C Ma 13 0379 o

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National Aeronautics and ‘Space Administration Office of inspector General Office of Investigations C-MA-13-0379-0 March 17, 2015 CASE CLOSING: On Iuly 31, 2013, the Ofice of Inspector General (OIG) Computer Crimes Division (CCD) discovered several alerts inthe Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) misuse filter sysiem tiggering on keywords associated with mudity of young girs. Upon further examination, it was revetied these terms were contained within email conversations between an individual at the MSEC and another individual. [nthe emails captured by the filter, the two individuals discuss what to be associsted with the sexual exploitation and abuse of a NASA civil service employee at the MSFC. From examinations during the course of this investigation, no photographic images or videos depicting the sexual exploitation of children were discovered. However, there were emails and chats found becveen MIM and thee ote adividuals were the content of some of these enversations elated To semua desires foward children. EBM ls prtpeted in role-playing i children wile engaging in sexual ittcouse with ote aul males, On May 29, 214, BRI confessed to being a party ia these communications and sexual + activity with other males, but denied having a sexual interest in children and denied taking or possessing any nude photographs of children. He also provided consent for the examination of Eis personal AIAN cel soon ad compu. Tere wer no images found on thee of these devices containing the sexual exploitation of minors. However, some of the same ‘communioations as referenced above, were discovered. On October 28, 2014, the NASA OIG/CCD provided a Management Referral, containing information pertaining to this investigation, to the NASA MSFC. On January 26, 2015, the MSEC provided a response to the OIG Menagoment Referral. According to the response, supervisor and a representative from MSEC’s) confionted jm conoeming the allegations and his confession. was advised that a letter proposing his removal outlining the charges and specifications against him would be forthcoming. In order to aveld eigen oo CO Co APPR: CLASSIFICATION: T WARRING | Thls acon ihe proper ofthe NASA Oe of nipetor Grom! nd ise FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY | scan ip yeu agency. Contes uy oat be dled oy party ur ives | ror may hie doaonat be cabed outage ne reeiing agency wibout ne | specie rer anhetaton of the Assan Inspector Genera fr ivesgnlons

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