceeding this is subject to penalty as said in the abovesection. The scope shall
include but not limited to the following items.

1. Operation and Maintenance including Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and all allied works

2. Sampling and testing of influent sewage based on the tests and frequency desired by
the Employers representative and in general in accordance with the CPHEEO manual
on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment.

3. Sampling and testing of additional samples for the day to day O & M of the STP and
as mutually agreed from time to time between the Contractor and the Employers

4. Sampling of final treated effluent to ensure that the guarantee parameters are as
stipulated inthe bid document. The samplingfrequency tobe as perrelevant norms of
Rajasthan Pollution Control Board or higher as decided by Employers representative.
The Employer reserves right to collect samples at random at the will of the Employer
through any agency nominated by him. Employer shall have right to seek part of
sample collected by the Contractor without any prior intimation to cross check the
results on random basis. However the analysis charges of such samples shall be borne
by Employer.

5. O & M of all functional and utility buildings, infrastructure and common areas Within
the Plant campus.

6. Proper maintenance of Water Supply, Sewerage, Roads, Paths, lawns including

trimming and upkeep of gardens etc.,

7. Maintenance of Proper records of sampling as per approved Performa.

8. Loading, Unloading and Transportation of screenings and wet grit out of treatment
Plant site at his cost as from the Plant at the place as directed by the Employers
representative from time to time. The contractor shall be responsible for disposal of
dried cake from sludge drying beds within the Sewage Treatment Plant campus as

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directed by Employers Representative and modalities of final disposal will be worked

out by the Employer at a later date.

9. Maintenance of log books of all the machinery not connected to the PLC / SCDA shall
be done separately & collectively, at the STP fortnightly and monthly reports of all
such machinery and parameters monitored by the PLC shall be generated and
hardcopy along with soft copy shall be got approved by the Employers
representative. These reports shall contain sufficient appropriate and adequate data
to make the records meaningful and amenable to analysis for evaluating the
performance of the Plant as well as to help in O & M decisions.

10. Security of the campus and contents therein shall be Contractors responsibility.

11. The records maintained by the Contractor shall be produced periodically to the
Employers representative for proper monitoring. The Employers representatives
remarks shall be attended to on nextsubmission.Consolidatedsummary reports shall
be furnished to the Employer monthly, quarterly and yearly containing salient

12. Maintenanceofgardensandplantationsaroundthe SPS, STP and Power generation unit

which will generally involve the following activities:

a) Watering of plants at required intervals.

b) Re-plantation without anyadditional cost in place of dead plantsor


c) Inter cultural operation such as hoeing and weeding, etc.

d) Pruning, trimming and cutting of old big trees for required growth

The Contractor shall also maintain history sheets of overhauling, maintenance,replacement

of all the important electrical and mechanical equipment

The O & M shall include the appropriate preventive maintenance of equipment as per the
manufacturers recommendation.

The operation, maintenance and repairs services shall be performed according to the

Down time: The Plant shall never be operated at less than 50% of its
design capacity due to maintenance and repair reasons.
The period of such exceptional operationshall not
exceed two consecutive days and shall not be more
than three days a week. The maximum downtime of the
whole Plant shall not exceed 8 hours. The periods for
repairs and maintenance have to be communicated to
the Employers representative at least one month in
advance. For machinery and equipment which requires
maintenance to be carried out by manufacturer/
manufacturers authorized representative, the down
time shall not exceed 30 days. Employer reserves the

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right to impose penalty, should there be any default by

Contractor on this account. The penalty amount will be
deducted in the next O & M bill if adequate reasons are
not furnished by the Contractor for delay.

Operation of the Plant as per The Plant shall be operated according to the rules and
O & M Manual: procedures laid down in the O & M manual. The Plant
must be in position to work at the design capacity at
any time.
Awareness & Cleanliness TheContractorandhisstaffshallmaintaina high degree of
awareness in operation and maintenance of the Plant
and all relevant safety codes and procedures. At all
times the Plant, its equipmentandsurrounds shall be
kept clean and in orderincludingthe buildings, floors,
walls, roofs, windows, and garden etc.
Frequency of Preventive The preventive maintenance shall be carried out
maintenance according to the preventive maintenance schedule of
the Plant. The regular staff may be reinforced with
short-term specialists by the Contractor for special
maintenance tasks, after duly informing the Employers
representative of the need and the schedule.
Repairs Repairs shall be made as and when needed very
promptly on the spot or at the Contractors /
Manufacturers workshop. The need of repair on the
spot or at the Contractors workshop has to be defined
in co-ordination with the Employers representative and
according to the status of spare parts availability.
Spare parts The Contractor shall keep a reasonable stock of spare
parts so that the down time of equipment can be kept
within the limits specified. The contents of the stockand
the reorder level of the inventory have to be approved
by the Employers representative.
Transportation All necessary transportation shall be arranged and
made by the Contractor at his own expense

Consumables The Contractor has to ensure that there is always

sufficient stock of 15 days of consumables, laboratory
chemical, glass ware and process chemicals like caustic
and poly-electrolyte etc.,


The Contractor shall operate and maintain the entire Plant under this contract for the period
specified in this contract which shall be extendable for a further period at the Employers

The Contractor will submit a detailed operation and maintenance plan for approval of
Employers representative. All operation and maintenance activities shall be carriedout
strictly in accordance with the approved plan.

The services shall include but not be limited to the following items.
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

a) Operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant from the inlet chamber
up to disposal into Nallah,

b) Training for the O & M staff of designated by Employers requirement.

c) Generation and maintenance of periodic reports.


The Contractor shall operate the complete sewage treatment Plant and associated services
on a continuous 24-hour basis.

The Contractor shall operate and utilize the control and monitoring systems provided, if
found necessary, he shall make adjustments (within the operation range) of the control
system and equipment, so that the Plant operation matches the treatment process

If it is determined that the facility is not capable of meeting the design parameters for any
reason beyond the Contractors control and not attributable to him, the Contractor shall
determine the specific cause of failure/ abnormality in the Plant functioning and report to the
Employers representative and seek his directives on the necessary corrective action to be

The Contractor will be required to furnish the details of electricity consumption in the format
prescribed by the Employers representative.

All consumables and spare required operating and maintaining the Contractor shall provide
the Plant in good condition. The grit, Screenings and other garbage generated in the plant
shall be removed from the site on daily basis. No accumulation of such residues shall be
permitted within the Plant campus without express application by Contractor giving adequate
reasons as well as permission of Employers representative. The Contractor shall allow to
accumulate such residues in conformity to Environmental regulations/ rules in force. The
Employers Representative may, if required, decide the mode and timing of disposal of such
residues in consultation with concerned Environmental and Civic Authorities. Suchdirections
shall be followed by the Contractor promptly, both in letter and spirit, without any
reservations and without any increase in O&M /other costs. The loading, unloading and
transportation cost of these shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be included in the
price quoted by the Contractor for O&M.

The Contractor at his own expense shall provide all tools, cleaning, and housekeeping
equipment, security and safety equipment


a) The Contractor shall perform all tests, sampling and analysis regularly as approved by
the Employers requirement and as per the O & M standards

b) The Contractor will submit in his offer a complete list of laboratory equipment and
materials in accordance with the analysis program required, if in addition to the
mandatory list of laboratory equipment said in annexure C


Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

The Contractor shall provide experienced managerial, technical, supervisory, laboratory,

administrative, and non-technical personnel and labour necessary to operate and maintain
the treatment Plant and works properly, safely and efficiently on a continuous 24 hour basis
for the full term of the O & M period. While doing so due consideration shall be given to the
labour laws in force.

The qualification and capability of Contractors personnel shall be appropriate for the tasks
they are assigned to perform. The staff provided shall be fully trained in the operation of the
works before being given responsibility. If, in opinion of the Employers representative, a
member of Contractors staff is considered to be insufficiently skilled or otherwise
inappropriate for the assigned task, and Employers representative informs the Contractor in
writing, the Contractor shall replace him with a person of appropriate skills and experience
for the task, approved by the Employers representative, within one month of being so

The bidder shall propose in his tender a staff management structure for the operation and
maintenance of works. The suggested structure (minimum) shall be as follows:

Plant Supervisor* 1full time (at each STP)

Shift In-charge 3 ( at each STP)
Electrician 1(General Shift) (at each STP)
Mechanic 1(General shift) (at each STP)
Chemist 1(1-Sr chemist* and 1-Jr Chemist) at each STP
Operator / helpers 4 (at each STP)
Security staff As required for round the clock security.
* Key staff

The Employer may require a suitable change in the structure on the basis of design,
automation and other relevant parameters it deems fit.
The Contractor shall provide all secretarial support, printing and publishing services, office
furniture and office supplies as required. It shall also ensure that all labor welfare laws and
regulations are followed, including weekly rests, rotation of duties
The CV resumes of the Contractor personnel shall be submitted to the Employers
representative for acceptance at least two months before anticipated commencement of the
pre-commissioning of test. Normal time duty hours for the Contractors O & M personnel
may be modified as necessary and agreed by the Employers representative. A rotating shift
schedule shall be established by the Contractor and approved by the Employers
representative who will ensure that an adequate number of the Contractors staff will be
available for duty at Plant 24 hours each day, 7 days week, including national holidays.
In the event that it is necessary for more than one of the Contractor s O & M personnel
toben absent from the Plant , for whatever reason, the Contractor shall provide a qualified
replacement at his own expense and ensure that specified project duty coverage is
maintained. If substitute key personnel are required for a period longer than 15 days, their
CV must be approved in advance by the Employers representative.
The O & M personnel shall be dedicated solely to the specified duties and responsibilities and
shall not be diverted to perform Contractors administrative duties, construction
arrangement, office management, or other non- O & M activities. Adequate support staff
shall be provided by the Contractor in order avoid any such diversion.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

The bidder shall provide justification of the labour cost proposed by him for all personnel
The Contractor shall include in his cost medical and accident insurance expenses of all the
staff employed by him along with all provisions of the labour welfare acts prescribed from
time to time by the State and Central Government. Adequate insurance cover shall also be
maintained during O & M period for all short-term employees, as well as casual, temporary
employees and visitors.
Employer is not liable for any situation arising due to any accident/mishap of whatever
nature occurring in the Plant premises.

19.6.1 Maintenance of Installed Plant

The Contractor shall ensure the continuity of the Plant operations and the
breakdown or the deterioration in performance of the Plant under normal operating
conditions of any items of the Plant and equipment and component parts thereof
shall be minimized.

The classes of maintenance provided shall comprise full Operational maintenance

and standby Maintenance.

Full operational maintenance comprises the planned and regular maintenance

carried out by the Contractor on a day-to-day basis, including cleaning, lubricating,
minor adjustment, together with the preventive and corrective maintenance plan for
those items of the Plant and equipment within the treatment works which have been
commissioned and made operational.

Standby maintenance comprises the planned and regular maintenance carried out by
the Contractor including cleaning, lubricating, periodic, and minor adjustment of all
items of Plant and equipment within the treatment works which have been installed
but have not yet been made operational.

The Contractor shall carry out the maintenance of the Plant installations in
accordance with the requirements of the O & M Manual and to the approved
maintenance plan. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the manufacturers
recommendations with respect to equipment maintenance, and only use types and
grades of lubricants to be used. The frequency of lubrication, adjustments to be
made regularly, and recommended spare parts by the
equipment/machine/instrument manufacturer/supplier shall be carried out and
appropriate inventory shall be held in store.

19.6.2 Building and Site Maintenance

The Contractor shall be responsible for:

The full maintenance of building and all electrical, ventilation, plumbing and
drainage installation in the building.
Building and housekeeping maintenance.
Full maintenance of the site water and wastewater services, cabling and
earthing systems, and the site road lighting system.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Site maintenance including the upkeep of landscaped areas/ tree Plantation

The telephone installations in all buildings.
The building services and housekeeping maintenance shall be undertaken on all
buildings and services installations.
Routine housekeeping maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with
procedures specified in the Operation and Maintenance Manual which shall be
approved by the Employers representative.


The Contractor shall plan the day-to-day and the preventive maintenance. This
planning must include for each equipment the estimated necessary hours in
preventive maintenance and break down maintenance. It shall also include the
qualification of the foreseen maintenance personnel.

The Contractor shall provide the yearly requirement of spare parts and consumable
needed for the maintenance of each piece of equipment for the day-to-day
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and foreseen break down
maintenance/overhaul, if any.


19.7.1 General

The Contractor shall be responsible for instruction and training of all his personnel in
all aspects of Plant operation and maintenance till the end of the operation and
maintenance period. The Contractor shall also be responsible for training personnel
designed by the Employer who will operate the Plant at the expiry of the contract.

The Contractor will make available for this purpose competent staff and as well as
propose schedule information that may be necessary for effective execution of the

The training shall be organized in two (2) stages as follows:

Basic technical training education to be carried out during the final stages of
the erection period of the contract through literature, manuals, handouts
demonstration at site, etc.
Intensive on-the- job training during commissioning and maintenance period.
By the end of this training period these personnel should be able to carry out their
respective duties efficiently under the supervision of Employers representatives and
supervisory staff of the Employer.

The Contractor shall provide at his cost all local transportation, literature, computers,
CDs and other related hardware and stationery to be used by trainers and trainees
during the training period.

Towards end of O & M contract period, training shall be conducted once again to
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Employers personnel or their authorized personnel. This training shall be for a

duration of 30 working days.


The following are a typical sample form of records (not an exhaustive and comprehensive)
that are required to the maintained by the O & M Contractor. The details of complete records
shall be prepared and submitted by the O & M Contractor to the Employers representative
for approval prior to commissioning.

19.8.1 Record of Screen Chamber

The record of screen chamber contains the information about the duration of
operation of manual and mechanical screen and quality of Screenings discharged
from the Plant.

This record shall kept by the Shift in- charge and contains data on Plant functioning.

19.8.2 Record of Screen Chamber

Month: Year:

Date Mechanical Manual Qualities of Operators Officer on

Screen Screen screenings Duty
(if provided) Based on No.
of wheel
Hours of Hours of No. of wheel Quantity of
operation operation Barrow filled screenings
per day per day (Cum /d)

19.8.3 Record of Grit Chamber

The grit chamber record sheet contains the information about the operations of
individual grit channels, as well as volume of grit collected and removed.

This record is kept by the Employers representatives and contain basic data on Plant

19.8.4 Record of Grit Chamber

Month: Year:

Date Grit separator No. of Grit Organic Operato Office

s(No.s provided by wheel collectio Content r r on
bidder) barrows/tr n in the Duty
1 2 3 4 ai ler filled In m3/d Grit

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

19.8.5 Performance Data of SBR Reactors, Chlorination Tank

The performance data sheet shall contain the records of the analytical results at the inlet and
outlet all the parameters. These parameters are pH, Dissolved Oxygen, BOD & COD, TSS, VSS,
Sulphate and Temperature.

Month: Year:

Date SBR SBR Chlorination Tank Operato Officer

Inlet outlet on duty
a b c d e f A b c d a b c d e

a- BOD


c- Suspended solids/ MLSS

d- pH

e - Dissolved oxygen

f VSS content

g Residual Chlorine

19.8.6 Record of Sludge Discharge from Sludge Drying Beds

The record of sludge discharge from the Sludge centrifuge shall contain the duration sludge
flow and the quality of sludge discharges for sludge dewatering. This record shall be
maintained by the Employers representative and contains basic data on Plant functioning.

Month: Year:

Date Flow Total Total % VSS Total officer Operato

Duration sludge fed Solids (g/l) dried on r
per day to (g/l) sludge duty
M3 centrifuge disposed
in M3 per Kg


Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Month: Year:
Date Influent Sewage Quality Effluent Sewage Quality
a b c d e F g h i a b c d e f g h i

a- BOD b COD c- Suspended solids/ MLSS d- pH

e - Dissolved oxygen f Alkalinity g Total Nitrogenh Sulfate

I -Total Phosphate J Residual chlorine

19.8.8 Records of Operation and Maintenance of Pumping Station

a. Operational Records

Sl.No. Particulars Running Total Remarks Reading

From Hrs To Hrs Time Taken by
1. Pump
Pump 1

Pump 2

Pump 3

Pump 4

Pump 5

b. Daily Report on Operation and Maintenance of Pump Station (Electrical) Date :

Sl Reading Metering panel in pump house Detail Detail Rema Read

Hours. of of rks ing
Alarm Trips taken
Current Voltage Power KWH Average
factor KVA

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Note: Reading to be taken at every 60 mins.

Prepared By :
Date :

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Monthly Report on Operation & Maintenance ofPump Station (Electrical)

Name of Month: , Year

Sl. Total KWH Average Total Details of Details of Details of Remark

Consumed power factor Average Breakdown Breakdown spares/
KVA Maintenan consumables
Demand c e done consumed
e month

19.8.9 Records of Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant

Daily Report on Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant (Electrical)

Date :

Sl Readi Metering panel in pump house Detail Detail Remark Reading

ng of of Trips s taken
Hours. Alarm by
Curren Voltag Power KWH Averag
t e factor e KVA

Note: Reading to be taken at every 60mins.

Prepared By:
Monthly Report on Operation & Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant
Name of Month: Year

Sl. Total KWH Average Total Details Details of Details of Remarks

Consumed power Average of Breakdown spares/
factor KVA Breakdo Maintenanc consumable
Demand wn e done s consumed
over the
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

19.8.10 Other Records

The contractor shall maintain detailed record of material movement as appropriate

and approved by Employers Representative.

These records shall be available to the Employers Representative for scrutiny and
copies shall be furnished on demand.



Removal and disposal of screenings and grit from the inlet works.
Cutting the grass on the embankment and removing it so that it does not fall in the

Removal of floating scum from the surface of the ponds.

Spraying ponds with plant effluent to prevent fly breeding.
Removal of any accumulated solids in the inlets and outlets.
Repair of any damage to the embankments caused by rodents or otheranimals.

Repair of any damage to fences and gates.


Raw sewage: pH value, suspended solids, total dissolved solids volatile solids, BODat
20oC, COD,
5 COD, Nitrogen and Phosphorous

SBR treated effluent: pH value, TDS, suspended solids, volatile solids, BOD5 at 20
degree C, COD, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Residual Chlorine.

(i) Tests on raw sewage shall be done daily.

(ii) Tests on SBR effluents shall also be done daily,
(iii) The results of the above tests shall be presented to Employer/ line agency
every week in the format indicated in Table below:

Quality of Raw and Treated Sewage

Date and time of sampling :

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Item Results
Influent Effluent
BOD5@ 20C
Total Dissolved Solids
Suspended Solids
Volatile Solids
Total Nitrogen as N
Item Results
Influent Effluent
Total Phosphate as P


Contractor shall maintain log book for operation & maintenance of each equipment
based on the operation instruction and maintenance instruction provided by
manufacturer of equipment.

The maintenance schedule shall include the following:

DG set operation at least once in a week.

Each Screen at SPS shall be cleaned at least two time in one shift.

All sluice gates shall be operated at least once in a month.

All sluice valves shall be operated at least once in a month.

The crane shall be operated at least once in a month.

Daily reports as per the format indicated in Table below for the SPS shall be
presented to RUIDP every week.

Operation of Sewage Pumps
Date :

Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Pump No. 4 Pump No. 5






Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Pump No. 4 Pump No. 5







Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Note: If any pump is out of service due to maintenance or any other reason than the same is
to be indicated in the table as Not Available

Electrical power bills will be paid by the line agency during operation & maintenance period.

The contractor will quote for the annual maintenance for five years during which he will bear
the cost of spares during first year and the costs of all consumable during the entire O&M
period (excluding Power Charges). The cost for spares required during the remaining four
years and the Power Charges for the entire five years of O&M will be borne by the line

The Contractor shall submit to RUIDP every month details of the following which will also
include the man power requirement and cost:

Report on preventive maintenance carried out

Report on maintenance carried out due to equipment / system failure

Report on delay in maintenance due to non availability of man power, spare parts,
tools, chemicals, consumables, etc.

Report on instrumentation failure

Report on calibration of instruments

Spare parts used and/or to be procured

Tools used and/or to be procured

Chemical & consumables used

DG set operation

Quantity of screened material removed

Quantity of grit removed

The contractor shall make arrangements for training the operation staff of the PHED during
O&M period. Monthly report on training of operation staff shall be submitted to client.

The contractor shall provide necessary sets of minimal safety equipment required for regular
operation & maintenance such as safety gloves, helmets, oxygen mask, safety harness, life
jackets, gum boots, overalls etc. The contractor shall give a list of all the safety kits which will
be provided. There should be at least 3 nos. safety kit sets.


Checking, testing and replacement procedures to be carried out on all plant items on a daily
weekly and monthly basis or at longer intervals to ensure trouble free operation. Full
maintenance instructions for all equipment including planned maintenance schedules or
charts giving daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, annual and overhaul instructions,
together with recommended lubricants and spares. These shall also include details of routine
maintenance work that will be within the competence of the normal maintenance staff and
notification of maintenance work that will have to be done by the manufacturer, his agent or
other specialist operator.
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Fault locations and remedy charts to facilitate tracing the cause of malfunctions or
breakdown and correcting faults.

Complete list of recommended lubricants and lubrications charts, insulating oil and insulation
checking / replacement chart.

A spares schedule', which shall consist of a complete list of item wise spares for all Plant,
items with ordering references and part numbers.

A complete list of manufacturers instructions for operation and maintenance of all bought
out equipment. The list shall be tabulated in alphabetical order giving the name of supplier /
manufacture, identification of the Plant item giving the model number and the literature
provided including instruction leaflets and drawing numbers.

Step by step procedure for the dismantling, repair and re-assembly of all items of equipment.

Part-list and drawings or exploded diagrams for each item of Plant with construction
particulars, materials of construction, mating components, clearances and tolerances,
maximum wear permitted before replacements are to be done, etc

Record drawings of all systems installed, including general arrangements, conduit and wiring
systems, wiring diagrams, control schematics and valve charts, etc., to a reduced scale.

The Operation and Maintenance Manual shall include details of all equipment (i.e. new,
refurbished and existing).

The Contractor shall furnish 8 copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the
pumping station.Each volume shall be durable and permanently bound within a stiff binderof
a design to be approved by the Employer. They shall permit the subsequent incorporation of
revisions to be necessary during the Defect Liability Period.


19.14.1 General

The Contractor shall submit the following for approval:

(a) Certificate/undertaking for having achieved Physical completion of Plant and


(b) As- Built Drawings; and

(c) Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

All the tests shall be conducted in the presence of Employers representative and
shall not be commenced until the aforementioned documents are approved by the
Employers representative.

19.14.2 Tests on Physical Completion of Plant And Facilities

A Dry test General

As a minimum requirement, the following dry tests shall be carried out:

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

(a) A general inspection to check for correct assembly, installation of all

equipment etc., and quality of workmanship;

(b) A check on the presence of lubricant, cooling medium, etc;

(c) A general check to ensure that all covers, access ladders, water proofing,
guard railings, etc are in place; and

(d) A check on damp-proofing, rust proofing, vermin-proofing and particularly

the sealing of apertures between building structures, chambers etc.

B Civil and Building Works

As a minimum requirement the presence of foreign bodies in pipe work and

structures shall be checked and rectified as necessary. All Building services
including Lighting and Sanitary fixtures shall be checked.

C Mechanical Works

As a minimum requirement, preliminary running checks shall be carried out

on all the mechanical works as far as permitted by circumstances in order to
ensure smooth operation of the equipment and machinery. The Mechanical
lifting arrangement of diffusers from drop pipe shall be checked for all drop
pipes to ensure their functionality. The noise levels and vibration etc of
centrifuge, blower and gas engine if provided shall be assessed andcorrective
measures for meeting the criteria taken, as required.

D Electrical Works

The following tests are to be carried out on all the equipment/ systems, as

(a) Insulation resistance measurement of equipment, accessories, cabling,

wiring etc.;
(b) Dielectric tests of the oil of Transformer;
(c) Phase sequence and polarity of Transformer;
(d) Voltage and current ratios of Transformer;
(e) Vector group of Transformer;
(f) Resistance measurement of winding, contacts, of Transformer and
(g) Continuity tests of all equipment;
(h) Calibration of indicators, meters, relays, etc.;
(i) Control and interlock checks in PMCC, MCC etc.;
(j) Settings of equipment and accessories;
(k) Checking of accuracy and error;
(l) Checking of operation characteristics, pick-up voltages and currents,
etc. of all drives;

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

(m) No load tests and trialson drives (electrical motors);

(n) Operational and functional tests on equipment, accessories, control
schemes, alarms, trip, indication circuits, etc.
(o) Measurement of guaranteed or approved designs including lighting
levels, earth resistance measurements etc.; and
(p) Complete commissioning checks of the system.

E Instrumentation & Control System

The following dry tests shall be carried out on the instrumentation and
control system:
(a) Continuity checks on all signal, control and power supply cables;
(b) Checking of instrument loop integrity, functionality and calibration. A
written report on each instrument in the format required by the
Employers representative shall be provided certifying that the
instruments have been calibrated to the published specified accuracy;
(c) Checking functionality of the instrument control panels and consoles;
(d) PLC console/MMI and associated equipment.
F Hydraulic wet test General

Hydraulic wet tests shall be carried out on completion of dry tests. Screened
and degrittedraw sewage shall be used for hydraulic performance of the
Works. In order to demonstrate hydraulic wet test, the Contractor shall
ensure that each part of the works is hydraulically loaded to its rated
throughput for a period of at least twenty-four (24) hours. In order to remove
doubt, the following tests inter alia shall be carried out:

a) Pressure testing of all piped systems in accordance with the relevant


b) Filling of all structures and check for leaks and structural stability;

c) Running of all rotatingsystems in order to check for:

d) Correct functionality;

e) Absence of leaks;

f) Allowed temperature rise, smoothness of running and the absence of

undue vibration, stress, and noise level; and

g) Check drives running currents, power-factor, efficiency etc. under full

load conditions of all equipment.

h) Carry out calibration of instruments, especially flow meters and

integrators for gas and raw sewage where appropriate;

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

i) Carry out valving, diversions etc. to full hydraulic load (or where there
is a requirement to withstand no load to overload) on each process

j) Demonstrating correct functionality of electrical, control, and

instrumentation systems.

k) Assess leakage levels in piping, gates and valves etc.

During these tests a check on the performance of Plant shall be made, as far
as site facilities will allow, to compare its site performance with the factory
test data and to identify any constraints on performance due to site


After satisfactory completion of the hydraulic wet tests and prior to the continuous
introduction of raw sewage to the plant, a safety audit shall be carried out to ensure
compliance with the necessary requirements of safety during operation of the Plant. The
safety audit shall be documented. The Employers Representative shall approve the safety
audit document.


A Process wet tests

On approval of safety audit the Contractor shall carry out process wet tests. Screened
and degritted sewage shall be used as the primary feed stock for process wet tests.
These tests shall be carried out to demonstrate the process performance of the
works. In order to demonstrate this, the Contractor shall ensure that each part of the
treatment system is loaded to its rated throughput for a continuous stable operating
period of not less than 36 hours. The Contractor shall arrange collection and disposal
of screenings, wet grit and sludge also as generated from the plant area as directed
by the Employers representative from this point of time onwards.

The following test inter-alia shall be carried out:

(a) Check for leaks in structures, chambers, pumps and pipe works.

(b) Running of all rotating systems in order to check for:

Correct functionality

Absence of leaks

Allowed temperature rise.

Smoothness of running and absence of undue vibration or stress.

Check drive running currents where the clear sewage and sludge is pumped

Carry out calibration of laboratory instruments.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation


On completion of the tests on the various parts of the works the Contractor shall
proceed for commissioning and stabilising the plant.

During commissioning and stabilisation period Contactor shall collect raw sewage and
treated sewage composite samples based on flow. The laboratory shall be utilised to
analyse the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Suspended solids (SS) and Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) of both raw and treated sewage.

The Contractor shall establish a graph for the relationship of COD and BOD in both
raw sewage and treated sewage. This ratio may be utilised during PG test to arrive at
the valueof BOD on the basis of COD test results. However, results of laboratory BOD
tests shall prevail. In the same way, relationship between BOD and suspended solids
shall also be generated in the treated sewage samples.


A Performance Guarantee tests (PG tests)

Once the Contractor is satisfied with the stabilization of critical units and energy efficiency of
the system, it will inform the Employers representative in writing that it is ready to perform
performance guarantee test (PG Test). The performance guarantee test will be conducted at
a mutually agreed convenient date.

1. The performance test shall be conducted for a continuous period of 5days (120
hours). The Employers representative in the presence of line agency and / or such
referee appointed by it shall conduct all tests.
In the event, during commissioning stage, BOD values exceed the design valuesas
stated in contract then it shall admit the BOD equal to MLD, 300X10 or 300X20 at 20
MLD STP designed peak load in Kg by regulating the flow to either one stream or both
the streams depending on the inflow of sewage. Contractor shall inform the
Employers representative in writing about the flow it is proposing to load on the
system and get the approval for the same. PG test conducted with flow regulation
based on BOD load per day as per the design norm shall meet the functional
guarantees. However, the Employer reserves the right to ask the Contractor to load
the plant to full capacity or in one stream if sufficient flow is not available. In this case
the Employer will take
2. Over the plant based on the actual results obtained, which may or may not meet the
all the functional guarantees.
Alternatively, the Employer reserves the right to conduct PG test within six months by
issuing a Conditional Taking-Over Certificate from the date of issue of this
certificate. In such an event, the Operation & maintenance period shall be deemed
to have commenced from the date of issue of Conditional Taking over Certificate.
The Employers decision shall be final and binding on the Contactor in this regard.
3. Plants shall be operated at rated capacity. In the event, at the time of trial run and
commissioning the flow observed does not reach this figure, then during PG test then
the flow shall be maintained as follows.
If the observed flow is between 5 and 10 MLD, then only one stream of 10 MLD shall
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

be operated for PG test at 20 MLD STP

If the observed flow is more than 10 MLD at 20 MLD STP, then both the streams of
STP shall be operated for PG test
If the observed flow is below 5 MLD at 20 MLD STPy, then Conditional take over
certificate shall be issued by the Employer and PG test shall be conducted within six
months thereafter or as mutually agreed by both the parties.
A performance test for the power generated (2500 kWh per day) from digested gas
should be done. A complete gas analysis should be done frequently to determine
contents of gas eg. Methane, Carbon di oxide etc
However, the Employers decision shall be final in this.
4. In the event of any interruption in the PG Test for the reasons not attributable to the
Employer, the Contractor shall redo the PG test for 120 hours again. The time gap
between the interruption and restart shall not exceed 5 days. If the Contractor does
not restart the test after interruption within the period stipulated above the
Employer shall initiate action in accordance to contract conditions.
5. During the tests the Contractor shall take samples to demonstrate that each part of
the works and the works as a whole is performing in accordance with functional
guarantees. In case, functional guarantees are not met during the Performance
Guarantee Test, Performance Guarantee Test shall be considered as failed.
6. In case of failure of first Performance Guarantee Test, action shall be initiated in
accordance with condition of contract. In any case, the extension for clearing the PG
Tests shall not be extended beyond 90 days after the Works has failed first
Performance Guarantee Tests.
7. In case of failure of Performance Guarantee Test, in-respect of Effluent parameters
(BOD, COD, SS, pH, N P) the works shall be rejected and the Performance Security
shall be forfeited by the Employer without referring to the Contractor, besides
initiating action in accordance with Conditions of the contract.
8. All consumables needed for operation of the works such as laboratory chemicals,
lubricants, etc and transportation of screening and wet grit, off site, shall be provided
by the Contractor. The wet sludge shall be disposed inside the plant premises as
directed by the Employers Representative. The Contractor shall provide all facilities
and equipment not supplied under the contract and which are deemed necessary to
carry out and monitor the Tests on Completion.
9. samples during PG tests shall be drawn for testing as below:
S No. Location of Sample/ Reading To be tested for
Sampling/Check point
1 Inlet chamber Liquid BOD, COD, SSand
2 Grit Discharge Chute Wet Grit Organic content in
grit (on Dry basis)
3. SBR tanks (Decanted Liquid BOD, COD, SS and pH,
water) P, N
4 Chlorination Tank Liquid BOD, COD, SSand
pH, Residual Chlorine,
Fecal Coliforms
5 Sludge centrifuge Dried Sludge % Solids
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

sludge discharge chute Concentration and

VSS fraction (on dry
6 Digester gases Constitution of
various gases and
Calorific value
7 Has holder gas Constitution of
various gases and
Calorific value
6 Energy meter Reading Guaranteed process
power consumption
from VVNL grid.

All Liquid samples including shall be collected at define periodicity in an iced container and
stored in a bottle cooler to the quantity as indicated by process code towards domestic
sewage or Engineer in Charge and this sample shall be used for testing. This composited
sample shall be divided equally into three parts and one part shall be used for testing at the
Plant laboratory, one part given to the Employer for testing at any place selected by him and
one part given to the referral laboratory as nominated by Rajasthan State Pollution Control
Board. The results of the third named laboratory shall overrule the results of the first and
second laboratories in the event of a discrepancy between the results of two.

Wet grit samples shall be collected at the rate of about 250 gm at every four hours andsealed
in an air tight poly bag from each grit separator in an iced container and stored in a bottle
cooler such that a total of about 1500 gm per day per grit separator becomes available on
final collection and this sample shall be used for testing. This composited sample shall be
divided equally into three parts and one part shall be used for testing at the Plant laboratory,
one part given to the Employer for testing at any place selected by him and one part given to
the referral laboratory as nominated by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board. The results
of the third named laboratory shall overrule the results of the first and second laboratories in
the event of a discrepancy between the results of two.

All the readings for gas and energy shall be recorded at every four hours in a separate register
and every reading shall be signed as accepted then and there by the Employers
Representative, Contractor and PHED / referee and shall be used for compliance evaluation
with respect to the corresponding guaranteed values in the contract.



The works shall be considered to have achieved the required treated sewage quality
standards for passing Tests on Completion if all samples taken during a five (5) day
continuous operational period comply with the guaranteed quality In respect of BOD, COD,pH
and Suspended solids in all 5 out of 5 cases. For other parameters if compliance is achieved in
4 out of 5 results, in accordance with criteria defined for the same, the P G Tests (Tests on
Completion) shall be deemed to have been cleared. If the two or higher number of such
samples fail the tests, a suitable compensation may be levied by the Employer, which shall
not exceed amount of Insurance for Design given in Appendix to Tender.


Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

During O & M period, tests for BOD, SS, COD and pH shall be done daily on composite
samples. The values observed on composite sample shall comply withtheguaranteed values
in100% samples for BOD, SS, COD and pH. Test for other parameters shall becarried out on
fortnightly basis or as need arises. The results of these parameters shall have 90% compliance
of the guaranteed values recorded over a month.

For monitoring the compliance of power guaranteed and actual power consumed, the
following procedure shall be adopted.

a. The process energy meter reading of JVVNL shall be recorded in the presence of
Contractor on every first of the month. Contractor and Employers representative
shall sign this monthly record.

b. The flow integrator reading will be recorded every day at 11 AM. Contractor and
Employers representative shall sign this daily record.

c. The composite value of BOD measured shall also be recorded and signed.

Employer reserves the right to send part of the sample collected by the Contractor to
outside laboratory of Employers choice, periodically without any notice.

d. At the end of the every calendar month, the computation shall be done as follows.

The guaranteed energy corresponding to the actual flow recorded and actual BOD
observed shall be summed up for the entire calendar month. If such summed up
values for the calendar month exceed the corresponding JVVNL energy meter
reading, then excess energy charges as said in Appendix to the Technical proposal
shall be levied and recovered from the subsequent O & M bills due for payment.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal



20.1.1 Standard Manuals Governing in Project Construction and Operations

The Contractor shall ensure the Operation and Maintenance of the Sewerage
Network; in compliance to the guidelines contained in the Manual on Sewerage &
Sewage Treatment, latest edition as published by the Central Public Health
Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi and the prescription laid down hereunder.


Operating instructions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) shall be formulated by the

Contractor for all sewerage network component, equipment etc comprising of process
equipment schedules, operation & maintenance data, etc. The operating parameters shall be
optimized based on the data collected on commissioning of the facilities. All the activities in
the preventivemaintenance schedule shall be followed without any lapse. Indicative functions
that areexpected to be performed at each site are given below:

1) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements at his own cost for staff required for
operation and maintenance of networks and other assets, sewer cleaning vehicles,
CCTV machine and other equipment maintenance of all types such as routine,
breakdown, periodic and repair maintenance, replacement of
damaged/unserviceable sewers, maintenance of house service connections. The
Contractor will also maintain a Customer grievance redressal centre and ensure that
O&M services meet the standards of services/service levels maintained as follows:

2) The work of sewer maintenance would also include the following :

(i) Checking of manhole condition for deposition of silt, flow, new connections
done, damaged walls or steps, manhole covers, clogged vertical pipes in drop
manholes etc. While the cleaning of the manhole, pipes etc., will be
undertaken by the gang, repairs etc. may be reported to be handled by a
separate construction gang of mason and helpers. It is preferable that the
repair gang comes out on the work when the sewer cleaning or maintenance
gang is working, so that brick bats, debris mortar etc., which fall in the
manhole are removed there and then. This will cause a major blockage if the
same is allowed to flow into the sewer line, which usually occurs when
repairs are done separately. In such cases, a couple of sewer men should be
deputed to clean the manhole of the debris immediately after repair work is

(ii) Checking of the sewer line between two successive manholes for silting and
flow conditions and remove the deposited silt and

(iii) Checking for any harmful and extraneous matter entering into the sewer
lines so that further investigation for the cause and location can be

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Check air release valves in rising or force mains, sluice gates or stoppage in
the sewer lines,overflow arrangement etc.

Operation ofjetting machine

Carrying out CCTV inspection

(iv) . Identify and inform the Employer/Employer Representative about the illegal
connections on the Sewerage Network within seven days of its being

(v) . The Contractor shall submit a weekly report to the Employer detailing the
Operation and Maintenance indicating the labour hours expended and other
Consumables consumed and also problems faced and rectified.

(vi) . The Contractor shall submit detailed schedule/manual of all O& M activities
with references of equipment manufacturers maintenance
schedules/manuals to the Employer for review and approval.

(vii) . The Contractor shall submit Guidelines and Instructions manual for the
maintenance staff of all levels for all the tools, plants and equipment and
Operating Sewerage Network to maintain the service levels within the
standards prescribed within the contract;

(viii) The Contractor shall carry out all O&M activities as per the approved
Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

(ix) During the Operation and Maintenance period, the Contractor shall ensure
that the sewagedetention time in wet well not exceeds 30 min. and there is
no backflow of sewage. The Contractoris responsible for maintaining back up
power arrangements at his cost to ensure that the O&Mservices are not
affected due to failure of power supply from the Public Utility Company.

(x) The Contractors responsibility shall also include the safety and security of
the Works during the course of Operation and Maintenance.


A properly designed sewerage network shall be capable of delivering desired output at all
times. During Operation and Maintenance period, the Contractor shall appoint an
Operational manager for whole sewer system In addition, the Contractor shall appoint
suitable number of cleaners, helpers, labourers as required for the operation and
maintenance of complete proposed sewerage network for three shifts and adequate other
staff/supporting personnel during general Shift

To ensure the desired output at all times, a propermaintenancemanagement plan

shallbeformulated,whichshall have following arrangements:

i. Minimum time for rectification

ii. Staff
iii. Report and record keeping

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

iv. Operation and maintenance manual

v. Plannedandscheduledmaintenance (preventive)

20.3.1 Minimum Time for Rectification

Maximum rectification time of complaints for Sewer network & Sewer Connections is
shownin table below

S No Nature of complaints Time for rectification

1 Blockage and overflows 12 hours
2 Stolen / Broken manhole covers 12 hours
3 Sewer spills from main sewer, branch and 72 hours
house service connections (between
property chamber and public

20.3.2 STAFF:

(i) The minimum personnel required for O & M is as given below. However, the
Contractor shall mention the personnel required for O&M in his bid. The
work shall be carried out on a 24 hour basis without intermission and the
staff deployed by the Contractor shall be in accordance with this contract.
The work shall be carried out on a 24 hr. basis, without intermission and the
staff deployed by the Contractor shall be in accordance with this contract.
Minimum staff required for sewerage network shall be as given below

system) minimum 10 years experience in Operating &

Maintaininga Sewerage Network)
Sweeper 24
Labor 6

(ii) The Contractor shall give or provide all necessary superintendence during the
O&M and as long thereafter as the Employer may consider necessary.

(iii) No labor below the age to 18 years shall be employed on the work

(iv) Employer shall be authorized to direct the contracting agency to remove any
or all staff employed on O&M of the sewerage network if in his opinion
continued presence of such staff is detrimental to safety or proper O&M of
the sewerage network. The Contractor shall comply with such directions &
post suitable substitute(s) thereof. Whenever the Engineer has to inform the
Contractor in writing that any person on the work is in his opinion
unsatisfactory or/incompetent or unfaithful or dishonest, untruthful or
disorderly or to be otherwise unsuitable/such person shall be discharged by
the Contractor from the work and shall not be employed again on it.

20.3.3 Reporting and record keeping:

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

1. The Contractor shall maintain a record for the entire Term of the following:

a) record of all consumables, tools, equipments manhole covers, etc. used /

replaced towards operations and maintenance of the Sewerage Network;

b) identification and reporting of illegal connections on the sewerage network;

c) Nature and scope of any ancillary activities being carried out in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Contract; and

d) Record All complaints received regarding sewer blockage and clearance with
same date and time.

e) Record condition of sewer found at the time of attending complaint. Damage

notice should be recorded by attending staff

20.3.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual

1. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed program(referred to as O&M Manual)
covering the operation and maintenance of the Sewerage Network as a
whole. This program shall include the work and activities described in this
Chapter, as relevant to the specific items and technology.
2. The Contractor shall provide 6 copies of draft O&M Manual to the
Employer/Employer Representative, at the time of the commissioning of the
project and on approval of draft, 10copies of operation &maintenance
manual shall be supplied by the Contractor.
3. The O&M Manual shall include the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half
yearly and annual checks and remedies if necessary to be performed for
effective operation of the proposed sewerage system
4. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing the O&M Manual shall
include descriptions, procedures; schedule of maintenance, and shall comply
with the requirements, set forth in the provisions of the Bid Documents.
5. The draft of the O&M Manual shall be subject to the review and approval of
Employer/Employer Representative, which shall have the right to make any
changes and revisions to the O&M Manual as it may deem appropriate. The
Contractor shall revise such draft O&M Manual prior to the commencement
of the O&M period.
6. Employer/Employer Representative shall have the right to require revisions
to the draft O&M Manual as it may deem appropriate. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit to Employer/Employer Representative, for its review and
approval, 30 days prior to the proposed date of commencement of O&M, a
revised draft O&M Manual which reflects all changes,revisions and
modifications. The Contractor shall prepare the O&M Manual, as approved
by the Employer/Employer Representative, prior to the start of O&M.
20.3.5 Maintenance Plan and Schedules
1. The Contractor shall prepare and follow a Maintenance plan, detailing the
maintenance activities scheduled for each of the component of the Sewerage
Network on a periodic approved by Design Build Operations Engineer and /
or the Employer/Employer Representative.

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

2. Every part of the works and all the materials to be used therein shall be
subjected to such tests from time to time during the execution of the work as
the Employer/Employer Representative may direct and the whole of such
tests shall in all cases be made at the Contractors sole expense.
3. The work shall be carried on and completed under the exclusive control
direction and supervision and to the satisfaction of the Employer/Employer
Representative. The Employer/Employers Representative shall likewise have
full power to reject or condemn any work or material that he may deem
unsuitable. In case of any work or material being rejected by the Employers
Representative, the Contractor shall immediately remove and replace the
same to the satisfaction of the Employer/Employer Representative or the
Employer/Employer Representative shall have full powers to get the same
removed and replaced and deduct the expenditure incurred in the process
from any amount due or that may become due to the Contractor.
4. If any material brought to the site of works, be in the judgment of the
Engineer, found inferior or improper & not as per described standards, the
said materials or workmanship shall where required by the
Employer/Employer Representative shall be removed or amended by the
Contractor forthwith or within such period for every breach by the
Contractor in this clause.
5. All leakages should be attended and all network blockages shall be removed
within three days of them being identified and reported. The performance
indicators shall be adhered to in any case. All the valves/gates which are not
used regularly should be operated at least once a week and make sure that
they are properly lubricated /greased.
6. The Contractor should make sure that no unwanted material should
float/grow in and around different units. In case it is found the same shall be
removed /cleaned immediately. He shall also be responsible for
cleaning/sweeping the plant buildings inside and outside, roads, foot path
7. Consumables such as Manhole covers, POL (petrol/Diesel Oil & Lubricants)
etc. has to be arranged by the Contractor as and when needed as per
manufactures recommendations for periodical maintenance of entire
Network. The Employer/Employer Representative shall not provide such
8. The Contractor shall carry out mandatory biannual cleaning of network
before and after the monsoon season including cleaning of all manhole
chambers and collection network irrespective of the regular maintenance
9. In case of major repair due to normal wear and tear/break down, the
Contractor should bring the same to the notice of the Employer/Employer
Representative immediately and necessary measures for its repair should be
taken simultaneously. Breakdown, all repairs of any kind are to be attended
by the Contractor. Any unit/equipment being irreparable in the opinion of
the Employer/Employer Representative will be replaced by the Contractor at
no cost to Employer/Employer Representative. However, if there is any
unexpected population growth / high flows are observed due to urban
growth, which warrants replacement of sewer with higher diameters, such
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

cases will be brought to the attention of the Employer/Employer

Representative. Upon Employer/Employer Representatives approval, at
Employer/Employer Representatives cost, the same shall be executed and
commissioned by the Contractor. In these cases no supervision or design and
estimation charges will be paid by the Employer/Employer Representative.
10. The Contractor shall give his telephone no., contact addresses, etc. to the
Employer/Employer Representative as well as shift duty shift to contact him
during emergency/odd hours etc.


Mechanical Items

S.N. Item Category Suggested Makes

1 CI Double Flanged Sluice A Kirloskar Bros. Ltd., Indian Valve Co. (IVC), Fouress
Valves/ CI Double Engineers Pvt. Ltd., VAG
Flanged Butterfly valves/ B DURGA Engineering, R&D, BEW SACHDEVA, ADVANCE
Kinetic Double Air Valves/ VALVE ,UPADHAYA Valve
Dual plate check valvesAs
per API 598
2 CI Non Return Valves/ Check KBL, FOURESS, DURGA Valve, INDIAN Valve Company,
3 Stain Less Steel Expansion KBL, Indian Valve, FOURESS
4 Thimble Mounted Sluice JASH, Oriental Castings, Shivpad,Durga Valves,
Gate Upadhaya valve
5 Open Channel Sluice Gate Oriental Castings, Jash, Shivpad
6 Pressure Reducing Valves Oriental Casting, Shivpad
7 Dewatering Pumps KBL, M&P, KSB pumps, Kishor Pumps.
8 Back Wash Pumps Kirloskar, M&P, JyotiKirloskar Brother Ltd.
9 Dose Metering Pumps MATHER & PLATT, Kirloskar, Mitton Roy, Toschon,
10 Horizontal Split Casing Mather& Platt (I), Kirloskar Brother Limited, Jyoti India
Centrifugal Pump Ltd, WPIL, Grund Foss
11 Non Clog Submersible KSB, Kishor, Aqua, Kirloskar, MATHER & PLATT
Centrifugal Pump
12 Grit Separator Mechanism SHIV PAD, VOLTAS, TRIVENI
13 Manual Coarse Bar Screen JASH, SHIV PAD, VOLTAS, Johnson, Oriental Casting
14 Mechanical Coarse Bar JASH, SHIV PAD, VOLTAS, JOHNSON
15 Mechanical Fine Bar Screen JASH, SHIV PAD, JOHNSON, VOLTAS
16 Electrically Operated Greaves Cotton, REWA,WH Brady Co, Hercules Hoists
Travelling Crane (EOT) / Ltd.(INDEF)
Hand Operated Travelling
Crane (HOT) / Mono Rail
Single Girder Cranes
Chain Pulley Block
17 Chlorinators Industrial Devices (I) Pvt. Ltd, BONACO, CHLORO TECH
Engg, TUSCON JESCO, Pennwalt India Ltd.
18 Cast Iron Specials BEW, Electrosteel Casting Limited, Oriental Casting,
19 Turbo Air Blower Turbo Max, Korean Machinery, Godrej
Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

20 Air Blower Root Type SWAM, KAY, Usha, Everest

22 Sludge Pump M&P, Kishor, KSB ,Rotomac, Tushaco
23 V.T. Pump WPIL, M&P, KBL, JYOTI, WILO, Grund Foss
24 S.S.Dismantling Joints ORIENTAL CASTING, DURGA, Kejriwal
25 Air Vessel JASH(SURESEAL),Lotus Boiler and Pressure Vessels P.
Ltd., Hamdule Industries Pune
26 Mechanical Turbine type ITRON, CAPSTAN, NIVO CONTROL, ZENNER
flow meter
27 Air Compressor Ingersol Rand, ELGI, KG Khosla, Atlas Copco Ltd.
28 DI Resilient(Soft) seated VAG, IVC, KBL,FOURESS
Butterfly valve/ DI
Resilient(Soft) seated Sluice
valve/ DI Resilient(Soft)
seated Non Return valve/ DI
Resilient(Soft) seated Kinetic
Air valve
Parker, Brand Hydraulics
30 DWC Pipes REX, KISAN Irrigation, Supreme, ALCORR
31 DI Pipes Electrosteel, TATA- Kubota , Jindal Saw.
32 DI Specials Electrosteel, KEJRIWAL, TRUFORM, JINDAL SAW
33 UPVC Pipes/ UPVC Specials Supereme, Kisan Irrigation, Jain Irrigation, Kisan
Mouldings, FINOLEX
34 CIDouble Flanged Pipes BEW, CDIRON Industries, TRUFORM, ORIENTAL
35 Centrifuge HUMBOLTZ, HILLER, Pennwalt, Alfa Laval
36 CI Dismantling Joints/ CI D/F BEW, SHIVA, Oriental Castings, Supra Enterprise
Specials/ CI Puddle Collar
37 Conveyor Belt SHIV PAD, Voltas, Batliboi , Dynamic, Indiana
38 CI Foot Valves Kirloskar Brother, Grand Metal Corporation (Bombay),
Shree Jagannath Iron Foundary Pvt. Ltd., Kejriwal
Enterprises( Raipur)
39 Gear Box Premium, ELCON, Greaves Cotton,Alen Berry
40 MDPE Pipes Jain Irrigation, Kisan Irrigation, Doroline
41 Zero Velocity Valve JASH, IVC, R&D Multiple (Metal Casting), Kirloskar,
/Surge protection system Brothres.
42 GI Pipes TATA, Jindal
43 Knife edge Gate Valve Jash, KBL,VAG, IVC,Fouress
44 CI S/S Pipes Kejriwal Casting, Indian Iron Steel, TATA Iron & Steel.
45 Float Valve Upadhaya, Kamala Casting & Engineering, HSarker & Co.
46 Submersible `Pumps for Clear KSB, ABS, Grundfos, WPIL, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.,
Water Mather & Platt
47 MS Pipes TATA, Jindal, SAIL, Well Spun
48 Clariflocculator Geo-Miller,EMCO KCP,Triveni Engineering, Va Tech
Wabag, DegremontLtd.Voltas
49 Sludge Thickener Triveni Engineering, Degremont Ltd.,Geo- Miller,Voltas
51 Submersible Mixers ABS, KSB, Grundfoss,KBL
52 Weigh Bridge Vishwa Karma,Avery India Ltd.,Weightron, Rrockway

Sewerage Project under AMRUT Bid Document
Sewerage Network & STP in Karnal

Weigh Bridge
53 Fine Bubble Diffusers OTT, EDI USA, REHAU, SANITAIRE
54 Screw Pump Tushaco, AVS, ROTO, ALPHA HELICAL
57 PRVs, PSVs, Special Valves Saisanket Enterprises, Glenfield, Fluidtech Valves,
National Safety Solutions, Uniflow Control Instruments
Pvt Ltd
58 HDPE PIPES & FITTINGS Jain PE Pipes Kimplas Piping Systems Ltd Apollo Pipes
Dutron Pipes

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Monika 446
Date: 2016.12.21 14:51:47 PST
Location: Haryana

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