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How to make LC tank circuits oscillate continuously?

asked 2 years, 7 months ago
viewed 8,195 times
active 3 days ago

An LC tank circuit produces oscillations, when the capacitor is charged and connected to
the inductor, but the oscillations decay gradually. How to make it continue, i.e. oscillate HOT META POSTS
4 7 Is there (or should there be) a
I know we need to add energy continuously, but I don't know how. minimum know ledge expected of
Could anyone describe a circuit that provides a non-decaying oscillation?
capacitance inductance Related
share edit asked Oct 12 '14 at 20:33 6

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lingaraja K N capacitors/inductors w ith visual images
29 1 4
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migrated from Oct 12 '14 at 23:02
This question came from our site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. 9
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1 Would Electrical Engineering be a better home for this question? Qmechanic Oct 12 '14 at 20:35 1
Google "LC oscillator". CuriousOne Oct 12 '14 at 20:56
How to design an square w ave Oscillator
I googled but they all explaining about "How LC circuit produce oscillation", what I need is how Circuit w ith 1-20 MHz range?
to make oscillations continuously without decay, and how exactly it works?. Electricity is not a
better home. lingaraja K N Oct 12 '14 at 21:09
Make the L of the LC resonator the secondary winding of a transformer and couple energy into
the LC resonator by driving the primary winding of the transformer at the resonant frequency. How does this inductive musical-keyboard
If the Q factor of the LC is large, only a small driving signal will be needed. Stephen Blake Oct function?
12 '14 at 21:45
You add a negative resistor. sstobbe Jun 5 at 2:33 0

LC tank circuit feeding on op-amp, no

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In theory, you could drop the resistor R3 - however, in this case you should know the distance", other than "walkable" and "a stone's
damping properties (that means the parallel loss resistance Rloss) of the tank circuit.
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Remark: For a safe start of oscillations it is necessary to slightly increase the non- Wonder Woman's panties?
inverting gain (1+R2/R1) above its nomional value. That means: R2/R1>R4/R3.
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share edit solo
edited Oct 13 '14 at 10:21 answered Oct 13 '14 at 7:17
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It is difficult for me to realize this point "LC tank oscillates when dc applied and removed, but Counting N-bit integer multiplication overflows
when continues dc applied(like in transistor based oscillators) L should act as short circuit How to handle being late
making capacitor to remain in discharged state, then where comes energy loss+oscillation".
correct me as soon as possible if I seem to be in wrong path of vision... if you want explain How to create Seawall with medieval technology?
with this ckt try the link(ckt is fm transmitter):
transmitter lingaraja K N Oct 14 '14 at 18:45 How do I put my Blender screen back to normal,
to how I first got it?
Yes - I am afraid, you are "on the wrong path". You shouldn`t make things too complicated
(non-realistic). There is no IDEAL tank which could oscillate continuously. Regarding the DC If you are swallowed by a Giant Toad, can you
voltage source: It has (theoretically) zero source resistance - and, thus, acts as a short for escape before it is dead?
any oscillating signal. My recommendation: Concentrate on real and working oscillator circuits
only. Do you understand the working principle of the shown opamp circuit? LvW Oct 15 '14 at
yes I know how the above circuit works through feedback. why current oscillates in tank
circuit even it has path to flow forward along the circuit. what I am trying to say: when cap is
charged and connected to inductor current has to exite the inductor because it has no other
path and after inductor stores energy it also charges capacitor by loosing its energy(all this
happens when only inductor and cap are considered ). what if cap and inductor are connected
to constant dc? will currenr oscillates within tank or will it acts as LC in parallel.may be I am
asking too much lingaraja K N Oct 16 '14 at 4:52

Could anyone describe a circuit that provides a non-decaying oscillation?

3 Honestly, this should be asked at the EE stack exchange site since, for one thing, there
is a built-in schematic editor.
Essentially, one can drive the LC tank circuit at or near resonance frequency with a
feedback amplifier.
A simplified example of a Hartley oscillator is

The tap on the inductor allows the the battery to periodically, through the FET, add
energy to the tank circuit.
Note that this is not a practical circuit as drawn but it should serve to get the essential
idea across.
As the tank oscillates, the FET is driven on and then off. You can find here an interactive
simulation of a simple Hartley oscillator.
share edit answered Oct 12 '14 at 22:53

Alfred Centauri
22.6k 1 13 50

Here is a simulated circuit of what may more appropriately be considered as an idealized

stable state between a thundercloud and its immediate surroundings such that
oscillations get initiated which we would not normally expect to find in the 'real' world of
-2 complex interactions wearing down any ideal case to a state of diminishing returns.

Although I initially sought to compare this simulation to a Hartley oscillator, my

apologies. An idealized, oscillating charge and discharge of lightning between a
thundercloud and its surroundings may be a more appropriate designation.
Not only do the oscillations of this circuit never die, but they continue to escalate at a
pace so small, that it would take a lot of patience to discern the change. Merely a
momentary snap of the switch located near the antenna A/C source on the far left is
required to get it going. But you could also hold the switch closed for too long and the
outcome will remain the same. You'd just be wasting power.
This is a non-trapezoidally approximated simulation tied to a 1 second time frame
probably due to limitations of the simulator but without rendering the simulation totally
obsolete. The idea still counts for something.
There's not much, if any, wiggle room for varying the values of most of its components.
In other words, it's precisely tuned.
share edit undelete flag edited Jun 5 at 2:31 answered Jun 4 at 0:45
deleted by Dave Tweed yesterday
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help center.
1 1

Welcome to EE.SE! This area is reserved for answers to the question at the top of the page.
You appear to be answering some other question and/or attempting to drive traffic to an
external website, which is a form of spam and not allowed here. Dave Tweed yesterday

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